Amongst the vast array of day packs that decorate the shelves of outdoor shops, it's difficult to pick something with the right features, what with 101 different types of nylon, all sorts
of different canvases, airflow systems, expanding pockets and neon colours.
So it's nice to know that if your the type of person that wants simple robust functionality | that reflects years of local bushwalking experience with solid locally made material AS then the BLUE MOUNTAINS TRIASSIC could lig be your best companion fot many years to come.
Se (
_) Pack Review | by David Noble its good to see a pack made in the Biue Mountains for use in the Blue Mountains. The Triassic features two shoulder strap sizes so that the pack can be properly hip loaded, sitting down comfortably in the lumbar region of the back. This is sometimes difficult especially if you are a taller person. The harness system also includes a thick waist belt and chest strap enabling a tight fit which is great when climbing over rocks. The volume is large enough to allow a 50m rope and wetsuit to easily fit in arid the top is made larger so that your stuff slides in and out with ease. The pack has a large front pecket for those essential items such as a torch, and a top pocket for the map and camera. The pack is large enough to be used as a weekend pack when no ropes etc. are needed. This can keep the buik down and stop you from packing too much on those weekend bushwalks. The Triassic is made from durable 120z canvas which can withstand the abuse given to it in canyons and when walking through scrub. All the seams are double stitched and sealed to prevent failure. It is also very water proof, on a recent trip down Hole In The Wall canyon, no water entered the main compartment despite a number of lengthy swims. The pack is bush green in colour making the walker almost invisible in the bush. This is handy for sneaking up on wildlife with a camera or just blending in to the wilderness as you walk along. Good for those who like to keep the visual impact minimal too. A quality Blue Mountains pack for our tough conditions, the Triassic carries a lifetime guarantes on workmanship and raaterials. Overall an excellent pack for either short or tall with the 2 shoulder strap options. And great for canyons or short weekend trips. NB: David Noble is a keen canyoner and bushwalker. He is also the discoverer of the rare Wollem! Pine (WOLLEMIA NOBILIS} found In 1994.
# Australian 120z canvas
Made in Katoomba the old traditional way
40 litre capacity
Proper hip loading with 2 shoulder strap sizes for walking comfort
Wide throat for easy loading and unloading Buckle up front pocket with internal divider Top lid pocket ,
Extendable lid for overloading
Padded hip belt with 38mm buckle
Hip belt retainer for city use (conveniently holds the hip belt back and out of the way
Padded back (removable)
Thumb loops on shoulder straps for more comfortable walking
Internal compression strap for holding down your canyon rope
Side compression straps for minimising volume Storm throat to keep out the rain
Hard wearing Cordura base
Price $159.00
1045 VICTORIA RD, WEST RYDE Ph 9858 5844
> D>
r p>
[Page 2
The Sydney Bushwalker February 2001 |
I consider that our club is in very good shape even though it may be suffering the temporary malaise that many walking clubs and youth groups are currently experiencing.
Isolated incidents which have upset some members can easily be talked into patterns of behaviour by campfire gossips
The best way to influence outcomes in the club is to participate.
Every committees in any organisation consist of people who may have different views and all decisions are by consensus. Everybody has a say and strong personalities have to put up strong arguments to sway the committee.
It may be worthwhile to repeat what Eddy Giacomel said in his article, Reflections, in the January 2000 issue.
“While discussion of an_ issue is
important, it is no substitute for action. Those that remain dissatisfied should note that the SBW is not there to satisfy you
but it is there for you to provide a means to satisfy yourself.
We need to focus (and act!) on issues in a manner that is constructive, _not adversarial. We are not going to entice newer members to participate by elevating the temperature of club politics.
Anyone with suggestions for the club should consider who is going to do the work. Volunteers _wont buy _ the argument that it is a good idea but you
dont want to do it and therefore they should.
We can adapt the quote from John F Kennedy to suit SBW think not what your club can do for you, think what you can do for your club. SBW needs your action, not only your discussions. Your assistance is required in filling committee and other positions at the AGM.”
If it is not possible for you to serve on the committee this year at least attend the March AGM and help to elect your committee. Ed.
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT The Annual General Meeting of the Sydney Bushwalking Club Inc will be held on March 14 At this meeting the new club committee will be elected.
All positions will be declared vacant so now is your opportunity to help shape the future of our club in the 21 Century. Why not nominate for a position on that committee?
The duties of each committee position are outlined in_ this magazine and are fully described in a handbook held by our New Members Secretary, which can be viewed at the clubroom.
Please think seriously about it and at least be sure to attend the meeting on March 14 to help elect
your committee for 2001.
Bill Holland 9484 6636
The Sydney Bushwatker: First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. The Sydney Bushwalker February 2001
Page 3 iF
The meeting began at around 2004 hours, with the president in the chair and some 15 or so members present. There were apologies from Gretel Woodward, Roger Treagus, Jim Calloway and Edith Baker.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted as correct. There were no matters arising.
Correspondence included letters to George Mawer regarding a proposal to collect data on club activities and to Confederation querying a rapidly growing mismatch between their budget and expenditures. Apart from several commercial entreaties we also received a notice from Bushwalkers Wilderness Search and Rescue providing information on a future training weekend. The treasurer was away overseas, (Tasmania) so no treasurers report was available to this meeting. The walks reports, presented by Carol, began with Wilf Hilder leading a party of 8 on his midweek Daylight Saving Walk from Athol Bight to Kirribilli on what turned out to be a rather warm afternoon. Over the weekend of 15, 16, 17 December Ian Wolfes canyon trip went well with the rescue of a possum from one of the canyons as a bonus. Jim Calloway deferred his walk in The Royal to the following weekend. There was no report for Geoff Dowsetts South Coast Odyssey walk scheduled for the Sunday but Ralph Penglis had a party of 6 and several swims to report for his Rose Bay to Watsons Head and return trip that day. What we assume to be Jim Calloways deferred trip from Helensburgh to Otford went on Boxing Day with 2 starters and some train problems. Michael Bickleys Bobbin Head messing about in boats trip had a party of eight and some degree of uncettainty about the details. David Trinders lodge stay at Smiggin Holes over the period 26“ December to 31% December attracted a floating number of attendees that trended toward a total of 22. Maurice Smiths Snowy Mountains trip from December 27” to January 2 went, with Jim Percy as/leader and a party of five. They reported frosty nights with dry, warming as the trip progressed, days. Ian Rannard had 11 on his Victorian Alpine National Park trip, which went to program over the period December 31 to January 6. Monday |January I saw Michael Bickley conducting another Bobbin head barbecue afloat trip. The reporter for this trip started well, reporting a party of eight, but then lapsed into uncertainty, given that one trip was somewhat similar to another, or was that the other one? There was no report available [to the meeting for Geoff Dowsetts trip from|Batemans Bay to Burrill Lake over the period 2 to 6“ January. Kenn Clacher was still away in Tasmania so we must wait for details of his extended trip from 2 to 10” January. Chris Dowling had a party of 13 and a good day for his Saturday 6“ January walk out from Patonga along the Great North Walk. Wilf Hilder led a party of 11 on his midweek walk on|Thursday January 11. The trip went well. For the weekend of January13 14 there was no report for Robin Plumbs scheduled Saturday| walk from Collaroy to Newport, and John Poleson was forced to cancel his Glenbrook Gorge stroll due to a back injury. Greg Brays Sunday walk along Jack Evans track went, with 11 starters and with Carol Lubbers deputising as leader. Bill Holland led a party of 6 on his midweek| walk from Bondi to Coogee on Tuesday January 16” There were reports also of people undertaking the reciprocal fortifying themselves at the end of the programmed walk. All of which concluded the walks reports. Conservation report indicated that we are investigating an item that appeared in local papers indicating that NPWS- may have entered an agreement with High Country Alpine Tours to permit vehicular access to Mount Kosciuszko. We have received minutes of the most recent Confederation meeting. We will oppose a move to reopen the road to Newhaven Gap. NPWS South Sydney region afe reported to have drawn up a [Page 4 The Sydney Bushwalker February 2001 contract for park users wishing to engage in risk taking activities in areas under their control. General Business saw a decision to hold the next reunion at Coolana over the weekend of 17, 18 March. Patrick James ~ will act as program coordinator and Spiro won the hard fought contest to acquire the position of convenor. After announcements the meeting closed at 2104. oo0000 ><] THE BUSH IS NOT A RUBBISH DUMP . Jrom Joan Rigby Once Bushwalkers observed the old rule of Burn, Bash and Bury all your rubbish and your Tins': but as intrusions into, and perceptions of, wilderness changed, a sterner creed was needed and a Club poet summed this up with the lines: “The tins you carry in your pack Are not so heavy going back. * Though rubbish is a bore to hump The Bush is not a rubbish dump.” Perhaps we should now declare that “Neither is Coolana”. Members and their friends visiting Coolana should be as aware of their needs as when on a Club walking trip. You do not expect to find items that 'might be useful scattered around the bush routes. Neither when visiting Coolana should you expect to find there the basic items of your weekend pack. Therefore leaving unwanted odds and ends in the belief that it might be useful is no different from leaving plastic, tins and personal items scattered across your favourite Wilderness area. Certainly, regular users do maintain some basic (or private) extras - candles, matches, toilet paper, and mosquito coils - which other visitors may use if necessary, and there is maintenance stuff in various places. A reasonable stock of kindling and firewood for the next arrival is always welcome, BUT: Empty plastic bottles, foam, and cardboard boxes, plastic items ~ from cracked plates to empty food containers, well- used rags and pot-scourers and masses of weekend newspapers, (especially the glossy magazines) are unsightly, unwanted and possibly dangerous. We all appreciate the usable chairs and the rickety tables and we would like to improve on the current collection - but not with damaged items even your local recycle facility would refuse. When the Big Shed was built in the late 1970's we had experienced one bush fire sweeping through Coolana. Rules then were that, to protect the Shed during future fires, flammable liquids, mattresses, paper etc. should not be left as fuel to feed a fire around the shed. Wood piled against the outside walls, excessive amounts of dry leaves and other kindling near the Shed entrance and leaves on the roof, all increase the risk of burning out our Shed. Please protect our Shed and Coolana from the risk of damage from fire by following the Simple precept set out above. Joan Rigby PLANNED BIODIVERSITY STUDY OF “NATURAL AREAS' LAND The NPA has formed an action group to carry out a biodiversity study on Natural Areas land in Beacon Hill. The intention is to develop the land as part of a corridor through adjacent Crown and Sydney Water land and Red Hill Park, to link to Garigal NP and eventually to hand the land to the NP&WLS. The Action Group is seeking assistance from interested conservationists to carry out this study that will be mostly funded by government grants. The SBW is a shareholder in Natural Areas and our representative Don Brooks has requested any interested members to contact him on 9807 1657. , GPS INFORMATION EVENING Wed February 28” Our social Secretary Andrew Vilder has arranged a GPS explanatory evening. Come along and learn what you can do with a GPS on that extended walk you are planning. A GPS can put a new perspective on planning and leading an extended walk making it a new high tech experience. The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. | The Sydney Bushwalker February 2001 Page 5 | bl GROWTH AND RENEWAL OF THE SBW. jrom Kay Chan I read with interest the article and commentary reporting on the discussion on “Growth, Renewal and Re-energising a Mature Organisation” led by Elyssebeth Leigh at our clubrooms on the 28th of November. From the comments made, it appears that we don't communicate enough! I was inspired to write following my disappointment at learning that the trial of the amended prospective membership period and qualifying test walks had been withdrawn. I supported this trial, as I believed there was a need for an extended prospective membership period in today's environment. This is due to a changed leisure time environment from that which existed in 1927. Factors such as the extension of business and trading hours resulting in | altered work patterns, changed gender roles and the single parent phenomena have all impacted on the amount of weekend leisure time available to pursue bushwalking. I also believed that the added weekend test walk would give equal emphasis to both day and weekend walking. I am unclear of the reasons for the withdrawal of this trial. Was it because our club constitution does not permit trials or because incorporated institutions cannot conduct trials? If it should be the former, I would like to propose, at the forthcoming AGM, an amendment to our club constitution to allow for the running of trials. Trials present an ideal opportunity to evaluate proposed changes in action, prior to permanently altering the constitution. At the meeting led by Elyssebeth, the issues of the focus of the club and its direction or objectives for the future were raised. When I raised this question on walks in the past, I received many diverse responses. Clearly, our membership has many different views, however to move in a particular direction we need to pull together! Tt was also mentioned at the gathering that SBW was a club engaging in both day and weekend walking. This has raised some questions in my mind. Are jwe aiming at a membership that participates in both day and weekend walking? Once a member we are clearly free to walk|as we like, however does the club, and its membership, actively encourage or si members to participate in both activities. I have observed that many prospective members join with the intention of participating exclusively in day walks, and suffer the obligatory weekend test walk to obtain membership. While my personal preference is for weekend walking, I have no objections to members participating exclusively in their preferred activity. What concerns me is the number of ill prepared ptospective members whose first ever overnight-walk is a test walk. For some, a preparatory easy overnight-walk was one overmight-walk too many. If day walking is an acceptable activity of the club, why force ive members to do one ovemight- t all? Does this “encourage” serve us better. The extension of the prospective membership period, the additional overnight-walk for qualifying, whether|easy or test: and the retention of a small stock of overnight hiking equipment for hire to members may be other ways to encourage weekend walking. One couple recently |advised me that they outlaid over $200 to|hire equipment for a weekend trip. This must surely be a deterrent. Members may have other suggestions. With) respect to the comment on participation in the running of the club, may I suggest the encouragement of “understudy ” roles? Interested members could learn about the running of the club in a supporting tole and| simultaneously ease the burden for the official office bearer. This in itself may act as ah inducement for members to take office. Finally, editorial provided statistics on participation by age for the Coast and [Page 6 The Sydney Bushwalker February 2001 Mountain Walkers club (CMW). Does SBW have data of this nature, or of the activity of its membership? Well, I have said my bit. I am interested in your comments and views, as well as those of our membership at large. Kay Chan This letter was addressed to the general committee, as well as to the editor, and will be considered at the next committee meeting. The following comments are mine only. Ed The trial was temporarily withdrawn because it involved a change to the club constitution which can only occur at an AGM. This will occur at the next AGM in March 2001. @ This would result in two types of membership or it could possibly cause leaders problems by having 'members' on their extended walks who had never participated in that type of walk before. The modified test walk regime proposed would ensure that prospectives would benefit from their first overnight walk which experience would assist on their second overnight test walk before becoming full members. @ The position of General Committee member already exists for just that purpose see page 8 for details. Committee meetings are also always advertised as open to observers. The club has not accumulated those statistics to date. Ed. CURRAWONG HOLIDAY COTTAGES - Monday 26 March - Friday 30th March 2000 DAY WALKS, TENNIS, MINI GOLF, SWIMMING ETC Once again we have booked cabins at Currawong Beach. Enjoy the facilities, the activities and, of course, every night a happy hour or two. Cost will be in the vicinity of 360 for 4 nights (5 days) or book in just for a day or two. Enjoy the day walks on the West Head Peninsula. Food groups may be organised as this has been so successful on previous occasions. Reserve your place by sending me a deposit of $20 ASAP Bill Holland 9484 6636 Amendment to Walk Programme: Kangaroo Valley Canoe trip 17th/18th February Please note that lan Debert will not be available for the programmed Kangaroo Valley Canoe trip from Tallowa Dam. The canoe trip will still proceed to join Bill Holland and his walk-in party at the five star campsite on the Kangaroo River but will be under the leadership of Pamela Irving 9977 4403 Canoe hire may be arranged with pick-up at the dam. BELINDA McKENZIE ACCIDENT On January 14“ Belinda McKenzie broke the fibula of her right leg on a Bush Club walk in Kangaroo creek. Belinda thought that she had only sprained her ankle and pushed on. As Alan Mewett reports in the Bush Club Newslettr. “Belinda is now plastered, in the medical sense, and is recuperating under her mother's care.” Get well soon Belinda. TENT FOR SALE EUREKA 'BIKE & HIKE' TENT. Almost new. Weight 1.8kg, with fly Bargain at half price - $165 ono. Please phone Ione Dean for details 9997 3731. FOR SALE PACK- MACPAC TORRE 80 litre Near new- $295 Margaret Rozea 9521 5997 SYDNEY BUSHWALKER' COLLATING Members are invited to assist with the collating of the February magazine, the walks program and the annual report, at the Holland's home at Westleigh on Thursday February 15” from 6pm. Contact Fran Holland beforehand for details on 9484 6636. MISSING IN ACTION One collapsible black LEKI walking stick with luminous red tag attached. Last seen resting peacefully by the track in the Mt. Jagungal area on Dec 28“ 2000. May have accompanied other walkers to Round Mountain Car park Sadly missed Phone 9555 1800 or email The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. The Sydney Bushwalker SBW COMMITTEE MEMBER DUTIES The SBW Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday March 14” 2001, All positions become vacant but as stated earlier the people occupying the following positions have advised that they will not be standing for re- election. e Vice President Treasurer e New Members Secretary Editor Many club members may hesitate to take up club committee positions because they are unsure of what is involved so here is a summary of the duties of most positions. A handbook giving the full details and responsibilities of all committee positions is held by the New Members secretary, and is available for perusal at the clubrooms. If more detail is required then all present and past incumbents would be happy to provide it. Most committee positions involve attendance at committee meetings on the first Wednesday of The Rugged mountains, spectacular waterfalls, deep gorges, mighty rivers, cliff-lined coasts, a wealth of Aboriginal rock-art sites and more. The Mitchell Plateau. Walk through open woodland, broad river valleys and deep gorges. Savour spectacular waterfall views. Relax in cool rock shelters as you view the ancient paintings. Drysdale River National Park. Follow the largest river in the norih Kimberley. Enjoy magnificent hilltop views. Explore rugged rock formations in search of Aboriginal art. Swim in clear, tropical pools. The Kimberley Coast. Join our longest bushwalking expedition: a five to six week exploration of the area between the Berkeley and King Edward Rivers. Page 7 most and others may also involve attendance at the monthly general meetings. President Represents the SBW the broader issues that are not not available. Treasurer Keeps on committee 4 ; on - e ey eee it ALL! One day you're in ha [Page 8 The Sydney Bushwalker February 2001 | Secretary Monitors NPWLS Plans of Management and Attends general and committee meetings to prepare submissions. record and to read the minutes. Sends out letters to the Government etc re Processes incoming and outgoing conservation issues as required. | correspondence. Attends meetings with other conservation Arranges the General Meeting agenda. organizations, Walks Secretary Promotes clubs Conservation Fund and Compiles a walks program each quarter. : Presents the program for approval to the committee. Encourages walk leaders to lead interesting walks. Compiles and gives walk reports at monthly meetings. Bill Capon has compiled a comprehensive record of all overnight SBW walks from 1949- 1999 as a source of information for walk leaders Social Secretary Obtains interesting speakers for club meetings from within and without the club. Organises club social nights. Arranges catering for club meetings and club functions such as the annual Xmas party. Membership Secretary Maintains clubs membership data base (Dbase3/4) Arranges printing of club magazine mailing labels. Provides annual club membership list for printing. Provides annual list of unfinancial members to the committee. Attends committee meetings New Members Secretary. Answers enquiries from possible members at club rooms Advises prospective members and provides them with literature and application forms. Receives their subscription and supplies their particulars to Membership Secretary. Introduces them to members at club meetings. Obtains details of club walks carried out by prospectives and obtains signatures for them from supporting members. ., Introduces them to the committee when their application i is completed. Attends committee meetings as required Conservation Secretary Liaises with conservation bodies and government * organizations. -s club aware of conservation issues. recommends donations by SBW to appropriate conservation organizations. Keeps conservation correspondence records. Editor Solicits articles from members. Liaises with business manager re advertisements. Compiles magazine, editing articles and inserting advertisements where necessary. | Supplies an original magazine, less covers, cover advertisements and full-page advertisements, prepared on the clubs laser printer to club printing team for printing. Requires access to an IBM PC preferably with Word word processing program. Attends committee meetings (Note. The club does not own a computer or any publishing software.) General Committee Member Attends committee meetings to represent the broad interests of club members. A good position for a member who would like to learn the ropes. Confederation Delegates Represent SBW at monthly Confederation meetings. Reports to committee and general meetings on Confederation matters relevant to the SBW and its members. Presents SBW concerns to Confederation. Business Manager Does not have to attend committee meetings. Solicits advertisements from likely advertisers. Liaises with Editor re adverts. Liaises with - treasurer re payment for adverts. Production Manager Does not normally attend committee meetings. Arranges for printing of magazine cover, and any other special documents such as inserts, walks programs, annual reports, mailing labels. Printers (4 Positions) Print club magazine each month on club printer. (Currently located in Alex Colleys garage.) Print Annual membership lists and other end of year documents. 00000 The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. | The Sydney Bushwalker February 2001 Page 9 | A PROPOSAL FOR A REVIEW - OF THE SBW._ MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE A MOTION ON NOTICE FOR THE MARCH 2001 AGM by Eddy Giacomel On Tuesday November 28th last year Elyssebeth Leigh conducted an information and discussion evening for club members. The subject was Growth, renewal, and re- energizing a mature organization. I am pleased to advise that Elyssebeth has offered to assist the club by reviewing its management structure. I have thus put a motion on notice for the AGM so that club members can decide whether to accept the offer. The intention is to hold two discussion evenings to discuss the management structure with interested members. After these two evenings the club can decide whether to proceed further, however, to proceed further will require fees to be negotiated. For this process to produce a successful outcome it will be necessary for a significant number of members to participate, it cannot operate as a spectator activity. However I am aware that in a volunteer organisation members may not be able to participate or be welcoming of additional duties imposed on them. Hence the format will not require the participation of any member who would prefer not to participate. The motion is quite open in that it does not refer to a report. The process of examining the clubs mahagement structure is somewhat exploratory and it is not possible at this stage to anticipate the outcome. I believe that the management structure of an organisation has a direct bearing on its performance and I hope that members will accept this offer to have a professional in the field of management assist the club. oo0000 Reported in the December and January magazines. NOTICE OF MOTION FOR THE SBW AGM ON WEDNESDAY MARCH 14 2001. To be moved by: Eddy Giacomel Seconded by: Peter Daiton. Preamble Elyssebeth Leigh has offered to assist in a review of the management structure of the club. The offer is to conduct two discussion evenings with the club at the Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre (KNC) to which all members are invited to attend. These evenings will be separate from the normal Wednesday night club meetings. Tuesday April 3“ and Tuesday May ist are suitable dates considering the delivery of the clubs magazine and the availability of rooms at the KNC. However these dates will need to be confirmed and advised to members with the magazine deliveries in March and April. One objective of the discussions on these two evenings will be to discuss the question Where do we go from here (Will this process continue)? Elyssebeth will be available for further assistance, however any assistance beyond the first two evenings will incur a fee (to be negotiated). The first two discussions evenings will not incur any fees from Elyssebeth nor will there be any obligation for SBW to proceed beyond the first two evenings. The only costs for the first two discussion evenings will be the room rental of $44 per night, i.e. $88 total. The motion below refers to the first two discussion evenings only. OO0 THE MOTION That the club accept the offer made by Elyssebeth Leigh to assist a review of the management structure of the club as noted in the preamble above. DoouoD [Page 10 The Sydney Bushwalker February 2001 _] RE-ENERGIZING THE ENERGETIC by Bill Holland Eddy has sent me an advance copy of his magazine article and his proposal that the Club engages the services of a management consultant to discuss growth, renewal, and re-energizing a mature organization. Now I'm a bit younger than the Club and maybe I need some renewal and re-energising (forget the growth part!) but I'm puzzled by the assumed need for the Club to seek professional guidance in this matter. The club seems energetic enough. The Walks Programmes show a very busy and active year. We now have an average of two Saturday, three Sunday and one or two weekend walks every week - plus each weekend includes a non-walking activity such as socialising at Coolana. There is also the mid week walking group. Most weeks have a mid week day walk. Also, the group has arranged some excellent extended outings such as a visit to Lord Howe Island, extended stays at interesting locations, even a four day boat trip on Myall Lakes. I looked back to compare the last year's Winter Programme with 1990. Last year had more walks (75 compared with 64) and more variety. However, weekend walks and ski trips seem to be less popular now; 24 scheduled this winter, 36 in 1990. The numbers participating on weekend walks are down with fewer members able to make a weekend commitment This year over the Christmas/New year period the Club had five extended walks (six or more days) including two in Tasmania, plus several private walks. Nearly one hundred members were walking with the club on extended walks and others were on day walks. The social programme looks fine but I must admit some nights (particularly general meeting nights) are poorly attended. Sometimes the weather is blamed; too cold, it too wet but I suspect that a reality check would suggest that many people are finishing work later and home is more attractive than the Club room. Other nights are well attended. Perhaps it is the speaker, the nature of the slide show or the appeal of the topic that warrants investigation. I don't think that the Committee needs re- energising. After all, we met every month last year and our President saw fit to add four or five special meetings. We all felt a little worn out but revived over Christmas. o0000 SYDNEY BUSHWALKER MAGAZINE INDEX Some time ago I commenced compiling an index of all published Sydney Bushwalker Magazines but was forced to postpone the project due to a shortage of time. I am now seeking assistance to re-commence the project. I envisage that several members will each assemble the magazine indexes of several years in a common format and these indexes will be combined in one master index. The index will be made available on disk to the State Library and to any member who wishes a copy. I commenced the index using Dbase 1V but but it could be transferred to any compatible program. Alex Colley has a complete set of Sydney Bushwalker magazines and would be keen to co- operate. Reading the early magazines whilst compiling the index is a very interesting experience which is one reason why I have not progressed very far. Would interested people please contact me to discuss how the project could best be arranged. Ray Hookway. Editor o0000 The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. Whether its bush walking, mountaineering, cross-country skiing, trek- king or travei, a pack is your best friend or worst enemy. Why? Because you depend on the agility and comfort that your pack provides. The Mont Moto-Active adjustable har- ness system is deceptiveiy simple, fast to adjust and easy to fit. Available in three sizes and featuring inter- changeabie harness compo- nents, a truly best fit is possible, and best fit means a truly comfortabie carry. WONT Back Country Pack innovative designs, detailed construc- tion and quality ma- teriais. Anatomicaily con- toured hip-belis. Spandura and 3D Air-Flow fabrics for body contact points. Bar tacks on the im- portant high stress points. Triple stitched with webbing bound seams to ensure massive seam strength. We use Evazote foams, the most du- rable, high quality foams available. Hip-belt secures di- rectly to the aliumin- ium frame-stays for direct ioad transfer. Only highest quality Duraflex buckles. The shoulder yoke adjusts independ- ently of the frame Stays. Dual aluminium frame-stays adjusted i, ON A Something Better. and reinserted in seconds. Mont Adventure Equipment; The Australian company with over 20 years of manufacturing excellence. 3 Trelawney Street Eastwood. Phone : 02 9858 3833. eastwood camping centre All packs personally fitted by our experienced Staff. Z [Page 12 The Sydney Bushwalker February 2001 WHY NOT MORE CYCLING? & hy Brian Holden. O& It surprises me that more people are not participating in those few bicycle rides that are on the SBW program. Cycling adds another dimension (although the choice of routes to ride is smaller than that of tracks to walk). I know that if cycling is introduced to most people, then they will come to like it. As with bushwalking, getting the right introduction is the key. If you have not considered cycling due to you not having been on a hike since you were a kid, then consider the following: {1} Cars are not left in the bush to be broken into but at a railway station, shopping centre etc. [2] Morning tea can be arranged to be a cappuccino in a real coffee shop. [3] Lunch can be arranged to be a monster burger that is munched into, sitting in a nearby park. [4] No pack pulling your shoulders off. _[5] The nicest people ride bikes. I will now briefly describe four extended rides I have done this year. April. I saw Perth by bike over a period of a week. The city has plenty of cycle ways and the land is generally flat. In a hired car I would not have seen a fraction as much as I did. Vision is unobstructed and the bike can be stopped almost immediately at a point of interest. I took the bike over to Rottnest Island where it is the only form of transport. September. I saw Adelaide and the Adelaide hills over a period of two weeks. The city is set up for bikes and is flat. Once again a hired car or bus or train would have given me nothing like the holiday that I had. One great thing about Adelaide is that you do not drive to the start of a ride as one would in Sydney, but ride from your residence to it. October. Canberra is supposed to have 300km of cycle ways. They go everywhere and every park and place of interest is covered. I spent four days there. The Sydney Bushwatker: er cr ao November. I rode from Jindabyne to Albury over four days experiencing some of our best scenery. I was apprehensive about this ride as it would be on major roads. What a joy to experience almost no traffic except in the last 15km coming into Albury. Lots of ups and downs - but as with walking, the fitter one is the more the recreation can provide. The cars were moved in stages behind us with stays in Jindabyne (cabin), Khancoban (cabin), Corryong (cabin), Walwa (pub) and Albury (YHA). Cheap beds and cheap meals all the way. oo To sum up: cycling adds another dimension to one's physical activity and, rather than drifting into a sedentary life, could be a handy standby when the motivation to rough it'on extended walks and do the same old thing on Sunday walks diminishes. While the cost of bushwalking equipment has steadily risen, the price of quality bikes over the past few years has plummeted. & & BH HH H H H H BH &H SBW MEMBER EVACUATED FROM SW TASMANIA BY HELICOPTER Members may have seen the letter from SBW member Catherine Mullane, in the Herald on January 27”, regarding a helicopter evacuation of the party leader from South West Tasmania after a bad accident. The unfortunate leader was Owen Kimberley and Owen has written the story and it will be published in the March magazine. An EPIRB was used and rescue arrived within 2hrs due to 2 Satellites passing within 3 minutes confirming the position accurately! MAGAZINE DEADLINES Copy for publishing in the SBW magazine should be received by the editor by the second Monday of each month. The deadline for last-minute urgent items is the second Wednesday of each month as the magazine is usually printed on the following Thursday. Copy can be sent to me by email at or on a 31/2“ PC floppy or aS plain copy using any common word processing program. Ed. First Edition July 1931 + asada Boneh - The Sydney: Bushwalker February 2001 Page 13 | KOSCI CHRISTMAS 2000 Or 'Our Raincoats Never Got Wet' by Jo Van Sommers Party Members: Anthea, Carol, Jo, Rosemary and Jim. At one stage close to Christmas it seemed there would be not a single SBW programmed overnight walk in the Kosci NP between Christmas and New Year, traditionally a favourite time for extended walks. Maurice Smith had had to cancel his planned walk, but Carol Lubbers rang Jim and talked him into taking it over. There were four starters on Maurices list, none with transport. We picked up a couple more at the Club Christmas party, making a good size, group of four men, four women. The party spirit might have been doing the talking, for all three other men dropped out, two at extremely short notice. But the women were not deterred. Anthea even offered to hire a car to get herself and a passenger down to Round Mountain. In the end this wasnt necessary, but the right spirit was there for a prospective member who had only arrived back in Australia on the day we met her Whats wrong with the Club? Not enough prospectives with this sort of enthusiasm and too few members doing overnight walks. Does age matter? We had a week of fabulous weather warm sunshine, cool breezes, cold nights (dod for sleeping) and very refreshing cold mornings. Our raincoats remained rolled up at the bottom of our packs. The stars blazed, the wildflowers were giving a peak performance, the birds, especially in the lower altitudes, were splendid. It was Christmas at Kosci like it used to be, except most of the old faces were missing. At one stage, musing on her blistered feet, Jo counted twelve women who used to share with her this pleasure of backpacking but were no longer doing so. At least this got her up that long last hill out of the Tumut. Jim had a wonderful time with his new toys the GPS, the route plotted by computer, the altitude watch. If we strayed off the intended route by the merest metre, I for one was not aware of it. Jim varied Maurices route by doing it in reverse, covering the Round Mountain fire-trail section first and finding a pleasant spot in the trees downhill for the first nights camp. Like Fazeley and Ray (see Jan 2001 report) we enjoyed seeing all the old landmarks. I decided to mind the packs (is this an unique Australian euphemism?) while the rest of the party ran up Jagungal from the saddle. They reported wonderfully clear views. We camped at our old favourite spot at the foot of Jagungal. Two exhausted young men, one limping, turned up much later and asked us, camping where two creeks were clearly forming, if here was any water around? We advised them to go over the Jagungal saddle for the quickest route out to Round Mountain, but what they really wanted was fire-trails. They were behind schedule because all the fire-trails had been going the wrong way! Next day we arrived early at Tarn Bluff tarn and snagged a choice spot tucked in among the rocks, with a view of the water and out of the wind. Parties kept arriving during the afternoon this spot must be in many guidebooks and took up inferior positions in the wind or a long way from the water. There were people everywhere. Even the shallow water of the tarn was very cold, and this year the rushes and reeds seemed to have encroached on the edges and the waters were muddy. I remember with joy, soaking myseif in the clear warm brown waters of the past. We had the usual discussion about which was Cup and Saucer and whether it really looked like a Cup and Saucer from any angle. Actually, for a mere five of us, we managed long discussions about everything really, around our friendly little campfire. Our pure friends in the wind, fireless, were slapping themselves in a determined fashion and went to bed early. Next day we arrived near Cesjacks hut at lunchtime, and would have had lunch there except we didnt see it in the trees. It deserves its reputation for being hard to find. As we moved across the large snow-poled basin past Cesjacks, a whirly-whirly started in the trees on top of the hill. We heard it [Page 14 The Sydney Bushwalker February 2001 before we saw it. It shook the trees violently, swirled and eddied in a narrow band across the long grass, then stirred up trouble in the trees on the lower slope. As quickly as it had come, it was gone, leaving the air as warm and still as it was before, and no trace of its passing. Its a mysterious place. We camped that night in another mysterious place, near the site of the old Jaanga hut. No one could find a trace of it, although we used an existing fireplace in a clearing. Carol was sleeping with her tent open so she could enjoy the night skies, and others got up every night just to enjoy the stars. Every morning we had woken to white frosts, frozen water in the billies and ridges of ice along the tops of the tents, but this night a mist came in so thick that we moved ~ slowly in a silent spooky half world., We pushed on to Diggers Creek, via Mackeys Hut, with the sun rapidly buming off the mist and raising the temperature. We camped in a beautiful shady spot, with an old fallen tree to sit on, and were entertained by a pair of Nankeen kestrels hovering in mid- air then diving with shrill piping straight into the grasses. New Year's Eve was very quiet. The gitls were determined that we were going to have black sticky rice for dessert if we had to stay up until midnight! As older members will know, New Year's Eve is 9pm on bushwalks, especially when there is still quite a way to go. We had the pud. about 10 p.m. and it was terrific! Rosemary, on her return sent us a packet in the remote Blue Mountains where such exotic delicacies are unknown. We covered quite a lot of distance the next day with our light packs. Jim fell into the Doubtful River just to make sure. We eventually found a grassy flat along the steep-sided Tumut, hurled our hot bodies into its cool pools and set up camp. For once I was glad to see the sun slip early behind the western rise. On the last day, the remarkable weather continued. We read a plaintive tale in the Round Mt. Hut about a lone walker in May who had come in from Mt.Selwyn (where he left his car but told no-one his rcute) been stranded by snow and no-one had come to rescue him, as there were no cars in the Round Mt. carpark. There were still about 15 cars there when we got back there before lunch. No problems with the cars, no snow, rain, sleet, ice; no incidents, no-one lost, stolen or strayed truly a good portent for Rays New Millennium. The Round Mountain car park logbook reported a recent car break in and there was broken glass littering the ground so dont leave visible valuables in cars. Ed |New: WicpeRness Tr Bis 10 ex. Jevowan Caves, Kaxanera Wauss. | Yemeanpens: Gigott Town _ Staguienrs Tract, Boxeoum Caves. Woe Woa. Nene Departs from Sydney's Campbeltown Railway Sialion Via Pearth, Katoomba & Bladrheath fos . Kanangra Walls Mon & Wed at fam. Frid st Zam _Retums 4pm Mon, Wed, Frid. Via Statighis, Mittagzng & Manan for Wog Wog-Narriga Tues.& Thurs & Sun at ifam Returns 4 pm Tues, Thurs, Sun. Yerranderie Ghost Town first Satunday in each month, retums Sun at 1 pm: (eny Friday ran 6} Group deoking discounts or chatter service Tel 0246 832344 Mob 0428 832 344 NSW WILDERNESS TRANSIT EASTER BUS <~- G To Monolith Valley Tracks degat Th Thurs 12th Gpm for WOG WOG & NERRIGA Meturus Moa 16th 4pm Te Blue Mouatain Tracks Departs Yrid 13h Tan wia Penrith for Jenolan Caves, Kanangre Walls and Yerrandetie Returns Mon 16th from Yerrandesic (2nevn. Kanangra Walls Spm ff Retarns Tues J7th from Kanangra Walls 5pm Tel 0246 832 344 Mob 0428 832 344 The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. The-Sydney Bushwalker February 2001 Page 15 SBW FEB SOCIAL PROGRAM * Refer to the Summer walks program for full details FEBRUARY Wed 14” 8pm General Meeting & walks report. Wed 21st 8pm SBW Annual Photo Competition* Wed 28“ Spm GPS presentation by Silva or Magellan The new social program will be published with the new Autumn walks program Do you have any suggestions for future Social Programs? If so please contact the new Social Secretary. MARCH ARTICLES Walking in the Sierra Nevadas by JanWolfe A Tale of Two Nomads. by Ian Debert Learning to lead walks painlessly by Maureen Carter A practical lesson in the use of an EPIRB. by Owen Kimberley FUTURE ARTICLES Walking in Cazoria National Park by Ian Wolfe Walking in Barrossa Gorge by Ian Wolfe BASIC BUSH NAVIGATION A TWO DAY TRAINING COURSE FOR MEMBERS AND PROSPECTIVE MEMBERS Dont forget Ian Rannard's Bush Navigation course to be run on March 7” and 10% Refer to the 'BACK PAGE' of the club's summer walks program for full details VALE GEOFF GRACE SBW member Geoff Grace died on January 22nd after a long battle with cancer. - Geoff joined the SBW in 1986 and was an active walker specialising in longer walks such as Bill Capon's Hilltop to Kanangra, the Ettrama Traverse and Wilf Hilder's Sydney to Lithgow series, writing up the walks for the magazine. Geoff, a Community activist and a staunch environmentalist, was very active in many areas and was a prolific letter writer. Sheila Swain, a fellow activist who wrote his obituary in the Herald, stated that “Geoff believed passionately that each of us has a responsibility as a caretaker of this land to work towards a society that protects its life support system. Geoff was a hands-on bush regenerator and in 1989 established Friends of Boronia Park to preserve one of the most valuable bushiand remnants in Sydney. A section of Boronia Park is to be named after him, A list of all of Geoff's causes and interest would possibly fill pages and wculd include: The fight for Kelly's Bush, The third runway protests and the Botany Bay National Park. He was also a member of 'Australians for an Ecologically Sustainable Population. Geoff's wife Reta shared in all of Geoff's activities and in 1981 was selected as Hunter Hill's Citizen of the Year. I am certain that the sympathy of all club members is extended to Reta, their two children and the three grandchildren. There are too few people like Geoff Grace and he will be greatly missed. oo000 [Page 16 The Sydney Bushwalker February 2001 A DAMP WALK Sat Nov 18 2000. by Chris Dowling After days of rain in Sydney seven brave souls (Pam, Pamela, Sally, Rudolf, Barry, Phil & Chris; 4 members & 3 prospectives) set off in light drizzle on a walk from Springwood to Glenbrook via Magdala & Glenbrook Creeks. The day that followed showed that you can still have an enjoyable walk even when conditions are less than perfect. Parts of the track alongside Magdala Creek were not unlike the creek itself. The light drizzle soon became a heavy drizzle. Just downstream from the little clearing at the junction with the track from Faulconbridge the rocks were mostly awash. At this point the leader gave another warning about the dangers of slipping on slippery rocks; seconds later he knocked his left shin doing exactly that. Not surprisingly the water level in Glenbrook creek was higher than normal; it was obvious from debris marks that it had been even higher in recent days. As we made our way along Glenbrook Creek there were some creeklets which the writer had not even noticed before but on this day were too wide to jump across and were knee-deep when you stepped into them. The higher than normal water level forced up and around detours. The swimming spots along Glenbrook Creek were much admired; however we were already wet enough without getting into them. As wet as we were, our thoughts were with those on the overnight walk in Morton NP. When we arrived at the usual crossing place downstream from _ the Duckhole (near the bottom of the St. Helena fire trail) it was unrecognisable because it was somewhere in the middle of a raging rapid. We back-tracked to the Duckhole and proceeded to cross at the sandbar. The leader was concerned that a member might get swept away by the current in the hip- deep water; (prospectives are expendable) however everyone crossed without incident. On the track leading up from the Duckhole there was a lot of water making its way down to the Duckhole. After the walk the bus shelter outside Glenbrook station was the trendy place in which to change into dry clothes. We were deeply concerned that we may have lost some weight during this walk so we then adjourned to a caf/restaurant in Glenbrook to correct that state of affairs. Everyone on this walk retained his/her sense of humour in spite of the rain & more than a couple of leeches. Im not sure if we are mad but it probably does help. Dono KAKADU, KIMBERLEY, RED CENTRE, Bushwalking Slide Show Presented by Russell Willis See what makes northern bushwalking so special. * Spectacular scenery - 20 000 years of rock art * Clear, tropical pools, perfect for swimming, pure enough to drink Predictable weather and light packs * Walk for days or weeks without seeing anyone other than your walking companions Some of the world's least disturbed ecosystems SOUTH AMERICA, AND THE CANADIAN ARCTIC Find out about our recent dog sled trip across Baffin Island in the Canadian Arctic. Willis's Walkabouts established 1986, the most experienced bushwalking tour operator in the Northern Territory. Thursday March 1 at 7.45>m McMahons Point Community Centre 165 Blues Point Road North Sydney ItS A BOY TO JAN MCLEAN AND ROGER TREAGUS ON 1ST FEBRUARY A BABY BOY TO BE CALLED LACHLAN (7LB 5 OZ ON THE OLD SCALE). MOTHER AND BABY DOING WELL AND FATHER OVERWHELMED. LIFE, SCHOOL AND HIS FIRST TEST WALK ARE ALL AHEAD OF HIM. THANKS TO EVERYONE FOR THEIR SUPPORT. ROGER The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. The Sydney Bushwalker February 2001 Page 17 | WALK TO WALLABADAH by Pat Harrison Pat Harrison was an SBW Walk Secretary in the late 60s and led many interesting walks himself. This report of a private walk was first published in the January 1970 Sydney Bushwalker. It is reprinted with the hope that it may inspire some club members to perhaps look further afield when planning a walk. We all have our share of nostalgic yearnings. I think perhaps I have more than my share of the commodity. The hunger for well remembered places was strong upon me and, in 1963, I conceived the idea of traversing the Liverpool Range a part of the Great Dividing Range, from Murrurundi to Crawney Mountain and then dropping down into the headwaters of Quirindi Creek and following that creek to Wallabadah and the road to Quirindi. The distance along the range would be about twenty miles to the headwaters of Quirindi Creek then about eleven to Wallabadah and another ten to Quirindi. The general altitude of this section of the Liverpool Range is around 4000ft and the course of the walk would involve climbing 8000 ft. Seeking a suitable companion I asked Bruce Vote at the coffee shop after a club meeting whether he would come. He didn't say yes nor yet a definite no so that I thought he would not be able to come. It was a very pleasant surprise when I received a telegram at Quirindi on Wednesday which read: “Arriving Thursday pm He really arrived Wednesday night and slept under the bridge across the Jacob-and-Joseph Creek because he was reluctant to disturb us late at night. He was duly rebuked. We left Quirindi at noon on Thursday and had no trouble finding a lift to where the New England Highway crosses the Liverpool Range about three miles north of Murrurundi. Our altitude here was 2200ft and the weather wasn't at all promising as we went through a locked gate _ and along a jeep track to Mt. Helen, distant to the ast about four miles and involving a climb of 1800ft to its crest at 4002ft. The cloud was low but it was a very scenic walk along a comparatively narrow range with extensive views to Murrurundi and the upper Hunter Valley on our right while on the left the western side the view stretched away across the Breeza Plains and beyond to some humps on the horizon which were probably the Warrumbungles.
When we reached Mt Helen we were well and truly in the mist and found our way down the end by compass to the saddle 800ft below. Once down to the 350ft level we were in the clear again, below the cloud and in country which has generally been cleared of timber. There was a lush growth of grass, even to an untrained eye the best cattle country you could find.
When we reached the saddle we began to think about camp for the night-and whether we would have to use any of the two quarts of water we had been carrying. The saddle led northwards to another feature (3607ft) and when we reached it we found the left-hand ground sloped uniformly but that the range still went northward to a higher feature (3894ft). However the ground to the right, to the east, sloped for several hundred feet and then formed a high plateau. This treeless plateau was quite extensive and from a distance looked swampy. After crossing this high valley we eventually found water by sound. We could not see the stream but could hear its gurgle beneath the bracken and the grass. There was fish-back fern covering a little runnel with a pure, determined flow.
Camp was made immediately in the long grass nearby and by great good fortune we found enough wood for our needs. The mist swirled and boiled around the crest of the range and always seemed about to descend and close in on us. It never did. From our tent during the night we could see the winking lights of cars on the highway near Blandford. Our camp was on one of the headwaters of Whoolahans Creck.
We started at 8.45 on Friday and sidled round the unnamed feature (G894ft) to the saddle connecting it to Mt. Temi (4111ft). Mt. Temi, is shaped like a great flathead fish of which our saddle was the start of the tail. The 550ft climb from the saddle was simple enough a narrow rock ridge of basalt chunks with thorn bushes and nettle for stimulation. The crest of Temi is flat and clear. In addition to the far ranging views of the previous day we could now see a very interesting formation to the north-east in the valley of Warland's Creek. This formation, Wallabadah Rocks rises straight up from the floor of the valley for 1000ft and more than half of this height is sheer. Wallabadah.Rocks in appearance is a split rock very similar in appearance to Belougery Split Rock in the Bungles'. It has the same reddish colour as Belougery. It remained with us as an impressive |Page 18
The Sydney Bushwalker February 2001
sight for the rest of the day as we made a half circle around it along the range. There are trees at the base and there appear to be bushes on top.
There was a steep 850ft descent off the northern end of Temi to a broad clear saddle and from the saddle a climb up to another unnamed feature (3690ft), the southern side of which was dotted with several small tarns. In the swampy ground they appeared as pools among the reeds. We now knew that our main worry, water, had been unnecessary and this was further confirmed at lunchtime on Lagoon Mountain (3432ft) where there is another of these natural tars. Directly west of Lagoon Mountain through another 450 saddle was another scenic formation Loder's Peak (3450ft) which dropped away very steeply on its southern side.
The continuous ups and down along this range were soon to end, for after making an abrupt change of direction to the east at Lagoon Mountain we dropped down 900ft, climbed up the same height to another unnamed peak, took our last look at Wallabadah Rocks which were now directly south of us at their closest point to our walk, and then headed due north down a beautiful long ridge to make camp at 4.20 near the headwaters of Quirindi Creek and just above its junction with Splitters Creek. Here and there on the hillside as we came down this ridge could be seen ring-barked trees whose brown dead leaves gave an attractive autumnal appearance as they shone golden in the afternoon sun.
Anyone who has walked with only one companion and camped far away in new country will know how satisfying were the camps of this night and the previous night. In my case I had the added pleasure, after many years, of being near the source of the stream upon whose banks twenty miles downstream I first saw the light of day nearly half a century ago.
On Saturday morning we set out at 8.20 with one pack between us and took the long ridge on the western side of Splitters Creek (Lands Map Quirindi B1:31680) Ref.960890 and completed the 2600ft climb to Crawney Mountain-(4736ft) at 10.15 arriving there with Bruce's hat filled with mushrooms he had gathered on the way. It was unfortunate that above the 4000ft level the range was covered in a thick mist, blocking the splendid panorama of more than twenty miles to Nundle and Quirindi. From Crawney Mountain there are three water-sheds: one to the north-east
and the beautiful Peel River which in turn finds its way to the Namoi, one to the south-east to the equally beautiful Isis River which feeds the Hunter and the third westwards down the vailey of Quirindi Creek which winds its way past Casuarinas, green flats, pleasant farms and fruitful soil and on through Wallabadah and Quirindi, around Whoda Thought It Hill' and across the Breeza Plain to lose itself in the Mooki River.
We followed the range southwards from Crawney down a 500ft saddle and across a peak, very rocky and narrow, and descended by the Reference-994894 which brought us back to the tent by a complete circle. This is a splendid walk. Coming down the narrow spine of Peak 4,686ft it was fascinating to see the mist swirling on the Isis River while the other side was clear.
Rain-had begun to fall as we reached camp, but by Bruce's effort we were soon eating mushrooms fried in butter. There are three or four settlers along this creek between our camp and Wallabadah and consequently there is a road of sorts, a true bush road which did nothing to spoil our day. And what better way to prepare for the ten mile road bash from Wallabadah to Quirindi than downing a couple of glasses in an old country pub while the rain drummed down outside.
Bruce and I are both purists - at opposite ends of the spectrum. He doesn't like to walk on roads, I like to walk anywhere and everywhere. A mile from Wallabadah, tea overdue, a truck came along and to Bruce's obvious delight would not move unless we were on board.
There are excellent maps of the area including those by the Lands Dept in a scale of two inches to the mile. We used the Quirindi 'B' and 'D' sheets. Although the winter is the best time to walk in these ranges, snow falls on the high- ground and there are hard frosts through mid- winter.
NOTIFICATION OF CHANGES TO ADDRESS AND/OR PHONE NUMBERS The club membership list is maintained by the membership secretary Barry Wallace and the 2001 list will be printed in February/March Please note that if you are not currently financial your name will be removed from the
new 2001 list
. The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc.
The Leaders in Adventure since 1930
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