MAY 2004
Issue No. 834
THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER is the monthly Summary of Contents: bulletin of matters of interest to members of 1. Ind dN ti The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc - index and Notices PO Box 431 Milsons Point 1565. 2. Message from President Maurice Editor: Bul Holland 3. Editors Note: Production Manager: Frances Holland . Printers: KennClacher, Barrie Murdoch, 3. Treasurers Report: Tom Wenman Don Brooks Fran Holland 4, Farewell Bob Duncan: Helen Gray's tribute to a true bushwalker Highlights - June Seciat Programme: 5. The Magic Of Summer: Poem by Don Matthews HEY LOOK!! 6. Brazilian Forests Chewed up by Beef Eaters David Trinder fF There are Two Social Nights in June 2,500 square kilometres of rain forest aor destroyed last year AG Mark your calendar for: 6. No Go for Movies in Wilderness Wed 16 lide Night Areas David Trinder At Spm Mark bon 5 niles oot hinidicht of his Epic film making but not in the Grose Valley North American and Alaskan trip - including 7. From The Committee Room walking Mt Logan at 20,000 ft and the A new feature on Committee proceedings breathtaking Queen Charlotte Islands. 8. News From Coolana Don Finch on the latest happenings at our Wed 30“ The SBW Mid-Winter Feast bushland property From 6-30pm - The return of the annual Winter 12-16 The Walks Pages: Feast. Come any time and bring a plate of food to .Sfarting with Barry Wallaces walk Notes share. Prizes for the most unusual and most then featuring several extended walk delicious winter dish. Hot gluhwein and cheese reports from, Jan Roberts, Maureen Carter, fondue. Wear your winter walking gear and bring Kenn Clacher and Mark Dabbs along your cold winter walk photos, slides or a CD. 17. Odds and Ends: ; Walk Notices and bits and pieces 18. Social Notes: Caro Ryan Contact The Editor: Caro has organised a great programme Copy for publishing in the SBW for June magazine should be received by the editor by the end of the first week of each ; month. Letters stating your viewpoint on Al ADVERTISERS: Front matters of interest are most welcome. PSpo . ront cover Please send your submission in by mail Eastwood Camping 9 (preferably typed), on floppy disc, by fax or by Paddy Pallin Back cover email addressed to The Editor Wilderness Transit 3 Telephone: 9484 6636 Willis's Walkabouts 7 Email: Fax: 9980 5476 (phone 9484 6636 first)
The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. | Page 2
T he Sydney Bushwalker
May 2004
The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc.
Our Club was formed in 1927 for the purpose of bringing bushwalkers together; enabling them to appreciate the great outdoors; establishing a regard for conservation andpromoting social activities.
The Club's main activity is bushwalking but includes other activities such as cycling, canoeing and social events.
Our Walks Programme (published quarterly) features day walks on most Saturdays and Sundays, some mid week walks and overnight weekend walks.
Extended walks are organised in areas such as Lamington, Snowy Mountains etc as well as interstate.
Our meetings are held on Wednesday evenings (see Social Programme) at Kirnbilli Neighbourhood Centre, 16 Fitzroy Street, Kirribilli (near Milsons Point Railway Station). Visitors and prospective members are welcome. General Enquiries: Phone 0500 500 729
SBW Website Office Bearers
President: Maurice Smith Vice-President: Rosemary MacDougal Treasurer: Tony Marshall Secretary: Leigh McClintock Walks Secretary: Peter Love Social Secretary Caro Ryan Membership Secretary Ron Watters
New Members Secretary: Grace Martinez
Conservation Secretary: Pamela Irving Magazine Editor: Bul Holland Committee Member:
Barry Wallace Heike Krausse Delegates to Confederation:
Jim Callaway - vacant -
Contact The Committee:
Members are welcome to contact the following officers on Club matters:
President : Maurice Smith
9587 6325 (h)
Vice President : Rosemary MacDougal
9428 5668 (h) Secretary: Leigh McClintock 8920 2388 (h) Treasurer Tony Marshall
9713 6985 (h) Members Secretary: Ron Watters 0419617491
New Members Secretary: Grace Martinez 0405 473 029 (m)
Message from President Maurice:
It may seem strange to say that I was privileged on 28 April to attend the funeral of a long standing club member. Yes, it is true. In a more detailed tribute in this edition you will read more about our former colleague Robert (Bob) Duncans extraordinary life. The large number of SBW members attending Bobs funeral was a remarkable tribute to a well-loved club member. On behalf of the club I extend to Bobs wife and fellow member Rosslyn and their children, Emma and Michael our deepest sympathy on the sudden loss of Bob who died whilst bushwalking in the Bungle Bungle Ranges in West Australia.
Among the many issues that challenge us is the need to develop new trip leaders, especially, of the female persuasion. If we were to look back over the clubs nich history is likely that we would find that a great many of the club office bearers started out in the club as humble trip leaders. So if we are to have a reliable supply of new trip leaders and thus potentially club executives who will bring to the table new ideas to old challenges then we need to ensure that we do all that we can to encourage trip new leaders.
Although we have a large percentage of female members, you are under-represented in the trp leaders grouping. Why is it so? How do we re-dress the imbalance? What do we have to do to help our potential aspiring female leaders. Ladies, put your heads together and generate some constructive ideas.
Here is an interesting challenge for trip leaders I have noticed that quite a few trip leaders who are leading walks of qualifying standard do not want their walks marked with a Q. Anecdotal advice is that those leaders do not want to be overwhelmed with a large number of prospective members wanting to get another Q walk under their belt. Come on leaders, those prospective members need to have plenty of opportunities to become qualified. Among the current crop of prospective members are our future trip leaders and club executives. Leaders, think back to when you were a prospective member. What would have happened if you didnt have the opportunity to qualify and then subsequently to lead trips?
I, for one enjoy meeting and walking with prospective members, they are certainly an interesting a crop as we have ever had. So leaders, please re-consider about grading you walk of qualifying standard as a Q walk.
Lastly we are tnalling a new walks grading system in the Winter program. We will be holding a special night, open to all-comers, in mid-July to review our experience with the walks grading system, Maurice Smith li The Sydney Bushwalker May 2004 Page3__|
Editors Note:
In nearly every issue of the magazine this year there has been a plea for our members to write a letter to the Premier urging preservation of wilderness areas or other conservation issues.
This is in keeping with one of the main objects of our club to establish a definite regard for the welfare and preservation of wildlife and natural beauty of this country and to help others appreciate these natural gifts.
Unfortunately, our State Government appears to be weakening its previously admirable protection of our environment. _ James Woodfords article in the SMH 10/5/04
has the headline Premier is turning a paler shade of green. He claims changes that threaten species and favour developers diminish Bob Carrs conservation credentials and points to such issues as the gutting of government conservation bureaucracies - publicly owned land transfers to farmers - cloud seeding at Kosciuszko - approval of filming in the Grose Valley and proposed changes to The Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995.
He suggests that more changes are in the pipeline aimed at a more developer-friendly regime.
On a personal note it saddens me to see this government slipping into market place economics and prepared to sacrifice its conservation ideals. The Federal Government also, despite protestations to the contrary, is directing funds away from _ wilderness conservation bodies to support farming and other rural interests.
So I will keep writing my personal letters and Pamela Irving, our Conservation Secretary will write on behalf of the Club - but what about you?
Will you make the effort to assist in the continued preservation of our wilderness areas?
Each letter individually worded, is noted very carefully by the political parties so please take the time and make the effort to register your disapproval.
Moving on to this months magazine we have excellent reports of extended walks but still lack concise reports of interesting day walks. Sometimes we tend to forget that day walks are a major feature of our club programme and members are interested in reading about them. Barry Wallace, of course, covers the month in his Walks Notes but I would like to see more.
Helen Gray has a tribute to Bob Duncan, whose sudden death was reported last month, and includes the poem by Don Matthews that she read so movingly at the funeral service.
Bill Holland
ty) Treasurers Report - April Maurice Smith filling in for Tony Marshall - The following is my report on the clubs finances which are in a healthy state.
Set out below are the figures for April.
Bank Balance 1* April $ 1,771 Income Received:
Membership fees ; 10,858 Interest 112 Total Receipts 10,970 Expenses Paid:
Clubroom rental 3 months 995 Magazine postage 347 Coolana plants 169 Total Payments 1511
Bank Balance 30th April $11,231
Members, thank you for your prompt payment of your annual subscriptions. Maurice Smith
Get out your Cheque Book ! Annual subscriptions for 2004 are now due
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Page 4 T he Sydney Bushwalker
May 2004
Farewell Bob Duncan
On April 19” 2004, in the Bungle Bungles in W.A., the life of Bob Duncan came suddenly to an end.
We had broken camp early that morning, leaving an idyllic site where, the previous evening, we had swum in a deep pool, watched the sun set on the amazing rock formations, and slept out under a spectacular desert sky. It was a lovely morning; not yet hot, and easy walking along the rocky bed of Piccaninny Gorge. Our companions on this Willis Walkabout trip were an interesting, fun, easy-going group, and we chatted as we walked along. I was a few feet in front of Bob when I heard something fall. I thought he must have dislodged a rock; there wasn't the usual scuffle of someone falling over, but I looked behind to see Bob lying on his back, eyes closed and seemingly snoring. I thought he was fooling; having fallen, he was pretending he had lain down for a quick snooze. But it wasn't so.
Bob stopped breathing moments later. Despite almost one-and-a-half hours of CPR and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation from the 3 nurses and two others experienced in first aid in our group, he didn't revive. His face showed no sign of pain and it was hard to believe he wasn't just peacefully sleeping. A complicated day with park rangers, police and helicopters followed.
Bob's body finally arrived at Kununurra hospital, thence to the Perth coroner, and to Sydney for a moving farewell.
[A short anecdote. On a previous walk, we had talked about not wanting a long old age, but a long middle. The hospital contacted me with a query; did I mean 1939 when I gave Bobs birth year as 1929? His body was that of a man in his early 60s. You achieved that long middle, Bob!]
Helen Gray
Bob, from Adelaide, came to Sydney in the early 50s to work for CSIRO, and joined SBW in 1954.
He seemed reserved and serious, but once on a walk his true self was revealed. Apart from his strong opinions, his amazing intellect and broad knowledge which he readily shared, he was a wit, a larrikin and a clown. Any strange happenings were Bobs doing; weird noises in the night, unrecognisable birdcalls, mysterious footprints, and glowing lights in trees and even distant hills. [Duncan! Where are you? was the accusing question after any strange phenomenon. When a dingo stole a sleeping bag on a Central Australian trip - a REAL dingo - Bob was the first suspect. Bob was a strong walker and often on the hardest trips going. One of the hardest was in 1959 in the then untracked south west Tasmania, where Bob fell and broke his skull, which resulted in a difficult [and expensive!] helicopter rescue and considerable publicity. He continued with his outdoor activities for the rest of his days: downhill and cross-country skiing, diving and snorkelling, caving, alpine climbing, bombing [from alarming heights!) and ice skating.
Dr. Robert Duncans other life was that of a CSIRO senior research officer in radio physics, internationally known as such for having proved the theory on Jupiters rotation, and his work on solar waves, Eta Carinae, the ionosphere, and more. He was a lover of classical music [not just of those gutsy, funny songs he sang as he walked along, and at reunions] and a member of choirs all his life. It was in one of these choirs that he met Rosslyn, whom he married in 1967.
The types of bushwalks Bob went on - hard walks, exploratory walks-meant that sometimes,actually often, something went wrong. Bobs recounting of them made hilarious listening and reading. He was magazine editor in 1964, and those funny and irreverent stories in varying styles by Wombat, Bandicoot and other marsupials were mostly written by him. From then to the present, Bob continued working on the SBW magazine, as printer and then collator.
Bob was one of SBWs real characters who will be remembered and talked about on many a walk and at many a campfire. He was a true friend to many of us; considerate, kind, loyal. He was also a gentle man in the true sense.
Bob; we wish you had lived longer. Your family, and friends, miss you very much. But as every true bushwalker says: what a way to go!
Helen The Sydney Bushwalker May 2004
The Magic Of Summer Don Matthews
The magic of Summer is over,
When we walked on the hills and the shore,
And we camped in the rain and we grimaced with pain, At the weight of the loads that we bore.
But what will now happen in Autumn,
When the days become shorter and cold,
Will you gaze in my eyes with a look of surprise, That a man can be active though old.
And in Winter when everything's frozen,
Will you patiently lead me on still?
From one walk to the next, even though you are vexed, By my slowness in going uphill.
If you will, then the breezes of Autumn,
And the wintry gales that blow,
Will not mean a thing, for the pleasures of Spring, Will be with me wherever I go.
Bob, like many of us, loved the sentiments of Dons poem when we first heard it in 1984. It was read at Bobs funeral. Don added an extra verse last year (Helen).
Heigh ho for the pleasures of Springtime, Heigh ho for the joys still in store,
We cant keep on going forever,
But theres time for a little bit more
| Page 6
T he Sydney Bushwalker
May 2004
Brazilian Forests Chewed up by Beef Eaters 2003 was the worst year yet for Amazonian deforestation. Satellite photos show that almost 25,000 square kilometres of the worlds largest continuous forest was destroyed last year. That is an area equivalent to the area of a square 160 kilometres by 160 kilometres. That clearing rate was an increase of 40% on 2002. According to the Indonesian based Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) this years loss could be worse.
The clearing is being driven by the increasing European demand for beef and the fear of mad cow disease and foot and mouth in European herds. Brazil is now the worlds largest exporter of beef, its exports increased five fold in six years and Europe takes 40% of it.
Brazil has had foot and mouth in its herds but this problem is about to be overcome and that will cause further increases in beef exports and with it deforestation. A report from Cifor suggest that giant ranching operations linked to European supermarkets now dominate the beef export market.
A few weeks ago Brazils president, Luis Inacio Da Silva announced measures that would control deforestation in the Amazon. The Government was committing itself to better planning, Jaw enforcement, monitoring of deforestation and greater support of indigenous territories and community forestry. CIFOR says that the Brazilian Government is going in the right direction but unless action is taken urgently the Brazilian Amazon could loose an additional area the size of Denmark in the next year and a half.
Apart from the loss of habitat for their animals and the loss of ancient ecosystems, large amounts of carbon locked in the forest is released into the atmosphere through burning or rotting.
David Trinder Reference: Sydney Morning Herald 3-4 April 2004.
The Coolana Fund: Donations to the Coolana Fund are very welcome and will be used to provide income to assist with the maintenance of this wonderful property. Many thanks to those who have
an intention to include the Coolana Fund in their wills. Please send in your donation, addressed to The Coolana Fund The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc PO Box 431 Milsons Point 1565.
No Go for Movies in Wilderness Areas Director Rob Cohens $130 million action- adventure movie, Stealth, has been filming at Fox Studios and locations around Sydney since the start of the year. It is about the American militarys attempt to control a rogue Stealth fighter plane. Their planned two day shoot in the Blue Mountains wilderness area was blocked by environmentalists in the Land and Environment Court, who argued successfully that it contravened the laws covering national parks. The film makers couldnt wait, with delays costing $500,000 a day and the crew scheduled to leave for filming in the Flinders Rangers and Thailand, they said they would find somewhere else.
Our green Premier who has created many national parks was disappointed after promising the site to the filmmakers. He has been promoting the state for movie locations to gain some of the Hollywood dollars and is now planning to change the laws so movies won't be stopped in future.
Conservationists opposed the filming at Mount Hay because of risks to the habitat of the giant dragonfly and a rare sponge. The Court found that Wilderness Areas are sacrosanct and that they should be protected against any commercial activity.
The Greens MP Ian Cohen welcomed the filmmakers decision to find another site and offered to help find one. There are many non- wilderness sites that would also be satisfactory. David Trinder Reference: Sydney Morning Herald 1-2 May 2004.
Don Finch
The SCA tree plantings continue during Easter, Shirley and family 7m planted out 40 long @e stem She-Oaks and : | 40-tube stock She- aa Oaks.
The Coolana Committee has decided to move towards developing a plan to install a composting toilet at Coolana. Patrick has offered to coordinate and do the legwork he has started on getting together the relevant information.
The Coolana Committee has also decided to develop a plan of management for Coolana. Rob Pallin has kindly offered to assist with this effort.
Arrangements have been made with the KV Bush Fire brigade to fit a RFS lock to the sump buster and to inspect the property for bush fire control.
News From Coolana The Sydney Bushwalker May 2004 Page 7
From The Committee Room - May
This month we introduce a report on proceedings at monthly Management Committee meetings. Here is a brief outline of matters discussed and decisions made at the meeting on 5 May 2004.
The President and the Secretary signed the documentation to transfer of the clubs shares in Natural Areas Limited to the NPA.
The Committee accepted the Treasurers report for the year to end April and approved the following payments:
- Aussiecom Internet Consulting $110 (renewal of domain name for two years)
- Bill Holland $442.88 (magazine related expenses
- Berry Mountain Nursery $38 (plants, SCA grant). Australian Bush Heritage Fund $100 (in memory of deceased member, Bob Duncan).
The recommended mileage allowance for car sharing on walks to be increased from 10 cents to 20 cents/km.
The Committee discussed and approved the Winter Walks Programme. It was noted that there were plenty of training walks for the Six Foot Track, fewer easy walks than usual and very few Qualifying walks in the second half of the program.
There was considerable difference of opinion on the standards necessary for Qualifying walks.
Two walks were retrospectively upgraded to Q status - Bill Capons Easter walk, and Kathy Gero's walk in the RNP in the weekend of 2-3 April.
Barry reported that about two-thirds of walks result in a completed walks form. Peter said that there had been quite a high level of cancellations, which often were not reported.
Caro's proposed social program for the winter was adopted. The Pack nEat would stand on its own feet, rather than try to be the mid-winter feast as well. A separate date, 30th June, was set aside for the mid-winter feast. The Secretary to book a room at the KNC
Maurice asked the Secretary to also book a room for 14th July, for a leaders night. The special theme would be experience with the trial grading system.
Edith Macauley, Joe Strater, Linda Starkey and William Starkey were accepted as Active Members.
The Committee agreed to consider the Presidents opinion on Confederations draft risk management policy as the clubs position
Page 8
The Sydney Bushwalker
May 2004 |
Walks Notes 12“ February to 10” March The weekend of 14, 15 February saw a complete absence of weekend walks, but there were a number of day walks. Zol Bodlay led a party of 9 on his Saturday walk along the beaches of Boudi National Park. Conditions were hot and the party enjoyed swimming at three spots along the way. Don and Liz Wills were also out that day with 10 starters for their walk in Lane Cove National Park. Here too conditions were very hot, but the party coped, with lots of ice creams, and crashed out at the leaders place for a barbecue at the end of the walk. There were even three blow-ins who tumed up just for the barbecue. On the Sunday Kay Chan led a party of 3 on her walk in the Royal from Otford to Burning Palms while Errol Sheedy and a party of 5 covered the other end of the park with a tip from Engadine to Heathcote. Errol reported that temperatures of 35 degrees in the shade forced the reluctant party to enjoy a number of swims in Kangaroo Creek where the water levels were considerably lower than usual.
No report has been received to date for Wilfs Thursday walk from Waterfall to Engadine.
Similarly, no reports are available for the three overnight walks for the weekend of 21, 22 February. Tony Holgate had a scheduled walk for Saturday 21 Feb. but we have no information on the fate of this one either. The Sunday walks went, but did not fare well as far as attendance was concemed at least. Jim Callaway led himself on his trip from Bundeena to Otford and in a bit of unfortunate scheduling Tony Manes led a party of two on his walk from Bundeena to Otford the same day.
Peter Love and Rosemary McDougal led a combined car shuffle trip in Morton National Park over the weekend of 28, 29 February with a total of 10 walkers participating. Ken Smith had the Saturday walk that weekend, with the 8 walkers who came along being diverted
somewhat due to a landslide early in the week that caused the closure of Federal Pass and Furbers Steps. The substitute walk went from Medlow Bath to Blackheath in fine, warm weather conditions. Ron Watters led a Sunday trip in Morton National Park with a party of 10 in fine conditions. They reported a large waterfall in Burrawang Creep that does not show on the map. Despite this unexpected impediment to progress they were able to finish the walk in the last of the sunlight at around 1930 hours. There was also an unscheduled bicycle trip on that Sunday with Patrick James leading a party of 3 on a Gerringong to Berry wine and food bike ride.
Zol Bodlay cancelled his Saturday walk scheduled for the weekend of 6, 7 March due to a persisting deluge. The 3 paddlers on Pamela Irvings overnight kayaking trip to Berrowra Waters were made of sterner stuff, or less familiar with the weather forecast. They encountered rain from Saturday afternoon but were well equipped with tarpaulins to survive through until it fined up on the Sunday. No reports appear to have been received for Stephen Dolphins Morton National Park weekend walk or of Maurice Smiths Gourmet Weekend trip in the same area. Chris Miller re-arranged his trip out from Carlons Farm due to the weather conditions, with the party of 5 enjoying some quality time at Jenolan Caves. Nigel Weaver led a party of 5 on his Sunday walk out to Mount Solitary from The Golden Stairs. Conditions were cloudy and misty with little rain. Despite the mist they reported great views from a number of sites along the way. Ken Smiths qualifying walk along a section of the Great North Walk on the Sunday attracted 4 starters. Ken reported lots of wildlife sightings, hundreds of leeches along the track and localised hordes of mosquitoes.
Here endeth the walks reports for this month. Barry Wallace
42 Days in South America Club members are invited to participate in my next journey to South America
Destination: Ecuador, Norther and Central Peru Time: End of rainy season, from say middle of April 2005 onwards Duration: 42 days (plus)
Preliminary cost estimate with 5 day cruise in the Galapagos Islands
without Galapagos Islands
There will be some national park walks.
For more information please phone Gerry Leitner
A$5 800.00 per person A$3800.00 per person Cost includes food, accommodation, air travel Sydney and other travel expenses
9608 1169
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All packs personally fitted by our experienced Staff. Page 10
T he Sydney Bushwalker
May 2004
In Search of the Brush Tail Rock Wallaby
Our joumey started early Good Friday from Chatswood as a cool, pale sky gave way to another brilliant blue, sunny autumn moming. Tony and Tess Holgate, Mary Liu (new prospective to SBW) and I were all keen to leave the city for an extended Easter walk in New Englands National Parks. Having endured 10 weeks of enforced sedentary activities, (the result of a fractured fibula), I was looking forward to getting out there again…. and also to see the rarer wildlife including the endangered brush tail rock wallaby.
The trip up the New England Highway was an easy one and we chattered away of walks past and in eager anticipation of those to come with Mary, who was to experience her first SBW overnight walk. We arrived (after a number of refreshment stops) as dusk was gathering in the grassy forest of gums and stringy barks of the Barokee Rest Area at Cathedral Rock National Park. Cathedral Rock is 70 km east of Armidale on the New England Tablelands and is host to a wide diversity of flowering plants, birds and animals.
Patrick McNaught and Edith Macaulay had driven down from Byron Bay and welcomed us as we clambered for warmer clothes in the early evening chill air. Sadly, bush fires 14 months earlier had severely scorched the Banksia forests surrounding the camp site, and I hoped the numerous nectar feeding birds were still finding a home in the park. Our walk the following day would disclose the extent of the fire damage - and hopefully the regeneration under way.
Next moming after a dewy breakfast we headed up towards Cathedral Rock, while Patrick and Edith made a fast recognisance to Armidale for forgotten medical supplies. I was a little anxious about over extending my ankle, but Patrick told me he had thought about this and had bought pain killing medication…..just in case it was needed J was ready for anything!
We made our way to the Cathedral Rock track, following the wetlands from the campsite, through mossy sub-alpine woodland and banksias, 6 km to the magnificent granite tors above. On the way up we were relieved to see much of the vegetation had escaped the fires, and signs of new life was everywhere following recent rains. A pair of wedge tail eagles soared around our heads as we perched on top, and took in the magnificent views of Round Mountain and surrounding tablelands in the crisp moming air. It was lovely to be back in New Englands parks.
Next stop was Woolpack Rocks where Patrick and Edith caught up with us for lunch. Well named, the granite boulders here resemble giant packs of wool ready for shipping to some exclusive suit factory. Most of the party decided to explore further and scrambled off, while Tess snoozed and I rested my ankle while observing the antics of a praying mantis as it basked in the sun; its antenna and front legs tucked away for maximum veg out and heat absorption.
Jan Roberts
Our next stop was Guy Fawkes River National Park for a3 day walk. The Guy Fawkes River was named in 1845 by Major Parkes, an early settler in the Dorrigo area who just happened to rest there on the day it seemed. Guy Fawkes NP is a vast and secluded wilderness encompassing 62,700 hectares of rugged river country with the Guy Fawkes River following the Demon Fault Line through the middle of the Park. Guy Fawkes NP is also home to a wide variety of birds, grey kangaroo, wallaroos, several species of wallabies and greater gliders. I was very keen to see all of them, in particular the shy and endangered brush tail rock wallaby.
First we visited Ebor Falls where the Guy Fawkes River takes its first spectacular plunge off the Tablelands, and then on to the Chaelundi Rest Area possibly the best campground ever - with soft, tent peg friendly lawns, fringed by tall, waving emerald kangaroo grasslands. We left the cars and headed off on the escarpment walking track to Lucifers Thumb and Chaelundi Bluff for a late lunch. Here the view was to die for wooded spurs and ridges interlock like giants hands until the scene is lost in the distant haze. Far below could be seen Guy Fawkes River winding away and I hoped my ankle would be up to the 3 hour vertical challenge ahead.
Maybe Id need Patricks medication.
Lunch over we descended slowly down the spur me slower than everyone but mobile - through the woodlands of yellow box, red gum and stringy bark. It was indeed challenging stuff as I felt my feet sliding out from under on a number of occasions. Finally just on dusk we reached the river without mishap and eager to set up camp before the dark.
Earlier a posse of horsemen returning up Jordans Trail hot and tired on their mounts had warned us that the river bed was badly affected by Cobblers Pegs, …and they were right. The gravel river flats were chin high in some areas with pesky seeds that clung to every part of the body and soul. Still a clearing was found by Tony and Patrick and after a major gardening effort we spent the next 2 days in remote wilderness bliss, under sparkling star filled skies at night, and blazing blue days by day. Sightings of The Sydney Bushwalker May 2004
Page 11 |
birds were numerous, with tiny Superb Blue Wrens and a myriad of other small birds waking us to the milder mornings of the river flats, and as we bathed in the warmish (to me its never warm) Guy Fawkes River the occasional Azure Kingfisher would skim the waters surface.
Tony, Patrick and Edith took off to explore upriver after a late and long breakfast while Mary, Tess and I enjoyed the autumn sun, reading and bird watching. Another mild night was spent around the campfire under a brilliant canopy of stars, while Tony swapped food ideas with Mary who had bought 14 varieties of Tofu on her first SBW walk to keep her pack light.
Next day we started our climb out early with the dew licking our gaiters and boots protecting us from the Cobblers Pegs on the bank if only we could have cleared them all. The temperature was surprisingly hot, and required frequent stops to drink and to take in the stunning views of the vast gorge slipping away beneath.
Still, there was no sign of a brush tail rock wallaby.
Back at our oasis campsite at noon, our little group dropped their packs and flopped onto the cool grass before setting up camp. Obviously happy to see us return, little wrens appeared at our camp next to the babbling Chaelundi Creek, and danced around the picnic table while we prepared lunch.
The following day was spent driving through the beautiful Bellinger Valley and up the Dorrigo Mountain to the Dorrigo Plateau. The magnificent Dorrigo National Park (and Mount Hyland Nature Reserve where we also walked) is World Heritage listed rainforest areas. The walking was cool and damp and in sharp contrast to climbing out of Guy Fawkes River the day before. Amongst the wildlife spotted on the day were superb lyrebirds, red necked wallabies, mucho bush turkeys, and 6 bushwalkers scoffing on scones, jam and cream at the Canopy Caf. The return 28k trip to camp at Guy Fawkes was deliberately slow to avoid and observe abundant wild life crossing the road. Thankfully, we managed to miss them all.
Next morning, still determined to see a rock wallaby, I set out in the pre dawn chill back to Lucifers Thumb where they have been sighted from time to time according to the literature. And finally success as I reached the end of the track
overlooking the gorge, there to my right on a rocky outcrop was a grey wallaby tilting its finely chiselled face towards my approach. No mistaking this animal with its very long black bushy tail and huge hind legs that looked strangely out of proportion to the rest of
its body.
At least one and hopefully many more Brush Tail Rock Wallabies are still alive and well in Guy Fawkes River National Park. A wonderful 7 days of wilderness and wildlife thank you Tony for a wonderful Easter plus!
Are you on the SBW Email List? Once a month, we send out a friendly email to SBW Members and Prospectives.
The email acts as a reminder of the upcoming social event for the month, along with a short note on something of interest to our members.
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. Stand up for Fasmania 3 Forests on. n World Environment bay 2004
Put itin Your diary. Every voice counts.
World Environment Day is YOUR: opportunity to join with people around the country to say NO to the destruction . of Lasniania's'ancient forests. Please j join us. You and your ! friends can make the difference: .
- SYDNEY = Public Meeting ++ Concert
- Saturday 5“ June at'3.30prs - Sydney Town Hall
With Jimmy Barnes and: band, award-winning Tasmanian author Richard: Flanagan and i Taple ys s Adam
Page 12 T he Sydney Bushwalker
May 2004
Walking The Western Arthurs
Maureen Carter
This walk occurred in February 2004. The party consisted of Maureen and David Carter, Carole Beales, Phil Patterson and two NPA members from outside Sydney.
Have we really only traveled one kilometre in the last three and a half hours? You cant be serious about climbing along that ledge look at the drop or, simply, Youve got to be joking. These were all comments made by the party. of six that I led on our Febrary Tasmanian walk.
Although I organised the 13 days walking in the Western Arthurs and Mt Anne region, and was nominally the leader, I was more than happy with the team approach to our adventure. I say this to encourage others to research a walk, put it on the program and then be confident that your party of walkers will all assist in the navigation, rope work and support of less confident people that is especially required in this type of rugged terrain.
The six of us met in Hobart and discussed, with some trepidation, our expected ordeal over delicious Indian curries. We had all read and heard accounts of blizzards, hail, torrential rain, high winds and thick fogs that affect those that dare to visit this isolated area.
We were deposited by our Tassielink bus at Scotts Peak Dam by lLlam and, after concealing a barrel of food in the bush, to be collected eleven days hence, we set off sagging under heavy packs for the three hour walk along a track consisting of boardwalks and mud to Junction Creek, where we scrubbed our shoes and gaiters to prevent the spread of phytopthera. Several shady camp sites were available on the creek but we elected to camp a kilometre away in another clump of eucalypts and tea trees with glorious views of the Western Arthur Range and Mt Rugby. Next moming we left the Port Davey Track to climb up Moraine Alpha which was a series of steep steps in the grey quartzite mountainside that is covered in low scrub. Already my walking pole was redundant, as I often needed to use hands to aid my ascent. We lunched with views of Scotts Peak and Lake Pedder and completed our 640 metre climb by mid-aftemoon. Then, as we climbed the 150 metres to Mt Hesparus, the mist began rolling in to obscure our views of Lakes Fortuna and Neptune below us and our home for the night at Lake Cygnus. The sun occasionally broke through to light up the Capella Crags. Our 5 tents were accommodated on the plastic matting, however, on subsequent nights it was essential to limit the tents to 3 or 4. A spotted quoll visited Carole and, uncharacteristically, did not investigate our packs. The biggest talking point at camp was the strange UFO-like object hidden in the bushes, which was the fly-in/fly-out toilet. This gave us the confidence to drink the water untreated and no one had tummy troubles.
On day 3 we found Mt Hayes and Lake Ceres obscured in the mist but the veil briefly lifted to reveal the sheer northern wall of Square Lake. It was
here that Phil made his first of many attempts to catch us a fishy meal without the success he had experienced on the Overland Track. Sadly, the rain accompanied us down our first challenging scramble towards Lake Oberon, surely, the most precious jewel in the Arthurs crown.
We assumed that the renowned wet weather was set in but remained optimistic and knew we had four spare days to sit it out. We spent the next day drying clothes and exploring our surroundings with views of Scotts Peak to the north and Port Davey to the south bathed in sunshine. The mist swirled around the amphitheatre on Day 5 but it looked thin enough to clear as the sun burnt it off. This then became the pattern for the next eight days and I crossed my fingers as I announced to the troops at breakfast that I had spoken to the Mother Goddess of the Universe who had promised a fine day. David conferred with Hughie and between them they got it right with only occasional showers at night and only one brief gust of wind at High Moor to remind us of what can happen.
Chapman warms that reasonable weather is essential for these two most challenging days following the serrated ridges to the east. I hoped he was exaggerating when he wrote that the route followed is at times dangerous being poised above high cliffs. He was not. We began in high spirits and passed packs when necessary staying close together for safety. We expected anxious moments as we traversed narrow ledges hanging on to remnants of Richea scoparia and other tenacious shrubs clinging to the mountainside, and our fears were not unfounded. We were accompanied by clear
views of Lake Uranus all moming and crested Mt Capricorn for lunch, leaving Mt Pegasus far behind. The vertical descent down eroded earth ladders made me very appreciative of teamwork as Alan often described the next hand and footholds in a very soothing voice. The wet rocks and muddy steps made us filthy and most of us suffered a torn garment, but Phils robust orange pants (or were they russet?) remained intact. Our first distant views of Federation Peak and the Eastern Arthurs were a highlight but so was the sight of our camp at High Moor and it was only 4.20pm with plenty of daylight The Sydney Bushwalker
May 2004 Page 13 |
to wash, bask in the sunshine with a book and wander amongst the peaks.
Our first objective the next moming were the Beggary Bumps which we negotiated well, even though we unwittingly chose the exposed ledge, rather than the scramble over the top. We mostly used the rope for pack lowering except at the Tilted Chasm, where it provided welcome psychological assistance, as the scree has disappeared from under the tree roots causing a short drop. We regularly peered from cliff edges into the void and, at times like this, the others were amused by my classification of the difficulty of the next section, which depended on the type and number of expletives I used.
Chapman had led us to believe that we would easily conquer the Dragon, but, he does not give full credit to the descent, which was an unexpected replay of the previous days descent of Mt Capricorn. When we arrived at our eyrie for lunch we counted our bruises caused by the tangle of roots whilst traversing or descending. We felt close to our destination for the night at Haven Lake but we still had many obstacles to negotiate before that cup of tea, including the numerous knolls towards Mt Taurus and the steep descent from it. At least Lovers Leap and some other formerly daunting sections have now been re-routed. Thank you Tasmanian Parks for looking after our safety and our comfort too, by providing tent platforms that do the double duty of reducing the impact on the environment and provide walkers with a dry tent base. We often wondered how long these eroded tracks will last as this magic place is loved to death. By 5pm we were soaking in the lake, the billy was boiling and anti-inflams were being consumed
Although we were making good progress, after assessing the well being of the party, we decided not to move on to Lake Rosanne and complete the full traverse but to exit down Moraine Kappa instead. Alan did this the next day with two photographers but we enjoyed an R and R day at Haven Lake with some local exploring, which did not include the recommended side trip up Mt Aldebaran, as I sought to avoid more muddy, scrubby steps and a 300 metre climb.
On day 8 we enjoyed an easy three hours walk and scramble over Mt Scorpio with ample stops before climbing down before lunch to Lake Vesta where we spent two comfortable nights. We spent our last rest day wandering around Lake Juno and
Promontory Lake then walked to an unnamed 1004 metre peak to say a final farewell to the Eastern Arthurs and even dipped into a freezing lake. The next day our descent of Moraine K was like a walk in the park and presented no problems until I encountered a fat tiger snake and instantly ordered Ian to do snake-scarer duties in front of me. The Arthur Plains had dried considerably in the last seven days making the walk in to Junction Creek quite comfortable. We enjoyed our last night in this special place accompanied by the sounds of the creatures above us (perhaps gliders or possums?) showering tea-tree flowers onto our tent.
In reviewing this most challenging and rewarding of walks we were extremely pleased that we had escaped the atrocious weather that batters these high, rugged peaks. We were even more delighted when we had two more glorious days which included a scramble up Mt Eliza, a long walk with clear views of Mt Anne with its dolerite columns, and, a memorable sunset. The main topic of conversation was the annoying resident rat at the hut. Ratty was saved by its pretty face, and David was glad he had not taught it to fly when his research revealed that it was an endangered broad-toothed rat (Mastacomys fuscus).
I spent some time that last night looking at the brilliant starry sky and recalling with satisfaction that I had led my first long walk with less anxiety than I anticipated. This was due to the support of the party and, I had spent many wonderful hours walking in silence, reflecting on the beauties of this most rugged terrain
Anyone interested in walking the Eastern Arthurs next year?
Maureen Carter
Will you oa help: stop. the rot 9 .
- olong Foundation for Wilderness
. The Government has recently passed special. legislation: that 1 reinoves roads from Kesciuszko National: Park and-has introduceda: plansing policy which allows ski resort development without public eormmnient andreviow. - Pleas write a-letter of protest, today. Address; your letter to:
The Hon Bob Carr- = Prmier of. NSW Level 40; Governor Maequarie Te ower: } Farrer Place: Sydney NSW 2000
Rain Creek Easter 2004
A party of 6 set out from Mount Irvine on Friday morning after a traffic-free trip from Sydney. Our intended route involved crossing the Wollangambe River and Bungleboori Creek before entering Rain Creek. The plan was to then walk down Rain Creek and Nayook Creek to and then along the Wollangambe River before climbing out near the junction with Bowens Creek and undertaking a long ridge walk back to Mount Irvine. There was some trepidation about finding the passes into and out of the creeks and rivers, as none of the party had been to any of them. The location of the passes was however roughly indicated in a hazy description of the walk that appeared in an old walk guide distributed with Wild magazine some time ago.
There was actually a track for much of the way to the first pass, in the vicinity of Tesselate Hill. The track appears to be the result of tourists going to look at the tessellated rock just north of Tesselate Hill. [Similar tessellated rock shelves are seen in abundance in the Grampians.] The pass into the Wollangambe near here is opposite the creek that joins the Wollangambe at GR 647 968. Because it is in such an unlikely looking spot the leader had actually been there the previous weekend to verify its existence. With a bit of winding about and a couple of short steep bits it is not too difficult once you know where to go.
The pass out was up the spur on the SW of the creek junction. Then some ridge walking was required on the northern side of Lost Flat Mountain to reach the Bungleboori. This required some careful navigating as the terrain here is quite flat and compasses are unreliable owing to magnetic rock. Nonetheless we managed to find the right ridge to the claimed pass into the Bungleboori on the spur at the big bend at GR 626 996, A pass was duly found, requiring bridging about 6m down a classic slot which was the major obstacle. Ropes for belaying and pack hauling came in handy. Despite the Wild guides suggestion that it was possible to get to Rain Creek from Mount Irvine in a (long) day, we made camp on a delightful rock shelf on Bungleboori Creek at about 4:00. The imposing cliffs opposite on the creek bend made it a spectacular campsite.
The way out of the Bungleboori was to the NW via the spur on the upstream side of the creek that entered opposite our descent spur. On the way down the previous day this had appeared relatively straightforward. It was provided the party brings a portable footstool to combine with the local trees to get up a small (2+m) cliff line near the bottom. Ian Wolfes back represented the stool for the leader and the ropes then helped get the rest of the party up. Another ridge walk then took us to Rain Creek. The pass here was not clear from the Wild guide nor the map and the leader, wishing to avoid some scrubby creek walking, took a punt on the spur at GR 612 036. This proved to be negotiable without too much difficulty, being the only pass on which pack hauling was not needed. There were a couple of other places downstream where easy passes appeared to exist.
The first kilometre of Rain Creek was a bit scrubby, but gradually the going got easier in parts. There were some quite attractive parts to the creek but progress was generally slow. It was hoped that we would get to Nayook Creek to camp but the light was running out and we camped in a cosy grotto just short of Nayook Creek.
Nayook Creek between Rain Creek and the Wollangambe is a delight. The creek flows over wide rock shelves between towering cliffs and the walking was generally easy. It is similar to Angowara Creek near the Colo. Then we meandered along the Wollangambe which was also attractive, with some nice rock shelves, good walking and swimming. We arrived at our campsite at around 3:00 pm. This was at GR 711 055, at the bottom of a likely-looking ridge we hoped to scale next morning to get back to the cars. The guide was no help here as it suggested exiting to Mount Tootie, up one of Bob Bucks easier passes. Some of the party used the time afforded by the early stop to wander up the ridge to confirm that it was indeed negotiable. It was, with one steep part where the rope was set up to help the party the following morning.
Our camp that night, again on an attractive rocky, sandy shelf was interrupted by a diamond python which wandered through the campsite while the party had dinner. It appeared to be not at all intimidated by the fire or the people. We also had a few drops of rain, which was a surprise as the days and nights so far had been beautifully clear. The suggestion of rain was enough to prompt the timid to change their minds about sleeping without cover and put up tents, leaving the hardy to brave the elements, which cooperated as soon as the others tents were erected.
We started early next day to gain the top of the ridge before the sun got too high and hopefully get an early finish. Although the ridge was climbed without trouble, thanks to the previous days preparations, the ridge walk proved to be a bit slow. The views were great, over Bowens Creek on one side and the Wollangambe on the other. There were a couple of slow sections: one where a cliff line was shown on the map and was walked around, and one where there was a large cliff line which was not shown on the map and some scouting was required to get around it.
We eventually got to Tesselate Hill and the track we had used on the way out three days previously. From there it was easy going on the track and we got to the cars before dark. This had been a very enjoyable walk in some remote and rarely visited territory. Nayook Creek had been magnificent, well worth the effort and worthy of another visit.
ANZAC Weekend in the Wild Dog Mountains 23-27th April Mark Dabbs Participants: Leader John Bradnam, Patrick McNaught, Jacqui Joseph, Roger Martin, Julian Nirio, Alison Nirio,
Mark Dabbs
Did we succeed to include the intended route which was: Carlons farm, and his creek, Blackhorse Ridge and his/her gap, Mouin Creek, Ghost Dogs Gully, Little Dingo Gully, Splendour Rock, Merrigal Creek, Blue Pup Spur, Knights Deck and his pups, Breakfast Creek, Pots and Pans Ridge, Iron Pot Mountain and back up and Carlons farm? You'll have to read on. Oh, we also weren't meant to go over Mouin Falls slight slip here? Ha, ha!
The party appeared strong, keen and eager to start at 8.00am other than the 2 who had to brave the dark and come up during the early hours of the morning they lacked a little sleep. One had only 4 hours and had been up since 4.00am!
The day started fine, sunny and slightly cool. BUT was better than contending with a howling gale for those who camped at the car park Friday night.
Our route seemed demanding with its many ups and downs along with the part exploratory nature of the rarely visited creeks. Wonder why they are so rarely visited?
The trip to Blackhorse Gap was reasonably uneventful. Other than the grunt, groan, old tired bones and slightly heavy pack up Blackhorse Spur. Must be getting old now that I have reached 22! (Editor: How many years ago was that Mark?) Could also be that little bit of extra food thrown in at the last minute. Some of us underestimated the steepness of the hill but stiil managed without letting on the struggle we were going thru.
None of the party had travelled past Blackhorse Gap so out with the map and compass. Well actually, only John got his compass out, some of us held our maps and pretended to know where we were heading, while others just went ahead assuming they knew where they were heading. All was going to plan. Then things started to become a little unstuck. Mark suggested an interesting ridge rather than the dense bush in West Mouin Gully. Bad move … Direction re-routed, John readjusted his compass and our track finder, Patrick, headed off in the right direction searching for the clearest way. We followed. Not using map or compass, we of course, blindly followed … Oops. Is this the ridge? - No it drops off a little to quickly. OK move on. This must be it. dn hindsight after crossing 2 extra creeks we had gone too far. Isnt hindsight great?) Down the ridge we went. Mmmmmm, seems to be going a little steep… Hey that ridge over there looks like the correct ridge. Gee, it's a big gully between it and us. OK, lets continue down this ridge. Boy, does it drop off quickly… Some of us were not quite prepared for this steepness. Actually, you could say, some werent keen on this down hill section at all. Ah, the bottom … this isnt where we should be. Lets have lunch. Isnt that what you always do in these situations? Position redetermined. No problems, we were sort of back on track but in Middle Mouin Gully. The creek was a bit rough but do-able.
Somewhere about now it dawned on me that of the 7 in the party, 4 were prospective members. Good walk for them to start on!
Our aim was to camp at the junction of Ghost Dogs Gully hopefully. It looked flattish on the map. We were aware there were a few waterfalls of 10-20 metre drops so sidling around these would be required. At one of these waterfalls, our faithfully route finder Patrick, and great rock climber - found a “good” way around. That was until he stepped on the foothold and it tumbled 5 metres down the vertical rock. This made things a little hard for the rest of us. Finally we were at the big falls we thought. This involved quite a detour half hour or so. At the bottom of these we stopped for a rest and redetermined our position. Not being 100% certain we pulied out our trusty GPS with its ever ready batteries. According to the GPS we had 100 metres to go. Must be just around the next corner. No, maybe the next corner. Or then again, maybe it's the next corner. Ooh, look at this big waterfall.
Maybe this is the one we were looking for? Another detour. Very steep sides. Bit of boot skiing down the side of this one. Fun!! Another 100 metres or so. Ok, weve being going now for an hour of maybe another 100 metres, and darkness is fast approaching. More map studying. Yep we know exactly were we are on the map - not quite where we intended due to an error with the GPS. It had given an error due to probable reflections off the rock walls. We were close to the Cox River. This would make a good camp spot. Somewhere around this point a voice was to heard saying (or was it screaming?) I want to go home!!!!
About half a kilometre before the Cox we found a great camp spot, flat, lots of wood, close to fresh water. So it appeared in half-light anyway. And the weary old bones also suggested this was far enough. By this stage it was 6:00pm. It had been a good 10- hour day. Tents were pitched in the semi dark to dark, fire made, Happy Hour commenced. Out came all the goodies. Along with the delicious, mouth watering, scrumptious Caramel Mud Cake. Oh, heaven… Rather than carry it for another day, it was decided to eat it all now!!! Dinner was a bit hard to fit in!
The party had performed well. No grumbling when we adjusted the route or found we werent quite where we should have been. Alt had high spirits to the end. A great bunch to be with. Some showed real grit.
Morning and a 6.00am call to rise and get moving. (Actually, John slept in for 15 minutes unheard of - so we had an extra 15 minutes of bliss). We were away by 7.30am following a slightly changed route. Up Little Dingo Ridge, Spotted Dog Ridge, Little Dingo Hill and onto Splendour Rock. None of us had been this way before so it was most interesting. The grunt up the spur tested us again. | Page 16
T he Sydney Bushwalker
May 2004
Glad Id gotten rid of the mud cake that reduced the load by lkg at least! At Splendour Rock we had a debate on whether to use Thommos chains or find the route up on the western side. Some felt the chains were a tad exposed. Being good walkers we kept together and headed around the west in search of a route up. Patrick, Jacqui, Roger and Mark found a possible way up, which involved a bit of a leg up because of a slight lack of footholds. The others had moved on. Oops, we had split up. Roger headed off to the others to inform them of our find leaving Mark to await their retum. Or so he thought. Half an hour later and Mark gave up waiting and headed to Splendour Rock. They were all there eating lunch!!! No comment…
Again, the day was superb. A clear blue sunny sky. Distant views to Kanangra Walls and Lake Burragorang. Absolute heaven. Glad we went up rather than bypass Splendour Rock.
The original plan was to go down Merrigal Creek but we instead chose to follow Brindle Dog Ridge down to the Coxs River. This was a wise decision. We seemed to be travelling a little slower than we hoped. The navigation to this ridge could be a little tricky but with John out front using his map and compass we had no problems. The spur down to the Coxs presented a little testing for some but ali made it to the bottom in one piece just. Was that a scream of delight I heard from one member upon arriving at the campsite? Why was Mark mmning down the ridge? Some say it was to grab Johns pre-booked tree that he hoped to hold his fly up with. Fortunately, Mark relented at the last minute and no fights ensued. We had arrived at a considerate 3.00pm so had heaps of time for body washes, pitching of tents and firewood collecting in the 4 star campsite. Very relaxed compared to the day before. To help keep Jacqui sane Roger challenged her to a game of Scrabble on Jacquis board. I do not dare say
was some concern over the howling Dingoes heard on the way down the spur. Fortunately they stayed on their side of the river. They were magnificent to hear in the wild.
Again we were to rise at 6.00am. This time John used another technique to wake us. Start breaking wood for the fire over rocks near the tents. Seems to wake one no matter how deep the sleep!!! Thanks, John…
We were away by 7.30am again and straight into our first river crossing. Mmmmmum, the water was a tad coooool!!! We followed the Coxs River up to Breakfast Creek after passing 5 other parties still camped by the Coxs. Boy, they were slow starters. Rather than taking the easy track back we managed to persuade all that the stroll up to Ironpot Mountain via Pots and Pans Ridge would be far better. I do believe part way up I heard someone suggest they wanted to go home!!!! Or was it take me home… NOW. Whatever, we all made to the top in a fine state. Again we had beautiful weather and fantastic views. All that was left was a small stroll back down to the cars. Someone forgot to mention the steep down bit though! We arrived at the cars by 2.00pm. A great walk into some rarely visited areas of the Wild Dog Mountains. Of course we had the obligatory milkshake in the Megalong Tea Rooms then the Fish and Chips at Blackheath. But that goes without saying!!!
Thank you John and all for your fantastic company and a really enjoyable walk. Well worth the trip even though slightly different to the intended route.
See the photographs of this walk of the Website (
Wanted = - Leaders prepared to place easy or easy/medium day walks on our Spring Walks Programme.
[ The Sydney Bushwalker
May 2004
Page 17 |
Odds and Ends
Try Something A Little Different !
Some weekends offer more than a weekend walk - theres perhaps a little sparkle added; something unusual to cater for the seasonal conditions or perhaps the not quite so fit walker.
And then there are the midweek activities for those who have the time and inclination to find the alternative to working. Here are some easy out-of-the usual walks in June: Thurs 3rd June Royal NP
Ferry from Cronulla and experience Bundeenas best-kept secrets. Grade: (medium ) 16 kms
Sat 19th June: Gooches Crater and Beyond
Fantastic sandstone formations, pagodas, caves and a perfectly formed crater. Grade: Easy
Tues 22” June: Walking and Whale Watching
<P A coastal walk with spectacular views of mA rugged coastline. Last year we saw five
whales as we rested on the cliffsides.
Sun _27 June: Walking and Whale Watching
Yes, the same walk but on Sunday this time
Looking even further ahead there are two activities for the mid week enthusiasts
15th-17“ Sep Bicycle Ride - Robyns Farm cp Easy rides in the Bathurst area.
Se From Wed to Frid with theoption of
O89 extending into the weekend) 4”. 29“ Oct River Murray Houseboat -
3 Starting from Mildura we
i will be aboard for four nights. Some walking and i much socialising
EPIRB Emergency Position Indicating
Radio Beacon aS Ge SBW has purchased an EPIRB for use by al club members, in particular walks leaders.
The GME Electrophone MT310 is a self contained radio transmitter, which transmits an internationally recognised distress signal on the aviation emergency frequencies for a minimum of 48 hours. These frequencies are monitored not only by commercial and military aircraft but also by the COSPAS/SARSAT satellite systems. Weight 185g The Club Secretary, Leigh McClintock will manage the EPIRB. So if you would like to take the EPIRB for a walk give Leigh a ring on 8920 2386 and arrange to collect it.
A Note from Our Conservation Secretary I'm interested in getting information on ethical investments and looked up the internet using Google (searching Australia only). I am overwhelmed to discover that there are 20,800 entries on ethical investments. Does anyone in the club have first hand experience with, or information on, such investments?
Pamela Irving
Expressions of Interest Required 20 ~ 28” November
Hong Kong - New Territories It would surprise many people to know that Hong Kong is comprised 50% of mountainous national parks, and that there are excellent day walks ranging from 10 to 50 km in glorious scenery. I am looking for expressions of interest in a week of day walking in Hong Kong, where I lived for 12 years, and know intimately. There are many interesting country villages to explore. Interesting culture. The end of most walks would be at a yummy local restaurant. Public transport is cheap and excellent, and November should have the best walking weather of the year. We'd end up with a shopping day in Shenzhen China, an experience in itself with drop-dead prices! Anyone interested, please contact me so we can plan well in advance. Grade: 15-25 km per day, 200-600m up & down. All on track Leader: Richard Darke 9960-6384 or 0402 413 299
Weekend Walking Gear for Hire The club now has a small pool of weekend walking equipment available for hire. The rates for weekly hire are: * # Weekend pack: $15 ; Sleeping bag: $15 (For hygiene reasons you must provide and use your own sleeping bag liner)
Sleeping mat: $5 Ground sheet: $2 Tent: $20 Complete kit $50
Equivalent refundable deposit required. Contact: Geoff McIntosh 9419 4619
| Page 18
T he Sydney Bushwalker
May 2004
To everything, there is a season. And the season were all thinking about now is Winter! That great time of the year when walkers achieve peak fitness, spend a lot of time trying to keep warm at nights and moan about short days!
The winter social program is keeping us all rugged up and warm at the clubrooms over the coming months with a North American slide night with Mark Dabbs. He had a wonderful tnp to the USA and Canada and is keen to share his experiences and great photos with us.
Now, you cant get much more Mid Winter than the 30 June and this year Bill Holland will be running the fabulous Mid Winter Feast which promises to be a visual and gastronomic spectacular …. (Ive heard hell be wearing his thermal underwear Superman style on the night!!!!) Check out the program for the details.
Theres a night specially aimed at all the wonderful Prospective members in July with a How to Pack/What to Eat night. Well tackle the age old question: exactly how do I pack an overnight pack effectively and lightly? And what on earth do we eat/cook out there in the bush?
Pm calling on all members to volunteer for this night to come along and volunteer their tips, suggestions and ideas for cooking whilst Tony Manes will talk us through the packing dilemma. Please bring some recipes printed out and be prepared to chat about them or even better, bring your stove along and do a quick demo of the recipe for the group. Much more interesting! Please email me at if you can volunteer.
Now…. must go and find my ugh boots!
See you on the chilly track.
Caro June Social Programme | Wed2 7pm Committee Meeting - Committee members and observers welcome. Wed 2“ 8pm Introduction to SBW Wed 16” 8pm Slide Night - Canada & USA Mark Dabbs presents highlights of his North American and Alaskan trip Wed 16“ 8pm Introduction to SBW. Wed 30” from Mid-Winter Feast 6.30 Bring a plate of food to share
Bring along your cold winter walk photos, slides or a CD
Model Dental Patient
The Hammetts were shown into the
, dentist's office, where Mr. Hammett made it clear he was in a big hurry.
“No expensive extras, Doctor,” he
ordered. No gas or needles or any of that
fancy stuff. Just pull the tooth and get it over
“I wish more of my patients were as stoic as
you, said the dentist adminngly. Now, which
tooth is it?”
Mr. Hammett tumed to his wife…
“Show him your tooth, Honey
Finding the Thanksgiving Bird A lady was picking through the
frozen turkeys
at the grocery store, but couldn't find one big enough for her family.
She asked a stock boy, “Do these turkeys get any bigger?”
The stock boy replied, “No ma'am, they're dead.”
Express Line
A woman rushed into the supermarket to pick up a few items. She headed for the express line where @ @ the clerk was talking on the phone with his back tumed to her.
“Excuse me,” she said, “I'm in a hurry. Could you check me out, please?”
The clerk turned, stared at her for a second, looked her up and down, smiled and said, “Not bad.”
Have You Changed Your Address?
If you have changed your address or phone number recently, please advise: Members: Ron Watters
” Prospectives: Grace Martinez
PS The advice should be in writing directed to
the Clubs postal address
. Contributions Welcome: - Members contributions fo this-magazine are: . very welcome. Send in your interesting stories .
of recent walks, letters, notices, jokes etc by.
amail (preferably typed); n. floppy disc, by fai 9 or
-by mail addressed'to The Editor -:-”~ Fax: 9986: 5476 (btone's Bata 6636 fis bilthoilhotkey :
fWe have to use with skill what simple equipment we can Carry on our backs to achieve shelter,
If you really want to get the best prepare food and have a night's rest? out of what you carry with you, Paddy Pailin, 1900-1991
then move up to Black Diamond, exclusive to Paddy Pallin.
< Black Diamond
Black Diamond Moonlight Headtorch: Constantly frustrated with replacing your torch battery? Then the Moonlight is for you. WIth 4 ultra bright, energy efficient LED bulbs, it provides 70 hours of constant light. It weighs a mere 90g (without batteries) so you'll hardly know you're
carrying it. Ideal for night walking, cooking and reading.
Black Diamond Contour Trekking Pole: Trekking poles dont just
improve your balance and reduce the strain on your lower limbs; they help re-distribute the load to your upper limbs as well, meaning you can keep going for longer. The Contour, featured, is ideal for comfort over long periods of walking with an ergonomic 15 degree correction angle in the upper shaft and soft dual density hand grip. It also features a unique NEW adjustment system,
making these the most easily adjusted poles on the market.
Black Diamond Betamid Tent: When you want to go ultra-light or you
need extra storage space, the Betamid has you covered. This compact, floortess tent will go anywhere and pitches using a pair of trekking poles! NN Weighing in at a fraction over kg, it sleeps two and stands strong
my against the elements. (Optional, detachable tub floor is also available.)
Store locations: Sydney: 507 Kent Street Miranda: 527 Kingsway * Parramatta: 74 Macquarie Street Katoomba: 166 Katoomba Street Also in Canberra and Jindabyne Website:
Mail order: 1800 805 398