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THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER is the monthly bulletin of matters of interest to members of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc PO Box 431 Milsons Point 1565.

Editor: Bill Holland Production Manager: Frances Holland Printers: Kenn Clacher, Barrie Murdoch,

Tom Wenman Don Brooks Margaret Niven

* * * Coming Attractions * * * February: .

Wed 19 Hinchinbrook Photo/Slide Night SBW had several groups walking on this fabulous island in Aug/Oct 2002, This will be an interesting look back on these trips and earlier SBW walks on the island. Bring along your photos, slides and stories

March: ot

Wed 12“ Annual General Meeting

16”, 17th Coplana Annual Reunion

Ail members, new and old, friends.and families are welcome to attend.

A Rather Unusual Activity:


24“ ..27” Triathlon weekend at Coolana Day 1; Cycling riverside back country roads Day 2: Kayaking down the river Day 3: Walking and relaxing

Sorry ! Wrong Number ! The 2003 Membership List has been finalised and is ready for printing. If you have a last minute correction it may be'possible to have the change made before printing. Please contact:

Members Secretary: Pam Morrison

0418 463 923 or at

JANUARY 2003 Issue No. 818


Index and Notices 2. Presidents Report

Rosemary MacDougal Editors Note Bill Holland Social Notes Vicki Garamy

4.5. Letters to the Editor Hello from Heike Heike Krausse

7. SBW Meetings And Club Management

. Treasurers Report Maurice Smith 8,9. Organising The Six Foot Track and

K To K Walks Tony Crichton 10. Jean Harvey Turns 90 12. Coolana Report Don Finch 13. Conservation Report

David Trinder 14-16. The Walks Pages “ 16. Of Interest to New Members 17. Long weekend and Other Walks 18. Mid-Week Walking Group and Jokes

ADVERTISERS: Alpsport Front cover Eastwood Camping 11. Paddy Pallin Back cover Wildemess Transit 5. Willis's Walkabouts 9.

The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc.

|Page 2 The Sydney Bushwalker January 2003

The Sydney Bush Walkers Our Club was formed in 1927 for the purpose of bringing bushwalkers together; enabling them to appreciate the great outdoors; establishing a regard for conservation and promoting social activities. The Club's main activity is bushwalking but includes other activities such as cycling, canoeing and social events. Our Walks Programme (published quarterly) features day walks on most Saturdays and Sundays, some mid week walks and overnight weekend walks. Extended walks are organised in areas such as Lamington, Snowy Mountains etc as well as interstate. Our meetings are held every third Wednesday evening at 8 pm at Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre, 16 Fitzroy Street, Kirnbilli (near Milsons Point Railway Station). Visitors and prospective members are welcome. General Enquiries: Phone 0500 500 729

SBW Website www. Office Bearers

President: Rosemary MacDougal

Vice-President: Wilf Hilder

Public Officer: Maurice Smith

Treasurer: Maurice Smith

Secretary: Leigh Mc Clintock

Walks Secretary: Carol Lubbers

Social Secretary Vicki Garamy

Membership Secretary Pam Morrison

New Members Secretary: Heike Krausse

Conservation Secretary: David Trinder Magazine Editor: Bill Holland Committee Member: Eddy Giacomel co Barry Wallace Delegates to Confederation: Jim Callaway – vacant –

Have You Changed Your Address?

If you have changed your address or phone number recently, please advise:

Members: Pam Morrison

Prospectives: Heike Krausse

The advice should be in writing directed to the Clubs postal address. This will ensure that our records show your current address and prevent delay in receiving the magazine each month.

Presidents Report:

Happy New Year to everyone!

What a difference a little bit of rain makes. All of our Christmas walks went although I hear that the looming storms down south meant that New Years Eve was not spent around the circle of stoves (pretending to be a camp fire) as each group finished early and sought shelter.

The first meeting of the Constitution Review Committee will occur in the second week of January. This has taken a little bit of time to get off the ground but I think it will be a worth while project. It is designed to bring the Constitution into the current century and remove anomalies. Flexibility is also thought to be useful and that will be proposed where appropmiate.

The recommended changes will probably be brought forward to the AGM in 2004.

I note some dissatisfaction with the reduction in the social program. This decision was taken on the recommendation of the Review Committee which had considered your submissions. It concluded that this is what the majority wanted. The lack of attendance at weekly gatherings was consistent with this view. If you want to revert to weekly gatherings then the membership would need to support it in sufficient numbers to justify the efforts of the committee members responsible for running those evenings and the guest speakers who have often given their presentation to the committee members only.

See you on the track Rosemary MacDougal

Contact The Committee: -

Members are welcome to contact the following officers with questions on Club management and other matters.

President: Rosemary MacDougal

9428 5668 (h) Treasurer, Maurice Smith

9878 2958 (h) or Members Secretary: Pam Morrison

0418 463 923 or at (particularly if you have not received your magazine or walks program)

Vice President: Wilf Hilder 9587 8912

New Members Secretary: Heike Krausse 0412 808 248 for enquiries about joining and prospective membership enquiries

The Clubs Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 12 March 2003. Matters to be brought before this meeting: must be in the hands of the Secretary no later than 12 Fe February to be included in the required Notice of Annual General Meeting Sydney Bushwalker January 2003

Editors Note:

Hope you had a happy start to the new year. I enjoyed myself on the New Years Eve walk finishing with fireworks at mid-night. And, this marked the end of the year which started with dramatic bushfires .and finished with an extended dry period and critical fire danger.

Fortunately, some easing of the heat enabled the extended holiday season walks to go ahead and reports of these start in this issue with more detailed walks reports next month.

We have an interesting magazine for you this month including a report on a members 90 birthday celebration - isnt it great to see older members, once active walkers, now actively enjoying such a birthday.

As well, there is a report on the task of organising our classic K to K walk, some questions and answers for GPS technophiles, wild life in the suburbs, walk reports and a bonus of three jokes on the back page.

Our letters to the Editor (three) continue to question the identity of Clio, the accuracy of descriptions of life in the 1920/30s and a comment on cycling in national parks. Also, Heike uses her regular column to respond to last months letter RIP The Sociable Walker.

In this regard there seems to be conflicting claims about members wishes on the frequency of General Meetings and Social Meetings. The article SBW Meetings And Club Management on Page 7 gives relevant extracts from the 2001 Members Survey. Also some comments are made in the Presidents Report and Hello from Heike

It is worth noting that attendances at Social nights during 2002 fluctuated from very poor ie less than 20 to very good ie 40+ members - suggesting that the subject matter and presentation warrants greater attention than the frequency of the meetings. Most poorly attended were those meetings dealing with a narrow but necessary range of interest ie walk planning, leadership and Club management. Evenings

featuring talks.and slides of interesting walks -

and other events were well attended.

Now that general meetings no longer provide a forum for comment it is up to you to let the Management Committee know whether you support. the changes or not. This can be done by contacting the Committee or by writing a Letter to the Editor for publication in this magazine. Bill Holland

commencing your walk.

Page 3

Social Notes:


On a_ pleasant Summer s evening SBW

celebrated our 75 Christmas together. A

variety of tasty goodies were shared amongst

approximately eighty old and new friends. With

the park closures and limited walking options,

Wednesday evenings may be our only chance to

catch up with each other. New faces and ideas

always welcome.


Only about a dozen brave souls attended the

Club picnic at Balmoral Beach on 8” January.

The wind and rain on a very stormy evening

deterred many others from the usually well

attended start to the new years social


The Walks Planning Night was held on the

following Wednesday, January 15“.

February: ,

Wed 5” Committee Meeting (7.00 pm) All members are welcome to attend Introduction to SBW (8 pm) The new members team will introduce prospective members to the club and a short slide/photc presentation shown.

Wed 19“ Hinchinbrook Photo/Slide Night SBW had several groups walking on this fabulous island in Aug/Oct 2002. This will be an interesting look back on these trips and earlier SBW walks on the island. Bring along your photos, slides and stories.

Just a reminder to all that as of 2003 there will

only be one social evening per month.

Any suggestions, ideas or questions about the

social programme should be directed to the

Social Secretary:

Vicki Garamy 9349 2905.

Contact The Editor:

Copy for publishing in the SBW magazine should

be received by the Editor by the end of the first

week of each month. Letters stating your

viewpoint on matters of interest are most welcome. Please send your submission in by mail

(preferably typed), on floppy disc, by fax or by

email addressed to The Editor Telephone: 9484 6636 Emait:

Fax: 9980 5476 (phone 9484 6636 first)

SBW members should note that all canyons in the Blue Mountains and Wollemi areas remain closed until further notice.

Please check with NPWS before

|Page 4 ) The Sydney Bushwalker January 2003

Sa lll id v baie ~~

DX] Letters To The Editor

Reg Alder and Clio are at it again ! Readers are invited to send in their best guess as to the identity of Clio and we hope that, whoever he/she is, Clio will continue to contribute articles to this magazine. Also Richard Winthorpe replies on Alex Cclley's recent comments on mountain bikes in national parks

Who is Clio ?

It hadn't been my intention to keep the pot boiling on the identity of Clio , but Frank Rigby's December letter To the Editor and one from Clio to me (3 pages with attachments) in which he gives statistics on what it was like in the decades before and after the formation of the SBW in 1927.

In his article and letter he still misses the point in my original article on what life was like in 1927 for our formation members

He even advances proof that because people wrote of walking in the bush prior to 1927 the term bushwalking' was not a new one.

My profile was fairly accurate, and must have caused him to come out from behind his filing cabinet, under the table or from the front of his computer. He gives me his name and the information that he is not at present or has ever been a member of the SBW. For the past 30 years, commencing with the CMW, he has been writing under the pseudonym of Clio to educate the present generations on environmental matters.

He must have access to or collected past issues of The Sydney Bushwalker and either has a great memory or has scanned issues into his computer because he has been able to search a reference to me in 1941. It was quoted there that Bill Cosgrove and J had a lengthy discussion on the respective merits of Dufaycolor and Kodachrome film for slides.

A few more clues to Clio's identity!

Reg Alder

Life in the 1920's

How can Messrs Alder and Rigby reconcile

Patrick James statement “few telephones , few

cars” in 1927 (July's issue) , repeated in a later

issue, with:

* During the 1920s “Australia was now fifth in the world for the number of motor vehicles” (The National Automobile Chamber of Commerce in New York as cited in Peter Lucks - This Fabulous Century) .

- “From the 1920s onwards Australians achieved higher levels of car ownership than any other nationality except Americans or Canadians” (The Oxford Companion to Australian History)

* Over 500,000 telephones in Australia (1929)

(Callin's Milestones in Australia's History 1788 to

the Present)

In November Reg kindly provided some of his early history. Compare this with Tom Herbert who purchased a new Baby Austin for 186 ($392) in early 1929. After being retrenched Tom had a short period the same year trying to sell the Universal Waterless Cooker house-to- house. Finally he landed the position of accountant at 6/10/- ($13) per week.

Maybe Reg and Tom were at opposite sides of the spectrum during those troubled times. Shouldn't we celebrate that there did not appear to be any wealth or other distinction in membership of the Sydney Bush Walkers and that people were only judged upon their fitness and compatibility?

Of course there was “no television” viewing in 1929. Yet the technology was being discussed in the Sydney Morning Herald the year the club formed. Incidentally regular experimental television transmissions date from May 1934 in Brisbane but were stopped by government decree at the outbreak of War. (The Penguin Australian Encyclopaedia)

From 1922 wages were subject to automatic quarterly cost-of-living adjustments (both up or down) and differed between capital cities. There was an Award Wage, Basic Wage, Minimum Wage, Rural Wage, and no equal pay .A female shop assistant in 1929 earned a dollar a week more than a nurse did; a bank manager earned double the amount of a bricklayer. Consequently quoting an average weekly earning figure can be rather difficult .

In 1929 the standard 900g loaf of (unsliced) bread cost six cents. Today my local supermarket has over thirty different types of packaged sliced-bread, excluding the fancy ones, ranging 650g -750g and $1.96 - $3.08 including wholemeal, multi- grain, sandwich, toast and thick slices. To compare the purchasing-power with 1929 is far too confusing for my tiny brain to compute!

And so whom do we write for be it a trip report, a matter for conservation, a historical event. And if Patrick, Reg or Clio errs in detail should that go uncorrected?

If I quoted Homer who do you think of ? A long dead Greek poet or a television cartoon figure ? Doesn't this all, in part, rely on the age and generation of the reader?

Haven't contributors to “Looking Back over 75 Years” been, in part, laying the stories or the / Sydney Bushwalker January 2003 Page 5

traditions for future generations through the present?

And in answer to Frank's request for the identity of Clio. Are the works of Shakespeare anyway diminished or improved if authorship can be attributed to Marlowe? Would Animal Farm had greater impact if authored by Eric Arthur Blair? Perhaps more attention should be given to classical Clio rather than the flatfoot behind the nom-de-plume.

My goal in contributing to this magazine is not to distort the facts beyond a reasonable !evel. Clio

Mountain Bikes in National Parks

In his article on mountain bikes in National Parks, Alex Colley is right in condemning single track riding, it should be discouraged. However the tracks most favoured by MTB riders are the management trails, typically the Oaks and Andersons fire trails in the Blue Mountains National Park. These are sometimes used by Parks Rangers in their Landcruisers, and it is hard to see what extra damage might be caused by mountain bikes. It could be argued that a mountain bike with its 2 inch tyres may have less impact than a pair of walking boots, especially as the boots will often step around the puddles making new side tracks when the bike will usually go straight through. When considering track erosion, we bushwalkers should contemplate the damage we have caused on. Kanangra Tops and other places, before we take the moral high ground on this issue.

With regard to the suggestion that walkers are sometimes in conflict with riders; I can only say that I have always enjoyed cordial relations with the walkers [ have encountered whilst riding. We bushwalkers and MTB riders are of a kind; we appreciate the natural environment and wish to travel through it under our own steam. It is this love of the bush that takes us off the bitumen and into the National Parks. The other 94% of the state is mostly unsuitable or off limits 1.e. the Warragamba catchment area.

I sincerely hope that mountain bikes will never be excluded from vehicular trails in National Parks. If they are, then we can hardly be surprised if some riders defect to the Outdoor Recreation Party.

Richard Winthorpe.

Notice - Camp Fires and Stoves

All members are advised to check the restrictions on lighting fires in intended camping areas. Be aware that high to extreme bush fire 5 danger currently applies throughout much of NSW. This means that fires in the open are restricted and may only be used under certain conditions eg. a camp fire for cooking purposes. However, most national parks, reserves and forest areas around Sydney have Local Fire Bans which mean no fires of any nature are permitted

Total Fire Bans may be declared on days of extreme fire danger and fires in the open, including cooking and camp fires, are totally prohibited for the period of the ban.

Lighting any fire in the open on a day of Total Fire Ban may lead to a fine of $5,000 and six months imprisonment.

This applies to any naked flame including camp fires and camping stoves.



Departs from Sydney's Campbelltown Railway Station Via Penrth, Katoomba & Blackheath for Kanangra Walls Mon & Wed a 17am. Frid at 7am Retums 4on; Mon, Wed, Frid.

; Via Starlights, Mikagong & Merulan for BWog Wog-Nerriga Tues.& Thurs & Sun at iam : Returns 4 pay Tues, Thurs, Sun. i Yerranderie Ghost Town fist Saturday ineach =f ! month, retums Sun at tpm (any Friday nin 6) Group booking discounis or charfer service :

i Tel 0246 832 344 Mob 0428 832344 |

' WANTED - Persons willing to attend, to entertain or be entertained at the Coolana 2003 Annual Reunion on 16”,17“ March Page 6 OS The Sydney Bushwalker January 2003

Hello from Heike

Heike Krause

Editors Note: Heikes regular article normally appears under the heading Of Interest To New Members. However, the subject matter this issue is of more general interest and has been moved to a more prominent part of

the magazine.

Here we are into a new year and may all your resolutions be flung to the wind and may you revel in taking whatever life decides to provide positively and with gusto!!.

I would like to comment in response to a letter in the December issue. “R.ILP the Sociable Walker”. Well on last ventures, I noted sociable walkrs were very much alive and kicking and doing just that… Walking….well, OK some were riding bikes, others were swimming, kayaking or enjoying dinner together, but flat-out under an engraved rock they definitely were not.

SBW is highly social but it is not happening in the clubrooms. Numbers attest to the fact that on any one social evening a mere squidge of a percentage of the total membership tum up. This however does not mean we are any less social than years gone by. We are a very social club but it is happening out there closer to that for which the club is primarily known for and that is Bushwalking.

There have been periods of time where 7 out of 10 days I am actively involved with SBW Bushwalking/walkers inspired activity, it was getting -to a stage where other social commitments to non Bushwalking events and friends were neglected.

Dissidents to committee changes, remove thou thy blinkers, look around and chat to people and I think it will be found that very few are dissatisfied with the socialisation they give and receive from SBW.

Realise also that not everyone joims to be social; 'I didn't. The comment spouted one moming to the “beachside barista” at the local coffee-stop that got me convolutedly involved with SBW was “John, I need some adventure……”.(Hah, and just look what that got me into!!!)

Being social means different things to different people, you all well know that at fireside Sing-a-long-song/ and-Hakea A to Bush bash B story time I'll be antisocially prompt in disappearing to the solitude of the sleeping bag.

I go bush to feel physically challenged, mentally soothed, small and insignificant, to feel the awe of the natural world, to listen to the skitterings and scuttlings of creatures in the bush, _ to marvel at the stars and blue-black splendour of the unknown, to listen to the whispers or wails of wind in the trees, to smell the eucalypt steeped eaith and feel it stuck saltily to my skin. I don't think I am alone in this……and sharing this solitude is sociability also.

However, despite all this as my primary aim I have found wonderfully stimulating company and unexpectedly very special friends. This is the human warmth that does exist, the team spirit of. coming through a tough day or the sharing of natural magnificence that will always be here in SBW.

People join clubs for many reasons, there are

currently 133 new prospective members in the

file and I would say 133 differing combinations of reasons why they join, how they came to join and what they expect from SBW, and what they can in turn give back to SBW.

SBW is not diminishing, it is not suffering from a lack of social activity. There are within SBW smaller groups of like-minded, perhaps similar in “age and stage” groups, yet are welcoming not exclusive…

We have a full walks program (top reason why most join is the variety and choice of walking trips each weekend), the Mid week group who have all sorts of walks, cycling, plus interesting trips away (the one I joined in on to Hinchinbrook was fabulous), the “exploratory” trips for the purists (and superfit!!). The magazine group, The mail-out group, well the time I turned up they had zoomed through the “work” were “corks-popped” and having a - marvelous time. There are at least 3 different dinner groups that I know of that try to meet regularly. We have networks with other clubs whose members come along on our trips and invite us on theirs. We are sizzling socially!!!

Like joining any new club it can take a while to feel comfortable and find the company that you feel more kin with - in such a large club it can take longer as every time you go out you meet a different mix of personalities. The thing is to stick with it as not only will you get stronger, fitter and see more of the bush, eventually you will find those whose company makes for an extra special day out down the track.

Sociability is the gift that requires equal measure of giving and receiving, graciously, cordially, mischievously, yea even argumentatively - acceptance without judgement.

So please on your next walk welcome each other!!!

NB: For those who feel the committee is failing them then I for one am happy to nominate you for whatever position you desire and believe you can change for the better. The AGM is coming up so please let me know. | Sydney Bushwalker January 2003

Page 7

SBW Meetings And Club Management

Recent questioning of the, Committees decision to eliminate monthly general meetings and restrict social meetings to one per month have referred to members responses to the Club Questionnaire included in the Members Survey in 2001. The Survey was mailed to all members and 231 (ie approx 50% ) of club members responded. The Club Review Committee considered the responses and made recommendations based on the responses to this survey .,

Here are extracts from , the SBW Members Survey dealing with responses to Questions (4) and (5)

What members think of theGeneral Meeting

and Social Program Members were asked 6 questions relating to the

monthly General Meeting, and to the Social Program. In addition to the numeric responses (agree/disagree) shown in the following table, 60 respondents took the time to specify their thoughts about changes they would like to see (see Attachment 2, open ended Q8 for full responses), the most frequent comment was that there are too many meetings. Low interest in the meetings is highlighted by the average claimed attendance, with 19 members saying they regularly attend the General Meeting (how many of these are Committee Members?), while 23 members say they regularly attend the Social Evenings.

Note that while 65% say they are happy with the General Meeting and 83% say they are happy with the Social Program, the majority of these people don't attend. The main reasons in order of prominence are “too busy” and “not interested.

[As 231 members replied, the numbers could relate to different people eg Social Program. 109 replied to the first question of whom 83% are happy and perhaps another 113 people replied to the second

Satisfaction with the way club is run

There is general satisfaction with the way the club is run with 85% saying they are either completely or reasonably happy. 47 members replied to the open-end question (see Attachment 2, open end Q9). The focus of these responses was on “less

politics”, “less formality”, ”

more enjoyment”,

question of whom 65% dont have time …. Ed]

“ new ideas.

Satisfaction with the way club is run % (a =213) Completely happy 31.9 Reasonably happy 53.1 Sometimes happy 11.3 Not at all happy 3.8

Editors Note:

1 welcome your letters commenting on recent changes made to Club general and social meetings. Such letters are one way of giving feedback to the Management Committee.

Treasurers Report for December 2002. Bank Account: Opening Balance Income Received: Subscriptions 240 Total Receipts 240 Expenses Paid: Magazine production 382 Magazine supplies 315 Walks Program preparation 71 Magazine labels and postage 97 Other 205 Total Payments Closing Balance 21* December

1* December $4,518

1,070 $3,688

By the time members read this column the end of the clubs financial year will have ticked over and the new financial year will have started. The clubs annual report to be published at the end of February will have full. details of the financial results for the year and the financial position as at the end of the year.

Maurice Smith

General Social Attitude to Meetings: | Meeting | Program % agreed | % agreed Happy with the way they n= 106 n= 109 are 65.1% 82.6% Dont have time to n= 120 n= 113 participate 75.8% 65.1% Not interested, joined to n= 125 n=111 walk 56.0% 68.1% Would come if n= 93 n= 93 format/content changed 29.0% 45.9% Generally attend n= 115 n= 113 16.5% 20.4% Would come if a different | = 95 n= 96 night 8.4% 8.3%

First Aid Certificates for Leaders:

To encourage our walks leaders to get their St Johns First Aid Certificate, the Committee has offered to subsidise current Walks Leaders for half the cost of gaining an accredited Senior First Aid Certificate up to $50 and if combined with an accredited Remote Area First Aid, up to $80.

|Page8 The Sydney Bushwalker January 2003

Organising And Leading The Six Foot Track And K To K Walks

The Sydney Bushwalkers has featured on its walks programs since 1989 two quite unique and demanding single day walks. Both walks were the idea of Jan Mohandas who led both these walks from 1989 to the late 1990s. He has surely been one of the most prolific walks leaders in the history of the club. When Jan retired from leading the Six Foot Track, I took it over in 1998 so that it wouldnt disappear off the SBW program. The K to K in a day has had a number of leaders in the late 1990s, with Phil Newman handing it over to me this year.

The Six Foot Track is a walk from Explorers Tree Katoomba to Caves House at Jenolan Caves. It covers 42 km in a single day, starting at 6.30 am with most walkers finishing between 4.30 pm and 5.15 pm. It is held in late August or early

September when the day time temperature is still .

cool and when the days are not too short. The walk usually has about 20-25 walkers and 6-12 support group. It is a social walk, a fun walk and a significant challenge for walkers, particularly so for first timers wondering if they can do the distance. It requires about 3 months of solid day walks to get fit for the Six foot Track and K to K. But this is part of the fun and involvement of getting together regularly with your walking friends.

The walk could not be done without the support crew who drive cars around to Caves House so we have transport to drive back on Sunday moming. Margaret Niven and in more recent years Frank Grennan, Anne Maguire, Don Brooks, Tony Manes and Kay Chan and others have done a fantastic job and their efforts are greatly appreciated by all. It is a busy day for the support crew. Cars and evening clothes bags for each walker have to be conveyed to Caves House. The support crew have to get around to Jenolan Road, the Pluviometer Hill and the Jenolan Road Picnic Grounds to set up tables, chairs, drinks and tim tams etc. before the walkers get there. At lunch time they have a fire and tarp ready as well! Theres not much time to pack up moming tea and drive around to the lunch spot and get set up before the walkers arrive. ,

Many of the Six Foot Track walkers meet for dinner at Katoomba on Friday night and stay overnight in Katoomba. Others brave the early momiing alarm clock and drive up from Sydney to meet at 6 am at the Explorers Tree. Walkers keep together all day but about 8 to 10 people will choose to don runners and run the final 8 km in the last hour. Some in the club have criticised this but if some of our members are good mmners and enjoy it then why not. Whatever gives people

Tony Crichton

passion and excitement should be pursued. When we arrive at Caves House we clap everyone in when they get there and then head off to a well earned hot shower. In the last 3 years Gail and I have organised a wine and cheese get together for all walkers and support crew before dinner. This is a top social part of the day and feeds hungry bodies before the often not-so-early arrival of dinner. I can remember one year when Rosemary kindly shouted champagne for everyone.

The Six Foot Track is one of the hardest walks to organise. The leader has to check that all walkers have done enough harder day walks prior to the Six Foot Track and has to ring around for support crew helpers. Unless you get enough support crew you wont have enough cars to get the walkers back on Sunday morning. Thankfully we ve always had enough cars.

The biggest hurdle is the organisation of accommodation. I find what works best is for walkers to ring me rather than Caves House and I then fax Caves House with names and telephone numbers of walkers and the rooms people have requested. Caves House then rings each walker to arrange credit card payment. Thankfully Caves House are prepared to hold open our bookings from March to August, which is very good of them as it coincides with Yulefest which is always a popular time. Otherwise accommodation would be booked out before most SBW people ring me which is often as late as August. The benefit of being a regular each year at Caves House is that special group prices can be arranged.

Caves House can have its frustrations for both the leader and some walkers when some things dont go according to plan but overall though it is very satisfying to get your friends together having a good time and for the chance to stay together after a walk and not have to drive home that might.

The K to K in a day is an altogether different walk. Only the fittest, strongest walkers who have trained for 3 months should do this walk. The walk starts at Kanangra Walls car park at 6 am and walkers finish at the iron gate on Narrow Neck, Katoomba, usually between 6 pm and 7 pm. It is held two weeks after the Six Foot Track usually on the Ist Saturday of September before the weather gets too hot.

It covers around 42 km in distance but includes some thousands of metres of up and down some very steep hills. It passes through some stunning and remote areas hence you area long way from support in the event of an injury. It is a walk done at a relentless steady pace with regular regrouping on the hour but with longer Sydney Bushwalker January 2003

Page 9

breaks at morning tea (Mt. Cloudmaker), two lunch breaks (top Strongleg and top Yellow Pup) and drinks and tim-tams at Narrow Neck when we look forward to a welcome reunion with our support crew. At the end of the walk we enjoy a meal and great evening at the Grand View Hotel at Wentworth Falls where we stay for the night.

., Again the support crew play a critical role. After a dinner at Katoomba on Friday night, the support crew drive the walkers to Kanangra and try to get to bed as early as possible camping at the Uni Rover track. Alarms are set for 4.00 am or 4.30 am to enable the walk to start at 6 am. Tony Manes and Kay Chan (this year Phil, Heike and Vicki as well) will typically walk 5 km out and back to Crafts Walls with drinks and water before sending the walkers on their way. Then they and the other car drivers drive to Narrow Neck and

walk out the 10 km to Taros Ladders to be there by

4 pm. Therefore those support walkers would walk 30 km and drive back to Katoomba as well. You can see why an experienced gold-plated support crew is required.

Many people in the Club probably dont understand the attraction of the K to K. It is a landmark walk for SBW ~ as far as I know no other bushwalking club does this walk in a single day. It creates a great sense of camaraderie amongst the walkers, as it requires commitment and teamwork to train for it and to keep up the

required pace on the day. It is like no other walk run by the Club. Andrew Vilders article in Wild magazine a few years ago gives a very good account of this walk.

The critical decision for the leader is who to take and how many. The K to K is going through a revival at the moment with a number of fit, new walkers joining the Club who want go give themselves the ultimate walking challenge. As a leader you are faced with having to say no if you dont think someone is ready for it yet or hasnt done enough prior walking. Another problem is how to know if a walker is fit enough if you havent seen them on any walks that year. Next year [ll probably require any interested persons to attend at least some of our lead up walks. In the event that a large number of good walkers are keen to go, some hard decisions will need to be made on either limiting numbers, having a bigger group or splitting into two closely spaced groups. One for next year!!!

The Six Foot Track and K to K represent a great tradition initiated by Jan Mohandas, which is unique to SBW and should be continued. Whilst these walks may not be everyones cup of tea, they generate a lot of friendships and camaraderie amongst a significant number of walkers in the Club. I would especially like to thank all those who have done support over the years for these walks. Anyone interested in doing support in the future would be most welcome.

Come to Kari

in the Pilbara

Our Karijini trips take you into some of the most spectacular gorge country in Australia.

We show you far more

than eny one else will aver do, Come in Aprif and en:oy Howing THESES ANG wari Pacis.

Corse in June ard enjoy clear skies and ideal ternperatures.

Come anytime acid valk through

fach tie consiss of hwo walks.

You can checse either or both. Fresh suppkes covne in ai the and of the first For at: inpartial opinion, qo ta the vis repert section on our website and see what one of our clients wrote about our last tren.

timeless jandscape where you Care

next ta beautiful puais and vist Aboriginal art sites which will remain forever unknown to WD tourists.


Walkabouts 12 ”

Bouk riow to take advantage oi our advance Gurchase discaiurils. ps:

| Page 1055 The Sydney Bushwalker January 2003 |

Jean Harvey Turns 90



On November 19 2002, Jean Harvey celebrated her 90“ birthday with a party at her home at Cutler Village, Narrabeen.

Guests included her husband of 60 years, Brian (who turned 90 in March 2002), daughter Sarah and granddaughter Kerry. Old friends who attended were Shirley Dean, Gil and Jean Webb, Don Matthews, Nancy Pallin, Kate Moppett and Christine Austin, the last three being daughters of old bushwalking friends.

In the early years (mid 1930s to mid 1950s) Jean was greatly involved in the typing of the club magazine. When she and Bnian lived in Wahroonga, it was the social hub of the SBW. Many, many people enjoyed their hospitality.

Jean, all of your friends from SBW wish you a Very Happy Birthday.

Below is the poem composed by Don Matthews which he recited to Jean at the party.

Photo by Don Matthews


Its your birthday today, or so Ive been told.

Is it ninety? My goodness, to some that seems old.

But to us in the Bushies, we call it mature

When you stop scaling peaks, and the tough walks are fewer.

To have been there and done it! Thats what its about,

To have laughed at your follies and of those round about.

When youve picked the wrong ridge, or gone up the wrong creek And your knees start to twinge and your muscles to tweak

We remember the good times, the camps by a mill, The waterfalls gurgle, the view from a hill

That bit of new scrub, when you said to your friend It should be just there, maybe round the next bend…

We remember the fun that we had at your home,

At those mini-reunions with song and with poem, Why, one of us still keeps on writing, because

The encouraging nods and the sound of applause. That the crowd at your place were so free to bestow. Still ring in his ears, though its some time ago!

Its good to recall all these pleasures of youth We are not really old, were just long in the tooth And our dreams will support us who like to remember Can we meet again here, in next March, and November? Whether it's bush walking, mountaineering, cross-country skiing, trek- king or travel, a pack is your best friend or worst enemy. Why? Because you depend on the agility and comfort that your pack provides.

The Mont MOn Moto-Active . PAONT adjustable har- e Lol Tee Back ness system is Country deceptively Pack

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Innovative designs, detailed construc- tion and quality ma- terials. Anatomically con- toured hip-belts. Spandura and 3D Air-Flow fabrics for body contact points. Bar tacks on the im- portant high stress points.

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We use Evazote foams, the most du- rable, high quality foams available. Hip-belt secures di- rectly to the alilumin- ium frame-stays for direct load transfer. Only highest quality Durafiex buckles. The shoulder yoke adjusts independ- ently of the frame Stays.

Dual aluminium frame-stays adjusted and reinserted in seconds.

All packs personally fitted centre by our experienced Staff. Page 12 The Sydney Bushwalker January 2003 |

Coolana Report: Don Finch

Sg With the continuing hot weather there was minimal

es bush care activity at Coolana during December. Members had reported another crop of fallen trees including one very near the tool shed. Fortunately no damage to people or property, but keep looking up before pitching a tent.

Cooler weather over the Christmas period has

eased the bushfire danger but with only a dusting of recent rain the threat is just a hot speli away. Fire bans apply to the Shoalhaven district so any fires must be strictly for cooking purposes and completely extinguished after cooking. Please check the NPWS and other websites for Total Fire Ban declarations. The Kangaroo River is at a very low level at present with about 4ft depth at the old ford crossing. This low level provides a mixed blessing - some nice sandy beaches, good swimming, but old trees barely submerged providing a hazard. Be careful when entering the water and children should be closely supervised.

No matter how bad the fire season and how long the drought continues, Coolana will continue to provide a green and very pleasant camping location. Come and enjoy the quiet peaceful bushland setting.

Wild Life in the Suburbs A message from Jan Roberts

Just thought you'd like to see a photo of the little creature that Ive been caring for since lam Christmas night. Wooly is an orphaned wombat found near his dead mother by the side of the road at Yengo National Park. Wooly came to me from a frantic call from the all night Veterinary clinic at North Ryde

ee : where he was left, and as I was on night duty for Sydney Wildlife on the night I suddenly became foster mother!

Daunting to say the least we dont get many calls to care for wombats in Chatswood.

Wooly weighs just 650gm is approximately 4 months old, and would have spent another 4 months in mums pouch in happier circumstances, after which baby wombat starts to bite, and as a result mum tosses bub out into the wide world.

This little chap is seriously cute and defiantly the closest I'll come to motherhood on demand feeds, baby baths, sleep depravation… I think I may actually lactate!

Fire Bans and Park Closures

A Park Fire Ban is in force for all parks and reserves within the NPWS Central Directorate. This includes parks and reserves in an area from Mudgee and Gulgong in the north-west to Oberon in the south-west to Wollongong in the south-east and to Newcastle and Maitland in the north-east. This park fire ban will remain in place across Central Directorate for the duration of the current fire emergency.

Park Closures At current date (8” January) many national parks and wilderness areas are closed. All leaders are reminded that they MUST comply with park regulations including fire bans, track restrictions and park closures.

Please check with the NPWS website for up-to-date information.

Sydney Bushwalker January 2003

Page 13

Conservation Report

In addition to the new wilderness areas discussed in the November Conservation Report the NSW Government also declared five large new additions to national parks in western NSW. The additions total 350,000 hectares and increase the parks and reserves in Far West NSW by nearly one third. They include a good representation of the wide range of diverse environments in that part of the state. They include:

Paroo-Darling National Park and State Conservation Area (230,000 hectares)

This large area includes the former Peery National Park and protects a large sweep of floodplain and associated environments at the lower end of the Paroo River and middle reaches of the Darling River. It is in four parcels within 100 km of and to the north and east of Wilcannia. Oolambeyan National Park (21,851 hectares) This area protects areas of native grassland and grassy woodland south of Hay. It also supports a population of the nationally vulnerable Plains Wanderer, a quail like bird.

Leadknapper Nature Reserve (16,339 hectares) This reserve protects the unique Spinifex-Ironbark vegetation which is found in narrow band of deep sands stretching north of Bourke to the Queensland border. This is the first time these environments have been preserved. In spring the vegetation put

David Trinder

Additions to Gundabooka National Park (20,311 hectares)

A park of rugged cliffs, gorges and hills, formed from rust-coloured rocks. The main feature is the Gundabooka Range which rises to 500 metres. The park is of great significance to the Ngemba people. A small camping area has been developed at Dry Tank and ultimately a walking track to the top of Mount Gundabooka will be available. The park is 50 km south of Bourke off the Kidman Way (dry weather only). Bookings must be made with the NPWS Bourke office 6872 2744.

Additions to Mungo National Park

_(60,790 hectares)

This park is the focal point of the Willandra Lakes World Heritage area, which has a record of Aboriginal life going back 60,000 years. Striking features of the park are the remarkable Walls of China, a crescent shaped dune eroded over time and some spectacular fragile formations that have been carved in sand and clay by erosion. A visitors Centre is open every day and there is accommodation, walking tracks and driving tours available. The park is 110 km north east of Mildura or 147 km north west of Balranald. All roads are unsealed and impassable after rain. Contact NPWS Buronga 03 5021 8900.

on a spectacular wild flower display. : / _ oy panne \ 4 See. + RQVERE Soa SERRE, aa Rarog Darling bddtion

ti ai * cee a

Mango kddi zon. Ve a 2 Senay - HY gkiberea -. i. Osi i a mat | Ark. aN Se ;


' [Page 14

The Sydney Bushwalker January 2003


Dec Bike Ride 1 Sun This was ride in the eastern & southern suburbs ~ Maroubra Beach to Maroubra Beach.

Xs Leader: Victoria Garamy 9 members started, 8 members finished.

Despite the grey sky and large clouds, Hughie was kind to us and kept away. Party of 9 members started. Moming tea and coffee stop at Brighton-le- Sands, after which Maurice Smith departed due to mechanical difficulties and cycled home (tumed out to be a locked brake, no wonder he couldnt get up the hills, and he thought it was his fitness!) Quite windy for a_ period, eventually the sunshine won. The leader, in an attempt to go around two pedestrian, clipped a post and somersaulted, bike & all. The only casualty was a broken front light. Report is that the programmed distance of 45km was GREATLY underestimated! !

and heres another version of the same event

Ride With The Wind Sun Ist Dec

Vicki, Ian, Wilf, Steve, Margaret, Chris, Heike, Maurice (% way), Barbara

For months all talk had been of this drought the longest in living memory. Youd also think that youd be fairly safe to get fine weather at the end of November, but sometimes putting a walk or a nde on the program can be like washing your dirty car in that you could almost guarantee rain. As I write this I suddenly remember something similar happened to me several years ago…

Anyway the heavens opened on the nine of us prior to setting out from Maroubra Beach. It didnt last long, though as we cycled past Botany Bay National Park en route to La Perouse we received our first battering by the head on southerly. Gears changed down as if to climb a steep hill, I noticed someone had fastened a decorated Christmas tree to a SOkph sign as we turned towards the National Park.

As we rode along Foreshore Drive and later around Botany Bay we were alternately buffeted by and protected from the force of the southerly. We thus particularly enjoyed a morning tea break at the Brighton Beachside coffee shop before continuing on to Taren Point Bridge at Sans Souci. What a bDlast!! Common experience is that if you ride into a wind going one way it will usually tum around to taunt you on the return journey as well. Im very pleased to say that this time it didnt, so that the return to

a lunch spot at Kyeemagh was almost plain sailing.

Our arrival at Maroubra shortly before 3pm was marked by grey clouds and a few drops of rain, which quickly gave way to hot sunshine. If it had been like that most of the day the trip would undoubtedly have been considerably slower and swims vital.

I surmise Vicki is relieved to have successfully completed her first entry on our SBW Walks Program and no doubt is now raring to repeat the exercise!

Barbara Bruce

Advanced GPS Training Sat 8 Dec Leader: Bull Holland

My neighbour asked Bill, what on earth were all those men doing wandering along the street, heads down, gazing at little black boxes?

I explained it was GPS training and a very suitable exercise on a very hot day.

We werent just wandering - we were following a route mapped out earlier on my computer; unfortunately confined to street walking as fire bans closed the nearby park.

It was an interesting day. First, scanning a local map into my computer and calibrating it with mapping software (Oziexplorer); planning then downloading the route to Magellan and Garmin GPS; following the GPS route down several streets; tracking our progress and uploading the track to the computer. As well we looked at downloading maps from CDs.

We shared knowledge and gained some skills in using a GPS with computer support.

Bill Holland

Manly-Newport Sun 8“ Dec 8 Leader: Ron Watters (party of 5) The walk was re-routed to an easy/medium coastal route because of National Park closures. Sunny with strong northerly breeze giving ideal conditions. 9am start. Delightful swim in rock pool at Dee Why Head. Large Boulders and heavy ocean swell at base of Dee Why Head created challenges. I soared ungracefully into 2 metre deep hole. Squashed my Portuguese Tart (not Consuela or Concita!) but the custard variety. No damaged limbs. Colourful kites flying as we ambled barefoot through shallows on Narrabeen Beach. Mugacinos and bilious pink milkshakes (for some) at lakeside Narrabeen Caf. Golden sands and rolling surf in soft afternoon light. Two easy rockhops around last two headlands to arrive at 7.10 pm. A most enjoyable day. a Sydney Bushwalker_ .

Great River Waik - Stage 12 to 14

(From source to the mouth of the Hawkesbury River system) Leader: Roger Treagus.

The last 3 stages got mucked up with the walk dates due to the leader's broken foot and logistical problems. They eventually got sorted out and here is what happened.

On 15” Sep Stage 12 of the walk was walked from Lapstone station to Yarramundi YMCA camp on the Grose River with a party of 16.

After checking out Lennox Bridge and Knapsack Bridge, two rather ancient engineering works we made a bee line for the

CE Nepean River and walked

Yi 7 along its banks to

\e Yarramundi in company with

* . YF scores of 4 wheel drivers and trail bike riders, who, like us, were enjoying the wilderness experience.

The next stage from the Grose to Windsor looked just a little boring as a road bash so on 3rd November we took to the river in 12 assorted kayaks and canoes of varying degrees of nver worthiness paddling the 16km from the Grose River to Windsor.

It was great to be finally on the river rather then walking next to it as we have done since Stage 1 way back in October 2000.

We arrived ahead of schedule in Windsor because of a screaming tailwind pushing us downstream at a great rate of knots. With a temperature of close to 40 degrees some of us decided to become submarines to cool off.

At Windsor the council threw in $100 to cater for afternoon tea for us to mark a milestone in this saga - the Great River Walk actually reaching Windsor and the estuary.

Stage 14 was walked on 14 November from near Windsor to Sackville on another hot day with a party of 12. This was quite historical with a visit to the Ebenezer Church, the oldest in the country and the Tizzana Winery looking very Tuscan in its setting.

We imbibed in some excellent wine tasting. The vigneron being a supporter of the Great River Walk concept gave us a free tour of the winery after which we staggered off down the road in the heat and a delightful swim for afternoon tea at a secluded beach. We must have looked a bit bedraggled on our final kilometers into Sackville because a caravan park proprietor saw us coming and opened up his ice cream shop especially for us.

The Great River Saga will continue in the Autumn walks program Roger Treagus

|Page 16

The Sydney Bushwalker January 2003

New Years Eve Walk Sydney Harbour NP Leader: Ian Rannard (party of 12)

We met at Balmoral for a picnic tea before walking to Bradleys Head to see in the New Year. Despite a howling gale from the NE and an overcast sky, walking conditions were comfortable and the walk was enjoyed by all.

At Middle Head a helpful security man gave us what he said would be the last night tour of the fortifications and the expected difficult section of the route (a very rough track down to Clifton Gardens from Rawson Park) was not so difficult by torchlight after all.

A little feast was consumed in the shelter shed on Bradleys Head at 11.30 pm, just in time for the fireworks at midnight. A brisk walk back to the cars stifling yawns ended the jaunt.

Sydney Harbour Foreshore Sun 4 Jan Circular Quay to Watsons Bay

Leader: Nick Bertsos (party of 8)

Several swims; many stops with meals; overcast morning to sunny afternoon. Quick drink at Watsons Bay Pub, ending the walk. Good time had by all.

Walks Recommended to New Members:

Sat 1* Feb: Hlawarra Coast Gerringong to Bombo Beach Spectacular coastal walk. Beaches and rock shelves

Sat 8“ Feb: Kuringai National Park Palm Beach then ferry across to Kuningai or the Central Coast (depending on fire situation)

Sun Feb 9”: Great River Walk Final stage from Brooklyn to Barrenjoey. Some coastal rock hopping.

Sat 15“/Sun 16” Feb: Kangaroo Valley - see next page for details -

Sun 16: Feb: Dharawal National Park Wedderburn - OHares Creek. Swimming in beautiful bushland pools.

Sat 22nd Feb: Bouddi National Park Putty Beach - Maitland Bay - Little Beach Scenic coastal walk on beaches and heathland

Mid-Week Walk:

Thur 20“ Feb: Castlecrag Historical Tour Discover the real Castlecrag and follow in the footsteps of early SBW members.


Coolana Training Weekend:

The next new members training weekend will be held on 22nd, 23rd February at Coolana on the beautiful Kangaroo River.

This weekend offers an opportunity to gain practical experience in navigation, first aid and bush craft. It also is a very sociable weekend where you can meet other newcomers and gain from the experience of older members. Ample time for swimming in the river.

The campsite is only a short distance from the cars and light gear can used in this warm weather.

See the Summer Walks programme for more details and contact numbers.

Weekend Walking Gear for Hire

The club now has a small pool of weekend walking equipment available for hire. The rates for weekly hire are:

Weekend pack: $15

Sleeping bag: $15

(For hygiene reasons you must provide and use your own sleeping bag liner)

Sleeping mat: $5 Ground sheet: $2 Tent: $20 Complete kit $50

All items will require an equivalent cash deposit, refundable on return of the equipment. Geoff McIntosh has volunteered to act as Gear Custodian and would be hirers should telephone Geoff on 9419 4619. Please be aware that our pool is presently still small, so give plenty of notice.

Water Is Very Important ! Please remember that walking in summer requires ample intake of ii water. In these drought conditions good quality water may be very scarce. Average consumption on day walk is between 3 - 4 litres . Much more if you are carrying a heavy week- end pack!

Clubs Social Programme:

Dont forget that every third Wednesday is the Club Social Night. On Wed 19” Feb there will be an evening featuring trip reports, photos and slides of Hinchinbrook Island.

Bring along your photos, slides and stories.

Leaders - Please check on park closures and fire bans before commencing your walk !


Sydney Bushwalker January 2003 Page 17

Australia Day Long Weekang

The following walks are scheduled for the holiday weekend at the end of this month. Additional details and contacts are shown in the Summer Walks Programme. It is possible that hot and dry weather conditions may lead to a change or cancellation af these walks. -

Triathlon Weekend -Coolana

Day 1: Cycling glorious riverside back country roads with minor undulations. Mountainbike/hybrid with mountain bike tyres advised as approx 8km rough unsealed road. Potential hazards include loose rocks, soft verges, potholes aplenty, spine-jarring corrugations, fords, occasional snakes and horned bovine beasts. Swimming-hole at lunch for removal of dust. Possible optional xtra lunchtime waterfall walk. Individuals are responsible for provision of bicycles, helmets and security of bike. Contact leaders for hiring options. Carry at least 2L water. Easy 30 km

Day 2: Kayaking down the scenic Shoalhaven river. Ability to swim is essential. Kayak hire will be organised. Please ring early, as we will need definite numbers by Dec 20th for guaranteed booking of kayaks for that weekend. Carry at least 2L water. Distance TBA

Day 3: Your choice -relax in the Coolana environs, walk the trails, swim, maintenance weeding is always appreciated

Wollemi National Park:

Coorongooba Creek -Numietta Creek. Exploratory -all off track, mostly creek walking, wading/ swimming. To ensure a good trip goes, an alternate area arranged if Park is closed. Medium/Hard Exploratory approx 18 km

Wollemi National Park…

Newnes -Zobels Gully -Constance Gorge –Deanes Creek -Rocky Creek -Wolgan River -Newnes. Beautiful but very rugged rainforest creek to negotiate -scrub, wet feet, slippery rocks, climbing over and under fallen trees. Party limit. Medium 25 km :

Blue Mountains NP Carlons Farm - Blackhorse Ridge - Mt Debert - Narrowneck - Dunphys Pass -Carlons Farm. Panoramic views, lots of yariety, on & off track.. Medium 20 km


8“-16” February Tasmania - Extended Walk Western Arthurs and Mt. Anne circuit.

8“. 9” February Port Stephens/Myall Lakes

Camp at Mungo Brush; with'two easy half-day walks, along the beach and up Yacaaba Headland for classic Port Stephens views. A low-energy weekend with lots of time for swimming, fishing and mucking about on the Myall Lakes.

15“, 16”.February Kangaroo Valley - Canoe Trip. Saturday morning start. Canoe in from Tallowa Dam for two hours to a five star camping site. Meet the others (see below) for a weekend of canoeing or lazing around. Ideal swimming opportunities. Canoe hire available in Kangaroo Valley township.

15“, 16” February Kangaroo Valley - Walking and Camping.

Saturday morning start to an ideal summer activity. An easy walk of about one hour to a five star camp site on the Kangaroo River:. Meet the others (see Canoe Trip above) for an idyllic, weekend of exploring, canoeing or just lazing- around. Great swimming opportunities.

The Sydney Bushwalker January 2003

Mid - Week Walking Group: There is a group of members with time available to participate in midweek activities. If you have time during the week or can take leave from work please join us. A regular newsletter provides details of short notice activities and the Walks Programmes gives details of scheduled midweek walks.

Last year was a mixture. The mid week day walks were well attended; some cycling, very enjoyable stays at Berrara Beach in November and at Leura in June: an extended walk on Hinchinbrook Island in August and a bicycle base camp at Georges Plains in June.

Unfortunately the house boat on Myall Lakes had to be cancelled as not enough members had responded by the critical booking date - four more replied after cancellation and the trip could have gone ahead if replies had been more prompt. Also the Deep Pass base camp did not go ahead as the weather was too dry and not enough interest generated. Hopefully both of these activities can be resurrected for 2003 Other possible future activities are:

e Extended walks at a leisurely pace covering a normal weekend walk in 3 instead of 2 days e 3 to 4 day cottage hire at a beach or mountain location eBoat hire on Myall Lakes or on the Hawkesbury. e Extended bicycle/camping trip e Lord Howe, Norfolk or Pacific Island trip Phone Bill Holland on 9484 6636 or email to for more information and be added to our Mid-Week Walkers mailing List.

f y ITY

Desert Island A man was stranded on a desert

island for 10 years. One day a beautiful girl swims to shore in a wetsuit…

Man: “Hi! Am I ever happy to see you.”

Girl: “Hi! It seems like you've been here a long time. How long has it been since you've had a cigarette?”

Man: “It's been ten years!” With this information the girl unzips a slot on the arm of her wet suit and gives the man cigarette.

Man: “Oh thank you so much!”

Girl: “So tell me how long its been since you had a drink?

Man: “It's been ten years” The girl unzips a little longer zipper on her wet suit and comes out with a flask of whiskey and gives the man a drink.

Man: “Oh… thank you so much. You are like a miracle!”

Girl: [Starting to unzip the front of her wet suit.] “So tell me then, how long has it been since you played around?”

Man: “Oh, my God, don't tell me you've got a set of golf clubs in there too?!”

Brain Transplant A patient needed a brain transplant

and the doctor told the family, { Brains are very expensive, and you Ls will have to pay the costs yourselves.”

“Well, how much does a brain cost?” asked the relatives.

“For a male brain, $500,000. For a female brain, $200,000,” replied the doctor.

Some of the younger male relatives tried to look shocked, but all the men nodded because they thought they understood. But the patient's daughter was unsatisfied and asked, “Why the difference in price between male brains and female brains?”

“Standard pricing practice,” said the doctor. “Women's brains have to be marked down because they've actually been used.”


J) fs) wie See

A Marriage made in Heaven On their way to a justice of the peace to get married, a couple had a fatal car accident. The couple found themselves sitting outside Heaven's Gate waiting on St. Peter to do an intake.

While waiting, they wondered if they could possibly get married in Heaven. St. Peter finally showed up and they asked him. St. Peter said, 'T don't know, this is the first time anyone has asked. Let me go find out.' and he left.

The couple sat and waited for an answer…for a couple of months… and they began to wonder if they really should get married in Heaven, what with the eternal aspect of it all. “What if it doesn't work? they wondered, 'Are we stuck together forever?

St. Peter returned after yet another month, looking somewhat bedraggled. 'Yes,' he informed the couple, you can get married in Heaven.'

'Great, said the couple, 'but what if things don't work out? Could we also get a divorce in Heaven?'

St. Peter, red-faced, slammed his clipboard onto the ground. What's wrong?', asked the frightened couple.

COME ON!” St. Peter shouted, 'It took me three months to find a priest up here! Do you have any idea how long it will take me to find a lawyer?

We have to use with skill what simple equipment we can carry on our backs to achieve shelter,

If you really want to get the best prepare food and have a night's rest? out of what you carry with you, Paddy Pallin, 1900-1997

then move up to Black Diamond, exclusive to Paddy Pallin.

~ Black Diamond

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Black Diamond Contour Trekking Pole: Trekking poles dont just

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Black Diamond Betamid Tent: When you want to go ultra-light or you

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against the elements. (Optional, detachable tub floor is also available.)

Store locations: Sydney: 507 Kent Street * Miranda: 527 Kingsway Parramatta: 74 Macquarie Street Katoornba: 166 Katoomba Street Also in Canberra and Jindabyne Website:

Mail order: 1800 805 398

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