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THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER is the monthly bulletin of matters of interest to members of
The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc
PO Box 431 Milsons Point 1565,
Editor: Bill Holland Production Manager: Frances Holland Printers: Kenn Clacher, Barrie Murdoch,
Tom Wenman Don Brooks Fran Holland
= Don Wills and Elizabeth Miller were married
on the 22nd March in a simple ceremony on Berry Island Reserve, Wollstonecraft, with their 6 children present.
Later in the day they celebrated at their home in Lane Cove with a Cocktail Party for close friends which included some SBW members.
Dons son Damien came from America and Lizs son from Adelaide for the occasion.
Social Night Highlight:
The Edge Movie On the BIG screen! Wed May 21 8pm This is a great opportunity to see this wonderful film in the comfort of our own Clubrooms!
Catch up with all the wonder of the Wollemi Pine and the stunning scenery of canyoning in the Blue Mountains region. All in the luxury of bean bags, popcom and great company! See you there…
Winter Walks Programme:
Although the closing date is about now, you may be able to talk our Walks Secretary, Peter Love into adding your walk if you phone him on 9948 6238
Issue No. 821
INDEX: 1. Index and Notices 2. President's Report Rosemary MacDougal 3. Treasurers Report Maurice Smith 3. Editors Note Bill Holland 4. Conservation Report David Trinder 5. Thank You SBW Debra Gold 6. Coolana Report 7. 2003 Annual General Meeting Barry Wallace 8. Kosciuszko Huts lan Wolfe 10. Transfer Of Regional Parks Geoff Dowsett 11. Walks Notes Barry Wallace 12. Message From Your Walks Secretary Peter Love 13. On Lake Yarrunga Patrick James 14. Snap! Crunch! Grind Caro Ryan 16. Extended Walks For Long Weekends 17. Of Interest To New Members Heike Krausse 15. Social Notes ADVERTISERS: Alpsport Front cover Eastwood Camping 9 Paddy Pallin Back cover Wildemess Transit 5 Willis's Walkabouts 7
The Sydney Bushwatker: First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc.
[Page 2
The Sydney Bushwalker April 2003
The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc.
Our Club was formed in 1927 for the purpose of bringing bushwalkers together; enabling them to appreciate the great outdoors; establishing a regard for conservation and promoting social activities.
The Club's main activity is bushwalking but includes other activities such as cycling, canoeing and social events.
Our Walks Programme (published quarterly) features day walks on most Saturdays and Sundays, some mid week walks and overnight weekend walks.
Extended walks are organised in areas such as Lamington, Snowy Mountains etc as well as interstate.
Our meetings are held every third Wednesday evening at 8 pm at Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre, 16 Fitzroy Street, Kumibilli (near Milsons Point Railway Station).
Visitors and prospective members are welcome. General Enquiries: Phone 0500 500 729 SBW Website www.sbw.org.au
Office Bearers
President: Rosemary MacDougal Vice-President: Wilf Hilder Public Officer: Maurice Smith Treasurer: Maurice Smith Secretary: Leigh McClintock Walks Secretary: Peter Love
Social Secretary Caro Ryan Membership Secretary Pam Morrison
New Members Secretary: Heike Krausse
Conservation Secretary: David Trinder Magazine Editor: Bul Holland Committee Member:
- Barry Wallace = Pam Irving
Delegates to Confederation:
Presidents Report:
Welcome to our new committee members, Peter Love as Walks secretary, Caro Ryan as Social secretary and Pamela Irving as a Committee member. I am sure that each has lots of interesting ideas for stimulating discussion and plans for new activities in our social and walking programs.
Already Peter has suggested that we should get an EPIRB to be used in remote area walking. The Committee thinks that is a good idea and enquiries will be made as to what type we should get and of course the costs. We also think that we should have some brief guidelines for its use that we will consider at the next meeting. Any comments you have please give me a ring so that they can be taken into account.
At the next Committee meeting we will be debating whether we can form a consensus about our response to the Draft Plan of Management for Koscziusko NP. This is an important issue for the club as two of our objects are to establish a definite regard for the welfare and preservation of the wild life and natural beauty of this country and to help others appreciate these natural gifts. There have been different views published in the December 2002, February and March 2003 magazine. Please let us know your views. If you would like to come along to the committee meeting on 7 May at 7pm to participate in the debate then please do so.
See you on the track Rosemary MacDougal
Jim Callaway Wilf Hilder
Contact The Committee:
Members are welcome to contact the following officers with questions on Club management and other matters.
President : Rosemary MacDougal 9428 5668 (h) rmacdougal@bigpond.com Treasurer: Maurice Smith 9878 2958 (h) or mauricethewalker@ihug.com.au Members Secretary: Pam Morrison 0418 463 923 or at pamm@unsw.edu.au
Vice President: Wilf Hilder
9587 8912
New Members Secretary: Heike Krausse
For prospective membership enquiries phone 9998 0587 and leave a message
Committees Recommendation On Reimbursement Of Travel Costs:
The club encourages car sharing as an environmentally friendly and a good way to meet other club members. The Committee thinks that a simple formula for remmbursement of car costs should apply and recommends 10 cents per kilometre shared by all the occupants in the vehicle including the driver.
However, individual drivers may suggest any amount they choose and this should be discussed with the passengers at the commencement of the trip
For Sale: One pair of Scarpa boots; size Euro 38 very little wear $150. Phone: Debra Gold 9907 1732
The Sydney Bushwalker
April 2003 Page 3
Treasurers Report For March
For the first time we recently mailed to every full club member a personalised membership renewal invitation. The renewal form sets out for each member your key details held in the club records.
Judging by the high early response rate with members returning the form along with their subscription payment the use of _ this personalised form can be considered to be a success. The first of the members annual subscription payments was received in early April and will be reflected in the figures reported in next months magazine.
March is the last quiet month in terms of the volume of transactions for a while. I enjoyed the quiet time; however, it will be good to see the clubs bank balance improve as a result of the incoming annual subscriptions.
Bank Account Movement:
Opening Balance 1* March $1,638 Income Received Nil Expenses Paid:
Magazine postage 369 Annual report postage 216 Aust Post PO Box rental 236 Walks program expenses 71 Youth Hostels subs 32 Annual return fee 32 Other 25 Total Payments 98] Closing Balance 31 March $657
Please send in your annual subscription payments and return the renewal notice form as well. Maurice Smith Treasurer
a Contact The Editor (May Issue Only) fe Copy for publishing in the SBW
magazine should be received by the editor by the end of the first week of each month. Letters stating your viewpoint on matters of interest are most welcome.
Please send your submission in by mail (preferably typed), on floppy disc, by fax or by email addressed to The Acting Editor Telephone: 9707 1343 Email: terry@sydney.net
Editors Note:
Some months have now passed since general meetings were discontinued and my impression is that your Committee is having difficulty in assessing members wishes regardmg the direction of the Club and statements of policy regarding conservation and other matters. If you would like to be heard you are invited to attend Committee meetings, alternatively you could send a letter in addressed either to the Committee or a Letter To The Editor.
Conservation issues feature in this months magazine with questions on whether to rebuild the Kosciusko Huts, objections to transfer of control of regional parks such as Berowra Valley and continuation of the debate over Kosciuszko Plan of Management. Regarding the latter, you are urged to make your comment so that a Club viewpoint can be determined.
Barry Wallaces popular meeting report makes a one-off re-appearance this month with the proceedings of the March AGM.
Other items this month include a reflective article on childhood memories of Reunion camping with the club and Caro Ryan has raised nude bathing on club walks as a possible issue worthy of discussion. In my experience with the club this has always been an individual decision with many remaining clad as well as many choosing what I consider to be the practical alternative. What do you think?
Although there are many pages on walks and other activities a problem is emerging in obtaining brief articles on walks of interest to members. Please send in your comments and reflections on walks as soon as possible after the walk so that reports are current at the time of publication.
Putting this issue to print has competed with personal preparation for an overseas trip so that is with some relief that I sign off for the month. George Mawer will be your replacement Editor for the May magazine and I thank George for stepping into the breach.
Bill Holland
Dont Delay - Mail In Today *0 =<“:
SEW Meitibeis Annual Subscriptions for 2003 is:
. Singls Meinbership . . =$40-00- Non Active Membership = $15.00 Non Active + Magazine Magazine. only s SB1S06 2
* Not Gpplicable to Prospective Members
__ Household membership
| Page 4 The Sydney Bushwalker April 2003
CONSERVATION REPORT - New Purchase for Dunphy Fund
The Dunphy Fund is purchasing Green Gully, a 3,000 Ha wildemess property on the mid-north coast between Walcha and Port Macquarie. It
contains three pristine rivers, 1000 Ha of World -
Heritage rainforest and many endangered species animals. One of the rivers it contains, the Apsley, has a five kilometre frontage on both sides. The land also fronts Green Gully Creek and contains the Yarrowitch River.
One of the few strongholds of the brush- tailed rock wallaby is on the Green Gully escarpment. Spotted tailed quolls, glossy black cockatoos, owls and the endangered micro-bats also live on the property.
It is a bush-walkers paradise with great views, swimming holes and grassy camp sites.
Miles Dunphy was a pioneer bush walker, he explored the Kanangra wildemess before there were tracks and roads, he drew beautiful maps and was responsible for the interesting names like Mounts Cloudmaker, Stormbreaker and Rip, Rack, Roar, and Rumble Knolls. He used to go out from Jenolan Caves with his wife and pushing his baby son Milo Kanangra in a stroller. Many areas were explored by him and be was one the early campaigners for conservation issues. During the sixties Milo gave up his architecture practice to become a full time conservationist and started the Total Environment Centre and worked as a campaigner until he died only a few years ago.
The Dunphy Fund was set up by the Carr Government to honour both Miles and Milo Dunphy. Its purpose was to purchase privately owned land that was wilderness or on the edge of wildemess. The settlement was delayed so the $1.3 million could be raised to complete the purchase. Fund-raising will be coordinated by
David Trinder
The Foundation for National Parks and Wildlife, a private, not-for-profit organisation.
A total of 48 properties have been purchased by the Dunphy Fund since 1996. Their combined area is 52,000 Ha and the cost has been $7.8 million. Green Gully along with the other Dunphy Fund properties will be gazetted as wilderness.
The land will be managed by the National Parks and Wildlife Service and will link a number of reserved areas that are currently isolated. Unless purchased and reserved, private land can be cleared and developed and consequently lost to conservation.
Donations to the Green Gully appeal can be made to the Foundation for National Parks and Wildlife.
Kosciuszko National Park Plan of Management The club has been asked for its policy on two issues in the new Plan of Management that is currently being considered and will be finalized next year. The two issues are
1. Whether the road from Charlotte Pass up the mountain to Rawsons Pass near the summit of Mount Kosciuszko should be narrowed to reduce its visual impact.
2. Whether the leases for resort villages should be extended when they expire. Principal interest is in the Charlotte Pass village, the lease of which expires in 2015.
Several articles written by interested parties have been published in recent issues. If you know the area and have an opinion let the committee know in wmiting or by a chat with a member of the committee. A decision is to be made at their next meeting on the first Wednesday of May.
Park Closures - April 2003 At current date (8th April) many national parks and wildemess areas are still closed including many popular walking destinations in the Blue Mountains, Kanangra Boyd and Wollemi. Most tracks into Grose Valley area are out of bounds as are the Mt Hay Rd; areas around Glenbrook;, all the area north of Waratah Ridge and east cf Glow Worm Tunnel Road including Deep Pass; River Cave; Galah Mountain trail and Mt Cameron trail. The following parks and park areas are closed due to fire damage: Marramarra National Park;
Berowra Valley Regional Park and Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park; Carroll Creek area in Garigal National Park All Leaders are reminded that they MUST comply with park regulations including fire bans, track restrictions and park closures. Please refer to the NPWS web site for latest information: www.npws.nsw.gov.au/news/firenews or phone National Parks Centre on 1300 361 967
The Sydney Bushwalker
April 2003 Pape S|
owe eT OAT aad
With the passing of my - mother, Kathy McInnes, recently and the processing of so many memories as one does at momentous times such as these, it has been impossible to miss noting just how high a profile the Sydney Bush Walkers Club had in my parents lives. Even long after ceasing to be an active walker, mum would often refer to this or that of interest from the Club magazine. Indeed, she looked forward to its arrival and would begin devouring it cover to cover before re-entering the house from the letterbox!!! While she was in hospital, I was collecting her mail, and she smiled broadly when I brought it into her. Part of my visits were spent reading it to her.
Pili be thinking of you all this weckend at the reunion, for it was at such a reunion that my parents first met. Kathy and Bruce met at Woods Creek in 1958 and were married later that year. They were active walkers, out most weekends, but the reunion was a top priority. So much so that in the fuil form of expectant motherhood, there was Kathy, camping at Woods Creek - I popped out Just two days later. Walking continued in a modified fashion with me in various forms of baby contraptions. I was too small to remember these adventures, of course, but what we three McInnes kids do remember and reminisce about are those REUNIONS!!!
Abh! Those reunions. We were SBW kids! And there were heaps of us! The reunions were a kids paradise. It was so much fun. There were friends there we would meet year after year. Ropes were strung up to mark out a running track and we had age group running races where everyone got a prize. The prizes were all handmade. One year we all came home with gigantic crocheted and stuffed snakes. Imagine them in your overnight packs! The campfire program had a kiddie segment and I remember Paddy Pallin teaching us silly songs and swinging me round and round. We were mesmerized by the hundreds of sparks twisting their way up to the stars. Younger kids were bundled off to nearby tents lullabied by camp fire songs but as we got older we were privileged to be able to stay up for the opera and ceremonies and hot chocolate. The following morming included the damper competition (Spiro always won), sand modelling and swimming at the Grose River.
How wonderful to have had all this as a
regular part of our childhood. Food somehow tasted different cooked over a fire. The smoke smelt wonderful and it played with the sunlight cutting through the trees. Bell birds and Butcher birds songs would echo in the gully. The smell of the leaf stained canvas tents and the shock waves that rippled through the gathering with the arrival of the first NYLON tent. A bright red anomaly from another planet. It mspired much controversy. A light-weight marvel, but aesthetically, a shame. We were taught the art of collecting water in a canvas water bag at the creek and watched goannas climb gum tree giants which were probably here before Captain Cook. All our senses were flooded. We had a sense of being part of something special that our friends at school just didnt understand. We were away from the world.
The three of us have an enduring love of the Australian bush and are very grateful to our dear Mum and Dad for those reunion experiences, with the friendships, camaraderie and sense of adventure. But it would not have happened without the club.
So, Thank you, SBW.
Debbie Odlum (McInnes) 47 399424 with Robin Martin (McInnes) and Jenny McInnes.
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[Page 6 The Sydney Bushwalker April 2003 ” |
The two major activities this weekend were the scheduled maintenance effort to repair the road near the car park, of course, the annual get-together for old and young folk The Annual Reunion.
Repairing the Road Don Finch
I arrived about noon on Friday 14“ March and after lunch started digging and wheel borrowing dirt to improve the existing water diversion humps and to build new ones on the road. This work continued on Saturday and was assisted by the arrival of Barry and Brian, several of the deep wheel ruts have been filled with the aim to provide safe passage for vehicles. Several loads of sledge hammered broken rock were placed in the bottom of the mud holes. Hollows and holes in a parking bay on the westem side were filled with dirt and during the rolling of the dirt with my car 1 managed to tear the whole front panel off my car on a stump that had been left by Mr Somebody. About twenty or so stumps have been removed from the side of the road and car park in the last year and I was some what miffed that I had been caught by one that I had missed in the general clean up. There is still more to do on the road and work will continue for the next few years. Sunday morning was devoted to putting the car back together. The debris from recent rain deposited on the low side of the road shows that the water diversion humps are working.
The Annual Reunion: Bill Holland
They trickled in, a couple on Friday night and more through Saturday. About thirty in total, not put off by unsettled weather and a bit of rain in Sydney. The large tarpaulin offered us the insurance we needed when light rain came in near the protracted happy hour/s - but it didnt last and as darkness settled in, so did we around the large bonfire.
Campfire entertainment was of the usual high standard with highlights being the tale of Esmerelda the Sheep, The Cross-eyed Bull and Doctor Dot. Thanks to all those, including the children, who participated. Spiro provided his famous spinach pie, fruitcake and milo for supper. Thanks Spiro.
I went to bed at a civilised hour, about 10-30 pm and was lulled to sleep by the serenading singers at the fire who, I believe, lasted to after midnight.
Sunday included damper making - great fun for the children, some reminiscing over breakfast/brunch washed down with Greek coffee. Later a few of us decided to try our hand at gardening to reduce the abundant weeds thriving in post-drought conditions.
Weeds at Coolana Don Finch
There was a lot of confusion among the people present as to what was or not Noogoora Burr but in any case many people where involved in hand weeding on the flat. There were plenty of other weeds pulled in any case. I saw this happening on Saturday and Sunday.
The amount of cobblers pegs growing on the flat, in the creek and wood piles was quite staggering… The western end of the flat was virtually covered and several members stated their intention to use the mowers to clear an area and path. It was pointed out that the hand weeders had asked that the mowers not be used as mowing only spread the seeds. It was pointed out by those wanting to mow that the seeds were already there and that nobody was going to pull out all of the cobbiers pegs. So to leave them was the same as mowing. Leaving them is of course what happened last year on the western end as there were simply not enough weeders. After consultation it was agreed that the mowers would not be used in the area east of the planting enclosure. A lot of people present were busy hand weeding the area around the flat, camp fire, table and up to the eastern side of the enclosure. A trial low fenced area was put up to see if the small wattles could be protected by this method. Several individual guards were also put around small wattles. It was noted that several small wattles that had been protected by guards in the last few months were still thriving other unprotected wattles have been eaten down to stumps in the last four weeks.
Coolana - Looking Back. Shirley Dean 1 am interested in collecting names and details of all people who have worked on Coolana - from 1969. We might be able to make a history of what was dealt with and how people felt about the efforts they made.
The Sydney Bushwalker
April 2003 Page7 |
The 2003 Annual General Meeting.
The meeting began at around 2002 with Rosemary in the chair and around 28 members present. Apologies were tendered for David Trinder, Jim Calloway, Carol Lubbers and Denise Shaw.
The minutes of the previous Annual General meeting were read and accepted as a true and correct record. There were no matters arising from these minutes.
Correspondence was comprised of the following items. A letter from Jack and Nancy Fox, the previous owners, advised that Eastwood Camping Centre has changed hands and urged people to make the acquaintance of the new owners. We also received a copy of the minutes of the most recent Confederation meeting. The letter from Jack and Nancy Fox was accompanied by a gift of several billy lifters of the style most commonly used with liquid or gas camping stoves.
The annual reports were taken as read, and received.
Financial statements and the accounts for the year past were taken as read, and received.
The rate for annual subscriptions for the coming year was determined based on a recommendation from the treasurer that they remain unchanged.
A vote of thanks to the Hon. Auditor and the Hon. Solicitor was moved and passed by
Barry Wallace
The election of office bearers was conducted with candidates for each position elected unopposed.
General business brought a mention of the debate over Confederation policy regarding Kosciuszko National Park. Last months magazine casried arguments for the various facets and members are urged to consider the issues raised to assist the club to come to a point of view to provide guidance to Confederation. There was also an attempt to raise a motion to the effect that all walks appearing on the walks program be classed as smoking or non-smoking. It seems that smoking is a matier of some contention between a couple of our newer members and this spilled over into the meeting. A debate of the issues ensued but in the end the matter was set aside.
From there it was a simple matter of passing by acclamation a vote of thanks to the outgoing office holders and the meeting closed at 2208.
Expression of Interest Required:
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|Page 8 The Sydney Bushwalker April 2003 |
Kosciuszko Huts To Re-Build or Not?
This is indeed the question. As the Clubs Kosciusko Huts Association (KHA) delegate of a number of years standing it is my melancholy duty to raise this vexed subject.
The Christmas bushfires saw some 23 huts in the Snowys destroyed and a larger number in the Victorian High Country. This catastrophe included a number of major huts such as Brooks, Boobee and OKeefes which have been regularly visited by Club members on bush walking and XC Skiing trips since the inception of the Club. Further details, including photos, can be accessed from the KHA web sit at: Avww.kosciuskohuts.org.au/. Additional information can be found on the NPWS web site at: www.npws.nsw.gov.au/news/firenews and www.npws.nsw.gov.au/news/kosci_fire_facts
The NPWS has a long standing policy of not replacing huts, which are destroyed whereas KHA has a policy of lobbying for replacement. I write this article to attempt to put both sides of an emotive question and to stimulate debate within the Club in order to hopefully form an up to date consensus on this matter. This to empower Wilf Hilder and J, as your delegates, to speak with the authority of the Club.
The following factors each have pros & cons: (I have intentionally written starkly to engender debate whilst striving to retain balance)
Heritage Value:
Pros: Huts represent: a) focal point for the bushman tradition of ruggered individualism, mateship, egalitarianism and constitute a large part of what it is to be Australian ie the spirit of the Man from Snowy River. By existing and providing shelter the huts provide a mechanism for people to directly empathise with this tradition and to centre themselves, b) a unique example of bushman architecture and are the focal points for local historical events etc.
Cons: Get a life, if you want real heritage, go to Europe or Asia!, these huts are merely 50 years old on average, drafty, vermin ridden, corrugated iron sheds of minimal heritage value.
Pros: The high country environment is one where the risk of hypothermia is prevalent all year round. The huts provide a place for parties to retreat to, dry out and shelter in, before proceeding. In the event of injury they similarly provide a refugee within which to more effectively manage the injured of sick member. The huts also serve as bases from which search and rescue activities can be mounted and coordinated etc
Cons: Adequately skilled and equipped parties do not need huts to deal with the weather. By their existence huts encourage inadequately skilled and equipped parties to venture out into the wilderness where otherwise they would not. On at least 3 occasions in Australia parties with hypothermic members, instead of stopping and erecting their tents have pushed on to a hut and in the process pushed the hypothermic member over the edge and a potentially avoidable deaths has resulted.
Ian Wolfe
Conservation: . Pros: The huts concentrate the camping activities of parties in defined, predictable areas thus assisting, monitoring, management and control etc
Cons: By concentrating parties they increase the environmental impact to concerning levels which would otherwise be dissipated across the park and of no consequence ie the area around huts is scoured for firewood, concentrates human waste, contaminates water supplies inducing guardia and other digestive aliments, leads to an accumulation of rubbish, encourages introduced rats or native rats/mice to discard their normal diet, proliferates tracks and erosion of soils etc.
Wilderness Experience:
Pros: By their existence these huts allow parties to penetrate deeply into these truly wild wilderness areas and to stay for extended periods thus allowing people to slough off the concerns of civilisation and to hearken back to a more natural existence. This particularly applies in winter when these areas are snow covered.
Cons: The huts constitute an alien and unwarranted intrusion into what would other wise be a near pristine wildemess area. By their continued existence they provide a barrier to parties directly connecting with nature through true self reliance and thus the huts seriously degrade the wilderness experience.
To rebuild in the original form or with modern materials?
Pros: The heritage value derives from the unique architecture, construction styles and materials. This needs to be faithfully recreated to preserve the heritage of the mountain huts.
Cons: The original huts were cold, drafty, let in the rain & snow, some were fire traps and promoted infestation by vermin. In addition the original materials and skills to faithfully rebuild them are expensive and in very short supply.
Also, the original materials were very labour intensive to maintain and modern substitutes are far more practical ie aluminium colour bonded window frames rather than hand adzed mountain ash frames requiring repainting every two years etc.
The above are not my views, all have come directly or indirectly to me from others. Usually accompanied by loud voices, flushed faces and pointed fingers! This is a subject about which people are emotive and impassioned and I have sought to give you a flavour of this.
Please consider these issues, dialogue, discuss & debate them with others in the Club rooms, around the campfires and on the track. Then form a view and convey it to Wilf and myself. Maybe we could devote part of a Club meeting to debating this matter??
Probably easiest to email me _ at ian.wolfe@eds.com and no, I am not giving out my address in case I come home to a smoking ruin! Ian Wolfe (h) 9904 3370 Whether it's bush walking, mountaineering, cross-country skiing, trelk- king or travei, a pack is your best friend or worst enemy. Why? Because you depend on the agility and comfort that your pack provides.
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| Page 10 The Sydney Bushwalker April 2003
Pree Announces Transfer Of Regional Parks To Sport te
Premier Bob Carr announced this transfer on the 2 April. This represents a major shock to bushwalkers and conservationists in regard to the future of the Berowra Valley Regional Park which includes the Great North Walk and some of the finest un-polluted bushland in the Sydney region.
Of particular concern has been Homsby Councils push for high impact recreational uses in the Park such as the construction of environmentally damaging sports fields at Stringy Bark Ridge at Pennant Hills.
Stringy Bark Ridge is a rare geological formation where a thin clay deposit over sandstone has given rise over millions of years to a now endangered vegetation community known as Shale Sandstone Transition Forest. The community is listed as endangered in the Threatened Species Conservation Act of 1995.The Red Crowned Toadlet a rare and endangered frog also listed in the 95 legislation has been identified along the ridge close to the former Homsby Pony Club clearing.
A report to Councillors from Robert Ball, Councils General Manager on Wednesday evening 12/3/03 Ordinary Meeting indicated that the General Manager was in favour of a new joint management agreement with the National Parks and Wildlife Service which would involve the abolition of the Berowra Valley Regional Park Trust. The Pennant Hills District Civic Trust and many other local community and environmental organisations believe that such an arrangement would give Hornsby Council even more power and control over the management of the Park. -
As a Regional Park Berowra Valley is a sitting duck and highly vulnerable to pressures from damaging high impact recreational users. The General Managers Report also emphasized that the Park is
…. Ideally situated to cater for the recreational needs of the community.
The Colong Bulletin, March 2003 has reported that the Coalition parties have recommended amendments to National Parks legislation to allow hunting, grazing and other damaging recreational uses in National Parks. The Draft Plan of Management is now on public exhibition for your submissions until the 20 of May and is available to download from the NPWS website.
It is extremely important that bushwalkers write to the Berowra Valley Regional Park Trust At PO Box 37 Homsby 1630 ASAP and demand National Park status for the park and,
Write ,email, fax now to The Premier The Hon. Bob Carr At Level 40 Governor Macquarie Tower 1 Farrer Place Sydney 2000. or Fax 9228 3935 or Email bob.carr@www.nsw.gov.au and strongly urge him to announce National Park status for The Berowra Valley Regional Park.
Some arguments for National Park gazettal include: [Use in your submissions and letters to the Premier]
“The Park has 10 threatened plant species, over 230 vertebrate fauna species, 11 threatened fauna species,18 vegetation communities of which 3 are endangered ecological communities and at least 24 known Aboriginal heritage sites.
All other Regional Parks in NSW have been formed from previously cleared and grossly modified land and provide for intensive picnic use, bikes, ,horses etc. Berowra Valley by nature of its high bio- diversity and largely unmodified natural bushland is not in this category.
A good comparison is the nearby Lane Cove National Park with one sixth the size of the Berowra Valley Park at 600 ha. has nearly total urban interface, far fewer threatened species, has polluted waters and receives high visitation impact and yet is given the status of a National Park.
Berowra Valley has major water catchment significance.
Major conservation bodies as well as the local groups are calling for National Park status for the Berowra Valley Park.
As a National Park and with consideration of The Great North Walk the Park has important Eco- Tourist potential providing sustainable employment opportunities well into the future.
For further inquiries please phone The Red Gum Bushland Committee on 9484 0321
The Sydney Bushwalker
April 2003 Page 11 |
Walks Notes - March 2003 cs Walks notes for the period 13” February to 12“ March 2003
The first walk for this period
WH was a canoe trip in the Kangaroo
Valley area over the weekend of 15, 16 February, with Patrick James substituting as leader for Ian Debert. There were 9 starters, all of whom finished the trip, despite at least one abandon ship drill along the way. A detailed article on the trip appeared in last months magazine. The walking counterpart of the canoe tnp seems to have been a non-starter. Zol Bodlay led a party of 6 on his Saturday walk along the Pittwater side of West Head. Conditions were fine and sunny with the overcast that developed later in the day hoiding off showering until after they had returned to the cars. The national park was reported as very dry with all the creeks along the way being bone dry. Sunday saw Ron Watters with the party of 9 on his walk into Darawal SRA in hot and humid conditions making the best of the pools in the various creeks along the way. Errol Sheedy was also out there that day with 8 starters for his trip out to Buming Palms from Otford station. The climb out from Burning Palms took its toll, but the party recuperated with cappucinos and apple pies at the Otford pie shop.
Wilf Hilder had a mid-week walk around Castlecrag scheduled for Thursday 20 February, but no report is available at the time of writing. There is no truth in the suggestion that the suburb to end all suburbs ended the party as well.
Over the weekend 22, 23 February Peter Kaye had a day walk scheduled for the Saturday but had to cancel due to park ciosure following the bushfires.
The weekend of 28 February, 1, 2, March saw cancellation of a trip in Cudmirrah National Park by Maureen and David Carter due to a lack of starters. Wilf had a Great River Walk (Nepean loop) scheduled for the Saturday but there does not seem to be a report for this. Peter Love led a walk from Gladstone Pass down into Jamison Creek the same day. There was a party of 6 with superb weather, lots of water in the creeks, lawyer vine and leeches. The creek water was cold but some brave souls nonetheless ventured a swim at lunch-time. They also reported a later touch of chill in the air presaging Autumn. Rosemary MacDougal led a party of 7 on her Sunday walk from The Basin to Mackerel Beach in Kuringai Chase but Nigel Weaver had to cancel his Lilo trip in the Wollongambe that
Barry Wallace
day due to a lack of starters.
Maurice Smiths Morton National Park walk over the weekend of 8, 9 March had a party of 8 and not much other detail. Saturday saw Michael Bickley leading a party of 10 on his walk out from Hornsby to Galston Gorge and on the Sunday Bill Holland had 8 starters for his Harbourside to Hawkesbury via the missing link. As it turned out Bill scouted the link ahead of time, and, finding it comprised largely of streetwalking (sic.), started his walk at the western end of the link. The weather was fine and the walk finished at Mount Kuring gai. Pam Morrison had 7 starters on her Illawarra cycle trip also on the Sunday. Jim Calloway had a walk scheduled for Bundeena to Loftus that day but I have no report for this.
There was also a mid-week cycle nde scheduled for Tuesday 11 March under the leadership of Bill Holland but again there does not appear to be a report. [Sorry Barry - it didnt go, bad weather and no starters]
Our energetic exertions are not 4 limited to bushwalking. Oh No!
Pas K os, Canoeing, cycling, tightrope ee 2 walking, arguing, swimming,
gardening - you name it, we do it. But just talking
about cycling, here is a bicycle trip planned for
Sat 24” May: Kuringai NP
Pedal power along vistas galore of bush, water and
million dollar boats. Cycle from Turramurra into
Bobbin Head and retum. Combination of cycleway
and roads. 12km of gradual climb
(See Walks programme for more details)
Walk on Water: Patrick James
Saturday, 5 April and a small flock of seven paddlers assembled at Tunks “ Park boat ramp on Long Bay, Cammeray to put an exploratory toe in the water for a walk on water. Surprisingly the start and finish of the day was warm and sunny. The rest of the day varied somewhat being from time to time cold, warm, windy, sunny, still, clam and choppy. The kayakers were warm and snug in their sleck, streamlined craft. The canoeists however were less warm and less snug in their more open, exposed craft. The niceties were observed with a stop for morning tea and a five star beach for lunch near Roseville Bridge. The traditional head wind for the way home arrived on time. The walk was uneventful, no dramas, no mishaps, just smooth paddling. More walks on water will follow in the wake of this one.
[Page 12 The Sydney Bushwalker April 2003
Message From Your Walks Secretary
At the recent AGM, I was lucky enough to be elected the SBW Walks Secretary. I figured it couldn't be all that hard. I guess I'll find out in the next few months!
The depth and diversity of any walks program, is dependent upon the people who are willing to lead walks. As part of my new role, I have been given permission by the Committee to try out an idea that aims to encourage members to become walks leaders. The idea is called The Supplementary Walk Program (SWP) and it works like this:
When an experienced leader is arranging a walk, they ask (persuade/blackmail) a member of the party to agree to learn the walk and put it on the SWP. To put a walk on the SWP, a new leader simply calls or emails the Walk Secretary. The SWP is then published in the magazine for the following month. From then on it works the same as the normal Walks Program.
The benefit being, that the new leader gets the opportunity to lead a walk soon after learning it from an experienced leader. Also, other Members and Perspective Members know they can support a member having a go at leading, by booking in to attend thew walk from the SWP.
The idea is to encourage members to lead walks by helping and supporting them in taking the first steps. If you enjoy certain types of walks, or walks in certain areas, why not learn these walks from experienced leaders and put them on the SWP? Go on - HAVE A GO!!
T hope to catch up with you on or off the track or around a camp-fire some time.
' Peter Love ~ SBW Walks Secretary (02) 9948 62383 peterlove@ozemail.com.au Supplementary Walks Program In the coming months, you will see the pattem of these walks emerging, being repeats of original walks that are in the current seasons program. The added benefit being, that if the original walk is full or doesnt fit in with your schedule, you can book on the supplementary walk.
Please show your support and enthusiasm for these new leaders by booking on their walks early, bearing in mind that there is a strict limit of eight participants on supplementary walks.
Date Walk ; Leader Original Walk
Q - Kuringai Chase NP Map Ku-ring-gai NP Leigh Rosemary 20/4/03 | The Basin-Rain Forest Ck-White Horse Beach - Flannel McClintock | MacDougal Easter Flower Beach - West Head Beach - Mackeral Beach - Palm B) 8227 9191 2/3/03 Sunday | Beach Ferry. Lots of scrambling over boulders. Swim stops H) 8920 2386
at one or more public beaches. 18km
Q- Morton NP Map Nerriga, Touga Peter Love | Maurice Smith 3/5/03 Bullfrog Ck-Ettrema Ck-one of the exits depending on the 9948 6238 8-9/3/03 4/5/03 | weather 0414 920 292
Q - Blue Mountains NP
Wentworth Falls Lillians Bridge Gladstone Pass Sunday | Lindeman Pass Federal Pass - Golden Stairs. Ian Thorpe | Peter Love 8/06/03 | Slippery down Gladstone Pass, all on tracks, but some rough 9922 4742 29/3
parts. Car shuffle. 400m&T
Medium QUALIFYING 20 km
Blue Mountains NP
Kings Tableland (Wentworth Falls) - Kedumba Pass -
Mt Solitary - Golden Stairs: Sunday | Two steep descents & two steep ascents, river crossing Malcolm Peter Love 18/5/03 | (possible wet feet), up & over a mountain and some rock Thornton 30/3
scrambling/mild exposure off Mt Solitary. 0408 975 314
Car shuffle. ;
Medium/Hard 23 km
Leaders; Please send your Walk Reports (Participation Forms) promptly to: The Walks Secretary - The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. Box 431 Milsons Point NSW 1565
The Sydney Bushwalker
April 2003 Page 13 |
On Lake Yarrunga
Patrick James
Here's another report of that fabulous weekend on the (and in) the Kangaroo River (Lake Yarrunga)
Most bush walks, in the Sydney basin at least, at the end of the day, when youre tired and listless, usually finish with an uphill slog. Not so with canoeing. Water has that marvellous property of forming a level surface so that there is no uphill or downhill. Well that is not really 100% correct because there is the problem of head winds and choppy water. But more of this later.
The annual combined water paddle and bush walk to Lake Yarrunga /Kangaroo River this year was somewhat different. from previous years. To start with the usual paddle leader opted out. Then the bush walkers quickly fell by the wayside until there was but the walks leader, who not wanting to walk alone also opted out, That left this junior paddler as-leader with two SBW paddlers, two SBW kayakers and four kayaking visitor friends of Pamela.
The start at Tallowa Dam was uneventful. We formed a circle on dry land, formally introduced ourselves, explained to the visitors all about SBW walks with a slight variation on the theme to account for a paddle not a walk. We pod of nine put in at about 9.30. The two canoes with three paddlers were straight forward; George in one and Brian and I in the other, hop in and start paddling. The kayakers were a sight to behold. Long, slim brightly coloured craft with kayakers in brightly coloured clothing, including go-faster gloves and strange condom-like footwear (perhaps essential for safe kayaking).
The upstream paddle was simple. After some
initial trial and error paddling techniques
Brian and J finally got ourselves into
phase and started to make
headway. The others kindly
cy BT) waited for us and gave advice
and encouragement, when what we
really needed were some of those go-faster
gloves. On the nver it was warm and sunny with
no shady trees so we (royal we) drank lots of
water without a care in the world of where the replacement water would come from.
After one or two false starts we arrived at the camping site. Not as flat as the last time I was there; either the perennial desire for the elusive level playing field or local heave.
The paddle was at the junction of three maps. George had done a magnificent job of merging parts of the three maps into one image, with way- points and distances, and then printing copies on his ink-jet. The map was terrific, in a splash proof plastic envelope. However one side of the envelope was open and the edge of the map got a bit wet, then the ink started to run into a grey mist
which slowly consumed the whole map. Fortunately the speed of the canoe was faster than the creeping grey mist and we arrived at the camp site with some of the map legible. Of course we did not need the map for the way back.
We made camp. One of the visitors, Phil I think, put up a small tarp sun shield, which seemed like a good idea. After lunch, a swim and a bit of paddling about, the blue sky changed to dark stormy clouds and hid the sun, lightening flashed and flashed, thunder thundered and the rain came bucketing down. We nine proud paddlers huddled under the tiny tarp and watched the drought break. Hail up to the size of marbles fell; which would have be ideal for gin & tonic except we had no gin, no tonic and no lemon. Run-off from the tarp quickly filled our water bottles. Thank you Hughie.
The rest of the afternoon was periods of rain with dry patches, or dry patches with periods of rain. We amused ourselves with the occasional swim, a paddle or a good book. The night passed without incident. Pat had managed to pitch her small, sub-micro tent next to a wombat all-night convention centre and announced at breakfast that she had not slept well because of the wombat noise.
At breakfast time the River was as still as a mill pond. When it came time for us to go the head wind for the trip home had sprung up and tumed the mill pond into a choppy body of water. I quickly realised why bailers are essential and compulsory canoe equipment.
We had planned to be last to leave as a good leader should, and were waiting for the second last to put m when it was decided to have an unscheduled abandon ship drill. Quick as a flash Brian and I, and our bags, packs goods and chattels were in the water. The spot was chosen very carefully and the water depth was only 500 mm. Lucky!
The paddle back was into choppy water with a head wind all the way. We paddled in a group as a safety precaution. We all wore personal floatation devices (PFDs) so if we capsized our persons were OK, our bags and packs might float for a while and the car keys had a key ring float, but I was not sure if the central locking device would work after a good dunking. All this negative thinking fortunately came to naught. We got back to the start faster than the tnp out despite the headwind.
Post paddle debriefing was over coffee and food in Kangaroo Valley. |Page 14
The Sydney Bushwalker April 2003
Snap! Crunch! Grind Grind Grind
Can you hear that? That, my fellow SBW member, is the sound of a can being opened. More to the point, can you smell that? Sniff sniff ~ The earthy stench of worms.
I'd love to know the origins of the phrase, Can of Worms. That nifty little column in the Spectrum section of the Saturdays Herald has probably answered it, but I must have missed that edition. Probably out on a walk somewhere with you lot, rather than sitting in my favourite caf, sipping a flat white and feeling like people do when they read an entire Weekend paper.
Ah, the wonders and delights of being out on a walk. We all do it for different reasons, fitness, friendship, fun - whatever our motivation, we are all joined by not only our annual membership fees (Thanks Maurice) but also by our enjoyment and appreciation of the bush.
I'd also like to think that as lovers of the bush, as evangelists for this great religion of fresh air, we would endeavour to welcome as many new comers to the club as possible. Not only that, but to retain our new converts, we should aim to make them feel as comfortable as possible. And this, is where the can of worms comes in and starts spilling its contents across the fair pages of The Sydney Bushwalker.
You see, as with any organisation, be it religious or otherwise, we have our own quaint little religious ceremonies and practices that date back to the dawn of our enlightenment. Back to the days when the Tiger Walkers ruled and names like Dunphy, Debert and Byles were being etched into SBW legend. Back to the days when men were men, women were women and real members started to get their kit off, don their birthday suits and prove their religious zeal for the natural bush (and each other). Jt must have been back then that the term, Bushwalkers Cossie was first coined.
We've all read the articles, weve all had discussions (some heated, some mellow) whilst out on a walk, or at a Committee meeting, about the membership of our Club. Facts are facts. Not only does Australia have an aging population, but so too, does SBW. There are many reasons that get bandied around as to why the club isnt filled with the youthful vitality of the 20-30 year olds of the 1930s, but this is not what this article is about. Its about how we can make new and younger members, feel welcome and comfortable.
Caro Ryan
At the recent 75” Anniversary dinner, I couldnt help but feel a sense of sadness in the room from some of the senior members of our club. After Alex Colleys speech, I wanted to jump up out of my chair and yell that the heritage and work that has been done over the past 75 years of our club, isnt going to disappear. Neither is it going to be forgotten as a new generation of walkers joins up.
The encouraging news is that since I joined SBW as a 29 year old last year, I have seen more and more 30 somethings appearing on walks. We even seem to be forming an understanding of certain walks to go on, thereby finding ourselves walking together more and more, forming solid friendships and social groups.
Its been during these walks with some of the other new breed that the discussions have tured to the topic of this article, namely the club tradition of nude bathing. Call it what you will, change the name to something more subtle or humorous, cloak it in tradition with a nudge and a wink, but the simple fact of the matter is that quite a few people (the majority of which are younger women) are not comfortable with it. Its not an issue of prudishness or being comfortable with ones own bodies, although I expect some members may see it as this, its a question of personal boundaries and not wanting to feel like the weekly special in the butcher shop window. (Get yer plump, juicy chicken breasts n thighs… going cheap .. just $45 / year!!)
This is an article that has been in the writing for about two months now… much thought, discussion and more thought, about exactly how to broach the subject of a practice that has been going op un-challenged for so long. But the interesting thing 1 discovered, whilst speaking with people on walks (many of them new members) is the number of people who feel uncomfortable about nude bathing, but have kept it quiet, thinking they are the only one.
. Now, Im not asking for a
- ~: ban on nude bathing in the
club, ve been known to
a none don the bushwalkers cossie myself from time to time. However, the heart of the issue is to go back to where I started with this article, namely that if we are to continue and thrive as a club, we must create an environment where all members feel comfortable and by no means threatened by any of our practices. I was saddened to hear the story of two young prospectives who joined up and went on their first walk, only to never retum | The Sydney Bushwalker
April 2003 Page 15 |
again simply because of our quaint ritual. They
were shocked and certainly made to feel
uncomfortable by some of our members actions. All I ask is that this situation is never allowed to happen again. I can remember my
own first walking experience with the club
where I was told on booking that, in SBW, we swim naked. The message I received from this was, If youre going to join this club and if you want to swim with this club you swim nude.
Gulp… thought I. Well, when in Rome and all
that. On reflection, I felt fairly uncomfortable,
as walking with the club was not the only first to happen on that day.
So, if you are one of those members who loves to feel the wind in their hair, and feel it is your right, then please take a moment to consider those around you. If you are with a group full of like-minded individuals, and not at a public beach (where it is illegal) then go for it. However, if you have even the slightest doubt that someone will not feel welcome in the group if you air your bits, simply move around the comer in the river / water hole and move out of sight. If thats not possible, then for the sake of the growth of the Club and its future, show some consideration and either wear a cossie, swim in your underwear or dont swim. (If its hot enough to swim, your cossie will dry super quick dangling off your pack and weighs next to nothing!). And importantly, dont make a fuss about it and thereby alienating the person even more thats a sure-fire way to lose another (younger) member. (Now heres a controversial thought… maybe there could be some sort of unwritten rule that whenever there is a first-time walker out with your group, everyone wears cossies.,.just a thought.)
So, there you have it. The can is opened and the worms are starting to do what worms do best: improve the oxygen levels, make a wonderful compost and are a sure sign of
healthy soil that will produce a bumper crop.
' Td be interested to hear from any members on this issue. Please feel free to write to me at bushwalkerscossie@yahoo.co.uk or contribute via letter to the Bushwalker. [Letters to the
_ Editor are welcome … … …..Edj]
First Aid Cerfificates for Leaders:
Ta encourage our walks leaders to get their St Johns First Aid Certificate, the Committee has offered to subsidise current Walks Leaders. for half the cost of gaining an accredited Senior First Aid Certificate up to $50 and if combined with an accredited Remote Area First Aid, uP to $80.
Attention New Members!
Coolana Training Weekend: All new members are invited to join us at the “Coolana” Wildlife Refuge in the beautiful Kangaroo Valley on Sat, Sun 17“ 18” May.
The weekend offers practical training in navigation, first aid and bushcraft. It provides an ideal introduction to camping and a chance to extend your social contacts within the club.
The camping site is a 15 minute downhill walk from the car park and there is a shelter shed for those who do not have a tent.
Experienced members may also attend to assist with training and join in the social activities around the camp fire on Saturday evening. Maps are provided but please bring a mapping compass
Activities start on Saturday morning and finishes late afternoon on Sunday. For transport assistance and location advice please phone: Patrick James_9567 9998 (bh & w)
Mid - Week Walking Group: There is a group of members with time available
@. to participate in midweek activities. If
you have time during the week or can take leave from work please join us.
A regular newsletter provides details of short notice activities and the Walks Programmes gives details of scheduled mid- week walks.
Here are the mid week scheduled activities Thurs 8 May: Circular Quay - Manly - Manly Lagoon etc. Start and finish with the ferry ride with pleasant suburban walking.
21*- 25“ July: Four Day Cottage Stay at Banksia Point near Armidale. Just imagine the cold nights in front of a roaring log fire, day walks in the New England rain forest and great views from a delightful cottage for only approx $8.night. Contact Paul Mc Cann phone: 6772 6156
Hey You!
Would you like to suggest or lead a midweek activity. The Winter Walks Programme is now being prepared and Peter Love would welcome an extra walk or two or three.
Phone Bill Holland on 9484 6636 or email to billholl@hotkey.net.au
All insurance inquiries should be directed to the SBW Secretary. Please note that any claims must reach Confederation within 30 days of any accident and the Secretary can assist in that process. | Page 16
The Sydney Bushwalker April 2003 |
Extended Walks For The Long Weekends
| opportunity to extend your walking.
a, ean
For those of us who can organise the extra day off (Friday 26”) tums the Anzac Day holiday into a long weekend of four days. This offers an excellent opportunity to walk in very interesting and more remote areas. The weather at this time of the year is comfortable and there is - reasonable daylight in the evenings for enjoying the meal around the campfire.
\, Two weeks later we have the Queens Birthday weekend. This time only three days but still an
The SBW walks shown below are detailed in the Autumn Walks Programme. Please refer to this programme for details of leaders and contact numbers.
Oe Bay,
24“ -27” April: Morton NP Ettrema Nerriga - Cinch Creek - Ettrema Creek - Nernga Steep, boulders, some rock climbing and scrub. Wonderful scenery in an area rarely visited.
25“ -27 April: Warrumbungle NP Use the long weekend to visit one of the Staes
6-9” June: Gardens of Stones NP Newnes - Mt Dawson - Baal Bone Gap Spectacular views, pagodas etc. some rock scrambling and 90% off track. Leisurely pace.
6-9“ June: Kanangra Boyd Wilderness Batsh Camp - Murrain Range - Big Hellion Mt -
great bush walking areas. Leisurely stroll to Belougery Split Rock, the Bread Knife and Biuff Mountain
25” -27“ April: Mt. Canabolas SRA
Car camp and car shuffle. Great views and frosty mornings. Waterfalls and mountain gums. Lots of ups and downs on tracks,
Loombah Plateau. Starry nights and not too long days. Spectacular views.
Note: All Leaders The Confederation Leadership Training Weekend will be held on 26”,27“ April. Contact Peter Cheatham 4626 2309
Kimberleys - Cockburn Range 13th June to 24th June
Exploratory walk of the Cockburn Range - located about 100 km west of Kununurra. The range comprises a plateau dissected by gorges/canyons. It is expected there will be some compulsory swimming in gorges. Fine weather anticipated and only mosquito nets required.
MEDIUM LEVEL - PARTY LIMIT Contact David Rostron - 9451-7943
Barefoot Bushwalking Celebration Weekend:
Part of the Warrumbungle NP Visitor Centre 50th Anniversary Program, which is running special activities throughout the year, ” ,
Friday 9th May
A Bushwalkers' Fly-In to Tooraweenah - with Dakota Air departing Bankstown Airport to refive the “old:
trips” with some of our early bushwalkers. Restricted numbers; early bookings essential.
Information & program - Justine.Brotherton 02 6847 0793; or, to book - call Eric on 02 9791 9900 Saturday 10th May. .
A Walk in the 'Bungles with old and not so old bushwalkers. Walkers may choose to join the group leaving Gunneemooroo ta walk over to Camp Pincham while others will be transferred or commence at other points - all with experienced bushwalkers. All paths will lead to Pincham and the Reunion of Bushwalkers this day.
The reunion and camp out will be a time to share experiences and stories. Contact: Jane Judd 02 6843 4446 Sunday | lth May
Warrumbungle Reunion at Canyon Picnic Area from 10.30 am. A gathering of people who have had links
with the park - early land holders, park neighbours, bushwalkers and climbers and holiday makers - sharing
memories and memorabilia and a barbecue lunch. Bring along your old photos and stories…help us to build. our book for publication… The Warrumbungle National Park; the park a community built“,
Contact: Aileen Bell 02 6825 4364
The Sydney Bushwalker
April 2003 Page 17 |
Hello from Heike
There's been some really good stuff in the magazine of late, a Sydney Bushwalker “Booker Prize” has got to go to the efforts of “Ian Banjo Patterson Thorpe”. It would be great to have a few contributions from new members so have a go, put the grey matter into literary gear and tippy-tap away, Bill (editor) will be delighted …..
Kenn Clacher's article had a hair-raisingly long list of potential bushwalking hazards in the March magazine but quite correctly commented that these will likely be avoided on any walk. Most hazards experienced will be minor in nature such as mild dehydration headaches, cuts, scratches and “hotspots”. All however can lead to situations that can seriously hamper the progress of the walk and can be hazardous to general health. As usual my mantra is…Prevention, prevention, prevention……!!!
Thus this month I would like to remind all members to check their First Aid kits.
I'm not sure if other health professionals/experienced First Aiders on walks find this but it seems that if someone has an injury, a sprain, a “hotspot”, blister or headache they are the first to be approached for advice which is very reasonable and acceptable, but also for equipment which is not so reasonable or acceptable. It becomes quite an expense over subsequent walks when you may have handed out bandages, blister protection, sterile dressings all for sufferers that have come poorly equipped for themselves.
If treating myself I like to use quality equipment, a good sterile dressing can cost up to $5, elasticised bandages up to/and over $25, I certainly do not use these for the average cut, scratch or blister, but suffice to say medical stuff costs.
I would like to reinforce to all the importance of having your own Ist Aid kit. “Forgetting” or “Tl be OK and if not someone else will have some gear is negligent to your own we'lbeing and the party as a whole. The first aid notes given out at new members night has a good basic list of equipment. Read and obtain,
The pre-winter sale on at a_ certain bushwalking store has red Ist Aid pouches for 50% off at the moment. The pouch needs to be equipped with lst aid gear but will hold more than enough, are easy to find in a hurry and fold out neatly for practicable ease of access to equipment. You don't have to have anything special to hold it all, a good strong plastic zip- lock pouch does me currently.
Never be intimidated not to say “whoa up I
need to treat a hotspot”. It is good to see
experienced walkers pulling out their kits and
treating themselves on the track for a minor niggle before it becomes a major problem.
Remember also that no one should “dispense” any form of medication including simple analgesics to anyone else. If you have a preference for a particular brand/preparation of analgesia you must provide your own.
For those who do already have their own kits remember to restock, that equipment used has been replaced, any old medications, antiseptic tubes/creams whatever, are within their expiry dates and do not lock crumbly, dry, caked or discoloured.
Medications should remain in the blisterpacks which usually have the type of medication on the foil and expiry stamped along an edge.
Check that sterile packs are intact. If the pack is damaged and therefore no longer sterile these do not have to be thrown away, can still be used as “clean” dressings.
Check that elastic bandages bought in the dark distant past are still stretchy.
Check that scissors, tweezers, needles (for splinters), safety pins are not rusted.
” Check that water purifying tabs have not expired.
Your health and well-being on any walk is your responsibility so come prepared.
One member commented recently on the dearth of new members moving onto full membership, I have to agree “Dae oo000000”..where are you? There are some I know who have completed all, just give me a ring and I'll send out the forms.
Please Welcome On Your Next Walk:
Deborah Anne Warren-Smith, Debra Gold,
Barbara Chapman, Rae Rogers, Barbara Elliot,
Kerry Rawson, Jonathon Kelso, Sue Castrique,
Paul Baker and Kate Ellinson
Weekend Walking Gear for Hire
The club now has a small pool of weekend walking equipment available for hire. The rates for weekly hire are:
Weekend pack: $15
Sleeping bag: $15
(For hygiene reasons you must provide and use your own sleeping bag liner)
Sleeping mat: $5
Ground sheet: $2
Tent: $20
Complete kit $50
Equivalent refundable deposit required. Contact: Geoff McIntosh 9419 4619
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The Sydney Bushwalker April 2003
Social Program A chat from Caro…. How exciting! Youre going to hear those words out of my mouth lots and lots this coming year. It is shaping up to be a fantastic year in the social life of our great club. March featured an interesting presentation by Alex from Alpsport regarding the latest in light weight, as well as Tony Manes (fresh from NZ) explaining how to pack for overnight trips…. He hadnt even had a chance to unpack* now THATs dedication for you!
*Thankfully, all was clean! Wed May 21 ~ 8pm
The Edge Movie On the BIG screen! Well, the screen wont be as big as the IMAX at Katoomba, but were going to be projecting it orto the BIG screen in the Club Rooms and even better than IMAX, were having Bean Bags! You'll need to get there early to grab one… or BYO! For those of you who havent sen this film, it features some absolutely stunning scenery within the Blue Mountains and Wollemi National Parks. The way the film- makers managed to get some of these shots is a mystery to me they truly are breath-taking. So come along, meet some new people and enjoy the scenary… and popcom!
YHA Group Membership
SBW has recently become a group member with the Youth Hostel Association. This means that as a member of the club, whenever you are travelling with a group of 10 or more SBW-ers, you are entitled to a special group discount. An example of this was at the recent Jamison Circuit trip put on by Peter Love. A group of 15 people stayed at the Blue Mountains Youth Hostel in Katoomba on the Saturday night and enjoyed hot showers, comfy beds and a relaxed night of happy hour and pot luck dinner.
Oxfam Trailwalker
We've received a letter from Oxfam looking for volunteers to help out at the Trailwalker event on 16, 17 and i8 May. Equally as impressive as doing the 100km marathon, would be to show your support by being a volunteer on the day/night and help others achieve the challenge and raise funds for the great work of Oxfam. For more details or to volunteer contact Sarah at Oxfam on 8204 3900 or email: Sarahle@Sydney.caa.org.au
See you soon Caro
USS Lincoln
Transcript of the actual radio conversation of a US naval ship with Canadian authorities off the coast of Newfoundland: Canadian: Please divert your course 15 degrees to the south to avoid a collision. Americans: Recommend you divert your course 15 degrees to the north to avoid a collision. Canadians: Negative. You will have to divert your course 15 degrees to the south to avoid a collision. Americans: This is the captain of a US Navy ship. I say again, divert your course. Canadians: No. I say again, you must divert your course. Americans: This is the aircraft carrier USS Lincoln, the second largest ship in the United States Atlantic fleet. We are accompanied by three destroyers, three cruisers, and numerous support vessels. I demand that you change your course 15 degrees north, I say again, that's one five degrees north, or counter-measures will be undertaken to ensure the safety of this ship. Canadians: This is a lighthouse. Your call.
Note from John Hogan in Cairns
As I didn't manage to catch up with many fellow members at Christmas time I felt it was time to let you kiow some of my news from “paradise”! Before I do I wish to thank all of you who made my new partner, Marcelle, so welcome during our visit to Sydney earlier this year. We both enjoyed our various Club activities very much. It is never easy being introduced to so many new friends in such a short space of time, but Marcelle had a ball.
For the fourth consecutive year North Queensland missed out on a “wet' and although this season was not as extremely dry as the previous one, our water reserves are much lower than we would like at this time of year.
Whilst I was in Sydney I extended an invitation to many of you to attend my 60th Birthday celebrations up here on Sunday 25th May. Whether you were one of those or not you are invited to be a part of a very big day which will include plenty of dancing with live musicians, singing including “barbershop”, bush poetry and lots of great food. at Yungaburra on the Atherton Tablelands. If you can possibly make it I will be delighted to have you along and will be arranging a number of tours around the area at that time. For more information please call me on 07 4054 2111 or 041 77 333 52. It is a great time of year to be in paradise! Best wishes to you all . We have to use with skill what simple equipment we can carry on our backs to achieve shelter,
If you really want to get the best prepare food and have a night's rest? out of what you carry with you, Paddy Pailin, 1900-1991
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Black Diamond Moonlight Headtorch: Constantly frustrated with replacing your torch battery? Then the Moonlight is for you. With 4 ultra bright, energy efficient LED bulbs, it provides 70 hours of constant light.
It weighs a mere 90g (without batteries) so you'll hardly know you're
carrying it. Ideal for night walking, cooking and reading.
/ black Diamond Contour Trekking Pole: Trekking poles dont just aan ete ema RN: amen improve your balance and reduce the strain on your lower limbs; they help re-distribute the load to your upper limbs as well, meaning you can keep going for longer. The Contour, featured, is ideal for comfort over long periods of walking with an ergonomic 15 degree correctian angle in the upper shaft and soft dual density hand grip. It also features a unique NEW adjustment system,
making these the most easily adjusted poles on the market.
Black Diamond Betamid Tent: When you want to go ultra-light or you need extra storage space, the Betamid has you covered. This compact, flooriess tent will go anywhere and pitches using a pair of trekking poles! Weighing in at a fraction over 1kg, it sleeps two and stands strong
against the elements. (Optional, detachable tub floor is also available.)
Store locations: Sydney: 507 Kent Street Miranda: 527 Kingsway * Parramatta: 74 Macquarie Street * Katoomba: 166 Katoomba Street Also in Canberra and Jindabyne Website: www.paddypallin.com.au
Mail order: 1800 405 398