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THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER is the monthly bulletin of matters of interest to members of
The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc
PO Box 431 Milsons Point 1565. Editor: Bill Holland Production Manager: Frances Holland Printers: Kenn Clacher, Barrie Murdoch, Tom Wenman Don Brooks Fran Holland
Eastwood Camping Centre Nancy and Jack Fox are retiring after 33 years at Eastwood Camping Centre and wish to thank SBW for all their support over the years.
The good news is that Bnan Liebmann and Hilton Olovitz will continue in the same tradition commencing 17” March. Mat Diego and Chris will be on hand with their excellent advice and service.
Nancy and Jack will be in the shop until Friday 21* March if you wish to call in and say goodbye.
Social Night Highlights:
Wed April 16 - 8pm. Cycling in France Jan Mohandas and Margaret tell us about their
Tour de France. A good night is assured with interesting slides and a lively presentation.
Wed May 21st - 8pm. The Edge
See this hugely successful film about our Blue Mountains on video projection with discussion and background.
Reg Alder:
Reg has advised that he will be out action for some time receiving chemo-therapy treatment. We will miss Regs regular contributions and wish him a speedy and full recovery back to good health.
Annual subscriptions Now Due ! - see Page 3
MARCH 2003 Issue No. 820
Index and Notices
2. President's Report
Rosemary MacDougal 2. Editors Note Bill Holland 3. The Annual General Meeting 3. Treasurers Report: Maurice Smith 4. Letters to the Editor 4. Coolana Impressions
Diedre Kidd
5. Memories of Kathy Dot Stitt
6,7. Cut Your Pack Weight in Half
Russell Willis 8,9. Kosciusko Plan Of Management Review Wilf Hilder Reply To The Above = Pefer Prineas 10. Coolana Report Don Finch
12. Conservation Report David Trinder
13. Hazards Encountered in Bushwalking Kenn Clacher
14-18 The Waiks Pages
19. Of Interest to New Members
Heike Krausse
20. | Social Notes ADVERTISERS:
Aipsport Front cover Eastwood Camping 11. Paddy Pallin Back cover Wildemess Transit 5. Willis's Walkabouts 7.
The Sydney Bushwalker: First, Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. Page 2
The Sydney Bushwalker
March 2003
The Sydney Bush Walkers Our Club was formed in 1927 for the purpose of bringing bushwalkers together; enabling them to appreciate the great outdoors; establishing a regard for conservation and promoting social activities. The Club's main activity is bushwalking but includes other activities such as cycling, canoeing and social events. Our Walks Programme (published quarterly) features day walks on most Saturdays and Sundays, some mid week walks and overnight weekend walks. Extended walks are organised in areas such as Lamington, Snowy Mountaims etc as well as interstate. , Our meetings are held every third Wednesday evening at 8 pm at Kimbilli Neighbourhood @entre, 16 Fitzroy Street, Kirribilli (near Milsons Point Railway Station). Visitors and prospective members are welcome. General Enquiries: Phone 0500 500 729 SBW Website www. sbw. Org. au
Presidents Report:
The committee was notified that overseas trips are not automatically covered by insurance. The United States has always been excluded. However, the insurer needs to give approval before cover is extended for other trips. Further information can be obtained by contacting the Secretary.
Confederation has reported that 19 buts in the Kosciusko NP were destroyed in the recent fires. Nine survived. A decision is yet to made by the powers that be about replacement or repair.
We have approved a new procedure for publishing a supplementary walks program in the magazine. It will contain walks to be lead by new leaders who will be prepared to repeat a walk that they have been on in the current program. Leaders of walks will be asked to encourage any one in the party to lead that particular walk a few weeks later. More will be published about this in the later magazines.
By the time you read this the AGM will have been and gone and a new Committee will be in place. I want to take this opportunity to thank the outgoing committee for all their enthusiasm and you the club members for continue to support the Club.
See you on the track. Rosemary MacDougal
Editors Note:
Its a rather crowded issue this month and the results of the Annual General Meeting were inserted at the last moment. Congratulations to the new Committee and I hope you will all be regular contributors to the magazine this year.
Talking about this year, I continue as your Editor and with your help the magazine will reflect what you, the members would like to read. Keep your letters and articles coming in.
This month we feature a contribution from Russell Willis on lightweight walking. Russell is a great friend of SBW and our members are regular
' participants in Top End walks.
Also featured this month is the continuing dispute in the Community Forum dealing with the Plan of Management for Kosciusko National Park. Wilf Hilder has submitted a criticism of the environment organisations contributions to the Forum and Peter Prineas replies on behalf of the Nature Conservation Council.
This exchange of contrasting viewpoints is important as SBW intends to submit its own review of the Draft Plan of Management. The Committee is seeking the opinion of its members and the only way to obtain this is by receiving letters from you, the members. So write in and tell us what you think.
We have a lovely poem about Coolana, written by Deidre Kidd many years ago. Deidre passed away late last year after a long illness and Ray found this poem in her papers.
Kenn Clacher writes of the hazards of bushwalking and a new member, Jan Thorpe, was so impressed by his Snowy Mountains walk over Christmas that he burst into rhyme when narrating their adventures.
All this and our regular features - keep it up folks.
Bill Holland
Contact The Editor:
Copy for publishing in the SBW magazine should be received by the Editor by the end of the first week of each month. Letters stating your viewpoint on matters of interest are most welcome.
Please send your submission in by mail (preferably typed), on floppy disc, by fax or by email addressed to The Editor
Telephone: 9484 6636 Email: Fax: 9980 5476 (phone 9484 6636 first)
The cans you carry in your pack - are lighter on the journey back ! The Sydney Bushwalker
March 2003 Page 3
- The 75 AGM was held on Wednesday 12“ March with approx 35 members attending. There are very few new faces in the list of office bearers (listed below). The meeting moved votes of thanks to President Rosemary for fine efforts through the year and to the retiring Committee members - for retiring, although
- nearly all were' re-elected in the same positions. Barry Wallace will give a full report of proceedings in
next months magazine.
Your New Committee Is
President: Rosemary MacDougal Vice-President: Wilf Hilder Public Officer: Maurice Smith Treasurer: Maurice Smith Secretary: Leigh McClintock Walks Secretary: Peter Love * Social Secretary Caro Ryan *
' Membership Secretary Pam Morrison New Members Secretary: Heike Krausse Conservation Secretary: David Trinder Magazine Editor: Bill Holland Committee Member:
Barry Wallace PamIrving * Delegates to Confederation: Jim Callaway Wilf Hilder
* New to Committee
And The Other Non-Committee Office Bearers Are:
Delegates to Confederation:
Maurice Smith - vacant - Magazine Production Manager: Fran Holland Magazine Business Manager: Maurice Smith Printers: Kenn Clacher Barrie Murdoch Tom Wenman Don Brooks Fran Holland Web Master: John Bradnam Archivist: Bill Holland Hon Solicitor: Richard Brading Hon Auditor: Chris Sonter Coolana Committee: Don Finch Joan Rigby Bill Holland Shirley Dean Gretel Woodward Search and Rescue Contacts: David Trinder Pam Mornson Rob Barrie Peter Love Kosciusko Hut Delegates: Tan Wolfe Wilf Hilder
Treasurers Report for February:
Bank Account Movement:
Opening Balance Ist February $3,992 Income Received:
Advertising debtors _425
Total Income: 425 Expenses Paid:
Magazine production 409 Magazine supplies 2,640 Coolana rates 296
Printing machine mtce 181 Coolana supplies 23
Annual subscription KHA _ 40
Total Payments: 3,589 Closing Balance Ist February $828
Another quiet month for me as Treasurer.
The big payment for magazine supplies was for the purchase of a large quantity of paper to be used over the balance of the year for printing the magazine.
Maurice Smith - Treasurer
Contact The Committee:
Members are welcome to contact the following officers with questions on Club management and other matters.
President : Rosemary MacDougal 9428 5668 (h) Treasurer: Maurice Smith
9878 2958 (h) or Members Secretary: Pam Morrison
0418 463 923 or at
Vice President: Wilf Hilder 9587 $912 New Members Secretary. Heike Krausse
For prospective membership enquiries phone 9998 0587 and leave a message
* Not set Si i Seed me
Page 4
The Sydney Bushwalker March 2003
DX Letters To The Editor
Mountain Bikes in National Parks.
In her response to my letter advocating continued access to tracks within National Parks, Linda Wilhelm makes much of my reference to the Outdoor Recreation Party. I feel that some clanfication is necessary. My letter was not in support of the ORP and I have never supported the ORP. It is nothing more than a plea for continued access for mountain bikes, to management trails within National Parks. It includes no hidden agendas. I acknowledge that my reference to the ORP is a distraction and I withdraw it with apologies to anyone that it may have offended.
Richard Winthorpe
Club Management
The club has for some time been considering its management structure. An appropriate management structure focuses not only on what the members want, but also on task management and the management of people. Some factors to consider in the management of people include involving them in decisions that affect their portfolio, providing them with opportunities to discuss their work and obtain reassurance, and opportunities for social interaction with others.
One area of concern is the reference to a flexible committee structure. My experience with SBW leads me to believe that the selection of committee members would be based (or could be perceived to be based) more on popularity of the person rather than a detailed management analysis of the position. This could result in the members who have publicly been deemed to be unpopular, either by the committee or the AGM, being required to work with and take instructions from members who have publicly been deemed to be popular. This would be an unworkable system. Sufficient flexibility is already provided by constitutional changes, anything more could be inappropriate.
With regard to the reduction in social program, the club may wish to consider that we could lose our booking at the Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre (KNC). If we reduce the number of Wednesday nights per month, the KNC would be within their nghts to seek another tenant to maximise their income. If this happens (in the near or distant future) and we lose the convenience of closeness to transport, the extra transport costs may be many times more per annum than the $2 or so per member saved. The unpact to the club could be significant. It may even be in our benefit to pay to leave the rooms
vacant, or better still, investing $1,000 to $1,500 per annum in the social program as a means of attracting members in todays busy world. Instead of accepting members (unsustainable) preference not to attend social functions, we may be better off seeking to attract them. We can all afford an extra $3 per annum; the club may not be able to afford the loss of the clubrooms.
Eddy Giacomel
Have You Changed Your Address?
If you have changed your address or phone number
tecently, please advise:
Members: Pam Morrison
Prospectives: Heike Krausse
The advice should be in writing directed to the Clubs postal address. This will ensure that our records show your current address and prevent delay in receiving the magazine each month.
Membership List
A new List Of Members as at 31* January 2003 was mailed out to all members in February. Please check your membership details and in the event of errors, changing residence or new telephone numbers, please advise the Membership Secretary, Pamela Morrison in writing.
Coolana Impressions. 1983.
Casuarinas by the river;
Lyre birds screened in a shady bower;
Nature's hushed voice through needled antennas Sighing and whispering this is peace.
Green turf flattened by splashes of colour; Canvas echoing lorikeets;
A mini village on the banks of the river, Home for two days with plenty of treats.
Campfire smoke, boiling billies, Laughter,songs, skits (made some look silly) ! Carrot cake supper; Damper contest by day, The results mulberry jammed in a generous way.
Children playing down by the river
Their wet little bodies glinting and brown. New friendships made, old ones cemented As on lilos and logs they float and clown.
Adults flaking ( bushwalkers in disguise ) Applicable in metaphor or literal guise. Such was the week-end - Coolana re-union My first, and what a pleasant surprise !
Deirdre Kidd. March, 1983. The Sydney Bushwalker
March 2003 Page 5 |
Memories Of Kathy
It was early 1955 when Kathy Mclnnes and I first met as SBW prospective members, having found our way to the dim, dank first floor of Ingersoll Hall, just off Oxford Street. There we discovered a most diverse group of people, with one passion in common, the bush, and it was our very good fortune to become part of the young, fit, rowdy and enthusiastic section of this group.
Then, as Sister Gibb, Kathy was keen to spend her precious spare time from nursing enjoying the bush with an experienced group of walkers. This she did as often as possible, until her nursing career took her off to Dunedoo for a year or two. However, contacts were maintained, and one friendship became permanent when Kathy married Bruce Mclnnes on the October long weekend of 1958. We claimed they were just following our example, as we had in married the June long weekend that same year.
The years rolled by friendships grew . Kathy and Bruce had three children and built a house in the bush at Beecroft. Between them they turned a house into a home, and their patch of bush into a native garden and a sanctuary for birds. During this time many SBW reunions were attended, some walking achieved and skiing holidays enjoyed at Perisher Valley, staying at VAC hut.
Kathy reveled in her bush garden and was a keen member of the Society for the Propagation of Native Plants. Nursing once again called and Prince Alfred Hospital had not one, but three very efficient nursing sisters all named McInnes. Names were adjusted to lessen confusion, Kathy was very proud of her nursing team. It was a shock to all and a sad, sad blow for Kathy and family when Bruce passed away too early and with little warning.
Kathy stayed on in her haven. For many years she was one of the phone contact persons for SBW Search and Rescue, and through this continued her association with bushwalking friends, Unfortunately health caught up with her a few years back, an she sold up ber home and moved to Glenbrook in the Lower Blue Mountains, where she was happy in the bush, Unbeknown to her bushwalking family at time, we said our final hellos and goodbyes to Kathy at the recent SBW Reunion Dinner in October, 2002 it was great to see her there. Farewell Kath Dot Stitt
Committees Recommendation On Reimbursement Of Travel Costs:
The club encourages car sharing as an environmentally friendly and a good way to meet other club members. The Committee thinks that a simple formula for reimbursement of car costs should apply and recommends 10 cents per kilometre shared by all the occupants in the vehicle including the driver.
However, individual drivers may suggest any amount they choose and this should be discussed with the passengers at the commencement of the trip
Insurance Inquiries:
The NSW Confederation of Bushwalking Clubs arranges our insurance and has asked that we appoint someone as the contact person for inquiries relating to our policies and any claims. The Committee has decided that all such inquiries should go to the SBW Secretary. Please note that any claims must reach Confederation within 30 days of any accident and the Secretary can assist in that process.
i Tel 0246 832 344 | |
JENOLAN CAVES. KANANGRA Was. . YERRANDERIE Guast TOWN Sranuicats Track. Boneonsa Caves.
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Yerranderie Ghost Town first Saturday in each
month, retums Sun at 1 pm {any Friday min 5) Group booking discounts ar charter service :
Mob 0428 832 344
| Page 6
The Syduey Bushwalker March 2003 |
Cut Your Pack Weight In Half And Double Your Enjoyment!
Most people carry far more than they need on overnight walks. Many others look at those heavy packs and decide that ovemight walks are not for them. Id like to show you the alternative. You can enjoy a comfortable weekend in the bush while carrying no more than 8-10 kg. Leave the extras behind and you can get it down to 6 kg. Putting in all the brands and all the details would take up half the magazine so [ll restrict myself to some simple suggestions and offer to send a detailed document to anyone who asks for it. You dont need much, only the following. Pack. Most bushwalkers are conditioned to large framed packs and dont realise that they can easily and comfortably carry 10-12 kg in a simple, foam- stiffened pack. Change your pack and youve lost 12 kg or more. Shelter. There are a variety of lightweight tents on the market. Two people sharing means less weight for both. Or go back to basics with a tarp and net where you dont need poles or pegs. On most walks, if you carry more than 1 kg of tent, you are carrying more than you need. Sleeping bag. You can get a three season down bag that weighs about 1.2 kg. Top only bags weigh about 750g. In warm weather, you might get by with a bag that weighs as little as 450 g. If two people are traveling together, they can often share a single bag by opening it out and using it as a blanket. Down probably still has the lightest weight to warmth ratio but some of the latest synthetics are getting close. Silk Liner. A silk liner for your sleeping bag adds warmth and keeps the bag clean. It weighs only 150-200g. Cotton is much heavier. Sleeping mat. By using your light pack under your legs, you can easily be comfortable with a : length mat. A : length Thermarest weighs about 800 g for the standard or 600g for the ultralight. Torch. LED head torches are expensive but they weigh next to nothing and the batteries last a long time. The lightest ve found 30g with battery good for 15 hours. Eating utensils. Plastic weighs less than metal. A fork is an option. You do need a spoon and knife. Choose carefully and you can get the weight down to 50g. Cooking. If youre not having a total fire ban, youll want to cook. If you cant have a campfire, you'll need a stove. One stove can easily do for 4-6 people. The lightest Ive found weighs 90 g B add fuel and you are still only 5-600g. Work out how
Russell Willis
much fuel you need before you go and save weight.
A 15 L aluminium billy, good enough for 2-3
people weighs only 150g. Titanium is more
expensive but weighs even less. One person could also use the billy instead of a bowl.
Water bottle. You can easily get by with old
plastic drink bottles. Two bottles weigh 100 g
(plus the water). Need more? Bring a wine
bladder (50g) as a spare container. Need to purify
your water? A few drops of iodine or purifying tablets weigh next to nothing.
Toiletries. Toothbrush, toothpaste, sun screen,
insect repellent, toilet paper, personal first aid
and medication, hair brush or comb. What else do you need? Use the smallest possible containers.
(Film cannister work well for most things but be
careful with insect repellents B if they spill,
they'll destroy many things they come in contact with..)
Spare clothes. 400 to 800 grams is all you need.
Lightweight thermal top (100 g) for cool evenings and mornings. Add thermal pants (an extra 100 ) if you are sensitive to cold.
e Aclean t-shirt (150 g) or something similar for wearing at camp.
e Going swimming? Leave the towel at home.
Chux cloths are highly absorbent and dry almost
A lightweight rain shell if rain is possible. Rain? Stop for a minute and think about what you actually need. I often carry a 50g emergency poncho which will keep the rain off and act as a wind break. Costs about $4.
The 400 to 800 grams is based on the above. If
you are confident youll have reasonable weather
for most of the time, nothing else is necessary.
If heavy rain and wind is possible, you might want to get a good Gore-Tex (or similar) jacket. This will increase the weight but you should be able to find a good jacket that weighs no more than 500-550g. If youre going to be walking in constant rain, youll need something heavier but it will be on you and not in your pack.
Leave a change of clothes in the vehicle for the
trip home. The clothes you don't wear to bed can be used as a pillow at night. Food. You can keep weights down by using dried spreads like hummous rather than things like peanut butter or jam. A moderate eater should be able to get the weight of breakfasts, lunches and snacks down to 250 g per day. Use dehydrated foods for your evening meal and it should weigh no more than your breakfast and lunch. If you dont have your own dehydrator, there are some good dehydes on the market, Ask for my notes for some suppliers you may not have heard of. The Sydney Bushwalker
March 2003 Page 7
Optional Extras:
Camp sandals. Some people find that the extra weight is well worth while so they can protect their feet without having to wear their boots/shoes. You should be able to find reasonable sandals that weigh between 100 & 300g.
Pillow. Many people find that a lightweight pillow makes the difference between a good nights sleep and an uncomfortable one. You can get decent inflatable pillows that weigh about 100 g.
Camera & film . Some cameras weigh next to nothing; 250g to 500g can get you a decent camera.
Book. For lazy days. 200 to 300 g. Dont forget, you can almost always trade during a trip.
Another lightweight win
if you are carrying a light pack, you dont need heavy hiking boots unless you have particularly weak ankles. Research shows that every pound on your feet feels like 6.4 pounds in your pack. Switch to low-cut hikers or trail runners, and you'll save the equivalent of 10 to 15 pounds (about 4.5 to 7 kg). The key is not to swap until youve lightened your load and considered the potential hazards of your terrain. But in the end, theres no better place to save weight and no other change that will make backpacking feel so much easier. (Dec 2002 issue of Backpacker magazine)
Waat more info?
Ask for my complete lightweight bushwalking
notes. They are free for the asking. Contents
Examples of good lightweight gear and where to find it. Includes a list of good websites.
Why one type of lightweight equipment might be better for you than another.
Dehydrated food suppliers.
Check lists
e Real life examples of how certain people keep their pack weights down.
Im happy to admit my ulterior motive for
writing this article. If I can show people how
light their packs can be down south then maybe
theyll consider one of my trips up north where
packs can be lighter still.
Phone: (08) 8985 2134.
First Aid Certificates for Leaders:
To encourage our walks jedders to get, their St Johns First. Aid Certificate, th. Committee has offered to. subsidise current Walks Leaders for balf the cost of gaining an accredited Senior First Aid Certificate up to $50: and if combined. with an accredited Remote Area First Aid, up to $80.
This will be for a trial six-month periad..
Last Chance Gibb River Road Gorges
A personal message from Russell Willis…
Ask us for the trip notes or download them from our
! want te do this trip myself. Who better to do it with than a group of experienced walkers from bushwalkirig clubs?
longer walks, | dropped the price to below cost far a small to medium group. What more can | do to encourage you to rome? Forget the tourist spots. We'll see better. * The full length of Lennard Gorge. Two or more nights up Sir John Gorge. * Diamond Gorge. * Two or more nights in the Upper Isdeil Gorge.
And more, much more
www. bushwalkingholidays. com. au |
yqu can do without ever carrying more than 8-10 kg.
Willis S Walkabouts 12 Carrington St Miliner NT 0810 Email: waikabout@ais. - Phone: (08) 8985 2134
Fax: (08) 8985 2355. [Page 8
The Sydney Bushwalker
March 2003
Plan of Management Review -Kosciuszko National Park Further to his letter last month in which he outlined the work of the Community Forum advising on the Plan of Management for Kosciuszko National Park, Wilf Hilder now expresses some disagreement with the policy of the Nature Conservation Council (NCC) and the actions of environmental representatives on the Community Forum. Peter Prineas replies on behalf of the NCC.
Letter From Wilf Hilder
I note that Alex Colley's Letter to the Editor, Page 4, in the December,2002 issue of The Sydney Bushwalker lists some Nature Conservation Council policy on Kosciuszko National Park and urges SBW to support the policy. No reasons or background are provided for this policy and SBW was urged to adopt the policy without considering these matters in some detail.
Policy No.1 -Rehabilitation Of The Summit Road To A Single Width Walking Track.
It is unbelievably naive to put forward this policy. The NPWS need to keep this road open for management purposes, portaloo sewage disposal, fire fighting, emergency vehicles etc. Snowy Hydro (the privatised Snowy Mountain Authonty) has a contract with NPWS that the road remains open for their use. This means that this 7 kms.section of the Kosciuszko Road from Charlottes Pass to Rawson Pass must have passing loops on it and cannot be of walking track width. Anyone who has walked this section of the Kosciuszko Road knows just how busy it is in summer with the present volume of pedestrians and the occasional vehicle and bicycle. To suggest that the narrowing of this road to one lane will make a delightful walk instead of a road bash is to be out of touch with reality. The cost of revegetating this section of the road will be money wasted, as even the scars of the cuttings of this 1909 heritage road will still be clearly visible.
Policy No.2 -No New Resorts In The Park.
It is my view that it is a tragedy that the Govemment of the day allowed private development in KNP in the 1950's culminating in the recently approved Perisher Resort Plan with high rise apartments and shops and of over 1300 additional beds and a 60% reduction of the day visitor car park.
Cabramurra's economic future was bleak last year and the lessees (Snowy Hydro) requested that they be given resort status to secure its survival. I understand their request has been considered favourably and that they hope to provide low cost accommodation and some skiing facilities. I have always supported the view that accommodation for the snowfields and KNP should be provided .outside the park and this view is shared by the shire councils whose areas surround KNP .Our politicians and resort operators obviously do not agree with this policy and oppose it..
I strongly urged the KNP Community forum not to permit any expansion of the existing resort leases -a real danger given global warming and the ever receding winter snowline. Again I received no support from the environmental lobby on the Forum.
Policy No 3. Charlottes Pass Village (Lease) Not To Be Renewed When It Expires In 2015 Charlottes Pass Village is unique among Australian resorts and is a tiny village situated in a snow bowl halfway between Perisher Valley and Mount Kosciuszko - some 8 kms each way. It is not visible for any distance in KNP and boasts the cleanest village and best sewage treatment plant of all the above snowline resorts. It is a safe haven winter or summer on this isolated section of the Kosciuszko Road.
This village was not given the option of renewing its lease in the 1982 Plan of Management (as amended). I believe that this was due to the fact it is on the edge of a Pigmy possum and broad toothed rat habitat. The resort declined to take up additional Lodge sites some years ago preferring to keep the resort at its present size and have taken much care to preserve the environment of the two endangered species mentioned above.
As the Chalet was built in 1930 and rebuilt after a fire in 1938 (now heritage listed) the village has operated for over 70 years and the endangered species are still present there. As the Government is committed to on snow accommodation in the resorts I see no good reason for opposing the renewal of this lease without insisting on the closure or non renewal of all the resort leases in KNP.
Policy No. 4 Early Removal Of Feral Horses From The Park Using Ethical And Efficient Methods
Uch As Aerial And Ground Shooting And
Trapping The majority of Community Forum members,
including the horse riders are keen to see the feral horses removed from KNP .The NPWS programme of removal of feral horses tapered off some 20 years ago and the park now faces a major feral horse challenge. NCC have strongly recommended aerial shooting as the quickest way to reduce the few thousand horses in KNP to-day. The debacle of aerial shooting of feral horses, the subsequent rotting of horse carcasses in the headwaters of streams and the discovery of wounded horses in Guy Fawkes National Park led
The Sydney Bushwalker
March 2003 Page9 |
, the Minister to ban aerial shooting so that court action against NPWS would not proceed. To leave the Minister and the NPWS open to further legal challenges by recommending aerial shooting is another classical example of being out of touch with the real world. NCC'S opposition to any sensible way to dispose of horse carcasses resulting from ground shooting by dismissing it as not a serious issue and a waste of money is equally irresponsible in the protection of this fragile environment.
The NCC have other policy items in the pipeline for KNP , including the removal of Snowy Hydro power lines, aqueducts and other facilities. It should come as no surprise that NCC policies on KNP are not taken seriously by the politicians, the public or the KNP Community Forum members.
-I1 am bound by my declaration as a Community Forum member regarding secret agendas and I am answerable to the NSW Confederation of Bush Walkers. My policy is not hidden on a secret website but is published in the NPWS “News from the Community Forum” for all to read.
” My vision for Kosciuszko National Park is that it be restored as far as possible to its unique naturalness and that the new Plan Of Management (probable life 25 years) be a benchmark for sustainable usage and park management. “
Wilf Hilder
Reply From Peter Prineas
Most of us know that bushwalkers and conservationists share a common history, so it was disappointing to read a letter from Wilf Hilder in which he tries to set one against the other.
I dont agree with his account of proceedings in the Community Forum which is helping to formulate a new plan of management for Kosciuszko National Park. As the representative of the Nature Conservation Council on the Forum, please allow me to correct some statements made about the policies pursued by NCC, and by the NPA representative (with the support of other environment groups including the Colong Foundation and the NPA of the ACT.).
Environment groups represented at the Forum have urged the rehabilitation of the road between Charlottes Pass and the summit of Mount Kosciuszko, with the aim of making it into a walking track. It will take many years to restore the road scar but the time to start is with the new park management plan. None of Wilf Hilders objections to this proposal is reasonable, least of all his suggestion that it cant be done because of the need to get NPWS vehicles to the summit. It was made clear in Forum discussions that the walking track should be one vehicle wide in order
to allow the passage of maintenance and emergency vehicles as occurs now on the Blue Lake track.
On the matter on further resorts in the park, I can say that I have attended all KNP Forum meetings and I have not heard Wilf Hilder voicing any opposition to the expansion of existing resorts in Kosciuszko National Park. On the other hand I have heard him say to the Forum that it would be wrong for the new plan to lock out the possibility of another resort in the park. This is contrary to the position taken by environment groups and J would be surprised if it is the policy of the Confederation of Bush Walkers.
With regard to the Charlottes Pass Village lease, Wilf Hilder says he sees no good reason for opposing the renewal of this lease without insisting on the closure or non-renewal of all the resort leases in KNP. However, of the resort leases in the Park, only the CPV lease will expire within a time frame relevant to the new plan of management (2010), and as there is no provision for renewal of this lease the Forum should address the future of this resort. Another consideration is that important changes have been suggested in the way this resort operates. The management of CPV resort stated in a separate forum (The Alpine Resorts Reference Group) that they would like to move from the current winter-only operation, to four-seasons operation; they also stated that when the NSW Roads and Traffic Authority takes over the management of the Kosciuszko Road from the NPWS, they see CPVs traditional resort-in-the- snow character changing to that of a resort with snow-free road access (perhaps using a shuttle bus between the main road and the resort door). There have been other suggestions that CPV might provide year-round parking and facilities for visitors to Charlottes Pass.
. If such proposals proceed they could alter the character of a sensitive area close to the main range. The changes might also have serious impacts on threatened species which share the CPV lease area, notably the mountain pigmy possum. Environment groups have therefore taken the position that increased use of the CPV resort should be avoided and the resort lease should not be renewed when it expires in 2010. Since the recent bushfires, the importance of the CPV lease area as a habitat for the mountain pigmy possum may have increased. The entire population of this species is only a few thousand and although the CPV habitat escaped the fires, I understand other habitat areas in the park (notably at Blue Cow), and habitat areas in Victoria, have been burt.
Wilf Hilder also takes issue with environment groups call for the removal of feral horses from | Page 10
The Sydney Bushwalker
March 2003 |
KNP using ethical and efficient methods such as aerial and ground shooting and trapping. He does not suggest any alternatives however, apparently being satisfied to attack the NPWS for allowing the horse population in the park to build up to several thousand, and then attacking environment groups for proposing a policy to deal with the problem.
Finally, I can only wonder at his suggestion that NCC has other policy items in the pipeline for KNP, including the removal of Snowy Hydro power lines, aqueducts and other facilities. Such
They are not relevant to the KNP plan of management review because the plan does not control hydro-electric infrastructure within the park.
It is a pity that on a number of issues the representative of the Confederation of Bush Walkers has spoken against the positions taken by representatives of environment organisations in the KNP Forum. This is unnecessary and, I believe, not in the interests of bushwalkers (and I count myself as one).
Peter Prineas NCC representative
proposals are not being put forward by NCC.
Coolana Report: Don Finch
During the middle of February some star pickets were purchased and the dog wire from the old fence formed up into tree guards some of these are now protecting small trees on the area near the old house site. The recent rain has fixed the water supply problem.
The visible Noogoora burr on the camping flat was completely removed as well as some large established plants from the river bank. However new plants were growing again by the first weekend in March.
Road work was continued with new water diversion humps and improvement of existing
humps completed with the assistance of Alex a large prospective who was able to dig and move
dirt at a rate not seen for some time, thanks Alex.
Eric donated and planted some scrubs for us on the flat. The nursery group had a walk around and some suggestions made and plans to make a plan were discussed.
The locks on the tool shed that had been cut by vandals have been repaired by George, keys are in the usual places.
Bush Care and Bush Regeneration:
Coolana has very high conservation value and was declared a “Wildlife Refuge in 1974. It contains part of a natural cliff-line link from the upper part of Kangaroo Valley down to Tallowa Dam and the Morton National Park. This cliff-line is habitat to a remnant brush-tailed rock wallaby colony, a threatened species presently located in the vicinity of our property. Wallabies, wombats, lyrebirds and many other flora and fauna species are endemic to the area.
All members (including prospective members) and their families may use “Coolana” at any time provided they abide by the requirements of the Wildlife Refuge classification. This means no dogs or other domestic pets are allowed.
There is some delightful and varied bushland on the site including grassy river flats, eucalypt forest, cycads, palm jungle and rainforest creeks. The property suffered greatly from weed invasion and foreign plant species in past years and the Coolana Committee, through dedicated members has made determined efforts to eradicate these plants through a Bush Care and Bush Regeneration programme.
You are invited to join this group and assist in restoring Coolana to its former natural state.
Change of Date: The Coolana Maintenance and Bush Regeneration Weekend scheduled for 5”, 6” April has now been re-
scheduled to the Easter Weekend ie. 12“,13” April. Bill Holland Whether it's bush walking, mountaineering, cross-country skiing, trek- king or travel, a pack is your best friend or worst enemy. Why? Because you depend on the agility and comfort that your pack provides.
The Mont Moto-Active adjustabie har- mess system is deceptively simple, fast to adjust and easy to fit. Available in three sizes and featuring inter- changeabie harness compo- nents, a truly best fit Is possible, and best fit means a truly comfortable carry.
camping centre
bd innovative designs, ; Wonr detailed construc- tion and quality ma- ic terials.
Back + anatomically con- Country toured hip-belts. Pack + spandura and 3D
Air-Flow fabrics for
body contact points.
* Bar tacks on the im- portant high stress points.
* Triple stitched with webbing bound seams to ensure massive seam strength.
* Weuse Evazote foams, the most du- rable, high quality foams avaiiable.
Hip-belt secures di-
rectly to the afiumin- ium frame-stays for direct load transfer.
* Only highest quality Durafiex bucikdes.
* The shoulder yoke adjusts independ- ently of the frame stays.
Dual aluminium frame-stays adjusted and reinserted in seconds.
Mont Adventure Equipment; The Australian company with over 20 years of manufacturing excellence.
3 Trelawney Street Eastwood. Phone : 02 9858 3833.
All packs personally fitted by our experienced Staff. The Sydney Bushwalker March 2003
Climate change seriously threatens the environments of GL Australia and other countries. Fj The CSIRO has predicted that if \ greenhouse emissions are not reduced by 50% to 85% during this century, ising temperatures will
4 and intensity of droughts, floods and bushfires. Our coastal and alpine ecosystems could be devastated by mid-century due to rising sea levels, storm surges and the inability of alpine flora and fauna to relocate.
Greenhouse gasses are those that enter the atmosphere and cause warming of the planet in the same way as the atmosphere in a glass greenhouse gets hotter when the heat from the sun enters through the glass, changes wave length and cant get out again. Carbon dioxide and other carbon gases are the most significant of them and they result from burning materials that contain carbon, like coal, wood and oil.
Any reduction in the emission of greenhouse gasses will reduce the negative impacts of climate change and give ecosystems more time to adapt to the changes.
The Mandatory Renewable Energy Target (MRET) is currently the Howard Governments only promising climate change program. It requires electricity suppliers to purchase increasing proportions of their energy from renewable sources by 2010. Unfortunately it has been constructed in a way that may allow the unsustainable use of natural resources and achieve negligible benefits. The energy bureaucrats created rules that allowed new coal- fired power stations to be counted towards reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and they included tree plantations anywhere in Australia to be counted as carbon sinks. The result would be very little solar or wind generation, or energy conservation, and very little new sustainable energy industry in NSW. This is despite the fact that wind energy is close in cost to coal fired power and energy conservation is cheaper than fossil fired power.
Whats Happening To Our Atmosphere?
David Trinder
A review of the MRET will run for the whole of this year, and recommendations may increase the yearly target to achieve its eventual target which is to supply 20% of Australias energy needs from renewable sources by 2010.
Despite Bob Carrs announcement that timber from forests would not power furnaces for dead koala electricity, there is still the threat that forests on private land and sawmill waste are legitimate fuel. Some sugar mills on the north coast are planning to use sugar cane waste and timber to generate electricity. There are always people that will flout the laws in an attempt to trick or greenwash the public. Constant vigilance from the environmental groups is necessary.
The Australian Greenhouse Office (AGO) was set up in 1998 as a separate agency within the environment portfolio to provide the governments approach to greenhouse matters. It delivers the Commonwealth Governments $180 million climate change package and the $796 million greenhouse component of Measures for a Better Environment announced in 1999 as part of the new tax system.
Most of the worlds leading scientists agree that global warming caused by human activity is occurring. Increasing international concern about the implications on climate change has given rise to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol. The latter Protocol which presents guidelines for reducing world greenhouse gas emitted to the atmosphere has been signed by the European countries but two of the largest contributors to greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the US and Australia have not signed it.
With concern about the cost of reduction measures to developed countries and pressure from established energy suppliers, the required reductions will take a lot of time and environmental lobbying to achieve.
Park Closures: All leaders are advised to check on park closures before leading parties in fire damaged. national parks. Failure:to. keep to park regulations could place the insurance cover for their walk at risk and lead to personal Hability. The latest advice on park closyres may be found at: or by phoning | 9542 0648. As at 13“ March many ofthe parks near Sydney were either closed or had significant: areas closed due
to fire damage
The Sydney Bushwalker = March 2003 Page 13 |
Kenn Clacher
Active walkers who have participated in an SBW walk lately will be familiar with the form they are asked to sign to indicate that they accept the hazards likely to be encountered during the trip. The form allows two limes for listing these hazards. When confronted recently with the task of specifying hazards that might be encountered on my Bogong High Plains walk at Christmas, I found two lines somewhat inadequate. When I listed the hazards that might be encountered on this relatively straightforward walk I found that I had a list of not two lines, but two pages.
The list reproduced here (with some additions) sets out some of the hazards that may be encountered on a typical walk. Some walks may not be exposed to all of the hazards listed, while other walks may have additional hazards not listed.
Dont be too alarmed at the number of hazards you may be exposed to. The application of commonsense by the leader and party members, together with adequate planning to circumvent any hazards that may actually manifest itself, should result in most of these being able to be overcome without
Hazards Encountered In Bushwalking
too much angst.
1. Hazards giving rise to injury or illness Extreme heat Extreme cold Snow Hypoglycemia Fatigue Dehydration Fire burns from ” bushfire “ campfire * explosion of portable fuel stoves or fuel = scalds Water * floods * crossing of fast-flowing creeks ” deep pools slippery rocks and logs, mud Gastrointestinal complaints Falling objects * rocks tree or tree limb person or other object Remoteness from expert medical help Bites from snakes, spiders, ticks, leeches etc. Cattle, horses, other feral or native animals Jnjury from losing footing on uneven ground, loose rocks, sticks or logs underfoot = tripping on sticks etc = stepping in holes eg wombat or rabbit burrows, natural depressions falling, tripping or dislodgment of foothold or handhold on steep ground, falling when scrambling over fallen trees “ stumbling on flat ground falling out of hut bunks Muscular injury from lifting or carrying pack Sunburn, wCuts, scratches, lacerations, eye stick injuries, soft tissue stick injuries, trauma injuries Worsening of existing medical condition
Loss of or neglecting to bring prescription medicines
2. Hazards that result in delay in completing walk Difficulties in navigation ” error in navigation * inaccuracy in map = magnetic anomalies = loss of or disintegration (eg by water saturation) of map = loss of or breakage of compass GPS problems (batteries flat, GPS failure, inability to properly use or understand the readings of the GPS etc.) Impassable cliffline or swamp, route blocked by bushfire or flood, thick or impenetrable scrub Underestimate of time required to complete walk Slow party member or members arising from excessive pack weight, injury, illness, lack of fitness or capability to the walk at the expected pace. Party member or members become separated from main party and do not have map or compass or knowledge of main partys intentions
3. Hazards giving rise to deprivation, discomfort or pai Loss or breakage of spectacles, loss of contact lenses Loss or spoilage of food Loss of or removal of gear
= by animals (possums, dingoes, quolls etc.)
= by carelessness
by wind, fire or flood
= by dropping into inaccessible terrain Gear failure (eaking or tom parka, tent or groundsheet, boot failure, broken water bag or bottle, wet sleeping bag, flat torch battery, broken torch bulb, pack damaged, torn or lost clothing etc) Inability to light fire (wet matches, wet weather, fuel used up etc.) Inability to find water Delay in obtaining help
lack of mobile telephone coverage
= absence or failure of EPIRB
* failure to advise responsible person of route and
timing of trip
4. Other Other unspecified, unknown or unanticipated hazards [Page 14
The Sydney Bushwalker March 2003 |
Walks Notes 9% Jan to 3 Feb 03
Once again cancellations due to park closures were common. The first victim y was Wilf Hilders Great River Walk f Stage T between Cowan and
Hawkesbury River railway stations on Saturday the 11“ Peter Loves walk from Wentworth Falls to Kings Tableland the same day went, with the party of 13 starting out in a cloud. Raincoats were the order of the day from time to time but they managed a dry overhang for lunch and the creek was described as pretty, with leeches. Sunday saw Ian Hill leading a party of 12 plus 1 on his Otford to Otford via Burning Palms, Werrong and Bulgo walk, on a day of broken overcast with just the one brief shower. Bill Holland had a Berrowra Valley walk programmed for that day but no report appears to be available.
[Sorry Barry! I should have reported 18 in the morning, 11 in the afternoon and some extra for the barbecue…..Ed ]
There is a report however, for Bills midweek evening walk from Bondi to Coogee and optional return, on Tuesday 17” January. The 18 starters reached Coogee around 1930 brs, dined on local foods and then retumed to Bondi in the dark for a completely new experience.
The second midweek walk that week, Wilf Hilders Sydney Spiderweb No. 7, from Tempe station to Henry Head, went on Thursday the 16 with a slight alteration to the route. A party of 9 turned out for the walk to La Perouse via Henry Head. Weather conditions are not mentioned but the observation that the party were surprised that the waters of Botany Bay were sparkling clear would suggest that the weather was good.
The weekend of 17, 18, 19 January saw no reports for Nenan Stellins walk in Mount Werrong State Forest and Tony Crichtons Sunday lilo tmp through the middle section of Wollongambe Creek Canyon. Maurice Smith reported a party of 5 for his Saturday lilo trip in the Wollongambe, transformed of necessity into a walk in Megalong Valley with a good deal of soaking in the Cox River and lazing about. Sunday saw Jim Callaway with a party of 5 on his walk from Bundeena to Otford. Conditions were warm and the party a bit slow with the result that they missed the 1621 train by at least 20 minutes! Whatever happened to smelling the roses?
The triathlon event, based at Coolana over the Australia day weekend, has been reported in detail elsewhere. Fourteen people attended, conditions were hot, and the local hospitality industry did well. Nenad Stillin had an exploratory trip from
Coorangooba creek scheduled over that weekend. We do not seem to have any information for that trip. Anyone checked whether they are still out there? Carol Lubbers attempt at the Constance Gorge walk that weekend was again frustrated due to various closures. No information appears to be available for Arthur Andersons Saturday walk out from Carlons Farm.
For the weekend of 1, 2 February we do not seem to have received reports for Maurice Smiths Saturday Lilo trip in Bell Creek or for Tony Crichtons Sunday walk in Erskme Creek. Cancellations due to park closures would have to be a reasonable guess, but we do like to know for sure. Zol Bodlay led a party of 14 on his Saturday walk from Gerringong to Bombo Beach station in fine but slightly overcast conditions.
Leigh McClintock had a party of 4 for his Myall Lakes base camp trip over the weekend of 8, 9 February. The swimming was good, and the only tain behaved well and confined itself to the hours of darkness. A Saturday walk in Kuringai National Park went under the leadership of Carole Beales with a party of 6, in warm and humid conditions. The ocean was cool and clear and provided much needed relief no doubt although the coffee shop at the end of the trip also seems to have played a part. Ian Hill led a Sunday walk from Otford out to Bulgo Beach with a party of 12 in fine but very humid conditions. There is no truth in the programmed version that Wilf led two trips that weekend, a weekend walk and a Sunday trip. The Sunday walk went but was re-located to go from Meadowbank Wharf to Abbotsford Wharf. There were 3 starters on a warm day with numerous built points of interest and the occasional natural one along the way.
Barry Wallace
We Missed The Missing Link: Sun 9 March It was programmed as Harbourside To Hawkesbury - The Missing Link and we intended to walk from St. Ives to Berowra. However, advance checking of the newly established link between Middle Harbour Creek and Cowan Creek showed that much of the link consists of walking along salubrious St Ives streets followed by a fire trail down then up a gully. Not a good start to an easy walk .
So eight of us we started at the Warrimoo Track and exited at Mt Kuring Gai track. Bill Holland
Maps covering the Harbourside To Hawkesbury Walk will be available shortly and I will place the entire walk in stages on coming Walks Programmes.
The Sydney Bushwalker
March 2003 Page 15 |
Tallowa Dam Canoe Trip. 15“, 16” February
My old canoe had remained unused and stored and in the ceiling of my garage for the past 12 years but when Patrick James told me he was buying a canoe he rekindled my interest in the sport. Im aware that there are a number of active canocists in SBW and as there was a boating weekend from Tallowa Dam on the March program I decided to get my canoe down and check it out.
I was a bit apprehensive about taking to canoeing again but there was a bit of pleasant anticipation too so I got the boat out onto the back lawn and hosed off the accumulated dust of 12 years. To my surprise when it was all clean it looked almost as good as new. I dried off the rear
seat and climbed aboard but found that the
moulded seat was rather a tight fit for my overweight butt. The boat is an enclosed Canadian type with a moulded seat at each end and an open storage well in the middle. After wriggling about in it for a while I decided it was too cramped for me and maybe I should change it for a craft more suited to my present shape.
But then I fitted a temporary seat in the central storage well and found that to be quite comfortable so decided it might be ok to use as one-man canoe. When Patrick took his new boat to Kogarah Bay for a shakedown cruise I joined him and we paddled around the bay for an hour or so. It was a bit windy and the water was choppy but it was good fun just the same and about half way through our outing we called at the Botany Bay Yacht Ciub Marina for coffee and doughnuts. Tallowa Dam here we come!
Cruising along on the river from Tallowa Dam to the overnight campsite was very pleasant. The weather was just about perfect except for a light headwind (that stayed with us regardless of the direction of the river). The trip took about three leisurely hours and included one break for nibbles and drinks and to stretch our legs and a bit of wandering about.
The water level in the river was down by a metre or more and there was a lot more beach at the camp cove than I remembered, and the mud was a bit soft and squishy.
The group included nine people in six Kayaks and two Canoes. Paddling skills varied from expert to experienced to pretty sloppy (thats me) but we kept reasonably together and all arrived at the camp site about the same time. We unloaded and set up our tents and a big
community sunshade tarp and had lunch and a swim and were just starting to settle in when with little warming a thunderstorm struck.
And what a thunderstorm! Lots of nearby sizzling lightning flashes and deafening thunderclaps and much crashing and banging about and torrential rain blowing this way and that, and even a little hail! There was enough rain for some instant surface flooding and as Pat had erected her tent in a dry watercourse she was washed out. Also Patrick had managed to leave the rear window of his tent open so he copped a little wetness too, but all considered the thunderstorm was the social highlight of the afternoon as it brought everyone together under the big tarp for a while. The storm lasted about half an hour and then blew itself away and the sun returned and we were soon back to pleasure as usual.
The evening was one of those balmy twilight times with a few late home-flying birds and bird calls, no mosquitoes, and a lone tiny bat out for an early dinner. A great time to sit around on the beachfront lawn nibbling the last of the happy hour leftovers and chat, and as the night deepened watch a noiseless distant electrical storm high in the clouds off to the north across the bay above the mountains. But not long after dark everyone drifted off to bed and left me with the last of the lightning-in-the-clouds display.
It was quietly noisy when I awoke in the early hours of Sunday morning. There were lots of little scurrying and grunting and rustling sounds just outside around my tent, and much faint thumping and bumping a little farther away. And from out on the point a small shrill and rasping sort of bird-call that repeated at about two minute intervals and went on and on. And then finally first light and the noisy moming bird-call time.
I was up early to inspect the other side of a bush out on the point and then in for a swim in the mirror still bay. The water felt almost warm as J waded out through the submerged long stem weeds and the nuzzling gas bubbles rising out of the mud and then that first chill as the water swallowed me. I really love those early morning dips on weekend walks.
After breakfast Patrick dispatched some of the fleet to find and report on new campsites around the area, and the rest of us lazed in the water and chatted or began dismantling tents and packing up. The plan was to depart camp after lunch and the morning passed only too quickly. As I was the slowest paddler of the group I set off first and almost immediately a strong gusty wind arose. I battled off across the bay into the wind and The Sydney Bushwalker
March 2003
looked back to see others beginning to follow. Three of the kayaks soon overtook me and we continued on for about four kilometres and then waited in a sheltered little cove for the others to catch up.
They took an unexpectedly long time to arrive
and then explained that Patrick and Brian had capsized right at the start. Brian told me later that ve eeanee they had only just got under way when an exceptionally strong gust of wind hit from the side and just flipped them over. And Patrick said it happened so quickly he could do nothing. They then had to get their boat to shore and empty out the water and repack everything. The capsize must have been pretty spectacular.
Though I didnt see many people out boating during the weekend, when we got back to the boat-launching site near the dam the whole area was a hive of activity. Everyone must have decided to leave at the one time. There were people and boats everywhere. Gear being unloaded and carried up to the car park and boats being hauled up the ramp to the cars and people milling around and much noisy farewelling and such.
It was a memorable fun weekend and despite the head winds there was really little hard work. The boat carried the pack and I took much more stuff than I would ever have carried. Canoes can be hired, its not hard and its good fun and there are plenty of waterways around Sydney. Im looking forward to the next outing.
George Mawer.
Western Arthurs - Tasmania 8“ - 16” February The prime objective was to complete a full traverse of the Western Arthurs and to carry enough food to also do the Eastern Arthurs & Federation Peak if the weather allowed. The weather did not allow and an exit was made down Moraine K having completed the core of the Westem Ariburs.
We both set off with packs less than 20kg enabling good time to be made on the fair weather days. Alan excelled in obtaining food from those who had carried 35kg up the mountain and were about to dispose of it down the toilet. Carrying a miniature radio was a great success with the ABC weather forecasts averting being caught out when a front came through and enabling an informed decision to be made on the chances of doing the Eastern Arthurs. A substitute trip up Mt Anne didn't progress past the car park again due to weather.
Neil Hickson & Alan Oakey
Ilawarra Coast - Gerringong to Bombo Beach Leader: Zol Bodlay
Thus summer walk started at Bombo Rail Station where we caught the train to Gerringong. Walked through sleepy Gerringong down to and along Werri beach in fine but slightly overcast sky. First half of walk crossed grassy hills rolling down to sea cliffs with spectacular views over the stunning blue ocean. Continued, now under blue sky, up the coast past small rocky inlets. Lunch at one of these secluded inlets. On along rock shelves and headlands to East Beach for a leisurely swim. then along foreshores and beaches to Kiama Blowhole for an icecream break. On to Bombo Beach with swims at sea pool and the beach. Finished 6.00 pm and all had dinner at Balinese restaurant in Kiama.
Sydney Harbour Foreshores Leader: Wilf Hilder
A party of three walked from Meadowbank wharf to Abbotsford wharf. It was a warm day but some wooded areas with shade. As the Kokoda Memorial Track now finished, a more detailed inspection was held. Historical notes were read at Rhodes, Rivendell House, Yaralla Homestead and Pelican Point (between Canada Bay & Exile Bay). Numerous historical plaques were read.
A northeasterly breeze sprang up mid-morning and helped cool us all down. Wongal Bushland Reserve was an ideal lunch spot (40 mins). As it was a very low tide, some shoreline sections were walked instead of the usual road deviations. A good days walk with a small but friendly party.
Blue Mountains National Park 1* March Leader: Peter Love Fairmont Resort and return via Gladstone Pass.
A great walk lots of water in creek after recent rain. Lawyer vine encountered crossing to Jamieson Creek. A few leeches snacked on us. Superb weather. Pleasant swim at lunch in Jamieson Creek, water was a bit chilly. Afterwards the party celebrated with a delicious BBQ dinner at the Katoomba Youth Hostel where a brisk change in the wind direction reminded us autumn is approaching.
SBW Walk on Water:
a Canoe/kayak paddle on Saturday April 5“ The venue is Middle Harbour Creek, starting place to be
9 February
Grade 1 Easy getting to know you paddle. Suitable for all, old paddlers especially welcome. Dust off your mothballed canoe or kayak. PFD compulsory for all participants. Contacts George Mawer 9707 1343 (h) and Patrick James 9567 9998 (h&w). | The Sydney Bushwatker March 2003 Page 17 |
Supplementary Walks Program At the March Meeting, the Committee approved the introduction of a Supplementary Walks Program. This is a great opportunity to encourage the emergence of new leaders, whereby they will have the chance of putting on a walk, very soon after learning it from an experienced leader. In the coming months, you will see the pattern of these walks emerging, being repeats of original walks that are in the current seasons program. The added benefit being, that if the original walk is full or doesnt fit in with your schedule, you can book on the supplementary walk. Please show your support and enthusiasm for these new leaders by booking on their walks early, bearing in mind that there is a strict limit of eight participants on supplementary walks. Peter Love Walks Secretary
Original Date Walk Leader Walk Q - Blue Mountains NP Map: Katoomba Peter Love 12/4/03 Gladstone Pass down unnamed creek up Jamison Grace 1/3/03 Sat Creek & Valley of Waters Creek. Steep slippery Martinez
descent, creek walking, rock hopping, off track compass 0405 473 029 bearing. Possibly long hard day. Party limit. 600m Q - Kuringai Chase NP Map Ku-ring-gai NP Leigh Rosemary 20/4/03 The Basin-Rain Forest Ck-White Horse Beach-Flannel 4cClintock MacDougal
Easter Flower Beach-West Head Beach-Mackeral Beach-Palm B) 8227 9191 2/3/03 Sunday _ Beach Ferry. Lots of scrambling over bolders. Swimstops at one or more public beaches. 18km H) 8920 2386 3/5/03 Q- Morton NP Map Nerriga, Touga Peter Love Maurice 4/5/03 Bullftos Ck-Ettrema Ck-one of the exits depending on 9948 6238 Smith the weather 0414920292 8-9/3/03
Barefoot Bushwalking Celebration Weekend:
Part af the Warrumbungle NP Visttor Centre 50th Anniversary Program, which is running special activities throughout the year.
Friday 9th May A Bushwalkers' Fly-In to Tooraweenah - with Dakota Air departing Bankstown Airport to relive the old trips” with some of our early bushwalkers, Restricted numbers; early bookings essential.
Information & program - Justine Brotherton
02 6847 0793; or, to book - calf Eric on 02. 9791 9900
Saturday 10th May
A Walk in the “Bungles with old and not so old bushwalkers. Walkers may choose to join the proup leaving Gunneemooroo to walk over to Camp Pincham while others will be transferred or commence at other points - all with experienced bushwalkers. All paths will lead to Pincham and the Reunion of Bushwalkers this day.
Contact: Jane Judd 02 6843 4446
Sunday 1th May
Warrumbungle Reunion at Canyon Pienic Area from 10,30 am. A gathering of people who have had links with the park ~ early land holders, park neighbours, bushwalkers and climbers and holiday makers ~ sharing memories and memorabilia and a barbecue lunch. Bring along your old photos and stories..,help-us to build our book for publication…” The Warrumbungle National Park; the park a community built“.
Contact; Aileen Bell 02 6825 4364
[Page 18
The Sydney Bushwalker March 2003
Kosciuszko NP - 27” Dec to 1 Jan Jan Thorpe (apologies to Banjo Paterson) The Man from Bexley or Bearing 310 or The Hills are Alive with the Sound of March Flies
We caine down to Munyang Station, for the word had passed around
That the Maurice Smith walk was on again.
Ten brave souls set out walking, heading north for higher ground,
As some low clouds vaguely threatened us with rain.
We camped in that windy saddle, that old timers call Schlink Pass
And I tried to put my tent up inside out.
The breeze made it somewhat chilly as we ate our nights
repast, So after Patrick's fruit cake it was lights out.
Next moming we climbed eastward, then to Kerries Ridge we trekked
And we left the twisted snow gums far below.
Had lunch amongst the boulders that with lichens were grey-flecked,
Then north-west for Valentines we struck a blow.
As we dropped below the tree-line the snow gums re- appeared
And the going got ensnared with bush and vine.
Our leader called Bearing 310 that will get us near And our faster walkers set off on that line.
They disappeared afore us and the way got thicker still, But to westward then a quicker route appeared.
Our faster pair were out of day-o range and of bush- bashing we'd our fill.
So after pausing, to the fire trail we veered.
They'll be there first, with the billy on, it was generally agreed,
As we trudged along the fire trail to the hut.
But on arrival they could not be found no Peter and no Steve,
Tul at last they staggered down out from the crud.
Where the hell were you guys, they cried in disbelief, We waited on that ridge for half an hour.
And so was born the story of the bearing 310 grief Then TCs party stumbled in, just as dour.
So we gathered round the camp fire for extended happy hour
And from several of the back-packs liquor flowed.
But we drank in moderation, though the rum it had some power
And so upon the mom no hangovers showed.
Then our party and TCs parted ways we said goodbye To Caro, who was suffering from a blister.
Shed return with Gail (with the same complaint) to where we'd started Fri
Day, twas sad to say farewell to a walking-sister. Valentine Creek we headed up, where the crud lay thick and tough
And we sweated in the sun for what seemed ages.
Well, weve only come a kay so far the going sure is rough,
Said Maurice as we cursed the bushes, gorse and sages.*
But bye and bye the way improved, and our spirits lifted
And we made it to the Big Bend for our lunch. Then up the hill to the Tarn Bluff tam, for a quick dip and a sup
We encamped under the snow gums, in a bunch.
Come Monday morn we bore south east, slipping west of Mailbox Hill,
Then wandered south to climb Big Brassy Peak.
Found a pleasant grassy campsite, minutes from a trickling rill
Where I think I could have camped for near a week. After sunset on the summit we retumed to end our feast With custard amply laced with fine Drambuie.
Settled down for evening rest with a mild breeze from
the east, But morning came with drizzle sent by hughie.
We had moming tea at Tin Hut while the rain was kept at bay,
But by lunchtime it has re-appeared again.
We were blown south past the Kerries as the weather had its way
Till we peered at Dicky Cooper through the rain. Though it was our destination, we decided on review That the flanks of Dicky Cooper were exposed.
So we headed to White River Hut, getting in at balf past two
And settled in to try to dry our clothes.
In the meantime we lost Cathy, and Jenny Paton too: Nasty blisters and bad headache stopped their show. They walked back to Munyang Station, leaving seven in our crew
To sit in the hut and ponder the way to go.
But since it then was New Years Eve, it was time to celebrate
And a drink or too seemed just the way to spree.
So Drambuie, scotch, rum & wine were consumed til it was late.
(Well, nine oclock, being midnight in Fiji.)
On New Years Day we woke to find the rain had not abated
And the cloud base gathered low around the hills. Our planned route led us up too high it seemed that we were fated
To change our route or end up soggy dills.
So we said goodbye to those hills and walked out on Wednesday,
But memories of our journey keep us hale.
And Maurices Snowy Mountains walk is a household word today
And the walkers and the campers tell the tale.
* Ive got no idea whether gorse and sage are alpine plants, I just needed a rhyme. b The Sydney Bushwaiker March 2603 Page 19 | OF INTEREST TO NEW MEMBERS _ Heike Krausse Hello from Heike: hang on (well perhaps you are the equivalent of a
~ or ARRRGH!!!!
Firstly, [ see in the mag that my contact number is still my mobile. Please don't ring it as it is rarely used and no doubt this is frustrating for some. The quickest way to get a reply is to leave a message on my work phone(9998 0587), again it rarely gets answered personally but I do clear the message bank regularly throughout the day and will get back to you usually same weekday if you're answering your phone.
Leeches….., the little critters have been noticeable by their absence of late because of the very dry conditions. Extinct they are not as testified on a recent exploratory walk that took us through where the whole population must be holed out until the rains come again, as they will, and then we shall again hear…“ergh”…shudder…, two common reactions to this little creature, also know slightly more aristocratically as Hirudo medicinalis of the Hirudinea family.
Leeches are cold, slimey, bloodsucking and carnivorous but also have a fascinating history as I read recently. (Honey, Mud, Maggots and Other
- Medical Marvels By Robert and Michele Root-
Bernstein). They have long had a role in medicine evidenced pictorially in Egypt some 3000 years ago and in Indian literature ~2000 years ago and now can be vital for the success of highly technically skilled microsurgical repairs and prolonging life and ability in those with Cardiovascular disease.
The word leech apparently comes from the Anglo-Saxon word to hea! “loece” and has been
used extensively throughout the world Australia
included, as lancet, for bruising, hypertension, coronary disease, glaucoma and a huge variety of inflammatory conditions“ and were used in a way not dissimilar to how we use Aspirin today. In fact they were used so prodigiously and collected in such numbers that they essentially became extinct in some countries. (No such case down the depths of some areas in the Blue Mts). Leeches like damp, wet areas to stay moist they will lie in wait on undergrowth for an unsuspecting meal to walk past, elongate themselves and latch on. If you happen to be standing or sitting still you can watch them undulate lithe and elegantly move towards you drawn by body heat. I'm not quite sure why they promote such anxiety and fear, possibly because they are feeding on you (not a nice thought) and do draw blood (2 common dislike is seeing ones own vital fluids flowing) and quite persistently
well cellared Grange in leechdom).
Typically you do not feel a leech bite, (it is thought it has a powerful anaesthetic we could use once it is isolated and analysed) the first you'll notice is someone else informing you in a shriek that you've “got a leech”. This is where a tantric contortion of the body commences as you try and see where the thing is.
The best way to be rid of it varies. I prefer the forefinger flick forceful and close to the skin and it will vanish into the bush to try elsewhere. Some roll it in a ball before flicking them off. Salt and matches/lighter I don't like, salt is too much of a fiddle and flames in our current climate too much a hazard. A dab of a tropical strength insect repellent can be effective too.
As usual prevention is the best, mb _ the aforementioned tropical strength repellent on you, some do their boots too however I'm not sure what this does for the longevity of an good piece of leather or Gortex. (They do take some time to get through a good boot). Some swear by wearing 1/2 stockings under the socks, they again find it tricky getting through the fine mesh giving you time to do the flick.
Mostly they'll latch onto a lower limb, they can however get anywhere, if in an awkward or embarrassing part of the anatomy it may be prudent tosimply let them suck their fill and drop off. The continued blood flow from the anticoagulant effects of the saliva can look alarming and messy but the amount you lose is not going to affect your total blood volume significantly.
There is no mention in my trusty St Johns First Aid guide of how to deal with leech bites, general principles would apply then as to any wound, keep clean and covered, application of pressure directly over the bite may assist with slowimg blood flow.
The most irritating thing with leech bite is that
they can itch incessantly for about a week, resist the urge to scratch as this will increase risks of introducing infection. The soda bicarb bath may help. Please welcome on your next walk: John Lang, Gwenola Le Lu, Stephen Bradbury, Christopher Birch, Geoffrey Coleman, Rowan Murphy, Julian Wilken, Frances and Georges Bertrand, Christine McColl, Marie McCormick, Stephen Graham, Michaela Pavelkova, Katherine Ingham, Karen Kelly.
Striding on to full membership is Alan Oakey |Page 20
The Sydney Bushwalker
March 2003
Social Programme:
Approx 60 members attended the social night in February and enjoyed an excellent computer projected presentation about SBW groups walking on Hinchinbrook Island. Many thanks to Peter Cochrane for the loan of his equipment.
As expected the AGM in March was also well attended to with active discussion following the elction of office bearers for the coming year. Members gathered again a week later for the presentation by Alpsport on the latest in bushwalking gear.
Our social activities for the comimg month are:
April: Wed 2 Committee Meeting
7 pm. All members welcome. See how the club is managed. 8pm. Introduction to SBW
The New Members Team will introduce the club to prospective members together with a slide/photo presentation
Wed 16” Jan Mohandas - Cycling in France Jan will be presenting slides of Margarets and his cycling tour of the south of France. For anyone thinking of touring trips. This is a must. Come early enough to guarantee a good seat Introduction to SBW (see above)
Mid - Week Walking Group: There is a group of members with time available to participate im midweek activities. If you have time during the week or can take leave from work please join us. A regular newsletter provides details of short notice activities and the Walks Programmes gives details of scheduled mid-week walks. Phone Bill Holland on 9484 6636 or email to for more information. Note these dates: Thurs 3 April: Circular Quay , ferry to Parramatta then walk to Beecroft. An walk with historical features. Tues 8“ April: North Arm Walking Track Castle Cove. An easy walk through beautiful harbour side bushland
Stop Press: Your new Social Secretary is Caro Ryan. Caro can be contacted on 9971 7132
springtime Planting
The general was confined to the military hospital for treatment of a minor malady.
For almost a week he made a complete nuisance of himself, irritating both staff and the other patients, demanding attention and expecting his every order to be followed immediately.
He was in a six-man ward rather than a private room, his meals were too cold or not served to suit his taste, the light needed to be adjusted to his demands, the night-time activities interfered with his rest… …and on, and on.
One afternoon an orderly entered the room. “Time to take your temperature, General.
After growling at the orderly, the general opened his mouth to accept the thermometer.
“Sorry, General, but for this test we need your temperature from the other end.”
A whole new barrage of verbal abuse followed, but the orderly was insistent that a rectal temperature was what the test called for. The general at last rolled over, bared his rear, and allowed the orderly to proceed.
The orderly then told the general, “Stay exactly like that and don't move. I'll be back in five minutes to check up on you. and withdrew.
An hour later, the head nurse entered the room, saw the general with his bare rear in the air and gasped, “What's going on here?”
Haven't you ever seen someone having their temperature taken?” the general barked.
“Yes I have, General, but with a daffodil?”
Weekend Walking Gear for Hire
The club now has a small pool of weekend walking equipment available for hire. The rates for weekly hire are:
Weekend pack: $15
Sleeping bag: $15
(For hygiene reasons you must provide and use your own sleeping bag liner)
Sleeping mat: $5
Ground sheet: $2
Tent: $20
Complete kit $50
Equivalent refundable deposit required. Contact: Geoff McIntosh 9419 4619
We have to use with skill what simple equipment we can carry on our backs to achieve shelter,
If you really want to get the best prepare food and have a night's rest? out of what you carry with you, Paddy Pallin, 1900-1991
then move up to Black Diamond, exclusive to Paddy Pallin.
~ Black Diamond
Black Diamend Moonlight Headtorch: Constantly frustrated with replacing your torch battery? Then the Moonlight is for you. With 4 ultra bright, energy efficient LED bulbs, it provides 70 hours of constant light.
It weighs a mere 90g (without batteries) so you'll hardly know you're
carrying it. Ideal for night walking, cooking and reading.
Black Diamond Contour Trekking Pole: Trekking poles dont just e re ee ee improve your balance and reduce the strain on your lower limbs; they help re-distribute the load to your upper limbs as well, meaning you can keep going for longer. The Contour, featured, is ideal for comfort over long periods of walking with an ergonomic 15 degree correction angle in the upper shaft and soft dual density hand grip. It also features a unique NEW adjustment system,
making these the most easily adjusted poles on the market.
Black Diamond Betamid Tent: When you want to go ultra-light or you need extra storage space, the Betamid has you covered. This compact, floorless tent will go anywhere and pitches using a pair of trekking poles! Weighing in at a fraction over ikg, it sleeps two and stands strong
against the elements. (Optional, detachable tub floor is also available.)
Store locations: Sydney: 507 Kent Street Miranda: 527 Kingsway Parramatta: 74 Macquarie Street Katoomba: 166 Katoomba Street Aiso in Canberra and Jindabyne Website:
Mail order: 1800 805 398