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May 2006
The Sydney Bushwalker Page 1
THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER is the monthly bulletin of matters of interest to members of:
The Sydney Bushwalkers Inc PO Box 431 Milsons Point 1565.
Editor: Pam Campbell
Production Manager: Frances Holland
Printers: Kenn Clacher, Barrie Murdoch, Tom Wenman, Don Brooks, Fran Holland
Opinions expressed in this magazine are the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policies or views of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc.
All material in this magazine is copyright. Requests for reproduction should be directed to The Editor
MAY 2006 Issue No. 858
Presidents Report Page 2 Letters to the Editor 3 From the Committee Room 4 New Members Notes 4 Coolana Report 5 Walks Report 5 Social Notes 18
Important Information for Leaders - Caro Ryan 8
fan Thorpes Leader Profile 9 To the Skyscrapers of Yarowika - Part 2
Gerry Leitners South America walk 15/16 CONSERVATION
Conservation News & Notes - Bill Holland 6
Wentworth Falls to Glenbrook Bike Ride 7 Roger Treagus A Wild & Windy Night - Don Cornell 11
An Interview with Richard Darke Ron Watters 12 Oxfam Trailwalker 2006 - Clare Holland 13/14 Another Easter in Morton - Maureen Carter 14 Cycling, A Reservoir, River & Farm -MCarter 17
Alpsport Inside front cover Wild Asia 3 Wilderness Transport 7 Williss Walkabouts 10 Paddy Pattin Inside back cover
The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. Page 2 The Sydney Bushwalker May 2006
About Our Club
The Sydney Bush Walkers was formed in 1927 for the purpose of bringing bushwalkers together; enabling them to appreciate the great outdoors; establishing a regard for conservation and promoting social activities. The Clubs main activity is bushwalking but includes other activities such as cycling, canoeing and social events.
Our Walks Program (published quarterly) features day walks on most Saturdays and Sundays, some mid week walks and overnight weekend walks, Extended walks are organised in areas such as the Warrumbungles, Snowy Mountains, etc as well as interstate.
Our meetings start at 8pm and are held on Wednesday evenings (see Social Programme) at Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre, 16 Fitzroy Street, Kirribilli (near Milsons Point Railway Station).
Visitors and prospective members are welcome. Website: www. sbDw.
Office Bearers Members are welcome to contact the following officers on Club matters: President : Jan Roberts 9411 5517 (h) Vice President: Margaret Carey 9957 2137 (h) Secretary: Greta James 9953 8384 (h) Walks Secretary: David Trinder 9660 9945 (h) Social Secretary: Kathy Gero 9130 7263 (h) Treasurer Anita Doherty 9456 5592 (h) Members Secretary: Fran Holland 9484 6636 (h) New Members Secretary: Maurice Smith 9587 6325 (h) Conservation Secretary: Bill Holland 9484 6636 (h) Magazine Editor: Pam Campbell 9570 2885 (h) Committee Members: Ron Watters 9419 2507 {h) Caro Ryan 9909 1076 (h) Delegates to Confederation: Jim Callaway 9520 7081 (h) (no email address) Wilf Hilder 9587 8912 (h)
Presidents Report As many of you will be aware, October 2007 marks the 80 year of the Sydney Bush Walkers Club, and as with other significant anniversaries, be assured it will not go unrecognised.
At the Management Committee last week it was resolved that a _ sub- committee needs to be formed to get planning underway, and that | will act as chair. To that end Id like to extend an invitation to SBW members to join me on the sub-committee, so that we can get the brainstorming of ideas underway.
One of the tasks 1|d like to undertake with the sub- committee for the 80“ anniversary year is to update and republish The Sydney Bush Walkers - The first sixty years. Many members will not know this book exists, let alone have read it which is a pity, as it contains a rich history of the formation and development of SBW and walking in the 1930s onwards. My copy is falling apart, but | thumbed through it recently and recalled the story of one of the many eccentric members of the day - Mouldy Harrison. Mouldy managed to keep his pack light on weekend walks and nutrition high by visiting the campfires with a spoon in his hand, politely sampling from each of the billies. Evidently this ploy worked well and he was never refused. To further lighten his load, Mouldy cut the handle off his toothbrush and dangled pieces off his belt and bootlaces. Now there was a dedicated light pack walker!
And as for long walks - many of the early SBW members make most of us seem soft in comparison. Max Gentle made history with his 50 mile (not klms) ONE day trip down the Grose River from Blue Gum Forest to Richmond and repeated it later with Dot Butler - barefoot as always.
Ainslie Morris edited The first Sixty Years with Dot Butler, Alex Colley, Jim Brown, Frank Rigby, Helen Gray and Tom Wenman in a collaborative effort with a myriad of other interesting SBW contributors.
To compile The first 80 Years members interested in contributing to the last 20 years of the Clubs history will need to be tracked down, and memories tested to complete the work. We have members amongst us skilled in both writing and editing, which should enable an updated version to be relatively easy to produce.
50 - if you are socially inclined and/or have an interest in contributing to this historically relevant time for SBW, please call or email me with an expression of interest. All ideas will be very welcome.
Hope to walk with you soon, Jan.
The Sydney Bushwatker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. May 2006
The Sydney Bushwalker
Page 3
Editors Message
Welcome to the May Edition of The Sydney Bushwaiker!
coming. This months magazine has some really adventurous articles such as Clare Hollands account of the 2006 Oxfam Trailwalker in Melbourne and Don Cornells camp by the Shoalhaven River during a very windy night.
lan Thorpe features in this months Leader profile and gives an account of his most memorable walks through which he has gained skills and experience.
Part One of Roger Treagus Great River Walk (the Hawkesbury) which commenced in October 2000 and finished in February 2005 will feature in the June Magazine.
East Hills via Bankstown, Fairfield, Prospect Reserviour and back to East Hills. Cycle tracks around Sydney are definitely improving! | was pleasantly surprised by the limited main roads involved in the trip led by Maureen and David.
Regards Pam Campbell
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DAY Letters to the Editor
Apologies to Frank! The following letter missed being published in the April Magazine.
Dear Editor,
Only thirteen people attended the SBW 2006 Annual Reunion! In the 1950s and 1960s two hundred members dared not miss this same event! It was so popular, so eagerly anticipated.
Same event? On the surface, yes. Same people? No, but theyre still bushwalkers, arent they? Same social environment and attitudes? Apparently not!
lam baffled. What has caused this monumental shift? Here is an activity that enables all members, young and old, active and decrepit, to get together in a wonderful bush setting on their own property and socialise to their hearts content. The Saturday night campfire with lots of home made sketches would probably be the best campfire entertainment they might experience all year. Furthermore, they have the opportunity to contribute to this entertainment. Or have they forgotten how to contribute anything in this age where most people sit back and expect to be entertained by someone else?
Sure, its not traditional bushwalking. So what? It happens only once a year.
Sure, it will take members away from their TV, videos, weekend sport, maybe other social activities and so on. But we are talking about bushwalkers, you know, that variety of the human species who, allegedly, love the bush and love yarning with their fellows in a bush setting.
i cant help feeling ashamed of my fellow SBW members about this issue. They stay away from Reunions in droves but never tell us why. | think its high time that the vast majority of the membership informed the Committee what they dont like about Reunions. | dont care how they do it, as long as they do it. Maybe the Committee will then see fit to wipe the Reunion from the programme before it dies an agonising death, if that is already not too late!
Frank Rigby
The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. Page 4 The Sydney Bushwalker May 2006 From The Committee Room New Members Notes Areport of proceedings at the Management by Maurice Smith Committee meeting on 3% May 2006. New Members Secreta ry ~
e Correspondence included letters to Confederation of Bushwalking Clubs setting out our concerns about possible removal of the membership fee cap; Sandra Nori from the Conservation Secretary expressing concern about plans to revoke 10 square kilometres of Bargo state conservation area to accommodate a shooting complex; to Southern Rivers Catchment Management Authority expressing interest in continued funding for conservation volunteers at Coolana and letters from Jutta Dubiel, Marcia Corderoy, Julian Ninio and Ken Lowe resigning from club.
e The Secretary will write to the resigning members expressing regret and suggesting that they consider becoming non-active members.
e The President reported that she would be seeking members willing to serve on 80th Anniversary Subcommittee and would seek information from members to assist with possibly updating the First Sixty Years anniversary book.
e The Committee received a report on the proposed Coolana toilet stating that design was complete and the development application would be submitted within the week. Volunteers would be sought to help with the construction.
e The following payments were approved; magazine postage $436; annual return fee $78; rent $430; bank fees $22 social expenses $46.
e The Walks Secretary presented the draft programme of winter walks.
e A proposal to amend and add to the guidelines for qualifying walks was deferred to the next meeting.
e Discussion of guidelines covering publication of names in the Walks Leaders Newsletter was also deferred to the next meeting.
The Committee voted to accept Sue Armstrong and Paul Armstrong as Active Members.
e The Confederation delegate advised that the Nav Shield rogaining event would be held on 1*,2”4 July and the First Aid course on 4%,5% November. Two NSW delegates will attend the Bushwalking Australia conference in Melbourne in June.
e A report from the Electronic Communications Sub- Committee advised details of the electronic data base and the proposed implementation later this year. The database will be accessible on a restricted basis to selected Committee members.
e General business included an update on specifying committee members duties and seeking information on the pattern for producing cloth SBW badges
Joining us as Prospective Members in April were:
Jose Aguirre, Jayson Farhat, Jodie Dixon, Annett Schmiedel, Angela Potter, Qiang Shen, Yan Dong, Dominique Finley.
Joining us as Prospective Members in May (so far anyway) are:
Victoria Gouel, Audrey Pocock, Linda Tarran, Nathan Dore, Marion Astoux, Theo Tsoukatos, Jade Greenhalgh, Joanne Cheng, Chris Speedy. Please make these folks really welcome.
In addition two of our Prospective Members have been accepted as full members of the club, they are: Sue and Paul Armstrong.
In coming to grips with the tasks of the role | have been astounded at just how many activities that | have under my umbrella. My list of such tasks runs to close on three pages. To ensure that | am able to have some time off to go bushwalking | am about to start recruiting additional members for my team. | will not be shy about tapping a few members on the shoulder and asking for their assistance.
My thanks to our Treasurer for aiding me in organising electronic funds transfers for some of our prospective members. Even though it may seem to be a small task all such tasks add up to making our administration just that bit easier allowing more time for socialising and bushwalking.
The new Winter Walks Program will be released at the same time as May magazine, so Id suggest that Prospective Members spend a few minutes going through it and marking those walks that they are interested in walking. Start with the walks with the lower grade values to start with. Remember that it pays to book onto a walk early as some walks fill fast. In next months column | will be listing those easier walks and making some comments about them and | trust that you will find such comments to be valuable for you in planning your bushwalks.
At the date of writing this column we have 129 prospective members, nearly two thirds of that number are of the female variety.
See you on a walk soon Maurice Smith
The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Syduey Bush Walkers Inc. May 2006
The Sydney Bushwalker
Page 5
sD = BS
Coolana Report April 2006
1 did not even come close to fitting the description in Patricks Surveyor Wanted ad in the March magazine, but got the job anyway and started work on the 14% April 2006. The proposed site for the composting toilet is between the tool shed and the shelter shed. The short north south boundary line near the tool shed needed to be identified.
The boundary line in question is marked on the DP as 87.81 meters 181 51 40”, the survey peg found recently is at the southern end of that line at the junction with the line marked 27.78 meters 124 17.
There is a star post driven into the ground on the line 750mm south of the survey peg as a mark for the peg which is in poor condition. Running north from the survey peg on the line there are star posts at 20 meters, 40 meters, 50 meters, 55 meters, 60 meters and at the end of the line at 87.81 meters. Speaking as an electrician not a surveyor | believe the order of accuracy is better than + - 1 meter, having noted that a 1 degree error at 57 meters results ina 1 meter error.
Eddie and Jennifer with their boys Ethan and Shaun arrived early afternoon and Eddie agreed to water the new plants on the Eastern Flat. Eddie subsequently reported that the watering of the plants was done but the tap water supply ran dry at times. George and Fran investigated the source and had found it dry.
On 6“ May; Don, Ros, Spiro and Gretel met Chris and Mai at Coolana for a working day. The 40 recently planted trees and shrubs on the Eastern Flat were watered and weeded. The wombats have taken to the lomandras and had eaten most of them and damaged a couple more, extra star posts were driven in to make it a bit harder for them. Poisoning of Turkey Rhubarb tobacco plants and moth vine was done on the Eastern Flat.
Chris started mowing but soon had a failure with the 4.5hp mower breaking a blade boss, parts required.
Chris and Mai soon got the other mowers going and Spiro continued weeding SCA plants. Astart was made on a stock take of the surviving SCA plants and trees. This was not completed but is about 1/3” done. Coolana is very dry. A short cordial conversation was had with our neighbour Nick at Lazy Acres.
The water in the tap stopped flowing and we did not have time to fix it. There have been other people at Coolana recently with some gear from the shelter shed thrown out into the bush and other items disturbed. A plastic chair at the camp fire was completely broken up, a fire had been lit in the fire wood pile. The survey peg found recently after 30 years was missing, the square hole was discernible and a new peg driven into the hole. But who? Probably kids.
Don Finch
Walks Report
from the Walks Secretary David Trinder
You should by now have the winter program in your hands. There are many exciting trips in which | hope many will participate. Among the advanced notices there are trips to Kakadu in the Northern Territory, the Flinders Ranges in South Australia, several cross country ski trip and a down hill ski trip, the Tasmanian Overland Track in deep winter, the Western Australian Bibbulmun Track and the Milford Track in New Zealand.
Throughout the thirteen weeks of the program there is at least one weekend walk on every weekend, many of them Qualifying walks, and they go to all corners of Sydneys surrounding national parks. The weekend walks are supplemented by a day walk or bike ride on each weekend day anda mid-week walk during most weeks. There are also maintenance and instructional weekends at the club property, Coolana, in the Kangaroo Valley.
The clubs two Classic annual hard walks, the Six Foot Track in a Day and the Kanangra to Katoomba, the K2K in a day are at the end of the quarter and are trips that many members in the past have trained for and been proud to complete.
hope that many members will participate and make each trip on the program a success.
David Trinder
The Sydney Bushwatker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc.
Page 6 The Sydney Bushwalker May 2006
When catching up on recent magazine items (I receive several magazines each month and reading them all takes some time) my eye was caught by a heading in the Colong Bulletin March 2006 issue; Shooters Resort to Replace Blue Mountains Reserve.
This item dealt with an arrangement brokered by John Tingle of the Shooters Party to revoke 10 square kilometres of the Bargo State Conservation Area to accommodate a shooting complex. Seven shooting clubs will be relocated to a complex near the village of Hilltop. 200 hectares would be initially cleared for shooting facilities, roads and perimeter fencing.
Minister Sandra Nori has also announced that funds have been allocated for the complex development and the total site would allow for future development to incorporate other shooting disciplines. My major concern with this has nothing to do with my failure to understand the penile extension excitement of shooting living beings whether by guns or other shooting disciplines: Rather, | feel very concerned that conservation reserves are being handed over to private interest groups and as pointed out in the Colong Bulletin article this proposal will cause serious harm to the Nattai reserve system and set a dangerous precedent.
The Colong Bulletin also stated that the NPWS Revocation of Land Policy requires excision of reserves should be a last resort, done only in exceptional circumstances and where there are no suitable alternative sites available outside NPWS lands. Alternatives such as the location of this facility in the extensive pine forests of the Southern Highlands should have been considered.
] felt motivated to write a letter on behalf of SBW to Sandra Nori about the issue and a personal letter as well. Perhaps you could write a letter if this issue concerns you. Contact Sandra Nori in her capacity as Member for Port Jackson 225 Parramatta Road, BROADWAY NSW 2007.
Call To Create New National Park
The Save Barrington Tops Group has called on the State Government to urgently upgrade the Barrington Tops State Conservation Area (SCA) and Barrington State Forest to National Park status. The Group says the upgrade is needed to protect the sensitive natural and cultural heritage of the area from mining and exploration.
Chair of the Saving Barrington Tops Group, Ann Smith said the Barrington Tops Plateau contains many endangered high altitude wetlands and significant rivers, which are located outside the protection of the Barrington Tops World Heritage National Park. The group has written to Environment Minister Bob Debus regarding the matter.
Gloucester Advocate 26 April 2006
Shack Owners Fight On
Owners of 120 iconic Depression - era shacks in the Royal National Park will take their stoush with the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) to the Land and Environment Court. The owners, who pay rent at Burning Palms, Garie Beach and Era owned by the NPWS, were due to be forced from their holiday shacks last November after the NPWS introduced a new licensing system. The case will be heard on May 19. SMH 23/4/06
National Park Excision Worries Colong Foundation
The Colong Foundation says New South Wales Government legislation to remove 1,000 hectares from a national park in the southern highlands sets a precedent for other parks around the state.
The National Parks and Wildlife Bill, passed on Wednesday night, 5 April, for with support from the Opposition, enables 1,000 hectares from the Bargo State Conservation Area to be used for a rifle range.
As compensation, land will be added to the Dharawal and Wollemi national parks nearby. Colong Foundation director Keith Muir said there are already moves to excise areas from other national parks.
The main concern from my point of view is this exclusive possession by sectional interests of a national park which opens the way for other interests and there are resolutions before the Lithgow City Council to revoke two national parks on the western side of the Blue Mountains, he said. ABC 7/4/06
The Sydney Bushwatker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. May 2006
The Sydney Bushwalker
Page 7
Wentworth Falls to Glenbrook Bike ride Sunday 18 December
Roger Treagus
Look for a long downhill route and you have a potential bike ride which becomes a mountain bike ride when it is on dirt. And Wentworth Falls to Glenbrook is definitely all downhill, right. Well, in fact it isnt if the route is via Kings Tableland, Murphys Fire Trail, Woodford, the Oaks and Glenbrook Creek. Seven of us piled out of the train at Wentworth Falls on an unseasonably cool day sporting winter westerly winds. This didnt affect our capacity to fill our faces at the infamous waterfalls boulangerie before departing. Then we hit the road, to the start of the dirt at the Murphys Trail turnoff. The weather was so clear we could make out Centrepoint Tower in Market Street, Sydney as we cruised down the hills into Murphys Glen.
All was fine until we hit the big steep into Bedford Creek when only the brave or foothardy tried to stay on their charges. Peter was filming us all the way so of course some show offs had to try the Bedford Creek ford on the saddle rather than off. All did well except for the leaders fine example of stalting in mid stream resulting with a bootfull of cool Bedford water. Then there was the small matter of the 200 metre ascent to Woodford and lunch. Lazing around on the grass at lunch meant time for an inspection of the bikes. Front and back suspension, sporty chain gears with hundreds of forward gears but no reverse, computers on the handlbars spewing out data like cadences, av. speed, max speed, heart rate, altitude and phase of the moon, and kevlar carbon fibre teflon coated no slip extreme braking systems. We had left the 20 century far behind. Whatever happened to the trusty Sturmey Archer 3 speed hub gear system. If your parents were rich you could also have an odometer which consisted of a little metal box with numbers and a little star shaped wheel that was hit by a small metal spoke mounted clip at every wheel revolution.
The disappearance of lunch heralded the next phase, the famous Woodford Oaks, Glenbrook trail. Ahhh! The long downhill giide that makes this about the most famous trail bike ride in NSW. Right? Wrong again, at least for the first 8 kilometers. Up, down, corrugations, ugh! The worst combination of low gear up and mountainous corrugations down. The country became a blur and both bike and rider were being moved both up and down at several cycles per second. My hands became numb from gripping the handlebars and the brakes just to stay in the saddle. If it wasnt for my excellent NASA designed front suspension |
fear | may have been neutered.
We reached the appropriately named the Wheel deep in Blue Labryinth country and at last had the long down hill run promised. Right? Wrong! Now the wavelength of the corrugations shortened while their amplitude increased. Roughly translated this meant sheer hell on the hands keeping some sort of grip on the hyperactive handlebars and the vibrations passed 10 on the richter scale. Peter as usual rode well ahead on his tank-like machine so as to capture on film the grimaces and tension printed on the faces as they rode past the filming point.
Next the Oaks, then lronbarks, then merciful bitumen and the fastest run of the day down to Glenbrook creek and the delightful ford. The little pinch to the Glenbrook Park entrance and the beckoning cake shops beyond was but a trifle.
In the end a wonderful mountain bike experience through some classic lower Blue Mts country.
Group: 4 members (Brad Petersen, Peter Christian, Roger Treagus, Ron Horvatch plus 2 visitors and a prospective). Leader: Roger Treagus
Departs from Sydney's Campbelltown Railway Station Via Penrith, Katoomba & Blackheath for Kanangra Walls Mon & Wed at 11am. Frid at 7am Returns 49m Mon, Wed, Frid.
Via Starlights, Mittagong & Marulan for Wog Wog-Nerriga Tues.& Thurs & Sun at 11am Retums 4 pm Tues, Thurs, Sun.
i Yerranderie Ghost Town first Saturday in each
month, returns Sun at 1 pm (any Friday min 6) Group booking discounts or charter service
Tel 0246 832344 Mob 0428 832 344
The Sydney Bushwatker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. Page 8 The Sydney Bushwalker May 2006
…OR What the heck happens to the Walks Attendance & Activity Report forms after I send them in…and speaking of forms, how do I get them in the first place?
In November last year, there was an update to the procedure surrounding the distribution of the
Walks Attendance & Activity Report forms, as well as updates to the forms themselves.
The aim was to clarify and streamline the process at all points and minimise the time put in by our
clubs mighty volunteers.
Heres what happens:
Blank forms (version date 7.2.06) have been emailed to all leaders who have supplied an email address in both WORD and .pdf format. (These forms will also soon be available to download from the clubs website.)
= Leaders can then save these forms to their computer, so they can type onto, print out and use whenever they are leading a walk.
= Leaders without email addresses have been posted a number of forms to keep on hand.
= The new forms have a revised design with a couple of important changes. This means that all the legal and important information (such as injuries sustained and Prospective member pass/ fail) is recorded on the Walks Attendance form.
Please post the completed forms to the club (address on the form) in the week following your walk.
This form goes to the Walks Recorder for entry into the clubs database. This means that we can keep track of useful (as well as important) information. The form is then filed for future reference. (You'll receive a chase up call if they haven't been received the following month).
The Walks Activity Report has been changed to allow for more information to be provided about the route description, as well as the number of attendees.
= These Activity Reports are then forwarded on to Barry Wallace who writes up the monthly walks reports for the magazine, ensuring that everyone benefits from the stories and experiences of your walk.
If you are a leader and haven't received either an email with the templates or a supply in the post, please contact Caro on 9909 1076 and leave a message with the details.
* Satin bower birds have two close-set parallel walls of sticks that sometimes arch over to create a tunnel. In a rare example of a bird using a tool, Satin and Regent bower birds may use a leaf or twig to paint the inner walls of their bowers with a stain made from chewed plants, charcoal, and saliva.
* Scientists have noticed that bower complexity sometimes varies with topography. For instance, species living on hilltops build more modest bowers than those tiving in valleys. The explanation may be the amount of light that penetrates the forest in the two kinds of habitat. Ridge tops are often shrouded in clouds, allowing only dim light. Hence, to best show off their decorations, bower birds living here may build more open bowers to make best use of available light. In contrast, light is less of an issue in the valleys, so bower birds can afford to have more elaborate roofed structures.
* Some species put the entrance to their bowers on the uphill side, while similar structures built by other species face downhill. Nobody knows whether young bower birds learn such practices from their elders, or whether they are encoded in their genes at birth. It is a much-debated question that scientists hope to answer in future studies by rearing native males in captivity with and without mature tutors.
The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. May 2006 The Sydney Bushwalker Page 9
Leader Profile - lan Thorpe
walking experience: got lost trying to find the Grand Canyon (Blue Mountains, not that thing in the USA) as a twelve-year old. OK, Im still a bit of a newbie, youll have to bear with me for the next twenty years until | get the appropriate notches on my belt.
Favoured Areas and National Parks for Leading Walks
north of Bells Line of Road in the Blue Mountains. Some people have said that | wont do a walk unless its on the Wollangambe map, but thats really not true at all - sometimes Ill use small bits of the Mt Wilson map too.
Types of Walks | Lead
Various people have told me that they wont come on my walks because they re all too hard. | dont know how anyone could have got that impression. Ive never led anything harder than an X555, and Ive never done more than 3300m vertical ascent in a day. But anyway, thats all in the past. | generally lead medium walks these days (honest! - look at the program!). Most of my walks are largely off-track - its not that | dont like tracks, its just that there arent a lot of them that go to the places ! like to explore. Speaking of exploring, most of my walks feature it to some degree. Sometimes the exploring was planned from the start, sometimes its a case of Hey, | wonder whats over there?. .. and sometimes there may be a small degree of (ahem) geographical embarrassment. | also dont mind a bit of rock scrambling, but | generally try to make exposure to heights optional rather than compulsory. Crossing chest-high rivers in mid-winter is a definite no-no for me, but in summertime !ve been known to have the occasional dip, and | even did a pack-swim last summer (in the Wollangambe River, naturally). Preferred scenery: grottos, gullies and gorges, unexpected clifflines with even-more-unexpected passes through them, pagodas and other strange rock formations.
Walking Style
This depends entirely on the ratio of remaining hours of daylight to distance to camp / the cars. First thing in the morning | walk with a relaxed, easy lope. But as the afternoon creeps on and the sun slips towards the western horizon, with the end of the days walking still nowhere in sight, Ive been known to slowly but surely increase the pace. This is particularly so if everyone else in the party is pooped and in need of a break. No time for afternoon tea [ll mutter, looking around accusingly at any stragglers as | break into a light sprint.
Campsite Selection
still trying to work out how to put the damn thing up, and I think it gives a bad impression to newer members to see the leader puzzling over the instruction manual. My dream is to lead a two-week walk staying in cave camps every night. | fully intend to realise that dream, even it means excavating some of the caves by hand. If you see shovel handy on my walks description, you know what to expect.
Memorable Walks
* My recent four-day trip to Dumbano Creek / Mini-Arthurs / Holts Heaven - marvellous creeks, and more pagodas than you could poke a forests worth of sticks at.
* My attempt a couple of years ago to include an exploratory climb up Dunphys Pass and down Carlons Head on a 35km day walk with 1800m of climbing - might have been biting off a bit more than | could chew on that one…
* The walk that included the afore-mentioned pack-swim up the Wollangambe River - whod have thought that the Wollangambe would turn into a canyon in parts? Next year | hope to do a pack-swim down the river.
Walks Philosophy
Theres so much bush out there to explore! | like leading walks with something new to see, both for me and everyone else in the party.
Cheers, lan Thorpe
The Sydney Bushwatker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc.
| Page 10
The Sydney Bushwalker
May 2006
Greek Spinach Pie from Spiro Hajinakitas
There are many variations of Spinach Pie. Some recipes require that one cooks the spinach and onion before baking and the type and amount of cheese is really to ones taste. The recipe below was very popular at this years Reunion and as a result of many requests for the recipe, it was suggested we go to print. Give it a go, the reward for the effort is the enjoyment of eating and sharing.
2 bunches English spinach or 1 bunch silver beet 1 large grated onion
1 % cups Fetta cheese (crumbled)
% cup Parmesan cheese (crumbled)
Y% bunch parsley
2 tablespoons raw white rice
Wash spinach well, cut off stems Finely chop spinach and parsley Add onion, cheese, rice, herbs, eggs, oil and pepper. Mix well
Lightly oil or grease an oven dish 14×10 inches and line dish with 5 sheets of filo (or other pastry).
Brush each sheet with oil or melted butter.
Add spinach filling mixture and spread evenly
2 teaspoons mint 1 teaspoon oregano bl 4 eggs (lightly beaten)
Y% cup olive oil
Grounded pepper
Filo pastry (equally good with puff pastry, flaky short pastry or a dough pastry)
e Trim edges of pastry leaving enough to tuck into sides of pie
e Brush top layer with oil and bake ina moderately hot oven for 50 minutes
e Remove from oven and let stand for 5 minutes before serving.
Is delicious cold also.
Finke rge and Watarrka National Parks
Finke Gorge - Much more than Palm Valley. We walk through the wide, sculptured gorges of the oldest river in the world, the Finke.
We camp near some of the few permanent waterholes in this arid land. We cross the park via one of the most scenic 4WD tracks in the Centre.
Watarrka Much more than Kings Canyon. This is the richest area for plant diversity in the whoie of central Australia. We walk through deep gorges, across red dunes and enjoy spectacular views from the tops of the steep cliffs on the edge of the range. We camp near some of the few permanent waterholes in the region.
Our September trip will be a 20th anniversary special.
See our website or give us a call for details.
wore Millner NT 0810 Email: May 2006
The Sydney Bushwalker
Page 11
Don Cornell
When Jenny and 1, some years ago, led a bushwalk into the Shoathaven River area, we asked the fifteen people who phoned to drive along the Tallowa Dam Road and turn sharp left up a dirt track just before the road began to descend to the dam site. It was a fine, level camping area out of site of vandals. Unfortunately, the track is now closed with a steel barrier.
Jenny and [ got there on the Friday evening with a few more arriving later, the rest turned up on Saturday morning, bringing with them a fine, clear sunny day. About 8:15am, | shouted moving off in fifteen minutes producing a flurry of activity.
We descended over rocks down to the Shoaihaven River and it wasnt long before we had a fire going for a cuppa and an opportunity for a skinny dip.
We soon made up for lost time as we strode out through the gum trees on the Bulls Flat and we reached a position alongside the Shoalhaven River and south-east of the Three Mates Bluff which were on the opposite side of the river. This provided a convenient lunch stop and a last opportunity for a dip on this hot, sunny day.
Lunch over, we climbed the southern bank of the Shoathaven River through burnt hakea plants with Brian Hart leading the way reaching the Drovers Ridge - Timboolina Track. We then followed the track up through the narrow pass and as we strode higher, the wind became stronger, there was no time to stop, it got later in the day and we finally steered everyone into a slight depression near Gunmarl Saddle. Although the ground sloped slightly we were all relieved to find a place to camp out of the main blast of the wind which was now blowing with a gale-force.
The group soon dumped their packs on their chosen
spot and then began collecting firewood which they piled up about 1 metre wide and 2 metres long ona clear area below the tents. With the strong wind, the fire roared into life and burnt fiercely while we each erected our tent and climbed down Apple Tree Creek to collect water. We had a vision of Les Powell chasing his water bag which was caught in a gust of wind.
Victor Lewin had chosen to use his own designed low sausage-shaped tent, whereas we and many others used an A shaped tent. Ours was a Paddy Pallin Golden Tan tent and we crossed two poles at each end in the hope that it would stay up. Wayne Steele had tied one end of his tent to a tall, sturdy tree. Sometime later, there was a lowd crack and as everyone turned to look, 4 metres of tree came crashing down immediately above Waynes tent, but fortunately lodged in a fork and remained there about 1/2 metre above his tent, so he decided not to shift.
By now the fire was a mass of hot embers, with enough room for everyone to gather around and place their billy, they then proceeded to cook their dinner in record time and were keen to crawl into their tent to seek shelter from the strong wind gusts.
Next day, we had clear, blue sky and much calmer weather, as we packed and then made our way down the pretty Apple Tree Creek to the Shoalhaven River, to enjoy lunch and a cooling dip before climbing back up a steep gully to our vehictes.
Jenny and | waved everyone goodbye and decided to stay the night. On the following Monday morning we drove into Kangaroo Valley and bought The Sydney Morning Herald and on the front page were headlines 60 homes lost their roof as gale-force winds battered the Blue Mountains.
We later marvelled that we had all successfully spent a wild night high above the Shoalhaven River in small, light-weight tents.
Have You Changed Your Address?
If you have changed your address or phone number recently, please contact by phone or email:
Members: Fran Holland Prospectives: Maurice Smith
This will ensure that our records show your current address and prevent delay in
receiving the magazine each month.
Found at Coolana
A plastic bag with some clothing and a compressive first aid kit. Ring Don Finch 9452 3749(H) or 0418 417 593 to describe and claim
The Sydney Bushwatker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. The Sydney Bushwalker
May 2006
Richard Darke Interview with Ron Watters
Ron: As an up and coming leader it is great to have the opportunity to chat to you. What do you seek and get out of bushwalking? What turns you on?
Richard: | have worked for too many years at desk jobs. Somehow, | always wanted an out of doors job, and ended up in the city, to make ends meet. Although originally from the UK, | spent a decade in British Columbia, Canada, and wanted to be a national park ranger, but it never happened. In fact | ended up in, of all places, working in a high rise building in Hong Kong for 12 years. (Dont ask me how). To get as far away as possible from the weekday crush in that crowded city, | started walking in the wild country of Hong Kongs mountainous country parks, and have been bushwalking at weekends ever since. In fact | took a group of SBW members there a couple of years back, and surprised them by showing them what good walking HK has to offer.
Ron: You have been doing some really interesting walks. Tell me which ones were most memorable and what made them so?
Richard: | like finding new areas to walk in. A couple.
of years back, | found myself in a small plane en route to Inverell in the northern tablelands of NSW, flying over Mt Kaputar. It looked very inviting, but | had never heard of it. So after landing, I looked it up on the map, and promptly started researching the walking possibilities. This culminated in organizing a trip over Anzac weekend last year, which !| jointly led with Mark Patterson. It was everything | had hoped for, and better. Mountainous, scenic, wild, and infrequently visited by SBW. Whats more, it was with a terrific group of SBW members. It was a memorable week, which we extended by visiting the Warrumbungles as well. Great walking and fantastic companionship. | love extended walks, and have over the past couple of years also visited the Kimberley and Kakadu National Park. Ill definitely be going back there too when | can find the time!
Ron: Sounds like you really enjoy walking in the Mt. Kaputar area? Do you have any plans to develop this interest?
Richard: Actually, yes. | want to go back to Kaputar, to explore new areas, and also to take in Coolah Tops as well. | hear this has some terrific walks, around 4 hours out of Sydney, but its never on the programme, and | want to check it out.
Ron: All leaders have a leadership style. What is yours?
Richard: | have quite eclectic walking tastes, from coastal walks, to Sydney walks such as Gordon- Narrabeen, to the Illawarra Escarpment, which for some reason does not feature that frequently on the SBW programme, despite being as close to Sydney as the Blue Mountains. | am not a Tiger Walker, | prefer to take my time, enjoy the environment, and not be too ambitious by taking
- on too much in a single day. A good Happy Hour is
very important on an overnight walk! | also like walking with prospective members, and showing therm what the bush has to offer in the Sydney area. And | love walking with friends in more distant locations. Now, when | retire, there are so many places | what to check out, on every continent!
The 5 Lands Walk
The 5 Lands Walk is a cultural walk that eventually will stretch from Patonga to Foresters Beach. The first major section of the walk is opening on 24 June 2006 between Macmasters Beach and Terrigal.
The program will include whale watching, Aboriginal cultural talks, local arts and cultural activities including a celebration of the 90th Anniversary of the Avoca Surf Club.
A map of the coast between Macmasters Beach and Terrigal which is taken from Hawkesbury to Hunter Coastal Walking by Jeanette Blomfield with Computer Cartography by John Martyn, published through a Gosford City Council Cultural Development Grant in 1999/2000 are available from the East Gosford Regional Art Gallery, Central Coast Tourism, or by contacting Jeanette Blomfield on 02 4360 1658.
Alan Doherty from SBW will be assisting Gosford City Council with leading the walk. Details and a summary of the program can be obtained by contacting Kathy Gero the SBW Social Secretary on 9130 7263 (h) or email
The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc.
May 2006
The Sydney Bushwalker
Page 13
Oxfam Trailwalker Melb 2006 (100kms, Teams of 4, 48 hours) Commit - Endure - Survive
by Clare Holland
After my achievements in the Oxfam Sydney Trailwalkers in 2005 followed by the Sydney Bushwalkers K to K, | just had to keep going.
So, there was the entry form for the Melbourne 2006 Oxfam Trailwalkers begging me to get a team together and give it a go. | just couldnt resist. | also knew that the money | would be raising through sponsorship would go to building a better life for communities in the third world.
So at 7am on 7th April 2006 in the suburb of Glen Waverley, Melbourne, Kari Miller, myself and 2 other Sydneysiders representing the Sydney Bushwalkers, were off on the gun, for a gruelling 100kms stomp/ jog.The trail consisted of serious ups and downs, to finally finish on the top of Mt Donna Buang in the Yarra Ranges at an altitude of 1250m.
If anyone knows the east Melbourne area, the route took us through the Dandanong Ranges which includes the Kokoda trail, this is 1000+ uneven steps through a rainforest region. Very pretty | think, but too tough to notice or care as you to gasp for breath. Then through the Yarra wine Region to the town of Warburton and up the final killer mountain.
The Oxfam organisers were cruel when they designed this course with the finish line at the top of a mountain. But we knew what we were letting ourselves in for, as we had decided to check the course out in January of this year by walking it over 2 days and it was hard going then.
Our plan was to walk pretty hard without burning ourselves out in the early stages. We checked in and out of checkpoints without stopping and each time asked for our position in the race. At CP2 (checkpoint) we were 82nd out of 487 teams, then after dodging around other teams we moved up to 69th. We were feeling great and ran some of the downhills. We gained to 65th position at CP4, but things were
Melbourne 2006
beginning to get tougher.
We needed a big break at CP5, where feet needed to be taped and shoes and socks changed. We had covered 57kms in 10 hours by this time and were surprised to discover we were in 59th position as we left CP5. We were on a real high as we charged for CP6, but unfortunately Michael, our fit marathon runner, over shot the next CP in the darkness. He had got into a habit of running ahead as we neared the next CP. By the time we could get through to him on his mobile phone, he was 5km further down the trail. He ran back like the clappers, covering an extra 10kms all up. The team had to wait for him to return, as the rule is that all 4 must check in and out as a complete team. This added an extra 30mins to our time, but all was not Lost.
Karl and | headed out of CP6 immediately, while Yale stayed with Michael who caught his breath and rested. Both are marathon runners and would easily catch us up (and they did). We arrived into CP7 in 16hrs 22mins having covered a total distance of 89kms. We managed to run around a few teams as we entered the penultimate CP, arriving in 59th position. Only 11kms of gruelling mountain to go, a climb of 1100m on a muddy steep track where every step you take you slide back half of it.
Then the bad news hit! Weather conditions on the mountain had become so severe, that after allowing 17 teams to continue up the mountain, the SES advised the Organisers to hold everyone back and temporarily stop the event until Zam the next morning, when they would reassess conditions. Teams were devastated, some were told that CP7 was the new finish line and went home. Other teams had commitments the next day and retired, chaos reigned all around us.
All we could do was return weary and disappointed to our motel 40kms away. We were in agony as the
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The Sydney Bushwalker
May 2006
aches and pains of the day kicked in. By morning, when the news filtered through that we could return to the race and finish the last 11kms, we were completely seized up.
It was very painful start, but we all got up and got going and sucessfully finished the race in a time of 19hrs 6mins and our overall position was 31st. However the position didnt count for much anymore, because many of the fast teams retired at CP7 the previous night. The organisers went on to close the mountain a second time, as the weather had turned bad once again, with only 101 teams actually reaching the top of Donna Buang, the rest finished at CP7.
So now Im pumped and ready for the delights of the Sydney Trailwalker 2006. Anyone game?
The important thing to remember, through all these trails and tribulations of event day, is that all the money your team raises goes to a worthy cause. Oxfam is trying to make a better life for communities in the third world.
If any bushwalkers would like to make an online donation please go to trailwalker/donate/
Select the Melbourne event and donate to Team 441- Team Dutchy.
How exciting it was to read on the Autumn program that Maurice intended leading a walk right across Morton NP over Easter. | booked us on immediately but suggested to Maurice that we have two parties and exchange cars (and car keys in case we did not meet up). Maurice was agreeable and did most of the organizing of the route, people and cars.
It was easy for me, as even though | was nominally the leader of the second party, the four days were a group effort with everyone contributing. We all took a turn at route finding and pass finding too. David, lan and Caro were the main navigators; Neil kept a quiet but watchful eye out for the rear of the party; Christine and Brian fed us tempting goodies and | even found one of the passes (off the un-named mesa).
The waik was not uneventful. On day 1 we easily ascended the spur from Danjera Dam in the hot sun, but, our progress along the un-named mesa was impeded by scrub (as was most of the walk). Unfortunately Steve and Yvonne had to leave us in the late afternoon due to Steves severe leg cramps. We did not camp at the best place on Bundundah
Creek, due to failing daylight, but alt stept well.
On the Saturday we ascended Twelve Apostles Spur and were guided by very visible cairns to Packhorse Pass. The scrub from there to the headwaters of Cinch Creek can only be described as horrendous, made worse by our decision to try to find the road marked on the series 2 map, however, fires and time have caused the road to disappear in our area of interest. Cinch Creek was easily located and provided clean water. We enjoyed a break and fantastic views from above Puckett Pass, which was easily found but the ridge down tended towards a rocky knife edge in many places and was not easy going in fading, or absent, light. We were pleased to hear Maurice calling out to us, as his party was already eating. We had a glorious campsite at the junction of Tullyangela and Ettrema Creeks and told everyone that we had renamed Puckett Pass - the new name is unprintable! It is always harder to descend exposed areas of rock as you can see the perils ahead (or below) you.
We were spoiled with Easter eggs on day 3 and set off in a jolly mood, led by Caro, up towards Barrons Crown. Vie should have read Fitzroy Falls and Beyond because they point out that Howards Pass is not as shown on the map. Some scouting was carried out and lan located this ultimately easily negotiated pass. Wonderful views again from the top for a food and water stop. The lack of scrub on days 3 and 4 made for much easier travel. We even walked along Tolwong Road for a short distance before negotiating a good route down to Peach Tree Canal. Here we spent another comfortable night and even found the clean water that Maurice told us about.
Day 4 provided a few route finding challenges as Poddy Dodger Spur was quite steep to descend. We agreed that Wine Glass Tor really does resemble a wineglass - a bloody big one. A knowledgeable member of the party told us the origins of poddy dodger - apparently a claim jumper on the goldfields who is dodging the police. We had a lovely long lunch break on the Shoalhaven River and most of us had a well earned soak/swim. It was something to remember whilst climbing out Assay Buttress in the heat.
We were all elated with our achievement and stopped en route home to toast ourselves with tea, coffee or cold drinks.
Thank you so much Maurice for all your hard work in organising this brilliant traverse of Morton. How about we reverse our routes next Easter? Then you can do the extra climbing involved!!
Party consisted of Steve & Yvonne Brading; Maureen & David Carter; Neil Hickson; Christine McColl; Brian Ogilwy; Caro Ryan and lan Thorpe.
The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. May 2006
The Sydney Bushwalker
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To the Skyscrapers of Yarowilca near Tantamayo on the Middle Marafion Part 2 - La Union to Huanuco - Gerry Leitner
Unin at 07:00. The combi-bus was not in working order and it took a couple of hours to fix the problem. And then, he had to run around in town to pick up extra passengers. Nevertheless we arrived in Tantamayo after a very impressive trip around 11:15. On this trip, | was co-pilot and I was able to take many digital pictures on this trip.
The road from La Unin to Tantamayo follows the Rio Vizearra valley north to the junction with the Rio Marafion. Right at the junction is the little village of Chuquis. Once across the river it is a seemingly endless climb up the east side of the Maranon valley passing through a string of little villages. For some time the road follows closely along the rim (!) of the valley with splendid vistas to the valley floor and the terraced fields on the opposite side of the valley. There is a scenic road on the opposite side, which apparently runs through a tunnel with windows. The few isolated villages below on the
Marafion valley ftoor look like scene
from Lilliput.
The Rio Marafion runs here through a wide valley and seems to be placid here. From the point where the Rio Tantamayo joins the Marafion, it enters a narrow gorge. The many terraced
fields on the slopes are fascinating, BES ats ols,
almost chessboard-like. The mountains
on either side reach 4500m. The locals still wash alluvial gold from the rivers. On one of my previous visits, a young boy showed me a thumb-sized alluvial gold nugget.
In Tantamayo | stayed at the Hostal Gutirrez, down the stairs from Main Plaza. It has a few double rooms which were occupied. | was the only occupant of the dormitory with a choice of 15 beds! Toilets and washing facilities are down stairs. Please mind your head as all the doorways and stairs are not made for tall people. The views from the dormitory balcony are extraordinary: straight across the Rio Tantamayo valley to the opposite mountain village of Collarbamba. Just visible at the very top above this village is the pre-Inca ruin of Piruro.
Eating in Tantamayo is a problem as the meals are geared towards local clientele. There are two restaurants on the Plaza but | ate at a little cantina at the end of the street where my accommodation was, directed there by Sra. Gutirrez. The owner- driver of the colectivo La Unidn-Tantamayo ate there also. In this cantina, | ate one of the best quinoa
soups in Peru.
Tantamayo is a little village located 80km north of La Union, It is poised in the mountainous region above the higher reaches of the Rio Marafion tributaries at 3500m. The main reason for coming to Tantamayo is the many pre-Inca sites in stunning mountain scenery. Many of those archaeological sites are within walking distance of the village and are in a remarkable good state of preservation. Some of those towns clearly show their defensive character. Many towers at the defence perimeter are 15m high. The inhabitants must have been of a very small stature as | had problems going upright through the corridors and the staircases of the ancient buildings. This Yarowilca culture developed from the 12C onwards. It may have been instrumental in the demise of the Huari Empire. The building material was slate, which is in abundance here. From the 14-15C it had its greatest extension and included even Huanuco Pampa. From the 16C
onwards became part of the inca Empire.
Also within walking distance are mountain lagoons. You are here in the Ceja de la Selva - the beginning of the Amazon Basin! Some of the buildings are quite high and consist of several storeys. They are in remarkable good condition. The term gratacielos de Yarowilca (Yarowilca skyscrapers) is certainly not out of place. The Jesuits were active in the area until their expulsion in 1767. The church in Tantamayo has an elaborate baptism font worth to have a look. This is prime hiking country in the source river gorges of the Rio Tantamayo, especially up Quebrada Jalan and Quebrada Quinhuavado. All the rivers have their source in Altiplano lakes around 4200m.
i, *
Late in the afternoon on my day of atrival, 1 went up a mountain track to a pre-Inca town, which is just visible from below. The track starts at the entrance of Tantamayo and is an easy walk at first going past some dwellings. On the way, you pass a mountain stream where local women wash their laundry. You go through meadows and pastures and as you come closer to the ruins, the track peters out and you have to do a bit of easy climbing. There is still a track but you lose it and find it again as invariably you try to use shortcuts to the archaeological site. | came quite close to the ruins and took some good shots from a distance. Again, there is a striking feature in the form of a tower. | had to return down to the village as it was getting late. This is an easy 3-4 hours return walk. The views over the Rio Tantamayo valley and to the opposite mountain top Pre-Inca fortress town
The Sydney Bushwatker: First Edition July 1931
Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc.
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The Sydney Bushwalker
May 2006
of Piruro are magnificent.
The following day | went up to the mountain top fortress of Piruro. A road (and trail) leads down from Tantamayo village to the river level and a short distance after the bridge there is a steep trail leading up to Collarbamba. Needless to say, !| missed this shortcut on the way up and took the longer winding road to Collarbamba. Collarbamba has a church but apparently, there are only services on holidays.
As it happened, the villagers were celebrating some event and dancing groups were on the plaza. The villagers are the caretakers of the Piruro archaeological site and they collect the admission to Piruro - US0.75. From the village it is only a short walk uphill on a well-defined track. The views down into the Tantamayo valley from the village are superb.
verandah of my hotel. The signs of pre-Hispanic activity multiplied the closer | got to Piruro. At first there were terraced fields, now abandoned and then remains of dwellings.
This is where | usually start taking pictures and of course, the best shots are - you guessed it - away from the beaten track. | did some climbing until | regained the track a couple of hundred meters before the sign post Piruro Zona Arqueoldgico at 10:15. This is an impressive mountain fortress at 3900m. The buildings are quite tall and turrets are along the main wall surrounding the complex. The collective description of the area as skyscrapers of Yarowilca is quite adequate. The building material is a type of slate which occurs in abundance all over the Maranon area and its tributaries.
On the site lives a family and their kids became my unofficial tour guides. | gave them bread and chocolate. There is a pre-Hispanic road up on this elevation which I presume connected the mountain top fortresses overlooking the Maranon/Tantamayo junction and also another small archaeological site further up in the Quebrada Quinhuavado, Ruina Anco on Cerro Huinac at 4200m. | followed the pre-Hispanic trail in both directions for some distances. There are natural springs right along the trails. The area up here is cultivated: potatoes, quinoa and in sheltered locations corn and wheat. It was time to go down again. This time | stayed on the track, passing through Collarbamba and | found the short cut trail down to the valley floor and up on the other side to Tantamayo.
This excursion can also be made using local transport - on horse back. This is a day walk if you are fit. The
towns people are open towards tourism and they gave me good directions. | had my usual quinua meal at my cantina at the end of my street. This time instead of sitting on my own in the dining room, | ate downstairs at the ladys kitchen and talked to her as she was preparing the meals. The food was prepared on an open hearth and the kitchen was sooty. But | remember my grandmothers place in upper Austria some 50 years ago, was not much different then either.
To the Pre-Inca mountaintop fortress towns of Susupillo is a longer walk. This is a string of mountain fortress towns connected by short trails. | visited this site in December 1985/January 1986. This appears to be the nucleus of the Yarowilca culture. There are three agricultural centers between 3500-3900m: Florida, Chapash and Jipango. In between these three archaeological sites is the stronghold of Isog a real mountain fortress. Water was no problem as there are numerous natural springs.
To the pre-Inca ruins of Silcapuquio is a long day
excursion. They are located on a mountaintop looking
down to the junction of the Rio
Tantamayo with the Rio Marafion. The
.:* Rio Marafion enters here a gorge. This excursion requires an early start.
Trip Tantamayo - Huanuco
The trip to Huanuco is a challenge to say the least. There are two bus companies, one leaving at 01:00 and the other at 02:00 in the morning. This is a hard days journey. The distance travetled is only 180km but because of bad road conditions especially from Quivilca climbing towards Paso Corona del Inca it takes 12 hours but be prepared for more like 14 hrs! All buses heading towards Huanuco are nearly full by the time they arrive in Tingo Chico down at the Rio Marajion.
This is a route travelled seldom by tourists and you have a chance to observe at close range unadulterated places and life in the Peruvian outback. This is an exciting trip especially when the bus turns into some of those forlorn villages. This and the bad road are the reason for this long journey. We passed the Corona del Inca Pass at 08:30. From that point onwards it is downhill all the way to Huanuco. Towards the end of the journey, the bus is filled over Capacity with passengers and no more passengers are allowed.
From Tingo Chico the road climbs steadily up through an ever-becoming narrower valley. Eventually this becomes a gorge. The highest point is reached at La Corona del Inca pass. Here | descended into the Rio Higueras valley. This is part of the Rio Huallaga river system. Just before mid-day | arrived in Huanuco. Gerry Leitner
The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. May 2006 The Sydney Bushwalker Page 17
Brians Book brings together the skills of his 35 years experience as a cartographer and over 350 day walks with in the Blue Mountains. He is a member of two historical societies and has researched and documented over 2165 place names within the Blue Mountains region. For each name he details the location, origin and background to the names meaning.
Described by John Low, Local Studies Librarian for the Blue Mountains City Council as the foremost historian of Blue Mountains place names
Limited edition 300 copies, 320 pages including 30 maps and photographs. The book launch is to be held at the Blue Mountains Historical Society, Blaxland Road, Wentworth Falls Saturday 3“ June 2006 at 10:00am.
(books available from June 2006) Please forward ……….. copy/ies @ $45 each Plus postage and packaging: 1 copy $7.90 or 2 copies $8.25 Payment by cheque or money order to: Brian Fox 19 Weeks Place BATHURST NSW 2795 Telephone (02) 6332 2590 A/H for any further details Sender Details:
anyway!). We had our first stop in a quiet park just after the historic Lansdowne Bridge, which we saw as we crossed the Hume Highway. We followed Orphan School Creek much of the way to Fairfield City Farm and peddled up some steep inclines to The Dairy, a very high spot, for another morning tea stop. Some of the group lamented the lack of coffee at our stops so | promised to convince the leader to schedule a caffeine stop after lunch.
It is a wonderful feeling to cycle on excellent paths with only occasional foot traffic to contend with and to go through Cumberland Plain woodlands and see the shining Prospect Reservoir waters on such a lovely sunny day. It was hard to believe that suburbia is so close, After eating our sandwiches, whilst smelling the barbeques, we rode alongside (or inside) the now empty Sydney Water canal through Greystanes and to Guildford. Them we followed the railway line to Fairfield and our well-earned beverages.
ERE Pl Reg aa ne Meee Cycling - A Reservoir, River and Farm Maureen Carter
On Sunday 9 April David carter led us on a cycle trip exploring cycle paths of South-West Sydney. The route started at East Hills railway station and went straight
to the Georges River, which we followed until we crossed a fence into a golf course. We then took cycled along a quiet back street of Milperra and on to the only short, busy road section near Bankstown Airport. Then it was cycle tracks all the way until we returned to the Airport in the late afternoon.
Lake Gillawarna was sparkling as we whizzed along ignoring the 20kph signs (I cant go that fast uphill
We rode on to Canley Vale again, negotiated a much busier Lake Gillawarna and back to East Hills where we finished with a drink at the pub. We all felt so good and hardly noticed that we had cycled 70 kms. David led the fast fellows - Stuart Corner and David Trinder, whilst | moved at a more relaxed rate with Pam Campbell and Rick Angel. Thank you David, and everyone, for a most enjoyable day.
The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. Page 18 The Sydney Bushwalker May 2006 SOCIAL NOTES 19 July 2006 8pm Xmas in July/Mid Winter Feast. Its on again! Please Hi Everyone, bring a plate of yummy food to share. Beer, wine,
Firstly let me thank Gerry Leitner for his presentation on South America which featured mainly on Argentina and Chile. There was a very good attendance of around 35 members indicating the great interest within the club to go there and enjoy some beautiful walking and sightseeing.
The winter program has some exciting destinations. Trevor Kloeden will give a slide show of his climb of Ama Dablam in the Himalayas. His abilities will astound you yet again as he was the first SBW member to conquer Everest. In August we travel to China and learn about hiking possibilities and sightseeing in that vast land. In Juty we have the wonderful, heart warming, Xmas in July/mid winter feast. AU these activities are sure to entice you off your cosy sofas for a very good cause.
Just a reminder that Maurice Smith is still eating at the Sydney Flying Squadron before both social evenings and Committee meetings. !f you would like to join him please do so usually from 6pm onwards.
if you are not getting the Social Reminder please let Jan Roberts know. Her email is janc.
No doubt you are enjoying the wonderful autumn weather for walking. Keep it up.
walk. an
Winter Social Program 2006 *All meetings are on Wednesday nights at the Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre unless otherwise indicated
7 June 2006 7pm Committee Meeting. Observers welcome!
14 June 2006 8pm New Members Night. Introduction to SBW for intending prospective members
21 June 2006 8pm
Trevor Kloeden will once again amaze everyone with his exhilarating trips - this time his climb of Ama Dablam to 6856m. Previously he climbed Mt Everest!
5 July 2006 7pm Committee Meeting. Observers welcome!
12 July 2006 8pm New Members Night. Introduction to SBW for intending prospective members
soft drinks, coffee, tea and gluhwein provided by the club
2 August 2006 7pm . Committee Meeting. ~ Observers welcome!
9 August 2006 8pm New Members Night. Introduction to SBW for intending prospective members
16 August 2006 8pm
Walking and Travelling in China. Hans Britzis a guide/ tour leader with Onda Travel who has led many trips to this huge and still relatively unvisited country. Come and be enlightened and awakened.
A young boy enters a barber shop and the barber whispers to his customer …, This is the dumbest kid in the world. Watch while | prove it to you. The barber puts 5 dollars in one hand and fifty cents in the other, then calls the boy over and asks, Which do you want, son?
The boy takes the fifty cents and leaves. What did | tell you? said the barber. That kid never learns!
Later, when the customer leaves, he sees the same young boy coming out of the ice cream store. Hey, son! May | ask you a question? Why did you take the fifty cents instead of the 5 dollars?
The boy licked his cone and replied, Because the day | take the five dollars, the games over!
Jerry went to a psychiatrist. Doc, he said, Ive got trouble, every time | get into bed, | think theres somebody under it. Im going crazy!
Just put yourself in my hands for one year, said the shrink. Come to me three times a week, and I'll cure your fears.
How much do you charge? said Jerry. A hundred dollars per visit said the psychiatrist.
ll sleep on it, said Jerry. Six months later the doctor met Jerry on the street. Why didnt you ever come to see me again? asked the psychiatrist.
For a hundred bucks a visit? A bartender cured me for $10.
ls that so! How?
He told me to cut the legs off the bed! Aint nobody under there now!!!
The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. discover
Paddy Palin
Sydney: Parramatta Miranda - Katoomba Jindabyne - Canberra Adelaide - Melbourne Hawthorn - Ringwood For utuce Valley = Perth
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