JULY 2002 Amongst the vast array of day packs that decorate the shelves of outdoor shops, it's difficult to pick something with the right features, what
with 101 different types of nylon, all sorts of different canvases, airflow systems, expanding pockets and neon colours.
So it's nice to know that if your the type of
person that wants simple robust functionality
that reflects years of local bushwalking experience with solid locally made material
then the BLUE MOUNTAINS TRIASSIC could i=: be your best companion for many years to come.
Pack Review… by David Noble
1 | Ws good to see a pack made in the Blue Mountains for use in the Blue Mountains. The Triassic features two shoulder strap sizes so that the pack can be Properly hip loaded, sitting down comfortably in the lumbar region of the back. This is sometimes difficult especially if you are a taller person. The hamess system also inchides a thick waist belt and chest strap enabling a tight fit which is great when climbing over rocks.
The volume is large enough to allow a 50m fope and wetsult to easily fit in and the top is made larger so that your stuff slides in and out with ease. The pack has a large front pocket for those essential items such as a torch, and a top pocket for the Map and camera. The pack js large enough to be used as a weekend pack when no ropes ete. are needed. This can keep the bulk down and stop you from packing too much on those weekend bushwalks,
The Triassic is made from durable 1202 canvas which can withstand the abuse given to it in canyons and when walking through scrub. All the seams are double stitched and sealed to prevent failure. It is also very water proof, On a recent trip down Hole in The Wall canyon, no water entered the main compartment despite a number of lengthy swims.
The pack is bush green in colour making the walker almost invisible in the bush. This is handy for sneaking up on wildiife with a camera or just blending in to the wilderness as you walk along. Good for those who like to
the Trlassic carries a fifetime guarantee on workmanship and materials.
Overalf an excellent pack for either short or tall with the 2 shoulder strap options. And great for canyons or short weekend trips.
NB: David Noble is a kean canyoner and bushwalker, He is also the discoverer of the rare Wollem! Pine (WOLLEMIA NOBILIS) found In 1994.
& Australian 120z canvas
4 Made in Katoomba the old traditional way
4 40 litre capacity
& Proper hip loading with 2 shoulder strap sizes for walking comfort
Wide throat for easy loading and unloading Buckle up front pocket with internal divider Top lid pocket ,
Extendable lid for overloading
Padded hip belt with 38mm buckle
Hip belt retainer for city use (conveniently holds the hip belt back and out of the way
Padded back (removable)
Thurnb loops on shoulder straps for more comfortable walking
Internal compression Strap for halding down your canyon rape
Side compression Siraps for minimising volume Storm throat to keep out the rain
Hard wearing Cordura base
& Price $159.00
= Alpsport
1045 VICTORIA RD, WEST RYDE Ph 9858 5844
P Pe pb
THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER is the monthly bulletin of matters of interest to members of
The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc
PO Box 431 Milsons Point 1565.
Editor: Bill Holland Production Manager: Frances Holland Printers: Kenn Clacher, Barrie Murdoch,
Tom Wenman Don Brooks Margaret Niven
Message from Diedre Kidd
Many thanks to all those well wishers from SBW who have supported me during my treatment. I'm sure your good vibes have been helping me.
Dont Forget!
Fill in the booking slip and mail with your cheque today fo reserve your place at the fabulous 75“ Anniversary Dinner on Friday 25” October .
see separate insert with this magazine
addressed to: 75th Anniversary Dinner The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc PO Box 431 Milsons Point 1565
Send a cheque made out to SBW for the number of tickets,
JULY 2002
Issue No. 812
INDEX: 1. Index and Notices 2. Letter To The Editor 2. Editor's Note 3. Message From Our President Rosemary MacDougal 3. Treasurers Report Maurice Smith 4. The June General Meeting Barry Wallace 5. Notice To Novice Leaders George Mawer 6. Outof the Past Caught Shorts Dot Butler 7. Looking Back Over 75 Years Patrick James 7. A Reason For Longevity Jim Brown 8. Fully Armed Exercises 10. Conservation Report - Styx Valley David Trinder 10. Coolana Report Don Finch 11-15. The Walks Pages 15. Spring Activities Planning Night Don Brooks 16-17. Of Interest To New Members 18. Social Notes ADVERTISERS: Alpsport Front cover Eastwood Camping 9 Paddy Pallin Back cover Wiidemess Transit 3 Willis's Walkabouts 5
The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. | The Sydney Bushwalker
July 2002 > Page 2
The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. This year we celebrate our 75“ anniversary. The Club's main activity is bushwalking, but it has grown to include other activities such as ski touring, canyoning, abseiling, li-loing, cycling and social events. Our Club meetings are held every Wednesday evenmg at 8 pm at Kuribilli Neighbourhood Centre, 16 Fitzroy Street, Kirribilli (near Milsons Point Railway Station). Visitors and prospective members are welcome. General Enquiries: Phone 0500 500 729 . SBW Website www. sbw.org.au
Office Bearers
President: Rosemary MacDougal Vice-President: Wilf Hilder
Public Officer: Maurice Smith Treasurer: Maurice Smith Secretary: Leigh Mc Clintock Walks Secretary: Carol Lubbers Social Secretary Vicki Garamy
Membership Secretary | Pam Morrison New Members Secretary: Heike Krausse
Conservation Secretary: David Trinder Magazine Editor: Bill Holland Committee Member: Eddy Giacomel 6 Barry Wallace Delegates to Confederation: Jim Callaway ~~ vacant –
4 Letter To The Editor
A. Scholar of the Scriptures
I am rather confused about the A Scholar of the Scriptures story in the June issue of The Sydney Bushwalker.
It starts off with A young woman brings home her fiancee to meet her parents. Obviously, this is-4:lesbian relationship.
Then the confusion After dinner, her mother tells her father to find out about the young man. What young man?
The father invites the fiancee to his study foradrink. So he has invited a woman into his study for a drink. Then the annoying young man appears again “So what are_ your plans?” the Sather asks the young man.
It'seems to be the fashion nowadays to call actresses actors but I havent seen a fianc called a fiance before.
Keith Doherty {What can I say? ……..Ed]
Spring Walks Programme: Due 28” July,
Editors Note:
The year is rushing by and we are rapidly approaching the Clubs 75“ Anniversary celebrations.
At this point it is well worth reflecting on what SBW means to each member. Our membership varies older retired walkers, no longer active but with many tales of the early years newer enthusiastic walkers many others still very interested but no longer able to find the time to actively participate on a regular basis.
Not many voluntary organisations reach this age in such a healthy condition. Over the years the Club has had many ups and relatively few downs. The reprint of the 1952 editorial by a fondly remembered member, Jim Brown, reflecting on longevity as seen at that time makes particularly interesting reading see page 7.
At present your Committee is reflecting on changes that may be necessary to keep the Club heaithy in a changing social environment.
In this regard the statement is often made SBW is a walking club and this is our core value. But is this correct?
Perhaps we overlook the fact that SBW was established to cater for a large number of recreational walkers who desired to amalgamate for mutual benefit (Myles Dunphy 1927) This was in contrast to The Mountain Trails Club (MTC) which at that time was the only walking club in Sydney and had rigorous conditions of membership catering exclusively to hardy male walkers.
The fact that SBW has well and truly outlasted its parent body suggests that our broader aims, inclusive not exclusive, suit the great majority of members seeking a social as well as a walking environment.
This month, the magazine includes an article on appropriate exercises to assist in carrying heavy packs (Page 8). Many thanks to the member who submitted this for publication several months ago. As well as the regular features there is a report from George Mawer on the proposed training booklet and of course several walk reports Bill Holland
Contact The Editor:
Copy for publishing in the SBW magazine should
be received by the Editor by the end of the first
week of each month. Letters stating your
viewpoint on matters of interest are most welcome. Please send your submission , in by mail
(preferably typed), on floppy disc, by fax or by
email addressed to The Editor Telephone: 9484 6636 Email: billholl@hotkey.net.au
Fax: 99805476 (phone 9484 6636 first) The Sydney Bushwalker
July 2002 Page3 |
Presidents Report:
We have made some progress with our enquires about our public liability insurance. We have been advised by Confederation that above the snow line has been defined to mean the area where snow has fallen or is known to fall during the snow season, can reasonably be expected to fall or is forecast. Due consideration is to be given to local knowledge, unpredictability and rapidly changing weather conditions at higher altitudes, particularly during the snow season.
By way of further clarification, the exclusion of activities above the snow line shall only apply where the activity is deliberately or intentionally attempted in the snow. This means that if you leave on a walk and there is no snow where you are going and it snows we will still be covered for public liability
Accordingly, summer walks Snowies will be covered.
There have been no changes to the personal accident insurance.
I have noticed the letter from Eddy Giacomel published in the June magazine. I should say that the issue of publishing a truncated version of the walks program on the website which would exclude references to leaders names and dates and any other personal identifying insignia has been discussed at length at two Committee meetings. However important issues have been raised and I would welcome discussion on them, which can be done by attending a general meeting, a committee meeting or contacting me or any other committee member.
J am pleased to note that SBW has had a bigger representation in the organisation of Confederations Nav Shield event for the weekend of 6/7 July than any other club. Well done to those who have volunteered their time beyond the clubs activities.
The walks planning night lead by Don Brooks on 26 June was yet another opportunity to discuss plans for forthcoming walks or talk about walks done in the past but not currently seen on the program. It has stirred me into action to undertake iong forgotten walks. There will be another such evening in the early part of 2003 so keep an eye out for it on the social program. The next one will be conducted by Roger Treagus who has kindly agreed to take over from Don Brooks.
Finally, we have a new secretary. Leigh McClintock has offered to fill that role and the Committee was delighted to accept the offer and appoint him to that position thank you Leigh Rosemary MacDougai
in the
Treasurers Report - June
We started the month of June with $5,515 in the bank account and ended June with $4,943.
Bank Balance 1 June $5,515 Subscriptions 1,546
Other 374
Total Income 1,920 Rent 1,035
Magazine 914
Walks Programme 138
Coolana Expenses 99
Other 306
Total payments 2,492 Bank Balance 30 June $4,943
The annual subscriptions are still dribbling into the post office box. Remember, if you havent paid your subscription it is now due. Maurice Smith
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The Sydney Bushwalker
July 2002 Page 4
The June 2002 General Meeting.
There were some 16 or so members present at
around 2007 hours when the President called the '
meeting to order and made a request for apologies which, uncharacteristically, proved to be futile.
The minutes of the May General Meeting were read and received, with no matters arising
Correspondence included advice that Confederation has completed adding user access to their web site to permit updating of contact information by member clubs. We also received a letter from Fred Austin indicating that he will not renew membership this year.
The Treasurer reported that we eamed income of $5,601, disbursed $24,676 and closed with a balance of $5,515. Most of the outgoings, $22,000, went to a cash management fund.
Confederation report was bnef, bringing mention of insurance matters and the reassurance that the Confederation reunion this year will be held late in July. There was no
formal Conservation report, but Bill-Holland did-
entertain, and to some extent bemuse, the masses with his analogy of the mosquito in the bedroom.
We then welcomed new member James
Cryer into membership in the usual way, except
for the Constitution, for which no updated versions were to be had.
Then came the grievous tale of Wayne Steeles lost walks report. It seems he not only led Carol Lubbers walk over the weekend of 11, 12 May, but also lodged a fulsome report with descant and three-part-harmony, which is now irrecoverably lost to human ken. We do know that there were 6 fast movers on the walk and that they came out at 1430 brs Sunday. The only other walk that weekend was a day walk to Mount Wondabyne on the Sunday led by Nigel Weaver. The 8 starters were treated to good views and a long luich, from which we may also conclude they enjoyed clement weather.
Wilf Hilder led a midweek walk on Thursday
16” May with 3 walkers. The wildflowers were good, and the walk went well, but Wilf is stl concerned at the way the iron oxide mine he sought along the way had been moved. The weekend of May 18, 19 saw Maurice Smith honing his Ettrema skills with a party of '8 enjoying windy weather and cold, cold waters. There was no report for Peter Cochranes Sunday walk around Belmore Falls in Morton National Park.
Tony Marshall cancelled his walk from Kanangra Walls to Carlons Farm scheduled over
Barry Wallace
the weekend of 24, 25, 26 May but Roger Treagus had 6 starters for his Great River Walk Stage 8 in the general vicinity of the Wollondilly River that weekend. Gail and Tony Crichton led the Saturday walk down from Govetts Leap to Accacia Flat and return via Perrys Lookdown in the stead of Mark Patteson, with the party of 16 experiencing cold and wet conditions. Maurice Smith, in somewhat of a change of pace, led a party of 11 on his Sunday walk along the Cooks River Cycleway. The day was described as pleasant but when the party came out early they were greeted with the dismal reality that all the coffee shops were closed for some reason. It is unclear whether they squandered the left over money on trains. Bill Hollands Sunday cycling tnup was cancelled due to the relatively short notice provided by the program mail out.
June 1, 2 appears to have not been a popular weekend for overnight trips. There were two Saturday walks to make up for this. Alan Wells led a walk out from Medlow Bath station with a party of 5 and Richard Phillipps had the 15 starters on his trip to Linden Creek enjoying sunny conditions and engaging in a bit of navigation training along the way. They seem to have found their way OK as they came out early at 1600 hours.
The following weekend may have explained the dearth of walks on 1, 2 June. It was Queens Birthday weekend, and occupied an entire page of the walks program. Spiro Hajinakitas led a party of 6 on his annual sprint to Mount Colong and back. Conditions were dry and cool with curiously mild nights and the views were great whenever the folks stopped to gasp for air. Maurice Smith and a party of 9 spent the weekend battling gale force winds along the ridges between Kanangra and Katoomba. Again the views were described as great. Stephen Adams also led a walk out from Kanangra that weekend, to Cloudmaker and refum via Paralyser Mountain again in windy conditions as would be expected. There was no report available to the meeting for Shiela Zamans Saturday walk in Brisbane Waters National Park but somehow or other we know that there were 7 participants and conditions were sunny and mild. There does not seem to have been any report for Errol Sheedys Sunday walk in the Royal but Chris Dowlings programmed walk out from Springwood was rerouted to Patonga where the party of 12 enjoyed sunny and mild conditions to bring the walks report to a close. The meeting then engaged in a wide ranging but L The Sydney. Bushwalker July 2002
Page 5 |
informal discussion on the matter of public liability insurance, When the call came for general business there was none.
Announcements brought details of the latest
new map releases for areas of interest and then the President brought the meeting to a close at around 2107 hours. Netice To Novice Leaders and Prospective Leaders The Review Committee is developing a training handbook for the club. The book (booklet) has reached a Preliminary Edition stage and a copy was given to everyone who attended the Don Brooks Walks Planning night at the Clubrooms on Wednesday June 26 for their evaluation and comment.
A copy of the booklet is available upon request to any club member who has any interest in contributing to its final content.
The Review Gommittee wants to get as much input from the general membership as possible and would particularly welcome contributions from members who consider themselves novice
leaders, and also those who have not led a walk:
as yet but are tempted to do so.
There may be questions in the minds of such people. Important questions that experienced leaders now dont remember to ask!
Please dont feel shy about contributing as it is important and as Maurice Smith said, The only silly question is the one that isnt asked Every contribution, whether for addition, deletion or change will be considered. Individual contributors will not be named but you will know that you were part of the process. Thank you.
George Mawer Phone (02) 9707 1343 (be prepared to leave a message) E-mail to - terry@sydney.net
MX Website www. sbw.org.au
There have been some recent changes to the website. A members section has been added with a summary of the social program and the 75“ anniversary celebrations. The website hopefully will become more useful as more material is added. If you have any suggestions please forward them to me _ at giacomel@tpgi.com.au
Kakadu Highlights
something special
Year after year, more people go on our Kakadu Highlights trips than on anything else
Every trip we offer, Why? takes you te beautiful, y wilderness places which The individual walks have been vehide based tourists carefully chosen to complement each
Lat) ROVEY Sen.
other and show you the best that
Consists of hwo io four walks any Kakadu has to offer. Many of the
af which can be done on its own. walks take you to argas we cannot You choose exactly what you want. visit on: our longer trips.
is differant Limiting aur visits to | Chack themn out on our
nach location ensures we minimise website or ask forthe
their effect on the environment. _ brochure and tip notes. ce
Williss Walkabourts :
| The Sydney Bushwalker July 2002 Page 6 |
FROM OUT OF THE PAST (75 Years of SBW History)
Jim Percy has offered this nice story by Dot Butler and has asked that anyone wanting to explore Marie Byles Pass in the Kolonga Walls and other of Marie Byles early explores in the Mt Hay general area, to contact him on 02 4758 6009 or email jimpercy@bigpond.com
The following article is an extract from Reflections of a Climber Part 2 from Thrutch, October 1965.
“By 1936 Australia was pulling out of the throes of the Depression. We all had jobs now and could afford to look further afield for our weekend jaunts. The rolling stock of the Sydney Bush Walkers still only comprised one motor and a couple of motor-bikes and push-bikes, but we could now afford to hire a truck to get us to more distant parts.
In 1936, after I had had a 10 day climbing holiday in the Warrumbungles with Marie Byles and Dr Eric Dark, Marie encouraged me to form the Tigers into a Rock-climbing Section. This was taken up with typical Tiger enthusiasm and we now worked out trips that specifically called for some rock-climbing. We were, and remained, free climbers. The slow, patient method of climbing with hammer and pitons was unknown to us. The rope was used mainly for the party to climb on after the leader had taken it up the difficult pitch and it was seldom secured to anything more stable as a belay than the leader's shoulders. Any of our Blue Mountains trips that finished along Narrow Neck were now terminated with a rock-climb out via the Red Ledges, Black Billy's, Carlon Head.
, Gordon Smith was the leader of the Tigers. “Smithy” was a terrific walker: in his twelve years in the _club he clocked up 54 thousand miles (i.e. an average of 4,500 miles a year). Besides his weekend bushwalking trips he used to walk to work some 16 miles each day and did marathon road-walks at night.
{n 1937, Smithy took the first Australian climbing party to New Zealand. We had three months there and came back fired with enthusiasm for real climbing. Marie Byles, always on the lookout for peaks that really looked like peaks, had climbed the 2,500' Bonum Pic in the Burragorang in April and now we bent our attention to things that really looked like peaks - Mt Colong, Little Rick, Pigeon House. I remember climbing up the last wall via a Jarge gum tree and getting from it on to another which grew out from a crack in the rock wall.
Study of the map for new rock-climbing country became a favourite occupation of the Club. The Wolgan and Capertee country, at that time completely unvisited, looked as though it offered something, and, good trips were organised out to Mt Uraterra and surrounding parts.
I remember once leaving the rest of the party in camp at Annie Rowan Clearing on the Wolgan and going out for a bit of solo climbing on the rock walls nearby. I bad successfully climbed a pretty steep face and reached the top just as the sun was going down. It was necessary to get down right smartly but the steep route I had taken up didn't look too inviting in the failing light. However there was nothing else for it - abseiling was an unknown art - so I got going. I came to a difficult spot. If I only had six feet of rope I could hand over hand down it to reach the next foothold below. What was to be done? I took off my shorts, cautiously with one hand, clinging to a small excrescence with the other, and put one leg-hole over the hold. I put my belt through the other hole and pulled it till it was secured by the buckle, and hanging onto this I was able to reach the lower ledge and safety. But what a predicament; I can't go back to camp only in my shirt. I climbed down till I came to the tree line, got myself a length of stick, climbed back and hooked my shorts off and the day was saved. This was a salutary lesson in the dangers that beset the solo climber.
75th Anniversary Celebrations
We turn Seventy-five on 21* October 2002. To help with your planning please reserve
the whole of October for SBW activities. Mark these dates on your calendar:
Reunion at Coolana. 19/20” October. This will extend to the Monday as well to celebrate the actual birthday. The Dinner Friday 25 October. Harbourview Room at the Kirribilli Club. Book your tickets now. Cost $40
ef 75th Anniversary Tee-shirts These will be available soon.
f The Sydney Bushwalker July 2002 Page 7
Looking Back over 75 Years Patrick James
When SBW was founded in 1927, most of the present members were not even a twinkle in their fathers eye.
.. 'm not sure what their mothers view point was; perhaps.a mot! Can you imagine what 1927 was like? No Harbour Bridge yet. It was under construction and was opened in 1932. No ABC radio. That also took another 5 years. No television (only in comic books I imagine), no nylon, no Goretex, no topographical maps, only car touring maps, few telephones, few cars. People worked a 5 2 day week.
, . Walks were either Saturday afternoon and Sunday weekend walks or Sunday day walks. Nearly all walks started with public transport, mostly train but some by bus or ferry. Then you could buy a weekend rail ticket. Not now…
Light weight, gear if available is what we would call bloody heavy. Generally bushwalking gear was
. not available. People made their own. One bright lad in the Club saw this as a niche market and started his own business making quality bushwalking gear, and the rest is Paddymade history.
The early members seem to have been a terribly formal lot when you read the first minute book. Always referred to in the minutes as Miss or Mrs or Mr. However when you look at the photos in the archives you can conjure up a different idea.
; From The Special Silver Anniversary Issue Of The Sydney Bushwalker
. The following Editorial was included in the Special Edition published in October 1952. The Editor was Jim Brown - weil known to so many of our current members. He joined SBW in 1947 and remained an active participant in the Club until his death in 1996. Nearly 50 years of service to the Club.
EDITORIAL - October 1952 A Reason for Longevity In many things age does not necessarily denote virtue or wisdom. indeed, many business concerns
which have become institutions seem to have lived long by reason of ruthiessness - call it survival of % the fittest if you prefer a euphemism. As this Club prepares to celebrate its Quarter Century, one is tempted to enquire why we have lived so long, whether we have justified our existence, and if we may hope that the Club will continue to be. x Does that last thought sound so absurd, too gloomy? Does it seem impossible that the Club could fold up? if so, we should remember that Federation removed two Clubs from its list during ; last year, that several others are known to be virtually moribund, and that even our own walking activity is at a low ebb. !t is not our intention to look for reasons here and now. There is a kind of ; negative comfort in the knowledge, that other Clubs are less active. Admitting that walking clubs may founder, why have we survived? Probably to some extent it is -due to our direct and obvious name, which has helped ensure a healthy income of new members 8 over the years. That same obvious name has caused us a few moments of distress when ; newspapers reported lost parties as Sydney Bushwalkers irrespective of their Club identity.
We are inclined to believe, however, that the main reason for our longevity is contained in the broad and intelligent charter set out in the Clubs list of objects. This goes far beyond the purely physical aspect of recreational walking, with particular references to appreciation of the bushland
and its creatures, and the ideal of encouraging and guiding others to a similar understanding.
Our Constitution is a tolerant one in that it does not demand that every member must be a vigorous and active waiker; neither does it insist that each of us must be wrapped up in the good works of conservation beyond the basic care to leave the bush unhurt. There is room for people who belong to one of those compartments only, and for those who serve both causes. It is suitable for the transient walker who presently finds other interests and commitments, and the old hand, no longer walking frequently, who yet wishes to preserve the bush for other walkers. This gives the Club a measure of continuity and permanency which could never be achieved if we had no thought beyond walking, the walking in turn keeps us informed of developments which may call for conservation action.
The last two of our original questions are almost answered by that answer. Have we justified ourselves? Yes, the Ciub has introduced hundreds of people to the mingled pleasures and hardships of bush walking. Before most other walking Clubs were formed, our members were pioneering ways in unmapped country and adding their weight to the cause of nature protection.
Will we continue to survive? Yes, while we do not allow ourselves on the one hand to become purely a walking machine, or on the other, a group of conservationist who have no up to date knowledge of what we are talking about. mane Jim Brown - Editor
The Sydney Bushwalker July 2002
Page 8 |
Fully Armed - Exercises To Help You Carry a Pack
A few simple upper-body exercises will ensure you can carry a heavy rucksack without risk of injury,-The first step is often the process of relearning how to carry a rucksack, says Jane Waterfall, a corrective exercise therapist. This involves not forgetting about them between tops, and actually using them as exercise tools. She suggests packing with something that gives a comfortable weight to exercise with: not too heavy to cause injury and not so light that its weight has little effect.
“Try a few trips up and down the stairs and concentrate on your posture,” she says. “People tend to lean forward and round their shoulders when going uphill with a rucksack. Instead, let the legs do the work and stay as upright as possible while slightly tensing the abdominal muscles.”
This posture results in the weight bearing down through the torso to the large muscle groups of the hips and legs rather than forward where it will quickly cause fatigue in the back and shoulders. Joanna Hall, fitness expert for ITV's This Morning advises you to adopt the same posture without a rucksack while walking on an angled treadmill at the gym.
Allow your upper body to angle forward slightly from the hips to compensate for the incline of the treadmill,” adds Joanna, “and concentrate on keeping the shoulders back and the abdominals firm, imagining a belt of muscle wrapping completely around the waist.”
She advises three exercises, which can be done at home or in the gym, to give stability to the shoulders, flexibility in the back and strength in the abdominals (see panel right).
The first, descriptively called the shoulder towel pull, involves standing on a bath towel, laid sideways, feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent, while tightly holding the ends of the towel, with the arms at the sides and the back straight.
Holding this position, keeping the arms taut and the shoulders depressed, increases the endurance of the muscle that gives stability to the shoulders, an area that is particularly weaker in women. To strengthen the abdominals, which themselves support the lower back, Joanna suggests the tummy belt pull, drawing the stomach in and away from a belt or waistband. This trains the abdominals by holding them in the position they would be in while wearing a rucksack.
For mobility of the spine, she suggests wall .
peels, which involve slowly pulling the
spine, one vertebra at a time, away from a wall until bent over, before retuming to the upright position. This lengthens the spine and lessens the chance of compression to the vertebrae and discs in the lumbar region. One of the worst movements for this region is bending forwards and sideways under weight, a regular movement when lifting a heavy rucksack while swinging it on to your back.
The resulting twisting and compression of the spine puts undue pressures on the vertebrae and discs between them, sometimes resulting in the classic lumbar injury, the slipped disc.
Get someone to hold your pack up for you, or try to lift it onto a wall or grassy bank before slipping your arms through the straps. The best way to ease the load on your body is to lighten your pack. It sounds obvious, but you would be surprised at the number of people who carry clothing and equipment around with them, excluding emergency supplies, that they never use.
So when you pack your rucksack at home, put it on and try a few ascents of the stairs. Then try to imagine how it may feel after a few hours and 3,000f of ascent before opening it and repacking, making sure you leave some of the contents out.
Finally, Men's Health magazine fitness editor Jon Bowskill reminds you not to forget your legs in this quest for muscle tone and strength: “They are the first thing that will feel the weight of a pack,” he says. He advises starting with one set of lunges, squats and calf raises, three days a week, for the first two weeks, increasing to two sets in weeks three and four. You should rest for 45 seconds between sets. Investing in these basic moves on rainy days will more than pay you back in extra mileage and vigour during the beautiful days in the countryside when all you want to do is keep walking.
Dos and don'ts
Before you start any fitness programme, it is advisable to talk to your GP. Make sure you warm up by walking briskly for a few minutes or gently climbing the stairs. Stretch your arms, legs and torso, and carefully rotate or flex as many joints as possible. This process should be repeated at the end of each session as well. For the best results, a strengthening and conditioning circuit should be done at least twice a week.
For more information on Joanna Hall and her healthy lifestyle products visit wwy.activeaction.com
Whether its bush walking, mountaineering, cross-country skiing, trek- king or travel, a pack is your best friend or worst enemy. Why? Because you depend on the agility and comfort that your pack provides.
a H
7 The Mont .~ Moto-Active ' adjustable har-
ness system is deceptively simple, fast to adjust and easy to fit. Available in three sizes and featuring inter- changeable harness compo- nents, a truly best fit is possibile, and best fit means a truly _ comfortable carry.
LY OP: f Something Better.
Back Country Pack
innovative designs, detailed construc- tion and quality ma- teriafs. Anatomically con- toured hip-belts. Spandura and 3D Air-Flow fabrics for body contact points. Bar tacks on the ir:
portant high stress
Triple stitched with webbing bound seams to ensure massive seam strength.
We use Evazote foams, the most du- rable, high quality foams available. Hip-belt secures di- rectly to the allumin- ium frame-stays for direct load transfer. Only highest quality Durafilex buckles. The shoulder yoke adjusts independ- ently of the frame stays.
Dual aluminium frame-stays adjusted and reinserted in seconds.
Mont Adventure Equipment The Australian company with over 20 years of manufacturing excellence.
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Ail packs personally fitted by our experienced Staff.
The Sydney Bushwalker July 2002
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The Styx Valley, Tasmania David Trinder
Two hours drive west of Hobart, the secluded Styx Valley is nestled between the Snowy Ranges in the Tasmanian Wildemess World Heritage Area and the Maydena Range. In this valley, largely unaffected by logging and clearing, the giant Eucalyptus regnans (Mountain Ash) grow to a height of up to 90 metres. They are the tallest tree in Australia and the tallest flowering plant on earth, the height of a 25 storey building. The larger trees are 400 years old, six metres ( 20 feet) in diameter at the base and provide habitat for the threatened Wedged Tail Eagle and other old growth dependent wildlife, that need the hollows in these grand old trees to survive. The Styx Valley also has a wild river, waterfalls, caves and rainforests and is the home for the endangered Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle. The Styx River flows through the heart of the Styx Valley. Here ferns hang over the swirling waters, the ancient moss covered Myrtles extend overhead and the air is thick with the delicate fragrance of sassafras trees.
The Styx also contains large tracts of old- growth Eucalyptus obliqua (Messmate, a type of stringy bark) and Eucalyptus delegatensis (also known as Alpine Ash or Woolybutt) both of which can grow almost as high as E. regnans.
They are part of the old growth forest that has evolved over millions of years, an ancient living and evolving life form, part of the world that was here before we came and the one that we like to alter to suit our lifestyle.
Well, the Styx Valley with its enormous trees might soon be altered to suit our lifestyle as well. Forestry Tasmania plans to log 800 hectares of old growth in the Styx over the next three years. Primarily it will be converted to woodchips for export. Between half and two thirds of the proposed Valley of the Giants National Park has been slated for logging.
The remaining Tasmanian regnans amounts to only 13% of the original forest, the rest has been logged, cleared and bumt. Tasmania already has 5 times more per capita of plantations than the rest of Australia, about 5000 hectares of native forest is bemg converted to plantation each year. Tasmania exports almost double the woodchips of all the other states put together, about 5.5 million tonnes of wood per annum,
The Wilderness Society proposed the creation of the Styx Valley of the Giants National Park as an extension of the existing Tasmanian World Heritage Area. It has received support from local and statewide
tourism operators and has received major national media coverage. Consultant, Bob Graham reported in February 2001 that the Styx could attract up to 100,000 tourists per annum, create over 150 new jobs and generate millions of dollars for the local economy.
I will be writing to Federal Ministers urging them to support the Valley of the Giants National Park. It seems obvious to preserve the tallest trees in Australia for future generations to see. If it comes down to export come, the forest should eam more as a tourist attraction over the years to come than a one off sale of the trees for woodchips.
Coolana Report: -
In June, Bill Holiands maintenance weekend had a team of five doing a bit more to improve Coolana. Bill used the new extended pruning shears to reduce the mistletoe in some of the fig trees, Fran and Kaite weeded whilst wattle branch piles were burnt by Gemma and George. The prolific weed patch which had got away from hand weeding near the river was mowed.
At Wilf and Gretels maintenance weekend early this month a group of ten-helped with various jobs. Joan and Gemma spent a lot of time hand weeding and a start was made on a fence to protect a future tree plant. Barry had another go at excluding mosquitoes from the water tank while George sorted out the water supply again.
On Saturday the Landcare meeting with Enc Zarrella was conducted after introductions and discussions a walk around the flats through the creek on to eastern side was attended with plant and weed identification. Eric has offered to assist on a future maintenance weekend particularly in the creek where careful plant id is required before cut and poison: Watch the program and magazine for further details.
Don Finch
Bush Regeneration and Land Care:
Ever wanted to learn more about bushcare, weed eradication, indigenous grasses and local plant species? Well, come along on any of the scheduled Coolana maintenance weekends Our current task is to restore the river flats and adjacent areas to their natural state. Another weekend of light maintenance and bushcare is scheduled for
17“ 18” August
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Wanderings in the Wollemi Bill Capon, Marella Hogan, Owen Kimberely, Rik King, Michele Powell, Peter Love, Bradley Russ and Catherine Mullane Now I know many readers, especially those of the refined bushwalking set are going to say, whos this writing in confident and familiar terms of people and places best considered to be national treasures and who should be best left to explain themselves about a walk in the Wollemi. However, sigh, I was neatly ambushed by our feared leader and compelled to put pen to paper and recall our Anzac Weekend adventure.
After escaping the four children and child sitter husband and with the leave pass firmly
grasped in my hand, we set off the night before .
Anzac Day, with most of us meeting at the Mt Victoria Caf in which we had a fond last supper. It was a big reunion (for some). Rik, Brad, Bill and Peter, Marella and I broke bread and wine, (with Rik driving the rest of the way to the other side of Kandos). After pitching our tents on the stock route/common, we had an early start the next morning, found the other two, Michele and Owen and we were off. Day One; saw us heading north along the main road, dropping between the cliff line into Cedar Creek. Ternfic, I thought, no water, no boulders and no stinging nettles. The other gals (refined you know) delicately pulled out their gardening gloves (which I had forgotten) and-we all easily moved down the creek. Our optimism was short lived (well it was a Bill walk, wasnt it) and we hit the nettles, not only the stinging variety but stinging trees as well.
Poor old Peter Love succumbed. After blowing the meaning of life into him and various pills and potions, he lived to tell the tale. The boys were in full flight, a GPS in every hand, map add compass around necks. Its just around the bend, yep definitely this one… Just down a bit, be patient we're nearly there. This went on till after 4pm. We left the creek (thank God) finding an open valley and sidled under Emu Point. Our optimism was short lived again, (well it was a Bill walk after ail) to find endless blackberries at the junction of Emu and Cedar Creek. We ignored them, of course, to find enough water for a camp on the hill (by this stage, one could describe it as dark). Our night was spent in a sort of glowing transfixed way, feeling every stinger that bad caught us. The stars werent bad though.
Day Two: A cautionary start. The boulders of the day before had played havoc with Micheles back and we had the maps out looking for dropping off options. None to be found. It was easier to continue than to leave. We commenced the drop down to Emu Creek, imagining a quick crossing and up the other side. Water was collected for the day. An hour later, blood had been shed. Those damn blackberries - impenetrable (J even heard Rik say a rude word). It was terrible. However, the forceful, man brute force of Brad, Rik and Peter led us out of the wildemess and we left Emu Creek just downstream of the junction (Widden 436893).
We commenced to climb the ridgeline, which had an accompanying fence and enjoyed our morming tea under the casuarinas. We kept climbing and inching our way around a shelf to get around the cliff line and then crossed the divide into Turon Creek about one kilometre south of Turon saddle. This meant that we could look forward to a bone-dry Turon Creek lunch spot. No one actually knew if and where there would be water, but we kept talking about it and mumbling at the same time, exploratory, you know… we'll be right. Some even went off downstream looking (ever hopeful) for water but no such luck Most of the party had virtually no water, on the advice of the leader. What were we to do? The day was sunny and warm, and we had more walking to do. Socn after lunch, we picked up water, which could be described as chook pen variety but we were not fussy. We climbed with the water and progressed fairly slowly with Rik leading us to a beautiful campsite (W 465883) by mid afternoon.
Day Three: Up and out early. An easy route up Turon Gully continuing south. Owen and Michele flanked out urging us all @ on. We left the creek high up and a over the knob at (Mt Pomany 475862) @ to pick up a very well defined cattle pad (ex bridle track?). The cows arent dumb (contrary to the hit). They seem to know all the saddles and managed to take a route the easy way (somewhat different to our feared leader from time to time). The cattle pad wandered from saddle to saddle, edging around the tops: and managed to head for the spring directly under Mt Pomany (P44708836).
Somehow, we managed to have a two-hour lunch, at least. This was partly due to the budding hydrologists within the group. This spot was an old cattle camp, with a pipe thrusting water a miraculous vision for our parched throats. For the purists, the water was not clean The Sydney Bushwalker July 2002
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enough. I could not believe it they started fiddling with the contraption, with which the instant water suddenly disappeared. I watched them all. Experts in our making could not reproduce the water force that was there upon our arrival. In fact, not only did the force dry up, but the colour and smell tured to something disgusting. This just encouraged the frustrated engineers. They went further upstream and blew and blew. It was quite entertaining to watch, but really did not produce any better water. The camp was a grot and we all wanted to leave, except for those involved in planning, design and execution of water systems beyond our requirements.
From here, we almost immediately
commenced a climb up a ndge on the west side of Mt Pomany. Some sprinted, others were more sedate (me particularly) with three litres of water to assist my climb. The tops were fantastic. A basalt cap resulting in good soil with lush meadows and views to the west and north were to be had. It was glorious. Camp was entertaining, with comparative pelvic thrust exercises in full operation (to relieve tense backs and sore muscles). The group leader had banned singing, poetry and prayer, so I bored them silly with some thoughts about death and other things. A crisp night with clear stargazing was on order. Day Four: An early start, we were informed that the cars were some distance away and the day would be a full one. Weather was holding - it was another fine day. We dropped off the south end of Mt Pomany, still following the cattle pads, although they seemed to wander off, and we pave up, crashing our way down the ridge through the scrub. We had glimpses of Widden Valley with distant views to the valleys eastern cliff line. From here we sidled around the east- side of Mt Cox, with Hool em Boy Creek far below us.
By this stage, our feared leader couidnt locate his compass, so Brad took a bearing and we headed down to an indistinct saddle, then west and down to a substantial cutting which led to our morning tea stop at the Causeway. Fantastic formation of stonework with views into the steep headwaters of Emu/Hool em Boy Creeks. From here there was a road 100 metres the other side.
Lunch was our last interlude in the real bush with the Nullo East Fire Trail taking us out with a three-hour slog back to the cars.
This was a terrific walk. Certainly helped by the weather, the pleasant company and the campsites. The walk itself was very interesting (apart from stinging trees, blackberries and the
distinct lack of good clean water). The views from Mt Pomany were extra special and there was enough variety for it not to become boring. The unknown might have also added flavour…the navigational skills came to the fore and everyone enjoyed it. The highlights of the walk were Mt Pomany/Mt Cox area but is probably best accessed from Widden Valley (need to check access though) or from the Mt Coriadgy Olinda Road.
Thanks to Bill who thought it up, led the walk and who got us out before dark (just). Catherine Mullane (helped by Bill to put this together).
Queens Birthday At Kanangra
As a British person I am bemused at the Australian custom of taking a holiday to celebrate the British Queens birthday. The British do not get a holiday to celebrate the Queens birthday.
I can think of no better way to celebrate Her Majesty's advancing years than to disappear into the magnificent Australian bush with like- minded companions for three days of fun and all action adventure in one of my favourite playgrounds, the Kanangra-Boyd wilderness. The main objective of this walk was to find the fabled 100 Man Cave and spend a night there. The rest of the walk was spent returning to the cars at King Pin via a mountainous and circuitous route.
Upon arrival at Kanangra Walls car park on Friday night we all piled out of Steves car and set off in the dark to spend the night at Dance Floor Cave before an early start Saturday morning. The wind howled alli night and never really let up at all !
We awoke to rain and knew the best way to make it stop raining was to put our waterproofs on. It didnt stop raining, but, undeterred, we set off in the rain and the mist. After about twenty minutes our strategy paid off and the rain petered out. Waterproofs were hastily removed, packed away, and were not required for the rest of the walk. ,
Mt. Cloudmaker beckoned to us in the distance, we were a small, fit, fast party and we gobbled up the kilometres, attaining the summit of Cloudmaker by lunchtime, knees quivering and legs cramping up from the exertion. After a forty five minute lunch in the cold and the wind we set off to find 100 Man Cave, armed with a grid reference from Don Finch and the trusty GPS device, we homed in unerringly on this bushwalkers castle in the heart of the [oe ge
The Sydney Bushwalker July 2002
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wilderness. Ahhh! the sweet taste of success was in our mouths and we settled down in our magnificent cave camp for a cozy night and sat around the fire, Wind howling around us like some demented banshee in the dark night. Yes Sir, this is living alright! !
An early start the next day and back up Cloudmaker to join the track to Dex Creek, Mt. Strongleg and our next camp, which was to be high up on a ridge leading to the summit of Mt.Paralyzer. We enjoyed magnificent scenery along the way. Gee, this walk was just classic. ] pondered upon all the lucky bushwalkers who had gone this way before us, throughout the years. Generations of bushwalkcrs succumbing to the seductive spell these mountains cast upon us.
All too soon it was Monday morning, our-
final day. We had a head start by camping on the Paralyzer ridge, the steepest part of the ascent was behind us, and we swept onwards via Mt.Cyciops and Mt.Thurat, getting to the cars about 1430 and enjoyed a celebratory dinner at the Hotel Imperial, Mount Victoria, on the journey back to Sydney. Stephen Adams
Linden to Lawson via Woodford Creek. The Blue Mountains never looked more blue, with a fresh wind and bright sunshine. Seven walkers turned up on time, with one prospective (er, new member) a no-show because she slept in. We dropped cars at Linden Observatory to cut out most of the boring bit along the road, and set off along Linden Ridge until a point where we enter the bush. What point? Jo reckons its that distinctive twisted scribbly gum, but this suggestion was met with some disdain by the rest of the party who were all busily reading maps and consulting their compasses. We were fortunate in having three prospectives (er, new members) who all got their tum at navigating and leading.
The wind was a bit stiff on the top of the “ ridge, but the steep descent into a point on Woodford Creek (details supplied by leader and three assistants) and up the equally steep other side soon warmed us up. By some marvel of navigation, we had crossed the creek at exactly the same-spot, in all that trackless country, as we had done last time.
Lunch was on large flat rocks, accompanied by much comparison of the old and the new maps, and contented cloud watching from the supine position (position three metres east of mapreaders). Still uphill after lunch, through the lovely unburnt bush of the north side. No caims, no blazes on trees, no ribbons, no squares of old venetian blind. One can walk a lot further in a day, or a lot faster, but one cannot have a
better day in the bush.
We emerged from the bush at the original Blue Mountaim, out to the conveniently placed cars at the end of Lawson Ridge. Two of the party, one anew member, were backing up for the Sunday test walk (sorry, qualifying walk) . Surely thats the way to do it; get stuck in and qualify quickly . Got a few hours? Ill tell you how I qualified some day !
Leader, Jim Percy. Scribe and follower, Jo van Sommers.
Medium Day Walk Katoomba 16 June A very interesting walk with five members and two prospectives. Moming tea at Darks Caf and lunch at a sheltered sunny spot at the end of Fortress Ridge. We climbed down to Fortress canyon and retuned back along the ndge.
A great day ended with coffee and cakes at the bakery at Wentworth Falls.
Anne Maguire
Day Walk - Kuringai NP 16 June
Our group comprised seven members and two prospectives. We left Cowan Station at 9-45 am in fine and mild weather. We had a good break at Jerusalem Bay, enjoying a beautiful view. As we departed the bay thick cloud came over and it became very windy. There were spots of tain. We climbed up to Govett Ridge and went on a side track to a great lookout over Jerusalem Bay, where we had an early lunch.
We back-tracked to the main track and headed north through pleasant woodland scenery. Finally we reached a fire trail. It was super-windy on the ridge but we sropped for a break at a lookout over the Hawkesbury River -
fabulous views! Then we continued on a fire trail, went past a railway dam and reached Brooklyn about 3 pm. A short but pleasant trip, despite the high winds.
Nigel Weaver
Easy Day Walk in RoyalNP 9 June
We had eleven walkers on this easyl2 km walk from Bundeena to Bundeena via Port Hacking Point.
The weather was very good for early winter. We saw two whales off Jibbon Point Cappuccinos at Bundeena caf half way through ~ totally decadent, slothful and enjoyable Errol Sheedy
Wanted! Short articles promoting a recent walk or a coming walk in an interesting area.
| The Sydney Bushwalker July 2002
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Kanangra Boyd NP- 4,15 &16 June 2002. Prospective Mapping Instructional Leader: Don Finch, Member Morag Ryder Visitors: Ros Kerrigan, Pam Wood, Alicia Wilhams & Hauke Wagner. Perchance and design saw the two vehicles meet in Blackheath for the dnve out to Boyd River crossing on Friday night, where we arrived at about 9pm. It was cold and very windy the rai came latter in the dark night. The tents were up quickly and the zigi y bottles filled with hot water were placed into the f sleeping bags, while a chat about elon the stars over a nightcap help settle the travellers. Strong wind blasts and some rain during the night woke us up but no damage done and so back to the land of nod. Saturday dawned fine with some threatening cloud and wind. Breakfasted with a hot cuppa and a warm over a smoky fire, pack up was all done by 9am. Pack weights ranged from 6.5kg to 12.5kg. The mapping instructional started and after thirty minutes we walked off on magnetic 80 degrees to see what we would find. Granite boulders rock shelves a creek crossing with open light timber that gave way to light scrub as we came up onto Kanangra Range. Grid references were given checked and discussed like wise distance travelled and contour interpretation explained. We tumed north along the range walking on compass bearings and checking for tops, change of mdge direction and elevation. The leader offered a noon lunch but the party wanted more so it was on to Bourne Soak compasses in hand. Approaching the soak
through tall trees with grass under foot was a_
delight the area along the creek was open with clear grassy leads running back into more tall open forest. With running water and sunshine this was clearly lunch. The wind was still blowing the tops of the trees around but it was quite pleasant down on the forest floor the few spots of rain did not last once the rain gear was put on.
Alicia led the party through the afternoon on various compass courses to Queen Pin Gully where we arrived about 3:30am. Flys and tent were put up, water and dry wood were collected it was time to explore the environs. A large area about 500m x 300m tall open forest with grass and fern areas underneath some smaller trees in clumps along the creeks and gullys. Tree stumps as evidence of previous logging activity and some patches of severe pig damage did little to
distract from a very pleasant and picturesque forest dappled in later afternoon light with wallabies and birds to share it with.
The wonders of lemon barley with the secret additive were visited on the new chums and the old hands alike during a modest but lengthy entree. Rosie cooked dinner for five and was assisted as required until a splendid repast was ready for the assembled team. Night closed in and the wind showed displeasure by cranking up a little and then a little more. Off to bed with hot water filled zigi bottles and slept until the wind roaring through the treetops and gusting down on the forest floor woke us up sometimes during the night. Then along with the wind came the rain, rechecked the rain preparations marvelled at the movement in the treetops and finally back to sleep.
Sunday moming was fine with the wind still blowing but a lot calmer than during the night. We moved of to the north with compasses in hand to cross Baldy Bill Fire Trail and down a ridge to the ford, navigation instruction soaked up the morning hours. Walked around the fire trails to near Queen Pin where we had lunch in pleasant surroundings on grass in the sun. A compass march to King Pin via open forest with some light tea tree scrub, then down the ndge to Boyd Crossing through more open forest with patches of granite boulders closer to the crossing made for an easy finish to the walking. Arriving back at the cars we changed clothes and drove out to Kanangra to gaze into the deep and out to Cloud Maker, The Blue Breaks, Mt Colong and beyond into the blue void, places to go if you can use a map and compass.
Don Finch
Interesting Coming Events To Mark In Your Calendar
Sat 24 Aug Six Foot Track In A Day Katoomba. to Jenolan Caves - a hard but enjoyable 46km SBW classic walk
Sat 7” Sep Kanangra To Katoomba In A Day The logical follow-up to the above. This time more ups and downs and a total of 50km.
Long Weekend 4“ -7” Oct Mt. Canobolas Includes a visit to the local wineries to ease the pain of this medium grade walk.
12“~ 21% Oct. Grampians NP Victoria
North to south trek from Mt Zero to Major Mitchell Plateau. Medium grade 150 -180 km.
The Sydney Bushwalker July 2002
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Isnt It Too Cold To Ride?
This the tale of twelve would-be bike riders who gathered at Robyns farm at Georges Plains (near Bathurst) for four days of easy/medium bicycle riding and socialising from Thursday 20 June to Sunday 24” June. ,
Isn't it too cold to ride said one as she gazed outside on Thursday morning to a thick fog and near zero temperature. But nothing could stop us except morning tea that dragged on to near lunch as we waited for the fog to lift. Then, on our way 15 km to Chifley Dam for a late lunch and a cold retum to a warming log fire.
Friday was similar, a heavy fog late start -and this time a little cycling assisted by a few cars to visit Rockley and retum to a late lunch and the warm fire where we stayed.
Saturday looked like snow but there was no mist. The cars m the carport and out were covered in ice. The dogs water bucket was . frozen. .Isnt it too cold to ride she said. But, the decision to nde about 50km to Abercrombie Caves had been made and away we went at least four or five of us. The wind was biting and one by one we chickened out with your _ Scribe stubbomly persisting until after 20km and at 970 metres Fran prised me off the bike and we all returned to the farm for an afternoon of Trivial Pursuit.
Sunday was going home day. A late breakfast and off after lunch.
_it was a great time lots of laughter and long happy hours but it really was too cold too ride!
And Too Windy To Walk? Two weeks later, from Tuesday 2nd July to Friday Sth July about the same number gathered at Lorraine Bloomfields home, in the Blue Mountains for four days of bushwalking the mountain and cliff top tracks.
Isnt it too windy to walk said one as he gazed out of the window at a gale blowing up the valley and threatening to lift the roof.
Lorraines house is on Sublime Point Road
with a view over the valley to Mount Solitary. We could see the wind coming and it blew and blew and blew for four days.
So we tried a couple of short cliff top walks but most of the time we read and talked and enjoyed happy hours and dinners and had a good time Bill Holland
Spring Walks Activities Planning Night Despite strong competition from the final State of Origin rugby match and the last week of World Cup Soccer, we had a good roll-up of members for our Spring Walks Activities Planning Night. (Remember: The Spring programme closes 27“ July 2002)
Our guest presenters were Bull Capon, Maurice Smith, Roger Treagus, George Mawer and Jim Percy, who, armed with maps, trip notes and other information discussed; walkmg in Wollemi, Morton (Ettrema) areas and the Wollondilly Great River Walk, mtroduction of
. The SBW Leadership and Training Handbook
and Jim Percys advance notice of his proposed seven day walk across the Blue Mountains to celebrate Blaxland, Wentworth and Lawsons 1813 crossing. Also, Jim talked of his proposed extended walk the following year to celebrate George Caleys Blue Mountains crossing to Mt Banks in 1904 mine years prior to Blaxland, Wentworth and Lawson. Believe it or not, Caley, among others almost there!
These planning nights, run in conjunction with the Walks Secretary, are based on an open plan to enable a free exchange of ideas with our presenters and other members. The night is a great opportunity for potential leaders to pick up ideas discuss their plans seek advice from a buddy (mentor) ** - or maybe just encouragement to take up leading a bushwalk! If you are thinking of leading your first walk, well, we are there to help and support you.
Don Brooks
Mid-week Walking Group:
There is a group of members with time available to participate in midweek activities. If you have time during the week please join us. _
We have arranged to visit Hitchinbook Island in early August. Other activities in the planning stage include a beach house stay and mid week base camp at Deep Pass.
If you would like to be added to the mailing list please contact Bill Holland 9484 6636 or email billholl@hotkey.net.au
Would you like to be on the SBW email
If you have an email address send it to the
Members Secretary pamm@unsw.edu.au and
put SBW in the Subject line. Also add a note as to what information youd find
useful to have emailed to you. 4% \ 7 DH Ty
We'll use this feedback to guide the use of email in providing information. The Sydney Bushwalker July 2002
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Hello from Heike,
: OK a month overdue, How to keep the costs down on the Gear… somecne said that bushwalkers make great friends and family members, as there is never any difficulty in buying them presents!!
Rulel. Keep in with friends and family members especially around Christmas and birthday time.
SBW like to promote overnight walking trips
because tt is by going that extra distance you can really get to magnificent and spectacular scenery, the stresses and strains of your everyday life disappear, all is put in proper perspective under the star-filled nights weary but warm in your sleeping bag. The camaraderie of these trips and the relaxed
enjoyment of a campfire can form good and long-
lasting friendships.
However the equipment needed can be expensive. Despite loving being out in wilderness most of us like to have the comfort of a snug down-filled sleeping bag and tent to keep inclement elements at bay (not to mention leeches) and of course in getting away from it all, that which does need to come with you is carried literally on your shoulders.
To become a full member of SBW you do have to complete one overnight trip. We hope you will be so enthused by this experience you will want to go out again and again which will make any equipment bought worth its weight in gold and in the long run cheap accommodation/entertainment/ health insurance etc ~ all the side benefits of bushwalking. But it is wise to take your time in making the decision as to what suits you best and I do not advise you rush out to buy the latest in Titanium, Gore-Tex or rare duck-down for your first o/n trip.
Rule 2. Planning is crucial to your enjoyment. Scan the walks program for an easy one first, if you have never camped out before come along to the weekends down at Coolana, you dont have to have a tent as there is a shed. For your Qualifying o/n trip see if there is one with a cave camp this means again you can be tentless and this cuts significantly down on the weight and increases significantly the pleasure.
If you do need a large pack, tent or s/bag,
_ book in early for our gear pool, its nothing swish but will give you the taste cheaply. Some camping stores do still hire tents out, enquire, if they are 2 person tents go with a friend and split the weight.
Beg/borrow/bribe a pack, the travel packs can have very good systems and someone you know is bound to have on from the great overseas experiences.
When it comes to purchasing your own think less-is-better in capacity, if you dont have the space you wont be tempted to fill it. Nylon is lighter but perhaps not as hard wearing as Cordura/canvas. Try on all and get the hamess system fitted to your height and dimensions a good store will do this for you.
Sleeping bags, Down (100% preferably) always. They are far warmer for weight and volume, yes they are expensive so take the time to know what sort of trips you will mainly be doing and your metabolism for the mimimum weight/warmth of down that will be required for comfort. Silk liners add warmth, cleanliness and luxury to a bag and are a great pressie from the loved one who never knows what to give you.
The local chain store featured heavily last month and so it does this…
Cooking equipment: Billys, don't go buying a Trangia/MSR/whatever until youre sure it's the best alternative for you. A $7 aluminium billy will suffice, light and they haven't yet proven the link with Alzheimers, plus you can stuff all-sorts into them and save on pack space.
Down past the laundry detergents and scrubbers you'll find your pack-liner, heavy duty garbage bags and care with packing will keep your gear dry for the average overnighter.
Groundsheets: a decent length of plastic- nylon from the haberdashery dept does me.
Chain store tents if chosen with care can cover you well for your qualifying overnight walk (check for triple stitching, you can lighten it up by getting aluminium pegs from camping stores and tighten it up by extra seam-sealing it). It will come in handy in the future for car- camping before moving off in the morming your saved-up-for super-lightweight tent dry and already in your pack for quick getaway at sparrows… Keep a scouts eye out along the Kent street strip again at sale time; they put out some goodies occasionally. Apparently, the Trading Post and garage sales have proved very good hunting grounds for tents too.
The best advice I can give is pester anyone and everyone in the club as to what they have and have had in the past. When on your ovemighter poke around the gear (with permission) and stick your head in tents (again check Ist !!) Bushwalkers love to talk about their gear, what they think is best and are quite happy to pass on info about their mistakes too.
ooopogonAo The Sydney Bushwalker July 2002 Page 17 |
Please welcome onto your next walk our
new members: Suzanne Aubrun-Sauran, Natalie Cutler Robyn Strain : Lillian and David Everitt, Ray Horne,
Derek Hadwen, Franc Evans,
Minar and Mike Tighe, Ross Camboum Robyn Barlow Grant Moran,
Mandy Mullen Nancy Martinez, Rudolf Werner.
Striding into full membership are: Patrick Mc Naught Caro Ryan * Jouni Leppanen Helene Bauer
Recommended Walks For New Members: The following walks are extracts from the Winter ., Walks Programme. For additional details of leaders, contact numbers etc please refer to the
Day Walks:
Sat 27 July: Blue Mountains NP Easy 6kms
Blackheath stn Porters Pass Centennial Pass. . Suitable for beginners. Late start an early finish.
Sun 28” July: Eastern Suburbs Ramble. 10km
Edgecliff to Watsons Bay. An easy, enjoyable
walk with fish and chips lunch.
Sun 28“ July: Great River Walk Easy 7km
Final stage Brooklyn to Palm Beach. Some
coastal rock hopping.
Sat 3” Aug: DharugNP 12km
An Easy/Medium mainly off-track walk in
vicinity of Mill Creek,
Sat 17“ Aug: Blue Mountains NP Easy 12km
Historical walk in the Woodford area .
Wed 21* Aug: City of Sydney
Milsons Point over the bridge and around to
Balmain. Jlkm
Sun 25”Aug: DharugNP 12km
Old North Rd historical walk with scenic views
Week-end Walks .
Sat/Sun 31* Aug, 1* Sept: Morton NP
An easy walk to explore old gold diggings and
walk upstream to a delightful camping site
Did You Know That ?
Turkey rhubarb (potato weed, potato vine, Acetosa sagittate) is another common weed growing at Coolana in areas subject to periodic flooding and disturbed sites. The seed germinates at most times, especially after adequate rainfall. Young plants send down a long taproot which swells to become a tuber. Aerial growth.is rapid and some plants flower and set seed in one season.. Turkey thubarb can be sprayed at any time.
Shirley Deane
The club now has a small pool.of' weektind
Biseping bag: $15.“ {For hygiene reasons $ you myst: ae aad use: your awn-sleeping bag. finer} Sieeping mat: . BS
Giourid sheet: 2: 7
Tent: $0.
Complete kt = | $0.
All items will | require, att : cquivatent -cagh
Recipe of the Month - Sprinkles for Flavour (or. how to jazz up bland rice, vegetable or lentil meals) f~) Crisp Shredded Beef 5 kilo steak topside, skirt) in a piece , 2 cloves garlic, crushed *~\ 1 onion, grated 1 tablespoon ground coriander
Pinch of ground caraway or cumin chilli, optional Freshly ground pepper
Salt to taste
Juice of half a lemon or tamarind liquid
2 teaspoons brown sugar
% cup very tick coconut milk/cream
% cup oil Trim fat from meat, boil meat in a covered saucepan with a cup of water on low heat until tender and on the point of falling apart. (Or pressure cook). Take the meat out & let it drain. Beat meat with the flat side of a cleaver to soften & shred into strands with a fork. (You can use the blender, on slow speed, with a little meat at time for 4 or 5 seconds only). Season the heap of meat fibres with spices & braise in coconut cream in a frying pan on medium heat until all coconut milk is absorbed, stirring all the time. When almost dry, add oil and fry until crisp. Place in a colander & press to let the oil drain thoroughly, separate meat fibres with a fork place on absorbent paper to absorb any remaining excess fat before storing it in an airtight container. Freeze if you want to keep it for more than a couple of weeks. Ros Kerrigan
walking equipment-available for hir to. Prospective Members. The 3 tates s for went) hire are. z Weekend pack: | 30
deposit, refundable on vetumn of the Sipiprent, Geoff Mcintosh has vokinteered to act as Gear. Custodian on a trial basis and would: be: hirers . should telephone Geoff on 9419 4619.
Please be aware that onr poal is presently still small, so give plenty of notice, …
| The Sydney Bushwalker July 2002
Page 18 |
Our Social Programme In Review:
The Winter Solstice, was a pleasant evening for those who attended. Don Brooks also presented a successful evening later in the month with some ideas to think about and handouts which included great suggestions for new leaders.
Wed 31st Indoor Rock Climbing at Summer Hill 7-30pm A fun activity for all! Cost $9-50 per person person and $5.50 extra optional boot hire . This is classed as a private activity and is not covered by the Clubs insurance policy. Please RSVP by 26 July as I need definate numbers. Call Vicki in the evening between 6.30 - 8.30pm on 9349 2905 (H).
Wed 7 Committee Meeting Observers welcome as well to see their Committee members at work Introduction to SBW Introducing new members to the Club
Wed 14th General Meeting
Your opportunity to particiapte in the
management of your club. Hear the
reports from office bearers, walks reports and discussion of current events
Wed 21* Nepal Photo/Slides Night with Pamela Irving.
Three week trek in Nepal from Tumlingtar in the Arun Valley (937m) to Everest region Namche Bazaar and Gokyo Ri (5483M)
Wed 28” Kirribilli Pub Dinner 7pm Please RSVP to Vicki by 21st August as I need number to book. Would be great to see new members there.
Call Vicki in the evening between 6.30 - 8.30pm.
Any suggestions, ideas or questions about the social 'programme should be directed to the Social Secretary: Vicki Garamy 9349 2905 You can find this social program (and updates) on our web site www.sbw.org.au
Forgotten Something?
Tum to Page 6 for a reminder
Messages From Our Travellers:
We have received cards from:
Jan and Margaret (mid-June) were enjoying French food and camping in glorious weather at Fourgeres (France) after cycling from Genets to St Malovia via Avacoucaucha (?)
= Tom and Barry also cycling m France having spent some time in cold weather in Normandy had visited Mt St Michel were at la Rochelle (8“ June) at the time of writing.
With cold Sydney winter weather numbing my
fingertips I can only envy those who travel
abroad at this time of the year.
The Cabbie And The Nun A cab driver picks up a nun. She gets into the .,. cab and the cab driver won't stop staring at her. She asks him why he is staring and the cabbie replies, “I want to ask you something, but I don't want to offend you.”
She answers: “My dear son, you cannot offend me. When you're my age and have been a nun as long as I have, you get a chance to see and hear just about everything. I'm sure that there's nothing you could say or ask that I would find offensive.”
“Well, I've always had a fantasy to have a nun kiss me.”
She responds, Well, let's see what we can do about that. Firstly, you have to be single and secondly, you must be a Catholic. The cab driver is very excited and says, “Yes, I am single and I'm Catholic too!”
The nun says, OK, pull into the next alley.” He does and the nun fulfils his fantasy beyond his expectation. But when they get back on the road, the cab driver starts crying.
My dear child.“ says the nun, “why are you crying?”
“Forgive me sister, but I have sinned. I lied, I must confess, I'm married and I'm a Baptist.”
“That's OK son says the nun, I am on my way to a party in Oxford Street and my name is Kevin
Sydney Bushwalker' Collating
Members are invited to assist with the collating of the August magazine and the Spring Walks Programme Waiks Programme at the Holland's home at Westleigh on Thursday 22” August. Contact Fran Holland beforehand for details on 9484 6636.
We have to use with skill what simple equipment we can carry on our backs to achieve shelter,
If you really want to get the best prepare food and have a night's rest? out of what you carry with you, . Paddy Pallin, 1900-1991
then move up to Black Diamond, exclusive to Paddy Palin.
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Black Diamond Moonlight Headterch: Constantly frustrated with replacing your torch battery? Then the Moontight is for you. WIth 4 ultra bright, energy efficient LED bulbs, it provides 70 hours of constant light.
It weighs a mere 90g (without batteries) so you'll hardly know you're
carrying it. Ideal for night walking, cooking and reading.
Black Diamond Contour Trekking Pole: Trekking poles dont just = a improve your balance and reduce the strain on your lower limbs; they heip re-distribute the load to your upper limbs as well, meaning you can keep going for longer. The Contour, featured, is ideal for comfort over long periods of walking with an ergonomic 15 degree correction angle in the upper shaft and soft dual density hand grip. It also features a unique NEW adjustment system,
making these the most easily adjusted poles on the market.
Black Diamond Betamid Tent: When you want to go ultra-light or you need extra storage space, the Betamid has you covered. This compact, floorless tent will go anywhere and pitches using a pair of trekking poles! Weighing in at a fraction over 1kg, it sleeps two and stands strong
against the elements. (Optional, detachable tub floor is also available.)
Store locations: Sydney: 507 Kent Street Miranda: 527 Kingsway * Parramatta: 74 Macquarie Street * Katoomba: 166 Katoomba Street Also in Canberra and Jindabyne Website: www.paddypallin.com.au
Mail order: 1800 805 398