opie 7A
MARCH 2002 Amongst the vast array of day packs that decorate the shelves of outdoor shops, it's difficult to pick something with the right features, what with 101 different types of nylon, all sorts
of different canvases, airflow systems, expanding pockets and neon colours.
So it's nice to know that if your the type of person that wants simple robust functionality thatireflects years of local bushwalking experience with solid locally made material then the BLUE MOUNTAINS TRIASSIC could be your best companion fot many years to come.
_..- Pack Review ~. by David Noble
It's good to see a pack made in the Blue Mountains for use in the Blue Mountains. The Triassic features two shoulder strap sizes so that the pack can be properly hip loaded, sitting down comfortably in the lumbar region of the back. This is sometimes difficult especially if you are a taller person. The harness system aiso includes a thick waist belt and chest strap enabling a tight fit which is great when climbing over rocks.
The volume is large enough to allow a 50m rope and
wetsuit to easily fit in and the top is made larger so that your stuff slides in and out with ease. The pack has a large front pocket for those essential items such as a torch, and a top pocket for the map and camera. The pack is large enough to be used as a weekend pack when no ropes etc. are needed. This can keep the bulk down and stop you from packing too much on those weekend bushwalks.
The Triassic is made from durable 120z canvas which can withstand the abuse given to it in canyons and when walking through scrub. All the seams are double stitched and sealed to prevent failure. It is also very water proof, on a recent trip down Hole In The Wall canyon, no water entered the main compartment despite a number of lengthy swims.
The pack is bush green in colour making the walker almost invisible in the bush. This is handy for sneaking up on wildlife with a camera or just blending in to the wilderness as you walk along. Good for those who like to keep the visual impact minimal too.
A(quality Blue Mountains pack for our tough conditions, the Triassic carries a lifetime quarantee on workmanship and materials.
Overall an excellent pack for either short or tall with the
2 shoulder strap options. And great for canyons or short weekend trips.
NB: David Noble Is a keen canyoner and bushwalker. He [s also the discoverer of the rare
Wollem! Pine (WOLLEMIA NOBILIS) found In 1994.
Australian 120z canvas
Made in Katoomba the old traditional way
40 litre capacity
Proper hip loading with 2 shoulder strap sizes for walking comfort
Wide throat for easy loading and unloading Buckle up front pocket with internal divider Top lid pocket ,
Extendable fid for overloading
Padded hip belt with 38mm buckie
Hip belt retainer for city use (conveniently holds the hip belt back and out of the way
Padded back (removable)
Thumb loops on shoulder straps for more comfortable walking
Internal compression strap for holding down your canyon rope
Side compression straps for minimising volume Storm throat to keep out the rain
Hard wearing Cordura base
Price $159.00
= Alpspori
1045 VICTORIA RD, WEST RYDE Ph 9858 5844
PrP Pb
THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER is the monthly bulletin of matters of interest to members of
The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc
PO Box 431 Milsons Point 1565.
Editor: Bill Holland Production Manager: Frances Holland Printers: Kenn Clacher, Barrie Murdoch,
Tom Wenman Don Brooks Margaret Niven
-| Activity and Walks-Planning Night Sorry that we had to cancel the Activity and :
Walks:Planning Night on 27“ March but it was,
too close to the Easter break. - We are'pleased.to announee.that the next -.
Wednesday 26 June: See-youthere! ..
Alex Colley returned to his home in Turramara after a long stay in hostital due to injuries sustained in a very bad fall last November.
First Aid Certificates for Leaders:
To encourage our walks leaders to get their St Johns First Aid Certificate, the Committee has .} offered to subsidise current Walks Leaders for half the cost of gaining an accredited Senior First Aid Certificate up to $50 and if combined with an accredited Remote Area First Aid, wp to $80. This will be for a trial six-month period.
HIGHLIGHTS OF THE SOCIAL : PROGRAMME March: Wed 27” Cheese, Biscuits, Coffee and some wine April: Wed 10“
Wed 17 Wed 24”
General Meeting South America _ (Patagonia)
Leadership Training Night
MARCH 2002
Issue No. 808
INDEX: 1. Index and Notices 2. Your New Committee, Office Bearers 2. Message From Our New President 3. Editor's Note 3. Special Resolutions 4. Our 75“ Anniversary 5. Letters 6. Walks Over Anzac Weekend 7. Want a Buddy Don Brooks 7. Walking Partners Don Brooks 8. February General Meeting Barry Wallace 10,11. Blue Mountains Heritage Area David Trinder 42-16. Lhe Walks Pages: A Perfect Walk in the Snowy Mountains Stephen Adams An Interesting Day Walk Jim Percy Marra Marra Magic Zol Bodlay A Successful Relocation Richard Darke Weekend On The Kowmung Stephen Adams A White Christmas Trip David Trinder Soroksan National Park lan Wolfe Summer Walk Rosemary MacDougal! t 17. New Members Page 18 Social Notes ADVERTISERS: Alpsport Front cover Eastwood Camping 9 Paddy Pallin , Back cover Wilderness Transit 7 Willis's Walkabouts _ 5
The Sydney Bushwatker: First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc.
March 2002 Page2 |
? wl is
The Sydney Bushwalker
The Sydney Bush Walkers Incorporated This year we celebrate our 75” anniversary.
The club's main activity is bushwalking, but it has grown to include other activities such as ski touring, canyoning, abseiling, li-loing, cycling and social events.
Our Club meetings are held every Wednesday evening at 8 pm at Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre, 16 Fitzroy Street, Kirribilli (near Milsons Point Railway Station).
Visitors and prospective members are welcome
Message From Our New President At the Annual General meeting this evening I was elected President and other than the position of Secretary (for whom I am secking a volunteer) a new comunittee has been elected.
Your new Committee is shown in the opposite column. More details will be published in the next magazine.
I am looking forward to the forthcoming year and continuing the sound management of the club which precedes me.
any Wednesday. One of the main issues for me will be to foster General Enquiries: Phone 0500 500 729 support for our walks leaders by encouraging SBW Website www.sbw.org.au them to keep up their good work and to look for
~~ Your New Committee Is
new leaders. Some leaders have become disenchanted by issues which some say have taken all the fun out of walking. I don't believe this has happened but where possible I want to address these matters so that we can maintain our club's strong walking traditions. Our leaders planning nights are an excellent forum to
President: Rosemary MacDougal exchange ideas and develop new iniatives. Vice-President: Wilf Hilder Everybody is welcome to attend these Public Officer: Maurice Smith evenings. Leaders who are no longer leading Treasurer: Maurice Smith may be able to pass on their invaluable Secretary: - vacant – information by distributing trip notes, points of
Walks Secretary: Carol Lubbers interest and obstacles to avoid. Social Secretary Vicki Garamy The motions to change the constitution so as to Membership Secretary Pam Morrison streamline the process for membership of the New Members Secretary: Heike Krausse club were all passed. I think this has been an Conservation Secretary: David Trinder excellent move and should make joining our
Magazine Editor: Bill Holland club more attractive and easier. Committee Member: Eddy Giacomel Your views are always welcome and shall be se Barry Wallace listened to. Whether changes result will Delegates to Confederation: ultimately be a matter for the committee but Jim Callaway – vacant – where appropriate there will be the opportunity
to agitate for change at a committee meeting. Rosemary MacDougal
tet ual i And The Other Non-Committee Office Bearers Are:
Delegates to Confederation: Maurice Smith Wilf Hilder
Magazine Production Manager: Fran Holland
Magazine Business Manager: Maurice Smith
Printers: Kenn Clacher Barrie Murdoch Tom Wenman Don Brooks Margaret Niven
Web Master: Eddy Giacomel
Archivist: — vacant –
Hon Solicitor: Richard Brading
Hon Auditor: - Chris Sonter
Coolana Committee: Don Finch George Gray Joan Rigby Bill Holland Wilf Hilder
Search and Rescue Contacts: David Trinder Carol Lubbers Pam Morrison Rob Barry
Kosciusko Hut Delegates: Kenn Clacher Tan Wolfe
The Sydney Bushwalker March 2002 Page3 |
Editors Note:
From time to time members have asked whether it is planned to have electronic copies of the magazine either emailed to members or available on the Clubs website.
At this stage no decision has been made to change from the present printed format, production and distribution.
There are advantages and disadvantages to such proposals.
Certainly other organizations supplement their mailing list with website copies of their publications. Also, provided a reasonable number of members accepted electronic mailing there could be a cost saving and the environment would benefit by reduced paper consumption.
However, when the matter was raised a year or so ago only about thirty members (out of nearly 500) were in favour of receiving an electronic copy in lieu of the printed copy. This could reflect the age distribution of our members, restricted access in a work environment or the difficulty in reading large volumes of print on a flickering screen.
ft is true that the human eye cannot scan everal words at a time on a screen with the same ease as scanning printed paper.
But, in this electronic age, changes and improvements happen so quickly that nothing can be stated as too difficult or not possible. It may well be desirable in the not too distant future to place at least some of the magazine articles on our web-site. Keep your eye on our website as Im sure our webmaster Eddy Giacomel has some interesting ideas for the coming year.
This month the magazine has _ several interesting walk reports, some administrative matters, such as results of the AGM, 75“ Anniversary ,two letters, a froggy story and, AT LAST, a contribution to the Bushwalking Recipe of the Month - thanks Barbara!
Bill Holland
Special Resolutions Passed at AGM:
The special resolutions referring to Prospective
Membership were placed before the AGM on
13” March and dealt with as follows:
1. Period allowed for Prospective Members to gain full membership changed from six months to period determined by an Annual
General Meeting PASSED 2. Name change for Test Walks to Qualifying Walks PASSED
3. Delete the requirement for nomination for full membership by a member of six months standing PASSED
4. Endorsement for membership by six other members changed to the leaders of three qualifying walks PASSED
The Application for Membership shall be on a
form approved by the Committee
Annual Subscription Now-Due: *
The Annual General . Meeting . on Match 3th determined that the- SBW, Abia, Subscriptions for 2002 would be:
Singl Membership. = = $4000. Hoijsehold membership = $66-00' . Non Active Membership | “ BL500 a Non Active + Magazine ~ = $28-00 Magazine.only . . : = 15-00
Payment. can be mad by mail or-at- the: Club on Weditesday nights. A form to facilitate the:payment is enclosed with this magazine. This should-be retumed with your cheque to the Treasurer at our Milsons Point Box. number. |
Prompt payment will. hlp reduce the: trastirer' work load and ensure: that-you are covered hy. club insurance and that you recive the magazine atid walks proprams.
Please also note any changes to your; address OF, Phone
* Not a ileablen to Prospective Members
Contact The Editor:
Copy for publishing in the SBW magazine should be received by the editor by the end of the first week of each month. Please send your submission in by mail (preferably typed), on floppy disc or by email addressed to The Editor
Telephone: 9484 6636 Email: billhoii@hotkey.net.au Fax: 9980 5476 (phone 9484 6636 first)
Home Wanted
The Clubs archives have to be moved and need a loving and caring home. They contain records covering the whole of the Clubs history dating from 1927, including minute books, magazines photo albums and documents. Some steel shelving is available. If you have room in your house (not garage) and can take care of our archives for a long period please contact the Committee.
Sydney Bushwalker' Collating Members are invited to assist with the collating of the April magazine at the Holland's home at Westleigh on Thursday 18th* April. Contact Fran Holland beforehand for details on 9484 6636.
The Sydney Bushwalker ”
March 2002 Page 4
Our 75th Anniversary.
Planning to mark the seventy five years that have passed since 21* October 1927 when SBW was founded are well underway. However the plans remain plans until the celebrations budget has been presented and approved at the April Committee meeting. Dates to be set aside and written in heavy pencil are:
19/20“ October; Reunion at Coolana extending to Monday 21st to celebrate the actual birthday.
Wednesday 23 October:
An activity in the club room
Friday 25th October: Celebratory Dinner , the main function.
Sunday 27” October, Picnic at a Sydney venue.
Walking Back in Time Starting in time for the Winter Walks Program
there will be details of about 600 or 700 walks from the SBW Walks Programs of the first years.
Some of these walks cannot be done anymore because of urban development. Many of the walks are still done today. For the Winter and Spring Walks Program, we can walk the walks they did before! topo maps, nylon, plastic and GPS. Using the terms of the day the walks varied from easy; easy & rough; easy & track; exploratory; hard; medium; rough; test; rough & track. These walk details will be edited into a SBW Book Of Bushwalks.
We plan to produce one (perhaps two) CD- ROM of photographs covering the 75 years, with an emphasis on the more recent years. The photographs are to be of People at Places, not just places, unless the places are of particular historical significance, not ageless bush landscapes.
Send your photos, fully identified, who, when, where, why, etc. to SBW75, PO Box 431, Milsons Point, 1565.
Photos in digital format send _ to photos@sbw.org.au. The photos can be of you, don't be shy. The people in the photos should be recognisable, not just rear views of packs supported by legs, or hats providing deep shade to anonymous walkers.
To achieve this SBW CD-ROM milestone (kilometer-stone?) we desperately need one or two members experienced in the hardware and software digital photography. As mention before, we can guarantee long hours, hard work, no pay, but great satisfaction.
The CD-ROM will be available to all members at cost price + a bit.
Watch these pages as more details emerge.
SBW Group in Royal National Park - 1929 The Sydney Bushwalker
March 2002 PageS |
Letter To The Editor
The following letter appeared in the lonely- hearts section of the Sydney Morning Herald on 1 March 2002.
It would be nice to find an attractive golfer who would like to join a rather stylish and courteous gentleman on golfing holidays here and overseas. If she enjoys dining and is a bridge player and likes good music it would be a
–* real bonus. A healthy dislike of bush walking,
camping and economy class would fit well. VMP 484813.
This is a gross insult to the fairest members of our club. Their honour at stake. My first instinct was to challenge the author to a duel. I pondered over the issue for a number of days. Are our girls undesirable? Most certataly not. Do they lack class? Most certainly not. My final conclusion was that overtures made by this bridge- playing jerk were rejected by one of our members. Well done girls,
Chris Sonter
Coolana Maintenance
4*_7“ April 4” 5“ May
Come and join the maintenance crew for a pleasant weekend of light maintenance and bush regeneration. No need to phone.
Mh Letter To The Committee. *
Last year I requested that the Committee appoint a Tracks Officer to maintain the walking tracks at Coolana, i.e. the Rigby Bypass and the Scenic Circuit Walk, which includes the track to Dorothy Butler's Lookout. I was informed that the Committee decided that a Tracks Officer was not necessary”, a decision with which I disagreed. From personal experience, if the tracks are not maintained they will, sooner or later, disappear entirely and all my work in constructing them wil! have been for nothing. I saw the appointment of a Tracks Officer as the best solution to the problem.
Since making the tracks I have carried out maintenance from time to time (i.e. raking, trimming vegetation, removing fallen logs and replacing signposts) but I do not wish to continue this work for various reasons. I want this Committee, and succeeding Committees, to be perfectly aware of my position so that, hopefully, the necessary arrangements can be made.
Please keep these tracks in good order because the people who have used them all say that they add pleasure to a Coolana visit.
Frank Rigby . * The Committee has requested that this letter be brought to members attention …. Ed
fasy to organise? Excem for the Wrest Macdannells,
We go to places that no other Rex cue nay semngreaz nen
~~ TOUr OPETATON eR eee ie eee we offer will visit because no other tour operator will take you walking off-track.
you aed 3 ONE io ast te where we walk. Park managers koow us. We have perminsos 20 use helicopter food drays and visit places not nowmaly open te the general public.
polatively sary ua ediere you Never Carry more than a daypack and others where you carry 38 your food and equinment off iia a wilderness you'd never foraet.
ie atte, youl erany cusp, clear days and oki iy sping. your enjoy wart to hot days, He Gt rege sand a chance ta have a savin,
Too sapenshe? P/* Brenig your ore: WD KE and save big doilars.
Wnt rare nformayss.
(www bushwalkingholidays, com. au |
Cherk ou! cur nastaite ar ask fay cay Genchure and trig notes.
Wil s Watlabouts 42 Carrington St Miliner NT 6810 Email: walkabout@ais. netau a - (08) 8985-2134
Fax: (08) 89852355. iz The Sydney Bushwalker | March 2002 Page6 |
Walks Over The Anzac Break (24 April- 28“ April)
Anzac day is on a Thursday and walks have been planned assuming Friday can be added to allow - four days extended walking. The weather at this time of the year is cool and comfortable. Four , days walking provides time to access the more difficult or remote areas.
4 below. Please refer to the Programme for details of leaders and contact numbers. Note that P{ these walks show a Wednesday night start as participants are expected to meet at the starting
point on Wednesday night.
Deva National Park: Maps: Snowball, Badja Pikes Saddle -Dampier Trig -Mother Woila -Tabletop -Scout Hat - Woila Ck -Big Badja Hill -Pikes Saddle. Great ridge walking, some scrambling. Some water carrying may be required. Medium/Hard
Wollemi NP: “Maps: Mt Pomany Widden Valley -Pt Pomany (spring water) -Turon Saddle -Emu Ck -Hool'em Boy Ck -Widden Valley. Plenty of scrub, steep, 6 hour drive. Wednesday night start. Party limit. | Medium/Hard 45 km
Biue Mountains NP: Maps: Katoomba, Jamison Narrow Neck -Redledge Pass -Megalong Valley -Devil's Hole -Katoomba. Great mountain scenery. includes about [km offtrack. Medium 11 km
~ Wollemi NP: _ Maps: Ben Bullen, Mt Morgan Newnes -Little Capertee Ck -Red Rocks -Canobola Ck -Pipeline Pass -Newnes. Spectacular pagoda country involving some rock scrambling. Medium 30 km
Day Walks on the Anzac Weekend
Saturday: Ku-Ring-Gai Chase NP: Map: Broken Bay or Ku-ring-gai Chase NP Mackerel Track -Resolute Beach -Resolute Track -West Head. An easy walk for those wanting to take children or babies in backpacks. | Easy 7km
Sunday: Blue Mountains NP: Map: Katoomba Govetts Leap -Junction Rock -Beauchamp Falls -Grand Canyon -Neates Glen -Govetts Leap. All on track with a steep down and a steep up. Beautiful rainforest sections. | Medium 16 km
TaN ait ie stein areas close Alking ote Wop ire Wale osed north of Railmot:
[~ 4 La
The Sydney. Bushwalker
Page 7 |
Want A Buddy?
At a recent Walks and Activities Planning Night we put out a call for volunteers who would be prepared to offer their services (free of charge and subject to being available) to buddy new and/or potential leaders pre-walking future walks or tackling their first walk.
The Buddy System provides new or potential leaders with confidence in themselves; someone with whom to discuss their proposed walk and provides an experienced reliable back- up. Its a great way to launch a new leader who otherwise may feel the role of walks leader is beyond their capabilities and, therefore, is for someone else to tackle.
So if lack of confidence or some other reason is holding you back the Buddy System may be for you.
I know how you feel I was pushed into leading my first walk due to circumstances beyond my control but surprised myself with a successful walk (I didnt lose one person and that is a better result than some experienced leaders:) I have never looked back from that first success and have since gone on to lead both day and extended walks enjoying every minute of those experiences.
The members listed below have indicated their
willingness to offer their services as a buddy for your first walk. Obviously, a buddy can be any member you may like to ask and need not be restricted to those on this list. Of course there is no problem with members placing walks on the Walks Programme as joint leaders 1.e. two members who are mates leading the same walk. So have a go! . The Clubs life blood is its nw members and Walks Leaders ~ no Walks Leaders no Club. The following list is just a start and we look forward to more members adding their names.
Peter Dalton (h) 9957 4907 (w)9955 8244
Tony Manes 9520 0266 - Charlie Montross. 9427 8861 93517105 Maurice Smith 9587 6325 -e- David Trinder 9868 7932 9868 4955
First Aid Certificates for Leaders:
To encourage our walks leaders to get their St : Johns First Aid Certificate, the Committee has offered to-subsidise current Walks Leaders for half the cost of gaining, an accredited Senior First Aid Certificate up to, $50 and if combined with an accredited Remote Arca First Aid, up to $80. This will be for a trial six-month period.
March 2002
Walking Partners:
Its not always easy to find walking partners to team up with to pre-walk exploratory walks. However, the following members have indicated their willingness to participate in this activity and again we hope that this list will be expanded. Unless otherwise indicated these members are available for exploratory day, walks and/or weekend walks
Carol Beales (h) 9907 2829 (w) 0408 235 936 Peter Cochrane 4272 3674
Peter Dalton 9957 4907 9955 8244 Heike Krausse 0412 808 245
Carol Lubbers: 4758 879) 9221 2099 Tony Manes/
Kay Chan 95200266 2 === Charlie Montross 9427 8861 9351 7105 Pam Morrison 0418 463 923 9385 2699 Richard Thompson 9144 1392 9213 8033 David Trinder 9868 7932 9868 4955 Andrew Vilder 9489 9895 0417239205
(available mid week only) ⇒
Should you wish to add your name to either or both of the above lists please advise me on 9807 1657 (before 9.00 pm)
Don Brooks
Wo Woo. NERRIGA Departs from Sydney's Campbelltown Railway Station Via Penrith, Katoomba & Blackheath for Kanangra Walls Mon & Wed at 11am. Frid at 7am Retums 4pm Mon, Wed, Frid. Via Starlights, Mittagong & Marulan for 4Wog Wog-Nerriga Tues.& Thurs & Sun at 11am Returns 4 pm Tues, Thurs, Sun. 4 Yerranderie Ghost Town first Saturday in each month, retums Sun at 1 om (any Friday min 6) Group booking discounts or charter service
Tel 0246 832344 Mob 0428 832 344 iwww.wildernesstransit.com.au
The Sydney Bushwalker
March 2002 Pages |
The February 2002 General Meeting.
There were some 16 or so members present when president called the meeting to order at around 2005. Apologies were tendered for Jim Callaway and Fran Holland.
The minutes of the previous general meeting were read and accepted as a true and correct record. There were no significant matters arising from the minutes.
Correspondence brought a receipt for payment for a donation we made to the Bush Hentage Trust after one of their members presented a talk at an SBW social evening. We also received a letter of thanks from the Kangaroo Valley Rural Fire Brigade for a donation we made to them. Confederation sent the minutes of their most recent mecting; and Oxfam sent notice of a coming Walk Against Want function. Joan Rigby wrote offering her thoughts on the suggestion that we form a Landcare group for Coolana, and asking for opinion on the paint colour chosen for the tool shed at Coolana. There were no matters arising from the correspondence.
Confederation report indicated that they have appointed a Training Officer and are engaged in preparations for the production of a film covering the history of bushwalking.. The wilderness rescue group assisted with the recent firefighting activities around Sydney.
. No Treasurers report.was available to the meeting but we are advised that the annual accounts have been submitted and audited.
New members Stephen Dolphin and George Porter, and not quite so new members Sue and Michael Amott, were welcomed into membership. .
The walks secretary began presentation of the walks reports with a good deal of sotto voce and paper shuffling, none of which yielded any noteworthy information. I think she did mention cancellations once or twice. Wilfs walk over the weekend of 18, 19, 20 January surfaced briefly with an attendance of 8, and then it was John McDonalds Sunday 27 January walk in Munmorah SRA with a party of 8 and strong waves. Kay Chan led a walk out from Otford into the Royal the same day with a party of 3.
Saturday 2”! February saw Michael Bickley with a party of 6 on his Kuring-Gai Chase test walk. There was no report for Zol Bodlays walk in Marra-marra NP the same day, but there was a bee walk, native that is, in there somewhere, that was run on the Saturday by popular accord. Jan Wolfe deferred his Jerrara Creek abseiling trip, scheduled for 1, 2, 3 February, by one week.
Barry Wallace
Alan Mewetts walk: out from Koolewong Beach, scheduled for Thursday 7 February was cancelled due to prevailing wet conditions.
Wilfs Wollemi NP walk, scheduled for 9, 10 February was prevented due to closure of the park following extensive bushfire damage. Frank Grennan cancelled his introduction to overnight camping trip over the same weekend due to wet conditions. There was uncertainty about Maurice Smiths li-lo trip to Bell Creek on Saturday 9” February but Nigel Weaver seems to have had 8 on his Sunday li-lo down the lower middle section of Wollongambe canyon. Richard Darke transposed his Sunday walk in the Lower Blue Mountains to Berowra with pleasant conditions, full creeks and a party of 5.
Jim Callaway cancelled his midweek walk from Waterfall to Heathcote which had been scheduled for Wednesday 13 February.
General business brought the foreshadowed motion that SBW register as a Landcare group with Coolana as the nominated Landcare area. There was an extensive debate, and not a little confusion at times. I suspect that when Don Finch began to argue against his own amendment at one stage it was more a change of tactics than mind.
The motion was passed and a subsequent motion passed that SBW general committee implement the registration as a Landcare group through the Coolana management committee.
The meeting closed at around 2152
The following telephone numbers as printed in the new edition of the members list are incorrect.
Something happened and the number in the database was incorrectly changed by electronic gremlins.
The correct and unchanged home numbers are
9587 6325 Maurice Smith 9332 4847 Spiro Hajinakitas MEMBERSHIP LIST
A new List Of Members as at 31* January 2002 was mailed out to all members in February. Please check your membership details and in the event of errors, changing residence or new telephone numbers, please advise the new Membership Secretary, Pamela Morrison in writing.
Whether its bush walking, mountaineering, cross-country skiing, trek- king or travel, a pack is your best friend or worst enemy. Why? Because you depend on the agility and comfort that your pack provides.
The Mont Moto-Active adjustable har- ness system is deceptively simple, fast to adjust and easy to fit. Available in three sizes and featuring inter- changeable harness compo- nents, a truly best fit is possible, and best fit means a truly comfortable. carry.
_ Back Country Pack
vip ONT sometning Better.
Innovative designs, detailed construc- ' tion and quality ma- terials. Anatomically con- toured hip-belis. Spandura and 3D Air-Fiow fabrics for body contact points. Bar facks on the im- portant high stress points.
Triple stitched with webbing bound seams to ensure massive seam strength.
We use Evazote foams, the mast du- rable, high quality foams available. Hip-belt secures di- rectly to the alumin- ium frame-stays for direct load transfer. Only highest quality Durafiex buckles. The shoulder yoke adjusts independ- ently of the frame stays.
Dual aluminium frame-stays adjusted and reinserted in seconds.
, , Mont Adventure Equipment; The Australian company with over 20 years of manufacturing excellence.
+ ffeastwood 3flewmey sues tenwood camping
All packs personally fitted by our experienced Staff.
The Sydney Bushwalker
March 2002 Page 10 |
The Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area
The World Heritage Committee of UNESCO at their 24“ Session inscribed The Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area in the World Heritage list. Seven National Parks are included in the area, they are:
The Blue Mountains National Park
We all know and love this park. It was the birthplace of the conservation movement in New South Wales and the birthplace of bushwalking for most of us. Memorable parts are the Blue Gum Forest with its magnificent stand of tall Sydney Blue Gums, The Grand Canyon and Echo Point which looks over to Mount Solitary. The park extends forty km north and eighty km south of the Great Western Highway and is 30 - 40 km wide. Yengo National Park
This wild area of steep gorges and rocky ridges is 100 km north west of Sydney and measures about forty km north to south and east to west. Access is limited but you can get to it from Wisemans Ferry or from the Putty Road. Wollemi National Park
This is the largest wilderness area in NSW, a spectacular maze of canyons, cliffs and undisturbed forest. It extends north of the Blue Mountains National Park for a further seventy km and is forty to fifty km wide. The park includes the Colo Rivers scenic gorge, mining ruins at Newnes, the Glowworm Tunnel and, of course, the recently discovered Wollemi Pines. Kanangra National Park Another park that most of us know and love, it has large sandstone plateaus deep ravines and valleys and some of
the highest mountains in the area. We know it |
for the Kowmung River, Mount Cloudmaker, abseiling trips and the start of the clubs annual Kanangra to Katoomba hard walk. It is also the site of most of the three peaks marathon walk. The park is west of the southern part of the Blue Mountains National Park. Gardens of Stone National Park This is a smali park west of the Wollemi and includes strange pagoda like rock formations. The club does regular walks to Pantonys Crown in the Capertee Valley and other parts of this park. Nattai National Park The park is south of the Blue Mountains National Park and protects Sydneys water supply with pristine bushland and wilderness areas. Walking in the area is permitted except for a 3km zone around Lake Burragorang. __ Thirlmere Lakes National Park This park is ** east of the Nattai and includes five reed-fringed freshwater lakes, abundant with water birds and surrounded by quiet patches of forest. Camping is not permitted in the park.
David Trinder
Jenolan Caves Karst Conservation Reserve
is also included in the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage area.
The Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage area is an area of rugged tablelands, sheer cliffs and deep inaccessible valleys and swamps teeming with life. A unique range of plants dominated by eucalypts cover the area, most of it pristine. Its history is the story of the evolution of Australias eucalypt vegetation and its associated communities of plants and animals.
Two hundred km of the Great Dividing Range has been set aside for protection and for the enjoyment of the future generations, in particular the people of Sydney who live in a narrow strip between the park and the sea.
The area is not in the conventional sense mountains but a deeply incised sandstone plateau rising from 100 metres to 1300 metres above sea level. Ninety one species of eucalypt occur in the area, twelve of these are believed to occur only in the Sydney sandstone region. In addition to the eucalypts the Greater Blue Mountains Heritage area includes the recently discovered Wollemi Pine, a living fossil dating back to the age of the dinosaurs, and one of the worlds rarest species.
More than 400 different animals live in the gorges and plateaus, some are rare and have significant conservation value.
NSW conservationists claim the listing to be
one of their greatest successes. The longest serving campaigner is 92-year-old Alex Colley, also one of our clubs longest term members. Alex said If we hadnt fought like tigers for the protection of the Blue Mountains they would not have been worth listing and-preserving. The Blue Mountains are not just for us anymore- theyre an asset for the world. The World Heritage Committee ensures that sites selected for listing are preserved. It is the responsibility of the State and its administrators to manage the area in a manner that will satisfy the requirements of the committee.
VEHICLES OFF BEACHES CAMPAIGN The Park Management Committee of the NPA is offering the opportunity to participate in a survey on how strongly the public feels that off- road vehicles should not be driven on beaches and sand dunes such as at Myall Lakes area. Please participate by completing the form contained in the brochure included with this magazine
The Sydney Bushwaiker March 2002 Page 11 |
The Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area
Newcastle &
. Gardens of a Sten NP
Katoomba 2
The Sydney Bushwalker
March 2002 Page 12 |
A Perfect Walk in the Snowy Mountains (1st-5th November 2001) Stephen Adams We dashed down on a Thursday night immediately after work, just me and my mate, Tony, from Wales, no other starters. I hit a roo in the hire car I was driving, big un he was, smashed the glass on the headlight but the light still worked. Our enthusiasm un-dampened by this unfortunate incident, we ploughed on and made Geehi flats at about 3:00 a.m. Got the head down in the shelter shed there and set off in the late moming.
After some initial confusion about where to start the walk we made a short bush bash and a river crossing and stumbled on to the track leading to Hannels Ridge. There must be an easier way but Im buggered if I could find it. A glimpse of the snow covered peaks hinted at the paradise awaiting us as we commenced our ascent. The track is rapidly getting consumed by scrub, although there are plenty of blazes on trees to guide the lost or the lazy (we were both
at times) A pleasant ascent, it was getting late and we reckoned on camping at Moira's Flat. - We arrived and lo and behold it was habitable,
water only 100 metres away and nice grass to
sleep on. A very pleasant night was spent there
and we awoke to a 7.00 am. start on the trail. Grateful that the thick scrub diminished as we climbed higher, we were deposited into an alpine wonderland of gushing snowmelt waters and towering snowcapped mountains. We ascended Byatts Camp, then Abbots Peak; the mighty Mount Townsend beckoned us. Thick with snow, which luckily was firm underfoot, our early start had paid off. We charged to the top, the last 50 metres a wonderfully exposed boulder scramble. A lone skier was encountered on top and we then proceeded to the main objective, Mount Kosciusko, highest mountain in Australia, taking on Muellers Peak along the way just for jolly. We submitted and then headed for Cootapatamba Hut which stank, so continued along Swampy Plain River and found a delightful little camping spot where we were entertained by a frolicking wild brumby.
The next day we were homeward bound for Geehi Flats, we had 2 days to get there, I selected a route to the west, which follows an unnamed ridge which conveniently goes all the way to Geehi Flats, the only wild card is what will the scrub be like?
We soon found out, horrendous, 9 hours to do 6 kms bruised, battered and bloody we descended to a saddle (GR069619) Mt. Kosciusko sheet,
where we spent a pleasant nights camp in a ~|-
miraculous clearing in the scrub. Knowing that if this scrub continued it would take us more like four days to get back to the car we set off early on our last day,
Praise God in heaven, the scrub thinned an we had only medium timber to walk through. Good progress was made; we decided to drop down to the Alpine Way road to polish off the last 7 kms rapidly. This involved more thick scrub and a very steep descent and we were spewed out onto the road, knackered but happy.
An hour later we were back at the car all scrub forgotten about and already scheming new walks for the future. It was an orgy of pain, suffering, stress and anxiety, interspersed with ecstatic elation and breath catching excitement. In short, a perfect walk in the Snowies and we loved it.
An Interesting Day Walk Jim Percy On Saturday 23” February I led 13 walkers in an unbumt and little-known area in the Blue Mountains. The walk started at Lawson station, through Lawson Park, and used an old fire trail track to cross above Dantes Falls and reach the start of Bruces Walk, an historic track constructed in 1931 from Mt Victoria to Lawson. The track was made using the original power transmission line access points.
The line of course goes straight across country, so the track similarly dips and climbs through the various rainforest-clad slopes and creeks that run down to the cliffs and drop off into side creeks to Wentworth Creek and eventually to the Grose. Some great exploring here for the adventurous!
The track has shelter caves with old hand- hewn seats and stone fireplaces, some well- preserved steel ladders and one old wooden one, which looks dreadful but allowed us all to get up a cliff without collapsing. Lunch was quiet and peaceful: it is surprising how remote the area seems although it is not far from the highway.
It was a warm summer day. The coachwood glens were cool, and the slopes of Mountain Ash, fairly cool, but the scramble up to the tops of the ridges was quite warm, and picking our way through fallen hakea was hot and scratchy, so we were glad to finish along an overgrown fire-trail and to saunter through the salubrious streets of Wentworth Falls.
Nearly everyone ruined a good days healthy activity at the cafe before catehing the 4 oclock train, or braving the roads. A lovely day enjoying an unusual area.
11 members, 1 prospective and 1 visitor. Party total of 13. The Sydney Bushwalker
March 2002 Page 13 |
Marra Marra Magic Zol Bodlay Due to rain this walk moved from Sat 2 Feb to Sat 9 Feb otherwise it went to plan although cut short a little due to the threat of a thunderstorm . The rest of day was sunny with some cloud.
The party visited 2 Aboriginal cave painting sites and 3 Aboriginal engraving sites; had a long lunch and swim at a magical swimming hole. The walk of 22km was mainly off-track, through light scrub. Marra Marra was untouched by summer bushfires.
The eight members finished with milkshakes at Yoothamurra kiosk.
A Successful Re-Location Richard Darke My walk was originally planned to be a tour of swimming holes on Erskine Creek in the lower Blue Mountains, but due to the fire damage, a late change was necessary, and the fall back was to an old favourite. I chose a 14km easy/medium section of the Great North Walk from Berowra Station, down to Berowra Waters, and then the series of 3 climbs, drops and climbs on to Cowan station. I had not done this walk for a while, but the experience was a reminder that unexceptional walks can be just as pleasurable from time to time as more adventurous challenges, especially when in good company, as was the case on the day.
Five lucky people were therefore able to benefit, namely Chris Dowling, Vicki Gamary, myself, and two prospectives - Patrick McNaught and Leanne McDonald, both of whom are strong walkers - this was I believe for each of them their first walk with SBW.
It was a beautiful, sunny, 28 degree day after a lot of rain, so the creeks were as full as I have seen them in that area, and we re-discovered just how scenic that area really is on a sparkling day - and so close to home, with no early morning tush to get started. The nicest point in the heat and after all the rain was being able to sit na deep creek pothole to cool off with a decent waterfall cascading onto one's head at the first creek encountered after Berowra Waters. It proved to be a lovely, leisurely, relaxing day for all of us.
an Rannard advises that his Brisbane Waters Day Walk, shown on the Walks Programme as
: Wanted! Short atticles promoting a recent walle or a coming walk in an interesting area.
Weekend on the Kowmung Stephen Adams A Friday night start with a party of ten starters, five of us stayed out in the bush Friday night and the other five indulged in a night of drunken debauchery * at the Walk Secretary's house before joining us on Saturday morning. The party consisted of five members and five new (prospective) members.
We enjoyed (endured) hot and humid conditions with thunderstorms providing drenching before, during and immediately after the walk.
After relatively easy walking on Saturday, mostly downhill, we i camped at the “Grid Iron Bends 3 mm is on Kowmung River. Excellent = swimming opportunities abounded, and were taken advantage of in the heat, before we set off on a side trip to check out Tuglow Caves via *Blackberry Gully, a treacherously slippery ascent through the granite cliff line, covered with blackberry bushes. OUCH!!!
There are numerous caves there, all of which require caving experience and equipment to fully explore safely so we headed back to camp after having a good sniff around.
The usual, fine wine and humour around the camp fire that night was interrupted by a thunderstorm which sent us all scurrying for the shelter of our tents and it proceeded to rain heavily throughout the night - luckily stopping by morning.
Sunday was a more challenging day, with an early start. Straight up “Blackberry Gully with full packs. and numerous steep ascents for the rest of the day interspersed with deliciously cool swimming, in particular at Box Creek Falls, where party members could have their own bath with a view.
An excellent walk in an interesting and seldom visited area. I shall assiduously study my maps and conjure up more walks in the future for this area, possibly not in the Summer again though.
* Carol advises that the description drunken
debauchery at her house greatly exaggerates a
most enjoyable night.
The Midweek Walkers Group:
We maintain a list of members available for mid-week walks, cycling and other activities. A newsletter is sent out every second: month advising of programmed and off-programme activities.
If you would like your name added to the list please advise Bill Holland, phone 9484 6636
The Sydney Bushwalker
March 2002
Page 14 |
A White Christmas Trip
On Boxing Day 2001 twenty people left a hot arid burning Sydney, wearing shorts and traveled to Smiggin Holes in the Snowy Mountains and armnved in a heavy fall of large white snow flakes and very cold air. We stayed in the Windarra Ski Lodge, with plans to walk every day to explore the high country.
Day 1! Drive to Charlotte Pass and walk the
Lakes Walk
Going down to the Snowy River and on to Blue Lake we passed through the newly fallen snow. The wind was howling and the sun was burning
as we reached the saddle that overlooks Mount
Sentinel and Watsons Crags. This 22 kilometre walk was to warm us up for some more hard walking over the remainder of the week. From the saddle we headed south over Mounts Carruthers, Lee and Northcote and past Club Lake, Lake Albina Muellers Pass and Mount Townsend and up to Mount Kosciuszko. These enormous hills are alive with white daisies, yellow buttercups and hectares of flowers of many colours. On the peak of the main range ' you can see both sides for fifty kilometres.
Day 2. Explore the Ramshead Range.
To get to the walk we drove to Thredbo, left cars at Dead Horse Gap and took the Crackenback chair lift to the top. The range is above the tree
' lune and once again you can see forever. This
' side of the summit is different, it is strewn with large roundish boulders which at high points are heaped up into enormous cairns. Lunch was taken at North Ramshead beside one of these
* high points and some stacked rocks called
' Father and Son. You walk through varying
“vegetation, fields of grey leafed daisies, soft grasses and areas of strong smelling bushes like bonsai Morton Bay Figs. There are yellow, white and purple flowers stewn with chalk-white
. dead bushes and branches and granite rocks of
'-all sizes that were covered with mosses and
lichens of green, black, yellow and grey. Some areas were covered with snow from last winter and from the last few days. The snow provides ammo for snow fights.
Day 3. The north end of the area between Guthega and Schlink Pass
We drove to Guthega and left cars at Munyang. *<}
, Going up the ridge we enjoyed the twisted -multi-coloured snow gums. Once above the tree _ line, the wind was strong and the sun burning, but the huge rolling hills and the grasses and flowers made very pleasant walking. After passing Consett Stephen Pass we were on the ridge of the main range again. We passed through the Rolling Grounds, the Granite Peaks
by David Trinder
and stumbled down through some scrub to the White River Hut.
Day 4. was the last link that connected the whole traverse from Dead Horse Gap to the Schlink Pass area along the main range. From Mount Twynam we could see seven kilometres down the main range to Mount Tate and across to the Guthega spur, a distance of about sixteen kilometres that we were about to walk. We passed Mount Anton, Mount Anderson, Mount Tate and Consett Stephen Pass always above the tree line and across rolling hills past crags and bluffs and through gardens of vegetation that a landscape designer might try to copy.
Since we had completed the link we took it easy with two easier walks in different places on the last two days. On the evening of the last day of the year, the group contributed their skills to produce a highly entertaining concert. There was a puppet show, recitals, plays, especially written poetry and bush dancing.
On the 2 January we left the area amid
_another snowstorm
[ u
The Sydaey Bushwalker
March 2002 Page 15 |
Soraksan National | Park Mount Sorak Return
Mr Kims recommendations as to my first days walking in the park having had an affect on my body that required a Korean sauna and Soju (Korean Vodka) to alleviate, I decided to do some pre trip route validation. They say a good journalist corroborates his story with three independent sources prior to publication (or is this just an urban myth?), anyway in the best tradition of the Skeptics I asked a lot of questions. This revealed that the end part of my proposed Day Two circular walk was not possible due to track closure. So if I wanted to get to Mt Sorak it would have to be an in and out walk. I reasoned that the view walking down was different to that walking up and thus it should be OK. In fact it was, very much so! Walking to Mt Sorak is something that all
Koreans aspire to do at least once in their lives. There are 3 approach routes and as J intending to use the main one I expected a fair amount of hardening. This was fairly substantial for about 7 kms in the form of a road and then a concrete path along the valley floor. This had the advantage of letting you stroll along and enjoy the view. As the valley narrowed the granite spires began to emerge. These grow in stature and grandeur as the day progresses. They each have names which have been applied over the centuries and are accompanied by Grimm fairy tale like stories. Here be-sported mountain spirits to lure and test maid, monk and man through the fully litany of human frailty and tragedy.
. These. stories can be read from the Park
Ian Wolfe
literature whilst sitting in an easy chair at the adjacent tea house whilst contemplating the geological marvel. The granite is pink in this part of the park with a lovely rosy hue. Through deep pools and across great sloping sheets of rock the water cascades and plunges. As can be imagined the lure of this creeping decadence has to be guarded against and ones face kept turned to the upward path.
Further up the valley these teahouses become combination-hiking huts which offer basic accommodation and food for a price. The price gets cheaper for accommodation but more expensive for the plainer food as the height increases. Certainly the height increases as the path leaves the streams and climbs up a long, long gully to a saddle. This is in semi rainforest where shade is gratefully received in summer. Sorak is best in autumn with the turning of the leaves or in spring with the blossom. Winter is also possible but requires snowshoes for the upper sections or like I did, come in summer and sweat.
The saddle provided a connecting track to the austere Hoe-ungak Shelter at 1020m (bare boards and 9inches width of sleeping space per person) but set in a lovely mountain forest bowl. The next section climbs what I call an elevator ridge i.e. steep but even gradient going on forever. Problem was that this one curved slightly to the left as it rose thus allowing you to see all 700m to be climbed. Frequent rests to take in the view helped alleviate the trudge up the hill. Also the vegetation progressively changed with the final section being very alpine.
The objective is Mt Sorak known as Taechongbong at 1708m. Before that is Chungchongbong at 1676 which has to be skirted as it is a Korean Army radar facility guarding the border which is only the horizon away. The last section is Kossie like and required the Gore-Tex to be donned to cut the wind chill. Views extend to the adjacent East Sea (which everyone, except the Koreans, calls the Sea of Japan) as well as up and down the mountain range/escarpment.
I soaked up the view for a while and traced Mr. Kims suggested route. This was a ridge walk which took in the other side of the valley that I had walked up. To complete it would be a very big day due to the numerous ascents of knolls and peaks. Pll admit I was tempted (how soon we forget the aches of ones body) but the fairly explicit Keep Out signs, which even my basic Korean, could interpret dissuaded me.
(continued next page)
iz The Sydney Bushwalker
March 2002 Page 16 |
Soraksan National Park (continued)
Instead it was back down to the hut in the saddle just below for lunch. Here another route joined up to my track and it came from a highway which crossed a pass about 2/3rds of a day away. If I was to retum to Sorak (and I am tempted) I would come in this way with a 3-4 day pack and walk south to north staying at the Huts for two of the nights. Drop off and pick up would however require prior coordination with the aid of a Korean speaker. Such a walk could follow the high ridges and join up with the high part of the walk I had done the day before to form a grand traverse.
The trip back down was delightful as I tarried and dawdled to enjoy the view. In particular the sparkling pools were enjoyed in the valley below. The day was also a bit hazy and this combined with the afternoon sun flushed the pink granite into a deep blush of colour. In all a day with a lot of climbing and a tremendous array of changing views both near and far.
Next day I completed quite a nice short walk to the Yukdam and Piryong waterfalls as well as taking the cable car up to Kwongkumsong Peak. This is an eagles nest site of an old refuge built to escape the Mongols and is a now a small Buddhist temple. It provides stunning views of the centre section of the park. It would also have been the terminus of Mr Kims circular walk if the track had been open. These last two trips are tourist walks and helped round off my sojourn in the Park whilst waiting for the midday bus. Thus Soraksan has a range of walking options for all tastes and fitness levels. Certainly it rates as one of the top 20 scenic Parks in the world and is well worth a special trip if you find yourself in Korea.
Visit the very good website www.npa.or.kr and select Soraksan from the top right of the map for a peak. Has some good photos and live animation if you have the software. lan Wolfe
Here are four of the six members and a visitor who enjoyed an easy bike ride of 30km along the beaches
and reserves from Bulli to Wollongong and return.
Regular cycling activities are scheduled in the Clubs Walks Programme. Additionally, mid-week rides are
scheduled at short notice often on a Thursday.
If you are free to cycle during the week please contact.
George Mawer 9707 1343
Summer Walk Rosemary MacDougal Our walk from the Basin in Pittwater on 16 February around the shores of West Head has to be one of the best summer walks close to Sydney.
Morie Ward introduced me to this walk many years ago. He had taken the time and trouble to explore a different way up to the ridge above the | Basin. He found a beautiful creek which he called Rainforest Creek; how apt a name it is.
Amidst the rain and stormy summer of Sydney, this day turned out to be perfect. After negotiating the scrub just above the water line to the north western side of the Basin we came to Rainforest Creek. Low tide is a better time to do. this when you can walk around the shoreline but I hadn't checked the tides in advance and so it was nearly high tide. .
Rainforest Creek is nestled amongst the rather scratchy, and I think, unattractive vegetation of Ku-ring-gai NP. It abounds with moss covered rocks and on this occasion a reasonable amount of running water. It is treasure in such an environment. :
Once at the top of the ridge, there is a dam which supplies water to the itinerant campers at the Basin. The Aboriginal carvings on the top are always interesting to visit.
After a short road bash (1.3ks) the track down to White Horse beach looms. This beach was our first swim and where we had lunch. By then it was high tide and the small rolling and even waves provided a great playground to cool off.
The walk around the bottom of West Head is quite demanding with plenty of boulder scrambling and never ending rock hopping. Activities on the water of fishing and sailing boats coming and going are a great diversion from the demanding task of contemplating each step.
There is another lovely beach on the northern end of West Head for swimming before tuming south to head to Mackerel Beach and the ferry home. We retumed in plenty of time to catch the 4.30 ferry back to Palm Beach.
The Sydney Bushwalker March 2002 Page 17 | NEW MEMBERS PAGE: Message from Kay Please Welcome: March brings me to the end of my tenure as The following new members New Members Secretary. I would therefore like Bradley Adrian Helene Bauer to take this opportunity to mention and thank all Jonathan Bligh Byron Comninos the members who have assisted me, and you, Cecily Freemaux Trevor Kloeden over the past year! John Lang Lee-Anne MacDonald To the New Members team, who assisted with Jacqueline O'Shea Frank Rosser
preparing and presenting the New Members Evenings: Gail and Tony Crichton, Heike
Krasse, Tony Manes, Mark Patteson and Henry
Tony Manes also. maintained the New Members address database, handled e-mail enquiries about membership and conducted tests in navigation at the clubrooms.
To the Coolana team, Patrick James and Bill Holland, who arranged the bushcraft instructional weekends at, Coolana and conducted tests in navigation and first aid. Bill also scoured each walks program for easy and qualifyimg walks and highlighted these on our New Members page in the magazine.
To the telephone team, Jennifer and Eddie Giacomel, Gretel and Wilf Hilder, Glad and Ian Rannard and Judy OConnor, who fielded all the new member enquiries-over the phone.
To Fran Holland, who printed all the New Member booklets, information sheets and forms.
To Gemma Gagne, Don Finch, Eddie Giacomel, Frank Grennan, Anne Maguire, Tan Rannard and Kris Stephenson who provided instruction in packing and cooking for overnight trips and in navigation.
A big thank you to all of you who signed up as
Prospective Members and saw it through to full membership! You are vital to the ongoing and future success of our club!
Finally, please welcome Heike Krausse, our new New Members Secretary. I hope Heike finds the role-as enjoyable and rewarding as I have done.
Wishing a year of enjoyable walking to all.
Kay en (outgoing New Members Secretary)
Nicole Trapnell
And Congratulations To: Alex Hunt who became a full member in March
Recommended Easy Day Walks
Please refer to the Autumn Walks Programme for contact details
Sunday 24” March _ Bouddi National Park An easy 10 km walk on a wonderful section of scenic coastline. The walk may be extended (option) by 5km to include Maitland Bay. Thursday 1]th April Brisbane Waters NP An easy 9 km walk at a slowish pace from Patonga to Pearl Beach and return. Some off- track and rockhopping.
Tuesday 23 April North Arm Walking Track Suburban (Castle Cove) easy walk through beautiful harbourside bushland.
Saturday 27” April Ku Ring Gai NP
Mackeral track etc to West Head. An easy walk for those wanting to take children or babies in backpacks.
Prospectives Training Week End:
All new members are encouraged to attend a training weekend on: Saturday, Sunday: 18”,19“ May The weekend offers practical training in navigation, first aid and bushcraft. It provides an ideal introduction to camping and a chance to extend your social contacts within the club.
Gear Bor Hire
wee have peeit” frtiatidte | Enough… to,, tedeive donations of good bushwalking. gear and will!
shortly. be ina position td hint out these. items to
new.mnemibers: This will assist those who. have r in obtaining the iteins necessary. for a. weekend: bushivalk4 i 6. pack, tent, Sleeping bag
and inat. etry
Details of hiring. arfingements will be publicised. . any thinks 10 ta those 9e wi
in coming magazines: have donated surplias'gear.
Hints on packing for a Walk:
Prepare a container (bag, box or similar) with basic items essential for every bushwalk e.g. first aid items, compass, sun protection, repellent, torch (with spare batteries) etc and keep this handy to your day pack or weekend pack.
Leave a checklist in the bag. This will save you valuable preparation time, - [ The Sydney Bushwalker
March 2002 Page 18 |
We are now into the third month of this years Social Programme, February was a mixture with the Members Survey Report night on 20“ February was very poorly attended (possibly reflecting a general overload of introspection after seven meetings in twelve months devoted to discussing various aspects of the Club) but the following week featuring slides and photos of Christmas walks was much better attended.
April has the start of some presentations on South America with Jan Mohandas leading off with slides etc on Patagonia.
My best wishes to the Vicky Garamy (your New Social Secretary). Gemma Gagne
Social Programme March:
Wed 27” Cheese, biscuits and Coffee with wine, laughter and other
distractions. April: Wed. .3rd Committee Meeting New Members Intro to SBW
Wed 10th General Meeting _ (Meet the new Committee)
Wed. 17th South America - Part 1 (Patagonia) Jan Mohandas will show slides and talk about members trip through South America last year. Bound to be an interesting presentation to whet your appetite for walking in this spectacular part of the South American continent.
Wed. 24th New Leaders Training Night with Wilf Hilder
We Want Your Surplus Gear ! No longer used but pre-loved and in good condition equipment to be hired out by our Club to new. prospective members
We would like to assemble 2 kits of suitable
is intended that each kit consist af:
I sleeping bag
1 inner sheet
1 pack
1 foam sleeping mat, .
1 ground sheet
1 lightweight (waterproof) tent
(microlight would be ideal)
If you can help. with any of the above items please contact our New Members Secretary with your offers of suitable equipment
Bushwalking Recipe Of The Month: This is one of my favourite bushwalking recipes - which I haven't used for a while now! Andrew, our guide on my Kakadu trip in 1992, cooked it one night and I have copied it several times since.
Salami, Deb & Onions and Beans
For 1 or 2 people, with weights given in brackets.
Salami (175 or 375g)
Deb & Onion (95 or 190g)
Dried Beans - as 1/2 or 1 packet
Enough water - 2 and-1/2 cups - for whole
packet of potato
(Total weight of foods 280/560g)
Slice salami thickly and cook, slowly on low heat
to release fat.
Keep some of the fat for flavouring the potato.
Boil water with beans and add potato as per
packet instructions.
Barbara Bruce
Financing a : Frog:
. A frog goes into a bank
and approaches the teller. He can see from her nameplate that her name is Patricia Whack. “Miss Whack, I'd like to get a $30,000 loan to take a holiday.” Pattie looks at the frog in disbelief and asks his name. The frog says his name is Kermit Jagger, his dad is Mick Jagger and that it's okay, he knows the bank manager. Pattie explains that he will need to secure the loan with some collateral. The frog says “Sure. I have this,” and produces a tiny porcelain elephant, about half an inch tall - bright pink and perfectly formed. Very confused, Pattie explains that she'll have to consult with the bank manager and disappears into a back office. She finds the manager and says, “ There's a frog called Kermit Jagger out there who claims to know you and wants to borrow $30,000, and he wants to use this as collateral.” She holds up the tiny pink elephant “I mean, what in the world is this? The bank manager looks back at her and says… It's a knick-knack, Pattie Whack. Give the frog . a loan. His old man's a Rolling Stone.”
We have to use with skill what simple equipment we can carry on our backs to achieve sheiter, If you really want to get the best prepare food and have a night's rest?
out of what you carry with you, . Paddy Pallin, 1900-1991
then move up to Black Diamond, exclusive to Paddy Pallin.
Black Diamond
Black Diamond Meenlight Headtorch: Constantly frustrated with replacing your torch battery? Then the Moonlight is for you. WIth 4 ultra bright, energy efficient LED bulbs, it provides 70 hours of constant light.
it weighs a mere 90g (without batteries) so you'll hardly know you're
carrying it. Ideal for night walking, cooking and reading.
Black Diamond Contour Trekking Pele: Trekking poles dont just RN TTS SET TAR EOL Ua ce RR I EA
improve your balance and
reduce the strain on your lower limbs; they help re-distribute the load to your upper limos as well, meaning you can keep going for longer. The Contour, featured, is ideal for comfort over jong periods of walking with an ergonomic 15 degree correction angle in the upper shaft and soft dual density hand grip. It also features a unique NEW adjustment system,
making these the most easily adjusted poles on the market.
Black Diamond Betamid Tent: When you want to go ultra-light or you need extra storage space, the Betamid has you covered. This compact,
floorless tent wilf go anywhere and pitches using a pair of trekking poles!
Weighing in at a fraction over 1kg, it sleeps two and stands strong
against the elements. (Optional, detachable tub floor is also available.)
Store locations: Sydney: 507 Kent Street Miranda: 527 Kingsway Parramatta: 74 Macquarie Street * Katoomba: 166 Katoomba Street Also in Canberra and Jindabyne Website: www.paddypallin.com.au
Mail order: 1800 305 398