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Established June 1931 ON THE Ayekeo A monthly Bulletin of matters of interest to the Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. Box 4476 GPO, Sydney 2001. Club meetings are held every, Wednesday evening at 8 pm at Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre, 16 Fitzroy Street, Kirribilli (near Milson's Point Railway. Station). Visitors and prospective members are welcome any Wednesday. To advertise in this magazine, please contact the Business Manager. 3E-3C-3HC-36-3HHHHE- EDITOR BUSINESS MANAGER PRODUCTION MANAGER TYPIST & LAY-OUT ILLUSTRATOR PRINTERS ' George Mawer,,42 Lincoln Rd, Georges Hall 2198 Telephone 707 1343 Joy Hynes, 36 Lewis Street, Dee Why 2099 Telephone 982 2615 (H), 888 3144 (B) Fran Holland', Telephone 484 6636 Kath Brown- Morag Ryder Kenn Clacher, Kay' Chan, Barrie Murdoch, Margaret Niven & Les Powell MARCH 1994 SBW Pffice Bearers & Committee 1994 Sno-o-ow Burnt Bush The January General Meeting The Royal After the Burn Annual Subscriptions 1994 The February General Meeting From the Clubroom - Sasha's African Tour Canoeing with the River Canoe Club Vale Neil Brown Social Notes Page 2 Elaine Walton 3 Morag Ryder 4 Barry Wallace 7 Geoff McIntosh 9 JO Barry Wallace 11 Maurice Smith 14 16 John Hogan 16 Advertisements Eastwood camping Centre 5 Alpsports 6 Mountain Equipment 12 Willis's Walkabouts 15 PAGE THE.SYDNE-Y BUSHWALKER' MARCH 1994. SBW OFFICE BEARERS '4% COMMITTEE 1994 . The following Office Bearers'and Committee Members as well as other Club workers were elected at the Annual General Meeting held on 9th March 1994:- President Vice-President Public Officer Treasurer Secretary Walks Secretary Social Secretary New Members Secretary Membership Secretary Conservation Secretary Magazine Editor 2 Committee Members 2 Delegates to Confederation Greta James Ian Debert Fran Holland Tony Holgate Maureen Carter Morrie Ward John Hogan Bill Holland Barry Wallace Alex Colley George Mawer Denise Shaw Maurice Smith Wilf Hilder * Ken Smith 2 Confederation Delegates NOT on Committee Jim Callaway Laurie Bore Magazine Production Manager Fran Holland Magazine Business Manager Joy Hynes Printers Kenn Clacher, Barrie Murdoch Kay Chan, Margaret Niven & Les Powell Assistant New Members Secretary Archivist Hon. Solicitor Hon. Auditor Search & Rescue Contacts Kosciusko Huts Assn. Delegates NOTE: All Club workers are Honorary. Margaret Niven & Patrick James Ian Debert Barrie Murdoch Chris Sonter Bill Holland, Morrie Ward, George Mawer, Margaret Niven, & David Robinson Ian Wolfe & 'Len Hainke * Indicates member of Committee For Annual Subscriptions - See Page 10.

Kosciusko National Park 26 to 31 December. 1993. by Elaine Walton The Party: George Walton (leader), Elaine Walton, Laurie & Margaret Bore, Joan Hannan, Geof Bradley, Brian Holden, Frank Sander, Bruce Dunn and Joe Norman (prospective). There were 10 bushwalkers driving merrily along towards the starting point in the Snowy Mountains on Boxing Day with great expectations for a good walk not knowing what lay ahead of us. On our way down to Cooma we were accompanied by a very dark sky for a time with little rain, but by the time we had reached Cooma it seemed to clear up and one of the locals said it was going to be a great few days for us. On the completion of a car shuffle, we started our walk in rather clear weather so'to us it looked good. We completed our climb up to the top of Tate East Ridge and began to erect our tents and collect firewood but this was not to continue for long as it began to rain, then the sleet began to fall, so we all disappeared into our tents thinking it would clear up and we would continue doing what we had not finished, but this was not to be By now the temperature was down to 4 C and the chill factor made it 75 C - and this was summer in Kosciusko! George said if it didn't clear we would walk out the next morning, so morning dawned and Joan sang out, “What time are we leaving?”. When I said George had decided the weather had closed in too muchto make a safe tripdown the mountain and that we would bewaiting 24 hours, Joan crawled back into her cocoon, as that is what our tents felt like after lying in them just for that short time By now the sriow begam to fall very heavily and the ground was soon white and still the cloud covered the mountainside. Although we all had stoves our tents were facing the wrong way to use them. As soon as we opened up our tent door we were confronted with flakes floating in all the inside, so we had to be Satisfied eating all our cold food and drinking water. Joe managed to have all hot meals as his tent faced the opposite way and in a good position for the stoves. During the day there was nothing to do but to have catnaps and talk if you were lucky enough to be sharing a tent, and listen to the flakes falling on the tent and also to hit the snow off the roof if it got too heavy - this was our total exercise. We were to go down about 2 pm if the cloud had lifted, but no such luck, so we spent the next night in blizzard conditions - terrific howling wind sweeping over the mountains and heavy snow. - Morning came and we had about 10 inches of snow on the ground and in the vestibule of our tent we had mounds of snow which had blown in during the night. Thankfully, the snow had stopped falling and the wind had abated by the morning, and all we could hear now was the snow falling off the tree branches onto the tents in large pieces. The departure time was to be 10 am, so now we had the task of digging out the pegs and pushing the snow aside to enable us to work on the tents. Geof'said he felt as if he was in a coffin, as the Snow had pushed the sides of his tent in and he had barely 'enough room to lie in We descended the slippery track to the river without a mishap. PAGE 4 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER MARCH 1994. We spent 42 hours in our tents and although it was a disappointment that the walk could not continue', we all learnt a lot from our experience. . There was no concern to our wellbeing as we were all very well equipped with snow tents which is a must for any walk in the high 60ps of the Snowy, lOts of warm clothes and sufficient food that did not need cooking. Most of us had sandshoes for walking, only two with boots, so I suppose you could say that was the only disadvantage, but who would have expected such atrocious weather. It did please Bruce to a certain degree, I must add, as he had not seen snow before in his life. * * * * * * * * * * BURNT BUSH In life it showered us with insects, berries, flowers and dry leaves stuck inquiring twigs into our faces held our sleeves and blocked the way.

Now we push between o without hinderence or effort, only the pitiful dead fingers stroke us sadly as we pass, registering final protest at their fate by smearing us with funereal black. Somewhere below the rubble roots await the rain, when ashes from the dead above are washed down to them. they will drink deep, and stab the earth with greenspears of life . , Then the bush will rise again Phoenix-like, from its own ashes to shower us once more with berries, insects, flowers and dry leaves. Morag Ryder ALTERATION TO AUTUMN WALKS PROGRAMME SUNDAY 10th April: GREAT SOUTH WALK Sydney to Yass (Stae 4) has beeA transferred to Sunday 17th April (one meek later) and has been reproErarred - East Hills Station to Glenfield - via Anzac Village. Train 7.58- a m. MacArthur train to East Hills. Apologies for any inconvenience ; Wilf Hilder- leader.' Vag IMP IMPORT T NOTICE — 0 Inral -647 Now Available 14u, /T A Macpac - Tents - Backpacks - Sleeping bags A j&H - Rainwear A Trangia - Stoves A Thermarests A Biwy Bags Special prices for club members. Week or weekend rates. We specialise in the latest light weight gear for your outdoor adventures. Whether you require Tents, Backpacks, Sleeping bags, Rainicvear, Stoves, Abseiling gear or Accessories, we carry the best brands. Macpac, j&I-1,Berghaus, Scarpa, Outgear, Trangia, M.S.R, jansport, Bluewater, Edelrid, Petzl, S.R.T. We offer you personalised knowledgeable service to help you purchase the correct equipment for your needs, naturally we offer the best prices too. Advice is only a phone call away. X-Coun Skiers We stock the latest range of skis, boots bindings, & poles for backcountry and teremark skiing. I3ACKCOUNTRY SKI iJIRE MAIL ORDER CATALOGUE AVAILABLE DISCOUNT FOR CLUB MEMBERS MININIMMINMINIr 111111111111101r NEW“ IMMEIMMOB rier miniums 1111111,111MIII ,IMEMNON 410 Your 'One Stop AdventureShop 10454047 Victoria Rd West Ryde NSW 2114. Ph: (02) 858 5844, QLD QBB fk, Butter Concentrate NT BeetVer WA Wilderness Equipment Backpacks Goretex Clothing Cycle Panniers SA ACT National Maps Vic Otitgear Backpacks Accessories Feathertop Wool Shirts Giant Trees Dried meals NSW Sleeping Bags J & H, Mont, Romans Rainwear Mont, ti & H, Superior Day Packs High Tops, Summit Gear Bonwick Caving Ladders Holeproof Undies 4 Socks Trailblazr Bats DB Cclnyon bags TA1';/ Blundatone Boots , Rossi Bo ts F1 a ers Baby Carriers EASTWOOD CAMPING CENTRE 3 Trelawney St (PO Box 131) Eastwood NSW 2122 PHONE US TODAY & SAY 02-858-3833 MARCH 19914 .. THE SYDNEY'BUSHWALKER PAGE jligANNILARt_taVERALAIEU4i by Barry Wallace There were around 18 'members present at 2016 when the president Called the meeting to order. There were no apologies so we welcomed our new member for the night Paul Trotter. - The minutes of the previous general meeting were read and received with no matters arising. , _ Correspondence, apart from various commercial entreaties, was limited to a letter from the new management at the Bundanoon YHA advising us of some changes to the facilities and procedures for booking. The treasurers report indicated that we received income of $11657, spent $21137 and ended the month with a balance of $5,861. The anomaly in the dosing balance, for anyone out there paying attention, is probably due to the redemption of a couple of bonds. The weekend of 10,11,12 December was the first offering from the walks secretary when the call came for the walks reports. tan Woffe's 2 day canyoning trip at Bungonia Spring Creek and Jerrara Creek had 14 starters. The water levels were low, but what there was was pleasantly warm. They reported a large rock fall in Bungonia gorge, on the lookout side. The party were also on the lookout after being alarmed by noise of the fall. Will Hider had a party of 12 enjoying warm conditions, some carefully orchestrated local publicity, and a celebratory drink or two at the end of the final stage of the Great West Walk. Zol Bodlay's Saturday trip in the Woliemi saw 22 starters enjoying warm conditions and the odd bit of swimming. Peter Millers Berowra to Cowan trip went but there were no details. Ian Wolfe lecl a party of 11 on his 2 or 3 dirys canyoning trip in the Newnes area over the 16 to 19 December. The weather was beautiful but the enjoyment was attenuated somewhat for Bob Hodoson when his BMW suffered -a broken sump in an encounter with a tree stump In the track. Zol Bodlay cancelled hisMarra Marra Saturday walk but Greg Bridge reported 11On his Erskine Creek swimming trip on the following day. Conditions were_ hot and perfect for the purpose. Bronny Niemeyer led a party of 15 on her Christmas gourmet walk They did it tough, with a mere 3.5 hours for lunch. Jim Callaway reported a variable number of participants on his 27 December walk in the Royal. Samples were taken at 27, 12 and 7; take your pick. Conditions were hot and there was plenty of swimming. Hot was not the adjective to describe conditions on the Christmas walks. The party of 20 on Ian Rennard's trip to the Victorian Alps took the low road to avold the rain sleet snow and high winds that prevailed for the first pert of the walk George Walton's-welk In K.N.P. was initially re-routed because of the 600 mm of snow and high winds that variously buried and buffeted the party of it and then abandoned on the feeble excuse that none of them. were carrying snow tents. (Yes Virginia, I imagine they worekl melt when it waned up.) George Mawer's 18 starters felt that blizzard conditions enhanced the intensity if not the pleasure of the alpine experience when they emerged from their heated bus at Khancoben to retrieve their foul-weather gear from the trailer tt was here that one or the starters remembered some other activity he needed to attend to and departed to warmer climes. - The rest of the party went up Farm Ridge in swirling-cloud and was never seen again:. No folks just joking; they completed the walk In gradually moderating weather With only one other deserter. The 'party of 17 on Maurie Bloom's trip in the K.N.P. went in a day ahead of the others and so experienced the cool change in all it's glory on some exposed ridge line. They also lost two of their number in unexplained PAGE 8 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER MARCH 1994 circumstances and still had wet feet two days later when they reached Oersteds hut The weiither eventually moderated, though not in time to save Maurie's stove, which suffered melt-down while he was trying to ,Ignite a pile ofwet wood with it Meanwhile; back down near the coast, Tony Holgate and a patty of 7 were slaving down a warm Cob in weather that was Initially warm and showery and later turned out gloriously hot. Ah well, someone had to do it. The traditional barbecue on the first Wednesday in Januar/ was held at Balmoral beach with around 35 turning up despite a redirection required by closure of the usual venue due to the developing fire threat. The weekend of 7, 8, 9 January saw the full impact of bushfire problems on programmed walks. Ian Wolfe's 2 day canyoning trip in Kanangra Boyd was cancelled as was Peter Miler's trip from Cowan to Berowra. Wilt Hider had 12 on the clubrooms to Tempe stage of his South Walk from Sydney to Vass. They were quite un-troubled by bushfires for some reason Thinisn5 Weronl any halter over the following weekend of 14, 1$, 16 January. Ian Debort and Bill Holland cancelled their combined canoe trip and walk at Lake Varrunga because the area, like most of the National Parks around Sydney, was closed to the public. David Rostron cancelled his Morong Deep trip, Rosemary Macdougall cancelled her Grose Vale toGrose River walk and Jim Percy cancelled his Lawson Ridge exploratory. All of which brought the walks report to an anti-climactic finish. Conservation report indicated that the degree to which government moves in conservation matters was rendered obscure was normal and in no way related to the smoke haze. The state government chose the silly season to announce the intention to declare wilderness areas amounting to around 35% of the “under threat wilderness areas listed in the Colong committee's Red Index. The declarations were balanced” and predictably enough opposed by National party members 'and non-passive land user groups. The Confederation report indicated that the federation are WI talking to various shooters' groups and that an off road users group is seeking to have Yalwal creek declared as an access into the Eftrema area. It seems that Confederation are to rent an office space from N.P.Afor a fee equal to the N.P.A annual affiliation fee. This will produce a zero- sum wherithe whole idea of N.P.A joining had been sold on the basis that it would provide is finanolai benefit to the Confederation. There were some G & R oall-outs during them?nth but no detail Were nre5ented The next federation AGM is to be held in Mudgee to facilitate the participation of country based walking clubs. The item on the N.P.A. led to some debate but as previousli, without delegates at the meetings we are deaf, blind and dumb and have only otirsetves to blame. General business saw some discussion of the need to put in place arrangements to - produce proof copy for the magazine, now that Kath will no longer be typing. General estimation was that with #14WIraf-a computer, using state of the art word processing and desktop publishing packages, a committee of around three or four people should just about be enough to do the job if you have any ideas or can help please contact Bill Holland, George Mower or Maurice Smith, who constitute the initial body. General businessxbrought some contributions from the floor relating to damage to, and regeneration of the various National Parks areas. Apart from the announcements that Was about it for another month at 2209. MARCH 1994. THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER PAGE 9 THE ROYAli, AFTER THE BURN by Geoff McIntosh On 25 January 1994 Errol Sheedy and I did a $10 NPWS bus tour of the central north burnt area of the Royal National Park. The Cause. The fire was said to have been deliberately lit at about 6 pm on Wednesday 5 January near East Heathcote at the start of the Bottle Forest Trail. Four hours later the fire had reached the coast 10 km away., having been joined by another “deliberate” fire emanating from Helensburgh tip. The fire took only 8 hours to envelope the park. 60% was wild ,fire, while 40% was sacrificed by back-burning to protect various residential areas. The Bad News. Although the picnic areas will soon be open, all walking tracks will be closed for at least 6 months because NPWS is worried that walkers will wander off the now indistinct tracks damaging recovering ground cover. Heathcote National Park is closed indefinitely because of “high fire danger”. The only areas untouched by fire were mainly in the Otford area, areas along the Hacking River and most rainforest areas (justifying Ben Esgatews “Find Rainforest” if you are threatened by fire - “The Sydney Bushwalker” January 1994, p.2). The only animals seen on the two hour tour were a raven and a cockroach. The Good News is that despite 90% of the park appearing to us to us to haye been burnt and despite media reports that 98% of the park was “destroyed”, the loss of trees is expected to be only between one and 10%. ScribblY gums and angophoras have bark which seemsto be fire-resistant, while banksias have an extremely thick bark. Completely blackened dead looking trees are already budding from their trunks. Grass trees, of course, commenced sprouting two days after the fire. Large areas of heath have been reduced mainly to ash, but the seeds are there and regrowth will occur provided a “premature” fire does not occur and light soaking rains promote ground cover regrowth without erosion. The diversification of plant species will change because quicker germinating species will colonise slower specie areas. NPWS has no intention of replanting, preferring to let nature take its course. The fires revealed an extraordinary quantity of bottles; car parts, etc. adjacent to the roads and Bundeena residents have started collecting same into piles. No plastic remained. . The Fauna. Deer would have outrun the fire. Burrowing animals had a good chance of survival for, as was pointed out, 10000 C for a brief time on the soil surface produces only 40 C at a depth of 50 mm. . Birds would have flown from the fire, but as with other survivors, would need food to carry on in their new territories. Tree dwellers, such as possums would be unlikely to live through such a high intensity fire. The rangers believe that many of the thousands of feral cats did not survive. Recolonisation from unburnt areas will be very slow. PAGE 10 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER MARCH 199.4 Fuel-Reduction Burns. NPWS apparently favour 7 year interval low intensity fuel reduction burns (one metre flame height) in the park, allowing 5' yearseeds to germinate. They realise that this will mean elimination of 12 year species say, and species which require high intensity fires to germinate. NOTE. National Parks Association and Wilderness Society literature asserts that:- 1. 'Many “greenie” NPA Members, belong to' BuSh Fire Brigades and fought fires in Sydney and the North Coast. (The only SBW member of a-BUsh fire Brigade that I know, is Alan Wells who is a confessed “greenie”.) 2. Of the 154 fires in the recent catastrophe, only 30 (20%)'were in national parks (and only 4 of these were in wilderness areas). 87 (567) were in State Forests. This 'refutes the claims by in-:informed politicians recently that true wilderness areas are a “threat to. life and property” and “nature itself”, Also the figures cause surprise that I. have heard no criticism of thelogging controlled Porestry Commission, only of the NPWS And greenies. 3. Over the past four years,- of 942 fires in national parks, 341 (36%) came from land adjacent to parks, while 64. (7%) left parks. - 4. 90% of fires within national parks were caused by'arson or negligence. 5. Fuel reduction burns within large tracts of bushland will not reduce the intensity of fire on their perimeters. Property can be partially protected by fuel reduction burns on bushland perimeters and conservation groups are in favour of this, although some residents have been reported putting out suth burns e g. Pittwater. Nevertheless, the 'Royal N.P. fire went through an area burnt 5 weeks previously as well as some areas burnt in recent years. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS. 1994 The following. annual subscriptions were decided at the Annual General Meeting held On Wednesday, 9th March 1994:- Single Member_ $30 Household 48 Non-active Member '9 plus Magazine 21 Magazine subscription only 12 * MARCH 1994 THE SYDNEY BUSFIWALKER PAGE 11 _THE FEBRUARY GENERAL MEETING by Barry Wallace It was around 2016 when the president called the 20 ot so members who were present to order and qeqardthe meeting open. There were no apologies and no new members so ienvedon to the triinutes. The minutes ofthe previous general meeting were read and received with no matters arising. ; Correspondence brought a most welcome letter from the Hon auditor assuring us that the records of our financial status for the year Were simply tikkety-boo, and could be included in the annual reports with no qualifications. There were also letters from the - A.C.F. regarding conservation matters,- from Confederation regarding the recent (non-) declaration of wilderness areas and from N.P.W.S. asking for any information on sightings of the brush tailed rock wallaby. The treasurer's report was presented somewhat later than usual due to the Hon. treasurer being' busy tidying up loose ends related to the aforementioned annual report. - For consistency we will report the details here iri-the usual place. It seems we spent $3.,439, earned Or otherwise acquired $116 and ended the month with a balance-of $2,422. This madness cannot go on much longer The walks secretary's report began at the weekend of 22,.23 January. This was still soon after the extensive bushfires and restrictions and closed parklands were the order of the day. Bill Holland's walk to Yalwal went to Kanuka Brook, One of the few areas open at the time. There were 7 in the party, and the weather was hot and fine. Tom Wenman led a party of 6 on his trip into the cola river. The walk was pleasant with no fire damage noticeable. Jim Calloway'S walkh RNP was another matter altogether. It was rerouted to Heathcote and Lake Eckersley where there was little or no fire damige. The party of 10 are reported to have indulged in the odd swim or three. Bill Holland's Australia day barbecue had 20 or so starters, relaxing, swimming eating, drinking and generally doing it tough. Tony Holgate's North Shore evening walk became more of an evening walk than intended when the party of 28 became benighted somewhere down off a steep ridge line. They finally managed to extricate themselves, no thanks to a mobile phone with flat batteries. The weekend of 28, 29,30 January saw Kenn Clacher with a party of 9 enjoying beautiful conditions on his Dumbano Creek lila and abseiling trip. The enjoyment went on and on on Sunday, so much so that they reached the cars at around 2100. Brian Holden's trip on the Shoalhaven went to Kanuka Brook and Red Hand Creek, without Brian, when Morton park turned out to be closed to overnight walkers. There were three starters, the weather was fiercely hot and a good time was had by all The official party also reported coming across a group of 13 other Sydney Bushvvalkers sitting down to a sumptuous repast (and that was only lunch) in the shade near the large pool that Jan uses for his gourmet trips. They finally worked out that this group was in training for the next gourmet walk. OUTFITTERS FOR THE SERIOUS BUSH WALKER SYDNEY CHATSWOOD 291 SUSSEX STREET (CNR. BATHURST) 272 VICTORIA AVENUE . PH: (02) 264 3146 oi* (02) 267 3639 (OPP..CHATSWOOD CHASE CAR PARK) THE LEADING SPECIALISTS. FAX: (02) 264 2645. PH: (02) 419 6955 ' THERMAL UNDER & OUTER WEAR Polypropeline, Chlorofibre,, Polartech, Polarlite & Polarplus. PROPEL; EVERWARM,. PETER STORM, SNOWGUM,- MACPAC, MONT & INTERTREK. BUSH WALKING PACKS All ,sizes 40-85 litre capacity. The best designs to suit your back. MACPAC, WE., OUTGEAR & SOUTHWIND. 47,441,1 ' RAINSHELLS Jackets, oPtrousers & capes. Goretex, Milair. MVT, Nylon, MONT, W.E.,.1NTERTREK & PETER STORM. FOOTWEAR For Trekking, Travelling, Bushwalking, Ski Touring & Climbing. Synthetics or leather. MONTELLIANA, LA ROBUSTA, LA SPORTIVA, BUNYIP, HI-TECH; MERREL & VASOUE. DOWN SLEEPING BAGS From super-lightWeight travel to expedition use. MACPAC, MONT, SALEWA, J&H Si ROMAN. ma ems =. ame mum NEWSLETTERS EQUIPMENT CATALOGUE PRODUCT UPDATES I PLUS YOUR CHANCE TO WIN EXCITING PRIZES! P/COD E Please send me info on: TRAVEL PACKS 0 SLEEPING BAGS POST TO: MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT D FOO7WEAR o Vl;ARMWEAR o RAINWEAR o TENTS 0 STOVES 291. SUSSEX Si, SYDNEY 2000. Ph: (02) 264 3146 LE saw um. mai nom gm lir woo sun raw mon Imo mow mi. Imo row Rim mei art mm imm i Ism mos mom I ountain Equipment The leading specialists in lightweight outdoor equipment: MIMI MIR Olin 11011M NO MIMI MINI =MI MIN MEM -plOYEs, 1 WOULD LIKE TO BE INCLUDED ON MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT'S MAILING LIST! NAME: ADDRESS: 1 MARCH 1994 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER PAGE 13 'Greta James led a-group of ,9 on a pleasant walk from Faulconbridge to Springwood as a substitute for her programmed walk to Kangaroo Pool in the Royal. They still . managed a few swims so all was not lost. Oliver Crayvford's walk along the 'Ca() over 4, 5, 6 February did not go due to Oliver being sick. Tony Holgate's walk in the upper Grose had a party of 4 and was re routed to Wentworth falls to avoid the burnt patches. Geof McIntosh led a group of 7 on his Walls Pass, Ruined Castle, Golden Stairs trip on the Sunday. They reported humid conditions with thunderstorms at lunchtime. The rain from the thunderstorms caused . leeches to emerge fora time of feasting but exactly how this contributed to the navigational problems that followed is unclear. There are no recorded instances of terrestrially based compasses being affected by either thunder or leeches. Mayhap it was some other influence like anaemia. Whatever caused it they emerged late. Errol Sheedy took no such risks. His walk in the Royal Was cancelled. Not only that, if Concluded the walks reports. Conservation report brought news of the extent to which the state government's rather timid wilderness declarations have been further eroded by the mass of very vocal opponents who have emerged. It now appears that the areas will be shredded into segments too small to provide anything like the distances from the edges that are required to conserve wilderness. The ACF are conducting a coastwalk to highlight the extent to which the coastline between Melbourne and Sydney is under threat. They have asked that people write supporting coastal conservation moves.. The Confederation report indicated that no federation meeting. had been held since our last meeting. The call for general business brought forth anything but, as seems to be the way nowadays. It could have saved the need to call for announcements, but Ian did anyway. The meeting closed at 2116. .*.#* FOR SALE Some of you may remember my husband, Steven Seidler. Sadly he died recently. I have quite a bit of his camping equipment for sale which may be of interest to members of the Club. Lightweight I person teat, many topographical maps (lots brand new), stove, silk balaclavas, gaiters, ski goggles and more - NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED. If interested please call NEHAMA WERNER on 344 8551 or 349 2487. PAGE 14 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER MARCH 1994 FROM THE CLUBROOM By Maurice Smith SASHA'$ AFRICAN TOUR On the evening of 16, February, 1994 SBW club member Sasha Litvak relived with us his 8 week long 1993 African tour. The tour, courtesy of his lovely slides, took us through several game reserves, Several countries and then ultimately to Mt. Kilaminjaro and then as a wind down, back to “civilisation”, where man proved to be more dangerous than the big. game in the game reserves. The tour started in Harare,.which is the international flight touch down:point in ZirribabWe. The views of the city were extremely reminiscent of the leftover remnants. from European colonial rule. Anyone who has travelled in Southeast Asia would feel comfortable in Harare with its feel of run down cotOni l grandeur. From Harare, Sasha's slides took us to par Es Salaam, a depressing and very hot city in Tanzania ft too had its share or German cOlonial architecture. A side trip to the spice: and 'slave shipment island of Zariiibar showed some of the Arab influences on Africa. Upon escaping from Oar Es Salaam. Sasha travelled to three superb game reserves where the common place animals were those animals we regard as “exotic”, including giraffes, lions; zebras, ostriches, antelopes, wildebeest, hyena, hippopotami, elephant, flamingo and rhinoceros to name but a few. After tearing himself away from the sights of the big game Sasha then took himself off to the major objectives of his tour, Mt. Kilaminjaro.. This was to be a seven day walk with a guide and a porter to carry his rucksack. After starting off in rain forest, Sasha's s[ides took us up through moraines to a lunar landscape above the tree line. Then to the snow line along the Zig Zag track,. which truly lived up to its name. Ultimately, he was to. turn back 400 metres (vertically) from the peak, beaten by illness. and thin air.

Upon return to civilisation Sasha then' took himself to the grandeur of. Victoria Falls (named after Queen Vic, or was it the other way around?) fed by the Zambesi River. A quick jaunt across the Zambesi River enabled Sasha to acquire another border crossing stamp in his passport, into the neighbouring country of Zambia. With time (and money?) up his sleeve, Sasha managed a quick trip into Cape Town (South Africa) with its fabulous Table Mountain providing the setting for yet another colonial city. One of the significant highlights of his tour Was the Cape Town taxi driVer who 'made off with his rucksack, camera gear, passport (but not money), airline tickets. The good offices of the Australian High Commission aided Sasha to get out of the country and back to Australia. Sasha, thank you for sharing an undoubtedly Memorable experience. CatiaariaRitH DIE RIVER CANOE CLUB President of the River Canoe Club, Steve Matty, accompanied by three enthusiastic acolytes came along on the evening of 23 February, 1994 to try to persuade us of the advantages of canoeing as a sport and weekend outdoor activity. Steve's 'club is the oldest canoe club in NSW, having been founded in 1935. Their club undertakes a wide variety of canoeing activities, including touring, competition and training. For novices such as myself, Steve's assistants spoke of the different types of water craft used by their club, including, kayaks for white water touring,. racing, canoe polo, sea kayaks, Canadian canoes, mostly for touring. MARCH 1994 THE SYDNEY. BUSHWALKER' PAGE 15 Two kayaks and appropriate personal safety equipmentweretrought along to show us the equipment used by the members of the Canoe club. After talking to. us about the equipment, Steve's assistant then showed some amazing slides of some of the activities undertaken by the club. The major thrust of the slides was of the serne extremely spectauilar white water 'kayaking “experienced” by their club members who are expert in safely negotiating white water rapids. Some of the rivers used by the club include the 'Gv…rydir, Snowy and the Murrumbidgee. . . Although I doubt that my vierlds are free enough for me to *able to sign on for river canoeing it may be that the River Canoe Club has something for your tastes * * * PLEASE NOTE - IONE DEAN's walk “The Great Bouddi Coastal Walk” on Sunday 27 March, which is a Medium Test will be held as planned. However her phone number is now - 982 9866 (H) & 251.2788 (W). Please atter. your Walks Program accordingly. RED CENTR1E BUSHWALKING HOLIDAYS The Red Centre is one of the most dramatic and inspiring landscapes in the world. Our trips let you experience this timeless land at the leisurely pace it needs. We enjoy spectacular views from the mountain tops and gorge ' ' ' . bottoms as we journey from one oasis to the next. During the day there is time to rest beside the pools, cool off with a swim and watch the birds as they come in to drink_ At night, you enjoy a three course meal as you relax around a campfire before falling asleep under a blanket of stars. WILLIS'S WALKABOUTS 12 Carrington Street Mintier NT 0810 Phone (089) 85 2134 Fax: (089) 85 2355 PAGE 16 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER MARCH: 9.94 VALE NEIL BROWN Walkers of the 1970's will be saddened 'to hear of the passing of Neil (Lionel) Brown. Previously of Newcastle Bushwalkers he served as SBW Treasurer and was active in the 1970's until an early stroke limited his walking career. He retained his love of the bush and enjoyed mahy happy weekends at Coolana. Neil was an inspiration to all who knew him for the courage and good humour with which he approached life. He leaves a wife Anne (Anne Morgan in her walking days), and a soon-to-be-married daughter Louise. Our deepest sympathy to them is expressed by allat S.B.W. * * * * * * SOCIAL NOTES by John Hogan At the time of the AGM I will be away on the “Great NSW Bike Ride so I won't know until the next weekend if I have been re-elected to the position ,of Social Secretary. In any case I have arranged a program some months in advance so I will fill you in on a few of the details. On the Wednesday following the' AGM we will have a barbecue in the grounds behind the Club Rooms to give us an opportunity to welcome the new President and Committee, and say thanks to the retiring Committee. Please bring your own meat and other eats and the Club will provide other refreshments. This may also be a good opportunity to bring along some photos of the walks you have done over the summer months. On Wednesday 23rd March Andy McQueen will come along to show slides and discuss his recently launched book regarding the explorations of Barrallier around the Blue Mountains area This should be a very entertaining evening. Finally on the 30th March we are going to have an evening primarily aimed at getting along some of our older members to talk to the current members, particularly leaders, about walks which were done years ago and for some reason or other are no longer included in our programs. This evening is for all members and we do ask you to bring 'a bottle of wine and some interesting cheeses to help prompt their memories. Good walking….. *-47*44-3E##XXX

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