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[THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER is the monthly bulletin of matters of interest to members of
The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc
PO Box 431 Milsons Point 1565.
Editor: Bill Holland Production Manager: Frances Holland Printers: KennClacher, Barrie Murdoch,
Tom Wenman Don Brooks Fran Holland Opinions expressed in this magazine are the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policies or views of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc.
All material in this magazine is copyright. Requests for reproduction should be directed to The Editor. billholland@bigpond.com
8 Coolana Report Don Finch reports on native title claim, planting seeds and good news about Tallowa Dam
10 Conservation Notes The Conservation Secretary is less than delighted with the Senator Abetz appointment
10 Conservation News Items in the news
Alpsport Front cover Paddy Pallin Back cover Wilderness Transport 9 Wild Asia 5 Willis's Walkabouts 7
Issue No. 855
ow WN WN =
From the Committee Room Message from President Maurice Letters to the Editor
Editors Note
Treasurers Report
Electronic Communications sub Committee Report
Social Notes and Other Items
Nearly 80 Years Old - Still Going Strong To continue its success SBW needs capable and keen people to carry out the administrative tasks.
The Annual General Meeting Formal notice of meeting and explanatory comment of items of business
Walk Notices -Tracks and Access Report Notices of interest to walkers and extracts form Wilf Hilders report to Confederation
Walk Notes Barry Wallace's regular notes on walks
Reports of Day Walks People were mislaid around historic houses, near Bondi Beach and in the Royal National Park
Christmas in The Snowies Pam Campbell tells of Maurice Smiths Christmas walk
The Mid Week Walkers Those lucky people who have time to indulge in the good life.
Costa Rica Lesley Clarke has another story about her wanderings in South America
The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. | Page 2
The Sydney Bushwalker
February 2006
About Our Club
The Sydney Bush Walkers was formed in 1927 for the purpose of bringing bushwalkers together; enabling them to appreciate the great outdoors; establishing a regard for conservation and promoting social activities.
The Club's main activity is bushwalking but includes other activities such as cycling, canoeing and social events.
Our Walks Programme (published quarterly) features day walks on most Saturdays and Sundays, some mid week walks and overnight weekend walks. Extended walks are organised in areas such as Lamington, Snowy Mountains etc as well as interstate.
Our meetings are held on Wednesday evenings (see Social Programme) at Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre, 16 Fitzroy Street, Kirribilli (near Milsons Point Railway Station).
Visitors and prospective members are welcome. General Enquiries: Website www.sbw.org.au
Office Bearers
President: Maurice Smith Vice-President: Rosemary MacDougal Treasurer: Tony Marshalt Secretary: Leigh McClintock Walks Secretary: lan Thorpe Social Secretary Kathy Gero
Ron Watters Grace Martinez Bill Holland Bitl Holland
Membership Secretary New Members Secretary: Conservation Secretary: Magazine Editor: Committee Members Caro Ryan
Delegate to Confederation:
Jim Callaway Pam Campbell
Peter Love
Contact the Committee:
Members are welcome to contact the following officers on Club matters:
President : Maurice Smith 9587 6325 (h) mauricethewalker@ihug.com.au Vice President : Rosemary MacDougal 9428 5668 (h) rmacdougal@bigpond.com
Secretary: Leigh McClintock 8920 2388 (h) meclintock@pacific.net.au Treasurer Tony Marshall
4784 3203 (h) tbuilder@bigpond.net.au Members Secretary: Ron Watters 0419 617 491 wattersr@bigpond.net.au New Members Secretary: Grace Martinez 9948 6238 g.martinez@bigpond.com
Are You On The Clubs Email List ? eo al& Each month we send out a friendly email to Ye > szavfg- SBW members and prospective members.
WY The email acts as a reminder of coming events including the next social event for
the month.
If you would tike to be added to the list, simply send
an email to social@sbw.org.au
Presidents Report:
By the time this months magazine is in your letterbox it will be only a week or so away from the Annual General Meeting on Wednesday March 8. Some of the current committee members have confirmed that they will not be available for any committee role in 2006-07. So will you put up your hand to take on a committee position at the AGM? At the AGM all committee positions are declared vacant and nominations are called for the various roles.
There is a complete listing of the management committee positions in another column in the magazine. If you have the time there is work to be done on the management committee. In any event please attend the AGM and vote to elect the committee for the next 12 months. Only full members present at the meeting may vote. Our constitution does not permit proxy voting.
The significant challenge for the best management of the club revolves around the implementation of the new consolidated database. When this is operational later in the year it expected to make life easier for numerous committee members, although Im sure that there will be a few bumps in the road along the way. The opportunity to take advantage of electronic mail technology to distribute club material to members is also high on the list of matters under consideration. To this end when the membership renewal forms are sent out towards the end of March we will be asking members whether they would like to receive club communications via email. A large number of club members have one or more email addresses. At present close to 60% of all members have an email address. For prospective members that percentage is much higher, being around 90%.
This column is my final one in my capacity as President. It has been a privilege to have served in this role for the last two years. To my fellow club members thank you for this opportunity. It certainly has been a lot of work, more so that | anticipated. To my successor, whoever you might be, | wish you well. To my fellow 2005-06 committee members thank you heaps for all your contributions. Although we may not have always agreed on everything we discussed we did so in spirit of consideration and co- operation and always with the best interests of the club at heart.
Maurice Smith
March Social Programme:
Have you seen the renovated premises at Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre?.
Come along, join us on:
Wed 1* Committee Meeting Wed 8“ Annual General Meeting Wed 8” New Members Night.
11,12“ Annual Reunion and Get-together at
Coolana Wed 15 Walking The Kokoda Trail The Sydney Bushwalker
February 2006 Page 3 |
&) Letter to the Editor: } Herewith is my contribution to the email - v - ibeg snail mail debate concerning the distribution of our monthly magazine. In Praise of the the Status Quo:
I know it is hard for computer philos to comprehend how anyone in the 21* Century can possibly survive without a computer . | am an example of such a
survivor. One advantage is the absence of spam and viruses, In addition. | prefer sailboats to motor boats,
prefer spectacles to contact lenses, use a film camera with excellent results, get my daily paper tossed over the fence in the time honoured way, own a mobile phone but keep it switched off to be used in emergencies only and certainly dont use it as a camera or to watch TV, prefer to do my banking inside the bank rather than outside.
1 do not use email because | cant type but instead try to practice the handwriting | learnt at school, using, horror of horrors, a fountain pen which seems to work well enough to communicate via my fax machine or in letters dropped into the slot of a letter box.
One of the few jobs remaining using the art of perambulation is that of a postie delivering the mail. As walkers ourselves our walking brethren, the posties, deserve our support.
There is no more traditional form of locomotion than walking. It was practised by Adam and Eve when they walked out of the Garden of Eden.
The issue raised about saving paper is really not a valid reason for not using it . Unlike oil, paper is both non-polluting and a renewable resource, so lets keep planting those trees.
our fine magazine printed and mailed with provision for electronic delivery for those who want it.
Peter Dyce
Have You Changed Your Address?
The Club is developing an integrated data base including members names, addresses, telephone and email contact. It is expected to be
_ fully operative in the second half of this year. We
need to ensure that our records are correct.
If you have changed your address or phone number recently, please advise:
Members: Ron Watters
Prospectives: Grace Martinez
The advice should be in writing directed to the Clubs postal address. This will ensure that our
records show your current address and prevent delay /
in receiving the magazine each month
Club Archives:
The Club archives are held at the Editors address and can be accessed at all times by email or by phoning 9484 6636.
They include bound copies of all magazines from inception, financial and membership records and minute books post 1960 (earlier minute books are in the State Library archives)
Editors Note:
Well its nice to receive good news
and right at the very end of this i * months magazine preparation came
news that the State Government will now not
proceed with the proposal to raise the wall of
Tatlowa Dam.
The proposal had caused a great deal of anxiety about the possible impact of higher water levels on our camping flat at Coolana and the damage to newly established trees and river banks.
Good political news is a rarity these days! It goes to show what public protest can achieve. Our thanks should go to our members who attended meetings in the township and showed support for the local landowners in their protest actions.
This months magazine has a lot of space devoted to the Clubs Annual General Meeting including explanation of special resolutions, discussion whether to continue with our insurance covers and other matters.
Although these meetings are usually well attended it is really by a relatively small proportion of our total membership. This is a pity as it is the one time of the year when members can play a part in the management of the club - by questioning the Committee and by electing office bearers for the coming year - see 80 Years and Still Going Strong on Page 5.
Quite apart from this, the AGM is a time to catch up with friends and meet other members. The refreshments are of a high standard. Will | see you there on 8” March?
And speaking of catching up with friends old and new, dont forget the Annual Reunion at Coolana on 11, 12“ March!
Elsewhere i in the magazine we have a letter froma member in praise of the status quo. Although he prefers to continue with receiving his magazine by post, as are many others, there is no doubt that benefits can be gained if we approach the move to electronic format with care and avoid undue haste.
By the way, more observant readers will have noticed a change in the print font and letter size used in this months magazine. For those in the know | have moved from Times New Roman to Trebuchet MS. This latter style is a sans serif font (means without the fancy curves and tails) and, hopefully, is easier to read.
Bill Holland
Contact The Editor: Copy for publishing in the SBW magazine should be received by the Editor by the end of the first week of each month. Letters stating your viewpoint on matters of interest are most welcome. Photos should be of good resolution suitable for black and white reproduction Please send your submission in by mail (preferably typed), on disc or by email, addressed to The Editor billholland@bigpond.com. Faxes are acceptable but please telephone 9484 6636 first:
| Page 4
The Sydney Bushwalker
February 2006
From The Committee Room Reports of proceedings at the Management Committee meetings
Meeting on 18” January 2006
This was a short meeting held immediately before the sacial meeting in January
= There being insufficient time to debate the matter of members being asked about club communications, the Committee agreed to table the matter. A letter from the Lands Department, notifying the club of the successful aboriginal land claim in the Kangaroo Valley had been lost in transit for several months. The claim is important for Coolana, but the letter and accompanying map were passed on to Coolana Committee. A tetter was received from a co-owner of three wild life reserves in the Kangaroo Valley (the other two being Coolana and the Quakers), proposing joint action to oppose the raising of the Tallowa Dam wall. The Committee was advised that the club had not taken any position on whether to oppose the dam raising. Robyn Christie, Susan Talty, Stephen Brading and lan Burnett were accepted as Active Members. Discussion on the Treasurers suggested formula, and constitutional amendments, for setting fees for Prospectives converting to Active Membership was deferred to next meeting. The Committee approved the following payments: Coolana permissive occupancy $297 Website hosting $264, Metal badges $720, Christmas party $614, Magazine postage $425 A full analysis of the Clubs finances would be conducted at the next meeting, where the 2006 budget and fee levels would be discussed. The Treasurer was asked to explain the increase in 2005 Administration costs (100% over budget). lan Thorpe Wollangambe walk on 7 January was upgraded to Q standard. The Secretary was asked to get KNC to quote on an extra room for social nights, from 7 to 8 oclock.
The Coolana Fund: Donations to the Coolana Fund are very welcome and will be used to provide income to assist with the maintenance of this wonderful property. Many thanks to those who have already donated or have indicated an intention to include the Coolana Fund in their wills. Please send in your donation, with cheques made out to The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc and addressed to The Coolana Fund The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc PO Box 431 Milsons Point 1565
Meeting 1 February 2006
=“ The Secretary reported that an extra room had been reserved at KNC from 7 p.m to 8 p.m. on social nights. = The Coolana Committee had yet to formally consider the implications of the successful land rights claim near Coolana. First look indicates that most or all of the clubs submissions were accepted, and that the practical implications for the club may not be major. The Committee resolved that the 2006 subscription renewal forms would ask members to specify how they would prefer to receive club communications, by email or by post. The Treasurers proposed system of calculating fees charges to Prospectives converting to Active Membership, would be put to the AGM as enabling constitutional amendments The payments listed in the Treasurers report were accepted for payment viz; magazine postage and production $387, magazine materials $319, first aid reimbursement $50.00 It was noted that the amount spent subsidising first aid courses had increased considerably. The matter was deferred until a later meeting. The Treasurer presented his draft budget for 2006. He noted that more recent information had shown the need to make changes (some up, some down) in projected expenditure figures, but the bottom line was still a small estimated operating deficit. The Committee decided not to recommend a change in subscription fees to the Annual General Meeting. The Walks Secretarys draft Autumn Walks Program was accepted The Electronic Communications Committee reported that the first version of the consolidated data base was nearly ready. But the project would take until mid year to complete. Concern was expressed that the Club website was being neglected. It was agreed that members with particularly urgent requests for updates should communicate their views to the ECC. Confederation had advised that it wanted to know by March whether SBW would be insuring through Confederation in 2006. The Committee was advised that the cap on affiliation fees would remain and that fees would stay at the current level. It was noted that the club no longer had a telephone number. Some members were uncomfortable with the situation, but it was accepted that unless someone could be found who was willing to take incoming calls, there was not much point in having a number. The Sydney Bushwalker February 2006 Page 5 |
Nearly 80 Years Old And Still Going Strong !
Why, after all this time, is SBW still thriving as one of the top walking clubs in Sydney?
The answer is simple. The enthusiasm of the members, the dedication of the Committee and Sub-committees and the ability to make changes to meet contemporary requirements without losing the traditions which are so important to the older members.
SBW is a large club - we have nearly 500 members and approximately 100 or so prospective members. As with any large organization there are many administrative duties falling on the shoulders of relatively few people. All of our office holders are volunteers; we have no paid staff or outside assistance. Because we are volunteers the procedures are kept as simple as possible - nobody wants to be saddled with onerous tasks on top of a full working week.
The Club is managed by a Management Committee with special duties delegated to sub- committees. There are 14 positions on the Committee and approximately 20 (+helpers) in other positions and sub-committees. Over the years the club has developed a pattern of having a mix of old and relatively new members on the Management Committee.
New members bring new ideas - older members maintain the continuity that is so important when much of the clubs operating procedures and traditions are unwritten.
The skill requirements are not many. in fact, we acknowledge that many members with specialist skills do not wish to exercise those skills away from their working environment. As volunteers they may prefer to relax and forget the rules of their day-to-day business environment. So, as stated earlier, the Management Committee manages the Club with simple procedures in a relaxed environment.
in March each year SBW holds its Annual General Meeting and elects office bearers for the coming year. All positions become vacant and any member may nominate for one or more positions. Sometimes existing office holders re- nominate for their current position but this year several of the office bearers have said they do not intend to stand for re-election, and that there is an unusually high number of vacancies.
The current Management Committee would like all members, young or old, new or experienced, to think about nominating for a Committee/Sub committee position for the coming year. No special skills required - we only need some of your spare time The Committee positions involve attendance at Committee Meetings on the first Wednesday of most months; the other positions usually entail a working role outside of our meetings.
Why not nominate? This could be your opportunity to take an active part in
management of the Club. Here is a summary of the Committee, other Office Bearers and Sub-Committee positions.
Vice President
Treasurer/Public Officer (combined) Walks Secretary
Social Secretary
Membership Secretary
New Members Secretary Conservation Secretary Magazine Editor
General Committee Member (2) Confederation Delegates (2)
Other Office Bearers:
Confederation Delegates - Non-Committee (2) Magazine Production Manager
Hon Solicitor
Hon Auditor
Sub Committees:
Coolana Maintenance Committee Electronic Communications Sub-Committee Printing and Magazine Collating
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The Sydney Bushwalker
February 2006 |
commencing 8 pm.
Here is an outline of business to be discussed:
1. Apologies
Election of Office Bearers
General Business and Announcements
The 78th Annual General Meeting of SBW will be held in the Clubrooms on Wednesday 8 March 2006 All members, prospective members, non-active members and visitors are welcome to attend and take part in discussions but only members can vote.
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 9 March, 2005
Annual Reports of the Committee and Office Bearers for the year ended 31st December, 2005 Financial Statements and Accounts of The Sydney Bush Walkers Incorporated for the year ended 31st December, 2005
Statement pursuant to Section 26(6) of the Associations Incorporation Act 1984 Determination of Annual Subscription and Entrance Fee for the ensuing year Two Special Resolutions - Changes To The Constitution re Membership (explanatory comment - below)
a. Club Insurance (explanatory comment - see next page)
Explanatory Comment - Item 10. Two Special Resolutions
The object of the two amendments below is to create a fair and consistent initial membership fee that is approximately in line with the fee paid by existing members.
People who wish to join SBW first pay a prospective fee that entitles them to twelve months prospective membership. If later, they are accepted as active members they pay both a joining fee and an initial membership fee. This proposal relates to the initial membership fee only. The current rules in the constitution sometimes have undesirable consequences which could be an incentive to delay membership
For example:
Prospective Becomes Initial 06 Member
Joins Aug05 Active Member Member Fee Fee Person 1 Dec 05 $22.50 $45.00 Person 2 Jul 06 $22.50 Nil
Under the proposed new rules, both new members pay an initial membership fee of $23 and neither is charged an annual subscription for the 2006 year.
For more a more detailed explanation of the proposal below, please contact the Treasurer. The logic and arithmetic of fee charges can become intricate. In the interest of having a useful discussion at the AGM it would be appreciated if any member with suggestions or proposed changes contacted the Treasurer before the meeting.
Contact details: 4784 3203 tbuilder@bigpond.net.au.
Amendment 1: That paragraph 5 (d) vii of the SBW constitution be amended as follows. (Italics indicate the proposed change): lodges the application form with the new members secretary for completion and transmission to the committee accompanied by the
entrance fee and a proportion of the annual subscription determined by the quarter of the associations financial year in which the applicants prospective membership would have expired, as defined in the table below:
Quarter when prospectiv Proportion of annual membership expires subscription payable First Whole amount Second Three quarters Third One half Fourth One quarter
Where the amount payable is not a whole dollar amount it shall be rounded up to the next dollar. Upon payment of the above amounts and admission to the club the applicant shall be a financial member of the association until the end of the associations financial year in which his or her prospective membership would have expired.
The words in italics replace the following current wording: the whole annual subscription provided that in the event that the applicant is applying for membership after six months from the commencement of the financial year one half of the annual subscription only shall be payable.
Amendment 2. That the following words be added to paragraph 18(2) of the SBW constitution: except as provided in paragraph 5(d)vii of these rules.
Current wording of paragraph 18(2): In addition to any amount payable under clause (1), a member of the association shall pay to the association an annual membership fee of $2 or, where some other amount is determined by the annual general meeting of the association, that other amount within six months after the commencement of the associations financial year.
The 2006 Membership List and 2005 Annual Report have been mailed to all members in a separate envelope. Please bring this report with you to the AGM on Wednesday 8” March The Sydney Bushwalker
February 2006 Page 7
Explanatory Comment - Item 11a Club Insurance
For the past several years the Club has taken out insurances offered by the Confederation of NSW Bushwalking Clubs. The policies are: Public liability, ie. indemnifying the Club against claims from third parties (the general public, not members) arising from club activities. This policy imposes no restrictions on club activities. Accident_And_ Personal Loss, ie. reimbursing members of the Club for loss of income etc. from injuries sustained whilst on club activities. Under this policy activities were in past restricted by excluding deemed at risk activities such as skiing and abseiling. The current policy no longer has these restrictions but requires risk waivers to be signed by each member.
The cost of these insurances has increased substantially over the years. For 2005, compared with 2001, the costs were as follows:
2005 2001 Insurance: - Public Liability $3,861 $1,440 +168% - Accident $2,508 $1,440 +74%
The high insurance cost and the possibility (foreshadowed) of a steep increase in Confederation Affiliation fees (an increase to approx $3,500 from the current $2,255) prompted the Committee to seek an insurance cover elsewhere in case a decision to leave the Confederation was made.
A quote was obtained indicating costs in the vicinity of $1,800 for Public Liability and $2,800 for Personal Accident cover.
Dream r
in our free newsletter
Although SBW could benefit by taking up the lower cost option this may be detrimental to the smaller clubs in Confederation which effectively receive a subsidy on their insurance costs by having the cost spread over a wide membership base.
But a more important decision for the Club is whether to continue to provide personal accident insurance for our members.
This type of cover was taken out many years ago but discontinued after about three years when it was seen to be preferable for members to make their own personal arrangements. It was noted at the time that many members already had this insurance outside the Club by arranging loss of income insurance, private medical extras cover or adequate arrangements for sick leave etc. through their employment.
The cover was resumed when we entered into arrangements with Confederation and both insurance covers were mandatory as a package. This is no longer the case and we can choose whether to continue or not.
The cover provided by the current Accident and Personal Loss policy includes:
- Death and disablement up to $50,000 - Weekly benefits - injury $500 (if loss of income) - Non-Medicare expenses reimbursment $2000 (up to 80% of claim and an excess of $100 per claim) Members should note that the Accident Policy does not necessarily cover ambulance transport but in some cases this is covered by private health funds. Bill Holland
And its not just about trips. In the past year, it has included short stories
And it might save YOU some money.
We send out an email newsletter about six times a year. The last one brought us a nice, unsolicited testimonial from one of our clients, Diana Schraner. “/t is always a pleasure to receive your news- letters! They always make me think of the bush and Australia and all the walks ! want to do with you in the future!”
Every newsletter contains at least one special offer which is not available anywhere elise,
www.bushwalkingholidays.com.au 12 Carrington St Millner NT 0810 Email:
about light-pack bushwalking, the first Top End Rogaining and Orienteering Carnival, Cyclone Ingrid, new flights
to Darwin and Kununurra, and changes to Kakadu National Park.
Why not see for yourself. Send us an email and ask to go onto our list. If you later decide you don't want It, send us
another and your name will be removed.
Send your email to
| Page 8 The Sydney Bushwalker February 2006
News From Coolana .
zw On Bill Hollands January weekend there were six es people. Most of the camping flat was mowed and Barry
og cleared the access ways on the Eastern Flat. A deflector chute has broken off one mower and a throttle cable gave trouble on another Barry was able to move parts to fix up one mower with one awaiting repairs.
We have had notification of a successful native title claim in respect of the vacant crown land block 241. This is the block between Coolana and the Tallowa Dam Road. The unmade public road, our access road and our permissive occupancy were excluded from the claim.
Steve Brown was down at Coolana on the 21-22 January, Steve reported that mowing was quick and easy as it had not been such a long time since the last mow. Steve also collected seeds from the Kangaroo Apples and Koda trees, these will be sent on to Eric Zarrella in due course,
George and Helen Gray attended a meeting of tand owners affected by the raising of the Tallowa Dam, the prcis is;
24“ February 2006 is the closing date for submissions and protest letters.
The Governments preferred level is +7 meters.
e Further land resumptions are not required as sufficient was taken originally
The 7 meters will be gained using radial gates installed on top of the existing dam wall, this was apparently allowed for in the original design of the dam.
* Pumping into the Sydney system cannot start until the flood waters in the Sydney feeder rivers subsided.
e Pump down rates are very rubbery at 6 to 12 weeks but for what depth is not known.
Flooding to the 7 metre level would leave us with a small low island in the middle of the wattle trees.
Don Finch
Stop Press! Stop Press!
Govt Decides Against Raising Dam Wall ! . ABC Regional News Wednesday, 8 February 2006. 12:05 (AEDT)
NSW Utilities Minister Carl Scully says raising the Tallowa Dam wall in the Shoathaven will not go ahead. The State Government has been considering raising the dam wall by up to seven metres to help supplement Sydney's water supply.
The Government has announced that two large underground water sources at Kangaloon in the Southern Highlands and another near Penrith have been discovered.
Mr Scully says the raising of the Tallowa Dam will now not go ahead. In fact, we may well be pumping slightly more, but the plan is not to raise the Tallowa Dam, we don't need to do that, we continue to pump from the Shoalhaven and we'll need to in the future, he said.
Reunion 2006 - SBW Annual Weekend Get Togethe>
Join Us At Coolana on 11,12” March (See the insert with this months magazine).
Come at any time for a great time all the time. Walking, canoeing, or just relaxing. Join the extended happy hour in the open or under the large tarpaulin.
Celebrate the traditional bon-fire. Enjoy the entertainment stretching well into the night. See the inauguration of the new President. Damper competition on Sunday morning.
New members this is your opportunity to see Coolana at its best
More Details: Bill Holland 9484 6636 Patrick James: 9567 9998
The Sydney Bushwalker
February 2006 Page 9
Treasurers Report
Receipts and Payments to January
At The Double: Orders Revised For CPR
Extracts from - The Australian
+- meee
December 20, 2005
In the biggest change to CPR guidelines in 20 _ years, emergency workers, doctors and first-aiders will be told to double the number of chest compressions they perform. The International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation - a worldwide body that reviews CPR and first aid every five years - has recommended increasing the number of chest compressions from 15 for every two
Receipts $ Prospective Fees 250 Interest - Conservation 81 Interest - Coolana 243 Interest - General 191 Magazine Advertising 105 Total 871 Payments Magazine Postage 375 Postage, Phone & Internet 80 Administration 19 Total 474 Cash surplus (deficit) 397 Closing Bank balance $7,960
As usual for January there was not much
happening with the clubs receipts and payments. Tony Marshall
Members Subscriptions 2006
[ will be recommending to the AGM that members subscriptions for 2006 stay as they were for 2005.
It is uncertain how some of the clubs major expense items will pan out this year: Confederation affiliation fees may change; the committee is reviewing insurance costs; and room hire charges may change following the renovations to the Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre.
In comparison with 2005 the clubs total expenses for 2006 could rise or fall. Given this uncertainty, | believe it is best to monitor the clubs expenses, keep subscription fees as they are and review them next when things should be a little clearer. The club will probably run a deficit for 2006 but we have adequate reserves to cover this eventuality.
Tony Marshall
Electronics Communications Sub Committee This Sub Committee (ECS) is oversighting the consolidation of our databases held on individual personal computers into one to be held on the server of our Internet Service Provider under a much higher level of security. The project will provide benefits for members and for management of the Club.
Meanwhile a program of essential maintenance to the web site is being prepared. It continues to function effectively as a means of attracting new members. .
The ECS recognizes the importance of the web site as a means of assisting members, particularly leaders. The content of the web site will be reviewed at an appropriate time in 2006.
Consolidation of the databases is the main priority. The ECS objective is to have a working model ready for implementation by the beginning of Spring 2006. Ron Watters
breaths, to 30 for every two breaths.
For the first time, guidelines for CPR on children wilt be the same as those for adults. The CPR guidelines for infants and children previously recommended performing five compressions for every breath.
Under the new rules, those performing CPR should do 30 compressions for every two breaths for both adults and children
The old guidelines involved 15 compressions for every two breaths for adults, and _ five compressions for every one breath for children. Three defibrillator shocks were followed by CPR
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Page 10 The Sydney Bushwalker February 2006 |
Conservation Notes
The appointment of Senator Eric Abetz as Minister for Forestry, Fishing and Conservation continues the Federal Governments, and Prime Minister Howards, thumbing the nose at the great many Australians supporting preservation of old growth forests and wilderness values. It is clear that battles are still to be won in the war against wanton destruction of our natural heritage in the name of economic progress.
“Despite Colongs success in securing the dedication of wilderness and in securing the two World Heritage listings we are deemed too ineffective to qualify for government grants - We are therefore totally dependent on voluntary work and voluntary funding.
This clearly states the problem. If it were a sporting organisation, or rural based, or politically sound, then the Federal funding assistance would be there. But like other conservation organisations that do not toe the line the Colong Foundation for Wilderness is out on its own.
We, in SBW, support the Colong Foundation and endorse its objectives. Individually, we can write to the appropriate Government authority expressing our concern about the absence of funding for such worthwhile
organisations. Bill Holland
Conservation News (extracts from news items)
Logging Plan Delay Angers Wilderness Society
The Wilderness Society has accused Forestry Tasmania of breaching its certification obligations by not releasing its latest three-year logging plan.
The society says Forestry is withholding the plan, which is normally released in August.
National forest campaigner Sean Cadman says the society has been unable to obtain a copy, despite repeated requests to Forestry since September.
There's a massive push on land clearing going on, probably the biggest push to land clearing we've seen since 1998, and essentially, Forestry Tasmania doesn't want to let the Tasmanian community know where that activity is occurring, Mr Cadman said.
Forestry has denied the Wilderness Society's claims and says the delay is due to modifications to the plan to incorporate the Tasmanian Community Forest Agreement.
It says both the old and new plan will be made available to the Wilderness Society. But Mr Cadman says that is not good enough. ABC 24/12/2005
Senator Abetz Starts New Portfolio With An Attack
In the cabinet reshuffle announced by Prime Minister, John Howard yesterday Tasmanian Senator Eric Abetz has been promoted to the Forestry, Fishing and Conservation ministry.
He has immediately however angered conservation groups by comments made since his appointment.
in a wide-ranging interview with ABC Tasmanias Tim Cox, Senator Abetz openly attacked the Greens as a group and Senator Bob Brown in particular as well as describing the media as giving the Greens an easier time than the other parties.
Senator Abetz says that a media imbalance exists in Australia.
After a Ministerial incoming briefing Senator Abetz will undertake a series of meetings with industry and conservation leaders around the country to get across the issues of the portfolio.
On specific Tasmanian issues Senator Abetz expressed his in principle support for the proposed pulp mill in the Tamar Valley.
Anti-Logging Campaign Goes To Town Environmentalists have taken their protest against logging and woodchipping in East Gippsland's forests to the city today.
A group of Melbourne University students has perched 15m off the ground on a platform strung in the canopy of a eucalypt tree on the corner of Swanston Street, Cemetery Road and College Crescent, in inner suburban Parkville.
Protester David Hammerton said the city-based demonstration was in support of conservationists who were preparing a campaign to stop logging in East Gippsland.
He said the-students were hoping their action would put pressure on the Victorian Government to stop logging and wood chipping in old-growth forest areas. :
Capertee Heliport Rejected
The proposed Heliport at Capertee for joy flight operation over the Blue Mountains World Heritage Area was last month unanimously refused by Lithgow City Council on ground of environmental and social impacts.
The project manager for the Emirates proposed Wolgan Valley resort addressed the councillors …he explained that the Emirates development would employ many people and would be adversely affected by the joy flight operation and the Emirates resort would have to be reconsidered if the heliport development was approved .
Wollemi Pine Falls Victim To Summer Heat
The species survived the dinosaurs but a Wollemi Pine donated to Orange City Council has not fared so well. The tree cost about $3000.
Orange City general manager Garry Styles said the tree was badly affected by hot, dry conditions before Christmas that were probably exacerbated by a lack of proper care.
He said the company handling the production and distribution of the Wollemi Pines had agreed to replace the tree at no cost.
ABC Regional Radio , 1st February 2006
The Sydney Bushwalker
February 2006
Page 11 |
Important Message - Dixon's Ladders! For a long time there has been a sign on the Narrowneck and on the fire trail below the cliff line saying, Ladders Removed, No Access. Whilst some ladders had been removed, a bushwalkers ladder had been constructed on the middle level and the other main ladders remained. Scrambling the top and bottom sections of removed ladders was not difficult. Sometime in the last six months however, about twenty metres of ladders were removed from around the halfway point of Dixon's Gully, off the western side of the Narrowneck, near Katoomba. This means that Dixon's Ladders is now impossible to ascend from the western exit of Rennies Tunnel and the western Narrowneck rockclimbers track. Ku-ring-gai Chase N P The Gibberagong Walking Track is being upgraded, and is closed between the Mangrove Board Walk and the Gibberagong Waterholes. It is expected to be re- opened around September 2006. The boardwalk will remain open whilst works are undertaken and the waterholes can be accessed from Grosvenor Street, North Wahroonga. However there will be no through access from the waterholes to Bobbin Head. For further information please contact the Bobbin Head Information Centre on 9472 8949. There are several national parks where areas are currently closed. Please check the NPWS website for more information Extracts from Wilf Hilders Confederation Tracks and Access Report - Dec 2005/Jan 2006 Harbord Tunnel (local name The Worm Hole). A recent check showed that this tunnel is situated approximately 100 metres around the rock platform from the rock baths at the northern end of North Steyne beach. The slightly curved tunnel is some 200 cm in height and about 1 metre wide at floor level, arching towards the roof of the tunnel and is some 15 metres in length. The walking pad to Freshwater Beach, (situated in Queenscliff Bay) is quite rough and bouldery in places and generally keeps as close to the cliff as possible. The length of the rough walking pad from North Steyne pool to Freshwater Beach via the Harbord Tunnel is approximately 1 km. Morton NP. Warwick Blayden (bushwalking historian) reports that the owners of the freehold lands (114ha) at Quiera Clearing on the Tolwong Road (off the Nowra - Nerriga Road) have put this land up for sate. Warwick notes it may be fenced off by a new owner as it adjoins Morton National Park and this in turn would make access to or from Ettrema Gorge difficult. Sub division of the land is also an option for a new owner. Why doesnt the NPWS purchase it? Blue Mountains NP. Michael Keats reports that contractors with very heavy equipment have rebuilt the fire road (now a service road) from Kedumba Valley to Megalong Valley. Access roads to the transmission towers have also been upgraded. Before you walk or bicycle the very smooth but hilly service road from Kedumba Valley to Medlow Gap via Cedar Creek and/or Black Dog Lookout, remember this is Grand Country - these Schedule 1 Catchment lands, if you get caught east of Medlow Gap it could cost you 11 grand ones or 11,000 little ones ($) - including GST. Clear Hill. This is the site of quite a few bushwatking myths. The claim that Clear Hill was first descended on Kings Birthday Weekend 1928 by Frank Duncan with an SBW party is naive. Field and library research in the early 60s showed that the oil shale miners of the late 1880s and early 1890s had constructed two ways through the final cliff line above Little Cedar Gap. First, a wooden runged ladder on the western side, which is still there but quite a few rungs were burned in the great bushfires of 1927. Second, the easy track on the Eastern side 100 or so metres around a ledge level with the top of Tarros Ladder. This ledge tapers off gradually as do the cliffs below and it is easy to descend to the ledge below this cliff line on an earth slope marked by the miners line of stones. This pass was rediscovered by Alan Rigby (SBW & MTC) the day after the SBW party first climbed down and up the future site of Tarros Ladders. Walter Tarr (SBW - CMW) built the wooden runged wire ladder and installed it down the climb correctly known as Duncans Pass in the early 1930s. Following the installation of new wooden rungs, the great 1939 bushfires burned the rungs and made the ladder unusable. Unfortunately the Warrigal Club replaced the ladder with spikes in 1940, but | believe it was quite unnecessary, given the easy alternative miners pass just around the corner. Next time you are in the area check it for yourself and look out for the metre wide and deep vertical shafts or pits and their spoil heaps dug by the late 19” century shale oil miners, just off the main ridge track below Tarros Ladders or the Miners Pass EPIRB - Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon SBW has purchased an EPIRB for use by club members, in particular walks leaders. If you would like to take the EPIRB for a walk give Leigh McClintoch a ring on 8920 2386 and arrange to collect it Page 12 The Sydney Bushwalker February 2006 Walks Notes. Period 14“ October.to 8” November 2005. Again, this month it is Wilf who leads off with an overnight walk on 15, 16 November into the Colo and beyond. Unfortunately the walk was cancelled due to a dearth of starters, but it was reported. Mark Patteson led a Saturday walk from Mount York to Hartley with a party of unknown size. It was large enough to be called a group, and finished the walk early, in pleasant weather with an entourage of flies described as too many. Jenny Paton led a Saturday walk from Manly Beach to Mona Vale and return on 22 October, again with a party of unknown strength. We do know that 2 of the party pulled out at Narrabeen on the way to Mona Vale with knee and leg injuries, though whether this occurred on the walk is unspecified. Tuesday 25 October saw Wilf out on a midweek walk from Wentworth Falls to Medlow Bath with a keen party of 5 setting a solid pace on what was described as Bruces Walk Stage 2. Conditions were fine and warm with a coolish Westerly breeze. Lunch was taken at a small camping area just after a viewing of Myer Falls and then it was up 100 metres or so to the ridge top and down again to Katoomba Creek and a view or two. A climb to Medlow Bath airstrip brought them in striking distance of the train, just a little late for the connection. lan Thorpe led a party of 5 on his walk out to Gooches Crater over the weekend of 29, 30 October. Saturday, the day of the shortcut, was rather warm but Sunday dawned grey and wet. Oh yes, the shortcut, lan took one of those spur-of-the-moment decisions to cut across a gully and left the party at the top of a low but long and impassable cliff-line that somewhat diminished the intended gain. Despite all this they reached the camp-cave at around 1300 Barry Wallace hours, has a leisurely lunch, then headed off to Holts Haven for a look at the amazing pagoda rocks. After a thorough breakfast evaluation of the situation on Sunday morning they decided to head for home. Lunch was taken at Mount Victoria pub. November 5“ and 6” saw Caro Ryan and a party of 3 out on number 3 of her silent series of walks, this time from Victoria Falls to Perrys Lookdown. It all began as they drove into the midst of the Blue Mountains rhododendron festival at Blackheath in the grey drizzle that was to be a feature of the first day. The views from the top of Victoria Falls were strangely similar to those from any other lookout in heavy fog, however they were treated to a myriad of bird calls throughout the valley. They even restrained themselves at the sight of numerous yabbies at the upper and lower cascades! One of the driest spots turned out to be in behind the falls, though the sight of recent (last 2 months) rock falls did give one pause. The walk went peacefully. They even slept in on Sunday morning before climbing, lazily she says, to Perrys for the car swap and good-byes. Tony Manes was also out that weekend on his Gardens of Stone trip with a party exceeding 4 as best-we can tell. The weather here was kind, with some rain in the valleys below but only a little drizzle overnight on the tops. Humidity was the thing however, particularly on Sunday when the sun came out and made it almost unbearable. The views were improved by the added green from recent rains but there was still no water in Canobla Creek due to the absorption of the dry countryside. The day walks for that weekend will be covered next month as the deadline looms and is indeed upon me. Camp Fires and Stoves Alt members are advised to check the restrictions on lighting fires in intended camping areas. Be aware that in Summer high to extreme bush fire danger may be experienced throughout much of NSW. This means that fires in the open are restricted and may only be used under certain conditions eg. acamp fire for cooking purposes. However, most national parks, reserves and forest areas around Sydney may have Local Fire Bans which mean no fires of any nature are permitted Total Fire Bans may be declared on days of extreme fire danger and fires in the open, including cooking and camp fires, are totally prohibited for the period of the ban. and camping stoves Lighting any fire in the open on a day of Total Fire Ban may lead to a fine of $5,000 and six months imprisonment. This applies to any naked flame including camp fires Fast Track Your Way to Full Membership 25> 26“ February - Coolana Training Weekend For Prospective Members Training in Navigation, First Aid and Bushcraft This weekend is ideal for New Members. It offers a pleasant social weekend at Coolana in the beautiful Kangaroo Valley. We can assist with tents and other camping gear and there is a shelter on site. SBW members are also encouraged to attend and assist with training and social activities around the campfire on Saturday evening. Activities start on Saturday morning and finish about 4pm on Sunday. Phone: Bill Holland 9484 6636 (m) 0418 210290 billholland@bigpond.com Phone: Patrick James 9567 9998 pjames28@bigpond.net.au | The Sydney Bushwalker February 2006 Pagel3 | Reports of Day Walks Historic Houses Rocks Walk or where was Wilf? Wednesday 11 January Leader: Jan Roberts. Walkers 20 - 27 depending on the time of evening… After a hot and humid Wednesday, 20 eager historians met at the KNC and set off at 6 sharp to meet up with the southern dwelling/working SBWers at the Lord Nelson Brewery in the Rocks. Some made it across the bridge faster than others - obviously keen to examine the historic architecture. Half way across we thought Richard Darke was confused when we passed him going the wrong direction - but then discovered he was off to collect Susie to walk back south again. Wilf (my nominated historian for the walk) was expected at the start but no where to be seen - likewise at the Lord Nelson where the publican had reserved a section exclusively for SBW to meet and enjoy our Happy Hour away from the riff raff. Another 8 walkers joined us at The Lord and we lost John and Lynn Poleson who were going to an early dinner at the Quay. Annie said she had spotted Wilf loose in vicinity of the KNC around 6pm….but still he didnt arrive. It stated to drizzle as we left for the next stop being the Hero of Waterloo, where many walkers went with the trish and sampled a Guinness or two as the resident pianist thumped the keys….. more nibbles and chatter of walks and talks and then on to the Mercantile Inn for all but 3 who were sipping more slowly….. or was that gosSIPPING? Heavier drizzle met us on the walk down George Street, and encouraged those without adequate weather proofing to break into a trot. Once at the Merc - (I'd given up on Wilf) we ordered a final brew as the drizzie became a detuge! Three drowned rats disguised as Rosemary McDoug, David T and Christine McC slid into the bar 15 minutes after our arrival and demanded immediately liquid resuscitation as they shook off the drenching. That done the nibbles had long expired, so our 20 remaining party gave the architraves a final once over, and then galloped down to the Quay for dinner at Rossinis and the homeward trip. Thank you to all who came out in somewhat challenging weather….. next time Wilf! Jan Roberts Bondi to Coogee Evening Walk or where were John and Lyn? Tuesday 17” January - 6pm A miserable rainy day cleared up by late afternoon to give the ten walkers a fine evening for our walk. There were eight of us at the start but we had arranged to meet two others, John and Lyn Poleson, half way coming in from Coogee. The weather was very pleasant as evidenced by the number of people swimming, surfing at the beaches along the way. But we didnt meet John or Lyn coming presumably towards us. Their mobile phone was turned off and only a message at home. So we assumed they would be at Coogee. Arriving at Coogee shortly near 8pm we settled for fish and chips and a glass of wine seated in view of the beach. We know they would have thoroughly enjoyed it but there was no sign of the missing two. Now normally our walkers return to Bondi in the dark with torchlight through the along the path and through the cemetery. However, one by one we persuaded ourselves that the bus, and for four of us a taxi return to Bondi, was a good idea. The phone call was late at night Where were you all? said John. It seems that John walked half way but missed us probably when we took a shortcut across a beach. After waiting for a long time he returned to Coogee to find the fish and chip shops closed - and no relaxed walkers. Bill Holland In The Royal National Park but where was Errol (and where was John)? Sunday 8“ January We phoned Errol on the Saturday, confirmed the start time and place; meeting at Engadine Station tomorrow at 9 am. The walk was an easy 9 km finishing at Heathcote Station. Havent walked with Errol in the Royal for years but last time we had a great walk so this time should be another pleasant occasion. Spoke to John, Errols an old mate of mine! he said, ll be there, see you at the station. So 9 am Sunday at the station. We were there . Others arrived. Jim Callaway arrived, but no Errol. Oh! said Jim, Errol asked me to lead this walk three weeks ago. No problem, but where was John? The watk went well at a reasonable pace - Errol would have enjoyed it. So would John but where was he? Lunchtime, at the Olympic Pool. Afternoon tea at Karloo Pool and - surprise! Here was John, chatting up a lady ranger, and helping her erect a sign and no doubt recalting his NPWS days. He had missed the train at Central but walked behind us missing our lunch spot but having no problems finding his way in the park he knows so well. Never found out what happened to Errol though. ACRE y Sere -f BE, Be ee ; . %. = A | Page 14 The Sydney Bushwalker February 2006 Christmas In The Snowies Pam Campbell Maurice Smith (Leader), Pam Campbell, Rosemary McDonald (Ro), Rosemary McDougal (Rosie), Janet Sinclair, David Trinder, Brian Ogilwey and Christine McColl. 26” December 2005 Eight walkers left Munyang Power Station energised from the milkshakes and cuppacino that was consumed in Jindabyne to partake in a 6 day circuitous walk via the Brassy Mountains, Mount Jagungal, Mount Strumbo and Kerries Ridge and back to Munyang. Day One was spent getting used to the heavy packs with conversation revolving around the New Years Celebrations and alcohol. The first night we camped at Schlink Pass which was nice and grassy and people spent time checking out Maurice's new tent as well as the many other brands on display. 27“ December 2005 We left the fire trail and headed toward the Brassy Mountains (1900 metres) dropping in at Tin Hut for some shade and respite from the dreaded March flies and the mozzies. During the trip Maurice said: Ouch! You Bastard!” quite a few time. We camped below Big Brassy and spent what was left of the afternoon fetching water and having a conversation in the shade of the nearby rocks. 28“ December 2005 At about 10am we were hit by a sudden storm with rain and sleet and strong winds. After taking shelter we continued on with the wind to our left and after an hour or so the weather turned out very hot. Since the fires, new ground cover has grown back and there were many wild flowers and snow gums generating, however the snow gums had not grown high enough to provide adequate shade and it was difficult to find a good lunch or camping spot exactly when we needed it. We did find a good camp spot though, near Tarn Bluff where there was a beautiful lake, at just the right temperature and it had a flat rock for sunbaking. Tarn Bluff was reached via Cup and Saucer Hill (where we had afternoon tea) and Mailbox Hill. Terry Moss and his group of walkers met us at Tarn Bluff where we had a group camp and socialising over dinner. There was concern about lan Thorpes overproof rum being too close to the fire but the cooking of the dinners went without incident. 29” December 2005 Today we left our tents and did a day trip to Mount Jagungal (2040 metres) via Toolon Range. Brian and other budding photographers stopped many times to take photos of the wild flowers and the interesting formations of the deadwood left behind by the fire. Only one person cooled off in the lake on the way back from the walk. The quality of the food was enhanced by the fact that there were food groups and people wanted to impress. | am now a convert to taking dehydrated food. Maurice made a great chicken dish and Rosie had curried sausages. Terry Moss had a Christmas pudding which added more kilos to the pack. 30“ December 2005 The group did an ascent of Tarn Bluff overlooking Strawberry Hill (1859 metres), Mt Jagungal and the Grey Mare Range. The top of Tarn Bluff was very pleasant with numerous camp spots. As the trip progressed so did the need to cool off and everyone had a swim in the Geehi River. We progressed to Strumbo Range and Strawberry Hill with a camp near Valentines Creek and more swimming. This time there was a large pool with a built in spa. There was a great sunset and Brians thermometer had a reading of 10 degrees indicating that it was no longer working. 31* December 2005 (New Years Eve) There was an early start to take advantage of a swim in Valentine Creek. Rosie slipped in but made it look tike she was keen-to cool off. The water was breathtakingly cold, not like yesterday afternoon. We walked to Mawsons Hut which was quite impressive with a lot of cool shade where a party of three women belonging to Canberra Bushwalking Club had spent the night. The walking over the Kerries Ridge was persistently hot with little shade for eight people until we found an area below Mount Gungarten for our lunch. . The camp for New Years Eve was again close to a nice swimming hole and trees. After dinner David Trinder gave his rendition of The Man from Snowy River which was quite moving and took everyone back to the time when it was written and Maurice gave a toast to the New Year. 1* January 2006 An early rise to ensure the return to Sydney was in the early afternoon. The walk out from the Kerries and along the Pipeline Track to Munyang Power Station was really pleasant. Upon reaching the Power Station there was a bit of a wait for a couple of walkers followed by Janets car failing to start because of a flat battery. A decision was made to make a phone call to the NRMA from Jindabyne whilst people had lunch. The NRMA were able to fix the car and Janet was able to return to Canberra the same day. A wonderful time was had by all! Water Is Very Important ! Please remember that walking in summer requires ample intake of water. conditions good quality water may be very scarce. Consumption on a hot day walk is between 3 - 4 In these drought litres . Much more if you are carrying a heavy week-end pack The Sydney Bushwalker February 2006 Page 15 The Mid-Week Walkers it was a great few days at Berrara_ Beach in early February. Nine of us stayed in Maureen and Davids house from where we walked, cycled and practiced our kayaking. The weather was kind and the company conducive to many happy hours including one memorable night into the late hours with the SBW songbook. as a. Rr Ee SA oe Ree Here are some of our planned activities for coming months. Please refer to the Autumn Walks programme for more details and leader contact. Monday, 20th to Friday, 24th March. “Get Away to at Jindabyne Woorabinda Ski Lodge _ y The lodge is located on the Barry Way near the corner of the Jindabyne Way with views over the lake - a few minutes walk from Nuggets Cross shopping centre. It is quite comfortable and well appointed. Tariff: $20 per night for a 2-3 bed room - i.e. $40 per person for four nights if two persons share a room. T= A member from earlier days, Maurie Bloom will be with us and happy to lead a variety of suitable ~ easy/medium day watks if you think his navigation skills are still up to scratch.
Monday 24th - Friday 28th April Midweek Bicycle ride around Canberra.
This time we will stay in comfortable cabins or camp. We will see the autumn colours of Canberra and ride easy distances at a relaxed pace. There will be options to do your own thing yet still enjoy the CP socialising each evening. Possible to extend the stay to include the weekend SWS You are welcome to join us on either or both occasions, however early booking are essential.
re are the mid-week day walks planned for the coming weeks.
Tuesday 28th February Blue Mountains NP Springwood- Glenbrook. Creek wading and swimming opportunities Grade: M212, 12km, 250m climbing
Tuesday 7th March Bicentennial Coastal Walk = Warriewood Beach - Newport. Interesting traverse of the peninsula - everything from Aboriginal relics to a Walter Burley Griffin designed house - Swimming options. Grade: M221 (Medium) 14km
Tuesday 15th March Bicycle ride near Wollongong Route to be determined but limited to beach side and lake-side bicycle paths. Distance depends on the group fitness, the weather and number of coffee stops ~~ Tuesday 28th March Royal National Park Waterfall - Heathcote
Plenty of swimming opportunities on this creek walk. Grade: M222 (Medium) 12km
The Mid-Week Walkers are an informal group of SBW members who have time to spare for mid-week activities, some of which are shown on the Walks Programme and some organised at short notice and advised by monthly newsletter. If you would like to receive our newsletter or join us on an activity please phone me on 9484 6636 or email billholland@bigpond.com
Expressions Of Interest Required 25 - 27 August Oxfam Trailwalker 100kms
Oxfam Trailwalker is one of the toughest team events in the world. The challenge is to get your team of four across 100km of Australian bush in less than 48 hours - and, collectively, to raise at least $1,000 to help to overcome poverty and suffering around the world. It runs along many familiar tracks for us in SBW - the Great North Walk and the Harbour to Hawkesbury.
Oxfam Trailwalker Sydney 2006 will open its doors for registration on Tuesday April 11th. Last year's event was fully subscribed in just 4 weeks as places are strictly limited.
couple of gals who are prepared to undertake the walk with a good sense of humour and without being too competitive. The aim is to simply make it to the end, raise money for Oxfam in the process and achieve a worthy goal… hopefully still smiling at the end!
For further information check out www.oxfam.org.au/trailwalker and if youre keen, please drop me an email to: justshootme@ozemail.com.au
But whilst | am at it… why dont you think about organizing your own team to take part? | volunteered last year and was inspired by what a great community event it is. It is a great opportunity to do something you love (BUSHWALKING!) whilst raising money for a fabulous charity. Caro Ryan
Page 16 The Sydney Bushwalker February 2006 Costa Rica. Lesley Clarke Parque Nacional Chirripo is described as passersby. So we all met this way for dinner -
breathtaking, so | thought I should took into doing the walk to the top of the highest mountain in Costa Rica. On a clear day they say you can see the Pacific, the Caribbean from the top of Cerro Chirripo. The 20ks to the top takes you through cloud forest, rainforest, flowers and _ aipine vegetation (paramo). There is a refuge at 14.5k in the paramo, 2000 metres above the start and estimated walking time is 8-10 hours to the refuge. Enthusiasts get up early to do the summit for sunrise.
afternoon siesta in a hammock at a rainforest lodge and began to read. A page long description on how to find the track to the park boundary (passing this meadow, keeping this landmark to your left, sticking to the ridge, and on and on), requirements - map and compass (as useful to me as no compass) or else a guide, degree of difficulty - very difficult indeed.
While trapped in a fit of indecision (to chicken out or not) and getting my rucksack out of a bus in San Isidro | met a superfit German named Robert, retrieving his mountain bike. He was about to cycle the 20k uphill gravel road to San Gerardo, the town next to the park and starting point for the walk. We discussed it over a few beans and rice. His impression from reading a similar guide in German - But, you don't need a guide, it's a highway. Are there maps? Right then.
How to go about the walk. Step 1 - go to the park office and make reservations for beds at the refuge. Expected response - looks at computer, refuge fully booked throughout December, but go to the office in San Gerardo anyway and just see.
Step 2 - wait 3 hours for the chicken bus to San Gerardo. Plenty of time to meet all the other prospective walkers, and find the one with no big rucksack to retrieve from the back of the bus, and therefore ability to be first in line at the ranger station to jump the queue for me - an American with the unlikely name of Chip.
Step 3 - get off bus at the ranger station after 2hrs and 20ks and jump queue, help Chip out of confusion with booking due to replying yes to all questions, pay fees and request map. There are no maps.
Robert has already arrived, been to the park office and paid up, found accomodation and checked out the town.
Step 4 - find the hostel that offers a lift to the start in the morning, thus saving 1.5ks of sheer uphill. Checked in to El Descanso, but unfortunately the car is not available tomorrow. Wonder is it ever or this this another example of Latino marketing skill or looseness with the truth?
San Gerardo is a small and steep town at approximately 1600m above sea level (msnm), centred around the soccer field, the supermarket and the Roca Dura which are all a fair hike from El Descanso. The Roca Dura is a bar and restaurant, which has open windows to enable you to watch the soccer and the action in town, or yell out to
Robert, Chip, me and two more Americans, Joel and Jessica.
After meeting for breakfast at El Descanso, Chip, Robert and | are ready to leave can see that there will be an issue or two. Despite my best efforts, but ever mindful of emergency requirements for snap freezes or rain, my pack must weigh at least 10kgs. Robert is carrying almost nothing - a few cans of beer and a packet of spaghetti - and Chip has largely dispensed with food, taking only a loaf of bread and some peanut butter. With a bit of subtle thought planting, | had persuaded him to throw in a bottle of wine.
After a solid uphill slog for 1/2 hour, we reached the start. Not much navigation difficulty here - follow road uphill then see big sign pointing right. Proceed to even bigger sign indicating entrance. Follow
3 metre wide track for 4ks to park limit. And then just keep going, at every kilometre there is a distance marker and a sign which names the section of the track and gives the altitude.
The first 4ks to the park is steep, muddy and unrelentingly upwards along a ridge with occasional views of the San Gerardo valley and San Isidro. It begins with a hill, the Termometro, so called for its heat collecting properties and even at 7:30 it is hot, sweaty work. At 2ks there is a sign, Fila cementerio de la maquina. There is a local myth that someone attempted to drive a tractor up the mountain and this is where it rotled. Either that or a plane crashed there. for sure.
The park limit at about 2000msnm is about where it gets cloudy (cloudforest guarantees this property), you can start slowing up and making excuses about wanting to see quetzales if dont wait for me doesnt work. The excuse is misinterpreted and we are all quetzal spotting. This, however, requires knowledge of quetzal habits. One of these is to migrate up and down mountains, and quite clearly this morning up is where they are. Still, the cloud forest is home to many other bird species - woodpeckers, tree creepers, things with red chests, others with yellow chests and others, as well as bromeliads, orchids, palms and creepers. The Sydney Bushwalker
February 2006 Page 17
At around 6k it flattens out a bit. Not much. This part is known as Llano bonito which does imply a plain, no matter how short. Pretty yes, flat not very. Refugio Llano bonito (under construction) marks 7k, roughly half way and the official lunch spot with picnic table and water tap. The air is getting thinner. The mud also thins out, as the track to here has been churned up by pack horses, carrying materials to the construction site. Robert can't hold back much longer and is off, Chip doesn't fancy a short lunch break so he is off as well.
It is at this point that my email blew up in my face, hence the following description of the 7ks to the refuge is a bit less graphic than the amazing vegetation and beauty of the mountains should inspire. The 8k sign brings on a bamboo forest, 9k Barbas de viejo (old mans beard) - the name taken from the Spanish moss that covers the trees.
11k and 3000msnm reveals Los quemados, an eerie space in the cloud with the burnt remains of the last fire in the early 90s. The trees have not recovered much, but there is an abundanceof shrubs and flowers. A bit of a pass, Monte Sin Fe (withour faith) is followed by 2k of skirting a ridge with little change in altitude, 2k of flowers, humming birds, flocks of parrots and sunshine. This ends abruptly at 13k and Cuesta de los arrepentidos (hill of those who regretted it), 1k and up 200 metres to El ultimo paso at 3372 msnm. The last step takes half a k, and there is the Centro ambientalista el paramo at 3400 msnm. There is Chip flaked out on a bench in the sunshine. A tick under 8 hours, Chip was only 20 minutes ahead and Robert has pushed on to do the 5ks to the summit.
The refuge has been designed to minimise heat retention properties - rambling, spacious dorms with only 4 beds each, large common areas, absolutely no fires allowed. Cold water expected, but showering is really only feasible if there is time to go back into the sunshine to thaw out afterwards. 2 minute noodles are definitely better value than bread and peanut butter, though someone kindly offered me their leftover soup, which went down well with Chips wine. Robert returned at around 6, having witnessed the sunset in his skimpy cycling outfit.
Someone is up at 3am, evidently with the idea of seeing the sunrise. My warm sleeping bag induces a feeling of apathy, this person can have the summit to himself, full moon or not. He has been and returned (smiling happily) before | am up.
Handicapped by an absence of caffeine and a bit of weariness in the body, it takes me a lot longer than the estimated time to reach the top. The track is meant to be flattish for 4k along a glacial valley, Valle de los conejos (rabbits, apparently there are rabbits) and then sharply up, but | feel as though I'm climbing all the way.
It is as clear a day as can be expected in December on the top of Cerro Chirripo (3820 msnm). Jessica and Joel arrive soon after and we think we can definitely see both oceans, plus glacial valleys and lakes, and the bluest mountain ranges in all directions. Superb.
Descending the summit, there are a couple of options to take. First another 2ks down to Lago Morranes, and back, then another k off the main track to Lago Ditkevi. This is a nice lunch spot but for the sharp breeze, which makes napping iin the sun a bit uncomfortable. So that's about 16k for the day, and it has taken me a very long time.
After passing another cold night in the refuge and being forced to cook my own 2. minute noodles for me and Chip (went well with Joel's wine), there was another ascent to do before heading back down to San Gerardo. There are a few more options, but accommodation extensions are not permitted no matter what - as Robert found out at 3pm the previous day. Los Crestones is a collection of big rocks above the refuge, and Cerro Terbi is just half a k further. Not much distance involved in this - a couple of ks - and at 3760 msnm Terbi is not much smaller than Chirripo. But is a better looking mountain with its rocky outcrops and richer vegetation and has views to Panama. You wouldn't know if you can see Panama, as it looks just like Costa Rica.
A short break at the refuge, and then the descent. It takes me 4 hours to get down, spurred on by the closing time of the San Gerardo hot springs and some kind of food other than dry bread and pressed ham. Steep walk down, big groups coming up, cloudier than on the way up meaning no views for those walkers, no quetzales.
There is a bit of deception concerning the location of the hot springs - the 500 metre sign means 500 metres to the turn-off. This is fottowed by 1k of sheer uphill to a house where one forks out a couple of dollars and proceeds further uphill into the rainforest, to find a crystal clear pool of warm water. And only Jessica and Joel to share it with. After a good soak, there is nothing more to do than head back to the Roca Dura for a couple of beers. Page 18
The Sydney Bushwalker
February 2006
Hi Everyone, It always seems so exciting to go away overseas - | went to Vietnam and am very glad to be back. | did a two week Bike Vietnam trip with World Expeditions (7 days involved some cycling which was on very noisy, dusty roads - not a great experience).
night as | have new camera and would have greatly benefited from the evening. | believe it was a great SUCCESS.
The Autumn Social Programme is something to look forward to with all presenters being club members presenting international destinations.
In March we take an armchair voyage along the Kokoda Trail - in more comfort than our presenter, Peter Synnotts experienced. It will be a most interesting evening on the 15 March - one week after the AGM.
In April Gerry Leitner will tell you all about travelling in South America, where and when to go, how much you should expect to pay etc. And further ahead to May, we have a rundown of of the SBW trip last October when Sue Fear (the second woman to climb to the top of Mt Everest) led SBW members on a trip to Indian Himalaya.
the Gardens of Stone National Park with our expert photographer Peter Christian.
Thats all for now . enjoy your walking even if it is a bit hot and dont forget the Annual Reunion and Get-together at Coolana on the weekend of 11” , 12” March. Kathy
March Social Programme:
Wed 1* Committee Meeting 7 pm Observers welcome Wed 8“ Annual General Meeting
8pm Members, prospective members, non- active members and visitors are welcome to attend
New Members Night. Introduction to SBW for intending prospective members
Weekend Annual Reunion and Get-together
11,12” A weekend of socialising and celebrating at the Clubs riverfront property Coolana See the Inauguration of the new President
Wed 15 Walking The Kokoda Trail 8pm Experience Papua New Guinea with creativity speaker David Synnotts
Wed 8“ 8pm
Graffiti: Seen on a British Railway Station Sign Sign: Do Not Cross the Tracks Graffiti: It takes British Rail weeks to straighten them out
\y, UltRing You on Monday
~ Anolder, white haired man walked into a
jewellery store one Friday evening with a
X y beautiful young girl at his side. He told the jeweller he was looking for a special ring for his girlfriend.
The jeweller looked through his stock and brought out a $5,000 ring and showed it to him. The old man said, I don't think you understand, | want something very special.
At that statement, the jeweller went to his special stock and brought another ring over. Here's a stunning ring at only $40,000, the jeweller said. The young lady's eyes sparkled and her whole body trembled with excitement. The old man seeing this
said, We'll take it.
The jeweller asked how payment would be made and the old man stated by cheque. | know you need to make sure the cheque is good, so I'll write now and you can call the bank on Monday to verify the funds and I'll pick the ring up Monday afternoon,” he said.
Monday morning, a very teed-off jeweller phoned the old man. There's no money in that account.“
Lt know”, said the ald man, but can you imagine the weekend | had?“
2-2 Shree Wise Men at Christmas r Three men died on Christmas Eve and GX were met by Saint Peter at the Pearly Gates.
“In honour of this holy season, Saint Peter said, “you must each possess something that symbolises Christmas to get into heaven.”
The first man fumbled through his pockets and pulled out a lighter. He flicked it on. “It represents a candle he said.
“You may pass through the Pearly Gates Saint Peter said.
The second man reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of keys. He shook them and said, They're bells ,
Saint Peter said “You may pass through the Pearly Gates. :
The third man started searching desperately through his pockets and finally pulled out a pair of women's panties.
St. Peter looked at the man with a raised eyebrow and asked, And just what do those symbolise?”
The man replied, “They're Carols.
Two Eskimos sitting in a kayak were chilly, so they lit a fire in the craft. Not surprisingly, it sank, proving once again that you can't have your kayak and heat it too.
A group of chess enthusiasts checked into a hotel and were standing in the lobby discussing their recent tournament victories.
After about an hour, the manager came out of the office and asked them to disperse. But why, they asked, as they moved off. “Because”, he said, I can't stand chess-nuts boasting in an open foyer. Rem cha
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fsa, Keo..