Table of Contents
April 1992
A monthly bulletin of matters of interest to the Sydney Bush Walkers Incorporated, Box 4476 GPO, Sydney 2001.
Club meetings are held every Wednesday evening at 8 pm at Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre, 16 Fitzroy Street, Kirribilli (near Milson's Point Railway Station). Visitors and prospective members are welcome any Wednesday.
To advertise in this magazine, please contact the Business Manager.
EDITOR | Deborah Shapira, 8/1 Blackwood Ave, Ashfield 2131 Telephone: 798 03A (h), 439 7555 (w), 439 3671 (fax) |
BUSINESS MANAGER | Joy Hynes, 36 Lewis Si, Dee Why 2099 Telephone: 982 2615 (h), 888 3144 (w) |
PRODUCTION MANAGER | George Gray, telephone: 876 6263 |
ILLUSTRATOR | Morag Ryder |
PRINTERS | Kenn Clacher, Kay Chan, Barrie Murdoch, Margaret Niven and Les Powell |
Page | ||
Editorial Notes | 2 | |
Annual- Subscriptions 1992 | 2 | |
If I Forget Thee.O.Jerusalem - Central Tasmania 1992 | Ian Wolfe | 3 |
Victorian Alps Walk | Deborah Shapira | 7 |
Walks Reports | 9 | |
Monthly Meeting Notes 1- the AGM | Barry Wallace | 11 |
New Members | 12 | |
Confederation Notes March GM | Spiro Hajinakitas | 13 |
Social Notes | 14 |
Editor Introduction
Dear Fellow Bush Walkers,
This is a short note to introduce myself and also use the opportunity, naturally, to beg for articles on any subject related to the activities of this Club.
We plan to have special issues every three months or so and the first special issue will be in June on, yes, you guessed it snow. No, we are not interested in the Olympic silver medallists in the Four Man Bob Sled event but would like all you enthusiasts who spend your free time in winter on 2metre long, 10 cm wide planks to provide the rest of us with some insights into what makes such a great activity. Of course the usual monthly features will appear in the special issues.
You can post me copy any time at my address as shown on Page 1 or fax it • to me (439 3671). It does not need to be typed and, if necessary, rough notes from a recent exciting trip will also suffice.
Looking forward to a year of an exciting action-packed magazine - DEBBIE SHAPIRA
Annual Subscriptions 1992
The following annual subscriptions were decided at the Annual General Meeting held on Wednesday, 11th March 1992:-
- Single member $30
- Household $48
- Non-active Member $9
- Non-active Member plus magazine $21
- Magazine only $12
According to the Constitution subscriptions must be paid no later than six months from the beginning of the Club's financial year, i.e. 1st January. The Treasurer would appreciate early payment (see separate notice).
Central Tasmania February 1992: Walls of Jerusalem to the Labyrinth Part 1
by Ian Wolfe
The party of seven congregated at the Launceston YHA to commence our trip on Saturday evening. The building itself used to be the staff canteen for the Patons Coats Mill and although somewhat of a blockhouse on the outside it is large and spacious inside (all be it in a seemingly constant state of renovation). Next morning an “Invicta' bus drove -us through opium poppy fields and historic towns to the start of the walk from the trail head above Lake Rowallan. V ,We were to be in the wilderness for 13 days, firstly in the Walls of Jerusalem area which is described herein and secondly in the Labyrinth area which will be described in a subsequent article.
We had declined the joy of carrying food for the entire period in one hit. Instead, with the aid of ex-fertiliser bags, 20m of nylon cord and suitable overhanging branches we established separate food caches for 8 days of consumables near the trail head. This necessitated a reversion to our primeval roots with much monkey-like clambering up and down trees, not to mention swinging along branches.
This engrossing diversion completed we commenced the climb up the well-graded track to Trappers Hut which is a timber hut built in the Depression to provide shelter for possum collectors. We then climbed onto the northern extension of the Great Pine Tier to pass through a series of lovely little lakes called Solomon's Jewels. These lakes are fringed with Pencil Pines as well as Cushion Mosses and it was not long before we enjoyed afternoon tea with a swim. After climbing up through the Snow Gums we emerged at Herod's Gate, the entrance to the Walls of Jerusalem. This is a dramatic dolerite-framed pass with King David's Peak on one side, Mount Ophel on the other and Lake Salome stretching out along the pound in front of us.
We walked along the tranquil sides of the lake, avoiding a large tiger snake, in a dispersed Forest of Pencil Pines to arrive at our first campsite at the Pool of Siloam. This is truly a fairy-take lake of near, perfect beauty. A climb up Zion Hill to catch the sunset completed a wonderful day,or almost. The bus driver had talked about looking out for the Southern Aurora, but having been walking in Tasmania for 5 years and never having seen it I thought this was just part of the palaver. Nevertheless a shout from another tent brought us from our warm beds to see the lights shimmering across the southern horizon. I had always imagined the aurora to be like an extended candelabra but what we saw was more like a subtle wash of different bands of colours merging into each other across the sky which slowly wafted to and fro. Mentally apologising to the patron saint of bus drivers I returned to my bed.
The dawn brought a cloudless sky and so we gathered our day packs and set off to traverse the rim of the Walls. First Mount Ophel was climbed and then via a large dolerite scree slope, the summit of King David Peak was attained. This provided a panorama of peaks stretching away to the horizon in every direction. So it was out with the maps and compasses to confirm our identification of Cradle Mountain, Barnes Bluff, Mount Ossa and near our final destination, the sharply angled three heads of Mount Geryon. We continued along the crest of the West Wall to have lunch seated at Solomon's Throne before descending down through a portal-like defile to Damascus Gate. Then up again to climb onto The Temple where we visited a small hut constructed nearly completely of stone slabs by a bushwalker in the 1970s. The hut is perched high on a ridge overlooking the beautiful Jerusalem Vale but faces directly into the prevailing weather.
After, a swim we returned to the Pool of Siloam to basely pack our chattels before shifting camp to the Pool of Bethesda 40 minutes walk away. This is another lovely little lake surrounded by a series of Pencil Pine glades with carpets of closely cropped snow grass. The croppers being the Bennetts. Wallabies who sport a fine tawny coat and suffer humans to approach quite closely. It started to rain during the night and continued through the morning so we packed up camp and walked for an hour onto Dixon's Kingdom. This is an area of the walls that contains the largest and oldest forest of Pencil Pines in the world. These majestic trees aged up to 1,000 to 2,000 years old create an almost European alpine scene. The hut itself, which featured in the film “The Tale of Ruby Rose”, could quite easily have been magically transported from Finland or the Tyrol (unfortunately the inside did not have the same quaint charm and we all elected to sleep outside). After an afternoon of idleness and slow., quiet, private walks in the misty rain-shrouded forests we gathered for the dusk entertainment. This consisted of darting light or dark brown balls of fur with white spots careering about the place. On closer examination these were revealed to be young native cats or owns as they are better known. These fierce inquisitive carnivores are voracious eaters with a great sense of curiosity who have become quite used to the presence of humans. To the extent that open tents or packs are considered an extended invitation to explore and extract anything remotely consumable.
Next day began with easing rain and we elected to set off on a day trip and take things as they came. Down the Glade we strode under the face of the East Wall to have “mornos”- at Lake Tyre. Then it was into the heart of the Central Plateau area. This is an elevated plateau carpeted with a profusion of lakes interspersed by small ridges and knolls. Each lake is lined with a different combination of Pencil Pines and mosses which one strolls through to delight the eye. After lunch and a swim at Lake Nutting we proceeded into the area that had been devastated by the 1967 wild fires which ravaged much of Tasmania. After 25 years this area has only just begun to recover and we walked through a surrealistic scene of bare pink rock, bleached skeletons of trees and darkened lakes. Overall, our afternoon walk was a subduing experience and we were quite glad to quit that blasted heath. Some of us elected to gamble that the clouds would clear and climbed to the summit of Mount Jerusalem to be rewarded, after a wait, with marvellous views in all directions, except over the blasted heath (perchance nature wished to hide her loss). We rejoined the others at Dixon's Kingdom for yet another view of the antics of the quolls.
The morrow again brought drifting rain so having seen all there was to see we shouldered our packs, bid farewell to the mighty forest of Pencil Pines and slowly walked down through Jaffa Vale to the shores of Lake Ball. We followed the shoreline in lifting weather and accompanied by a family of black swans cruising on the Lake to its terminus. 'A short walk up a moss-covered valley bottom brought us-to the edge of the Great Pine Tier. This is a geological feature abruptly marking the end of the plateau which we descended to the end of Lake Adelaide. As we descended we went through the full range of flora habitats from Pencil Pine to eucalyptus forest to the incipient rain forest of Myrtle and Celery Top Pine by the Lake. Here we set up camp and had lunch before setting off up the broad open valley feeding the lake to retrieve our food drop. This scenic route is much like walking in the Snowies with snow grass, rounded boulders and Snow Gums to mark the way. A series of little lakes were passed before we rejoined our previous track at Trappers Hut. A quick descent revealed that the positioning of our food caches had frustrated the attempts of the nocturnal marauders. Shouldering our packs, somewhat heavier, we returned in fine weather to Lake Adelaide to enjoy our evening meal under a waxing moon. The night was completed by one of the girls, whilst visiting a bush, having a close encounter with a Tassie Devil who doubtless was somewhat bemused by the appearance of these strange visitors' in his territory.
This concluded our exploration of the Walls of Jerusalem area and thus ended the first stage of our trip the next stage was to walk for two days to link up with the Overland Track before proceeding on to the Labyrinth. TO BE CONTINUED.
Victorian Alps Walk Christmas - New Year 1991-1992
by Deborah Shapira
Participants: Karen Brading, Richard Brading, Greta James, Patrick, James, Peter Lafferty, Victor Lewin, Ainslie Morris, Glad Rannard, Ian Rannard (Leader), Mike Reynods, Deborah Shapira, Denise Shaw, Ray Turton, Alan Wells & Don Wilcox.
Day 1
7.30 am. We all meet at the bus station in Mansfield, a sleepy country town in summer, no doubt a roaring metropolis during the snowy season given the number of signposts pointing the way to Mount Buller. Some of us have misread the information sheet thoughtfully mailed to each intending participant by the leader, Ian Rannard, and are still fooling around in the caravan debating whether to remove the extra woolly socks and woolly hat at 7.40 am when the leader enters, no, not for a chat, but wondering why I am not at the bus stop like everyone. else. 'Fortunately for the leader the woolly hat came on the walk too.
A longish bus ride up into the mountains with a commentary from the driver about where various vehicles had fallen off the road down the various sheer drops. We eventually arrive at the starting point, just above the Upper Jamieson Hut and after discovering a telephone there put in several calls to nationally prominent personalities before realising that the telephone is not connected. We then make our way to Mount McDonald in very hot and sticky conditions (I was going to say unseasonal, but I guess I cannot get away with that, it being December 27th). Mount McDonald involves a net climb of 1,000 metres in two steps each rise representing a wall. After struggling up the second of these we promptly forget the climb because of the fantastic views. The rest of the trip will be along the ridge tops of this rugged and awe-inspiring mountain range. We continue east along the Alpine Walking Track, for some of Us heat and exhaustion are starting to get the better of us and with some encouragement from Ian we reach the proposed campsite near the tops.
The next problem is to find water which we have on authority is to be found in the gullys leading off from the hill we are camped on. Unfortunately due to lack of recent rain the water is a lot further down than we hope, but eventually we get to cook dinner and go to bed.
Day 2
After a wonderful restful sleep I am awoken by Ian calling each person by crying joyfully, “Get up, it's cold!!” Sure enough there has been a slight weather change and the air is far more conducive for climbing mountains. Today we have a few ups and downs although one high cone hill has a more impressive track running around it instead of over it. We have lunch on top of Mount Clear and then slip-slide down to where the Alpine Walking Track joins a road (built for logging trucks, probably). A few kilometres further and we arrive at a campsite next to a creek which runs across the road. Here we spend a peaceful evening uninterrupted by any traffic.
Day 3
Ian is concerned - that some of us are showing signs of exhaustion and thinks, we should have an easy day by walking along the road and around the King Billies and have an early camp. However we reach the proposed campsite by morning tea, and after -collecting some water Ian decides we are more full of beans than he expected, and so we decide to climb Mount Magdala and camp in the saddle on the other side where it is known that water is accessible. Lunching in the saddle just before the climb. we meet the first group of Victorian walkers to whom, upon admiring our obvious NSW footwear (i.e. Dunlop Volleys), I explain my leather boots as being in training to become a Victorian bush walker. Mount Magdala is a pleasant mountain, we are above the tree line and, there are lots of alpine flowers growing in the grass. Descending Mount Magdala we come across a strange formation called Hell's Window, which is a deep cleft in the escarpment. Our campsite is a well-known one at Hellfire Creek, but fortunately we have it to ourselves. The track has now virtually become a highway due to the easy access from another track from Macalister Springs. This is borne out by the well-worn track to the water supply just below. A wind has blown up and we are grateful for the fire and Ian is grateful for my woolly hat. We try to keep warm by singing songs either from memory or from various song books.
Day 4
It is fairly cool and partially cloudy as we set off in eager anticipation of what the day will bring. The first mountain is Mount Howitt and from the top we can see the rest of the day unfolding along the ridge tops which become the Cross-cut Saw, Mount Buggery and Mount Speculation. All day we will have wonderful views of the Razor and the Viking, an aptly named formation and the direction Of the Bluff. Walking along the teeth of the Cross-cut Saw some of us consider how treacherous it would be to ski there with a steep drop on each side of the track.
Lunch is spent on top of Mount Buggery, named probably because of the descent from it complete with snake family. We walk along to Mount Speculation and drop off at the end towards a camping area near Camp Creek. Unfortunately this is an overused area but with gathering clouds we are faced with little alternative. During dinner the weather breaks - and it soon becomes a choice of drinking very watery milo or settling down in one's waterproof tent with the book one has been carting all over the mountains.
Day 5
It rains very hard all night. Each hour the next day Ian visits each of us in turn with a new plan and a later starting time. It seems that we can reach our final campsite by walking along the fire trail for 14 km and given the inclement, weather this is what we do, starting at midday. We march along and reach the King River Hut in time to collect wood with the Weather so much improved that nearly everyone decides to pitch their sodden tents outdoors after all.
We eat dinner, wash and whilst preparing our New Year's Eve feast we hear an almighty crash. Some minutes later Victor discovers where a huge tree has fallen down in the middle of a forest some 150 metres away. We set up our feast outside balanced on a corrugated sheet of iron and it is a feast fit for kings. Later we have a sing-along indoors before going to bed.
Day 6
The bus arrives accompanied by a 4WD vehicle pulling the trailer to carry our packs. It seems that the torrential rain has caused bits of the road to be washed away and the driver felt that he would not be able to complete the trip without assistance. As it turned out we arrived back to the creature comforts at the Mansfield Caravan Park without much problem. It was a wonderful trip with great company and excellent leadership.
Walk Reports
26/1/92 Leader: Alan Mewet
Hawkesbury River - Brooklyn - Danger Island - Little Wobby - Rocky Ponds. It was fitting that we visited Danger Island on Australia Day; a few weeks after the arrival of the First Fleet, in fact in March 7, 1768, Governor Phillip and others made camp on Mullet Island (now Danger) as named by Phillip because of the plentiful mullet they caught there. Swimming was enjoyed at Rocky Ponds, an agreeable lunch spot with a view of the Hawkesbury. The weather was fine, warm and a breeze. One prospective turned back on the climb up from Little Wobby. Prospective Zol Bodlay, member of Three Peaks Club, will be an acquisition to our Club because of his knowledge of northern areas. There were 13 members and 6 prospectives.
12/1/92 - Leader: Geoff McIntosh. Waterfall to Otford
Route: To Burning Palms south end was via the “Squeeze Hole” through the escarpment from the cliff track. This route was once a popular way to get from Lilyvale Station to the beach. Since Lilyvale Station was closed about five years ago, this route has become overgrown. Weather: Fine enough for a swim by most at Burning Palms Beach. There were 21 walkers including 2 prospectives.
Walls Pass - Sunday 16th February - led by Geoff McIntosh
A party of 16 walkers including two prospectives experienced the 45 foot high Walls, Pass and chains, coming through without mishap, then rock-scrambled along the Cedar Head viewing platform before dropping down to the beautiful Cedar Creek for lunch and, in the case of one hardy ms, a swim. Afternoon tea was taken on top of Ruined Castle in beautiful weather before returning to the cars. Afterwards, in the Chinese restaurant, Les Powell scored what was probably a first for this particular establishment when he produced two luscious leeches from somewhere within his shorts.
Waterfall to Otford - 22nd-23rd February - led by Keith Docherty
The Saturday began with overcast skies, 4 members and one prospective. However by lunch the party had reached Bola Creek via the Forest Path and the sun was out. After lunch they climbed up to Carle Trig via the Wallamurra Track, the hot climb being compensated by a downhill walk to a pool on Curra Brook. More swimming opportunities were available at the campsite on Curracurrong Creek. Dinner was eaten on a large rock jutting out onto the creek with the sunset turning the water to gold and orange. The next day, Sunday, plans were slightly altered due to the forecast imminent southerly change, so they headed - north to Bundeena and the 1 pm ferry. The murky sky and sea discouraged swimming at Little 'Marley. Everyone was safely at home by the time the heavy rain started and were glad not to be climbing the hill from Werrong.
The 64th Annual General Meeting
By Barry Wallace
The meeting began at about 2009 with some 49 or so members present and the retiring, but not shy let it be said, President in the chair. There were apologies from Kenn Clacher, Jim Percy, Carol Bruce, John Porter, Alan and Anita Doherty and Wilf Hilder.
New members Jan Roberts and Steven Seidler were called for welcome and indeed were welcomed, but somewhat later in the proceedings when they both were present. The Minutes of the preceding AGM were read, and received as the nearest thing to a true and correct record that anyone could recall across the memory's nebulae and nova of a year's events. All the Annual Reports, with the exception of the Financial Reports were taken as read and accepted. The Annual Financial Reports were then considered and accepted, with a remark being made on the complimentary note received from the Hon. Auditor, A motion that we transfer $10,000 to NSW Treasury Bonds maturing in 2001 was passed. The Treasurer then moved that the subs for the coming year remain the same as last year. The motion was passed without argument. So go to it folks and pay your subs. The Treasurer is waiting to hear from you.
We then moved to the election of Office Bearers for the coming year. The usual motion was passed to allow the elections to proceed concurrently with the business of the general meeting and to set the patterns for counting. You will have read the results in last month's magazine so we will not cover them here.
The Treasurer's Report indicated that we received $787, spent $1,341 (or $2,491 if you include Coolana) and closed the month with a balance of $352.
The Conservation Report brought news that SBW are now listed in the Green Index, an internationally distributed listing of conservation related bodies. We have also received a letter from the NSW Democrats asking our opinion on the proposed Federal Resource Security legislation. The NSW State Timber Resources legislation is presently under debate. Indications are that the Forestry Commission will get something in the order of 18 months free reign in the matter of what gets roaded (is that really a verb?) or cut without the constraints of those silly old Environmental Impact Statements which the pollies have always told us are such a bulwark against environmental damage.
The Walks Report began with the weekend of 14,15,16 February. Morrie Ward cancelled his Barrington Tops trip and Ian Debert reduced his northern beaches combined walk/barbecue to just a barbecue. There was no report of Peter Christian's lower Wollongambe Li-lo trip and only Geoff McIntosh saved the Club's honour by running his classic Ruined Castle Golden Stairs trip with 16 starters. There was a story about a leech, recent parasitic acquaintance of Les Powell, running amok in a Katoomba restaurant. Great confusion apparently. The staff thought they were ordering desert, each time they mentioned leeches.
February 21,22,23,24 saw the trend Continue, with SPA, Sternhell cancelling his walk on the Kowmung. Keith Docherty reported 5 and a good walk on his Feb. 23,24 ramble through the Royal but there was no report of Peter Christian's abseiling trips. Oddly enough, Eddie Giacomel reported wet conditions for the 10 starters on his Pierces Pass to Bluegum and return day walk, and Greg Bridge reported wet conditions for a similar number on his Grose River trip the same day.
Jim Oxley's bushwalk for prospectives over the weekend of 29th Feb/lst March was transmuted into an instructional weekend at Coolana led by Bill Holland. The 7 prospectives who attended enjoyed a green and pleasant Coolana and were not troubled by the small grass ticks which are sometimes an unfortunate feature of this place. Kenn Clacher's abseiling trip to “West Christys Creek was conducted in good weather (have you ever abseiled in the rain?). and there were 5 hangers-on. Of the day walks, the Bundeena to Otford via the coast trip led by Tony Manes attracted 11 starters and was reported as a good solid walk. Laurie Bore's Pierces Pass to Victoria Falls via the Grose and return Walk had 8 starters reporting lots of water in the streams.
Jo van Summer's Wednesday walk on the 5th March attracted 5 walkers and unfortunately some rain also. The following weekend, March 6,7,8 saw Brian Holden cancelling his Corang Lagoon walk but Sev Sternell's Wollongambe River walk went with lots of water in the streams and 4 plus 2 walkers. I can't remember their explanation for that. I think it was something to do with gathering a couple of people from someone else's walk. Nancye Alderson reported good weather and a party of 15 on her Blackheath to Medlow Bath ramble via the “old places”. Mark Weatherly's Proposed Maroota N.P. walk had a party of 12 and went well.
The Frank Woodgate and Alan Mewett Munmorah Recreation area trip got away a bit late with its 25 starters and passed through some very pleasant country. At lunch several of the party were relaxing on a large conglomerate slab between a rock pool and the ocean when a large wave rolled over them. The ensuing contusions tested all the first aiders and first aid kits to the full. Those from the walk who were present at the meeting were able to display, within the limits of propriety at least, an impressive array of bruised cuts and cut bruises. I doubt that that is the way we wanted to end the Walks Report, but as it happens, it's the way we did.
The Confederation Report brought news of a donation of $250 to the Wildlife Liaison Office. A sub-committee has been formed to review the Confederation's S & R activities. There is also a move to increase the insurance levy. Some concerns were expressed over the presence of horses in the Royal. It was also a matter of concern that there are no Confederation representatives on some of the Parks Advisory Committees.
Then came General Business. The Club resolved to write to Peter Tressider congratulating him on his being awarded the Order of Australia and the Australian Geo's silver medal. Announcements brought advice that camping is no longer permitted at Burning Palms in the Royal. There was also mention of the coming abseil from the top of the “coathanger” by Peter Tressider and Dot Butler, legally it seems.
The meeting ended at 2207 with not so much a whimper, let alone a bang. It just isn't the same with the Reunion in September or October.
Please add the following names to your List of Members
NEW MEMBERS | Address |
DAVIDSON Mrs Ann | 1/135 Brook St. Coogee 2034 |
HODGES Miss Jan | 698 Boundary St. Roseville 2069 |
HOGAN Miss Marella | 6 Victoria St. Waverley 2024 |
LAFFERTY Mr Peter | 265 Annandale St. Annandale 2038 |
MATHER Mis Diane | 6 Clifford St. Coogee 2034 |
ROBERTS Miss Jan | 14 Tunks Road Northbridge 2063 |
SEIDLER Mr Steven | P.O. Box 8, Maroubra 2035 |
SYLVA Mrs Louise | 9/19-21 Myra Road, Dulwich Hill 2203 |
Confederation of Bushwalking Clubs NSW Incorporated General Meeting 17 March
by Spiro Hajinakitas
Search & Rescue
Barrington Tops April 4/5 Training weekend. The search for the missing plane believed crashed, due to bad weather, about 10 years ago continues. One bus load of Confederation personnel so far, but more are required. Telephone Keith Maxwell 622 0049(H) 805 8329 (B).
Search & Rescue's present trailer is to be sold and permission for a smaller trailer to be purchased at a cost of $1,400 has been given. The old trailer has now become obsolete as it requires a powerful vehicle to tow it and the new lighter trailer will be able to be towed by 4 cylinder cars. The acquisition of a large tent, complementing the trailer will enable more people to shelter from the weather and patter access to the equipment.
The Sub-committee appointed to review the future direction of search & rescue is anxiously awaiting submissions from members. Clubs that have not put in a submission are encouraged to do so now.
St. Johns Ambulance training weekend on 30/31 May is available through S & R for $50 which is half price. It will be held at Bankstown. Contact Keith Maxwell (see above).
A rock on Wollemi Creek, near where David Wein of Newcastle Bush Walkers drowned has been named “David's Rock”.Grid reference Six Brothers map 703 245.
It has been suggested by a State Emergency spokesperson that Confederation's S & R affiliate with the SES.
An edition of the Newsletter will be published for April and July. Confederation is to give some thought to the purchase of the necessary software to simplify the Editor's task of computer graphics.
Tracks & Access
The blockage. at the “Keyhole” abseiling point in Claustral Canyon has been cleared. Kanangra track maintenance will take place on 25/26 July.
An article in SMH 12th March 1992 on the Victorian Alpine Track has raised the question why Victoria should dictate policy against NSW Wilderness objectives. The track continues into NSW.
Nature Conservation Council
NCC is looking into the Timber Industries Protection Bill. NCC is meeting with NPWS to discuss Blue Gum Forest. Horse Riding is permitted on gazetted roads and historic bridle trails in National Parks.
The Chief Secretary's Department has made some changes to the Charity Act. Now - (a) All expenses over $200 must be put through as a motion. (b) Registered charities must submit their audited financial reports to the Department every 6 months. © If fund raising exceeds $5,000 per. year then that organisation will be classified as a “big” charity. Confederation passed a motion to oppose (b) and suggest 12 months, to oppose © and suggest $50,000.
The Confederation Ball will be held on 4th September at Petersham Town Hall to coincide with Blue Gum Forest's 60th Anniversary celebrations. The theme of the ball will be “Blue Gum”. YHA turns 50 next year and on a given day 50 peaks are to be climbed by various groups. Any person or organisation interested can contact YHA or Robyn Archer at Confederation.
General Business
The subscriptions for 1993 are likely to rise to $3.50 for metropolitan clubs and $3.25 for country clubs. i.e. per head based on membership as at 31st July 1992.
April 22 - “Wilderness Protection & Management in the State of New South Wales”. A talk by Keith Muir of the Colong Foundation.
April 29 - “Tasmania from mountains to sea visiting seven National Parks”. Audio visual with large screen by Peter Christian.
May 20 - Posturing and transportation of an injured person - talk and demonstration by John Hogan. Meet for dinner 6.30 pm at the Maharaja Palace, Indian Restaurant, near corner of Broughton and Fitzroy Streets, Kirribilli.
May 27 - Wine, Cheese and Nuts - bring something “interesting” - labelled samples where necessary. The Club will provide the wine. Except on the evening when members meet for dinner before the meeting, members coming straight from work are very welcome to join others in the Club kitchen with “take aways”. There is a good variety available in the area.
Any suggestions for the Social Program are welcome. Please contact the Social Secretary, Belinda McKenzie, or any member of the Committee.
CHANGE OF ADDRESS, Carol Lubbers. Carol has moved up the mountains and her new address and phone number 6 Arthur Street, Woodford 2776. Phone (047) 56 8791.