THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER is a monthly bulletin of matters of interest to The Sydney 'Bush Walkers Inc, Box 4476 GPO Sydney 2001. To advertise in this magazine,. please contact the Business Manager.
Editor: George Mawer 42 Lincoln Road Georges Hall 2198 - Telephone 707 1,343 Business Manager: Joy Hynes . 36 Lewis Street, Dee Why 2099 . Telephone 982 2615 '(H), 888 3144 (B) Production Manager: Fran Holland Editorial Team: Barbara BruceJan Roberts& Maurice Smith Printers: Ken Clacher, Kay Chan, Barrie Murdoch,Ivlargaret Niven & Les Powell
THE SYDNEY BUSH. WALKERS INCORPORATED was founded in 1927. Club meetings are held every Wednesday evening at 8 pm at Kirribilli Neighbourhood 'Centre, 16 Fitzroy Street, Kiriibilli (neat Milsoms Point Railway Station). Visitors and prospective members are welcome any Wednesday.
President: Greta James Vice-President: Ian Debert Public Officer: Fran Holland Treasurer: Tony Holgate Secretary: Maureen Carter. Walks SecretarY: Morrie, Ward Social Secretary: John Hogan Membership Secretary: Barry Wallace New Memberi Secretary: Bill Holland Conservation Secretary: Alex Colley Magazine Editor: George Mawer Committee Members: Denise Shaw & Maurice Smith Delegates to Confederation: Will Hilder & Ken Smith
In This Issue NOVEMBER 1994
2 Obituary A farewell to Colin Broad, the longest serving Honorary Secretary we have had. A tribute from Jim Brown. 2 Coollana Training Weekend Bill Holland 3 From The Clubroom The very first contribution from our new Clubroom reporter Jan Roberts. Welcome to the Magazine Jan. The pay is pretty good and the satisfaction even better. 5 coolana Reunion Greta James For those who were not there, you would have loved it. 6 Ticks A timely and informative item about these dangerous little beasties. contributed by Ray Hook-way 9 What's In A Name Ray Hookway An introduction to Jim Barret's book. 11 General Meeting Notes Barry Wallace 12 The 3-D Show Judy O'Connor 12 Greek Spinach Pie Spiro's recipe Spiro's Greek Spinach Pie was one of the highlights of the Coolana reunion. Now you can make it yourself Advertisers: 3 Willis's Walkabouts 4 Mountain Equipment 7 Pyrenees Adventures 8 Alpsports 10 Eastwood Camping Centre 13 Paddy Pallin
OBITUARY by Jim Brown The Club has been informed that Colin Broad who, although he was neither a bushwalker nor a club member, gave valuable counsel to Sydney Bushwalkers as its Honorary Solicitor, died recently: The Editor has asked if I can provide an obituary note, and here ,I have to confess that most of what follows. relies largely on my own recollections, and may be in error in some details. In addition, old issues - of the Club magazine have confirmed the dates of most of the events mentioned: Quite early in the Clubs existence it became evident that the - availability of legal advice was desirable. Although most people were reluctant to become embroiled in litigation in that period, in the case of a walking club there was always the possibility of participants sustaining some physical injury, or of damage being done to Properties along the walking routes: In such cases of injury or damage members may be accused of lack of due care or negligence which caused the mishap, and legal council would be essential. During the Clubs early y- years we had as a member the famous Marie Biles,. who was One of the first women in NSW to qualify I as a lawyer and..engage in legal practice. Naturally Marie became . our Honorary Solicitor and in this ; role was vital in the CIA's moves to acquire a block of 40 acres of land as a camping site behind the beach 1 at North Era.. However as we . moved into the 1950s, Marie felt that she should wind down her activities and commitments, and ) indicated she would prefer to stand L down, as the Clubs legal representative. .There were no other members qualified as lawyers at the time, but the then President, Tom Mop. pen, was a friend, or at least an acquaintance, of Colin Broad who was working for a legal firm in Sydney. On Tom's approach, Colin agreed to be our Honorary Solicitor, and was so elected at the Ammal General meeting of 1950. It was to be a long term appointinent. Colin continued as our Solicitor until 1984-. 34 years, and during that time would certainly have been consulted in the late 1960s, when We were acquiring our “country residence” at Coolana: and again almost 10 years later when a prominent Sydney business man 'objected to an article published in our Club magazine and seemed likely to take legal action for alleged defamation. By 1984, when Colin finally stepped dOwn,:the Club again ha.:1 its own legal eagles, with Malcolm Steel occupying the post in 1984-85, and Barrie Murdoch assuming the mantle of Honorary Solicitor in 1986 and since. It was a long innings, and the Club has reasons to be appreciative of Colin's work on our behalf, and to express our condolence to his fainily in their recent 'loss. COOLANA TRAINING WEEKEND New members are encouraged to attend the training. weekend scheduled in the Summer Walks programme for IWO lth December. It will be held on the Club's property in the beautiful Kangaroo Valley. Training will be given in map reading, bushcraft and first aid, offering an opportunity to meet the Club's' 'pre-requisite for moving. to full. membership. Tony Holgate will also be providing training in rock-climbing techniques as an optional activity. It will not :be all work. The propertyhas some delightful bushWalking and we Will make time for a swim. There is a shelter shed near the campsite 'and cars can be parked a handy distance. Therefore there is no need to have camping gear or large packs. Just bring' along a light sleeping bag (or blanket) and a foam 'mat to sleep on. Tents are optional but you will, have to provide your own meals and cooking gear. There will breakfast for Sunday, lunch for both Saturday and Sunday and dinner for Saturday night. Don't forget a few, snacks and the community happy hour (a drink and nibbles) -before 'dinner On Saturday. Family groups. are welcome. Transport is bY Car leaving early Saturday morning. We plan to share vehicles so please let me know if you have your. own transport or need a lift. The' is not limited to .prospectives: I would also appreciate some help from members. in providing instruction or just some friendly company, IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ATTEND please phone to me on 484 6636 (h) or 925. 3309 (w) early in the week commencing 4th December. BILL HOLLAND IC.han ge 101lorie Ward, Walks Secretary 14 Stephen Street Balmain NSW 2041 Phone home (02) 555 9338 Phone work (02) 874 9282 Fax-walks info (02) 810 4927 Car' mobile phone remains the same. ie 018 280188. NOVEMBER 1994 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER PAGE 3 FROM THE CLUBROOM JAN;ROKRTS 0,T0:: WINE AND CHEESE IGHTL 26 October. ,/-laying just taken on the duties of 'Club Reiptirter front Maurice 'Smith, my first assignment is to cover the Club's recent Wine and Cheese. night. Had I known this on the night I would have peered at photographs a lot more and sipped less Sauvignon. Anyway, enough of the excuses… It was a warm spring evening. with about 20 members arriving armed with cheeses of every denomination and photographic , memories of walks.- great and small. Interestingly, as the Wine was consumed the walks of the past became, easier, descents less difficult and 6 daypacics much lighter than they were back then. Gourmet weekends and abseiling instructional photographs dominated One end of the room, with those who hadn't participated in the past vowing to do so in. the coming months. In another corner our Walks Secretary, Morrie Ward, 'was working hard negotiating the Summer Walks Program and respective gradings with some of the more sober leaders present. From what this reporter could Make out of the scribble and wine dappled sheets of paper, Sydney Bushwalkers can look forward to lots of variety over the Christmas/New :Year walking season. Remember to book early and pack these thermals.! MACPAC INFORMATION NIGHT - 27 October Thursday evening the 27th of October saw SBW members back at the clubrooms for a 'show and tell' on the latest outdoor gear presented by Macpac from New Zealand. Dan Callison out from the Christchurch offices gave us a visual tour of Macpac's facilities with an introductory slide presentation. We travelled from the design room through to vigorous outdoor testing by the staff at Macpac .. amazing just how much work goes into producing one pair of shorts! The emphasis is, not surprisingly, on making outdoor gear more compact and lighter than ever before, with many of us wondering how much further the manufacturers can go? Blow up , tent poles was one less probable suggestion. Thoughts of coping with a. howling wind on Mt Jagungal blew that one away . The Mierolight tent, popular with many single camping SI3W's, is now down to 1.5kg with the latest UV40 model (no you don't rub it on)., Similarly, backpacks continue to. decline in Weight and improve oft.. features. Female members will: pleased to learn that the designers have acknowledged that we are BUILT differently and have designed a harness with greater comfort for our 'delicate' areas. The Dynamic harness has 'recontoured lumbar pad to better support the curve of the. female back' and the feature we've most needed - a 'pivoting hip belt action' - is now included int the latest offering! Maybe it's time to ditch that old 'sexist' pack? Paul and John 'from AlpSport in West Ryde were also on hand to help with questions and assist with the gear as members crawled in bags and Over (and 'under) tents and packs and felt the latest thermal materials and gortex garments. Even if you Weren't in the market, it was a very informative and entertaining night and gave many of us ` more incentive to get our, pack weight down. Now all We need is the money. 'Till next month .. from your roving reporter.
ISDELL RIVER EXPEDITION KIMBERLEY EXPLORATION: MAY 7-23.1995 This trip is an exploration of one of Australia's least known wilderness areas, suitable only for experienced bushwalkers of above average physical 'fitness. The map shows gorges and Waterfalls. We expect to find Aboriginal art. We cannotbe sure. None of us has been there. None of us knows anyone who has.
We begin with a flight from Kununurra to Mt Hart Station. We end with a float plane flight from Walcott Inlet back to where we began. In between, we expect to walk somewhere between 80. and 120 kilometres, sometimes with full packs, sometimes without. Join us and become one of the few non-Aboriginal people ever to have explored this part of the Kimberley. Get in early and ensure yourself both a place and a' discount. WILLIS'S WALKABOUTS 12 Carrington Street Millner. NT 0810 Phone (089) 85 2134 Fax: (089) 85'2355 OUTFITTERS FOR THE SERIOUS BUSH WALKER
'THE LEADING SPECIALISTS. SYDNEY CHATSVVOOD 291 SUSSEX STREET (CNR. BATHURST) 272 VICTORIA AVENUE PH: (02) 2643146 or (02)267 3639 (op. CHATSWOOD CHASE CAR PARK) FAX: (02) 264 2645. PH: (02) 419 6955 BUSHWALKING PACKS All sizes 40-85 litre capacity. The best designs to suit your batk. MACPAC, WE., OUTGEAR & SOUTHWIND. THERMAL UNDER & OUTER WEAR Polypropelene, Chlorofibre, Polartech, Polarlite & Polarplus. PROPEL, 'EVERWARM, PETER STORM, SNOWGUM, MACPAC, MONT & INTERTREK. RAINSHELLS Jackets, dtrousers & capes. -Goretex, Milaji WIT,,.Nylon., MONT, W.E.,'INTEFITREK PETER STORM. DOWN SLEEPING BAGS From super-lightweight travel to expedition use. MACPAC, MONT, SALEWA, J&H & ROMAN,
FOOTWEAR For Trekking, Travelling, Bushvvalking, Ski Touring & Climbing. Synthetics or 'leather. MONTELLIANA, LA ROBUSTA, LA SPORTIVA, BUNYIP, HI-TECH, MERREL & VASQUE. RIM MIMI( NEIN 111111 MEE MKS MINI NM NEWSLETTERS EQUIPMENT CATALOGUE PRODUCT UPDATES I PLUS YOUR CHANCE TO WIN EXCITING PRIZES! I Please send me info on: 0 TRAVEL PACKS p SLEEPING BAGS o FOOTWEAR U WARM WEAR 0 RAINWEAR j TENTS 0 STOVES arm ma maw ism am am= lam am ? YES, WOULD LIKE TO BE INCLUDED ON MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT'S MAILING LIST! NAME: ADDRESS; P/CODE POST TO:, MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT 291 SUSSEX ST, SYDNEY 2000. Ph: (02) 264 3146 I mos mi. Arm nom wig ;Ies Nor mum___ Alm' I kiountain Equipment The leading specialists in lightweight outdoor equipment. NOVEMBER., J994 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER PAGE 5 -
Coolana Reunion 1994
Greta James Patrick, Roger. Brown and I arrived at Coolana just before noon on Saturday 15th October right after Bill and Fran Holland who had given Dot Butler and Alex Colley a lift. It was a beautiful sunny day but with a low fire rating so we Would have no problems, lighting the campfire in the evening ;- a highlight of every reunion. After making our way to the upper camping area and Setting up our tents and flies, we adjourned to the hut for lunch. Much work was done by the early arrivals in cleaning, the hut and collecting and cutting up dead timber for the campfire as well al gathering quite a lot of glass which was in the area of the demolished house just below the hut. However, all work and no play there was still quite a bit of time to enjoy catching up with old and new friends as they arrived in dribs and drabs on Saturday and, some of us even had a swim in the river. The river was quite low with a sandy beach beyond the mud flat which has been exposed at the usual entry place. However, it was - still flowing and there were a few deep. spots. It was certainly very refreshing if you didn't Mind getting muddy feet while getting out.' I managed to see a black snake near 'the river but this was the only nasty around the whole weekend. There have been 'no reports. of ticks so moving the 'reunion to this time of year has successfiillY avoided therrd.! . As evening fell; people cooked on many small fires and ate in groups. before responding to the call of “Let Us Reune” and joining the campfire at around. 7:30Pm. Patrick (James) did a masterful job of compering the entertainment. Two of the highlights were the sketches organised by John Hogan in which John was, joined by his “partners in dime” Tony Holgate, Roger Brown and Torn Wellman. Tom, as usual, also entertained us with his superb singing and led the group singing. :along with 'other- luminaries such as Mike Reynolds and Bill Holand with Bob Hodgson on the mouth organ., Mike Reynolds performed a favourite, “The Bantam Cock” and I, for one, enjoyed it as much as ever; . . Another tradition of the Reunion campfire is the investiture of the President with the -participation of all of the ex presidents who are there. Well this time there Were nine, namely Bill Holand, Helen Gray; Fazeley Read, Barry Wallace; Frank Rigby, Spiro Hajinakitas, Bob Hodgson, Bob Younger and Alex Colley - a terrific turn. up.' r After“ the' more “formal” part of the evening, we regrouped at the hut for Spiro's special spinach pie and fruit cake as well as coffee and tea. Finally,- the stayers returned ,to the 'campfire to Sing. and tell stories till the wee small hours. Sunday was even' 'warmer- than Saturday and started with 'yet another SBW 'tradition - the damper competition - which was judged as usual by Dot Butler who did a very thorough and humorous job.. Tony Holgate's walk toMt 'Carrialoo then departed with about 8 hardy. starters while the rest of us lazed around, swam and, in due' course, drifted away. All in all, it was , an enjoyable weekend with more. than 50 members coming from all over including Roger Brown from England, Judy and Colin Barnes from Carcoar, and Reg Alder and Bob and Margaret Hodgson from Canberra. So, until next year, when we will once again reune:.. Letter To The Editor Thanks for raising the issue of the big step between becoming a leader of a walk as opposed to being lead on a walk. - While I applaud the concept of a “Walks Planner”,. it will' still leave the potential leader with plenty of theory but still not that practice which is the confidence builder. The Coastal Mountain Walkers Club have, a. scheme in place wherein an experienced leader is available to accompany a new leader on his or hers first trip. and even second, if thought appropriate. This system allows for- an informal test of the new leader and constructive criticism to be offered. From a favourable report by the experienced leader, the Club Committee can feel confident that the new leader will perform with responsibility and make good judgements. I, believe that this system could help solve the “bridging of the gap” which so many potential leaders experience, including myself George Floyd
A Walk in the Snowy Mountains George Mawer My extended walk from Round Mountain departs from Adaminaby on Dec' 27 in a bus so numbers are limited. Interested persons should contact Me as soon as possible to register and obtain full details. . The walk is scheduled to go via Round Mountain; theTumut river, the vicinity of Far Bald Mountain, Doubtful Gap, Grey Mare Fire Trail, Mount Jagungal, Greymare Hut, Pretty Plain, HellHole Crk and Cool Plain or as othwise decided at the time. The cost of the bus from Adaminaby and return will be shared by everyone participating in the walk. Henry Gold's Wilderness Calendars and Diaries These beautifully illustrated publications are available in the Club room for $11.50 and $10 dollars respectively or posted for $13.50 and $11. Proceeds go to the Colong , Foundation. for Wilderness.
TICKS This article which first appeared in the January 1971 Sydney Bushwalker , is relevant today because , of the fears of the possible risk of diseases being spread by Ticks. Ray Hookway arina Acariasis. No its not the -first line of a popular Mexican song nor is it a pedestrian's curse on all motorists but is an introduction to an irritating subject that is of particular importance at this time of the year. On a recent trip to Barrington Tops all four members of our party became unwelcome hosts to several hungry (or is it thirsty?) Paralysis Ticks (Ixodus holocyclus). SubseqUent discussions revealed a larrientable lack of knowledge of these parasites and sparked a little research. . The following notes on the intriguing life cycle of the Tick and the. syniptons and'treatment of its bite are , extracted from Ian Staunton's informative book, 'All. about -.Australian Spiders' by kind permission of the Author and of the publishers,Ure Smith Pty Ltd. This fascinating book from the 1Factfin der' series is highly recommended for all those interested in Australian insects. Distribution The Paralysis tick is distributed. along the east coast from Queensland, to Tasmania but :rarely” south of Lakes Entrance in Victoria. It appears to be most abundant on the central coastal plain from Kempsey to Wollongong. Tick poisoning causes many deaths to domestic animals as wellas discomfort, illness infrequently death to humans. It is interesting to note that the number of recorded deaths due to Tick bite is greater than that for 'either- the Redback or the Funnel Web spider. However, most deaths - due to ticks have occurred in children of up to 'three years of age.(1970) Development stages. There are three distinct development stages in a tick's life cycle. Viz.' egg larva, nymph and adult. Continuity of growth is dependent upon a blood meal by larvae to become nymphs and for nymphs to become adults. The adult female must also be engorged on blood before eggs can be produced. The adult male does not appear to feed , on blood preferring perhaps dead skin tissue or epithelial cells, and is distinctive in that it has a large Shield or plate which covers its entire upper' body surface. In the adult female, and in both larval and nymphal stages this plate' only covers about one third of the upper body surface.
Eggs are laid in very moist situations such as under bark and debris. A female may lay up to 3,000 eggs which hatch within 40 - 6.0 days depending upon the prevailing temperature and humidity conditions. The larvae are often referred to as 'Seed Ticks' and measure' about 1/20“ in length. They have six legs' and after a short tiMe during which the their skin hardens they climb info the foliage of plants and it is from this situation that animals brushing by pick them up. They insert their mouthparts into the tissue of, the selected host and commence to' with. draw blood. It appears that the larval, stage requires a native. host such as a Bandicoot, Kangaroo or Possum for its blood meal but the latter stages are not so host-specific. After 'feeding or a period of 4-6 days the tick falls to the ground. When the Larva moults, the Nymph which measures about 1/10” and has eight legs,.. May remain for an period of between 15-40 days in the moist vegetation before being picked up by a warm blooded animal. The Nymph selects a position on its host and commences feeding: After 4-7 days it voluntarily falls to the ground 'and in a. moist situation in the vegetation undergoes its third metamorphosis. The adult female tick after a period in the 'moist vegetation again becomes attached to a host and commences feeding. The period of engagement being from 6-20 days. The tick becomes attached to its host by inserting its sharp mouthparts, which carry backwards- projecting barbs, thus retaining 'it in place during. feeding. At the same time a material is injected from the salivary glands of the tick to prevent the :Coagulation of blood which would cause the fine rnouthparts to become clogged. It is this. anticoagulant, and perhaps other materials, which are toxic to animals. Fatal paralysis in mice has been. produced experimentally by, injecting them with fluid from the salivary glands of ticks. The tick does not burrow into the skin but because there is localised swelling of the skin the tick appears to he embedded deeply. Symptons. The initial symptons develop 'about 24 hours after Ottachment,but this depends upon the number, of ticks and to some extent to the reaction of the individual. 1. Headache , develops, particularly when the tick is present in the scalp: continued on page 9 r> PYRENEES ADVENTURES Guided walking holidays in South West France Based in a beautifully restored 18th C Basque farmhouse, you can enjoy guided walks in the Pyrenees. Our 7,10 and 14 day holidays for up to ten guests provide family style hospitality and excellent cuisine. Walk some of the pilgrim trails and other routes in this stunning chain of mountains forming the age old border between France and Spain. Explore the architectural and other delights of ancient Basque villages. Soak up other aspects of the culture in this unspoiled, green and remote corner of southern Europe. Your hosts are experienced guides offering a wealth of local knowledge to make this a holiday with a difference. Graded walks for all levels Transport to awl from walks Transport to and from station Prices from $750 per week Full hoard offering excellent cuisine and wine Generous discounts available for groups For a brochure and details of Pyrenees Adventures holidays phone Dave or Chris on (02) 929 5347 Social evening 'slide presentations gladly arranged We specialise in the latest light weight gear for your outdoor adventures. Whether you require Tents, Backpacks, Sleeping bags, Rainwear, Stoves, Abseiling gear or Accessories, we cany the best brands. Ma cpac; J&H, Berghaus, Scarpa, Outgear, Trangia, M.S.R., Jansport, Bluewater, Edelrid, Petzl, S.R.T. We offer you personalised knowledgeable service to help you purchase the correct equipment for your needs, naturally we - offer the best prices too. Advice is only a phone call away. Cotin Skiers We stock the latest range of skis, boots bindings,' & poles for backcountw and telemark skiing. BACKCOUNTRY SKI HIRE 1ZE G Ev Now Available A Macpae- Tents - Backpacks - Sleeping bags A J&II - Rainwear A Trangia - Stoves A Thermarests A Biwy Bags Special prices for club members. Week or weekend rates. MAIL ORDER CATALOGUE AVAILABLE DISCOUNT FOR CLUB MEMBERS 1111111111111111111111111111111111111/ 111111=11111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111P11111111110r . VII111111111111M11111111111111111 iiiiimw 11111111111r NIIIIIIMMIIIMII IIMMINIINF . . . …….. I . iir Your One Stop' Adventure Shop 10451047 Victoria Rd, West Ryde NSW 2114 Ph: (02) 858 5 arseiewassiormelk NOVEMBEIt 1994 THE SYDNEY BUSHWAL1(ER PAGE 9' What's in a name? Ray Hookway recently purchased four delightful and informative (and very cheap!) books by veteran busk4walker, Jim Barrett of Glenbrook. The books which are titled: Shack country. and the old Burra gorang, Cox River, Kowrnung River and Kanagara Walls, give an outline of the bistoly of each area and are so full of interesting photos and facts that nearly every page instils in me a desire to put on the volleys and go. One feature I find particularly fascinating is the source of some of the unusual- nines given to features in the area' by early explorers,.. surveyors,… farmers and bushwalkerS.. One of the' most, prolific namers of course 'being the the legendary Myles Dunphy, How many people know that Dex creek was named after MYle's fox terrier, Dextre Symbol? Dex had his own leather shoes and Japara jacket and accompanied Myles on his Walks: The Harry's River area is rich in early pioneer. history. Bernard Reilly in his book 'Green Mountains and Cullenbong' tells the story of the 1880'S pioneers attempt's to Capture Cronje, a wild Ai:IWO that regularly raided their farms and stole their mares. Cronje named after an elusive Boer War guerilla Was'sighted as late as the early 1900's and left his name in Cronje mountain, Ridge, and Gully, and the other wild horses of those pioneering times are remembered by Brumby Glen,, Bruniby Mare's Spur,Wild Stallion Spur and Whiperack Hill: In the Christey's creek area the natives who iccempanied early explorer Barallier are remembered, Le Tonsure mountain after an aboriginal who:. had aliairless patch on his head caused by being drOpPed in the fire as a child by his mother. Wheengee AY/nmgee creek after the daughter of 910iitik who is remembered by the Mootik Wall which' 'runs up to Yenandetie Early stityeyors and explorers were encouraged to attempt to discover and use the local aboriginal names when they entered new ,country and many names are the results of European attempts to write down -the aboriginal Myles Dunphy cOntinu ed this exercise and also used the local pioneer names when known, on his maps. He occasionally departed from this practice to record' names of early bushwalkers such as Bert Gallop, Gordon. Smith,. Max Gentle and Jack. Debert and gave his future wife's name. to Margaret falls on Christey's creek. Some places are named after less salubrious characters such as Edward Lannigan whose name adorns Lannigan's creek and Lannigan's Spur. Lannigan 'came to Australia' as a guest of the British government on the convict ship Recovery in 1823 and in 1838 established a 'cattle duffing base near Mt Werong. He was considered a wild fellow and ..took a great interest in other peoples cattle and often did his stock work on foot and often with only a shirt on.' Some names have slowly changed such as ICanangra Walls which was called Kowmung Walls on early maps slowly changing to Konangaroo and finally Kanangra in 1932 This makes the tracing the origin of some names difficult Jim Barrett who has always had an interest in the origin of the mountain names has written a fifth book of over. 150 pages giving the derivation and history of many. This book should be “available in late December or early January. , Jim's bOoks which cost between $5 and $10 -each,. are available directly from him or from several walking shops and they can all be highly reconmiended for general reading and to add that extra interest to any walk in the area. 'Jim Barrett's addres. s. is: 65 Brook Rd Glenbrook .(047)'39 1005 .Ticks Continued from page 6 2. Inability to read or focus. the 'eyes properly. 3. General Malaise. 4. Later blurring of vision occurs and weakness in the limbs gradually increases to paralysis within 4 days. 5. Death may be due to lower motor neurone paralysis by the tick poison. Involvement of the muscles of,. respiration usually precedes death, First Aid treatment 1. Remove 'the Tick. This' is best done with a a fine pair of forceps which should be inserted below the body of the tick,. seizing its head… and nrouthpart region and pulling it -firmly sideways. Avoid pressing the tick body lest more venom be squeezed into the fissile. The use of irritants such as kerosene; oil, etc are not favoured. Medical Treatment. Injection of canine tick serum,the dose depending upon the age and size of the patient. This. serum should only be 'used where there is a strong possibility of fatal results and a subcutaneous' skin test should be carried out first. If no reaction is observed after 30 minutes the full dose can be administered but it should be noted, that Serum sickness has been known to occur up to 10 days. afteradministration. . When you suspect that you have been in tick infested country it is wise to carry out several tick searches of `your body over a period of several days as ticks. may become attached to clothing sleeping bags, etc and may not attach themselves to your skin immediately.' Favourite locations. are in the folds of the skin near the groin, on the scalp, in the ears or even in the mouth! Oh.For those who may have read this far and are still wondering. The tick is of the order Acarina, of the class . Arachnida and. a, person unfortunate enough to be infected by a tick is suffering Acariasis: YHA AUSTRALIA MNIT titgear …h. 1 I. klisrounrA sW,11..:DERNESS Come in and discover for yourself the fun of browsing through mountains of outdoor equipment… eON E P LLN ET. (M4 boreal, MBlueWater: - . 0 ,SC.A1L D.D. Stuff Be assisted by knowledgeable, friendly staff. Realistic prices for everyone. macpac . ,Wilcr:rricss Ei quipment THE SPORT SANDAL. TiVa e a /91 AMan' ce mastercard bank card visa amenscan express cheque. lay-by trading hours Monday: 9:00am - 5:30Pm Tuesday: 9:00am - 5:30Pm Wednesday: 9:00am - 5:30Pm Thursday: 9:00am - 9:00Pm Friday: 9:00am - 5:30Pm Saturday: 9:00am - 1:30Pm Sunday: CLOSED Kineti)L H1-TEC , re,Pe Vents- : -74M eastvvodd 3 Trelawney St reet camping Eastwood NSW. 2122 centre TeleOhorie (02)858 3333. THERWMIEST SOURCE VAGABOND SN'STENIS VICTO R I NOX trangia NOVEMBER _1994 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER PAGE 11 The. 'October General Meeting. The meeting began at around 2005 when the president, in the chair, called the 20 or so members present to order and called for apologies. These there were from Maurice Smith, Joy Hynes and Jan Debert.,. New members. Peter Freeman and Eddie Collins were welcomed into ftill membership with only a slight fumble over the More appropriate manner of greeting. The minutes. of the , previous meeting were read and received with no matters arising. . Correspondence brought a letter from the mayor of Mosman inviting us all to a year-of-the-family celebration on Saturday 26 November. There was also a letter from the Glasshouse Bushwalkers. It seems a group from their club ran across an SBW party. on HinchinbroOk Island' and they want to know how the rest of the walk Went. Their party had endured a week of fairly wet weather and were somewhat bedraggled. when they met the incoming and presumably as yet unbedraggled SBW group. The letter extended an invitation for SBW members visiting, their part of the world to walk with theta. Outbound correspondence, ' apart from letters to our new members, included a letter to , NPWS at Hurstville regarding world heritage listing for the Blue Mountains National Park.. There was. the usual miss of commercial entreaties and reciprocally supplied copies. of magazines. These were passed on for display on the table in the foyer. The treasurer's report indicated that We received '',MCOme of $347 spent $1,977 and Closed the month with a balance of $1,979. The walks reports began with a mention of Ian Wolfe's extended ski trip which was covered in some detail in last month's magazine. The first weekend covered was 17, 18. September: Jan Mohandas led a troupe 'of 26. oit his SiX (Foot Track in a day “sprint' one early withdraWal after the 0630 start at the Explorers Tree. The day was warm but they described the walk as a good day. There was some Mystery about SaSha Litvak's day trip on the Saturday. It seems the leader didn't make it to the starting point. Don Brook's Cowan to Hawkesbiary River Sunday walk went to program despite a typographically challenged phone number on the program. To add to the problem the holder of the number Went into a bit- of a decline as the mimber of. calls Mounted and began refiising. to assist callers. Despite all that there were 22 participants on the trip, the day was pleasant, and they were out in time for those so inclined to enjoy a beer at Brooklyn. The weekend of 23, 24, 25 September saw Mamie Ward conducting a troupe of 14 through the rainforest in the Barrington Tops area. Ken Smith led 4 starters on his Woodford to Glenbrook Saturday walk. The area was pretty but conditions were warm and very dry: Ron Waters experienced similar conditions with the party of 22 on his Brisbane Waters trip but they described conditions as hot. The holiday weekend saw Ian. Wolfe leading. another 3CC trip which is reported to have gone 'though we have nO details. Tony Holgate became so discouraged by the :low level of interest in his Thursday night. starting trip to the Blue Breaks that he took the whole party, both of them,. to Lake Macquarie Where there was more water. Ian Renard's programmed walk froM.Budthingeroo to Cations ran foul of navigational difficulties before they left the cars. on Friday night. Their bus became misplaced and turned up around' 0200 the next morning. This was all too much so they reconfigured the trip to start and end at 'Cations with a Walk up Je nolan. River. Maurice Smith abandoned his walk in the Warturnbungles due to 'other corrimitnients. Sandy Johnston's day walk on the Sunday saw a party of 17 enjoying a pleasant ;walk in Kuringai. Chase. Ken ith led a . group of 24 on his Glenbrook area Walk on the Monday One can only wonder, whether Ken Smith had been talking to Tom Wenman. His walk scheduled for 7, 8., 9 was cancelled due to lack of interest. Mind You it was a pretty fair' ask, going down to the Snowball area and completing a ,harder than average walk over: a normal weekend. Wilf Hilder completed stages 15 and' 16 of his Great Southern Walk with a party of four plus one in near perfect weather. Morag Ryder cancelled her Saturday , day, walk in the Glenbrook area due to a work related injury to one of her feet. On the Sunday Dick Weston led 11 on his Wentworth Creek trip and Eddie Giacomel had a , party of 10, enjoying no doubt, the scrub in the morning and the rough road in the afternoon. All of which brought the walks report to a conclusion. The 'conservation brought news that the censure motion against the premier of NSW Oyer the government's handling of wilderness declarations had passed in, the house. There are also prospects that the proposed listing of the Blue Mountains area as world heritage will go ahead The Confederation report indicated that access into the parldands adjoining Carlon's Farm may yet be preserved. There was also a report on the meeting between representatives from our club and the NPWS regarding the reopening of tracks in the burnt out areas of the Royal N.P. There is an intention to relocate the coastal track, in many areas away from surfaces likely to erode. Elevated Walkways will also be used in some places. t> PAGE 12 - THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER NOVEMBER 1994 ,<1 meeting notes continued: The whole process is moving With glacial slowness due in no small part to negotiations with NPWS 's insurer. There is. also the further complication of the government's requirement that much of the trackwork be sponsored by commercial interests. It sure beats having to try to extract 'taxes from , them I guess. We will lAirite to the government expressing our concern that such a scheme leaves both the park service and the government beholden -to the interests involved and prone to be influenced by them. We understand the mining industry is one of the first organisations in the gate. General business saw passage of a motion that we donate the unsold SBW tee shirts out of the cupboard to the Gilbert Islanders. s These shirts are mainly child size and the Islander's don't walk in our areas all that often. Announcements saw the magazine editor appeal for a volunteer or volunteers tO carry on the series' of “from the clubroom” articles for the magazine. Maybe he will take out an advertisement in the magazine., The only announcement concerned: the coming reunion (too late you missed it) at Coolana. The president closed -the meeting in the traditional way with “let us. reune” at 2122. 0 The 3-D Show by Judy O'Connor David,' Stuckey's “3-D Slide Presentation” on October 19 had even the most jaded slide show viewers gripping the edge of their chairs and emitting spontaneous oohs and aallis as we let ourselves be carried away through a kaleidoscope of scenery and locations in:* popping 3-D. To those who remember the early attempts at 3-D screen showings way back in the 1960s (not me, of course) and expected something clumsy and obvious such. as King Kong swinging out of a tree, a train heading straight towards the audience, or a sword being thrown, were in for a pleasant,' if stimulating surprise. The1990s has brought a sophistication and professionalism to 3-13 photography that puts it up with the greats in terms of art forms. and David Stucky has to be one -of the masters. To the haunting music of Enya, we were transported, eyes popping and senses alive, to London, Paris and the high Spots of Europe. Pushing our special' 3-D glasses further back on 'our noses, we gasped and gazed at spectacular 3-D images of waterfalls,. bush, snow, cathedrals and castles. Breathtaking shots of the Eiffel Tower, London Bridge and the Louvre were followed by a cascade of larger than life castles, glaciers, birds in flight' and views from tippy tops of mountains. We were taken underground for a 3-D experience of what a caver sees, feels and puts up with (in addition to David going through all this 'himself, he had to carry a small mountain of camera equipment to record the moments). To fmish of we flew off to the Blue Mountains; sat 'on rocks, walked along ridges- and abseiled down a mountain or two The technical details escaped me as my mind was agog with the -closeness and dangers of the images . we'd been joined to. -However, I do recall one of the cameras was made in 1947 although David has built up a wardrobe of “stereo _realist” gear. since then. The cost? Not an arm and a leg - two arms and two legi.0 Gre ek Spinach Pie Ingredients: 2 bunches English ,spinach or 1 large bunch silver beat 1 large grated onion 1 1/2 cups Fetta cheese (crumbled) 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese (grated) 1/2 bunch parsley 1 tablespoon raw white rice 1 teaspoon dill, 4 eggs (lightly beaten) 1/4: cup oil Ground pepper Fib o pastry (equally good with puffed pastry, flaky short pastry or a dough pastry) Method: 1 Wash the spinach well, cut off stems (silverbeet remove thick white centres also) 2 Finely chop or process spinach and parsley - 3 Add onion, cheese, rice, dill, eggs, oil and pepper, mix well. 4 Lightly oil or grease an oven dish 14 x 10 inches and line the dish with 5 sheets of Fib (or other mentioned pastry): Brush each sheet of Fib o with oil or melted butter. 5 Add spinach filling mixture and spread evenly -6 Trim edges of pastry leaving enough to tuck into side of pie 7 Brush top layer with oil and bake in a moderate oven for 50 minutes 8 Remove from oven and let stand for 5 minutes before serving. It is delicious cold also. There are many variations of spinach pie, some recipes require one cooks the spinach and onion before baku. And the type and. amount of cheese is really. to one's taste. The above recipe was very popular at this year's Reunion and as a result of many requests for the recipe, it was suggested we go to print. Give it a go. The reward for the effort is the enjoyment of eating and sharing. Spiro HajMakitas 0