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THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER is a monthly bulletin of matters of interest to The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc, Box 4476 GPO Sydney 2001. To advertise in this magazine, please contact the Business Manager.

EditorGeorge Mawer, 42 Lincoln Road Georges Hall 2198, Telephone: 9707 1343
Business ManagerJan Roberts, 5 Sharland Av Chatswood 2067, Telephone: 9411 5517 (H) 9925 4000 (B)
Production ManagerFran Holland
Editorial TeamGeorge Mawer, Jan Roberts & Barbara Bruce.
PrintersKenn Clacher, Tom Wenman, Barrie Murdoch, Margaret Niven & Les Powell
Clubroom ReporterJan Roberts

The Sydney Bush Walkers Incorporated was founded in 1927. Club meetings are held every Wednesday evening at 8 Pin at Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre, 16 Fitzroy Street, Kirribilli (near Milsons Point Railway Station). Visitors and prospective members are welcome any Wednesday.

PresidentTony Holgate
Vice-PresidentPeter Miller
Public OfficerFran Holland
Treasurer Greta James
Secretary Michele Powell
Walks Secretary Eddy Giacomel
Social Secretary Jan Roberts
Membership Secretary Barry Wallace
New Members Secretary Miriam Kirwan
Conservation Secretary Alex Colley
Magazine Editor George Mawer
Committee Members Morie Ward & Jennifer Trevor-Roberts
Delegates to Confederation Ken Smith and Jim Callaway

August 1996

In this issue:

Editorial - Peter MillerP. 2
VHS Tapes - Peter ChristianP. 2
Letters to the EditorP. 3-4
70th Anniversary Dinner CommitteeP. 4
A Prospective's View - Nick BertsosP. 5
Personal Accident InsuranceP. 5
First Aid - Patrick JamesP. 8
Ballooning at Canowindra - Peter MillerP. 9
Spiro's New AddressP. 11
Walks Secretary's Mid Year Report - Eddy GiacomelP. 11
From the Club Room - Jan RobertsP. 12
July General Meeting - Barry WallaceP. 13
Protect WildlifeP. 14


AlsportP. 6
Eastwood CampingP. 7
Willis's WalkaboutsP. 10
Paddy PallinP. 15


For this month only I am editing the magazine - putting my computer where my mouth is - and attempting to show how the magazine may look in future editions. I have felt for some time that we should update the look of the magazine but in saying this I do not in any way denigrate the hard work and dedication that has gone into this most important club organ of news and views over the many years it has been published.

Of the many people who have contacted either George Mawer or myself there seems to be a clear division between those who want the cover, paper and the layout to remain same and those who want to see a new cover, a more modern layout and better quality paper. As I was the one who set the feral cat amongst the Wonga Pigeons I felt that I should take over the August issue while George is having a well earned holiday in Queensland. My only intention in stirring the pot is to make sure that the club has the very best magazine to see us into the next century by which time I will have hung up my boots but the club will go marching on, stronger than ever. The last thing that I want is to cause is a schism between those opting for change and those who want to retain the status quo.

A bit of discussion is, I think, good for the club because we are an interesting combination of tradition and innovation. I will (next issue) drawn up some alternative front pages for you to think about and set out the type using a desk top publishing program instead of a word processing program. George will be back at the Editor's desk next month so please let him know which direction you think the magazine should be taking in the 1990s. A selection of letters is printed showing once again, as if we needed reminding, that SBW members are never short of an opinion.

For better or worse at least it shows that the members take a lively interest in the magazine and care passionately about its future.

Peter Miller.

VHS TAPES of the Sydney Bushwalkers


Tiger, orangutangs, hippopotami, Mouldy, ugly queens, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs etc, etc.

Who were they? Buy a tape and find out and help the conservation cause at the same time.

Briefly, the tape covers the following:

  • Archival history of the formation of the club.
  • Interviews with foundation, past, present and veteran members.
  • Extensive coverage of early walks and exploratory trips.
  • Early conservations issues, notable individuals and initiatives taken by the club.
  • Background history to the “Bones of Office” and the “Ten Commandments of Presidential Office” etc, etc.


Come to “Re-Une”

  • Experience the grandeur and tranquillity of this special place.
  • Come on a unique tour of the area with an irresistible personal guide - no other than Dot Butler.
  • Visit the “harems” on the previously weed free, luxurious river flats.
  • Frolic with water nymphs during the swimming festivals.
  • Dance the night away with the original Coolana Hut Bush Band.
  • Kayak the sublime Kangaroo River and visit Ian Debert's hideaway.
  • Witness the annual cooking competition.
  • Enjoy the delightful Kangaroo Valley scenery.
Cost:$20.00 per tape collected from the club premises (postage $5.00 extra).
$10.00 per tape (honorary members only.)

Please note: a $10.00 per tape donation will be made to nominated conservation groups.

Contact: Peter Christian - 9476 1312 or 017 822651.

What members are saying about the magazine...

Dear Peter,

I read your recent article about updating in the SBW magazine with interest and I would like to make the following comments:

1. Is there merit in changing the present format of the magazine?

The format was updated a couple of years ago when the magazine was typed on computer. I think the use of columns as at present is a reasonable presentation. What change would be envisaged?

2. Suggestions for the cover.

The present cover symbolises SBW to me. It has historic significance (dating from 1932) and is symbolic of the past and present, i.e. trees, a bush track etc. It is a familiar design which I like.

3. A wrap around cover sounds a practical idea.

4. Improve the standard of the paper.

If the club can afford it, better quality would improve the appearance of the publication.

5. I would like to see a mock-up of any changes proposed before a final decision is made.

Thank you for your suggestion to reconsider the magazine. I assume the matter will be discussed at a future meeting of the Club?

Nancye Alderson. Eastwood.


It is a truism of publishing that the front cover of any magazine or newsletter has a big impact on whether people bother to write for it, read it - or even open it. I suspect that quite a few busy members, who don't pay for it separately, don't read the SBW magazine.

Inspite of its meaningfulness to old members, the cover, while competently drawn, lacks coherence and a meaningful focus. The eye is drawn to what must be a break in the cloud - or a wisp of bushfire smoke? The flat creek - or track - crosses below trees and bushes of unidentifiable species. There are no birds, flowers, lizards, wallabies, tents, cooking fires, cliffs, interesting rocks or bushwalkers.

My suggestion is that if the old cover must be retained it be reduced in size and included inside, with a historical explanation. The front cover, in this age of cheap desk top printing technology, could show for each issue a different member's photo or line drawing - and the club can produce a very high standard of both. This would distinguish one issue from the another and inspire members and others to read the magazine and take a livelier interest in the club.

Elwyn Morris. Kirribilli.

More letters next page

I refer to Patrick James' letter to the Editor, July issue re the bulletin cover.

I agree that the drawing used on the cover is an enjoyable example of the very early Lloyd Rees era and involves clever use of contrast in tones. However, a picture like this is occupying most of an A4 size sheet and needs to be viewed, from at least one metre away because when it is viewed at ordinary reading distance, as is the case with a magazine, it becomes very heavy and overpowering.

Secondly, on page 1 of the bulletin at the head of column one we have what is usually referred to as a masthead consisting of a flannel flower and the words “The Sydney Bushwalker”.

As you know, Peter Miller is reviewing the style and format of the bulletin and it might be possible that we go to the more modem A5 format which is half the size of the present A4 format and gives a professional result when run through a desk top publishing program.

I would like to submit the following options for consideration:

1. Reduce the size of the picture and enclose it in two box surrounds to give a framing effect. [See this month's cover. Ed.]

2. Reduce the picture even further to get the same effect on an A5 format.

3. Use another picture from time to time using the above techniques.

4. Move the masthead from page 1 to the front cover with appropriate size adjustment.

Frank Woodgate. Charlestown.

Letters to the Editor continued.

Dear Peter,

Yes it is time to update.

For discussion purposes is the back cover from the June 1996 National Parks Journal. It is a magnificent forest scene. It has excellent composition not far removed from the present SBW scene, great contrast, great definition and real life colour. It is an evocative picture. It is expensive glossy but worth every cent. It is the standard of presentation we could and should have on the cover of our publication. With the words The Sydney Bushwalker in traditional size, type and colour printed onto a dark panel at the bottom of the scene exactly as current (forming a link with the past) and with absolutely nothing else. I would be happy for that type of scene and quality of presentation to be our front cover and yes, if feasible, let's make it a folder. On the rear page include any necessary text along with the club emblem..

The cost should not be a consideration. For many, including many elderly SBW members, when The Sydney Bushwalker arrives it may be the main contact they have with the club. It should evoke memories of bushwalks through similar pristine bushland…

Geoff Grace. Hunters Hill.

Due to space considerations I have cut this letter short It went on to discuss the type of picture on the cover and the possible sources such as a picture by Henry Gold or our own members - Editor.

There have always been differences of opinion about the cover of our magazine. In The Sydney Bushwalkers: The First Sixty Years (1987) I wrote: “The cover, as now, remained exactly as it first appeared in December 1937 (an Alan Rigby drawing). Some said we were loyal, others nostalgia-bound, others ultra-conservative, others sticking to a good thing. That cover, now 50 years old, must surely be a record for an Australian publication”.

I disagree with Patrick James (July issue) because I believe that the magazine should be 'modern, contemporary and state of the art' (his words) both outside and inside. The present cover has served us well but that does not mean we have to live with it for the rest of our days. Let's have a vibrant new cover each month, something to look forward to. I visualise a quality photograph illustrating some aspect of our recreation. Is such a concept beyond the expertise and budget of this club? Surely not! I recognise the appeal of Alan's drawing for many members but after 45 years membership the magazine, from my point of view, may as well be wrapped in brown paper, so repetitive has the cover become.

Frank Rigby. Canberra.

I would like to see a more professional look to the magazine, while retaining the historic cover in some form. I would like my view on this made known to the club.

Ainslie Morris. South Durras.

70th Anniversary Celebrations

The Committee for next years celebrations has been formed and by the time you are reading this issue of the magazine will have held its first meeting.

The following members have volunteered to work on the Committee:

Greta James.

Denise Shaw.

Paul Haynes.

Anne Maguire.

Judith O'Connor.

I have received a letter from Honorary Life Member Brian Harvey who comments “It is interesting, after 69 years we still have two original members and plenty in their seventies and eighties.” He goes on to suggest that a separate table be preserved for members and ex members who were in the Club prior to the second World War.

We are particularly interested in making contact with past and present members of the club so if you know the names of past members please contact the Committee. A feature of the Anniversary Dinner will be to make presentations to the longest serving member and to the newest member.

The 70 Anniversary Committee welcomes your suggestions on how we should celebrate - please don't leave it to the last minute - tell us now.

Peter Miller - Convenor. 9456-5326

Mount Solitary and the Ruined Castle viewed from Narrow Neck in the late afternoon - Tony Holgate's Kanangra to Katoomba walk, June 1996 - photo by Peter Miller

A Prospective's View

My experience as a prospective We was not meant to be easy. Why do I want to be a bushwalker? What is the motivation to be among 4., determined group of only 45 per cent that moves to full membership? Could it be the variety and quality of walks offered; their ranking of 'not so' Easy, Medium and Hard through all sorts of terrain and weather?

Maybe part of the reason lies with the members and fellow prospectives - united in their love of: walking and the bush; the characters; their differences; their enthusiasms and expectations from all walks of life both support and enrich the club has forced me to conclude that quick snack, check pack, meet group, cold stinging morning air, excitement, anticipation. We're off! The leader sets a cracking pace, some describe it as a race. Heart rates increase, breathing quickens, perspiration flows, off go the jackets, jumpers and gloves, next comes the hill, you feel it could kill, burning calves and thighs, sore feet and blisters, strained shoulders and backs.

Walkers exude energy and spirit, the harder it gets the more dogged and determined they become, loving the challenge and longing for more.

To a Sydney Bushwalker all of this is heaven not hell; ecstasy not agony; pleasure not pain. Who could ask for anything more? Nick Bertsos - Prospective (Nick was welcomed as a full member at the August General Meeting -Editor)

I Personal Accident I Insurance Personal accident insurance is entirely optional. We have the option of insuring all or only some of our members. The matter is entirely at the discretion of individuals who make their own arrangements by contacting Spiro Hajinakitas. The cost is $2.20 per member and covers the period 1 September 1996 to I 30 June 1997. Members who wish to take out this insurance should contact Spiro 9699 1375 (home) or 681 4874 - 681 2000

Who could argue the hypnotic attraction of nature, its invigorating solitude, the blue skies and speckled clouds, the bush fragrances, the flowers, the endless flow of running water, the wind whispering through the trees and the melody of the singing birds? Bushwalkers bask in this symphony of life.


Notes supplied by Patrick James

This is the first of a series of articles on this important subject.

All bushwalkers should be able to render first aid simply because our sport take us many hours, if not days, - away from medical help. These notes are a very simple summary of the aspects of first aid of direct interest to bushwalkers, that is the type of first aid situation that could be expected on a bush walk. Bushwalkers are strongly advised to attend a recognised first aid course conducted by/through the Red Cross, St. John's Ambulance, WorkCover or similar organisation. From time to time the Confederation of Bushwalking Clubs organises a first aid instruction weekend conducted by a recognised organisation. This is an excellent opportunity to gain a first aid certificate. If you have a medical condition that requires special medication or consideration, tell the walk leader, then at least two people know of it. 1 Basic First Aid Kit The basic first aid kit depends on the season of the year, ie summer include sun block-out lotion and in winter include some high energy food (chocolate, etc) and also on your own medical needs, eg antihistamine pills, asthma medication, etc. Commercial kits are not recommended. They are expensive and bulky and may include glass containers which are heavy and liable to break. A good idea- :is a small, compact, lightweight, up-to-date, first aid book; an Australian first aid book to cover the first aid situations encountered in Australia. Water is also a valuable first aid item; for cleaning wounds and relieving dehydration and hyperthermia.

Basic First Aid Kit for use on bushwalks: Antihistamine cream for the treatment of insect bites. Antiseptic cream (alternative is Tea Tree oil, also antiseptic and good for removing ticks). Painkillers, pain relief tablets or capsules, eg aspirin or soluble aspirin. Sun-block cream to prevent sunburn. Vinegar, small container, on beach walks for blue bottle stings. Vaseline, small container, for blisters and chaffed feet. Crepe bandage, 50 mm wide, for sprains, fractures and snake bites. “Band Aids” or similar, for small cuts and blisters. “Elastoplast” 50 mm wide, for blisters, cuts and general repairs. Safety pins two or three, to secure bandage. Scissors, alternative pen knife, tweezers and needle to remove splinters and ticks.

On a typical bush walk it is unlikely that everyone in the party will be carrying all of the above. In first aid situations it is normal practice to pool the first aid resources so that (usually) within the group there is the contents of a reasonable first aid kit. Be prepared to improvise. In all cases where the casualty is conscious, reassure the casualty, assist them to lie down and rest. Be sensitive of the casualty's needs; he/she may be hungry or thirsty and may need to go to the toilet: required then are assistance with clothing and then privacy. If the casualty is unconscious, after DRAB C (see below), make him/her comfortable, place on their side and ensure unrestricted airways and breathing. When bandaging limbs for sprains, fractures, snake bites and cuts do not bandage so tightly as to cut off the flow of blood to the fingers or toes. Check by pressing a nail until it turns white, on release of the pressure it will become pink if circulation is adequate or remain white or blue if circulation is inadequate. To be continued next issue.

Ballooning at Canowindra By Peter Miller

It was one of those really memorable weekends which will be talked about for a long time by those who were fortunate to be there.

Seventeen of us (Dennis Wilson, Sheila Speter, Kay Chan, Anne Maguire, Doreen Proven and partner, Jo and Jamie Roberts, Ron Howlett, Jan Brown, Frank Grennan, Elizabeth Miller, Miriam Kirwan, Kris Stephenson and partner, Ted Kelly, Peter Miller) gathered at Balloon Aloft at Canowindra on a cold and rather cloudy August afternoon and made camp. After a walk to see what downtown Canowindra had to offer in the way of entertainment we had a boisterous, five star dinner at an excellent restaurant and then walked or drove back to camp under a brilliant, starry sky.

The night was cold enough for ice to form on the cars but we did not have time to lie in bed because Dennis was rousing us from our slumbers before the sun was up and herding us out to the launching area to get the balloon ready.

The 240,000 cubic foot “PVC” balloon was prepared for launching by rolling it onto the frosty ground and then spreading it out while a high-speed fan drove cold air into it for the initial inflation. The most unpleasant job is to be the ones who have to hold the mouth of the balloon open while standing in the stream of cold air from the fan - very chilly. The balloon envelope, which is made of 1000 square metres of silicone treated polyester fabric, is connected to the wicker basket by stainless steel cables. The basket, which holds the butane fuel, crew and passengers, is topped by a frame holding the burners. The frame is swivelled to point the three metre long flame in the direction of the half inflated envelope while the pilot gives the fuel a blast to heat the air inside. (Hot air balloons get their lift by the fact that hot air rises as it is less dense than cold air so ballooning is best done in the early morning while the air is cold and there is no wind).

After several carefully timed blasts of the burner the envelope started to fill and become the majestic shape that will carry the first band of intrepid adventurers wherever the wind chooses to take them. After more blasts from the burner the envelope fills completely and rises from the damp earth to take on its rounded shape, standing as high as a 12 storey building. While this is happening the basket has been tethered to the four wheel chase vehicle but now with the sun just beginning to peep over the surrounding hills it is time to be off.

With the co-pilot at the controls, Peter Vizzard, the pilot, gave us a briefing about how the balloon operates and the stringent safety procedure in place and it was time for the first group to clamber aboard and go aloft. All the carefully laid plans worked out at dinner the night before about who would go first were quickly forgotten as we divided into ballooners and chasers. The basket was untethered from the chase vehicle and with more blasts from the burners the balloon rose slowly and gracefully into the sunlight while we who were left back on the cold, cold ground were given wonderful photo opportunities of the other members hanging over our

Why does Ted Kelly look like this? Is he going to the firing squad? Is he about to go over Niagara in a barrel? No no, he is getting ready for his first hot air balloon trip. heads while the air currents carried them slowly away from the launch site. Their cries of delight at being free of the earth echoed down to us as we stamped our feet in an attempt to keep warm. The winter sunshine was very welcome while we stood sunning ourselves like lizards watching the balloon float off out of earshot. Then it was time to board the chase vehicles and follow the balloon on its course. The pilot and the two chase vehicle drivers kept in touch by radio and after nearly an hour of flying it was time for them to touch down and swap the two passenger loads and take on more fuel. We were told how and when to climb aboard working on the principle of one on before one got off and then we were away again.

Although I had ballooned before I was still not prepared for the sheer beauty of the clear sunlit morning and the close view of a large gum tree that we soared over just after taking off. By now the sun was well up in the sky and the air currents were making the balloon travel a little more quickly. We rose to height of 3000 feet and had a birds- eye view of the rich farming country spread below. We were fascinated by the intricate patterns in the ploughed fields that seemed to have been planned for our delight. The patterns ranging from the purely geometrical to fantastic Celtic Cross interweavings. The sheep and cattle were such as seen in toy-town models and the houses and other building seemed small and insubstantial. We could see for many kilometres in every direction as the balloon was rotated for our benefit while various natural and man-made features were pointed out.

Below us the Belubula River hurried to its junction with the Lachlan. Overhead the clear blue sky held not a hint of cloud or wind and I would have happily stayed up there all day (if it were not for having a very empty stomach as the early start precluded any thought of breakfast). In the distance we could see range upon range of hills and changing light patterns and then it was time to look for a suitable landing spot away from trees and power lines and hopefully close to a road which the chase vehicles could use. We crossed a main road and headed over a stretch of boggy ground startling a large kangaroo on the way. By this time we were less than 20 feet above the ground and we came down to gently touch the earth on a newly ploughed paddock. As the gate to the paddock was locked the pilot decided that we would 'walk' the balloon across the paddock and over the fence into the next paddock which could be reached by the chase vehicles. To the encouraging cheers of the sluggards who remained in the basket three of us hopped over the side and grabbed the handles to tow the balloon. It was a struggle to get the load moving but once it started to shift it was quite easy. As we reached the barbed wire fence the pilot expertly gave a fmal burst on the burners and the basket lifted just the few extra centimetres necessary to clear the fence and then it slowly descended to the earth again for the last time to make a perfect, gentle landing. Now the reverse of the early morning activity took place. The top of the envelope has a removable panel which is lowered by the pilot to release the hot air. As the envelope collapses one of the chase crew takes the head rope to lay the balloon out in a straight line so that it can be folded ready for placing in its large canvas carry bag. The

BUSHWALKING awn. The pleasant temperature evaporates with the sun. Huge clouds grow as the land swelters below. Suddenly, a wind springs up and the temperature crashes. Rain buckets down as lightning flashes and thunder roars. Then, as quickly as it began, the storm passes. Frogs call and birds sing. The land turns green, almost as you watch. All nature rejoices in the change. On our Build Up trips, you walk along gently flowing, escarpment creeks, stopping at tranquil waterholes where you spend hours swimming and relaxing in the shade. You watch the birds and listen to the cicada chorus that announces the season's change. You spend a full day on a houseboat, cruising slowly along the Mary River, entranced by the hundreds of birds that line the shore. You relax with a cold drink and watch the moon rise over the river, finally lulled to sleep by the peaceful sounds of the water and wildlife around you. For more information, ask for the trip notes for Kakadu Highlights 16 and 17.

Walks Secretary's Mid Year Report By Eddy Giacomel

At last, the Spring 1996 Walks Program is put together.

To make my task easier, it would be appreciated if leaders would follow these guidelines: passengers are pressed into service pushing the air out of the envelope and folding it up. The wires are unhooked from the basket and with a heave and a shove all is loaded onto the trailer ready for the drive back to the launching site.

After a simple ceremony of being anointed with drop of champagne on the forehead by Judy Lynne we tucked into a very welcome breakfast of cereal, bacon, sausages, eggs, tomato, hot home-made bread. toast with local jams, tea and coffee all washed down with champagne and orange juice. Breakfast was cooked by the pilot (obviously a man of many talents) who then issued us with a signed certificate showing we had made an ascent in a hot air balloon and lived to tell the tale.

All that remained was to pack up and face the long drive back to Sydney. Thank you Dennis and Sheila for arranging an unusual, exciting and truly wonderful weekend. 1 Submit walks in writing. There is less chance for error when I have something written by you rather than something written by me which you haven't seen. Also, if I take the details by phone, this means dictation as well as typing. Obviously some cases lend themselves to taking details by phone and work well but, in general, submission in writing is preferred.

Only in urgent cases (and then only with a doctor's or coroner's certificate following in the post) should walks be dictated to my answering machine. 2 Check that your submission contains ALL DETAILS, ie maps, distances, dates, etc. It isn't necessary to use the form at the back of the program, but please check that you have included ALL DETAILS. If time is pressing, an outline can be submitted with details to follow soon after. If I know what is coming I can reserve dates. 3 Please ensure that your handwriting is legible (this has generally not been a problem). 4 Submit walks by the closing date. Some time must by spent trying to arrive at a balanced program and, if too many walks come in after the closing date, it may be necessary to move walks that have already been moved once, perhaps involving calls to third parties. It's not too late to submit walks after the closing date, but if too many walks come in then, my job becomes much more difficult, especially if I have other commitments, eg work deadlines or travel. 5 Use a paper size that can be filed in a two ring binder, eg A4 or exercise book size. If the paper is too small, I have to tape it to A4 paper to file it. You may fit than one walk on a sheet of paper as walks are not filed in order of date, but in alphabetical order of leaders. 6 Give optional dates where possible to avoid phone calls to check if your dates can be changed. 7 If you don't want your walk rated as a “test” walk, please mention it as “Not Test Walk” with your submission. When the program is reviewed by the committee, in the absence of any instruction from you, we may rate your walk as a test walk if it is suitable for a test walk. The converse does not apply; we may not necessarily accept that a particular walk is of “test” walk standard even if you consider it to be so. You might only need to spend an extra five minutes on your submission. However, please remember that you are dealing with one, two or three walks - I'm dealing with dozens. Thank you to all the leaders who have submitted walks. I'm sure that your efforts will be appreciated by all. Enjoy your walking. Spiro Hajinakitas has moved house.

His new address is: 454A Botany Road BEACONSFIELD 2015 Phone 9699 1375 (home) or 9681 4874 (work) 9681 2000 (work)


Two months have gone by since the last Club room report. Life's been too busy - but enough of the excuses, let's review what has been happening… Walking with George and Christine Floyd

George and Christine's wonderful slides taken during their walking trip to the west coast of the USA, were a feature of the May Social Program. Some of the highlights of the trip were scenes from Bryce Canyon in Utah with its colourful canyons and amazing rock formations and slides from extensive walks in the famous Yosemite National Park. George treated us to some excellent shots of Half Dome in Yosemite; a majestic formation which he and Christine climbed. Recently a rock estimated to be in excess of 250,000 tons broke off and fell into the valley causing immense devastation. Thanks George and Christine for sharing some of your walking experiences with SBW.

Annual Club auction Patrick James led the annual Club Auction on the 22nd of May and managed not only to amuse us as always but also directly assisted with adding to the Club's coffers with the funds raised. Thank you Patrick for helping out and, for those who are interested, funds raised from the auction go to the upkeep of Coolana.

Tai Chi and bushwalking Next, with a very different theme was Peter Dalton who discussed and demonstrated the value of Tai chi, and other forms of meditation to bushwalking, on the 29th of May. As a result, many of us present on that night now try to focus on being more centred when we bushwalk. You provided some very interesting food for thought Peter, thank you from all of us.

Rafting the Franklin River Having spent the week prior working at the Travel Show at Darling Harbour, Peter Griffiths, Manager in Tasmania for Peregrine Adventures, came to Kirribilli to talk to us about his favourite subject. For 90 minutes Peter took us paddling down the Franklin, taking in all the spills and thrills this serious rafting trip has to offer, During the night SBW members received first hand knowledge of what it takes to complete this 12 day 'full on' wilderness adventure. In addition, Peter discussed the measures Peregrine has taken to protect the Franklin's environment from human impact. Hence the `poo tins' that are carried about for the entire trip on the rafts, which finally end up back in Hobart after 12 days! Our thanks to Peter for staying over in Sydney to visit the club. For those now planning a trip, Peter has since written to SBW offering a 10% discount for groups of 8-10 interested in arranging a private trip. For more details contact Anne in the Sydney office on 9290 2770. SBW Nostalgia Night Past president and son of the first SBW president, Ian Debert brought along many of the interesting photographs and documents collected by our club over the past 69 years. The evening also provided many of us with new insights into what it was like to walk in the bush before cars became the mode of transport and pollution became commonplace. Many of the faces of older members gave us a strong indication of how uncomplicated life was then compared to living in the 1990's. Alex Colley spoke to us a little about how he came to take up walking with SBW in the 1930's. Ian pointed out that the archives always require further contributions and encouraged all our prolific shutter-bugs to occasionally remember copies for the archives. This way our history lives continues to grow.

'Can't Walk I've got Back Pain' The key message delivered by Rolf Janssen at this meeting was an interesting departure from that of most therapies. Rolf suggested we needed to look more to ourselves for the answers to our health problems rather than rely on the practitioner. Continued next page

The July 1996 General Meeting by Barry Wallace From the Club Room contd… Roll's methods for resolving back and other pain we were told, included helping the patient explore his/her past and present life style for hints of other underlying problems. This was enlightening stuff for many of us. Chiropractic is a science which concerns itself with the relationship between structure (mainly the spine) and function (mainly the nervous system) to achieve the restoration and preservation of good health. Throughout the night Roil involved a number of SBW members to demonstrate the relevance of 'mind over matter' body tests to show the importance of a positive mental attitude. Our thanks to Rolf for delivering a very empowering presentation to SBW. Thirty Days of Walking We travelled first to South West Tasmania with Jan Mohandas on the last Wednesday of the month, for some challenging walking only he can lead. Federation Peak and the surrounding South West coast received a lot of attention during Jan's slide presentation which was very well attended by SBW members. Jan and his party of three had particularly excellent weather we noted for almost the entire Tasmanian section of their 30 day walk. The results were evident throughout the slide show, with the beaches clearly visible from photographs from the summit of Federation Peak. Thank you Jan for the time and effort taken at the Clubroom. Your slides of the Mt. Bogong region in Victoria have a number of us planning future walks!

The meeting began at around 2003 when the President called the 18 or so members present to order and began the meeting. There were apologies for Greta James, Tom Wenman and Michelle Powell and new members Gail Crichton and Paul Crooks were welcomed into membership.

The minutes of the June general meeting were read and received with no matters arising.

A review of correspondence for the month revealed one letter from a walker in South Australia asking for information on walks in the Blue Mountains, from our landlord, Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre advising that in future a caretaker will be present whenever the centre is in use and asking us to return our keys. NPWS wrote thanking us for the information on horseriding in the Kanangra area at Easter and indicating that although the area is not yet formally declared as wilderness the activity is nonetheless in breach of regulations and they will discuss the matter with the group responsible. NPWS also wrote to us providing information on declared wilderness areas. Sydney water and NPWS have written advising us of forthcoming public consultations regarding areas under their control. Confederation have written advising that per capita fees for the coming year will remain unchanged. Letters were sent to: the walker from South Australia advising him of suitable printed guides available for the Blue Mountains walking areas, Andy McQueen at Confederation advising them of the recision motion passed at the last general meeting, Elwyn Morris responding to her recent letters and to NPWS recommending the closure of a stock route that virtually bisects Guy Faulks National Park. The treasurer was absent on holidays and the report had been left somewhere. The walks report began with some extended walks. There was no report for Paul McCann's Myall Lakes walk from 12 to 14 June. David Rostron's walk from 15 to 26 June in Kakadu NP went. Conditions were hot and mosquitos numerous and friendly. Paul McCann's 6 to 21 July walk in Cooloola NP also attracted no report. The weekend of 15, 16 June saw the Coolana weeding recreation weekend conducted to program. Zol Bodlay and Pamela Leuzinger had 19 on their orange grove walk on the Saturday in lovely weather. Alan Donnelly had three on his Megalong Valley walk on the same day but no other details were available. Sunday saw Dick Weston leading a party of 8 through some shower activity on his Kanuka Brook trip. The first of the two remote area first aid courses was conducted at the Hollands's over the weekend of 21, 22 June with the 10 enrollees reduced to eight at the last moment due to influenza. Maurice Smith rerouted his Ettrema area walk for the nine starters who came on it due to persistent rain from early Sunday morning. Elwyn Morris cancelled her easy walk in the Kiama area due to lack of starters. There was no report for Morag Ryder's Ruined Castle walk on the Saturday but Don Brooks had 29 on his Kuringai Chase trip on the Sunday.

The Coolana training weekend saw some 30 or so people learning, teaching, and assisting over the weekend of 29, 30 June. Jim Percy had eight on his Wentworth Creek trip which was described as enjoyable. Various members did variously at the Confederation Rogaining weekend with Ken Smith reporting a late finish on the Saturday. There is a general opinion that there were around eight members from SBW at the event. Eddie Giacomel led his Sunday walk to Bluegum forest on the Saturday for some reason. The four starters enjoyed windy weather with some rain. Perhaps enjoyed is inappropriate for at least one prospective misjudged things and ended up at the “leave me here I can't go any farther” stage. Lynne Yeaman's Grand Canyon trip on the Sunday. saw 10 walkers. enjoying a nice day and an early return. There was no report for Alan Wells' Gingra Creek trip, Ian Wolfe's XC ski trip, or Peter Miller's Saturday walk to Glenbrook Creek. The various stages of Wilf Hilder's circumnavigation of Port Jackson have become asynchronous with the program but whichever one it was had 18 starters and a good day on the Sunday. Peter Kaye's Patonga to Pearl Beach walk has eight walkers and was described as very easy by at least one of them.

The weekend of 6, 7 July saw Tony Manes leading a party of 15 on his Bundundah Creek trip through occasional showers of rain over a range of interesting terrain. Dick Weston's Saturday walk to Mount Solitary had eight starters reducing to four for some reason. Tony Holgate's amble around the tracks at Mill Creek on Sunday had 22 starters and was described as a good walk. Geoff Dowsett's cycle/ bushwalk in the Megalong Valley on the Sunday is believed to have gone but no other details are available. Elwyn Morris deferred her RNP huts discussion walk due to lack of numbers and moreover achieved the distinction of bringing this month's walks reports to an end.

Conservation report indicted that NCC and others have prepared a Forest Reserves Plan which presumably will be made available for discussion. Matters arising saw a query about the proposed route of a natural gas pipeline that will pass through the Ettrema area. Alex was able to advise us that the line will follow the route of the existing road and so should pose no significant threat barring catastrophic failures. Confederation report revealed that the CEO of ORCA did not attend the Confederation meeting but sent a proxy named Warren Huxley. Mr Huxley provided extensive details of the structure of ORCA but was less forthcoming about the reasons for the existence of the body. Discussions will continue with NPWS over the use of “section 19.2 activities” management policies to restrict walking party sizes, an idea which Confederation will seek to challenge. There is a proposal for a track linking existing walking tracks at Manly and Berowra.

General business came and went with no matters arising, and the meeting closed at 2110.

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