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THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER is the monthly bulletin of matters of interest to members of
The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc
PO Box 431 Milsons Point 1565.
Editor: Bill Holiand Production Manager: Frances Holland Printers: Kenn Clacher, Barrie Murdoch,
Tom Wenman Don Brooks Fran Holland
General Meeting in September
The Clubs six monthly General Meeting will be held on September 10 . - see Page 3.
Confederation Of NSW _ Bushwalking Clubs - Annual Bush Dance When: Friday 19“ September Where: Petersham Town Hall Cost: $15-00 Children (under 16) Free BYO: Food and refreshments
Kanangra to Katoomba in a Day!
Saturday 6” September: Expressions of interest from walkers and helpers required - see Spring Walks Programme
New Members Programme Experienced members needed to train new members - see Page 2.
The Spring Walks Programme is enclosed with this magazine
2003 Issue No. 825
Summary of Contents:
1. Index and Notices 2. Presidents Report: 3. Treasurers Report: 3. Editors Note: 4,5. Letters to The Editor: Four letters this month 6,7. Ben Esgate - An Appreciation: Don Matthews tribute to a man of the mountains. 8. Conservation Report: David Trinder writes of Jabiluka and the Paroo River 9. The Coolana Report: Discussion of the property and the Coolana Fund 10. Dingledei Hut 50 Anniversary Len Hainke tells us of forthcoming celebrations of thi historic hut 12-15. The Walks Pages Barry Wallace summarises the walks for last month; the partys back from Chile: whilst John Bradnam and Roger Treagus contribute articles plus some walk reports. 16,17. Of Interest to New Members: This month Patrick McNaught substitutes for Heike and writes of water and electrolytes. A new member Mia Sherwood tells of her Coolana experience. 18. Social Notes Caro Ryan reports on our social activities and we have three short jokes. ADVERTISERS: Alpsport Front cover Eastwood Camping 11 Paddy Pallin Back cover Wildemess Transit 5 Willis's Walkabouts 7
The Sydney Bushwalker, First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. [Page 2 T he Sydney Bushwalker August 2003 The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. Presidents Report:
Our Club was formed in 1927 for the purpose of bringing bushwalkers together; enabling them to appreciate the great outdoors; establishing a regard for conservation and promoting social activities.
The Club's main activity is bushwalking but includes other activities such as cycling, canoeing and social events.
Our Walks Programme (published quarterly) features day walks on most Saturdays and Sundays, some mid week walks and overnight weekend walks.
Extended walks are organised in areas such as Lamington, Snowy Mountains etc as well as interstate.
Our meetings are held every third Wednesday evening at 8 pm at Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre, 16 Fitzroy Street, Kirnbilli (near Milsons Point Railway Station).
Visitors and prospective members are welcome.
General Enquiries: Phone 0500 500 729
SBW Website Office Bearers
President: Rosemary MacDougal
Vice-President: Wilf Hilder
Public Officer: Maurice Smith
Treasurer: Maurice Smith
Secretary: Leigh McClintock
Walks Secretary: Peter Love
Social Secretary Caro Ryan
Membership Secretary Pam Morrison
New Members Secretary: Heike Krausse
Conservation Secretary: David Trinder Magazine Editor: Bill Holland Committee Member:
Barry Wallace Pamela Irving Delegates to Confederation:
Jim Callaway Wilf Hilder
Contact The Committee:
Members are welcome to contact the following officers with questions on Club management and other matters.
President : Rosemary MacDougal 9428 5668 (h) Treasurer: Maurice Smith
9587 6325 (h) or
Members Secretary: Pam Morrison 0418 463 923 or at
Vice President: Wilf Hilder 9587 8912 New Members Secretary: Heike Krausse
For prospective membership enquiries phone 9998 0587 and leave a message
There seems to be resurgence in interest in bushwalking as our prospective membership continues to grow. This no doubt is a result of the excellent presentation put on by our new members team and our web page that gives plenty of information to any one wanting to enquire. I use it as a means of introducing those who are making enquines about joining the club.
The flow on effect is that we need to look at providing more training in navigation and our editor has an article calling for your assistance Leaders on walks can do training and the navigation test but that always depends upon having the time available.
Our half yearly meeting is to be held in September. This is your opportunity to come along and ask questions and make suggestions. At our last committee meeting we had a prospective member attend and I really appreciated his presence. He had some helpful comments to make about how another sporting organization is dealing with the continuing limitations placed on sporting activities by insurers.
Rosemary MacDougal
New Members Training:
The Club regularly (once per quarter) conducts New Member weekends at Coolana in the Kangaroo Valley. at which theoretical and practical training in navigation, first aid and bush craft is given.
As there are currently about two hundred new members (prospectives) the Committee now feels that an additional training programme is warranted.
The proposal is to have one evening per quarter in the Clubrooms followed by a day walk dedicated to follow-up training. Initially the emphasis will be on navigation but the frequency and scope of training may be extended. Your help is needed !
If you are an experienced leader or member who would like to pass on your knowledge by giving up some of your time to assist with training, please advise our President;
Rosemary MacDougal 9428 5668 (h) For Sale
75 litre backpack in top condition = $85.
My wife unfortunately is giving up the challenge of the heavier pack, so burdening yours truly. Please call John Pozniak day time 9240 5277 and evening 9913 2701
The Sydney Bushwalker
August 2003 Page 3
Treasurers Report - July July saw the members annual . Subscriptions. flow pick up following the reminder to those members who hadnt paid their subscriptions.
SS | There were two large payments, the first was for the replacement printing machine and the second was for the annual affiliation and insurance cover with Confederation of Bushwalking Clubs. Set out below are the figures for July
Bank Balance | July 19,724 Income Received
Membership Renewals 641 . Prospective and new members 737 1,378 Expenses Paid:
Kirribilli Centre - rent 690
Ricoh Aust ~ new printer 10,450 Confederation
affiliation and insurance 7,830
Magazine postage 761
Other 175 -:19.906 Bank Balance 31 July 1,196
Maurice Smith - Treasurer
General Meeting in September
Late last year the Club resolved at a Special Meeting to abandon monthly General Meetings and instead hold two meetings each year i.e. the Annual General Meeting in March and a six monthly General Meeting in September.
So on Wednesday 10“ September you will have your opportunity to raise matters of importance to you and to other members of the Club.
Although notices of motions are not necessary it would assist the smooth conduct of the meeting if you could advise the Club Secretary Leigh McClintock of any item you would like to be either specified in the agenda or included in general business.
Have You Changed Your Address?
If you have changed your address or phone number recently, please advise: Members: Pam Morrison
Prospectives: Heike Krausse
The advice should be in writing directed to the Clubs postal address. This will ensure that our records show your current address and prevent delay in receiving the magazine each month.
Editors Note:
The smoke from local hazard reduction burn- offs drifts about as I type this note and brings to mind that once more we face a period of severe fire risk. | We are again in a prolonged dry period with no signs of much needed rain.
So of necessity this months magazine includes a warning about care with campfires and advice to carry ample water.
The Spring Walks Programme is included in the mailing this month and offers a great range of walks in the lead-up to the summer months. It seems to me when I look at the proposed four to five walks each week that we cover all the areas around Sydney. Lets hope that unlike last year these areas remain open and free of fires.
Your magazine this month includes a tribute to the much talented Ben Esgate, who passed away in June - the end of an interesting and varied life.
And we can read about the 50” anniversary of Dingledei Hut. Now, I had never heard of Dingledei hut or the Caloola Club until now but Pm sure it awakens memories for many. There must be other places too, so rich in bushwalking history that would be of interest to todays members. Please write in and tell us about them.
The Conservation Report by David Trinder covers Jabiluka, which has been saved and the Paroo River which needs to be saved. David seeks your support for this valuable water resource.
Letters to the Editor keep coming in and are most welcome. This month Don Matthews writes of Social Capital with concluding rhyme; Caro Ryan explains her Social Programme, Owen Marks poses some questions about The Coolana Fund and Jim Smith seeks information for a book on Ben Esgate.
And as usual, there is always a joke or two to finish on the back page.
Bill Holland
Contact The Editor:
Copy for publishing in the SBW magazine should be received by the editor by the end of the first week of each month. Letters stating your viewpoint on matters of interest are most welcome. Please send your submission in by mail (preferably typed), on floppy disc, by fax or
by email addressed to The Editor Telephone: 9484 6636
Email: Fax: 9980 5476 (phone 9484 6636 first) T he Sydney Bushwalker
August 2003
Letters To The Editor:
DX] Social Capital I read with interest the Letters to the Editor from
John Poleson and Denise Shaw (July 2003). Spot on, I thought. Its all about Social Capital, referred to by Alex Colley in the May 2001 magazine.
Alexs article should be compulsory reading for all SBWs. So should the First Sixty Years [published by SBW to celebrate its 60“ Anniversary]. And while were about it Kath McKays Forty Years On (October 1967) which shows the real contribution that can be made by those sidelined by disability or age.
At the AGM in 1984 it was decided that general meetings would be held quarterly instead of monthly. Social evenings would continue and fill the gap. Introduction of new members, surely a highlight for new chums and old hands alike, would take place on the second Wednesday of the month, regardless, and live walk reports would entertain us on one of the social nights.
The scheme lasted until the AGM in 1986 when we went back to our comfortable former routine.
Jim Brown, Honorary Member and Past President, in an article in the 40th Anniversary magazine began with words Which were the Golden Years of the Club? Now - be honest about it, it was the period when you, dear reader, were the most active in Club affairs, now wasnt it?
So can we hope for more Letters to the Editor on the matter of meetings, and some action?
For my part, I am more comfortable recording the passing scene in doggerel.
1 have rarely sat on a Committee
To debate should we do that or this
I suppose cause I sense that my brain is too dense Yes, its best if I give it a miss
No I've made no important decisions
J have not re-invented the wheel
And you know that old joke about if it aint broke That's exactly the way that I feel
And a bloke whos wrapped up in our history
Hes the last one to speak from the floor
Something happened back when? It will happen again! By some Machiavellian Law !
For each era, its own peccadilloes
Will rise to the top and hold sway
I will note and compare, and occasionally dare To protest in what manner I may
And a word to those talented persons
Who are shy and out there in the cold Whatsoever your age, claim your place on the stage Please dont leave it until you are old!
Don Matthews
i] The Social Programme I am writing in response to recent letters and
comments regarding the social program. When I took on the role of Social Secretary, I was led to believe that this is an easy job and a relatively fun one. However, I now realise it is a tricky one and one that at times (believe it or not) weighs fairly heavily on me.
As a new member to the club and someone passionate about it's firture - ensuring that it caters for everyone - I have tried hard to design a social calendar that best reflects this. Anyone who has worked with large and diverse groups (such as SBW) will know that it is (unfortunately) unpossible to please everybody, all of the time. For this reason, when faced with a three monthly program (such as Winter this year) I tried to approach it with a balanced view. For May, a Wine Tasting at the Clubrooms mixed with a Slide Night. This was an event that would appeal to the majority of our members. For June, an alternative to an old favourite of a Cooking Demo by taking it outside the clubrooms (which turned out being held there after all). This was to appeal again to the majority of our members, with an emphasis on Prospectives of all ages and finally, for August an Indoor Rock-climbing evening which proved popular last year, so I popped it on again for this year. This is an event which, initially may appeal to younger members and those up for a challenge. With our great new website, I feel that it's this type of activity that may swing the decision for new and younger members choosing our club, over one of the others on offer. These new members are essential to the future of our great club.
Each quarterly program is designed trying to cater there for different groups. Those who prefer to stay in the Clubrooms (or are on a limited budget) and those who would prefer to do something outside of the Neighbourhood Centre.
As I have been in the club for just on a year now, I was unaware that there was such an event as the Winter Feast until after the program was published, it came as news to me when I was confronted about it. So, yes, I am writing this in part to apologise ifI have offended anyone. I am honestly trying to do my best. With only three activities per quarter it is obviously limited and whilst working within this framework, I am trying to deliver a program where everyone will find something that they would like to attend.
Stay tuned for the Spring program. It promises to be a beauty! Thank you for your understanding - Cheers Caro Ryan [ The Sydney Bushwalker August 2003
Page 5 |
2] The Coolana Fund
I wonder if you could print this letter. It is in reference to the article that Don Finch wrote recently in the SBW Magazine and to the following article in the June magazine about the Coolana Fund.
As an oldish member who has fond memories of Coolana 30 odd years ago, I am thinking of leaving money in my Will to the Coolana fund. At the moment, I need most of my income to live on, being cursed by low interest rates; the same story as Coolana Fund finds itself. Sad to be worth more dead than alive!
According to some Coolana Committee members, the fund Dorothy Butler set up was to pay only the rates. But subsequently over the years, it has been used to pay for maintenance as well, and the assets have gone down faster than was anticipated. So maybe the club should take over the paying of rates and leave the Coolana Fund only for maintenance. Someone has mentioned a levy.
' Also what if the club were to lease out the property to some type of association for a weekend or longer for some reason or other, where would that income go? To the Club or to
. the Coolana Fund? The future holds problems and difficulties that one cannot think of.
What if there is a Coolana Maintenance Fund setup? Preferably, I would give to that, as I am in favour of keeping the property in good order and well managed. Maybe some time in the future, work there may have to be hired. Who knows? Also property on drinking water supply lines may need all manner of things done to it. Rainfall patterns may change and extra work incurred.
Can there be an official launch for donations, or is that not the thing to do? Some members give their time and others could give it in money. I am not sure on that procedure, but all the previous matters would have to be cleared up first. According to the Treasurers Report in the July 2002 magazine, Coolana Donations totalled $2170.
Before changing my Will with gifts to this or that Conservation Society, I would like these things to be aired, as there may be others in the club with the same feelings as I have.
This letter is just to start the ball rolling and I do hope members write in with other suggestions after seeing this letter. Also this matter could be raised at the next SBW meeting. *
Thanking you one and all, and please put on your thinking caps.
Owen Marks from the year of 1965.
The next meeting is 10 September.This your opportunity to discuss Coolana and its funding.
DX] Information about Ben Esgate
I would like to edit and publish a book on Ben Esgates life story, bringing together the memories and stories of his friends. If you have any anecdotes about your times with Ben could you please send them to me? Also, please send photocopies of any photographs of Ben or letters written by him.
Ben gave a number of talks to SBW including one on bushfires - there may be tapes of one or more of these talks.
I believe this book is necessary to place on record Bens remarkable life and philosophy. It will be an inspiration for those who were not fortunate enough to have walked with him in life.
Jim Smith
65 Fletcher Street
Wentworth Falls NSW 2782
[Don Matthew's article Ben Esgate - An Appreciation follows on Pages 6 & 7… Ed]
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| Page 6 T he Sydney Bushwalker
August 2003
Ben Esgate - An Appreciation
Don Matthews
Ben Esgate (1914 - 2003) joined SBW in October 1959. Helen Barrett (Gray) and Spiro Hajinakitas were handed their badges on the same night; all three have contributed a great deal to the vitality and camaraderie of the club.
Ben was a man of many talents. He was a true bushman. A carpenter and builder by trade, he had a sound practical knowledge of both the physical and natural sciences, and his powers of observation and his recollection of places and events were formidable.
He grew up in Katoomba and his knowledge of every aspect of the mountains and of aboriginal lore has been a boon for many an historian.
In his Katoomba days he was involved with the Bush Fire Brigade (Captain in the 1950s) and because of his familiarity with the country side, with civil defence activities during WWI. His building skills were put to good use during War time as foreman on the new Katoomba Hospital, and later he worked on the design and construction of the Scenic Railway and the Skyway. He kept bees from the age of 12 and on his own initiative, during the 1940's, stocked mountain streams with trout.
Ben was introduced to SBW by David (Snow) Brown, son of another Katoomba identity, in the early 1950s. Although Snow was twenty years younger than Ben, they were great friends, and Snow, working in Sydney, would let Ben know when
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suitable walks were heading for the hills so
that he could join in. Their old mates will be forever grateful for that, and for Snows own enthusiasm and joy in the pleasures of the bush.
Snows younger brother, John Charlie Brown also met up with Ben at an early age, a meeting he described in his own inimitable way in the Magazine for May 1986 concerning an epic Guouogang trip. Ben celebrated joining the club by heading off to New Zealand with that years NZAC mountaineering class held at Arthurs Pass and then went on to fish for trout, and, as it turned out, to do a spot of unplanned solo mountain climbing for good measure.
Shortly after this the Esgates moved to Sydney and it was about this time that Ben together with daughter Evelyn and with Michael Elphick, went exploring Ettrema Ck. Bens dog Jingles, is credited with finding the pass, named after him, near Myall Creek.
In earlier years, among his many other explorations Ben discovered Esgates Pass at the end of Radiata Plateau, near Katoomba.
Ben and I met from time to time over the years but our paths did not cross with any great regularity until the mid 1980s when we renewed our friendship on a couple of high country jaunts and on Bill Capons Tonalli walk at Easter 1985. Ben was
BEN ESGATE, caricature by Mick Joffe from his book Endangered Characters of Australia printed with kind permission of the artist
still leading walks of the more robust kind until 1988 when he was seventy four years old. In the period 1990-1994 we went on a series of mid-weekly walks, about a dozen in all, in the Megalong-Kanimbla area, revisiting his favourite spots, which usually featured unusual geological formations and streams known to provide a good feed of trout. It was an interesting time, for beneath that rugged exterior lurked a sensitive and sentimental bloke, with a fund of tales to tell.
As an inventor, builder and cabinet maker, he had few equals and his workshop skills and his orchid house kept him active when he could no longer get into the bush. The first example of his furniture building that I saw was a grandfather clock made from his stock of long-seasoned cedar planks. It was a work of great precision and beauty. This was followed by a dining room table and chairs. Ben challenged me to identify the joins in the table top. I couldnt, In addition to making other smaller items a The Sydney Bushwalker August 2003
Page 7 |
from cedar, he carved abstract figures from old and weathered cedar logs and just a few weeks ago was cutting and polishing gemstones from samples collected during travels around Australia with Lil. In the last few years, we have sat around the campfire in the backyard at Frog Hollow under a canopy of syncarpias, grilling Bens favourite Sausages and imagining that we were out in his beloved bush; and I have spent many a pleasant Saturday afternoon at the Esgates chatting with them and enjoying Lils gracious hospitality.
Tales were told of their honeymoon on Coxs River in Megalong, of the expeditions on the motorcycle outfit, and of family holiday car camps. And after Ben retired, there were the motor tours when they explored Tasmania and a good deal of Australia. One afternoon earlier this year, the conversation got around to the various passes off Narrow Neck. The first recorded bushwalker descent from Clear Hill was in June 1928, and it was first written up by the late Frank Duncan in the Annual Sydney Bushwalker magazine for 1934.
When, I asked Ben, was your first trip off the end?
Tn 1927, he replied, working around to the point of the question, When I was thirteen, I went with Norbert Carlon down White Dog to the Kowmung. That got me interested in exploring Narrow Neck. The next year, my mate Jim and I went out to Clear Hill. We cut a sapling, tied it to the base of a tree, and skinned down it.
What month? I asked. Cant remember said Ben, as if it didnt really matter, and as if, after all what they had achieved was not unexpected for
resourceful country lads on a Saturday afternoon.
How did you get back up I asked. Ben chose to ignore this attempt at whimsical humour, We went out through Carlons he growled, with just the hint of a grin. When Evelyn was about five years old, he went on, Lil and I took her and Skipper the dog for a five day camp on the Kowmung. We carried Skipper down the spikes and he found his own way after that
Evelyn, the eldest of the three Esgate girls later moved to Sydney and joined the SBW in February 1959.
A couple of days after Bens passing, I went down to the Syncarpia Grove, under an overcast sky and lit a few twigs as a farewell gesture. I half expected some form of acknowledgement from the heavens but there was none, just the crackle of the fire. Then as I sat there in the warm glow, lost in thought, a gentle drizzle started. The fire still burned, then as the drizzle turned to rain, the flames slowly subsided and went out…
It was time to move on.
* Advice To Leaders *
Ali leaders are advised to check on park closures before leading parties in national parks _ Failure to keep to park regulations could place the insurance cover for their walk at risk and lead to personal liability. The latest advice on park closures may be found at the NPWS website: or by phoning 9542 0648.
Minimal Impact { maximum pleasure]
Experience the joy of walking through the northern bush; relaxing in clear, tropical pools; sleeping under the stars; letting yourself unwind as your senses soak up the sights, sounds and scents around you.
Pristine wilderness needs care if it is to survive,
By using knowledgeable guides committed to the principles of minimal impact bushwalking, we do our best to ensure that we leave no trace of our passing so that future generations can enjoy the same wonderful experience.
Check out our website or ask for our brochure.
s Walkabouts 12 Carrington St Millner NT 0810 Email:
[Page 8 T he Sydney Bushwalker
August 2003
Conservation Report
Jabiluka to be Reincorporated into the Kakadu World Heritage Area
After a long campaign the Jabiluka uranium mine is closing. The large hole that was formed by the excavation will be filled by the 50,000 tonnes of uranium ore that came out of it. Since the ore has been sitting on the surface it has been causing serious and expensive water management problems. Scientists and environmental groups had warned of these problems before construction started. It will be a great relief to all when rehabilitation is complete. That is expected before Christmas.
Environmental groups such as the Wilderness Society and thousands of people across Australia and around the world have supported the traditional owners in opposing the mine. It was the biggest environmental campaign in the last five years, 500 people were arrested at blockades and other actions. Blockades with thousands of people were held, national days of action against the Westpac Bank for funding Jabiluka were organized. The Wilderness Society organized some shareholders of North Limited, the then owner of the mine, and forced the company to an extraordinary general meeting to discuss their concerms over Jabiluka. Local groups led an international campaign to have Jabiluka placed on the World Heritage in danger list.
Rio Tinto, who acquired Jabiluka as part of their take-over of North Ltd, were more sensible in their discussions over Jabiluka than North was. When the rehabilitation is complete the land will be handed back to its traditional owners and reincorporated into the World Heritage Area.
David Trinder
Saving the Paroo River
The Paroo River is the last wild river in the Murray Darling Basin. It provides water for the magnificent wetlands in the Currawinya National Park, renowned for its water birds and it is listed for its international conservation significance.
The Queensland and New South Wales governments have signed the Paroo River Agreement. Along with the Warrego River the Paroo floods most of the extensive wetlands area in the Murray Darling Basin covering 814,000 hectares. It is important that these wetlands maintain the biodiversity of the Murray Darling Basin. The Paroo, in southern Queensland, feeds the Currawinya Lakes near the New South Wales border and continues south in New South Wales feeding other wetlands until it flows into the Darling at Wilcannia, just east of Broken Hill. These lakes are some of the most important waterbird breeding areas in Australia, they can support 250,000 waterbirds including the rare Freckled Duck.
The Paroo, the last free-flowing river in the Murray Darling Basin is in pristine condition and should be protected for all time. This year the Queensland Government released a draft Water Resources Plan for the Rivers of south west Queensland and it recommends that 99% of the Parco flow will reach the New South Wales border.
There is a submission phase to register approvals or disapprovals of the intensions of the plan. It is important that we support the draft plan to ensure the Paroo stays wild. Submissions can be made simply using the Wilderness Society web site (www. projects/Wild_Rivers/paroo.htmll).
National Park draft plan of management.
ideal fime to ask him to change it. Keith Muir - Colong Foundation
Write a Letter ! ; Stop horse riding damaging the Gardens 6f Stone National Park The Colong Foundation for Wildemess: requests that you write to Bob. Debus, Minister for the Environment, objecting to horse-riding access proposed under the-soon ta be released Gardens of Stone
The Gardens of Stone National Park is the most sensitive park in the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area. Horse riding could, for example, min pagoda rock formations near access roads when riders inspect these pagodas and mountain viewpoints-on horseback.
Please write now and stop horse riding being included in the draft Plan of Management for the Gardens of Stone National Park. The drait.plan is currently. awaiting endorsement from Minister Debus s 80 0 ROW. is the:
| The Sydney Bushwalker August 2003 Page |
Coolana Report
The Sydney Bush Walkers property “Coolana” is a declared Wildlife Refuge of 53 hectares with frontage to the Kangaroo River - owned by the Club since 1969. It was purchased through members donations and public donations as a means of aiding conservation and to provide a permanent camping ground for the Club.
The property has very high conservation value and was declared a “Wildlife Refuge” in 1974. It contains part of a natural cliff-line link from the upper part of Kangaroo Valley down to Tallowa Dam and the Morton National Park.
es a This cliff-line is habitat to a remnant brush-tailed rock wallaby colony, a threatened species presently located in the vicinity of our property. There is some delightful and varied bushland on the site including grassy river flats, eucalypt forest, cycads, palm jungle and rainforest creeks. Wallabies, wombats, lyrebirds and many other flora and fauna species are endemic to the area.
All members (including prospective members) and their families may use “Coolana” at any time provided they abide by the requirements of the Wildlife Refuge classification. This means no dogs or other domestic pets are allowed. There is no charge or fee for camping at Coolana and booking or advance notification is not necessary. Just come down at any time and enjoy our beautiful river front property.
Lighting Fires at Coolana:
Camp fires are permitted at Coolana at all times other than when total fire bans apply to the Shoalhaven area. Campers are asked to use the indicated fireplaces to avoid scarring the camping ground. Please use only fallen timber and ensure that your fire is completely extinguished before retiring to your tent
The Coolana Fund: Many thanks to those who have donated money to the Coolana Fund and thanks also to those who have indicated an intention to include the Coolana Fund in their wills. Whilst we in no way would like early fulfilment of such legacies it is pleasing that our members are prepared to assist in keeping Coolana as an asset to be enjoyed by our members, both present and future. In his letter shown on Page 5 Owen Marks has raised some questions about the intended use of Coolana funds and other members have expressed a preference for these funds to be kept separate from other club finances. At this stage there is no clear cut answer. The Committee is preparing a discussion paper and seeking legal/accounting advice on possible alternatives. The matter will be placed on the agenda for the six monthly General Meeting in September giving you a chance to express your thoughts.
In the meantime. keep those donations coming in. Your donation to The Coolana Fund is most welcome and rest assured it will used for the purpose for which it was donated.
Lend a Helping Hand !
We are heading into Spring. The flowers bloom, the weeds grow and we need additional help in controlling the green stuff. The wallabies wombats and kangaroos lend a helping hand but they cannot use our mowers and have trouble separating the weeds from the trees.
Our next scheduled maintenance weekends are 29, 30” of August (Don Finch 9452 3749) followed by 13“, 14” September (Barry Wallace 9546 6570). Also we have a regular bush regeneration and tree planting group. Please phone Shirley Dean 9810 4268 or Gretel Woodward 9587 8912 to join in this rewarding activity.
| Page 10
T he Sydney Bushwalker
August 2003
The Dingledei Hut 50th. Anniversary Celebrations - Saturday 18th October 2003
April 2003 photo of Dingledei Hut with David Tranter and Len Hainke in foreground
The Dingledei Hut.was constructed by members of the Caloola Club to assist the club in the work of creating interest in the bushlands. These simple words are engraved on the brass plaque which was attached to the hut door 50 years ago and only rediscovered recently.
The heritage listed hut sits on a grassy bench 230m below the top of Caloola Pass, south of Macquarie Pass near Robertson.
The conception of this hut was the work of the late Alien Strom and both the hut and Allen provided more than just interest in the bushlands. With others, this visionary man founded the Caloola Club and the National Parks Association of New South Wales. Many consider him the father of the Environment School in New South Wales. He gathered teachers such as Allan Fox and was helped by the late Bill Dingledei (Snr.) who played an integral role in the transportation of club members on field trips through many States.
Following my request to various bushwalking clubs and organizations, some historical hut material has come to light . These include the Map of the Ding Area which shows Dingledei Head Quarters, Caloola Pass and route, hut position, Bymes Nature Trail to Lyrebird Knob, water etc, from a Caloola Club Bulletin dated Feb 1961. In those days, club members could be driven in an old club bus by Bill Dingledei via Strathfield station to DHQ for the princely sum of 17/6. Thanks to those people who sent me archival material.
On 18th October we celebrate those years of achievement and learn about some of the events that shaped that 50 year history. Allan Fox witnessed much of that history in the making, and will be with us on this day. A pamphlet to mark this special occasion is being prepared by Allan.
Incorporated in the celebrations will be the use of Butter Track Pass, just 2km. south of The Hut, which served as a pack horse route for Kangaroo Valley dairymen to the coast, long before Caloola Pass was discovered. The Activity We plan to meet at Robertson and car pool to cater for 2 walking parties who may finish at different times. Party 1. A medium walk to the hut, allowing 6 hours. approx. Party 2. An easy walk along the escarpment top overlooking the hut environment, allowing 4 hours approx. Both parties travel to the start of the walk where parking is limited (DHQ) .They then walk 500m to Caloola Pass start, where time will be spent taking in the extensive views over the Illawarra rain forested slopes, the Dingledei Hut nestling between two huge boulders (230m below), the Lakes and the coast. After refreshments and time to share thoughts, Allan Fox will outline some of the events in those 50 years surrounding the Caloola Club, Allen Strom, the Dingledei Hut and something of his own involvement in this remarkable period. Medium Walk Party descend Caloola Pass to Hut. Time to explore around Lyrebird Knob and its large boulders. Early lunch then walk 2km to the foot of Butter Track Pass and ascend the Pass. Walk along top to Caloola Pass and return to DHQ. Easy Walk Party. John Dorman will lead this party along the Range from Caloola Pass to the Butter Track Pass top and return to DHQ This party will not visit The Hut. It is planned that both parties meet up for a social function late afternoon to complete the celebration.
The Dingledei Brass Plaque.
The brass plaque complete with bullet holes will be ceremoniously screwed back on to The Hut door. It had been removed in 1968 when the hut was no longer accessible to members . It will then be removed again and held for safe keeping. Brass rubbings of the heritage plaque are possible on the day. (Ask Len)
To participate in this event, please contact Len Hainke Ph. 4869 1040 or ASAP prior to 18th October for meeting times, transport details, track conditions and any queries.
Len Hainke
Whether its bush walking, mountaineering, cross-country skiing, trek- king or travel, a pack is your best friend or worst enemy. Why? Because you depend on the agility and comfort that your pack provides.
The Mont Moto-Active adjustable har- ness system is deceptively simple, fast to adjust and easy to fit. Available in three sizes and featuring inter- changeable harness compo- nents, a truly best fit is possible, and best fit means a truly comfortable carry.
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Innovative desiaqns, detailed construc- tion and quality ma- terials. Anatomically con- toured hip-beits. Spandura and 3D Air-Flow fabrics for body contact points. Bar tacks on the im- portant high stress points.
Triple stitched with webbing bound seams to ensure massive seam strength.
We use Evazote foams, the most du- rable, high quality foams available. Hip-belt secures di- rectly to the alfumin- ium frame-stays for direct load transfer. Only highest quality Duraflex buckles. The shoulder yoke adjusts independ- ently of the frame Stays.
Dual aluminium frame-stays adjusted and reinserted in seconds Mant Adventure Equipment; The Australian company with over 20
years of manufacturing excellence.
3 Trelawney Street Eastwood. eastwood Phone : 02 9858 3833. camping
All packs personally fitted centre by our experienced Staff.
|Page 12
T he Sydney Bushwalker
August 2003 |
Walks Notes Period 6“ June to 16” June ws We begin at the Queens Birthday * weekend, June 6 to 9, with Oliver
walk in the Gardens Of Stone National Park in fine and cool conditions. They finished walking at 1600 each day despite lots of scrub and a modicum of rock scrambling, and rounded off the trip with dinner at the Lithgow Workers Club on Monday evening. Stephen Adams also had a walk that weekend out from Batsh Camp to the Kowmung River with a party of 4. Weather conditions were similar of course, and the party was enthusiastic enough to re-route the retum to cover some different country. After a glowing profile Spiro was out there too, doing Mount Colong with the 13 starters enjoying a miscellany of gourmet food and beverage treats. The views from Kanangra back to Mount Colong at the end of the trip brought a sense of achievement and, one suspects, just a touch of dread at the prospect of the steps back up to Kanangra car park. Paul McCanns walk in Guy Fawkes National Park that weekend did not go.
There were day walks that weekend as well. Ian Thorpe led a party of 8 on his Sunday qualifying walk from Wentworth Falls to the Golden Stairs. The descent of Gladstone Pass was impressive, and the slippery conditions there resulted in a couple of falls with at least one set of bruised ribs as a result. The pace was also a bit hectic it appears, as five of the party dropped out at Sublime Point. The two elements of the party joined forces for dinner afterwards. Sunday saw Kathy Gero leading a genteel and civilised walk from Otford to Bundeena on a glorious winter day with 6 starters and one joiner, who caught up with the party at moming tea after a period in pursuit. Ian Rennard led a walk from Ku-Ring-Gai to Homsby on the Monday with 5 walkers attending. Conditions were ideal with calm and clear conditions prevailing throughout.
David Trinder led a party of 10 on his qualifying walk in Morton National Park over the weekend of 13“ to 15” June. The activity report is strangely mute for this one for some reason. A Saturday day walk was programmed but to date there is no report. On Sunday Nigel Weaver led a party of 12 on his walk from Maroubra to La Perouse. Conditions were ideal, with fine and mild conditions, and glorious coastal views all the way.
For some reason the supply of walks reports dries up at about this period, with just Peter
Crawford leading a party of 9 on his
Love and Maurice reporting walks between here and the 12“ July. We will try to garner more details and cover this period in next months report. Barry Wallace
Lane Cove National Park 28” June
I led a group of fifteen walkers from Valencia Street Wharf for a longish day walk to DeBurgh's Bridge and return. We were joined on route by Don and Elizabeth Wills.
The day dawned fine and after recent rain parts of the track were quite wet. Initially the Great North Walk weaves through the streets of Woolwich and Hunters Hill before the track starts near Boronia Park Oval. It then follows the Lane Cove River through to Buffalo Creek Reserve and over the tidal flats in a series of boardwalks before Magdala Park. We reached the River Park late morming and proceeded to a pleasant lunch spot on a rock platform near DeBurgh's Bridge. After we left the Great North Walk at the bridge crossing we then caught the track on the river on the south side for the return trip. Skirting Chatswood golf course we made our way back via Magdala Park to Valencia Street Wharf, the last 5 kilometres along Woolwich Peninsula in the dark.
This suburban walk with a variety of bush and street trekking was enjoyed by all
Mark Patteson
Blue Mountains National Park 27% July.
(This walk replaced the original Govett's Leap walk) I also led an interesting and very scenic walk from the water board gate on King's Tableland via Mt Solitary to the Golden Stairs on Narrow Neck.
The leader and nine fit and speedy walkers had an early start after a bone rattling drive out the road to the water board gate. The views on the walk down to the Kedumba River are in this humble opinion some of the most spectacular in the upper mountains.
The river crossing was completed without wet feet and then the steep climb up Mt Solitary's East Col beckoned. It was then onto lunch at a_ beautiful rock platform near Chinamans Gully overlooking Lake Burragorang. The day was clear and the views fantastic. A decision was made to bypass the Ruined Castle on the way back to the Golden Stairs so we could extract the vehicles from Kings Tableland before dark.
(Due to the state of the road we only positioned two vehicles at the Water Board gate.) Mark Patteson The Sydney Bushwalker August 2003
Page 13
Back from South America !
The SBW party of thirteen, under the guidance of Gerry Leitner, completed their detailed look at Chile and most of us arrived home on 8“ June after nearly seven weeks absence. Our main destination was Chile but side trips into Argentina (San Martin de los Andes and Bariloche ) and Bolivia (La Paz) were also on our itinerary.
The party left Sydney on 24” April, flying to Santiago and arriving in that bustling city late the same day.
Gerry had booked all accommodation and travel in advance of the trip. His organisational skilis and knowledge of the country kept the all- inclusive cost of the trip to just over $4,000 per head
Travel between cities and major towns was exclusively by bus and, as Chile is a long narrow country (longer than from the tip of Cape York to the bottom of Tasmania), we traveled nearly 6,000 km. by inter-city buses. Add to this the lengthy bus rides on some of our excursions and it is no wonder that we felt bussed out by the end of the trip.
We spent a lot of time at high altitudes, 4 - 5,000 metres as we went high into the Andes. The contrast of the southern farming country with craggy Tocky snow capped mountains of the high Andes and the absolutely barren desert conditions north of Santiago added to the magic of Chile.
Highlights of the trip were the volcanic areas and forested national parks around Pucon; the beautiful lakes and mountain scenery of San Martin and Bariloche; the Spanish forts of Valdivia; the salt lakes, thermal valley, Inca and pre-Inca ruins around San Pedro de Atacama; the far northern cities of Iquique and Arica and of course the magic of La Paz and Lake Titicaca.
From this last destination, three of the party detoured to troubled Peru to see the Inca ruins of Cusco and Machu Pichu..
We didnt do much walking. At first we sought out walking opportunities but our enthusiasm for walking lessened In the very high alpine areas and the dry desert.
Thanks Gerry for a great trip.
Bill Holland
s th American Journey - Wed 17“ Sept.
Come to the clubrooms and see the highlights - the volcanic areas and parks around Pucon; beautiful San Martin and Bariloche; the Spanish forts of Valdivia; the thermal valley, Inca/ pre-Inca ruins around San Pedro de Atacama; the far northern cities of Iquique and Arica and the magic of La Paz and Lake Titicaca.
Otford to Bundeena - Royal NP 8” June: The genteel and civilised way of doing an SBW Walk. We started our walk at 9-40 am ona glorious winters day with six participants and acquired our seventh at 11-15 am. So there were three members, three prospectives and one visitor.
Lunch was had at Curra Brook overlooking cascades that fell to the sea below. I had hoped to get the 5-00 pm ferry but at lunch it was evident that this was not possible - so why rush and not enjoy such a magnificent day? At least we would have high tea at Bundeena while waiting for the ferry.
After lunch we mossied on with a detour to see the waterfall at Curracorang Creek - a great delight to all.
Everything was going well except having to run around the high tide waters at Big Marley. It was on this third section that fate decided to do a dirty on us. One of the group was having foot problems which decided to seriously manifest about 50 minutes before the last ferry was due to depart at 6-00 pm. This resulted in two going for the ferry whilst the rest of us stayed with our injured person. Jim Callaway had done a truly wonderful job all day taking up the rear and looking after her. I thank him so much for his patience and congenial behaviour.
The two people getting the ferry were to go to Sutherland, collect a vehicle and pick up the rest of at Bundeena. This plan was executed to precision and by 7-30 pm we were all on our way back home. The five of us who stayed with the injured person enjoyed pizzas, cappuccinos, lattes and salads in Bundeena.
Despite the mishaps everyone enjoyed themselves immensely..
This was my first attempt at leading a walk and I would like to thank my party for being such a supportive group. Kathy Gero
Notice - Camp Fires and Stoves
NY All members are advised to check the
restrictions on lighting fires in intended camping areas. Due to dry conditions the bush fire danger season throughout NSW may be advanced to 1* September. This means that fires in the open are restricted and may only be used under certain conditions eg a camp fire for cooking purposes. Total Fire Bans may be declared on days of extreme fire danger and fires in the open, including cooking and camp fires, are totally prohibited for the period of the ban. Lighting any fire in the open on a day of Total Fire Ban may lead to a fine of $5,000 and six months imprisonment. This applies to any naked flame including camp fires and camping stoves. |Page 14
T he Sydney Bushwalker
August 2003
The Self Fulfilling Prophecy
As a relatively new member but with over 20 years bushwalking experience, I looked forward to my first overnight hike with the club. I can still remember the state of bewilderment I was in after the leader told me he wanted my pack weight down below 12Kgm. Is this guy nuts?
Twenty years ago in NZ, it was the part of the ethos of tramping to carry 30Kgm loads up 1000m+ near vertical climbs. You were measured on how well you could carry a pack and in those days there were no belts, it was all on the shoulders. Was this a trick the club places on its prospective members? - Oh, he probably Just wants to ensure I don't carry heavy can food and other such weighty items. He probably doesn't really mean 12Kgm.
weight down. With a lot of effort I was pretty pleased with myself when my pack came in at 16 kgm without water. So the big day came. At the start of the walk, the leader removes a set of bathroom scales from the back of his car and proceeds to weigh each pack. Most were around 12 kgm although I was amused at the bulging bum bags and excess clothing some people wore before the weigh in and how it all seemed to disappear soon after.
Not long after my first overnight walk, I was chuffed at being accepted on Kenn Clacher's four-day walk in the Deua NP. As a prospective, I didn't really think I would get on this one as the topographical maps of the area showed the walk in a sea of orange contour lines. This walk was a milestone in more ways than one. I remember leading the 1200m climb up to Big Badger Hill, only to be first passed by Ian Wolfe, then Kenn and finally Edith. At the time, I was walking from my home in Neutral Bay to work in Surrey Hills and back every day - a total of 15Km a day. Yet somehow I was being passed by people up to 20 years my senior.
Was the extra 6-8 kgm in pack weight I was carrying really the difference? Wasn't my gear purportedly the best money could buy? - Macpac 70L Kakapo pack (2.5 kgm), Macpac Minaret tent (2.8 kgm), Fairydown -5 Deg C down sleeping bag (1.5 kgm), Thermarest 3/4 Ultralite (450gm), Titanium billies, etc. What could I possibly get rid of? - Kenn and Ian had already been through my pack to see whether I was carrying unnecessary items.
John Bradnam
First thing to go was the tent. I grabbed a fly off my old Hallmark Tent and immediately saved around 1.5 kgm. I must admit I was hesitant at first sleeping with just a fly but after surviving a wet hike the following weekend in relative comfort, I was sold. Next was to replace heavy woolen clothing with lighter thermals. This saved another 1 kgm. So now my overnight pack weight was down to 13.5 kgm.
It was with some interest that I read Kenn's equipment list in the last issue. My Kakapo pack is a bit big for my gear now and is showing signs of wear. So the Macpac 50L Pursuit at 1.25 kgm sounded the way to go. However when I went to the Macpac web site I noted that it weighed 1.75 kgm and not 1.25 kgm as reported. I contacted Kenn and he confirmed that his 7 year old Pursuit pack was indeed 1.25 kgm. So what's the story here?
It would seem that despite the advances in material technology, packs are getting heavier. The harness systems, frames, pockets, zips, straps, buckles, etc exceed any saving in materials. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy for the pack manufacturers. The more extras they add to a pack, the better the harness systems need to be to carry the extra weight. Since the harness system is probably the primary culprit to increased pack weight, making it better means more weight and an even better and heavier harness system the following year.
So what is the answer? - Maybe it is the GoLite Gust Ultralite - a 55L pack weighing in at 560gm for loads up to 13 kgm. Yes I know, you are thinking what I thought - is it made from tissue paper? All the reviews I read say that its Kevlar and advanced material construction makes it probably more durable than a canvas pack. So I have ordered one along with a GoLite Feather - 700 loft, 500gm down, - 7 Deg C sleeping bag weighing in at around 1 kgm for the 3 peaks walk in a few weeks. Hopefully I can get my pack weight down to under 10Kgm.
They say that going ultra-light is a state of mind and it isn't for everyone. But after lugging those heavy packs for many years, I am a convert. It is never too late to change!
John Bradnam
Leaders; Please send your Walk Reports (participation forms) promptly to: The Walks Secretary - The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. Box 431 Milsons Point NSW 1565 The Sydney Bushwalker August 2003
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Searching for the Firefly Wreck 1 June
Wilf Hilder, Richard Darke and I had made it a bit of a passion to find this wreck and to suffer the privations of bad weather on the Barren Grounds Plateau. We had heard about the wreck from many bushwalkers and locals over the years. There was doubt about the location, doubt about what aircraft lay on the slopes below the Barren Ground escarpment and doubt about possible routes to it. On the first attempt we were defeated by the weather; on the second attempt we were in the wrong area but saw on the track unmistakable bits of aircraft aluminium. This was the third attempt and this time I obtained photos of the wreck from a local historian plus map _ references plus local assistance on tracks from the property owner on whose land the wreck rested. Where could we go wrong??
It was a lovely cool sunny day when our group of 11 assembled and climbed the trail up to the rocks of the Barren Grounds edge south of Fox Trig. A pad took us through a gap in the rocks and the next hour had us searching for views over the edge to the north, not easy as the heath cover was very thick.
Tony Holgate has the honour of the discovery followed quickly by Ted Nixon. So there is was. But was it a Firefly, a WW2 naval fighter.
The crash occurred one stormy night in March 1957 when the pilot mistook the lights of Berry for Nowra and did a circuit not knowing the huge topographical differences. There was a lot of re-fused molten aluminium around attesting to the intensity of the ensuing fire. We pondered over the crash scene for a while identifying the various parts and headed off after lunch.
Rather then go back the way we came we made it a one way walk by striking out to the south for the trails leading down the long Fox Ridge towards Berry. After struggling through the high heath for a while we discovered the most perfect little spring and pool below a rock outcrop that you could imagine. Then as we moved further west and then south we came to the western side of the fast narrowing plateau where the most stupendous view of the south coast around to the Kangaroo Valley was before us with George and Helen Grays striking house in the middle distance.
But the sinking sun announced how short the day was to be and we still hadnt found the track down with only the map contours, the lay of the land and my fading memory to tell us where the
Roger Treagus
local tracks might be. This was country where few people tread, especially this late in the day. The word benighted started to impose itself on my thinking. Just them two people and a dog appeared looking like they were having a pleasant walk in Hyde Park. It must have amused them to hear our noisy group crashing down the ridge above them saying things like, I think its over there. No, I think the track may be over here!
They were kind enough, after a little chat, to lead us to the right trail down and out onto open country where we were greeted by a fine sunset. After another small navigational error we armived at a farmhouse. Apogising for the informality of dropping in on him, the farmer from the house said, Youve been where!? The wreck! The plane wreck! Gee! Seizing my opportunity for some goodwill I offered to send the farmer some photos of it and was about to inquire exactly where we were. Thanks a million mate. You must be the guys that have your cars parked outside my gate!! End of story. The day finished with a 3 out of 10 pizza back at Kiama.
Party: Greta James, Jan Roberts, Hal Pratt, Humberto Conde, Tony Holgate, Wilf Hilder, and propectives Alison Lyell, Rae Rogers, Tu Tran and Ted Nixon.
Just wanted to reminder you that my annual Mt Canobolas walk and wineries tour near Orange is on again for the October long weekend. This is a great weekend as those that attended last year can attest. It is a car based camp and we have two good options for the camp.
This year I have an option for a half day walk at Evans Crown near Tarana for those interested on the holiday Monday. It is an interesting and spectacular short walk with magnificent rock formations..
Full details of the weekend will be in the upcoming Spring Programme. Get in early as numbers will be limited. Happy Trails,
Mark Patteson
Please Carry Water!
Leaders and walk participants should take care
to carry adequate water for the day. Many areas
are still experiencing dry conditions and normal Lo water bearing
ue creeks may be |Page 16
T he Sydney Bushwalker
August 2003 |
OF INTEREST TO NEW MEMBERS Lets Talk About Water And Electrolytes.
Hello from Heike
As I am swanning about avoiding crocs in Kakadu Patrick has agreed to do a little research on a topic that is important to all endurance walkers. Electrolytes; not the subtle electrical tingle when you change the light bulb without flicking the off switch but the delicate internal chemistry we all rely on and frequently muck up. We either dont replace as required if depleted through strenuous sweaty activity or with the surfeit of sports drinks on the market take in inappropriately as part of re-hydration… so Thank you Patrick….
Hello from Patrick
Sorry folks Heike has gone walkabout so you will have to put up with me this month. So lets talk about water and electrolytes.
The problem with bushwalking is it often subjects our bodies to stresses we dont usually have to cope with in everyday life. The human body has quite extraordinary capacity to absorb most of the abuse we toss at it, but there are limits. These days, most of us (including me) eat low fat, low salt diets to at least try and slow down hardening of the arteries and high blood pressure and given the bodys capacity to cope _ with even the wackiest of diets, this is entirely appropriate most of the time. When we start to power up a hill the situation is a little different as of course we are now pushing towards the limits the body can cope with and this means we have to adjust our diet.
Firstly some basic physiology: On average the kidneys filter 180,000ml of fluid a day. Most is reabsorbed in the distal kidney tubule, leaving a net 1500-2000ml of urine /day. Insensible loss of fluid in the form of expired air from the lungs and sweat is normally around 50ml /hr at rest but may rise above 1600ml] /hr during heavy exercise. The amount of sodium (perhaps the most important of the electrolytes) excreted in the urine each day varies from virtually zero to in excess of 20,000mg and similarly the sweat concentration of sodium can vary enormously. Some of the factors involved include the daily sodium intake, body temperature, the acidity of the sweat and urine, age and hormonal status. The sodium concentration in sweat drops if the purpose of the sweating is to reduce body temperature. With regard to muscles, the efficiency with which they work very much depends on maintenance of an appropniate electrolyte
gradient across the muscle membrane.
There is therefore enormous capacity for the body to make appropriate adjustments but try not to push your luck! Every one of us may handle a given situation differently. Even an individual may handle apparently similar situations differently at different times. So what can we do? Afterall, we (most of us anyhow) go bushwalking because we love it, but dizziness or severe thigh cramps half way up a hill is just not fun.
Suggestions I can offer have to be general principles only and clearly our level of conditioning is a major factor in how we handle stressful situations. Some of the principles I feel we should consider include:
Not all salt is bad. Is the trip of a level you are used to and how did you cope with the same situation the last time. Remember the Coast walk is easy and hardly raises a sweat in most people if you do it over 8-9 hours but if you do it over 5 hours then the insensible loss alone may be 5-6 times as great. With this fluid goes salt which has to be replaced and this can usually be achieved by modest modification of the diet.
Watch the colour of your urine darker usually means you are dehydrated. Chocolate brown or black means you are in trouble. You should pass a good volume (say 4-500ml) at least 4 times daily.
How heavy is your pack. An easy day walk can be a nightmare when you shoulder an overnight pack over the same route. Your fluid and salt loss can easily quadruple.
Try and have everything in balance before you start. If you have been busy for a few days and havent had time to eat and drink properly, your body starts off at a huge disadvantage. If anything try to be over-hydrated at the start of a walk the nature of the bodys compensating mechanisms is such that it is always easier for the corrections to work if you are over rather than under-hydrated - but dont overdo it over-hydration can be fatal.
If you tend to suffer from muscle cramps at the end of a hard days walk (as I do) then you are probably salt depleted. I did some research a few years ago using trampers competing in the Trampers marathon which is held each year just out of Wellington, NZ. By giving a slow release salt preparation during the event, not only could we dramatically reduce muscle cramping but we also showed a significant lowering of post-exercise CPK (a muscle enzyme). This suggests we were | The Sydney Bushwalker August 2003
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actually improving the integrity of the muscle membranes.
Yes magnestum does have a role in maintaining the integrity of muscle membranes (there are many other factors as well) but I feel it is a relatively minor player compared with sodium and water. Mostly we easily satisfy our daily magnesium requirements from a regular diet.
Remember some foods sit in our stomachs (especially if we are tired) and may impair salt and water uptake from our stomach. Try to prevent this by taking small amounts of food regularly and not getting over-tired.
Finally, if you have a particular formula that works for you then stick with it (provided its not too wacky) and if you do make a change then try it out in a non-stress situation first. Patrick McNaught
Recommended Walks for New Members:
The following walks in September are graded Easy and are recommended for inexperienced new members. Full details are shown in the Spring Walks Programme.
14“ September: Blue Mountains NP 12km Faulconbride to Springwood via Victory Track. 16” September: Lane Cove NP
A mid-week (Tuesday) walk from Chatswood to Thornleigh.
20“ September: Rhodes Parramatta River 13km Rhodes - Kokoda Walk - Walker Estate etc Special water views and parks.
21* September: Royal NP 13km
Waterfall area. An introduction to off track navigation. Bring map and compass.
27 September: Ku -Ring- Gai Chase NP 15km Cowan - Jerusalem Bay - Cowan. A fairly easy stroll with great views.
28” September: Blue Mountains NP 12km Furber Stairs - Ruined Castle - Golden Stairs
A walk made easy by car shuffle.
Weekend Walking Gear for Hire
The club now has a small pool of weekend walking equipment available for hire. The rates for weekly hire are:
Weekend pack: $15
Sleeping bag: $15
(For hygiene reasons you must provide and use your own sleeping bag liner)
Sleeping mat: $5 Ground sheet: $2 Tent: $20 Complete kit $50 Equivalent refundable deposit required. Contact: | Geoff McIntosh 9419 4619
Coolana Thoughts:
The year I started Kindergarten members of SBW were busy planning, buying, clearing, surveying and caring for a piece of land in the heart of the Kangaroo Valley.
While I played under the bamboo, drank warm milk in little glass bottles and munched on space food sticks a group of hard workers camped in a cave above a pristine creek and constructed piping that would take water to the property for many years to come.
This weekend (some 30 years later) I enjoyed the benefits of their hard work and dedication. I attended the prospective members weekend and along with others discovered the strong history that forms the basis of this club. Some of those hard workers were there this weekend to show and tell me the stories of some of the SBW original members and also of Coolana.
Did Dot Butler imagine that I would wonder about her as I stood on the cliff and looked out over the valley? Did Marie Byles ever think that I would ponder why she walked with a hand gun and what walking as a woman was like back then?
Did George and Mary Davidson ever consider that I might feel gratitude for their work as I stood by their tree? As I was told stories of their passion for the land I began to wonder if they ever pictured me hearing these stories, did they consider that I too would be captured by the magic of Coolana and ask the questions.
Is it the glitter of the water as it peaks its head through the trees after that long drive from the city; promismg refreshment? Is it the strength of the cliff faces and the secrets they hide; beckoning one to explore. Is it the banksia forests with their carpet of jagged leaf litter, inviting slow steady cool walks? Or is it the people who gather there to share its beauty?
We gathered under a blowing tarp to listen to Bill and Patrick explain all we needed to know to get us on our way walking. Their years of experience in walking as well as their passion for it shone through in all they shared with us. There were also old members on hand to help those of us (Im sure I was the only one) who had brought too much stuff (thanks Brian) and old (young) members who patiently explained how to read maps (thanks Karl).
Thanks for a great weekend and a nostalgic introduction to what I hope is a long association with the club.
Mia Sherwood
Dont Forget the September Six - Monthly General Meeting on 10 September [Page 18
T he Sydney Bushwalker
August 2003
Hi All:
WOW! What a huge success the cooking demo evening in July tumed out to be! Who would've thought that Grace Martinez was in act, the long lost twin of the culinary Nigella Lawson from BBC/ABC-TV?
There was a great turnout (with quite a few new Prospectives) at the clubrooms for the evening and due to the chilly weather and general feeling, the group decided to hold the night inside, rather than take the stroll across the bridge for an outdoor cook-up.
There was the famous SBW-LRB (That's Lemon, Rum, Barley… not Little River Band!) along with some great food, lively discussion, and tips, hints and suggestions with some tasty food to try. A big, huge and mega thank you to Grace for stepping in for this evening and running it so well.
Along with an equally huge thank you to the participation of Spiro Hajinakitas (cooking demo) and David Rostron (tactics for food groups) who made the evening such a great success. Rumour has it that the group were finally asked to leave (i.e. thrown out of) the clubrooms close to 1lpm!! A good sign!
In this newsletter, you'll also be receiving the new Walks Program, that includes the upcoming Social Events - why not take a minute to pop these in your diary now? There'll be a couple of great slide nights including the recent club trip to Chile and the avid adventures of our very own Trevor Kloeden at the Everest 50th anniversary celebrations in Nepal in May.
If you're thinking of becoming a walks leader or want to know what's involved, Roger Treagus will be hosting a night to run us through the details and offer loads of encouragement and also, don't forget the upcoming General Meeting for your opportunity to be involved in the future of our great club. Hope to see you on the track! Cheers Caro
Mid - Week Walking Group:
Members with time available for mid- week walking continue to enjoy the wide open spaces when others less fortunate are working. Here is a coming mid-week activity to whet your appetite Mon 29“ Sept - Thurs 2”* Oct
Deep Pass - Wollemi National Park.
Bill Holland 9484 6636
One: tree the loggers left
Submitted by John Pozniac
A Helping Hand A priest was walking down his street one day
when he noticed a very small boy trying to press the doorbell on a house. The boy was very short and the doorbell was too high for him to reach.
After watching the boy's efforts for some time, the priest moved closer to the boy. He crossed the street, walked up behind the little fellow, placed his hand kindheartedly on the child's shoulder leaned over and gave the doorbell a solid ring.
Crouching down to the child's level, the priest smiled benevolently and asked, “And now what, my little man?” To which the boy replied, “Now we run!”
And Heres Another !
From Wendy - who is scuba diving some weekends) “Marine biology researchers have developed a new method to fend off shark attacks. If you are diving and are approached by a shark they recommend that you swim towards it aggressively and punch it in the nose as hard as possible.”
“If this doesn't work, beat the shark with your stump.” George Mawer
And One More:
From a passenger cruise ship, everyone can see a bearded man on a small island who is shouting and desperately waving his hands.
Who is it?“ a passenger asks the captain.
“T've no idea. Every year when we pass, he goes nuts.”
Members contributions to this magazine are very welcome. Send in your interesting stories of recent walks, letters, notices, jokes etc by mail (preferably typed), on floppy disc, by fax or by email addressed
to The Editor. Email:
Fax: 99805476 (phone 9484 6636 first)
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