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THE SYDNEY. BUSIMALKER is a monthly bulletin' of matters of interest to The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc, Box 4476 GPO Sydney 2001. TO 'advertise in this magazine, please contact the Business Manager. Editor: George Mawer 42 Lincoln Road Georges Hall 2198 Telephone 707 1343 Business Manager:, Joy Hynes - 36 Lewis Street, Dee Why 2099 Telephone 982 2615 (II), 888 3144 (B) . Production Manager: F.'ran Holland Editorial Teanr.George Mawer; Barbara Bruce, Jan Roberts, Maurice Smith .. Printers: Kenn Clacher, Kay Chan, Barrie Murdoch.,Margaret Niven '.& Les Powell, THE SYDNEY BUSH' WALKERS INCORPORATED was founded in 1927. ClUb meetings are held every Wednesday evening at 8 pm“ at Kinibilli. Neighbourhood Centre, 16. Fitzroy Street., ,,Kirribilli (near Milsons Point Railway Station). Visitors and prospective members are welcome any Wednesday. President-. Greta James Vice-President: Ian.Debert Public Officer: Fran Holland Treasurer: Tony Holgate Secretary: Maureen Carter . Walks Secretary: Morrie Ward Social Secretary'. john Hogan MeMbership Secretary: Barry Wallace New Members Secretary: Bill Holland Conservation Secretary: Alex Colley Magazine Editor: George Mawer Committee Members: Denise Shaw & Maurice Smith .. Delegates to Confe deration: Wilf Hilder. & Ken Smith THIS ISSUE EBRUARY 1995 Letter to the Editor Ainslie Morris Yes they did miss you, Patrick assures me that you two would have added considerably to his story. 2 Prospectives Training Bill Holland This is an invitation to all new (and used) members to participate in this training weekend 3 A Forests Accord SMII Editorial A rea,sonably impartial view of the timber industry with some sensible suggestions 5 Four Days At Terrible Hollow An entertaining submission by Jim Brown about things going tly wrong. (Set to verse) Jim Brown. 10 From the Clu broom Jan Roberts For those who can't always attend the Club. on Wednesday nights 11 Carty ning and Abseiling with Ian Wolfe It seems wondeiful Ian. I'm sure weal!. would have enjoyed it. If only we could be fit enough. 12 Call of the Wild Patrick James A multi - input account of the Maurie Bloorn,Christmas walk in the Snowy The January +General Meeting Barry Wallace Advertisers: 3 Willis's Walkabouts 4 Eastwood Camping Centre 8 Mountain Equipment 9 Mipsports 15 Paddy Pallin PAGE 2 THE SYDNEY BUSH-WALKER FEBRUARY 1995 LETTER TO THE EDITOR. .Ainsley Tviorris So, did you miss us? Really truly? We hope so, as it was the first time in years that Mike and I have not been on a SBW Xmas-New Year seven day. walk. Are we getting slack? Never. Despite a wonderful array of SBW walks in the Snowies, Croajingalong and Ben Boyd to tempt us, we Changed allegiance to our nearest branch Of NPA at Milton, and followed its President Ron Doughton into the Tasmanian Wilderness. Fine warm sunny weather having been arranged we did the South Coast Track over seven days,. having had a spectacular flight from Hobart to Melaleuca along the whole route of the walk on New Years Day. After our return to Hobart we did the Frenchman's Cap walk in the franklin-Gordon National Park. Highlights were the scenery on a larger scale than in NSW, both coastal and alpine; the endangered orange-bellied parrot seen at melaleuca; 'a Very big tiger snake. lurking by the bridge (replacing the flying fox) over the Franklin; and ,wonderful mossy rooty muddy rain forest and alpine flowers very different to ours. Disappointments were the long board walks, cramped camp sites, 'and numerous walkers, all unavciidable but having the effect of reducing the wilderness feel so easy to get by going off track in Kosciusko National Park. However we finally did our first Tassie walks. The western Arthurs and Federation Peak walks would give you more of 'a challenge but are too hard for us, so if you are younger and stronger, they offer spectacular glaciated scenery. See you on the track, if not before, then next Xmas-New Year in our old haunts in NSW, the true “MECCA” of bushwalking. Ainslie Morris and Mike Reynolds For “Budawangs enthusiasts Ron Doughtons book “Bushwalking in the Budawangs ” is now out in a New Expanded Edition. Price$12.95 plus $1.20 for mail orders from NPAMilton branch. P.O. box 176, Ulladulla 2539.PROSPECTIVES TRAINING WEEKEND AT “COOLANA” Bill Holland Both experienced and new members are encouraged to attend the training weekend schedUled in the Autumn Walks programme for.18thil9rth March. This will be held on the Club's property “Coolana” in the beautiful Kangaroo Valley.' Training will be given in map reading, bushcraft and first aid, offering you an opportunity to gain knowledge sufficient to meet the Club's pre-requisite for moving to full Membership. It will not be all work. The property offers some delightful bushwalking. and there will be time for a swim. Assistance from experienced members would be appreciated: This is an opporunity to pass on knowledge to prospective nembers. There is a shelter shed near the campsite and cars can be parked a handy distance.. Therefore there is no need to have camping gear or large packs. Just bring along a light sleeping bag (or blanket) and a foam mat to sleep on. Tents are optional. You will have to provide your own meals and cooking gear. There will breakfast for Sunday, lunch for both Saturday and Sunday and dinner for Saturday night. Don't forget a few snacks and we like to have a community happy hour (a drink and nibbles) before 'dinner on Saturday: Family groups are 'welcome: Transport is by car leaving early Saturday morning. We plan to share. vehicles so please let me know if you have your own transport or need a lift. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ATTEND please phone to me on 484 6636 (h) or 925.3309' (w) early in the week commencing 13th March. Bill Holland

The lustrous purple blackness of the soft Australian night, waned in the grey awakening that heralded the light James Lister Cuthbertson FEBRUARY 1995 'ME SYDNEY BUSHWALKER. PAGE 3 The following is a reprint of an editorial published in The Sydney Morning I:Ten-aid Wednesday, February 1, 1995 FOREST ACCORD If ever there was a cause where concentration of government effort was required to resolve a policy mess once and for all, it is the annual woodchip licence circus. To begin with,, there. is Confusion about what the problem is. It is certainly not the existence of a wo6dChip export industry: Conservationists have learnt to target the woodchip industry as a tactical device to press the Federal Government on an.. area' of Federal authority - the power to issue export licences. BUt that is not the heart-of the problern. But it certainly helps to contuse the issue, since at the heart of the Problem, it is State and not Federal power AA generally operates,i At the heart of this policy mess, surely, is the question of what happens to old growth native forests.- Consenrationists,want old growth forests preserved for aesthetic, ,scientific, cultural and broad economic reasons. The timber industry wants continuing access to ever diminishing stands of old growth forests fortheir dwindling supply of saw logs. The industry argues that it can, tcothe benefit of the economy, log in ways which do not destroy. the forests essential characteristics. In the arguments between the Conservationists and the timber industry each side paints the other as intraCtable. In the timber industries demonstrations in Canberra last week, much has been Made of the conservationiste'refuSal to i;ive everia: little in relation to loggers claims for access to old growth forests. Yet surely the weight of the argument here is an the conservationists' side. As Justice Stewart said in his forest and timber industry draft report in 1991 ;.”The traditional old growth milling industry is unlikely it - exist at anywhere near its present Size beyond the next decade or so. Many of the mills dependent on old growth Will probably close and jobs will probably be lost. Second,. those Mills that can afford to switch to regrowth logs will face a log shortage caused by the old growth being cut too rapidly Australia is in the process of restructuring an industry from one that is labour intensive and based on old growth forest hardwood to one that is equipment intensive and based on plantation softwood. ' continued on page If you believe the book by Bruce Chatwin & Paul Theroux, Patagonia is that place. Willis's Walkabouts can take you there. Why us? Ask our clients. “The Patagonian Andes are a wonderland of rugged mountains with granite spires, snow covered mountains, glaciers, lakes, beech forests, fields of daisies, waterfalls and more The opportunity for some terrific trekking shouldn't be missed. The aim for budget travelling with some comfort in mind makes the trip affordable but not too rough.” (Helen O'Callaghan, Melbourne) “Exactly the compromise between flexibility. & company that we were looking for.” 1”4144) (Cathy & Cameron McAlpine, Melbourne) We're heading to Patagonia again at the end of the year and offering a trip to Peru & Bolivia as well Ask for details. WILLIS'S WALKABOUTS 12 Carr ington Street, MilIner NT 0810 Phone (089) 85 2134 Fax: (089) 85 2355 01 40N ONE P La4 ET baglutes , or yoursel the fun of browsing thr9ugh mountains of outdoor equipment… Come in and discover botcoLPLABlueWater rnacpac Mastercard card' v:sa 0 ameticOt express cheque f“lay-Py ,5 II lE WA, - \dr)'\!,11..:DERNESS stAr..,,,,,

Wilderness Equipment 7eNtia' THE SPORT SANDAL. -_ Affiance /1111/ Foods insripme *N./ Stu-F iNLI.,11.1 11.01 X 11”;'“ %.*1.14- VICTORINOX THERWkREST S 0 UR C E SYSTEMS Klortar. trading hours Monday: 9:00am - 5:30Pm Tuesday: 9:00am -5:30Pm Wednesday: 9:00mn 5:30Pm Thursday: 9:00am - 9:00Pm Friday: 9:00am - 5:30Pm Saturday: 9:00”m - 1.30P Sunday: CLOSED niii trangia I/Art:Ye Pete,- vomit. -Nikecar eastvvood 3 Trelawney Street camping Eastwood NSW. 2122 centre Telephone (02) 858 3833 ' FEBRUARY 1995 THE SI.CDI\TEY BUSHWALKER PAGE 5 AN “EASY” EASTER CAMP REMEM ERED or FOUR DAYS AT “TERRIBLE HOLLOW” - by Jim Brown 'Recently the press reported that the mortal remains of an Australian bushranger of the' 1860's - Captain Moonlight– had been exhumed and reburied near the grave of a member of his gang, in accordance with his last wishes. It reminded me of an “easy” Easter camp we attended in April 1977, based at Macarthur's 'Flat out from Hill Top and on the Nattai River. The association of ideas is, of course, due to. the fact that Macarthur's Flat on the Nattai has long been believed (by local inhabitants of the Southern Highlands at any rate) as the site of the hiding place of the fictional Captain Starlight in Rolf Bolderwood's novel of the bushranger and his gang. “Robbery Under Arms”. So much, so that the. bush road out from Hill Top to the edge of the Nattai Valley is shown on maps as “Starlight's Track”. In the novel, Starlight, an English “gentleman” who has gone wrong, strikes up an acquaintanceship with fanner 'convict Ben Marston' and his sons Dick and Jim Marston and they begin by duffing (stealing) horses and high grade cattle and concealing them in “Terrible Hollow”, to which access is gained by a narrow winding bridle track not too far from the town of Dargo (?Bargo?). , Well, let's accept that Terrible Hollow is Macarthur's 'Flat. In 1977 our member Tony Denham programmed an easy Easter camp at the place, with people coming When they wished and joining the colony and leisurely day walks from the base camp to be arranged. It seemed a suitable project for a pair of walkers around the 60 years mark, so Kath and I joined in, driving down to the rim of the valley on the Good Friday morning and “reporting in” to the leader just before lunchtime. There was by this stage a group of about 15 walkers in residence, including three or four, prospective Members trying it as one of their early overnight tips. As it actually turned out, the easy, leisurely camp proved so hair raising that, when we presented a musical special item for the Club's 50th Anniversary camp in October of that year, we featured the events of the Easter camp, with a couple of songs based on the more startling events. The first came on Easter Saturday, when Tony proposed- a stroll of Several kilometres downstream along the Nattai, then :taking to a major tributary “Wanganderry Creek” flowing in from the south west. We'd only made a couple of kilometres up Wanganderry Creek when one of the prospective girl members broke a leg. Yes, broke a leg!.- and in circumstances you could barely believe: a small sandbank about 10 or 12 centimetres in height collapsed under her foot, causing her to fall sideways and snapping the fibula (the brooch bone of the lower leg) just above its contact with the major bone or tibia. Originally we couldn't believe that there was a fracture. “Just pulled muscles - Ove her a rest over lunch and she'll be right”. But of course she wasn't, and fmally we fabricated a kind of litter out of bush timber and canied the lass back to our base camp: I have some old slides showing members of the party 'knee deep in the Nattai in places where we either had to cross or where the bank was too rough, with six people in turn acting as stretcher bearers. In the October songfest we told the story to the tune of “Nancy Brown” - a rather roguish ballad which was popular at campfire singsongs at the time:- Now the first lamb to the slaughter It was Ossie Brownlee's daughter And it happened up on Wanganderry Creek. - Bitten by a snake we thought her, Or perhaps a dog trap caught her, When we heard her utter forth a piercing shriek. We decided that she oughter Bathe her ankle in the water, A badly twisted muscle was our hunch. I> PAGE 6 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKTR FEBRUARY 1995 .. Then if two strong men support her And the rest of us escort her Why she'll walk out on her own when we've had lunch. But the damage that was wrought her Meant we had to “call a porter”, While a pack fraine and two sapling made a seat. Over rocks and sand and water To Macarthur's Flat we brought her And the bearers tottered in about dead beat. Realising overnight that there *as not going to be any swift and miraculous improvement, we held council:- (sung to “No, John, no…” and trying to climb up to Russell's Needle, a spiky crag on the western ridges beside the river. One of the party was a prospective girl, Meriel.“ This was followed by a song, which I had to present because, instead of a current camp fire ballad, I chose a cheerful tripping melody which forms the theme of the final movement of a Mozart piano concerto (Kochel No. 453, if you're '.at all familiar with some of the most delightful piano concerti ever written). “Now when the Hill Top team had left And gone up Starlight's Track, The rest of us debated what We'd do 'till they came back. Sunday morning we held council And agreed there was no doubt On our own we'd never make it - -Couldn't carry Janice out Oh, how then can we gether out? Some thought we should hire horses From the farm atop the hill. Others said “a helicopter” - Oh but who would foot the bill? Up the pass we sent three people Since for help we had to can. Chose `ern 'cause they looked the cleanest, Barbara Bruce and John and Paul, Oh, Bruce looked spruce and Paul is 11. *Barbara Bruce and Paul Mawhinney were two of the three who went to surmnon aid. The commentator at the 1977 Reunion then recited that - “So there was now a division of activities: some had gone to seek aid; others opted to remain in camp and care for Jan. And a much reduced party, headed by Hans Stichter, decided to spend the rest of the Sunday walking upstream along the Nattai And some agreed they'd stay with Jan While Stichter led another team To try for Russell's Needle, which Lies several miles upstream. Once aroused we didn't daily And we pushed off up the valley And blow me down! - it happened again Near Rocky Waterholes Creek. As IvIeriel tried to keep dry feet A stepping stone she missed, She turned a kind of somersault And landed on her wrist. The tally now one busted leg And one disabled arm. . We thought that maybe We should stop Before we came to harm. To Macarthur's Flat retreating And there was Owen bleating Because he'd trodden on a SNAKE And no one seemed to give a damn! It was true. Owen Marks, coming out alone to join up with the camping party for the last days of - Easter, “trod on something that wrenched away I> FEBRUARY 1995 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALINTR PAGE 7 , 4 ,from underfoot” and rustled off into the tall ra'cicen growing on Macartyur's Flat A huge -Cideht to him, of course; but to those of us traumatised by two significant cases Of injury it was Ve# small beer indeed. At least we acknowledged th6 event in the October festival where one of the lasses playing a role was given the line “Oh, that poor snake! Fancy having a heavy bloke like Owen dancing on your back!” And the “tally” went up to - one leg, one arm and one snake with a sore back”. Later that afternoon our Hill Top reporters were back and right through to nightfall the “product” came in, soinetimes singly, sometimes in a group. They were all SEW tnernbers - some 9 or 10 of them - and included some of our strongest walkers of the time who by some quirk a fortune had not been on an Easter trip, Furthermore the ambulance station at Bow,ral had provided a proper stretcher, no doubt being greatly relieved to know we proposed to do our own rescue operation. On the Monday we got the injured out. Meriel was “walking -wounded” of course, but her pack was carried. Jan was taken out on the stretcher with relays of bearers. Because of our ripening years, Kath and I 'were not required to be bearers, but we were able to break off small- bushes and hold back branches to give better passage to those with the load - and also carried some of the gear of those with the real burden. I heard later that veteran SEW member Ossie Brownlee felt we had mismanaged the whole rescue and should have tried to get a helicopter mission. Well, perhaps - I guess it could have put down on Macarthur's Flat. However, not long afterwards -a former SEW member walking in the Budawangs with a Canberra Club party sustained a broken leg and was lifted out by helicopter. That kind of rescue operation was then in its infancy and as the stretcher was hoisted up to the hovering aircraft it began. to rotate violently, causing rushes of blood to the extremities of brain and feet which left the victim as a very sick lad for some time. So I don't know. I always felt a sort of glow about the extrication of Janice - it bore out what I'd long maintained about the Busbies LOOKING AFTER THEW OWN! So there it ended. We'd had our easy, relaKing Easter camp - or was it just four days at Terrible Hollow? A Forest-Accord continued from page, 3 In other -words, in this highly emotional argument over trees, the conservationists -are not the only dewy-eyed sentimentalists. The others are those in the timber industry who refuse to see what has been clear for decades - that there will soon be no place for the small old style saw mills equipped for labour-intensive processing of logs from native forests. As Justice Stewart noted, that part of the indus-try has long been doomed. In fact the shift to a plantation based industry is well advanced. That is why the licensing decision of the minister for resources, Mr “Beddall - favouring employment considerations over conservation values - was short sighted. It tended to prolong the agony of an unviable sector of the industry rather than help it face the inevitable pain of restructuring. The time is past when the Federal Government can lurch from crisis to crisis, never tackling the fundamental problem. There is much talk of the need for state - Federal cooperation, and for recognition of the social and economic problems accompanying the passing of the traditional old- growth milling industry. What is really needed is change of attitude by both sides in a highly emotional conflict of ideas. To realise this, the Federal Government should call a forest summit at which all interests are represented. This with good leadership, should produce a forests accord to end this messy business. Sydney red gum OUTFITTERS FOR THE SERIOUS B SHWALKER SYDNEY 291 SUSSEX STREET (CNR. BATHURS1) PH: (02) 264 3146 or (02) 267 3639 FAX: (02) 264 2645. CHATSWOOD 272 VICTORIA AVENUE (OPP. CHATSWOOD CHASE CAR PARK) PH: (02) 419 6955 THE LEADING SPECIALISTS. BUSHWALKING PACKS All sizes 40-85 litre capabity. The best designs to suit your back. MACPAC, WE., OUTGEAR & SOUTH WIND RAINSHELLS Jackets, olrousers & capes. Goretex, Milair, MVT, Nylon, MONT, WE., INTERTREk & PETER STORM. THERMAL UNDER & OUTER WEAR Polypropelene, Chlorofibre, Polartech, Polarlite & Polarpius. PROPEL, EVERWARM, PETER STORM, SNOWGUM,- MACPAC, MONT & INTERTREK. DOWN SLEEPING BAGS Frosuper-lightweight travel to expedition use. MACPAC, MONT, SALEWA, & ROMAN. FOOTWEAR For Trekking, Travelling, Bushwalking, Ski Touring & Climbing. Synthetics or leather. MONTELLIANA, LA ROBUSTA, LA SPORTIVA, BUN VIP, HI-TECH, MERREL & VASQUE. arm arm mm mew mem mei moo Ems mac NEWSLETTERS EQUIPMENT CATALOGUE PRODUCT UPDATES I PLUS – YOUR CHANCE TO WIN EXCITING PRIZES! I Please send me info on: o TRAVEL PACKS o SLEEPING BAGS I c FOOTWEAR f: WARM WEAR RAINWEAR TENTS ri STOVES 7SP 'YES, I WOULD LIKE TO BE INCLUDED ON MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT'S MAILING UST! 1 NAME:._, . ADDRESS: PKODE POST TO: MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT 291 SUSSEX ST, SYDNEY -2000.Ph: (02) 264 3146 I MM MOM NEM illM gimp Nom ism mm mit mm mm mm mm mm elm mm mm mm mem mm din mem IIMM 1MM MOM MM1 WM IMMIO =MI MM MM “MI MM MM.1 Mountain Equipment The leading specialists in lightweight outdoor equipmeni 1045-1047 Victoria Rd West Ryde NSW 2114. Ph: (02 858 5844 110811NIMENIMMIliONI. IIIMMIE12111111311111111111111=W .111111111M ers We specialise in the latest light weight gear, for your outdoor adventures. Whether you require Tents, Backpacks, Sleeping bags, Rainwear, Stoves, Abseiling gear or Accessories, we carry the best brands. Macpac, j&H, Berghaus, Scarpa, Outgear, Trangia, M.S.R., Jansport, Bluewater, Edelrid, Petzl, S.R.T. We offer you personalised knowledgeable service to help you purchase the correct equipment for your needs, naturally we offer the best prices too. Advice is only a phone call away. -Coun ers We stock the latest range of skis, boots b,indings, & poles for ba ckcountry and telernark skiing. BACKCOUNTRY SKI HIRE MAIL ORDER CATALOGUE AVAILABLE IMPORT T NOTICE 7111M GEAR EA DoArpt Now Available —–,1:11/18s - A Macpac - Tents - Backpacks - Sleeping bags A - Rainwear A Trangia - Stoves A Therrnarests A I3ivvy Bags Special prices for club members. Week or, weekend rates. DISCOUNT FOR CLUB MEMBERS iliaillililiallEllilir 111111111111111111111111111111111 Imisisiimff41111111111/ Nie1111111111111,7111111.111 MININIMIIIMI Mai 11=111101111111 iiimmlimir Milliiiiiialli I Your One Stop' Adventure Shop PAGE 10 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER FEBRUARY 1995 From The Clubroom Jan Roberts Firstly, my excuse for missing the report in last month's newsletter. Since leaving for the South Island of New Z.ealand in mid December rVe been walking in the '..Fiordland and Mt -Cook National Parks. This was followed by time in the Snowy Mountains relaxing, and I didn't get back to Sydney until the second week in January. At Jan Mohandas' recommendation, my friend (and prospective SBW), Miriam Kirwan and I walked the Kepler Track out of Te Anau, and had a white Christmas day while crossing the Iris Buni…'.The Europeans walking With us were very amused with the snow, and were madly taking photograph' to send home to friends and relatives as proof of their 'suxnmer' walking in the southern hemisphere. . . Club gossip has it however,” that the Christmas party was a great success with several - members notable for their strange behaviour?? But maybe this was a result of the extremely hot weather on the day. SLIDES OF XMAS WALKS January 25th A walk on the mild side. Feedback SBWer's. who attended ElwYn.. Morris' presentation which covered multiple Walks -in, multiple over mutliple years was that the civilised World isn't always what it seeMS.. Some of the 'highlights included encounters' with' bears and the hazards of t6iirig to hitch-hikeon the :Golden Gate Bridge. Thanks to Elwyn for the interesting travelogue..' At, last Wednesday's gathering Christmas walkers competed for the best story and photograph of. the seaSon. First up was Vincent. Smith presenting his superia'Slides from Croajingalong National Park. in Victoria withlany Holgate (the leader) providing the commentary:” With two social workers and two psychiatrists, none ,.'of the party dared express how they really felt about the walk,. however the coast. looks beautiful and will surely tempt others back. There. were no slides -but Maurie Blooms' walk started on a high compared to last year, as the weather was beautiful we were told by Tom Weninan. However, Tom could only give us the -story up until Barbara's accident near the summit of Jugungal, as he. and Tony Crichton (who sprained his foot on the return) left to get help. We listened as the drama unfolded;. which eventually resulted in an army of rescuers on foot, hors6ack,. in the air and in vehicles arriving simultaneously. Barbara is making a speedy recovery. Angelika Langley took up the story; the rtk of the walk was ably led by Joe Van Summers and Jim Percy and went very well although shortened. New Year's Eve was celebrated in style with Anglika carrying three bottles of champagne. George Mawer's walk also had some last minute leadership changes, and was led by Maurice Smith, as George's doctor decided George should rest instead. No photographic proof of the walk was available on the night. Instead Maurice gave us a verbal presentation and commented that the party complained about the noisy helicopter flying low overhead: at one stage (as it eventuated this was the helicopter on its way to rescue Barbara?) Finally, Spiro presented his excellent slides of Ian Ranards's walk in the Snowy's which featured thermal pools and masses of wild flowers, again very different from last year's photographs. Meal time at Starvation Creek looked anything but, with billies crammed into every piece of winnable space on the camp fire, and lots of SBWers involved in a feeding frenzy. 0 continuation of &MB Editorial, from page 3 In other words, in this highly emotional' argument over trees, the conservationists are not the only dewy-eyed sentimentalists. The others are those in the timber industry who refuse to see what has been clear for decades - that there will soon be no place for the small old style saw mills equipped for labour-intensive processing of logs from native forests: As Justice Stewart noted, that part of the industry has long been doomed. In fact the shift to a plantation based industry is well advanced. That is why the licensing decision of the minister for resources, Mr Beddall - favouring employment considerations over conservation values - was short sighted. It tended to prolong the agony of an unviable sector of the industry rather than help it face the inevitable pain of restructuring. The time is past when the Federal Government can lurch from crisis to crisis, never tackling the fundamental problem. There is much talk of the need for state - Federal cooperation, and for recognition of the social and econom- io prOblems accompanying the passing of the traditional old- growth milling industry. What is really needed is 'change Of attitude by both sides in a highly. emotional conflict of ideas. To realise this'. 'Federal Government should call a forest summit at which all interests are represented. This with good leadership, should produce a forests accord tom end this messy business. 0 FEBRUARY 1995 THE SYDNEY BI.ISHWALLTR PAGE 11 CANYONING TRIP REPORTS by Ian Wolfe 1.2-4 December 1994 Bungonia area - 9 participants . Saturday - a lovely day down Long Gully.' 'Magnificent first abseil of 57m, a number of smaller ones- thereafter. Lunch with a swim and a sunbake On the Shoalhaven before walking downstream to inspect Fordam Canyon. Also toured the ruins, of the old Tolwong Mine and did some cascading in the river. Walked. up the Bridle Track before heading back to the:Bungonia Campsite. Diner was held With red wine and a progressive game of Boules. Sunday similarly nice day down Bungonia Creek with a number of very , pleasant abseils and swims in the pools below. Visited the Gorge to see where the rock fall nearly ended my career last year (something about slaying the dragon). Climbed out via the Red Tape Track before heading off for an icecream at Mittagong. 2. 16-18 December 1994 Middle Cluistys Creek (Kanangra) 11 partyers Walked over Marilman Heath to Pindaii. Pass and then steeply down to the creek before walking back up to view Margaret Falls from below. Then down to Cronus Falls for the first big abseil. A number of smaller drops thereafter before reaching the might Barrallier Falls. We had a progressive lunch- at this point which included diving for sunglasses in the pool below. Continued walking for a.fair distance down the creek before completing the final three small, but very beautiful, falls. Camped at the junction of the two cluisty's Creeks. Please note that this was not at the cramped northern campsite but on the terrace 20m up from the creek. on the SW side. Celebrated my birthday on the river bank with Wine, port, cooler, party hats, party poppers, chocolate cake, Irish Christmas cake; munchies, tall tale's 'arid fireflies. Everyone agreed to conduct a repeat trip in 35 years-time! Saturday having been quite hot the prospect of a long ridge walk on Sunday afternoon led to a slight change in plan. Instead of continuing down the creek through the Rift to the Kowmung and then out by Stonehag we went directly up Great Groaner to the Colboyd Range. This had us back to the cars by 12 o'clock just as it was beginning to become furnace like. This we solved by a swim at Boyd Crossing and a drink at the Hampton Pub. 3. 6-8 January 1995 Bell & Wollangambe Creeks The auspices were not good in the days prior as the heavens were pouring down torrents! Were we hesitant, were we dismayed .. yes, we were! And this led to some erosion in numbers. Nevertheless six members awoke on Saturday morning at the Mt Wilson sports field. A car shuffle and a close encounter with a very large dog at Holly Lodge saw us striding under a blue sky down to Bell Creek. Here we carefully inspected the water level and found it quite normal before changing into our wetsuits. Thereafter it was clown the creek enjoying the splendid formations of waterworn rock and playing leapfrog with a Bankstown Bushwalking Club day trip (half SBW anyway!). After much swimming we blew up our lilos and traversed the narrow, deep pools, marvelling at the size of the orange crayfish to cries of “Dinner, Dinner!” Eventually we emerged at the Du Faurs Creek junction and shortly thereafter the Wollangambe juifction. Then it was down to the first exit to camp on the sandbank. Intermittent misty rain fell for most of the night and continued next day. This lowered the temperature slightly, but enough to make us a tad cold. As such we elected to call it quits when we reached the second exit at 11.30 a m., having traversed the main part of this spectacular creek (the waterfalls were particularly pretty). The trip concluded with a short walk out, a car shuffle and then fish and chips at the Windsor Seafood shop. 0 PAGE 12 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER FEBRUARY 1995 “And then there were…” Patrick James Maurie Bloom's “Call of the Wild” Christmas walk in the Snowy did not ml according to plan. The story of the walk follows. But first, t set 'the scene, the characters in this story are: first leader Maurie Bloom second leader Jim Percy leading lady Barbara Ellis messengers Tony Crichton and Tom Weranan chorus Helana Chan Greta James Patrick James Angelika Langley Rosemary MacDougal Mar3. Moffit Margaret Sheen Jo van Sommers Of the original 14 starters on the walk, but one had to go to Japan, and then there were 13. - With gallant and carefree disregard to any superstitious nonsense concerning numbers we made our separate ways to Adarninaby on Boxing Pay and joined to bus to be dropped off at Round Mountain. The drop off point was full with parked cars, as, bad as Bondi on a hot Sunday in summer. All were experienced Snowy walkers except one who was making his maiden trip. In the process of getting our act together, packs on backs, gaiters on legs, etc, the march flies did seem to be a bit more aggressive than usual, I was told. The plan was a “Call of the Wild” 6 day walk finishing at Kiandra: Day 1 was uneventful; easy walking under a blue sky and finishing with a beautiful sunset. Day 2 started well, another beautiful day with blue sky. The easy 'walking changed in the late morning as we bashed our Way up the footslopes of Mount Jagtingal. Just as we reached the ridge leading to the summit, just within the treeline, and just at about 11 am, Barbara our leading lady', lost her balance, her fully loaded six day pack had its own way and she fell heavily on her left elbow. Her cry Of “I think I've broken my arm” was quickly answered by a rush of medical help. Amongst the chorus we had a surfeit of medical skill and knowledge. Barbara could not have picked a better medically endowed team with whom to have an accident. Very quickly Barbara was made comfortable, her pack removed, her injury examined, reassured that we would not abandon her, a shade erected to shield her from the sun and her legs covered to protect from the march flies The diagnosis was that Barbara had dislocated her elbow at least plus a very strong possibility that a bone or bones were broken. After a number of discussions and conferences our (first) leader decided that medical evacuation of the patient was called for. Note that here Barbara has become The patient'. To get help the two most likely lads were selected as messengers. An easy choice as the mo messengers, Tony and Tom, were the fittest of the bunch with the best knowledge of the Snowy area. We had lunch and then the messengers went through their packs to discard unnecessary objects, rum, etc. The plan was that they would walk, to Round Mountain, get a lift to the nearest civilisation and raise the alarm and then rejoin us for the rest of the walk. Now this is where the story starts to become involved and difficult to follow. Actually the story becomes a series of sub-stories, namely Tom & Tony's story, the patient's (Barbara) story, Maurie's story, and the chorus' story. Tom and Tony's story. Tom has written a separate account of their story. The following is a condensed version. After lunch on Day 2, Tom and Tony went off to get help, and then there were 11. On the way they met a couple who had a mobile phone with them. Beauty, a call was made, contact established and help was on its way. They did walk out of the park and managed to get a ride to Cabramun-a. After much waiting around the flesh pots of Cabramtirra the likely lads received confirmation that a , helicopter was on its way to rescue Barbara from the wilds of the Snowy. The messengers split-up. Tom returned to the bosom of the party, Tony, who had sprained his ankle in the rush to get help, decided not to return to the walk and so sported himself as a tourist for the remaining days. Back in the Park. On Day 3 the patient (Barbara) was rescued by the helicopter, and then there were 12. The machine came all the way from Westmead Hospital. It almost missed us as we had moved down off the mountain and it went to the top. We laid out our packs to form the correct 'ground to air' message signal and signalled with mirrors. They saw us and landed. Quite an emotional experience to have strangers come to the rescue of one of the party. Of course wl took plenty of photos and posed with the crew. The patient was taken to Woden Hospital in Canberra. i> continued page 14 FEBRUARY 1995 THE SYDNEY BUSHWAL10ER PAGE 13 The January General Meeting. Barry Wallace There were some 20 or so members present at around 2014 when the president called for order and got,proceedings underway. for the new year. There were no apologies or new members for welcome so we moved :on to the minutes of the previous meeting. These were read and received with the only matter arising being a mention of our continuing need for a Confederation delegate. Correspondence saw, receipt of about a ream's worth of reports from the Sydney Water Project group. There was a letter from the department of prime minister responding to our recent letter which expressed our opposition to woodchipping and pointed out its effect on our ability to meet our commitments to international conventions on greenhouse gas emissions. There was also a letter from Chris. Harcher responding to the: concerns over sponsorship expressed in our letter about The Royal and mostly explaining why his government thinks it's all right. There were calendars from Confederation S & R on time but with corrections. There was a letter from Confederation musing about the future and advising us that the strategic planning group gets underway in February this year.. Contact Andy McQueen if you wish to assist. There were also outgoing letters to the P.M. as mentioned above and to confederation expressing our view that mandatory accreditation of walks leaders was wholly inappropriate for voluntary organisations such as bushwalking clubs. There were no matters arising. The treasurer then rose to tell us that we earned income of $636, spent $12,234 and closed with a balance of $2,008. The 'walks reports revealed the absence of the walks secretary. Fortunately Bill Holland was able to step in and begin with Ian Wolf's 2 day Kanangra Walls abseiling trip over the weekend of 16, 17, 18 Deceraer. The was a general belief that it went, but no-one had any details. Wilf Hilder led a party of 4 on.. sections 17 and 18 of the Great Southern Walk reporting good wildflowers and warm conditipns. Maurie Ward led his Saturday Sydney Harbour. walk and barbecue. There were 28 on the walk and an untold number at the party. It was a warm. day with swims and ide, cream stops, and in the late, afternoon a strange sea mist rolled in to. shroud all' from view. Bronny Niemeyer led ,l. soon, her, Xmas gourmetwalk which was declared to have been a good walk by at least one 9f the survivors. . . Tuesday 27 December saw Jim Callaway leading a party of 9 on his Helensburgh to Otford coastal walk. Jim expressed his bafflement over the disparate walking capabilities of the party members and was left to ponder whether he, as leader trying to hold the party together, had travelled too fast or too slaw Christmas this year delivered more clement weather conditions in the Snowys. Ian. Rannard led 18 on his trip in the area round Coolarnine Station from 27 December to I January and described it as pleasant. Maurie Blume and the party of 13 on his programmed Round Mountain to Kiandra walk from 26 December to 2 January ended up with more than the weather on their minds. It seems that Barbara fell and broke an arm somewhere on the slopes of Jagungal. The pain was intense and shock a probability so party members went out to summon help. There were some uncertainties with the mobile phone techfix they encountered along the way, but in the end, just as the main party were beginning to shift for themselves as one might say, the cavalry, or in this case a helicopter, two ranger's vehicles and five horsemen, closed on the party from all points of the compass. Escape was out of the question. They went quietly, if you cynics out there will believe that of Maurie, and Barbara and Maxie were flown out to Canberra. The party remnants were re-united at Mackies hut and roamed the area enjoying the perfect mountain weather. They also reported celebrating new year's eve with certain liquid refreshments carried to the site at great effort by one of the party members Tony I-iolgate reported a party of 15 on his Croajingolong N.P. coastal ramble from 27 December to: 2…january: Conditions were pleasant, the beaches cleaner than they have become accustomed to, and the we ather was fine and mild. George Mawer's walk out &am Round Mountain over the period 27 December to 2 January went, with Maurice Smith leading the party of 11 when George was laid aside by some illness or infirmity of other. The weather was fine, the march flies numerous and vicious but Somewhat suppressed by the light frosts each morning. Geoff bov,sett's m;-41k from Ben Boyd Tower to Green Cape Lighthouse, scheduled for 2 to 6 January was cancelled. Meanwhile back in the land of weekend Walks, Ian Wolfe'S lila trip down the Wollongambe over the 6, 7, 8, January went but there were no details. D PAGE 14 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER FEBRUARY 1995 Elwyn Morris reported a party of 25 and more bushland than one might think on her Sunday walk froin Milsons Point to Gladesville.. - The conservation report brought news that Alex has written an article for the magazine reviewing the draft plan of management for The Royal and inviting corriments Or submissions. An E.I.S has been prepared for 'a boat ramp at Bonnie Vale with the associated parking area for boat trailers and cars. There was also mention of an article from a Victorian NPA magazine, covering the question of control of foxes and cats. Confederation report advised that they are in the process' of 'preparing of a revised code of ethics for btishwalking. Confederation have received a copy of the proiOtype of the new photoimage topographical map which CALM propose to publish in place of the present hand prepared. maps. General opinion seems to be that if you have any old style topo maps you should hang Onto them, General business brought a couple. of motions Concerning Cbolana. We voted for the addition of shelving and hanger hooks to the hut. (“Will that affect it's inherently fire resistant design'?” I hear you cry.) We also decided to spend up. to $100.00 to replace the gatepost which has either fallen down of been knocked over. A donation of $200.00 to the Careflight helicopter service was also approved. After the announcements 'the meeting closed at around 2156 Barry And Then…Continued from P12 41 Besides the helioopter we also had an ambulance come to our rescue. The ambulance crew, , two dashing men in uniform, were accompanied by a NP&WS ranger in a 4WD Ute. The ranger and one ambulance man went off to look at the route up to Mount J,agungal so we served the other ambulance than tea and Christmas cake whilst we all waited. Eventually the motorised tourists came back for their tea. and cake. With the- evacuation ofthe patient by air our first leader Catild not remain idle in the bush and made immediate plans to be at her side. Maurie arranged to get a lift out with the ranger. So off they went, the ambulance With the two men in blue, the 4WD with the ranger and Maurie leaving behind the rump of the party under the direction of the second leader. And then there were 9. s The Patient's Story. The full story will no doubt follow later however the condensed version is that she was flown to Woden Valley Hospital and after waiting for Maurie to arrive was eventually operated on. In the mean time she did have a morale boosting shower. Barbara is now a paid up member of the cargo cult. Maurie's Story. The trip out of the park in. the 4WD was normal except for a slight detour to try to catch some people illegally riding horses in the park. Luckily for Maurie the riders were not found otherwise along delay Would have ensured in herding the horses out of the park. Iviaurie got back to AdaMinaby, met up with Tony and then went hot foot to Woden Hospital. Back in the Park. We moved off in the direction of O'Keefe's hut where we had arranged to meet up With the two messengers. We camped near the hut and at about '7 pm on Day 3 Tom turned up, and then there were 10. New Year was good, no, better than good, it was terrific.., We started with an early happy hour which extended through dinner time, dinner was abandoned, the purple people eater made a visit and two of the chorus demonstrated by song, actiOn and gestures that 'you carnt get a man with a gun' At the stroke of midnight (New Zealand time) the new year was welcomed with cheers.- hugs and kisses and champagne. After more singing to make sure the new year was well and truly welcomed we eventually dribbled off to bed, 1.0 tired and emotional but happy people. The walk back to Round Mountain was uneventful; good weather, good navigation, no unplanned detours. The bus arrived some 20 minutes late loaded with food, drink and a smiling, limp-free Tony. The bus trip back. to Aciaminaby was a song- filled, feeding frenzy. Bush walking is tough! Notwithstanding the accident and the change in plans walking in the Snowy area has Merit, perhaps even &eat merit and I, who was on my maiden Snowy walk, look forward to going back again, provided we get the same designer weather. Next time ni wear longer shorts (or perhaps short longs) to save myself from the bloody march flies. Next lime I'll bring along a good book to read in the sun, comfortable gaiters, not the sweat boxes I have at present, more rum in case we run short, maybe some champagne' for New Year (or mote rum) and a song book. Thank you all: leaders, helicopter crew, ambulance crew, Woden Hospital, NP&WS ranger, bus driver,- fellow walkers and Barbara's elbow. Ei

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