Table of Contents
April 1997
THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER is a monthly bulletin of matters of interest to The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc, Box 4476 GPO Sydney 2001. To advertise in this magazine, please contact the Business Manager.
Editor: Patrick James
5/2 Hardie Street Neutral Bay 2089
Telephone 9904 1515
Business Manager: George Mawer
42 Lincoln Road Georges Hall
Telephone 9707 1343
Production Manager: Fran Holland
Printers: Kenn Clacher, Tom Wenman, Barrie Murdoch, Margaret Niven & Les Powell
THE SYDNEY BUSH WALKERS INCORPORATED was founded in 1927. Club meetings, are held every Wednesday evening at 8 pm at Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre, 16 Fitzroy Street, Kirribilli (near Milsons Point Railway Station). Visitors and prospective members are welcome any Wednesday.
President: | Tony Holgate |
Vice-President: | Morie Ward |
Public Officer: | Fran Holland |
Treasurer: | Greta James |
Secretary: | Michele Powell |
Walks Secretary: | Eddy Giacomel |
Social Secretary: | Committee |
Membership Secretary: | Barry Wallace |
New Members Secretary: | Jennifer Trevor-Roberts |
Conservation Secretary: | Alex Colley |
Magazine Editor: | Patrick James |
Committee Members: | Morie Ward & Jennifer Trevor-Roberts |
Delegates to Confederation: | Ken Smith and Jim Callaway |
In This Issue
P 2 | Editorial Articles Wanted Kakadu Walk A star named Wade NSW Native Forests |
P 3 | Jewel Trees by Deirdre Kidd January General Meeting, by Barry Wallace |
P 6 | From the Walk's Secretary's Desk by Eddy Giacomel |
P 7 | Sandy Johnson's Broken Ribs March AGM by Barry Wallace |
P 9 | Women's Business Men's Business |
P 10 | May Day! May Day by Joan Rigby Coolana Notices |
P 12 | Footnotes, Magazine Deadlines, Change of Address, Social Secretary |
George has replaced his editorial eye shade with his bushwalking hat, and put his red pencil, dictionary and style guide into cold storage. Thanks George for the last three years. So now you have me. This is my second stint as editor, my first was in 198 to 198x . In those days it was easy to be the editor as Kath Brown did all the magazine typing and layout. What a fine lady she was. In preparing this edition I have learnt very quickly just how much work George and Kath before him have done for the Sydney Bushwalker.
Every new broom knows exactly how a job should be done; looking ahead to a bright and better future. And as you may have guessed this new editor is no different from other new brooms. Over the past few months there has been much talk of what ought to happen to the Sydney Bushwalker, new this or different that, more pages, guilt edging, perhaps a page 3 pin-up. Plan A at the moment, and this can change with circumstances, is to get the insides right: plenty of good, interesting articles, plenty of news and information. When Plan A is fully functional and that includes the computer doing what I want it to do, then we can see to making other changes to the quality of the magazine.
As I write this I have a sinking feeling that there is not enough copy to fill this edition. There may be a page or two with a bit too much white space this month. Now this brings to mind the need for contributions from members and prospective members. All of you are welcome and invited to write articles for the Sydney Bushwalker. Ideally give me your articles on floppy disk, I’ll tell you the details when you ring me. Hard copy (computer speak for pen on paper) is OK. Spelling or sentence construction; don’t you worry about that; I’ll fix that up. The only restriction is that the topic must have some interest to bushwalking and bushwalkers. As you know we are a diverse group of people with a wide range of interests so really the sky’s the limit.
Letters to the editor on any subject are welcome with a few ground rules, length about 200 words, conscious of the laws of libel, together with good taste, constructive criticism is fine, destructive criticism will end up in the WPB. The editor will make some dictatorial, red pencil decisions as to what should be published. That’s what I’m paid for.
Articles Wanted
The Sydney Bushwalker is a good as the written word within. Someone (me) said that words unwritten cannot be read. Articles for our magazine are always required. Style is flexible: short, medium or long, prose or poetry; humorous or serious, fact or fiction. The limit is simply your imagination. That’s a challenge that every red blooded bushwalker would fine impossible to refuse.
From time to time there will be theme editions such as gear, food, clothing, etc. I’ll mention these next month. But don’t wait, write right now, see your name in print, get ready for the Pulitzer Prize.
Kakadu Walk
12 July to 26 July 1997, medium walk taking in the beautiful creek system of the southern escarpment. The walk includes UDP Falls, Waterfall and Gromophylon Creeks, Cascade Creek, Twin Falls and Koolpin Creek and Gorge. Contact David Rostron 9451 7943 (between 5 April and 5 May book with Spiro on 9699-1375).
A Star Named Wade
A star discovered by R H McNaught at Siding Springs observatory has been named Wade, after amateur astronomer Wade Butler a friend of the discoverer. In December 1995, Dot Butler’s son Wade disappeared without trace during a solo walk in south-eastern Tasmania, despite searching by bushwalkers including teams from SBW. Wade’s children, named after stars, now have their own star to look up to.
NSW Native Forests
The Forest Campaign Group (FCG) part of the Australian Conservation Foundation is starting a campaign to protect high conservation value forests from intensive logging, woodchipping mining or any other threats. The south coast target area is between Kiama and Batemens Bay with special focus on Termeil, Conjola, Kiola, Monga, Clyde River and South Deua. FCG plan to hold familiarisation trips for experienced bushwalk leaders to these areas over the ANZAC and June long weekends. If interested, and if experienced, contact Eddie Giacomel.
Jewel Trees
A flash of Topaz twinkling there,
Becomes an Aquamarine.
Chameleon-like it changes,
Now a Ruby can be seen.
These prisms of light
In which eyes take delight
Sparkle after day’s dawning.
Droplets of Amethyst glint in the sun,
Specks of watery fire.
From many a eucalypt leaf they cling
Our spirits to inspire.
They wave and dance,
Dappled shadows to enhance,
The view from our tent flaps adorning.
From slender trunks misty vapours uncurl
Like myriad breakfast campfires.
Sun and past rain their riches proclaim,
As they greet this jewel of a morning.
Hearts lift at the sight,
Trees that had in the night
Been festooned with gems so rewarding.
Deirdre Kidd, October 1996.
The January 1997 General Meeting
There were two starts to the meeting, around a minute apart. The crowd, including 20 or so members, totally ignored the first rather tentative striking of the gong at 2017 so the president tried again at 2018, this time with more vigour and indeed more success. There were apologies for Wilf Hilder and Jennifer Trevor-Roberts. There were no details for Wilf, but Jennifer was reported to be recovering from a recent episode of bicycle launched flight, with various broken bones, generally in the vicinity of the right shoulder and arm. New member George Carter was welcomed in the usual way.
The minutes of the December general meeting were read and received with the only matter arising being a comment that Shirley Dean’s letter regarding the 70th anniversary celebrations has been passed to the 70th anniversary committee for consideration.
Correspondence was comprised of; a letter from Don Cornell thanking us for our letter of appreciation for the work done on the new gate at Coolana and pointing out that the enterprise involved a number of contributors, a letter from Shoalhaven City Council advising that they will be changing some of the locality names in the shire, a copy of Confederation minutes for the most recent meeting, a letter from Australia Post advising that our mailbox will be relocated in February due to rebuilding activities, a notice to advise us that our insurance broker Bain-Hogg are now owned by AON risk and any future dealings will be with them, a letter from Eddy Giacomel contributing to the debate on the 70th anniversary preparations, from Bill Holland regarding Coolana maintenance, to our new member, to Christine and Geoff Davidson welcoming them back to membership, and last of all to Kenn Clacher confirming the decision to replace the club’s ropes.
The treasurer’s report revealed that we received income of $1,475, spent $1,891 and closed the period with a balance of $7,320.
The walks reports began at the weekend of 13, 14, 15 December with no report for Ian Wolfe’s Blue Mountains canyons trip. The Coolana weekend was reported as successful with an unrecorded number of volunteers but more always welcome. Morrie Ward started his Sydney Harbour foreshores Saturday walk late, delayed by an impromptu coffee stop, with a party, and we use the term advisedly here, of 20. The pace must have been ferocious, they were down to only 15 survivors by Manly. Geoff Macintosh had 24 on his Sunday walk in the Royal but there were no other details. Errol Sheedy had 13 on his walk from Heathcote to Sutherland on that day
Wilf Hilder’s Wednesday walk from Waterfall to Heathcote went well, with a party of 8.
December 21, 22 was to have seen Alan Wells leading two walks in Bell Creek and Wollangambe Creek but no one seemed to have any indication of whether it happened or not.
Dick Weston’s Sunday walk in Erskine Creek went, in hot conditions with strong winds and a party of 5.
There was no report for Paul McCanns walk in Werrikimbe National Park over 20 to 24 December.
Christmas saw a couple of cancellations, with Jim Rivers scrubbing his Morton National Park walk over December 26 to 30 or 31 and George Walton cancelling his walk out from Round Mountain over the same period. Ian Rennard’s Victorian Alps walk went, with the party of 17 encountering generally good weather with some thunderstorms. Maurie Bloom’s Kosciusko (well, nobody had mentioned it to me at the time) trip had 10 starters and good weather. David Trinder reported an average attendance of 9 for his ski lodge based Christmas trip. They had sunny weather and a wonderful time. Even George Carter said he had a wonderful time, even though he discovered, as he evicted it, that the, as he thought Christmas beetle, up his pyjama leg one morning, was a funnel web spider. Maurice Smith led a party of 8 on his December 26 to January 2 walk out from Round Mountain and described it as a lovely walk. Kenn Clacher reported 6 starters and good weather for his December 27 to January 3 walk in the Victorian Alps.
Boxing day saw Jim Callaway leading the 6 starters on his Helensburgh to Otford walk through the public transport maze of substitute buses to arrive an hour later than scheduled at Helensburgh. That seems insignificant, they completed the walk and caught the 1621 train home. Bronny Niemeyer led a party of 6 on her Sydney Harbour Foreshores walk in beautiful conditions the same day.
Ken Cheng led a group of 6 on his Waterfall to Otford trip in good weather on Sunday 29 December.
Paul McCann’s walk in the South West Tasmania had not returned at the date of the meeting so there were no details.
Tony Manes reported a party of 21 on his Stanwell Park to Otford walk on Sunday 5th January enjoying a great day with fine weather. For some reason he was impressed by the 60 or so phone calls it took for the 21 starters to decide on their participation in the walk.
Greta James deferred her scheduled Megalong Valley walk from the weekend of 11, 12 January to 22 February. Of the day walks that weekend, Elwyn Morris led her Otford to South Era via the escarpment walk on the Saturday in sunny conditions with cooling breezes. Seas were rougher than normal and swimming was restricted as a result. Greg Bridge had 13 on his Erskine Creek walk the same day. They reported an excellent day with cool conditions. There was no report for Ron Watters’ Kangaroo River trip. Nuri Chorvat had 16 on his Taronga to Manly walk but no other details were available.
Bill Holland’s mid week walk went on Tuesday the 14th with 8 starters, 4 of whom aspired to be leader. This impromptu committee rerouted the trip a bit, and avoided the need for bus transport, on what was described as an excellent day.
January 16, 17, 18 was the weekend for Bill and Ian Debert’s and combined walk and canoe trip on Tallowa Dam. The party of 20 managed to divide evenly over the two activities, with the canoeists launching at around 0930 in cool drizzly conditions and the walkers executing a dummy first leg to throw off any possible pursuit, until Fran pointed out the need to change direction if they were to arrive at the campsite without visiting an unduly large range of other places on the way. There were no details for Kenn Clacher’s two day abseiling trip at Kanangra but we were told there were 9 suspendees. Rosemary MacDougal’s Saturday walk from Winmalee to Springwood had 17 starters and was described as a pleasant walk. On the Sunday, Sandy Johnson and his party of 8 experienced early drizzle and later fine conditions for the walk to Mackeral Beach and Jim Callaway experienced adversity, what with a late start and slow movers among the party of 11, on his Otford to Heathcote walk. To complete the rout, they had a shower of rain at Era and then unusually hot conditions for the stroll up the hill.
Wilf Hilder reported 8 starters, 5 of whom aspired to leadership, on his midweek walk from Engadine to Heathcote on Wednesday 22nd of January. Conditions were uncommonly hot between swims.
Conservation report indicated that Sydney Water are preparing draft plans of management for the 5 special NPWS areas under their control. Alex has lodged a written submission on this. Further land area has been added to Marra-Marra National Park. NPWS have the problem of pigs in the Kanangra Boyd under review. People with information on pig sighting locations and numbers should contact Kim Degovrit at NPWS Oberon. (Pig sign is fairly useless, you need recent pig sightings.)
Confederation report covered the lack of progress on NPWS risky activities blanket consent. (There’s a joke or pun in there somewhere.) A meeting is to be held to discuss aspects of Aboriginal Land Council ownership of National Parks. There was no general business and the meeting closed at 2147.
From The Walk's Secretary's Desk
The Winter Walks Program Is Nigh
Its that time of the quarter again. So let the fax machine start a buzzing and the mail box a bulging. The closing date for the winter program is Friday 25 April (ANZAC day). However, if you miss the date by a little, have a quiet word to the Walks Secretary and he may be co-operative.
If you are someone who hasn't led a walk before, there is no time like to present to consider putting your name on the Walks Program. Nothing wrong with the regular leaders, but the club is always on the lookout for new leaders. Spring and autumn are the fullest programs, so winter is a good time to assist the Walks Secretary in filling the program.
For starters, pick an easy or easy medium walk where super navigation skills are not required. A walk doesn't have to be a hard workout for the super fit in the club. You could put on a walk along a beach or along a clearly marked track in an area you know well. If a full day walk appears too daunting start with a half day walk. If you are stuck for ideas try the various books which list walks in the Sydney region or pick the brains of some more knowledgeable members. Consider teaming up with someone else to jointly lead a walk. Start small and who knows where you may end up.
Remember, not only is SBW your club, but the Walks Program is your Walks Program. Your walk doesn't have to interest the majority of members of SBW. The only reason you need to put a walk on the program is because you enjoy it and some (!) of your party also enjoy it. I look forward to your contributions.
Eddy Giacomel
Walks Secretary
Sandy Johnson's Broken Ribs And His Walk On Saturday 3 May
Sandy is recovering at home after a fall in late March on the steps at Warrawee station left him with (in his words) “half a dozen broken ribs”. Sandy claims to be making a slow but sure recovery.
As Sandy will be unable to lead his walk on Saturday 3 May, Alan Mewett has kindly offered to lead Sandy's walk. Alan's phone number is 9498 3028.
We wish Sandy a speedy recovery and look forward to seeing him on the track and on the Walks Program again in the near future.
The March 1997 Annual General Meeting
Even before it began, the meeting was different. I mean, at how many recent Annual General Meetings, or even General Meetings for that matter, can you recall Joan Rigby tripping over your outstretched legs as you take your ease in a chair in the front row. What’s more, I believe I sighted, in various degrees of manifestation and entirety, the collating team, the Coolana weeders, a bridge club, John Hogan, Wolfman Jack and; well, you get the idea. There were around 50 members present when the president gonged the gong and called for apologies. Margaret Read not only sent apologies, but best wishes to all as well. The more normal apologies served for Maurice Smith, Jacqui Calandra Chris Sonter, George Mawer, Michael Reynolds, Frank Rigby, and Jim Callaway.
New members James Newman, Paul Deschamps, Helen Johnston, and Malcolm and Elizabeth Thornton were called for welcome, and those present given the badge, constitution and membership list as is traditional.
The minutes of the preceding Annual General Meeting were read and received with no matters arising.
Correspondence included a copy of the minutes of the latest Confederation meetings, both committee and general, a letter from Kenn Clacher requesting test walk classification for one of his recent walks, a letter from the Budawang Committee regarding the proposed closure of the road to Newhaven Gap, this referred to Alex Colley as Conservation Secretary, from the office of the NSW Premier, also referred to Alex, from Jim Callaway conveying his apologies for inability to attend the meeting and indicating his willingness to stand for a position. There were outgoing letters regarding the closure of the Newhaven Gap road and making representations about access to the NPWS areas and to our new members. We also re-read the Hon Auditors letter regarding the annual accounts.
The annual reports were taken as read, and received. The accounts for the past year were formally accepted.
The treasurer’s report for the month of February indicated that we began with a balance of $5,499, acquired income of $1,390, spent $1,735 and closed the month with a balance of $5,154.
Then came the annual election of office bearers. The necessary procedural motions were passed to permit elections to proceed concurrently with the other business of the meeting, a method of determination of the vote for the various positions was agreed, scrutineers, Joan Rigby and Dennis Morgan, and a scrivener, John Hogan, appointed and we were away. So rapid was the process that no other business intervened and at times the decisions outran the scribe. There was one pause however, when no Social Secretary was forthcoming. Any volunteers out there?
Alex Colley declined nomination as Conservation Secretary, declaring that someone not quite so set in years should hold the position. A vote of thanks to Alex for his past service to the club was passed by acclamation.
A vote of thanks was also passed to our honorary Auditor, Chris Sonter, and honorary Solicitor, Barrie Murdoch.
The treasurer recommended an increase of $5.00 in annual subs to arrest a declining budgetary situation. After some debate and discussion of alternative suggestions this was passed.
The Walks Secretary then rose to deliver the walks reports, declaring as he did, that henceforth all walk’s lengths would be increased by 5 kilometres.
The first weekend covered was 14, 15, 16 February with Peter Kaye conducting a walk out from Barallier. There were 14 on the walk which was described as good despite the somewhat hot weather encountered. Everything else that weekend was day walks, with Zol Bodlay’s Marra Marra magic walk on the Saturday attracting 12 starters, a “went but no details” for Ken Cheng’s Ku-Ring-Gai Chase walk on Cowan and Berowra creeks the same day, no report for Nuri Chorvat’s Sunday walk/navigation training trip in the Royal, and, what’s this? Wilf setting out on stage 1 of a Sydney to Nowra walk! This stage was reported as relaxed, with good weather and 12 participants. Greta James reported 14 on her Blue Mountains walk from Faulconbridge to Glenbrook. There was no report for Jim Callaway’s Waterfall to Heathcote walk.
Wilf Hilder’s Wednesday walk from Heathcote to Loftus went, but no details were available to the meeting.
The weekend of 22,23 February saw Maurice Smith leading some 7 souls on his Yalwal walk in hot conditions. There was no report for Greg Bridges’ Saturday walk on the Grose River. Nuri Chorvath had 13 on his Sunday walk through some of the nicer parts of the Royal National Park. Morie Ward started out with 24 on his scramble among the beaches around West Head on the Sunday. Conditions were hot and a high tide, combined with some slow participants caused a substantial rearrangement of the walk, while 2 very slow people were shepherded out to transport. Kenn Clacher relocated his planned Sunday abseiling trip to Constance Gorge for the party of 9. Conditions were initially warm but a thunderstorm arrived later in the day.
Bill Holland’s midweek walk on the Tuesday was relocated to the Warrima and Grosvenor tracks with 6 starters.
February 28, March 1, 2 had Wayne Steele leading a party of 5 on his Buddawangs walk. All went to program despite wet weather on the Sunday which produced spectacular waterfalls from the high country around the area. Greg Bridges also enjoyed wet weather and leeches for his Saturday walk around Narrowneck. Weather conditions were somewhat mixed that weekend by the reports. Tony Manes had blue skies and cooling breezes for the 3 who went on the Saturday Bundeena to Otford leg of his 2 day walks that weekend. The 12 starters on his Sunday walk from Stanwell to Otford were puzzled by the happy snap from the Fairstar they found in a bottle washed up on one of the beaches. They didn’t mention the weather that day, but Maurie Bloom, a short distance away at Darkes Forest, reported overcast conditions with some rain for the 4 who attended.
Ian Rannard led 9 starters on his mid week Middle Harbour walk on Tuesday 4th March on what was described as an enjoyable walk.
The weekend of 8, 9, March saw Bill Holland battling with navigational uncertainties and urban blight on his Apple Tree Flat trip. The 6 who went on the walk arrived at the flat after some exploratory moments and set up camp. They were somewhat discomfited to discover, on their return from a brief side trip, that some 30 or so neighbours, Scotts College I think they said, had moved onto their chosen campsite during their absence and erected tents in close proximity to their own. They found difficulty becoming enthused about interwoven tent ropes, so pulled their tents down and moved to another nearby area. John Poleson’s Saturday walk out from Otford had a party of 12 enjoying a pleasant day despite some drama when a large wave washed people around on the rocks at Figure Eight Pool. They also reported urban blight in the form of accumulated rubbish around the area. Alan Donnelley had 6 on his walk around Narrow Neck Plateau. Conditions were damp and leeches featured in the report. Frank Sander led 14 on his Ku-Ring-Gai Chase walk on the Sunday. Unfortunately a broken leg reduced the party and rearranged the walk somewhat. Ron Watters also reported leeches in the misty rain that prevailed for the party of 7 on his Sunday walk in Buderoo National Park.
Bill Holland’s mid week walk on Tuesday 11th attracted 10 starters. They reported on Refuge Rock as a notable landmark, possibly the largest natural arch in the Sydney region. Here endeth the walks reports.
Confederation report covered two meetings, the Committee meeting and the quarterly General meeting. The reports mentioned that Sydney Water Corporation’s plans of management for the catchment areas are being prepared, the blanket consent process with NPWS continues, Kanangra wilderness was declared in February and the move to close the Newhaven Gap road.
Conservation report also mentioned the move to close Newhaven Gap road, with a letter received from the Buddawangs Committee. We have written to NPWS supporting the closure in principle, requesting more information, suggesting acquisition of inholdings and urging that provisions be put in place to ensure future access. The Sydney Water Corporation also got a mention, with reference to the “adaptive environmental management scoping process” being employed to develop the plans of management. There was a suggestion that the government is reluctant to change the present set-up with shacks in the Royal because of the rental collections involved. We have received a letter from Bob Carr the NSW premier assuring us that the South East Forests areas will be protected. Barrington Tops wilderness area has also been declared. We have received a further letter covering the NPWS proposals for tracks monitoring in the Blue Mountains National Parks.
General business saw Patrick James present a series of (Ig)Noble awards for various functions performed for and by the club over the past year. He had it printed out, so, given that he is now editor, it may show up somewhere in the magazine. Announcements brought the sad news that Ken Smith’s brushcutter has become part of an involuntary upgrade program for person or persons unknown, and the resulting residual is not suitable for our purposes. On that poignant note the meeting closed at 2213.
Women’s Business
Allison Cadzow, a PhD student is researching Australian women explorers and wants to contact SBW women active in the 1920s to 1940s about their walking experiences. The ladies in question include the following: Freda Ashbury, Win Ashton, Rene Brown, Dot Butler, Gwen Chowne, E Drewall, Grace Edgecombe, Evelyn Higinbotham, Marjorie Hill, Clare Kinsella, Win Lewis, Grace Noble, Rae Page, Betty Pryde, Suzanne Reichard, Iris Rockastro, Mary Stoddart, Dorothy Svenson, Dorothy Taylor, Dorothea Taylor, Jean Trimble and Brenda White. If you are one of these fine SBWers, are related to or know of them please call Allison on 02 9514 1420.
Men’s Business
Allison is also interested in talking to men, not just any men, but the men who were associated with these women, fellow walkers and or relations. So if you qualify, contact Allison.
May Day! May Day!
Well not quite. The days I’m thinking of are 3 and 4 May 1997 and the time is to start planting trees and shrubs on the Coolana River Flats. Actually quite a few rainforest trees and shrubs have reestablished themselves, but we need more.
The Coolana Committee is asking members to donate a suitable plant for Coolana and to join us that weekend for a plant-out. If you can’t come yourself, Margaret Niven will pick up your selected plant at the Club meeting on 30 April and bring them to Coolana. If you have any unwanted plant guards we would be happy to have them also.
What do we want to grow? Well in an ideal world, we would look for species native to the area. Riverine rainforest trees as below are native to Coolana. However these may be hard to come by. For this initial planting we will welcome quick growing Australian Native shade-making shrubs and trees that are pleasant to have around. If, in 5 years time, we have to cull some of them, they will have served their purpose.
We seem to have good, loamy soil, reasonably moist (this year anyway) but draining well on the banks where we will concentrate these plantings. As well as the trees below other suggestions are: Gums (Eucalypts) are large fast growers and good for fire wood later; suitable species of casuarinas: melaleucas, bottlebrushes, banksias, robor and other east coast species; wattles: cedar wattle would be good, but no more black wattle (acacia mearnsii), we have enough of them.
The plants may be surplus from your garden, a local fete or nursery. As long as they are hardy and Australian native. We’ll even try Red Cedar. Most important of all, a firmly attached label bearing your name + the plant’s name. Ideally the trees should be larger than tube stock, but need not be advanced. Text: Joan Rigby, (errors: Patrick James).
Coolana Rainforest Tree List
(with the exception of Red Cedar all of these trees are found at Coolana) Common Name- Botanical name; Blue Gum- E. saligna; Flooded Gum- E. grandis; Ribbon Gum- E. viminalis; Koda- Ehretia acuminata; Muttonwood- rapanea howittiana; Pencil Cedar- Toona australis; Lilli Pilli- Acmena smithii; Water Gum- Tristaniopsis laurina; Brush Kurrajong- Commersonia fraseri; Sandpiper fig- ficus coronata; Scentless Rosewood- synoum glandulosum; Hairy Clerodendron- Clerodendron tomentosum; Jackwood- Cryotpcarya glaucescens; Blueberry Ash- Elaeocarpus reticulatus; Scrub Turpentine- Rhodamnia rubescens.
Coolana (Other) Tree List
Suitable species of casuarinas: melaleucas, bottlebrushes, banksias (robor and other east coast species); wattles: cedar wattle, soft grevilleas and hakeas, bauera,
More On Coolana
We need a constant stream of willing workers. The work is not heavy, but with plenty of willing hands the light work is even lighter. Come down to Coolana for the weekend, bring the family, sleep in the hut if its raining or you don’t have a tent. It’s so easy and so pleasant.
And More On Coolana
We do need some tools. With some 400 odd members (not all are odd) plus our prospective members there must be someone out there who have some surplus tools. If so please contact the Committee and make your offer known. We are interested in brush cutters, mower, chain saw, mulcher, bush hook, rakes, shovels, etc. Our needs are wide and our standards are high, not any old clapped out junk. Perhaps its not tools you have but a terrific contact to some supplier who sells these things at a good price. Let us know. AND STILL MORE we also have the need for a couple of table and benches in our Kangaroo Valley hideaway. Two of the tables and all the benches need to be burnt, their time is well and truly up. So if you have some tables and benches in reasonable condition, not junk, that are looking for a new home, look no further, call us.
Somewhere we need a spot to put all those items of general news of general interest to the general membership which crop up each month. Well here is the place, the last page in the magazine, at the end of the body of text.
Don’t get the wrong idea bushwalking is not really a dangerous sport but the current walking wounded are wished speedy recovery. Frank Sanders discovered the meaning of gravity and is bruised and battered, sore and sorry but recovering well. Patricia Bickley after her brush with wet undergrowth is looking forward to not being plastered in about a weeks time after being hobbled for 4 weeks. Sheila Speter, also 4 weeks ago, managed to break a rib on a rafting trip. Sandy Johnson’s rib breaking effort was 6x better than Sheila’s and is reported above by Eddie. Nigel Weaver’s wrist, broken on a different rafting trip is mending slowly and surely. Closer to the ground Jo Robertson’s toe is getting better as are the sprained and twisted ankles (one each) of Ted Kelly and Peter Neuhold.
Jennifer Trevor-Roberts has finally shed her arm sling and now can swing both arms about. Just in time for some late spring cleaning. And talking of new houses Jan and Peter Miller have abandoned his house and her house in favour of their house.
The ACF Forest Campaing Group is giving a presentation at the clubrooms on 21th May, in place of Peter Christian’s cancelled South American fiesta extravaganza.
After organising Cyclone Justin to soften up the region and lower the defences of the locals John Hogan has gone back to Cairns and FNQ to wave his magic and lead tourist astray from the straight and narrow.
The 70th Anniversary is going ahead, no we will not cancel it or postpone it until better weather. There will be a 70th Anniversary Dinner on Friday 17 October 1997, details next month, but reserve the date, don’t forget. There will ALSO be a picnic at Manly dam on Sunday 19 October 1997, again don’t forget, reserve the date. The cost of the picnic is NOT $50 as stated last month in an small but significant error in the magazine. I believe there is a parking fee, but again more next month. These two function serve similar but different purposes.
At present we have at least four teams going or gone overseas, one walking in Italy, one to England and France, one skiing in Switzerland and one who knows where. Trip stories will follow on their return.
And as a final note Elizabeth Miller plans to model her latest bushwalking gear on her next walk; be there!
Magazine Deadlines
For articles and long notes the deadline is the first Wednesday of the month. The absolute deadline, for short notes, etc. is the general meeting held the second Wednesday of the month. The magazine is printed on the Thursday after the general meeting. Then its too late for another month.
Change Of Address
Paul Barton, 102 Wyadra Ave., Harbord 2096, (h)9907 1840, (w)9325 1839.
**Coolana Regeneration and Maintenance Weekends,**
note the dates :
Saturday- Sunday
31 May and 1 June,
26 and 27 July, and
9 and 10 August
Social Secretary
Every month on the third and fourth Wednesdays and in those rare months on the fifth Wednesday some form of social activity is held at the clubrooms. Slides, a talk on shoes or bad backs, a barbeque or feast. These are fairly straight forward events which need some planning and some organising, but not too much, definitely well within the capabilities of anyone who can bushwalk and talk at the same time. This could be your opportunity to add your spin to a SBW function, a talk that you’ve always wanted to hear or a cross-dressed, fancy dress, mid winter feast. One idea was to have more that one person as social secretary, a sort of social secretarial pool. Ring Tony or Michele now, well tonight, say you’re interested and they’ll take it from there.
Stop Press
0315 hrs, 13 April 1997, to Karen and Richard Brading, a daughter, Melanie Louise (3.068 kg). Mother, daughter, father and grandparents all doing well. Congratulations!