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SEPTEMBER 2003 Expedition 1

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1045 Victoria Rd

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Tel: 9858 5844 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER is the monthly bulletin of matters of interest to members of

The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc

PO Box 431 Milsons Point 1565. Editor: Bill Holland Production Manager: Frances Holland Printers: Kenn Clacher, Barrie Murdoch, Tom Wenman Don Brooks Fran Holland


New Members Training Programme:

Mark Dabbs would like some help from experienced members to assist with navigation training - see Page 3.


Notice of Public Meeting:

Thursday 23% October at 7.00 pm Uniting Church Hall, Main

i Street, Katoomba

A giant 27 million tonne sand

a quarry is proposed hard

against the Blue Mountains World Heritage Area at Newnes Junction - see Page 6.

Coolana Training Weekend: The next new members training weekend will be held on 18%, 19“ October at Coolana on the beautiful Kangaroo River. See the Winter Walks vee programme for more details and contact numbers.

The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc.


Issue No. 826

Summary of Contents: Index and Notices Presidents Report: Treasurers Report:

Editors Note:

Coolana Report: Good news this month 5. Letters to The Editor: Two letters this month 6. Conservation Report: Davids comment on Global Warming and wood chipping in Tasmania

7. An Urgent Plea: Keith Muir wants us to write a letter

8-10. We Swam With The Crocs: Valerie Joy writes of the recent Kakadu trip

10. Safety Procedures: Rescue by aircraft

12-13. Cycling Tales - Part 1. Christine and George Floyd relate their experiences

14-16. The Walks Pages Starting with Barry Wallaces notes and reports from Nigel Weaver and Sarah Bodiay 17. Of Interest to New Members: Heike is back this month to tell us of preparing for extended waiking

18. Social Bits: A note from Caro and a couple of jokes.

Po WN =

ADVERTISERS: Alpsport Front cover Eastwood Camping 114 Paddy Pallin Back cover Wildemess Transit 5 Willis's Walkabouts 7 | Page 2 T he Sydney Bushwalker September 2003 The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. Presidents Report:

Our Club was formed in 1927 for the purpose of bringing bushwalkers together; enabling them to appreciate the great outdoors; establishing a regard for conservation and promoting social activities.

The Club's main activity is bushwalking but includes other activities such as cycling, canoeing and social events.

Our Walks Programme (published quarterly) features day walks on most Saturdays and Sundays, some mid week walks and overnight weekend walks.

Extended walks are organised in areas such as Lamington, Snowy Mountains etc as well as interstate.

Our meetings are held every third Wednesday evening at 8 pm at Kirnbilli Neighbourhood Centre, 16 Fitzroy Street, Kirribilli (near Milsons Point Railway Station).

Visitors and prospective members are welcome. General Enquiries: Phone 0500 500 729 SBW Website

Office Bearers

President: Rosemary MacDougal Vice-President: Wilf Hilder Public Officer: Maurice Smith Treasurer: Maurice Smith Secretary: Leigh McClintock Walks Secretary: Peter Love

Social Secretary Caro Ryan Membership Secretary Pam Morrison

New Members Secretary: Heike Krausse

Conservation Secretary: David Trinder Magazine Editor: Bill Holland Committee Member:

Barry Wallace Pamela Irving Delegates to Confederation:

Jim Callaway Wilf Hilder Contact The Committee:

Members are welcome to contact the following officers with questions on Club management and other matters.

President : Rosemary MacDougal 9428 5668 (h) Treasurer: Maurice Smith

9587 6325 (h) or Members Secretary: Pam Morrison

0418 463 923 or at

Vice President: Wilf Hilder

9587 8912

New Members Secretary: Heike Krausse

For prospective membership enquiries phone 9998 0587 and leave a message

The major items for discussion at our September meeting dealt with our insurance cover for the current year and the manner in which donations for Coolana should be recorded in our accounts and the purpose to which they should be put.

Insofar as insurance is concerned we received a very helpful summary from Confederation's Insurance Officer. The main issue was about insurance cover for visitors.

The club, its leaders and members are covered for public liability insurance whether a claim is initiated by a club member or a third party such as a visitor. Until now there had been a requirement that any one visitor could only attend three activities in any one year.

The position is that the club, its leaders and its members are covered for any claim of negligence made by a visitor no matter how many times he or she attends club activities. The visitor is not covered if he or she is in someway negligent and is sued. The club in such a case however is covered should it also be sued arising out of the conduct of the visitor.

We request that leaders continue to have the disclaimer form signed by all participants including visitors. This form is also used to record the qualifying walks undertaken by prospective members and is used to support their application for full membership. It is also provides the necessary information to publish the short walk reports in the magazine.

There was some discussion about whether exploratory walks should be noted on the program as qualifying walks. In the past the practise has been that they should not but in the event of leader having a prospective member on such a walk an application can be made to have the walk so approved retrospectively.

Donations for Coolana are likely to be the subject of some discussion at the bi-annual general meeting this month but any suggestions you have please send them in. The committee really wants to see what you want before advancing than matter any further.

See you on the track Rosemary MacDougal

Death of Frank Woodgate We have received news that Frank Woodgate passed away on 15” August after a long illness. Frank was a member of SBW for many years before moving to the Newcastle area where he joined a local bushwalking club. He will be sadly missed by his family and friends

| The Sydney Bushwalker

September 2003 Page3 |

Treasurers Report - August Set out below are the figures for August

Bank Balance |* August 5,424 Income received:

Membership Renewals 376 Rebank of Coolana donation 1.000 Total Receipts 1,378 Expenses paid:

KNC - rent 324

Coolana council rates 258 Magazine postage 465

Social expenses 22

Total Payments 1,069

Bank Balance 31* August 5,731 Maurice Smith

New Members Training : Following our appeal last month for experienced members to provide navigation and other training to our new members Mark Dabbs has offered his services but he would like some assistance from other members with this task The proposal is to have one evening per quarter in the Clubrooms followed by a day walk dedicated to follow-up training. The time commitment is not great and this is a way of passing on the benefits of your experience.

Your help is needed ! Please phone Mark Dabbs 9638 0226

Despoiling World Heritage:

A giant 27 million tonne sand quarry is proposed hard against the Blue Mountains World Heritage Area at Newnes Junction.

The noise of machinery ripping and crushing sandstone will penetrate the solitude; the smashed face of nature, cleared forests and drained swamps will assault the eye; and runoff will pollute the spectacular Wollangambe River. If World Heritage is to mean anything, this quarry proposal must be stopped!

- See Public Meeting notice below -

Notice of Public Meeting Thursday 23“ October at 7.00 pm Uniting Church Hall, Main Street, Katoomba Speakers: Ian Cohen (Greens MLC); Andrew Cox (National Park Association); Haydn Washington (Colo Committee); Penny Figgis (ACF); Margaret Simons (Newnes Junction

Action Group)

Supported by: The Colong Foundation for Wilderness; Total Environment Centre; Blue Mountains Conservation Society; the Colo Committee; National Parks Association of NSW; Nature Conservation Council of NSW; The Wilderness Society

Editors Note:

Last month President Rosemary commented on the resurgence of interest in bushwalking. This month the Committee was told that the number of new members (prospectives) had surged to 240 - not only due to the extension of the prospective period to twelve months but also reflecting a large increase in attendance at the new members introductory evenings.

So now our new members make up one third of our total SBW membership. Meeting the challenge of converting new members to full membership becomes even more important.

It raises the question of achieving balance in this magazine, in our walks programmes and in the social programme - that we meet the needs of both our established membership and the new members. It means seeking the views of all of our membership and one way this can be done is by you, the member, giving your thoughts to the Committee - either directly or by letter to this magazine.

In this regard I welcome the letters shown on Page 5 supporting the current social programme.

Conservation matters receive increased attention this month. We should be thankful that there are organisations such as The Colong Foundation for Wilderness, National Parks Association and others maintaining a careful watch on proposed actions placing national parks and wilderness areas at risk.

Well, the news this week is of water restrictions to apply from 1* October demonstrating that water levels are low and very dry conditions remain as summer approaches. We must all ensure that we carry adequate water on our walks, are very careful with our

campfires and check on park closures. Bill Holland

Contact The Editor: Copy for publishing in the SBW magazine should be received by the editor by the end of the first week of each month. Letters stating your viewpoint on matters of interest are most welcome. Please send your submission in by mail (preferably typed), on floppy disc, by fax or by email addressed to The Editor Telephone: 9484 6636 Email: Fax: 9980 5476 (phone 9484 6636 first)

TRIVIA John Pozniac In Shakespeare's time, mattresses were secured on bed frames by ropes. When you pulled on the ropes the mattress tightened, making the bed firmer to sleep on. Hence the phrase “goodnight, sleep tight”.

|Page 4 T he Sydney Bushwalker September 2003

Coolana Report

The strong winds during August have blown a number of trees down including one tree that has severely damaged the tree planting enclosure. It may be best to salvage the materials and construct individual tree guards, which are less likely to have trouble with wombats and wallabies. Brian has done a make over on the burning pit leveling the bottom and providing safer access. The camping flat looks a picture with lush grass predominating, the efforts of various people to pull spray mow and bum weeds over the winter has had a big effect. The privets that were poisoned earlier in the year are showing the effects. Several ways across the creek have been cleared and an access route to the eastern boundary along the back of the flat has been cleared. Chris spent some time clearing the roof of the shed and digging dirt leaves and sticks from around the base of the shelter shed. The immediate area was raked to reduce the fire threat however more clearing is needed.

An application for a Sydney Catchment Authority grant to help rehabilitate the river flats and creeks has been successful. The application for $4,500 was prepared primarily by Shirley Dean and Gretel Woodward, thank you Shirley and Gretel. Don Finch

Lighting Fires at Coolana:

Camp fires are permitted at Coolana at all times other than when total fire bans apply to the Shoalhaven area. Campers are asked to use the indicated fireplaces to avoid scarring the camping ground. Please use only fallen timber and ensure that your fire is completely extinguished before retiring to your tent.

The Coolana Fund:

Many thanks to those who have donated money to the Coolana Fund and thanks also to those who have indicated an intention to include the Coolana Fund in their wills. The donations list is still open and your donation to The Coolana Fund would be most welcome and rest assured it will used for the purpose for which it was donated.

A Call For Help!

Geoff Mosley writes in the Canberra Bushwalking Club IT magazine (August issue)

… The Bimberi Wilderness is seriously threatened. Environment ACT is moving to eliminate the name wilderness even though it is part of a larger wilderness area shared with New South Wales.

…. The context for this imminent threat to the ACT part of the Bimberi Wilderness is the review of the 1986 Plan of Management which is being carried out by Environment ACT with the assistance of the Interim Namadgi Advisory Board.

….What makes this attack on wilderness doubly serious is that as far as I am aware this is the first time in history that an Australian Government Authority has moved to remove the wilderness designation from a legally declared wilderness. Therefore I regard this as a potential threat to wilderness throughout the nation.

.. Thankfully, Environment ACT is likely to meet with strong opposition from across the border when it tries to expunge the name wilderness from its part of the Bimberi Wilderness and this will be a test of its ability to co-operate because the draft plan for Namadgi is scheduled to be released concurrently with that of Kosciuszko in November.

The Sydney Bushwalker

September 2003 Page 5 |

DX] Letters To The Editor:

LX) Nothing Remains The Same:

I was saddened to read our Social Secretary's letter in last month's magazine, “apologising” for not having included a specific event on the social calendar.

Nothing remains the same. We used to have club auctions, but not for several years. We used to have talent nights, but not for several years. Surely the Social Secretary should not have to apologise for providing a different program to that offered the previous year?

If members wish to see a particular event on the social program and this was communicated to the Social Secretary, I am sure the feedback would be welcomed…

I would like to commend Caro for the considerable effort she has put into providing a varied, interesting and innovative social program with something for both new and older members.

From recent letters and articles published in the magazine, our members have a lot to say on how our meetings and our social events should be run. I do very much hope that this level of interest will be reflected by the numbers of members willing to stand for office at our AGM.

Many thanks for you time,

Kay Chan

(<] The Social Programme

I have been following the recent letters of criticism of the current social program and the response by the Social Secretary, August 2003.

SBW is a supposedly democratic club with the committee being elected by club members at the AGM. My understanding is that when elected to an office by the club membership, license is given to fulfil the functions involved as one sees fit.

In recent years there have been committee positions remaining vacant following the AGM, presumably because of lack of interest or willingness to take on the work that is involved in holding office.

The club membership is aging, and for some time there has been concern to attract new members who will be able to carry the club forward and meet the challenges of the coming decades.

We have at the moment a young, new member of the club who has put herself forward and been elected to the office of Social Secretary. The Social Program developed this winter has certainly been innovative and I am sure Caro has made every effort to ensure that

all tastes and age groups have been considered.

So things are a little different maybe, and we did not have a Winter Solstice this year. What is more important - continuing doggedly with the past or exploring new ideas which may be found to be enjoyable for all members.?

Did any one who wanted the Winter Solstice think to contact Caro to advise her, knowing that she was new to the Club? (or is it better to just sit back and then criticise when a mistake is made )

Caro is new to the club, has been elected as Social Secretary, and deserves to be given a fair go, and have our support as well.

Keep up the good work Caro.

Elizabeth Wills

TRIVIA John Pozniac It was the accepted practice in Babylon 4,000 years ago that for a month after the wedding, the bride's father would supply his son-in-law with all the mead he could drink. Mead is a honey beer and because their calendar was lunar based, this period was called the honey month we know today as the honeymoon.



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[Page 6

T he Sydney Bushwalker

September 2003

Conservation Report

Is Global Warming Happening ?

We have known for many years that pumping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere would act to trap heat from the sun at the earths surface and increase the temperature of the globe. It was not expected to happen until countries like China and India became more affluent and increased their use of fossil fuel to a level something like our use level.

Governments of the affluent countries like ours are not doing much about the threat of global warming because;

there is no evidence of it happening,

= there is no proof that it will happen,

= there is no proof that if it does happen adverse consequences will result and

the short term cost of the remedial measures is high.

However many scientists are still concerned that

in the long term dire consequences will result.

Developed countries will only do something to

reduce global warming when it becomes obvious

that it is happening and that it is about to cause

trouble. The developing countries will not

restrict themselves by taking measures to reduce

emissions if the developed countries are not.

Some scientists are also debating whether global

warming is happening yet.

Data from three different sources are used to determine the temperature of the earth. The terrestrial global temperature data shows a statistically significant upward trend of 0.6 degrees Celsius per century since 1880 and an increase of 2.0 degrees per century since 1975.

Sulphur dioxide, emitted by coal buming power stations, has a cooling effect on the atmosphere. Its presence in the atmosphere has been reduced by regulation since 1970 because of its adverse health impacts and to reduce acid rain. This reduction has masked the effect of global warming caused by carbon dioxide making it difficult to make predictions about future warming.

The Upper-Air (Balloon) temperature data set provides a measure over a vertical area of the lower troposphere (1.5 to 9 km) and began in 1958. It shows a statistically significant upward trend of 0.8 degrees Celsius per century and for the period 1965 to 2001 the trend is 1.2 degrees

David Trinder

per century.

The MSU (microwave sounding units) Satellite data set is a product of NASA and the University of Alabama. It represents the temperature of a layer of atmosphere that extends from the surface to approximately eight kilometers above the surface. These measurements started in 1979. This set of data shows no significant upward trend for the period 1979 to 2002 and especially for the period 1979 to 1997. This lack of an upward trend has led some analysts to doubt the accuracy of the other two sets of data. However a closer look at the anomalies in the temperature record shows that it is highly likely that satellite data now supports the conclusion that global temperatures are rising and it almost certainly does not support the case that there is no global warming. The lack of a rise in the early part of the satellite measurement period could possibly have been caused by a delay in the effect of reduction of sulphur dioxide above ground level.

Source: Research by Charles Nelson, a statistician and forecaster (

Gunning for Gunns Gunns Limited is the largest woodchipper in Australia, last year they exported over four million tonnes of woodchip from Tasmania. A lot of this chip was sourced from old growth forests such as the Styx, the Tarkine, the Great Western Tiers, etc. Over 70% of Gunns is owned by institutional investors, such as CBA, Perpetual, AMP, NAB, Westpac and the major super funds. Consequently most of us own a part of Gunns and the Wilderness Society is asking us as individuals to send emails to the major investors asking them to pressure them to protect Tasmanias forests. An email form can be found on the Wilderness Societys web site,

Have You Changed Your Address? , If you have changed your address or phone number recently, please advise: 9 Members: Pam Morrison Prospectives: Heike Krausse The advice should be in writing directed to the Clubs postal address.

Park Closures and Restrictions: Would leaders please check before walking in national parks near Sydney to determine if closures or partial closures apply. The continuing dry weather is delaying recovery from earlier disastrous fires and hazard reduction burns are adding to the closures lists.

The Sydney Bushwalker

September 2003 Page 7

An Urgent Plea From The Colong Foundation For Wilderness

Dear Folks

A giant 27 million tonne sand quarry is proposed adjoming the Blue Mountains World Heritage Area at Newnes Junction, just to the east of Newnes Plateau. ;

If World Heritage listing is to mean anything to the Blue Mountains, then this quarry must be stopped!

You would think government agencies just would never allow it. Unfortunately we must write and somehow jolt the bureaucratic development approval processes out of indifference toward the wonderful Blue Mountains. ESD (or whatever big picture policy fad' the planning bureaucrats believe in these days) can't/doesn't/must not/ mean _ sand quarrying in pristine bushland hard against a World Heritage Area!

So please send a letter opposing the quarry to the Premier, something along the lines of the following (do it now, out of loyalty to the memory of all those great trips in the Wollangambe - and if you never have been there do it anyway).

Regards Keith Muir Colong Foundation for Wilderness

The Hon. Bob Carr MP- Premier of NSW Parliament House Macquarie Street SYDNEY NSW 2000

Dear Premier

Dont Let A Quarry Proposal Despoil World Heritage

Please reject the massive sand quarry proposed at Newnes Junction Village Reserve, next to the Blue Mountains National Park.

Sandstone outcrops everywhere around Sydney. Surely the very last place to allow a massive sand quarry development must be adjoining the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area.

Your government has all the evidence necessary to reject the proposal. Government agencies previously rejected as inappropriate the quarrying of Newnes Junction Village Reserve next to Blue Mountains National Park. Since that decision the Blue Mountains national parks have been World Heritage listed.

Your Government has a duty to defend the integrity and pristine character of the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area from this bad development. Please protect the diverse bushland of the Village Reserve area from future quarry proposals by adding it to the Blue Mountains National Park. A land use study of the area identified nature conservation and environment protection as the preferred uses for this reserve.

Yours sincerely etc

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|Page 8 T he Sydney Bushwalker

September 2003

We Swam With The Crocs!

Well at least with one, though former Williss walkers assured us the freshies (fresh water crocs) inhabit most Kakadu waterways. Our croc sighting was at dusk in a paradise section of Jim-Jim creek, as we sat on a sandy beach with ancient sandstone hulks towering over us, some guarding Aboriginal art works of extraordinary clarity.

Our numbers were 16, then 15 at the starting block, then 13 from the half-way mark, under the gimlet eyed project management of Peter Love. Peter facilitated the group dynamics for the previous nine months, in the composition of the group, the development of the four food groups as well as the practical arrangements. These included transport of walkers, additional food and packs to the start, and the half-way mark, Aboriginal permission to walk in the park, bookings at Cooinda, and the magical Yellow Waters Cruise.

The four food groups, Beppis, Doyles, Level 41 and Vegetarian had meetings prior to the walk to plan interesting meals. We missed the input of Grace Martinez on the walk. Grace is a real foodie with presentation skills to make Nigella Lawson eat her heart out. Grace was grounded in Sydney with work complications. However, Maurice carried several Grace preparations. The dehydrators were humming, Chinese supermarkets visited and special preparation ideas put in place. Each food group member only had to cook three dinners during the walk, which shared the work. We were so impressed with the gourmet quality of our dinners, that there could be a Kakadu Recipe Sheet in production, for future release.

The walk in concept was simple - to explore Twin Falis Creek, with its many gorges, pools and waterfalls for 6 days and to pick up food for Week 2 in Twin Falls Car Park, continuing on a circuit to Jim-Jim Creek, and to finish at Jim-Jim Car Park on Day 12. The best laid plans were stymied by an errant croc (a large salty) which escaped all efforts at recapture in the area of Twin Falls car park- leading to its closure. No transport was going there, and we dreaded the whole idea of carrying our gourmet meals for the 12 days. Just days before the commencement, Peter discovered that Gary, a tour operator, was willing to make a detour from Jim-Jim car park to deliver our Week 2 food.

We liked Gary, who described the N.T. as standing for not today, not tomorrow, not Tuesday, next Thursday. He really was the soul of kindness, having icy cold cans of Coke for us all at the walks conclusion.

The group members were a varied lot, in relation to walking abilities, group leaders and followers, and _ N.T. bush knowledge. The contrast between Weeks 1 and 2 was marked. Walking in 38 heat, and the need

Valerie Joy

to cover 10-13 k per day put pressure on everyone. We started at Koolpin Gorge, land owned by the Jawoyn people, after a swim at Gunlom pool (site of the famous encounter by Mick Dundee with a croc

attached to Lindas camera strap). I would love to have lolled around Amphitheatre Falls, with the force of the water massaging sore shoulders, but the need to meet our deadline, ie Gary was real and forced us on.

The ever willing Gary was surprised at the additional request to take ail of our packs, the food and two of our walkers back to Jim-Jim car park. We agreed to a change of plans not to complete the circuit, but rather to explore Jim-Jim in an up- down/there and back style, to take off the pressure off the second week and ensure we could make it back at the designated time.

So, we strode out in the afternoon heat the 8 kms to Jim-Jim, to be welcomed by Steve and Heather (who nabbed a ride with Gary) and two pieces of fresh fruit each. Along with Kakadu tourist parties, we leaped over rocks to the plunge pool at Jim-Jim falls- the falls were sadly only a trickle, but the pools dark depths were a complete antidote to the afternoons extreme heat. Some of the women got busted, with the arrival of some well dressed guys at the pool- they thought all of the tourists had left- and their clothes were on rocks further down.

Crocs were apparently expected at Jim-Jim, as our campsite was next to a tunnel shaped metal trap, with a gate which would slam shut once salty was enticed in by a half pig, or other treat. An irate tour operator shouted at leader Peter for swimming nearby. I had an intriguing desire to be photographed alongside this trap- a dream realised at the walks end.

Night 6 included red and white wine with evening salads. It was accompanied by an active listening exercise amongst group members- an excellent opportunity to get things off our chests and also to recognise individual needs and to solve conflicts.

Steve and Heather decided to withdraw from the walk, and incidentally provided a sterling job to the group in taking out unwanted food, other items and rubbish. Onya both!!

The group which now numbered 13, re- encumbered with heavy packs, skipped past hatless tourist groups in singlet tops and sandals to the top of Jim-Jim and on with Week 2. Whilst we still set out with honest purpose at 8am, we still managed to avoid the worst heat fully laden and to spend the afternoons exploring, resting or swimming. Our penultimate site (where we saw the croc) was home for 2 nights.

Kakadu spring yields a burst of colour, with orange grevilleas in profusion- the smell of honey was apparent at 50 metres- together with wattles and red grevilleas. Butterworts fringed all waterways, with white pom-pom flowers, traditional waterlilies and lovely yellow water flowers. Lots of delicate blue flowers grew in the grasses. We sighted 2 kangaroos and Pamela had a close encounter with a | The Sydney Bushwalker

September 2003 Page 9 |

pig, whilst Jo and Peter startled a large bull. We saw some goannas, now in decline because of cane toads. Fortunately we heard that kookaburras and other birds are getting smart and ripping out the stomach area of cane toads, whilst avoiding their poison sacs in their backs. The silver crowned friarbird kept up a harsh grating dialogue of more tobacco, uh at all of our camping sites, obviously OD-ing on the Grevillia honey. At night the low flying bats were huge overhead, and a variety of owls barked, or mewed. Peter encouraged early morning silences, to enable us to listen to the glory of the morning chorus. The rest of the bird stories I'll leave to the Cooinda section.

The never-ever rain in July and August startled us on our first night under mosquito nets- but we decided it was nothing. Serious rain poured for 24% hours the following night. This made Janet apprehensive enough to raise a wonderful construction with her ground sheet at the suggestion of a black cloud- which was really the envy of all- but we told her she needed to gain local planning permission for such a structure. Yes, the stars were great and the waxing moon lit our paths on noctumal wanderings. 7

Did we amuse ourselves? We all happily did our thing with photography, book swapping, bird watching, drawing and endless cups of tea, a group story telling and another listening circle. All of this built up a group culture which did not fade completely at the walks finish Some of the tougher members wished nostalgically for the hardships of Week 1- others delighted in the break - just to be. Later, Marj (ex Willis guide) who knows Kakadu like the back of her hand said she didnt think we had lost any thing by not completing the intended circuit. The bonding was enhanced with the glory of sunsets and sunrises, responding positively to needs of individuals and respect for the organisational abilities of Peter Love.

Navigators came to the fore under the guidance of Col Atkinson. Susi, Caro and Pamela complemented the sterling compass and GPS work by Peter and Maurice. Carol performed au excellent task guiding those at the rear of the party.

Campsite banter developed from awards of yellow and red cards for perceived recalcitrant acts. Scrimshankars were brought to task at the slightest hint of dereliction of duties and we loved the screams and shrieks from Vicki, who declared Im going home on finding a cane toad in her sleeping bag. Consultations with the good Flo (Nightingale -alias Heike) kept us all free of the impact of stings, blisters, heat exhaustion or tummy bugs. There was a Turkish theme to the mornings, with real Turkish coffee produced and served by Rosemary, and Peter was fond of a Turkish saying it doesnt matter how far youve gone down the wrong road- it is still the time to tun around.

Sarongs round the campfire looked great on both genders, but Janet, youre overdressed was heard, when she appeared, clad only in elegant headwear. We let it all hang out in fact, and when needing further stimulation, encouraged Col to do his 60s Age of Aquarius dance from Hair. Vicki did a limited audience (ie those still up at 10pm) dance of

Photo by Steve Smith

the seven sarongs, and Caro named the dehyd dance as the scramble towards bushes first thing in the morning. The Green-Ant Stomp would be familiar to any N.T. walkers- and we did get a bit more savvy when walking near their nests.

At Cooinda, we farewelled Caro and reunited with Steve, who had spent the week there recovering from a badly twisted ankle. Ensconced in budget accommodation, we enjoyed restaurant food, playing with Aboriginal children and the magnificent Yellow Waters cruise at dawn. In flat bottomed barges, we were provided with excellent commentary on what was literally 3-4 metres away from our noses. I was scratching myself with disbelief that brolgas, jabirus, egrets, rajah shell and chestnut coloured ducks, whistling kites (snuggled together for warmth), rufus night herons, coloured sparrow hawks had all been seen in the first 5 minutes. They were not fully awake and functional, in the cold morning air, and this gave us opportunities to watch their families in operation as chicks were fed, and peck-orders established. The forest kingfisher greatly resembles our kookaburra, but is clad in a gorgeous coat of blue and green. The shining fly catcher and the purple swamp hen were then dwarfed by the great white bellied sea eagles, nesting high and busy with young. The cormorants and darters with their long necks had plenty to feast upon, with small eels in their bills. We glided past Leichhardt trees, richly green, which have been used as a canoe tree and also for traditional medicmes. Aboriginal people also traditionally made rafts from bamboo growing there. The white trunked melaleucas did clever things with their secondary roots, which grew upwards into the trunks, and deriving some nutrition thereby. Buffalo grass was everywhere- looking deceptively like a plain, but we were told it was floating, with up to 12 foot long |Page 10

T he Sydney Bushwalker

September 2003

roots. We heard that the river pandanus holds the river banks together quite a job in the wet annually.

The salty crocs were strewn about everywhere moving not at all initially, but later we saw what a tum of speed was possible, when a large male croc, sped towards another croc that had strayed into its territory. Some crocs sat with mouths open, not as I thought waiting for food to land there, but to cool their brains, whilst waiting for the rest of their body temperature to rise to 38. There was a sense in which every living being had its own terrain, and all was sustained remarkably well, or was some creatures lunch. My favourite was the Jesus bird, or the comb crested jacana. Its feet, in relation to its body weight are the largest of any known bird and it walks on the lily pads

The magpie geese are famous in Kakadu for their numbers, which feed on the root bulbs from waterlilies. We were entranced with the beauty of the pink lotus flowers, with huge green leaves the size of umbrellas or small satellite dishes. Feral horses were seen in the distance, grazing safely and are not considered an environmental threat, as are the buffalo, which are being shot out of the park.

Back in Darwin, we celebrated all we had seen and experienced with another lovely meal, before the big trip back south. Peter is keen to put a similar walk on the program next year, but youll have to book early to ensure a place, as there is sure to be stiff competition.

Valerie Joy

to feast on the abundance of insect life there.

Safety Procedures - Rescue by Aircraft

4 ff jy) Sometimes bushwalking groups need to communicate with planes or helicopters as in picking-up an 2s injured walker. The letters (symbols) below have specific meanings in the Ground to Air Visual Code. Make the symbols large enough to be seen from a distance, make the symbols with what ever is y available, such as packs, people, towels, clothing, stones, etc. If a helicopter is to land: make sure the landing zone is big enough (about 40 x 40 metres or twice the overall length of the aircraft), have all the party assemble in one stationary group (so that the pilot is not distracted by different groups moving in different directions), and DO NOT approach the helicopter until the crew indicate to do so. A smoky fire downwind of the landing zone will help locate the party and also indicate wind speed and direction; parameters which helicopter pilots like to know. Be aware that a helicopter landing and taking off will cause severe wind turbulence. Secure all belongings.

Ground to Air Emergency Code

There is a set of internationally recognised distress signals known as the Ground-Air Visual Signal Code that can be used to convey simple messages to an overflying search aircraft where there is no other means of communication. However, there has been some confusion lately as to which signals are correct. The confusion has come about since some of the signals were either changed or withdrawn in 1986, the most significant being the changing of the X signal to mean require medical assistance. The authoritative publication in Australia on this issue is the National Search and Rescue Manual and the relevant table is shown below.

Table 1: Ground - air visual signal code for use by survivors

Number Message Code Symbol 1 Require Assistance Vv

2 Require Medical Assistance X

3 Proceeding in this Direction )-

4 Yes or Affirmative Y

5 No or Negative N

Note: If in doubt use International symbol - SOS

You must ensure that the symbols are large enough to be seen by an aircraft flying overhead. The pilot will respond if the signal is understood by rocking the aircrafts wings during daylight or flashing the aircrafts landing lights or navigation lights ON and OFF.

These signals are worthwhile remembering to indicate to a search aircraft that your party is in distress or, if the search aircraft cannot land close by, giving the pilot more information about the situation for relaying to a ground party or more suitable rescue aircraft that is making its way towards you. The Australian Maritime Safety Authority

EPIRB Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon SBW has purchased an EPIRB for use by club members, in particular walks leaders. The GME Electrophone MT310 is a self contained radio transmitter, which transmits an internationally recognised distress signal on the aviation emergency frequencies for a minimum of 48 hours. These frequencies are monitored not only by commercial and military aircraft but also by the COSPAS/SARSAT satellite systems. Weight 185g The Club Secretary, Leigh McClintock will manage the EPIRB. So if you would like to take the EPIRB for a walk give Leigh a ring on 8920 2386 and arrange to collect it.

Whether its bush walking, mountaineering, cross-country skiing, trek- king or travel, a pack is your best friend or worst enemy. Why? Because you depend on the agility and comfort that your pack provides.

The Mont Moto-Active

adjustable har-

ness system is deceptively simple, fast to

adjust and easy to fit. Available

in three sizes and

featuring inter-


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nents, a truiy best fit is possibie, and best fit means a truly comfortable carry.

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Mont Adventure Equipment, The Australian company with over 20 years of manufacturing excellence.

Phone : 02 9858 3833.

All packs personally fitted by our experienced Staff. [Page 12

T he Sydney Bushwalker

September 2003

Christine & George Floyd -

eine T Tales Part 1

In 2003 we decided to return to Europe to cycle, and resisted the temptation of France in favour of the Czech Republic and Austria. There were 4 phases to the trip - with 3 weeks spent in the Czech Republic and 3 weeks in Austria. Part I will cover Prague to Vienna

Prague to Vienna

Salzkammergut area (Austria)

Enns River cycle route Austria

Passau - Vienna cycle route Austria

We took our own bikes - Bike Friday “New World Tourists”. These are small wheeled folding bikes which pack into a suitcase for travel. The suitcase converts to a trailer which is towed. This worked very well and all our gear for camping fitted perfectly.

The Czech Republic Prague to Vienna)

Our adventures started in Prague in late May where we shouldered it out with masses of other tourists, but managed to see the important sites. While we loved what we saw we didn't enjoy the crowds and vowed to return on a winter trip one day. We found that the cycle path out of Prague ran close to the B&B we were staying in, and the ease of escape amazed us. Soon Prague was on the skyline and the memories of crowds just a dream.

The backbone of our trip was the Prague to Vienna Greenways, a route which took us, as the name suggests, through the green parts of the Czech Republic - through farmland, tiny villages, and forest and always away from traffic. Our first campsite was beside a river in Tynec nad Sazavou. This is definitely NOT a tourist destination, but is a mecca for Kayaking and canoeing and provided us with a great insight into Czech lifestyles!. The campground was primitive to say the least, and not typical of what we experienced elsewhere. It was Saturday, and we pitched out tent in the relatively empty paddock that was the camping area - quite close to the river. We went off in search of food and eventually found a pub set in amongst the concrete high-rise apartment

blocks of a housing estate. It was fascinating to watch the people coming and going - arriving with their huge ceramic jugs which they took home filled up with beer! We couldn't believe the camping area on our retum. There were dozens of tents all round ours, and canoes, kayaks and people everywhere! They lit fires and cooked and entertained themselves. It was a relatively quiet night except for the cuckoos - there seemed to be a cuckoo clock in every tree! (not synchronised either). Cuckoos remained our constant companions throughout the Czech Republic. In the morning to our amazement - hundreds more people had arrived, the kayaks were now 2 deep along the edge of the river! And there were bodies sleeping out in the open between the tents!! It was a sight to behold!

The cycle route varied a good deal - mostly a weil sealed back road, sometimes a heavily patched back road, sometimes a dedicated bike path and sometimes a rough unsealed track. There are cycle routes everywhere. Thankfully they are numbered and very well sign posted. The Bike Fridays did a wonderful job and we certainly put them through their paces.

Here are some of the highlights of the route: Tabor - a marvellous town steeped in history - but famous for the stand the Hussites made against the Catholic Church in 1420 under the leadership of Jan Zizka, The museum had a replica of their armoured wagon which allowed 400 peasant farmers to defeat 2000 noblemen on horseback. The town has a well preserved square and 17km of tunnels below the town as part of its defense.

The Trebonsko area around Trebon - a UNESCO protected area -off the Prague - Vienna Greenway. From the 14th century this once swampy area was drained to form hundreds of ponds which were used for fish farming. This required the building of dams and canals which still stand today. It is a beautiful area of forests and ponds and a Mecca for Czech holiday makers who come to cycle the paths which crisscross the region. The forests are just glorious - oak, ash, linden and pine for the most part - a haven for birds and bird-watchers. a The Sydney Bushwalker

September 2003 Page 13

Further to the west from Trebon we made a base at Hluboka which has a castle that looks like Windsor Castle to a point. From there we took a bus to Cesky Krumlov for the day. This was much busier being a UNESCO protected town and close to the Austrian border - but still not at all crowded. We also did a day ride out to Holosovice another UNESCO village where the whole village has the same folk baroque style of architecture. We retured via Ceske Budejovice and spent a few unplanned hours there watching the activity in the historic town square - 20,000+ Harley Davidson riders (and bikes) had gathered for the Annual European H-D Convention. The noise was awesome to say the least - but very interesting watching participants who'd ridden from Russia, Finland, Poland, Italy, France and Spain. Needless to say, nobody was very interested in our Bike Fridays!

Back on the Prague - Vienna Greenway - my favourite town was Slavonice where all the buildings are decorated with sgraffito art - where the surface plaster is scraped away to reveal another layer beneath. Scenes portrayed both biblical and historical figures. Once again we were the only tourists there - and camped in the grounds of an empty 250 bed hostel. From here we took a train to Telc , another UNESCO listed town. Things were busier here - I counted 12 tourists!

It had been fine all the way but the hot weather set in here - 34+ some days - too hot to ride and too hot to stop! We rode on! Vranov is in the middle of a large National Park - more very beautiful forest, mostly oak (and cuckoos) - and an impressive castle positioned high on the cliffs above the town. Thankfully it was much cooler there.

Further east we were very close to the Austrian border, cycling across farmland - no animals, just crops and plenty of concrete bunkers to remind us that this country hasn't always enjoyed such freedom. Just when the heat was really getting to us we reached the Mikulov / Lednice / Valtice region - yet another UNESCO protected area - this one on account of its having been in the hands of the Liechtenstein family for some 500 years. It's now a glorious preserve of chateaux and forests. Czechs love this area too - they come here to cycle the paths through the forests and explore the follies the Liechtenstein's built everywhere. There is a columned Temple of Apollo, a Moorish minaret and

my favourite, an Arc de Triomphe like structure that was apparently a hunting lodge, and has an upper storey large enough to stage a concert! All these were being built at a time when Napoleon was storming round the rest of Europe. What a history! Lednice Chateau was my favourite of all the chateaux we saw ~ neo gothic and set in enormous grounds, some of which are formal gardens. This was their summer residence! Impressive too was the 1845 glasshouse, about 100 m long and housing plants that we in Sydney, grow outdoors - clivia, begonias and palms etc.

Everything in the Czech Republic is VERY cheap. We camped most of the way (campgrounds are very good) and ate out. Beer is the drink of the country and its not unusual to see men and women taking their first half litre of the day at breakfast time. (Half a litre costs about 90c AUS). We've had a B&B a couple of times - about $30 AUS. On the average we have been spending $35 a day!

Language is not a problem. Almost no English and very little (or very reluctant ) German is spoken outside of Prague. Once its established that neither party understands anything - very effective communication takes place! However the Czechs don t initiate any conversation or look you in the eye. If you don't offer a 'dobry den greeting, you get nothing in return. Once you start the conversation they warm, and are very curious.

The young girls are stunning (says George!) - long legged, mostly fair and blue eyed. - and keen on wearing very little - what there is being of stretch fabric and requiring constant tugging! Most of those over 40 (M and F) are just plain fat! Makes me feel very trim! Everyone smokes……..

We left all that behind at Mikulov and crossed into “griss gotting” Austria, where everything seems to cost 3 times as much. We had a fast ride south to the Danube and Vienna stopping at Emstbrunn and Klosterneuburg en route. And so finally arrived in Vienna after some 900 exhilarating kilometres.

Essential to the trip is the Shocart publication “Greenways Praha - Wien”. Although this is in Czech and German, it has excellent maps and route profiles. For more information visit

www. pragueviennagreenways. org

[Part 2 of Cycling Tales will appear next month]

Expressions Of Interest Required

The KOWMUNG RIVER - The best kept secret - the wild and scenic river we love. Sat 27/12/2003 to Sun 4/01/2004 - The ultimate Kowmung experience! Your chance to experience the superb wild and scenic river in the Blue Mountains. Travel the full length of the Kowmung from Tuglow Creek to the Cox's


This is the 50th anniversary of SBW member Ron Watter's 1953 walking expedition (when as a teenager he and several mates did this walk) deep in the heart of the Kanangra Boyd National Park. Ron has provided us with some of his photos from 1953. See how the river has changed over time.

Swims with packs compulsory, lots of rock hopping, exposure through Morongo Deep, and beautiful campsites. Hopefully at a leisurely pace. Possible food drop somewhere around the halfway point, details of that and travel arrangements to be negotiated. Party size will be strictly limited.

Interested members (and prospectives) please contact Maurice Smith on (02) 9587 6325 or email to Grade: Medium

[Page 14

T he Sydney Bushwalker

September 2003


Walks Notes (17” June to 13“ Aug)

No midweek walk appears to have been programmed during this first week, so we go to the Winter Solstice weekend of 21, 22 June with no report for Wilf Hilders programmed stages 1 and 2 of the Great North Walk, starting at Newcastle. Maurice Smith led his tip down Ettrema Creek that weekend with a party of 8. Conditions varied from light rain to light rain with cold wind, but the middle bit was clear and fine with Ettrema Creek carrying a good flow. Of the two day walks that weekend Peter Love had three starters on his Saturday introductory walk in the Blue Mountains and Jim Callaway had a party of 10 for his Waterfail to Heathcote trip on the Sunday. Jims walk was described a number of times as enjoyable.

The weekend of 28, 29 June is a blind spot for some reason with only Mark Patteson reporting his Saturday walk in Lane Cove National Park. The party of 17 enjoyed fine weather with a rather heavy track after recent rainfall. They also enjoyed the ice cream stop along the way. This may in part expla why the walk finished in the dark. Wilfs midweek walk from Manly to Garrigal National Park also went unreported.

Gail Crichton was ill with influenza when the weekend of 5, 6 July rolled around so busband Tony stepped in and led her Saturday roller coaster trip involving Long Point Lookout, the Shoalhaven River and Mount Ayre; and return. The party of 13 started out in fog, but as is usually the way it turned out to be a magnificent blue-sky day, with all the glory of the scenery in that area topped off with dinner in a Mittagong restaurant. Peter Love led a Sunday walk in the Blue Mountains with 13 starters, two of whom dropped out at the Fairmont Hotel along the way. No report has been received for Wilfs stage 3 of the Great North Walk scheduled for that day.

Jim Percy cancelled his 7 day trip from Emu Plains to Hartley Vale along the Blue Mountains crossing route scheduled to start on 12 July due to a lack of takers. Maurice Smith had a party of 7 out on his Budawangs walk over the weekend of 12, 13 July. . Saturday saw Tony Crichton with a party of 12 out on his walk from Cowan to Westleigh. The pace must have been fairly solid as two people walked out at Galston Gorge and another 4 peeled off at Homsby. It all looked worth it however when the survivors

finished the trip in daylight at Westleigh. Caro Ryan had a tnp from the Scenic Railway to Nellies Glen via Rennies Tunnel the same day to sort out anyone with claustrophobia. Conditions started and ended fine and clear, with a brief period of blustery winds and drizzle.

Bill Holland led a midweek walk down to Little Blue Gum from Pierces Pass on Tuesday the 15”. Traffic delays due to roadwork on the Bell Line of Road caused a truncation of the walk, so if anyone in the party of 7 really wanted to go to Little Blue Gum they were disappointed.

The weekend of 19, 20 June saw Tony Crichton leading a group of 17 walkers on his trip out from Kanangra Walls to the Kowmung River. They enjoyed beautiful weather with just the odd bit of cloud, a green campsite free of pig diggings for a change, and an enjoyable dinner back at Blackheath. There was one discordant note. There were murmuring about the absence of fresh trout and Tony Manes. Tony meanwhile was leading a party of 10 on his Saturday walk from Bundeena to Otford the hard way. Conditions were cool to bracing with the brisk pace bringing the party out in daylight at 1640. They also remarked on the number of black cockatoos sighted along the way but seemed less impressed by the spreading galvanised walkways and pool fencing.

A 14 day trip to Kakadu National Park under the baton of Peter Love went, over the period from 27 July to 9 August with a party of 15.

The weekend of 26, 27 July yielded just two day walks. Frank Grennan led 18 walkers on his trip to Blue Gum Forest on the Saturday and Mark Patteson had 10 for his Sunday walk from Govetts Leap to Govetts Leap via Perrys Lookdown out in perfect weather.

Bill Holland led a party of 10 on his midweek walk in Bouddi National Park on Tuesday 29 July. Conditions were fine but rather cool in the wind. No whales were sighted.

There does not appear to be a report for Tony Manes qualifying walk out from Carlons Farm over the weekend of 1 to 3 August for some reason. Tony Crichtons Paralyser trip over that weekend was cancelled. David Trinders Saturday bicycle tnp from Waterfall to Wollongong attracted 5 cyclists. They had to ; catch a train to bypass a section of closed road the other side of Otford.

Wilf had a midweek walk programmed for Thursday 7 August but there is no report for this walk to date. | The Sydney Bushwaiker September 2003 Page 15 |

Likewise Wilfs qualifying weekend trip Great North Walk stage 3 over the weekend 9, 10 August appears to lack a report at this time. Tony Crichton was busy doing a three peaks trip that weekend so Gail returned the favour and took over in his stead for his Saturday walk out from the Mount Hay firetrail. There were 15 on the walk, struggling a bit with a strong wind that displaced some people sideways off the track on the reach (or was that a tack) out to Lockleys Pylon. Conditions were judged good for walking once the party descended out of the worst of the wind. The weather seems to have settled somewhat by the Sunday when Anne Maguire led a party of 21 on her walk down into the Megalong from the Explorers Tree via the Devils Hole and back up through Nellies Glen to the Explorers Tree. It was described as a great day with great weather, though Anne did remark on the apparent need for more programmed easy/medium walks, having had to refuse 8 other starters who phoned late. All of which brings these walks notes to an end for this month.

Barry Wallace

Additions To The Walks Programme:

The Committee has approved the following additions to the Spring Walks programme.

Sun 26“ October: Marramarra NP Map: Cowan Arcadia - Fiddletown - Marra Marra Creek - Canoelands - Smugglers Ridge - Fiddletown. Stage R of Great River Walk (Nepean Loop) Good views with some creek wading.

A medium (Q) 25km walk Wilf Hilder 9587 8912 Thurs 30” October: Garigal NP 16km Pymble (bus) - St Ives Showground - Cowan Creek - Bobbin Head ~ Mt Kuringai.

Water views and 250 metres of climbing.

An easy/medium walk Wilf Hilder 9587 8912

First Aid Training: - Confederation has advised that the Avaf ~=S fees for first aid courses are now EAT os payable in full at the time of

F is ~ booking. The next St John

LW Ambulance Senior First Aid Certificate course will held in the

Bankstown Sports Club on 25“/26” October.

Deadline for bookings is the mail of 17th

October sending a cheque for the full course fee

of $100* payable to St John Ambulance to

BWRS Secretary

PO Box 22 Canterbury NSW 2193

Your email address or a stamped addressed

envelope must be included.

*A4 Club subsidy of $50 may be claimed on successful completion of the course.

The Mid-Week Walkers: The next extended activity is in

Deep Pass - Monday 29“ Sept to Friday 3 Oct A good number have booked and with fine weather this looks like being so enjoyable that we have extended it to Friday. You are welcome to join us for all or any of the days.

The bookings for the other events later this year are going well and we are pretty well booked out. However, it may be possible to join us.

Cottage Stay in New England National Park Monday 27” Oct - Friday 31st Oct We plan to do day walks in magnificent rain forest country including Cathedral Rock and Guy Fawkes National parks.returning each evening to a roaring log fire and : pleasant happy hours.

Accommodation is limited but there

is a vacancy.

Berrara Beach Holiday Cottage - South Coast : Mon 24th Nov - Frid 28th Nov. Beach walks canoeing on the lagoon and _ river, cycling beachside and on forest roads or Just easy to medium bushwalks. Enjoy good company, comfort and water views.

Here are the mid-week day walks in the coming month. Full details are shown in the Spring Walks Programme

Tues 14“ Oct Berowra Valley Regional Park An easy to medium walk diverting from known tracks to look at interesting parts of the valley and gorge

Wed 8” Oct. Georges River NP 12 km Riverwood to Panania. A medium walk through urban bushland, some trackless, alongside river finishing with a visit to the bush orchids at Bankstown Councils Wild Flower Garden and afternoon tea at leaders home.

Thurs 30 Oct. GarigalNP 16km St Ives to Mt Kuringai. An easy/medium walk with water views.

Please Carry Water!

- Leaders and walk participants should take care to carry adequate water for the day. Many areas are still experiencing drought conditions and normally water bearing creeks may

be dry.

[Page 16

T he Sydney Bushwalker

September 2003

Muogamarra Nature Reserve - Sun 31* Aug

Leader: Nigel Weaver.

Muogamarra Nature Reserve is bounded by Cowan to the south, Hawkesbury River to the north, Berowra Creek on the west and the expressway on the east. It is only open to the public for six weekends each year, around August-September. The rest of the time it is reserved for field studies by students and botanists.

On a sunny day, our SBW party consisted of 9 members and 11 prospectives. The group caught a water taxi on the Hawkesbury River from Kangaroo Pomt (Peats Ferry) to Milsons Passage, a peninsula at the northern-most point of the Reserve. We headed uphill from the river off-track through the bush to the high ridge of the peninsula. The views from the cliff tops are glorious, with the magnificent sweeps of the river, its bays, tributaries and adjacent hills laid out in spectacular form for the enraptured viewer. We made our way southward to higher levels up the ridgeline, finally arriving on the heights at the western end of Muogamarra Ridge where the views of the river are truly panoramic. What a great place for lunch!

All this section of the walk was off-track. It was heavy going at times, as the bush had thickened up since that last I was last there three years ago. However the pink, yellow, white, and blue wildflowers lit up the bush in the sunlight as compensation.

We continued off-track, heading south east along Muogamarra Ridge, with more great views at many points. As much as possible we walked on rocky platforms, but mostly we simply had to make our way through thick bush where progress was slow. However we finally got to Peats Bight fire trail, allowing us to move along at a strong pace. We followed other trails, reaching the heights above the expressway where we stopped for a cliff top break with glorious views over the Hawkesbury River, Long Island, and Brooklyn. Then we headed off- track again down a steep hill through burnt-out bush to the old Pacific Highway near the point where it crosses over the expressway. From there it was a short walk to the cars.

It was a great day. It was often tough going, to be sure, but all that marvellous Hawkesbury River scenery makes it a really wonderful walk. Nigel Weaver

Dharug National Park Sat 30“ Aug Leader: Zol Bodlay

The day was warm and mainly sunny for our walk into Dharug NP on the second last day of winter. Our group of 13 (mainly new members) met at 9am at Wisemans Ferry where we crossed over the mighty Hawkesbury River into Dharug NP to start the 17km circuit.

Stopping for morning tea at Mills Creek, we examined Aboriginal axe groovings made in the sandstone at the edge of the rock pools. Following the track we made our way up the 200m climb to the top of the ridge where we branched off-track and proceeded to a magnificent Aboriginal rock carving site at the top of Baiami Ridge. This was reached at approx.lpm. Here we located and discussed the large variety of carvings, including a rare carving of a young woman, Baiami, emus, men, shields, a bilby-like creature etc. Various possible theories were discussed regarding the significance of this site to the Darkinjung people of this area. A leisurely lunch was then enjoyed on the rock platform before heading off again on the circuit via Baiami Creek.

We stopped at a small cave on the way to examine some faint Aboriginal drawings, including a possum, and then wound our way back down along the creek, through a small pocket of rainforest and back to where our cars were parked. Most people took off home from there but a small group of interested walkers decided to drive a short way past the Ferry ramp to view the 170 year old, convict built, Old Northem Road. This fascinating chain-gang built road provides an insight into the brutal, back-breaking life of the convicts and the legacy that remains of their suffering (probably akin to what our SBW walkers feel at the end of a K to K walk!) - a road of superb workmanship displaying surprisingly intact buttresses and culverts.

Our day finished with a ferry trip back across the beautiful Hawkesbury River at about 5pm. A lovely day of easy walking, fascinating rock carvings and an insight into our convict past.

Sarah Bodlay Notice - Camp Fires and Stoves +2? All members are advised to check the restrictions on lighting fires m intended camping areas. ,

Leaders: Please when filling in your walks activity sheet indicate if the walk is a Q walk alongside the Med/med hard qualification. It makes it so much easier for me I don't have to be continually cross referencing. - Heike Krausse | The Sydney Bushwalker

September 2003 Page 17 |


Hello from Heike

My Kakadu dreaming continues alas only now

in photos and a Northern territory attitude to

some aspects of my life (see Valeries tale). A

very grateful thank you to Patrick for the

excellent article he wrote for July, valuable info some of which we could have done with reading before our jaunt.

Knowing how your body responds to stress and being aware of how walks differ in the level of stress that is endured was one of his key pomts. The Kakadu trip was the longest extended walk I have done~12 days worth.

Through experience and observation I have learnt a few things that make a difference to the enjoyment of long trips…..

Pack light - I reckon mine weighed in at about 14.5 kg, heavy by Johns standards for the 3 Peaks but with luxuries to make 12 days comfortable OK for me.

Having no choices of clothing (1set only) is instant freedom from stress!

On long trips luxuries make it a pleasure not an endurance feat every one seemed to have brought one luxury item mine was a book, binoculars, paints, writing block, a camp toaster a full size pillow were others. Just ensure it is something worth carrying…. One biography not worth its weight ended up as a fire starter.

Pack tight - dangling bits/equipment just get pulled off or damaged along the way, if it doesnt all fit inside something else has to go. Remove all foodstuffs from their shop packaging and re-pack using zip lock bags. This also gets rid of a lot of potential rubbish youd end up with. Compression straps for the likes of sleeping bags are useful if you have a small pack and want to fit enough food in for long trips. (or to have room for pillows!).

Rubbish - the buming of can be controversial. Some say that if the fire is built up for a good heat last thing at night burn all then, plastics included, carry out residue. Others emphatically say no plastic to be burnt at all, it pollutes wilderness atmosphere.

Two definite rules:

1. Do not burn any rubbish whilst billies are on the fire.

2. Remove all foils and tins after clean burning; remember that many paper sachets have foil linings that do not burn. Tampons, must not be buried, they can be burnt as are cotton fibre.

Some purists say take out everything that you

bring in…..

The dehyd dance, the foreign water waltz, the tummy twostep whatever you call it, sometimes camping brings an alteration in bowel habits. If youre having to rush in the morning every morning, you can end up electrolytically out of whack. A small dose of gastrolyte can help.

Bring plenty of tea, it is the universal perk up at the end of the day, provides some extra vital fluid intake before happy hour. A happy ritual for rest days. Cold fruit teas added to one of the 4 litres of water youre taking in is a nice change.

Dehydrating meals is a great way to lighten the weight of food and add the gourmet touch but on rehydrating they often lose some of their original zing, a small pantry of herbs and spices weighs little and adds that extra flavour. By far the most successful dessert was custard made with any fortified wine/spirit.

Include a sarong, whether bought for SOc from the Op shop or from a resort boutique, it is an absolute essential item acting as a towel, tea towel, sheet, decency shield (whilst your one set of clothes are drying), sun shade, dillybag, picnic rug, etc. Its usefulness knows no boundaries. (as does that of dried apples eh Vicki! !?)

Many on new members nights say they have no interest in overnight walking, I cannot now imagine life without the ability to take off with just that which can fit in a pack.. Encumbering yourself with only a backpack for a weekend, a week or even 2 weeks or more is the art actually of being able to unencumber yourself from materialistic needs, society expectations, stress of the workplace, and ill health from a life of inactivity…..the benefits are priceless. I for one am hooked.

Please welcome on your next walk: Susan Apsland, Rosemary Richman, Peter Evans, Greg Stark, Elizabeth Death, Jai Shaw, Robyn Day, Wendy Fiddes, Lindsay Atkinson and Eedra Zey, Brad Lamerton, Andrew Quartermaine, Sue Ingram, Dionne Haakmia, April Chen, Anne Parbury, Ken Collins, Tristan Harman, Helen Bridgman, Reiko Tomatsu, Elizabeth Sexton, Jason Tickle, Alison Baily, Lynn Atkinson, Roger Doddy, Maurice Kwan, Stephen Sharp, Mort Clark, Hazel Allen, Myanna Sorensen, Ryanne OLeary, Janet Sinclair, Julian and Shula Dennard, Ann and Michael Barbato.

Striding on to full membership is Lynn Dalgarno Heike Krausse

oe) x 5 ss th th V4uR: Dont Forget - New Members Training Weekend 18”, 19“ October At Coolana |Page 18 T he Sydney Bushwalker September 2003 SOCIAL BITS Hi All, Parroting On!

Great to see a few new faces at the rock-climbing activity in August! It may have been raining and cold outside, but inside we were building up a sweat scaling walls, planning our next move and yelling encouragement from below. (Kay Chan is indeed Spider Woman in disguise).

The next few months will be a visual feast for the eyes and senses at the Clubrooms with the Chilean Slide night happening next week with Bill Holland and Co. and the Everest Slide night later in the season.

Im wanting to highlight the great opportunity to hear about becoming a leader with SBW. If youve been wondering about the how? Who? Where? Of taking the plunge into SBW leadership. Come along to the 3 Wed in October and ALL will be revealed. The more - the merrier. Until then… see you on the track Cheers Caro


Wed 1” Committee Meeting

7pm Committee members & observers welcome.

8pm Introduction to SBW

So who are the Sydney Bush Walkers and how do I join? Why not come along and find out by meeting our fantastic New Members team! You'll learn all the important imformation needed to join the club through _ their

informative and interesting presentation.

Wed 15“ Leaders Info Night

8pm Theres no time like springtime for new adventures! How about taking on the adventure of becoming an SBW leader? Its not difficult and theres loads of support for you. Roger Treagus, along with a great team of experienced leaders will talk us through everything you need to know to get you planning your first walk.. Well also be grabbing a bite to eat beforehand at the Kirribilli Pub, so feel free to join us all there from around 6.30pm.

3pm Introduction to SBW Cant make it to the main intro night on the Ist Wed of each month? Well, tonight is another opportunity to meet the team, hear about the Sydney Bush Walkers and join our growing club.

A magician worked on a cruise ship. The audience was different each week so the magician did the same tricks over and over again.

One problem: the Captain's parrot saw the shows each week and began to understand how the magician did every trick. Once he understood, he started shouting in the middle of the show: “Look, it's not the same hat! Look, he's hiding the flowers under the table. Hey, why are all the cards the ace of spades?”

The magician was furious but he couldn't do anything. After all, it was the Captains parrot.

Then the ship sank. The magician found himself on a piece of wood in the middle of the sea with, as fate would have it, the parrot.

The magician and the parrot stared at each other with hatred but did not utter a word. This went on for a day and then another and another.

Finally, on the fourth day, the parrot could not stand it any longer and could not hold back:

“OK, I give up. Where's the bloody ship?”

John Pozniac a a ee

“Relationships are hard. It's like a full time job,

and we should treat it like one.

If your boyfriend or girlfriend wants to leave

you, they should give you two weeks' notice.

There should be severance pay, and before they

leave you, they should have to find you a temp.” George Mawer

Weekend Walking Gear for Hire

The club now has a small pool of weekend walking equipment available for

hire. The rates for weekly hire

[ are:

Weekend pack: $15

Sleeping bag: $15

(For hygiene reasons you must provide and use

your own sleeping bag liner)

Sleeping mat: $5

Ground sheet: $2

Tent: $20

Complete kit $50

Equivalent refundable deposit required.

Contact: Geoff McIntosh 9419 4619

We have to use with skill what simple equipment we can

carry on our backs to achieve shelter,

If you really want to get the best prepare food and have a night's rest?

out of what you carry with you, Paddy Palin, 1900-1991

then move up to Black Diamond, exclusive to Paddy Pallin.

Black Diamond

Biack Diamond Moonlight Headterch: Constantly frustrated with replacing your torch battery? Then the Moonlight is for you. WIth 4 ultra bright, energy efficient LED bulbs, it provides 70 hours of constant light. It weighs a mere 90g (without batteries) so you'll hardly know you're

carrying it. Ideal for night walking, cooking and reading.

Black Diamond Contour Trekking Pole: Trekking poles dont just

: improve your balance and reduce the strain on your lower limbs; they help re-distribute the load to your upper limbs as well, meaning you can keep going for longer. The Contour, featured, is ideal for comfort over long periods of walking with an ergonomic 15 degree correction angle in the upper shaft and soft dual density hand grip. It also features a unique NEW adjustment system,

making these the most easily adjusted poles on the market.

Black Diamond Betamid Tent: When you want to go ultra-light or you

need extra storage space, the Betamid has you covered. This compact, floorless tent will go anywhere and pitches using a pair of trekking poles!

~ Weighing in at a fraction over 1kg, it sleeps two and stands strong

\ against the elements. (Optional, detachabie tub floor is also available.)

Store focations: Sydney: 507 Kent Street * Miranda: 527 Kingsway Parramatta: 74 Macquarie Street Katoomba: 166 Katoomba Street Also in Canberra and Jindabyne Website:

Mail order: 1800 805 398

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