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The Sydney Bushwalker

Established June 1931

A monthly bulletin of matters of interest to the Sydney Bush Walkers Incorporated, Box 4476 GPO, Sydney 2001. Club meetings are held every Wednesday evening at 8 pm at Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre, 16 Fitzroy Street, Kirribilli (near Milson Point Railway Station). Visitors and prospective members are welcome any Wednesday. To advertise in this maga2ine, please contact the Business Manager.

September, 1992

Editor:Deborah Shapira8/1 Blackwood,Ave, Ashfield 2131Telephone: 798 0309 (h), 805 1466 (w), 805 1469 (fax)
Business Manager:Joy Hynes36 Lewis St, Dee Why 2099Telephone: 982 2615 (h), 888 3144 (w)
Production Manager:George Graytelephone: 876 6263
Typist & Lay-out:Kath Brown
Illustrator:Morag Ryder
Printers:Kean Clacher, Kay Chan, Barrie Murdoch Margaret Niven and Les Powell
Editorial NotesDeborah Shapira2
New Members2
Wattles (Acacia)Kath Brown3
Who'd Be a Botanist….Who…Who…Jim Brown4
Jan Mohandas's Six Foot Track in a DayCarole Beales7
Durras Lake Still Under ThreatAinslie Morris & Michael Reynolds10
65th Anniversary of S.B.W.Ian Debert13
S.B.W. Conservation FundAlex Colley14
Walks Report -Bill Capon's BudawangGeoff Grace15
Confederation - The Annual ConferenceBill Holland16
The August General MeetingBarry Wallace17
Paddy Pallin - The Leaders in Adventure6
Willis's Walkabouts11
Eastwood Camping Centre12

Editorial Notes

by Deborah Shapira

This month we are featuring wild flowers together with some magnificent drawings from Morag Ryder who went to a great deal of trouble to research botanical and common names to accompany the illustrations. Unfortunately we were unable to gather material on safety matters in time for this issue but will hopefully deal with it in a later issue.

Your attention is to be drawn to the information given on “Coolana”, in particular to the instructions on how to get there. This will be a special Reunion weekend and will be preceded by a Nostalgia Night at the club rooms. These events should not be missed. As each decade is to be featured by skits etc everyone should have a good time even though they have not been in the Club for long enough to feel nostalgic about it.

Happy walking!

New Members

NameAddressHome Ph.Business Ph.
CALANDRA Ms Jacqui3 Nursery Street, Hornsby 2077476 6538-
HOLGATE Tony43 Landers Road, Lane Cove 2066428 -5294922 8792
MOORE KennethC/- C.G.M., P.O. Box 1608, Sydney 2001476 3156221 3700
EVANS Mrs Marilyn20 Laurel Chase, Forestville 2087451 5657436 7940
SMITH Mrs Beverly27 boyce Street, Ryde 2112888 2726736 6775
STEPHENSON Mrs Kris17/1 Libya Place, Marsfield 2122876 3681684 7200
WILKINSON Ms AndreaCl- P & 0 Container Shipping 154 Sussex Street, Sydney 2000692 8510229 0457
YOUNG Graham27 Boyce Street, Ryde 2112888 2726808 8359

Wattles (Acacia)

by Kath Brown

This is a very basic look at our national emblem - the Wattle (Acacia). The name “wattle” is just a common one, given in the early days of the colony when the early settlers used thin branches to make their wattle-and-daub huts. Another shrub “Black Wattle” was also named by them, but it is quite a different plant. “Acacia” is the botanical name of our usual wattles.

There are some interesting facts about wattles. Everyone knows their golden fluffy flowers, made up of numerous tiny flowerheads. But have you noticed that some wattles have golden balls while others have their flowers in golden spikes or catkins?

Another difference between wattles is that although some have “true” leaves (always bi-pinnate or fern-like), most of our wattles have leaves which are “phyllodes” (flattened stalks which perform the function of leaves, some being mere prickles and some broad, leaf-like structures). All acacias have the bi-Pinnate leaves as seedlings, but the change to phyllodes occurs at a very early stage. Of course, there are quite a number of acacias which keep their bi-pinate leaves all their life. The seeds of the wattles are in pods, or legumes, some quite long, and in fact wattles belong to a sub-family-of the leguminosae. Another sub- family is, of course, peas (and beans). The seeds of the various wattles are edible and are used as one of their natural foode by aborigines. Acacias are the most widespread of all Australian flowering plants. They occur all through the continent, in many varied forms of height, size, leaf-shape,,colour of flowers. The Australian national emblem is Acacia pycnantha, with large, deep-gold flowerballs and long grey-green phyllodes. It mainly grows in south-west NSW, Victoria and South Australia. Two acacias which are popular garden varieties are the Cootamundra Wattle with golden balls and bi-pinnate leaves, and the Queensland Silver Wattle which also has golden balls and silvery, roundish phyllodes. - In the bush around Sydney there are many wattles. These are some:- Sydney Golden Wattle (Acacia longifolia) - a shrub with golden spike.s'or catkins, long dark green phyllodes and 6-inch pods. Sydney Green Wattle (A.decurrens) - a tree with dark bark, golden ball flowers and true leaves. Sweet Wattle (A.suaveolens) - a shrub with pale, sweet-scented flower balls and narrow, grey-green phyllodes 6-inch long. Sunshine Wattle (A.terminalis) - a shrub with golden ball flowers and true leaves. Cedar Wattle (A. elata).- a tall tree with pale yellow ball flowers and true,bi-pinnate large leaves. Flak Wattle (A.linifolia) - a shrub with pale ball flowers and short green phyllodes. Myrtle Wattle (A. myrtifolia) - a shrub with pale yellow ball flowers and phyllodes which look like small gum leaves. Prickly Moses (A. ulicifolia) - a shrub with pale ball flowers and short, very prickly phyllodeg. Down at Coolana there are many trees Of a lovely spring7flowering wattle. -I don't knOw which one it is, perhaps one of you could find out? References: “Australian Wattles” by Douglass Bagin & Barbara Mullins “Wild Flowersof South East Australia” by Jean Galbraith “Wild Things Around Sydney” by Burnam Burnam Page THE SYDNEY BUS.HWALKER September 1992 HIBBERTIA BRACTRATA - (Little Gold Bush) BLANDFORD/A GRANDIPLORA (Christmas Bella) BORONIA PINNATA ,(Pinnate Boronis). . BANKSIA MARGINATA ,(Gully Banksia)

Who'd be a Botanist? ... Who ... Who ... Who ...

by Jim Brown

No, don't look at me, even though I've posed a question that needs to be asked in an issue of the magazine that enjoins us to consider our bush flowers, and reproduces some of Morag's delightful drawings. I've chosen to ask the question in terms similar to an old Club ballad “Who'd be a walker?” (words and music by Don Matthews), but don't look at me. I'm much too aged, and one of the signs of it is my inability to remember quienk: the botanical names of plants I know well and could at one time name on sight. Rather more than 20 years ago, about the time my stride was beginning to lose some of its spring, I decided I really ought to find out the proper names of some of the vegetation along the tracks, ridges and streams that I trod. I soqn found there were some problems l LTo make any. sense of the botanical names one had to realise that, for a vast period in our history, fl6wers were known mainly by a “common name” - sometimes just a local name. In fact, botany was in chaos and there was darkness on the facet of our botanical understanding. Enter Carl von Linne, a Swedish botanist/scientist of the 18th century, usually known by the Latin form of his name, Linnaeus. The principles he laid down are still adopted almost universally, and use names recognised and accepted on a world-wide basis. Firstly, there are the big groups of allied plants (Families), often so grouped because of similar reproductive systems. The families divide into “Genera” and each Genus in turn subdivides into “Species”. Thus one Family of plants well represented in Australia is the Proteacaea, which splits into Genera such as Telopea (Waratah), Hakes, Banksia, Grevillea… and a number, of others. In turn the Genus Grevillea embraces something like 60 species in Eastern Australia alone, ranging from 25-metre Silky Oaks (Grevillea robusta) to sprawling trackside creepers like G. Iaurifolia, and with flowers in colours from reds, through pinks, golds, greys, greens and whites. .GREVILLEA LAURIFOLIA (Creeping Grevillea) PANDOREA PANDORANA (Wonga Vine)' To add to the complications for the amateur, most of the botanical names are derived from Ancient greek or Latin, or a mixture of the two, and some Genera or Species have the Latinised name of the discoverer, or of a botanist he admired, or of the patron who financed his research. September 1992 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER Page 5 411 2. Next problem…. some of the walking fraternity feel that use of the botanical names is a. Sort of affectation, and prefer the “common name” - ignoring the fact that severalquite different flowers may bear the same name, sometimes on a.locality basis, and usually because the flowers have a superficial ,resemblance to some cultivated garden variety. I recall one rather unhappy exchange with another aging, walker that went Aging Walker (A.W.) “What's that” Me: Oh, it's sometimes called Native. Fuchsia. A.W.: That's NOT a Native Fuchsia. The Native Fuchsia is red and white. This i4'sb],gger and it. s red apd green. Me (trying to be peaceable) Actually -I think it's a Corredi.. Oh, Correa someth1sg…yes4.Correa ref lexa, and it's related to the Boronias and Wax Flowers. A.W.: It is NOT a Native Fuchsia. Of course, neither of the Plants 6ftell styled “Native Fuchsia” in the Sydney region…,. either the red/white Epacris lOngiflora or the red/green Correa'reflexa, is a true fuchsia, which belongs to atotally different family. Later I learned that in some parts of Victoria the State's floral emblem, the Pink Heath (Epacris impressa) is called “Native Fuchsia”, and I've a memory of a Western Australian resident 50 years ago telling me that a reddish/yellow bell flower (something like our Christmas Bell) was 'called “Native Fuchsia” - and I've no idea what it was. EPAGAIS LONGIFLORA (Native Fuchsia) To imagine that the common name 'Native Fuchsia“ relates only to the red/white heath, is something like my insisting I'am the only Jim Brown on this earth - palpably absurd. 3. The third problem. Botanical names sometithes change, because new discoveries are being made all the time ' I learned recently that the genus I have been happy to call “Cassia” is now often known as “Senna”. And in a series of wild flower books.oVer a span of 40 years, the “Sunshine Wattle” (common in the Sydney region) has rejoicedin three different names, “Acacia discolor”, then A. botrycephala” and most recently “A. terminalis”. No don't ,decide to be a botanist. It may well drive you round the twist anywaY, whether you know the Common or the Botanical names… or even if you don't know any name for it there's nothing to stop. bush walker looking, at our glorious sandstone-country wild flowers…. I mean REALLY LOOK at ,them, because as John Keats told us…. “A thing of beauty is a joy forever, Its loveliness increases: it can never Pass into nothingness.” * *'* * * * * * *

Change of Address

Please note the new address of Craig and Christine Austin:- 159 Copeland Road East, Beecroft 2119 Phone 484 1519

The Paddy Pallin Update

EARTH WIND FIRE RAIN elcome to issue 1 of the Update, our way of letting you know the latest developments in products and activities available at your local Paddy PaIlin store.

GORE-TEX VAWE THEBARCOO. $249 The Tancimi Bpr000 jacket' i na-aVailableot CA Paddy Pallin,stores. -At,$249.00jt represents outstandingvalue for money for a :fully featured -Gore-Tex- - rainshell. The Barcoo passed with Hying colours the stringent tests carried out by Wi Gore 'as port :of their Guaranteed To Keep You Dry programme. The Borcoo is mid thigh length and features seamfree shoulders, a waterproof front closure, external cfrowcord and 2 large volume pockets. :- Available in Red and MidPlue THE PADDY PAWN CLUB Back in JunelWe launched The Paddy PalliriClub In order to stay in touch with regular customers. For an annual subscriptionof $10.00 Members received host oftenefits including a spetial – Club members discount cm their purchases, special rates on adventure activities as well as exclusive trips for Club members Members receive a newsletter full of outdoor tips, product news, competitions, information on new offers etc. To join simply pick up a brochure in your local Paddy Pullin store or telephone 008 805398 TOIL FREE. THE TIKA CORONET FOR TRAVEWNG BUSHWALKERS. You're off on some lengthy travels that could involve some bushwalking along the way? If so the Tika Coronet ($389) could be the pack for you. It has botha top boding and front opening facility, a comfortable 2 size adjustable harness system that can be - zipped away for avoiding the airport baggage chewed The Front pocket zips off and converts to a daypack. A fine pock for those travelling to Europe but stopping off in Nepal on the way home to trek around Annapurna. THE ADVENTURE FIRST AID KIT A while ago some Paddy Pullin staff were tentbound in a storm on the Main Range. As a means of relieving the boredom they began comparing personal Firg Aid kits. Noticing a number of similarities In what they had ended up with over the years, the idea of developing a specific Adventure Kit came about. A week or so later we were meeting with St John Ambulance and many months later the joint Paddy Pallin/St John Ambulance Adventure First Aid Kit Was born, - The kit is packed in a brightly coloured, HQxible, multi pocketed PVC pouch sealed with weatherproof press zips. Apart From the contents, the kit also contains fully laminated First Aid Booklet, Casualty Record cards, a notebook and pencil and printed Information on Hypothermia and Emergency contact numbers. $69.95 PADDY PAWN COVERS THE . COUNTRY! All 400+ products,in our catalogue-or any other item of outdoor equipmentcon be sent anywhere. So if you can't “incike it to a Paddy Pcillin store call Toll Free 008 805398 for a copy of The Paddy Pallin Catalogue and full details on our Mail Order Operation ”. EXPANSION AND FACELIFT FOR CANBERRA STORE By the time you read this the painters and Carpet filters will have leftand our Canberra store will be looking bigger and brighter. So next time you're in the Notional Capital call in. .&-y Mlionclo Canberra Andobyne Melbourne Bak Hill Adelaide Perth Hobcrl Launceston Moil Odor DON'T BAG THE ENVIRONMENT - 16,000 BAGS SAVED!. A big thank you to all our customers fpr the tremendous support yob have given the above scheme whereby every time you elect not to take a bag for your purchases Paddy Pallin donates 10 cents to a charity. In the first 6 months of this year we were able to donate $800.00 to the Wilderness Society and $836:00 to a range of-charities local to each store. That equates to some 16000 bags not going into precious landfill, less energy being used because we need to order less bags. Thanks to you, everyone benefits. NEW INTEGRAL OFFERINGS Drytech, the fabric that - revolutionized the Bodywear market, has two more garments in the range. The cycle short style Tochshorts are obviously ideal for cycling but also well suited le canoeing or bushwalking with the stretch of the Drytech jersey fabric accommodating the most extreme movements. Available in Blue and Red ai $35.95 For those who prefer short sleeves we've chopped them off the old favourite, the Techcrew, to give the Techshirt with a pace of $35.95 )OCEOLICIUL PK…. Pr co On. Mat 4194 Nl Traarformilr THE I.,;EADERS'IN ADVENTURE 507 Kent St NSW 2000 : 527 Idngsway NS'W 2228 11 Lansdale St Brocklon ACT 2601 Kosciusko Rd NSW 2627 360 Lifile Bourke St VIC 3000 8 Market St VIC 3128 228 Rundle St SA 5000 1/691 Hay St WA 6000 76 Elizabeth St TAS 7000 59 Brisbane St TAS 7250 360 !Me Bourke St VIC 3000 (Melbourne Residents Ph 03 67094853

Jan Mohandas's Six Foot Track in a Day

Katoomba to Jenolan Caves - 15th August 1992 by Carole Beales

Walkers:Carole Beales, Maurie Bloom, Richard Brading, Bill Capon, Bert Carter, David Carter, Mary Carter, Kay Chan, Tony Cluichton, Terry Daley, Anne Davison, Peter Dorman, Simon Fountain, Eddy Giacomel, Austin Greenwood, Jan Hodges, Marella Hogan, Tony Holgate, Frances Holland, Jean Kendall, Angelica Langley,, Sonia Lloyd, Dianne Mather, Jan Mohandas, Chris Maher, Neville Osborne, Michele Powell, Doreen Provan, David Robinson, Sylvia Ruocco, Jenny Stillwell, Louise Sylva, Mori Ward, Louise Werden, Dick Weston, Nigel Wingate, Marlise Woolford, Peter Yardley
Support Group:Maureen Carter, Ione Dean, Tony Manes, Judy O'Connor, Jan Roberts, Vincent Smith, Kris Stephenson and Jenny Ward

After, helping with the Support Group for Jan's now famous yearly walk several times, I decided to bite the bullet this year and attempt to complete the walk myself. As I have an aversion to cold water, I was thrilled to hear that the army had built a bridge across the Cox's River. Many of the walkers drove up from Sydney on the morning of the walk to arrive at the Explorer's Tree by 6.15am. I was not that brave., As a novice I spent the night in a motel room and enjoyed the luxury of a heater, electric blanket and colour TV. This year was quite extraordinary in that the walk attracted 38 walkers who planned to complete the 46.kilometres. Maurie Bloom was heard commenting, -“these day walks always attract a lot of people”. It took Jan a few moments to quieten the excited chatter and give us our instructions for the day. We would meet up on the hour, every hour, to ensure everyone was coping and after lunch it would be every bushwalker for himiherself. - - I had already discussed my strategy with friends - there would be “them” (at the front) and “us” (at the back). A veteran of the Six Foot Track and “K to K” had warned me not to get at the very back as you never get a rest!

At 6.30a.m sharp, we were off. It was ,a, perfect day for a walk - blue skies, sunshine, not too hot and no snow this year! At our 7am break, Jan advised that anyone using the bridge would be “officially disqualified”. Having seen people go blue crossing the Cox's River in previous years, this seemed like a small price to pay. We had a short break for water and nibbles at the Megalong Valley Road. I began to realise the importance of the Support Group - even early in the day it was ,encouraging to see so many smiling faces. Everyone was in high spirits as we continued across rolling farmland with extensive views of the surrounding countryside. As we climbed a hill, we passed a new sign saying “Respect Private Stock” - I hoped the stock respected bushwalkers too!

We gathered quietly athund a beautiful gum tree just over the brow of the hill. The following was kindly compiled by ivlaurie Bloom - On a hillside in the Ivlegalong Valley beneath a spreading Eucalypt, Rob Webb's ashes were scattered and his spirit allowed to run free. In a brief ceremony, over 40 of Rob's many friends listened to Jan Mohandas recall some of Rob's outdoor experiences and his love of the Bush. Whilst most of the Group were patticipants in the full walk, Patrick and Greta James, Bill Holland and Club President Ian Debert specifically attended the gathering. A small Plaque in the memory of Rob has been affixed to a tree adjacent to the Six Foot Track on a high hill approximately 21un west of the Ivlegalong Road. We continued down towards the Cox's River. The eleven who had decided to use the bridge were joined by several others. The new bridge has been constructed about 500 metres up river of the normal crossing point. It is made of steel chicken wire and wire cables and is suspended high above the flood level. The sign warned “Strictly One person Only”. Crossing was an adventure in itself. I found that by going too quickly I had managed to create quite a bumping sensation by the time I reached the middle! Bill Holland came across and back to show us how it was done. We regrouped where the brave had crossed the water - many rock-hopping and not getting wet at all , From here, the serious walking started with our biggest climb for the day - along Murdering Creek and up and over Mini Mini Saddle. I was quite amazed that whilst climbing the steep hill, two couples passed me chatting away happily! How could they do that? The hill seemed to go on and on but eventually, we all met up at the top. Everyone was in good spirits and we were a very colourful group in our designer therm,als. Two cyclists passed us hew - they'd taken their bicycles across the bridge. A short way down the track several walkers veered off down the side of the hill and naturally those behind followed. I was amazed to see Jan Mohandas as I reached the bottom of the hill. 'Jean Kendall said in fun “with tactics like that, you don't need to walk fast!” The hill up to the pluvipmeter Was a pleasant surprise. Someone had told us this was the worst hill! It was wonderful to see the Support Group at the pluviorneter at lunchtime. Jenny Ward was kept busy boiling billies of water and supplying grateful walkers with cups of steaming tea or coffee. An extra bonus was some delicious date loaf. Bert Carter was most distressed when he thought he had missed out Of1 the laVter! I realised how, essential the Support Group is to all extended walks and would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to all We learned that we also owed a lot to those cyclists who had passed us - they had stopped and chatted to the Support Group who were busily boiling billies on the wrong track! As we walked out along the fire trail to the forestry hut, the distance markings on trees put in , place for the marathon increased in importance. The 38km mark was particularly significant to me. I found this leg the most tiring. If I had realised that I was in fact last, I would have felt very demoralised. Approaching the, forestry hut I saw Jan Roberts busily massaging Anne Davison's legs. I thought Jan had been joking when she said she had put her massage table in the back of the car! My veteran was right about being at the back. By the time I'd unpacked my first-aid kit and helped out a fellow walker with blisters, Jan was calling out that we were on our way again. This may well have been a blessing in disguise as I had no time to sit down and stiffen up. In fact I drank my cup of steaming black coffee as I walked down the road.

I was just thinking it was a pity that Anne had not been able to complete the walk when she appeared power walking. In fact, Anne disappeared into the distance in no time at all. Jan had performed some sort of magic on her massage table.

At the 40 kilometre mark on the road, I felt like getting down and kissing it but was unsure if I would ever get up again! Some water and chocolate was enough to give us the boost needed to 'finish the walk. It was a great thrill to be able to complete the walk and share the experience with so many lovely people. The front “runners” who arrived first were Simon Fountain, Bill Capon, David Robinson and Sonia Lloyd. They were very closely followed by Michele Powell who was the first walker to arrive. All of the 38 walkers who set out from the Explorer's Tree at 630am completed Ithe 46 kilometres and had'arrived at Caves House by 5pm. We were welcomed by a cheering crowd and :Jan presente&all participants with a certificate. 174 Were rewarded with hot showers and many walkers spent a pleasant evening at Caves House. Mr and Mrs Webb were keen to spend some time with Club Members and joined us for the stay there. I would like to thank Jan on behalf of all the walkers for his tireless efforts in organising these wonderful walks for us and for ensuring everyone was transported back to the Explorer's Tree to collect their cars. Thanks again, Jan!'

The Club Auction

Aleld7;(mthe 26th August, the Club Auction attracted about 40/50 people –anda lotof,fun was hadby all. The auctioneer was Patrick James who': , did a,very good job although he probably ended with a very sore throafT'

$2.1 was raised which will go to the Club's Conservation Fund. 06024.104. Paddy Pain's has made Club members a generous offer of complimentary membership to the Paddy Pallin Club valid until 30th April, 1993. To take advantage of this offer members should visit one of their stores, present proof of membership (in our case the address label from one of the magazines should sufice) and one of the staff will ask them to fill in one of their Complimentary Membership Application Forms and they will be issued with an interim membership card on the spot. Within 21 days they will receive their official Club Card entitling them to the range of benefits which include a,10% discount on store purchases. If members are unable to visit a store they can send details of their name, address and identification of membership Of 813W to Kevin Westren at 14F Horden Place, Camperdown NSW 2050. This offer is only open until 31st December, 1992. After this date discounts on purchases will only be available to Paddy'Pallin Club members.

Durras Lake still under threat

LETTER TO THE EDITOR Lying on the South Coast of New. South Wales, just a few kilometres north of Batemans Bay, is one of the jewels of Australia's natural heritage - an unspoiled, undeveloped coastal lake, surrounded by majestic spotted gum forest. This is Durras Lake, the last pristine lake on the southern New South Wales coast. Durras Lake is adjacent to murramarang National Park, one of our smallest, and most vulnerable National Parks, and over recent years The Friends of Durres have been striving to raise enough funds to purchase 500 ha. of privately owned land 14oatlexing on Durras Lake, with the intention of donating it to the National Parks and Wildlife Service. If this were possible, the National Park could be extended to include the whole of Durres Lake, thus preserving this gem from destruction by development. The fact that this small group of fund-raisers has overwhelming community support is indicated by the fact they have been able to raise over $100,000 towards the fund. The Friends of Durras were invited by the former Premier, Mr Greiner, to apply for a grant from the then recently established Open Space and Heritage Fund., for assistance in the 'purchase of the private land, and the NPWS were later ,encouraged to take over the proposal. In December last year the panel set up by the NSW Government to make recommendations on the use of the fund: recommended that a grant of $600,000 be 'made to assist with the lands/ acquisition. At the same time the panel authorised the NPWS to commence negotiations with the mortgagee in possession. ,Tragically, the Open Space and Heritage Fund was abruptly suspended in March this year, without funding being made -available to the Durras acquisition. Undeterred, the Friends (xe Durras continued to negotiate with NPWS, and put forward a formal submission to the Department of Planning for assistance under the Coastal Acquisition Scheme. On the same day that the Minister for Planning had approved a contribution from the 'Coastal Acquisitions Scheme, FOD learned that contracts were due to be exchanged with another purchaser. While it appears that this other purchaser is prepared to sell a small area to NPWS, he apparently intends to clear most of the forest for grazing. Such a clearance on such marginal land would inevitably lead to degradation of Durras Lake by siltation from run-off, and by the introduction of weeds into the catchment area. Such a development would devastate Durras Lake, the last unspoiled lake on our South Coast, and would destroy for all time any chance of a meaningful extension to Murramarang National Park. r,afment. of our natural heritage is under severe threat. Please –what you- can to ensure that the valiant efforts of t Friends of Our:ras have not been in vain. incere y- We urge all members of SBW to lobby their local members of State Parliament, the State Minister for the Environment (The Hon. C Harcher) , and the State Minister for Planning (The Hon 0 dc anything possible to assist the purchase of r the people of New South Wales. This priceless , ;37, e : GOODENIA DECURRENS sTypAimiA GLAUCA (Blue Rush Lily) Michael Reynolds and Ainslie Morris 5 August 199a

PHILOTHECA saspjupLIA PTEROSTYLIS GRANDIFLORA (superp. Greenhood). Why a Guide? On anextended walk in the areas, evenexperienced bushwalkers with good map and compass sidlls w ill find that using a Walkabo uts guide means: 1) Your leader knows where to find the best s winuning holes, campsites, waterfalls andAboriginal art. 2) You don't have to worry about organising transport to get to and from the walk (Hiring a4WD inDarwin fora week costs about $1000 4- fueL Yo Li pay a $2000 excess if the vehicle is damaged. Kimberley tips are even more expensive.) 3) You don't have to worry about all tte red tape involved in getting the necessary permits. (It can take months before some permit application.s are finally appliwed or rejected.) 4) You relax each evening while your guide prepareS you a delidous dime course meal. Yes, Club Discounts Are Available. Organise a group of 6 or more and you will all receiVe a discount of at least 15% on our regular prices. Organise and pay for a larger group at least 3-6 months in advance and the discowlt gets even higher. For full details of our program, write Willis's Walkabouts 12 Carrington Street MILLNER NT 0810 Ph: (089) 85 2134 Pax: (689)* 2355 , QLD QBB A Butter Concentrate NSW Sleeping Bags J & H, Mont, Romans Rainwear Mont, J & H, Superior Day Packs High Tops, Summit Gear Bonwick Caving Ladders Holeproof Undies socks Trailblazir Hats DB C nyon bags 1“.1 TAS- Blundstone Boots NT Beef Jer WA Wilderness Equipment Backpacks Goretex Clothing Cycle Panniers ACT National Maps SA . Rossi B ts F1' ers Baby Carriers Vic Outgear. Backpacks Accessories Feathert,op Wool Shirts Giant Trees Dried meals EAST'WOOD CAMPING CENTRE 3 Trelawney St (PO Box 131) Eastwood N W 2122

65th Anniversary of the S.B.W.

On the 24th/25th October the Club will hold its 65 Anniversary at the Club's property “Coolana” (see map below for those who have never been there). Like previous Reunions/Anniversarys there will be a camp fire, skits, singing, supper (provided by the Club), some old photos to look at, swimming races, lilo race, damper making and generally getting together.

On the Wednesday, prior to the Anniversary Weekend there will be a “Nostalgia Night” with old photos, old Members, and old 'gear Night of History you will never forget. Come along and clebrate the Club's history and birthday.

IAN DEBERT, President.

ACCESS The entrance to the property is located at grid reference 692513 on ak map Burner 8928-2-N. It is about two hours drive south ofSydney via either the Hume or Prince's.Highways, the distance approximately the same. Drive to Mittagong via the Hume Highway, then turn off on the road to Moss 'Vale, then State Route 79 to Kangaroo Valley.. Pass over the Hampden Bridge, an impressive landmark in its own right completeywith'-sandstone pylons, then turn at the second road to the right - Mt Scanzi 'Road which later 'veers right into Tallowa Dam Road. Coolana is about 5 km along.and there is a signpost -.”Coolana S.B. Walker“ at the entrance of,the.Access track. You can park along this track, then make your foot. NOT TO SCALE HAMPTON KANGAROO RIVER Md. MS on. Mom. ; - MOM. ..17.1. 110.0 +Own. ! ,ke pg. mill 10 awn MIOM I sign Coolana S. 8.Wa1keJ PAGE 14 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER SEPTEMBER 1992 CONSERVATION CORNER THE SBW CONSERVATION FUND by Alex -ColleY At the end of last year the Conservation fund, initiatedbyr.a gift from Joe-Turner, had assets of $4,937. This funded sifts of $130 to the State Wilderness Fund and $600 to nature conservation organisations. SBW members can make an effective contribution to conservation by writing letters' to parliamentarians and authorities, particularly on the subject of the present wilderness nominations, but for most members the most effective contribution it financial. Conservation organisations need funds to maintain offices, prepare submissions, such as the Nattai Park proposal, the Blue Mountains World Heritage submission and the Wilderness Red Index, and for promotion in the media. At the August SBW general meeting it was decided that the proceeds of the Club auction and of lone Dean's stall, to be set up Ion the third Wednesday of each month, should go the Conservation Fund. The decision on how the money is to be spent will then rest with the Club. A section of the stall will be devoted to the Colons Foundation for Wilderness. Publications such as Henry Gold's calendars', diaries and posters will be available, together with Foundation publications such as “Blue Mountains for World Heritage” and “How, the Rainforest Was Saved”. There are some free hand-outs too Also for sale will be items donated by members. The stallheld on August 19th was verysuccessful. Probably the best selling-item'was the cake. The stall presents a wonderful opportunity for members o support nature: ZOL BODLAY advises that he is moving house. Please do NOT ring his previous home phone number, but ring his WORK NUMBER - 484 4242 (between 9.00 am to 3.00 pm). Please note your walks program accordingly. His walks are: Saturday 31 October - Marra Marra N.P. ” 14 November - Lower. Blue Mountains Sunday 29 November - Wollemi N.P. pATERSONIAGLABRATA (Native Iris) ; BURCHARDIA UMBELLATA i (Milkmaids)

Bill Capon's Beaut Bank Holiday Budawang Bash Three day weekend 31/7 - 3/8 by Geoff Grace Who went? - Bill Capon (leader), Bob Milne, Geoff McIntosh, John Nagey, Jan Mohandas, Jean Kendall, Carol Lubbers, Christine Floyd, Tony'Crichton, Peter Christian,'Geoff Grace. -You've got to be either keen or stupid to walk for hours with Hakea tearing you to bits. Let's say we were keen! But it wasn't all like that, not by a long way! , We met near Tianjara and finished with a pre-organised car shuffle from near Quiera Clearing. These simple events somehow developed in detail - detail probably best left unrecorded! Notwithstanding everything in between start and finish, in three action-packed days, the party safely and enjoyably traversed truly magnificent Ettrema country. In fine weather the party took in Blaydens Pass, Harris Hole, parts of Bundundah Creek, Moore Creek and Plain Creek, a traverse of Jones Creek and Myall Creek with a couple of kilometres of Ettrema Creek in between. Major features visited included the huge cave (can't remember its name) on Bundundah Creek and “Passage of time” crevasses. Three campsites provided stimulating variety - hard grviatil with small stones - soft with prickly bush spine-cracking river bed with five star view! The party agreed that Jones Creek rates as one of the most scenic and interesting of any creek in NSW. Views are superb. It has one major and many minor waterfalls with fabulous pools in between. It is in a setting of magnificent high cliff lines. It even has some modern history - a tiny abandoned copper mine. Going down around the high fall needs some care on'an exposed section but apart from that, other scrambles are without undue problems. Throughout the trip, when the going got-a bit rough, Bob Milne was there to anchor rope while Bill shepherded us safely through. Peter Christian recorded much video footage. The walk benefited greatly from Bill's knowledge of the area gained in his many previous visits, but as with most walks it had some unexpected moments. Like trying to find that Saturday night campsite which seemed never to show up! Bill's beaut Budawang bash concluded with a feast at the restaurant at Coplangatta (near Shoalhaven Heads) where we enjoyed lots of talk, map referencing, where-next, and a tiny peek at some of the South Coast's early history. Not a walk for untested prospectives, it was a first-rate, hard-tobeat, “full-on”, three-day medium walk! * * * * * *-* * *

Confederation Notes - The Annual Conference: August 1992

by Bill Holland

This was the second Annual Conference of the Confederation held on the weekend 21/22 August. SBW had three delegatesT attending. Holding this activity on the weekend was an idea initiated last year to provide an opportunity for country clubs to participate. Attendance was down, about 50 delegates compared with 70 - 80 last year The country claS were not well represented this time, perhaps reflecting the low level of pre-conference publicity. The conference lasted all day Saturday with the Annual General Meeting slotted into the afternoon proceedings. Insurance occupied part of the mOrning session. The Confederation has blanket insurance policies covering public liability and sports injury. These covers are available to all member clubs and have attracted wide interest. Insurance, as it affects our club; is the subject of a separate article in the next magazine. At this stage it was announced :tht The National Parks Association had applied for membership., This will double the size of the Confederation and lead to a' 'significant: decrease in affiliation fees. The Wilderness Society also expressed strong interest in joining but sees the compulsory insurance component of the affiliation fee as a cost barrier - duplicating its own insurance cover. Discussion groups Occupied the second half of the morning. The tasks were to define future priorities for Confederation under the headings of “Conservation” and “General”. A common theme wasP the need to seek increases inAIPWS,staffing in order to protect national parks and wilderness. Some matters of interest emerged from various reports given to the meeting. Concern included,notice of changes to The Charities Act regulations requiring organisations to submit audited six monthly ace:mints. Search and Rescue reported on perceived upheaval in rescue activities throughout the state and concern over the cost of rescues. Announcements.of interest included, the Annual Bushdance and the Blue Gum Forest birthday celebrations, both of which will be history when you read this, a Gathering of, Clubs planned by the Camden Bushwalking Club, to be held at Yarrunga Creek in the Morton N.P. 15/16 November, and the Confederation's participation in the Sports Exhibition to be held in January' next year. Financially, the Confederation is strong, having about $30,000 in the Commonwealth Bank and $10,000 in other assets. I won't bore you with details of income and expenditure except to say the result was positive despite the recession.

: r - Finally, the election of office bearers included: President: Senior Vice-President: Junior Vice-President: Secretary: Minutes Secretary: Treasurer; Public-Officer: “Bushwalker” Editor: S. & R. Officer: Robyn Arthur Tony Parr Don Brooks Roger Lembit Michael Maack Diana Peters Jim Callaway SBW Gordon Lee SBW Keith Maxwell

The August Meeting

by Barry Wallace

The meeting began at 2008 with the President in the chair and around 18 membersTresent. There were apologies from Joy Hines and Margaret Niven. New members Marilyn Evans, Beverly Smith, Andrea Wilkinson and Graham Young were-welcomed into membership. The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and received with no matters aiising. Correspondence saw letters to new members and a letter to Hornsby Council opposing the paint-ball combat facility proposed for the vicinity of Marra Marra National Park. There was an incoming letter from Paddy 15,allin Ltd advising that the system of informal discounts to members of Walking clubs will be discontinued and replaced by a scheme called the Paddy Pallin Club. Free membership of the new organisation, for an introductory period, is available to club members on application at Paddy Pallin shops. There are more details elsewhere in this magazine. We also received a letter from Hornsby Council acknowledging receipt of our letter, and a letter from the Nature Conservation Council asking for donations to their cause. The Treasurer's Report,'in the absence of the Treasurer, indicated that for the month of July we had an income of $2,710, spent $655 and closed with a balance of $4,490. The Walks Report was next. The weekend of July 18,19 saw the modest Bill Holland leading a group of around.9 on his Meryla Pass trip. The weather was fine and they all had a jolly good weekend. Morag's walk from Victoria Falls to Neites Glen was cancelled, but Brian Holden led 3 starters on his Coalcliff to,Otford day walk, and Dick Weston had a party Of 9 out for his N'eate's Glen to Evans Lookout via Bluegum trip on the same day. Jan Mohandas had 13 the next weekend on his Warrumbungles and Mount Kaputar 'National Patke =Thursday to Monday combined'tour/bushwalk and visit to Siding Springs Observatory trip/clash/fixture, as they say. After all that they insisted itwas a fabulous weekend. There was no report of Jim Percy's weekend trip to the Lawson Ridge area. Alan Mewett's Marra Marra N.P. trip had -a bast of 34, none of whom turned out to be Alan. The walk was led by Z61 B-odlay in Alan's absence and the weather was perfect, but they reported no times, and that must surely not go unremarked. PAGE 18 THE SYDNEY 'BUSHWALi(ER SEPTEMBER 1992 Judy Mehaffey led a party of 10 on her Otford to Otford via North Era and the cliff base walk. The weather was reputed as perfect. Over the extended weekend of 30 July to 4 August Ian Wolfe led a ski-touring trip down around Jagungal Mountain. There were no details except to mention that they had little snow on'Which to practise their craft. Bill Capon's weekend walk Blaydens Pass to. Queira Clearing had a party of 10 and no other details. Greta James led a party of 10 through glorious weather for her Canons, Splendour Rock, Cox River, Breakfast Creek, Canons weekend test walk, with good wildflowers as well.. Jim Callaway's Bundeena to Ctford trip saw the party of around 20 (you know how it is On these walks, people . come and go) enjoying the Pleasures of bush-bashing in the dark toward -the end of the trip.:: Mehaf fey also led a walk, Stanwell Park to Wodi-Wodi track and return that weekend, but whether it was that walk or the one Laurie Quaken reported earlier in the meeting for Sunday 26th July neither we nor Lurie are sure. It was sort of a carbon copy with very used carbon paper. - There was no such confusion about Margaret Niven's midweek walk in Kuringgal N.P. It didn't go. Margaret was at a safe distance somewhere in the Northern -territory at the 'time. - Over the weekend of 7,8,9 August Jim Rivers.had 7 on his Wollongambe Crater walk which was reported as pleasant. Maurie Ward's Barrington tops walk had 12 walkers and sounds far from pleasant. It seems that on Saturday afternoon the party was struck by a sudden and profound change in the weather just as they were completing a strenuous climb out of a treek. The wind blew, the snow snoo and the temperature reading went into free-fall. The onset of precipitation was so sudden that they had difficulty'extracting their foul-weather gear,without filling their packs with snow. Just when they were thinking it couldn't get worse, it did. Somehow they couldn't find Selby Alley Hut (if I recall correctly that's the one to which access is deliberately hidden to save it from the 4WD fraternity) and on the march to the nearest alternative campsite most people got tired and cold. On arrival they put up tents and went to bed With no fire and only whatever food was ready to eat wihtout cooking. Sunday's lunch was reported to be popular. The day walks were less stressful affairs, with Stephen Ellis, leading a party of 10 on his Evans Lookout to Perrys Lookdown and return walk, and Mark Weatherly reporting 8 starters and a pleasant day for his Maroota N.P. trip. All of which served to bring the Walks Report to a relieved conclusion. Conservation Report brought news of the NPWS Bluegum 60th Anniversary celebration plans and of the assessment for wilderness listing of nine areas in N.8.W. The assessments are ,available for comment and members are encouraged . to comment. See Alex for details. There was also advice of a request for funds from the ACF. Confederation Report indicated that three new clubs have joined, that NPWS patrols of park areas are infrequent and this is surmised to be due to lack of funds. ,(The NPWS budgetfor P.R. was trebled at the last state budget understand while funds were withdrawn from other areas of activity,. so you can be re-assured.), The Confederation insurance cover has been examined and found wanting but it was unclear what, if anything, is being done about it. General Business saw us agree to write a get-well letter to Phil Butt who is recovering from a skiing-induced broken leg. (Right leg, femur. ' No point doing things by halves, ask Phil to show you the X-ray negatives.) The announcements are all out-of-date by now, and if you haven't paid your subs yqu won't be reading this, unless you borrow someone else's copy: The Meeting closed at 2102. 44 44 **

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