SEPTEMBER 2002 Amongst the vast array of day packs that decorate the shelves of outdoor shops, it's difficult to pick something with the right features, what with 101 different types of nylon, all sorts
of different canvases, airflow systems, expanding pockets and neon colours.
So it's nice to know that if your the type of person that wants simple robust functionality that reflects years of local bushwalking
experience with solid locally made material cui
be your best companion for many years to come.
_ Pack Review | by David Noble It's good to see a pack made in the Blue Mountains for | use in the Blue Mountains. The Triassic features two shoulder strap sizes so that the pack can be properly hip loaded, sitting down comfortably in the lumbar region of the back. This is sometimes difficult especially if you are a taller person. The harness system also includes a thick waist belt and chest strap enabling a tight fit which is great when climbing over rocks. The volume is large enough to allow a 50m rope and wetsuit to easily fit in and the top is made larger so that your stuff slides in and out with ease. The pack has a large front pocket for those essential items such as a |} torch, and a top pocket for the map and camera. The pack is large enough to be used as a weekend pack when no ropes etc. are nseded. This can keep the bulk down and stop you from packing too much on those | weekend bushwalks. || The Triassic is made from durable 120z canvas which can withstand the abuse given to it in canyons and when Australian 120z canvas Made in Katoomba the oid traditional way 40 litre capacity Proper hip loading with 2 shoulder strap sizes for walking comfort Wide throat for easy loading and unloading Buckle up front pocket with internal divider Top lid pocket : Extendable lid for overloading Padded hip belt with 38mm buckle Hip belt retainer for city use (conveniently holds the hip belt back and out of the way Padded back (removable) Thumb loops on shoulder straps for more comfortable walking PPP PP DP PP DD > & walking through scrub. All the seams are double stitched and sealed to prevent failure. It is also very water proof, on a recent trip down Hole In The Wall canyon, no water entered the main compartment despite a number of'lengthy swims. The pack is bush green in colour making the walker almost invisible in the bush. This is handy for sneaking up on wildlife with a camera or just blending in to the wilderness as you walk along. Good for those whe like to keep the visual impact minimal too. A quality Blue Mountains pack for our tough conditions, the Triassic carries a lifetime guarantee on workmanship and materials. Overall an excellent pack for either short or tall with the 2 shoulder strap options. And great for canyons or short weekend trips. NB: David Noble Is a keen canyoner and bushwatker. He is also the discoverer of the rare Wollem! Pine (WOLLEMIA NOBILIS} found in 1994. Internal compression strap for holding down your canyon rope Side compression straps for minimising volume Storm throat to keep out the rain Hard wearing Cordura base Price $159.00 ONLY AVAILABLE AT = Alpsport >P PP bb FINAL CALL - LAST CHANCE RSVP: by 11“ OCTOBER The Sydney Bush Walkers 75” Anniversary Dinner at the Harbourview Room, Kirribilli Club 11-23 Harbour View Crescent Lavender Bay Friday, 25 October 2002 7 PM to Midnight All current members and past members of the Sydney Bush Walkers are invited to this 75“ Anniversary Dinner. The Kirribilli Club has entrances on Harbour View Crescent and Cliff Street at Lavender Bay. Both entrances have wheelchair access and are serviced by lifts. The Kirribilli Club is a licenced club and dress rules apply. For this gala event smart casual is the mode. Tickets for the evening and buffet dinner cost $40 each. Drinks are not included and are to your individual account. A waiter service will be available. If you require a vegetarian meal please check the box below. The Harbourview Room has good ambience to mix and mingle. Parking is not a problem. The Kirribilli Club car park entrance is in Harbour View Crescent. Nearby motel accommodation at reduced rates can be arranged. Contact the Kirnbilli Club Functions Manager Natalie Hayden directly on 9955 2245 during business hours. All forms of public transport are available: train, bus, ferry and taxi, thus eliminating the drink and/or drive quandary. Walking is also a possibility. Something different is to travel by water taxi to Lavender Bay wharf. Train to Milsons Point station, then walk 4 minutes to the Club. Buses 265: McMahons Point-Lane Cove-via Greenwich, and 269: McMahons Point-Kirribilli. Any bus to North Sydney station, then walk. Ferry from Circular Quay (usually wharf 4) to Milsons Point or Lavender Bay. By Foot, from the south, head to the city, cross the Harbour Bridge, then ask. From the north, head south, dont cross the Harbour Bridge, at Kirribilli ask someone. (See over the page for details of the Celebrations during the 75” Anniversary Week) cut along this dotted line Send a cheque made out to SBW for the number of tickets. Include your name and address. (If in doubt add more information not less!). No tickets will be sold at the door. Alternatively hand-deliver payment and booking form to the Club Room. Post to SBW 75 P O Box 431 MILSONS POINT NSW 1565 Name Address Post Code: Cheque enclosed Vegetarian Meal? _O Yes Current member _O Yes year joined Past member _ Yes year joined Data Entered: Date Banked: 1045 VICTORIA RD, WEST RYDE Ph 9858 5844 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER is the monthly bulletin of matters of interest to members of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc PO Box 431 Milsons Point 1565. Editor: . Bill Holland Production Manager: Frances Holland Printers: Kenn Clacher, Barrie Murdoch, Tom Wenman Don-Brooks Margaret Niven ia Dinner Tickets Bookings for the fabulous 75“ Anniversary Dinner close on the Li October . Tickets will be * mailed out immediately after this date to reach you before the 18th October. If your tickets fail to arrive please phone: Patrick James 9567 99998 Reminder: Come and help decide the Clubs future at the Special General Meeting on Wednesday 9% October when a Special Resolution will be proposed to change the constitution so as to avoid the requirement to have Monthly General meetings ~ SEPTEMBER 2002 Issue No. 814 INDEX: 1. Index and Notices Editor's Note 3. Treasurer's Report Maurice Smith 4. The August Generai Meeting Barry Wallace 5. Trekking Poles and Environmental Degradation Trevor Grigson 6. 1927 And All That Frank Rigby Queens Birthday Origins Clio 8. Sub-Committee Review Don Brooks 10. Good News for the Forests David Trinder 11-15. The Waiks Pages 16-17. Of Interest To New Members 18. Social Notes ADVERTISERS: Aipsport Front cover Eastwood Camping 9 Paddy Pallin Back cover Wilderness Transit 3 Willis's Walkabouts 5 ' The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. Ae wi Page 2 | [ The Sydney Bushwalker September 2002 The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. | This year we celebrat our 75 anniversary. ic The Club's main activity is bushwalking,-but it has grown to include other activities such as ski tourng, canyoning, abseiling, li-loing, cycling and social events. Our Club meetings are held every Wednesday evening at 8 pm at Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre, 16 Fitzroy Street, Kurbilli (near Milsons Point Railway Station). Visitors and prospective members are welcome. General Enquiries: Phone 0500 500 729 SBW Website www.sbw.org.au Office Bearers President: Rosemary MacDougal Vice-President: Wilf Hilder Public Officer: Maurice Smith Treasurer: Maurice Smith Secretary: Leigh Mc Clintock Walks Secretary: Carol Lubbers Social Secretary Vicki Garamy MembershipSecretary: - Pam Morrison New [Members Secretary: Heike Krausse Conservation Secretary: David Trinder Magazine Editor: Bill Holland Committee Member: . - Eddy Giacomel Barry Wallace Delegates to Confederation: Jim Callaway . + vacant – Elwyn Morris Members will be saddened to learn of the sudden death of Elwyn Morris, a member of SBW for twenty years. Elwyn died at the Royal North Shore Hospital at 2-30 pm on Tuesday 3 September. Dunng her time with club she led many walks and held several positions on the Committee including two years as Social Secretary. Elwyn was a victim of . fronto terhporal dementia with the last two years of her life being the most torturous. She was cared for throughout this period and to the very end by her parmer George Carter, himself an SBW member. George would like to extend his heartfelt thanks to all those members who came to the funeral service and who kept in contact by offering their sympathy and best wishes throughout Elwyns ordeal. Mark 19/20” October on your calendar ! Annual Reunion at Coolana Old and new members, friends etc welcome Editors Note: Next month the club celebrates its 75“ Anniversary and throughout this magazine you will see many reminders of the celebratory activities. | Next month there will be Special Edition of the magazine looking back on the earlier days and more recent times. It is one thing to reflect on what had made our Club survive so many years, its another to ponder what lies ahead. On Page 8 of this issue you will see the outcome of the Review Committees deliberations on the future direction of SBW. Many of the recommendations have already been adopted by the Management Committee and others are to be considered by Special General Meetings, the first to be held on the g of October and another later in the year. As your Editor I would like to dwell awhile on the totality of the changes already made and proposed and how these will affect your magazine. There are some major changes that may impact on the informatiori available to Club members. The first is that the Committee has decided to have only one social meeting per month - so our . social activity nights will reduce from about twenty-four per year down to approx ten nights a year - it will be very difficult to report a monthly social column on one event per month but well try. 7 The meeting in October will be asked to delete the monthly general meeting and replace it with a six monthly meeting - Barry Wallace has reported the monthly meetings in each _ Magazine for many years but in future, with no meetings ~ no report. However, this recommendation, along with proposed constitution changes; to give the Management Committee (perhaps only seven people) the powers presently vested in members in general meeting, will make the communication of many matters either out of date or redundant - why have a financial report if the members have no means of query or comment. Further, without a monthly general meeting there will be no opportunity to present narratives of walk reports other than in the few reports included in the magazine. Let this not be viewed as a criticism of the Review Committee or its recommendations. The review was necessary and the totality of all of the proposed changes may be beneficial to the future of the Club. But, all of these changes require your thoughts and contributions. There should be no = The Sydney Bushwalker September 2002 Page 3 | need to rush and so completely change the conduct of a club that has survived 75 years. The Review Committee was given over a year to consider and suggest changes so perhaps the members should now be given the chance to debate all of the Committees recommendations, perhaps suggesting less drastic alternatives, instead of having the Committee implement som changes in isolation and refer only those changes which require a Special Resolution to the members. , And the committee should consider how our six hundred members will be kept informed of what is happening in the Club. Now reverting to this months issue there is no Presidents Report as Rosemary is away on leave and walking somewhere wonderful and well away from Sydney. Don Brooks has prepared an article on the Review Sub Committee recommendations. There is a letter (copied from Wild Magazine) on trekking poles, some 75” Anniversary reflections, the regular features and some interesting walk reports. Oh! Of course, I do need more articles, poems, photos or other items from you, whether previously published or not to complete the Special Edition next month. By the way. if you know of ex-members of long standing who would like to receive a complimentary issue of the magazine, please advise. Bill Holland Contact The Editor: Copy for publishing in the SBW magazine should be received by the Editor by the end of the first week of each month. Letters stating your viewpoint on matters of interest are most welcome. Please send your submission in by mail (preferably typed), on floppy disc, by fax or by email addressed to The Editor Telephone: 9484 6636 Email: billholi@hotkey.net.au Fax: 9980 5476 (phone 9484 6636 first) Sydney Bushwalker' Collating Members are invited to assist with the collating of the 75: Special Edition magazine at the Holland's home at Westleigh on Thursday 17 October, This will be an enlarged issue and your assistance would be welcomed. Contact Fran Holland beforehand for details on 9484 6636. Dont Forget! Send in the enclosed booking slip to reserve your place at the fabulous 75“ Anniversary Dinner on Friday 25 October . -Treasurers Report - August Bank Account 1* August $752 Income Received Subscriptions 784 Interest 223 Other 35 75” Anniversary dinner 2,120 Total Income 3,162 Expenses Paid Rent of club rooms * 920 Printing machine supplies 913 Coolana rates instalment 300 Coolana expenses 534 Other 187 Total payments 2,854 Bank Account 31st August $1,060 The last of the annual subscriptions are still dribbling into the post office box. Remember, if you havent paid your subscription then dont blame us when you dont receive a Spring Walks Program. Maurice Smith NSW 1 WILDERNESS Taine BUS 10 | JENOLAN Caves, KANANGRA Wuis, YERRANDERIE Guest TOWN STanLicuTs Track. BUNGonta CAVES. Woe Wo. NERRIGA | Departs from Sydney's Campbelltown Railway Station # Via Penarth, Kaoomba & Siackheath for Kanangra Walls Mon & Wed al 11am. Frid at 7am Returns 4pm Mon, Wed, Frid. : Via Starights, Miragong & Manutan for Wog Wog-Nerriga Tues.& Thurs & Sun at liam : Retums 4 pm Tues, Thurs, Sun. . | Yerranderie Ghost Town first Saturday in each month, returns Sun at 4 pm {any Friday niin 6} Group booking discouris ar charter service Tel 0246 832 344 Mob 0428 832344 | www.wildernesstransit.com.au | ' The Sydney Bushwalker September 2002 Page 4 | The August 2002 General Meeting. The meeting began at around 2008 hours with 1] members present and the president in the chair. There were no apologies. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and received with no matters arising. Correspondence was comprised of letters of resignation from members Stephen Anstey and Alex Hunt, a proposal from Roger Treagus that we provide a facility to enable walks leaders to post notifications of walks cancellations on the clubs web site, from Don Finch providing information on activities at Coolana, and from Don Brooks supporting Eddy Giacomels suggestion that we place walks detail on the clubs web site. There was also a notice of annual general meeting from Natural Areas Ltd, a letter from member Geoff Dowsett expressing concern at the activities of trail bike gangs in the national park areas north of the Hawkesbury River anda letter from Patrick James opposing the programming of walks on the reunion weekend. Confederation had also sent minutes of their latest general meeting. The meeting was also appraised of recent committee activities, mcluding modifications to the walks reports form and the re-instatement of the walks guidelines formulated some time ago by a group headed by John Porter (gday John). The proposed changes to meeting frequency will have been covered in greater detail elsewhere. There was no Confederation report and no conservation report. New member Clive Klugman was welcomed into membership in the usual way. The Treasurer was next, with tales of monetary splendour. It seems we began the month with $4,943 earned income of $1,366, spent $6,120 and closed with a balance of $189. Walks reports commenced with the weekend . of 13, 14 July with Bull Holland canceling his tnp to Meryla Pass. Phil Newman had a party average of 13 and beautiful weather for his Saturday expedition along the Great North Walk. Roger Treagus deferred his Sunday Great .. River walk stage 12 to another day but Ralph Penglis reported 12 walkers, mild weather and a good walk for his Rose Bay to South Head and retum via The Gap walk the same day. No report was available to the meeting for Bill Hollands mid week walk from Pierces Pass + on the Tuesday. [Jt went with 8 starters … Ed] A similar situation prevailed for Kenn , Clachers cross-country skiing event over the period 19 to 21 July. Tony Crichton had a party of 14 on his qualifying walk to the Kowmung over the weekend of 19, 20, 21 July. Rumour Barry Wallace . has it they managed to celebrate Yulefest along the way. There was no report for Wilfs Great River walk scheduled for the Sunday. Ron Watters had the 7 starters on his Sunday visit to Macquarie Pass National Park out in time to enjoy the delights of the Robertson pie shop. The weekend of 27, 28 July saw Kay Chan with a party of 9 and cold nights but good views on her Newnes area base camp. Unfortunately one of the party suffered an eye injury along the way. Ray Ogilvies walk out from Blackheath Station on the Saturday attracted 6 starter and glorious weather. Sunday saw Judy Jones leading 8 walkers on her Edgecliff to Watsons Bay ramble. No mention seems to have been made of Wilfs leaders training walk and workshop out from Brooklyn the same day. Kenn Clacher cancelled his August 1“ to 5” cross-country ski tour out from Munyang. Stephen Adams had a party of 3 for his walk to Mount Dawson over that weekend but Sheila Zamans scheduled walk from Cowan to Homsby did not go. Tony Crichton had a party of 23 out on a hot day with storms on the Saturday for his walk off the Mount Hay fire trail into Blue Gum. They assisted a visiting but distressed American visitor along the way to Perrys Lookdown and still came out on time. Maurice Smiths walk from Quiera Clearing, scheduled over the weekend of 10, 11 August was cancelled due to low numbers. The only other report for that weekend was for Tony Crichtons walk out from Carlons Farm on the Sunday. There were 17 walkers and conditions were again hot. The call for general business went unanswered, announcements followed, and the meeting closed at around 2105. [=] Messages from our Travellers: Jan & Margaret write from France: We enjoyed the train journey as it rapidly traveled through the serene and beautiful French countryside, passing through a number of townships and rivers on the way. There were many cyclists traveling in the train to different destinations and the area allocated to store the bikes very soon got overfilled but everyone managed to get the bikes in. {Jan and Margaret arrived home near the end of August… ………Ed] Stephen sends a postcard from Califomia Aaah! Just delightful - Starting the John Muir Trail tomorrow. Ten days of sunshine predicted. This is going to be one heck of an adventure! The Sydney Bushwalker September 2002 / Page 5 : I have just finished employment as a Track Ranger with the Tasmanian Parks & Wild Service, working on the Overland Track. I'd like to bring to-your attention the issue of Trekking Poles and environmental degradation caused by them. These poles are fitted with a tungsten carbide point. Tungsten carbide is harder than stone and the poles are causing significant damage by (a) mpping up vegetation that is stabilising track edges (as the poles are driven in to soft edges) (b) producing large scratches on rocks where they have slipped and © acting as vectors for the spread of the Phytopthorra die back fungus (especially when used over the edges of boardwalks constructed to prevent its spread). Whilst some people would probably consider this a smal] matter, the fragile alpine terrain this damage is occurring in is very slow to recover, and in the case of the scratching and dieback is going to be visible for centuries. There is already evidence of damage on the Trekking Poles and Environmental Degradation The following letter appeared in the Winter edition (No. 85) of Wild Magazine. It raises an important issue regarding track damage from the growing useof trekking poles. This letter is reproduced here with the permission of the publishers of Wild magazine and the writer. Overland Track (especially on Mt Ossa and through Du Cane Gap) and also on Mt Eliza/ Mt Anne in the South west national Park. Trekking poles have increased in popularity in recent years, probably because of exposure from European visitors and promotion by importers, so I was hoping that there would be some way you could encourage their responsible use. Techniques include using the rubber feet available as accessories, only placing the tip on hardened track surfaces and using a staff with a large end as a substitute. Trevor Grigson Do you agree with the comments in this letter? Your comments on the use of trekking poles would be most welcome… … … ……..Ed Park Closures and Restrictions: Would leaders please check before walking in National Parks near Sydney to determine if closures or partial closures apply. The continuing dry weather is delaying recovery of some areas following the disastrous bushfires earlier this year. A Kimberley Icon The Mitchell Falls a toon is spectacular | But no one alse Thundering waterfalls, majestic can show It to you gorges, Aboriginal paentings in full flood. anc rock shelters where you tat escape the ras just as the original in January 2003, we will mhabitants did for thousands use lich: aircraft and of years. helicopters to show you the Mitchell Plateau at its spectacular best. www. bushwalkingholidays.com.au a This is a maicr two week expedtion. For racre information, check out our website or ask Ry ALK, a a for our tap netes. [ The Sydney Bushwalker September 2002 Page 6 eq FROMOUTOF THE PAST -75 Years of SBW = De 3 1927 And Al That Frank Rigby Apna “When SBW was founded in 1927, most of the present members were not even a twinkle NDB in their father's eye. So wrote Patrick James in the July magazine. Well, Patrick, here is one member who had long passed the twinkle stage; in fact, I was a real live person with three months experience of the world and, being a keen and intelligent observer, I can tell you a lot about 1927, first hand. No imagination required, Patrick. Sure, we didn't have the Harbour Bridge and we didnt miss it, either. We had ferries, so much more pleasant than the congested, noisy and toll-ridden coat hanger we were given. Sydney was so much smaller, the bush so much closer and people were doing recreational walks maybe where half the members are now living. No ABC radio? True, but we did have the wireless and I can remember the fun tuning into my little crystal set and wondering what on earth I was going to hear. No television? True again, and although we didn't realise it then how fortunate we were to escape the idiot box! Instead we enjoyed sing-songs around the piano or stimulating conversations. Both arts have now been lost but in 1927, Patrick, we were participants, not couch potatoes. The opinion makers called the decade “The Roaring Twenties”. Well, maybe that was an overstatement but we were reasonably well-off for the times, heaps better than the desperate Thirties which followed. Patrick noted there were few cars. You're dam tootin' right. Ah, how peaceful and quiet were our streets! Road accidents? Hardly. And when the walkers took to the bush they travelled the sensible way, by train. The whole party tumed the journey into a social occasion, a far cry from the fragmented groups of today, isolated in their little tin boxes. We could not go everywhere by train but we saved the more remote areas for our annual leave. Yes, it's true people were more conservative then; despite the popularity of the Charleston and the scantily-clad flappers who danced it, our lady walkers changed from shorts to skirts on returning to the railway station. Of course, they would never be seen dead in slacks! Oh horror! Although the word “bushwalking” was not coined until 1927, many independent people “hiked” in our bushlands prior to the formation of SBW; the love of the bush was always there. Yes, the gear was heavy, the knowledge scanty and the maps rudimentary , but with the birth of SBW a new era of “professional” bushwalking had begun. The idea spread quickly -the Hobart walking Club was formed the very next year I tried to join the Sydney Bush Walkers as a foundation member but they told me I would have to wait another sixteen years. Actually, it took a little longer than that. ON INI NS tA opt pp aN uv 4a 7th Anniversary Celebrations A We tum Seventy-five on 21* October 2002 and would like you to join us in celebrating this great event. All members, old, new, prospective, partners and friends are welcome to joim us at the following events. To help with your planning please mark these dates on your calendar and refer to the insert with this magazine. JOIN US FOR A WEEK OF CELEBRATING !! * Social Weekend and Reunion at Coolana. 19”/20“ October. This will extend to the Monday as % well to celebrate the actual birthday. Activities include some cycling, canoeing and easy walks around & the property, This event is for all whether old members or new to the Club. Friends are welcome. * Gala Night Wed 23rd October Join us in the club room, for reminisces and historical displays of old & SBW photos, minute books, magazines and equipment. : Anniversary Dinner Fn 25” October - at the Kirribilli RSL Club. Tickets required! Dont forget to mail in your $40 payment ASAP as tickets will NOT be sold at the door. (see insert notice) % Anniversary Picnic Sun 27th October _At Quarantine Park - Abbotsford Enter from Spring St. BYO & everything - sausage sizzle. All welcome including family, friends and visitors 75th Anniversary Tee-shirts These will be available soon. Place your orders! 6 , , ANS BALRARRRRARARRRARRRRARRARRRRERARE OPPO | The Sydney Bushwalker September 2002 Page 7 | Queens Birthday Origins Clio Well another Queens Birthday long weekend has passed with the usual comments about this seemingly anachronistic holiday. Why celebrate an event that is not (i) Queen Elizabeth Is actual birth date, or (i) celebrated in Britain. Should republicans take advantage of this anniversary? Should there be another event to celebrate -perhaps Mabo Day? Since the reign (1901- 1936) of King George V the King's Birthday holiday has been generally held on the second Monday in June. (The King's Birthday was celebrated on different days in different States). When the King died, in January, his son Edward's wish was for no holiday for the funeral -to avoid financial hardship and loss. The June holiday continued for Edward VIII (also was born in June). As his birth date fell on June 23 the public holiday was declared for the following Monday (29/6) in NSW. When Edward stood down late in 1936 his brother George VI, whose birth date was December, became regent. Consequently NSW had an additional public holiday for 1936 (14“ Dec). However as the new celebration was so close to Christmas sporting (and presumably commercial) interests moved to have it restored to the middle of the year. When the NSW Government declared that the 1937 King's Birthday was to be celebrated on 12” May (Coronation Day) -winter sporting bodies wanted it (restored) to the first Monday after 6 June. In December 1937 there was a deputation to Minister by representatives from football, hockey and tennis organisations, including J Debert (FBW) .As a result new arrangements to come into force in 1938- the King approved the 'King's Day' being observed on 9“ June. Consequently the King's Birthday was held'on June 13. It was reported that thousands of hikers passed through Central Railway Station during that'morning, most bound for National Park and places along the Illawarra Line. Queen ' Victoria's birth-date was 24” May and, as Empire Day, was celebrated 1905 -1958 but not as a holiday. Between 1958 and 1965 this date was celebrated as British Commonwealth Day. From 1966 Commonwealth Day was celebrated on 11 June (the official birthday of Queen Elizabeth II). Those of us young enough to remember Empire Day was celebrated with bonfires and cracker night. Interestingly George III reigned 1760 -1820 and his birthday was celebrated in the early days of the Colony (though I haven't tracked this holiday throughout the years). Still a holiday by any other name Coolana Report: | Don Finch Some of the things done at Coolana over the last few months include the completion of a fenced area for the protection of future planting. Consensus on what should be planted is yet to be reached with local stock of local native flora from the block or Kangaroo Valley nursery an option. The battle of the weeds has seen hand weeding, spray poisoning, hand removal of mats of wandering jew and large quantities of cobblers pegs thrown into the pit for burning. With the onset of warmer weather a renewed effort to keep weeds under control will be required and more volunteers are needed. Turkey rhubarb has been poisoned around the flat some damage to adjacent grass is apparent. The poison strength has been set to kill the turkey but allow the grass to recover. Among the tall wattles on the flat a are trees in varying stages of decline, they tend to die from the top down with the top half dead and falling with others completely dead but standing, to trees laying on the ground. An effort has been made to cut and stack the fallen trees with a view to preserving the firewood for future campfires. A number of dead and dying wattles have also been cut down and stacked in an effort to make the flat safer. Before you pitch a tent have a good look up for hazards, dead branches, dead tops or dead trees. _ The large tree at the zigzag near the car park has been cut into manageable lumps these need stacking on the out side of the bend under the rock shelf close to the bole of the tree. A water-diverting hump ts to be constructed across the road at the apex where the erosion is obvious, do not stack blocks in this area. The locked chain and sump buster have been re-activated. Work on the access road to the car park has continued and more is to be done. After discussions with our neighbor some water works on Lazy Acres have been agreed to. The aim is to minimize erosion on our road. The Sydney Bushwalker September 2002 Page 8 Sub-Committee Review of Club Management Activities and Procedures The Review Sub Committee held its final meeting on 19“ August and has prepared a final report for consideration of the Management Committee. During the thirteen month period of Teview we met every second Monday evening in the very pleasant surroundings of the Kirnbilli RSL Club. Our brief was to analyse and report on the written submissions, and June 2001 Member Survey, regarding SBWs current and future direction. There were: many and varied suggestions and our role was to formulate a view which mirrored the general view of our membership - no easy task! Participation in the Sub-Committee averaged around eight members at any time with changes from time to time. The following participated with many contributing their time over the prolonged period (in alphabetical order): Don Brooks, Kay Chan, Maureen Carter, Peter Dalton, Eddy Giacomel, Wilf Hilder, Fran Holland (original co-ordinator) Patrick James, Rosemary MacDougal, George Mawer, Maurice Smith and Barry Wallace. Already, some of the early recommendations of the Sub- Committee have been implemented, particularly those dealing with changes to prospective membership procedures, viz: The period allowed for gaining full membership changed form six months to a period determined by the Management Committee (now set at twelve months). * The name Test walks changed to Qualifying walks. * Nomination by a member of six months standing is no longer required. = Endorsement for full membership changed from six other members to leaders of three qualifying walks: Prospective members are now able to hire gear from the Clubs Gear Hiring Centre. The above changes were approved at the March 2002 Annual General Meeting. Additionally, the Sub-Committee suggestion of a colour printed brochure to be distributed to members of the public enquiring about membership has been adopted and is now implemented. Changes to others areas of Club procedures have been recommended and have either been accepted, or are being considered, by the Management Committee, The changes are: * Delete the current requirement to hold a general meeting each month and replace it with at least one general meeting every six months - as advised in the August magazine. Re-schedule Wednesday social nights to one per month plus special occasions. Form an Activities Leadership Training Sub- Committee. Update all of the Clubs training notes and procedures into a booklet and have a master copy retained in the Kirribilli Club rooms. Establish standard testing criteria for mapping, first aid and bushcraft to ensure consistency in training and testing. Define standard criteria to be used in grading programmed walks and identifying qualifying walks. Produce a Leadership and Training Handbook - 50 copies of the draft handbook have been issued for comment (refer George Mawer) A recommendation was also made that prospective members be required to undertake two overnight camps, one of which will be a qualifying camp/walk as part of gaining full membership. The Review Sub-Committee sincerely thanks all those members who responded because without your contribution most of the_ above recommendations would never have seen the light of day. Don Brooks - for the Review Sub Committee Did you know that? Lantana (Lantana camara) is another weed found at Coolana. The green fruits can be poisonous and the sharp prickles and hairy leaves produce allergic reactions im many people. Lantana has been shown to bring about substantial changes in soil chemistry and structure, interfering with nutrient recycling and inhibiting native plant regeneration. It has a remarkable growth rate, especially in wet weather. The rough leaves are mid-green with slightly round-toothed and they have a distinctive sharp. smell which can be used to distinguish them from the native look alike, poison peach (Trema aspera). Lantana flowers though out the year with the pink, red or yellow flowers in dense heads at the end of long stalks. Eradication is relatively easy as the plant is shallow rooted and can be hand weeded. But all the large surface roots must be removed or they may reshoot. Reminder -Dont forget the 75 Anniversary Picnic on Sunday 27” October Whether it's bush walking, mountaineering, cross-country skiing, trek- king or travel, a pack is your best friend or worst enemy. Why? Because you depend on the agility and comfort that your pack provides. The Mont - Co . Moto-Active P SONT adjustable har- ae. ss $ i Back de cptivel ; Country deceptively untry simple, fast to adjust and easy to fit. Available in three sizes and featuring inter- changeabie harness compo- nents, a truly best fit is possible, and best fit means a truly comfortabie ese Is US carry. ee y ia Something Better. years of manufacturing excellence. camping Innovative designs, detailed construc- tion and quality ma- terials. Anatomically con- toured hip-belts. Spandura and 3D Air-Fiow fabrics for body contact points. Bar tacks on the im- portant high stress points. Triple stitched with webbing bound seams to ensure massive seam strength. We use Evazote foams, the most du- rabie, high quality foams available. Hip-belt secures di- rectly to the ailumin- ium frame-stays for direct load transfer. Only highest quality Durafiex buckles. The shoulder yoke adjusts independ- ently of the frame stays. Dual aluminium frame-stays adjusted and reinserted in seconds. www .mont.com.au Mont Adventure Equipment; The Austrafian company with over 20 eastwood 3 Trelawney Street Eastwood. Phone : 02 9858 3833. All packs personally fitted centre by our experienced Staff. The Sydney Bushwalker September 2002 Page 10 | Conservation Report - Good News for the Forests Environmentalists are celebrating Bob Carts decision to end the wood-fired power station proposals throughout the state. Years of campaigning by the combined environmental movement sent a strong message to the woodchip industry that burning woodchips for power is not acceptable. Independent polling showed the Government a massive wave of opposition against the proposed industry, only 7% supporting the proposal. This is an excellent move, but New South Wales still bums so-called sawmill waste for electricity and there are no details on how this is monitored to ensure that waste is not produced if needed for power generation. It is now time for the Government to rule out the south coast charcoal mill that will also consume large quantities of native forest timber. It is clear that the NSW ALP sees the environment vote as important. With six months to the election the green fight is on. This is an excellent first step for Bob Carr to re- establish his credentials as a Green Premier. Peak environmental groups call on business to do more on environmental sustainability. The Total Environmental Centre, Australian Conservation Foundation, Greenpeace, World Wide Fund for Nature, The Wilderness Society of NSW, Humane Society International, and Friends of the Earth have jointly issued a statement calling for further action by corporate Australia, to address the serious and potentially irreversible environmental problems confronting society. Corporate sustainability programs are important but they have the potential to be corrupted, dashing the hopes of socially responsible _ investors. Non-government organisations have a responsibility to expose corrupt practices and enforce transparency. Environmental groups should work from a common front. Some environmental protection measures such as environmental impact statements have in the past been allowed to wither because of industry capture. This situation should be prevented. . . The Federal Government should introduce stronger corporate laws to regulate the environmental performance of Australian companies here and overseas so that companies not willing to behave voluntarily will still improve their environmental performance David Trinder WILDCOUNTRY VISION WildCountry is a plan to re-wild Australia. By means of reservation and rehabilitation, Australias natural ecosystems are to be restored and sustained, breaking the destructive cycle in which modern society competes with (and usually destroys) indigenous cultures, the integrity of ecological communities and the habitats of plants and animal species. As a first step towards achieving this ambitious goal, the Wilderness Society has established the WildCountry Scientific Council bringing together some of the nations most eminent environmental scientists. The Council plans to undertake a continent- wide comprehensive assessment of our landscapes and ecosystems. The Wilderness Society is developing an Implementation Plan which, nationwide will protect threatened environments, rehabilitate degraded natural areas and restore devastated ecosystems. The objective is to work in partnership with other conservation organisations to develop a conservation network. Where possible , wilderness areas will form the core of the network ….. The above is an extract from the WildCountry brochure issued by the Wilderness Society - for more information www.wilderness.org.au - Im itchin to go the 75“ Anniversary Gala Night on Wednesday 25 October The Sydney Bushwaiker September 2002 Page 11 | THE WALKS PAGES The Great River Walk Stage 8 - Yerranderie to Katoomba This walk started in spectacular fashion as 4 of us out of the 6 walkers doing the walk decided to fly in to Yerranderie from Camden. The flight lasted 20 minutes and avoided a 3 hour dnive in over rough roads. There were blue skies and sparkling clear weather for the flight which took us over the Lake, then over Lacys Tableland, then through Byres Gap and finally to the airport,a 400m dirt strip pointing nght towards Colong:: The non flyers had been driven in by kind sowls who didnt mind driving 600km for the day-just to do a good deed. The walkers comprised two members (Raf Byron, myself), one prospective (Ron Horvatch), two visitors (Tim Wright and Dave Love but members of the Great River Walk Association) and Beth Robertson from the Goulbum Bushwalkers Club. We limbered up by climbing Yerranderie Peak, where on a clear day it is said that with a good pair of binoculars you can see the Japanese Tour buses on Echo Point. We pitched tent on the beautiful camping grounds adjacent to the wonderfully restored ghost town of Yerranderie and proceeded to have a party with all the excess food brought in that we were not going to carry. The walk began early next moming in a * thunderstorm with the prospect of a * 30 km plod ahead. It remained wet and cold for most of the day as we -f hit the trail through Bymes Gap and on to the interminably long Scotts Main Range. Lunch was under a tarp big enough to keep my peanut butter sandwich dry but not me. Scotts has always been a bad place for water but I noticed that periodically there were small water storages off the road, there to fill up the fire tankers during fire emergencies but I imagine were drinkable at a pinch. We dried out in the Catholic Bushwalkers hut (not actually owned by them but a mob called the Guntawang Catholic Youth centre) that night at New Yards around a very welcome fire. We raised our port glasses to them as the joint had flush loos and new mattresses. The warmth and the tiredness could have been the reason for one of the best demonstrations of synchronised snoring ntiy ears have heard, that is, before I dropped of and contributed myself. Next day was sunny and cool but the hut was just too comfortable but we eventually struggled off a bit after 9. The view along the road proved we were making progress. The Wild Dog mountains with Mouin looming up ahead were Roger Treagus getting closer and we were leaving the Gangerangs behind. The very end of Scotts Main Range came suddenly with a track leading steeply down to the Cox River. It used to be scratchy but now looks almost graded. Standing by the broad and clear stream made a pleasant change from the ridge bashing of the day before. On the other side of the river there was a nice sign declaring we were in the walkers corridor through otherwise prohibited catchment lands pointing to no actual track. On the way up White Dog ridge we stumbled (quite literally) upon it and in fading light puffed up the long ascent towards Medlow Gap. It is surprising how the eyes can adapt to the near dark of dusk. Even just a little light is enough to pitch a tent by but not to find the tent pegs, to cook by but not to find the billy lid. Still we survived on a second night of pasta. The moming of the third day saw us climb Mt Debert, a well known name in SBW circles, climb Taros Ladders (why didnt Taro ever get the spike spacings right) and finally attain the plateau of Narrow Neck. Up here we could appreciate how far we had come in two days with the Axehead Range and Yerranderie Peak behind way way down to the south, almost on the horizon. Then came the easy stroll into Katoomba. David summed up the arrival back into civilisation, You know that you have finally left the bush when the joggers are wearing lipstick. In 3 days we never saw another person, then suddenly we were seeing hundreds. Theres something mystical about walking through wilderness. You never recognise what it is until youve lost it. This stage marked a turning point in the Great River Walk, over half way, and on the downhill run to the coast. I figured that at our rate of progress with about 9 stages still to go it would only take another year to reach the coast, about 9 or 10 day walks in fact. I wonder what the tiger walkers would have done it in back in the old days when bushwalkers were bred tougher. Wanted! Short articles promoting a recent walk or a coming walk in an interesting area. The Sydney Bushwalker September 2002 Page 12 | The leader was a Nordic skier of considerable talent, throw himself down the side of Watsons Crags with a measure of control. Being a downhill specialist his skis were less suitable for climbing, which is probably why he was well to the rear of the party whilst ascending the SMA road north from the Munyang Power station. It was perhaps his desire to catch up that led him to tackle the first downhill section at maximum speed, thus allowing him little opportunity to avoid the bare section halfway down. He executed a face-plant in the wet gravel, cutting his hand and grazing his forehead. The front of his shirt was covered in mud. Upon reaching the rest of the party he might have expected some sympathy, but instead met only with astonishment at his disheveled appearance, and a suggestion that he should continue to ski at the back of the party until he changed his shirt. The party moved on quickly to Schlink Hut where one of our number, I shall henceforth call him Hill-man found that his boot was falling apart. It was clear that he must return to Jindabyne to purchase a new pair. We split, the main group proceeding as planned with Hill- man returning at full speed. I leisurely made my way back to Whites River Hut to await Hill- mans return that evening. It was about 7 p.m. when I looked out to noticed that it was snowing heavily and the tracks from the road to the hut had been covered, to make matters worse visibility was zero. I lit a candle and set it outside the hut. Hill- man eventually saw this light and made a beeline towards it, encountering, to his dismay, several small creeks. Later we settled down to a peaceful sleep but were rudely awoken shortly after midnight by four Canberra Skiers. They seemed to take ages banging and clattering around the hut whilst re-arranging our gear. In the morning we made an early start with a view to catch the main party, and reached Valentines Hut without incident. We then took a short cut by descending directly to the Geehi River. Hill-man is one of the most capable cross-country skiers I have ever met; I was therefore greatly surprised when he fell in, loosing both stocks and a glove. These were recovered some distance downstream and we proceeded in falling snow to Grey Mare Hut, to rendezvous with the main group. A Nordic Ski Tour. Dick Whittington. It was in the Grey Mare Hut that I realized how totally prepared our leader was for any eventuality. The muddy shirt had been washed and his hand was expertly bandaged. He seemed to have a comprehensive wardrobe, including that ultimate luxury, dry socks. His kitchen paraphernalia extended to a device for lifting hot billies, and when it was realized that the toilet was snowed in, a folding shovel miraculously appeared. I have no doubt that an analysis of his pack contents would reveal every navigational aid, and item of survival gear thus far invented. The next morning dawned cold and clear. As we climbed Smiths Lookout the snow gums with their snow-laden branches were splendidly back- lit by the rising sun, I now had no doubts as to why I was here. We continued past Strumbo Hill into the open high country at the foot of Jagungal. The big mountain looked impressive in its total snow cover. A packless ascent was made followed by the opportunity for good telemarking on the upper slopes. We then enjoyed excellent ski-ing on our way to Mawsons Hut. Mawsons is one of the best of the traditional mountain huts, and is often a very welcome sight. During a storm in 1969 its two rooms accommodated no less than 23 skiers! It is set amongst delightful snow gums with views across the Valentines River to Jagungal. If it has one flaw it is its resident rodents. These can be charming as they scamper about in the evening, but become wearing as they noisily continue their activities through the night. One member of our group had his pack chewed through even though it was hung on the wall. The next moming was again clear and cold, we skied across the Kerries along the skyline instead of the traditional route, eventually reaching the summit of Gungarten. Here the party again split. The main group descending to Schlink pass to retum via the SMA road. Hill- man and myself returned via Disappointment Spur, enjoying an exciting descent through steep timber above the Aqueduct Track. The Aqueduct was well covered and fast, I kept my skis on until we reached the car park of the Munyang Power Station. On the journey back to Sydney I reflected upon the noisy rats, the noisier Canberrans and the less than perfect weather of the first two days. I also reflected that by itself, the climb through the snow gums to Smiths Lookout would justify the whole enterprise. noaaggoongoo The Sydney Bushwalker September 2002 Page 13 | The Six Foot Track in a Day 24th August Vicki Garamy I'm not a marathon walker; I have no intention of walking the Six Foot Track in a Day. At least that is what I said last year when I was almost swept up in the hype. Then again I'm a Gemini, we're the fickle sign. I first heard about the Six Foot Track on my first SBW walk two years ago. It came about its name because it was designed to be six foot wide to allow for the horse and carriage. Each year, a couple of months leading up to this annual club walk, the training walks are put on the programme. So what happened this year? I contacted Roger Treagus to do a walk of his which he unfortunately had to postpone. This left me with one option, Phil Newman's 33km annual walk from Cowan to Westleigh. I thought to myself if I complete this walk and am still upright at the end I'll consider tackling the Six Foot Track. Phil's walk was worth completing just for the yummy spread in the evening at his place, thank you Christine and family. What's another 10km, hey, I reckon it's doable. I was now in training! This meant I had to keep walking every weekend and on harder walks than I would necessarily have chosen. Each time I walked up a long steep hill I wondered why had I said yes, I wanted to do some doddle walks. It's true what they say, the weekend is a very social event. Fnday evening we met at the Parakeet restaurant in Katoomba for dinner then slept at the Sky Rider hotel (or should I say broken sleep). Saturday was an early start, which included the regulation introductory circle. One of the group yelled out, “Are we there yet?” Jt was closer to 7am than the planned 6.30am start but we were off. The walk itself was pretty straight forward. I was really impressed with the support crew, we had tables (with tablecloths), a selection of fruit juices, tea, coffee, bickies, oranges and home baked goodies at the various stops. The weather was perfect and yes the chatting along the way does distract one from the distance. Some of the group ran/jogged the final 9km. It was nice to be greeted at the end of the walk but the clapping was a little embarrassing. Saturday evening we stayed at Caves House. After a nice hot bath (some had this option) we enjoyed happy hour and relaxed. .There were some that treated themselves to a highly recommended massage with the hotel's masseuse. We then moved on to the dining room to a three-course dinner. Later on to loosen up our muscles we went for a short circuit stroll through the Jenolan Caves archway and over. Sunday morning it was brekkie and then we headed home. What have J learned? With proper training, at my own pace, my legs can take me a long way and further if necessary. By the way, having completed the walk I now take my words back. Walking the Six Foot Track doesn't make one a marathon walker, it just means one has completed a solid days waik. PS - A big thank you to Gail & Tony Crichton Jor coordinating the weekend. Dharug NP - The Great North Road 25” August : Bill Holland We met at 9-30 for a cup of coffee in the park adjacent to the Wisemans Ferry crossing it was that sort of walk. There were ten of us, six members and four prospectives. A mixture of old and new. Nice to have Jim Valiotisis and Fiona walking again after so many years and Heather Finch having a rare outing. For three of our prospectives it was their first walk with the club. We started walking about 10 am it was meant to be that sort of a walk - plenty of time to amble up the old convict built road admiring the convicts stone work and imagining the conditions under which they laboured. Im sure there was lots of history around us but the leader hadnt really studied the subject and was forced into lengthy but quite believable improvisation. After a few km, moming tea and on to a scenic side track to the left along the ridge to a view point overlooking the valley and the McDonald River, After lunch we retraced our steps and took the Finch Line alternative back to the road and ferry. Our 12 km had tumed into 15km but we finished at 3-30pm in early time for coffee and scones at the restaurant. Bush Regeneration and Land Care and Maintenance: Ever wanted to learn more about bush _, care, weed eradication, indigenous grasses and local plant species? Well, come along on any of the scheduled Coolana maintenance weekends These are included m our Walks Programmes. For instance: 19“ - 20” October: The Coolana Road Gang will be carrying out road repairs before joining in the 75“ anniversary Celebrations. Oth -10th November: Another weekend of light maintenance and bush care. | The Sydney Bushwalker September 2002 Page 14 | The Budawangs sh 7 July Marianne (the Interstate Import) The Budawangs have always been a special place to me. For most of its area it is an unspoilt wilderness with cool, green rainforest gullies, magnificent sandstone cliffs and sculptured rock formations. This is combined with lots of opportunities for adventurous exploring and rock scrambling. With most of my bushwalking being done from Victoria the opportunities to walk in the Budawangs are limited. So, when I saw this walk on the program as a Maurice The Walker. trip | ummediately put my name down. The weekend was fully up to expectations. The coolness of winter creates an extra luminescence to the greenness of the green room and the other deep gullies. Banksia Ericfolia was in full bloom with the deep orange-red brushes adding a striking colour in the more sheltered hollows. Honeyeaters and other birds were _ flitting around no doubt taking advantage of the abundance of nectar. Saturday lunch was had perched on the Natural Arch and after some clever route finding by Maurice we were at our rock shelter by 2:30. We set up our respective possies, trying our best to avoid the strong winds still gusting around despite our sheltered position. Water was found in the creek below but reaching it did involve a few battles with sword grass and other deep, thick donga. Despite the wind we had a pleasant evening sampling the various goodies (solid and liquid) provided by the party members together with the usual campfire tales. 8pm saw most of us tucked up warmly in sleeping bags, drifting off to sleep with starlight above us. We woke to a delightful morning, lying warmly tucked up in our sleeping bags watching the sun rise through the trees. The only negative was the 6:30 call of time to get up sleepyheads. We were away by 8:02am for a long but very enjoyable day. First, a traverse below the-cliff line under Mt Cole, interrupting the later breakfast of some younger campers in one of the overhangs. Then, a climb up the gully between Mt Cole and Mt Owen and morning tea in the sun on Mt Owen. Nenad and I went exploring and found the surprise that Maurice was going to provide after morning tea. - a magnificent view from Mt Owen back to the Castle and other surrounding valleys and ridge tops. The. next stage involved a bit of tricky route finding off Mt Owen to pick up the trail out of Monolith Valley. We missed the gully for which we were aiming coming down an alternative but again our leader showed his navigation skills by navigating us back to the main route without any drama. From here it was retracing our route up and down the interminable steps and traverse below the Castle to the last stage on the fire trail back to the cars. A weary but very satisfied group of walkers arriving at the cars by 5:00pm. The only other incident was the towing out of the mud of Heikes car. We did not see the sign that said go through the middle .until we had taken the side route. The traditional post walk meal was at the Nowra RSL, two of the ladies objecting to yet again the Berri Pub. Thanks to Maurice for the excellent leadership, Don and Liz for taking me down and Hieke for the return trip and the rest of the followers for the excellent company. Leader: Maurice Smith Followers: Don & Liz, Heike, Nenad, Grace Steve (the Plumber) Neil, Marianne Marra Marra NP - Gentlemans Halt 22 June Zol Bodlay A fine clear day saw 15 starters on the fire trail. After 2 km our heads were down as we cut across country, through a pass in the escarpment, continued beside the mighty Hawkesbury River, cross grassy farm land (with owners permission) and up to an aboriginal cave painting site for morning tea and views. After the break, back to the Hawkesbury, along a disused convict built road and on to Gentlemans Halt for lunch (accompanied by a settlement history briefing). With lunch over we scampered up a broken escarpment and had aftemoon tea at a magnificent lookout with sweeping views. Then back to the cars with a 10km dash/stroll (depending on choice or stamina) along the fire trail to finish at Spm. We stopped off at the Yoothamurra Kiosk for the best milkshakes in the Sydney area. Cycling: Regular cycling activities are scheduled in the Clubs Walks Programme. On Sun 29” September there will be an easy ride from Berkeley along the shores of Lake Illawarra. - see details on the Spring Walks programme. Kage is | Lhe Sydney Bushwalker September 2002 October is an ideal time for an extended walk: The weather at this time of the year is comfortable and there is reasonable daylight in the . evenings for enjoying the meal around the campfire. Extended more difficult or remote areas. ti The SBW walks listed for October ri 6 in the Spring Walks Programme 3 are shown below. Where walks are shown as commencing on 4“ October this will require a Friday eventing journey to the Starting point. If the dry weather continues through to this weekend please be aware that extensive water carrying may be required. Please refer to the Spring Walks Programme for details of leaders and contact numbers. 4th -7 October: Kanangra Boyd NP Maps: Bindook & Yerranderie Kooragang- Mt. - Mt Colong ~ Kowmung Gap - Bill Creek Caves - Mt Billy area. Myles Dunphy classic south of Kowmung walking. Views and interesting caves en-route 4th - 7” October: Kanangra Boyd NP Maps: Kanangra & Yerranderie Kanangra Walls - Gingra Range ~ Cambage Spire - Kanangra Walls A relaxing way of enjoying the Kowmung river, Grade: Medium 32 km. 5 - 7 October: Map: Barrington Lagoon Pinch - Mt Corker - Careys Peak Camp at Big Hole for two nights and explore the Tops. Barrington Tops Scenic walk through rainforest and alpine plateau. Grade: Medium 36 km: 4th - 7“ October: Mt. Canobolas SRA Maps: Orange & Cudal Lo Fern Gully Trail - Spring Glade Trail - Mt Canobolas - Federal Falls - Mt Towac etc. Great camping at 1300:m. Visit the local wineries on Sunday. Grade: Medium Day Walks On The Long Weekend Sat 5” October: Rhodes - Parramatta River A riverside walk in waterside parks with spectacular views. Carry water Sun 6“ October: From Circulay Quay around the bays in Pyrmont, Rozelle Drummoyne; Gladesville, and northem suburbs. A long but asy walk Grade: Easy 22km , Lawson to Leura via Wentworth Creek At Last! 24 August Urella Ridge is a long ridge off the Mt. Hay Road. Jim and I had made several attempts to find the way through the extensive cliffs at the end of this ridge, which would then give a connection to the descent into Wentworth Creek, which we had previously established from the Lawson side. Shortly before, Jim and Brian Hart had finally succeeded in finding a way, so Jim changed his planned day-walk going from Lawson to Wentworth Falls to this new crossing, and put in a long car shuffle to avoid the drag out along Mt. Hay Road. One member claimed the walk was fine, but the car shuffle was hell! The party of eight set off through the bush along Lawson Ridge to the junction with a side ridge at 638710 which we followed to its end. Carol and I were only allowed a bnef stop to admire the shining white Boronia floribunda, looking so different amongst its usual pink form. The party appreciated the view from the lookout at the end of the fire-trail, as it afforded a panorama of the country we were going to negotiate. The recent dry weather helped with the steep descent into Wentworth Creek, with the faint track showing little signs of use. The creek also was well below its usual level and easily crossed. The lack of rain hadnt affected the lush rainforest, with stag-horns and rock- orchids and huge coachwood trees. All too soon we left the easy walking through the rainforest along the creek. Darcy loved it; I think we only got him out of there with the promise of lunch on the rocks higher up in the sun. What an amazing system of ledges and outcrops! So far as I can ascertain from old Walks Programmes, this trip has not been done before (by SBW). The ascending ridge seemed to go on a long way, with bands of thick scrub to push through before the Uralla Ridge Fire-trail was finally reached. Altogether, the walk was 60% off-track. We reached the cars at the comfortable hour of four oclock, and had afternoon tea at our place. Leader: Jim Percy - Scribe: Jo van Sommers Please Carry Water! Leaders and walk participants should take care to carry adequate water for the day. Much of NSW is experiencing severe drought conditions wl and normal ' water bearing creeks may The Sydney Bushwalker September 2002 Page 16 | OF INTEREST TO NEW MEMBERS Hello from Heike, They say people are born leaders, I don't really hold this to be true, to me leaders are those with vision, drive, with determination to seek their own. path in life and in addition have the ability to enthuse, inspire, guide and encourage others. This ability can be completely unconscious in some with others it is a concerted will and desire to influence. But good leaders have also watched and sought direction from others they acknowledge as successful in what they do. Leadership in bushwalking is often taken from a learning history of many, many bushwalks. Being out there fine weather and foul, following many others footsteps, seeking new paths, poring over maps in the field and at home,; getting lost, finding one's way again, sometimes deliberately other times by being “temporarily directionally challenged”. Becoming a walks leader, or offering to be a leader is, I believe, a big step in ones bushwalking life. It is to say “I love what I do and want others to know and take part in these experiences, see the places that few but I see, make friendships like I've made”. It is a free generosity and altruistic ability to share not very often realised in everyday life. However it is not always an easy decision, it takes confidence, strength of character and the ability to control feelings of responsibility to tealistic levels. True leadership should be collaborative, democratic and involves listening. Leaders can be made”, very often by the perceptive encouragement of current leaders who can see potential and offer their support. SBW actively tries to encourage new leaders with the planning nights, the developing, almost-finished, New Leaders Booklet and a host of experienced walks leaders that will happily “buddy” you. However in considering an article on leadership I was reminded of an etiquette I left out of last months article and that was Thou shalt be loyal to thou leader. It can be demoralising, destructive, and dangerous to have leadership challenges on a walk. A new leader has planned a grand day out within their current capabilities and part way through some would be saboteur says, “ why are you going that way? It is quicker, much more interesting, less of a hill, more of a challenge,…if we take this bearing, or that ridge..”, or simply just vanishes, or more conceming disappears with some of the party. It feels extremely awkward and puts you in a very uncomfortable position as a prospective listening to coup attempts/hijacking and I would advise you stand your ground behind the listed leader. Support their walk as they intended, planned to their experience and responsible knowledge. Be aware that you came on the walk as the leader described in the program and based on the pre-walk info you discussed when you were “booking in” on the walk. Voice your concerns obviously if it 1s patently dangerous, ie a leader saying, “nay tis but ankle deep as you watch trees being flung round like matchsticks in a foaming torrent. As I've said often….commonsense prevails. 99.9% of new leaders have planned their walk ultra-carefully, are safe, sensible and if stuck know it, and will have a “back-up” leader to guide them if in doubt, or will involve discussion with the group as to the course of action/direction. Support them as you would wish to be supported as a leader. Remember bushwalking involves a collective responsibility and some of the best leaders do so from behind….. New Members: Please welcome on your next walk our new members: Will Anderson Timina Beagle Bradley Fries Peter Gledhill Suzanne Jenner Paul and Robyn Kulmar Anne-Marie Marczan Deame Meikle Thuy To .Striding on to full membership are: walking equipmeni available for hire to Sleeping bag: SS | For hygiene reasons you must provide and use your own sleeping bag liner). Sleeping mat: $5 Groutd. sheet: ., $2 Tent: | $20 Complete kit son $50 Geoff Melntosh has volunteered to-act as Gear Small, so give plenty of notice. Kelvin Mason Trevor Kloeden Ian Thorpe, John Tsang, Weekend Walking Gear for Hire _ The club now has a small pool of weekend Prospective Metnbers. The rates for weekly hite: are. . Weekend pack: sis, deposit, refundable on return of the- equipment. Custodian on, a trial Basis and would be hirers should telephone Geoff on 9419 4619. Please. be aware that our pool i Is presently still [ The Sydney Bushwalker September 2002 Page 17 | Walks Recommended For New Members: The following walks are extracts from the Spring Walks Programme. For additional details of staring times. leaders, contact numbers etc, please refer to the programme. Easy Day Walks: Sat 28th September: Kuringai NP Cowan to Brooklyn. Easy 13kms all on tracks. Sat 5” October: Rhodes - Parramatta River. From Rhodes to Meadowbank Easy 10 km Sun 6“ October: Circulay Quay around the bays A long but easy walk Sun 3” November: From Brooklyn with ferry to Palm Beach The last stage of the Great River Walk 7 km , Qualifying Day Walks: Sunday 13“ Oct, Great River Walk Nepean Loop Berowra - Great North Walk - Brooklyn Scenic hilly day walk. Medium 22km
Sun 3 November: Blue Mountains NP
Victoria Falls - Blue-Gum Forest - Evans Lookout
A good walk thought scenic parts of Grose River valley. Medium 20km with steep climb.
ualifying Week-end Walks: 28”.- 29“ September: Blue Mountains NP Lawson - Wentworth Creek - Jims Creek Creek crossings and some scratchy scrub 50% off track. Medium Grade 16 km Mid-Week
Notice - Camp Fires and Stoves
All members are advised to $ Re check the restrictions on ame, | lighting fires in intended camping areas. Be aware that the bush fire danger season throughout NSW has been advanced to 1* September due to the dry conditions. This means that fires in the open are restricted and may only be used under certain conditions eg acamp fire for cooking purposes. Total Fire Bans may be declared on days of extreme fire danger and fires in the open, including cooking and camp fires, are totally prohibited for the period of the ban. Lighting any fire in the open on a day of Total Fire Ban may lead to a fine of $5,000 and six months imprisonment. This applies to any naked flame including camp fires and camping stoves.
Mid-Week Day Walk
Thursday 31 October: Spider Web Walk From Artarmon Station around to kissing point wharf and ferry to Circular Quay 14km
Coolana Training Weekend:
f Its still a long way ahead but wee + note this date on your
cast petty calendar. Sat, Sun 16”, 17“
PART -November.
This training weekend at the “Coolana”
Wildlife Refuge in the beautiful Kangaroo
Valley offers new members comprehensive
training in navigation, first aid atid bush craft
Mid - Week Walking Group:
There is a group of members with time available to participate in midweek activities. If you have time during the week or can take leave from work please join us. Phone 9484 6636 for more information
Here are coming activities.
Deep Pass - Woliemi National Park. Wed 25” - Friday 27“ September Three days, possibly extending
into the weekend.
Deep Pass is a magnificent camping ground deep in the Wollemi with only about 15 minutes walk in from the cars. There are toilet and other facilities for easy camping. Canyons and spectacular scenery make easy to medium day walking a real pleasure, followed by long campfires and happy hours at night. There is no limit on numbers but I would like to know who plans to join us and give detailed directions.
Berrara Beach Holiday Cottage Mon 28” October - Frid 1* November
. It was a great week last time. A week in_ the Holiday Cottage by the . beach at Berrara on the South Coast. Costs will be minimal. The cottage provides a good base for
beach walks canoeing on the
lagoon and river, cycling beachside and on forest roads or just easy to medium bushwalks. Enjoy good company , comfort and water views. Book early as there will be a limit on numbers.
Possible future activities are: eBoat hire on Myall Lakes or on the Hawkesbury. e Lord; Howe, Norfolk or Pacific Island trip - Fiji sounds nice for next year! Register your interest and suitable dates so early arrangements can be made Contact
Bill Holland 9484 6636 bil/holl@hotkey.net.au The Sydney Bushwalker
September 2002 Page 18
Pamela Irvings slide night of the Namche
Bazaar and Gokyo Ri near Mt Everest region
was well attended and very interesting. We look
forward to another slide night later this month.
The balance of the Social programme is:
Wed 25“ Walk across the Harbour Bridge Meet at Kirribilli Community Centre Club room) 6.30pm, walk across the bridge to the Rocks for a couple of drinks, a meal and return.
Wed 2” Committee Meeting
Wed 9“ Special General Meeting A Special meeting to consider changing the Constitution to remove requirement for monthly general meetings.
Wed 16” Free Night
Weekend 19“- 21” Coolana
75 ANNIVERSARY REUNION Weekend at Coolana. Catch up with old friends, meet new people. Join in the celebrations with new and old members. For those that are interested, bring along a bicycle as some of us will be going for a ride as part of the celebrations.
Join us in the club room, for reminisces and historical displays of old SBW photos, minute books, magazines and equipment.
Fri 25 75 ANNIVERSARY DINNER AT KIRRIBILLI RSL - Dont forget to mail in your $40 payment ASAP , as tickets will NOT be sold at the door. (see insert notice)
Sun 27“ 75 ANNIVERSARY PICNIC At Quarantine Park - Abbotsford Enter from Spring St. BYO everything - sausage sizzle. All welcome including family, friends and visitors
Wed 30” Free Night
Any suggestions, ideas or questions about the social programme should be directed to the Social Secretary: Vicki Garamy 9349 2905 You can find this social program (and updates) on our web site www.sbw.org.au
Flowers: Some friars were behind on their belfry payments, so they opened up a small florist shop to raise the funds. Since everyone liked to buy flowers from the men of God, the rival : florist across town thought the competition was unfair. He asked the good fathers to close down, but they would not. He went back and begged the friars to close. They ignored him.
He asked his mother to go and ask the fnars to get out of business. They ignored her, too.
So, the rival florist hired Hugh MacTaggart, the roughest and most vicious thug in town, to “persuade” them to close.
Hugh beat up the friars and trashed their store, saying he'd be back if they didn't close shop. Terrified, the friars did so - thereby
proving that Hugh, and only Hugh, can prevent florist friars.
Recipe of the Month - Tabouleh This month our recipe is one for lunch, a snack or for the happy hour before the main meal. e Ingredients: gk 1/2 cup borghul.
2 tbls..dried onion.
1/4 cup chopped sun dried tomatoes. 1/2 tsp salt.
1/4 cup dried parsley.
2 tbls. dried mint.
To prepare:
Mix all ingredients and place in a sealed bag. To cook:
Heat 1 and 1/2 cups of water until boiling. Remove from heat and add
ingredients from bag. Stir and leave to stand far \ hour. Drain off
any excess liquid.
sets BENS
The above recipe is copied from Merilyns Recipes for Dehydrated Meals a section of The Confederation of Bushwalking Clubs NSW website www.bushwalking.com.au
Many other recipes for bushwalking snacks, lunches and dinners are shown on this page.
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Turn to Page 6 for a reminder
We have to use with skill what simple equipment we can Carry on our backs to achieve shelter,
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