FEBRUARY 2004 1045 Victoria Rd West Ryde 9858 5844
Come in and see one of the best lightweight and roomy bush walking tents currently available. It sleeps 3 and weighs in at only 2340 grams complete (with the mesh inner tent and pegs.) Or just 1260 grams fly, pole and pegs.
Price: $ 599.00 WEIGHT
Price: $ 169.00
620 g
Perfect for those who want a waterproof floor, but don't need full bug protection. FEATURES
e Clips into Hex 3 canopy at 6 cor- ners
e Abrasion resistant Cordura centre
pole patch e 6000 mm waterproof floor
e 4-inch bathtub design
HEX 3 NEST (No pole)
Price: $259.00 WEIGHT
1080 g net + 90 g pegs Gf you already have the shelter then you wont need to take 2 lots of pegs and keep the weight down)
The perfect companion to the Hex 3 shelter when you're heading into mosquito or insect-laden adventures. Can be pitched separately when desert camping.
e No-see-um mesh canopy
e Full length 2-way C-shaped door zipper Foam cone pole seat at apex Pole Only Pole Only
e = Abrasion resistant Cordura centre pole patch
6000 mm waterproof floor
e 4-inch bathtub design Pole Only
e Stow sack Price: $85.00 Weight 370
GOLITE HEX 3 or 4 SEASON SHELTER 3 or 4 season hiking or backpacking, winter camping, mountaineering 800 g canopy + 370 g pole + 90 g pegs and sack
This 4-season, extremely versatile, roomy 3-person, canopy-style shelter is bound to be- come your favourite all-year home-away-from-home. Unlike a tent, which essentially
requires you to use poles, inner tent with floor and fly whenever you pitch it, the Hex 3 is a component system: You can use just the canopy with or without a floor, or just the bug net inner tent, or the canopy with the bug net. And you can pitch the Hex (canopy or Nest) over a paddle on a canoe trip, or over a ski pole on a ski-tour. Or hang the canopy via its top loop from a branch or a line sus- pended between trees. You can dig a snow pit under it and increase the amount of usable space; you can pitch it over rocks; and you can put it up quickly by yourself in the nas- tiest weather. How's that for versatility.
Dual roof vents provide excellent air flow, and the sup- plied extra guy lines can be used to pitch the leeward side (the side facing away from the wind)-well off the ground to increase ventilation. SiLite construction and the six- sided shape with extra stake-outs midway along each side add up to an incredibly wind-stable, weatherproof shelter. Functional details include reflective, adjustable guy points: the adjustability ensures a good, taut pitch, while the reflective strips simplify pitching the Hex in the dark (and mean that it's much easier to find your Hex when re- turning to camp after dusk - and less likely that you'll trip over a comer once you have…)
Available in Sun for people who want to be seen, and For- est for those who don't.
For even more versatility, there will be a new trekking pole extender that will enable you to leave the Hex 3 pole at home and use any standard trekking pole to pitch the Hex 3! Available soon
e SilLite silicone-impregnated rip stop nylon
* Hexagonal shape sheds elements superbly
* Adjustable aluminium centre pole (also available as a separate item)
Top loop
2 large roof vents
2-way door zipper
Reflective adjustable stake out loops
9 Y-stakes
Floorless design
4-season palace for 2 or home for 3 Stake sack, SilLite stow sack included
THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER is the monthly bulletin of matters of interest to members of
The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc
PO Box 431 Milsons Point 1565. Editor: Bili Holland Production Manager: Frances Holland Printers: Kenn Clacher, Barrie Murdoch, ~ | Tom Wenman Don Brooks Fran Holland
Wednesday 10 March 2004 The Clubs Notice of Meeting, Annual Report and List of Members for 2003 has been mailed this week to members ~ addresses. This report shows how your Club has been managed during the past year. A new Management Committee will be elected, so come along, cast a vote and let us know what you want for the coming year. All Members, old and new, are welcome to attend
See you on the 10 March !
The Autumn 2004 Walks Programme is mailed with this magazine !
& WANTED - Persons willing to attend, #, to entertain or be entertained at the Coolana 2003 Annual Reunion on 13“, 14th March.
ee Ouch! Jan Roberts suffered a fracture : on Carol Lubbers walk at Deanes creek on 25th January - see Page 13
FEBRUARY 2004 Issue No. 831
Summary of Contents:
Index and Notices
Presidents Report: Treasurers Report: Editors Note:
, The Annual General Meeting: Details of matters to be discussed at the AGM
5. A Little Less Conversation The health benefits of a silent walk
6. Coolana Report Including a reminder for the Annual Reunion
8. Conservation Report David Trinder writes about our Government's efforts to undermine the Kyoto Protocol
8. Plan for Kosciuszko National Park The Colong Foundation has released their Plan for Environmental Protection of Kosciuszko National Park
9-13 The Walks Pages: We dont have Barry Wallaces Walk Notes this month but we have The Lord of The Rings on the Kowmung. by Susie Amott and Moroka fairyland * by Kenn Clacher and Disaster at Deanes Creek a report by Carol Lubbers
14,15 Of Interest to New Members: A farewell from Heike and Peter Love recollects his first weekend walk
18. Social Notes:
ADVERTISERS: Alpsport Front cover Eastwood Camping 7 Paddy Pallin Back cover Wilderness Transit 3 Willis's Walkabouts 5
The Sydney Bushwatker: First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. | Page 2
T he Sydney Bushwalker
February 2004
The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. Our Club was formed in 1927 for the purpose of bringing bushwalkers together; enabling them to appreciate the great outdoors; establishing a regard for conservation and promoting social activities. The Club's main activity is bushwalking but includes other activities such as cycling, canoeing and social events. Our Walks Programme (published quarterly) features day walks on most Saturdays and Sundays, some mid week walks and overnight weekend walks. Extended walks are organised in areas such as Lamington, Snowy Mountains etc as well as interstate. Our meetings are held every third Wednesday evening at 8 pm at Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre, 16 Fitzroy Street, Kirribilli (near Milsons Point Railway Station). Visitors and prospective members are welcome. General Enquiries: Phone 0500 500 729
SBW Website www.sbw.org.au Office Bearers President: Rosemary MacDougal Vice-President: Wilf Hilder Public Officer: Maurice Smith Treasurer: Maurice Smith Secretary: Leigh McClintock Walks Secretary: Peter Love Social Secretary Caro Ryan Membership Secretary Pam Morrison New Members Secretary: Heike Krausse Conservation Secretary: David Trinder Magazine Editor: Bill Holland Committee Member: Barry Wallace Pamela Irving
Delegates to Confederation:
Jim Callaway Wilf Hilder
Are you on the SBW Email List?
Once a month, we send out a friendly email to SBW Members and Prospectives.
The email acts as a reminder of the upcoming social event for the month, along with a short note on something of interest to our members. If you'd like to be added to the list, simply send an email to: social@sbw.org.au
Presidents Report: Our January meeting was short and so there is not much to report.
We received a report from Wilf Hilder that the environmental lobby members of the Kosciusko Plan of Management Forum had made considerable compromises, but that the resort operators and the downhill skiers had pulled out presumably calculating that they could do a better deal on their own. The Forum was due to have one more meeting, to consider a draft plan of management, which will then be available for public comment from 1* March.
The Committee noted that Confederation seems to be pushing more and more towards a bureaucracy dominated approach to walking, particularly leadership. Confederation had also commissioned a barristers opinion on liability issues and the committee wants to consider that opinion and these issues generally.
Caro Ryan has collected responses from prospective members to her survey sent out by email. Five questions were asked relating to why people joined the club and whether or not there expectations were being met. Twenty seven responses were received and the Committee will see if what if any changes might be made. One aspect seems to be a continuing problem for some people and that is the over-night walking qualification. That is one of the Clubs reasons for existence and is set out in the constitution and is not one that we can change. We can however, continue to try and help people through the process.
See you on the track Rosemary MacDougal
Contact The Committee:
Members are welcome to contact the following officers with questions on Club management and other matters.
President : Rosemary MacDougal 9428 5668 (h) rmacdougal@bigpond.com Treasurer: Maurice Smith 9587 6325 (h) or mauricethewalker@ihug.com.au Members Secretary: Pam Morrison 0418 463 923 or at pamm@unsw.edu.au
Vice President: Wilf Hilder
9587 8912
New Members Secretary: Heike Krausse
For prospective membership enquiries phone 9998 0587 and leave a message
EPIRB Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon
and arrange to collect it.
SBW has purchased an EPIRB for use by club members, in particular walks leader. Lf you would like to take the EPIRB for a walk give Leigh McClintoch a ring on 8920 2:
The Sydney Bushwalker February 2004 Pages |
Treasurer s Report - January . Just a brief reminder that I will not be
;, Standing for re-election as Treasurer = at the March 2004 Annual General # F Meeting,
So if you have the necessary accounting skill sets and the desire to assist our wonderful club then it is time to put up your hand and volunteer.
The following is my report on the clubs finances which are in a healthy state. Set out below are the figures for January.
Bank Balance 1* January $6,745 Income Received
Interest Income 877 Expenses Paid:
Magazine materials 1,551 Magazine postage 403
Coolana supplies 112
Coolana plants 56
Coolana plant stakes 2,940
Other 30
Total Payments 5,092
Bank Account 31” January $2,530
January was a quiet month for me in my Treasurers role. We drew 2 cheques that relate to spending against the Sydney Catchment Authority grant received in relation to our Coolana property in the Kangaroo Valley. The bigger of the two cheques was for the supply of 600 steel star picket fence posts at a cost of $2940.00, and the second was a deposit of $56.21 for the supply of 300 plants.
Maurice Smith - Treasurer
Camp Fires Prevent Bushfires ?
The following comment was published on the imternet newsgroup aus. bushwalking
Hi there, I'm new to this group so hello to you all. My name is [name deleted] and I live in the Blue Mountains, NSW.
Whilst walking in the Victorian Alps this summer and being shocked at the extent of the wildfires that occurred there last year, I got to thinking about how a bushwalkers humble fire may actually help to reduce the impact of severe bushfires.
I noticed that there were generally very little unburnt areas in the path of the burns, due to the nature of the topography and weather conditions. However, the substantial camping areas that I passed on that trip (Mt Feathertop hut site / Old Bungalow Hut Site) were significantly unburnt.
Perhaps the use of fires in these areas by bushwalkers has significantly reduced fuel levels enough to protect these areas?
Its just a thought that I would like to share, perhaps others have similar observations.
What do SBW members think about this ?.
Editors Note:
Well, the magazine a couple of pages
lighter this month for two reasons; Barry Wallace had a severe misunderstanding with his computer and could not produce his usual walk notes and the Magazine Production Team has an extra burden of mailing out extra documents (Annual Report etc).
Despite all this there is much to offer including an article supporting silence when walking (as published in the Sydney Morning Herald) an adventure from Lord Of The Rings and a trip into fairyland.
Of course theres our regular contributors and reports together with a summary of The Colong Foundations plan for the protection of Kosciuszko National Park.
I should add that SBW has been a long time supporter of the Colong Foundation and their approach to wilderness protection. However, some of our members are active skiers and may not fully agree with the long term aspirations for park protection as outlined in this report.
The AGM is nearly upon us. I would urge all of you with an interest in the Club to attend and take part in the meeting. Even offer yourself for office on the Management Committee or one of the Subcommittees - see Page 4.
Bill Holland
Woa Wo. NeRniga Departs from Sydney's Campbelltown Railway Station Wa Penzith, Katoomba & Blaskheath far | Kanangra Walis Mon & Wed at d4am. Frid at 7am Retums 4om Mon, Wed. Fad. Via Slarighis, Mittagong & Marular for Wag Waog-Nerriga Tues.& Thurs & Sun at 11am Returns 4 pm Tues, Thurs, Sun. Yerranderie Ghost Town first Saturday in each monih, returns Sun at 1 pr any Friday min $} Group booking discaunis or charter senice
Tel 0246 832344 Mob 0428 832 344 www.wildernesstransit.com.au
. | Page 4 T he Sydney Bushwalker February 2004 |
The Annual General Meeting:
The 76th Annual General Meeting of SBW will be held in the Clubrooms on Wednesday March 10“ 2004 commencing 8 pm. All members, prospective members, non-active members and visitors are welcome to attand
Notice of Meeting, Annual Report, Financial Statements and List of Members have been mailed to all members addresses this week.
Motions to be put to the meeting are shown below.
Motions re Coolana Finances: Don Finch has submitted the following motions for consideration at the AGM
Motion 1; That the principal of the Coolana Fund is not used to pay any ET costs of SBW Inc.
Note: The intention is that the people who donate to the Coolana fund can do so with confidence in knowing that the fund is intended to be in perpetuity.
Motion 2: That the interest earned by the Coolana fund in any given year is only used to pay for rates, maintenance and other costs of Coolana in that year, with any surplus for that year to be reinvested as principal in the Coolana Fund.
Note: Ifin any year the interest earned by the Coolana Fund is not sufficient to cover costs then the difference is to be covered by general funds.
Motion 3: That the Treasurer and Committee assign to the Coolana Maintenance Committee an annual budget for maintenance costs.
Note: By assigning a budget for maintenance at Coolana the Treasurer can better determine what the annual fees should be to cover all of SBW costs.
Motion 4: That the Coolana Fund be reimbursed from general funds for the principal used during 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003.
Motion re Natural Areas Ltd:
Motion: hat SBWs shareholding in Natural Areas Limited be transferred to National Parks Association Note: Natural Areas Limited owns a bushland block of land near on Wheeler Creek (near Dee Why) . This land was originally purchased to. protect an attractive natural area from development. SBW is a shareholder of Natural Areas Limited owning 502 shares (2.5%) valued at cost $251.
The National Parks Association (NPA) has advised that the 51% majority shareholder has transferred her familys shares to NPA leaving a very small minority holding in other hands. The NPA has requested that all minority shares be donated to NPA with the intention of working with NPWS in the preparation of a Voluntary Conservation Agreement. It is hoped that this bushland area will become an extension of the nearby National Park.
Elections To SBW Committee:
All Committee positions become vacant at the Annual General Meeting. Why not nominate? This could be your opportunity to take an active part in the management of SBW
The Committee positions involve attendance at Committee Meetings on the first Wednesday of most months; the other positions usually entail a working role outside of our meetings.
Committee: Other Office Bearers: President Confederation Delegates Non-Committee (2) Vice President Magazine Production Manager Public Officer (currently combined with Treasurer) Printers
Secretary Business Manager
Treasurer SBW Webmaster
Walks Secretary Archivist
Social Secretary Hon Solicitor
Membership Secretary Hon Auditor
New Members Secretary A
Conservation Secretary Sub Committees:
Magazine Editor Coolana Maintenance Committee
General Committee Member (2) Website and Telephone Contacts Confederation Delegates (2) The Sydney Bushwalker
February 2004 Page 5
A Little Less Conversation, A Little More Action
By Juan-Carlo Tomas
Extract from The Sydney Morning Herald 30 January 2004
Scientists have come up with a new definition of a healthy walk: putting one foot in front of the other and keeping your trap shut.
Silent strolling, according to researchers from the University of Queensland, means being mindful of the conflicting demands placed on your brain, and preventing potential injury to the deep abdominal muscles.
Speech and breathing are controlled by the same area of the brain and overloading it through talking distracts the brain from keeping the spine straight, which could lead to back pain or falling over, according to Associate Professor Paul Hodges, from the university's School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences.
“If you're walking while talking, you inhale rapidly and exhale slowly to keep communicating,” Dr Hodges said. “In this situation, the central nervous system, which is responsible for muscle control, is faced with competing demands and for fleeting moments the spine is less protected.
The findings were presented at the Australian Neuroscience Society's annual meeting in Melboume yesterday. Researchers studied
abdominal muscle activity in a group of volunteers walking on treadmills.
The muscles worked properly when they limited themselves to walking, but when they started talking researchers detected less muscle activity. These muscles were important for controlling the spine, Dr Hodges said, which could explain the high incidence of falls among the elderly.
“We also know that there is an increased prevalence of back pain among people who have respiratory problems.”
People walking with mobile phones highlighted the danger this central nervous system conflict could have for future generations, Dr Hodges said.
“If you have to talk while you walk, we would say either keep it short or take your time.”
Published with the kind permission of Juan - Carlo Tomas and the Sydney Morning Herald. This material is subject to copyright.
Come to Kar
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We show you far more
than any one else will ever do. Come in April and enioy flowing creeks and warm pools.
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skies and idea! temperatures.
Come anytime and walk through a timeiess landscape where you camp next to beautiful pools and visit Aboriginal art sites which wit remain foraver unknown to 4WD tourisis.
Our Karijini trips take you into some of the most spectacular gorge country in Australia.
Each trip consists of two walks
You can choose either ar both. Fresh supplies come in at the end of the first. For an impartial opinion, go te the trip seport section on our website and see what one of our diearns wrote about our fast trip. Book now tc take advantage
of cur advance purchase discounts
j www-bushwalkingholidays.com.2u
: a
| Page 6 T he Sydney Bushwalker February 2004
Coolana Report:
During January the trailer load of plastic tree guards were picked up and with the help of Georges 4×4 were taken down to the river flat. Orders have been placed for star posts and plants. The quote for the star posts from a local contractor included delivery to beside the shelter shed.
On the long weekend a trial planting was carried out and a water lance manufactured by George was used to dig the hole to plant the tree. There has been at least 75mm of rain locally at Coolana during the month the road diversions are working and the creek is flowing.
The Reunion And Planting Of Tree
Shirley Dean advises that a number of trees will
be planted at Coolana during the Reunion weekend. She suggests that the 2004 President plant a tree and that we make a ritual out of this moment in future years. In this way the Club recognises the values of conservation and acknowledge the land. Don Finch
Easy Camping at Coolana: Any time is an ideal time to rest and relax at Coolana. Why dont you spend a day or two at the Clubs property at Coolana ? There is ideal camping space and camp fires are permitted at Coolana at all times SS other than when total fire bans apply to the Shoalhaven area.
a al Campers are asked to use the indicated fireplaces to avoid scarring the camping ground. Please use only fallen timber and ensure that your fire is completely extinguished before retiring to your tent. Also. be aware of the danger from falling branches and avoid camping under the wattle trees.
Annual Reunion and Celebration
Join Us At Coolana on 13% 14” March (See the separate circular with this months magazine)
Come at any time for a great time all the time. Join the extended happy hour under the large tarpaulin,
Traditional inauguration of the new President Celebrate the traditional bon-fire
Enjoy the entertainment stretching well into the night.
Damper competition on Sunday moming
New members welcome - your opportunity
to see Coolana at its best
More Details: Bill Holland 9484 6636 0418 210 290 Patrick James: 95679998 0409041 515
purpose for which itwas donated:
Whether its bush walking, mountaineering, cross-country skiing, trek- King or travel, a pack is your best friend or worst enemy. Why? Because you depend on the agility and comfort that your pack provides.
The Mont MON Moto-Active MONT adjustable har- Back - ac. ness system rs Country
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Triple stitched with webbing bound seams to ensure massive seam strength.
We use Evazote foams, the most du- rable, high quality foams available. Hip-belt secures di- rectly to the allumin- ium frame-stays for direct load transfer. Only highest quality Duraflex buckles. The shoulder yoke adjusts independ- ently of the frame Stays.
Dual aluminium frame-stays adjusted and reinserted in seconds
7 www.mont.com.au Mont Adventure Equipment; The Australian company with over 20
eastwood 3 Trelawney Street Eastwood.
Phone : 02 9858 3833.
Ali packs personally fitted
centre by our experienced Staff. T he Sydney Bushwalker
February 2004
We have all heard debate on y -~~ whether global warming is
: fo happening and whether it will have is any serious environmental effects.
4 Last December the Federal ff Government released its own report, ia i AN which said that temperatures may
Y V \ rise by 6 degrees by the year 2070
and that Australia will have more natural
disasters, droughts, bushfires and water shortages. At the
same time the Minister for the Environment representing
the Australian Government continues to undermine the
Kyoto Protocol at the international meeting on the Protocol in Milan.
Don Henry, Executive Director of the Conservation Foundation said The Hypocrisy is staggering. Why is the Australian Government continuing to oppose the Kyoto Protocol when their own data clearly shows that climate change will be devastating for Australia?
A rise in average temperature of 6 degrees would be uncomfortable but tolerable if air temperature were the only issue. In the last ice age the average temperature decrease was also 6 degrees. As a result of that, sea levels were 120 metres lower, (20 metres lower per degree). Bass Strait became the Bassian Plains, the aboriginals walked across to what is now Tasmania and half the earth was covered with ice.
Atmospheric science is not advanced enough to predict the results of increased atmospheric temperatures. The results might be beneficial, for example our atmosphere is light in carbon dioxide and more of it will increase plant growth. However life on earth evolved in the current atmosphere, temperature, humidity chemical composition, etc. Life on earth means us, the other animals, planis, bacteria, fungi and all the rest. If the atmosphere changes anything could happen. The results might also be severe and quick. Ice might uncover the tundra at the poles and that would cause huge amounts of carbon dioxide to be released and the earths temperature might increase by 10 degrees in twenty years and in a short time flood the Australian coasts and cause all sorts of disasters around
Government undermining the Kyoto Protocol
the world. We just dont know.
The Governments assessment predicts increases in the frequency and intensity of droughts, warmer water temperatures killing coral in the Great Barrier Reef and a trebling of severe bushfire frequency.
Lets not take the risk of changing the atmosphere. Complying with the Kyoto Protocol will cause great changes in our life style and the Government, being in power for about three years will preside over the pain and not the gain. We would have to stop using so much electricity and car fuel. We cant afford to burn so much coal and oil. These changes would cost a lot and there is bound to be pressure from oil and coal producers. However there is large potential for development of sustainable energy from sunlight and wind. We have an abundance of both, and we have the skilled people to develop the technology.
Kyoto sets up an international framework that is capable of delivering the deeper cuts in global greenhouse pollution that even the Government admits must happen this century. In Milan our representatives are focusing on distractions and weak bilateral agreements without targets. We should be trying to lose our record as the worst per capita greenhouse polluters. Developing countries must look at us and say
Why should we comply when they don't and they are richer than we are? State Governments have more will than the Feds do. The Australian Conservation Foundation says the states should legislate cooperatively until the Federal Government is prepared to act.
The Blair Government in the UK recently released a National Allocation Plan that allocates greenhouse gas emission allowances to CO2 polluters. The first phase allocation is consistent with an overall reduction of UK CO2 emissions of 16.3% from 1990 levels by 2010. This is what we should be doing.
David Trinder Source: The Australian Conservation Foundation
Colong Foundation Prepares Plan for Kosciuszko National Park
The recently released key Plan For Environmental
Protection of Kosciusko National Park;
proposes an expanded suite of wildemess areas
opposes proposals for yet more infrastructure development in the park
e opposes brumby running as a method of capturing feral horses
opposes a proposed fence along NSW-ACT border to contain feral horses to NSW
e considers inappropriate, the suggestions for broad area buming of wilderness areas
e recommends relocation of the National (horseriding) Trail
e suggests limiting damaging contributions to climate change by restricting snowmaking and cloud seeding
e recommends that leases for ski resorts should not be extended past 2030 at which time natural snow cover will be wsufficient for skiing. in the meantime
suggests that ski resorts should be restricted to existing boundaries and the isolated Charlotte Pass ski resort be removed upon expiry of its lease in 2015
The Colong Foundations plan was unanimously
endorsed at the 2003 Annual Conference of the
Nature Conservation Council.
The NPWS draft plan of management will be released shortly and ensure that the public interest in nature conservation remains at the centre of debate over the future of this park The Colong Builetin January 2004 | The Sydney Bushwalker
February 2004 Page 9
Barry Wallace advises that his computer exploded or something similar at a critical moment and he is
unable to supply his usual Walk Notes this month.
Turkey - Greece Trekking April 04
Club member Geoff Dowsett is leading a 3 stage trekking trip to Turkey and Greece. He is looking for 3 more travellers - 10 bushwalkers are already booked for :
- Stage ].a 12 day Gulet (yacht)/trek along the Lycian or Turquoise coast of Turkey visiting ancient Greek and Roman sites - swimming- visiting islands, sailing from Marmaris 5th April. Cost approx $1000
- Stage 2 will be a week trekking in the south west mountains and coast of Crete - three days exploring the historic island of Rhodes.
- Stage 3 one week of treks on the Peloponnesus and Zakinthos island.
Phone Geoff 9484 0321
Need Extra Tray for Your Dehydrator ? After many years of faithful service our Fowlers Vacola Dehydrator has expired. This leaves 4 Drying Trays of no further use to us. If you can use them please phone:
Phone Frances 9484 6636
Wednesday 17 March - 8pm
Going Overseas ?
Dont Forget Your International Camping Cards
The International Camping Card may entitle you
to a discount on charges at camp sites and
amusement parks, free sports and inexpensive
food at camp-site restaurants.
You should always ask if there is a discount on
arrival as discounts may have changed.
The Camping Card
is only available to financial members or NRMA or affiliated motoring organisations
~ is widely accepted at camping sites in Europe
= is essential for anyone wishing to camp in Europe. Lack of this document may preclude admittance to a camp site,
= provides protection against legal liability for bodily injury and/or property damage to third parties in camping grounds,
= is valid for 12 months from the date of issue, and
= can be issued by any NRMA office, cost $25.
Happy Camping: Vicki Garamy
New Dalat Thai & Vietnamese Restaurant 77 Military Road, Neutral Bay (opposite the Oaks Hotel)
$25 per head
(please bring correct change) Mixed entre, 4 dishes (2 veg, 1 seafood, 1 chicken) & rice
BYO (no corkage)
Public transport: On the bus route (Watson Street or Big Bear)
RSVP ESSENTIAL by Wednesday 10 March to Caro on 0412 304 071 or social@sbw.org.au
| Page 10.
T he Sydney Bushwalker
February 2004
What do the “Lord of the Rings and an adventure in the upper reaches of the Kowmung River have in
common? Plenty, as Susie Arnott found out.
“What is to be my quest? I go to lose . (a treasure) and not return, as far as I can see.” - Frodo the Ring-Bearer, Lord of the Rings
1. The Fellowship of the Quest. )
“For where am I to go? And by what shail J steer?”
- Frodo
The Fellowship of the Quest left at sunrise, after a night in Katoomba at the Prancing Pony Youth Hostel. Seven in all: Frodo Amott and her pack Samwise, Peregrin McNaught (known as Pippin), Meriadoc Smith (known as Merry), the Lady Edith of Rohan, Aragom, Heir of Bradnam (known as Strider), Legolas the Elf, messenger from Collins, and Gimli son of Umland.
After a two hour trip south west through the Old Forest, they left the bus at the Vale of Tuglow bordering the Kanangra Boyd National Park. They applied elf ointment to protect from the burning Eye of Sauron and armies of black-winged orcs, then plodded through Tuglow Downs, watched by horned and woolly beasts, but no oliphaunts (to Sam's disappointment).
Aragorn strode out ahead, clasping the ancient map handed down from King Ronald of Watters, who fifty years ago in the First Age of Middle Earth had followed the mighty Kowmung until the bushfires of Mordor had forced his party to leave the river at Church Creek and exit at Minas Yerranderie, City of the Silver.
They crossed Tuglow Falls, near the cliffs of Chardon Canyon, then took some time to find a route down to the river suitable for creatures other than
Susie Arnott
water droplets. After struggling through thick scrub, on guard for the red-bellied black legs of Shelob which infest the area, they downed packs (Samwise hot and grumbling) and plunged into the first water hole of the Great River.
After Elvish lambas bread which orc hordes battled to share, they waded downriver, the hobbits waist- deep. Sam squealed when the cold water reached his bottom, but Frodo reassured him he'd been thoroughly waterproofed. They climbed steeply to the Kowmung River Firetrail, then slipped and slid down to a ford on the river with a grassy campsite just beyond. Samwise produced Frodo's dinner, a comfortable bed and tent for the night's shelter.
2. The Two Towers. “A shrill cry rang out … and he felt a pain like a dart of poisoned ice pierce his left shoulder.
- Lord of the Rings.
Frodo was up before light, carefully waterproofing Sam with two big orange garbags and a packliner, with everything inside wrapped in plastic bags. Last to be ready, she hurried to join the group. Today promised to be a “wet! day through “Morong Deep”, the canyon section of the river with sheer cliffs and roaring rapids.
In no-time they reached the first pool. “Well, here goes, Sam!” said Frodo, “hang on tight!” She launched off into the water, to find that Samwise floated admirably but didn't leave enough room for her face between him and the water. Seized with panic, she grabbed at a rock. She slipped and her eye hit stone, but she managed to haul herself out. She took Sam off and floated him along beside her as she swam. When she reached the other side, she tried to stand up on the slippery rock but fell, while the other hobbits seemed to have no difficulty. She gazed at her feet. Slippery Shoes of Sauron! She'd paid dearly for them, forsaking her faithful Elven Volleys! O foolish hobbit!
She tried to pick Sam up, but after his swim the waters of Mordor dragged him down. O woe! Treacherous shoes and a too-heavy pack. “I'm sorry, Mrs. Frodo, I'd carry you if I could!” wept Sam, as Frodo struggled to tip him upside down and drain him
Disaster again befell Frodo as she crept along a soaking rock slope. The Shoes of Sauron went from beneath her and she slammed sideways onto the hard granite. Pain pierced her arm and it went limp. Pippin
tushed to her aid and diagnosed a pulled rotator cuff. Merry helped her up and they continued slowly on, to find Aragom and the others waiting for them at the Falls of Morong with fire and billies.
Once he'd dried his pack out a bit, Merry decided to sidle high and meet us at the next designated camp spot further down Morong Deep beyond the Gap Camp Gully. The rest of the group soldiered on, till | . The Sydney Bushwalker
February 2004 Page 11
we hit the pass of the Two Towers. On one side, Orthanc, on the other, Barad-Dur, with a roaring waterfall in between.
Aragorn charged straight down the middle, and shouted from below, It's better than the Land of Wonder!” Next went brave Pippin, nimble Legolas, and fait Eowyn. Then came Frodo's turn. She hurled Samwise forward. For endless seconds he churned beneath pelting water at the bottom of the first drop, but just when Frodo thought he would sink, he shot forward, down the chute and out of sight. Frodo edged herself out onto the slippery slide while Pippin shouted instructions from below, then she was off, under the pummelling fall, over the rocks into the second pool, flipped onto her stomach and head first over the rapids to the bottom where she found Sam floating peacefully.
Quaking with cold and fright, Frodo could not budge the sodden Sam, but gallant Aragorn heaved him over his shoulder and gave Frodo his lighter pack.
Wise Gimli counselled a stop for the night, and they climbed to a precipitous site overlooking the river. Around a fire they thawed, and Samwise came up with warm clothes and dinner, all dry despite his ordeal in the waterfall. Through the trees the stars twinkled above Frodo as she slept in a bower, safe from rolling down the hill.
Next moming, after a steep climb and another descent to the river, the group followed a boulder- strewn side creek and mid moming came across a delighted Merry, joining him for morning tea at his campsite. Reunited, they continued on to a tricky rapid with slimy sloping granite down which even Legolas lost his elven footing and slid into the water. Following Eowyn, Frodo took a different route, but once through the danger, she slipped on casuarina needles, and hurtled towards deep water, with heavy Samwise on her back. A thin ledge stopped her, but at that point she burst into tears and admitted defeat. Helped by her noble companions, she reached the lunch spot to find Pippin lying under a tree suffering severe dehydration and unable to move. Merry also announced that he'd had enough, and Eowyn pledged to stay with the hobbits.
And so the Fellowship split, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli to continue down the river, the Hobbits and Eowyn of Rohan to remain and recover their strength. They lay in the shade; they swam in a vast
pool and gazed up at the steep valley of the Kowmung. But the forces of Mordor were gathering, and the countless black winged orcs were joined by Nazgul mounted on winged March Flies. At night mosquitoes swarmed outside Frodo's tent.
On the third day, two kilometres of canyons and rapids brought them to camp just before Hanrahan's Creek. They rested the night, besieged by the stinging winged forces of the Dark Lord.
3. The Retum of the King
“Yet maybe there is now more hope in your search”, said Aragorn. - Lord of the Rings
On the first day of the New Year 2004 of the Fourth Age, they left the river. The Shoes of Sauron lost their slip as the band followed Merry 800 metres up the Ridge of Megalith, through open forest, past clusters of brooding stone monsters, and over Morong Hill. Under the searing heat of the Lidless Eye they plodded to the Junction of the Firetrails, Morong Falls and Morong Creek, knowing seven kilometres lay between them and the Crossing of Boyd.
Something white caught Frodo's eye, and she cried out, “The Eagles are coming! The Eagles are coming!”
Ranger Gandalf in his 4WD picked up our four weary travellers, and drove them all the way to Jenolan Caves. There they caught a tourist bus to Katoomba Station, and climbed onto a train which bore them speedily homewards to the Shire. At 8.30 that same evening, Frodo opened the door at Bag End to the astonishment of her family.
After a day's rest she went to see “The Lord of the Rings” and re-live her journey on the big screen. Samwise declared he'd had quite enough adventure for a whole lifetime, and stayed at home on the Hills Hoist to dry.
Aragorn and his band continued on down the Kowmung as far as Church Creek , then walked out to Yerranderie. From there they flew to Camden and arrived home the day after the hobbits.
Coming Non-Walking Activities
Canoeing 21* February SBW Tallowa Dam Canoe and Bush Walk
Phone: Patrick James 9567 9998
4” -8” Mar. Berowra Waters - Paddling Berowra Waters. Start either Thurs 4 or later and return any day. Paddle for about 2 hours to a campsite on a sandy beach - see Autumn Walks
Cycling 29” February Ride to wineries in the Gerringong- Berry- Gerringong area. Phone: Patrick James 9567 9998 | Page 12
T he Sydney Bushwalker
February 2004
Moroka Fairyland
This year's Christmas walk was chosen to take advantage of higher elevations but avoid the areas burnt in the January 2003 bushfires in NSW and Victoria. The Gippsland area in Victoria reaches elevations of up to 1700m and escaped the fires, so it was a natural choice. The route chosen was from Doolan's Plain to Moroka River, Snowy Bluff, Dawson Range, Moroka Gorge, Moroka Hut, Mt Wellington, Lake Tali Kamg and Wellington River to the Howitt Road.
Seven walkers met at the cake shop in Mansfield for some Boxing Day hair of the dog and proceeded from there to Licola via Jamieson. All vowed never to drive this road again, as it is winding and dusty. Camp was at the final crossing of the Howitt Road over the Wellington River, where we planned to end the walk. After a car swap the following morning we started walking at around 10 o'clock. Lunch was at a delightful swimming hole on the Moroka River a mere 1,000m below our starting point at Doolan's Plain, before a stroll up to a great campsite at the top of a waterfall, part way up Snowy Bluff. The weather on this day and throughout the walk was superb. It was warm without being hot and some of the party slept every night without bothering to erect a tent, with no dew at all.
First item on the agenda the next day was a further 700m of climbing to reach the top of Snowy Bluff. This was made bearable by an early start to avoid the heat of the day. The rest of the day was spent doodle-bopping (like yo- yoing but less drastic) along the Dawson Range with great views into the Wonnangatta River valley, before camping at Shanty Hollow. If we were to have a problem with water it would have been here, but there was a good flow at a nearby creek.
At this campsite, seeking to minimise the number of fire scars, we looked for signs of a previous campfire. One was eventually found, in the form of what must have been an architect- designed fairy ring -a magnificent structure. But on trying to remove the rocks to make it useable, the leader was bitten by bull ants who had taken up residence in the edifice (and who would blame them?). The problem was solved by someone declaring the ring a heritage building, whereupon a better spot was used for the campfire. Fairy rings were a feature of all campsites we encountered, not all of them as elegant as that at Shanty Hollow, but all of them most elaborate.
Another early start the next day had us in Moroka Gorge by 9 o'clock. Here we swam and
Kenn Clacher
wandered around for a couple of hours. There were some quite spectacular waterfalls close to where we entered the gorge. The walk to Horseyard Flat was marked by a refreshingly chilly swim in a big pool just below Moroka Falls. A long lunch at Horseyard Flat then saw off the heat of the day before setting out along Moroka Road for Moroka Hut. This leg was made interesting by the navigator trying to take a shortcut and leading the party into a swamp which was not marked on the maps. At least it was a change from eating 4WD dust, which we had to do for a few km on this leg.
Victorian maps are intriguing. All of the walk except for a few km was planned to utilise either tracks or roads marked on both the 1 :50,000 Vicmaps and a VIMC sketch map. All our route was marked on the maps by lines of the same style and prominence. On the ground, the tracks varied from first quality all-weather gravel road to non-existent. The non-existent part was on day two, where the going was nevertheless easy walking (apart from the 1,400m of climbing).
Moroka Hut is an old and somewhat dilapidated dirt-floored hut but surrounded by a delightful grassy flat, punctuated by the obligatory fairy ring, and a creek nearby deep enough to immerse oneself. We had a horseriding party in an adjoining paddock as neighbours but they didn't bother us other than the horses eating our washing put out to dry on the fence.
Next day promised to be the longest and hardest of the trip, around 24krn with 700m of climbing and 900m of descent, so yet another early start was ordained. First task was to walk about 10km on Moroka Track along Moroka Range (where else?) then a climb of around 400m to reach the top of Mt Wellington which at 1635m was the highest point we reached on the walk. The views here were superb. Then we walked down to. ..Moroka Gap, of course.
Flies had been around for all of the walk, but on the long descent from Moroka Gap to Lake Tali Kamg they really made their presence felt. Bob won the award for the most number of flies swallowed in one day while walking (around 20) while Kenn managed to fit the most flies on a single VitaWeat (50 and still counting). Margaret won the prize for the greatest extra weight of flies carried on a pack. Pat discovered that deodorant worked as it should -it attracted the flies, well. ..like flies. ;
All was forgotten however on arriving at Lake Tali Kamg in mid-afternoon. This is Victoria's only natural highland lake, formed not by glacial The Sydney Bushwalker
February 2004 Page 13
action or moraine but by a landslide. It is roughly in the shape of a whale, about 800m long and 300m wide. It is great for swimming and our campsite right on the lake was idyllic once the fairy ring was banished.
Our objective the next day (New Year's Eve) was a campsite just a couple of km short of the end of the walk, downhill all the way except for some doodle-bops. After a swim or two on the way we arrived there in early afternoon, but about 30 seconds late as another group grabbed the best spot. The party declined the leader's offer to complete the walk that afternoon and hit Crown Casino by midnight, in favour of celebrating New Year's Eve in a briar patch surrounded by blackberry bushes which was nevertheless comfortable and private. The rest of the afternoon was spent wallowing in the local swimming hole, which featured some soothing natural spas.
New Year's Eve was celebrated in appropriate style, with balloons and whistles featuring. We missed out on the planned Samoan New Year when half the group deserted the party when they thought- they had a bettet offer at the adjoining camp. They returned however in time to celebrate Kiwi New Year.
The next morning an advance party left early to complete the car swap so the remainder could walk the last few km at a leisurely pace. Pat contributed some excitement when she convinced herself that her car keys had decamped somewhere over the preceding 80km, and was about to call for a posse when the keys put in an appearance. Thus the rear party was spared some needless drama. All that remained was to retum to Sydney via Heyfield and the Monaro Highway, thus avoiding the dusty and winding Licola -Mansfield road.
It had been a very pleasant and interesting walk. With visits to Moroka River, Moroka Gorge, Moroka Road, Moroka Track, Moroka Range, Moroka Hut and Moroka Gap we were thoroughly Moroka ' d, if not impressed with the imagination of those who name geographical features in those parts.
First Aid Certificates
To encourage leaders and members to get their St Johns First Aid Certificate, the Club will subsidise the cost of gaining an accredited Senior First Aid Certificate up to $50 and if combined with an accredited Remote Area First Aid, up to $80.
The next First Aid Training Course conducted by Confederation of Bushwalking Clubs will be 29th,30th May - see Autumn Walks programme
Disaster at Deanes Creek - 24 -26 Jan Leader: Carol Lubbers
Party: Caro Ryan, Paul McCann, Christine McColl, Jan Roberts, Anne Maguire, Frank Grennan, Henry Roda, Ian Thorpe & Richard Butler.
Route: Newnes Zobels Gully Constance Gorge Deanes Creek Wolgan River Newnes
After the ascent of Zobels Gully and walking through the Gorge, we lunched at the side creek into Deanes Creek. Just minutes after leaving our lunch spot, Jan slipped on a rotting log and _ fell, twisting her night ankle. Much examination and discussion ensued and, whilst giving Jan time to recover, a search was made further on for a suitable campsite. As swelling and bruising was slight it was decided the ankle was spramed, that we would move on and when travel became uncomfortable for Jan, camp for the night at the first suitable site. We stripped Jans pack and proceeded.
Progress along Deanes Creek was very slow and about 5.45 pm a heavy storm struck just as we came upon two dry overhangs where we camped for the night. Through all this, Jan kept marvelling at the beauty of the creek!
Sunday night was spent high on the bank where Deanes Creek opens up before the junction with Rocky Creek. Monday morning, we contoured to find an unmarked firetrail. Progress, though more comfortable for Jan, was still slow for her.
Jan has been diagnosed with a lateral fracture of her right fibula and she suspects a cracked rib, as well. | Page 14
T he Sydney Bushwalker
February 2004
Goodbye from Heike:
In March 2002 there were 2 new directions that were passed at the AGM. These heralded changes for new members transferring to full membership. One was that Test walks were renamed Qualifying walks to remove some of the negative connotations some feel with Tests. The other was to extend the time frame in which it was expected most could gain bushwalking fitness to the standard where a Q walk was not testing but a challenging, great day out. Previously a 6 month period, it was extended to 12 months.
This year I was disappointed that more new members have not moved on to become full members, statistically usually stable at about 18% but much less this year. Responses indicate that some feel 12 months is still too short a timeframe and that having to qualify to a standard is off- putting.
SBW has an interesting and long history and those who founded this club were walkers of physical and mental strength, stamina, fortitude and vision. They were environmentalists and conservationists long before these trendy terms were coined. They explored, discovered, mapped and fought to protect many of the tracks and areas we can get to with so much vehicular ease before we even put a boot to the ground. They carried bare necessities in small heavy leather and canvas packs (Dot simply used a pillowcase!). No comfy thermarests just a sandy hollow or nest of gum leaves. No boots of orthotic design, no raincoats of high tech lightweight waterproofing, no GPS only route finding skills through experience with a compass…..
I wouldnt advocate that we return to the basics of the past, if we have technological benefits in gear and gadgetry why not use it sensibly? But what I do value about SBW and why I have a sense of pride and satisfaction in being a member is because they have kept standards and expectations. Australia does have one of the harshest of climates and environments; there is no pity for the unprepared and SBW walkers have a healthy and deep respect for nature and the bush. The Q walks, navigation and 1* aid information required for full membership are minimal basics for perhaps keeping life and limb when all the powerful forces within nature are not of the mothering variety.
The reasons why people join SBW are many and varied. I believe our team has taking good care to represent the quality of SBW and its activities fairly to all interested in joining but the basic foundations for full membership are solidly grounded and too priceless in value to be diminished further. Having a_ reasonable
Heike Krausse
background of bush-skills means being out there is not a frightening or stressful challenge but one that can inspire and give aspiration for much of what is truly worthy in life.
Now it is time to say a fair thee well from the New Members page. I am resigning from the office of New Members Secretary. Thank you to all who have been so supportive over the last 2 years, thank you to all those who acknowledged my articles and more importantly told me how they had found some snippets useful!
Tony and Mark are continuing their commitment to this position. Marks positive enthusiasm and Tonys first contact emailing and dedicated collation of all details for the database have been valued and deeply appreciated I could not have done this without their staunch support. But as I wrote in my very first article we are simply the bridge for new members to find out if SBW is the club for them. It is the commitment of all SBW members to welcoming, facilitating and enabling those with little experience to confidently enjoy themselves in the bush that completes the responsibilities of the New Members Team. So thank you all.
By no means do I intend to fade out of the committee picture, there are a few alternative projects I have in mind and I would like to be a support for whoever takes over the role. It is an extremely satisfying contribution to make to the club and not difficult. If you want to give it a go come along to the AGM and stick up your hand for a nomination. Considering giving back to the club but a little unsure on options and how to go about it? Give me a ring and I'll happily answer queries. There is plenty of scope for innovation and change within the role, thought of ways youd do things differently if you could? Well here is your chance! An adventure of a different nature…..
Please welcome on your next walk: David Thurston.
Weekend Walking Gear for Hire The club now has a small pool of weekend walking equipment available for hire. The rates
for weekly hire are: Weekend pack: $15 Sleeping bag: $15
(For hygiene reasons you must i; provide and use
your own sleeping bag liner) we Sleeping mat: $5
Ground sheet: $2 Tent: $20 Complete kit $50 Equivalent refundable deposit required. Contact: | Geoff McIntosh 9419 4619
The Sydney Bushwalker
February 2004 Page 15
Weekend Walking - The First Time
Do you remember your first time? Have you had your first one yet?
Im referring to overnight walks. After many weekend walks, all enjoyable, some adventurous, some unforgettable, I tend to forget what a big deal my first overnight walk was.
The concerns I had about my ability to carry a full pack and keep up with experienced walkers. The doubts I had about the food Id planned being enough to keep me alive for two days. The constant checking and rechecking my gear. Would I forget a vital piece of equipment, the tent pegs or worse the tent? Would I be warm enough in my sleeping bag? Did I have enough clothes? What about first-aid?
There were several conflicting thoughts and emotions; excitement; concern; do I really want to do this; planning and pretending I knew what I was doing.
My first trip went well. I did keep up or I didnt notice the others waiting for me. I had enough food to feed half the party. I didnt forget anything, in fact I had spares. When I got back I felt I had been to the ends of the earth and got
Peter Love
back, I was delighted.
Over the years I have forgotten a few thing, I meant to take. I have always had enough food. In fact, now I need to discipline myself at happy hour so I have an appetite for the main meal. On occasions I have forgotten things like tea bags and survived.
The more overnight walks I do the more I enjoy them and the easier the packing gets. Without too much trouble I could be ready for an overnighter in an hour or two. I needed at least a day or two when IJ started.
SBW has a requirement that new members complete a qualifying overnight walk. It is worthwhile remembening the first overnight walk is a big adventure. The more experienced members, Im sure, will welcome first timers and offer advice and suggestions. As well as helping eating the large quantity of food first timers seem to bring.
You can never do your first overnight walk twice. I would encourage you to enjoy the experience. You can look back in years to come with a smile, remembering your first time.
Recommended Easy Walks For New Members The following walks are recommended as suitable for new members with little walking experience or for experienced members wishing to walk at a more relaxed pace. Full details and contact phone numbers are shown
in Summer and Autumn Walks Programmes
Day Walks: Sat28“ Feb Blue Mountains NP
Leura Prince Henrys Walk Federal Pass Furbers Steps Katoomba. Great views, classic tourist trails,
accessible by train. Grade: Easy, 10 km
Tuesday 2nd March Sydney Harbour NP
Balmoral to Manly. Ideal for a mid-week walk as there are fewer people, on this very popular walk. Great views on a relaxing day. Grade: Easy 15 km
Sun 7” Mar Bundanoon
Old mining area, waterfalls, vistas. Optional car camp Saturday night, in which case we should be able to see the glow worms. Grade: Easy 12km,
Sat 20 Mar Bowen Mountain
Easy, exploratory walk to Bowen Mountain, about 8 km west of Richmond, includes about 200 metres of bush bashing between tracks. Bring water for the whole day. Possibly a bit scratchy Grade: easy, exploratory 12km
Sun 28“ Mar Kuringai Chase NP
Bobbin Head - Sphinx - Lovers Jump Creek (off track) - Gibberagong Trac k - Bobbin Head
Swims & boating picnic available following walk, mid afternoon 2 - 4.30 pm Grade: Easy 14 km
Weekend Walks:
21%, 22” Feb Blue Mountains NP
Megalong Road Coxs River - Return PROSPECTIVES BIG NIGHT OUT No 1. Have you been down to the Coolana Training Weekend and are now looking for the next step? Have you never been on an overnight walk before? This is designed for YOU! Lots of time for questions, weighing your pack (beware the bathroom scales!!), get a feel for carrying a pack over a distance, help setting up tents, cooking advice, fire starting and good sense of humour essential! Grade: Easy, 13 km
21*, 22“ Feb Kangaroo Valley
Saturday moming start to an ideal summer activity. An easy walk of about one hour to a five star camp site on the Kangaroo River. Meet the others (sce Canoe Trip Page 11) for an idyllic weekend of exploring, canoeing or just lazing around. Great swimming opportunities.
Grade: Relaxing
| Page 16
T he Sydney Bushwalker
February 2004 |
Hi everyone,
Here we are again, another month, another social blurb! Januarys Kakadu slide night proved to be a bit different with all sorts of culinary delights on offer with attendees able to sample everything from Kakadu Tiramisu to Kakadu Birthday Cake. The team proved that yes, it is possible to eat fine cuisine in remote locations it just takes a bit of planning.
January also saw the first of our navigation training evenings. Dont forget these arent just for prospectives… J know that there are a few members whod love to brush up on their skills. Mark Dabbs will be running another night in May, so therell be another chance to come along. Just dont forget to bring your Mt Wilson 1:25,000 map and a compass.
After a lovely long weekend in the Wollemi with Carol Lubbers and co. (where I felt my first ever twinge in a knee), Im looking forward to the February social night which features Jouni Leppanen (Musculoskeletal Therapist) talking about injury prevention for bushwalkers. This should have a great turnout from all accounts.
At this point, I feel the need to respond to Bills feelings that Club Social Evenings should return to once per fortnight. Firstly, thank you Bill for your kind words of encouragement for the social program, Ive enjoyed being involved. This is an area over which I feel quite torn. My initial thoughts were, Heck! Thats double my workload!!
I can understand the desire to increase the social occasions, but to do this it places demands on volunteers who spend their own time arranging such functions and the time spent in promoting them. Even though [ve found certain aspects of this role challenging over the past year, Ive actually quite enjoyed it and would not want to have to give it all up because of the increased demand of more events.
When I accepted the role as Social Secretary last year, it was on the proviso that it was monthly activities, which sounded do-able. As it is, ve had to enlist the help of some fabulous people called, (very originally) the Social Team. This team currently consists of Reiko Tomatsu and Jan Thorpe, along with some other prospective members who are still considering their involvement. (Please contact me if youd like to be involved! !)
All I ask is that before we jump into any changes, in the club or start practicing the ol SBW internal political lobbying thing, that we please consider the volunteers with busy lives (many of us working 50+hrs each week). Whilst being committed to the future of SBW, we need to balance our other life outside of the club.
Thanks guys. See you on the track Cheers: Caro
PS: Dont forget to check out the advance advert for the March Social Activity in this magazine!! Hope to see you there.
Cultural Exchange:
Donald MacDonald from the Isle of Skye went to study at an English university and was living in the hall of residence with all the other students there. After he had been there a month, bis mother came to
. visit him.
“And how do you find the English students, Donald?” she asked.
“Mother,” he replied, “they're such terrible, noisy people. The one on that side keeps banging his head on the wall and won't stop. The one on the other side screams and screams all night.”
“Oh Donald! How do you manage to put up with these awful noisy English neighbours?”
“Mother, I do nothing. I just ignore them. I just stay here quietly, playing my bagpipes.”
Special Coffeecake:
An overweight _ business associate of mine decided it was time to shed some excess pounds. He took his new diet seriously, even changing his a driving route to avoid his
* favourite bakery. One morning, however, he arrived at work carrying a gigantic coffeecake. We all scolded him, but his smile remained cherubic.
“This is a very special coffeecake,” he explained. “I accidentally drove by the bakery this morning and there in the window was a host of goodies. I felt this was no accident, so I prayed, Lord, if you want me to have one of those delicious coffeecakes, let me have a parking place directly in front of the bakery, and sure enough,” he continued, “the eighth time around the block, there it was!”
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Weighing in at a fraction over 1kg, it sleeps two and stands strong fy / . s against the elements. (Optional, detachable iub floor is also available.)
Store iscations: Sydney: 507 Kent Street Miranda: 527 Kingsway * Parramatta: 74 Macquarie Street Katoomba: 166 Katoomba Street
Also in Canberra and Jindabyne Website: www.paddypallin.com.au
Mail order: 1800 805 398