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Issue No. 789

2. The July General Meeting reported by Barry Wallace

3. Bushwaiker on the Web Questionnaire results

3. Xi SBW Activities review update. by Wilf Hilder

4, Walking in the Lakes District by Ian Wolfe & Louise Verdon

4. Important Points re the Bushwalker on the Web Questionnaire.

5. Less than Cool. dy Dick Whittington

6. The Wollemi Range by Rik King

8. Finding and Conserving Water. by David Evans

12. Reporting Map Bearing

Errors using GPS. -12. SBW August-September

Social Program

13. The Rigby By-pass by Frank Rigby

13. Free BridgeClimb Pass

13. Search for Missing Sword

14. Coclana Bush Music Weekend

14. Next Month

14, Future Articles

14, Magazine Deadlines


Alpsport front c Eastwood Camping Centre

Willis's Walkabouts

Paddy Pallin back c

The Sydney Bushwalker magazine | printed on recycled paper [Page 2 The Sydney Bushwalker August 2000


The July 2000 General Meeting. reported by Barry Wallace

It was around 2008 when the president, from the chair, called the 16 or so members present to order and began the meeting. Bill and Fran Holland, had lodged apologies and these were duly noted

The minutes of the previous general meeting were read and recetved with no matters arising.

Correspondence-in saw a letter from Confederation responding to our letter about the proposal to appoint a paid office assistant part time, together with submissions from a total of seven members, proposing items to be addressed as part of the ongoing review of club operations. Outgoing mail was comprised of a letter to Norah Mace regarding a membership matter, and to Eddy Giacomel responding to his questions regarding management of information on the clubs web site. There were no matters arising.

The treasurers report was next, revealing that we began the period with a balance of $13,916 received income of $1,740, paid out $1,062 and concluded with a balance of $14,593.

The walks reports, with Carol presenting, began with Don Finchs walk out from Gien Davis over the weekend of 16, 17, 18 June. There were 4 starters and one rather strangely behaved local dog that seems to have maintained at-distance surveillance over the progress of the walk. In any case the weather was good but they truncated the trip slightly due to the illness of one of the party. Bill and Fran Hollands trip to Coolendell Cottage was deferred due to a convergence of contrary circumstances. Maureen Carter reported a fast party of 15 on her Sunday test walk from Waterfall to Otford. They also reported that the Otford pie shop has closed until mid August. David Trinder had the patty of 14 on his Sunday walk from Victoria Falls to Evans Lookout out in the fast of the available light to make the most of the day.

Wilf Hilder cancelled his 3-day walk in Morton National Park but it will be rescheduled at some later date. Carol Lubbers cancelled her White Water Rafting trip on the Saturday. Ron Watters had a party of 18 enjoying fine and clear conditions for his Sunday walk in the eastern section of Macquarie Pass.

Ian Rannard had five starters on his Tuesday Blue Mountains mid week walk in overcast but pleasant conditions.

The weekend of 30 June 1, 2 July saw Sev Sternhell ieading a party of 8 on his Budawangs trip out from Yadboro Flat. Conditions were fine for the Saturday but the weather deteriorated on Sunday with mist and drizzle complicating navigation somewhat. The descent off Mount Owen was described as somewhat third way and the party reached the cars at around 2300. There was no report for Kenn Clachers ski touring trip that weekend. Bill Hope deputised Geoff Dowsett to lead the party of 8 on his Sunday walk out from Carlons Farm. Bill must have known something; conditions were foggy with some rain. Tony Crichtons Sunday walk from Otford to Bundeena went, bit no report was available to the meeting. . There was no report for Peter Millers scheduled walk to Mount Yengo over the weekend of 8, 9 July. (Transferred to August 26/27.Ed) Caroi Lubbers had 6 starters on her Saturday walk out from Evans Lookout. Their progress up Govetts Creek was

. rendered hazardous by a silt covering on the

rocks in the stream bed, Greg Bray had 16 on his Sunday trip to Mount Solitary in sunny conditions, but for David Trinders cycle trip from Homebush Bay to Botany Bay the same day there was no report. It was however the last walks report for the month.

Conservation report indicated that our letters to various government bodies had been acknowledged. We received a letter from the Colong Committee thanking us for hosting the recent slide show. We are led to believe that extensions are planned to

The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. [ The Sydney Bushwalker August 2000

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Morton National Park.

The sequence of the meeting was considerably disturbed due to a plan to have the new members secretary address the meeting. If we did have a Confederation report in ther somewhere, I missed it. General business was devoted to an explanation by the New Members Secretary of changes to the arrangements for prospective members recently decided by the management committee. The period of prospective membership will be expanded to i2 months, during which time a prospective will be required to complete at least four test walk standard walks, two of which must be overnight walks. A renewal of six months will be available at the same cost as the initial period: but no further extensions will be available.

The announcements came and went, and the meeting closed at 2110.



Eightysix replies have been received to date, (Aug 8“) to the above questionnaire that was enclosed in the June magazine.

This represents a 17.2% response from our membership of about 500.

The breakdown is as follows: e In favour of viewing the magazine on

the Web. = 71 e In favor of receiving the magazine via normal mail = 15

From the low response could one assume that most of the remaining 414 members are happy with the status quo?


i] SBW Activities Review Update

I was pleasantly surprised by the response to my letter in the May magazine requesting written suggestions for improving our club's various activities. We need a fairly thorough spring clean to clear the decks - if not the barnacles, from the good ship SBW before embarking on the lengthy festivities to mark the club's 75” anniversary year just 18 months away in 2002.

My special and grateful thanks are due to Alex Colley, Eddy Giacomel, Frank Grennan, Brian Holden, Tony Holgate, Bill Holland, Ray Hookway, Rosemary MacDougal, George Mawer, Roger Treagus and Andrew Vilder for their written submissions and my thanks also to all those who rang or have spoken to me regarding their suggestions. I am especially indebted to Tony Crichton for his feedback and suggestions on this now popular topic.

The committee will naturally take all suggestions seriously. As the cross referenced index of the suggestions runs to five pages so far, it will take some time to complete the review, even with our very keen committee, so you still have time to put pen to paper and send in your suggestions for improving any of our club's activities.

Many Thanks.

Wilf Hilder President

REMEMBER THE CLUB AUCTION The Annual Club Auction, postponed from August 23rd to accommodate the Bridgeclimb talk by Paul Cave, will now be held on September 20.

CORRECTION TO THE REPORTED DATE OF PETER MILLER'S MT YENGO NP WALK An error occurred in the notice in the July magazine re the change to Peter Miller's Mt Yengo walk originally programmed for July 8-9. This walk will now occur on the weekend of: August 26-27. Phone Peter for details on: 9375 3008


The Sydney Bushwalker August 2000


[Page 4


- DISTRICT (conn CONISTON FELLS July 97 by Ian Wolfe & Louise Verdon

This is Swallows and Amazons country and having read a number of Arthur Ransomes novels as a child I was surprised how much the country resonated with those distant memories. Certainly it is lovely country that calls out to be walked.

We stayed in a caravan park set in a forest a couple of kms south of Coniston itself. This led us to walk into town via the field path which was quite splendid as they were cutting fhe grass and erecting stacks en route. Dinner that night was from the Coniston Chipper who, according the Lonely Planet, serves the best fish and chips in the Lakes District. This little trip also allowed us to view the start point for the proposed trip for the morrow.

The day trip occupied 6 hrs and entailed 7.5 miles and 3,500 ft of ascent. From Coniston you walk up beside Church Beck (stream) to soon emerge into the bracken. The path climbs steadily to the site of an old mine, Here the track zigzags steeply with good views on either side including that of a large tarn. Soon a small lake appears and demands to be dived into concurrent with moming tea. Interestingly, of the other people on the track only the Continentals swam whilst the English merely dabbled their feet.

The summit of The Old Man of Coniston was a further steep push and we had it to ourselves for lunch until a 30 + school group arrived just as we were packing up. Thus we left what once was the highest point in Lancashire and continued along a broad ridge to Swirl How (the guide book advises not to venture out this way in mist so I imagine the name of this peak is related to its propensity to be cloaked). Certainly it is a great ridge traverse especially the section

through the Great How Crags with large drops on either side down to sparkling lakes. From Swirl How there was more ridge walking to the summit of Wetherlam and we picked up some companions along the way. The descent down the other sides is one of those delights where you walk down a broad grassy ridge, spotted with rocky gendarmes, into a large valley filled by an extended Lake (Coniston Waters). So taken were we with the view and the firmness of the grassy footing that we failed to look where we were placing our feet. Thus one of us ended up tap dancing on the back of a very startled sheep that had been quietly sleeping away the afternoon in a grassy hollow!

Thereafter it was down to the remnants of the shale mine and back across the Beck to rejoin our original track. That night we bypassed the Coniston Chipper and treated ourselves to an up-market dimner in a restaurant overlooking the Waters.



Members should be assured that if the Sydney Bushwalker became available on our website the magazine would still continue to be printed and sent to those members who do not have Internet access or who prefer to receive a hard copy.

Members should also note that it is not proposed at this stage that the magazine would be emailed to individual members nor would they be advised via email that it was available cn our website but it would be published on the same day each month.

Have you completed and returned the above questionnaire that was enclosed in the June Sydney Bushwalker?

If you did not receive a questionnaire please advise me and I will send you one. The questionnaire can be sent to you via email and can be returned the same way.

The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydacy Bush Waikers Enc.

The Sydney Bushwalker August 2000

Page 5-“


LESS THAN COOL by Dick Whittington To be immersed in very cold water can be unpleasant. Some people can cope quite well but others, like myself, can feel almost tortured when crossing Blue Mountains creeks -and rivers in winter. My first encounter with very cold water was in Claustral Canyon. It was actually summer but the weather was cool and overcast. Ahead of our party were a group wearing wet suits, this was unheard of in the early 80s and at the time it seemed curious. We were soon to understand exactly why they were so attired. At the bottom of the third abseil, after exiting the pool beneath the waterfall, I experienced uncontrollable shivering, and in the gloom provided by a single narrow shaft of daylight that penetrated to the bottom of the canyon, I noticed that everyone else was shivering. Fortunately there were no hold ups and we were able to move on and eventually warm up. Some time later I was on a Colo trip in July, the plan was to traverse the spur of Mt Townsend to the Colo and then travel upstream to Bob Turners Track and exit to the Putty Road. We started confidently without concern for map and compass. This was fortunate for had we consulted our compasses we would certainly have gone round in circles due to the magnetic anomalies near Mt Townsend. On reaching the Colo it was noted that the level was up, but a waist high crossing was effected in order to progress along the western bank. The intention was to return to the eastern bank as soon as possible and remain on that side. After about 2kms without finding a suitable crossing I joked that we might have to swim across to Bob Tumers track. The look of mild horror that this comment evoked from Jack caused me to wonder if he could swim. On reaching Bob Turners whilst still on the wrong side of the river, it was clear that we would have to swim. Of course we were not prepared and only Jack had a garbage bag to waterproof his pack. This was not a serious problem as Jacks garbag could hold all the cameras even if Jacks clothes might get a little wet. Since some members were unhappy at the prospect of swimming in this very cold water the leader swam across with a length of rope. Unfortunately the rope was not long enough but with the leader standing chest deep on one side, and myself chest deep holding the other end of the rope, the party began to cross. When half the party were on the other side it became the turn of those least confident. The shock of the cold water stopped Jack in his tracks and his reluctance was seen as a justification for others to mutiny. 1 waited in the water for several minutes while alternative plans of action were considered. Communication with the leader was impossible due to the noise of the rapids but a decision was reached to split the party, three to return via the Mountain Lagoon fire trail to be picked up by car later. I swam across to join the main group and quickly consumed my remaining chocolate in order to restore my body temperature. It was then observed that one set of car keys remained on the wrong side of the river. The splinter group had not yet departed so it was clear that the leader should swim across and get them. Unfortunately he was now incapacitated due to cramps induced by his long immersion. I could certainly see the merit of recovering the car keys, so with little regard for the possible onset of hypothermia I entered the water again. Fortunately by the time I returned a fire had been prepared. I am quite sure that I had never been so cold before, and I vowed never to risk such a cold water encounter again. It was not long however before I found myself in Rocky Creek Canyon. It was summer, so of course 1 didnt wear a wet suit……….. pooo Nom de Plume

MORE CAR BREAK-INS A warning notice in the May issue of the CMW club magazine Into The Blue advises that cars have been broken into and vandalised at Blackheath station and at various local lookouts.


Trips of only a few days involving four different maps invariably have a daunting aspect to them, inducing forebodings of late returns - and this trip was no exception, since the aim was to walk the length of the Wollemi Range and return in four days. Indeed, four map sheets are needed to cover that range - Six Brothers, Mt Morgan, Gosper's Mountain and Wirraba.

The Wollemi Range, which is a major feature of the park, rises at the junction of the Colo River and Wollemi Creek and thence meanders in a predominantly north west direction to join the Wirraba Range some 3 km. west of Mt. Wirraba. Because of its various twists and turns, to follow the range involves doing a traverse of 23 km.

Nonetheless, our party - Bill Capon, Marella Hogan, Fazeley Read, Bob Milne and Rik King assembled early on a Thursday morning in July, on the Culoul fire trail off the Putty road, having previously positioned a car at a strategic point in the Putty area. A piecemeal descent of Crawford's Lookout was made, and in early afternoon the 200m down Wollemi Creek to the entrance of Munee Creek was covered. Then, nearby, we climbed up the small east west running creek to collect water at the highest feasible point, just as had been established on a preparatory trip. After a steep climb out of the creek, dusk saw us on top of the range at that point just before it swings sharply towards Girribung Creek at the west.

Our first camp saw Bill's usuai feverish sorting through his pack to produce numerous unsuitable or superfluous objects brought along for the trip - dual ropes, an avocado, a lime etc. etc. His customary rummaging did not go unnoticed, although the major preoccupation of the party was as to when we might need to turn back should our progress turn out to be too slow.

Next morning was fine, and it led on to a warmish day, but on this section, the range is level and open and we made good progress.

Our surmise, however, that the fire of the mid-nineties, that swept over from Gospers Mountain would have eliminated the underbrush, was only partially correct - and this we were to realize later in the trip.

Shortly after lunch we happened upon a large quantity of water in a shallow depression on a flat rock. This water of slightly green tinge was collected, but relegated to reserve status. It moved considerably up the scale of social acceptability a day later when all we could manage to collect was 2 litres of dark water (referred to colloquially as blackwater), which, even after filtration through Bill's handkerchief, remained resolutely black!

Late afternoon, the unmistakeable blue bulk of Mt. Yengo rose up to the north east. And then, for our second night as “the last lights off the black West went” we pulled into a makeshift camp spot.

After tea, the lovely, lilting laughter of Fazeley echoed across that remote high ridge as we relaxed around the campfire, recalling events from our collective 100 years of bushwalking; and during that night, light rain provided several cups of much needed water. Next morning, Marella, faithful as ever, had the fire going before dawn. Across the chasm that is Munee Creek we saw “the glorious sun uprist”. We were off for the day, full of promise of many small descents and ascents. Bill relentlessly followed the serpentine progress of the range, undeterred by the empty promises of many competing side ridges. Bob, ever alert to any flagging in the level of navigational confidence, clarified any contentious matter by the GPS he carried. Before lunch the appearance to the west of the cleared side of Gosper's Mountain provided a boost to morale, since by now the combination of Hakea and Mountain Holly, particularly on the tops of small hillocks, was beginning to make its mark. By mid-afternoon, however, a longish climb saw us stumble gratefully onto the Mt. Wirraba road (a Hakea free area), at the end of the Wollemi Range.

Thence we headed north east up to a green camp spot on Wirraba - the loveliest of all mountains. There, nightfall was clear and cold, with only a faint glow seen through the stately gums towards the south east sky, to remind us of the presence of a teeming city of 4 million people.

Around the breakfast fire next morning, as the daylight filled the sky, we sat silent and absorbed. Indeed, the clear cool day was ideal for our 12 km walk down to Wollemi Creek in the east. This section of the walk we each did at individual pace, the first walkers clearing from the road the early morning lyre birds.

This ridge top road affords fine views, alternately, of Gija and Dumball Creeks to the south, and Wollemi Creek to the north. From its high points, Mt Yengo dominates the northern aspect, then moving across the skyline Mt. Poppong, Mt. Kindarun, and finally the deep blue massif of Monundilla. A look behind shows the unmistakeable, long low profile of Mt. Corricudgy against the western sky.

“Yet who would stop or fear to advance Though home or shelter he had none With such a sky to lead him on? ”

At this stage, time was not of the essence, and many cups of tea were drunk by the side of Wollemi Creek by a somewhat dehydrated party- “Sure I had drunken in my dreams, And still my body drank ”. Finally, there was the 8 km walk back along the side of Putty Creek to reclaim the car.

We had seen few traces of tracks on the range, and no fireplaces or any other signs of people.

1. God's Grandeur, G. M. Hopkins.

2. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, S. Coleridge.

3. Stepping Westward, W. Wordsworth.

4. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. S. Coleridge.


Following on the article, by Sev Sternhell in the July magazine, on purifying water, this lengthy article from the Adelaide Bushwalker's magazine, Tandanya gives quite a few hints on locating water when faced with a dangerous shortage. The article is published for the general interest of club members and does not imply that any of the water collection and purification methods detailed are recommended. Ed

In dry areas where no surface water is available one may be forced to use indirect means to obtain water to supplement your supply. Many methods are described in survival manuals, however in this article only those that require the minimum of skills, knowledge and expenditure of energy will be covered.

Whatever the method chosen it is of prime importance that more fluid be gained from the exercise than is lost from perspiration generated by the efforts expended in obtaining it.


Even when a creek bed is completely dry often water may still be seeping underground through the stones and gravel.

One can obtain water by excavating a hole in the creek bed to create a soak - animals alsc use this technique. Rather than trying to dig down through the pebbles and stones try in the fine gravel, preferably in places that are damp.

For the soak to be successful you must dig down to where the gravel is saturated.

If your luck is in then water will accumulate in a small puddle at the bottom of the hole. Once successful more holes can then be dug at the same location to increase the supply of water.

In coastal sand dunes an adaption of this method can be used.

Select a natural hollow where water would be expected to collect and dig a large hole.

When the water table is reached carefully deepen the hole. Allow time for a puddle to collect in the bottom. Next carefully insert a billy in the hole so that its rim is just below the surface of the water. Fresh water should then flow into the container which will keep out the salt water. The billy may be emptied by using a cup as a bailer.

This technique relies on the fact that in coastal sand dunes the water table will consist of a layer of fresh water which floats upon salt water. Quite drinkable water has been extracted from sand hills in the Coorong by using this method.

On some stretches of coastline it is not even necessary to dig for water as seepages of fresh water can sometimes be seen flowing into the sea from dune or cliff areas. Some persistence is required when digging for water, several attempts in different locations may be required before success is achieved.

In general, water collected from soaks does not need to be disinfected. If it is muddy then it can be cleared by allowing it to stand.


The easiest and perhaps the most efficient way of obtaining water is from the water transpiration process in plants. Choose a good leafy branch on a eucalypt or similar tree, place a large clear plastic bag over it and securely tie the open end of the bag around the stem of the branch. Ideally the bag should be about 900 mm x 400 mm but in desperate circumstances use any plastic bag that is at hand. Choose a branch that is exposed to sunlight. It may be necessary to tie it down to ensure that the end of the bag hangs downwards.

The hothouse atmosphere inside the bag accelerates the natural water transpiration process causing a much greater amount of moisture to be lost through the leaves than is normal. The water vapour that is usually lost to the atmosphere condenses on the inside of the bag to run down and pool at the bottom.

The water collected is non-toxic and biologically 'clean' to the extent that it is free

The Sydney Bushwatker: First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. The Sydney Bustwalker August 2000

Page 9 |

from the micro-organisms. which cause water borne diseases (the tree acts as a water purifier). Its appearance and taste can vary from being clear and essentially tasteless to slightly coloured and bitter.

In a_ survival situation the bag/s (preferably. more than one) would be removed and drained at the end of the day to be set up again the following morning.

The same branch may be reused but if vegetation abounds then it is better to use a new branch. The yield of water varies from species to species and location but can be anything from 200 to-1000 ml /day. A typical solar still will yield only about 200 mi a day. This may not equal the amount of body fluid lost through digging the hole to construct it. SOLAR STILLS ;

Although they are normally a marginal proposition elsewhere, constructing a solar still in sand dunes near salt lakes, or on the coast is a far more practical possibility. In these locations the water table is close to the surface and aiso it is relatively easy to dig a large hole in sand rather than in hard soil.

Dig a hole, say 450 mm. deep and 750

mm. wide, slope the sides so that they do not cave in, place a container (billy etc.) in the bottom then cover the hole with a sheet of clear or white, but not black plastic. Push the centre of the plastic down to form a cone which should reach most of the way down to the container. Pile sand over the edges of the plastic to anchor the sheet and seal the hole. Place a small rock in the centre of the sheet to hold the conical shape.

The yield can be increased by placing

green leaves and twigs in the hole before covering. The superheated air under the plastic causes moisture to be drawn from the soil, it evaporates and then condenses on the inside surface of the plastic which is cooler than the enclosed air. The condensed moisture then runs down the conical surface to drip into the container below. For convenience a tube can be inserted into the container and run to the surface. A still will function more efficiently if it is not opened during the daylight hours. It takes some time for a still to restart after it has been opened.

Because a still works by evaporation any salts that the water may contain are left behind in the soil. The water collected is also free from bacteriological contamination. For maximum efficiency the stili should be in a location that is exposed to the sun all day. DEW

If a dew falls then the opportunity to

further supplement ones water intake should not be wasted. The moisture can be sponged off or sucked directly from leaves, grasses or any other surface on which it forms. An above ground version of a solar still could also be tried. A large plastic sheet such as a ground sheet can be supported above ground level by using two reasonable size rocks at each corner. The centre of the sheet is then depressed so that a cone is formed and a hole is punched in the plastic at the lowest point.

A stone can be employed to maintain the conical shape. A cup or billy is placed under the hole.

With the right conditions dew will form on both sides of the sheet and the drops will run down to the lowest point and drip into the container.

' However any ground sheet should be assumed to be biologically unclean and water produced by this method should be disinfected to avoid the possibility of contracting a gastro intestinal disease. PLANTS

In an emergency the succulent fleshy leaves of the common Pigface (Carpobrotus sp.} may provide enough moisture to sustain life. The succulent leaves are chewed raw, the residue being spat out.


When faced with a shortage of water in dry conditions water conservation must be practised in conjunction with maintaining an adequate water intake.

This will not only ensure your survival but will improve the quality of that survival.

A teliable guide to the efficient use of water is the colour of one's urine. Clear urine indicates that too much water is being consumed, or in other words wasted. Dark urine, which is difficult to pass, indicates that the body has a large water deficit. Yellow | Page 10

The Sydney Bushwalker August 2000


coloured urine normally indicates that the kidneys are conserving water and that you should drink when you feel thirsty. Strict rationing of water will merely cause one tc dehydrate.

There is little benefit to be gained from drinking urine and none once it has become concentrated.

The type of food consumed is not a critical factor, although some foodstuffs such as sweets may cause one to feel more thirsty.

Maintaining an adequate intake of water is more important than the consumption of food. One will die from thirst long before on succismbs to starvation.

Even if a person is quite thirsty the normal process of fluid loss from the body through respiration, perspiration, etc. will continue

As a guide one could expect to loose a minimum of 1 litre/ day through respiration and perspiration and urinate a minimum of 400 ml / day with normal kidney function.

Minimising fluid losses through perspiration and respiration is a_ vital component of water conservation. It is achieved by staying as cool as possible and reducing activity to a minimum during the hottest part of the day.

Activities which require the expenditure of energy and hence which generate perspiration should be left to the cooler hours of the early morning or late evening. Remain fully clothed although you may feel more comfortable with less clothing the fabric will slow the rate at which the sweat evaporates from the body.

Stay in the shade and if possible rest above the ground, for example on a low bough of a tree. Here the air is slightly cooler than it is at ground level.


It is vital to avoid contracting water borne diseases through drinking contaminated water. In addition to making you feel quite sick they will inevitably lead to a large loss of fluid through diarrhoea and/or vomiting - a disastrous situation when faced with a shortage of water.

Often people fail to realise that the same bacteria and viruses can be transmitted by physical contact as well as by the consumption of water.

When water is in critically short supply the normal routines of hygiene such as washing hands may be difficult or impossible to observe. In such cases all that one can do is to be mindful of the problem and take whatever precautions are practical. As an alternative to water, a small quantity of methylated spirits can be used to clean one's hands

It is impossible to tell exactly which water source might be polluted. Its physical appearance is no sure guide.

As a general rule, it is better to err on the side of caution and disinfect everything you drink.

In cases where there is obvious pollution or evidence of heavy animal traffic then it would foolish not to disinfect what you drink.

Some water sources, although fairly clean,

can be undrinkable because of salinity. Disinfecting it will not reduce the salinity and consuming it can lead to an upset stomach and diarrhoea. Disinfection is the only sure way of killing harmful micro-organisms. Straining the water will merely remove the gross impurities - not pathogens.

In order of preference disinfection can be achieved by -

1. Water disinfection tablets (Puritabs etc.) or water filters (Katadyn etc.)

2. Dosing the water with Iodine - add a few drops per litre and allow to stand for say 30 minutes.

3. Fruit cordials added to the water in the recommended concentration which is then allowed to stand for 60 minutes.

4, Partial disinfection may also be achieved by leaving a PET bottle filled with water out in strong sunlight for 5 to 6 hours. The combined effects of heat and the sun's ultra- violet rays kill off bacteria present in the water.

The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers hic. This -is the new backpack from WE. The NEW RIVER. As you would expect, if is unmistakably Wilderness Equipment. Every detail has had to earn its keep in a development process spanning 20 years. If the picture could be turned around you'd be looking at the most comfortabie and durable harness sysiem there is. Which, of course, is a good reason not to make more than one or iwo subile changes.

So what is really new? Look x

down the list of special features. We've brought into play unique ideas we've been carrying around for some fime. They soive outstanding problems, ones you will quickly recognise from your own mountain and wilderness travels.

Come and see the

NEW RIVER and get an expert fitting at:


Camping acess


3 Trelawney Street Eastwood

Telephone: 9858 3833

NEW RIVER An expedition-capacity pack available in the full range of WE sizes and harness configurations.




Detachable top cover teams with the hip-harness waisf-strap to cary it as a comfortable twin compariment bum-bag.

Main canvas bag extends to a dry-bag type roll top with two compression straps over. You can swim and raft with this pack, or use it in bivies.

Leave the top cover and base behind for absolute lightweight.

Separate zip access into the expanding interior space of the

4 top cover.

Readily accessible flat pocket for laminated maps (comes with a thin PE cutting-board insert)

Canvas back-pocket modules available.

Nothing but canvas fabric in the seams of the bag. No webbing, no fouch-tape, no leakage pathways and simply zero stress points.

Quick-release or standard side compression straps, all re- movable. Position the buckles where you wish.

We've gone back to a simple touch-fape strap closure on fhe hip-harness. Unbreakable, durable and absolutely zero creep.

Subtle shoulder harness suspen- sion. Soaks up the phase difference between hip and shoulder dynamics, tunable to the pack weight.

Close fitting, removable base reinforcing attaching front and back, leakage pathways in the moain-bag seams eliminated; easy repair. {Page 42

The Sydney Bushwalker August 2000

NOTE -The last two methods should only be used in an emergency when no other means are available. 5. Boiling the water is quite effective when done thoroughly, which means having the water at a good rolling boil for say 15 minutes. However the losses from evaporation are unacceptable when water is in short supply. Reprinted with additions from Tandanya, Sept. - Nov. '95

fe So do te References Obtaining water in coastal areas. Ron Pitt, Tandanya, Mch. - May'84. Fluid requirements. Tim Vogt, Tandanya, Mch. - May'89 Bushwalkers and drinking water. Evans & Wattchow, Tandanya, Jun.- Aug. '89 & Sept - Nov. '89

Also read Sev's comments, on page 14 of the July Sydney Bushwalker, regarding adding or using cordial when sterilising water. Ed



In past years there have been frequent reports of compasses being affected by the local geology in certain areas resulting in navigation difficulties.

The present availability and use of GPS receivers by many club members presents a good opportunity to locate and record those areas.

If reports of such bearing inconsistencies are forwarded to me I will publish them in the Sydney Bushwalker for general information and to permit members to mark the relevant maps. Ed


SBW AUGUST- SEPTEMBER SOCIAL PROGRAM Refer to the Walks programs for full details

AUGUST Wed 23” ### 8pm Climbing the Bridge Talk by Paul Cave CEO of 'BridgeClimb'

### = = Replaces the programmed club Auction which has been transferred to

September 20“. Wed 30 8pm Early Bushwalking in the SBW and the CMW Slides & Talk by Colin Watson.

SEPTEMBER 7pm Committee meeting 7.30pm Foed, Food, Food. Handy food hints for walkers by Margaret Sheens & Angelika Langley Wed 13” 8pm General meeting and Walks Report Wed 20% 8pm Club Auction Conducted by Patrick James Bring along your pre-loved gear Wed 27th 8pm Great Expectations An informal chat session about leading walks. Conducted by George Mawer and aimed at new and aspiring

leaders pooo

Pre-meeting dinner at 6.30 pm every Wednesday at the Thai Cennection next door to the Kirribilli Centre.

No need to ring or book. onog

Do you have any suggestions for future Social Programs? If so please contact Andrew Vilder on 9331 4530.

Wed 6th

The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers inc. The Sydney Bushwalker August 2000

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The Rigby Bypass by Frank Rigby

No, don't look at me. I didn't give the new walking track at Coolana that name. In fact, the compieted track had no name at all. I suspected Helen Gray at first but she swears she heard it from someone else. Never mind, it's rather good for the ego to have some feature named after oneself and, of course, it fits with my by-pass operation while holidaying in Queensland last year.

It was in December, less than three months after Townsville Hospital gave me my marching orders, that I started work on the track. I'm not sure whether my surgeon would have been delighted or shocked if he had seen me wielding rake, grubber and bush saw with such abandon. Anyway, I felt no ill effects, only exhilaration!

I conceived the idea sometime about the middle of 1999. After thirty years, why were we still walking up and down the old road with its rough, eroded patches? And didn't bushwalkers prefer a scenic walking track to a road? Besides, I needed a physical and mental challenge, an activity of my own choosing, especially one where I was my own boss. There would be no one to argue with, no committees to get in the way. I put the idea to the Eddy Giacomel Club Commitiee* and they approved. I didn't actually say that this would be my very first attempt at track-making.

Firstly, there was the route. It should be as easy as the terrain would allow, avoid thick bush, use old tracks wherever possible and steer clear of the existing road. But hang on, what about the cliff line? That would surely be a formidable barrier, the track would stand or fall on the presence of a suitable pass. I explored three or four passes; all except one were virtually impossible, with huge boulders and big drops blocking a way through. The exception, in its original state, seemed touch and go. It was possible to scrambie from top to bottom after a fashion, but would it be possible to modify the route sufficiently to afford reasonably easy, safe going? I decided that yes, it was, and after fallen logs were sawn up, boulders edged aside and a number of steps installed, I think everyone will agree that it has worked.

Furthermore, the track around the pass area is most scenic and also includes a short sidetrack to Coolana Lookout from where the view is magnificent.

So, section by section, day by day, the track eventually reached the river flats. Then there were the signposts to make and erect. Joan helped with the log-sawing and earth- carrying at the pass and with the signs but, apart from that, it was all my own-work. I have no idea how many man-hours I gave to this task but it didn't matter; there was satisfaction encugh in the physical reality, of the track and hearing the comments of the first users. With my new-found experience and confidence a branch track to the hut now seemed like a piece of cake.

What else is in the pipeline? A coupie of informative notices about the flora at strategic waypoints along the Rigby By- Pass seems appropriate. Maybe there should also be one or two tracks to interesting highlights (eg. Butler's Rock) within our bushland property.

What with the restored river flats and the new tracks, Coolana, in my view, is becoming a more interesting and rewarding

place. ooooo


A free 'Bridgeclimb' pass worth over $100 will be given as a lucky door prize by Mr Paul Cave, CEO of 'Bridgeclimb, at his presentation regarding the history and operation of Bridgeclimb, at the club on Wednesday August 23.

This talk replaces the programmed club auction which has been transferred to Wednesday September 20.

SEARCH FOR MISSING SWORD An interesting article in the Sydney Morning Herald on August 7th explained how Paul Cave, the chairman of BridgeClimb, is searching for Captain Francis de Groot's sword. DeGroot, a member of the right wing New Guard, used the sword to slash the ribbon to open the Sydney Harbour Bridge ahead of his arch enemy Premier Jack Lang. (DeGroot was subsequently charged with maliciously injuring one ribbon“) Mr Cave requires the sword for the museum he is establishing in the south-eastern Bridge Pyion.

Can anyone help him?

pon00 |Page 14

The Sydney Bushwalker Angust 2000



November 4/5” From Bill Holiand

Following on the successful November 1999 'Coolana Hootnanny' we have arranged another musical treat for the first week-end in November.

All members, prospective members, visitors and families are invited to attend.

The theme is Bush Music around the camp- fire but there will be other attractions for the weekend.

The Poleson family (including club members John and Chris} will add to the fine entertainment provided last year.

But we also want you to participate. Bring along your instrument, guitar, mouth organ, fiddle etc or just your voice.

Ample shelter provided if the weather tums damp.

Transport assistance, including river crossing by canoe for older or incapacitated members, can be provided.


RUCKSACK FOR SALE MACPAC 'RAVINE' This pack is in as-new condition and is less than three years old. Contact: Fazeley Read on 9909 3671 for details.


Easter 1938 in the Blue Mts. by Jean Ashdown

Easter 2000 in the Snowy Mis. by Morag Ryder

Easter 2000

Memories of the Blue Breaks. by Christine Austin


Walking the Brecon Beacons

by Ian Wolfe & Louise Verdon

The Gardens of Stone

by Charlie Montross

Helicopters - Giving accurate bearings to rescuers.

by Keith Maxwell {S&R)

Bushfire Precautions

by Sue Davies WA Bush Fire Service


Articles on walks, ski or abseil trips,- recipes suitable for walking and camping and other items of interest to SBW members are always welcome for publication.

Putting the Cart Before the Wilderness “I assure the House that the local community does not wart these 211,000 hectares gazetted as wildemess. There is a real need in the Eurobodalla area for a go-cart club.”

Mr R.H.L.Smith Liberal Member for Bega Speaking out on wilderness.

Reprinted from The Colong Bulletin

It is good to see that our representatives have their priorities correct. Ed


Copy for publishing in the SBW magazine should be received by me by the second Monday of each month.

The deadline for last-minute urgent items is the second Wednesday of each month as the magazine is usually printed on the following Thursday.

Copy can be lodged by email to me at or typed or on a 32“ PC floppy using any common word processing program. Ed.

The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc.

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