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AUGUST 2602 Amongst the vast array of day packs that decorate the shelves of outdoor shops, it's difficult to pick something with the right features, what with 101 different types of nylon, all sorts

of different canvases, airflow systems, expanding pockets and neon colours.

So it's nice to know that if your the type of person that wants simple robust functionality that reflects years of local bushwalking experience with solid locally made material then the BLUE MOUNTAINS TRIASSIC could be your best companion for many years to come.

by David Noble # Australian 120z canvas

use in the Blue Mountains. The Triassic features two H ' } shoulder strap sizes so that the pack can be properly hip & 40 litre capacity . . loaded, sitting down comfortably in the lumbar region of & Proper hip loading with 2 shoulder strap sizes the back. This is sometimes difficult especially if you are a for walking comfort watt balt and shest seep oebtings toft ft which & Wide throat for easy loading and unloading great when climbing over rocks. 4 Buckle up front pocket with internal divider The volume is large enough to allow a 50m rope and & Top lid pocket wetsuit to easily fit in and the top is made larger so that 7 F your stuff slides in and out with ease. The pack has a 4 Extendable lid for overloading large front pocket for those essential items such as a &# Padded hip belt with 38mm buckle torch ane atop pocket fr the map and camer m & Hip belt retainer for city use (conveniently holds pack is large enough to be used as a weekend pac! F when no ropes etc. are needed. This can keep the bulk the hip belt back and out of the way down and stop you from packing too much on these & Padded back (removable) weekend bushwalks. A Thumb loops on shoulder straps for more

The Triassic is made from durable 120z canvas which Iki can withstand the abuse given to it in canyons and when comfortable walking ;

walking through scrub. All the seams are double stitched Internal compression strap for haiding down and sealed to prevent failure. It is alsc very water proof, your canyon rope

on a recent trip down Hole In The Wall canyon, no . . wee water entered the main compartment despite a number Side compression straps for minimising volume Siorm throat to keep out the rain

of lengthy swims.

The pack is bush green in colour making the walker Hard wearing Cordura base almost invisible in the bush. This is handy for sneaking up Price $159.00 on wildlife with a camera or just blending in to the . wilderness as you walk along. Good for those who like to keep the visual impact minimal too. ONLY AVAILABLE AT A quality Blue Mountains pack for our tough conditions, the Triassic carries a lifetime guarantee on workmanship and materials.

Overall an excellent pack for either short or talt with the

2 shoulder strap options. And great for canyons or short

or = Alpsport NB: David Noble is a kean canyoner and _

bushwalker. He Is also the discoverer of the rare

Woltem! Pine (WOLLEMIA NOBILIS) found In 1994, 1045 VICTORIA RD, WEST RYDE Ph 9858 5844

> > b>


Issue No. 813

INDEX: THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER is _ the . monthly bulletin of matters of interest to Index and Notices members of 2. Editor's Note The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc 3, President's Report PO Box 431 Milsons Point 1565. , Rosemary MacDougal Editor: Bill Holland ; ; ; Production Manager: Frances Holland 4. Notice of Special Meeting Printers: Kenn Clacher, Barrie Murdoch, 4. Treasurer's Report Maurice Smith Tom Wenman Don Brooks Margaret Niven a 5. 75“ Anniversary Celebrations Highlights from the Social Programme 6. The June General Meating August: oo. L , : \Wed 28th Kiribilli Pub - Dinner ~ | Barry Wallace September: : : 7,8. SBW in 1927 Reg Alder Wed 4 Committee Meeting rr Wed 11th General Meeting. 9. Rambling in the Cotswolds an Mapps Wed 18” Antartica Slide Night | Wed 25“ Walk across the Bridge . 10. Land Clearing in NSW David Trinder 42.13. Ine Blue Mountains A Very Special , Place Alex Colley Old Members, New 14-,15. The Walks Pages Members, Ex-Members and Friends! 16. Fires Burming Patrick James Dont Forget! 17. Of Interest To New Members Fill in the eclosed booking slip and mail 18. Social Notes - with your cheque today to reserve your place at the fabulous 75” Anniversary Dinner on Friday 25“ October . Send a cheque made out to SBW for the ADVERTISERS: number of tickets, addressed to: : : . 75th Anniversary Dinner Alpsport Front cover The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc Eastwood Camping 11 PO Box 431 Milsons Point 1565 Paddy Pallin Back cover Wildemess Transit . ) 3 Willis's Walkabouts . 5

The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. a The Sydney Bushwalker

August 2002 Page 2

The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc.

This year we celebrate our 75 anniversary.

The Club's main activity is bushwalking, but it has grown to include other activities such as ski touring, canyoning, abseiling, li-loing, cycling and social events.

Our Club meetings are held every Wednesday evening at 8 pm at Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre, 16 Fitzroy Street, Kirribilli (near Milsons Point Railway Station).

Visitors and prospective members are welcome. General Enquiries: Phone 0500 500 729

SBW Website www. Office Bearers President: Rosemary MacDougal Vice-President: Wilf Hilder Public Officer: Maurice Smith Treasurer: Maurice Smith Secretary: Leigh McClintock Walks Secretary: Carol Lubbers Social Secretary Vicki Garamy Membership Secretary Pam Morrison New Members Secretary: Heike Krausse Conservation Secretary: David Trinder Magazine Editor: Bill Holland Committee Member: Eddy Giacomel

Barry Wallace

Delegates to Confederation: Jim Callaway – vacant –

Sydney Bushwalker' Collating

Members are invited to assist with the collating of the September magazine at the Holland's home at Westleigh on Thursday 19th September. Contact Fran Holland beforehand for details on 9484 6636.

Would you like to be on the SBW email list?

If you have an email address ; send it to the Members Secretary and put SBW in the Subject line. Also add a note as to what information youd find useful to have emailed to you. We'll use this feedback to guide the use of email in providing information

Editors Note:

We are definitely in to the winter slowdown. The nights are long and cold and we have trouble in attracting members to leave the warm comfort: of their homes to attend the social activities in the club rooms.

It was even cold camping at Coolana recently but the roaring campfire, and good company, more than made up for the chill in the air. The night in the bushland was clear with moonlight shining through the trees - a rather magic moment.

And isnt that what bushwalking is all about? The magic moments !

Last month I requested that members send in a report of their most memorable walk/s for the October Special Edition of the magazine.. I havent yet been deluged with responses but there must have been many magic moments on many memorable walks.

As if thumbing through a mental photograph album my memories come back. I recall standing on Mt Owen looking out over Monolith Valley knowing that I would never forget that spectacular scene; and the first time I looked at Kanangra Walls, the gorges of the Kimberleys, the great waterfall at King George Sound and the list goes on.

So where are your memories? Let us have your contribution to the clubs memory bank.

This month the magazine includes a Notice of Special Meeting (Page 4) to discuss eliminating the monthly general meeting and replacing it with a six monthly general meeting. Also foreshadowed in the Social Programme is a meeting to discuss reducing the size of Management Committee. These changes warrant your attention and if you would like to play a part in these discussions please attend these meetings.

For this month during my absence, Patrick James takes over the reins of editorship to complete the magazine while I seek more memories on holidays in Queensland.

Thanks Patrick the magazines in good hands. Bill Holland

Change of Address - Patrick James Effective from 19 August 2002, my change of address and phone number:

29 Tabrett Street, Banksia NSW 2216 Telephone for business and after hours:

{02} 9567 9998. My mobile number remains unchanged at 040 904 13515

Patrick James

| The Sydney Bushwalker August 2002

Page 3 5 |

Contact The Editor:

Copy for publishing in the SBW magazine should

be received by the Editor by the end of the first

week of each month. Letters stating your

viewpoint on matters of interest are most welcome. Please send your submission in by mail

(preferably typed), on floppy disc, by fax or by

email addressed to The Editor

Telephone: 9484 6636

Email: .

Fax: 99805476 ” (phone 9484 6636 first)

Presidents Report: |, ;

The committee has approved a recommendation from the Review Committee to. give notice to the members of -a proposed change to the Constitution to remove the requirement for monthly general meetings. This appears as a separate article in this magazine and the meeting will be held on 9 October 2002.

The committee has also approved the reduction of social nights at the club rooms to be one event a month. This will not be fully brought into ffect until the Summer program and does not require a change to the constitution. These changes are being made in response to the members survey and submissions received from you all in recent years.

Confederation has advised that our Public Liability policy No is D246592425 and it is with QBE Insurance Limited. I am advised that leaders might like to keep details of this policy handy in case they are on private land and the provision of this information may be requirement before proceeding. Any claims under the personal accident policy have to be made by the claimant to the broker whose

details can be obtained from any committee member.

The committee has also received a submission from the Review Committee on Activities

Leadership Training. We want to establish a sub -

committee to develop and facilitate the delivery of a training program to be offered to current and potential leaders. It is not recommended that training be mandatory for existing leaders and prior learning would be recognised. I am seeking volunteers who might be able to assist in exploring what might be appropriate for our

club. Our view is that we would rather do this ourselves than have some government agency take control of us which may happen in the future. If you are interested in this then please contact me for further details and I will send you the notes.

Rosemary MacDougal

Bandages Double Stinger Venom. Treating jellyfish stings with compression bandages doubled the amount of poison injected into the victim, a leading stinger expert, Jamie Seymour of James Cook University told a toxins conference in Cairns recently. Dr Seymour said bandages were adopted to treat potentially fatal jellyfish stings because they were effective in treating snake bites, but the best treatment was to apply vinegar to the sting, immobilise the victim and seek medical help. (To be followed- up. Editor)





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75 Anniversary Dinner: Book your tickets now, right now, dont delay. in ae . The Sydney Bushwalker August 2002

Page 4 |

NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING to -be held on 9 Octaber 2002 at 8pm at the Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre

The business to be transacted at this meeting is a motion approved by the Management Committee on the recommendation of the Review Committee to change article 34 of the constitution so as to remove the requirement for monthly general meetings. For this motion to be passed it must be approved by not less than three fifths of the members present at the meeting.

The Current Constitution which deals with Monthly meetings is inthe following terms

34. MONTHLY GENERAL MEETINGS Notwithstanding anything contained in this constitution, there shall be held each month a general meting of which no notice shall be required cther than a reference to such meeting in the Club magazine or walks programme. No notice of the business to be considered at such general meeting shall be _required.



Notwithstanding anything contained in this constitution general meetings may be held of which the Management Committee shall give notice in the Club magazine or _ walks programme but at least one such general meeting shall be held each year on the second Wednesday in the sixth month following the Annual General meeting. No notice of the business to be considered at any general meeting shall be required.

The review committee has given detailed consideration to comments raised both-in the members letters and survey conducted in 2001 and has noted that a number of members thought that the monthly general meetings were a waste of time, were poorly attended, that for a club of our size there were too many meetings and that nothing of any interest ever happened or was reported as happening. :

The individual members of the committee who attend the meeting were able to observe for themselves that many of these observations were correct. _~

The facts are that many general meetings are held without a quorum being present. If there is a quorum, then it is substantially comprised of office bearers. There is nothing of any import transacted at these meetings. Responsible management of the club might suggest that we should cease being committed to paying rent for

the club rooms in these circumstances.

The committee thought it sensible to have a six monthly meeting, which ought to be informative, and an opportunity for members to air any grievances. General reporting on club activities would continue through the magazine in the usual way. Furthermore, the motion allows the Committee to call a general meeting more frequently if it is thought appropriate.

Lest it be said that this change may be seen by the membership to be taking power or management of the club away from them, they will have an opportunity to raise their objections when it is put to the meeting. More importantly, the Constitution still enables the appropriate number of members to requisition a meeting and members can always attend a Management committee meeting.

Treasurers Monthly Report for July 2002, by Maurice Smith

Bank Account Balance | July $4,943 Income received Subscriptions 1,171 Other 195 Total Income 1,366

Expenses paid Confederation for:

Annual affiliation 1,540

Public liability insurance 2,424

Personal accident insce 1,575 Magazine postage 403 Other 178 Total payments 6,120 Bank Account Balance 31 July 189

The last of the annual subscriptions are still dribbling into the post office box. Remember, if you havent paid your subscription then dont blame us when you dont receive a Spring Walks Program.

75 Anniversary Dinner: Book your tickets now, right now, dont delay. The Sydney Bushwalker

August 2002 Page 5

Weekend 19th/20th October: The 75“ Anniversary Reunion at Coolana, will be a memorable and not to be missed event. It

extends from Saturday 20-October to Monday


Saturday night: campfire entertainment, concert, music, dancing, songs, and much, much more. Sunday: damper competition for the young and the young at heart.

Monday is the Clubs actual birthday. Stay over and enjoy the birthday in a relaxing mood.

There is plenty of camping in park like splendour, abundant water for drinking, a whole river to swim in. Demonstration of road repair techniques will be staged, a road repair workshop may follow. No mowers, no weeding. Bring cameras (digital, film, video), happy hour for 4 or 5 hours, champagne and a chair to sit on. Open to all members, ex- members, and significant others.

Wednesday 23rd October: A Gala Activity in the club room, to be determined, Keep this social evening free and unencumbered. Open to .all members, ex- members, and significant others.


ns - October 2002

Friday 25th October:

The 75th Anniversary Dinner will be at the Harbourview Room of the Kirribilli Club, 11- 23: Harbour View Crescent, Lavender Bay. Map: street directory. Grade: over easy, Distance: 7 PM to Midnight. Open to all members, ex-members, and significant others. Tickets $40 each, booking beforehand essential.

Sunday 27th October: 75th Anniversary Picnic at Quarantine Park, Abbotsford. Entrance Spring St. BYO

everything including cameras (digital, film, video), lunch, champagne and a chair to sit on. Sausages will be sizzled. Open to all members, ex-members, and significant others. Easy, 4-6 hours.

Contacts for all of the above:

Vicki Garamy 9349 2905 (h), Bill Holland 9484 6636 (h & w), Sophie Watson 9360 6678 (h) 0409 887 010 (mobile), Patrick James (phone 9567 9998 h & w)


One additional super special discount: Kakadu Cine No. 1,

our costs | are rising

* fark entry up 23% * Dried vag up from 59 to 300% Transport up frorn 5 to 30% * Subic Habllty INSUTARCE UP.

www. bushwalk

Pian well ahead.

Our prices will have to rise to refiect the increased cusis but, if you can pian well ahead, you can beat the inctease,


The 2003 programm i$ going onto aur wabsite at the 2002 prices. Anyane baoking befdre we co the comusisve secostinay wil lock in the current prices.

May 17 - June 1 2003. This. 1s one of Russell's avo favourite Kakadu trips. We cant run it # we dant have bookings ny sid Novernber, Anyone backing and paying before ther will get a 25% advance purchase discount, the largest AP discount we have ever offerad.

Complete details ave on the websile or contact us for a draft 2063 program.

58 s” NA

Walkabouts 12 Carrington St Miliner NT 0810 Email:

The Sydney Bushwalker August 2002

Page 6 |,

The June 2002 General Meeting.

Things were looking a bit sparse, what with only 10 members in the vicinity as meeting time rolled around. We eventually bit the bullet and decided to go, with a caution that no substantive motions could be dealt with in the absence of a quorum. Th meeting began at about 2019 with apologies for Jim Calloway and Carol Lubbers, both of whort are overseas, albeit in different continents.

First item was the news that we now have a secretary again, with Leigh McClintoch having volunteered and been accepted with alacnty and gratitude. On this basis the minutes of the June meeting were read and received with no matters arising.

There were oo items of correspondence requiring attention so we moved on to the reports.

Confederation report indicated that a 70“ anniversary edition of The Bushwalker is planned. The next confederation meeting will be the Annual General Meeting. Insurance cover for overseas walking trips, excluding the USA and Canada, is available on application. The exact purpose of a pedestrian bridge, planned across the F3 freeway, is the subject of much puzzlement among the walking fraternity.

No conservation report was presented to the meeting.

New member Jouni Leppanen was welcomed into full membership in the usual way.

There was no representative for the walks reports so we ventured out, rudderless, into the storm tossed seas as one might say; reliant entirely on whatever came to hand from those present. Wilf Hilders Nepean Loop of the Great North Walk, scheduled for 15, 16 June did not go. Anne Maguire had a party of 8 out in cool but sunny conditions for her Sunday walk the same weekend.

Wilfs mid week walk on Thursday 20” June went, with a party of 5 in windy conditions that were nonetheless reported as pleasant.

Bill and Fran Holland had a roll-up of around 12 for their bicycle trip(s) out from Georges Plains over the period from 20 June. Conditions were reported to have been cold.

A party of 12 tumed out for Gail Crichtons qualifying walk out from Carlons Farm on Sunday 23 June. The day was beautiful but the walk tumed out to be long for some reason.

Just one week later Frank Grennan also had a Sunday qualifying walk out from Carlons. Again the day was descnbed as beautiful. Wilf also ran a qualifying walk that day but relocated it from Berowra to Brooklyn to the vicinity of

Barry Wallace

Gentlemens Halt. There was a party of 13, the views were good and the weather perfect.

Things were a little cooler a week later when Rosemary led an overnight qualifying walk out from Kanangra Walls. The weekend of 6, 7 July delivered snow early on the Saturday, then settled down to cool and windy with some patches of sun. Meanwhile Maurice Smith was leading another overnight qualifier down in the Buddawangs with a party of 9 and cold, windy conditions. All of which expended the last of the available resource as far as walks reports for the month were concemed.

The Treasurer then reported that we acquired income of $1,920, spent $2,492 and closed with a balance of $4,934.

Announcements brought news that a new draft plan of management for Kosciuszko National Park is out for comment. Comment and suggestions should be routed to Wilf. The meeting closed at about 2101 hours.

ABBREVIATIONS FOR METRIC UNITS: EddyGiacomel has advised the following general rules for abbreviations as stated in ASA 120. These deal with abbrieviations for metric units. All should be in lower case unless used as someones name:

kilo=k milli =m metre = m- gram = g second =s tonne =t

Upper case when it is someones name

Volt =V

Amp =A

Joule =J

Watt = W

Newton = N

Hz = Hertz

Special cases:

Mega = M (to avoid confusion with milli)

Litre = | or L (can be upper case to avoid

confusion with | i.e. one)

G = Giga (why this is I dont know)

Never use an s for plurals. Reasons (amongst


e Non English speakers wouldn't agree (metric is international)

e What is plural? Is 1.01 plural? Is 1.5? Is 1.99?

Hence we have km not kms, kg not Kg or kG or

kgm or kGms, etc

[J will do my best to comply ….Ed] L a The Sydney Bushwalkcer_ _August 2002 Page7 |

FROM OUT OF THE PAST (75 Years of SBW History) going, SBW in 1927 ~ by Reg Alder

= PS The formation of the Sydney Bush Walkers in 1927 by enthusiasts of the Mountain Trails Club and those who came in response to the newspaper advertisement of Jack Debert was at a period of great technological and social change, Conny I was ten years old at the time and had already been initiated to the joy of being out in the bush from the annual holidays (rare then) in the Blue Mountains and roaming around the undeveloped areas of Wolli creek near where I lived. A couple of years later I walked from Audley to Wattamolla over bush tracks to camp there with an uncle. There was no road to it then. As a teenager I walked over the Kings Tableland from Wentworth Falls down the | in 4 to camp on the Cox. Later to walk from Kurrajong via Bowen creek and Mt Irvine along the then rough Bells Line of Road to Mt Victoria with my rudimentary camping gear .

Around that time-Kingsford Smith flew the Pacific, Bert Hinkler flew solo from London in 16 days, electric trains were new and running through the underground to Wynyard and St James. Footboard trams rattled through the suburbs, the Harbour Bridge was under construction and there were few buses, if transport was not available you walked or rode a bike. Steam trams ran from Kogarah to Sans Souci and steam rollers and lorries puffed along at a snail's pace. Milk, bread and groceries were delivered to your door by horse and cart, the postman delivered the mail to the front door with a hearty blast on his whistle. Various itinerants called out in the street selling clothes props, rabbits, fish, vegetables, eggs etc.

Public broadcasting of wireless (radio) had only been in for a few years with two commercial stations 2BL and 2FC. Our ABC' came later. Crystal sets fed from long aerials were the norm, valve radios powered from batteries and a B battery eliminator from the power were just gaining popularity and sets functioning completely from mains power at a price few could afford had still to come. Movies with sound, the talkies , were just filling the cinemas with rejuvenated audiences.

Neck to knee swimming costumes had been phased out for those with a three inch leg and skirt, men had to keep their chests covered and later to be exposed at some beaches and pools by the expedient of unzipping the top. Bikinis came the fashion some 15 years later and one member, Joan Atthill, in appropriate locations, led the fashion for the SBW with side laced scanty trunks and a minimum cover up top. Nude swimming was only carried out in remote places, North Era was not sufficiently remote for it

_to be raided by the police in response to information.

Paddy Made had still to come, various expedients of home made, imported or modified army gear was the norm with Myles Dunphy advocating the adoption of his swag. | made my own tent from unbleached calico to a design I had seen from a book on Scott's Antarctic exploration. It was bel! shaped with a small wall, centre pole and no floor. The pack made from canvas with upholsterers webbing for straps. These were initially not padded and soon cut heavily into my shoulders. I was unaware of the need to proof a tent and on one occasion it did not make much difference whether you were in or out of it. I was severely castigated on an early SBW walk by a femaie member with three in the tent of how unfriendly it was on a cold night with not being able to secure some mutual warmth because of the central pole.

My tent was not unusual with no floor, all of Paddy's initial Japara tents were floorless, self-inflating mats. If it rained the water from the tent or surrounding ground flowed under our ground sheets or it was eliminated by digging a trench, sometimes carried out naked in the middle of the night. Japara was closely woven cotton and although it could have benefited from silicon waterproofing, not available then, they were reasonably: waterproof. The same could not be said about the light-weight London Tan variety which sprayed even in light showers.

Paddy's tents were of a 2 or 3 man variety, Al or walled. When Paddy moved his workshop from his home, he-had a shop upstairs a few doors from Wynyard. I can still remember the smell of canvas and leather as you walked up the narrow flight of stairs. Paddy soon learnt the names of all who called, mine even though I had moved away from Sydney over many years.

The carrying of a tent was shared, the pegs possibly with someone else. No poles were required as the tents were supported by sticks found at the site. Abdulling became fashionable where one side was lifted

_ and pegged out to provide additional shelter and in that made a 3 man into a 4 man tent. It was particularly pleasant on hot, insect free: nights. Tenting was quite different as to today, where individuals carry their own one man tent and pitch it generally in seclusion away from another, necessary if there are . some heavy snorers. On occasions, up to four or five tents would be joined together in line, for economy of space or the camaraderie of association. Some would-gather bracken or leaves to place under their

75 Anniversary Dinner: Book your tickets now, right now, dont delay. The Sydney Bushwalker August 2002 Pages |

groundsheet to lift it up above water or for warmth.

A tent shared by an unmarried couple was strictly taboo and had the possibility of being indicted by the committee with possible expulsion from the Club. There was a real fear that the scandal sheet newspaper Truth could take it up as a moral issue amiong all the divorces and murders.

It was the custom for food to be shared, all good wholesome fresh vegetable, some dried with bully- beef or salami. Dampers were baked in the ashes or in the combination dish/frypan. The weight was distributed uniformly and at the onset of the feminist movement, we may have been pioneers, there was no concession of weight to the women members of the party. On our memorable pioneer walk/swim down the Kowmung in 1938, we had a food party of eight and carried an average weight of food at 1 kg. per person. A few walkers may have carried a liquid fuel Primus but the norm was to cook over an open fire with the billies suspended from hooks on a stick frame made on the site. There were no firelighters, bark or leaves from the dry side of a tree or shelter were gathered and possibly some pieces of a bike inner tube or discarded negatives were used to start a fire. The negatives were extremely flammable, and some appeared to have a good supply since exposures were most times a guess until electric exposure meters became available.

It is possible that in 1927 no members had a car and when I joined I only had knowledge of three among the whole of the members. Train travel was the only normal way to go. There were no regulations to prevent riding on the back of a lorry and at times one would be hired and if more money was available, for comfort, a bus or taxi would be used. Mail coaches, cars and lorries ran out from the main centres to service the local population and these, by prior arrangement, would be available.

Train travel was all part of the experience. Generally the train would have box carriages with individual compartments, Normally meant to hold ten, we would pile in to squeeze up to twenty on knees, over in the luggage rack or in the lavatory. It was possibly no less comfortable as the seat cushions were padded with horse hair which matted into a solid block The only heat in a carriage was from foot warmers, stee! heated containers thrown in, two to compartment, which gave no overall heating and nothing to the feet of half of the compartment.

Lack of individual transport meant at times long walks to the start of the main walk. The walks to Carlons and Perrys Lookdown were just taken in our stride as were many other popular walks such as to get down into the Wolgan Valley from the Clarence railway station. If a walk from Bundeena was to be undertaken a bus from Central or Sutherland was needed as the Cronulla line had yet to be built. At the other end you walked into Lilydale or Otford.

Times have changed, we may have more freedom, but there are more restrictions and regulations to contend with: Permits to enter or for fires, fees, rangers, hovering helicopters, access, use of transport and directions on locations as to where to camp. Entering private land and greeting the owner is no longer a meeting that will be welcome with most properties now with city owners who greet all with suspicion. In 1927 you would be invited in for tea to relate the latest news, possibly given a meal and shelter and on leaving fruit, vegetables and eggs. ,

Walking clubs have proliferated. Walking is according to the Bureau of Statistics the most popular physical activity in Australia. Professional walking and trekking companies will take you anywhere in Australia or to any place in the world. Our Club coined the word 'BUSHWALKER' in 1927 and as a pioneer in the activity is still as strong a club as it was 75 years ago.

75th Anniversary Celebrations

We turn Seventy-five on 21% October 2002. To help with your planning please reserve the whole of October for SBW activities. Mark these dates on your calendar: Reunion at Coolana. 19/20“ October. This will extend to the Monday as well to celebrate the actual birthday. .

The Dinner Friday 25 October. Harbourview Room at the Kirribilli Club. Book your tickets now. Cost $40. The dinner is open to all: members, prospective members, non-members. 75th Anniversary Tee-shirts These will be available soon.

Anniversary Walks. Special anniversary walks repeating walks of the very early years.

75” Anniversary Dinner: Book your tickets now, right now, dont delay. - The Sydney Bushwalker

August 2002 Page 9 |

Rambling In The Cotswolds

When my wife and I first started walking

. with the Ramblers Association here in Oxford,

England, we had a bit of an uppity attitude. We thought this was going to be cushy walking with a lot of tweedy types. The countryside is fairly gentle, with few steep hills. There are no snakes, spiders, leeches, ticks or other nasties to worry about. And if you get lost, youre in no danger of becoming a search-and-rescue statistic you

, just go to the nearest pub and ask for directions.

We were in fora rude shock. Can these people walk! The minimum distance for our group is 12 miles (everythings in imperial measurements here). Thats about 20 km. A very keen rambler I spoke to recently had walked more than 2000 miles in the previous 12 months. Not only that, but on a typical walk these people

. Manage to eat a large pub lunch washed down

with a pint or two of ale a true test of fitness. The tracks here are called footpaths, which

date from times when shanks pony was the

quickest means of getting anywhere. There are many thousands of miles of them. These paths cut across the country, running between villages,

, towns and cities, and often slicing straight

through farmland. A common sight here is to see a dirt footpath running diagonally through a field of wheat or corn.

We walk regularly in the Cotswolds (about 30 to 60 minutes drive to the west) and the Chiltern Hills (about 20 minutes to the south). Both of these areas feature classic English scenery: rolling hills, hedgerows, beech forest and stone-built villages. These areas are among the most toursted parts of the UK, but it is surprisingly easy to get away from the crowds.

Recently we did a circular walk in the western Cotswolds and came across only a handful of other walkers. Our group of 12 started this 14-mile walk from the village of Birdlip near Gloucester. For those of you whove read the book Cider with Rosie, this part of the Cotswolds is Laurie Lee country.

Our leader, John, heads off over a rough paddock and into woodland of sycamores and beech. At this time of year (early May), theres a

bonus: flowering bluebells carpeting the ground

and giving off a gentle aroma. We emerge from the woods and start heading along a ridge with good views all around or there would be good views if this English misty weather would clear (which it soon does). Then over a stile, and through a field of grazing sheep. The Cotswolds once made its fortune from wool, but competition from the colonies forced local

b yy John Mapps

farmers to diversify. The early sheep days left a legacy of beautiful churches, finely built stone villages and lots of “sheepish” placenames

_(Sheepscombe, Wool Street, etc).

We head down into a valley where we walk parallel to a stream. On either side are steep, deep-green hills with forested ridges. Occasionally we see grand old manor houses on the hillsides. We pass three old mill houses built of the local honey-coloured stone like Sydney sandstone. Many of these old rural buildings are being renovated and made into homes even old barns, as long as the stoneworks in reasonable condition and theres a decent view. Then its over more stiles, through a field of foot-high wheat, up a ridge and down into another valley. Weve reached our lunch stop the town of Painswick. Wed brought our lunch, but ham sandwiches on stale bread lose out to hot meals at one of the two pubs. Boots get very muddy over here, so we leave them by the pub door and pad around inside in our socks.

After an hour, and just as were feeling like staying the afternoon, John gets us booting-up and moving outside into a drizzle. The rain stops and we get weak sunlight as we march uphill through a stretch of woodland, then take a footpath downhill into a valley and up over the other side. There are great views looking back towards Painswick with its prominent church spire, and on the horizon we can make out the Welsh mountains. The countryside is so typically English that I mention to someone that all we need is a village cricket match to complete the chocolate box picture. Better than that, we come across a church fete at the village of Sheepscombe. Its mid-afternoon, so we stroll into the church hall where the ladies of the parish are selling tea, coffee and cakes .

Then its off again for the last couple of hours. We walk up a country lane, and climb over a stile to get onto a footpath that leads up through grazing land and into the woods. Lots of wild garlic in flower here. Eventually we hook up with the Cotswolds Way, one of the many long-distance footpaths in the UK. It stretches for about 90 miles between Bath and Chipping Campden, and it takes about nine days to do the whole thing in one go, Anyone visiting the Cotswolds should think about walking at least a short section of it.

Beyond another hill or two, we veer off the Cotswolds Way, cross a road and trek through a field back to the cars. Another good days ramble!

75“ Anniversary Dinner: Book your tickets now, right now, dont delay. [Page 10

The Sydney Bushwalker April 2001

Land Clearing in New South Wales by David Trinder

The New South Wales Government says it is committed to solving the environmental threat of land clearing but is still approving land clearing in the state at an alarming rate. Since the NSW Native Vegetation Conservation Act was brought in land clearing increased from 70,000 hectares in 1999 to 78,000 in 2000 and increase of 12% and to 92,000 in 2001 an increase of 18%.

The Government continues to give out approvals to clear areas that include rare and threatened bushland types with little regard for the long- term impacts. At the same time, illegal clearing and clearing undertaken by exploiting loopholes in-the laws continues at a high rate, and is affecting important areas such as wetlands and rare bushland. The north of NSW is a hot spot for clearing at present.

Some farming communities are actively involved in conservation, and are trying to make a difference, contributing huge amounts of time, energy and resources to protecting the environment and their livelihood. However their efforts are undermined by inactivity of the Government and the greedy acts of other farmers.

Rare types of bushland, such as Coolibah woodland, are being written off for clearing despite the fact that these vegetation communities are vital for catchment health. They are an essential habitat for many threatened species such as Grey Crowned Babblers, Hooded Robins, Red-tailed Black Cockatoos and many other species including native mice, possums, gliders, reptiles and bats.

The Wilderness Society is following up several cases of illegal clearing, a test of the Governments intent to resolve the problem of land clearing. That organization and the WWF are lobbying political parties to bring land clearing under control in NSW. In the lead up to the March 2003 state election, any Government which would like to claim any serious green credentials needs to solve this problem.

The beautiful Red-tailed Black Cockatoo is one of over 240 species that is at nsk of extinction in NSW because of land clearing. An estimated 10

to 20 birds die for every hectare of woodland that is bulldozed as well as countless other animals and plants that suffer the same fate.

An ability to read the land and work within its limits is something all good land managers need. There are many signs right across NSW that we have done considerable damage to our environment and to the systems that sustain our agriculture with dryland salinity, erosion, silting of rivers and extinction of species just some of the obvious problems we are currently facing.

Recently released Salinity hazard maps make it clear that continued land clearing in the Queensland Murray Darling basin could create a major environmental disaster to the people in the local communities. Land clearing remains the principal cause of salinity. This is because native vegetation takes up and uses more water in the soil than pasture and crops, keeping salty groundwater from rising to the surface where it can cause salinity.

Land clearing also causes the release of carbon into the atmosphere by the burning or rotting of the vegetation material.

On behalf of the club I will be writing to the State Government to press the argument and to let them know that there is a large body of people in this club who disapprove of their land clearing habits.

Reference: The Wilderness Society

Proposed Chile Trip April 2003

We are close to firming up arrangements for this Once in a lifetime trip to Chile. The total time away is approx six weeks and the preliminary cost estimate is A$4000.

We fly to Buenos Aires then Santiago - Vallenar- Calama/San Pedro– Arica - Antofagasta) - Copiapo - La Serena

If you would like more information please come to the presentation at Bill and Fran Holland's home on Monday 23rd September where a detailed report will be given. Members interested and not on the my mailing list but wishing to be informed please come along.. Inquiries and trip details: Gerry Leitner, email:

The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc.

Whether its bush walking, mountaineering, cross-country skiing, trek- king or travel, a pack is your best friend or worst enemy. Why? Because you depend on the agility and comfort that your pack provides.

The Mont Moto-Active adjustable har- ness system is deceptively simple, fast to adjust and easy to fit. Available ' in three sizes and featuring inter- changeable harness compo- nents, a truly best fit is possible, and best fit means a truly comfortable carry.


Back Country Pack

ON T Something Better.

Innovative designs, detailed construc- tion and quality ma- terials. Anatomically con- teured hip-belts. Spandura and 3D Air-Flow fabrics for body contact points. Bar tacks on the im- portant high stress points.

Triple stitched with webbing bound seams to ensure massive seam strength.

We use Evazote foams, the most du- rable, high quality foams available. Hip-belt secures di- rectly to the allumir- ium frame-stays for direct joad transfer. Only highest quality Duraflex buckles. The shoulder yoke adjusts independ- ently of the frame stays.

Dual aluminium frame-stays adjusted and reinserted in seconds.

Wont Adventure Equipment; The Australian company with over 20


camping centre

years of manufacturing excelience.

3 Trelawney Street Eastwood. Phone : 02 9858 3833.

All packs personally fitted by our experienced Staff. The Sydney Bushwalker August 2002

Page 12 |

The Blue Mountains - A Very Special Place

In 'the early days of the colony the Blue Mountains were regarded as a barrier to expansion. But they also served as an outer prison wall to contain the convicts. They were regarded as rough and forbidding a - far cry from the verdant fields of old England. In 1844 Mrs. Charles Meredith, in her Notes and Sketches of New South Wales, describing a trip through the Mountains, wrote: We continued our journey through a wild and barren country, utterly destitute of herbage, the inhospitable Blue Mountains were before, behind, and on either side of us, rising in grand and dreary monotony of form and colour. Forests of tall gums covered them from base to peak, but instead of beauty in the landscape, there was deformity.

In the days of horse transport it took many hours to reach the Mountains and a day or more to cross them. Their popularity soared after the railway was built. A network of tracks was constructed, some of the earlier ones by Sir Henry Parkes and other prominent NSW citizens. Tourist resorts, many of which are still operating, were established and the Mountains became the States prime tourist venue.

A number of reservations were made in the vicinity of the towns, but few extended beyond the tracks. It was the bushwalkers who explored and campaigned for the reservation of the northern and southern areas, which being mostly un-roaded, were seldom visited.

The first walkers were the members of the Warragamba Club,, who walked the roads and tracks and used overnight accommodation. The first bushwalkers were the Mountain Trails Club, who camped overnight. It was the MTC, inspired by Myles Dunphy, who _ first appreciated the recreational and scenic value of the entire Mountains. In 1934 Myles published his proposal for the Greater Blue Mountains National Park, a proposal which was strongly supported by the SBW.

Myles vision was fully realised, in fact though not in name, 57 years later, when the Nattai National Park was created in 1991. The other parks were the Blue Mountains, Kanangra- Boyd and Wollemi These parks were subjected to a series of development proposals which would have destroyed their wilderness value and left unsightly scars within them. The proposals included a limestone quarry in the Kowmung Valley, a pine plantation on the Boyd Plateau, a gas. pipe line in the.Wollongambe Wilderness, a dam on the Colo, several resort developments

Alex Colley

near cliff edges, highways through parklands, the flooding of the lower Cox and Kowmung and many other assaults on the natural environment. Most of these were successfully resisted by nature conservation organisations in which members of the SBW were among the leading activists.

By the late eighties most of the Greater Blue Mountains had been included in national parks and further protected by wilderness declaration. In order to achieve the highest degree of protection the Colong Foundation commissioned Dr. Geoff Mosley, who was for seven years a member of the IUCN World , Heritage Committee, to write a submission, for World Heritage listing. This was published as the book Blue Mountains for .World Heritage and launched by Bob Carr, then Minister for Conservation, in 1989. Geoff Mosley describes the Mountains as a land of superlatives which he lists as (1) The worlds best display of how sandstone mountains evolve (2) Outstanding scenery, including the worlds best wilderness of its type. (3) One of the worlds most significant and diverse eucalypt dominated-forests. (4) Incredibly important cultural values.(Aboriginal artifacts) (5) One of the worlds best examples of a relationships between the community and the natural world.

The Wollemi Pine is by no means the only rare plant in the Mountams. There are one hundred and fifty species of plants and animals recognised as rare, endangered or restricted in range.

It was not until 2: years after the launch of Geoff Mosleys book that World Henitage listing was achieved. It took five years for the Commonwealth and State Governments to agree to an assessment of the proposal by the National Herbarium and thereafter there was a series of reviews and assessments of assessments, none of which did more than add detail to Geoff Mosleys proposal. However Bob Debus, Minister for Conservation brought it to an abrupt end by insisting that a nomination be completed in time to go to the IUCN. by June 30th 1999. Following some very successful lobbying by the Colong: Foundation the; IUCN World Heritage Committee unanimously approved listing at its Cairns meeting on November 29th 2000. Listing meant that the preservation of the Mountains became not only a Local and State Government but also _a Commonwealth responsibility. TOR ee Pe

On May 12th 2001 a Celebration and

7500 Anniversary Dinner: Book your tickets now, right now, dont delay. The Sydney Bushwalker August 2002

Page 13 |

Dedication ceremony, attended by 2,500 odd.

people, was held at Govetts Leap. Bob Debus attributed the genesis of thee World Heritage campaign to the SBW Blue Gum Forest campaigti: He concluded his speech with the words Future generations from around Australia and the world can continue to come to the lookouts and gaze. There is no gyeater

Jim Angel, Mayor of the Blue Mountains. described it as the Blue Mountains proudest day.

So next time you walk in the Mountains remember that you are in a very special place. Not only in some of the most scenic walking country in Australia but in one the States four World Heritage areas, with world recognition as

environmental legacy we can bequeath them.

an unique natural environment.

sagt 45 Spires $+. pS

Rooms With A View Above is depicted Dennis Gittoes 1991 vision of the future of the Blue Mountains

The Tour de France Continues:

Margaret and Jan continue to enjoy their cycling tour through France. The following message was received on 24” July:

We are today at a lovely town called Machecoul, about 50 km south of Nantes, to camp for the night and we will move on towards Quimper tomorrow. So far we have covered 2070 km of French countryside and enjoyed the different regions for their natural beauty, cultural and historic significance, the cusine, the wine and other unique offerings. The weather has been excellent for the last week and we have been able to cycle for about 70 km everyday. Since we left Sarlat we have not been able to find any Internet place, but have cycled through some amazing places like Rocamadour and Domme. At the rate we are cycling, we should be at Quimper to participate in the Semaine Federale, starting during the jirst week in August. We have been through areas such as Bergerac and Cognac and cycled through kilometers after kilometers of vineyards. We can not get over the fact that excellent wines can be bought from the supermarkets, along with the daily food, costing only about 4 Australian dollars. On the way to Quimper we are hoping to spend some time at Carnac.


75“ Anniversary Dinner: Book your tickets now, right now, dont delay.

The Sydney Bushwalker August 2002

Page 14 |


Kanangra to Katoomba over 3 days.

At 4p.m. on Friday June 7 I stood at the door with my pack on my back, called out a last futile plea, Behave yourselves!, and set off to the station. The stares from smartly-dressed commuters on the train were, I knew, simple jealousy. I was going to spend a much more adventurous weekend than they were. No movies, restaurants or leisurely hours of reading for me!

At 10.30 p.m, I lay in my sleeping bag beneath a large rock overhang in the Dance Floor Cave, watching the silhouettes of trees beyond the shelter as they whipped two and fro in the howling wind. As a relative newcomer to overnight bushwalking, (twenty years of child- rearing having got in the way), I found it hard to believe that an hour on a train and another hour or so on a_ bus winding through the darkness, had transported me from Sydney suburbia to the great outdoors.

The wind was still going strong when Saturday -dawned grey and drizzly, but the warmth of a fire and the breakfast repertoire of a nearby lyrebird rapidly lifted our spirits. After a brief detour to see the majestic Kanangra Walls, we set off amid black, wind-whipped clouds, admiring (as we held on tight) the view across to Kanangra Falls. Carefully we clambered, slipped and swung down off the bluff out of the wind, but not for long! After the coldest lunch stop on record on Mount High and Mighty it was Rip, Rack, Roar and Rumble (?'m not sure if this name refers to the wind, the trees or your limbs perhaps all three!) heading for Mount Cloudmaker. During the afternoon, the blue sky broke through to reveal an expanse of eucalyptus valleys and ridges topped by stark sandstone cliffs, surrounding us in all directions.

On the top of Mount Cloudmaker we signed the book and searched it for names of offspring/friends known to have passed by recently, and greeted another group, before heading off to the camp spot at Dexs Creek. Fortunately we arrived early enough to secure a large, space with room for customary SBW Camp Fire and Happy Hour rituals - not so those tardy campers who were still arriving, their torches bobbing like fireflies in the darkness, at 9p.m.!

Michael and I leamed a lesson about tents and trees when we awoke the next morning to find a five metre branch had landed centimetres from my head during the night! It was ritually

June 7 10, 2002

Sue Arnott

sacrificed as firewood for my cup of tea - eucalyptus branches planning similar attacks on innocent bushwalkers kindly take note.

Sunday morning saw us heading for Mount Strongleg. The sun shone and although the wind was still strong, our path along the ridge was relatively sheltered. Stands of ancient grass-trees stood amongst grey-white rocks, as if in a garden, carefully planned and tended against a backdrop of endless mountain views.

Then came the descent of Mount Strongleg.

Most of my bushwalking gear has been acquired due to lessons learned the hard way. I carry an expensive Gortex as a result of the sudden storm which hit us on a firetrail ten kilometres from the end of a walk in the Budawangs last August with Bill Capon, I carry gaiters following an unforgettable bash through the Royal National Park with Jim Callaway. By the time we reached the bottom of Mount Strongleg, my toes were mush, my ankles jelly, and I realised the time had come for nw hiking boots. .

We came to Konangaroo Clearing, a hidden campers Paradise complete with large areas of grass and a wide running river. Those who had filled their bottles and drunk copiously on arrival had a few moments concern when Maurice pulled out his GPS., announcing that this may in fact be the highly. polluted Coxs River, and not a tributary as he had first thought! However, after group consultation with maps, compasses and several GPSs it was decided that this was indeed Kanangra Creek, and a little later we sat down in the sun on its banks to enjoy lunch in summery conditions.

We made our way along the Coxs River to the crossing point. We removed our boots and donned the beach sandals wed brought for this auspicious occasion. With stick in hand, and my 13 year olds high fashion wedge heeled sandals upon my feet (she didnt, and still doesnt, know!), I picked my way daintily across the pebbles without mishap and even found the water rather refreshing on my feet- which were still traumatised after the Mount Strongleg experience!

If the descent of Mourit Strongleg was the sublime, then the ascent of Mount Yellow Dog that same afternoon was surely the ridiculous! Pam and I chatted on the way up ~ well, Pam chatted while I just asked short questions between puffs! We reached the top

75 Anniversary Dinner: Book your tickets now, right now, dont delay. | 0. The Sydney Bushwalker August 2002

Page 15 |

dripping, so were at first oblivious to the wind which was by now howling around us. However, an arctic gust suddenly came from nowhere and sent us all scrabbling for fleeces, thermals, and goretexes, and scurrying away from the summit as fast as our tired little legs could carry us.

Our brush with the elements after the physical exertion of the day had left us all exhausted and (as we later found out during Happy Hour) we were all secretly dreading carrying water one kilometre to the dry camp Maurice had planned for the evening. When we reached Mobbs Soak, however, we were

pleasantly surprised to find plenty of room, and ,

Maurice suggested we camp there, to everyones relicf. It was the perfect spot, with easily accessible water, and sheltered deep in the valley, safe from the wind which roared above us. '

For: the first part of Monday morning we enjoyed the shelter of the forest of bloodwoods {identified by David), then we climbed up Mount Debert and out into the wind. We had morning tea sheltering from the gusts at the transmission tower overlooking = Lake Burragorang. At the Tarros Ladders, thoughtful Maurice produced climbing tape to: haul our packs before we clambered up once

on top I risked my life in the gale, hanging onto

a small sapling to photograph various party members as they emerged!

The wind didnt let up on Narrow Neck - even our fearless leader said hed never expenenced anything like it ~ and the last kilometres were quite a slog. God bless Saint Alan and Saint Grace who sprinted ahead, hitched a ride into Katoomba, and came back in the truck to pick us up just beyond the locked

gate! I wont mention how many people and. |

packs were crammed in the back, so we were all] glad the Katoomba constabulary didnt spot us! .-

We reached the cars in time to leave the mountains (sort of) ahead of the traffic and congregate in the Lapstone Pub for a well- earned drink.

Thank you, Maurice, for your great leadership, and to all my fellow-walkers for their great company. Photos can be viewed on Walkers : Maurice Smith (leader), Sue and Mike Arnott, Marianne Watt, Grace Martinez, Alan Oakey, Charlie Montross; Pam Morrison, David Trinder.

Kanangra Boyd NP 10-12 May 2002 Leader: Wayne Steele (filling in for Carol Lubbers who had tripled booked her weekend with relatives visiting from Queensland and Bush Walkers Wilderness Rescue training). Wayne says if this was a qualifying walk, then the Prospectives are getting FASTER!!

The walk was programmed for Kanangra, down Stormbreaker to Kowmung with option via Mt Marooba Karoo. Well, the party was so good that we did the optional extra and still had plenty of time at campsite for the mandatory rum & lemon barley drink.

Excellent view was had from cliffs of Mt Marooba Karoo. The only complaint was .from prospective Ian when he fell into the stinging nettles. (And only one leech seen.)

Sunday 8.00 am start and party got to top of Paralyser between 2 hours and 2 hours 20 minutes. Not bad for an 855 metre (2,800 &) climb.

Found hat on Paralyser which belongs to Don Finch, lost from SBW walk 4 weeks prior.

Back at car at 3.00 pm. Home in time for Mothers Day supper for some.

Party: Margaret Rozea, Stephen Adams, Spiro Hajinakits (all M's), Ian Thorpe (P) and Patrick McNaught (P).

Wanted! Short articles promoting a recent walk or a coming walk in an interesting area.

FIRES BURNING by Patrick James.

Throw another log on the fire? No stop and think, is it safe, is it smart, is it legal to do that. Should the fire have been lit in the first place? Campfires are the focus of a weekend bushwalk where meals are prepared and eaten, where people and clothing are dried and warmed, where stories are told, tales embellished and songs sung, where rum is mixed with lemon barley. Campfires can also be a problem, a catastrophie, if the fire escapes and puts so many things in peril. So bushwalker you need to have more that just a vague awareness of when,

where and how you can light a campfire on bushwalks.


The bush fire danger season is from Ist October to 31st March each year. This may be varied by local councils. The variation would be to make the fire danger season longer. During this period bushwalkers should be aware that they

75 Anniversary Dinner: Book your tickets now, right now, dont delay.

I The Sydney Bushwalker

August 2002 Page 16 |

may have to have a non-fire evening and an uncooked meal!


Total Fire Bans are declared on days of extreme fire danger caused by a combination of certain weather conditions and dry vegetation. During a Total Fire Ban, no fire may be lit in the open, campfires are prohibited!



If a Total Fire Ban is declared a media release will be issued listing the weather forecast districts involved. Total Fire Bans will also be announced through newspapers, radio and TV. If in doubt ask your local Council, NSW Rural Fire Service, the Police, Fire Brigade or phone 02 9898 1356. If during the bush fire danger season, you are already on a bushwalk and the

- phone, radio and TV dont work, theres been no

rain, the bush is very dry, its windy and very hot, be cautious and assume that a Total Fire Ban has been declared, -


Usually for 24 hours - from midnight to midnight. A total fire ban of course can be repeated and repeated until the period of extreme fire danger has passed.


During the Bush Fire danger Season, fires in the open air are restricted. This means that campfires may only be used under certain conditions. A campfire may be lit for cooking or warmth provided:

1. about the fire a zone of at least 3 metres radius has been cleared of all combustible matter; an adult is in attendance;

3. the fire is completely out before leaving the area; and

4. there is sufficient water on hand in case of an emergency.



In New South Wales the Rural Fires Act 1997, and the Rural Fires Regulation 1997 cover all aspects of rural fires. A draft Rural Fires Regulation 2002 has been prepared to replace the 1997 Regulation. Contact in the first place the local Council where you will be walking, or lighting the fire, the NSW Rural Fire Service at Rosehill, visit http://www.bushfire,

read the legislation. The information here is from the Rural Fire Service website.

Recipe of the Month

Spiced Coconut With Peanuts

% cup desiccated coconut

2 teaspoon instant minced garlic (from the asian section of the supermarket)

2 tablespoons dried onion flakes

% teaspoon ground coriander

Y% teaspoon ground cumin

Y%, teaspoon salt

, cup roasted unsalted peanuts

In a dry frying pan stir the coconut over medium low teat until golden. Add dried garlic and onion flakes, crushing the onion. Stir until coconut is deep golden . Add coriander, cumin & salt & stir will. Remove from heat & when cool, mix in the peanuts. Store in airtight container. For a quick & tasty crunch, sprinkle with dried, fried Shallot/onion from the Asian section of the supermarket.

~ Ros Kerrigan

Mid-week Walking Group:

There is a group of members with time available to participate in midweek activities. If you have time during the week please join us.

We have arranged to visit Hitchinbook Island in early August. Other activities in the planning stage include a beach house stay and mid week base camp at Deep Pass.

If you would like to be added to the mailing list please contact Bill Holland 9484 6636 or email bil/

Weekend Walking Gear For Hire

The club now has a small pool of weekend walking equipment available for hire to Prospective Members. Weekly hire rates are: Weekend pack: $15

Sleeping bag: $15

(For hygiene reasons you must provide and use your own sleeping bag liner)

Sleeping mat: $5 Ground sheet: $2 Tent: $20 Complete kit $50

All items will require an equivalent cash deposit, refundable on return of the equipment. Geoff McIntosh has volunteered to act as Gear Custodian on a trial basis and would be hirers should telephone Geoff on 9419 4619. Please be aware that our pool is presently still small, so give plenty of notice.

75” Anniversary Dinner: Book your tickets now, right now, dont delay. | Page 17

The Sydney Bushwaiker April 2001


Hello from Heike. Etiquette: “conventional requirements as to social behaviour; properties of conduct as established, enroute and around a camp fire” -(adapted from Macquarie dictionary). I doubt any Sydney bushwalker likes to think of themselves as conventional and one of the things I enjoy about SBW is the -variety and experiences of people I have met through the club and the different attitudes to life that will come up in conversation. But, as with any organisation or culture there are accepted codes of conduct that if flouted bring those auras in the air of “Oh my.. what have I done…?”. Now I reckon SBW is: generally very tolerant and broadminded as an organisation but in this article I am speaking (as I do in all I write) very much from my perspective and experiences I had of those things that can be touchy but are not actually voiced (although , there: are a few who will leave you in no doubt…!). :

Bushwalking etiquette may seem nit-picky on

the surface but is fundamentally based on

environmental, safety or hygeine issues (with a

fair splash of common sense and kindliness).

Some of these have been cause for contention,

as many are on a walk you may find a similar

number of, opinions, as I said it is in my

experience that:

* Thou shalt not tread on the heels of those in front. Keep a few feet back, this is so that branches that may spring back are less likely to poke you in the eye.

NB: Members, if a sprightly “Isteday-out” (and there are many of them) Prospective member is on your tail be polite and stand aside so that they can pass, don't take it as an affront to your fitness/long experience as a walker, they may well have good experience in walking and longer legs.

NB: Prospectives, Know thou stamina and pace

yourself, that grey haired, spindley kneed old

codger/ess just may well be still stumping along strongly (and offering to carry some of your

pack weight) long after you've collapsed in a pooped heap.

* Ifthere is a particularly long springy branch, hold it back for the one behind, likewise wam of low over-hangs, wobbly, slippery rocks or branches that cannot be relied on for support, unobtrusive holes or narrowed ledges. They'll know soon enough if you

disappear from view, but you'll be first muggins up for performing for Ist aid if not.

+ Thou shalt keep thy cigarette smoke to ones- self. If you smoke, carry a small tin/film canister to keep the stubs in (they take something like 15 years to break down) and sit downwind of the group Most walkers don't smoke (too hard getting up hills with the decreased lung capacity) and dislike breathing it in when out for a weekend of crisp mountain air.

* Once campsite has been reached do a “Perkins” “…Give it to me…”, put yourself forward to get water and collect wood, this is where team work has the result of a fast entry into happy-hour and relaxed chats comparing aches and achievements. If you have water left over in the morning offer it to those who may be short before dousing the fire.

* Topics for conversation, despite the fact that sex, religion and politics are generally thought to be banned they will dominate the fireside revelry and repartee. Be sensitive to peoples opinions and help keep the tone light.

* Fires are for keeping warm, cooking over and adding cosy conviviality to a campsite. They are not refuse incinerators, be considerate before throwing a snotty tissue into the flames next to someones toast. Tins can be burnt of oils but please remember to collect them in the morning. Plastic is an utter “no-no” (the fumes stink) as is foil, fruit peelings, eggshells as they never completely disappear.

* We're a friendly bunch and like to stick together. If going for a pee, a look at something enticing off track, or are getting a tad knackered let someone know.

All in all, if in doubt ask…

Please welcome on your next walk our new members: Warwick Bridge, Kim Cheung, Hiroko Clarke, John Connolly, Michael Floyd, Chris Herden, Lindy McCleod, Jennifer McDonald, Mellissa O'Neill and Jane Zhang.

The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. [ ; ; The Sydney Bushwalker August 2002 Page 18 | Interesting Coming Events To Mark In Your opportunity to participate in the Your Calendar management of your club. Hear the reports , from office bearers, walks reports and

Sat 7“ Sep | Kanangra To Katoomba In A Day The logical follow-up to the above. This time more ups and downs and a total of 50km.

Long Weekend 4” -7“ Oct Mt. Canobolas Includes a visit to the local wineries to ease the pain of this medium grade walk.

12” 21“ Oct, Grampians NP Victoria North to south trek from Mt Zero to Major Mitchell Plateau. Medium grade 150 -180 km.

Bush Regeneration and Land Care:

Ever wanted to learn more about bushcare, weed eradication, indigenous grasses and local plant species? Well, come along on any of the scheduled Coolana maintenance weekends Our current task is to restore the river flats and

adjacent areas to their natural state. See the Walks Program for details. Walks Program Changes: 1) Peter Christians Abseiling Instructional

of 24/25 August has become a Daywalk on 15 September to Birrabang Brook. Note– Compulsory brief shallow wading & rockscrambling. Approx 60/40 offtrack/creek & track walking. See Walks Program for details.

2) Additional Sunday Walk 25 August 2002: Great River Walk - Stage S MAPS; COWAN, Fiddlketown - Bloodwood Road - Smugglers Ridge - Marramarra Creek - Big Bay - Blake Ridge - Marramarra Creek - Bloodwood Road. Some off. track, wading, great views. Medium 22km. Wilf Hilder - Phone 9587 8912


August: .

Wednesday 28 Kirribilli Pub - Dinner 7 pm. Please RSVP to Vicki by 21st August as I need number to book. Would be great to see new members there. Call Vicki in the evening between 6.30 - 8.30pm.

September: Wednesday 4” Committee Meeting Observers welcome as well to see their Committee members at work Introduction to SBW Introducing new members to the Club

Wednesday | 1th General Meeting

discussion of current events

Wednesday 18 8pm Antartica slide night with Carol Beales. Revist the Antartic Peninsula, close encounters with penguins, whales and ice bergs.

Wednesday 25“, 6.30pm, Walk across the Harbour Bridge Meet at Kirribilli Community Centre (club room), walk across the bridge to the Rocks for a couple of drinks etc & return.

Any suggestions, ideas or questions about the social programme should be directed to the Social Secretary: Vicki Garamy 9349 2905. You can find this social program (and updates) on our web site

Flying Friendly Skies:

While cruising at 40,000 feet, the airplane shuddered and Mr. Benson looked out the window. “Good lord!” he screamed, “one of the engines just blew up!”

Other passengers left their seats and came running over; suddenly the aircraft was rocked by a second blast as yet another engine exploded on the other side.

The passengers were in a panic now, and even the flight attendants couldn't maintain order. Just then, standing tall and smiling confidently, the pilot strode from the cockpit and assured everyone that there was nothing to worry about. His words and his demeanor made most of the passengers feel better, and they sat down as the pilot calmly walked to the door of the aircraft.

There, he grabbed several packages from under the seats and began handing them to the flight attendants. Each crew member attached axe, the package to their backs.

“Say,” spoke up an_ alert

passenger, “aren't those

parachutes?” The pilot said they

y were. The passenger went on, “But I

thought you said there was nothing to worry about?

“There isn't,” replied the pilot as a third engine exploded. “We're going to get help.”

75” Anniversary Dinner: Book your tickets now, right now, dont delay.

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Black Diamond Moonlight Headtorch: Constantiy frustrated with replacing your torch battery? Then the Mooriight is for you. WIth 4 ultra bright, energy efficient LED bulbs, it provides 70 hours of constant light.

It weighs a mere 90g (without batteries) so you'll hardly know you're

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Black Diamond Contour Trekking Pole: Trekking poles dont just s ad improve your balance and reduce the strain on your ower limbs; they help re-distribute the load to your upper limbs as well, meaning you can keep going for longer. The Contour, featured, is Ideal for comfort over long periods of walking with an ergonomic 15 degree correction angle in the upper shaft and soft dual density hand grip. 1t also features a unique NEW adjustment system,

making these the most easily adjusted poles on the market.

Black Diamond Betamid Tent: When you want to go ultra-light or you need extra storage space, the Betamid has you covered. This compact, floariess tent will go anywhere and pitches using a pair of trekking poles!

Weighing in at a fraction over 1kg, It sleeps two and stands strong

/ } against the elements. (Optional, detachable tub floor is also available.)

Store locations: Sydney: 507 Kent Street Miranda: 527 Kingsway Parramatta: 74 Macquarie Street Catoomba: 166 Katoomba Street Also in Canberra and Jindabyne Website:

Mail order: 1800 805 398

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