JULY 2001 Amongst the vast array of day packs that decorate the shelves of outdoor shops, it's difficult to pick something with the right features, what with 101 different types of nylon, all sorts
of different canvases, airflow systems, expanding pockets and neon colours.
So it's nice to know that if your the type of person that wants simple robust functionality that reflects years of local bushwalking experience with solid locally made material then the BLUE MOUNTAINS TRIASSIC could be your best companion for many years to come.
-' Pack Review by David Noble
It's good to see a pack made in the Blue Mountains for use in the Blue Mountains. The Triassic features two 40 litre capacity shoulder strap sizes so that the pack can be properly hip . . . .
loaded, sitting down comfortably in the lumbar region of Proper hip loading with 2 shoulder strap sizes
the back. This is sometimes difficutt especially if you are a for walking comfort taller person. The harness system also includes a thick Wide throat for easy loading and unloading
waist belt and chest strap enabling a tight fit which is ae great when climbing over rocks, Buckle up front pocket with internal divider Top lid pocket
The volume is large enough to allow a 50m rope and wetsuit to easily fit in and the top is made larger so that Extendable lid for overloading Padded hip belt with 38mm buckle
your stuff slides in and out with ease. The pack has a large front pocket for those essential items such as a torch, and a top pocket for the map and camera. The Hip belt retainer for city use (conveniently holds the hip belt back and out of the way Padded back (removable)
pack is large enough to be used as a weekend pack when no ropes eic. are needed. This can keep the bulk
Thumb loops on shoulder straps for more comfortable walking
Australian 120z canvas Made in Katoomba the old traditional way
D> Pp
down and stop you from packing too much on those weekend bushwalks.
The Triassic is made from durable 120z canvas which can withstand the abuse given to it in canyons and when
walking through scrub. All the seams are double stitched 4 internal compression strap for holding down and sealed to prevent failure. !t is also very water proof, your canyon rope
on a recent trip down Hole In The Wall canyon, no . . oe
water entered the main compartment despite a number 4 Side compression straps for minimising volume of lengthy swims. & Storm throat to keep out the rain
The pack is bush green in colour making the walker & Hard wearing Cordura base
almost invisible in the bush. This is handy for sneaking up & Price $159.00
on wildlife with a camera or just blending in to the wilderness as you walk along. Good for those who like to keep the visual impact minimal too. ONLY AVAILABLE AT A quality Blue Mountains pack for our tough conditions, the Triassic carries a lifetime guarantee on workmanship and materials.
Overall an excellent pack for either short or tall with the
Ene 2 shoulder strap options. And great for canyons or short ad wont = Alpsport NB: David Noble is a keen canyoner and bushwalker, He Is also the discoverer of the rare
Mtalieml Pine (WOLLEMIA NOBILIS) found in 1964. 1045 VICTORIA RD, WEST RYDE Ph 9858 5844
THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER is a monthly bulletin of matters of interest to members of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc PO Box 431 Milsons Point 1565. To advertise in this magazine, piease contact the Business Manager.
Editor: Bill Holland Telephone: 9484 6636 Email: billholl@hotkey.net.au
Fax: 99805476 (phone 9484 6636 first) Business Manager: Gretel Woodward Telephone: 9587 8912 Production Manager: Frances Holland Printers: Kenn Ciacher, Barrie Murdoch,
Tom Wenman, Don Brooks
THE SYDNEY BUSH WALKERS INCORPORATED was founded in 1927. Club meetings are held every Wednesday evening at 8 pm at Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre, 16 Fitzroy Street, Kirribilli (near Milsons Point Railway Station). Visitors and prospective members are welcome.
General Enquiries: phone 0500 500 729 SBW WEBSITE _www.sbw.org.au
COMMITTEE President: Wilf Hilder Vice-President: Peter Daiton Public Officer: Fran Holland Treasurer: Carole Beales Secretary: Judy O'Connor Waiks Secretary: Carol Lubbers Social Secretary Gemma Gagne
Membership Secretary: Barry Wallace New Members Secretary: Kay Chan Conservation Secretary: David Trinder Magazine Editor: Bill Holland Committee Members:
Chris Dowling, Pam Morrison Delegates to Confederation:
Jim Callaway Tom Wenman
Wilf Hilder, Geoff Bradley
JULY 2001
Issue No. 800
Editor's Note
President's Report
Tne May General Meeting
Barry Wallace 4,5. Blue Mountains World Heritage Dedication - Part 2 Bob Debus MP 6,7. Leadership and Leadership Training Kay Chan 7. Letter to the Editor Stephen Anstee 8. Club Database Report George Mawer 8. Volunteer Work in National Parks 10,11. Walking The Barossa Gorge lan Wolfe &Louise Verdon 42. Reg Aider - An Urban Pioneer 13. Conservation Report - Forests David Trinder 14,15. Practical GPS Bill Holland 15. The Length of a Hill David Trinder 18. New Members Page 17. The Waiks Page 18. Sociai Notes ADVERTISERS: Alpsport Front cover Eastwood Camping 9 Paddy Pallin Back cover Wilderness Transit 7 Willis's Walkabouts 5
The Sydney Bushwalker magazine is printed on recycled paper.
The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. [Page 2
The Sydney Bushwalker July 2001
Editor's Note:
Well, it had to happen. After only four months in the job it appears that the June magazine had an editing problem. And, in the President's Report no less!
Wilf! Somehow, between receipt of your handwritten draft and our editing over the phone, one of your paragraphs as printed did not accurately reflect the Committee's decision regarding the Club's website. So here is the version as originally submitted. “The Committee devoted considerable time in the last twelve months or so to the Club's website, which was designed by Matthew Bruce. Our Past President Eddie Giacomel spent much time in preparing the website and to both of them we owe a debt of gratitude. In view of the fast changing website scene and the competition from other Clubs websites the Committee has appointed a Sub- Committee to look at options to upgrade our website. The Sub-Committee is comprised of Gail Crichton (chair) Tony Crichton, Pam Morrisson and Phil Newman”
Undeterred, I move on to this month's issue. The Leadership Training night was very successful and already has prompted a letter in response - see pages 6 and 7. One of our senior members, Reg Alder is featured on page 13.
Next month issue will feature the Bigraphy of Marie Byles. This was scheduled for an earlier issue but limited space has delayed publication.
1 still need and would welcome contributions for future issues, particularly short reports of interesting or unusual
President's Report: The Club has renewed the Public Liability and Personal Accident Insurance policies through the NSW _ Confederation of Bushwalking Clubs
The Committee has readily agreed with the suggestion put forward and enthusiastically supported by the Leadership Training and Leadership Training night that a Walks Planning night be put on the Spring Social Programme. The Spring Walks Programme will close for walks on 20th July to enable it and the Spring Social Programme to be considered and approved at the next Committee Meeting.
The Committee has been pleased to support the Review Sub-Committee's suggestion that we _ streamline our prospective membership induction process by having the first Wednesday night of each month as an induction night - see Page 18
The Committee is always looking for feedback from members. First _ the Committee sought submissions for improving the Club and these are still being considered. Now you have been asked to fill in a survey form and given a stamped reply envelope, please fill it in now if you have overlooked it. The response so far has been excellent - why miss out on having your say?
The response to my request to all leaders to fill in the Walks Report forms and return to George Mawer as soon as possible has been disappointing. Spare forms are available from George or in the Club rooms. Please help your Club build up its walks statistics to plan for a better Club.
contemporary walks. Wilf Hilder My address is 216C Quarter Sessions Rd Westleigh 2120. Email billholli@hotkey.net.au. If sending a fax the number is 9980 5476 but to ensure that the modem is connected please phone 9484 6636. Bill Holland Alan Wyborn: Marjorie Rodd:
We are saddened to report the death on 30th June of Alan Wyborne. Alan was an outstanding and enthusiastic member of SBW and a very active leader of adventurous
trips in the 1940's and 1950's
Regrettably, we also have to report the sad news that Marjorie Rodd passed away on 26th May. Condolences have been sent to her husband and family on behalf of the Club.
The Sydney Bushwalker July 2001
Page3 |
The June 2001 General Meeting
The President began the meeting at about 2006 by calling the 17 or so members present in the hall to order and asking for apologies. These there were for Fran Holland and Robyn OBryan. Welcoming of new members was deferred to a later point in the meeting
The minutes of the previous general meeting were read and accepted as correct. In matters arising we learned the Don Finch has chosen to write to the SEW committee regarding the matter of access to Coolana across Sydney Water land, rather then direct to Richard Brading as had previously been indicated.
Correspondence was next. We have received a letter from Shoalhaven City Council indicating that they wish to inspect Coolana for noxious weeds on or about 25“ June. Gem Gagne volunteered to contact the council and try to be present at the inspection. Confederation have written requesting volunteers to assist with NPWS works in various locations over the weekend of 25, 26 August. The letter from Don Finch regarding Coolana access was received, and after some debate the meeting Tesolved to refer it to Richard Brading.
In the absence of the Treasurer the meeting did not receive a formal report.
The walks reports began with the walks secretarys tip out from Glen Davis over the weekend of 19, 20 May. Carol expressed her gratitude for the help she received along the way from the various volunteer assistants among the party of 6. David Trinder had a Saturday walk that weekend down into the Megalong Valley from the Scenic Railway and then back over Narrow Neck, down the Golden stairs, and back up again via Ferbers Stairs. All of which was described as a good day for the party of 7. Erroi Sheedy led a party of 12 along wet overgrown tracks to a Cappuccino haven on his walk from Cronulla to Sutherland on the Sunday.
Wilf Hilder reported a party of 7 and a beautiful day for his midweek walk on the Wednesday.
The weekend of 26, 27 May saw Jim Percys trip out from Lawson booked out, whatever that means; there is no party limit on the program, but they were heading for a spectacular but limited campsite. Gives one pause to ponder just how many bushwalkers one can fit on a campsite. Anyone want to write to the editor about that?
Speaking of which; Bill Holland led a party of 6 on a delightful day and a good weekend for his trip to Meryla Pass that same weekend.
Barry Wallace
Jum Callaway had around 17 on his Sunday walk from Waterfall to Heathcote but expressed some scepticism about the test walk rating applied to the walk on the program.
Stephen Anstey cancelled his walk out from Blackheath over the weekend of 2, 3 June. Bill Hollands Sunday walk in Dharug National Park went, with a party of 8 and wonderful weather.
Cancellations seem to have been the order of the day around then with Carol Lubbers calling off her trip in the Ettrema area scheduled for 9, 10, 11 June due to low numbers. Stephen Adams had 7 starters for his test walk out from Carlons Farm the same weekend with just a touch of rain on the last night out. There were no details for Errol Sheedys Saturday test walk from Otford to Waterfall but Judy Jones reported a lovely walk for the party of 6 who turned out for her Sunday trip from Taronga Zoo to Manly. lan Rennard led a Sunday test walk with some 23 waikers enjoying a touch of thick scrub on the occasional detours. Eddy Giacomel led a family walk from The Sphinx to Bobbin Head and retum the sare day, with attendance by 6 adults, 2 children and 3 babies. A pleasant way to close the walks reports for the month.
Conservation report was concemed with moves to use 900 hectares of the Australian Defence Industries (ADJ) site for housing development. The Commonwealth Government originally released the area for other uses back in 1955, and the hope at the time was that the land might be placed in a reserve for preservation in a natural state. There is a proposal to entertain tourists by flying them at low altitude through the Blue Mountains in jet aircraft. The conservation secretary will write expressing our opposition.
Confederation report brought news that subscriptions for the coming year will be significantly higher then last year; due in part to increases in insurance premiums and in part to the need to recoup undercharges from last year. Leadership requirements for abseiling trip leaders are being thrashed out. A meeting is scheduled to discuss future developments at Carlons Farm.
As is now practice a report of committee activities will appear in the magazine. A sub committee is preparing a proposal for a new design for the clubs web site, Another sub committee has been established to review club operations.
There was no general business, so after announcements the meeting was closed at around 2117.
nooo |Page 4 The Sydney Bushwalker July 2001
Blue Mountains World Heritage Dedication Speech - Bob Debus MP
Govetts Lookout, Blackheath May 12,2001 -
The Greater Blue Mountains is a living record of major stages in the earths history. It is often described as a natural laboratory for the study of evolution, particularly of Australias great eucalypts. The Greater Blue Mountains contains 91 eucalypt species, or 13 per cent of those in the world. Twelve species are believed to exist only in the Sydney sandstone region and one of these has just two known individuals, making it perhaps the rarest species in the world. It is fitting then that the successful nomination of the Greater Blue Mountains recognises the outstanding universal significance of our eucalypt forests.
Biological time capsules hidden in this ancient land still protect remnant Gondwana species. National Parks ranger David Noble's discovery in 1994 of the Wollemi Pine, a species thought to be extinct for two million years and Wyn Jones' recognition of this living fossil, are world renowned, More recently, two more stands have been found sheltering in Wollemi National Park. And we can only speculate what else this 500,000 hectare wilderness laboratory is still protecting.
World Heritage Listing will without a doubt increase international appreciation of the Blue Mountains area and through that foster support for its protection and encourage more visitors to the area. It binds Governments to the preservation of the World Heritage qualities of the region.
So, although this World Heritage Dedication Ceremony is an __ historic celebration and a major achievement for conservation, it also makes a new beginning.
The Greater Blue Mountains region lies on the edge of Sydney and is under constant threat from the pressures associated with urbanisation and population growth. Strong legislation and effective partnerships between the community and all levels of Government are needed to keep these pressures at bay.
The Great Grose Walk, Stream Watch, Willows out of Wollemi, Rural Fire Service, WIRES, Blue Mountains Wild Plant Rescue Service, Regent Honeyeater Recovery
Part 2.
Group and the revitalisation of Katoomba and Echo Point are examples of strong community and government programs. Without these programs and the support of dedicated volunteers, the job of Government would be far more difficult.
This week we have taken another substantial step forward. .
I have approved the adoption of plans of management for Blue Mountains, Nattai, Kanangra Boyd and Wollemi National Parks. The Yengo National Park and Parr State Recreation Area draft plan of management are on public exhibition and I have approved the adoption of the Special Area Strategic Plan of Management under the Sydney Water Catchment Management Act.
What this means is that today - the day the World Heritage is declared - the National Parks and Wildlife Service has before it an action plan for conserving almost 900,000 hectares of this area and four of the eight reserves contained within it.
These plans of management for the national parks recognise the importance of the region to cyclists, walkers, tourist operators, horse riders and local communities, particularly Blue Mountains National Park, which attracts three million visitors a year. More than 40,000 people a year visit the spectacular Kanangra Boyd National Park, many of them overnight campers.
However, the plans are ultimately conservation documents and identify the specific pressures facing every part of every park. They prioritise programs to alleviate these pressures. In Kanangra Boyd the plan proposes to declare the Kowmung, Jenolan and Kanangra River systems wild and scenic and control caving in bat nursery caves. In all parks high priority will be given to the eradication of specific pests, the protection of water catchment, the preservation of threatened species and the protection of wilderness contained in each reserve. Nattai National Park alone contains 30,000 hectares of wilderness, the first such area declared under the Wilderness Act, 1987. In all parks The Sydney Bushwalker July 2001
Page 5
hectares of wilderness, the first such area declared under the Wilderness Act, 1987. In all parks where activities such as horse-riding and cycling are allowed, minimal impact codes of conduct will be developed.
These pians will form the basis of a wider strategic plan by State and Commonwealth governments and eventually a pian of management for the entire World Heritage Area. It is our international obligation to do this. With the work done already we can meet these obligations much faster than ever done before.
Tonight, I am particularly pleased to confirm that the Government will shortly proclaim the 38,000 hectare Grose wilderness in the valley below us: it is only proper that the nomination has been made by the Confederation of New South Wales Bushwalking Clubs. I can find no better words to express what this declaration
www. bushwatkingholidays.com.au
' available on our August trip.
means than to tum again to Andy MacQueen, who says this:
“If the Grose Wilderness Area comes into being… generations to come will be able to explore its hidden recesses, or sit and contemplate it in solitude, without further threat from new roads or _ tourist developments … and wonder that the place has survived intact. And they will continue to gaze from the lookouts into the Cradle of Conservation.”
The Grose Wilderness has survived intact. The world has formally recognised the heritage and beauty of our Blue Mountains and we are its proud guardians.
Future generations from around Australia and the world can continue to come to the lookouts and gaze. There is no greater environmental legacy we can bequeath them. on0g
Falls a tourist icon…
headed by a7 over 160m into
should be on the map, ut it
styles s for the
{t's not too late! Places are stil!
Please ask for trip notes.
Williss Walkabouts 12 Carrington St Millner NT 0810 Email: walkabout@ais.net.au | Page 6 The Sydney Bushwalker July 2001
Report of the Discussion Evening On Leadership And Leadership Training
Held At The Clubrooms On The 27th Of June 2001
The evening was very well attended by about
60 plus members, including a cross section
of past walks leaders, active leaders, prospective leaders.
' Our Vice President began with a brief
introduction. The proposal to hold such a
discussion was the result of the evening on
“Growth, Renewal and Re- Energising a
Mature Organisation held at the clubrooms
in May. One of the main issues identified at
that meeting was the important role that leaders played in the health of the club. To progress this discussion and explore avenues on which to build strengths and address weaknesses, a discussion night devoted to this topic was put on the social program.
The main points and ideas that came out of this discussion were:
e Leaders make the walks program come together. To maintain its vibrancy, a steady influx of new leaders and walks are required.
e New members to the club are expected to meet high walking standards. Therefore it was expected that the club's leaders would have similar high standards. A very comprehensive list of guidelines and responsibilities for leaders was displayed on an overhead projector. Some leaders expressed the view that such a list was intimidating and a burden to even an experienced leader and would discourage new leaders. Leading walks is meant to be fun; an exciting challenge to be enjoyed.
e Whilst enjoyable, interesting and even exciting walking is the objective of the club, members were reminded that the law imposed a duty of care on club members. There was discussion about the issue of duty of care.
e The New Members Handbook be rewritten into a comprehensive Members Handbook, which included notes and guidelines on leadership, walk grading, navigation and first aid, as well as walkers responsibilities,
-,:. a8 permanent reference for members.
* Another suggestion was for the club to subsidise fees for leaders undertaking
Kay Chan
accredited training in adventure activities and remote first aid.
e Valuable experience in leading could be gained by leading family and friends on private walks before leading club walks. “Buddy” and mentor systems were also recommended. New leaders could seek assistance with survey walks, to check out unfamiliar routes and terrain, as well as other issues such as the availability of drinking water, prior to leading a programmed walk.
e It was important for experienced leaders to encourage aspiring and new leaders and be mindful not to undermine their confidence or assume they have no experience because they are new to the club. Female leaders present expressed their feelings that the experience and ability of female leaders was queried more often than their male counterparts.
One proposal which received much support
was to include a “Walks Planning Night” on
the social program every quarter. Leaders would come into the club with their maps and their proposed walks to include on the coming program. Apart from making it easier for the Walks Secretary to collect walks, the process could bea starting point for networking amongst leaders. An opportunity to meet co-leaders and mentors, partners for survey and exploratory walks and to share (if willing!) information about walking areas and routes. Past leaders should be encouraged to participate, and enable the passing on of information on walks that would otherwise be lost. Leaders unable to attend would still be able to submit walks in the normal manner. It was agreed that we should put this proposal into action on our
Spring Social program, so watch out for it!
Don Brooks has offered to assist in
organising the first “Walks Planning Night”
on Wednesday 26th september 2001. Those interested in participating should contact
Don on 9807 1657
Inspirational leaders are urgently required to explore new or seldom visited areas to provide variety and enthuse walkers and The Sydney Bushwalker July 2001
Page 7 |
other leaders. A list of areas was circulated for the benefit of those present. Additional copies may be obtained from Bill Capon.
As you can see, a variety of views were expressed and many ideas put forward. These will be reviewed by your committee for implementation.
Thank you to all whom attended and for the contributions made!
DX Letter. To The Editor
Following a night of discussion of leadership at which I was quiet (like many new members) whilst a vast range of thoughts from many perspectives were aired; I would now like to pass on my thoughts having had time to consider.
I walk to enjoy the outdoors and physical challenges that it can provide. I enjoy taking photos, watching and talking to newcomers about these activities just as much as scrambling through bush as the heart pounds to reach that final goal.
There is no happy medium for walks, everyone has their own expectations of what the outcome of a walk will be, but it lies with those leading to make the most of the opportunities as they arise. The more guidelines and definitions we place on ourselves, the less freedom we have to be imaginative. It is this imagination and commonsense problem solving that we need to encourage in our prospective leaders.
The duty of care, better navigation and first aid will come in due course as that person is placed in the driver's seat and given a chance to feel and take on the responsibility when others come to them seeking advice. Having a member or confident friend about during this stage would definitely help and a walks pianning night would be a superb way to gain ideas, fine tune plans and draw on the support of those who enjoy similar activities. When we surround ourselves with a safety net of gizmo's and gadgets that say what we should do and maybe aid us if we don't, we start losing the point, become subconsciously reliant on them and less responsible for our own actions. We are concentrating more on quick
and easy answer for scenarios rather than developing our senses to deal with them.
A good grasp of the latter is what makes a good ieader. People talk of the “old days” when walkers were seemingly more gung-ho and risky. However I believe the walkers were in general fitter, more robust and more adept to the bush,
So it all comes back to experience. We can go out and do courses to make us stars in all manner of things, but it's the blood, sweat and tears that not only give us the background to spread our wings into new areas and explore, but more importantly the enjoyment of achievement!
(I am probably one of the newest and youngest walks leader in the club, but also someone who has travelled and hiked throughout the world for many years and organized walks with friends long before that) Stephen Anstee
JENOLAN CAVES, -KANANGRA WALLS. YERRANDERIE GHOST TOWN STARLIGHTS TRACK. BUNGONIA CAVES WOG WOG. NERRIGA Departs from Sydney's Campbelitown Railway Station Via Penrith, Katoomba & Blackheath for Kanangra Walls Mon & Wed at 11am Fri at 7am Retums 4pm Mon, Wed, Frid.
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Returns 4pm Tues, Thurs, Sun. Yerranderie Ghost Town first Saturday in each
month, returns Sun at 1pm (any Friday min. 6) Group booking discounts or charter service
Tel: 0246 832 344 Mob: 0428 832 344 www.wildernesstransit.com.au
|Page 8 The Sydney Bushwalker July 2001
The Club Database Report Response to the Leaders Report Form so far has been less than sufficient to make the dat-base a really useful tool. Although I have not been getting much feedback from leaders, what is filtering through indicates that there are still many leaders who are reluctant to comply. Regrettably people dont always tell the exact truth when they give their reasons for doing or not doing things, but some fundamental problems are appearing out of the mist.
It seems that one problem is the sense of possession that some leaders assume for walks they have pioneered and _ lead regularly. Another is that any report at all is seen (by some) as an onerous demand that has not existed before and represents a small loss of freedom and the thin end of the wedge. And another is the fear of being on any database at all some sort of Big Brother resentment hang-up.
There are lots of good reasons for sending in these reports and there will always be arguments both for and against the database but people are people and in order to try to cope with these problems the original one page double-sided form is scrapped and replaced with two separate pages.
The first page enables the really detailed information about the walk to be kept on one page, so that it can assist with walks planning and act as an S&R document. If you send it in it will help to build a great list of SBW walks. However if you have any hang up about it, keep it or bin it as you wish.
The second page is restricted to Walks Attendance information, together with a simple disclaimer and provision for a brief
trip story. This is intended to help protect.
you against possible litigation. It is also the main source of statistical information required for the database and to assist the committee to better manage the club. Leaders should complete this Walks Attendance form at the beginning of the walk and post it to the Walks Recorder ASAP
I hope this will make it easier for everyone to comply, within the limits of their own comfort zone.
Thank you leaders, | George Mawer
Volunteer Work In National Parks The Confederation of Walking Clubs of NSW has advised that the events listed below have been organised by NSW Bushwalking Clubs in co- operation with NPWS. SBW members interested in assisting should contact the Clubs mentioned or the NPWS personnel listed as contacts for the events.
Marramarra NP. August 25
Working Weekend at Gentleman's Halt. NPWS will provide water transport from Brooklyn. This is the place where Governor Philip and his gentlemen camped on their exploration of the Hawkesbury in 1788 NPWS is planning a range of work to clear lantana and expose a historic roadway to delicate bush regeneration. NPWS provides morning and afternoon teas and all hand tools. Weather etc permitting there will be a campfire on Saturday. Ranger Ken Blade wants this to be an enjoyable social activity as well as a productive one.
TMawarra - Natta
The NPWS is keen to have your involvement in the Illawarra Nattai Area. Preferred date is August. Two track projects currently underway include walking track construction and maintenance within the Ilawarra Escarpment State Recreation Area and Thirlmere Lakes National Park. Contact Adrian Johnstone, Area Manager for Illawarra Nattai Area on 02 42684 089.
Royal National Park
A one off” tree planting event in Garie Valley to reinstate the indigenous bushland and especially the native rainforest in areas adjacent to the Garie Car Park.
Contact Andrew Horton phone 9542 0658 or Katrina Grey phone 9542 0618.
Kanangra Boyd National Park
Stage 1. of a strategy for control of weeds in the Jenolan River Valley is the removal of woody weeds from the catchment. NPWS Co- ordinator is Ranger Michaela Jones of the Oberon office. Phone (02) 63 36 1972
Blue Mountains National Park
Activities are being planned for a weekend in August/September and possibly another in September/October. NPWS Project officer is Saskia Hayes phone 47878877 Fax 4787 8514 email: saskia.haves@npws.nsw.gov.au
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The Sydney Bushwaiker July 2001
Walking the Barossa Gorge
Our second day trip in the Cazorla National Park was an up and back traverse of the Barossa Gorge. This is one of the premier walks in Spain and can be done in a number of ways, up and back, traverse from top to bottom or vice versa with the last two options requiring drop off and pick up transport. There is a round trip option coming back over the ridges but this is a 26 km+ day.
Having narrowly avoided running into a very large doe we parked our car at the small car park and joined a steady stream of walkers heading upstream. The water was emerald green and frothed down between bath sized pools in a series of rapids within which we could see the trout. Every now and then there were a number of Spanish gentleman standing on the bank casting their
rods under what we interpreted were No. . Fishing signs. Sure enough Louise spotted
some irate Spanish gentlemen having their names noted into a little book by an official looking man in a green uniform. That put paid to my hopes of fresh fish for lunch/dinner and breakfast.
After a few kms of very pleasant creek country the road headed off up the hill as the valley narrowed and we followed a foot path beside the gushing stream. The rock walls rose progressively higher until we were in a definite canyon quite similar in nature to many of the Blue Mountain tourist canyons. The walls were about 40m high, the stream 5m wide and the path often being suspended from the walls along this 300m section. Definitely quite spectacular with the combination of water, moss and fern suspended from the cliffs.
The stream is the headwaters of the mighty Guadalquivir River and climbs progressively with the valley floor widening and narrowing from time to time. The rock being limestone means that the general “feel” of the country is similar to the Bungonia area. This provides extensive views of colourful cliff lines, bluffs and the occasional mesa or crown as the stream meanders around.
About lunch time, after climbing up through a boulder fall, a series of beautiful pools called the Salto de las Organos are
ete oe ae
Ian Wolfe & Louise Verdon
reached. Each pool is fed by a 15-20m waterfall dropping through Dali like eroded skull shaped rocks (OK, OK, my imagination had been stimulated by visiting the stupendous Reina Sofia & Thyssen Borgemizsa Art Museums in Madrid a couple of weeks previously!). These rocks can be climbed to provide view, lunch and diving locations.
Shortly after the main escarpment is reached with a 50m+ waterfall cascading downwards and the breeze catching the water and letting it drift. to form rainbows. As the cliffs are crowned with pines and there are many climbing creepers the view looks like a section from a Japanese silk screen. Standing in the V of the cliffs the question then arose of where to next? with the map having the enigmatic notation of tunnel. Gazing upwards we could see two parallel cave openings in the middle of the cliff face which gave an inkling of what was to follow.
Then it was up a zig zag path on the scree slope to one side of the waterfall to reach the bottom of the cliff line. Here we found an aqueduct contouring around at the base of the cliffs and then disappearing into a tunnel opening. The path entered the tunnel with a wire guide rope on posts to minimise the potential for slipping into the gushing aqueduct. This ran for about 200m with there being carved out windows to provide light every 50ms or so.
Eventually we debouched from the tunnel at the top of the waterfall and had breath taking views down to the poo! far below.
The route then followed the aqueduct for 1 km to arrive at the Embalse (Spanish for Dam) de los Organos. This was an old 150m wide by 20m high dam across the confluence of two valleys. It was surrounded at the water line by deciduous trees full of autumn colours ranging from bright yellow through burnt orange to rust red. Lazy trout swam just below the surface occasionally feeding off insects and in turn keeping the resident heron satisfied.
Spain does have two species of snakes one of which is an Asp. and its venom is on par
- at Tate [ The Sydney Bushwalker July 2001
Page 11 |
with our Death Adder. These are supposed to be quite rare and given that we were walking on a track that was being fairly heavily used I was not looking out for them. Weil, my propensity for finding snakes in unlikely places reasserted itself with Louise quietly pointing out the Asp that I had just walked past! It was happily sunning itself and moved off slowly whilst we watched. Thereafter Louise walked in front (now that the caring, sharing, sensitive, new age 90s are past the separate genders can really get into true equality!)
Another 2 kms brought us to another small lake called the Laguna de Valdearzores. This was similarly picturesque and pristine. A large rock provided a pleasant vantage point for afternoon tea. This we shared with a Spanish family before heading back the way we had come.
eside the out & back or through traverse options it is possible to make this trip into a circular walk by linking up some fire trails along the ridge tops. As our walk the day before had been on the ridge tops we elected to enjoy the delights of the gorge once more (especially the tunnel!). This we did and had a very pleasant couple of hours strolling back down the creek line and exploring bits we had noted on the way up. That night we rested our tired bones in a series of Tapas Bars were Louise declined saffron coloured sheeps brains, due to CJD paranoia, before concluding our sojourn in the Cazorla National Park.
For anyone visiting Spain this national park area is highly recommended and could cater for a range of tastes. This ranges from easy to long day walks, multi day walks staying at villages or camping out etc.
Gumtree Songiine Walk and Gumnut Community Campfires
Celebrating the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage 1* September to 22 September 2001 Watch for this in your Spring Walks Programme - details in August magazine
Club Training Week End
This is an invitation to new members to join - us at the “Coolana” Wildlife Refuge in the beautiful Kangaroo Valley. The dates are Saturday, Sunday: 11th, 12th August
The weekend offers practical training in navigation, first aid and bushcraft. It provides an ideal introduction to camping and a chance to extend your social contacts _ within the club. -
Tents and other camping gear are preferable but optional as there is a shelter shed on the site. Also, some gear is available from the leaders - see below. Please bring normal day walk requirements (including torch, raincoat, water bottle, insect repellent) as well as eating, cooking utensils, food for the weekend and refreshments for happy hour. We will do some short walks around the property so bring walking shoes, long lightweight shirt and trousers (not jeans) to handle scrub on some sections.
Experienced members may also attend to assist with training and join in the social activities around the camp fire on Saturday evening. Maps are provided but please bring a mapping compass. If you need to buy a compass please phone the persons listed below for advice before purchasing.
Activities start on Saturday moming and finishes late afternoon on Sunday. For transport assistance and location advice please phone: Bill Holiand 9484 6636
Patrick James 9904 1515
At short notice one Friday on June a group of four cycled from Meadowbank to Olympic Park and return via Silverwater. Similar short notice cycling is planned and you are welcome to join us; please phone George
Mawer 9707 1343.
Cycling scheduled for August is shown below but refer to the Walks Programme for full leaders names and contact details.
25th, 26th August Bike ride near Bathurst Cycling on good roads to Carcoar and return on Sunday. Barbecue at the farm. | Page 12 The Sydney Bushwalker July 2001 |
Reg Alder -An Urban Pioneer
An Urban Pioneer“ is the name given to me in the National Museum of Australia display concerning my home building during the 1940's at North Epping. The main feature of the display is an Australian made Danarma chain saw that I acquired in 1959.
William Chorley bought the whole of present Cheltenham which had been subdivided into 10 acre blocks. It was known as the Chorley Estate.
By the 1930's all of the land had been sold and further sub-divisions had taken place. Only one 10 acre block remained because its frontage to Malton Road had a high cliff which prevented the building of the road.
It was suggested to me in 1943 by Marie Byles that this bush block of 10 acres, with a creek frontage of 1000ft, would be a good buy at 95 if I could make it accessible. Above was a poultry farm and I managed to persuade the owner to sell me an unused comer with the street frontage for 35.
I selected a house site on a flat rock outcrop with shallow soil and cleared the low scrub from it, but the real task was to build a 900ft road. This involved gathering 600 cubic yards of soil and rock from the house site to build it. The first load over a cliff from a small wheelbarrow only dusted the ground showing the enormity of the task.
To cut travel time, I built an iron shack 16ftx12ft and lived in it for 5 years with only a water supply from the farm above. From this I built the road, a rock-walled garage and a cavity brick house of 12 squares It was nearly all in vain. The Cumberland County Council launched their Master Plan in 1948 for the future development of
Here we have a touch of history from one of our early members. Reg Alder joined the SBW in 1938 and after many active years moved to Canberra. He has the distinction of being included in a display in the National Gallery and, as explained in the following article, has been given the title of An Urban Pioneer.
Reg, an excellent photographer won't mind this recent snap of him enjoying the opportunity of camping at Coolana.
Sydney and put it on public display for 3 months. I made an early check and found the purpose of my block unchanged. Tim Coffey visited the display near the end of its exhibition called excitedly to say that my block had been “Green Belted”! The change had been made during the course of the exhibition. This meant my house could not be built. From letters to the Premier I learned that prior to the Master Plan becoming law building could progress if plans had been approved by Council and _ building commenced up to floor level. Hastily acquired bricks allowed this to be met and after a delay of 12 months awaiting the supply of brickyard bricks the real construction started.
A move away from Sydney for 5 years meant that my dream house had to be sold but not before another battle with the bureaucracy to allow subdivision. On this block I subsequently built another house, both mainly from my own efforts.
To dispel any ideas that I used the chain saw to clearfell my 10 acres, because of the rock slabs. only marginal clearing was required around each house. The saw was used to cut firewood from dead or fallen timber. Sixty years of observation has shown the bush on the block is now denser and higher than when I first saw it. Weed control was good through leaving leaf litter on the ground and in one area flannel flowers have bloomed continuously over the years. Unfortunately privet carried down the creek has heavily infested its banks and the large pool in which I once swam now silted, and badly contaminated. noo00
a The Sydney Bushwalker July 2001 Page 13 |
CONSERVATION REPORT - The Forests Of Australia David Trinder Before European settlement our island continent was abundant in old growth forests, now two hundred years later only ten percent of the original forest remains. It is the old growth forests that have evolved slowly over several hundred million years. Eucalypt, Banksia, Acacia were created, each species developing to . suit ihe prevailing conditions. Rainforest species developed in moist areas, dry species on ridges and in low rainfall areas. Individual trees and smaller plants germinate, grow, die and rot into the ground and produce humus that helps the next generations to grow and develop. Forests live forever unless they are destroyed.
Eighty five percent of southern temperate woodlands have been lost. Twelve to fifteen billion trees have been removed from the Murray-Darling basin alone. Less than 100 hectares of old growth woodlands remain in Victoria. | Unsustainable logging, firewood collection and overgrazing threaten much of what is left. Our forests are being logged at the rate of two thousand square kilometres per year. Logging caused the destruction of an ancient, living, irreplaceable entity.
More than five percent of the worlds plant and animai species live in Australias forests and woodlands, more species than survive in all of Europe. Only a small part of Australias forests are protected in secure reserves. Unlogged protected forests are one third of one percent of Australias land mass.
The few remaining forested wilderness areas are of immense benefit to humanity. They are crucial to the long term consistent supply of high quality water to cities, towns, farms and aquatic systems. Healthy woodlands keep salinity at bay in agricultural areas.
The Government has estimated that our forests store 13 billion tonnes of carbon and that logging and firewood collection released 50 million tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every year. Woodland clearing produces much of Australias greenhouse gas pollution.
Forests provide many other economic and non-economic benefits. For example, in the southera region of New South Wales forest based tourism is worth approximately three times the value of the logging industry
Forests have never been logged sustainably, for example the greater glider needs six large hollow trees per hectare to survive, current guidelines allow for the retention of only 0.3 per hectare. Cost pressures drive the practice of clearfelling and woodchipping. Most trees from a clearfelled area are described as waste and are used for woodchipping, in some cases the waste is 90 percent. Some of the timber is left on the ground and burnt.
We bush lovers have a special responsibility to help protect the future of our forests, we should research, campaign and become pro-active in the battle to save them. In particular, we need them for our sanity but the destruction of forests robs not only us but every generation from here on. Forests have been our home for ever but selling them for woodchips is sacrilege.
(Photo by Henry Gold ) | Page 14
The Sydney Bushwalker July 2001
PRACTICAL GPS This article is for those who have a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver and would like to combine it with computer mapping software for route recording, and, for those considering purchasing a GPS. The language used here is standard “computerspeek technobabble”.
After a few months of
: I decided to become more
serious and use it for route
finding, tracking and
: recording as a computer
map image with grid references and track details. This also gave me the opportunity to practice with my scanner and computer software.
I have a Magellan GPS but a similar approach can be taken with other brands.
The Magellan Instruction Manual gave only brief and not very useful advice so other steps were necessary. With the help of some other SBW members and after changing a programmed midweek walk into a GPS instructional, I can now use my GPS as a navigational tool in unmarked wilderness and record the route for future reference.
This is not to say that I threw away the map and compass. Gazing steadfastly at a small GPS screen can lead to stumbling over branches or falling over cliffs. The map and compass remain essential aids to getting home again!
The equipment requirements for mapping and recording data are GPS receiver, scanner and a computer with suitable software. Here is an outline of the method (and equipment) used: Prior To Walk:
e Scan the topographical map (HP Scanner 5300C) and file the map image. If two or more maps are to be joined together I use imaging software (Photo Deluxe) to align, join and trim the images.
e Use mapping software (Oziexplorer) to calibrate the map image. Check that the map datum and co-ordinate system used to calibrate the scanned map are the same as shown on the original map eg UTM WGS84.
e Mark the desired waypoints on the calibrated map image. Oziexplorer will
Bill Holland
record each waypoint showing grid reference and latitude/ longitude. I recommend giving each waypoint a short name for easy reference. The lists of waypoints showing grid references etc may be printed as a guide when walking and a copy to be left behind with the list of walk participants as a safety precaution.
e Use the mapping software to mark the track/route on the calibrated map image. If required, you can calculate the exact distance to be walked and record the bearing from one waypoint to another.
e Download waypoints and route into the GPS using Oziexplorer software and a connecting cable.
e The calibrated map image can be expanded or trimmed, then printed on a colour printer. The waypoints and route may be shown on the printed map (optional). Printing the map has the advantage of giving you an expanded (or joined) colour map and saving wear and tear of your CMS map.
When Walking: There are two options: To use the pre-recorded route as a guide, set up the GPS as follows (Magellan screens): MENU - ROUTES (highlight the saved route) ~ MENU - ACTIVATE. You can now use the preferred screen to follow your pre- recorded route, Each waypoint will be shown as a GO TO on the screen until the next waypoint is reached. If necessary, use the audible alarm to alert you when nearing the target waypoint. (The track actually walked will not be recorded as the GPS is using the pre-recorded route)
Alternatively, to use the pre-recorded
waypoints and record the track as walked:
ENTER - AUTO ._ Point the way to the first
waypoint GO TO - USER - SORT - SELECT
- ENTER . If using this method it is advisable
to pre-record as many waypoints as necessary
to guide you around obstacles, gullies etc. | The Sydney Bushwalker July 2001
Page 15 |
As you approach each way point you may
prefer to set the tracking log to measure the
position more frequently. From the Map
0.1 KM (or 0.01 KM) - ENTER. When the
waypoint is reached enter the next waypoint
and set the track history back to AUTO.
Ifthe pre-recorded way point varies from the
confirmed as walked destinations/target,
record the correct position either by over-
writing the original waypoint or by creating a
new waypoint. To save the track as a route
when the walk has finished MENU -
I leave my Magellan GPS on at ail times
when walking other than at lunch or during
long stops. Two A4 batteries will last for most of the day - a small cost to pay for accurate navigation!
When Home Again:
To record the track walked or amend the
route or waypoints shown on the map filed
in your computer:
e Open the previously calibrated map without opening the pre-recorded waypoints or route/s.
e Connect the GPS to the computer and up- load the waypoints, route or track as walked. Your map image will now show the map, waypoints and routes. The
_ software can calculate the exact distance walked.
Don't forget - send the waypoints list with
your, walks report to the Club Recorder
George Mawer so that the walks history can
be preserved.
Details Of Equipment And Software Used:
GPS: Magellan 320
Scanner: HP 5300C
Computer: Primitive Pentium
Printer: Canon BJC 7000
Adobe Photo Deluxe Version BE 1.1 Software: Oziexplorer Version
Go to www.oziexplorer.com and download trial version. Full version cost is $Aust.95-00.
Note: Scanning a CMA topographical map for_your_own use is not a violation of copyright.
oo00 The Length of a Hill
I have heard it said and seen it written many times that a walk is a certain distance on the map but when you take into account the hills it is a lot further, then the answer is left unknown and the optimistic hope is that the listener or reader will think that the distance is, maybe 20% further.
With the risk that these hopes are threatened, lets be quantitative about the distance up hills. Mt Strongleg to Konangaroo Clearing, a hill that many members have done on walks from Kanangra Walls to Katoomba is 1650 metres long on the map, according to the contours the height difference is 560 metres, a slope of 1 in 3. If we take the advice of Mr Pythagaros we find that the distance on the ground is 1742 metres, an extra 92 metres or 5.6% on top of the map distance. Is this as much as we had hoped for?
When we have reached the Coxs River at the bottom of this spur we usually have to climb Yellow Pup Spur to Mt Yellow Dog on the other side. The length of this track on the map is 3340 metres when we follow the bends in the track, its height is 580 metres, a slope of I in 6, not as steep as the other side The distance actually walked is 3390 metres, 50 metres more than that shown on the map, 3.6% more than the map distance. This arduous slog from Mt Strongleg to Mt Yellow Dog is only 140 metres more than the distancee shown on the map
Similarly, Little River to the pluviometer on the Six Foot Track increased from 3450 by 25 metres and the track from Blue Gum Forest to Perrys Lookdown increases from 1750 metres by 100 metres.
Of course a person can say that it is harder to go up a hill, and this is obviously correct, but when we are talking about distance we can quantify that and these are the numbers. David Trinder
Date Change: My weekend walk to Kanangra scheduled
for first weekend in August will go one week later. David Trinder [Page 16 Zz
The Sydney Bushwalker July 2001
The NEW New Members Evening:
As mentioned in the President's Report, a subcommittee has been established to review the many submissions made to the committee on revitalizing the club. A_ significant proportion of these submissions covered aspects of the prospective membership process.
In discussing these submissions It was noted that of the prospective members who went on to become full members, a large majority attended the Coolana Prospective Members weekends. Apart from the practical experience gained in navigation, bushcraft and first aid, participants also formed ties with other prospective members and this appears to have played a significant role in their integration Into the club.
To foster such ties, the sub-committee has proposed that the New Members introductory sessions, currently held every Wednesday at the clubrooms, be expanded into an Introduction to Sydney Bush Walkers evening, to be held at 8pm on the first Wednesday of each month, commencing in September.
The intent is to bring larger numbers of prospective members together, who will be introduced informally to each other by the New Members team over tea, coffee and biscuits. Once they have been given an opportunity to get to know each other, they will be encouraged to exchange contacts (its nice to know at least one other person on your first walk!) The gathering will then be treated to a short slide and photo presentation of Sydney Bush Walkers in action, followed by a talk on the prospective membership process. The New Members Handbook will be provided to each prospective member and be supported by displays of essential gear and equipment for both day and weekend walking. We hope to make this evening as interesting as possible, with plenty of interaction between participants, who will be invited.to join up as prospective members.
Our current program of information and training in navigation, bush cooking and
packing for weekend trips will held on the second Wednesday of the month, run concurrently with the general meeting. The agenda for these evenings will be published in the forthcoming Spring walks program.
This approach wili be reviewed after six months, to assess its effectiveness. In the meantime, your New Members Secretary welcomes any feedback
Kay Chan
Please welcome the following new members: Rachel Taylor Graciana Martinez Garry Jones Prue Sandford Robert Edwards Stephen Dolphin Bernadette Jones Sally Hollis Congratulations:
And congratulations to the following who have progressed to full membership:
Richard Butler John Williams Anthea Michaelis John Michaelis Fiona Sonntag Margaret Bligh Mark Patteson
Easy Walks For New Members: See the Winter Walks Programme for details of the following Easy walks in late July and August.
Sun 29th July: Heathcote NP 13km Waterfall to Heathcote via Bulawaring Track and Boobera Pool.
Sun Sth Aug: Kuring-Gai Chase NP 12kms St Ives via Middle Harbour Creek to Lindfield. A relaxing and beautiful riverside walk.
Sat 11th Aug: RoyalNP 12kms Helensburgh to South Era. Flowers in the forest, heath and ocean. Some short climbs. Sun 12th Aug: Royal NP 16kms
A tram ride to Audley to Bundeena. Pleasant views of Port Hacking River.
Sat 25th Aug: Kuring-Gai Chase NP 13kms Cowan via Jerusalem Bay to Brooklyn. An interesting walk with beautiful views.
Tue 28th Aug: Strickland State Forest Banksia Point and Stoney Creek. Includes attractive rain forest and tree species remaining from States first forestry school. The Sydney Bushwalker July 2001
Page 17 |
Test Waiks:
See the Winter Walks Programme for details of the following test walks in late July and August. Some weekend walks require Friday night departure.
Day Test Walks Sun 29th Jul: Blue Mountains NP = 20km Victoria Falls, Blue Gum Forest, Evans L.O.
Sat 4th Aug: Blue Mountains NP 30kms A medium/hard walk to Blue Gum via Lockleys Pylon with optional climb up Perrys.
Sun 12th Aug: Royal NP Medium 20kms Bundeena to Heathcote with some off-track walking.
Weekend Test Walks 28th - 29th Jul: Kanangra Boyd 25km Queen Pin, Thurat Range, Mt Paralyser etc
4th - Sth Aug: Kanagra Boyd NP 22km Kanangra Tops to Kowmung and return via Colboyd Range. Some rock scrambling.
25th - 26th Aug Morton NP Budawangs A 40km medium walk. Scenic, undulating and a long way.
Other Weekend Walks:
, + Members are reminded that bookings for over- night and extended walks should be made well in advance so that leaders can finalise transport arrangements. Some walks require Friday night departure.
Walks scheduled for August are shown below but refer to the Walks Programme for full leaders names and contact details.
4th - 5th Aug: The Great River Walk - Stage 6 A medium grade 32 km walk along the Wollandilly as it broadens approaching lake Burrgorang. Picturesque riverside camp
lith- 12th Aug: Wollemi NP Medium 12km Glen Davis Trig and return via Mystery Route. Some rock scrambling and all off- track.
' 18th-19th Aug: WollemiNP Base Camp An easy social weekend camped at Deep Pass and explore spectacular gorges.
Advance Notices:
Date Change - Lamington NP
The camping trip at Green Mountain camping ground - Lamington has now been finalised for 18th_-_22nd September. With a couple of days either end for transport. The plan is to share cars and camp/walk for a day in a national park on the way there and back. Please let me know if you are interested and whether you would like to drive or share a car. Early booking ($20 deposit will reserve your site. Contact Bill Holland) 9484 6636 or billholl@hotkey.net.au
Hinchinbrook Island - August 2002 Expressions of interest are called for a walk along the Thorsbourne Trail, Hinchinbrook Island in early August, 2002.
Duration: 7 days including a 2 day side trip to climb Mt Bowen (optional). A leisurely pace is anticipated. Maximum number in group 6. More than one group is possible. Maximum number on island at any one time is 40. Costs: National Parks $ 3.85 per person per day. Transfers $ 130 approx (total) from Cardwell back to Cardwell. Alternative camp on northern end of island for non-walkers.
Early booking is essential. $40 deposit Please contact Bill Holland
Tasmania: 7th November - 19th November The Overland Track plus side trips.
Walk Australia's best known and well loved long distance walking track. 73kms + 3S5kms side trips. Please contact me early with expressions of interest as I need to arrange transport and accommodation. Party limit of 8. Stephen Adams (m) 0414 642 154
(e-mail) wazark@pocketmail.com.au
Walking In The U:K.-Scotland:
Hardy, adventurous members are invited to join me from 10th - 25th March 2002
We will walk in the U-K.'s last true remaining wilderness area - the Knoydart Wilderness, plus a remote Scottish island Jura. Ascend the paps of Jura, bag a few Munros (mountains over 1,000 metres) enjoy a wee dram . Party limit of 6. Stephen Adams (m) 0414 642 154
| Page 18 The Sydney Bushwalker July 2001
Recent Happenings:
The mid-Winter Feast attracted about 40 on a mild Winter night so we used the back balcony. Great food and good company.
The leadership debate brought out 60 people including many people I did not know. It was great to see this response on a very important issue.
Coming Attractions:
This magazine comes to you in to time to
remind you of Frank Taeker's slide night:
Wed 25th “Insects You Would See On A Typical Sunday Walk” 8-00 pm Slide presentation and talk by Frank Taeker. Frank is well known for his expertise and photographic ability.
This month there are some very special social
events - see below. All will be held in the
Clubrooms at 16 Fitzroy St Kirribilli unless
otherwise stated.
Wed 1st Committee Meeting - 6.30 pm Observers welcome Prospective Training - 8-00pm “Basic Bush Navigation”
Wed 8th General Meeting - 8.00pm followed by members Buy and Swap” - see next column.
Wed 15th “Wilderness 2000 Update” Talk and slides of new aspects of the wildemess debate by members of The Colong Foundation for Wildemess
Wed 22nd“ Slides And Photos Of South American Trip” - Join our club members recently retumed from walking and sight seeing trip through Patagonia, Peru and other exotic South American destinations.
Wed 29th “Exceptional Walks” - Slides and presentations by club members of past walks and exceptional features of planned walks.
Do you have any suggestions for future Social Programs? If so, please contact the Social Secretary Gemma Gagne 9923 1468
Gear Buy and Swap Night:
Wed 8th August An opportunity to dispose of surplus or unwanted gear or obtain pre- loved gear at good prices.
The SBW web site
The SBW web site has been out of service for the past several days due to some difficulty with the previous service provider. The web site has been moved to another service provider and is now back in service. The domain name (www.sbw.org.au) remains unchanged. Members may be interested in visiting the site as Ive taken the opportunity to reformat some of the material.
Eddy Giacomel
Magazine Deadlines
Copy for publishing in the SBW magazine should be received by the editor by the end of the first week of each month.
The deadline for last-minute urgent items is the second Monday of each month as the magazine is usually printed on the following Thursday.
For Members & Prospective Members The aim of this course is to help people gain the basic skills and knowledge to successfully navigate through unfamiliar country using a map and compass. The course has 2 parts: Part 1] held in the clubrooms on a Wednesday and Part 2 held among the gentle contours of Centennial Park on a Saturday afternoon. You will need a pen, a Silva-type compass and a copy of the map “Parramatta River” | :25 000 CMA, 9130-3-N. Details of courses are: Part |: Wednesday Ist August Part 2: Saturday 4th August
For information phone: Ian Rannard 9958 1514
Found: |
A khaki colour jacket left behind after the Leadership training Meeting on 27th June. Contact Bob the Caretaker at Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre
The Leaders in Adventure since 1930
Ever since Paddy Pallin began making his gear in his back room, Paddy Pallin has led the way in manufacturing and selling a range of quality products for fellow bushwalkers. We understand that walkers need lightweight, functional equipment which will perform in al] kinds of conditions, so if you want the best products and the best advice, come
in and see us.
WE SPECIALISE IN: * Footwear for bushwalking * Rucksacks
* Day packs
* Gore-Tex rainwear
* Polartec fleece warmwear * Thermal bodywear
* Outdoor clothing
* Sleeping bags
* Tents
* Stoves and water purifiers
* Cross country skis and boots * Rockclimbing equipment
* Books and maps
And if you are just starting out, or perhaps trying something new, we have a range of equipment for hire at competitive prices.
For a free catalogue, drop into your nearest store, or call (02) 9524 1385.
Miranda 527 Kingsway City 507 Kent St Parramatta 2/74 Macquarie St Katoomba 166B Katoomba St Canberra 11 Lonsdale St. Braddon Jindabyne Kosciusko Rd