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THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER is the monthly bulletin of matters of interest to members of
The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc
PO Box 431 Milsons Point 1565. Editor: Bill Holland Production Manager: Frances Holland Printers: Kenn Clacher, Barrie Murdoch, Tom Wenman Don Brooks Fran Holland Opinions expressed in this magazine are the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policies or views of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. All material in this magazine is copyright. . Requests for reproduction should be directed to The Editor. billholland@bigpond.com
6 Coolana Report Don Finch reports this month and details of overseas volunteers helping at Coolana
8 Conservation Notes and News Shooters and graziers in the alpine country
Alpsport Front cover Paddy Pallin Back cover Wilderness Transport 9 Wild Asia 7 Willis's Walkabouts 5
Coming Events: Annual General Meeting - 8“ March Coolana Annual Reunion 11”, 12 March
JANUARY 2006 Issue No. 854
2 From the Committee Room 3 Treasurers Report 3 Message from President Maurice 3 Treasurers Report 5 Editors Note 9 Confederation Report 17 New Members News 18 Social Notes and Other Items
regu. FEAT
Electronic format for Sydney Bushwalker Four letters received on this subject
7 Successful Aboriginal land claim in Kangaroo Valley
A letter from Valerie Joy raises an important issue.
10,11 Management Planning
Eddy Giacomel suggests our management structure can be improved
16 Would You Like to Lead a Club Walk ?
George Mawer has some advice for aspiring leaders
12 Walk Notes
Barry Wallaces regular notes on walks
13 Passed Out A short report from Kenn Clacher on a walk up and down Colo Passes
14,15 Walk to Ciudad Perdida
Lesley Clarke tells of a very recent walk in Columbia
The Sydney Bushwatlker: First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. | Page 2
The Sydney Bushwalker
January 2006
About Our Club The Sydney Bush Walkers was formed in 1927 for the purpose of bringing bushwalkers together; enabling them to appreciate the great outdoors; establishing a regard for conservation and promoting social activities. The Club's main activity is bushwalking but includes other activities such as cycling, canoeing and social events. Our Walks Programme (published quarterly) features day walks on most Saturdays and Sundays, some mid week walks and overnight weekend walks. Extended walks are organised in areas such as Lamington, Snowy Mountains etc as well as interstate. Our meetings are held on Wednesday evenings (see Social Programme) at Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre, 16 Fitzroy Street, Kirribilli (near Milsons Point Railway Station). Visitors and prospective members are welcome. General Enquiries: Website: www.sbw.org.au
Office Bearers President: Maurice Smith Vice-President: Rosemary MacDougal Treasurer: Tony Marshall Secretary: Leigh McClintock Walks Secretary: Jan Thorpe Social Secretary Kathy Gero Membership Secretary Ron Watters New Members Secretary: Grace Martinez Conservation Secretary: Bill Holland
Magazine Editor: Bill Holland Committee Members
Caro Ryan Delegate to Confederation:
Jim Callaway
Peter Love
Pam Campbell
Contact the Committee:
Members are welcome to contact the following officers on Club matters:
President : Maurice Smith
9587 6325 (h) mauricethewalker@ihug.com.au
Vice President : Rosemary MacDougal
9428 5668 (h) rmacdougal@bigpond.com Secretary: Leigh McClintock 8920 2388 (h) meclintock@pacific.net.au Treasurer Tony Marshall
9713 6985 (h) tbhuilder@bigpond net.au Members Secretary: Ron Watters 0419617491 wattersr@bigpond. net.au New Members Secretary: Grace Martinez 9948 6238 g.martinez@bigpond.com
Have You Changed Your Address?
If you have changed your address or phone number recently, please advise: Members: Ron Watters
Prospectives: Grace Martinez The advice should be in writing directed to the Clubs postal address. This will ensure that our records show your current address and prevent delay in receiving the magazine each month
From The Committee Room
=eN > _- A report of proceedings at the Management
Committee meeting on 7 December
Don Finch reported that the Development Approval for the Coolana toilet was ready to go. $3300 in donations had been received, specifically earmarked for the toilet, and the Committee had already authorised the expenditure of a further sum, up to $4000, out of club general funds. The siting of the toilet might have to be reviewed if the Government decided to raise the level of the Tallowa Dam wall.
The Committee approved the following payments: Donations to Wilderness Society $200 , Lake Yarrunga Task Force $100 (donation) magazine postage $395 (Oct) and $559 (Nov) Coolana mower repairs $423, Social expenses $104 and membership fees for Shoalhaven River Alliance $30 and Shoalhaven Landcare Association $10
e Annette Sudan, Lyn Atkinson, Bryn Lynard, Katrina Graham andRichard Lawson were accepted as Active Members.
e Articles to encourage interest in leading walks will published in the magazine at regular intervals
e It was reported that leaders were still not all receiving walks report forms before walk date, despite the Committees desire to tighten up procedures..
e The new Webmaster is giving priority to the consolidated database project and confining his website activities to updating areas that plainly needed attention.
e The Electronic Communications Sub-committee did not think it necessary to survey members preferences about mode of delivery of club communications as this exercise had already been done, in June.
e The Magazine Editors submission on developing an electronic version of the magazine was endorsed and the committee resolved that after March a plan be developed to convert the magazine to an electronic format by as simple a means as possible, but with the intention of making the screen version easy to read by changing the format and layout, using coloured photographs, maps and hotlinks, and that this be offered to members as an alternative or addition to the printed, mailed out version.
e The existing SBW telephone service cancelled
e The public liability quote for 2006/7 had been received with the cost about $1,800 less than half what the club paid in 2005 for cover through Confederation. A quote for personal accident insurance will be sought as well. A_ personal viewpoint was expressed that personal accident insurance is not necessary as club members can organize their own insurance, and many do. In addition, all the limitations we have had to accept on club activities in recent years, have been so we can obtain personal accident cover.
will be |
The Sydney Bushwalker
January 2006
Page 3 |
Treasurers Report Receipts and Payments to December
Members Subscriptions 17,296 Prospective Fees 8,648 Interest Conservation 494 Interest Coolana 1,471 Interest General 878 Magazine Advertising 1,200 Donations Coolana 261 Other 287 Investment redemption 21,000 Total $51,534 Payments
Magazine Production 3,509 Magazine Postage 4,904 Magazine Equipment 566 Coolana Rates & Occupancy 1,614 Coolana Maintenance 1,000 Coolana Equipment 385 Rent Club Rooms 5,532 Donations Conservation 550 Insurance Public Liability 3,861 Insurance Personal Accident 2,508 Affiliation - Confederation 2,255 Postage, Phone & Internet 2,069 Administration 3,850 Transfer to investments 23,000 Total $52,556 Cash surplus (deficit) (4,069) Closing Bank balance $7,534
Theses are preliminary year-end figures as the editor and walking commitments require a report to be prepared before the month actually ends. Administration costs for December were unusually high due to the Christmas party ($615) and the purchase of metal badges ($720). The cash deficit of $4,069 translates to a performance deficit formerly known as a loss of $2,702 after allowing for items such as depreciation and movements in investments. The deficit is about $1,200 higher than budgeted mainly due to additional room hire for Prospectives training nights and some unbudgeted administration costs such as the badges mentioned above. Tony Marshall
Social Programme - February 2005
Wed 1 7pm Committee Meeting
Observers welcome.
Wed 8“ 8pm New Members Night.
Introduction to SBW for intending prospective members Wed 15” 8pm Gardens of Stone National Park Audio visual presentation by Peter Christian
Presidents Report
First off on behalf of the committee it is my pleasure to wish you a happy New Year to all members. I trust that 2006 will be just what you seek. I also trust that you and your family and friends had a festive season appropriate to your beliefs.
With the publication and printing deadlines for the January magazine being what they are and my being away walking in the Snowy Mountains Im writing this column before Christmas. I will be seeing in the New Year with fellow club members around the camp fire (at least I hope we are able to have a camp fire).
Our committee members thoughts have already started to turn to our end of year and beyond tasks. We have the clubs annual report for 2005 to be prepared and approved; then the Annual General Meeting will be held in March 2006. As always, at our AGM all positions are declared vacant and then nominations for the positions are called, and so it goes. Some of our current committee members have indicated that they will be retiring at the AGM and thus there will be some gaps to be filled. How about this scenario? While you are Sipping your cool drinks over the holiday season; you seriously consider offering yourself for the committee at the AGM. Further details of the committee positions will be in the magazine before the March AGM.
Despite the end of the year; moves are afoot by the leadership development team to identify, encourage, cajole and mentor new trip leaders. If you are a full member of the club and have not lead any or many walks and you are an active walker please think about contributing by leading a walk or two. The walk doesnt have to be a multi-day epic. It could even be an easy one day urban walk. The beauty of leading is that you get to go where you want to go and other members will want to come along with you. Specific initiatives from the leadership development team will become apparent over the next few months. I commend the team on their good work and I look forward to their success in 2006.
After months of behind the scenes work, the Coolana management group are finalising the development application documents to be submitted to the Shoalhaven Council for the installation of the long anticipated composting toilet. The paperwork associated with the composting toilet has to be seen to be believed. The major effort by Patrick James in compiling the council application is amazing. Well done Patrick!
Thats it from me for this magazine. Once again: a happy new year to all readers. I look forward to catching up with you in the bush in 2006. Maurice Smith
Passing of Jack Gentle
It is sad to report the death of Leslie Jack Gentle who passed away on 22nd November 2005. Aged 85 years.
Jack was very active in SBW in earlier years holding the post of President three times and other positions in the Club
[Page 4
The Sydney Bushwalker
January 2006 |
Electronic Format for Sydney Bushwalker ?
Last month the editors Note asked members for their opinion on suggestions that the monthly magazine be sent out by email or placed on the website rather than, or as well as alternatives to post. Here are the replies received so far. Ifyou would like to add your opinion or comment it will be published next month.
[ =“ I refer to your invitation on the December 2005
edition of The Sydney Bushwalker to comment on the proposed distribution of the magazine by email.
I belong to a ski club that has been distributing its club magazine to members for several years. Members are given a choice of four different ways of receiving the magazine. These are by post (snailmail), by PDF file, by Word file and by notification so that they can access the magazine on the clubs website (using a members- only password that changes annually).
As at November 2005 the proportions in which the different methods of distribution are used were
Distribution Method
Post 33% PDF 31%
Word 9% Web 27% There is no compulsion, or even encouragement by way of a differentiated membership fee or otherwise, for members to receive the magazine by email.
The format in which it is distributed is exactly the same format as The Sydney Bushwalker. It is prepared using Word. Despite what you say in your editorial, there is no fancy formatting to make the magazine more intemet-friendly. This had not discouraged the more than % of club members who elect to receive it by email from doing so.
I do not believe that The Sydney Bushwalker would lose its impact if it is distributed or made available on the clubs website electronically. Club members will read it if it contains articles and photographs that are of interest to them. In that respect J think you have done a great job as editor these past few years.
Kenn Clacher
[ =” J think it is vital we consider the reduction in use
of paper and send all correspondence via any electronic means available. I am definitely in favour of a PDF attachment to an e-mail as is already the case with the walks program.
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this issue. Christopher Lockwood
[= I read your Editorial this afternoon and saw your
question about whether members would like to receive their magazine by email or access it on the web. Personally, I would like to continue to receive the magazine in hard copy as it is easy for me to read in fits and starts, as often happens. I can leave it folded at a page, ready to pick up again. However, if it were to be sent electronically my choice would be to receive it as an email attachment. The possibility of seeing photos in colour and being able to enlarge maps etc. is attractive. Barbara Bruce
[=n response to your request for feedback I fully support moving to electronic provision in the form of:
- email with an attachment to members with the options for PDF, MS Word and txt etc. To be in a format that allows the doc to either be read on screen or printed off and then read.
- also, to be published on the web _ site As you are probably aware, the Nordic Ski Club has been doing this very successfully for some years. We did not find the conversion from print to electronic to be difficult nor the ongoing formatting of new editions. Rather, most members appreciated the benefit of being able to have colour photos and live hyper links included (also indexing of articles for easy retrieval for trip ideas etc)
- in addition there is the considerable cost and time saving flowing from reduced manual compilation and postage etc. Ian Wolfe
Two of the letters above refer to the Nordic Ski Club magazine Kick and Glide and Ian was kind enough to send me a copy (email attachment, of course). The magazine is well presented and I particularly like the coloured photos. The presentation was clear and very readable. However, there are some important matters to consider when comparing this magazine to our own.
Kick and Glide is about half the size of our magazine. It has 10 pages, uses a heavier font and has no advertising. Our magazine The Sydney Bushwalker has 18 - 20 pages with advertisements inside the magazine and on front and back covers and has a lighter smaller font. The Ski Club magazine includes an Activity Programme that makes it a must read for members but our Walks Programme is separate.
We can learn from the Nordic Ski Club and other organisations that have electronic newsletters. However we should proceed carefully and cautiously in converting the magazine to email or web based format. The needs of all of our members, and advertisers must be foremost in our minds.
The Management Committee has resolved to develop a plan to convert the magazine to an electronic format see Page 2. Bill Holland L
The Sydney Bushwalker
January 2006 Page 5
Electronic Communications Subcommittee The Electronics Communications Sub committee expects to receive version 1 of the consolidated database in January. This will be discussed with the objective of seeing that the content meets the needs of users. This will lead to progressive refinements until we have a model that meets requirements. An education package will then be developed for users. When the final model is ready it will be submitted to the Management Committee for approval.
Meanwhile essential maintenance only will be made to the web site so that the effort of the database developer is not diverted away from the primary task. The web site is still attracting potential members. The ESC recognises the importance of the web site as a means of assisting members, particularly leaders. Content of the site will be reviewed when the database consolidation project has reached an appropriate stage
Contact The Editor: Copy for publishing in the SBW magazine f should be received by the editor by the end of the first week of each month. Letters stating your viewpoint on matters of interest are most welcome. Photos should be of good resolution suitable for black and white reproduction Please send your submission in by mail (preferably typed), on disc or by email, addressed to The Editor billholland@bigpond.com. Faxes are acceptable but please telephone 9484 6636 first:
weeks, wet season and dry.
carnpsites and great scenery you cannat visit on your own.
Seven different walks five days to three
You enter restricted areas. You enjoy beautiful
Editors Note:
Two items of particular interest are included in this months magazine. The first is a members letter dealing with the Nowra Aboriginal Land Council claim for possession of Crown land in the triangle of land between Coolana and the neighbouring property. The Committee has yet to consider the ramifications of this apparently successful claim.
The second is the article on Management Planning written by Eddy Giacomel. In this article, Eddy is critical of the management planning of the Club and considers that the management structure has become too centralised.
Eddy has posed this question before and perhaps he is right. Our Management Committee is very much centralised. It is accountable to the members but how do our members know of the Committees decisions? Perhaps they read about it in this magazine but this is after the decision has been made and the action has been taken. How can they contribute to the Committees decision?
They can attend Committee meeting as observers but very few do. Matters for discussion are not advised in advance and observers can only observe, not participate.
How you would react if you thought the Committee had made a wrong decision on a very important or sensitive issue? Perhaps corrective action would be just too difficult; it may involve letters, confrontation etc and it would be easier to let the matter slide.
Perhaps we should do the same as other clubs and give members the chance to ask questions during a short business session at the start of our monthly social meetings. Bill Holland
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The Sydney Bushwalker
January 2006
Coolana Report .
During the week beginning 5“ through to the 9 December a Conservation Volunteer Team was working at Coolana. This team was arranged by Eric Zarrella of Southern Rivers Catchment Management Authority. The team spent two and half days poisoning Wild Tobacco and the rest of the week working along the creek line on Privet and some Jerusalem Cherry. The Coolana carers group could not find the time or people power to do these jobs. So it is a big thank you to Eric and the CVA team for their help.
Bill Holland and Rick Angel went down to mow the camping flat on the 8/9” December. Bill reported a very satisfactory result, due no doubt to the fact that it was not too long after the last mowing.
The Management Committee approved the expenditure of about $400 for the composting toilet development application lodgement with
Shoalhaven Council, Patrick is very close to getting us over this first hurdle. We will need some muscle when the
digging starts, any volunteers.
Seeds from Coolana of Allocasuarina Littoralis and Casuarina Cunninghamiana have been sent to Milton Nursery
they should be ready for planting about May.
Joan Rigby has indicated that she will not be able to nominate for the Coolana Committee next year. I would like to thank Joan for her effort and input to Coolana over the years. Joan will still be interested but is unable to be as active
as she would like to be, thanks again Joan. Maintenance and Bush Regeneration:
Don Finch
It?s a wonderful property but needs some gentle care and maintenance. The trees are doing fine but need some supporting attention and there is mowing to be done. There are other tasks tobe done as well. But its not all work -
there is ample time to socialise and enjoy the evening campfire.
The next maintenance weekend is scheduled for
25“, 26” February. There is no need to phone just come and join us. All welcome
Camping at Coolana:
Summer is a great time to enjoy our magnificent property. There is no need to book just come and join the social scene. Members, prospective members and their families may visit and stay at Coolana at any time. Directions can be given by phoning 9484 6636
.Please do not camp under the wattle trees as they are unstable in high winds. And take care with fires
Conservation Volunteers help out at Coolana: For a week during December Conservation Volunteers Australia (CVA) assisted us with weed eradication and seed collection at Coolana. They worked mainly on the Eastern Flat and in the creeks.
Despite the very hot weather the five volunteers worked very hard starting, early to avoid some of the heat. They were all greatly impressed with scale and diversity of our property and delighted to see wombats and other wildlife.
Many thanks to the volunteers, Stephen Foster from Ireland Lea Huermann from Germany; Bo wan Kim and Junghwi Jung from Korea and their supervisor Drew Pearl.
Thanks also to Eric Zarella who greatly assisted us in obtaining a grant from the SRCMA and arranged for the CVA volunteers to be available.
Conservation Volunteers Australia:
For over 20 years CVA has involved thousands of Australians in the care and preservation of their local environment. CVA works in partnership with Regional Bodies, Local Councils, National Parks and community groups across Australia to increase community involvement in practical NRM activities.
In addition to providing teams of managed volunteers, CVA is now able to offer project partners training and support in volunteer risk management
Conservation Volunteers Australia offers a number of different volunteer opportunities from one day local environmental projects through to two week expeditions to remote outback locations that provide an amazing working holiday experience.
If you would like to volunteer please contact www.conservationvolunteers.com.au The Sydney Bushwalker
January 2006 Page 7
Successful Aboriginal Land Claim in Kangaroo Valley
[=| Letter to the Editor
Five years ago the Nowra Aboriginal Land Council applied for possession of Crown land in the triangle of land between Coolana and Werona, adjacent to Mt Scanzi Rd. The Werona Users Collective who manage Werona were active in supportmg this claim. They wrote letters of support to the NSW Department of Land and Water Conservation. In addition, they met with tribal elder Sonny Simms and other members of the Nowra Land Council to explore co-operation in use of the land, access to the river and other matters.
In November 2005, the Werona Users were advised that the Nowra Land Council claim was successful.
As a member of both SBW and the Werona Users Collective, I have been interested in hearing about the result of the land claim-in relation to Coolana. On asking about 2 years ago, I was told that the SBW Committee had appealed against the Land Councils claim. Others told me it had not been thoroughly discussed. I have seen a copy of the letter, rejecting the Aboriginal claim.
Can anyone in SBW please tell me the current status of the Land Claim, as it applies to Coolana? I hope that a reversal of the earlier decision either has taken place, or will now be considered. Research into Aboriginal history in the area shows that the land we now occupy was traditionally used as a meeting place by several tribal groups. Werona has recently allowed archaeological study showing evidence of extensive Aboriginal usage taking place on this land.
I believe it is appropriate for co-operation to take place to enable Aboriginal people of all ages and language groups to have ready access to the wonder of the natural landscape in Kangaroo Valley, whilst ensuring that the core activities of SBW can continue. Valerie Joy
Explanatory Comment:
In September 2000, the Committee, after considering
legal advice supplied by our Honorary Solicitor, wrote
to the Department of Land and Water Conservation
(DLWC) requesting refusal of Claim 6388 over Lot
24] DP 41285 on the following grounds::
I. The subject land is contiguous with SBW freehold land, namely Lot 240 DP 41285 and Lot 3 DP 572282.
2. The subject land contains Permissive Occupancy 1977/25 vested in SBW, and the granting of Claim 6388 would extinguish this permissive occupancy.
3. The subject land contains both the legal access Road Reserve to Lot 240 DP 41285 (the main means of access to our land) and the actual access road along the western boundary of Lot 241 DP 41285.
The Committee noted legal advice that where Crown
Lands are likely to be needed for essential public
purpose or nature conservation the Aboriginal Land
Council is required to negotiate a lease of the land with the Government.
In a letter to DLWC Patrick James, writing on behalf of SBW, sought to show that granting of the claim and probable extinguishment of our permissive occupancy would have a detrimental impact on the nature of our freehold land (Wildlife Refuge).
Concern was expressed about - preserving our right of access to Coolana over the
Crown land - preserving the Crown land for nature conservation
purposes - preserving the water quality as our water comes
Jrom the Crown land Patrick also spoke to Mr Sonny Simms, the Chairman of the Nowra Local Aboriginal Land Council, and wrote to him on behalf of the Club in September 2000. Our current Management Committee has not been advised of a successful claim and has not yet had the chance to discuss Valeries letter but will do so at the next Committee Meeting on 18“ January.
The results of the Committee discussion and details of actions to be taken will appear in next months magazine.
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|Page 8 The Sydney Bushwalker January 2006 |
Conservation Notes
Two major items of interest to club members this month are covered below viz: culling animals in national parks including Victorias Alpine National Park and the protest action by graziers in that area see news items below. Both of these actions are to be condemned.
If culling is necessary, and I think it is, then it should be carried out by park rangers or professional sub-contractors, not hobby shooters as indicated in one of the news items below. Also, state forests should not be a happy hunting ground for gun-toting enthusiasts. Despite official statements about controls and limitations the supervision and policing will simply not be there, or if it is at first it will quickly whither away. The Sporting Shooters Association has long pressed for access to parks and forests and J believe that once this is granted, even on a limited scale, more and more shooting will take place - an obvious danger to animals and other park users, such as bushwalkers.
And referring now to the protest action by Victorian graziers, it is to be hoped that the Victorian Government takes immediate and strong action. It is no use the graziers claiming they are not environmental vandals when they are, perhaps unwittingly. Their cattle and horses impact very severely on the environment with trampled grounds, polluted water ways and damage to sensitive high altitude plants.
. Having walked in past years in the alpine high country I have seen the damage that grazing has done and the contrast to the NSW side of the high country where grazing was stopped many years ago. The environmental impacts
are horrendous.
Bill Holland (See also Conservation Report from Confederation on Page 9) Conservation News (extracts from news items) Licence to Kill Feral Animals Shooters Association.
Daily Telegraph, Australia - Jan 4, 2006
Recreational hunters using rifles, crossbows and dogs will be allowed to kill feral animals in state forests and on public lands in a controversial trial next month. Licensed huntsmen will be allowed to hunt feral cats, dogs, deer, goats, pigs and foxes after the State Government approved the two-day trial in four public locations from February 4.
However, a declaration published in the NSW Government Gazette on Friday reveals the four state forests have already been designated as the first official, full-scale hunting grounds.
The proposed order allows hunting for five years in these areas, with hundreds more to follow in March. Natural Resources Minister lan Macdonald said the full five-year hunting approval was granted to allow the trial to take place, rather than make a special order simply for the two days.
The public has been given 30 days to protest or make comments to the Government about the proposal.
“Hairy Old Goats' Face Cull, but 'Noble' Brumbies Spared Rick Wallace The Australian January 06, 2006 A CULL of hundreds of wild goats in Victoria's Alpine National Park has won state government approval as one of several measures to rehabilitate the mountain wilderness after the end of alpine cattle grazing. But the Government has shied away from expanding the cull to include the large herds of brumbies that are also damaging sections of the park. Mindful of the probable outcry over the slaughter of hundreds of wild horses, the Govemment has instead opted to engage trappers to round up the brumbies. They will then be broken in and sold, or sent to the knackers.
The goat cull will take place near Mt Mittamatite in the northern section of the park, near Corryong, and will be conducted by volunteer hunters from the Sporting
Goats and brumbies are responsible for much of the $660million in damage caused by feral animals across the nation.
State Environment Minister John Thwaites pledged $7.5million to repair the damage. But Mountain Cattlemen's Association president Doug Treasure said graziers had been calling for feral pest controls for years.
Graziers Take Path of Defiance
Natasha Robinson The Australian January 07, 2006
In Victoria's Alpine National Park, a handful of grazier families are mounting a last stand.
A day after Victoria's Environment Minister John Thwaites visited the area to trumpet a new plan to protect the pristine snowgum country, the graziers rounded up their cows and marched them across the imaginary line that divides national park from state park in a show of political defiance.
“They try to portray us as environment vandals, said Charlie Lovick. “But this country's in safer hands with us than it is with the National Parks”.
At the protest group's base camp above Sheepyard Flat on the Howqua River, Mr Lovick, a fifth-generation grazier, saw the protesters off yesterday.
The group of four men and two women will drive several small mobs of cattle along stock routes across the 660,000ha national park, which stretches from near Mansfield in the east to the NSW border in the west.
Although the Government allows 10,000 head of cattle to graze in the state forest nearby, it has banned cattle grazing in the Alpine National Park since June.
The Australian Heritage Council, in a report released last August, found alpine grazing in the park posed “a major threat to natural heritage values”.
But Mr Lovick believes the environmental effects of cattle grazing on the bush have been grossly overestimated.
The Sydney Bushwalker
January 2006 Page 9
Confederation of Bushwalking Clubs
Extracts from Reports to the November General Meeting *
NSW President's Report_-
The Adventure Activity Standards (AAS) is a matter requiring our attention. I wrote again to Bill Gehling the President of Bush Walkers Australia (BWA), after the September meeting and commented that we had our own standards and did not need others imposed on us and that we were different from the groups who supported AAS, in that they took out on adventure activities children, and members of the public who usually have no bushwalking skills. Our members have skills to be able to look after themselves and mentor newcomers. Bill replied in my absence that BWA agreed that clubs should not have standards imposed on them when inappropriate and unnecessary, that Confederation should try to have their procedures recognised as an altemative to AAS, that BWA would like to see our documents, and that BWA wondered about variations in the use of our guidelines between clubs. J shall send BWA our documents and further discuss these matters with Bill.
The Insurance-Legal Committee is moving ahead with preparing Risk Management and Waivers for activities other than bushwalking. We hope to have a draft ready to send to clubs early next year and to have a system in place by mid year.
The matter of a affiliation fee for clubs where the membership exceeds 450 is still under consideration with replies from Sydney Bushwalkers and NPA now received. These will be considered at the next management committee meeting which cannot be held till early next year. Margaret Covi
Conservation Report
A winter surcharge is to be charged as part of the Kosciuszko National Park car entry fee beginning in the 2006 winter season (June long weekend to the October long weekend). Communities surrounding the Park can buy an All Parks Pass for $85 while all other areas are now to be charged $145 rising to $190 from January 1, 2007. This increase has been set by the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal and will be used to improve municipal infrastructure upgrades in the Perisher Range resorts, tourism promotion, burnt hut reconstruction, feral horse management, road stabilisation works and horse riding management.
The NPA has accused the State Government of deliberately assisting the National Party to initiate a feasibility study intended as a first step to create a Bells Line-of-Road super highway across the Blue Mountains. A $2 Million report, funded jointly by the State RTA and Federal Government, is suggested to be a softening up proposal to make a palatable reaction to a proposal that will impact upon the Blue Mountains World Heritage area.
The NPA has forced the State Government to release
a supposed “Cabinet-in-Confidence” document regarding the economic value of crown lands to be sold as freehold. The NPA states that the document is purely an economic appraisal that ignores the worth of conservation values and the moratorium on leasehold land sell-offs. Michael Maack
Bushwalkers Wilderness Rescue Squad Inc
On Friday 21st October a teenage boy failed to return home from a mountain bike ride between his home, Mt Gibraltar (outside Mittagong) andthe Nattai River. This was a quick callout as around 7am word came through that a person like our missing boy had been seen in a local park. There was tearful mother and son reunion with generous thanks to the VRA.
On Saturday evening 29th October BWRS was called out to join a large search on the South Coast of NSW. There was a toddler missing from a camping ground near a large lake. Around 10.15am Sunday the toddler was found alive and well.
BWRS is keen (needs) to attract experienced bushwalkers from Confederation Clubs to train as Operational Members etc. to be available for this sort of callout. Keith Maxwell * Wilf Hilders Tracks and Access report was mcluded in last
months magaz: ine
ee 0
Via Penrith, Katoomba & Blackheath for Kanangra Walls Mon & Wed at 11am. Frid at 7am Returns 4pm Mon, Wed, Frid. Via Starlights, Mittagong & Marulan for Wog Wog-Nerriga Tues.& Thurs & Sun at 11am Returns 4 pm Tues, Thurs, Sun. Yerranderie Ghost Town first Saturday in each
month, returns Sun at 1 pm (any Friday min 6) Group booking discounts or charter service
Tel 0246 832 344 Mob 0428 832 344 www.wildernesstransit.com.au
Page 10
The Sydney Bushwalker January 2006
Management Planning Eddy Giacomel
“Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts.” (Sign hanging in Albert Einstein's office at Princeton)
This article is about the relevance of management planning to SBW. The argument is reached in a roundabout way that mimics one of the real life functions of management i.e. developing solutions from information that may be confusing, conflicting and incomplete. The terminologies sense making cycle and value management are sometimes used in reference to this process.
The argument is that the direction SBW is taking with management is opposite to the direction that the club should be taking.
While most of us dont design houses, we can understand the importance of completing the design to a reasonable level of detail before construction commences. Proceeding without a reasonably complete design may result in a very good kitchen and then a very good bedroom. However, when we come to build a bathroom we may find that concrete has already been cast over where we need to dig for drains or that there is not enough space for a bathroom. Design is not something that can be done later.
Similarly, while some walkers may wish to relax on walks and not be bothered with navigation, we do understand the importance of at least one person navigating. Walking fast does not result in progress if we walk the wrong way. Navigation is not something that can be done later.
If management planning is overlooked, the best that can be done is to proceed by the implementation of good ideas.
The danger in implementing good ideas without planning can perhaps best be illustrated by a hypothetical example. Imagine being the captain of the Titanic before the incident with the iceberg. As captain you approach passengers and crew to discuss stopping at night and proceeding only when daylight allows icebergs to be seen.
The accountant calculates that stopping at night will double the duration of the journey and hence double the cost of food for passengers and crew and double the wages bill for the crew. Taking twice as long for each trip means that the ship can make only half as many trips per year and hence revenue will be halved. Your proposal will double costs and halve revenue. You are reminded that the ship is insured against sinking and are advised, No company ever went broke making a profit.
The chef warns that supplies of food and fresh water are not sufficient to permit the journeys duration to be doubled. Shortages will cause riots, chaos, waste, disease and famine.
A retired politician announces the results of a democratic survey revealing passengers wishes to arrive at their destination as soon as possible. The passengers are bored with the journey and many have
social or business appointments to keep.
The confusion herein could have been made worse by introducing the views of the engineer, the lawyer, the business manager, and the passengers on the deck chairs. However, additional confusion is not required for the purpose of this article.
Imagine if you as captain had stopped every night and had prevented the ship from sinking. Far from receiving a heros welcome, youd be lucky if the hungry and
unwashed passengers arriving several days late didnt
lynch you before the ships owners took their pound of
While this (good?) story has not been spoilt for the sake of the truth, in reality, the knowledge to avoid disaster was known but ignored. Other ships had stopped at night. The Titanic management plan, if there was one, had failed to adequately address one simple but most important critical objective of dont sink the ship. Excellent results in other areas (e.g. economy, efficiency, etc) are meaningless if the ship sinks.
As the Titanic sank, the consequences of another good idea emerged it had been decided to economise on lifeboats.
One function of planning is to avoid missing something that may appear blindingly obvious in hindsight. While it was impossible to stop the Titanic sinking after it had collided with the iceberg, it would have been relatively easy to stop it colliding with the iceberg. While it was too late to purchase new lifeboats while the ship was sinking, it would have been relatively easy to issue an instruction to fit enough lifeboats while the ship was still on the drawing board.
There may be many reasons for failing to plan:
- Pressure from higher management or clients to see results, i.e. to see something happening.
- Planning may be considered a worthless exercise, as that all that appears to happen is to identify the obvious (e.g. dont sink the ship).
- Overconfidence (e.g. this ship is unsinkable).
- Some of the solutions generated by planning definitely lack common sense e.g. will cause chaos, waste money and disrupt normal services. In bushwalking it surely makes more sense to walk along a track than to walk through scrub.
- People genuinely want to assist, but dont have the time to understand the whole picture and can only do a little bit.
- Planning is too hard (the question should not whether planning is hard, the question should be whether planning is harder than not planning).
- It is so obvious that we must economise, modernise, become more efficient, pour the concrete now, stop dawdling and walk fast, etc, etc. This planning stuff is just delaying us.
Various reasons have kept me away from the club for some years. So it was a pleasure to be able to attend the Half Yearly General Meeting in September. Of the less than 20 members who showed enough interest in the clubs management to attend, six were ex-presidents. With one ex-president-to-be the seven who are or The Sydney Bushwalker
January 2006
Page 11 |
have been president comprised more than a third of the
members present. Most other attendees were long-term
members of the club. Notable and concerning by their absence were the new members needed for future management roles.
A management plan cannot overlook recruitment. To
state the obvious, every permanent organization
(business, government, criminal, terrorist, volunteer, etc)
needs a continual source of new members for
management. Recruitment methods and turnover rates vary, but if an organization fails in its recruitment drives, the organization itself will eventually disappear.
Period. No ifs. No buts. No second chances. Goodbye
or good riddance.
A comprehensive management plan for SBW would need to consider all factors, including:
- Appropriate levels of remoteness and centralisation in decision making
~ Transparency and simplicity of structure
- Vulnerability to internal and external disruptions and unpredictable events
- Responsiveness to opportunities
- Preparation for innovation
- Identification of objectives (including recruitment)
- A management structure that is appropriate to a volunteer organization. (It should be different from other organizations, in particular commercial and government organizations that may be more familiar to us. There is a difference between running the club for members and providing opportunities for members to participate)
- Recognition that all members are not equal in their enthusiasm and experience. A good management structure doesnt depend on enthusiasm from the unenthusiastic or experience from the inexperienced
- Elimination of unnecessary layers of middle management. Those that are unenthusiastic (who often dont want to be there anyway) would only be too pleased to be abolished. Those that are enthusiastic should be in positions where they can more usefully apply their enthusiasm. (It is important to note that not all middle management is unnecessary).
- Reduction of (excessive) workloads that deter members participating in management
~ Avoiding the wish list trap
- Providing opportunity for more involvement and debate.
- Minimising bottlenecks
- Minimising the likelihood of making mountains out of molehills
- Giving members reasons to attend the AGM and other general meetings.
- Last, but not least, recognition that the people who manage the club are human and should be managed as people. Hence the need to provide opportunities for members to obtain satisfaction from participation in management (this is different from attending committee meetings!). From anyones perspective, there is little attraction to a 15 member committee where the ability to participate is limited not only by the number of other committee members but also by the heavy workload. It is also necessary to consider people management factors such as making it easy to provide frequent reassurance and guidance and to informally discuss and question their work and progress.
The concept of a smaller committee, debated some years
ago, addresses only one of the many management
factors within the club.-
The solution to problems that appear to be complex can sometimes be unexpectedly simple. In SBWs case, all the factors above can be achieved quite simply with a decentralised management structure. On the other hand, most (if not all) the factors above are difficult (if not impossible) to achieve with a centralised management structure. Centralised management structures are used to control organizations, i.e. effectively stopping people from _ participating. While essential in many organizations, centralised management does not present the best solution for SBW.
Interestingly, in the past few years SBW has been making its management structure more centralised. This direction is opposite to the most appropriate direction for the club and has been justified by factors that can be counted or measured in the short term, e.g. money (economy), votes (democracy) and time (efficiency). Other long term, less tangible though no less important factors appear to have been ignored. Or perhaps we have failed to plan.
- Adaptability of the organization to a changing Eddy Giacomel external environment and variations in enthusiasm of members . , The Coolana Fimd
Donations to the Coolana Fund are very welcome and will be used to provide income to assist with the maintenance of this |
wonderful property. Please note that the club is legally required to add Coolana donations to the Coolana Fund and not use
these for general purposes
Many thanks to those who have already donated or have indicated an intention to include the Coolana Fund in their wills. Please send in your donation, with cheques made out to Sydney Bush Walkers Inc, addressed
The Coolana Fund The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc
PO Box 431 Milsons Point 1565
| Page 12 The Sydney Bushwalker January 2006 THE WALKS PAGES Notices New Walk: New Date for Ians walk
Sat 28” January KangarooValley | Morton NP Jacks Corner Road - Griffin Farm(ruins)- Wombat Hill - Lake Yarrunga - Beehive Point - Jack's Comer Road Compulsory 150m swim with (waterproofed) packs. Grade: M222 Leader: Bill Hope 9960 1646(h) bill. hope@optusnet.com.au
Change of date : Please note Wilf Hilder does not have a walk on Tuesday 21 February. Instead that walk will
Ian Wolfe needs to shift his trip from 21% -22” Jan to J” -12“ Feb. This walk now reads:
11” -12th February - Blue Mountains Canyoning Trip
2 x Day Trips from a Base Car Camp. Will involve abseiling and swimming (wet suits suggested) in this magnificent area. There may well be a number of canyons dependant on the parties experience etc. Grade: M223. Leader: Ian Wolfe (h) 02 9904 3370; (w) 02
take place on Tuesday 28th February 9027 1825; (m) 0413 662 370; ianmcwolfe@hotmail.com Walks Notes. Barry Wallace
Walks notes 13 September to 13“ October 2005. Wilf Hilder leads the pack for this report with his midweek walk in Gosford Reserve on Tuesday 12 September. The pack on Wilfs walk was comprised of 5 walkers, all of whom armed themselves well before setting out for the two reserves with brochures supplied by the local council. Alas, less than one kilometre from the station, dissent emerged between two of the navigators, Slaving over an assortment of topo maps, NPWS maps and council brochures Wilf pulled rank, and turned out to be correct, not that any one of the available documents supported the decision. That had to wait until Wilf consulted his local street directory after returning home. The area was pleasant for walking but navigation remained a problem throughout, what with multiple closed tracks and misleading maps. Time constraints (?) led the party to abandon the assault on Mount Elliot and adopt a rapid return to Gosford station. They found time nonetheless to ponder over the predicament of the 4 life size bronze statues in the bush at Rumbaba Reserve. Their location, and _ their seemingly catatonic gaze into the middle distance, led to the surmise that they had excessively relied on local maps. Despite a timely arrival at Gosford station the troops, ever guided by their fearless leader, managed to miss the train by browsing a local second hand book shop. It was Tuesday the 13” after all.
Wilf also had an overnight walk along a segment of the Great North Walk scheduled for the weekend of 17, 18 September but this was cancelled due to a lack of starters.
Again it was Wilf, leading a party of 9 on his trip from Wondabyne to Woy Woy on Tuesday 27 September, and reporting in some detail on the abundance of wildflowers along the way. It was a longish walk so the party kept a brisk pace with morming tea on Mount Scorpas and lunch overlooking Piles Creek. Even then it was on, on at a maddening rush across the Woy Woy road and up to Lyre trig station, then down to Forgery Gully, a chimney with Egyptian Hieroglyphs of no great age and entirely unrelated to the ancient Egyptians. The party seems to have come out before dark as far as can be deduced.
The extended (World Expeditions) trip to the Indian Himalayan mountain ranges went over the period 4 to 27 October with a party of 10 in cool, high altitude conditions. As is the case with trips of this type some adaptation to conditions encountered was the order of the day, but the views were spectacular.
In warmer climes Ian Thorpe stood in for Caro Ryan to lead her Saturday walk on Lawson Ridge in Blue Mountains National Park on 9“ October. The party of 10 thought the temperature was all relative anyway, what with the day starting out somewhat wet and unpromising. They even mused about the total fire ban until the wind gathered strength through the morning and made the reasoning clear enough. The walk went smoothly and they even spotted (triangled?) some more of the slugs with red triangles on their backs. The view from Urella Lookdown was grand but the wind caused moming tea to be taken some distance back from the view. Lunch was held at the intersection of Jims Track and Jims Creek, and they even managed 2 afternoon teas, one at the lookout at the end of Lawsons Ridge and the other at the first swamp on the way out. All walkers reached the cars safely.
Tuesday 11 October saw Wilf out with a party of 6 on his walk in the [Jlawarra Escarpment Reserves in near perfect weather conditions, with a cool westerly breeze throughout the day. It all began as Wilf (slightly edited) writes, with a breathtaking climb up what must be the steepest tourist track in Australia to the breathtaking views over the Illawarra Coast from Sublime Point. A brisk pace was maintained as the party visited each of the large number of lookouts in Woodward Park. Lunch was taken at a very scenic but unnamed lookout near Treverrow Trig Station and even the number of wildflowers improved as the walk went on. They not only saw fellow walkers but also managed to fit in 2 afternoon teas before galloping the last 2 kilometres for the 1558 train.
And thats all for now folks. May I say how pleasing it is to see Wilfs timely reports, making up as they do a considerable proportion to this months item The Sydney Bushwalker
January 2006 Page 13 |
Passed Out
Passed out! Not unconscious, you understand, but tired of passes. Lots of them.
Keen readers of this magazine will have already read of an Easter 2005 walk in which we negotiated six previously untested passes. This was followed on the weekend before the June long weekend by Wilfs trip (which Wilf unfortunately could not participate in) to the Colo via Boorai Ridge. On camping by lunchtime on the Colo at the bottom of this ridge the party explored Townsends Pass and Townsends survey track, then whizzed up and down Barakee Pass the next morning before retreating back up Boorai Ridge on the Sunday
Then, on the June long weekend, a party of four set out from Mt Tootie to scamper up and down no less than four classic Colo passes - Numbers 27, 28, 24 and 37 on the Bob Buck Colo sketch map. No. 27 is the only one of these not classified as relatively straightforward. As it turned out, pass 37 was to me the least straightforward and the others relatively easy by Colo standards.
The going along the lower part of Bowens Creek and the lower Wollangambe was quite slow lkm/hour stuff and we camped about 2km short of the Colo on the first night. Next day we planned a high camp at Clews
Kenn Clacher
cave, so I picked up some Wollangambe water in a wineskin before making our way along the Colo to lunch at the bottom of pass 28. Then disaster! I slipped and landed heavily on my pack, causing a torrent of water to emerge from the pack. All was not lost however, as I had a spare wineskin. Not quite spare, as it still] had around 500ml of wine in it.
There was only one thing for it. The wine had to go but how? I can report that wine taken at lunch tastes much better than at night. It is just as well that Pass 28 has no difficult bits, but it does have terrific views from Island trig.
Clews cave is cosy but rather small you would not want a big party if you needed to shelter there. Clews short cut is pretty straightforward and we were at the Wollangambe - Colo junction for morning tea and atop pass 37 by around 11:30. All that remained was about 20km of ridge and fire trail walking to get back to Mt Tootie. It was enlivened by the fire trail not appearing where the map said it should, but it showed up eventually and provided an easy sprint in the gathering gloom back to the cars.
Snakes Are Out And About _ Bega District News Friday, 2 December 2005 % The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) is urging people _ throughout the region to be aware that ef nee snakes will be out and about with the PAF arrival of warmer weather. -_ NPWS southern _ branch
Alistair Henchman, said that snakes are normally shy but after their winter hibernation they are actively looking for food and mates, so people tend to see them more at this time of year.
“With the warmer weather, it is important that people do take care, particularly when outdoors, gardening, fishing or bushwalking. “Wearing long pants and solid footwear gives the best protection,”
Mr Henchman said.
“If you're out bushwalking, just be aware that snakes are around.
“In the mornings, afternoons and on cooler days they bask in the sun, in open areas like walking tracks or rocky ledges.
“We share our bushland areas with wildlife, and like most native wildlife, snakes are protected by law.
“They should be left alone if they are seen. The basic message is if you see a snake, leave it alone,” he said.
Mr Henchman said that at this time of year it is good for all of us to be snake wise and remember these safeguards
Get Ready For More Accurate GPS Readings!
The first satellite in the European * Union's Galileo navigation program was launched from Kazakhstan on Wednesday 28th December 2005. This was , a major step forward for Europe's answer to the U.S. Global Positioning System satellites.
The Galileo satellite, named “Giove A,” took off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome aboard a Soyuz rocket.. The $4.3 billion Galileo project will eventually use about 30 satellites and end Europe's reliance on the GPS system, which is controlled by the U.S. military.
Galileo will more than double GPS coverage, providing satellite navigation for people from motorists to sailors to mapmakers. In particular, Galileo is expected to improve coverage in high-latitude areas such as northern Europe.
Galileo is under civilian control. The European Space Agency says it can guarantee operation at all times, except in cases of the “direst emergency.” It also says users would be notified of any potential satellite problems within seconds.
A second satellite named “Giove B” is scheduled to be placed in orbit this spring. Two more satellites will then be launched in 2008 to complete the testing phase, which requires at least four satellites in orbit to guarantee an exact position and time anywhere on earth.
| Page 14
The Sydney Bushwalker
January 2006
Walk to Ciudad Perdida
The walk to Ciudad Perdida, or Ruta al parque archelogico Teyuna, was not in my travel plans. Netther was Colombia, but the travel talk in Panama City was either about sailing to Cartagena via a few days in the San Blas Archipelago and this walk. So after an eccentric trip to Cartagena, I took a bus east to Santa Marta and located the trek operator.
Ciudad Perdida, known locally as Teyuna, was rediscovered in the 1970's. The ruins are located in the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, close to the Caribbean coast of Colombia. Built around 700AD, the city was one of over 200 sites of the Tayrona Indians, and is believed to have had about 10,000 inhabitants. The Tayrona civilisation was destroyed 500 years ago during the Spanish quest for gold.
The 5 night/ 6 day trek includes two guides, a cook, a couple of mules, meals, accommodation, transport by jeep, guaranteed security, free samples of local products and an unlimited supply of pineapples, all for only $US200. Independent walking is not permitted by the paramilitaries, who maintain security and administer other enterprises throughout the Santa Marta district.
[am in a group of 8 walkers, Tom, Lee, Jenny (England), Rebecca (Sweden), Sebastian (Germany), Pete (NZ), Max (Australia), which is a mix to ensure English is the language of conversation and card games and me as the oldest by at least 20 years. We have been lucky enough to get the best guide available for the walk, Edwin Rey and his team of assistant guide Jose and cook Nicolas.
The walk pickup time is 7 am and we are all there on the pavement. Waiting. Edwin has told the driver 6 am, aiming for 7 but the driver has taken this as 8 am English time, meaning the time you really mean. It has been raining heavily in Santa Marta the day before the walk, and presumably the flooded streets and dengue fever risk are the reason for early moming fumigation activity. Thoroughly fumigated, we load the jeep and set off along the highway west.
Lesley Clarke
Jeep? A chiva, otherwise known as a party bus - an open sided, brightly decorated 4WD truck, not really in its element on the ruin of a road that leads to Mamey where the walk begins. More disconcerting for some of the passengers is the barefoot driver, who has perfected the art of driving, talking with both hands and looking his passenger in the eye. The passengers on the roof dont seem so concerned.
A flat tire on the way, and it would seem that spares are required in Colombia, jacks are not. After a bit of borrowing and another delay while an overturned jeep is righted and the road cleared, we arrive in Mamey in time for lunch. Lunch most days is sandwiches of salad, cheese and pink cold meats.
The first day's walking is only 6k's, from Mamey to Adan, and includes a short climb to 500m_ before descending to a small settlement at 200m. By the time we start, the afternoon showers are underway and it is wet. Very wet. And muddy. 3 hours are needed to wade through the thigh deep mud (tested by me). Most of this section is farmland, coca plantations or former farms still unable to produce coffee or cocoa 20 years after American inspired marijuana spraying. There is a paramilitary post not far from Mamey and the occasional operative passes us along the way.
Our camp at Adan is an open air shelter above a river, with a palm frond roof, dirt floor, wood fire kitchen and a line of hammocks duly outfitted with nets to stop the mosquitos and other small relentless biting things. Aerogard is not much use here, other than to add a tasty dressing to my well bitten legs. There is a natural swimming pool in the river, but we are all already soaked enough and think we might leave this for the return trip.
Coffee is brewed on arrival and a hearty meal of beef and rice follows soon afterwards. This is the daily routine - coffee and chocolate, fruit, eggs and toast for breakfast and dinner of rice and a local dish. Even spaghetti comes with rice. Nicolas cooking skills are impressive.
Day 2 starts with an optional extra, a visit to the cocaine factory operated for tourists by Dr Cocaina. For a $10 fee, we are taken through the process of converting coca leaves into a highly marketable product. This ought to be enough to cure the most enthusiastic snorter or puffer. Chemicals used in the process include salt, petrol, sulphuric acid, ammonia (now replaced by acetone as ammonia is too toxic to work with), caustic soda, dehydrated calcium, some hospital substance we could possibly have translated as mercurochrome, feet and water. Following various chemical reactions, the cocaine paste is 95% pure, anyones guess what the remaining 5% comprises.
We then have 6ks and 4 hours to walk to the next camp, Gabriel, but the sun is shining and the mountain views, rainforest tracks and waterfalls are stunning. It is a fairly steep climb for an hour, | The Sydney Bushwalker
January Page 15 |
followed by a short descent to Mutyani, a Kogi Indian village. The village is uninhabited except for meetings, when the Kogi come from their farms in the surrounding hills. The Kogi have little interest in or use for education, religion or money. To the Kogi, descendants of the Tayrona, the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta is the universal mother, from which they were born and must care for.
From the village the track continues to an Indian farm, where a Kogi woman is waiting to walk with us. She is 25, has 5 children and will have another 5. She walks barefoot and effortlessly in front of us for the 2 hours uphill to Gabriel.
Gabriel has showers and even flush toilets, and afternoon showers of course, and another hearty dinner. The evenings story is about drugs, coca growing, narco terrorism and the futile efforts to try to stop the trade. By this time Jenny has decided that trekking is not her thing, and may not accompany us to the next camp. My job for the evening is to persuade her otherwise - according to the plan we will not be back here for several days. There is always the option of the mule for the return trip.
We have 8ks to cover on day 3, and another beautiful sunny morning to do it. The trail is generally uphill from 600m to 1200. The mules cant do this bit, and Nicolas and Jose have to carry the food for the camp.
We climb through even more stunning rainforest covered hills for about an hour, before a pineapple break and the downhill section. This section reveals a considerable map inaccuracy, turning upwards after a short descent and climbing until we reach the river section and an orange break. This section involves crossing the swiftly flowing river 8 times, which takes an hour and results in a lot of complaints from the rear about the dangers of the track, the rocks, the river crossings and whatever else.
Our lunch stop is in the river, beside 2 waterfalls and the steps that emerge from the river and lead through the rainforest to the ruins. 2000 steps to reach the camp. I sense an easy option here is to keep Jenny company and in a positive frame of mind, at the rear. In one sense easy, in another I quickly find out why some others in the group have become very fast walkers over the past couple of days.
1200 steps brings us to the lower level terraces of the city, and another 800 to the camp.The camp is a well constructed one, formerly used by the team of archeologists, with toilets, showers and even mattresses. Pete by now is showing signs of some affliction, involving fever, diarrhoea attacks and palid complexion. Not really sure what we should give him, we try one thing and then another, so Pete is out cold for the afternoon. No matter, it is pouring by now and an aftemoons ruin exploration doesnt look good. A hour or two with a book jooks better.
This evenings story is about the kidnappings, and is supported by maps and newspaper articles about this incident. Edwin is well placed to give the inside story, well known in these parts for a miraculous escape from the guerillas who took
some tourists hostage some years ago. He was elsewhere listening to a game between Colombia and Bolivia (4 - 0 to Bolivia), escaped and walked back to Santa Marta the hard way (resulting in considerable suspicion by the police and repeated questioning).
Only the fittest were taken, two Australians ably demonstrating that fat can have health benefits. The government negotiated the release of the hostages after several months, and then launched an attack on the guerillas. There are none remaining in this part of Colombia, and why there are any in any part is another interesting talk by Edwin.
The original itinerary is for a full day at leisure in the ruins on day 4, however Edwin has changed the plan due to suspicions about Jennys ability to cover the day 2 and 3 sections in one day. So after a couple of hours to check out the site, a bit of Tayrona culture and a pineapple, we head down the 2000 steps.
The best thing is that the 3 days walking are now in reverse, so there is not much to add. Pete is not in much state to tackle 2 days in one go, and the following day neither am I (though to a far milder extent J must say, and dont suffer anything like the weight loss. Just a bit more hammock time and a couple of missed card games). Tom leaves a permanent mark on the camp at Gabriel by giving some local children a few whistles, which I hope for the benefit of the next group got lost during the night. We only discover on the return that Adan has a bar, but after an afternoon beer, it rains, the river rises and we are cut off from it. Jenny gets back last to Mamey, preceded by an exasperated Jose throwing his arms in the air and exclaiming something like no mas.
There is time for a few beers at Mamey, or Sunday drinks with the local farmers, as the chiva has broken down en route and Edwin has had to commandeer another vehicle - a landcruiser. So its a faster and more comfortable trip back to Santa Marta, and there is nothing left but to make plans for a trip for parque nacional Tayrona over a few evening beers. Golden palm-fringed beaches backed by rainforest covered hills, crystal clear water, hammocks…..
Page 16
The Sydney Bushwalker
January 2006
Would You Like to Lead a Club Walk?
Most members at some time think about leading a club walk. There can be any number of reasons why you might want to lead. It might generate from a sense of duty, or a feel-good feeling that you should be putting something back. Or perhaps you would like to be in control of a modified version of some walk you especially enjoyed but would like to do your way. Or perhaps you just feel like taking the next step on your experience pathway.
Well, you can either push the urge to the back of your mind until it goes away, or you can take the first step to joining the ranks of SBW leaders. And dont think that we dont need someone like you. Leaders dont grow on trees and the more leaders, the more walks on the program and the greater variety of walks and associated activities. And, if there is more to choose from the club becomes more enjoyable for everyone.
So what do you do next? Well, the club supports aspiring new leaders and offers a range of measures intended to help you get started. First of all, dont be scared off by thoughts of what might be expected of you by the club and by the law. Of course its important that you understand these expectations, including what you should expect from your club and from the members of your party. The old adage forewarned is forearmed is as true today as it ever was and we can help ensure that your tread carefully until you gain experience and confidence.
Most of the things you need to know are covered (briefly) in the clubs Leaders Handbook; so your very first step should be to register your leadership interest with the Walks Secretary and ask for a loan copy of the Leaders Handbook. Every active leader has a copy of the handbook so if you have any questions about anything in the handbook feel free to chat with any leader.
Our leaders handbook is not a set of rules. It is intended for reference only. Leading is a rather inexact
George Mawer
science and as there are so many possible variables there cant be hard and fast rules for all situations that could arise on a walk. Experience is the great teacher and our handbook is based on the practical experiences of many leaders over many years.
Consider the information in the handbook when planning your walk and when you are ready, select a date (or dates) and submit your walk to the Walks Secretary. If you are a new leader it is helpful to have at least one experienced Co-leader along with you on your first few walks.
Nominate the Co-leader to the Walks Secretary prior to the walk. Get together with your co leader well before the walk and talk your walk through from start to finish. Keep in touch as inquiries come in and over a cup of coffee , or something stronger, have a final discussion on the Wednesday prior to the walk.
If you cant find a Co-leader the Walks Secretary will assist with some names of leaders you can contact.
And - with your first few walks - dont be too adventurous. Use them to sort yourself out and to identify areas where you need to improve your skills.
Make some notes immediately after the walk. And lastly, get together with your Co-leader socially after the walk and have a chat about how things went.
Good luck begins with good management.
For Sale:
I have a new soft shell for sale. It was bought for me, but unfortunately is the wrong size. It would probably fit you!
The North Face “Apex” soft shell jacket is medium size, and should suit a person with a 36” to 38” chest.
It has a chest pocket on the left, and two waist pockets on either size. All pockets have zips. The jacket has a main zip. It is light and of good quality. Anyone who would like to make inquiries may send and email or call me on 0421013743. Geoff Bradd
Rg as activities this year:
~ February/March: How about another week at Berrara Beach (Carters House) or a suggestion from Maurie Bloom for a “Get Away to Woorabinda Ski Lodge” at Jindabyne. Maurie said he will be happy to lead a variety of suitable easy/medium day walks if you think his navigation skills are still up to scratch. April/May: Bicycle Riding around Canberra- stay at a caravan park. Possibly four to five days may include Anzac Day. Alternative locations could be bicycle riding from Robyns farm at Georges Plains or from Brian Holdens house at Stanwell Tops. Or all of the above spread throughout the year
Mid-Week Walkers
And/or a suggestion from Ainsley and Mike Reynolds: Cabins at Mandeni and the walks in Bournda National Park (all easy to medium)
Here we have an interesting idea. As you would have read in our December magazine, there is a new park Yango near Grenfell in western NSW. I have spoken to the ranger there (Annette) and she tells me that about this time the park should be open, probably car camping with canoeing and bicycle riding as well as bushwalking. The park has a frontage of 150km to the Murrumbidgee River and extensive wetlands.
Also, camping in Northern NSW perhaps near Ballina with walks suggestions from Bert and Mary Carter
If you would like to join us or want more information, please email bil/holland@bigpond.com The Sydney Bushwalker January 2006 Page 17
NEW MEMBERS NEWS Hello New Members, Yes its hot, but do not hang up your volleys, boots and socks. For now is the time to visit those nice places in the bush by the water or swim in the mountain streams.
On 29” January Richard Darke returns to the unspoiled coast at Catherine Hill Bay up near Newcastle. This is a popular walk. Be quick, there is a party limit. Richards walks are interesting and great fun
Closer to home enjoy the sea breezes with Jan Roberts along the northern beaches on 4” February with dinner afterwards in Manly. There is no better way to get to know your fellow members than around the dinner table after an enjoyable day out.
Have you finished your Q program or do you have your navigation and first aid tests to finish.? Why not get them out of the way now by coming to Bill Hollands Coolana Training weekend in the beautiful Kangaroo Valley on 25” and 26“ February. Just the place to cool off by the lovely Kangaroo River. Bill can arrange transport if you need it.
The special overnight Q walks coordinator is planning another Q event for March to cater for those who missed out in November. He has ordered fine weather next time. Watch out for a special email about this opportunity to do this walk in the company of your peers.
Time does speed by quickly. If your 12 months membership term is approaching completion then dont delay in getting an application for an extension into the New Memebrs Secretary at newmembers@sbw.org.au Otherwise you will pass into the expired category and miss out on your programs and news.
Look forward to meeting you on the track Ron Watters Welcome to our new Prospective Members: Congratulations to our new Full Members: Gregory Fraser, Robert McIntosh, Sydney Cole, Annette Sudan, Lynn Atkinson, Richard Lowson, Bryr Susan Cole, Kevin Thompson, Brendan Harper, Lynar and Katrina Graham
Aldo Valdeugs, Cate McDonald, Martin Venier, Jenny Thomas, Karen Carkner, Sharon Walters and Wendy Landal
FAST TRACK YOUR WAY TO FULL MEMBERSHIP ! Come to the Coolana Training Weekend 25”, 26“ February -
ca Receive Training and Pass Your Entry Tests in Map Reading. First Aid and Bushcraft
Spend a pleasant social weekend at Coolana in the beautiful Kangaroo Valley. An ideal way for New Members to meet SBW entry requirements for map reading and first aid. But its not all work, there will be time to get to know our magnificent property, to relax and enjoy the bush surroundings. Family members are welcome too.
We can assist with tents and other camping gear and there is a shelter on site.
SBW members are also encouraged to attend and assist with training and social activities around the campfire . Activities start on Saturday morning and finish about 4pm on Sunday.
Phone: Bill Holland 9484 6636 (m) 0418 210290 billholland@bignond.com Patrick James 95679998 Pjames28&@bigpond.net.au
Camp Fires and Stoves
All members are advised to check the restrictions on lighting fires in intended camping areas. Be aware A; that in coming months high to extreme bush fire danger will be experienced throughout much of NSW. ” This means that fires in the open are restricted and may only be used under certain conditions eg. a camp fire for cooking purposes. However, most national parks, reserves and forest areas around Sydney may have Local Fire Bans which mean no fires of any nature are permitted
Total Fire Bans may be declared on days of extreme fire danger and fires in the open, including cooking and camp fires, are totally prohibited for the period of the ban.
Lighting any fire in the open on a day of Total Fire Ban may lead to a fine of $5,000 and six months imprisonment. This applies to any naked flame including camp fires and camping stoves
Water Is Very Important !
Please remember that walking in summer requires ample intake of water. In these drought conditions good quality water may be very scarce. Consumption on a hot day walk is between 3 - 4 litres. Much more if you are carrying a heavy week-end pack
| Page 18 The Sydney Bushwalker January 2006 SOCIAL NOTES Hi Everyone, A Good Example
I am writing these 'social notes' on New Year's Day, trying to survive the 45 degree temperatures here in Sydney. Hopefully no-one was out walking (actually most parks were Closed!) or even driving. I was most surprised to notice just how tired such heat makes one feel.
This mention of heat reminds me of our very own Xmas Party at McMahon's Point Community centre - about 30 degrees at 6.00pm. About 80 people tumed up over the course of the evening to enjoy the companionship of others - both familiar and new. Of course the “nourishment provided” was of exceptional standards whilst the beverages were more than ample. The views from the veranda of the bridge were wonderful.
In contrast to previous years the Club Picnic at Balmoral Beach was not well attended this year. The weather forecast and afternoon cloudy drizzle must have deterred some members. As it tumed out the evening was very pleasant, no wind, comfortable temperature and absolutely no rain. Thoroughly enjoyed by about 14 adults and 4 children.
Just for the month of January, the Committee Meeting and Social night coincided. The theme was Digital Photography with emphasis on using your camera to good effect and preserving your bushwalking photos.
In February, SBW club member, Peter Christian, will present an audio-visual on the Gardens of Stone National Park. It will be worth the effort to come.
From myself, and the Committee, best wishes to you for a great 2006. Take care and enjoy your walking. Kathy
Social Programme for February: Wed 1“ 7pm Committee Meeting Observers welcome.
Wed 8” 8pm New Members Night. Introduction to SBW for intending prospective members
Wed 15“ 8pm Gardens of Stone National Park Club member Peter Christian has made an audio/visual (video) presentation of this beautiful area. It features the Lost Cities of pagodas / panoramic views / 5 star camp sites / narrow slot passes /abseiling canyons / flora and fauna.
A man was walking down the street % when he was confronted by a \%, Particularly dirty and shabby-looking s* homeless man who asked him for a couple of dollars for dinner.
The man took out his wallet, extracted ten dollars and asked, “If I give you this money, will you buy some beer with it instead of dinner?”
“No, I had to stop drinking years ago,” the homeless man replied.
“Will you use it to go fishing instead of buying food?” the man asked.
“No, I don't waste time fishing, the homeless man said. “Ineed to spend all my time trying to stay alive.”
Will you spend this on green fees at a golf course instead of food?” the man asked.
“Are you NUTS!” replied the homeless man. “I haven't played golf in 20 years!”
“Will you spend the money on a woman in the red light district instead of food?” the man asked.
“What disease would I get for ten lousy bucks?” exclaimed the homeless man.
“Well,” said the man, “I'm not going to give you the money. Instead, I'm going to take you home for a terrific dinner cooked by my wife.”
The homeless man was astounded. “Won't your wife be furious with you for doing that? I know I'm dirty, and I probably smell pretty disgusting.”
The man replied, “That's okay. It's important for her to see what a__ fellow looks like after he has given up beer, fishing, golf, and sex.”
Catholic Dog:
{4 Muldoon lived alone in the Irish countryside 2) with only a pet dog for company. One day the dog died, and Muldoon went to the parish priest and asked, “Father, me dog is dead. Could ya' be saying a mass for the poor creature?”
Father Patrick replied, “I'm afraid not; we cannot have services for an animal in the church. But there are some Baptists down the lane, and there's no tellin what they believe. Maybe they'll do something for the creature.
Muldoon said, “T'll go right away Father. Do ya think $5,000 is enough to donate to them for the service?”
Father Patrick exclaimed, “Sweet Mary, Mother of Jesus! Why didnt ya tell me the dog was Catholic.
Whatever you call it, its on the second week-end in March. Keep the week-end of 11th 12th March free Come to Coolana and help us celebrate the 79 year of SBW Family members are welcome. New members should see this as a chance
to meet old and new members
Easy walking, swimming, happy hour and _ traditional campfire and concert Chihoudyetl PALLIN