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The Sydney Bushwalker

Page |

AUGUST 2006 issue No. 861



Presidents Report - Jan Roberts

Page 2,3

Editors Message and Letters to the Editor - Pam Campbell 3

From the Committee Room - Bili Holland 4 New Members Notes - Maurice Smith 5 Walks Report - David Trinder 5 Mid-Week Walkers Report - Bill Holland 14 Social Notes & Social Program - Kathy Gero 18 SPECIAL FEATURES

Leaders Profile - Nigel Weaver 10 Views from a Prospective - Christine Edwards 11 CONSERVATION

Coolana Report - Gretel Woodward 6,7 Conservation News & Notes - Bill Holland 8 Tracks and Access Report - June - Wilf Hilder 9 Tracks and Access Report - July - Wilf Hilder 15 THE WALKS PAGES

Walks Report - David Trinder (Walks Secretary) 5 The Story of the Great River Walk 12,13 - Roger Treagus

Walks Notes - Barry Wallace 16,17


Wilderness Transport Wild Asia

Williss Watkabouts Paddy Pallin

iney Bushwatker: First Edition July 1931 ublication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc.

Inside front cover 4 5 7 Inside back cover Page 2

The Sydney Bushwalker

August 2006

About Our Club

The Sydney Bush Walkers was formed in 1927 for the purpose of bringing bushwalkers together; enabling them to appreciate the great outdoors; establishing a regard for conservation and promoting social activities. The Clubs main activity is bushwalking but includes other activities such as cycling, canoeing and social events.

Our Walks Program (published quarterly) features day walks on most Saturdays and Sundays, some mid week walks and overnight weekend walks. Extended walks are organised in areas such as the Warrumbungles, Snowy Mountains, etc as well as interstate.

Our meetings start at 8pm and are held on Wednesday evenings (see Social Programme) at Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre, 16 Fitzroy Street, Kirribilli (near Milsons Point Railway Station).

Visitors and prospective members are welcome. Website: www.

Office Bearers

Members are welcome to contact the following officers on Club matters: President: Jan Roberts 9411 5517 (h) Vice President: Margaret Carey 9957 2137 (h) Secretary: Greta James 9953 8384 (h) Walks Secretary: David Trinder 9660 9945 (h) Social Secretary: Kathy Gero 9130 7263 (h) Treasurer: Anita Doherty 9456 5592 (h) Members Secretary: Fran Holland 9484 6636 (h) New Members Secretary: Maurice Smith 9587 6325 (h) newmembers@sbw. Conservation Secretary: Bill Holland 9484 6636 (h) Magazine Editor: Pam Campbeil 9570 2885 (h) Committee Members: Ron Watters Caro Ryan 9909 1076 (h) Delegates to Confederation:

Jim Callaway

(no email address)

Wilf Hilder

9419 2507 (h)

9520 7081 (h)

9587 8912 (h)

Presidents Report

Its been fabulous to be back walking in the bush this month in lush, and on some walks, downright drenching conditions. Greta James walk last Sunday to the Royal National Park was ae such a contrast to the last

time | walked there last summer. Water, water running everywhere, from the first tracks leading up from Bundeena and onwards to Anice Falls, and then winding around on to Winifred Falls for lunch. Winnie was a lot more than a slippery rock last week, and mud replaced dust on our boots for the first time in a long while. The frogs were back too, and their chorus accompanied us for much of the day, while tadpoles could be found in even the smallest of puddles along the track. A great days walk thank you Greta, and we didnt mind that 16k turned out to be closer to 24-ish. It made the hot wedges easier to justify afterwards.

With this magazine you should also have received the Spring Walks Program, which brings me to the recent Leaders Night at the clubrooms. The plan for the night was to give leaders, old and new, the opportunity to get together, share ideas and filt the new walks program in a collaborative effort. About 15 members participated, which was a bit disappointing given the wide publicity undertaken. Discussions on the night were productive and the Walks Program was close to completion at the conclusion. In amongst the discussions however, some leaders indicated there were concerns that the Management Committee was making changes to the club without consultation with SBWs membership.

As current President of this 80 year young club, let me say that …. nothing of any significance is(nor will) change without your collective involvement and vote. The SBW Management Committee is a democratically elected body of walkers, just like you, who provide their time happily (for the most part) carrying out the administration and operation of YOUR club.

Improved communication is obviously called for though, so heres the plan.

Firstly, for those interested - the monthly Committee meeting is always open to observers. Come and join us to hear first hand about the workings of SBW, and we ll even throw ina plastic cup of cask wine to those arriving at 7pm on the 1% Wednesday in the month at the KNC.

Next, and to assist leaders with promoting their walks to members and prospectives, the start of each social

The Sydney Bushwatker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. August 2006

The Sydney Bushwalker

Page 3

night in future will be given over to a 10 minlte Club Update. SBW in past years always included this segment with clubroom meetings, but the! practice seems to have fallen by the wayside in recent times.

The newly resurrected Club Update will also provide members with the opportunity to seek information from the Committee on issues of interest, and { will provide an update on any new items from the Committee Rooms.

For those not able to make it to the monthly meeting, please communicate your constructive ideas by email, post or phone, and ensure that we continue to have the walking club we ail want to be part of.

Hoping te walk with you soon.

Jan Roberts Home - (02) 9411 5517

Editors Message

As | do the editing | have been reading The Great River Walk by Roger Teagus and following the route on my various maps. It must have been] a great experience to complete the walk and | have found it reatly interesting.

When researching a walk it is necessary to know the conditions of the track and how you are going to get there. Some out of the way destinations require different modes of transport. You will find reference to various web sites and phone numbers on Wilfs Track and Access Reports on page 9 and 15

This month features a Leader Profile of Nigel Weaver whos favourite areas include the Muagamarra Nature Reserve near Brooklyn which is open only six weeks of the year.

Christine Edwards has just become a full member and on Page 11 gives tips to prospective members regarding walk organisation and preparation.

1 thoroughly enjoyed reading Susi Arnott!s article about her walk in South America. The slide show will be amazing.

Regards Pam Campbell

DX Letters to the Editor

Singing on the Train

Like Frank Rigby | am an old timer and can remember how we used to return home after a weekend walk by steam train.

Most of the carriages on these trains gave passengers a degree of privacy. The best were what were known as box carriages. These had a series of compartments with a door at each end for entry or exit to railway station platforms. This allowed small parties to monopolise such spaces. Amore luxurious version had compartments with a sliding door opening to a corridor which ran the length of the carriage. An even later version had a central corridor servicing groups of eight seats, each group separated by high timber partitions decorated with framed photographs of scenic spots around NSW.

Such arrangements also allowed groups to enjoy each others company for a while longer, and sometimes, if we were feeling good, to have a spontaneous sing along.Our repertoire was rather limited to songs borrowed from the boy scouts and girl guide movements and we learnt the words from each other. The song books were produced to improve on this practice, so that everyone could join in.

At reunions Paddy Palin would start the campfire gathering with By the campfires cheerful glow, happy memories come and go etc

We brought our children to reunions to join in the fun and to demonstrate that even adults could have a good time.

along the corridor of our carriage remarked that You are the only truly happy people on the train. Al{ the rest look rather sad and miserable.

Maybe we have moved on and joined the other people in that carriage, but | hope not.

Could be just nostalgia.

Bob Younger

Have You Changed Your Address? If you have changed your address or ES phone number recently, please-NG contact by phone or email: / Members: Fran Holland s Prospectives: Maurice Smith This will ensure that our records show your current address and prevent delay in receiving the magazine each month. The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publiation of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. Iney Bushwalker August 2006 * The Membership Report included the results of the recent Mail Survey included with the membership renewal notices. 313 replies were received with 220 members happy to continue with receiving the magazine by post and 93 members indicating a preference for electronic distribution. The preference for electronic distribution increased to between 120 - 160 for other documents such as walks programmes and memberships lists. The Committee resolved that the Magazine Editor produce a version of the magazine to be distributed electronically.. Resolved to admit Catherine Delaney and Christine Edwards to full membership. The Conservation Secretary reported on matters of interest and was granted requested approval to attend the Wilderness Conference from 8 to 10% September. The Confederation delegates reported on great concern over shooters in State Forests including insurance issues. They advised that the Confederation AGM is on at 7:30pm 15th August. 15 people were at Coolana the previous weekend 8 of whom worked on the road with the goal of making it suitable for 4 wheel drive vehicles. = Under General Business it was pointed out that walks reports should be kept for seven years for legal reasons. Also confirmed that the half-yearly general meeting would be held on 13th September. Nsw WILDERNESS TRANSIT | JENOLAN CAVES. KANANGRA WALLS. . YERRANDERIE GHOST TOWN STARLIGHTS TRACK. BUNGONIA CAVES, Woe Woe. Nerrica s Departs from Sydney's Campbelltown Railway Station q Via Penrith, Katoomba & Blackheath for Kanangra Walls Mon & Wed at 11am. Frid at 7am Returns 4pm Mon, Wed, Frid. Via Starlights, Mittagong & Marulan for Wog Wog-Nerriga Tues.& Thurs & Sun at 11am Returns 4 pm Tues, Thurs, Sun. Yerranderie Ghost Town first Saturday in each month, returns Sun at 1 pm (any Friday min 6) Group booking discounts or charter service Tel 0246 832 344 Mob 0428 832 344 | August 2006 The Sydney Bushwalker New Members Notes by Maurice Smith New Members Secretary Joining us as Prospective Members since my previous report are: John Wilson, Kevin Kennedy, Fernand Santisteban, Carmen Verhagen, Tiffane Bettini, Rebecca Waples, Mick Mcgrath, Jacqui Rosier, Roger Williams, Fran Zoechmann, Sallie Mason, Melinda Turner, Deborah Thomas, Catriona Poliard, Stephanie Kelly, Hugh Fyson, Leanne Burns and Anthony Burns. Please make these folks really welcome. | know that at least several of these members have started bush walking with us as | was on a club trip recently with them. In addition two of our Prospective Members have been accepted as full members of the club. Please welcome Christine Edwards and Catherine Delaney to our ranks. The new Spring Walks Program will be in your hands along with this magazine. Id suggest that Prospective Members spend a few minutes going through it and marking those walks that they are interested in walking. Start with the walks with the lower grade values to start with. Remember that it pays to book onto a walk early as some walks fill fast. On Wednesday 26 July we held a training evening in the club rooms for prospective members where Peter Love was the presenter. He talked and showed in detail the first aid equipment to carry on a walk and discussed the issues dealing with accident prevention and the lessons to be learned. We had 9 interested prospective members present and | do believe that they learned heaps. On Wednesday 23 August Peter Love is again presenting to prospective members instruction about bushwalking navigation. At the date of writing this column we have 130 prospective members, sixty percent of that number are of the female variety. See you on a walk soon Maurice Smith TYPEWRITER TO GIVE AWAY Electric typewriter belonging to SBW is no longer required and is written off. It is in working order with a spare ribbon available. | Any member who would like the typewriter please contact Gretel Woodward on 9587 8912 or email and arrange pick up from 71 Fleet St, Carlton. 2218. Walks Report teh from the Walks Secretary Oa David Trinder At the time of writing the Spring Watks Program has been completed and you should now have it in your hands. There are some interesting Advanced Notices; Tasmania, the Snowy Mountains, New Zealand and Leigh McClintock is taking a group to the mountains of Japan in July next year. The Program has a large number of weekend trips as well as day trips on Saturday and Sunday and a weekday. Trips include skiing in early spring, bike rides and canoe trips. There are plenty of outdoor activities for members and prospective members to enjoy. Every trip will take you to beautiful places, you will meet interesting people on the trip and it will make you fitter and healthier. The leaders have taken some trouble to find new places for us to see and enjoy and the Committee thanks them for their efforts. David Trinder Walks Secretary res eanene mountain advert es beyond the Silk Road Wild Asia offer unique and innovative trekking holidays in Central Asia. Trek in the following mountain ranges & view peaks from base camps of former Soviet States & China. Experience famous Samarkand, Osh and Kashgar. Peak Lenin e Tien Shan Range Kongur Peak Khan Tengri Peak Fan Mountains e Pamir Mountains K2 (Chinese side) @ Peak Communism e Kun Lun Range e Muztagh Ata Experience legendary Silk Road Passes, such as the Torugart & Irkeshtam and the ancient cultures of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan & Western China. Itineraries allow you to “link” a number of the treks, to create your own adventure through Central Asia. Trips include full trek service, local quides and experienced Western Leaders. For brochures and further information call (03) 9672 5372 (ABN 11 005 066 348. Lic Number 30093) The Sydney Bushwatker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. | Page 6 The Sydney Bushwalker August 2006 | COOLANA REPORT Gretel Woodward it was good to see that a couple of our newer members signed into the visitors book and enjoyed a great weekend at Coolana, doing what Coolana is all about, camping with your own birds, wombats and wallabies for company, a perfect relaxing atmosphere, a few city noises in case you are addicted (mobile phones, work and there is an occasional plane flying over), a beautiful river and running creeks (at the moment). An ideal place for all members to take their friends, children, family whenever suits. We are even getting better camp sites ready on the eastern side for those who like complete isolation and a composting toilet for those who cant cope without a few comforts. We had a very successful weekend on the 27th to 30th July and here is a detailed summary of the Coolana report sent to the participants and the Coolana Carers Group. If you would like to be informed about all the Coolana activities and join the Coolana Carers list please email or phone 9587 8912, no obligations just information. Detailed Summary We had a very busy and successful weekend starting from 10.30am Thursday with an appointment with the Noxious Weed Inspector from Shoalhaven Council who spent about 2 hours with Gretel and advised us to get rid of the Wild Tobacco (we are doing this when our CVA team arrives shortly), Crofton weed and the exotic Fireweed which we dont have a lot of but are aware that these weeds must be removed ASAP. Other than that he was very pleased and will be sending an official report to the main committee in due course. Next person to arrive was the NPWS to inspect and replace our fox bait; however Don advised that a 3 year old would be on the property on Saturday and Sunday, so he removed the bait and will replace it in due course. Lots of foxes in the area, they can be heard howling at night. The company who is supplying the gravel for the road arrived to check the suitability of the entrance where we needed the gravel dropped, as there has been lots of rain in the valley over the past couple of weeks. The entrance to Coolana proved to be acceptable, however after having a talk to Don, advised a more suitable base for the job, which was then delivered on the Friday morning. The advice proved to be correct and made the job of laying the gravel much easier. We also hoped that the Building Inspector from Shoalhaven Council would also call in to inspect the composting toilet site but he didnt arrive. Friday morning Patrick arrived to commence the foundations for the composting toilet and worked very hard all weekend by himsetf and by Sunday afternoon had achieved a great deal and was pleased with his efforts. Anyone interested in helping with the Composing Toilet project please contact Patrick or David Trinder who are organising the team for the balance of this project. Don busied himself preparing the tools, site etc. for the job in hand and for the 8 + 1 three year old arriving on Saturday. Fran and Bill Holland arrived Friday afternoon and helped Gretel who had started getting the eastern flat site ready for the tree planting. On Saturday Barry, Chris, Steve, three visitors, Paul, Lloyd and Joachim arrived to join Don and spent Saturday and Sunday morning putting down rocks and laying 14 tonnes of road base which proved very successful and the committee has voted to purchase another 14 tonnes to complete the job in a month or two. -Also arriving on Saturday to do general maintenance and tree planting were Mae, Rick, Phillip and visitors Rosie and Conchita (who | might add were seconded to moving rocks before they came down the hill to help with the general maintenance and tree planting). Rick got the job of removing the wooden extensions off the star pickets as we needed these for reuse. Fran and Gretel removed lots of star pickets off existing plantings which were also required for the new trees and Bill started to carry the star pickets over to the Eastern flat. After Phillip arrived, which was not expected, the extra pair of hands made a huge difference and enabled us to complete our task of carrying 120 star pickets, sixty tree surrounds over two creeks to the eastern flat and finish planting all the trees on the Saturday. This enabled us on Sunday to complete all tasks required for the moment, on the Eastern flat, removing guards off previous plantings, extend stakes and tie up maturing trees (Phillip, Rosie and Gretel) which still needed some support, clear trees covered in Turkey Rhubarb etc. Scotch Thistles and Moth Vines were also targeted by Fran, Mae and Conchita. The Sydney Bushwatker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. August 2006 The Sydney Bushwalker Page 7 The river is full, creek is running, dam is full and the ground was wonderful to work with, soft with lots of moisture, consequently Coolana looks magnificent The rain gauge has been emptied three times over the past month and the readings were over 40mm each time (the gauge only measures 40mm so we dont have an accurate figure). | need to acknowledge an omission in the July edition of the Coolana report. | stated that a big thank you was owed to Owen Marks who had generously donated part of the funds required for the Composting toilet project, which is correct, but |! omitted a big thank you to Jenny and Don Cornell (long standing members) who also donated funds to hetp with the project. | have written to Jenny and Don and apologised for my omission. Our next maintenance weekend is 2* and 3“ September - piease refer Spring Programme for details. ~ DONATE TO COOLANA ~ Have you been to Coolana lately? |f not you may not realise just how fortunate we are to own such a beautiful property - a property for all members to use. However, Coolana requires help. Not only with maintenance assistance but also financially. At present we are spending substantial money on road maintenance and the new composting toilet. You may donate money either for a specific purpose such as the road or toilet or tothe Coolana Fund. Donations to the Coolana Fund are used to provide income to assist with the maintenance of this wonderful property. Please note that the club is legally required to add Coolana donations to the Coolana Fund and not use these for general purposes. Many thanks to those who have already donated or have indicated an intention to include the Coolana Fund in their wills. Please send in your donation, with cheques made out to Sydney Bush Walkers Inc, addressed: The Coolana Fund The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc PO Box 431 Milsons Point 1565. Build Up Bushwalking The most dramatic season of all Dawn. The pleasant temperature evaporates with the sun. Huge clouds grow as the land swelters below, Suddenly a wind springs up and the ternperature crashes. Rain buckets down as lightning flashes and thunder roars Then as quickly as it began, the storm passes. Frogs call and the birds sing. The land turns green, almost as you watch. All nature rejoices in the change. Our Build Up trios are the most laid back and relaxed that we offer - early starts, early finishes and long lunch breaks sitting by tranquil pools. On two of the trips, you spend a night relaxing on a houseboat, visiting a magnificent area not easily accessible on foot. See our website or give us a call for details. www. Williss Walkabouts 12 Carrington St Millner NT 0810 Email: The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. Page 8 The Sydney Bushwalker August 2006 CONSERVATION NOTES Bill Holland This month | wrote two letters on behalf of the members of SBW. The first was in response to the Draft Plan of Management for the Guy Fawkes River National Park stating that although we generally agreed with much of the plan, we very strongly disagreed with the intention to retain the Bicentennial Trail (BCT) through the centre of the wilderness area with two horse camping areas. This trail, and the horse camps, are not all suitable for an otherwise wilderness area and should be relocated to the eastern edge of the national park. The second letter was to the Warringah Council in response to a request from one of our members. | stated that we were very concerned to learn that the Council is considering a plan to allow a housing estate on former Crown land immediately adjacent to Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park. The prospect of development in such an isolated area involving a huge amount of clearing of native vegetation was very hard to accept. | appreciate being advised of these matters and making a response which | hope reflects the views of the majority of our members. Please let me know if you have any conservation matters that you would like me to address. Bill Holland Conservation News Pulp Miil Impact Statement Predicts Forest Harm The Wilderness Society says Gunns Ltds draft integrated Impact Statement (IS) for a proposed pulp mill confirms native forests in Tasmanias north-east will be hardest hit by the project. Gunns released the 7,500-page document in Launceston yesterday. The company says the mill will contribute almost $7 million to the local economy and will have minimal impact on the environment. But Wilderness Society spokeswoman Vica Bayley says it is bad news for Tasmanias native forests, particularly in the north.This pulp mill will drive ongoing forest destruction here in Tasmania and places like the north and the north east like the foothills of Ben Lomond, the Blue Tiers, The Great Western Tiers and the Western Highlands are the front tine of pulp mill-fed forest destruction, she said. ABC Saturday, July 15, 2006 Clear-Felled: Two National Parks In A Year The NSW Government must get tough with farmers flouting native vegetation laws, the states Auditor- General, Bob Sendt, said yesterday, in a stinging indictment of the Governments failure to control illegal land clearing. Ten years after native vegetation legislation was introduced in NSW, illegal land clearing continued, he said, warning that the Government would fail to meet its commitment to increase native vegetation by 2015. Mr Sendt said 2005 was the first time scientifically reliable estimates of illegal clearing became available, but it could be assumed clearing in previous years was as high or higher.It was estimated in 2005 that of the roughly 74,000 hectares of land that was cleared, 30,000 was cleared illegally, he said.The extent of illegal clearing last year is equivalent to the total of the Royal National Park and Ku-ring-gai Chase national parks in Sydney [and] - the equivalent of a six-kilometre-wide strip from Sydney GPO to Penrith. Wendy Frew SMH July 20, 2006 (A View point from The Other Side) Horse Riders Protest Over Proposed Kosciuszko Restrictions Horse riders rallied outside a State Cabinet meeting in Queanbeyan yesterday over proposed restrictions on riding in the Kosciuszko National Park. About 40 members of the Snowy Mountains Horse Riders Association made enough noise for ministers to be aware of their presence. They are annoyed that trail- riders may have to register and obtain permits to ride in the park. Association spokesman Peter Cochran says the Government has given the riders a bad deal. The Snowy Mountains Horse Riders are less than impressed with the new Kosciuszko National Park plan of management which further restricts access to the national park and creates a system of registration for riders and a permit system, which we are opposed to, he said. ABC 3/8/06 Groundbreaking Greenhouse Group Lost To Funding Failure its gone unnoticed by the general population that the ANU-based Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) for Greenhouse Accounting has quietly dissipated like so much ozone. But it is an enormous loss to Canberra, industry, and research science nationally, that its scientists predict will be sorely felt in coming years. During the past seven years, the CRC for Greenhouse Accounting has hosted an extensive program of, at times, groundbreaking research. It was also a key teaching centre, having attracted and trained more than 30 promising postgraduates. The CRC for Greenhouse Accounting was unsuccessful in its bid for funding in the 2006 round - mostly because it was unable to demonstrate strong commercial outcomes, said Deputy CEO, Helen King. Vicki Collins Canberra Review 20/7/06 The Sydney Bushwatker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. August 2006 The Sydney Bushwalker Page 9 TRACKS & ACCESS REPORT JUNE 2006 APOLOGY The Secretary of the Southern Highlands Bushwalkers, Mal Hughes has reminded me that my good friend, Robert Sloss is not a member of NPA but a committee member of the Southern Highlands Bushwalkers. My apology Robert, | should have checked first before going to print in last months T. & A. report. BLUE MOUNTAINS NP f also owe Robert an apology for not using his walks reports and track notes sent to me earlier this year. JACK EVANS TRACK to Erskine Creek is overgrown and ends in a loop not crossing Erskine Creek on the Glenbrook side as it used to. This track should have been rebuilt years ago. Robert also reports that a faint marked track from the campsite at the junction of Erskine and Lincoln Creeks runs up Monkey Vines Creek past the Pisgah Rock pass track. The new track ended about 500 metres upstream in a gully leading to the parking area. The ascent up the gully was far easier than the Pisgah Rock pass although the markers only ran half way up the gully which was in open forest and a rocky spur ran to the top of the ridge. BLUE POOL - GLENBROOK CREEK Robert also reports that the long closed track to Blue Pool from Wright Street Glenbrook has been replaced by two new tracks frorn Coxs Street, Glenbrook. The first is hard to fotlow but is a steep descent to Glenbrook Creek, with a number of dead end branches off it. This track reaches Glenbrook Creek some 2 km upstream of Blue Pool. Robert reports that the track downstream to Blue Pool is virtually obliterated. The other Coxs Street track is from the eastern end of the street, where the NPWS had marked a new track that bypassed the Wright Street track. This new easy track further along runs down a gully that runs into Glenbrook Creek ending a few metres upstream of the old Wright Street track to Blue Pool. Many thanks Robert for that most useful information. | will include the rest of your tracks and access information in future T. & A. reports. THE BIG DRY Maurice Smith (SBW) reports crossing the great Shoalhaven River at Great Horseshoe Bend, dry shod by easy rock hopping. Another report from Rachael (SUBW) reports that Ettrema Creek is not running above Jones ~~ Creek junction but the well known targe pool in Sentry Box Canyon is still there. SBW reported that the once mighty Wollondilly River was not running above Goodmans Bridge, but as Robert Sloss has reported to me, the level of the Wollondilly River from Wingecarribee junction depends on the release of water into the Wingecarribee River from Tatlowa Dam - pumped up the escarpment of Kangaroo Valley by tunnel and canal and via Fitzroy Falls Reservoir. SYDNEY HARBOUR NP Anew park, Marine Biological Station Park, Watsons Bay has provided new improved public access and a new track to facilitate access to Camp Cove Beach. On the other side of Sydney Harbour at Georges Head the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust are building a new spectacular lookout next to the well known six gun pits on the top of Georges Head. This Lookout is now due to open late 2006. The Trust reports that over 2,000 people per week are using the controversial Middle Head Road to Balmoral Oval track. Brochures on the Taronga Zoo (wharf) to Balmoral Oval track are available from the Trust - free of charge - phone (02) 8969 2100 or email info@harbourtrust. gov. au. BLUE MOUNTAINS NP Mike Pickles (Bush Club) reports that Red Gum and Nioha campgrounds at Euroka are closed until further notice for regeneration. | have to report that the popular link track (closed) from Red Hand Cave car park and its new composting toilet, down to and along Campfire Creek is being rebuilt by the NPWS. In my opinion, after inspecting it, this track only needed clearing of scrub and small fallen trees NATIONAL PASS ETC The massive NPWS track rebuilding efforts continue in this area and for track closures, which change from day to day, you should ring the NPWS Heritage Centre at Blackheath on 4787 8877 - seven day service from 0900 (9am) to 1630 (4.30pm). Wilf Hilder, Tracks & Access Convener The Sydney Bushwatker: First Edition July 1931 Official! Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. Page 10 The Sydney Bushwalker August 2006 - NIGEL WEAVER - LEADER PROFILE Personal Bushwalking History | have been a bushwalker virtually all my life, starting with 1** Crows Nest Cubs and then with 2” Roseville scouts. | began leading one-day and overnight walks with a youth group way back in 1965 at the ripe old age of 18, and later led walks with another bushwalking club. | joined SBW in 1996, and | began leading SBW walks almost immediately. Most of my SBW walks are one-day walks, but | have also led overnight walks in the Mountains of Stone (Mount Genowlan area) and in the Wild Dogs (Splendour Rock/ Knights Deck/Mobbs Soak). Favourite Areas My favourite walks are in the hills and ridges that flank the lower Hawkesbury River from Wisemans Ferry to the sea. | love the sweeping aerial views of the river that you get from ridges and cliffs in places like Dnarug, Kuringai Chase, Muogamarra, and Brisbane Water. Other favourite walks are the Mt Solitary traverse and the Wild Dogs in the Blue Mountains.

Types of Walks that | Lead

scenery! Most walks are medium grade, plus some easier walks. | prefer ridges and hilltops rather than valleys, and | often include off-track and exploratory sections.

Walking Style

prefer a moderate pace rather than a fast pace, so

plenty of stops on hills and ridges so that we have time to savour the wonderful views.

Campsite Selection

Memorable Walks

Undoubtedly my two week-long traverses of the spectacular Western Arthurs in southwest Tasmania are at the top. Other great Tasmanian multiple-day trips have been the South Coast Track, the Overland Track, and two rafting trips down the Franklin River. Closer to home, my three Easter trips over four days from Kanangra to Katoomba are truly memorable.

Walks Philosophy A sense of adventure, a moderate pace, and enjoying scenic views with fellow walkers.

Nigel Weaver

The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1933 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. August 2006 The Sydney Bushwalker Page 1]

Christine Edwards gives her account of being a SBW prospective member and offers information and tips to others intending to become full members of SBW.

Prospectives - some ideas

Since everyone joining SBW is classified as a Prospective the class does of necessity include a wide range of abilities. These thoughts are directed more to those who do not come with prior bushwatking experience of any consequence, or considerable physical fitness from some other sporting endeavour.

First walk

The best idea is probably not to keep putting things off; look for a walk that has mainly *1s, ring the leader and go.lf you should find the walk quite difficult then see how you go with a few more walks of similar grade. Then if you find that each walk seems pretty hard, it may be time to decide if you want to work up your fitness, or do something less strenuous. There is nothing wrong with this decision, commonsense is a great ally.

Preparing for the first walk can be a bit of a dilemma also, with regard to what to take and what is not necessary. The walks programme Preparation for an activity is most helpful in this regard. A few things which may also be useful are gloves (gardening gloves availabe at the supermarket) so that if you lose your balance and grab a shrub you dont then have a handful of prickles and also something to put on the ground to sit on (mouse pads or a small piece of rubber) and a warm top as you tend to coot down pretty quickly once you stop walking.


The leader may indicate how much to take and if not then ask .Water is heavy and a bit of a bind to carry, but running out is no fun. Dont count on picking up supplies on the way to the walk. Sometimes the only shop is shut and this can be a real problem when you have a designated meeting time.

Mobile phones

Most leaders expect to be able to contact you on the day of the walk in case of change of plans (eg change in train timetable) . Also if you are having trouble finding the start location you can call in so have the leaders mobile number in your mobile memory.

A few leaders are mobile phone phobic - this is their prerogative and it makes good sense to go along with their wishes. Different people have different ideas as to whether or not it is appropriate to turn all mobiles off during a walk There are only conventions, no rules about this.

In general

The first few walks you tend to find yourself at the back of the pack. This is not a bad place to be, as those in front have cleared the way a little, and also there is good gossip here with regard to which leaders are reasonable to walk with until you are more capable.

Some leaders call their walks easy when they can be a bit testing until you are fit. Walks with *2s in them can vary a lot in their degree of difficulty and may be quite surprisingly tough whilst you are starting out.Good peopte to start off with are Nigel, Bill, Errol and Jan. It is a good idea to ask some questions about the walk, and let the leader know what walks you have done and how you found those walks.

Leaders are the backbone of the activities side of the club and are great people who give of their time and knowledge quite selflessly. You can ask lots of questions and particularly before a walk find out what to expect and try to figure out if you will go OK. Also go for tips on what to wear eg for rain or for off track .

The more walks you do the more people you become familiar with and the more useful information you pick up from chatting with other walkers. It is a great chance to occupy your mind only with what you are doing and seeing and maybe reasses what is and is not important in your life - if only for a short time. Or just have a happy wander. It certainly beats spending a sparkling Sunday at the Westfield Plaza doing an incremental

dement. * relates to the Grading System of Fitness 1-3, Ascent 1-3, Terrain 1-3, Exposure

The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. | Page 12 The Sydney Bushwalker August 2006

The Story of the Great River Walk October 2000 to February 2005

Roger Treagus Part 3 - Yerranderie to Nortons Basin (junction of Nepean & Warragamba Rivers)

Stage 8 was the big one: a 65km walk from Yerranderie to Katoomba in 3 days. There was no easy way to shorten the route. One of the walks aims was to find a practical walking route from source to sea of the river system. This meant that going too close to the Lake would have been missing the point as no practical route would ever be contemplated given the rigid access controls placed upon these lands by the Sydney Catchment Authority. The Lake (Burragorang) forced us around it to the west along the nearest corridor; Scotts Main Range, over Mt Cookem, across the Cox River, up the White Dog ridge in the Wild Dog Mountains, through Mediow Gap, over Mt Debert, up Tarros ladders to Narrow neck and on to Katoomba.

Yerranderie was where we finished before so it was our starting point this time. But how to get to Yerranderrie to start? Answer, fly in. So we chartered 2 aircraft for the 4 of us with gear from Camden Airport for the 20 minutes flight to the Yerranderie strip with an old shed titled International Terminal and an imposing Mt Colong looming up from the runways threshold. From an outer Sydney suburb to a superb natural setting deep in the World Heritage area in 20 minutes!

With the traditional yell of the pilot of Clear the prop the engine sparks into life, the propeller spins to a faint blur and we taxi off to the runway and take off to the west over the Nepean with Camden to our left and Cobbity, then with ground rising to the first range of the Southern Blue Mountains sequence, then over the Lake and onto the Blue Breaks. And on this fine, clear day with fog patches below the Blue Mountain towns and Mt Solitary can be seen to the north. We bank to the left over the Axehead Range and pass Byrnes Gap with buildings of Yerranderie ahead, little dots in a sea of forest and onto the strip like a gash in the countryside under the obvious Yerranderie Peak. The pilot planed his approach onto a strip still partially obscured by fog. In the last 15 seconds of flight we are in a white out and my knuckles are about to turn red when we burst out the other side still on line and with the ground scarcely 30 feet_below us.

6 hardy walkers woke on day one of Stage 8 in August 2002 to a thunderstorm in 5 am darkness and the smell of bacon and eggs that one of our number had thoughtfully cooked for us. The day got worse after breakfast with rain, cold and a trudge along 30 kilometres plus of fire trail to the Catholic Bushwalkers hut at New Yards ( Bimlow 499419). The walkers access corridor opened up by Wilf Hilder was followed on days 2 and 3 through to the Cox crossing and the long pull up White Dog ridge and then northwards to Narrow Neck cleverly avoiding the theoretically easier Duncans Pass for Tarros. (Jamieson 469552)

The views from Medlow to Tarros were superb with the Megalong on our left and Mt Bindo on the western horizon and Cedar Valley on our right with the Cox arm of the lake visible beyond. We were sore after such a quick passage but nothing that a milk shake at the Katoomba Paragon couldnt fix.

Katoomba was close to half way on this trek but being so far away from that river bank that we had wished to stick next to it didnt really feel like it was on the Great River Walk route at all. We now had to get back to the river below Warragamba where once again walking on the rivers bank was legal. This was accomplished in 2 stages. Stage 9 was a day walk (the first one on the trip) in November 2002 through the very familiar bushwalking territory of the Jamieson Valley. The stage was from Narrow Neck, at the Golden Stairs, to Kings Tableland via the Federal Pass, Leura Cascades, Gordon Falls, through the Leura Golf Course to the Valley of the Waters. Stage 10 was a 45 km downhill run on bicycles in the autumn of 2003 from Kings Tableland to Glenbrook via Murphys Trail to Woodford and the famous downhill mountain bike route along the Oaks trail into Glenbrook Creek.

This was fine in getting us back to the river but in doing so we had missed one of the most spectacular river sections, the Nepean Gorge. The Wollondilly loses itself in Lake Burragorrang and the river which spills over the Warragamba Dam (very occasionally) is the Warragamba River which may well take the prize for the shortest river in the country as only 3 km downstream from its start as a river it ends. Here it joins with the Nepean and forges a beautiful gorge through the Blue Mountains to emerge on the Cumberland Plain near

Penrith. The river is a deep long pool all the way from the Nepean Warragamba junction and therefore

The Sydney Bushwatker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. August 2006 The Sydney Bushwalker Page 13

navigable. The best route from Kings Tableland to the dam was along the Watershed fire trail, which terminates at the dam but alas this was also out of bounds for walkers and cyclists hence the choice of the more northerly route leading us to Glenbrook and missing the gorge. So for Stage 11 we backtracked a bit and armed with kayaks we hit the water at Nortons Basin at the junction of the 2 rivers and proceeded to paddle north to Penrith and see the great gorge from the best vantage point, from a boat.

One might ask why would a perfectly sensible river do a thing like this. That is go plunging into difficult and rising country on its run to the sea when it could have taken a much easier course down the adjacent Cumberland Plain from Wallacia. The Nepean at Bents Basin is a smaller example of the same paradox. Water doesnt flow up hill so why would a river take on a mountain. Unless, of course the mountain isnt there. And it wasnt when this stream started its flow. That is how old it is. It predates the Blue Mountains. Where it flowed was a nice downhill run before the Blue Mountains started rising. But when they did the river cut its base faster than the mountains could rise thereby preserving its course while entrenching its meander.

All our walking, cycling and paddling had finally brought us to the edge of Sydney. And here the mood changed. Here there was noise (trail bikes), pollution (algal blooms), roads and people. No more platypus, no more country people. But at least we were back with our old friend the river, once the Wollondilly, then the Nepean and by the end of our next stage the fabulous finale, the Hawkesbury. It really only had all these names because our early explorers were not very well coordinated. One explorer saw one bit of river, another explorer saw another bit and yet another explorer saw another bit and the penny never dropped with them or the governor that they were all seeing parts of the same system. But at least this uncoordination immortalised more English Lords and pollies of the period by naming the river after them. By the time Barrallier saw the Wollondilly better sense prevailed about giving the name a local aboriginal flavour.

Part 4 to be continued in the September issue…


Six Monthly General Meeting

aa ce This meeting will be held at the Clubrooms on Wednesday 13% September, 2006. It will take the form of an open discussion between members and the Management Committee. All members and prospective members are invited to attend, and refreshments will be served before and after the meeting.

In addition to voting on the special resolution, (see below) - individual office bearers of the SBW Management Committee will provide an update report on their area of responsibility to the club and its membership.

Reports will be provided from the: Treasurer, New Members Secretary, Walks Secretary, Social Secretary, Magazine Editor, Conservation and Confederation representatives, the Electronic Sub Committee and 80“ Anniversary Sub Committee chairpersons.

Each report is intended to be interactive, and will enable those members interested in specific areas and issues to have their constructive thoughts heard, and questions answered.


Notice of Special Resolution Notice is hereby given that the following Special Resolution will be placed before the Six Monthly General Meeting to be held at The Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre on Wednesday 13 September, 2006. The effect of this resolution, if passed, will be to change the Ciubs Constitution as indicated. This change requires that the resolution be passed by a majority comprising not less than three quarters of members present and voting. The resolution is: To facilitate the despatch of the monthly magazine, annual reports and other notices by email to members requesting this service. Section 47. SERVICES OF NOTICES ADD: to the end of Paragraph (1) or by email or email attachment to the members lat advised email address. And to the end of Paragraph (2) the sentence Where the document is sent by email or email attachment for the purpose of these rules, the document shall be deemed to have been sent at the date of email despatch.

The Sydney Bushwatker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. Page 14

The Sydney Bushwalker

August 2006


This is a 60 day trip some of it through little travelled spectacular southern Patagonia. Starting point is Buenos Aires to Rio Gallegos and across to Chiles Torres del Paine National park, back into Argentina to the Fitzroy area and on a trail across the border into the Chilean glacier area. The trip continues north the full length of the Carretera Austral via Coyhaique and from Chaitn by ferry to Puerto Montt, returning from Puerto Montt to Buenos Aires via San Martin de los Andes. From base villages there will be day-walks into the Southern ice

Cost p.p is A$5500 including airfares. Extras would be hire of pack animals and glacier guide.

Small group of 3-4 participants only as we travel through areas at the cutting edge of tourism.

For detailed route description and costing, please contact Gerry Leitner by e-mail:

The Midweek Walkers

The Mid-Week Walkers are an informal group of SBW members who have time to spare for mid-week activities, some of which are shown on the Walks Programme and some organised at short notice and advised by monthly newsletter. These can include easy to medium walks;perhaps some cycling or even a little bird watching as well.

Here are brief details of planned activities. More information as to leaders and contact phone numbers are shown in the Winter Walks Programme. There are vacancies on each of these activities and you are welcome to join us.

Extended Activities (Monday to Friday)

11th - 15th September Wombeyan Caves We still have room for more in dormitory style accommodation. Cave inspections and walking.

9th - 13th October New England Nat Park Staying at The Residence at Banksia Point. Lots of walking, animal and bird watching in New England and nearby national parks.

20th - 24th November Stanwell Park

This a week of walking in the nearby Royal NP across the escarpment and along the beaches. Bicycle riding opportunities as well. Some accommodation available or camping.

Day Walks Thurs 7th Sept Botany Bay to Homebush

Cycling on bicycle tracks. A medium length ride but with some easy exit options.

Tues 19th Sept. Mt Annan Botanic Gardens Spring wildflowers at their best in this circuitous traverse of the botanic garden. Medium 14 km.

Thurs 28th Sept Kurnell to Cronulla Botany Bay NP - Cape Solander - North Cronulla

Aclifftop and beachside walk. Perhaps some whales . Bus connection from rail station. Grade: Easy 12km

If you would like to receive our monthly newsletter or join us onan activity please phone me on 9484 6636 or email

The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. August 2006 The Sydney Bushwalker Page 15



Colin Watson (CMW) and Bob Snedden (NPA) have both reported that the track and ladders to Pigeon House have just reopened after being closed for two months. They have also reported that the ladders have been replaced with stone steps and one new ladder to comply with OH & S regulations and the access track has been rebuilt from the car park. It is good to know that Pigeon House - a major tourist destination - is in a Wilderness Area much of which is sprinkled with unexploded ordinance from the Australian Armys former Tianjara Artillery Range. The declaration of this Wilderness Area is contrary to the provisions of the Wilderness Act, which states that such an area must be capable of being restored to its original state. The Australian Army has stated (in writing) that this area cannot be restored. Obviously this was an illegal Wilderness declaration.


Robert Sloss (Southern Highlands Bushwalking Club) reports that on the Nattai side of Beloon Pass the track through Travis Gully is heavily overgrown for half a kilometre due to bushfires in recent years. Bushwalking histories are still puzzling over a very old legend that there was a man trap - a pit with upturned spikes in it, covered with a light framework of wood and cloth and covered with a thin layer of soil - in Beloon Pass to catch escaping convicts. No evidence of such a trap or its ruins has yet been found in the vicinity, nor is there any evidence of such traps being used in Australia, but like the old bushman said where theres smoke theres fire. Conspiracy theories anyone?

Kanangra Walls

At the first meeting of the Blue Mountains Walking Track Strategy Group the NPWS announced that they would rebuild the badly eroded section of the Gingera track across Kanangra Plateau above Coal Seam Cave. Following the threat of a Japanese Army invasion in 1942 the authorities developed a scorched earth policy for the NSW east coast. One of the proposed schemes was to drive cattle and sheep from Burragorang Valley and lower Cox River out to the west. To enable this to proceed the army built ramps at either end of the Kanangra Plateau and recut the Gingera track (as well as numerous bridle tracks along the coastalareas of NSW). Myles Dunphy claimed that the army drove a jeep across the plateau in 1942 down to the Cedar Road at Gingara Creek junction. Detailed examinations of the Gingera track at Kanangra have led bushwalking historians to reject Myless claim, but believe that an experienced army Dispatch rider (a iron horseman) could have ridden his motorcycle along the Gingera track and across the - then as now - drought stricken Kowmung River with little difficulty.


This attractive forested ridge with its tree- mendous views is some 11km by road from Gosford Train Station. Like its northern counterpart Rambalara and Katandra Reserves (just east of Gosford CBD) it is featured in Volume 1 of the NPAs Bushwalks in the Sydney Region and in a Gosford City Council brochure. {t only gets a brief mention in Sid Pulsfords Bushwalking in the Gosford District (no map) and Anthony Dunks Discovering Gosfords Bushlands on Foot (with map) and is not even mentioned in Barry Colliers comprehensive book Exploring the Central Coast with numerous other bushwalks in it. As in the case of Rambalara and Katandra Reserves (see last Septembers T. & A. report) Kincumba Mountain Reserve is poorly mapped. Please note that the major Lookout in the Reserve, overlooking Avoca Beach and Lagoon, is the Colin Watters Lookout, not the Colin Watson Lockout.

This fine forested Reserve is easily reached by private buses running from Gosford train station interchange through the suburb/town of Kincumber or limited private buses from Woy Woy to and from Gosford train stations. It can also be reached by Central Coast Ferries service from Woy Woy to Empire Bay via Davistown and Saratoga. See timetable on the web at On weekends the first service is 0930 (9.30am) from Woy Woy, but on weekdays, Mark the skipper would be pleased to delay the ferry up to 15 minutes to enable bushwalkers on the Sydney trains to catch the ferry, which also provides access to Bouddi N.P. from Empire Bay wharf. Please ring Mark on the ferry at 0418 631313 to get him to wait for you, if you require it.

Wilf Hilder - Tracks & Access Convener

The Sydney Bushwatker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc.

Page 16 The Sydney Bushwalker August 2006

WALKS NOTES - April 2006 Barry Wallace

Walks notes covering the interval 19 March 2006 to 6 April 2006. |

Saturday 25 February saw Ken Smith and a party of 5 out on his walk from Thornleigh to Berowra in fine, clear weather conditions. Despite the good conditions the call of beer at the Blue Gum proved irresistible for 3 of the party when they reached Crosslands. They caught a taxi! The rest of the party completed the walk. Although this was a qualifying walk no prospectives came along. There was at least one prospective on Tony Crichtons Sunday qualifying walk out from Mountain Lagoon to the Colo and Tootie Creek but we do not know exactly how many starters there were in all. The weather was very humid, though whether this had any bearing on the decision of a local wasp to sting Maurice is uncertain. !n any case Maurice knew all about it. Tootie Creek was reported as more overgrown then 5 years ago, with a number of fallen trees and rock slides to add to the fun. It was still flowing well however, and the party enjoyed a heavenly swim in the Colo before heading back out to Mountain Lagoon through a solid thunderstorm. They rounded off the day with a wonderful meai at a new Bilpin restaurant called the Apple Bar.

Terry Moss, he of the truly methodical activity report completion, led a qualifying walk out from Wog-Wog car park to Corang Peak in the Budawangs over the weekend of 4, 5 March. There is a curious symmetry here with Tony Crichtons Sunday qualifier above; there was only one prospective member present and we do not know the total party size, though | havent the least doubt that Terry did record this detail. The hazards included, but were not limited to: fallen trees, rock-hopping in creeks, thorny bushes, scrub-bashing, swamp and creek crossings. As for special features, well this was the Budawangs after all; there were views and more views, as well as Corang River and the cascades. The weather was mild to hot with clear skies throughout the Saturday and scattered overcast on Sunday. There were no incidents or injuries, though Terry does observe that due to extensive recent use of the tracks the walk might reasonably be regraded to easy-medium (oldspeak that is) with consequent removal of the qualifying label. Not only all that, he also attached a colour coded marked- up copy of a section the topo map, showing each days route and camp site. |

There were two Sunday walks that weekend as well, with Nigel Weaver leading a party of 5 on his Erskine Creek li-lo trip, and Maurice Smith with 5 prospectives and who knows how many members on his trip out from Glenbrook railway station. Nigels lot enjoyed ideal li-loing conditions, fine and warm with a light scattering of cloud. Just after the party left the starting point the clifftop views of Erskine Creek, flowing far below in the gorge, provided an incentive for the descent to the water. Once there they inflated lilos and embarked downstream. The water temperature here is pleasant, not the biting cold of the waters in the upper mountains, so the party were relaxed as they meandered along taking in views of high wooded hills and sheer cliff faces studded with caves and overhangs. Apart from one unfortunate who happened to burst his lilo by launching himself onto it as it was precisely positioned over a submerged rock, the party found the trip to be great fun. Even the unfortunate made good progress by inflating the remaining section of the lilo and engaging in a sort of semi-submerged floating. Everyone made it safely back to the cars after a great day with lots of fun and camaraderie. Maurices mob were not so far down into the earth and so experienced much warmer conditions,

so much so that one of the prospectives peeled off at Glenbrook causeway and avoided the last off-road section out to the lookouts over Glenbrook Creek. Two other walkers went along to provide company for the one who peeled and, as far as we know, they all arrived safely at Glenbrook station. The main party finished the walk at around 1635 but were thwarted from partaking of the decadent afternoon coffee and cakes programmed due to the local coffee shop being closed for the day. In what sounds to be a sensible move in any case, they enjoyed cold drinks from one of the local shops before setting off for home.

Wilfs midweek Bicentennial Coastal Walk, scheduled for Tuesday 7 March was deferred to the Winter program due to a lack of starters.

lan Thorpe was out in the geomorphologically gifted area to the North-East of Bell with a party of 4 on Sunday 12 March in fine and just a bit too warm conditions. This last detail is evinced by the consumption over the 11 km ridgeline route of around 6 litres of water per person. Ken Smith had an excuse! He had run the six foot track the day before. The party wandered along wiggly ridges and up on to pagoda rocks that ran in parallel lines, forming deep, narrow gullies between them. The 2 (apparently) wild dogs they encountered at one spot closed to within 20 metres of the party before taking their leave and heading back into the surrounding bushlands. For some reason they finished the walk with drinks at the Apple Bar in Bilpin.

The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. August 2006 The Sydney Bushwalker Page 17

Having initially convened at Stanwell Park, Bill Holland and the crew of 5 who turned out for his route to be determined mid-week walk on Tuesday 15 March immediately determined to relocate and start the ride at Bulli. This choice turned out to be most agreeable to all concerned, as did the ride along the cycle tracks all the way to City Beach, the long lunch at a Lebanese restauraunt, and the return to the starting point at around 1600 hours. Even the weather was well suited to the activity, and agreeable.

Saturday 18 March saw Richard Darke and a party of 11. boarding the ferry from Palm Beach to Wagstaff for his walk in Boudi National Park. The day was warm and humid with lots of mosquitoes for company as the party set off via Lobster Beach for a morning tea stop at Box Head, the guardian of the northern end of the mouth of Broken Bay and the Hawkesbury. The track beyond Putty Beach has been significantly upgraded through to Maitland Beach, with all the badly eroded sections replaced by boardwalk or steps. It was at Maitland beach they lunched and swam in water that they found to be surprisingly cold. The return to Wagstasff wharf was accomplished via Marie Byles lookout at a speed that should have left time for milkshakes at Hardy Bay. It was not to be. For the second visit running the service turned out to be unacceptably slow, so much so they ended up asking for and getting their money back rather than missing the 1630 ferry. They finished the day with a convivial bottle of wine at the nearby home of one of the members.

Conditions were fine and mostly sunny when Zol Bodlay started out with a crew of eight, three of whom were prospectives, on his Saturday day walk on 25 March into the Colo from the top of Bob Turners track. Due to some misunderstanding over the meaning of fitness, the walk had to be truncated, as one of the prospectives could not make the necessary pace. They ended up lunching, swimming, and retracing their steps from the Colo/Tootie Creek junction. This reduced the walk to 12 or 13 kilometres but even so they only reached the cars at 1800. That same day Chris Dowiing led a party of 4 on his walk around the rim from Perrys Lookdown to Evans Lookout and return via Bluegum. It was described as a pleasant day with no dramas.

Glen Draper had to shorten his programmed walk out to Russells Needle on the Nattai when one of the party sprained an ankle. They also experienced some difficulty with the irregular nature of the track markers along the Nattai, this latter being attributed to the damage done by the last large bushfire in the area.

Wilf led a party of 7 out on his Waterfall to Heathcote midweek walk on Tuesday 28 March. One of the members experienced some difficulty with pain due to prforsurgery and had to pull out at Karloo Pool. The rest of the party completed the trip in fine styie, even with the now customary sprint to catch the late running train. More humble pie please Jeeves, | think | heard Wilf say.

As far as one can tell no-one was fooling as Peter Cunningham set off with a party of 11 on his April 1 Saturday walk from Beacon Hill to Belrose via Narrabeen. Walking conditions were pleasant and the panoramas from the high viewing point on the ridge above Currawong Beach provided an enjoyable diversion along the way. So too did the aboriginal rock carvings near the road to The Basin, particularly for those in the party who were seeing them for the first time. Lunch was taken at a waterfall with very little water on America Bay in a spot that provided views to the West. The return to Bennets wharf was uneventful and they caught the 1510 ferry back to Palm Beach for yet one more coffee.

The foltowing day was a beautiful autumn day with high altitude mares tails when lan Thorpe led an exploratory walk out from Bell with a party of 6. They made a distance of 3 to 4 kilometres along a track, then peeled off to explore cliff lines. This proved to be very rewarding, and as they moved along the clifflines to obtain quality GPS fixes they found they had stunning views across and down into the neighbouring gullies and gorges. Definitely worth another visit says lan, so watch this space.

On the grounds that the Editors anticipated deadline approaches | declare stumps for this month.

Thre be Club night in September - Dont forget the second Wednesday, 14 September 8pm

All Welcome!

The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. | Page 18

The Sydney Bushwalker

August 2006


Hi Everyone,

dont know how you feel, but

to the warmer weather. However, | have had the joy of seeing lots of native rose, some wattle and a few other flowers in the Berowra RP lately.

Julys social calendar was very active. Firstly, the Mid-Winter feast/ Xmas in July was a great success despite the heavy downpours on the night.We had about 50 people who brought along a great variety of goodies, as well as the warming gluhwein.

The following week saw the inauguration of a new walks/new challenges night, directed at leaders but open to alt. Fifteen attendees expressed opinions on many topics relevant to the club. That weekend, 15 attended the Coolana Maintenance and Bush regeneration. 8 worked on making the road 4WD friendly and the rest paid homage to National Tree Day by doing the same on the property. Patrick James worked on the toilet - hopefully not due to continual pressing need.

October. Suzi Arnott will be hosting the social evening which features her recent trip with her amigos to South America.

From this month onwards, in addition to the Social night presentation on the third Wednesday of each month will be a Club Update for members and prospectives. This session prior to the nights entertainment will cover club news and upcoming walks. See Jan Roberts column for further details.

Thats it for now. See you soon, hopefully.

Kathy ~ JOKES (>

A woman brought a very limp duck into a veterinary surgeon. As she lay her pet on the table, the vet pulled out his stethoscope and listened to the birds chest. After a moment or two, the vet shook his head sadly and said;

Im so sorry, your Duck, Cuddles, has passed away. The distressed owner wailed, Are you sure?

Yes, | am sure. the duck is dead, he replied. How can you be so sure, she protested. l mean, you havent done any testing on him or anything. He might just be in a coma or something.

The vet rolled his eyes, turned around and left the room, and returned a few moments later with a black Labrador Retriever. As the ducks owner looked on in amazement, the dog stood on his hind legs, put his front paws on the examination table and sniffed the duck from top to bottom. He then looked at the vet with sad eyes and shook his head.

The vet patted the dog and took it out, and returned a few moments later with a cat. The cat jumped up on the table and also sniffed delicately at the bird from head to foot. The cat sat back on its haunches, shook its head, meowed softly and strolled out of the room.

The vet looked at the woman and said, Im sorry, but as | said, this is most definitely, 100% certifiably, a dead duck.

Then the vet turned to his computer terminal, hit a few keys and produced a bill, which he handed to the woman. The ducks owner, still in shock, took the bill. $150!, she cried, $150 just to tell me my duck is dead!

The vet shrugged. Im sorry. If youd taken my word for it, the bill would have been $20 but with the Lab Report and the Cat Scan, its now $150.

Spring Social Program

6Sept 7pm Committee Meeting

Observers Welcome

13 Sept8pm Six Monthly General Meeting 8pm New Members Night Introduction to SBW for intending prospective members

20 Sept 8pm

Come and listen to club members, Susi Arnott, Mark Patteson, Jenny Patton and Margaret Rozea give a visual account of their recent trip in Sth America. The written version of the July magazine article wiil come alive.

A short Club Update will take place prior to the presentation on club matters together with upcoming walks announcements from leaders.

Los Cuatro Amigos en Chile Y Peru

27 Sept8pm Preparing for your First Weekend Walk

Your backpack, what to pack, what to leave at home, what to leave in

the car, how to do it comfortably.

40Oct 7pm Committee Meeting

Observers Welcome

11 Oct 8pm New Members Night Introduction to SBW for intending


Wilderness Rafting slideshow. Brett Fernon from Water by Nature will present on the Franklin River in Tasmania - its fauna, flora, rapids and mountains.

A short Club Update will take place prior to the presentation on club matters together with upcoming walks announcements from leaders.

18 Oct 8pm

The Sydney Bushwatker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. discover



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