MAY 2001 Amongst the vast array of day packs that decorate the shelves of outdoor shops, it's difficult to pick something with the right features, what with 101 different types of nylon, all sorts
of different canvases, airflow systems, expanding pockets and neon colours.
So it's nice to know that if your the type of person that wants simple robust functionality that reflects years of local bushwalking experience with solid locally made material then the BLUE MOUNTAINS TRIASSIC could be your best companion for many years to come.
by David Noble & Australian 120z canvas its good to see a pack made in the Blue Mountains for 4 Made in Katoomba the old traditional way use in the Blue Mountains. The Triassic features two A 40 litre capacit shoulder strap sizes so that the pack can be properly hip p y loaded, sitting down comfortably in the lumbar region of & Proper hip loading with 2 shoulder strap ee
the back. This is sometimes difficult especially if you are a taller person. The harness system also includes a thick waist belt and chest strap enabling a tight fit which is
for walking comfort
A Wide throat for easy joading and unloadin ki, great when climbing over rocks. & Buckle up front pocket with internal divide a The volume is large enough to allow a 50m rope and & Top lid pocket tS tes, vemite sa Renard nesooameie agesote | a. Extendable id for overloading large front pocket for those essential items such as a 4 Padded hip belt with 38mm buckle
4 Hip belt retainer for city use (conveniently holds
torch, and a top pocket for the map and camera. The pack is large enough to be used as a weekend pack the hip belt back and out of the way
when no ropes etc. are needed. This can keep the bulk
A quality Blue Mountains pack for our tough conditions, the Triassic carries a lifetime guarantee on workmanship and materials.
Overall an excellent pack for either short or tall with the
2 shoulder strap options. And great for canyons or short weekend trips.
NB: David Noble is a keen canyoner and bushwalker. He is also the discoverer of the rare Wollemi Pine (WOLLEMIA NOBILIS) found In 1994.
down and stop you from packing too much on those & Padded back (removable) ere bushwalks. 41 & Thumb loops on shoulder straps for more @ Triassic is made from durable 120z canvas which + can withstand the abuse given to it in canyons and when comfortable walking . walking through scrub. All the seams are double stitched A Internal compression strap for holding down and sealed to prevent failure. It is also very water proof, your canyon rope on a recent trip down Hole In The Wall canyon, no : . eae water entered the main compartment despite a number 4 Side compression straps for minimising volume of lengthy swims. 4 Storm throat to keep out the rain The pack is bush green in colour making the walker & Hard wearing Cordura base almost invisible in the bush. This is handy for sneaking up . on wildlife with a camera or just blending in to the A Price $159.00 wildemess as you walk along. Good for those who like to keep the visual impact minimal too. ONLY AVAILABLE AT
= Alpsport
1045 VICTORIA RD, WEST RYDE Ph 9858 5844 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER is a monthly bulletin of matters of interest to members of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc PO Box 431 Milsons Point 1565. To advertise in this magazine, please contact the Business Manager.
Editor: Bill Holland Telephone: 9484 6636 Email:
Fax: 99805476 (phone 9484 6636 first) Business Manager: Gretel Woodward Telephone: 9587 8912 Production Manager: Frances Holland Printers: Kenn Clacher, Barrie Murdoch, Margaret Niven, Les Powell, Tom Wenman, Don Brcoks
THE SYDNEY BUSH WALKERS INCORPORATED was founded in 1927. Club meetings are held every Wednesday evening at 8 pm at Kiribilli Neighbourhood Centre, 16 Fitzroy Street, Kirribilli (near Milsons Point Railway Station). Visitors and prospective members are welcome any Wednesday.
General Enquiries: phone 0600 500 729 SBW WEBSITE
COMMITTEE: President: Wilf Hilder Vice-President: Peter Dalton ~ Public Officer: Fran Holland Treasurer: Carole Beales Secretary: Judy O'Connor Walks Secretary: Carol Lubbers Social Secretary Gemma Gagne
Membership Secretary: Barry Waliace New Members Secretary: Kay Chan Conservation Secretary: David Trinder
Magazine Editor: Bill Holland Committee Members: Chris Dowling
Pam Morrison, Delegates to Confederation:
Committee: Jim Callaway., Tom Wenman _ Non-Committee: Wilf Hilder, Geoff Bradley
MAY 2001
Issue No. 798 INDEX: 2. Editor's Note 3. President's Report 3. Letter to the Editor 4,5. “By ail means go bush” Padraic P MeGuiness 6. In Safe Hands ? 7. The April General Meeting Barry Wallace. 8. The Friday Special - Brian Harvey Long innings 10. Vale John White - Edna Gentle - Frank Rigby 11. Geoffrey Fixes the Binoculars 12,13. SBW and “ Social Capital” Alex Colley 13. Data Base Report - George Mawer 14. Aboriginal Art Sites - Zo! Bodlay 15,16. New Zealand Trip - David Trinder 16. Leaders and New leaders Night Peter Dalton 17. New Members Page 18. Weekend Waiks 18. Social Programme ADVERTISERS: Alpsport Front cover Eastwood Camping 9 Paddy Pallin Back cover Wildemess Transit 7 Willis's Walkabouts 5
The Sydney Bushwalker magazine is printed on recycled paper.
The Sydney Bushwatker: First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. Page 2 The Sydney Bushwalker
May 2001
Editor's Note:
Over the next few issues I plan to make some changes to the magazine layout and format. These will include adding photos and drawings of people and events. You can help by supplying me with good black and white or colour photos of contemporary bush scenes or bushwalkers. These may be sent to me as email attachments or in the post - I will scan and return. Ideally they will be relevant to articles being published or to the Club generally.
I would also welcome short extracts of magazine and newspaper items etc on matters affecting | bushwalking or conservation. If published elsewhere please supply details so that permission to reproduce may be sought.
This issue starts a “Walks Page”. I would welcome reports of recent walks or planned walks that were interesting or unusual. Ideally, these reports will be of 150 - 200 words enabling me to print several walks reports in each issue. Leaders are also encouraged to promote such walks by giving advance notice in the magazine.
Can I find a member willing to start a occasional section perhaps titled “Walking on the Web” or similar ? Hopefully, this will deal with bushwalking or conservation web- site referrals or matters raised in internet newsgroups. Please let me know if you are willing to help or can offer suggestions.
This issue of the magazine comes together with the Winter Walks Programme. Notices of changes to programmed walks or late additions to the Programme will be accepted for publication in the monthly magazine but should be directed through the Walks Secretary, Carol Lubbers.
Organisational Renewal The second presentation on Organisational
Renewal was given by Elyssebeth Leigh to interested members at the Clubroom on Tuesday 1st May. A full report, including a summary of the two meetings will be included in next month's magazine.
I welcome contributions from any of the members who attended the meetings on how they felt about the outcome of the meetings
and how the matters discussed can be applied to SBW. Other contributions are also welcome.
It is my intention to place some-or all of the submissions in one issue of the magazine so that all members can be fully informed.
Editing may be necessary for space or other reasons but all of the original submissions will be on view in the clubrooms for the July General Meeting.
Bill Holland
Magazine Deadlines
Copy for publishing in the SBW magazine should be received by the editor by the end of the first week of each month. 7
The deadline for last-minute urgent items is the second Monday of each month as the magazine is usually printed on the following Thursday.
All articles submitted will be considered for publication. Articles from new contributors particularly welcome
Please send your submission in by mail (preferably typed), on floppy disc, by email or by fax (see Page 18 for contact details) Bill Holland :
Sydney Bushwalker' Collating _ Members are invited to assist with the collating of the June magazine at the Holland's home at Westleigh on Thursday 21st June from 6pm. Contact Fran Holland beforehand for details on 9484 6636.
Death of Keith Perry
With great regret we report that Keith Perry passed away on Friday 27th April after a long illness. Keith, together with his son Chris, joined the SBW in 1988 and many members will recall with pleasure his entertaining stories and poems recited at our concerts and around the campfire. ~~
| The Sydney Bushwalker
May 2001 Page3 |
President's Report _ Wilf Hilder
Walks Reports: George Mawer has streamlined the walks report form and a copy of this form is included with the current walks programme. Leaders, please make every effort to complete this report after your walk and send it to George as the Club's data base needs your input. Thanks you for your co-operation.
75th Anniversary: The club's 75th Anniversary will be in October, 2002. The Committee plans to appoint a sub-committee to make a success of this important event. If you can help or offer suggestions please contact any member of the Committee. Growth, Renewal and Re-energising a Mature Organisation: - Elyssebeth Leigh has generously facilitated three sessions for our club on this important topic. J was pleased to see that most of the issues that were raised had been includedin members submissions to the committee in the Review of the Club activities commenced last year.
Issues from Elyssebeth's meetings and the remainder of the submissions will be discussed at coming Committee meetings. Member Survey - The committee is keen to get more feedback from members and has enthusiastically supported Roger Treagus's questionnaire/survey to be sent to all members in the next month or so.
Your co-operation and support is needed to make our club the best in Sydney by it's 75th birthday - which is a fairly challenging goal for all of us.
Winter Programme - The new programme comes to you with this magazine. The Committee is most appreciative of all who have taken part ifi the preparation of the programme. General Meetings - To make our general meetings more interesting the Committee has decided to add a focus to each meeting. For June we will feature a half an hour or so of members slides or photos of recent Club trips. Leaders wishing to promote their next weekend walks will also be welcome. Committee Observers - Members are invited to attend committee meetings as observers - so far only one or two have attended. Meetings start at 6.30pm on the first Wednesday of the month at the clubrooms.
Letter To The Editor
What's wrong with Annual Reunions? “Nothing”, some people say. Really? These people must surely be among the few members who attend. If there's nothing wrong with Reunions why is it that only thirty-five people (2001 attendance) out of a club membership of nearly five hundred bothered to come to Coolana for a wonderful opportunity of socialising, renewing old friendships, enjoying and contributing to the campfire etc.. This number, give or take a few, is about par for the course for probably the last decade.
In the “good old days” it was common for 200 members (not counting visitors and children) to enjoy Reunions. No one, but no one, would miss a Reunion except for very pressing reasons. So what has gone wrong? Would at least a handful of the silent majority please do the Club a favour by writing to the Editor telling him why they don't attend Reunions before the tradition of the Reunion finally dies on its feet?
Frank Rigby
Notice To All Members:
If you are referring prospective members to the club, please note that our New Members half hour introductory talk now commences at 7-30 pm, following which visitors will be invited to join the main meeting at 8 pm. where they will be introduced to other members.
To successfully achieve this in the time available, a prompt arrival at the clubrooms would be appreciated.
Have You Changed Your Address ? If you have changed your address or phone number recently please advise:
Members: Barry Wallace Prospectives: Kay Chan
The advice should be in writing directed to the Clubs postal address. This will ensure that our records show your current address and prevent delay in receiving the magazine each month . [Paes
The Sydney Bushwalker
May 2001 _|
By all means go bush, just don't give us the bill.
Padraic P. McGuinness I haye always regarded the sanity of bushwalkers as being slightly suspect. This is probably in part due to my first and only experience of them as a group, many years ago when I proposed, on the eve of my departure for Europe, to join the Youth Hostels Association. In those days - I believe the association is more sanely run nowadays - in ordr to get membership you had to spend at least a weekend in one of their bush hostels and do some bushwalking. Arriving early in the evening at the hostel, somewhere near Bobbin Head, I had to endure an evening of appalling matey gossip, a singsong, and lots of healthy get up and go. The girls were beefy lasses, thighs bulging out of their shorts, and the boys all sported beards looking like, to steal a phrase from my friend Peter Ryan (the defender of the memory of Judge Redmond Barry against the ridiculous Ned Kelly myth, not the police commissioner), an explosion in a pubic hair factory. The absolute nadir of the evening was reached when they all lustily sang a song which went something like, My girls a corker/ She's a bushwalker. 1 bunked down - there was no escape at night-time - and got on the first train back to civilisation and the Royal George hotel in the moming. So I could not use the YHA facilities in Europe. In fact, hitch-hiking through Italy and France and sleeping rough in building sites, fields and beaches left me many fond memories - like the magic of waking up in the middle of the night surrounded by fireflies, or a ring of little pairs of eyes belonging to curious fieldmice, or sleeping on the beach at Forte dei Marmi and swimming naked at dawn. And so on. Despite all this, some of my best friends are bushwalkers, and how people amuse themselves is nobody else's business provided they don't do any harm. That, however, is the point. Sensible bushwalkers start by leaming from experienced guides, plan in advance the route they will take, carry all necessary equipment, including at the very least a cheap radio beacon in case they get lost, and know that if they do not turn up on time where and when they -are due many willing and altruistic people will spend days, and a lot of money, in searching for them and possibly rescumg them from disaster - like a broken leg. They don't play hide and seek. They don't inflict misery and anguish on their families who fear they might be lying dead. The young man who spent weeks wandering alone in Tasmania's south-west wilderness may or may not have taken adequate precautions. But he does not seem to have taken any steps to ensure that the searchers who, he knew, would come looking for him when he failed to turn up in a reasonable time after striking out on his own, could find him, or be reassured as to his safety. When asked about this on radio he insouciantly remarked that it was “only money”, which was not of the slightest importance to him. True - money is of no importance whatsoever, but only if it is your own. To spend other people's money without legal authority and exploit their time and goodwill pointlessly is tantamount to theft. It seems this young man was suffering from a common complaint of this age, the irrational belief that to question the expenditure of public funds or argue about priorities in spending of limited resources is to succumb to the evil tenets of economic rationalism. Again, no-one is obliged to be rational in the spending of their own money - but when they are taking it away from others who might have different priorities, then they do have to account for and justify spending it on their own preferences rather than those of others. It has already been said that this bushwalker, who has been paid a substantial sum for telling the story of his survival after taking many foolish risks, ought to hand the money over as a contribution to the costs of the search for him. Indeed, this is a principle which has much wider application. With the growing popularity of risky and often dangerous “extreme” sports we should consider whether the community as a whole is entitled to think that its goodwill and common sympathy for those in trouble is being abused. The risk takers often enough are simply having a lend of the rest of us. If somebody breaks a leg skiing, that is an easily anticipated risk and should be paid for in advance by an appropriate insurance premium which will cover all related costs - rescue, hospitalisation, etc. Nothing should be chargeable to Medicare. And if they fail to pay such a premium they should be held liable to pay for-the full costs of their care. Obviously in some cases this might be unreasonable - not every skier is rich - but the principle is important. It might also just serve as a deterrent to those who.take foolish risks. | The Sydney Bushwalker May 2001 Page 5 | A bushwalker who goes wandering off without a beacon, or who does not use it when he must reasonably know that a search will be mounted for him, should equally be made to pay the full costs of the search. Perhaps the activity should be licensed, with a condition of the licence being some training and taking of due precautions, and going off unlicensed being punishable by fine. Most of the:bushwalkers I know would regard this as perfectly acceptable: Genuine errors and accidents will happen, but a reasonable explanation is necessary if the community is to continue to respond as generously as it has done in the past and we hope will continue to do. There are much worse cases. If some mad lone sailor ventures into the dangerous waters south of Australia and wants to be rescued, he or she should know in advance that a substantial contribution to the rescue costs will be incurred - nor can someone say that they do not want to be rescued. That is not how our society works. If you want to commit suicide, do so quietly and discreetly and at your own expense. Reprinted with the permission of the author and the Sydney Morning Herald from the Saturday
28th April issue.
Editors Note:
The above article by Paddy McGuinness warrants a response from our members. You may agree with Paddy or disagree with some or all of his points. Perhaps bushwalkers should be licensed, as should columnists. When does taking risks become foolish?
I welcome your letters in response.
Kimberley ~ Red Contre
Choose Life Now!
You are going to be dead for a long time later.
Once upan a time, Australia had a wonderful lifestyle. That lifestyle is disappearing because we ate letting it go. In 1999, anly 17% of Australians took their full holiday entitlement. What cre we coming to?
Do you love your job so much that you can t baar to take time off? How many peaple reach the end of their lives regretting the time spent with family and friends, regretiing the fime they spent doing things they really enjoyed, regretting not having spent enough time working?
Have a holiday! Whether you have your holiday with Willis s Walkabouts, someone else, travelling on your own or even just relaxing at home, have a haliday.
You deserve it.
1 Williss Walkabouits 1
2 Carrington St Millner NT 0810 Email:
Phone: (08) 8985. 2134 - Fax: (08) 8985 2355 May 2001
The Sydney Bushwalker In Safe Hands ?
Page 6
The Sydney Bushwalker
May 2001 Page7 |
The April General Meeting
Initial confusion about the necessity for a quorum before. we began seems to have set the style for this particular meeting. We ' eventually rounded up the necessary bodies . and the president called the 15 members present to order and declared the meeting open at around 2004 hours. There were no apologies.
New member Richard Thompson was called for welcome but was a no-show.
The minutes of the February general meeting were read and accepted as correct, with no matters arising.
Correspondence was comprised of a letter from Ray Hookway, as retiring magazine editor, notifying the club that he had transferred custody of items of equipment entrusted to him to the new editor. We also registered an outgoing letter to Confederation regarding our concern at expenditure over- runs. There was also a reply from Confederation inviting specific suggestions for reducing the load on Confederation. The Committee had sent a letter to Patrick James conveying a negative response to~ the proposal to obtain a chain saw for use at Coolana but supporting the proposal to enhance safety systems for the use of such devices. The Coolana committee has been asked to review this.
The next of the meetings with Elyssebeth Leigh is scheduled for Tuesday 1 May. Members are encouraged to attend to facilitate decision making within the membership on this matter.
There was no formal treasurers report to the meeting as the treasurer was absent but the barest essentials indicate that we began with a balance of $1,799 and closed with $2,516.
The committee, in a continuing quest for relevance, has decided for the time being, to dispense with the presentation of walks reports at general meetings.** There were walks announcements.
There was no Conservation report for this [|
meeting. Confederation report indicated that the debate between NPWS Sydney South and rock sports groups continues. The
motion to propose opening of the road to Newhaven Gap was lost. Confederation was still seeking to offer member club volunteers to assist NPWS. First aid training .COUrSES are scheduled for late May. Pressure continues for the construction of an expanded boat ramp at Bonnie Vale.
The report of committee activities for this month.will appear inthe magazine.
I dont think it was general business, but somewhere in a rambling debate it was mentioned that future general meetings will have a focus, with waiks leaders showing slides at the end of the meeting. One trusts the slides will be well focused.
The meeting closed at around 2121.
Barry Wallace
* There was some confusion as to what exactly had been the Committee's decision. The meeting, however, decided it wanted to hear interesting walks reports and these were given on the night veseeeees Ed
JENOLAN CAVES, KANANGRA WALLS. YERRANDERIE GHOST TOWN STARLIGHTS TRACK. BUNGONIA CAVES WOG WOG. NERRIGA Departs from Sydney's Campbelltown Railway Station Via Penrith, Katoomba & Blackheath for Kanangra Walls Mon & Wed at 11am Fri at 7am Returns 49m Mon, Wed, Frid.
Via Starlights, Mittagong & Marulan for Wog Wog-Nerriga Tues, Thurs & Sun at 11am Returns 4pm Tues, Thurs, Sun. Sun. Yerranderie Ghost Town first Saturday in each
month, returns Sun at 1pm (any Friday min. 6) Group booking discounts or charter service
Mob: 0428 832 344
[Page 8 “
The Sydney Bushwalker | May 2001 |
Granite - Kosciuszko National Park
“Henry's images are powerful persuaders. They have converted many members of the public to become wilderness supporters. ”
In support of the ongoing Wilderness 2000 Campaign
Colong Foundation. * for Wildemess
An exhibition of photographs by HENRY GOLD
presented by the Colong Foundation for Wildemess
BONDI PAVILION Gallery Queen Elizabeth Drive Bondi Beach from Monday 14 to Sunday 27 May 2001 Gallery hours 10 -5 daily
To be opened by Penelope Figgis A.M. on Tuesday 15 May 6pm
The Friday Special
When the SBW was formed the meeting night was Friday. This was due to most people working on Saturday mornings; offices to 12-00; shops to 12-30. The result was that Friday night starts were few and far between and members were not able to venture far afield on ordinary and holiday weekends.
Post-war, however, employees were at first granted every fourth Saturday off, then every -second and in many cases every Saturday. More and more walks started going away on Friday nights.
So, it was about 40 years ago at our infamous Ingersoll Hall that Laurie Rayne moved the motion that henceforth we meet on Wednesday nights. It was fortuitous that some member discovered Ingersoll Hall shortly after the war as club meeting rooms were hard to come by.
Situated in Crown St. adjacent to the Oxford St Post Office it was a rambling hall containing a large committee room, stage and numerous cat trays. It was a fire trap with wooden floors and a large auction room downstairs crammed with second-hand furniture. It became the production centre for the “Bushwalker” magazine.
Brian Harvey
Long Innings!
We have discovered that Brian Harvey, now in his 90th year,, celebrates his 65th year of membership this year.
Brian joined SBW on the Friday after Easter in 1936!
At that time the cost of a steel framed rucksack was the equivalent of $4-75, a sleeping bag $4-20, a 2 man tent $3-00.
His earlier working days were interrupted by
6% years of service in the Navy. This gave rise to him being the instigator of The Bushwalkers Memorial * at Splendour Rock. Among his numerous activities was to organise the Annual Swimming Carnival, eighteen years in broken periods as magazine producer and he occupied the President's chair from 1956 - 1958.
In 1942 Brian married a fellow club member Jean West and they are looking forward to celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary next year.
Congratulations Jean and Brian!
* bronze memorial plaque dedicated in 1948 to bushwalkers who fell in World War 2
Found: one SBW badge.
Found by a workmate of Chris Dowling; on the track to. Tawonga Huts/ Mt. Fainter, Bogong High Piains. To collect it, contact Chris on 94876748.
Whether its bush walking, mountaineering, cross-country skiing, trek- king or travel, a pack is your best friend or worst enemy. Why? Because you depend on the agility and comfort that your pack provides. ~
The Mont Meoto-Active adjustable har- ness system is deceptively simple, fast to adjust and easy to fit. Available in three sizes and featuring inter- changeable harness compo- nents, a truly best fit is possible, and best fit means a truly comfortable carry.
innovative designs,
HNONT detailed construc-
tion and quality ma-
' terials. A
Back ~- Anatomically corr Country toured hip-belts. _
Pack Spanduraand3D ~
Air-Flow fabrics for |
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Bar tacks on the im- portant high stress points.
= Tripie stitched with webbing bound seams to ensure massive seam strength.
* We use Evazote foams, the most du- rable, high quality foams available.
* Hip-belt secures di- rectly to the allumin- ium frame-stays for direct load transfer. -
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The shoulder yoke adjusts independ- ently of the frame
mage a i . , ; ; stays.
: Something Better. frame-stays adjusted
and reinserted in seconds.
Mont Adventure Equipment; The Australian company with over 20 years of manufacturing excellence.
3 Trelawney Street Eastwood. eastwood Phone : 02 9858 3833. camping
All packs personally fitted
centre by our experienced Staff.
Page 10
The Sydney Bushwalker
May 2001
Vale John White vs
Bereft of a father at an early age, John very ably became responsible for the well-being of his mother and two sisters, Ethel and Beverley. The White family lived in a modest cottage in Dee Why, then sparsely populated.
Here the wonders of the surrounding sea and landscapes claimed his attention. This love of the outdoors, and a fascination with plant and animal life he also found further afield. After he joined the SBW John proved himself a capable leader, mainly leading long
walks in the Snowy River region. He was.
President of the Club i in 1966/7.
John was a great conversationalist, loved.
classical music and was an authority on
Gilbert and Sullivan and more serious opera. : He loved talking about characters in his beloved books and the jousting between him | * an Sheila Binns on the merits or otherwise - of Richard TI, without doubt, was never
. Shortly after Heather Joyce and John were
married, they built a new home at Mount Tomah, planted out their bulbs and erected a fine fernery. But tragedy struck when fire swept through the area, destroying their livelihood, but leaving their home untouched. Bushwalkers flocked to their aid endeavouring to restore and renew what the fire had devastated. Heather and John bore the grim destruction philosophically. Later came a move to, Tasmania and while living in Bridport John's health deteriorated. He died in the Royal Hobart Hospital on 5th April 2001
Edna Gentle
Yes, I was saddened by the news of John's death because I knew him as a most likeable and competent person. A fading memory means that I cannot write a lot about John now but I can contribute one or two thoughts.
If my memory is correct John and I were admitted to membership on the same
evening, in August 195T:' He would have ~ been about 21 years old then and-we would.
fae af wire soot, : ? 5 a ee ee
have fronted up to the Committee headed by the late Tom Moppett. I do remember walking with John quite a bit during the fifties and early sixties and in 1966 he became President of SBW, a position which he regarded as a great privilege. an John would have run for a second term but his work commitments were becoming heavy. Instead, he suggested that'I put my hat into the ring. You can do it; he urged, and that's how I becaine Presiderttin 1967. Another thing I remeber was making an announcement from th Chair early in my Presidency. Addressing ” th : members
“ assembled, I said: “SBW history has just
been made. For the first time two former Presidents are now husband and wife. I was referring to John's marriage to fellow- member Heather Joyce who had herself been
President in 1964-65. My sympathy and -the sympathy of many others flows out to Heather.
Frank Rigby
Annual Subscription Now Due * Annual subscriptions for the current year are now due. The membership fees are:
Single Membership = $37 Household membership = $61 Non Active Membership = $13 Non Active + Magazine = $26 Magazine only = $13
“Payment should be made by mail. A form to facilitate the payment was enclosed with the March magazine. This should be returned with your cheque to the Treasurer at our Milsons Point Box number:
Please also note any changes to your address or phone number on the form to
_ permit Barry Wallace to update club
records. * Not applicable to Prospective Members
ttt ~ Fat! . a a The Sydney Bushwalker
May 2001 Page 11 |
Geoffrey Fixes the Binoculars.
“But they're all right!” says Grace, “I can see alright.”
“No,” says Geoff, in that voice men use to indicate that this is a technical matter that a woman wouldn't be able to grasp, “the screw's worked loose and they've gone all floppy. I'll just tighten them up for you.”
Geoff settles himself down at the picnic table still strewn with the remains of breakfast and starts work with the small screwdriver, thoughtfully brought by George all the way from Woodhill.
“Just a minute!” says George, “when you undo that screw all kinds of little ball bearings and things'll fall out. Put this plate under it first.”
“OK,” Geoff gets started. All the little bits and pieces fall out into the plate. “Glad I thought of that,” thinks Geoff. Time passes. “George, I still can't find the screw that stops them being so floppy”.
They sometimes have a screw hidden under a nameplate or something.”
“Well there's a little sort of plate here with some initials on it but I can't get it off.”
“Let's have a look, yes there you are, it just lifts off, see”. At the bottom of a sort of tube Geoff finds a screw and undoes it and so the binoculars are in as many pieces as possible if you don't dismantle the lens assemblies. Now he commences the job of fixing the problem. Well, the first thing he has to do is get that screw into the bottom of that tube thing, that's right the screw he just took out. Time passes. Other members of the party start making up lunches for the day trip up Windjana Gorge. Geoff is trying for the umpteenth time to replace that cursed screw. The screw is balanced on the tip of the little screwdriver and its going slowly up into the tube. Slowly -slowly —
“Bugger it! Where did it go? I heard it hit the plate but it's not in it.” “Perhaps it hit the side and bounced off.”
“It could be anywhere !” Geoff first looks under the plate then rises slowly examining every nook and cranny of his clothing as he does so, then searches the seat, then on hands and knees explores the grass below.
Some members of the party, still sympathetic join in. Geoff is desperately cropping the grass with the knife from his cutlery set. Someone breaks the news to Grace.
“But they were all right, they were perfectly all right !”
“Perhaps you could use them -er -more like a telescope -” “I don't want a telescope. I just don't believe this -”
Meanwhile George settles down to continue; his interrupted breakfast. As he moves the packet of muesli a small screw is revealed. “I've found it.”
After finishing his breakfast George takes over the task of reassembling the binoculars and soon reaches the point of attaching the lenses. “Geoff, which of these goes on the left and which on the right?”
“Ah -er -I'm pretty sure that's the left one and -er- that one goes on the right. I think that's right. Yes, I'm almost certain.” So the binoculars are back in one piece, we shoulder our day- packs and set up along the gorge. Before long we come to a pool and cameras are out to photograph the Johnson River crocodiles sunning themselves at the water's edge. Shirley catches sight of a bird in a tree on the far bank.
“What do you think that is over there Grace?”
“Looks like some kind of heron I think.” Out come Shirl's NEW binoculars.Out come Grace's binoculars - for several minutes Grace is winding them in and out - then finally
“Geoff | What have you done to these binoculars? Whatever I do I get a double image !”
“Perhaps you could close one eye -you know - more like a telescope —”
Holiday Accommodation Available South Coast Beach Break at Berrara. Special rates for SBW members and families (from $30 per week night). Relax with water views in a comfortable cottage that sleeps 8. Telephone Maureen or David Carter 9773 4637.
[Page 12
The Sydney Bushwalker
May 2001 ]
SBW and “Social Capital”
by Alex Colley
(Reflections on a book “Bowling Alone by Robert D Putnam and its relevance to our Club)
Robert D. Putnam is professor of Public Policy at Harvard University. His book describes the collapse. and revival of American community. I will not attempt an overall review of his book - just some comments on it which, in view of the current interest in Club management, may be of significance to our organisation.
The subject matter of the book is social capital. Professor Putnam credits L.J. , the originator of the term, describing it as those tangible substances (that)}:count for most in the daily lives of people: namely good will, fellowship, sympathy and social intercourse among the individuals and families who make up a social unit. ,
But why call these tangible substances capital?. We know that, with effort and luck, monetary capital can be obtained, but in study after study people themselves report that good relationships with family members, or romantic partners - far more than money or fame - are prerequisites for their
Regular club attendance, volunteering, entertaining or church attendance , Prof
utnam writes, is the happiness equivalent getting a college degree or more than oubling your income. Civil connections val marriage and affluence as predictors of : happiness. Social capital brings not only h ppiness but health and longevity. A dozen large studies have shown that people who e socially disconnected are between two d five times more likely to die from all causes, compared with matched individuals ho have close ties with family, friends and community. - Over the last 30 years there has been a considerable fall in social capital in America. articipation in group activities has fallen eavily.. In 1975-76 American men and omen attended 12 club meetings on an erage in each year. By 1999 the figure had to 5 per year. In the mid 1970s-nearly two thirds of Americans attended at least ne club meeting a year, but by the late
1990s two thirds never did.
Is the American picture reflected in Australia? Since our life style follows that of the U.S. it probably does. Club, union, political party and church membership has declined, as has participation in sport.
It was anticipated that participation in sport would increase after the Olympic Games, but according to Mr. Hirons, director of Sweeney Sports and the research of Professor Norton, it hasnt. Professor Norton concludes: Its a sad state of affairs. I hoped that things would change but, to be realistic, the whole of the developed world is moving towards technology and a more sedentary life style. (SMH, March 30th) In other words the $250 million of public money spent on sport has produced many medals but no more players. We are becoming a nation of watchers. No wonder many are getting fatter…
How then does the SBW rate in this sedentary society? Joining the SBW is one of the best ways of acquiring social capital. The first object of the Club is to amalgamate those who esteem walking as a means of recreation. The second is to form an institution of mutual aid, and the conservation objective gives us a compelling common interest. Over 100 members take an active part in running the club. These include 40 appointed at the Annual General Meeting, about 35 walks leaders, up to 23 collating and printing the magazine, some committed carers of Coolana and writers of magazine articles. A few members take part in several of these activities.
Participation in walks is varied. There are a number of overnight walkers and probably many more day walkers. Perhaps more than half the members participate in these activities. Some who have given up walking like to keep in touch via the magazine and there are a number who, in the words of Professor Putnam, leave it to others. However one of our five objectives - to promote social activity among members, has suffered a sad decline.
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SBW and “Social Capital” (continued)
When membership was half that of the present, attendance at meetings and Club functions was more than twice that of the present:
When interviewed as a prospective I was asked whether I was interested in the social side of the Club. I replied no, I just want to walk. I changed my mind a little afterwards when I realised that on my first Club walk, I made several life long- friends. Meeting in the clubroom was one of the pleasures of membership. Club officers were usually in attendance, leaders met with their parties, walks programs were filled and many off program walks organised.
A little while ago a dozen or so members dined together before meetings. In the summer program the Thai cafe was designated as our dinner venue. Dot and I went there twice, but were the only ones who did.. Why everyone wants to dine alone I cannot understand.
Electronic communication has now taken the place of face to face communication. Walks leaders are recruited by phone and starters notify leaders by phone.
In order to enable members to avail themselves of mutual aid in regard to routes and ways., another Club objective, George Mawer is setting up a computer data base of walks and leaders which will be available to members. Perhaps in this modem age computer communication will replace personal contact but I believe most people feel the need to participate in group activity. Perhaps that is why TV programs featuring small closely knit groups are so popular - the screen images replace personal contact. But these screen friends do not replace group friendship and create no social capital..
“Bowling Alone” by Robert D Putnam is published by Simon and Schuster
Database Report:
The club walks database is slowly building into an asset that will be of value to SBW members only wishing to research walks done (or planned) by leaders. Already the database contains details of more than 140 club activities in NSW.
I was pleasantly surprised to be contacted by Bill Capon and Patrick James who have separately been busily collecting and recording data on club activities going back many years and who have offered to contribute their work to the database. Patrick has a copy of the very first SBW walks program. Carol Lubbers has contributed leaders walks reports going back more than a year and these will enable the walks for the year 2000 to be entered into the database.
Many thanks to all leaders who have returned reports with good trip information. The participation details bring the walk to life and provide the statistics that make the database a useful tool rather than just a list of walks. Details of participation - names and membership status etc - is important as this information will build into the statistical tool for management committees.
And of course details of accidents and mishaps could be of inestimable value in the event of litigation against you some time in the future.
Members who have detailed trip stories for any past SBW walks are invited to send copies to me for inclusion in the database. Your name will be entered as the contributor unless you request otherwise.
There are a lot of reports still outstanding and I know you are busy but please make the effort and send them in.
Thank you, George Mawer.
Extended Walk - Northern Territory July 15 to 28 In Litchfield Park and Gregory River - a scenic walk in wonderful creeks and gorges. For full details contact Jacqui Calandra (h) 9476 6538
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Page 14 The Sydney Bushwalker
Aboriginal Art Site Walks
I have put together a series of 10 bushwalks, each of which involves visiting a number of little known Aboriginal engraving or cave painting art sites. The walks cover the three major aboriginal linguistic groups of the Sydney Basin pre 1788 - Dharug, Kuringgai & Dharawal. Five of these walks have appeared on the SBW program before. Four are completely new and one that I put on before has two Aboriginal sites added.
If you are interested in joining these walks the following are the suggested dates for your diary and a highlight of each walk:
e Almost all the walks are in the lesser known national parks/state recreation reserves around Sydney and most walks cover areas in these parks where no other SBW walks have been.
e All are day walks & are on Saturdays only (this gives you Sunday to recover for the working week).
2001 23 June: Marra Marra NP Orange Grove Walk engravings of animals now extinct in the area. 3rd November: Popran NP Upside Down Man Cave - new walk for SBW. 17th November: Marra Marra NP Aboriginal Workshop Walk the best engraving
site in Sydney area. Ist December: | Brisbane Waters NP Engraving of the Bilbys corroboree a new route
2nd February: Marra Marra NP
Magic Walk - cave painting site of the Dreamtime the best in Sydney area.
2nd March: Dharawal SRA
Cave painting site of the Dharawals new walk for SBW.
23rd March: Marra Marra NP
Fish Story Walk the delight of childrens foot stencils. 22nd June: Marra Marra NP
Gentlemans Halt Walk 2 new art sites. 3lst August: Muogamarra NR
Engraving of the creation story mostly new walk for SBW The Whale Feast Engraving (probably the first recorded gourmet bushwalk). 16th November: Marra Marra NP - The Duckponds Walk - The Coat of Arms Cave painting site.
Zol Bodlay
Be aware that these walks, because of the location of the art sites, invariably mean that access requires cross country walking (in SBW parlance bush bashing ~ in truth, the bush bashes you!). In terms of grading, most, as they are long days, are MEDIUM walks. Nevertheless, all the walks, except the winter ones, also have beautiful, pristine, secluded & little known swimming holes: in which to bathe & soothe ones scratches and cuts. The pools (being a by-product of discovery while searching for art sites) may be looked upon as a reward for enduring the walks.
Those who join in on these walks will become one of only a handful of non- Aborigines who have witnessed some of these little known art sites. Therefore I request that those coming not only do so with due respect but also give me an undertaking not to bring others to these sites. It is always a quandary to show walkers the sites and in doing so hopefully develop an understanding and appreciation of our ancient culture. At the same time, there is risk of potential abuse of these sites by others who follow if the locations become well known (as has happened at some of the sites we will visit). Hence, I hope you will understand the reasons for my conditions of restricted entry.
In the meantime, I can but only look forward to a time in the future when these sites will have more public access with adequate protection by a public more universally accepting of the treasures of our ancient past. I invite you to join me on my series of Aboriginal art sites walks & perhaps share my awe and love of the beauty, the antiquity & the uniqueness of Aboriginal art work in our area, the Sydney Basin.
P.S. If you know of any art sites (especially painting sites) I would appreciate knowledge of them or would love to join anyone going exploring for sites. The Sydney Bushwalker
May 2001 Page 15 |
New Zealand Trip Feb 2001 = by David Trinder
New Zealand, the country that produced the first man to climb Mt Everest, has set aside one third of its land area as parks and wilderness areas. These places are criss- crossed with thousands of kilometres of walking tracks, and at intervals along these tracks are huts where a walker can spend a safe sheltered night and cook dinner on a gas stove, meet other walkers and sleep on a mattress, The huts are built in places where there are no-roads, vehicles or electricity. A walker can travel without tent, stove and mattress, and as a result can enjoy the exciting mountains and lakes without carrying a heavy load. These facilities have made New Zealand a popular destination for walkers from around the world and help to -make tourism the largest export industry in that country.
Mountains rise sharply out of lakes, they are younger and more rugged than ours. Three varieties of Beech are the dominant tree species, ferns of many varieties are common, none of which we have seen before and a large range of lichens and mosses cover the trees, logs and rocks in the more shady places. Streams or burns, as they call them, are usually greenish water over white rocks.
A group of Sydney Bushies walked two of the tracks, the Routeburn and Kepler, in February. They were Jitka Kopriva, Pam Morrison, Pamela Irving, Charlie Montross, Jack Patton, a visitor, and I was leading. We also met up briefly with other SBWers - Judy and Colin Barnes on the Routeburn, Colin again on the Kepler, and Gail and Tony Crichton for some great between walks meals. Gail and Tony separately walked the Routeburn, Kepler and Milford Tracks.
People in the huts were from all around the world, some experienced and some not. At the Routeburn Flats, our first night in huts, there was a Korean man who entertained himself for hours watching movies on a battery operated digital video player. Later that night we were awoken by an explosion in the hut. He had lit petrol in an attempt to
start a fire in the fire place, because he was cold; he had no sleeping bag, warm clothes
or raincoat. Some things he had we thought were not essential and other things he didnt have we thought were. On both tracks the other walkers in the huts were a young, fit international group, mostly experienced and capable. Usually there were fifty of sixty in a hut, from all around the world. There were a few New Zealanders and Australians and the rest were from Israel and all parts of the Americas and Europe. They could all speak English and you could always find an interesting chat with whomever you were sitting beside.
The Kepler Track was built twelve years ago. It is consistently two metres wide covered with leaves or gravel and it has a well maintained gutter on the up-hill side to protect it from erosion. When it goes past a steep or otherwise difficult section they have built timber steps or a board walk. The first day is a 900 metre climb from Lake Te Anau (200m) up an easy track to Mt Luxmore hut, the second took us up and over Mt Luxmore (1400m). .
For most of this day the track follows the knife edge of the ridge above the tree line. The wind was very strong, it was raining, foggy and very cold. The risk of being blown off the ridge line was real. Mountains over the lake had come alive with many small streams becoming visible on their surface and fellow walkers looked black dressed in their rain protection walking in the fog. The Parks administration had kindly built small shelters for us to eat and change clothes out of the rain.
It is exciting country, our mountain sloped down to a lake and mountains on the other side were snow capped, it was good to see the country in this weather. At the end of the day we slid back down to 500m for a
comfortable night at the Iris Burn hut. We
were told by the ranger that the remainder of the track, two days, was along the river and he recommended that instead of continuing we should walk back up and over Mt Luxmore and see the mountain in good weather as well.
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The Sydney Bushwalker
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New Zealand Trip (continued) .
This we did and the extra climb was well worth it. We were rewarded with the close and distant views in a different light.
The Routeburn track was different and also very good. We had excellent weather. The mountains we were on were surrounded by long ranges of higher jagged snow covered mountains and in the valleys the close views were surreal with everything covered in thick green mosses and lichens, too dark for normal photographs, like a sculpture in green.
The New Zealand tracks show us the paucity of our own states tracks which in comparison are poorly maintained, eroded, have no huts, shelters or signposting and dont attract overseas or interstate visitors.
Our trip was rounded off by a boat trip on Milford Sound where mountains rise steeply out of a harbour at sea level to snow and glacier capped mountains at 2700m. The vaileys are U shaped, carved by glacial action during several ice ages. Most valleys that we know are V shaped, having been shaped by rivers. Just to make the trip more memorable Jitka, Pam and Pamela took a helicopter ride to the glacier on top and saw the whole magnificent scene in three dimensions. It took them a long time to. get their adrenalin levels back to normal.
I am planning to go back next year at the some time to see the Milford track and another in the same area. Bookings need to be made and paid for by August this year, please let me know if you are interested.
Confederation Dates For 2001
SBW members are encouraged to note and support the following Confederation of Bushwalking Clubs (NSW) activities:
Jun 18-20 Remote Area First Aid Course Jul 7,8 Navshield 2001 (Rogaining) Aug Remote Area First Aid Course Aug 11 Annual General Meeting
Sep 21 Annual Bush Dance
Oct 21,22 Wilderness Rescue Training Oct 27,28 St Johns Senior First Aid Course Enquiries to Carol Lubbers 4758 8791
Leaders & New Leaders Night
The management review has identified that the Club needs to develop better ways to support Walks Leaders, and to identify and encourage New Walks Leaders.
On Wednesday 27” June at 8.00 pm, at the Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre, the Club will host discussion on ideas to make the life of our Leaders and Prospective Leaders easier and more certain.
Some of the issues up for discussion are:
Duty of Care Ciub Insurance for Leaders Managing Risk e Identifying the Walk Risks e Managing Navigation Risks e Grading the Walks and what it means Managing groups of varying strengths e Assessing unknown Walkers e Running overtime e Predicting the weather e Water, Cliffs, Inpenetrable Scrub etc Crisis Management e Accidents, First Aid & Rescue e In-experienced Walkers not coping e Getting lost e Running into darkness Flood, Fire, Drought, Heat, Chill Making it Fun e Food, campfires & song e Adjusting the Walk to the Strength of the Weakest t. Identifying & Encouraging New Leaders e Encouraging Existing Leaders to Promote Leading e Transferring Years of Skill e Teaming Experience with New Leaders Current & past Walks Secretaries, and current Walks Leaders will each speak for maximum of 5 minutes on any, or all, of the above themes, or other themes. There will be lots of discussion time. All members are invited and encouraged to come and air their views on this central issue for the Club.
Without Walks Leaders there are No Walks and No Club !
Peter Dalton, Vice President
iz The Sydney Bushwalker
May 2001 Page 17 | NEW MEMBERS PAGE: Introducing your New Members Welcome:
team for 2001-2002 Your New Members team for this term is headed by_Kay Chan, New Member
Kay joimed Sydney Bush Walkers in 1987 and over the years has been involved with the clubs committee, printed the magazine and represented the club at the Confederation of Bushwalking Clubs. She is an active walker and especially enjoys overnight and extended trips. To assist her, she has recruited a team of volunteers who include:
Tony Crichton; joined Sydney Bush Walkers in 1990. He has walked extensively in NSW, Tas, NT and New Zealand and regularly features both day and overnight trips on our walks program.
Gail Crichton; started bushwalking in 1990 and joined Sydney Bush Walkers in 1994. Apart from accompanying Tony on his many walks, she also leads walks.
Tony Manes: a lifelong fisherman and bushman, joined SBW in 1990. He has walked in NSW, Vic, Tas, Qld, NT and New Zealand and leads walks for the club. He has also participated in Wilderness Search and rescue operations.
Mark Patteson : is a comparative newcomer to SBW but nevertheless brings plenty of enthusiasm to the team and keeps them in touch with issues from a new members perspective.
The New Members team is supported by a number of other volunteers who assist with bushcratft, packing, bush cooking demonstrations and navigation training. Members of the team are available at the club room every Wednesday night from 7-30 pm to answer your queries, or you may contact Kay Chan by telephone on 9520 0266 most weekday evenings after 8.30pm
New members joining us in April were:
Judy Aarson Tom Rich
Meg Middleton Stefanie Rizel Darryl Sullivan Caroline Sullivan Cheryl Hall John Tsang James Cryer KazuyoTakeda Ashok Rajan Alistair Duncan
Please give them a warm welcome!
Club Training: (Wednesday Nights) June: 6th “Food Ideas For Variety On Pack Walks”
July: 4th “Packing for a trip”
Aug: ist “Basic Bush Navigation” with Ian Rannard. With a follow-up practical application on Saturday 4th August
Prospective Training Weekend:
Aug: 11th,12th The weekend offers practical training in navigation, first aid and bushcraft. (see Winter Walks Programme)
We extend our apologies to those prospective members who came into the clubrooms recently for navigation and packing demonstrations only to find the schedule program was not being mun. Steps have been taken to lift our game!
Easy Walks For New Members
Easy day walks scheduled for the coming month are shown below but please refer to the Winter Walks Programme for leaders and contact details.
Sun 3rd June: Dharug NP 12km Old North Road historical walk. Scenic views of river .
Sun 10th June: Sydney Harbour NP 18km Taronga Park to Manly. A magnificent walk around shores of Sydney Harbour
Mon lith June: Ku-Ring-Gar NP 10km The Sphinx Track to Bobbin Head and return.
Tue 19th June: Bouddi NP 10km Bouddi trail to Maitland Bay mid week walk
Sun Juli: Heathcote NP 12km Heathcote to Lake Eckerslie and return.
The Sydney Bushwalker
May 2001 |
Weekend Waiks:
Members are reminded that bookings for over- night and extended walks should be made well in advance so that the leaders can finalise transport arrangements. Walks scheduled for June are shown below but refer
ee to the Walks Programme for full leaders n names and contact details.
Sat/Sun 26th.27th May: Morton NP 25km Meryla Pass to Griffins Farm via Tallowa Dam. An easy weekend walk all on track 50% with day packs. Includes navigation training and tests will be given if required.
June 2,3 Blue Mountains NP = 12-17km A medium grade walk from Blackheath to Blue Gum Forest. Perfect intro to camping.
Queens Holiday Weekend
June 9,10,11 Morton NP 45km Part exploratory and scrubby medium/hard grade walk from Yalwal to Bundundah and Cinch Creeks and other parts of Ettrema area.
June 9,10,11 Blue Mountains NP 40km
A medium grade walk from Carlons to Cox's River via Splendour Rock and Blackhorse Ridge. Spectacular scenery.
June 16.17. The Great River Walk - Stage 5
Part of the 570 km walk from source to the mouth of the Wollandilly/Nepean/Hawkebury system. This stage is through the deep gorge area of Wollandilly with day packs
June 23,24 Morton NP Budawangs 22km A medium grade walk amongst the exquisite rock formations of the Budawangs.
June 23.24 Morton NP Yalwal 15km Explore the historical old gold diggings with an easy to walk to Diggers Flat.
June 29,30,1 Wollemi NP 20km Part exploratory medium grade walk. Barakee Pass area with Colo River crossings.
June 29,30,1 Kosciusko NP Ski Trip Two day cross country ski trip around Teddy's Hut. Upper Thredbo River
Social Programme
All of the following activities will be held in the Clubrooms at 16 Fitzroy St Kirribilli unless otherwise stated.
Wed 6th Committee Meeting - 6.30 pm Observers welcome Prospective Training - 8.00 pm Food Ideas For Variety On Pack Walks”
Wed 13th General Meeting - 8.00pm. followed by slides and teaders presentation of coming walks, Leaders wanting to show photo or slide highlights of walks would be very welcome. Our equipment is especially good for showing your photos, map and probable route. Please give Gemma a ring.
Wed 20th Summer Solstice - from 6-30 pm Mid-year feast. Bring along your plate of food for the celebratory table. Drinks and refreshments supplied by the Club. Some surprises and some prizes.
Wed 27th Leadership And Leadership Training” - 8.00 pm An informative and entertaining evening featuring a group discussion by current and past leaders and Walks Secretaries aimed at developing a Club Training Programme to enhance Club's walks.
Do you have any suggestions for future Social Programs? If so, please contact the Social Secretary Gemma Gagne 9923 1468
Contact The Editor:
All articles submitted will be considered for publication. Articles from new contributors particularly welcome
My address is 216C Quarter Sessions Rd Westleigh 2120. My email address is If sending a fax the number is 9980 5476 but to ensure that the modem is connected please phone 9484 6636 first. The Leaders in Adventure since 1930
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