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THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER is the monthly bulletin of matters of interest to members of
The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc
PO Box 431 Milsons Point 1565.
Editor: Bill Holland Production Manager: Frances Holland Printers: Kenn Clacher, Barrie Murdoch, Tom Wenman DonBrooks Fran Holland
Opinions expressed in this magazine are the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policies or views of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc.
All material in this magazine is copyright. . Requests for reproduction should be directed to The Editor.
6 Conservation Notes The Conservation Secretary reports on a meeting between NPWS and NPA. Also, a notice of temporary park closures
8 Coolana Report Don Finch reports this month on a plan to seek project funding and that we are considering using conservation volunteer groups to assist us at Coolana
Alpsport Front cover Newnes Hotel Cabins 11 Paddy Pallin Back cover Wilderness Transport 5 Wild Asia 3 Willis's Walkabouts 7
Issue No. 850
From the Committee Room Message from President Maurice Letters to the Editor Treasurers Report
Editors Note
New Members News
Social Notes and Other Items
What to do in a Bushfire An important message now the bushfire season is upon us.
9 Notices
10 -42
13 -16
Some changes to programmed walks and an early start to the fire season
Walk Notes Barry Wallace has a shorter than usual report of recent walks
Walk Reports
Bob Chambers reports of a trip from Yalwal to Tallong, Richard Darke has a day trip to Barren Grounds, David Trinder tells of a New Zealand trip and we have Aimless Wanderings of a Flaneur from Steve Bradbury
MacDonnell Ranges 2005 (Part 1) In June this year David Rostron led SBW members on an extended trip into the MacDonnell Ranges (Central Australia). James Swinton tells the first part of this story with Part 2 to appear next month.
The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. [Page 2
The Sydney Bushwalker
September 2005
About Our Club The Sydney Bush Walkers was formed in 1927 for the purpose of bringing bushwalkers together; enabling them to appreciate the great outdoors; establishing a regard for conservation and promoting social activities. The Club's main activity is bushwalking but includes other activities such as cycling, canoeing and social events. Our Walks Programme (published quarterly) features day walks on most Saturdays and Sundays, some mid week walks and overnight weekend walks. Extended walks are organised in areas such as Lamington, Snowy Mountains etc as well as interstate. Our meetings are held on Wednesday evenings (see Social Programme) at Kirribilli Neighbourhood Cenire, 16 Fitzroy Street, Kirribilli ear Milsons Point Railway Station). Visitors and prospective members are welcome. General Enquiries: Phone 0500 500 729
Website Office Bearers President: Maurice Smith Vice-President: Rosemary MacDougal Treasurer: Tony Marshall Secretary: Leigh McClintock Walks Secretary: Ian Thorpe Social Secretary Kathy Gero Membership Secretary Ron Watters New Members Secretary: Grace Martinez Conservation Secretary: Bill Holland Magazine Editor: Bill Holland Committee Members Caro Ryan Peter Love
Delegate to Confederation:
Jim Callaway Pam Campbell
Contact the Committee: Members are welcome to contact the following officers on Club matters:
President : Maurice Smith
9587 6325 (h)
Vice President : Rosemary MacDougal
9428 5668 (h) Secretary: Leigh McClintock 8920 2388 (h)
Treasurer Tony Marshall
9713 6985 (h)
Members Secretary: Ron Watters
New Members Secretary: Grace Martinez 9948 6238
UN Have You Changed Your Address? No If you have changed your address or phone number recently, please advise:
Ron Watters
Grace Martinez The advice should be in writing directed to the Clubs postal address. This will ensure that our records show your current address and prevent delay in receiving the magazine each month
From The Committee Room
a8 A report of proceedings at the at, Management Committee meeting on
= 7“ Sontember An alternative to the clubs 500 telephone number is still being investigated The President has written to the Confederation President about Confederation fees. A quote for insurance had been received from AON. Sum insured appeared to be $1 million, for a premium of around $1800 (annual). The details of this proposal will be further investigated and a quote sought for higher cover The Australian Civil Aviation Air Patrol has offered to make a presentation to Club members. The Walks Secretary was given, approval to work up a proposal for notifying members of walks programmed after the printed program is published, and changes to the printed program Peter Evans, Ronald Horvath, and Brad Pedersen were accepted as full members. The Committee noted that 30 Prospectives have converted to full membership so far this year. The Committee was advised that the last training weekend at Coolana had been cancelled because of insufficient starters. The Committee approved the payments of $1,170 rent KNC $50 first aid course subsidy, $475 magazine postage. The Treasurer circulated a list of non-financial members. The Committee voted to delete them from the members register. The Electronic Communications sub- Committees recommendations on data bases and email policy were approved.
magazine collating evening in August. Alex club member for 70 years The Sydney Bushwalker
September 2005 Page 3
Message from President Maurice:
As winter comes to an end and the warmer weather retums it is time for the clubs two annual one day marathon length walks, namely the Six Foot Track (Katoomba to Jenolan Caves) and Kanangra Walls to Katoomba (the K to K). Although the second of these two walks was held in early September it is easier to talk about both walks right now. Congratulations to all members who undertook all the hard work in training for these walks then walked the walks. As always, the trip leaders, Mark Patteson and Tony Crichton respectively, do an enormous amount of work prior to the walk as well as on the day to make these walks successful as usual. They do such a good job that it all seems like clockwork, but it isnt. Well done guys, you make me very proud.
In relation to this years K to K walk there were several stars that need to be recognised. Ken Smith (no relation to me) completed his 13” K to K and he has missed only four out of the 17 that we have walked. Weil done Ken. Clare Holland (no relation to the magazine editor) walked her first K to K, just one week after completing her first Oxfam TrailWalker walk where she walked 100 km in just over 24 hours. Well done Clare. Tony Crichton, the trip leader, managed to complete the walk despite a significant knee injury early in the walk. Well done Tony.
At the management committee meeting this month we spent quite some time considering issues raised by a club member regarding the decisions taken by a leader on a recent walk. After considerable discussion, including with the relevant leader, the management committee came to the conclusion that the leaders decisions were not inappropriate in the circumstances.
The Electronic Communications Sub-Committee (ESC) made two submissions to the management committee and both submissions were approved. The first submission related to the proposed rationalisation of the clubs databases that we use to assist in managing the club. At present we have several stand-alone databases maintained on various members personal computers. While these databases are reasonable they are not linked in any way and the lack of such linkage is becoming a significant anchor holding us back from being able
Hey You ! Pay Attention -!
Social Night Reminder_19th October 8 pm Hong Kong Slide Show Richard Darke as he presents slides of his trip to this exciting island in November 2004
to improve the management of the club. The ESC will now consult with the various people who will be impacted by the proposed databases rationalisation. The second submission related to the clubs email policy. Prior to the meeting the official policy was to send only one email per month to our members. This policy was too restrictive and was being honoured in the breach. Henceforth the clubs email policy is that any management committee member may send out emails to all and or a sub-set of our email enabled members, provided that the email relates to the committee members area of responsibility. At present we have about 430 unique email addresses in our databases for our 650 members (prospectives and active), some of our members share an email address.
The management committee approved a proposal from our Walks Secretary, Ian Thorpe, to implement a Short Notice Walks process. In essence, leaders will be able to advise the Walks Secretary of a proposed walk not appearing on the current Walks Program and that walk will be advised to club members via an email. Full details of the process are being developed by Ian and will be disseminated to members in the near future.
Thats it for me for this month. I hope to meet you out in the bush in the near future.
Maurice Smith
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[Page 4
The Sydney Bushwalker
September 2005
Letters to the Editor
[=] An Iconic SBW Walk ?.
Looking beyond the annual K2K (Kanangra to Katoomba) as simply a stroll through the bush, I feel it embodies some of the notions that we hold important as bushwalkers and particularly as custodians of the values established by those adventurous souls who founded the SBW.
These thoughts were prompted by our recent 75th anniversary, where we re-visited the exploits and antics of our predecessors - but at the same time lamented the lack of more documentation and visual records of what went before.
Now, with the advent of digital technology we have no excuse not to “officially” record for posterity the same exploits and antics that we engage in today. Full marks to our website, but are we making a conscious and deliberate effort to record trips, activities, events and personalities that we take for granted, because they're “here today” - but sadly will be “gone tomorrow”.
There is one event in particular which, to me, represents a thread through time, which should be recorded in some official capacity and that is the K2K.
Now everyone will have their own views on the merits or otherwise of this walk. Some may feel it's a foolhardy, reckless mad dash for glory. Others may think a day walk, no matter how long, doesn't represent “true” bushwalking. You will never get total consensus on such issues. That is not my point. To me the K2K comes closest to symbolising much of what we stand for as a bushwalking group, who owes much to its founders.
To me the K2K is symbolic because -
- it requires a degree of toughness and self- discipline, being physically quite demanding
- it possess a degree of risk, that reminds us of this aspect whenever we embark on something difficult or adventurous
- it traverses rugged, wild and visually breathtaking terrain - but most significantly,
- it passes through the hallowed heartland that was the domain of our spiritual forebears - Paddy Pallin, the Butlers, the Dunphys and others that trod before us - and who helped put us on the map.
For these reasons, I propose that it should receive some recognition as the iconic walk of the club, which is undertaken as much for individual reasons as to pay homage to those pioneers/social anarchists that strode the stage before us. Their fierce independence of spirit and desire to push the frontiers of their times should be remembered in some way and to me the K2K holds that symbolic significance.
I would like to see some annual recording of the
event, perhaps accompanied by a brief trip report, but more significantly, a visual photo-essay recording the progress and participants - captured impromptu along the way.
With the advent of tools such as the internet and our website, we should be able to compile a listing of participants and leaders going back (almost) to the earliest K2K's.
I can think of no better way to pay our respects to our founding fathers (and ladies) as well as building a legacy for those future members who, one day may look back at us with bewilderment - and amusement.
James Cryer
[= A Good Idea ?
I have forwarded this email to you to consider for publication of an article in the club magazine.
I'm sure you have seen it promoted on TV and heard about it on the radio. I was just wondering if it would be worth while running a short article in our magazine to promote the use of it with our members as a safety consideration, in case of accident. Mainly because of the increased number of our members carrying mobile phones, I believe it would be advantageous for our mobile phone carrying members to have the “ICE” number programmed into their mobile.
Tony Manes
I CE - In Case of Emergency A campaign encouraging people to enter an emergency contact number in their mobile phone's memory under the heading ICE (In Case of Emergency), has rapidly spread throughout the world as a particular consequence of recent terrorist attacks in London.
Originally established as a nation-wide campaign in the UK, ICE allows paramedics or police to be able to contact a designated next-of-kin in an emergency.
The ~idea is the brainchild of East Anglian
Ambulance Service paramedic Bob Brotchie and was launched in May this year. By adopting the ICE advice, your mobile will help the rescue services quickly contact a friend or relative - which could be vital in a life or death situation. It only takes a few seconds to do, and it could easily help save your life. Why not put ICE in your phone now? Simply select your person to contact in case of emergency, enter them under the word 'ICE' and the telephone number of the person you wish to be contacted
September 2005 Page 5 |
Treasurers Report
Receipts and Payments to August Receipts
Members Subscriptions 16,843 Prospective Fees 6,449 Interest Conservation 360 Interest Coolana 1,070 Interest General 609 Magazine Advertising 1,200 Donations Coolana 155 Donations - General 13 Other 115 Investment redemption 15,000 Total $41,814 Payments
Magazine Production 2,091 Magazine Postage 3,296 Magazine Equipment 566 Coolana Rates & Occupancy 1,317 Coolana Maintenance 389 Coolana Equipment 385 Rent Club Rooms 3,092 Insurance Public Liability 3,861 Insurance Personal Accident 2,508 Affiliation Confederation 2,255 Postage, Phone & Internet 1,744 Administration 1,936 Transfer to investments 15,000 Total $38,471 Cash surplus 3,343 Closing Bank balance $14,946
I am reviewing the clubs investments and expect to be making a recommendation to the October committee meeting. Tony Marshall
The Sydney Bushwalker
Copy for publishing in the SBW magazine - should be received by the editor by the 4 end of the first week of each month. Letters stating your viewpoint on matters of interest are most welcome. Photos should be of good resolution suitable for black and white reproduction Please send your submission in by mail (preferably typed), on floppy disc, by fax or by email addressed to The Editor Telephone: Email:
9484 6636
Are you on the SBW Email List?
Once a month, we send out a friendly email to SBW Members and Prospectives.
If you'd like to be added to the list, simply send an email to:
⇐ Editors Note:.
Its warmer weather as I write this - a
. si a precursor to summer. There are very dry conditions and even now, smoke
drifts in from the west as control burning of our
bushland takes place.
So fire warnings feature in this issue with a repeat of an article printed a couple of years ago What To Do In A Bushfire. Please read this as it may save your life one day.
Also in this months magazine there is notice of park closures. Leaders and walkers are reminded that these notices must be adhered to and walking in restricted areas not only is illegal but may invalidate insurance covers.
Spring and summer walks have a very special attraction. The walks are more relaxed and there are swimming opportunities. Our insurance cover now permits abseiling on walks opening up the possibility of returning canyoning to our waiks programmes.
And mentioning the walks programme reminds me that there are still problems with leaders walk reports reaching our Walk Notes reporter, Barry Wallace. Barrys walk notes this month are very brief as he had little to write about. This is a pity as this is a popular section of the magazine. Bill Holland
Departs from Sydneys Campbelltown Railway Station Via Penrith, Katoomba & Blackheath for Kanangra Walls Mon & Wed at 11am. Frid at 7am Returns 40m Mon, Wed, Frid. Via Starlights, Miftagong & Marulan for Wog Wog-Nerriga Tues.& Thurs & Sun at 11am Returns 4 pm Tues, Thurs, Sun. Yerranderie Ghost Town first Saturday in each month, returns Sun at 1 pm (any Friday min 6) Group booking discounts or charter service
Tel 0246 832 344 Mob 0428 832 344
Page 6 The Sydney Bushwalker September 2005
Conservation Notes
Well, in lasts months Conservation Items I geographically misplaced a new national park. Bimberamala adjoins the eastern boundary of the Budawangs (not western boundary as I stated last month). I am assured that this is a great addition to our park system and the rugged terrain offers walking potential.
This misplacement was brought to my attention when I attended the meeting between NPWS and NPA in late
August. In my role as SBW Conservation Secretary I am invited by NPA to attend these meetings which take
place every two months. It offers an opportunity to hear the latest news from NPWS and exchange views . If you
have any questions you would like to direct to the NPWS please advise me and I can place these on notice via
News from the August meeting included:
= The new walking track from Chowder Bay to Balmoral Beach has been opened
= The transfer of Abercrombie and Jenolan Caves reserve land to NPWS is still being negotiated
= The previously endangered Wollemi Pines are now expected to be on general sale to the public in coming months.
“ Legislation has been passed making it illegal to have guns/ammunition, breast plates and spiked dog collars in national parks. These regulations are aimed at pig hunters as I do not see many bushwalkers carrying guns or dressed in this fashion
= With early onset of the fire danger season our attention was drawn to the fact that leaving a camp fire unattended can incur a substantial fine. Also clearing and collecting fallen timber is illegal (this refers mainly to timber getters rather than collecting for camp fires). However nearly all national parks management plans require fires to be limited to constructed fire places and in some parks collecting wood for camp fires would not be allowed. Please check that your campfires are extinguished before going to bed.
= Many controlled burns would be conducted around the greater Sydney metropolitan area in September/October taking advantage of the current dry conditions. Please check the Rural Fire Service and NPWS web sites for up to date information on possible burn-offs in walking areas. Walking tracks in parks are closed during and for some days after a burn.
Please note that there is an early start to the fire season this year. RFS Commissioner Phil Koperberg has
announced that dry conditions and concerns for a potentially difficult fire season have caused the NSW Rural Fire
Service (RFS) to bring forward the Bush Fire Danger Period to 1 September in a number of areas.
Bill Holland - Conservation Secretary
, Many a areas Sof the pail, were! # affected. by the ye auiary 2003- bushiites, andt the at's environinents are still regenerating. “The-mounfain soils. afe:very. fragile, and until: vegetation. has been testored they. can easily: be eroded away - especially if they : are disturbed by recreational activities: Many bogs: were .severely- damaged by the fires and subsequent: dry- periods. Bogs and-wet areas are extremely important tothe. health of. the. mountain, ecosystems, and .
-they ned time'to rehabilitate; We: -askthat park us users s avoid these environments: ae ms,
The he following ateas are currently-closed: *- ert g fetes ae oN - Mount Jagungal-and'its flanks . se a Sf oeea tat e -The'Main Range between Mouit. Anton san ky Cooper Bogond re Southem Cloudjerash Siteatcess >. *'. | a ee as Ty, e. Western Falk of the: MainRange | Se BOS Me
Rocky. Plains: campground: (near Sawyer's HillaGiandra)= wok ' In other areas ofthe patk; camp ' only in: desighated:roadsid chmsin: aras, or inbadotiry a areas on unburnt *groind. In addition, many: histori fic I huts were; damaged or'destroyed. inthe fires. pie
oat eat
a The Sydney Bushwalker September 2005 Page 7
What to Do in a Bushfire !
We are experiencing an early start to summer with very dry conditions indicating an extended fire danger period. Fires may be encountered either when driving to or from the walk or during the walk. The following advice is very relevant to our bushwalking activity. Please read and absorb this advice. This information was extracted from the website
Www. ema. ity/bushfires.html)
If Caught In A Fire When Driving - Shelter in the Car
Dont drive into or near bushfires. If caught in a bushfire dont drive through
flames or thick smoke. Stop in an area of low vegetation. Leave motor running - @ and air-conditioner on (recycle), hazard lights and headlights on. Stay inside
unless near safe shelter. Keep vents, windows and doors closed. Lie inside, below window level, under a
woollen blanket for skin protection.
After the main fire-front passes, if car is on fire or heat and fumes inside are severe, get out and move to
already burnt ground, keeping your whole body covered with the blanket.
The fuel tank is unlikely to explode in the period you need to stay in the car while being shielded from the deadly radiant heat of the main fire-front.
If Caught In Fire On Foot - Seek Shelter
Dont panic - cover all exposed skin and hair.
Move across-slope, away from the fire-front, then down-slope towards the rear of the main fire-front.
Find open or already-burnt ground. Dont try to outrun fire, or go uphill, or through even low flames, unless you can clearly see a safe area very close by,
If you cant avoid the fire, lie face-down under a bank, rock, loose earth or in a hollow, or if possible get into a dam or stream, but not a metal water tank.
Emergency Survival Requirements
If faced with the dangers of body dehydration, smoke inhalation and radiant heat from flames, emergency protection is possible, even in high-intensity fires. Wrap yourself in a heavy, pure wool blanket and carry water to drink; use moistened blanket corner as a smoke mask.
ie x)
3 }
Overseas { , K
. . South * 1,”
Arct c Africa Patagonia Vkica . ce 233K Northern
4 Australi We handle the hassle. You handle the holiday. ustrana
No one else offers tours like ours. You walk and you Carry a pack.
You do not do any serious mountaineering. You also experience the local culture and enjoy the local food. You do some of the best walks that can be done in those areas. (There are too many to do them all on one trip. That's one reason we've had repeat customers in all three areas.)
Patagonia. Our Spanish speaking guides have led 13 trips since 1990. Russell leads the 15th anniversary trip in late November this year.
Southern Africa. Russell's first exploratory trip in 1999 has been followed by six others he will be in South Africa when this ad appears.
Arctic. Although we've only run two Arctic trips, Russell has been travelling to this region since 1971, The March 2006 trip will include
7-10 days on a dog sled with a local operator.
T 0810 Email: [Page 8
The Sydney Bushwalker September 2005
. Coolana Report September 2005.
A new mower with an even more powerful motor has been delivered into the tool shed. With 4.5 hp It is well over the previous 4hp. The spare parts have also been delivered; they have yet to be fitted. A letter has been received from the Southern River Catchment Management Authority complete with an application form for project funding. The main point about this is the fact that it includes provision for the use of Conservation Volunteer Teams operating under a CMA supervisor. The teams of up to ten people would work and camp at Coolana for periods of a week at a time. The Coolana Committee has decided that the general membership of SBW be advised; at the half yearly annual general meeting by way of an announcement in general business that the Coolana Committee is considering the use of conservation volunteer teams at Coolana. This means that up ten conservation volunteers plus a supervisor would be working and camping at Coolana for periods of one week. Any member who wishes to express an opinion on this matter should make their point to the Management Committee. The Coolana Committees final recommendations will go to the Management Committee for ratification ASAP and may be as soon as the October Committee meeting on the 5th October 2005. In addition this information is to be included in the Coolana Report for the September magazine. The project plan is still in draft form but the broad lines are for large numbers of plants propagated from Coolana seeds to be planted out by the volunteers in a mass weeding and planting operation taking the team of ten a week to do. Other suitable plants may also be used. The aim is to shade out the weeds, native grass seeds would also be used in some areas.
Hilary Walker a non-member has for several years been assisting Shirley at Coolana. Hilary is also active with the North Sydney Land Care group. From all at SBW thank you Hilary for your interest efforts and care at Coolana. Shirley Dean is a consistent participant in Coolana bush care. Shirley makes the effort to go to Coolana monthly to tend to the SCA trees, weeds and other interests. Thank you Shirley. . Don and the committee are unaware of any other women who go down regularly with Shirley if there are any, thank you. Other members who are unable to go on the regular maintenance weekends are more than welcome to do as Shirley and Hilary do and go at times that are convenient to them.
Don Finch
Maintenance and Bush Regeneration:
Its a wonderful property but needs some gentle care and maintenance. The trees are doing fine but need some supporting
attention. The weather is warming up, encouraging the weeds to grow. There are other tasks to be done as well. But its not all work - there is ample time to socialise and enjoy the evening campfire. The next maintenance weekend
- 4 + isscheduled for 22”4 23“ October. If you can assist please phone Barry Wallace 9450 0550.
Camping at Coolana: All members, prospective members and their families may visit and stay at Coolana at any time. There is no need to book just come and enjoy our magnificent property. Please do not camp in the vicinity of the wattle trees as they are unstable in high winds and tend to shed large branches without warning.
There is ample room for camping on the open grassed areas.
= = = TT woe oo Ta mes qk ' Ben, + k . : . q
oasis with he maintenance of this Fund and: not use
| The Sydney Bushwalker September 2005 Page 9 THE WALKS PAGES Notices:
Leader Required Jim Percy has advised that due to injury he will be unable to lead the first two walks on the program and the third walk
must be in doubt too. If anyone is able to take over leading any of these walks on Jim's behalf, please contact Jim. The three walks are:
15” October - Kariwoga Ridge. The track takes off the Faulconbridge Point road (rhs) at an old road at 745756 on the old map. I don't think the road/track is shown on the new map.
25“ -27” October - Mt Hay to Pinnacles track. Paul McCann and Rick Angel came with Jim last year.
9 November - Dalpura and Jinki Gullies. This is a Wednesday walk,. If anyone is able to take over leading any of these walks on Jim's behalf, please contact Jim and cc me as well.
Rescheduled walk. Rosemary McDonald's walk on Sunday 18 September from Berowra to Cowan via the Great North Walk has been postponed by one week until Sunday 25 September. Phone: (h) 9905 0601 email:
Camp Fires and Stoves
All members are advised to check the restrictions on lighting fires in intended camping areas. Be aware that
in coming months high to extreme bush fire danger will be experienced throughout much of NSW. This
means that fires in the open are restricted and may only be used under certain conditions eg. a camp fire
s for cooking purposes. However, most national parks, reserves and forest areas around Sydney have Local Fire Bans which mean no fires of any nature are permitted
Total Fire Bans may be declared on days of extreme fire danger and fires in the open, including cooking and camp
fires, are totally prohibited for the period of the ban.
Lighting any fire in the open on a day of Total Fire Ban may lead to a fine of $5,000 and six months imprisonment.
This applies to any naked flame including camp fires and camping stoves
Walks Notes
Period 15th June 2005 to 06th July 2005.
Gail Crichton led a weekend qualifying walk down to the Kowmung River from Kanangra Walls over the weekend of 18, 19 June with a party of 7, including 2 visitors from NZ. Weather conditions were typical for the time of year, with chilly nights and fine days. Ian Thorpe watched in disbelief as each of the people who had booked for his Saturday ridge-wriggling waik in the country North East of Bell cancelled for one reason or another. In the end it was all down to the leader alone, so he decided, with appropriate safeguards and backup, to do the walk anyway. Although conditions were sunny, the cool breeze discouraged lengthy stops, but there were still opportunities to take in the views at cliff tops half way into the gullies. Ian found that negotiating the cliff lines marked on the map was childs-play compared to the task of negotiating the cliff lines that were not marked on the map. All in all Ian rated it an enjoyable day with fascinating scenery and stimulating, though at time argumentative, conversation.
Bill Holland had a party of 12 on his Tuesday mid- week walking and whale-watching trip out from Kurnell.
Peter Loves walk along the Colo River over the
Barry Wallace
weekend 25, 26 June attracted a party of 4 and presumably went to program. Mark Patteson led a longish Saturday walk in Lane Cove National Park that weekend with a party of 3. Conditions were showery and the slippery board-walks and rocks made the going more difficult than usual. There were also frequent stops to don or doff rain jackets as the showers came and went. What with all that adversity training the party finished the trip in the dark. Bill Holland repeated his walking and whale-watching trip out from Kurnell on the Sunday, this time with a party of 20.
It appears that Rosemary MacDougal not only took over Tony Crichtons Great North Walk Berowra Valley, scheduled for Saturday 2“ July at short notice, she also rescheduled it to the Sunday and ran the Cowan to Berowra section in reverse. Either that, or there was a coincident, non-programmed walk. The 18 in the party enjoyed perfect weather, a couple of steep sections, and beautiful views. Even more, they enjoyed the ice creams at morning tea and the coffee and cake at the end of the walk.
Given the dearth of walks reports beyond this date, we will close here for this month in hopes of a somewhat better yield before the next report is due. | Page 10
The Sydney Bushwalker
September 2005
Aimless Wanderings of a Flaneur A couple of week-ends ago I stayed in Sydney with an old friend of mine, now a fairly prominent Geographer. I had arrived at his place in the morning, and then done what I often do, that is to take a leisurely stroll into the city. When I met him later over a quiet beer, | recounted my day to him. After a pause, he said. “You know what you are - you are a flaneur” Well, of course, I hit him - what I do in the privacy of my own bedroom I have always considered to be entirely my own affair. However, being a gentleman I helped him up again and he explained himself. He is doing some work on urbanisation and in his studies has looked at the phenomenon of the flaneur” - literally an idler, which in itself fits me quite well, but more specifically refers tosomeone who derives pleasure from meandering around cities. The wanderings of a flaneur are not completely aimless ; they usually have an approximate idea of where they are going, but on the other hand are perfectly content to be pleasantly lost { just like most of my walks with SBW} And that is exactly what I had been doing. I had walked from Summer Hill through Lewisham, Petersham and on to Enmore, up King St. in Newtown, through -the University, Haymarket, Hyde Park, and on to the Art Gallery. En route I looked at rows of terraces, old churches, large “gentleman's” residences, tiny parks tucked away in unlikely places, new developments and old cottages, high-rise and low-rise, and of course, the mass of humanity -all shapes, sizes, colours , languages, ages and dress that together make up our wonderful city. Of course the moderm-day Sydney flaneur makes a stop every now and again for a coffee or a snack to revitalise the inner man.
And yes, I do it often, and I love my wanderings,
my new discoveries and my repeated gems. In Sydney it is simple to combine fascinating streets with parkland, bush, and harbour views ; in short a flaneurs paradise. Now I realise this article is slightly off the bush track. I am a great lover of bush-walking too. But I write this because I suspect there are probably many SBW members out there who do the same thing as me, and get the same pleasures, and whose friends think they are just a little weird. Well, next time you see them you can tell them what you really are. Raise your head high, look them straight in the eye, and tell them you are simply, and proudly, one of a noble breed, a “flaneur.
Steve Bradbury
Mid week walk - Tuesday 6” September
This walk was scheduled for the Wahroonga area but a few days before– the walk date the NPWS scheduled a control bum so a change was necessary. I then planned to walk from Hornsby but the NPWS website signalled a control burn about to start in that area as well.
We went to be Berowra station and at the last moment decided to do the Berowra to Mt Kuringai walk via the Great North Walk and Lyrebird Gully with a lunchtime visit to Crosslands.. What an inspired choice!
It must be over 20 years since I last did this walk. I had forgotten how the local bushland in this area features a great variety of plant types and this is the right time of the year to see the bush at its best. On the ridge top the waratahs were out and on the western ridges the wild flowers bloomed. The eastern ridge and gullies had impressive rain forest…
So we walked about 13kms with easy but at times more difficult track conditions.
And I wont wait another 20 years visit Lyrebird Gully again. Bill Holland
Proceeds from sales
You are invited to an exhibition of unique Photographs
by Andrew Vilder Sth to 30% October 2005 Parakeet Gallery/Cafe 195b Katoomba St. Katoomba NSW
Come and meet Andrew between 3pm and 7pm on 8t October at the venue; excellent coffee available. These images are a celebration of movement achieved through texture and distortion, in subjects ranging from landscapes and trees to angels. donated to the Colong Foundation for Wilderness.
The Parakeet is open 9am to about Spm, every day. For more information please phone 0417 239205.
The Sydney Bushwalker September 2005 Page 11 |
Tongariro Tootsies David Trinder
In December last year we caught a bus from Wellington on north island of New Zealand to the start of the Tongariro Circuit track.
The track started with a board walk beside a creek in an open valley. We were the only people with overnight packs and there were several bus loads of people with light clothing and little of no warm cloths and water. The track eventually turned and ascended steeply. It was steps and climbing steeply.
The surrounding ground and vegetation were mysterious. The rocks were blackish and reddish in a bubbly shape like coke and the plants were not green. There was something on this mysterious mountain that took the green out of the vegetation. Grasses were grey and shrubs were dark red, bluish, grey and infrequent. As we climbed the 900 metre mountain the weather turned cold and windy. Near the top icicles were accumulating on the lee side of snow poles. The lightly clad day trippers had gone, but were not in trouble because we did not see them again. After the first summit we crossed the south crater, it was like a moonscape, no vegetation, flat, cold and surrounded by mountains that were mostly hidden by cloud.
After the south crater another small rise and we saw a very unusual formation. It was the red crater, a vee shaped crater, part of which was a definite strong red and the other was a definite strong black, nothing we Australians have seen before. Behind it were three lakes in three different shades of emerald green. Despite the smell of sulphur, we found a sheltered place for lunch to digest this very unusual landscape and lunch. The weather became worse so we moved on through snow flurries to the Ketatahi hut. Including us there were 16 people in the hut, it had a gas heater and gas cookers. Snow fell all night and the next day and night as well. The group in the hut were multicultural and made interesting conversation. We were waiting for the weather to clear so we could continue with the four day circuit and see more of this amazing landscape.
During the day, another David and I ventured out into the snow to explore the mountain above us. The snow varied in thickness from a few centimetres to a metre, the track was all covered. I was wearing joggers and J was following David who was wearing a firm pair of boots. At each step when he placed his foot in the snow, it sliced neatly through and stayed until he lifted it for his next long stride. By contrast every one on my foot placements slid somewhere, to the left or right back or forward but never stayed where I put it. I was taking short paces trying to keep up and my feet were cold.
The morning of the second day in the hut we decided to abandon the circuit because I did not have boots !
Woilemi National Park
Surrounded by the wilderness of Wollemi National Park, spectacular sandstone cliffs and the historic ruins of the former shale oil mining town, Newnes Hotel Cabins invite you to stay in their newly completed cabin which offers spectacular views of Mystery Mountain from the front verandah.
This is the ideal base for numerous bushwalks in the area.
Visit us at our website at orf give usaringon Ph.: (02) 63 551 247 | Page 12
The Sydney Bushwalker
September 2005 i
Yalwal to Tallong via the Needles Pass - October 2004 Bob Chambers
4 days for I teacher and two “retired” 67 + gents - Peter Cunningham, myself and CBC's Paul Barton (who is in his late thirties and was hopefully a runner if anything untoward happed!). My car at Yalwal (the cops actually rang home during the weekend to see if I was OK) Paul's car at Badgerys Lookdown
On the Thursday night, stayed in the Caravan Park at the Kangaroo Valley turnoff in Bomaderry as it was raining. At Yalwal in light rain at 8 am. Across the (very low) dam spillway and up onto the plateau north of Morley Saddle (Yalwal 1:25,000) damp & scrubby across plateau. Note that the old horse track up to Morley Saddle from Fletcher Spur was badly overgrown in 1991, so we “plateau'ed” this time. Hit the correct ridge and sidled off Atkinson Spur to the flat at the foot of Apostles Spur - there's an old plough there (or was in the late 80's), but its now covered in blackthom and some sort of small very thick creeper for about 50 m until the ridge starts.
Stood on 300 m at the top across the flat below Packhorse Pass (we think that was it) going well. Picked the saddle to the ridge below Sturgiss Hill OK, but almost walked over the Fire Trail as it was covered in young wattle and fallen hakea from the fire regeneration. A b-gger of a trip (on the “road”!) across to Dogleg Cave - road almost impassable in spots because the hakea had died in the fire and fallen inwards across the road at waist height, - the wattles about a foot apart were only small so could be pushed . through, but very wetting - the road was quite clear in the late 80's. (First trip I did in mid 80's was up the horse track on Fletcher spur and to Paul's Pass, then down Ettrema to Yalwal Creek and back up to Yalwal - FWD's everywhere then at our Blue Yodel Pass Campsite, so the old FWD we walked down a year or so ago was also very fast & clear all the way along Ettrema. Overnight in the rain in Dogleg Cave after about 9 hours of walking through dampness.
Next moming not too wet and Paul's Pass OK, but Cinch Creek rocks slimy and the one crossing a bit hairy because of the rain - 3 hours to Ettrema - running a bit full, but wadeable. (Got caught behind Spiderman Cunningham when he shinnied up an impossible little cliff also ran out of bank on the true left a couple of times - stinging trees around too) > Sidled Barrons Crown and I think missed the “ridge” route, having a hairy little scramble up from the head of a small creek just to the north of the Crown's saddle. I'm sure the other times,
we've gone up over the ridge and avoided the scramble, but as it most likely is my last try, I won't ever know now)
Reasonably clear (as it was in the 80's) working the rock leads on the ridge top. Camped night 2 on soggy ground at about 450335 or somewhere near. Dry by now, but water in small creeks . Tullyangela Creek cliffs uncrossable except at creek at 437358. Then a doddle up meadows to the fire trail at about “lizard flat”. On to Tallowal Creek and up on the East bank to the ridge out to the Needles. Very bare and dry above the Needles Pass ~ lots of scrub in 80's. 500 m drop. Oh the knees! Night 3 on the couch beside Shoalhaven - slight problem locating a level spot. > Shoalhaven crossing at 355453 (Touga) running a banker, Cunningham forges in up to his (6'2“) armpits, wiser members (Paul) locate a line of small she oaks and cross on a gravel bar at family jewel level and I follow. At the top of Badgerys an amazed FWD driver (presumably at the white hair and wrinkles) offers each a welcome beer and allows Barton to ring his Dad in Bundanoon, to bring out a set of car keys, left in the wrong car during the car swap on the Thursday night.
Bob Chambers
Barren Grounds, Ilawarra Escarpment Sunday 4” September, Q Leader: Richard Darke Although a Q walk, we had to abandon the day. After weeks and weeks of dry weather, today dawned cold, wet, and foggy on the Barren grounds. So instead of a through walk from Fox Ridge to Hoddles Track via the old plane wreck near Fox Trig, the party of 15 did a return walk from the start, determined to go as far as we could. It was leach heaven in the wet conditions, and the track was overgrown compared with 6 years ago, with fallen trees. We climbed 4 km up from 50m up to 500 m level, where we lost the faint track in fog and rain. All of us were cold and wet, and although we did find the markers which would have taken us up onto the Barren Grounds, we decided that in the conditions it was prudent to retreat. We did not even stop for lunch, due to the conditions!
In all, we walks for 4 hours, did 7.8km, and so this really cannot qualify as a Q walk despite the adverse conditions. All of us remained in good spirits, and we adjourned to the excellent new Patisserie next to the pub in Jamberoo - we highly commend their pies, salads, rolls, coffee and cakes!
We were still removing leaches from our bcots as we drove home, the weather mocking us by clearing as we drove. The worst weather we could have picked in a couple of months. Too bad. Richard Darke
EPIRB Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon
SBW has purchased an EPIRB for use by club members, in particular walks leaders. If you would like to take the EPIRB for a walk give Leigh McClintoch a ring on 8920 2386 and arrange to collect it. = The Sydney Bushwalker
September 2005 Page 13
MacDonnell Ranges 2005
(Part 1)
James Swinton
David Rostron (Venerable Leader), Wayne Steele (Navigator, QM), Wendy Lippiott (Allergic to the MacDonell Ranges),
Peter Love (Fleece Freak), Grace Martinez (Chilli-Philly), Greta James (Morals Officer), Kenn Clacher (Chief Pyromaniac, Rum and Lemon Barley RLB Aficionado), Rosemary MacDougal (Venerability Attenuator), Henry Gold (Historical Officer), Spiro Hajinakitas (Coffee Brewer Supreme), Bob Knees Milne, James Swinton
On 4“ June 2005 we flew into Alice Springs. In typical Rostronian fashion straight into the bus. Hardly time to pee, much less lunch. Drove past impressive quartzite ranges to Ellery Big Hole Creek, 89 kilometres west of Alice Springs. The Driver said that there had been no rain for ten months. It was late afternoon and walked to the pool past incredulous tourists, no thanks they responded to our plans. The Big Hole was not passable so we scaled the west side of the range and scrambled down to camp our first night on the other side of the pool in a sandy floored gorge that was something of a wind tunnel. Fortunately we found clean water further up the gorge. Dinner was BYO on the first night and I did well from the generosity of the group, Bob Duncan style!
Day 2: Cold night down to 6 degrees. Woken by David and Wayne slaving over a hot fire and laid in waiting for Davids porridge bellow, while thinking about the day to come, a long boring twelve-kilometre slog across Alice Valley to an unnamed gap in the Chewings Range.
On departing we passed the 4WD who overnight, camped at the end of the gorge and had come over to bludge a box of matches. The morning was cool with high cirrus cloud as we walked along an old road. In the short and infrequent breaks Peter regaled us with his _ shopping expeditions buying cheap, cool _ outdoor gear at StVDeP.
Multiple fleece jackets and his cast-off hat modified for head protection and fit. Flies were plentiful as the day warmed to 24 . Walking in sand was strenuous, as we made our way
slowly along sandy dry Ellery Creek. Passing the disused
Cumming Cattle
yard and many cattle tracks and two dead cattle, who didnt make water. The corpses raised concerns about the scarcity of water.
We entered Chewings Range, and West MacDonnell Ranges National Park through a north south gap and made our way up its dry sandy floor. Even the River Gums looked sad. We only found a bit of moist sand in a dried up pool with a goanna listfully basking close by. We flopped for a rest. Just around a turn was Davids now dry camp pool he remembered 15 years ago. In the middle of which was a dead cow stuck dry mud. We backtracked lethargically to a valley, which was west and marked on the map as having a fish hole (permanent water), which also turned out to be dry. Further up, the valley steepened to a gorge and there we found a couple of disreputable looking pools. The best was 2.5m by 1.5 m green and surrounded by wallaby pooh. There we camped. (002820 WGS 84). I felt lousy from a two-week-old flu and rested. Half the group went back and north further up the dry gap and east to explore a steep gorge. They found some water; on this basis David proclaimed there was only a 5% chance of not getting water further west. Dinner was RLB, Thai hot and Spicy soup and Spiros black eye pea and tomato splash. Page 14
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Day 3: Unseasonably warm night. We proceeded west along the creek and ascended a shortcut saddle without any flies to add to our burden. Gradually the creek valley narrowed to a gorge, then to a slot, where we found a small pool of good water. (981827) To pass.we had to scramble up a wall with 3m of exposure. Climbing this ancient quartzite is great; all cracked into blocks affording good holds and despite its appearance the interlocking blocks hold fast and ones feet dont slip on the surface.
We gradually traversed the stark red rocky gorge country, which opened, into undulating valley. Previously a bush fire had burnt the area. The mulga formed immensely stiff black tree skeletons, curiously not burnt down as they have little foliage or under burden to support complete combustion. The Spinifex had been completely erased from the whole area. We proceeded west along the open plain bounded to the south by the range and to the north by a line of hills. Here we drop off the topographic map and were now relying on an old ortho photo David had from 15 years ago. As yet no topographic maps of this area has been produced! A curious feature of the area is that east- west running hard quartzite ranges are drained by north-south waterways. The eroded material washed down to form the undulating hills abutting the ranges. Along the route rock strata turned vertical forming lines of rock blades composed of schist and quartzite leading to uncomfortable stops.
During morning tea David said this had been the easiest walking ever in the MacDonnells. The ortho photo showed the range on our left was transected by four large gorges. Davids intention was to find Portal Canyon, unofficially named and vaguely located by an author he had contacted. The first was too dry and rocky. The second had green trees growing at its base, explored until it became too dense to navigate, but proved dry. We ventured on hopefully, I was thinking of pleasant Kakadu swims at lunch. The day was unseasonably warm for this time of the year. Our route
had mostly been on a cattle track. The ground is very stony and uneven, so these paths smoothed our walk and may lead us to water. As we approached the third indent in the rocky range, high up it was a dry waterfall. Cattle tracks looked frequently used and we could hear small birds. Closer we could see green River Gums, and 8 cattle with a calf in the small dry valley. Surely water! We dropped down into the cool of the thinly wooded valley and proceeded up through dense scrunge towards the wall. The cattle churned creek just flowed and I even had muddy boots. Found a small pool for lunch (940 847). David went up to the dry fall and found a shallow 4 x 6m pool and Bathed! Lunch seemed instantly less attractive as we faced the prospect of watching Davids bathwater burble by. What if we couldnt find water further west? What was worst, drinking Davids effluent or a dry camp?
We later made our way over the next saddle, to the fourth gorge. As we approached we saw multiple cattle leaving. The area had been recently burnt and the floor of the smal! valley was littered with cattle churned soil, rocks, cattle dung and bones. At the edge lay another rotting carcase. To our amazement we found a series of pools leading to a gorge (935851). Cattle churned up the first one. We ascended the gorge; the pools formed a cascade after which the gorge narrowed to a one- meter wide slot. Wayne and several of the group headed up the water filled gorge to see where it went. 30m up it came to a chock stone and then a three hundred meter series of pools to a secret canyon. They walked west 400m along the secret valley floor. On returning they proclaimed it was the best gorge in the MacDonnells and the water was cold enough to tum men into boys! Dinner was Grace and Peters sausage curry and rice, yum. Lots too.
Day 4: Warm night in our winter sleeping bags. Overnight the cattle had approached noisily, variously waking most, though did not enter the campsite. Wayne got up to snort at them. David had planned to * be first onto the cliff line if there was a stampede. Left our packs and scaled the adjacent western range to take in magnificent views of the area, explore the secret canyon and find portal canyon. Talk of steaks for lunch. Spiro was once a butcher and so we expected to return to a field of blood and gore as he prepared lunch, as he noted there was not much to one beast.
Bob got to the top but found his knee was playing up so went back to camp and Spiro. We cut a distance west to another rocky rise, dropped down a rocky Spinifex slope to the secret gorge below. The route was tricky and variously found a gap in the rocks and yelled back to Rosemary this was a good root, all the girls dashed over to join the good route (down). The valley narrowed to a gorge when we got to the dry floor, with spectacular red cliffs above lit by the moming sun. We proceeded upstream climbing through many dry pools and falls. This whole valley seemed to drain to the slot canyon and out to Bovine Waters, as I had dubbed last nights campsite. Ahead The Sydney Bushwalker
September 2005 Page 15
we came to a 15 meter tubular waterfall. The bottom of which was a huge dry gravel filled sink one could climb into and explore. Led nowhere. Greta went no further as we climbed a precarious scree slope above a cliff to continue our exploration. A stoic ghost gum had grown on a rock above the fall and its white powdery trunk and fine narrow green leaves contrasted with the glowing orange rock.
We proceeded further up the main canyon, it ending in a 90-degree bend formed by another dry tubular waterfall, this time having a tub of water at its base. Backtracked to what we thought was portal canyon, climbed through dense scrub to find nothing that met our expectations. We made our way back down the canyon, exploring a small hanging canyon to the north, which led to the next parallel valley. To hell with my flu, as I tied the camera to my head, I cant miss a swim through the slot gorge. It meandered through a curving course of pools and drops. Took multiple pictures, mostly with limited ambient light. The group would not stay still long enough to not blur the pictures with movement.
Emerging at the end, realisation struck that this was the portal to the canyon beyond and so aptly named. The campsite the author described was last nights, though burnt and trampled by drought and cattle. Lunch of fillet steak was only a dream, and we dried off and set about leaving. Kenn instigated rebellion at departure time. He dropped his plate and delaying packing in an attempt to delay departure from our cool pools. A few mouthed concerns about walking in such heat and offered notional support for the Anti Venerability Revolution. It was short lived and we began walking in the 28-degree afternoon heat. We retraced our route across the ridges of the burnt valley, devoid of Spinifex. Greta looked a little saggy in the heat and we made it to a campsite we crossed on the way in (980827). The place was notable for a dry waterfall and a reed filled pool below of brackish black water. Sleeping spaces were sparse. RLB hit the spot, always welcome, thanks Kenn. Dinner was soup, Rosies spaghetti bolognaise, very welcome. Much joviality when Wayne turned up to the fireside wearing a scant but fetching sarong. He proceeded to modestly sit and howls of laughter accompanied attempts to thread a needle to sew a split in the seat of his shorts. Greta was subsequently appointed Morals Officer for the trip given the moral tone of the trip had drastically slipped. Fortunately
she had little interest in enforcing decorum. David at length defined thrutching, a term he is fond of using. We thought this was a Rostronism, but no it is an old climbing term for an inelegantly executed passage up a difficult route or climb.
Day 5: After another warm night, an overcast morning welcomed the first flies. We continued to backtrack and passed the earlier crack water hole and then down to our second campsite at the fish hole creek. David left a note to Don Finch detailing our route and findings, as he was to follow a week later. Further on we tured south into the main gap and found a horse trying to get water from a dry creek. We made our way south and then out to Alice Valley and turned east towards Hugh Gorge. We were aware that the only certain water was in a tank at the beginning of Hugh Gorge. David was confident of finding water, but behind his facade was the prospect of a dry 20 km walk to Hugh Gorge if water is not found. A breeze cooled the day and low cloud flattened the light, a perfect day for the flies. They relished our sweat and our eyes.
Henry told a story of walking here in the 60s and getting a terrible case of sandy blight or trachoma. He made his way to Alice Springs almost blind, and got some new drug from the USA at great expense, but it settled in a couple of days.
We had traversed the plain on cattle trails, which avoided rocky ground and made our passage easier. Towards midday we walked up to a likely gorge to search for water and to find a trail closer to the range. Closer to the range the ground was hilly, very rocky and very hard to walk. We lunched in the dry gully. David and I went up the creek towards the wall and found a small pool surrounded by paims and scrub at the base of a rock. We carried water back for the others. A storm was brewing, and passed delivering only a few drops. The proposal was to slog on to a Page 16
The Sydney Bushwalker
September 2005
confluence of creeks on the plain where water once existed, but the probability of water was low.
We backtracked and traversed the cattle tracks east until we passed a prominent nose and David saw two gorges, must explore! He put off the proposed bash across the plain and after a cursory vote we made for the range. Rosemary was upset, but bit her tongue, concerned about the delay and the prospect of a long dry walk to Hugh Gorge if we found no water. We dropped our packs and made our way up the rugged dry waterway and climbed to a tubular waterfall. The bottom was full of water-smoothed gravel and in a comer was a tiny pool. Wiping away the scum revealed reasonable water.
Ken and Wendy explored further up the gorge, which proved dry and no campsite. Ken and I went to explore the dry eastern gorge. During our return, we could see the group moving up the hill behind to a likely high campsite on a rocky terrace above. The stratum there was disposed vertically, for comfort! By the time I arrived Spiro was black with soot, after breaking up the sparse blackened firewood. Water was obtained from the tiny pool at the base of the waterfall. The little pool seemed to keep filling as we carried off 10 or so bladders, presumably water filled the sump, full of gravel.
The flies were terrible, unrelenting until sunset. The cloud cover looked threatening just as dinner finished and I suggested putting up the tarps. Some scoffed and it then rained for 30 minutes. Davids first rain in 55 nights in the MacDonnells! Rained 3 or 4 times overnight, heavily at midnight until 0300 and then I got off the rocks where Peter had thrown up the tarp and ventured out to sleep under the stars till 0500 when it came down again. Joined Grace under the tarp again. Day 6: Woke to a large puddle of water on my groundsheet from the tarp run off and a wet sleeping bag. Peter had thrown his groundsheet over him and slept through. Rainbows and views of distant rainfall highlighted the overcast damp moming at the high campsite.
Found our way to Don Finchs water hole (077 791) and as anticipated it was dry. Proceeded through undulating sparsely wooded burnt country. No breeze, warm, humid and flies coating every part of the group. The ground had soaked up last nights rain so completely the ground was dry. Interesting, listening to Greta and Wendys discussion of corporate life.
During morning tea David expressed concern about passing the age of 60 and concerns about failing bodily functions and Rosemary as ever kept it all in
proportion, recounting earlier long discussions about prostates on the first day, saying it was all twaddle. Rosemary felt reassured; she was on a David Rostron walk!
We continued to cross the boring undulating plain. The mulga is mostly burnt and dead in the gullies, the thin limbs burn only at the base then fall, leaving a trail of fallen limbs up the hills. Some fall in a radial pattern. Greta thought it a result of an elephant trying to climb them - Ockhams Razor! The red soil is very rocky underfoot save for the cattle tracks; they leave a fast sandy trail. Wayne exclaimed I havent had so much fun since the septic broke, I smell the same.
We proceeded up a large gorge, as there was a pool nearby and stopped for a dry lunch and rest. Wayne went north up the gorge and found a small puddle. David checked the large pool nearby; it was full of leaves and rubbish. This had been a campsite on a previous trip. Later Peter and I went up a couple of ks, the gorge narrowed we found a reed filled pool and further up a two more, separated by gravel beds. This is where we camped (138784).
Went to explore further along the gorge. It widened to a large flat valley surrounded by high hills and a side stream narrowed to a gorge with a large dark pool where we swam. Further along it narrowed to a dry waterfall with a green pool at its base. Beyond it widened to another wide valley and hills. Clouds retumed and while it looked like rain, nothing eventuated. Greta did spaghetti bolognaise. Needed a drop of amethocaine for my corneal abrasion when trying to sleep.
(Continued Next month)
Summer Walks Programme.
The ideal time to walk! If you are planning a walk for the summer months note that the closing date for the Summer Walks Programme is Friday 14” October.
Walk Reports. Leaders are reminded to send the walk reports in as soon as possible after completion of the walk.
Car Costs: aa With petrol prices currently very high, Be and getting higher, the advantages of sharing transport costs become more obvious. Passengers should check with driver and be prepared to contribute to the cost of getting to and from a walk.
Water Is Very Important !
Please remember that walking in summer requires ample intake of water. In these drought The Sydney Bushwalker
September 2005 Page 17
Congratulations To Our New Full Members Peter Evans, Ronald Horvath, and Brad Pedersen
Activities of Interest to New Members
Additional details re contact phone numbers etc can be found in the Spring Walks Programme
Sunday 16“ October Practical Navigation Walk Navigation Instruction for Prospective
Blue Mountains NP_ Maps: Katoomba, Mt Wilson
We will drive as far as possible out on the Mt Hay road from Leura and then practice our navigation (using the good old compass) in the area around Flat Top, Fortress Ridge, Mt Stead, Lockley Pylon, Lycon Plateau, The Pinnacles and Mt Hay road. Bring everything you would normally take on a day walk. Also bring A5 or smaller note pad, pen, ruler, string, navigation compass, maps (Katoomba, Mt Wilson) and off track clothing. Also bring your sense of humour for when we get geographically embarrassed.
Grade: Depends on navigational skills
Monday 17” Oct First Aid For Prospective Members Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre
this is your chance to learn about healthy walking!!!! Note: This is not a First Aid Course
Come along to a training night that will give you the chance to learn and to pass your first aid test for your full membership. Bookings are essential as places are limited. Time: 7:00pm to 9:00 pm Booking: Grace Martinez (h) 9948 6238
Sunday 23“ October Royal National Park
Heathcote - Uloola Audley - Heathcote. A moderate circuit walk that takes in Uloola Falls and Pool, before going on to the Audley picnic grounds for lunch. Good freshwater swimming opportunities if its a warm day. All on track, good views, including of Sydney city skyline. Grade: M221 15km
Weekend Walking Gear for Hire
The club now has a small pool of weekend walking equipment available for hire. The rates for weekly hire are:
Weekend pack: $15 Sleeping bag: $15 Sleeping mat: $5 Ground sheet: $2 Tent: $20 Complete kit $50
(For hygiene reasons you must provide and use your own sleeping bag liner)
Equivalent refundable deposit required. Contact: Ron Watters 0419 617 491
29th 30” October First Aid Course
St John Ambulance Senior First Aid course
to be run by Bushwalkers Wilderness Rescue Squad (BWRS).
The course Instructor will make this Senior First Aid training more relevant to bushwalking.
Full payment in advance is required to confirm your place in this St John Ambulance Senior First Aid course. For all information and enrolment, go to BWRS website
BWRS website also has details of other St John Ambulance Senior First Aid courses.
Ode of a Prospective Undaunted by the Q bushwalks, maps and how to stuff a pack“ talks
Watch me pitch a tent, light a fire, set a course, trudge the hills, never tire.
Bought the right gear, what a bargain look the part, know the jargon.
Inspired by our leaders fearless, intrepid if somewhat cheerless.
But for all life's little follies Never trust a pair of volleys. Bill Pixton
Exploring Maitland Bay in Marie Byles Footsteps Saturday 24 September 9.00 12.00pm and 2.00 5.00pm Film Screening: A Singular Woman 12.45 1.30 (Maitland Bay Visitors Centre)
Join National Park rangers and Dr Allison Cadzow for an historical and natural exploration from Maitland Bay to Putty Beach at Killcare. Hear about Maries youthful adventures and passion for the area which led to the creation of Bouddi Natural Park in 1935. Rangers will lead you down a moderate slope to the sands of beautiful Maitland Bay. There will be a guided walk through coastal scrub, rainforest track and spectacular lookouts to Putty Beach which marked the beginning of the original Bouddi public reserve. Bring snacks or lunch, a hat, walking shoes, water and sunscreen. Walk is of a moderate grade and not suitable for children under 10 years of age. Meet at Maitland Bay Visitor Information Centre on Scenic Rd Killcare Heights. Cost: $10.00 (Numbers limited, bookings essential): 4320 4205
Page 18 The Sydney Bushwalker September 2005 SOCIAL NOTES Hi Everyone, How to Get Into Heaven
Have you seen the waratahs and Gymea Bay lilies yet? The Royal has quite a few of the latter and Berowra area has the former. I also saw a perfect specimen of the latter on the Spit to Manly walk!!
Last month's social night saw Mark Patteson and Richard Darke give their slideshow on their April trip to Mt. MKaputar and _ the Warrumbungles. There was an excellent response (around 50 attendees) and an extremely inspiring presentation. The indication was that it proved to be a really great social and walking experience. Well done, Mark and Richard.
Don't forget the Dinner Dates before social evenings at the Kirribilli Hotel from 6:00pm onwards. Usually 8 - 10 people attend.
I am in France during the month of September - doing 2 one-week walks in Provence and Mont Blanc. In between J am not sure. This means I won't be doing the October Social Notes but will be around for the October Social Evening - Richard Darke's slideshow on his SBW trip to Hong Kong in November 2004.
Enjoy your walking and all that Sydney spring has to offer Kathy
Next Months Social Programme
5” Oct 7pm Committee Meeting Observers welcome
12“ Oct 8pm New Members Night. Introduction to SBW for intending prospective members
17 Oct 7pm Training Night (Monday)
Prospective members. This is your chance to learn about first aid and healthy walking!. This is not a first aid course. Come along to a training night that will give you the chance to learn and to pass your first aid test for your full membership. Bookings are essential as places are limited. Ring Grace Martinez on 9948 6238
19” Oct 8 pm Hong Kong Slide Show Come and Join SBW member Richard Darke as he presents slides of his trip to this exciting island in November 2004 with other members. The focus will be on the walking part of the trip including a day on mainland China.
After a long illness, a woman died and arrived at the Gates of Heaven. While she was waiting for Saint Peter to greet her, she peeked through the Gates. She saw a beautiful banquet table. Sitting all around were her parents and all the other people she had loved and who had died before her.
They saw her and began calling greetings to her – “Hello” “How are you! We've been waiting for you!” “Good to see you.”
When Saint Peter came by, the woman said to him, “This is such a wonderful place! How do I get in?”
You have to spell a word,“ Saint Peter told her. Which word?” the woman asked. “Love.”
The woman correctly spelled “Love” and Saint Peter welcomed her into Heaven.
About six months later, Saint Peter came to the woman and asked her to watch the Gates of Heaven for him that day. While the woman was guarding the Gates of Heaven, her husband arrived.
I'm surprised to see you,“ the woman said. “How have you been?” “Oh, I've been doing pretty well since you died,” her husband told her. “I married the beautiful young nurse who took care of you while you were ill. And then I won the lottery. I sold the little house you and I lived in and bought a big mansion. And my wife and I travelled all around the world. We were on vacation and I went water skiing today. I fell, the ski hit my head, and here I am. How do I get in?”
“You have to spell a word,” the woman told him.
“Which word?” her husband asked. Czechoslovakia. She replied.
Contributed by Rick Angel
A Marriage Encounter
Many aspects of human sexuality are very puzzling. Take celibacy, this can be a choice in life, or a condition imposed by environmental factors:
Whilst attending a Marriage Encounter Weekend, Bill and Mary listened to the instructor declare,
“It is essential that husbands and wives know the things that are important to each other.”
He addressed the men, “Can you each name and describe your wife's favourite flower?
Bill leaned over, touched Mary's arm gently and whispered, “Self-raising, isn't it?”
And thus began Bill's life of celibacy Contributed by Peter Love Redoud yell DALLIN
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