OCTOBER 2004 Come in and see one of the best lightweight and roomy bush walking tents currently available. It sleeps 3 and weighs in at only 2340 grams complete (with the mesh inner tent and pegs.) Or just 1260 grams fly, pole and pegs.
Price: $ 599.00 WEIGHT
3 or 4 season hiking or backpacking, winter camping, mountaineering
800 g canopy + 370 g pole + 90 g pegs and sack
This 4-season, extremely versatile, roomy 3-person, canopy-style shelter is bound to be- come your favourite all-year home-away-from-home. Unlike a tent, which essentially
Price: $ 169.00
620 g
Perfect for those who want a waterproof
floor, but don't need full bug protection.
- @ Clips into Hex 3 canopy at 6 cor- ners e
Abrasion resistant Cordura centre
pole patch e 6000 mm waterproof floor 4-inch bathtub design HEX 3 NEST (No pole)
Price: $259.00 WEIGHT
1080 g net + 90 g pegs (if you already have the shelter then you wont need to take 2 lots of pegs and keep the weight down)
The perfect companion to the Hex 3 shelter when you're heading into *, mosquito or insect-laden adventures. Can be pitched separately when desert camping.
e No-see-um mesh canopy Full length 2-way C-shaped door zipper Foam cone pole seat at apex Pole Only Pole Only
e Abrasion resistant Cordura centre pole patch
e 6000 mm waterproof floor
e 4-inch bathtub design Pole Only
e Stow sack Price: $85.00 Weight 370 g
1045 Victoria Rd West Ryde 9858 5844
Tequires you to use poles, inner tent with floor and fly whenever you pitch it, the Hex 3 is a component system: You can use just the canopy with or without a floor, or just the bug net inner tent, or the canopy with the bug net. And you can pitch the Hex (canopy or Nest) over a paddle on a canoe trip, or over a ski pole on a ski-tour. Or hang the canopy via its top loop from a branch or a line sus- pended between trees. You can dig a snow pit under it and increase the amount of usable space; you can pitch it over rocks; and you can put it up quickly by yourself in the nas- tiest weather. How's that for versatility.
Dual roof vents provide excellent air flow, and the sup- plied extra guy lines can be used to pitch the leeward side (the side facing away from the wind) well off the ground to increase ventilation. SiLite construction and the six- sided shape with extra stake-outs midway along each side add up to an incredibly wind-stable, weatherproof shelter. Functional details include reflective, adjustable guy points: the adjustability ensures a good, taut pitch, while the reflective strips simplify pitching the Hex in the dark (and mean that it's much easier to find your Hex when re- turning to camp after dusk - and less likely that you'll trip over a comer once you have…)
Available in Sun for people who want to be seen, and For- est for those who don't.
For even more versatility, there will be a new trekking pole extender that will enable you to leave the Hex 3 pole at home and use any standard trekking pole to pitch the Hex 3! Available soon
e SilLite silicone-impregnated rip stop nylon Hexagonal shape sheds elements superbly
Adjustable aluminium centre pole (also available as a separate item)
Top loop
2 large roof vents
2-way door zipper
Reflective adjustable stake out loops 9 Y-stakes
Floorless design
4-season palace for 2 or home for 3
Stake sack, SilLite stow sack included
oo: OCTOBER 2004 Issue No. 839
THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER is the monthly SPECIAL REPORTS bulletin of matters of interest to members of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc 5 'Smart' Fabric Will Change With PO Box 431 Milsons Point 1565. The Clime Editor: Bill Holland Report of a new type of clothing which Production Manager: Frances Holland adapts to changing temperatures to keep Printers: Kenn Clacher, Barrie Murdoch, the wearer comfortable. Tom Wenman Don Brooks Fran Holland 6 Cave Camping In The Budawangs
Diane Garrood - NPWS writes a letter to Canberra Bushwalkers - we publish a
REGULAR FEATURES 8 Composting Toilet for Coolana
2 From the Committee Room Patrick James discusses the proposal to make life a little easier at Coolana
3 Message from President Maurice ; 10 The September General Meeting.
3 Treasurers Report A report of the half-yearly meeting by 4 Editor's Note and Letters Barry Wallace 17 New Members Page : WALKS PAGES 18 Social Notes and A Joke or Two THE 12 Not The Walk Notes: No notes but some editorial comment and CONS E RVATI ON walk reports 9 News from Coolana 13 Midweek Walkers Dons regular report on our property A whole page this month 7 A Civilised Society???7?? 14 Corsica - The Not-So-Easy Way Pamela Irving writes about 1080 poison Melting snow in glorious Spring. Maureen Carter tells the story RS 15,16 Tour de Berry Wineries ADVE RTIS E Patrick James describes a bicycle ride with a south Coast group including a Alpsport Front cover contributed poem for the day Paddy Pallin Back cover Newnes Hotel Cabins 9 Wilderness Transit Dont forget the social night - 16 November Willis's Walkabouts 13
Movie Night at the Club Rooms
The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc.
[Page 2
The Sydney Bushwalker
October 2004
The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc.
Our Club was formed in 1927 for the purpose of bringing bushwalkers together; enabling them to appreciate the great outdoors; establishing a regard for conservation and promoting social activities.
The Club's main activity is bushwalking but includes other activities such as cycling, canoeing and social events.
Our Walks Programme (published quarterly) features day walks on most Saturdays and Sundays, some mid week walks and overnight weekend walks.
Extended walks are organised in areas such as Lamington, Snowy Mountains etc as well as interstate.
Our meetings are held on Wednesday evenings (see Social Programme) at Kurmbilli Neighbourhood Centre, 16 Fitzroy Street, Kirribilli (near Milsons Point Railway Station). Visitors and prospective members are welcome. General Enquiries: Phone 0500 500 729 SBW Website www.sbw.org.au
Office Bearers
President: Maurice Smith Vice-President: Rosemary MacDougal Treasurer: Tony Marshall Secretary: Leigh McClintock Walks Secretary: Peter Love Social Secretary Caro Ryan Membership Secretary Ron Watters New Members Secretary: Grace Martinez Conservation Secretary: Pamela Irving Magazine Editor: Bill Holland Committee Member:
Barry Wallace Gail Crichton Delegates to Confederation:
Jim Callaway - vacant -
Contact The Committee: Members are welcome to contact the following officers on Club matters:
President : Maurice Smith
9587 6325 (h) mauricethewalker@ihug.com.au Vice President : Rosemary MacDougal
9428 5668 (bh) rmacdougal@bigpond.com Secretary: Leigh McClintock 8920 2388 (bh) meclintock@pacific.net.au
Treasurer Tony Marshall
9713 6985 (h) thuilder@bigpond net.au
Members Secretary: Ron Watters 0419617491 wattersr@bigpond.net.au
New Members Secretary: Grace Martinez 0405 473 029 (m) gracie_mar@yahoo.com.au
From The Committee Room - October:
A report on proceedings at the
Management Committee meeting
on 6 October 2004
“ The Committee resolved that Ann Parbury, Andrew Quartermaine, Ken Collins
: and Hiroko Clarke be
admitted to full membership.
The New Members Secretary noted that four other Prospective Members had qualified for Active Membership, but were slow to submit their paperwork. .
“Measures are being taken to encourage Prospectives to qualify, such as training weekends and special walks; recording participation using the walks reports; redesigned the membership extension form, with a section asking applicants to detail the walks they have done since joining.
= The Committee reconfirmed that, as a rule,
only one (twelve month) extension of
Prospective Membership would be allowed.
Payments for hall hire (Sue Fear social evening)
magazine related expenses; first aid course
subsidy and administration costs were approved.
= The Treasurer had not had time to prepare a proposal on investment policy (due to absence overseas)and will report to a later meeting
= The Committee decided that leaders should
be sent a list of questions for participants to
answer when applying to go on walks.
Confederation delegate Jim Callaway reported
on Confederations unfavourable opinion of
the decision to resume poisoning of feral dogs in the Kosciuszko National Park. The Risk
Management Policy document has gone to a
barrister for advice. Confederation is now
working on a child protection policy. The positions of editor and training officer are still unfilled.
= Jt was resolved that Caro should write to Sue Fear, thanking her for her presentation in September, the letter to be accompanied by a copy of the Colong book, which will be purchased at the next social night.
Contact The Editor: Copy for publishing in the SBW je Magazine should be received by the editor by the end of the first week of each month. Letters stating your viewpoint on matters of interest are most welcome. Please send your submission in by mail (preferably typed), on floppy disc, or by email addressed to The Editor Telephone: 9484 6636 Email: billholland@bigpond.com The Sydney Bushwalker
October 2004
Page 3 |
Treasurers Report
Statement of Cash Flows for the nine
months to September 2004 SBW Bank Account Opening Balance January 04 $6,745 Receipts 38,675 Payments 24,962 Closing Balance August 04 20,458 Note J Receipts Membership Fees 25,126 Advertising 1,695 Interest General 825 Interest ~ Coolana 917 Interest Conservation 303 Investment redemption 6,000 Note 2 Donations Coolana 3,355 Other 454 Total $38,675 Payments Administration 1,390 Affiliation & Insurance 8,516 Magazine 5,999 Communications 830 Membership 476 Coolana 1,974 Note 3 Other 303 Equipment purchased 1,784 Note 4 SCA Grant 3,690 Note 5 Total $24,962 Note 1 $15,000 to be invested in cash management fund. Note 2 Previously invested on behalf of general funds. .
Note 3 Includes rates paid to June 2005.
Note 4 Projector $1,399, Mower $385. Note 5 SCA Grant now fully expended. Funds Invested Conservation 9,488 Coolana 26,217 General 14,657 Total $50,362 Tony Marshall
Have You Changed Your Address?
If you have changed your address or phone number recently, please advise:
Members: Ron Watters
Prospectives: Grace Martinez
The advice should be in writing directed to the Clubs postal address. This will ensure that our records show your current address and prevent delay in receiving the magazine each month.
Message from President Maurice: With the warmer weather arriving and the dry weather of recent months there is a strong probability of bush fires with the likely consequential national parks closures. The walks programs will be adversely impacted, as has happened in the past several years. So make sure that you listen for the public announcements that will be made by the relevant Rural Fire Services and National Parks Service representatives.
As ever our walks program depends on our walks trip leaders nominating their walks for the program. In compiling the walks program we are always willing to help club member to become trip leaders. So if you have the interest in becoming a trip leader dont hesitate to contact any member of the committee and we can help you out. We have plenty of resources to aid new trip leaders including details of quite a number of trips (day and weekend) that a new leader can use to get started. We also can assist by having an experienced trip leader accompany you as a mentor, to provide you guidance along the way. So it neednt be too difficult to start out as a trip leader. Remember, all our current trip leaders (including me) started with their first trip as a leader. I well remember my first trip as a weekend trip leader. So please help your club by putting some time into leading a trip, even if it is an easy urban day walk, or a more challenging weekend walk.
The September 2004 biennial general meeting was held and while it wasnt well attended, as was also the case last year, we had an interesting and at times lively discussion. During the meeting Patrick James informed the meeting about the imminent acquisition of a composting toilet to be installed at Coolana. The cost of this toilet (likely to be about $3,000) has been funded by several very generous donations from club members. On behalf of the club members I thank those donors for their generosity. On a recent visit to Coolana I was impressed by the good growth evidenced by the many new trees planted over the last several months by the Coolana Sub-Committee members. Those trees will in due course provide lots of lovely shade as they mature.
Thats it from me for this month; I hope to walk with you soon.
Cheers Maurice Smith
Expressions of Interest Required Stewart Island - New Zealand February 2005 Approximately two weeks. Co-leaders welcome.
Please contact Margaret Rozea 95215997 |Page 4 The Sydney Bushwalker
October 2004
Editors Note:
As I write this note the temperature is 38 and Im thinking that there must be better things to do than sitting in front of the computer - like having a swim for instance!. So, this note will be brief, some might say mercifully brief; but I have more to say on Page 12.
Many thanks to several people who emailed/wrote to me im response to my article (in my other role as Archivist) last month. I found the solution to my old personal files problem (from a family member) but I still feel that the Club will need to address its need to preserve old records.
Which reminds me, the club is seventy-seven years old this month s so lets finish with an extract from the second meeting of the Club held on 11” November 1927 when the name of the newly formed Club was under discussion.
Mr Pawley said he had listened carefully to Mr. Gallops remarks but was still in favour of the Waratah for name and badge……. … but as for the name Sydney Tramps he asked the members to imagine themselves going to a farmhouse and upon inquiry as to whom they were, replying that they were the Sydney Tramps.
Quite likely the dogs would be set on them… … And at the following meeting the name Sydney Bush Walkers was selected from a list of twenty suggestions.
Bill Holland
Se Letters to the Editor:
wT enjoyed Richard Darke's account of Peter Love's walk to Kakadu walk from 25th July to 6th August 2004. I was concerned to read of heavy packs around 22kg, day temperatures to 38 degrees, humidity and mosquitos which made the evenings unpleasant and mosquito nets being essential.
In late June I completed my fifth walk to the same area under ideal conditions without the problems experienced by those with Richard.
The most interesting walk in this area is of 10 or 11 days duration. It necessitates only the expense of 2-wheel drive buses instead of 4wd and is similar to much of that which Peter completed, with the exception that the walk is concluded via Koolpin Gorge, with a short walk out to the road.
All our walks have been in late June/early July, under the following conditions:
1. Pack weights have varied from 12-1/2 to about 17-18kg
2. Day temperatures have varied from 24 degrees to 31-32 degrees.
3. There has been no humidity.
4. We have had cool nights, some down to 6 degrees. This year the lowest was 10 degrees.
5. We have rarely experienced mosquitos. Over about 60 nights I have erected a mosquito net on only 2-3 occasions.
6. Arising from the rather benign weather conditions we have walked 20-22km on quite a few days (with early starts). On the plateau average speed is 4 to 4-1/2kph.
The area is a bushwalker's paradise with the most
beautiful water systems I have seen in Australia.
The walking is easy and there is no compulsory
swimming. However there is the temptation to
jump into every pool (which Grace Martin
apparently managed to do on Peter's trip). If you
haven't been there, don't miss it - but go im late
June/early July.
Cheers - David Rostron
L='] Six Foot Track Lookout I am a resident of Katoomba and keen bushwalker. Some time ago I once or twice attended some walks with Sydney Bushwalkers as a guest and I learnt about the close association of Milo Dunphy with the Club. There is a lookout at the start of the Six Foot Track about to be named after a 19“ Century developer. I thought I would bring this to the attention of the Club, also suggesting that possibly this lookout could be better named after Milo or Miles given their mutual association with the area and their dedication to its preservation.
If interested please contact me on my work number below. Steven Ridd
Phone 9312 1073 steven.ridd@cba.com.au
[=] Old Walk Programmes
Your report in the last issue of The Sydney Bushwalker that the club has all but a few walks programmes.
You might like to look at Dunphy's collection (ML MSS 4457) in the Mitchell Library.
Records of the SBW are held mainly in boxes:
-MLK 3313- Walks Programmes 1928-40 and Miscellaneous Papers/Annual Reports 1927-39.
-MLK 3314- Walks Programmes 1941-64 and Miscellaneous Papers/Annual Reports 1933-77.
Some of these documents are chronologically in the wrong box but cannot be placed into the correct box. There may also be a copyright problem if the papers are photocopied. Although technically you are only copying your own work the Act may have other interpretations. Cheers Warwick Blayden
The Sydney Bushwalker
October 2004 Page 5 |
Smart' Fabric Will Change With The Clime
Wool may be part of a new type of clothing which adapts to changing temperatures to keep the wearer comfortable.
Micro-technology used in the material allows it to let in air to cool a wearer when it is hot and shut out air when it is cold.
The University of Bath and the London College of Fashion are jointly researching the material, which they think could be in everyday use within a few years. The project has been chosen as one of eight to represent UK science at the Expo 2005 in Japan from March to September next year.
The Expo, with the theme of Nature's Wisdom, is expected to attract 15 million visitors, and other UK science projects will be the Eden Project and the Millennium Seed Bank at Kew.
The “smart” garments will consist of a top layer of tiny spikes of water-absorbent material, possibly wool, each only 1/200th of a millimetre wide.
When the wearer of the clothing gets hot and sweats, the tiny spikes in the material will react to the moisture and automatically open up, so that air from the outside can get through the material to cool the wearer. When the wearer stops sweating, the spikes will close down again to stop air getting in.
The lower layer will be of material that is not porous so that rain can never get through from the outside, whether the spikes are open or closed.
This cooling system has been likened to one used by pine cones as they fall and open up to emit seeds. The scales can open as they are made of two layers of stiff fibres running in different directions. As the cone falls and dries, the inside of the scale expands more than the outside, causing the scale to bend outwards, releasing the seed held inside.
The technology of the material is being designed by the University of Bath's Centre for Biomimetics, which takes ideas from nature and tums them into new technology.
Its head, Professor Julian Vincent, said: “The new smart clothing will make wearers' lives much more comfortable by automatically adjusting their clothing to control their body temperature.
“We've all known days when the weather alters quickly and it's difficult to dress to match the changing temperature. Often it's a case of being
London 4/10/04
too hot or too cold, or taking a jumper on and off.
“The new smart clothing will make all that unnecessary and we're pleased to combine our expertise in technology with cutting-edge clothing design.
“We've drawn upon nature to come up with an idea by looking at how pine cones react to lack of moisture by opening up.”
The design is being carried out by Veronika Kapsali, who is studying for her PhD in design at the London College of Fashion, part of the University of Arts London.
“It's been great fun working on a project that is going to lead to a fimdamental change in clothing,” she said.
“It's up to me to work with the new material to make something that looks pretty cool as well as innovative. I see this as a fascinating interface between design and technology.”
Extract from SMH 6/10/04 submitted by John Pozniac
Are You Able to Help at Coolana?
Now some rain has fallen the weeds will grow.
To keep in front of the cobblers pegs and keep the other nasties in check m we have established a mowing roster. Although we have a couple of teams it would be nice to have more volunteers. We would like to have three teams of two or three people and each team to go down to mow once every three months. It would involve mowing for one day of 4 hours mowing. If you would like to help, and we really need some help, please contact Don Finch finchros@bigpond.com or 9452 3749 (A). Assistance with transport possible :
Maintenance And Bush Regeneration: The next maintenance weekend will be on 27th, 28th November.
Coolana is a wonderful property but needs some gentle care and maintenance. Join us for a pleasant weekend of light work and socialising around the evening campfire. Wine and cheese. Family and friends welcome.
Don Finch 0418 417 593
) The Coolana Fund: Donations to the Coolana Fund are very welcome and will be used to provide income to: assist with the
maintenance of this wonderful property.
Many thanks to thos who have already. donated or have indicated an intention to include the Coolana Fund in
their wills. Please send in your donation, addressed to .
, The Caolana Fand
The Sydirey
Bush Walkers Ine
. PO Box 43]-Milsons Point 1565.
Page 6 The Sydney Bushwalker
October 2004
Why Is Cave Camping in the Budawangs of Concern?
This letter to Canberra Bushwalking Club from Diane Garrood - Regional Manager, South Coast NPWS was published in the club magazine IT July 2004 edition following critical comments on cave camping policy in an earlier edition. As many SBW members enjoy walking and camping in the Budawangs this letter is reprinted here with the kind permission of Allan Mikkelsen of Canberra Bushwalking Club
I am writing in response to a Letter to the Editor in the June newsletter [27 Magazine] concerming restrictions on cave camping in the Budawangs. Unfortunately, there appears to be some misunderstanding of the conservation reasons for the National Parks and Wildlife Service restricting cave camping and of the need to manage recreational use of the Budawangs.
The Budawangs area has very high natural and cultural values including populations of a number of endemic and threatened species. One of these is the small plant Budawangia gnidioides that grows in rock overhangs in the Budawangs and is not known to grow anywhere else in the world. The species 1s restricted to a limited number of sites because of its narrow habitat requirements and has disappeared from several locations where it formerly occurred, at least partly as a result of campfires and removal for bedding. In order to protect this species from extinction it is necessary to ensure cave camping does not further reduce the remaining populations.
The other primary value of the caves and overhangs is the archaeological record in the floor of most caves and occasionally the presence of art on cave walls. Archaeological material is normally present through the whole floor deposit and when undisturbed it can provide a record of Aboriginal occupation from recent times back into the past. Years of use of popular overhangs by bushwalkers has resulted in removal of surface artefacts, digging and compaction of the sandy floors and hence damage to the archaeological record and Aboriginal cultural value. Those caves and overhangs that have received little use have not been significantly disturbed or compacted and are both scientifically important and fragile. These need to be protected from increased use for camping.
Contrary to the views expressed in the June letter to the Editor, fauna habitat value and the potential for hydatids are more minor issues and have not been significant reasons for limiting cave camping.
The National Parks and Wildlife Service is currently finalising a draft Walking and Camping Strategy for the Budawangs as required by the Morton National Park Plan of Management. The Strategy responds to community concern about the deterioration of the Budawangs and has been prepared following an initial workshop with representatives from bushwalking organisations,
including the Canberra Bushwalking Club, and an invitation to those organisations to provide written comments.
The draft strategy sets out policies and actions for managing cave camping and other aspects of bushwalking. It encourages walkers to use tents rather than caves in order to minimise further damage to their values. It proposes that camping be allowed in listed caves that are commonly used and heavily disturbed unless further investigation shows that Budawangia populations are at risk at those locations or the caves have significant cultural value to the Aboriginal community. The draft Strategy will be sent to bushwalk- ing organisations for comment in the next few months and I invite club members to carefully consider its contents.
The aim of the Strategy is to protect the Budawangs' conservation values and to manage bushwalking to ensure that it can continue on a sustainable basis. We all have a responsibility to minimise our individual impacts otherwise we risk significant cumulative damage to the area's conservation and wilderness values. It is estimated that up to 16,000 people walk in the central part of the Budawangs each year and the number is continuing to rise. Over the last 10 to 15 years there has been a significant increase in track creation, vegetation loss, soil compaction and toilet waste at campsites and a reduction in opportunities for solitude and self-reliance. It is the Service's legislative responsibility to minimise further impacts and to manage use of the area consistent with its status as a national park and declared wilderness area.
In my dealings over the years with the Canberra Bushwalking Club I have been impressed by the Club's environmental ethics and the willingness to recognise and protect the full range of values of the Budawangs be they recreational, cultural or natural values. This is the same intent and charter of the National Parks and Wildlife Service. Unfortunately, regulation is sometimes required to achieve such aims but I assure you this regulation is for clear conservation purposes, not a bureaucratic process as implied in last month's letter to the editor. Diane Garrood The Sydney Bushwalker
October 2004 Page 7
A Civilised Society ????
Poison Banned in State Forests (A snippet from the Sydney Morning Herald)
Tasmanias days as the only state to routinely poison its native wildlife with the highly toxic chemical 1080 appear to be numbered. Use of the poison in state forests is to be banned from December 2005.
Like most bushwalkers, Ive occasionally seen warning signs concerning 1080* poison baits when walking in national parks and other state-owned areas of bushland. And like most bushwalkers, my knowledge of 1080 was that is a poison laid to kill feral cats and foxes. However in Tasmania most of the 80 tonnes of carrot bait impregnated with 1080 is used by the forestry/plantation industry to kill wallabies and possums which eat immature plants. Target species are brush tail possums, Tasmanian pademelons and Bennetts wallabies. A 1989 Tasmanian Government report found that non- target species are also killed: wombats, potoroos, bandicoots, Tasmanian bettongs, cockatoos, parrots, the broad-toothed rat, the New Holland mouse and the long-tailed mouse.
Eighty tonnes of poisoned carrots are enough to kill half a million animals. Carnivores which eat the poisoned carcasses become victims themselves: Tasmanian devils, quolls, Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagles (only 80 breeding pairs left,) as well as domestic cats and dogs. Even movie stars arent immune the male border-collie from the mega-successful Australian film Babe died after eating a 1080 poisoned native animal.
Death by 1080 is not painless: it is prolonged and distressing. Animals stagger around, frightened, disoriented and convulsing, sometimes for days until they succumb to central nervous system collapse, coronary failure or are attacked by predators they cannot fend off.
Some symptoms of secondary poisoning in placental carnivores (dogs, cats pigs etc) are hypersensitivity to noise, copious drooling and Tunning about yelping and barking madly, trying to hide and other symptoms of extreme distress.
The forestry company Gunns Ltd uses 1080 extensively to protect its investments. Old growth forests are logged, cleared and planted, then 1080 is laid to protect the new seedlings. A double abomination.
Alternatives to 1080 exist in the forestry industry: fencing, tree guards and deterrents (eg noise) but 1080 is kept artificially cheap and is easy to use.
A solution obviously has to be found for the environmental catastrophe of feral cats and foxes. I
Pamela Irving
skimmed through some of the many thousands of internet articles brought forth from a Google search, headed 1080 poison but could find no mention of painless poison alternatives to kill exotic carnivores. No doubt they exist, and no doubt the costs in dollar terms are prohibitive.
*Compound 1080 (sodium monofluoroacetate)
EPIRB Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon SBW has purchased an EPIRB for use by club members, in particular walks leaders. If you would like to take the EPIRB for a walk give Leigh McClintoch a ring on 8920 2386 and arrange to collect it.
Are you on the SBW Email List?
Once a month, we send out a friendly email to SBW Members and Prospectives.
The email acts as a reminder of the upcoming social event for the month, along with a short note on something of interest to our members. If youd like to be added to the list, simply send an email to: social@sbw.org.au
YERRANDERIE GHOST TOWN = * Sranuienys Track. Bice Cava. Wo Wog. Nenniga
a Departs from Sydney's Campbeltown Railway Station
Yia Penrith, Katoomba & Blackheath for
, Kanangra Walls Mon & Wed ai 11am. Frid at 7am
Returns dom Mon, Wed, Frid. Via Starlighis, Mittagong & Marulan far
Wog Wog-Nerriga Tues.& Thurs & Sun at 11am :
Returns 4 pm Tues, Thars, Sun. Yerranderie Ghost Town first Saturday in each
month, returns Sun at {pm (any Friday min 8} J Group booking discounts or charter service
| Page 8 The Sydney Bushwalker
October 2004 |
Composting Toilet for Coolana
For many years, SBW members have pondered over the need of a suitable toilet at Coolana. The whole of Kangaroo Valley is part of the Sydney Water Supply Catchment Area and is subject to State planning policies. Kangaroo Valley catchment consists of the Outer Area and the inner, Special Area along the River. General restrictions on land use apply to the Outer Area, more stringent restrictions on land use apply to the Special Area in particular with respect to on-site sewage management. Coolana is within the Special Area.
The extant toilet is a long drop toilet, built many years ago from corrugated iron in the architectural style of a bush dunny. This toilet is located way up the hill, far, far from where it is needed and has been used to such an extent that the long drop is now a short drop.
One of the first questions asked by members, and in particular prospective members, on their first visit to Coolana is where is the toilet? The response Over there to the left in Poo Gully, take a shovel with you although absolutely correct this is not really the response they were wanting to hear.
Now, thanks to a few, significant donations (magic happens) specifically for a composting toilet, a first class, super dooper composting toilet will be built at Coolana. No more wondering if your privacy will be disturbed, or if the rain will start before youre finished. Subject to SBW Committee approval and Shoalhaven Council approval, and subject to organising a couple of working bees the toilet should be in place in time for the Reunion in March 2005.
The final details are not final as yet, however as there are not too many options or alternatives available what follows is as close to final as a final draft can be.
The toilet will be located as close as practicable to the present river flats camping area so that a short walk will take you to its comfort and security. In selecting the site the following criteria are essential: On SBW freehold land; complying with the requirement of Shoalhaven City Council, Development Control Plan No. 78: On-Site Sewage Management; on a sloping site to facilitate
Patrick James.
construction; and out of sight from the river and Bendeela camping area.
Type of Toilet. There are only a small number of toilets
available and the choice has narrowed down to a Clivus Multrum Composting Toilet, Model CM8. This is the smallest, suitable Clivus Multrum model available and is designed for an average of 20 visits per day. These Clivus Multrum units are approved by the NSW Department of Health; such approval will be essential to locate a composting toilet in the Special Area of Kangaroo Valley. These toilets are also installed by the RTA in roadside rest areas, so if they meet RTA requirements they will meet our requirements easily.
Composting toilets consist of two parts, the toilet
bowl and composting chamber as one part and a
structure to house it in as the other part. Plan A is
to buy Model CM8 bow! and chamber hardware
for about $3000 and make the structure (toilet
house) for say $1000. This is the cheapest option
with the best outcome. A complete off the shelf
toilet would be about $10,000 and a cobbled
together; a Heath Robinson toilet would cost say
$1000 but would not have Department of Health
approval, would not get Council approval, and we
would be up s* creek without a paddle.
A toilet designed to meet the needs for all
Coolana visitors would consist of a veranda to
shelter from the rain, to remove raincoats, a
toilet room large enough for parent and child,
coat-hooks for clothing, and a hand basin either
inside or on the veranda for basic hygiene. The
toilet would be a metal clad wooden framed
structure, a simple, one-piece, curved roof,
usually without gutters, with plenty of overhang
(300 mm) and a skylight, a 12 volt solar
powered night light, whirly bird extractor fan
ventilation of the composting chamber with
electric fan back-up ventilation. The water
supply to hand basin would come from our
existing water supply feeding to a water tank at
the toilet, perhaps with the water tank at the hut
could be relocated to the toilet.
A toilet designed for an average of 20 visits
per day is more than enough for Coolana. If we
had 100 people for a long weekend, nil usage the
week before and the week after would maintain
the average of 20 visits per day. The provision
of a toilet may prompt a larger number of
members to visit Coolana. Should that be the
case then we could simply build a second toilet.
The Sydney Bushwalker October 2004 Page 9
The big dry continued through September. On
Bills maintenance weekend watering of plants
was continued and more progress was made on
clearing the weeds on the eastern flat. With the
dry weather little was growing not even weeds.
Shirley, Owen and George went down to
inspect the possible site for a composting toilet.
George noted the trees overhead would restrict
the effectiveness of the solar panel used to drive
the circulating fan. The opportunity to water
some of the plants was taken.
Shirley had arranged to meet a local contractor
on site for the purpose of obtaining a quote from
him for a concrete floor for the tool shed and
storage shelves for the tool shed. The non-
flammable concrete floor was seen to be an
advantage over the alternate wooden floor, while the cement if laid up to the walls of the shed would help
to hold the shed down in high winds. The quotes obtained were; for the floor $840 and the shelves $484.
The alternate wooden floor is of donated 7 ply panels screwed to treated pine logs at a cost of $87.14.
The alternate benches and shelves are of donated 7 ply panels screwed to a frame of dressed pine 70mm x
35mm at a cost of $126.18. All labour involved gratis. It was noted that the shed contains about 20 litres
of unleaded petrol in drums and in the mowers and brush cutter also about 20 litres of diesel fuel for
burning the weed pit is stored in the shed. After previous wind damage some years ago bolts had been set
into concrete at the corners of the shed and used with brackets to hold the shed down. The Coolana
committee is considering the options.
The good news is that over the long weekend Kangaroo Valley recorded over 70mm of rain.
The SCA has written thanking us for the report on planting the trees and advising that the Catchment
officer will make a final site inspection soon. Don Finch
* National Park
Surrounded by the wilderness of Wollemi National
Park, spectacular sandstone cliffs and the historic
ruins of the former shale oil mining town, Newnes
Hotel Cabins invite you to stay in their newly
completed cabin which offers spectacular views of
Mystery Mountain from the front verandah.
This is the ideal base for numerous bushwalks in
the area.
Our cabin can accommodate up to 6 people and is
equipped with a modern kitchen, bathroom, 1
bedroom with a queen sized bed, and four single beds
that double as comfortable seats during the day. Built
with ecologically sustainable goals in mind, this
spacious cabin also suits the requirements of disabled
We also offer accommodation in our on-site caravan
and campground.
Visit us at our website at www.lisp.com.au/~newnes or give us aringon Ph.: (02) 63 551 247
[Page 10
The Sydney Bushwalker
October 2004
The September 2004 Half-Yearly General Meeting.
With a little scratching about we had managed to
marshal a total of 15 members by 2005 when
president Maurice called the meeting to order
and asked for apologies. These there were for
Tony Crichton and Gretel Woodward.
No minutes were presented to the meeting.
No correspondence was presented to the
Confederation report indicated that there is
some concern about the validity of signed
insurance waivers in cases where participants
are under 18 years of age. The age of maturity
is 18, so waivers for persons who have not
attained maturity would need to be signed by the
relevant parent or guardian. The view was
expressed that this would apply to a very small
proportion of participants in SBW activities but
nonetheless walks leaders should be made aware
of the requirement.
Confederation is also looking at the question
of payment from commercial organisations
having links from the confederation website. No
further progress appears to have been made with
the development of a nsk management policy
for Confederation.
Conservation report brought mention of the
problem of water resources generally and in the
Sydney basin in particular, and indicated that an
article on this subject will appear in the club
magazine. (See last months magazine.)
The financial reports for the year to date were
presented and discussed bnefly.
The Walks Secretary advised the meeting of
the ongoing trial of a new walks grading system.
A report on the trial will be prepared and
presented. Peter also said that he intends to
focus more on walks and walks reporting for the
next six months.
New members matters brought mention of the
introduction of an on-line application form for
prospective members to join the club. A further
comment was made that most applicants come
in to the club-rooms in any case.
Patrick James provided the meeting with
details of the options for the composting toilet
proposed for Coolana. An article providing this
information is to appear in the magazine [see
Page XX].
The Magazine Editor appealed for more short
(interesting) walks reports/items and also
mentioned that Eastwood Camping store is to
General business brought a motion from the
floor about the use of on-line prospective
application forms. This was discussed, but it
quickly became apparent that the real issue was
one of disclosure by intending walks
participants, so the motion was withdrawn. It
was surprising that almost no one present
remembered the clause, printed on every copy of
the walks attendance sign-off form that confirms
that the signatory has made such disclosure as
we were discussing to the walk leader.
Nonetheless a motion was passed to ask the Hon
Solicitor to advise on our obligations under the
anti discrimination legislation vis-a vis the walks
disclaimer notice.
Gail Crichton was elected unopposed to fill the
committee position vacated by Heike Krauss.
The meeting closed at around 2135 hours.
Barry Wallace
Notice - Camp Fires and Stoves
All members are advised to check the restrictions on lighting fires in intended camping areas. Be aware
that high to extreme bush fire danger currently applies throughout much of NSW. This means that fires
in the open are restricted and may only be used under certain conditions eg. a camp fire for cooking
However, most national parks, reserves and forest areas around Sydney have Local Fire Bans which mean
no > fires of any nature are permitted
Total Fire Bans may be declared on days of extreme fire danger and fires in the open,
including cooking and camp fires, are totally prohibited for the period of the ban. Lighting
; any fire in the open on a day of Total Fire Ban may lead to a fine of $5,000 and six
months imprisonment.
This applies to any naked flame including camp fires and camping stoves.
Water Is Very Important !
Please remember that walking in summer requires ample intake of water. In these drought
conditions good quality water may be very scarce. Consumption on day walk can be between 3
if - 4 litres. More if you are carrying a heavy week-end pack
| The Sydney Bushwalker October 2004 Page 11 |
FOR SALE - One sixth ownership of land situated on the Border Ranges of northern NSW.
The land is 326 Ha (812 acres) surrounded on 3 sides by the Koreelah National Park including
World Heritage Rainforest. The 4” side is bounded by Koreelah Creek Gorge including
waterfalls and swimming holes. The land mainly consists of Eucalypt forest with around 200
acres cleared or partly cleared and 20 acres of rainforest extending into extensive rainforest of
the Koreelah National Park. It was selectively logged around 50 years ago.
Most of the land is underlain by rhyolite with some basalt and dolerite from the Tertiary aged Main
Ranges Volcanic Complex. There are excellent views, east and north aspect with general elevation of
around 600m. The Queensland Border is 1 km from the NW boundary up an escarpment to an elevation
of 1060m being one of the highest peaks in SE Queensland. Several never-failing springs evolve from
part way up the escarpment and flow across the land providing an abundance of fresh drinkable water,
including shallow swimming pools, cascades and small waterfalls on Trough Creek within the land.
Annual rainfall is around 1000 mm. The local NSW National Park administration has wanted to buy the
land for several years partly because of the presence of a rare Cyprus pine and colony of endangered
brushtailed rock wallabies. They cannot afford freehold prices.
If this land is not purchased for conservation and preservation of biodiversity it could be decimated by
logging. Our plans are to develop low number - low impact ecotourism, some cottage industries and
permaculture living systems. A company constitution will have an overriding principal of protecting the
natural resources and systems. of the land in relation to all activities and projects including settlement,
income generation and social activities.
Two 1/6 shares are for sale at $78,000 each including taxes and fees.
Please contact Doone Wyborn on 0407 608 692 or 07 3378 2812 for details.
| green and grand…
90% of our visitors came north to escape the cold and enay aur
perfect weather, They never see our landscape at its tranizad best.
anal weather reports don't show tropical reality. Most of our
hort sharp, localised bursts. Rain that lasts for
days on end is more Hkely in Melbourne than Barwin.
Airfares have never been cheaper Why not consider a suramer
holday? Come see cur waterfais ar thelr magrificest best,
Walk throudh a lush, green landscape carpeted in wiklfowers,
Easy, hard or in fusitamen. We offer everything from tags whee
you wk by day and sigan in an airconedtioned roam at Sots, &,
night to magsor teeks lesting tee s weeks mor For more Se, eo,
information, 26 aut website or ask for our brochures, n }
: Poly we by
[Page 12
The Sydney Bushwalker
October 2004
Not The Walk Notes:
Barry Wallace advises that he has not sufficient
walk reports from leaders to put together his
Walk Notes this month. He is hoping that
leaders will feel more than a tinge of remorse
and rush their reports in so that the Walk Notes
can resume next month.
The Committee has resolved that all walk
reports should in future be sent to the New
Members Secretary who will then forward the
reports to Barry.
Leaders are urged to send in their reports as
soon as possible after the completion of the
Editorial Comment:
Taking advantage of the space available due to the
absence of Barrys notes I would like to comment
in this Walks Pages section on two matters.
I should emphasise that these comments are my
personal opinion, stated from the Editors desk,
and may or may not reflect the Management
Committee or other members views.
Your reactions are sought either by Letters to
the Editor or articles for publication.
Walking and Safety
As far as I am aware It has long been the policy
of this Club to discourage solo walking off-track
in the bush. Indeed our training advice to New
Members is that a minimum party size is three
people, preferably four. This recognises that in
the case of mjury one of the party should stay
to render first aid and care whilst one, even
better two others seek help. ,
In case of snake-bite, it is essential that the
person bitten should rest, not move, and
assistance arrive as soon as possible.
Therefore , it is disconcerting to read in some
reports included in recent issues of this
magazine that walks have proceeded with less
than three people and one or two instances of
solo walking in wilderness areas.
This does not set a good example to our new
Walk Reports
Sometimes, when I have a spare moment, I look
in old issues of the magazine and read the walk
reports of earlier days. These reports form an
important part of the history of the Club.
Even now, like many older members, I enjoy
reading reports of walks in places familiar to me
where nowadays I cannot or should not walk.
So it is very disappointing to find that walk
reports are not coming in. Even the brief notes
on the Walks Participation forms are often
absent or the forms are not sent in.
This is a plea to both leaders and participants.
Your notes and walk reports are important and
you need not be a literary genius to have your
reports and/or advance publicity for coming
walks published in this magazine.
And, perhaps a long time from now, SBW
members will look back and read of your exploits.
Bill Holland
Bondi to Coogee and Beyond
Eight midweek walkers had an easy walk in
pleasant weather on Tuesday 28” September.
First of all to Coogee along the coastal path
where we had lunch . Fish and chips were the
order of the day
Then after lunch, three continued on to
Maroubra joined by a visitor from Tasmania.
The others walked back to Bondi. Near
Maroubra we found that crossing Lurline bay on
rocks is recommended for low tide.
A week later four of us walked from Maroubra
to Malabar past spectacular cliffs.
Obviously, the extended walk from Bondi to
Malabar will feature on a future walks
programme. Bill Holland
Budawangs 18 & 19 September 2004
Five members and one prospective enjoyed a
walk in the spectacular rock formations of the
Budawangs with perfect weather on the
Saturday turning to rain on the Sunday, which
was welcomed by the parched earth.
We had a fast ascent of Kalianna Ridge;
noticed the absence of drips off the sandstone
walls; arrived at the saddle for lunch; climbed
the Castle for 360 degree glorious views; and
camped down at Cooyoyo Creek whilst dwarfed
by our rocky surroundings.
The Castle clumb seemed harder than it did 25
years ago has there been some fast uplift or is
it creeping old age? I never needed a rope
before either, so at least I am becoming
responsibly cautious, at last! We had a very
convivial camp fire and awoke to good soaking
rain. We still walked through wet scrub and
visited the misty Valley of the Monoliths and the
Green Room but had an early finish at 2pm.
Then the fun ensued when both our vehicles
became bogged on the road out of Yadboro Flat
close to the first Pigeon House turn-off, but, a
friendly 4WD towed us out and Ian unbogged
his car, with a little help from some strong
A wonderful weekend was concluded with
Bewong burgers.
Maureen Carter
| The Sydney Bushwalker
October 2004 Page 13
Midweek Walkers
A Week Of Cycling Around Bathurst.
Late spring and summer walks offer opportunities
jor a variety of walks with swimming and perhaps
a barbecue at a house or base camp.
It would be great to have more midweek activities
on the Summer Walks Programme for our growing
numbers ~ so put your thinking caps on.
Day Walks:
Thursday 28th Oct:
Circumnavigating Port Jackson
Lidcombe to Parramatta with a train trip and
ferry to Circular Quay.
Thursday llth Nov: Blue Mountain NP
Lawson to Woodford. Shady glens and six
waterfalls. Medium Grade: M211 (12 km)
Tuesday 16” Nov: Ku Ring Gai NP
Palm Beach - Currawong - America Bay - Easy
walk starting and finishing with a ferryboat ride.
Beautiful views. 9-am start at Palm Beach.
Grade: Easy 12 km
Thursday 25” Nov: Georges River
Macquarie Fields to Minto. Off track along the
river, bring light gaiters and gloves.
Grade : Medium M213 (17 km)
Extended Walks and Activities:
Mon 25% - Fri 29 October:
River Murray Houseboat
We now have a _ full
complement of ten who will
cruise the river with some
| walking options at interesting scenic points
| Mon 8“ - Fri 12” November:
Moonan Brook Forestry Cottage
Vor vA Barrington Tops
ates i“
We plan to have day walks
py A followed by happy hours and
SW 3 socialising. This is a _ great
location for easy access to the rainforest etc of
BarringtonTops. There is plenty of room for you
so book now. Everyone welcome.
| | Mon 29” November - Frid 3 December
Berrara Beach Holiday Cottage
South Coast
Walk along beaches or in the adjacent
national park, Cycle good roads and
tracks. Canoeing etc.
| Then relax in a comfortable beachside cottage
Well, not quite a week, Wednesday 15“ t
Sunday 19” September, but near enough.
The Mid-Week Walkers exchanged walking
shoes for bicycles and eight keen (?) cyclists and
two supporters turned up at Robyns farm at
Georges Plains on Tuesday with another two on
Wednesday night.
Fine weather, beautiful rural scenery (rolling
hills and farmlands) relaxed happy hours and
evening meals around a lively table made this a
delightful stay.
We enjoyed an easy and not too long ride of
about 20 km. on Wednesday followed by a
longer ride on Thursday with steady uphill
stretches to lunch near Carcoar Dam. It was, in
total, a 60 km tnp with only two nding the
whole distance and the rest of us taking
advantage of a car ride up the long hill and at
various points along the way. Friday morning
included a 20 km mide to a nearby conservation
area and a walk through bush and gullies in
search of the elusive Yetholme Butterfly, an
endangered and very rare species.
Eight of our cyclists left in the afternoon and
four more arrived for the weekend.
Saturday was another longish ride of 25 km to
Ben Chifley Dam for another long lunch and
look around before cycling back. Once more the
car helped some up a steep hill or two but the
return to the farm was a cruise downhill (except
for one climb) and a welcome ice-cream at the
Perthville shop.
Sunday was a rest day for most before heading
across the hill to a lunchtime barbecue before
heading home to Sydney. Bill Holland
You are welcome to join us on any of these activities. For more information about the above or to have
your name added to extensive email/mailing list please contact Bill Holland 9484 6636 or
Email: billholland@bigpond.com
|Page 14 The Sydney Bushwalker October 2004
Corsica - The Not-So-Easy Way Maureen Carter
Late May must surely be the best time to hike part of the
GR20 in Corsicas sharp European style mountains, as the
melting snow is cascading down through the rugged
mountainsides and the forests are a translucent pale green
with the beech trees bursting into spring splendour. The
forest floors contain the contents of a florist shop, with
miniature pink cyclamens, gerberas; daisies, foxgloves
and other blooms in every imaginable colour.
This was a challenging NPA walk where the first day
was a 1300 metre hard slog to 1570m carrying a very
heavy pack, high above the pretty village of Calenzana
ringing its church bells. Subsequent days usually began
with a 600 metre climb, followed by a few rocky or snow-
covered traverses; a knee-grinding long downward
obstacle course; and often, a climb up to a welcoming
refuge in the late afternoon. At least we did not join the
eager people leaving the refuge at 5.30am to secure well-
positioned bunk space in the next refuge. I was more than
satisfied with our sheltered tent sites with views of snow
covered peaks and tumbling waterfalls, especially as
darkness only descended after 10pm. I was also happy to
forego the smelly boots and snorers that inhabit the
sleeping quarters. The warm fire and gas stove did come
in handy after our only spell of bad weather when we
faced about an hour of freezing rain, hail and thick fog,
where we became temporarily misplaced!
On our ten day walk to Vizzavona we not only ascended spectacular rocky and snow covered sections,
amidst the most dramatic mountain scenery, but, also followed the red and white stripes on the rocks
alongside sparkling streams; through forests of alder, birch, pine and ancient elm; listened to birds on
pinnacles rejoicing in warm sunshine; marvelled at the
emerald green pozzines (bogs); crossed many cols as
high as 2225m; and, made friends with shepherds and
their dog that only spoke Corse.
The highlight for me was the traverse of the Cirque
de la Solitude, which causes many walkers enough
anxiety to view Corsica by car. I felt some trepidation
as the notes say it is difficult with some technical
climbing. At Col Perdu I gasped at the dramatic
scenery before us with the amazing, high, craggy peaks
marching on to infinity. We were assisted by thick,
freezing chains and traversed wet and exposed sections
such as the waterfall and numerous slippery rocks. We
took long breaks to consider the next tricky section and savour this unique scenery. I was alone one
evening and enjoyed another rare treat when I climbed from the Refuge de Ciottulu di i Mori towards
Paglia Orba and was astounded by the absolute quiet of the cirque when the stream flowed underground.
It was almost frightening, as I have never been in such an enormous area without any sound, until I heard
the wing beat of a passing raven.
When we reached Vizzavona we enjoyed a few days of R and R. During this time I walked endlessly
through the laricio pines in the forests; avoided confronting a wild boar; ate delicious local food at the
gare; shared red wine with fellow walkers; and, even tried to converse in a mixture of French, Spanish,
Italian and sign language, but the happy smiles we exchanged were best understood.
I am glad that my NPA membership gave me the opportunity to experience, in near perfect weather,
some of Europes finest mountain walking. My thanks go to Dianne and John MacLauchlan for putting
the walk on the program. I hope to return one day to experience the remaining wonders of the GR20.
Maureen Carter
The Sydney Bushwalker
October 2004 Page 15
Tour de Berry Wineries
The recent mens Tour de France with its blur
of wheels, helmets and bums in the air caused
me to reflect on the Tour de Berry earlier this
year. For your information there is a womens
Tour de France; held after the mens Tour in
total secrecy, without publicity, fanfare,
advertising or hype.
Most bike rides, so I am reliably informed, start
with intense technical discussions. This Tour de
Berry was no different; over porridge we discussed
and pontificated on the pros and cons of real milk
versus soy milk, and porridge compared with
muesli. After breakfast, and the usual teeth
cleaning and toilet visit we left for the starting
point at Geroa. At the starting poimt there were
just we three from SBW (Brian, George and
myself) and Geoff from the Kiama BUG. We
quickly formed the typical SBW circle and
introduced ourselves. Of course Brian, George
and myself bad met a million times before so our
names were easy to remember. After a bit of
practice we got Geoff's name right.
The rest of the party, the other independent
group, about 16 in all from Kiama BUG (thats
bicycle users group for those with their hand
already on the mortein) met at Gerringong railway
station. These were the real cyclists decked out in
Yellow Pages shirts, slinky, tight, black shorts and
their backsides bonded to super-dooper road bikes.
From Geroa we had about a 5 Km head start as
was befitting our status of Bushies on Bikes.
The two groups totalled 24 cyclists with an even
number of each sex. I did a quick check and the
Patrick James.
only shaved legs I saw were female legs. [ had
thought that we might have been subjected to a
compulsory leg shave or bikini wax, but
fortunately speed was not the objective of the day.
What was the days objective was to visit
three wineries in the Berry area. Although wine
tasting was an option at each stop, the wineries
were simply waypoints on the days ride.
Morning wine (or morning tea) at Seven Mile
Winery, then a sit down lunch at Jaspers Brush
Winery, and lastly afternoon wine at the
Crocked River Winery. All terribly civilised as
is usual and befitting of a typical SBW walk,
albeit on wheels.
Towards the end of each stop, before the party
mounted-up and moved-off, we SBWers left a
bit early so that we would have a slight head
start, to make up for our more sedate rate of
travel compared with Kiama BUG.
The trip was generally flat with the odd
mountain thrown in for good measure. From
time to time we SBW types could not contain
our urge to walk, so we alighted and walked arm
in arm with our bikes for a while. Most of these
occasion just happened to be on the steeper
mountains. The same mountains I might add
were scaled like mole hills by our new-found
friends of Kiama BUG.
The day passed without any serious mishaps,
save for the occasional puncture; no falls or
spills, no pile-ups, just a lovely day for a ride.
George did manage to lose and then find his
brand new mobile phone. He kept ringing his
[Page 16
The Sydney Bushwalker
October 2004
mobile number, and when it was answered he
said very politely that my phone you have or
similar such words. The phone finders were
locals and readily worked out a way to reunite
George and his mobile.
The end of the ride was back at Gerringong
railway station; in the day we had peddled some
45 Km, or 50 Km for the BUG members, visited
Winery Ride*
On February 29 Kiama BUG travelled light.
Sunday was sunny and the mood was just right.
In knicks, shirt and sunscreen, no need for finery.
Hugh Irving was aiming for the Seven Mile Winery.
An aggressive man-mountain? Hugh certainly aint,
But this Speedy Gonzalez is as slick as new paint.
His smail, compact, body stays glued to his bike,
With heart and legs pumping, like a kid on a trike!
His mouth often open, with a well-ready smile,
Was inviting bluebottles inside for a while!
We zoomed down Mount Pleasant to Gerringong Rail.
Greeting ten others, we continued our trail.
Reaching the winery, we sampled great wine,
With the smallest tongue-touches. It tasted just fine.
Our group was well-balanced with a straight gender mix.
Twelve blokes and twelve sheilas discussing each fix.
For all there is cycling. Cappuccinos for most.
Les loves bananas; black, yellow, with toast.
For Ross its mashed spuds, with some baked on the side.
Then there's some great pasta which we ate on this ride.
three wineries, and met 17 members of Kiama
BUG. The following poem was penned by Les
Davies to record in verse the days events. With
a bit of a car shuffle between Gerringong and
Geroa we all managed to be reunited with our
cars and then the bliss of a soft, well sprung, car
Les Davies, Kiama BUG.
The day's social cycle under Judith our leader,
Looped back roads to Berry in good time, dear reader.
Then Jasper's Brush Vineyard set the scene for our lunch.
Our appetites whetted, we started to munch.
We gazed at the mountains and the gums blue and red.
The shadows were minimal, with the sun overhead.
So now for an hour of just chewing the fat.
Or chewing fat-free food, if you fancy that.
Then onto the pedals and a slow, saddle slide,
Off back through Berry to the end of our ride.
A gathering sou-easter pushed each cyclist hard
Through quiet Toolijooa, where the road was now tarred.
Cake n' coffee beckoned at our afternoon fill.
At Gerringong Vineyard up that bugger of a hill.
Les sprinted . Some walked. Some traversed the tough climb.
Pulses then dropped 'til caffeine buzz time.
Yes the ride was a ripper, at a fair easy pace.
The sun conducive to a jaunt not a race.
Off back to our loved ones, the week-end near done.
What a bloody beauty …. bikes, mates and fun!
* Berry Winery Ride 29 February 2004, SBW together with the Kiama BUG.
Photographic Walkshop
This walk is on Sunday 31 October 2004 in Heathcote National Park.
Often on a bushwalk circumstances do not allow that extra time to take
photographs. This walk is different, it is primarily to take photos; all different types of
bush/bushwalking photos. Once we get into the bush it will be slow going with everyone
: having a go at different compositions but we will stretch our legs a bit. The intended end result
| / (Plan A) is that we all will end up better photographers then when we started. There is no Plan B!
Hr Ei A number of the Clubs more expert photographers have been (and are being) coerced to come
along and share their photographic wisdom and experience.
Subject/compositions to photograph are distant/background views, middle ground views, foreground
views, close-up (eg bugs, blooms, flowers, ferns, rock strata/structure, inscriptions, paintings), moving
objects (people, plants, water), composition of photographs.
Bring: the normal gear for a day walk plus a camera (digital or film), film, fully charged batteries,
plenty of space on the memory card, flash if not built-in, instruction book if a new camera, tripod.
Ring 9567 9998 or (best option) or email me at pjames@idx.com.au for details.
Patrick James.
Forgotten Something ? Leaders - dont forget to send in your Walk Report
The Sydney Bushwalker
October 2004 Page 17 |
Welcome to our new Prospective members…!!!!!
Ron Horvath Robyn Strain
Steve Papp Mark Clark
Dr Helen Scicluna M & J Swinton
Steven and Tania Bird Galy Sachar
Alan Francis Stephanie Stock
Yvonne Smythe Lowana James
Karolin Khoshbin Lascean Brown
Congratulations !!! to our new full members.
The following prospective members have
become full members:
Hiroko Clarke Andrew Quartemaine
Ken Collins Heidi Volp
Roger Martin Pam Campbell
Marianne Smith
Recommended Walks for New Prospectives
We have a number of initiatives in place to help you
achieve your goal, becoming a full member within
12 months of joining. Keep on reading and find
your Speedy link to become a full member.
A must for all prospectives !
Dont forget our next Coolana Training Weekend
Come and visit our beautiful property in the
Kangaroo Valley.
introduction to camping. We can assist with
social activities around the campfire on Saturday
Phone: Patrick James 95679998
20“, 21% Nev Coolana Training Weekend
Practical training in navigation, first aid and
This weekend is ideal for New Mentbers. It
offers a pleasant social weekend at Coolana in
the beautiful Kangaroo Valley and provides an
tents and other camping gear and there is a
shelter on site. SBW members are also
encouraged to attend and assist with training and
evening. This is an opportunity to foster social
contacts within the club Activities start on
Saturday morning and finish about 4pm on
Sunday. Transport assistance is available,
Phone: Bill Holland 9484 6636 (m) 0418 210290
pjames@idx com.au
6.7” Nov Blue Mountains NP
Goolara Peak - Lower Jenolan Gorge Qualifier
NEW Prospective Members: Grasp _ this
opportunity to do your overnight qualifying walk.
Leam what makes overnight walking a special
experience. There is a mix of terrain to provide
experience in bushwalking skills. Track, off track,
rock hopping, river crossings, testing ascents and
descents. Share great scenery, campfire
camaraderie, surmount the challenges together
under the guidance of a sympathetic leadership
team. Leaders to be advised. Camp on riverside
flats. Walkers kit with route description included
plus advice on what to take provided. Enjoy post
walk dinner with newfound friends.
Route: Carlons Farm - Goolara Peak - Cox
River -through Lower Jenolan Gorge to
Mumbedah Creek Junction (camp) - Cox River -
Quartpot Ridge - Tinpot Mountain - Carlons
Farm - Distance 24k m with 1 x 500 m ascent.
Grade: M232 (medium) Exposure on short
section off Goolara Peak
Coordinator: Ron Watters (h) 9419 2507 (m)
0419 617 491 wattersr@bigpond.net.au
Leaders: John Bradnam & Pam Campbell
weekly hire are:
raat Weekend pack: $15
Sleeping bag: $15
Sleeping mat: $5
Ground sheet: $2
Tent: $20
Complete kit $50
New Prospective night and Training
nights at the Club Rooms
Every second Wednesday of each month, SBW
welcomes new members as well as helping new
prospective prepare for their first day and
overnight walk, packing hints, foods, clothing,
equipment, etc. Just come along we start at 8pm
in the clubrooms.
Weekend Walking Gear for
The club now has a small pool of
weekend walking equipment
available for hire. The rates for
(For hygiene reasons you must provide and use
your own sleeping bag liner)
Equivalent refundable deposit required.
Contact: Geoff McIntosh 9419 4619
Please do not forget to record your walks.
It is very important that you keep a record of all walks that you participate in as you need to complete the full
membership form with all the details. Also, if you are ringing to book on a walk, the leader will ask you what
walks you have participated in and the name of the leaders that you have walked with. Please contact me if
you have any questions www.sbw.org
Cheers: Grace Martinez SBW New Members Secretary
[Page 18
The Sydney Bushwalker
October 2004
October Blurb… or is it for Nov? Oh, well..
the next one anyway.
Hi Everyone,
Yes, it's true - I was kidnapped by the
mysterious band of pygmies that live in the
secret places of the Wild Dog mountains last
month. If you are very very quiet, very very
late, during a very very full moon, you may be
very very lucky and hear them. (If you don't
believe me, read Bernard O'Reilly's
'Cooranbong, especially the chapter titled, Cox's
River. He refers to them as the mysterious
This month has seen a great update by the
Colong Foundation on the latest threats and
exciting news that is happening in our precious
environment. Don't forget to check out their
website at | www.colongfoundation.org.au
regularly for their informative updates and tips
on how you can get involved. You can also find
detals on the wonderful new book, Blue
Mountains - World Heritage by Alex Colley and
Henry Gold.
Next month will be decidedly relaxed at the
clubrooms with a movie night. We'll be doing
fresh hot popcorn and showing a DVD on the
big screen. If you've got some ideas of a movie
that would be fun and appropriate - drop me an
email to social@sbw.org.au
Until then! See you on the track.
Cheers Caro
Social Programme - November:
Wed 6“ 7pm Committee Meeting
Wed 13” 8pm Introduction to SBW
Leam all the important
information needed to join the
Wed 18“ 8pm Movie Night at the Club
BYO beanbags and watch a
Members contributions to this magazine are
very welcome. Send in your interesting stories
of recent walks, letters, notices, jokes etc by
mail (preferably typed), on floppy disc, by fax or
by email addressed to The Editor .
Fax: 9980 6009 (phone 9484 6636 first)
billholland@bigpond com
Walking Economy
wat x, A guy is walking down the
fe, street with his friend. He
says to his friend, “I'm a
walking economy.”
His friend replies, “How's
“It's like this – my hair line is in
recession, my stomach is a victim of inflation,
and the combination of these factors is putting
me into a deep depression
f:% Don't Mess With Morris
.\ A strong young man at the
construction site was
bragging that he could
outdo anyone in a feat of
strength, He made a
special case of making fun of Morris, one of the
older workmen. After several minutes, Morris
had enough.
“Why don't you put your money where your mouth is?” he said. “I will bet a week's wages that I can haul something in a wheelbarrow over to that outbuilding that you won't be able to wheel back.”
“You're on, old man,” the braggart replied. “It's a bet! Let's see what you got.”
Morris reached out and grabbed the wheelbarrow by the handles. Then, nodding to the young man, he said, “All right. Get in.”
The Frog This really really old guy is walking on the beach one day. He hears a little teenie tiny voice calling out “Hey Mister … pssst … come here.” He looks around and sees a little tiny frog under a palm tree. He picks it up and it says “Hey Mister … if you kiss me, I'll turn into a beautiful young woman and your wishes will be my commands forever.” He takes the frog, puts it in his pocket, and starts to walk back toward home. The frog says “Hey, what are ya doing? Don't ya want to kiss me?” The old man says, “No … to tell you the truth, at my age, a talking frog is worth a whole lot more to me.”
First Aid Certificates
To encourage leaders and members
* to get their St Johns First Aid Certificate, the Club will subsidise the
SY : cost of gaining an accredited ps </ As
Senior First Aid Certificate We have to use with skill what simple equipment we can Carry on our backs to achieve shelter,
If you really want to get the best prepare food and have a night's rest?? out of what you carry with you, Paday Pailin, 1900-1991
then move up to Black Diamond, exciusive to Paddy Pallin.
< Black Diamond
Black Diamond Miecnlight Headterch: Constantly frustrated with replacing your torch battery? Then the Moonlight is for you. WIth 4 ultra bright, energy efficient LED bulbs, it provides 70 hours of constant light. It weighs a mere 90g (without batteries) so you'll hardly know you're
carrying it. Ideal for night walking, cooking and reading.
Black Diamond Contour Trekting Pole: Trekking poles dont just Solomc phlei S oreo esos ii SER improve your balance and
reduce the strain on your lower fimbs; they help re-distribute the load to
your upper limbs as well, meaning you can keep going for fonger. The a Contour, featured, is ideal for comfort over long periods of walking with . j 3 } o\ an ergonomic 15 degree correction angle in the upper shaft and soft dual of density hand grip. It also features a unique NEW adjustment system,
making these the most easily adjusted poles on the market.
Y \. ia ate i AN
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A 7 an\ ee ft pe RN \ Black Diamond Betamid Tent: When you want to go ultra-light or you eo. jf | . ah - \ need extra storage space, the Betamid has you covered. This compact, fo _ \ f t ; oS sete lon aa aN . . . . if i 1 ee floorless tent will go anywhere and pitches using a pair of trekking poles! y NN Weighing in at a fraction over ikg, it sleeps two and stands strong aN j ; against the elements. (Optional, detachable tub floor is also available.) i : a
Store locations: Sydney: 507 Kent Street Miranda: 527 Kingsway * Parramatta: 74 Macquarie Street e Katoomba: 166 Katoomba Street Alse in Canberra and Jindabyne Website: www.paddypallin.com.au
Mail order: 1800 805 398