Amongst the vast array of day packs that decorate the shelves of outdoor shops, it's difficult to pick something with the right features, what with 101 different types of nylon, all sorts
of different canvases, airflow systems, expanding pockets and neon colours.
So it's nice to know that if your the type of person that wants simple robust functionality that reflects years of local bushwalking experience with solid locally made material A then the BLUE MOUNTAINS TRIASSIC could Lf be your best companion for many years to come.
Tack Review
by David Noble 4& Australian 120z canvas It's good to see a pack made in the Blue Mountains for 4 Made in Katoomba the old traditional way use in the Blue Mountains. The Triassic features two A 40 litre aci
loaded, sitting down comfortably in the lumbar region of & Proper hip loading with 2 shoulder strap sizes the back. This is sometimes difficult especially if you are a for walking comfort
taller person. The harness system also includes a thick F $ : waist belt and chest strap enabling a tight fit which is Wide throat for easy loading and unloading
& great when climbing over rocks. 4 Buckle up front pocket with internal divider The volume is large enough to allow a 50m rope and. & Top lid pocket wetsuit to easily fit in and the top is made larger so that f& Extendable lid for overloading
large front pocket for those essential items such as a 4 Padded hip belt with 38mm buckle & Hip belt retainer for city use (conveniently holds
torch, and a top pocket for the map and camera. The pack is large enough to be used as a weekend pack the hip belt back and out of the way
when no ropes etc. are needed. This can keep the bulk
down and stop you from packing too much on those & Padded back (removable) ere bushwalks. to let , 4. Thumb loops on shoulder straps for more e Triassic is made from durable 120z canvas whic! . can withstand the abuse given to it in canyons and when comfortable walking ; walking through scrub. All the seams are double stitched & Internal compression strap for halding down and sealed to prevent failure. It is also very water proof, your canyon rope on a recent trip down Hole In The Wall canyon, no F . rar water entered the main compartment despite a number & Side compression straps for minimising volume of lengthy swims. 4 Storm throat to keep out the rain The pack is bush green in colour making the walker @ Hard wearing Cordura base almost invisible in the bush. This is handy for sneaking up & Price $159.00
on wildlife with a camera or just blending in to the wilderness as you walk along. Good for those who like to keep the visuaf impact minimal too. ONLY AVAILABLE AT A quality Blue Mountains pack for our tough conditions, the Triassic carries a lifetime quarantee on workmanship and materials.
Overall an excellent pack for either short or tall with the 2 shoulder strap options. And great for canyons or short
weekend trips. q ; p sp ort NB: David Noble is a keen canyoner and
bushwalker. He is also the discoverer of the rare
THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER is the monthly bulletin of matters of interest to members of
The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc
PO Box 431 Milsons Point 1565. Editor: Bill Holland Production Manager: Frances Holland Printers: Kenn Clacher, Barrie Murdoch,
Tom Wenman Don Brooks Margaret Niven
Changes tothe SBW Constitution
', ~Fhe resolutions passed, at the March AGM required changes to -be made to the Clubs
in-ani_ enclosure to this magazine and should be inserted in your copy of the Constitution ~
Wanted People at Places Photographs. Photographs for the anniversary CD-ROM are needed now in order to have a smooth workflow.
Post prints to SBW75, PO Box 431, Milsons Point, 1565; they will be returned to you after being scanned.
Photos in digital format can be emailed to or copied onto a disk and posted to the above address.
The photos need to be fully identified, who, when, where, why, etc. The people in the photos, you and/or your friends, should be recognisable, not the rear views of packs supported by legs, or faces hiding in deep shade.
Highlights Of The Social Programme May: : Wed 1* Committee Meeting
New Members Wed 8“ General Meeting Wed 15” South America (Peru) Wed 22 South America (Video) Wed 29 Club Insurance Cover
APRIL 2002
Issue No. 809
Index and Notices
Message From Our President Annual reunion
Editor's Note
The 2002 Annual General Meeting Barry Wallace
4. Bushwaiking Recipe Of The Month Roger Treagus
4. Park Closures Notice
5. Treasurer's Report Maurice Smith
5 A Note From Coolana Committee Don Finch 6-8. Out Of The Past - Origin Of Search And Rescue - Why The Golden Stairs - Meaning and origin of Currockbilly - Photo Of Dance Floor Cave 1932
11. The Wollemi Pine David Trinder 11. Message From A Member
42-13. Highest Volleys in North Africa
Roger Treagus 14-16. The Walks Pages 17. New Members Page 18 Social Notes ADVERTISERS:
Alpsport Front cover Eastwood Camping 9 Paddy Palin Back cover Wildemess Transit 7 Willis's Waikabouts 5
The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. | The Sydney Bushwalker
April 2002
Page? |
The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc.
This year we celebrate our 75“ anniversary.
The Club's main activity is bushwalking, but it has grown to include other activities such as ski touring, canyoning, abseiling, li-loing, cycling and social events.
Our Club meetings are held every Wednesday evening at 8 pm at Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre, 16 Fitzroy Street, Kuribilli (near Milsons Point Railway Station).
Visitors and prospective members are welcome. General Enquiries: Phone 0500 500 729 SBW Website
Office Bearers
President: Rosemary MacDougal Vice-President: Wilf Hilder
Public Officer: Maurice Smith Treasurer: Maurice Smith Secretary: — vacant – Walks Secretary: Carol Lubbers Social Secretary Vicki Garamy Membership Secretary Pam Morrison
New Members Secretary: Heike Krausse
Conservation Secretary: David Trinder Magazine Editor: Bill Holland Committee Member: Eddy Giacomel
Barry Wallace
Delegates to Confederation: Jim Callaway – vacant – *
Annual Subscription Now Due The Annual General Meeting on March 13th determined that the SBW Annual Subscriptions for 2002 would be:
Single Membership = $40-00 Household membership = $66-00 Non Active Membership =$15-00 Non Active + Magazine = $28-00 Magazine only = $15-00
Payment can be made by mail or at the Club on Wednesday nights. The form in last months magazine should be returned with your cheque to the Treasurer at our PO Box number.
Prompt payment will help reduce the Treasurer's work load and ensure that you are covered by club insurance and that you receive the magazine and walks programs.
Please also note any changes to your address or phone number on the form to permit Pam Morrison (our new Membership Secretary) to update! club records.
* Not applicable to Prospective Members
Message From Our President
My first month as President has been most interesting and I am learning about the many different facets of our club.
Firstly, I joined the team at Coolana for the annual reunion where a number of previous presidents were in attendance to oversee my investiture as president for the forthcoming year. It was great fun and thanks to all who made ita successful gathering.
Our new Committee has had its first meeting and I am grateful that the hand over from the old Committee has been very smooth.
The Review Sub-Committee is looking at producing a handbook which will be a helpful guide for leaders and members generally. Much work is still to be done but when completed it will be a handy tool for those who want to use it.
There continues to be a great diversity of members needs which was evident from the survey conducted last year. A variety of different types of walks was mentioned to cater for members changing circumstances. In a discussion today on a walk somebody mentioned the possibility of having short but fast walks which might take up half a day. An example would be to cover say 12 ks on a Saturday morning finishing at lunchtime. Another club is already doing that. Volunteers to lead such walks would be welcome.
One of our members Deirdre Kidd is on the sick list but I have been told that phone enquiries and visitors are welcome.
See you on the track Rosemary MacDougal
The Annual Reunion:
Great weather and a good crowd of about fifty+ people enjoyed the Annual Reunion at Coolana on the weekend 16”, 17th March. The tents were up, an early happy hour or two before the bonfire was lit and the festivities began.
Patrick, as usual, had organized the entertainment, many participated and the evening finished for some well after midnight although the majority was off to bed after the supper provided by Spiro.
The next day was quieter, damper making in the morning, some leaving early and others having a leisurely break. A great weekend!
“Sydney Bushwalker Collating
Members are invited to assist with the collating of the May magazine and the Winter Walks Programme at the Holland's home at Westleigh on Thursday 16” May. Contact Fran Holland beforehand for details on 9484 6636.
vay ee,
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Page 3
or er rn Editors Note: BS This month the magazine includes three pages. of articles and photos under the heading Out of the Past a theme consistent with the celebration of our seventy-fifth anniversary year. I welcome your contributions on this theme in coming months.
The Walks Pages have been expanded as walk reports come in. My hope is that leaders will submit short reports of walks in the preceding month, promotional articles about walks in the coming months and longer reports of interesting walks in past months.
Our Club is encouraging participation in walks, particularly weekend or extended walks which have been a feature of SBW over the years. However, participation in walks should start when members join the club. Many may not be famihar with the style or location of our walks. Short walk reports may inform them and promotion of coming walks may encourage them. ;
We ask new members to start with easy day/weekend walks and progress to more difficult walks ~ yet when [ look at our current Autumn Walks Programme I find very few walks graded as easy. Of the 54 walks over three months (excluding mid-week walks) there are only 4 day walks graded as easy (none in the amonthy of. May) and 4 graded as easy/medium. There are no weekend walks in this programme suitable for inexperienced newcomers.
This is not a criticism of our Walks Secretary, Carol, who can only place walks that are offered by our leaders. Instead, it is. a message to our experienced members/leaders not to forget that all of us were new to bushwalking at first and gained experience by going on easy walks. If we are to hold our newer members and encourage them to gain the skill and enthusiasm to participate in weekend walking we must offer them the training by having a balanced walking programme.
Bill Holland
Contact The Editor: Copy for publishing in the SBW magazine should be received by the editor by the end of the first week of each month. Letters stating your viewpoint on matters of interest are most welcome.
Please send your submission in by mail (preferably typed), on floppy disc, by fax or by
email addressed to The Editor Telephone: 9484 6636 Email:
Fax: 9980 5476 (phone 9484 6636 first)
- The 2002 Annual General Meeting.
The meeting began at around 2009 with some 48 or so members present. Apologies were tendered for Alex Colley, Anthea Michaelis, Don Matthews, Ian Debert, Hynes and Geoff and Grace Wagg.
The minutes of the previous Annual General meeting were read and accepted as a true and correct record. There were no matters arising from these minutes.
No items of correspondence were presented for consideration by the meeting.
The annual reports were taken as read, and received.
Financial statements and the accounts for the year past were taken as read, and received.
Two procedural motions were then passed to facilitate the election of office bearers concurrent with the business if the meeting, and to define the system for counting of votes. Two scrutineers were chosen and the elections ptoceeded. The results were published in last months magazine.
The rate for annual subscriptions for the coming year was determined based on a recommendation from the incoming treasurer.
A vote of thanks to the Hon. Auditor and the Hon. Solicitor was moved and _ passed unanimously.
Each of the four constitutional changes proposed was considered and passed by the meeting
From there it was a simple matter of passing by acclamation a vote of thanks to the outgoing office holders and the meeting closed at 2208. Barry Wallace
Would you like to see what is held in the Club's archives spanning 75 years?
people or special occasions or documents that could become part of
“ the archives? Are you interested in
gaining a glimpse of SBW history? If so, you are invited to the CLUB ARCHIVES WEEKEND F 1ith &12th MAY
Come to our house in Westleigh for
for one of the days or for a few hours. You can assist with organizing, sorting, filing or just browsing.
We need your help - so mark your calendar and give us a phone call so we can get the coffee mugs ready. Fran and Bill Holland 9484 6636
weet ee ee wee te ee
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iz The Sydney Bushwalker
April 2002 Page4 |
oo Pari Closures: * a BY All leaders are advised ta, check on n pat aldsuies .
advic on park closures may be found at the NPWS website: www. npwes. cutee closures
flood and park. closure unt aly 6th Aon . 2002. | :
Garawarra SRA Parr SRA, are ailctosd Heathcate. National Park. closed Nattai | National Park is.clased .-
the park remain closed. However all maity roads and picnic areas are open as ave, walking, fk in areas not affected-by fire… Jo ' Thirlmere Lakes National Parki is plosed. Blue Mountains. National Park. the following . areas are. closed: All bumt areas. in: Blue |
Labyrinth area,
MeMabons Lookout; } areas
walking: track is, closed fom, just past: the: junction of the Rocket Point Track. - .. Wollemi National Park_is -Open with . the ' following exceptions: :- - , All burnt: ground remains. closed north of
Wollenii Creek ~ and - ae Waterhole.. ' Tigersnake Canyon is tlosed.
risk and ead fo pice habit The latest
Bargo SRA Burragoiatig SRA Naitai SRA ;
Royal National Park: Alt fire-atibicted areas of.
Andersons Fire Trail ; Rings Tableland Roa to |
Railmotor Ridge, cast of Mt Cameron to the | Putty Rd-and north to the Wolgan River, |
First Aid Certificates for Leaders:
To encourage our walks leaders to get their St Johns First Aid Certificate, the Committee has offered to subsidise current Walks Leaders for half the cost of
fr} % gaining an accredited Senior wo CS t First Aid Certificate up to $50 and if combined with an accredited Remote Area First Aid, up to $80. This will be for a
Like To Travel To Chile ?
I am planning a field trip to Chile to gather information for an updateof my travel publication “TC Chile and Easter Island”. This trip will take place either in October 2002 or February 2003 and last 8 weeks to three months; it would be possible to lead a group of Sydney Bushwalkers on part of this trip.
Traveling in Chile is dictated by season. If we leave in October the group will visit first the northern part of Chile from the Peruvian border south to La Serena, and then the lakes district from PucAn to Valdivia.
Alternatively, if the trip commences in February 2003 we shall start in Region Magallanes and continue back to Santiago via Region Aysen, Region Los Lagos; some northern regions will be included.
Proposed Itinerary - October 2002
Sydney- Buenos Aires Santiago (3 % days) - Vallenar (1% days) Calama/San Pedro (8 days) Iquique (4 days) - Arica (6 days) - Antofagasta (2 days) - Copiapo (22 days) - La Serena (3 days) - Temuco/Lakes district (8 days) - Valdivia (4 days) - Santiago 3 days - Buenos Aires Sydney (1 day)
Preliminary cost estimate: A$4000
Inquiries: Gerry Leitner, Phone: 9608 1169 email:
Bushwalking Recipe Of The Month: Here is a recipe from Roger Treagus for Bush Beef Bourginon for 2 servings on overnight walks Ingredients: 300grams chuck steak;1 onion; tb flour, 1/4 ts pepper, 1/2 ts thyme; 1/2 ts marjoram; a couple of beef stock cubes; 300m! of burgundy or cheap plonk, a few small mushrooms. Wrap steak up in newspaper to dry it so it will keep. Ingredients are lightweight except for meat and wine. Total weight may be 750-850g. Best to have on Ist night out. Instructions; Cut meat irito l-inch cubes and marinate with the wine in a bag before the walk. Your walk strides will help the marinade work. At camp, saut the mushrooms and onions and add water and make up the stock. Slow cook the meat at the edge of the fire slowly adding stock to keep the simmer going. The secret is in keeping the cooking process slow so best started during happy hour. When tender enough add mushrooms and onions to fully cook in with the meat on fast cook in middle of fire for 10 minutes. Serve with leftover plonk as an accompaniment. You'll fly the next day. The Syduey Bushwalker
April 2002
Page 5 |
Treasurers Report - March 2002. Bank Account Balance Feb'28 $12,065
Subscriptions 2,286 Other 430 Total Income 2,716 Rent 920 Magazine Paper 12,184 Mag/Ann report Postage 689 Other 907 Total expenses 4,700 Balance 31 March $10,081
Its a busy time for me in my new role as the Club's Treasurer. The annual subscriptions are aTiving in the post office box. Remember now, if you havent paid your subscription it is now due for payment. If you dont pay you will lose your membership rights. So come on, dismantle the razor wire guarding your cheque book. Write your subs cheque today and mail it together with the payment advice to:
The Treasurer - Sydney Bush Walkers Inc
PO Box 431 Milsons Point NSW 1565
Pll be happy to receive and bank your subscription cheque payment. Despite the subscription renewal notice asking members not to send currency through the mail a few brave members have done so. So far as I know all such money has arrived safely. But if it goes astray in the mail system dont go mad at me, for your own protection I ask that please pay by cheque. Maurice Smith
A Note from the Coolana Committee
The Coolana Committee recent activities were mostly aimed at preparing the camping area ready for the reunion which was a great success, see separate reunion report elsewhere in this magazine for details. Joan has been continuing with an ongoing weed poisoning program. While Bill, Barry, Gemma, Patrick and others have been weeding mowing and maintaining Coolana. By the reunion weekend Coolana looked a picture.
Some members seem to be a bit confused as to the intent and impact of the decision to form 2 Landcare group at Coolana. For a start, this is not a complete change in the way that Coolana is managed. It is an adjunct and an extra resource - a tool that can be used when required.
As for the impact, that will depend on the number of people who get involved in any particular project. It is SBW members, with the Coclana Committee, who will make a plan to work on a particular project, given that the number of volunteers are usually very small, the projects may be modest.
The Coolana Committee welcomes your involvement. The Club is fortunate to have such a wonderful property at its disposal but it is a property requiring care and maintenance as well as providing opportunities for recreation and rest. Don Finch
The Gorges of the Gibb River Road
No other regularly scheduled Gibb River and the upper tsdali Gorge. Road tour takes you away from the roads and shows you wonderful gorges which wil remain forever unknown
to non-walkers.
Highights inciude the entice Lennard Gorge, Diamond Gorge, sic Joke Gorge
Want something easier? Our Ligbt-Pack Exclorer lets you exclore one of the myst lemote widerness ereas in the Kimberley, without carryig reore than 4 deypack. Want something reore challenging?
We offer a variety of two and three
week expeditions.
Ask far our brochure oF visit
_ Willis 5 wate 12 Carrington St Millner NT 0810 Email: a Phone: (08) 8985 2134.
our website ard pick the Sn trip vehich suits you. A ot Bz %, SE Beaty igs ee RM Roce
Fax: (08) 8985 2355. vemanme The Sydney Bushwalker
April 2002
Page |
FROM OUT OF THE PAST (75 Years of SBW History)
The Origin Of Search And Rescue:
The following letter explains the origin of the Search And Rescue Group of The Confederation Of Bushwalking Clubs. More recently, theS & R Group has been renamed Wilderness Search and Rescue…,,,. Ed
DX Letter To The Editor
There 'were a couple of points omitted from the tribute to the bush walking life of Jean Moppett in December 2001's Sydney Bushwalker.
In August 1936 Jean Trimble, her future
husband Tom, and Oliver Moriarty made an epic 16 day winter crossing from Kiandra to Kosciusko. They were snowbound for three days in Mawson's hut by the same blizzards that were to take the life of Cleve Cole on Mt Bogong. ' The following October four young men became overdue on the popular walk from Blackheath to Richmond. A party of about thirty bushwalkers, led by Paddy Pallin and Gordon Smith, divided into smaller groups of 4 -5 and entered the Grose Valley. They located the lost party's tracks and were within several kilometres of finding them when a separate police party made contact.
Following the search Paddy sent a letter to the Federation [now Confederation of Bushwalking
Clubs] requesting that the whole question of a search and rescue body be referred to a committee. The Federation found the concept of a Search. & Rescue Section acceptable and preliminary organisation of the Section was completed by February 1937. Assisting Paddy as secretary was Jean Trimble, the only female on the committee, who had also been involved in the Grose search.
Search & Rescue Section conducted a number of practice weekends till late 1939 when the number of male walkers dropped due to commitments. It is unknown how long Jean remained the secretary.
Whilst attendance during the Second World War on clubs' walking programs would have been down it would appear that there still was a need, even if only perceived, for the retention of a Search & Rescue Section. A motion to appoint a new convenor and secretary in 1942 did not appear to have been fully answered. There were several calls in 1944 for Search & Rescue to be re-organised. By November 1944 Jean Moppett reported that Search & Rescue had not made any further progress in numbers. (There had been nine alerts with one search going out between 1943-45).
75th Anniversary Celebrations:
We tum Seventy-five on 21* October 2002. A significant birthday that deserves to be celebrated with gusto. To help with your planning reserve the whole of October for SBW activities. The actual dates are: 19”/20“ October. T his will extend to the Monday as well to celebrate the actual ! birthday. The Coolana details are still on the drawing board and will be revealed in due course.
The Dinner Booked for Friday 25 October. The options for the dinner will be announced at the he May = general meeting giving one and all the opportunity to express their view.
# Reunion at Coolana.
75th Anniversary Tee-shirts These will be available in a couple of months. These will be Australian = made crew neck Tee-shirts; any colour you like as long as its navy or white with a neat logo over/on the left breast. The Tee-shirts can be worm walking, at home, at work, or any where that smart casual is the
= Anniversary Walks. A database has been prepared of the 829 SBW walks held between 1927 and 1937. These walks will be edited into a walks list of some 300 to 400 walks which members can consult in the Club rooms in order to celebrate bushwalking by bushwalking. More of this next month.
Each month a new aspect of the celebrations will be announced so watch this space.
iB aonacansananssansesnecencnans
April 2002
iL x -.. ,, The Sydney Bushwalker
Page7 | FROM OUT OF THE. PAST (75 Years of SBW History) Why The Golden Stairs? Ron Knightly * As you walk out or homeward along the Narrowneck Peninsula near Katoomba, you may notice a sign proclaiming that you are passing the top of The Golden Stairs. And, if you have ever walked up or down them, you are certain to wonder, How in heavens name did they ever eam such a euphemistic label?. Unless you are already in the know, that is. Now, for those who are not, read on. In the latter 1800s there were established in the Jamison Valley two townlets. One, for the coal miners, somewhat below the present day Scenic Railway, the other near the Ruined Castle, for the kerosene shale miners. They were linked by a level track for horse drawn trams. This track will be familiar to you if you have done Solitary. Over in the Megalong Valley another mining town was established. Linked to their mines by another horse drawn tramway. Anyone who has taken part in a Redledge ~ Mitchells Pass walk will know its remnants. As there was already a passable road into the Megalong Valley from Blackheath, a hotel also graced the Megalong community. In later times, Its location would become a much used Friday night campsite for bushwalkers. Now, the existence of this hotel nled the Jamison crowd somewhat. Whereas the Megalong mob cold slakes their collective thirst at weekends, the Jamison men just got thirstier and thirstier. However, being action-orientated rather than contemplative, they soon set about creating a remedy. They carved a set of steps up the causeway and, down the Megalong side, established a set of iron ladders known as Dixons Ladders (they were later renamed by the Water Board and unromantically known as The Water Board Ladders thereafter.) Thus, the Jamison miners could, in a matter of two hours after downing their working tools for the weekend, be carousing in the Megalong pub. Unverified tradition has it that, climbing up the Jamison side; theyused to sing a Salvation Army song, Climbing Up The Golden Stairs To Heaven. Their Heaven was of course, that Megalong Valley pub. As a post script, I would add_ that, subsequently, a tram tunnel was punched right through The Causeway, linking the two tramways - - - and, fortuitously, shortening the miners rout to Heaven. There is still at least an airway through that old tunnel (well I can vouch for winter 95), which can be simply verified. About 20 to 30 minutes walk from the foot of the Stairs towards Katoomba, a little runnel of rusty water crosses the track, confined by two pieces of wood. Some metres to the left two fallen boulders form a squeeze way beyond which is the tunnel entry. If a westerly is blowing, you will feel quite a breeze on your face as you peer into the darkness. ** Originally printed inan earlier issue of the Sydney Bushwalker. Ron Knightly has since passed away Last months 75 Anniversary Photo The names of the SBW members appearing in the 1929 group photo taken in the Royal National Park were not known at the time of publishing last months magazine. As always in SBW somebody has the answer and the members have now been identified as: Back Row: Rene Brocone, Jack Debert, Cliff Ritson, Reg Hewitt Front Row: Marge Hill, Brenda White, Maurie Berry, Anice Duncan, Jean Malcolm Nsw WILDERNESS TRANSIT | Bis I 0 cise 4 | JENOLAN Caves. KANANGRA Was. | VERRANDERIE Gaost TOWN STARLIGHTS TRACK. BUNGONIA CAVES. Woa WoG. NenkiGa , Departs from Sydney's Campbelltown Railway Station Vie Penvitn, Kaiodenba & Blackheath for Kanangra Walls Mon & Wed at 14am, Frid af 7am Retums 4pm Mon, Wed, Frid. Via Starlighis, Mittagong & Marulan for Wog Wog-Nerriga Tues.& Thurs & Sun at 11am Retums 4 pm Tues, Thurs, Sun. | Yerranderie Ghost Town first Saturday in each seanth, returns Sun at 1 om (any Friday min 6) Group booking discounts er charter service i Tel 0246 832 344. Mob 0428 832 344 . - The Sydney Bushwalker April 2002 _ Pa t FROM OUT OF THE PAST (75 Years of SBW History) _ Here is a letter explaining the origin of Mount Currockbilly the highest point in the Budawangs 1 ~a favourite SBW walking area THE MITCHELL LIBRARY SYDNEY, Zhth January, 1950 Nr. LF. Noble, 46 Mary Mire BEECROFT NW. Rear Sir, i ucine in angwer to your letter of danuaty 15 asking for the meaning and erigin of the place reame Currockhilly the highest point in the Budavany Rane. The newt ia recorded hy Surveyor Hoditle in his report of a survey of the Clyde River, 1528 (Field Book 796) hut there way be earlier references. | e are unahle to give you' any definite information abour its meaning but ic sounds as if it might be a corruption of an aborigiml word in which case the sords below from The Thoorgs language* by R.#, Yathew, Bid. Seay. dour. 4 vol. 17, UD1-2 2)S. 4%, T3 may be of interest ; Samrige ~Bug-qa-ran kar-rick-bung-a-leen Sunget -~Buy-~gae-ran ea-rik-boo-yal The Thoorga tribe inhabited the area and 16 locks se if Bag- Qa-ran was their name for Sun. I think Currockbiily conid be a variation af the zecomi part of sunrise, kar-rick-hung a in only needa the bong to be altered to biily. In ig che sound of wourse ami not the spelling which matters in aboriginal words. This is, of course, just a personal Opinion. ! Yuurg faithtully isignature ancleas fsputy Mitchell Lisrariap Kanangra Walls 1932 oe And here is a group of SBW members in The Dance Floor Cave at ve Whether its bush walking, mountaineering, cross-country skiing, trek- king or travel, a pack is your best friend or worst enemy. Why? Because you depend on the agility and comfort that your pack provides. The Mont Moto-Active adjustable har- ness system is deceptively simple, fast to adjust and easy . -to fit. Available in three sizes and featuring inter- changeable harness compo- nents, a truly best fit is possible, and best fit means a truly comfortable carry. Innovative designs, WMonr detailed construc- tion and quality ma- terials. Back anatomically con- Country toured hip-belts. Pack + Spanduraand 3D Air-Flow fabrics for body contact points. * Bar tacks on the im- portant high stress points. * Tripte stitched with webbing bound seams to ensure massive seam strength. * Weuse Evazote foams, the most du- rable, high quality foams available. Hip-belt secures di- rectly to the allumin- ium frame-stays for direct load transfer. Only highest quality Durafiex buckles. The shoulder yoke adjusts independ- ently of the frame stays. OO AY . . Dual aluminium y Something Better. frame-stays adjusted and reinserted in seconds. Mont Adventure Equipment: The Australian company with over 20 years of manufacturing excellence. 3 Trelawney S stwood. eastwood jiscordesosea camping All pack lly fitted ks personally fitte centre by our experienced Staff. Aa Dy bE wT The Sydney Bushwalker April 2002 Page-10 | The Wollemi Pine - Survivor From The Time Of The Dinosaurs David Trinder International headlines were made when the Wollemi Pine was discovered in late 1994 by National Parks and Wildlife Services officers. It is a member of the conifer family Araucaniaceae, which is an ancient group of seed bearing plants dating back 300 million years. Conifers reached maximum diversity between 200 and 65 million years ago, when it had world wide distribution. After that time their range and diversity reduced and the family became extinct in the northern hemisphere. That was also the time when dinosaurs became extinct. The remaining parts of the family or genera were important components of the vegetation on the southern super continent of Gondwana but have since slowly declined, giving way to the more successful flowering plants. Botanists believed that this species had been extinct for a long time. Discovery of the Wollemi Pine was the more remarkable because they are tall and striking trees within 150 kilometres of Sydney, Australias largest city. As many of us know, the Wollemi has a rugged terrain and coupled with the poor fertility of the soil, discovery and exploitation had not occurred. The sandstone area is criss-crossed with hundreds of canyons, sometimes only a few metres wide and hundreds of metres deep. The ndges and canyon sides are dominated by Eucalypt species but the canyon floors, 'with a warm temperate and low light atmosphere, are dominated by Coachwood and Sassafras. It is in these places that the Wollemia nobilis occurs. . According to senior research scientist, Ken Hill Wollemia has an unusual characteristic. Its leaves are broad-based and have no mechanism for being shed when they have passed their useful lifespan. Other trees develop a > gpecialised layer of cells at the leaf fasethat | allows ageing leaves to fall. The Wollemi Pine gets rid of its old leaves by shedding the whole branch. This gives the litter on the forest floor a distinctive nature, and it was that that alerted the discoverer, David Noble, to the presence of the trees. Older trees develop a branching crown. During their lives additional trunks branch out from the main trunk. The old trees have many trunks of different ages, and the onginal trunk may have long gone. These additional trunks . are a characteristic strategy for surviving environmental pressures such as drought and fire. A section cut from a fallen tree was taken for research and was found that the 40 cm diameter trunk was about 350 years old, but the researcher said that the original tree could have been much older, hundreds or perhaps thousands of years. Samples from the Wollemi Pine have been compared with fossils of the same species and it was concluded: that it is likely that the new genus was present over an extensive area of eastem Australia and possibly over a much wider geographical range including India, Antarctica, New Zealand and southern America. It also appears likely that the pine was present #*) over a vasttime span from 225 million years aga. :.-and just the present in a few remote places within 150 km of Sydney. In each of the three populations found there are about 24 individual trees and 200 seedlings. The primary means of propagation is by seed and unfortunately relatively few seeds are produced. The world wide demand for the plant is enormous and there are fears that this popularity may threaten the plants in the wild. The Wollemi pine is now being propagated by a commercial contractor and should be available in 2005. The researchers were surprised that the plant is relatively fast growing. In a glass house they have grown more than half a metre in height per year. yo | The Sydney Bushwalker Page 11 April 2002 The presence eof. genetic variation within individuals and populations is crucial for survival and evolution of the species. Early research showed a surprising lack of detectable genetic variation. Now samples from a third and more recently discovered population are included .and concentrated research is continuing. Early indications are promising, and suggest that while genetic variation is low some variation does appear to exist. Plants are being tnaled at a number of locations in botanical gardens in Sydney, Mt Annan, Mount Tomah and Taronga Zoo. They ' seem to prefer acidic soils. .The Wollemi is proving to be a “good pot and garden plant. Over the years to come further secrets of this fascinating plant will be revealed. Wollemi National Park Ranger Chris Pavich says that after millions of years of decline, the Wollemi Pine is teetering on the edge of extinction. These unique specimens are in enough trouble without the-.added menace of becoming a popular tourist attraction. Since there are so few left, every effort must be made to ensure that at the very least the trees continue to reproduce themselves. Special precautions are taken at each scientific visit to reduce risks. Anti-microbial foot baths have been installed to ensure that exotic root rot pathogens and other plant diseases are not introduced to the site. Bushfire planning is an important tool to reduce risks and quick action is taken to potentially threatening lighting strikes. It is hoped that these efforts will help the survival in the wild of this exciting discovery. David Trinder . Have you changed your Address? you have changed your address or hone number. recently, pleas advise: . Meinbers: -Pate Morrison Prospectives: Heike Krausse The advice should be ini writing directed to } the Club's postal : address. This will ensure that. gurrecotds show your current address and prevent delay in receiving the magazine : gach month. - Mid Week Walks Here are the details of mid-week walks in late April and May Tuesday 23” April Bill Hollands walk is cancelled Thursday 16 May Brisbane Waters NP Medium 14 km Wilf Hilder 9587 8912 A Message From A Member: - The following is an extract from a personal letter to one of our members last year. The writer feels that his experience has lessons for our members and has asked that extracts be published, but wishes to remain anonymous. T have always had a great reluctance to go to the doctor for a check up, in fact probably have not had a examination for many years. I was feeling well, walking, playing tennis and swimming and besides had been influenced by an article which stated that a survey of very old people had found that most had never been to a doctor. When I did finally did go to the doctor (for an unrelated minor service) I had a check up and to my surprise was diagnosed with prostate cancer even though I had felt well and had no symptoms. . .. Because the cancer was diagnosed too late my chances are now 50-50.”In this regard women are much simarter as they know that an early discovery of breast or cervical cancer can lead to a complete cure. I am now convinced that a regular medical check up can nip a problem in the bud….even though a car is running well it should get regular maintenance. The same with our bodies. Unfortunately in my case I got wise too late….. The avoidance of illness is a step towards walking fitness Attention New Members! , Coolana Training Weekend: All new members are invited to join us at the “Coolana” Wildlife Refuge in the beautiful Kangaroo Valley on Sat, Sun 18“ 19 May. The weekend offers practical training in navigation, first aid and bushcraft. It provides an ideal introduction to camping and a chance to pm extend your social contacts within the club. There is a_ shelter # shed for those who do ' not have a tent. Experienced members may also attend to assist with training and join in the social activities around the camp fire on Saturday evening. Maps are provided but please bring a mapping compass Activities start on Saturday morning and finishes late afternoon on Sunday. For transport assistance and location advice please phone: Bill Holland 9484 6636 (h & w) Patrick James_9904 1515 (h & w) The Sydney Bushwalker April 2002 Page 12 | The Highest Volleys in North Africa So there we are watching a group of genuine snake charmers in the tourist circus known as the Marrakech Market, where all manner of jugglers, snake oil salesmen and magicians ply their art. The tourist throng is tremendous. Marrakech like the perfectly preserved medieval city of Fez draws in the tourist to savour the smells, sights and sounds of an old eastern city in the most Europeanised country in Africa, Morocco. ' But Im thinking, there are snow capped mountains out there beyond the square, beyond this crush of humanity. Lets go bushwalking. The Atlas, an offshoot of the European Alps beckoned. And here we are near the highest part, the High Atlas, a great trekking destination and very accessible even for unprepared overfed tounsts like us. Jan, my wife and great traveling companion has only her trusty SBW volleys in her backpack. These are old wom air conditioned (holes on opposing sides) types but extraordinanly comfortable shoes. Good quality volleys always age gracefully. And these are a 1978 model before the cheap imitations from the Philippines hit the market. I feel some compensation that my tried and true Scarpas were fully operational (no holes). So off we go in a Grand Taxi to the jumping off village of Imhil. A taxi? Yes, the cheapest form of travel short of a donkey and just as comfortable cause the driver doesnt move till he has 6, people crushed into his ancient Mercedes all going the same way. Custom dictates that we enter into furious bargaining before leaving, delaying our departure further. But, hey, this is how things are here, and we came for the culture (and the scenery). So we get to Imhil at 1600m, the jumping off village in the Atlas foothills and we look up. Our lonely Planets mud map is pathetic and decent ones dont seem to exist but the local trekking shop has a very nice topo of Everest Base camp. We soon realise there is only one trail anyway. Its the one that goes UP. After an hour of lumbering with a full pack up the dusty stock trails it dawns on me that this caper might involve some yakka. Whats the height of the French Refuge? I shouted. Jan cheerily answered back, 3,207 metres. Geez, I'm getting a donkey. And if luck would have it one sidled past us just then, its owner ready to bargain to take our goods and chattels up the hill. ; Jan caught my intentions. Youre not wimping out, are you? I smiled weakly. and Roger Treagus you call yourself a member of Sydney Bushies.. I let the donkey go as the burden of shame that descended upon me made my pack heavier. Buti The route is up a spectacular rocky valley with cultivated fields far below. This is the great transition zone between the wet Mediterranean Coast and the dry Sahara inland. In places only a few miles separates one from the other. The donkey trail stays at a constant grade and our stride is seldom broken. Slowly we make progress past the tiny herders villages of Aroumd and Siti Chamborouch. I am getting worried about our progress as the sun is sinking in the west while we are still rising. The postage sized map indicates a bend to the left and a leveling off. It doesnt happen. It is half an hour before sunset when we get to the little plateau where the hut is meant to be and isnt. But wait! Isnt that a puff of smoke I see coming from behind that rock in the distance. And yes it is the hut. We make it to the door just on dusk. It is very capably run by the French Alpine Club. 25 francs please for a bunk or 50 if you want the beef bourginon. At 3,207m and stuffed who am I to refuse either. Jan thinks its a bit of a rip off when back in Marrakesh we could bargain down to well below this sum for a full Targiene, Moroccos luscious national dish of spiced vegetables and lamb.. I remind her where we are, in the High Atlas, in a remote valley between two massive snow capped ranges with a very low probability of being within coeee of a KFC. In any case the French know how to cook. There are lots of freelance trekkers in the hut, most were French and most keen to climb Toubkal in the morning, the highest peak in the Atlas and the highest mountain in Africa north of Killuminjaro. Our major mistake on day 2 is that it started late. By the time we woke, survived the sanitation arrangements and were ready to jump the entire French contingent were ya t The Sydney Bushwalker April 2002 Page 13 | like dots on the ice slope across the valley. Wheres the track, Mac to which the hut warden pointed a vague French finger upwards but slightly tilted. I take this to be a sign. The Lonely Planet-said that the trip is a walk, not a climb. Great. Maybe Jans volleys are OK after all. So after a hearty breakfast of lap san soo chong and out of date muesli bars we set off, across the river and onto the slope leading to the ice following vague headers tracks and scarpa type footprints.. No great trekking trail here. We could still see some moving dots high above us encouraging us to follow up the ice slope to the start of a hanging valley presumably leading to Toubkal 5 km off to the east. Trouble is we have to traverse the ice which steepens. as we go. It is then I realise our perilous situation. The ice is hard and smooth. Its a long slide down to a jumble of sharp rocks. We then run out of steps made from the advance party and are on virgin ice where crampons would be the go. But there is nothing virgin about Jans volleys. With my sparpas I start cutting steps in the ice for her volleys to fit into. And it takes a while to make a decent step as the ice is hard. Sometimes a volley slipped but the other one stayed in its step. A hundred metres of this takes 15 minutes as we link hands as much as possible with my grippy scarpas holding on. The ice slope is getting on to 40 degrees. To compensate IT construct masterpieces of step design giving the illusion of safety. But it all takes time. Miraculously Jans volleys stick to the ice and we reach the hanging valley and safe rock. The dots in the distance have now gone and the track disappears into a rocky block up, part of a terminal moraine. We spend more precious time wandering through the block up before spotting a small cairn on the other side and some rough steps. Things are looking brighter. The sun is out, the track is now obvious and the effects of the beef bourguignon assists my passage up the valley. An hour later and we are in a cirque at the head of the hanging valley with the mountain top to our left. But every step forward on a loose scree slope also means half a step sliding back. And I am now operating on one breath for every 3 steps. A very strong head wind hits me knocking me over and my prostrate form slides down the hard fought scree slope to the bottom. You go oa. I cant make it, I gasp. The judgement comes back from somewhere -above me on the mountain. And you. cali yourself an SBW member. With that I arise, morally shaken but physically together, dust my self down and proceed to operate on one breath per step. My scarpas still dig into the loose scree often loosing traction on the hard round ball bearing pebbles, forcing me to make more steps. In contrast Jans 4 wheel drive volleys just sail on as if she is walking around Manly. In this fashion I edge up the slope, the final slope of Toubkal until it levels off at the summit plateau. I made it, I made it! Of course you did from Jan, never out of breath and never a foot wrong, the consummate professional volley type bushwalker. So how high are we now, I said. 4290 metres Jan casually said Geez, I said. That donkey would never have made it. The view is sublime. On the roof of North Africa we could see the start of the Sahara to the south, the Mediterranean lowlands and coast to the north, the spine of the Atlas with dozens of icy peaks running away to the north east and the low Atlas dying away into sand toward Spanish Morocco and Mauritania to the south west. With muesli bar and vegemite sandwich in hand Jan steps up onto the little pile of rocks marking the actual summit, truly the highest volleys in North Africa.. Track Notes: Track is very good to the hut but variable above it but a guide is not needed if you have a decent map. It is only a walking proposition for:the summer months when there is little snow cover. Toubkal is just a walk which is surprising for the Atlass highest peak. Up to date info from trekking shops in Marrakesh and the French Alpine Club website. Weather is generally fine during summer with about 1 bad day a week on average. I recommend the high altitude beef borginion at the hut. See also Karl Smith's The Atlas Mountains: A Walker's Guide ($15, Cicerone Press) - good track info. Activity and, Walks Planning Night. : Sorry that we had to caricel the Activity ind 28 Walks Planning Night on 27%: March but it aes, . ta close tothe Easter break; 1 We are pleased: ita amndunc that thelaext Activity and Walks Planning: Night will be-an Wednesday 267 June: See-you there! - Wanted From Our Leaders ! Your wathe mary still be fitted in ta the Winter Walks Pragramme. It's late, the deadline was last week, but speak nicely ta our Walks Secretary (Carot Lubbers) and she may be able to fit your wath in. The Sydney Bushwalker April 2002 Page 14 | THE WALKS PAGES Seduced Again By Ettrema Creek Once again I have succumbed and been seduced by Ettrema Creek. The weekend on 9” & 10 March 2002 saw a group of eight heading into the very northern end of the creek where it joins Yalwal Creek about 2 kilometres before Yalwal Creek joins the Shoalhaven River. Readers may be aware that I have had a long standing love affair with Ettrema Creek. This was the first time that I had lead a club trip to the northern end of the creek. The creek at this point is reasonably wide, mostly shallow, with the occasional deeper swimming spot, usually on a bend of the creek. Access is obtained by parking not that far from the Coolandel property which is situated on a big horseshoe shaped bend in the Shoalhaven River. After a few kilometres of fire trail walking we arrived in Yalwal Creek, at a point where it is very wide. Apart from one water filled channel the river bed is paved with dry river stones. Regrettably, four wheel drive vehicles can access the creek and there is a well wom highway along the creek bed to the junction of Yalwal and Ettrema Creek. After this junction the four wheel drive vehicles no longer head further north along Ettrema. That they used to do this is evidenced by an' old, now heavily overgrown, track cut through the bush parallel to the creek. These tracks are mostly not shown on the map. Upon arrival at our camp site and doing about an hours worth of side creek explonng (now added to my wish list for walking, which will almost certainly be an interesting challenge) we resorted to disporting ourselves in the deep swimming pool beside our camp site. The usual festivities took place around the camp fire, eating, talking and the occasional libation to keep the vampires at bay. In this we succeeded as we were all in good spirits and a body full of blood on Sunday morning. The challenge for Sunday morning was to look at Prydes Amphitheatre from the top. As the name suggests, it is amphitheatre shaped and required that we gain several hundred metres in altitude to view it from the top. Although we gained the altitude all that we saw were trees. With more time available we might have succeeded, however, on a future tnp we will have another attempt. We did see an interesting rock platform that promises to provide a great viewing platform into the amphitheatre, and in addition, a large overhang that looks worthy of an exploratory checkout. Maurice Smith After leaving the amphitheatre we made our way up on to Colley Plateau (named after our esteemed and loved Alex who was the leader of the first bushwalking party across that way). After finding a ramp that took the group onto the plateau we were fortunate to find some remarkably broad rock platforms which made our travel easier. Shortly after lunch we dropped off the plateau to make our way down Blue Sally Ridge. Much interesting speculation was had by various party members concerning how the ridge came to be so named. Returning to our vehicles and changing for the trip home the major point of interest then commenced. My vehicle was the last to move away and after travelling about a mere 50 metres we spotted a large dark streak along the centre of the road. Fearing the worst, I stopped my car and my passenger hopped out of the car to see if the streak was in fact oil as it seemed. Quickly, my passenger gave me the bad news, it was indeed oil. Now it was the case of was it one of our vehicles? Sure enough, after travelling several kilometres along the road there was the second last of our vehicles. It had come to a stop, driver and passenger out of the car, looking with dismay at the long dribble of oil behind the car. After some discussion and finding that mobile phones were useless as there was not a signal to be had, my vehicle found itself carrying five persons and four packs back to Nowra. On arrival in Nowra we contacted NRMA, and after some considerable difficulty with the NRMA call centre (located in Coffs Harbour as we subsequently found out) in trying to convey to them the fact that the vehicle was out in the bush 26 kilometres from Nowra, we managed to get hold of the local NRMA man. He met us and took the driver of the vehicle back to his car (26 kilometres along Grassy Gully Road) where he diagnosed a holed sump. Of course he confirmed our earlier diagnosis. Then followed an act of charity (not too many details as we dont want to cause grief for the Nowra NRMA man) that resulted in the oil- less vehicle being relocated to a point where a subsequent NRMA recovery truck could take the vehicle back to Nowra. The driver, in the meantime, had motel accommodation arranged for him by the NRMA, and close to midnight after numerous trips along Grassy Gully Road, a hot bowl of chunky soup awaited him courtesy of the Nowra motel manager. Subsequently, the The Sydney Bushwalker April 2002 Page 15 | ine vehicle was transported back to Sydney for repair and our driver returned to Sydney and work on Monday morning in a rented vehicle. There are two interesting lessons to be had from this episode. They are; firstly the need to travel in convoy in remote areas, and secondly, the need to have the level of NRMA road service cover that provides for accommodation if your vehicle is disabled when more than 100 kilometres from home. Party members were: Steve Adams, Geoff Bradd, Roger Browne, Judie Followes (visitor), Vic Gosbell, Rosemary MacDougal, Patrick McNaught and Maurice Smith. (Promo for my May 18/19 Weekend Walk) Having passed along this section of Ettrema Creek in my Easter epic (see report next month) I'm taking the opportunity to use one of the camp sites we zoomed through. Walkers on this walk are assured of wet feet while walking along Yalwal Creek and Ettrema Creek. For the bold there are also some lovely swimming spots. Are you bold enough to swim in the cool water? On Sunday morning we will be taking a side trip, leaving our packs behind while we are checking out Blue Yodel Pass (isn't that name evocative, the origin of the name will have to be investigated) and Pageda Pinnacle. This is part of my continuing exploration of the bottom section of the Ettrema creek area. At the time of writing I have several places available on this trip, including the places reserved for members wanting to do their weekend qualifying walk. Darawal SRA - Sat2 March Zo Bodlay Darawals big attraction is its relatively flat, easy walking and plenty of creeks. We had fine sunny weather following a cloudy, rainy week. Most of Darawal was burnt out over Christmas but is regenerating green and spectacularly (no flies - must ali be burnt) The 14km walk was mainly on track and fire trails. Our viewing included magnificent ancient animal and bird drawings at an aboriginal art site in an overhang. Beautiful swims were had by ail including a small canyon/grotto pool with filtered sunshine providing light. There was a superb lunch spot with swimming in a large deep sunny pool and under a waterfall. Overall a beautiful fun, bludge walk. Marra Marra Sat 23“ March Zol Bodlay The walk went smoothly to plan. The day started cloudy but improved to sunny for the rest of the day. Although only 20% on fire trails the other 80% cross-country was easygoing using animal tracks through open woodlands, shady riverine flats, rainforests with crystal clear creeks. We had a few scrambles up and down. Morning tea was at a magnificent lookout at Mt Blake overlooking the Marra Marra River Valley and later we had a long lunch with swimming in a wonderfully deep pool. This was a leisurely paced walk visiting three aboriginal cave painting sites including the Fish Story (huge catfish drawing) and the unique foot stencils occupation site. We finished at 5-00 pm with most going on to dinner at the Vicar of Wakefield hotel in Dural A Warm Day Walk. Mark Patteson On_Sunday 3rd March I led six other walkers from Govetts Leap on a day walk. The group consisted of Maurice Smith, Vicki Garamy, Michael Bickley, Elish ORourke, Valerie Rice and one prospective member Grace Martinez. From Govetts we proceeded to Evans Lookout A number of the party wanted to do the Grand Canyon, however I vetoed this as I thought it would take out too much of our day due to a late start and in hindsight it turned out to be the right decision. We took the track down to Greaves Creek and then onto Beauchamp Falls for morning tea. Upon arrival at Junction Rock several members felt a swim would be in order. As it was a very warm day and Perrys Lookdown beckoned .I suggested we have a snack at this stage and we would have !unch atop Perrys a little later than normal. We all ensured that we were well hydrated for the long climb ahead as it was sure to be very warm. A short side trip to Blue Gum Forest was suggested and the climb began. Everyone made it up but the heat did affect one or two. After an extended break at the monument we began the 3 km stretch along Hat Hill Road to Pulpit Rock tumoff. As one member of the group was suffering from dehydration it was decided that Maurice would stay behind and they would walk slowly back towards Blackheath and I would take the rest of the group via Pulpit Rock back to Govetts then return by car to pick them up. A special thanks to Maurice for his help during the day, his assistance was invaluable. Boudi Walk Bill Holland This walk on 24” March went very well. We did it backwards! That is we did it in reverse from that shown in the Programme. Around to Little Beach and along the cliff top track towards Mt Bouddi. Great coastal views and an enjoyable swim at Maitland Bay followed by an uphill return to our cars. An easy walk enjoyed by seven members and six prospectives oe r. April 2002 Page 16 | | owy? The Sydney Bushwalker Easter Walks:: * Whilst we stay-at-homes in Sydney endured the hardship of wet weather there were brave souls out there enjoying the extended walks. Here are some brief reports with the full story of each to be told in next months magazine: Morton NP Maurice Smith After a heavy thunderstorm in the Wollongong/Nowra area on Thursday afternoon we started the four day walk in dry but overcast weather, although we were concemed when we encountered a heavy shower of rain while doing the bus shuttle at the start of the walk. However, that shower was localised and did not impact us. Friday evening we had some rain but by Saturday morming the walking conditions were excellent. Thereafter, we had excellent weather for the rest of the trip.
Kosciusko NP StephenAdams
With my Easter walk cancelled due to a shortage of starters, I decided to join Jan Pieters walk in the Kosciusko National Park.
All the arrangements were made and we were to depart on Thursday night. On Wednesday Jan called me, “Steve, I'm sick, can you lead the walk? I was happy to oblige ~ the walk was on.
It was a, wonderful walk with an exccllent party. I heard not one whinge the whole four days despite some hard walking in adverse circumstances. ,
Wollemi: Bill Capon
This walk was from Putty Rd (Grassy Hill Flat) to, Natural Bridge. Our party of seven was drenched in the Friday night downpour. Earlier, one member had left his tent behind in packing. We had three litres of Colo water for camp near Savage Trig.
We shinned over log to cross flooded Pinchgut Creek. Saturday Camp on Mt Barrakee - extensive views. Change of plan to avoid Wolgan. Followed traces of old road via Tambo Limb, Mt Cameron to Glow Worm Tunnel Rd. Taxis to Lithgow to join a trainload of Venturer Scouts returning to Sydney
: GearForHire | | - We: have been fortunate enough to receive
shortly be ina position to hire out these items to new members: This will assist, those whd have
weekend bushwalk ie: Pack, testy sleeping bag and mat.
those who have donated surplus gear-
donations. of good bushwalking gear and will. difficulty: i in obtaining. the: items necessary for a,
“Details of iltag ariangemetis will - be | publicised i in coming magazines. Many thanks to |
Strickland Forest Walk Bill Holland On 2* March I led a walk in this area for the second time. Previously it was dry, this time it was damp after a week of rain brought out the leeches in great numbers to the alarm of some six members and five prospectives.
The rainforest scenery was superb with magnificent 120+ year old trees remaining from the site of the first Forestry Tree Nursery and
Roger Browne examines a very large Bunyah Pine seed in Strickland State Forest Photo by lan Thorpe
Walk From Cremorne Maureen Carter On Sunday 7 April 2002 I enjoyed a day out in the sun with 17 followers as we walked around the bush and beaches that are a part of Sydney Harbour National Park. We were at Chowder Bay for the celebrations surrounding the official opening of the new track through the old submarine and mines depot at Clifton Gardens (Chowder Bay) and the adjacent military reserve at Georges Heights.
The entry is close to the submarine wharf at the northern end of Clifton Gardens beach - just follow the marked path past the wharf up a few steps and along the road. There are signs which will guide you to the new path which has plenty of native plants alongside it. The exit of the track is on Middle Head Road just east of Cobbittee Street, from where it's just a short distance to Balmoral Beach. Don Brooks had done a 'reccy' on the track the Sunday before the walk and Don also provided the above description of the new section of track.
The sunny day enticed a few of us into the water at Balmoral at lunch time and in the afternoon at Castle Rock. We were all able to negotiate the rocks from Balmoral to The Spit without much difficulty. It was good to see how well the visitors and prospectives survived this “interesting” section of the walk. I assume that everyone arrived safely at Manly Wharf to catch the ferry back to Circular Quay, but I was unable to do a head count as most of the party abandoned the leader and two followers as we cooled off at Castle Rock Beach. The Sydney Bushwatker
Page 17 |
April 2002
Hello from Heike
Annual General Meetings are always an opportunity for change and new direction, and the AGM in March proved to be just that for me. All hail your new, New Members Secretary and hip-hoorays of thanks to Kay the outgoing!! Kay bas done a marvellous (ground-breaking in many ways) job with her band of happy-helpers and she has continued the wonders with her organised hand-over to me of the weighty files that hold the treasured details of our precious new members.
Iam very much of the belief that new blood is vital to the clubs survival, and you all well know I am not speaking of that spilt on the average SBW outing!
It can be very daunting tuming up for the
first walk, heart pounding, have I taken the right turn off, they didnt mention no signpost and a road-surface resembling a moonscape of small-sedan sized holes” the minutes ticking down to the 15 minute deadline when all will jauntily disappear and you're left wondering ARE you in the right spot? Or knowing no-one and having a crowd around you cheerfully chatting all the club gossip, “ahem, er.. hello are you, SBW”?? (“No, we're Sydney Hash Harriers”, whoops must have been the other tum-off… Tyre squeal..,.). Yes, I have been there and done that, not so long ago. _ I hope that by taking on this role with my band of happy-helpers we can be as usefully supportive as any new member requires and thus stain their blood to keep the heart and circulation of SBW pumping, strong enough to zoom up Perry's Lookup 2 steps at a time, leap Govett and take on Blackhorse Ridge for breakfast, lunch and dinner!!
There are many involved, Mark Patteson continues bravely on as does Henry Roda, Vicki along with her role as Social (Secretarial) butterfly, will assist as able if required, Tony Manes computates, conjugates and permutates every conceivable combination of details this bear of little database brain can cope with and Kay has comfortingly offered to remain close by.
This little band is however just a reflection of the warmth and commitment evident in the greater SBW club that is as it should be, seen most often out in the bush and tramping the track.
_ We, as a team, are just the bridge for new members to go and discover that for them selves, in effect all Sydney Bush Walkers are part of the new members team and therefore take
a responsibility in the club successfully retaining these intrepid beings to full ongoing membership.
In anticipation I thank you all for being “on the team”.
There were other new directions decided apon at the AGM these were significant changes made to the constitution regarding Prospective Membership. You should be aware that these were discussed, debated and deliberated on for well over a year and that these changes have now been ratified by the club.
The first was that Prospective members can now have up to 12 months to complete their Qualifying walks.
The second change is that “Test” walks a are now known by the less daunting term of “Qualifying” walks, this no way changes the standard of the walk.
Change three is the deletion of the sub-clause that stated the applicant had to be commended by a member to: the committee on their “sociability, stamina and respect for the association's welfare”.
The final change is that on application for full membership endorsement the applicant requires only the names of the three leaders of the Qualifying walks.
There may be a few snaffles during the change over period involving those who are on the old system but we shall endeavour to make the transition unobtrusive, fair and reasonable.
Please make welcome on your next walk our New Members:
Joe Norman Diana Wayland
Jo Dennys David Abdelmassich Lloyd Bridle Sandie Dunne Michael Lembach Alicia McNeill Elena Perla Mark Sina
Alan Sauran Mark White
Congratulations and welcome as full
members to: Don and Lesley Reed
A Recommended Easy Day Walk:
Saturday 27” April Ku Ring Gai NP Mackeral Track etc to West Head. An easy walk for those wanting to take children or babies in backpacks.
Sunday 26“ May Sydney Urban Walk Walk the Cooks River cycleway. From Tempe Station to Bicentennial Park. Lots of pleasant parkways and a few back streets. An easy/medium walk of 20kms with | ,options to shorten the walk.
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The Sydney Bushwalker April 2002 “Page 18 |
Social Programme The 7, And A Blonde
South America features in the Social in the a m 7 A lawyer and a blonde
coming month following Jan Mohandass very successful presentation in mid- April. Dont let the eve of Anzac Day deter you from attending the New Leaders Training night on 24” April. The new Winter Social Programme will be issued next month. April: Wed. 24th New Leaders Training Night with Wilf Hilder May: Wed. * Committee Meeting : Introduction to SBW Introducing new members to the Club Wed. 8” General Meeting Wed 1'5“ South America Part 2 (Peru) Jan Mohandas will show slides this time including fascinating Peru with its high Andes and Inca ruins. Wed 22 South America Video Oliver Crawford will show Part 1. of the video taken during the recent trip. Wed 29” The Clubs Insurance Come along and hear Maurice Smith give details of our insurance cover. Both Public Liability and Personal Accident covers will be discussed. Any suggestions, ideas or questions about the social programme should be directed to our new Social Secretary: Vicki Garamy 9349 2905
The Thursday Bicycle rides continued through March with a Bay to Bay ride (Botany Bay to Homebush Bay) and a couple of rides near Bulli as some of our mid week riders prepared for the RTA Big Bike Ride in April.
These regular mid-week cycling activities are additional to those shown in the Clubs Walks Programme. = They are often scheduled at short notice so if you are free to cycle during the week please contact George Mawer 9707 1343 Current planning also includes a bicycle ride from Georges Plains (Robyns farm) to Abercrombie Caves and return the following day with car support for camping gear and non-bike riders - ~ possibly in May or June. Please let Fran Holland 9484 6636 know if you are interested.
woman are sitting next to each other on a long flight from LA to NY. The lawyer leans over to her and asks if she would like to play a fun game. The blonde is tired and just wants to take a nap, so she politely declines and rolls over to the window to catch a few winks.
The lawyer persists, saying that the game is really easy and a lot of fun. He explains how the game works: “I ask you a question, and if you don't know the answer, you pay me, and visa- versa.”
Again, she politely declines and tries to get some sleep.
The chauvinistic lawyer figures that since his opponent is a blonde he will easily win the match, so he makes another offer: “Okay, how about this, if you don't know the answer you pay me only $5, but if I don't know the answer, I will pay you $500.
This catches the blonde's attention and, figuring that there will be no end to this torment unless she plays, she agrees to play the game.
The lawyer asks the first question. “What's the distance from the earth to the moon?” The blonde doesn't say a word, reaches in to her purse, pulls out a five-dollar bill, and hands it to the lawyer.
Now, it's the blonde's tum. She asks the lawyer, “What goes up a hill with three legs, and comes down with four?”
The lawyer looks at her with a puzzled look. He takes out his laptop computer and searches all his references. He taps into the air-phone with his modem and searches the Net and even the Library of Congress. Frustrated, he sends E- mails to all his co-workers and friends, all to no avail. After over an hour of searching for the answer he finally gives up. He wakes the blonde and hands her $500.
The blonde politely takes the $500 and turns away to get back to sleep. The lawyer, who is more than a little frustrated, wakes the blonde and asks, “Well, so what IS the answer?”
Again without a word, the blonde reaches into her purse, hands the lawyer $5, and goes back to sleep.
Lets Form a Music Group John Michealis and others are planning informal gatherings for the enjoyment of folk singing and bush music. If you are interested please contact John on 9555 1800 or in his absence Bill Holland on 9484 6636 “We have to use with skill what simple equipment we can carry on our backs to achieve shelter,
If you really want to get the best prepare food and have a night's rest? out of what you carry with you, Paddy Pallin, 1900-1991
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Black Diamond Moonlight Headtorch: Constantly frustrated with replacing your torch battery? Then the Moonjight is for you. WIth 4 ultra bright, energy efficient LED bulbs, it provides 70 hours of constant light.
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Black Diamond Contour Trekking Pole: Trekking poles dont just
improve your balance and reduce the strain on your lower limbs; they help re-distribute the toad to your upper limbs as well, meaning you can keep going for longer. The Contour, featured, is ideal for comfort over long periods of walking with an ergonomic 15 degree correction angle in the upper shaft and soft dual density hand grip. It also features a unique NEW adjustment system,
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Black Diamond Betamid Tent: When you want to go ultra-light or you need extra storage space, the Betamid has you covered. This compact,
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Weighing in at a fraction over 1kg, it sleeps two and stands strong
against the elements. (Optional, detachable tub floor is also available.)
Store locations: Sydney: 507 Kent Street * Miranda: 527 Kingsway Parramatta: 74 Macquarie Street * Katoomba: 166 Katoomba Street Aliso in Canberra and Jindabyne Website:
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