FEBRUARY 2007 | 1045 Victoria Rd West Ryde NSW2144 Tel 9G98 5844
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The Sydney Bushwalker Page 1 FEBRUARY 2007 Issue No. 867 THIS MONTH INCLUDES….. REGULAR FEATURES Page Presidents Report - Jan Roberts 2,3 Walks Secretary Report - David Trinder 3 From the Committee Room - Bill Holland 3 The Mid Week Walkers - Bill Holland 15 Walks Notes - Barry Wallace 16 Social Program - Kathy Gero 18 Message from the Editor and Letters to the Editor 18 SPECIAL FEATURES Recollections of Gentleman Joe Marton 5 - Helen Gray, Alan Mewett & Hans Stichter SBW Reumion Get Together Advertisement 7 Geocaching Treasure Hunting by GPS - Bill Holland 10 Namaste from Nepal - Emails from Susi Arnott 15 Recipes - Patrick McNaught 14 SBW 80th Anniversary Party details 17 CONSERVATION Conservation Notes - Bill Holland 4,5 Coolana Report - Gretel Woodward 6 Tracks and Access Report -November - Wilf Hilder 8,9 THE WALKS PAGES Exploring the Kimberley, 2006 - Marella Hogan 12,13
Williss Waikabouts Wild Asia
Wilderness Transport Paddy Pallin
'dney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 tblication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc.
Inside front cover 9
Inside back cover Page 2
The Sydney Bushwalker
February 2007
About Our Club
The Sydney Bush Walkers was formed in 1927 for the purpose of bringing bushwalkers together; enabling them to appreciate the great outdoors; establishing a regard for conservation and promoting social activities. The Clubs main activity is bushwalking but includes other activities such as cycling, canoeing and social events.
Our Waiks Program (published quarterly) features day walks on most Saturdays and Sundays, some mid week walks and overnight weekend walks. Extended walks are organised in areas such as the Warrumbungles, Snowy Mountains, etc as well as interstate.
Our meetings start at 8pm and are held on Wednesday evenings (see Social Programme) at Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre, 16 Fitzroy Street, Kirribilli (near Milsons Point Railway Station).
Visitors and prospective members are welcome. Website: www.sbw.org.au
Members are welcome to contact the following officers on Club matters: President: Jan Roberts 9972 2116 (h) janc.roberts@bigpond.com Vice President: Margaret Carey 9957 2137 (h) margaret_carey@bigpond.com Secretary: Greta James 9953 8384 (h) gjam6037@bigpond.net.au Waiks Secretary: David Trinder 9943 3388 dt28@tpg.com.au
Social Secretary: Kathy Gero 9130 7263 (h) social@sbw.org.au Treasurer: Anita Doherty
9456 5592 (h) alinta@bigpond.net.au Members Secretary: Fran Holland
9484 6636 (h) fernband@bigpond.com
New Members Secretary: Maurice Smith
9587 6325 (h) newmembers@sbw.org.au Conservation Secretary: Bill Holland
9484 6636 (h) bilthotland@bigpond.com Magazine Editor: Pam Campbell
9570 2885 (h) pamela. campbell@bigpond.com
Committee Members: Ron Watters
9419 2507 (h) wattersr@bigpond.net.au Caro Ryan
9909 1076 (h) justshootme@ozemail.com.au Delegates to Confederation: Jim Callaway 9520 7081 (h) (no email address) Wilf Hilder
9587 8912 (h) walkingwilfgretel@bigpond.com
Presidents Report
It seems that suddenly the environment and global warming issues are on everyones, agenda. Even the Howard government, after years of steadfastly refusing to sign the Kyotol agreement and playing down more recent declining | rainfall as just part of the El Nino cycle, is admitting concern. Most of the population in fact now concedes that Australia, and for that matter the rest of the world, faces hard economic decisions to arrest the advance of global warming, and its associated calamities.
In bushwalking terms we too are experiencing the | realities of things to come even when planning for the
next walk. Will there be water? This used only to be a| summer walk consideration for leaders pondering their
input to the upcoming walks program. Now the viability | of many proposed walks need to be reviewed with the ' water issue on top of the agenda. Chatting with fellow bushwalkers over an elongated lunch last Sunday, it was pointed out by Tony Manes that many of our most popular and regularly listed walks will not be viable until (and if) we get significant rainfall.
The threat of bush fires further challenges our leaders when planning input to the SBW walks program. Is the area likely to burn - and could | get the party out, is a question no longer just a mid summer consideration? Perhaps in a worst case scenario, in years to come SBW walkers may be faced with carrying many extra kilos of water year round or, (shock horror) abandoning weekend and extended walks as too difficult or too dangerous!
We could focus more walks in future on the coast as an alternative to inland treks. That is until the seas rise to the point where tracks and beach are inundated as the medium to long range forecasters predict. | asked one of the men cleaning the rock pool at Collared this morning about this weekly process, and he told me that its already impossible to fully drain the pool as the sea level has risen significantly since construction. This comment was followed by one typical of many who dont recognise global warming as impacting them personally. The cleaner added - but hey, | wont be around to worry about it.
Without sounding like a doomsday soothsayer, even our favorite outdcor recreational activities will become difficult to impossible without major changes to the way we impact the planet.
The Sydney Bushwatker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. February 2007 The Sydney Bushwalker Page 3
As for coastal walks; together with a happy bunch of walkers I very much enjoyed John Pozniaks Pittwater walk and wade last week along the Ku-ring-gai Chase NP extremities. It was quite amazing to see how many people have built their homes right on the waters edge, and again sobering to consider how long those homes might remain untouched.
On the social scene the Coolana Reunion weekend this year falls on the 17“ and 18” of March, with a highlight being the opening of the new composting (and environmentally friendly) toilet. Patrick James as always is the Master of Ceremonies, and his event packed agenda for the weekend is enclosed with this magazine. Also included with this magazine is the first report from the 80% Anniversary Sub Committee for your perusal, diarizing and feedback.
Hoping to walk with you soon…
Jan Roberts
Walks Report David Trinder, Walks Secretary
As | write this we are frantically completing the Autumn Program so it can go to the printers. The program is very full; many leaders have contributed interesting trips. We have several new leaders, Stephen and Yvonne Brading are leading their first walk, and Frank Hartigan is leading his first three. He is being accompanied in each case by an experienced leader. We thank these people for their efforts and also their supporters.
Advanced notices herald walks in Japan, Europe, Western Australia and the Northern Territory. In the first few weeks of the program there is an abseiling trip, and walks in Boudi NP, Wollangambe, the Royal, the Blue Mountains, Kangaroo Valley and Nagee NP.
For the reunion weekend, 17 and 18 March, Bill Holland is organising events at Coolana and on the Saturday night the new President will be introduced to the multitudes and festivities and entertainment will follow. With luck the new composting toilet will be complete and officially opened.
Have You Changed Your Address?
If you have changed your address or phone number recently, please contact by phone or email: Members: Fran Hoiland
Prospectives: Maurice Smith
This will ensure that our records show your current address and prevent delay in receiving
the magazine each month.
From The Committee Room
A report of proceedings at the Committee meeting 17% January 2007. This was a short meeting held prior to the Social activity scheduled for 8 pm
Inwards correspondence included; a thank-you from Barbara Bruce for gift of flowers and card whilst in hospital and a letter from the Cabinet Office advising the Premier has passed our letter about hunting in State Forests on to the Minister for Natural Resources for consideration.
= The Secretary had prepared an Annual Report draft with some contributions still outstanding. These will be circulated by email to Committee members.
The AGM will be held on 14th March. Normally the Committee reviews the budget for the coming year but this was deferred due to insufficient time. It will be circulated by email and comment sought from Committee members.
* The Walks Secretary reported that Frank Hartigan, Denis Trembath and Stephen and Yvonne Brading were new leaders and proposed to lead walks on the Autumn Program. David will arrange for George Mawer to send them copies of the Leaders Handbook.
It was resolved that Ray Joyce be readmitted and Karen Carkner and Rae Rogers be admitted to full membership
The Confederation Report included notification that the club insurance premium next year will include 20cents extra per member for trauma counselling; a local landholder will close the Zig Zag Road from Clarence from February 2007 and there were also some track and road closures in the Blue Mountains due to bush fires.
The President reported on arrangements for the 80“ Anniversary celebrations. The major event proposed is the SBW Big Day Out at Manly Dam on 21st October. Other events for the year include; a weekend at Coolana, a special night in the Club room details to be decided, a repeat of walks done in the first year of the Club and a bumper issue of the October 2007 magazine including special articles. No update of the First 60 Years publication will be made due to the high risk of not achieving the level of sales required for a satisfactory financial outcome. .
Note: The February report From the Committee Room nae
will be included in the March Magazine.
The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc.
Page 4 The Sydney Bushwalker February 2007
It was interesting to read in the January issue of The Colong Bulletin that this year marks the 20th anniversary of the NSW Wilderness Act. This legislation was intended to secure wild places from growing threats. The Colong Bulletin notes that these threats continue today particularly with increasing pressure to allow for horse riding, intensive coal mining, climate change, population, development and pollution. The article concludes with a plea for support by subscription and donation so that the fight to secure wilderness can continue. | support this plea. Wilderness is worth supporting and The Colong Foundation does a magnificent job in seeking to protect these areas.
This week saw the release of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report on global warming. Perhaps at last our Federal politicians will start to take positive action; such as preserving rainforests, controlling land clearing, clean coal technology, renewable energy etc.
So far all we have are words; at first denial of a problem and now it seems they have been working on solving the problem for ten years! These words are simply that, words - aimed at a coming election then, perhaps, a relapse into inaction or deferral.
This month has seen a call once more to open up our national parks and wilderness for other uses such as grazing, horse riding etc. (see news items below) We should remember that our parks system is only protected by legislation and all that is required is a successful motion in parliament or the handing over of control to an
unsympathetic Federal Government to lose much of what we have gained.
Bill Holland
\ | Opposition Calls for Grazing In National Parks
The New South Wales Opposition says it wants national parks to be opened up for grazing to help farmers cope with the continuing drought. The Opposition made the call in response to figures released yesterday, which show despite patchy rain, the state has stipped further into drought.
Nationals leader Andrew Stoner says the Government must now reassess what assistance it offers to people in rural'communities. He says it is time the Government allowed farmers to graze their stock inside national parks - environmentalists have nothing to fear from the proposal. The extreme greens will never be satisfied no matter what, but what were talking about is the livelihood of the backbone of our country, our farmers, he said.
But the New South Wales Environment Minister, Bob Debus, has ruled out opening the states national parks, saying they are in drought too. He says they are not some sort of oasis escaping the dry conditions everywhere else. ABC News 8/1/07
Access to NSW National Parks If Coalition Wins Election
A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been signed by the NSW Coalition and Australian Horse Alliance. This is the first time any political party had been prepared to put pen to paper in support of the horse riders cause to maintain and regain access to reserve lands.
In summary, the blanket prohibitions of riding in Wilderness and Nature Reserves will be removed if the Coalition wins government in next years NSW | elections. Also Plans of Management (POM) will be reviewed for those areas horse riding has been banned but where there was horse riding before the POM was | adopted.
The new horse riding policy adopted by the NSW Labor still prohibits riding in Wilderness and in Nature Reserves (other than public vehicle roads).
Signing the MOU were Andrew Stoner, Leader of the NSW Nationals, Peter Debnam. Leader of the NSW Liberal Party, Clive Edwards from the Snowy Mountains Bush Users Group and Richard Smallwood, Convenor of the Australian Horse Alliance. Australian Horse Industry Council 22/12/06.
Liberal/Nationals Sign Memorandum of Understanding with Bush Users Groups
NSW Liberal Leader, Peter Debnam, and the NSW Leader of The Nationals, Andrew Stoner, today announced that a Liberal/Nationals Government would reverse Labors lock out of horse riders and other bush users from National Parks.
Under an historic Memorandum of Understanding signed with key bush user groups outside Parliament House, horse riders will assist the Liberal/Nationals in developing policies that ensure horse riders have fair access to National Park areas.
The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. February 2007
The Sydney Bushwalker
Page 5
“Under the MOU, a Liberal/Nationals Government will remove the blanket prohibition against riding in Wilderness and Nature Reserves within three months of gaining office.
Within six months, the Liberal/Nationals will review Plans of Management for reserve areas where horse riding had been permitted prior to the classification of those areas as Wilderness or Nature Reserves or the Adoption of a Plan of Management.
Mr Stoner said lemma-Costa Labor Government was locking bush users out of their own areas to boost its credentials with the extreme greens in an attempt to net votes.
Labors pandering to the Greens jn order to stitch up preferences at the next State election has come at the expense of horse riders. Labors lock out has never been about science, Mr Stoner said.
NSW Coalition Press Release December 06
Submitting articles for the magazine
The deadline for articles for The Sydney Bushwalker is THE FIRST THURSDAY OF THE MONTH. If there are five weeks in a month then | will extend the deadline to the second Thursday.
If | have an influx of articles or reports and | cannot include your article in the current magazine then | will notify you and arrange to include it in the following months edition.
If you are submitting your article by email send it to: pamela.campbeli@bigpond.com
If you are submitting your article by post send it to my home address: 11/33 Nelson Street, Penshurst NSW 2222
I like to receive photos with your walks articles. | hope to improve the image quality of photos. Please send photos in a high resolution in PDF, TIFF or JPG format. Pam Campbell, Editor
~ Recollections of Gentleman Joe Marton ~ from Helen Gray, Alan Mewett and Hans Stichter
Joe Marton began walking with SBW in 1971, becoming walks leader from the start, mainly of day walks and base-camp trips. Leader Joe, atways punctual, would be at the appointed meeting spot in his old but much loved and faded maroon beetle Volkswagen, the bushwalkers car of that era. He would introduce himself and others, with a politeness and warmth that earned him the title of Gentleman Joe Marton.
Joe loved to walk. He would happily walk for hours around his local streets for the pleasure walking gave him. But being in the bush was his great love. He would proudly describe his walks as a stroll to enjoy wildflowers or gorgeous scenery. He was also a member of the NPA, The Bush Club [where, since 1989, he also became a regular leader], anda kayaker. In 1997 he led a 7 day walking trip at Wilsons Promontory.
In SBW are many personalities, characters might be an appropriate term, and Joe was one of the unforgettables. Not that he was extroverted like many; on the contrary he was always gentlemanly and courteous. But there was an air about him, a bearing: head held high but slightly cocked to on side, eyes with a distant, sometimes inward look, a shock of white hair, measured speech and a
distinctive voice accented by his native Hungary. Joe was a man who gave respect and received respect. Yes, he may have kept to himself at times but was always willing to share what he had and also the experiences that he had gained over much time with the SBW club.
Joe was always interested in people, and their thoughts and opinions. Yet, a modest man, he spoke little of himself. Recently, Hans received a glossy Parramatta City Council brochure with Joes picture in it together with those of some other Council dignitaries. Joe had been formally presented with a plaque for his many years of voluntary work he had given to Parramatta Mission.
Joe Marton was born in Transylvania in 1921 into the Szekely ethnic group renowned for their artistic talents, their resilience, their rectitude. It was no. surprise to learn this; it reaffirms what we always thought of him. Aman of integrity, dignity and determination.
We'll not forget him.
The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc.
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The Sydney Bushwalker
February 2007
COOLANA REPORT - January 2007
Gretel Woodward
January has been a particularly busy time at Coolana this year mainly because of the activity of the building construction team who have been very active and a separate report is being prepared by Patrick James on these activities.
The first maintenance weekend was Bill Hollands on the 13th and 14* January and the part time bush regeneration/maintenance team was Rick Angel, Gemma Gagne, George & Helen Gray, Bill Holland, Ray Joyce, Jerry Leitner, and Ruedi Werner (who rode his bike from Berry train station to Coolana on the Saturday) and me. Ruedi helped Patrick out on the Sunday before being given a lift by George and Helen to Woodhill Gap making his ride to Berry Station a bit shorter and downhill on the way home. Most of the team also helped part of the time with the building construction activities.
Gemma and Helen concentrated on the maintenance of the slopes leading down to the camping flat which sadly had been neglected for some time due to the pressure of all the other activities which had occurred over the past year. George did what George does best, maintenance on various pieces of equipment, the water supply etc. Our dam at that stage was running very low in spite of the rain which had fallen in the valley over the previous few weeks. My plan for the weekend was to spray as much of the weeds as possible (January being our worst month for weed growth) however there was so much native ground cover in some of the better areas | needed to hand weed on the Saturday morning and spray as much as | could in the afternoon.
Bill, Jerry, Ray and Rick (the mowing team) took it in turns to mow the camping flat and slopes, (it was very hot) and spent the balance of their time helping Patrick.
On Sunday Bill mowed the tracks on the Eastern flat which enabled me to temporarily rescue most of our 2006 planting from the dreaded Moth Vine, Turkey Rhubarb and Cape Ivy, fortunately most of the trees are doing well.
Don Finch had a relaxing weekend on the programme for the Australian Day weekend but | am not sure if some of the activities the participants got up to would be what you would call relaxing. They were Jenny Bhatia (friend and visitor), Don Finch, Gemma Gagne, Ros Kerrigan, Mai Mak, Chris Miller, Melinda Turner and Barry Wallace.
Extracts from Dons report to the Coolana Committee:-
Gemma and Melinda continued weeding the slopes that Gemma and Helen had started on the 14 & 15 January. Maintenance jobs done - Don cleaned out the mower and brush cutter and emptied the fuel tanks as someone had used the Generator fuel (50:1 mixed fuel - label had been removed) in error and this led to a trip to Kangaroo Valley to get 30 Litres of ULP (correct fuel) for the motors, walking tracks which required clearing were done, pipeline, filters and dam intake checked, lock removed from sump buster which is no longer retiable and a new one is to be purchased, Hessian replaced around the temporary pit toilet etc. | Barry, Don Jenny and Ros went over to the eastern flat brush cutting, mowing, weeding, poisoning and caring for the trees. Chris mowed and Mai took to the weeds with the long handle chipper on the camping | flat.
On the Sunday Don, Jenny and Ros completed the stock take of surviving SCA trees (237) which is extraordinarily good considering the terrible things that happened to them from 2003 to now. They had | drought conditions, some were planted in the wrong locations, eaten by insects, purchased 40 ground covers (big mistake), 10 unguarded Lomandras eaten by Wombats, smothered with weeds, tree covers taken | off too early and a few got whipper snipped by mistake | etc. We have learnt from our mistakes and are doing better with our 2006 planting with a 98% success rate (at this stage).
New Members Notes by Maurice Smith New Members Secretary
Joining us as Prospective Members since my previous report are: Martin Morgan, Nance Morgan and Cheryl Hambly. Please make these folks really welcome.
With the summer in full swing it is timely to remind all walkers to ensure that you carry plenty of water with you. Dont be caught short as dehydration is most unpleasant.
At the date of writing this column we have 126 prospective members, 73 of that number are of the female variety, compared to 53 males.
See you on a walk soon Maurice Smith newmembers@sbw.org.au
The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc.
February 2007
The Sydney Bushwalker
Page 7
Join Us at Coolana on 17, 18th March
Come at any time for a great time all the time. Waiking, canoeing, or just relaxing.
This year we have some new activities including the grand opening of our brand new toilet.
Join the extended happy hour in the open or under the large tarpaulin. Celebrate the traditional bon-fire and join the Damper Competition on Sunday morning.
New members this is your opportunity to see Coolana at its best.
More Details: Bill Holland 9484 6636 Patrick James: 9567 9998
Separately from your Magazine and Walks Programme this week you should have received a copy of the Annual Report and Membership List for 2007.
Already we have some changes - the first is my fault or at least my lack of some sort of communication with my recalcitrant computer that seems to take off on its own occasionally. The other advices arrived after the Membership List was printed.
1. Could you please alter Mrs DELA to read Mrs. MICHAELIS Anthea, same address etc., and my apologies to you Anthea.
2. Next alteration to your list is that Susi Arnott has asked for her sumame to be changed to PRESCOTT. Other details remain the same.
3. Nuri CHORVAT has advised that he will now be living in Western Australia and his address for your list is now Nuri Chorvat, C/- Telfer Post Office, Telfer WA 6762.
He requested that his phone numbers be deleted, but his email address remains the same.
4. Bill PIXTON has advised his new address is 107 Blackwood Avenue, Morningside QLD 4170. He also advised that this is not a permanent move.
5. Two members have been admitted as full members this month as follows:
* Ms Rae ROGERS, 10/6 Church St Willoughby 2068
* Ms Karen CARKNER, 11/16-20 East Crescent Street, McMahons Point 2060
Please add Karen and Rae to your list.
Thanks for making the above alterations - please check your own details to make sure they are correct and email any change or corrections to: fernband@bigpond.com or write c/- Membership Secretary, Sydney Bush Walkers Inc., PO Box 431, MILSONS POINT. NSW 1565, anda similar notification to the membership will appear in our magazine.
Frances Holland
The Sydney Bushwatker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc.
'Page 8 The Sydney Bushwalker February |2007
BLUE MOUNTAINS N.P. Michael Keatss great book DAY WALKS IN THERABULAT COUNTRY - the most comprehensive walkers guidebook ever published on the Blue Mountains, covers in great detail the geology,
flora and fauna, plus history of the Wild Dog Mountains. It has provoked considerable interest amongst bushwalkers who want to know where the long lost Breakfast Creek Silver Mine is located. The good news is that it is situated in the catchment area of Breakfast Creek. The bad news is that there are several scattered adits
or shafts that comprise the mine - so Col Gibson noted bushwalking historian tells me and he in turn got the
information from the legendary, Ben Esgate of Katoomba.
Country. It should have been $27-50 retail from the excellent NPWS Heritage Centre at Blackheath or the! Megalong Valley Tearooms. It is available direct from Michael Keats, 33 Livingstone Avenue, Pymble. NSW 2073
for $31-00 posted to your address.
the Wild Dog, Megalong and Katoomba areas in the warmer months of the year and moved to| Burragorang (including lower Coxs River) in the cooler months along their traditional trade route, part of which was named the Black Dog Track by local stockmen.
BLUE MOUNTAINS TRACK CLOSURES - The NPWS upper Grose Valley track closures - due to bushfire damage and the Wentworth Falls track closures - due to rebuilding, vary from time to time. For the latest information ring the NPWS Heritage Centre on 4787 8877 or search the website www.nationalparks.nsw.gov.au.
WOLLEMI NP Brian Corlis (NPA) has reported that the Culool Range and Grassy Hill fire roads were regraded late ' last year, by the NPWS/Rural Fire Service to set up fire containment lines if the bushfires in the Mellong Area continued to move south west. Fortunately the bushfires did not get that far due to a weather change.
SYDNEY HARBOUR NP & PORT JACKSON Quite some months ago Paula Akkari (WEA Ramblers) lasked me to check the ownership of a strip of waterfront land on the Lane Cove River at GREENWICH between Shell Park and | Jago Street Reserve. Asearch of the relevant Street Directories showed this was not public land. Arecent phone | call to Lane Cove Council provided the information that the land is zoned open space and therefore no development is permitted but it remains private land at present. At some time in the future Council will acquire the land for , a public reserve. In the meantime if you use it as a short cut along the foreshores you are trespassing, but best of luck.
HUNTERS HILL Mary Quinion (WEA Ramblers) has reported that a very useful short cut is situated behind the houses in St. Malo Avenue and Frances Street through a short scramble up Frances Street Reserve (see Hunters Hill Council walking tracks map). From here a set of stairs leads up to Glenview Crescent. This pass makes an interesting loop walk to or from Pulpit Point. The Hunters Hill Council map also shows an easement running from the St. Malo Avenue end of the Frances Street Reserve direct to Tiree Avenue (off Woolwich Road).| Regrettably this pass is blocked by 2 sheer cliffs of about 3 metres and 5 metres and a Council fence - not a recommended
short cut.
HARBOUR FERRY TIMETABLES Sydney Ferries have recently released new ferry timetables for most of their ferry services. The new user friendly Parramatta River ferry timetable shows considerably more ferry services during the week and at weekends. There is also an additional service from Darling Harbour wharf to Bayview Park, between Canada Bay and Exile Bay (off Hen and Chicken Bay), on our beautiful harbour. Regrettably there are no weekend services as yet and only 6 peak hour services during the week. Could be a long wait for the ferry outside peak hours!
HARBOUR CIRCLE WALK The 7 bridges walk runs through the Sydney CBD on to North Sydney, Lane Cove,
Hunters Hill, Drummoyne, and Pyrmont. Maps are available for this 26km walk - Sharing Sydney Harbour and
on the website www. planning.nsw.gov.au/harbour. This walk was featured in the Australian Geographic magazine
- January - March, 2006. This is not to be confused with the genuine 250+ kilometre walk around/the harbour foreshores; Circumnavigating Sydney Harbour from South Head to North Head or vice versa.
MANLY SCENIC WALKWAY - Spit Bridge to Manly. This ever popular walk around the scenic foreshores of the harbour incorporates many multi million dollar views. Manly Council and the NPWS have issued a new detailed map of the walk and its attractions. The brochure includes walks on the Manly Ocean Beach side of Manly and it is avaitable at Councils Information Centre outside Manly Wharf near The Corso.
The Sydney Bushwaiker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc.
February 2007 The Sydney Bushwalker Page 9
BREAKFAST POINT, MORTLAKE. | keep getting reports that the 2 metre wide shared footpath from Cabarita around the foreshores of Kendail Bay to Mortlake, which was blocked for a year or so at the Mortlake end by a large gate is now open. The track is obviously a concession made by the developers of the old Mortlake Gasworks site and provides harbourside access from Cabarita Park to Wongal Bushland Reserve at Mortlake Point. Apart from Cabarita and Mortlake buses, public transport includes the Parramatta River ferry, which stops at Cabarita Park and Kissing Point, Putney, Kissing Point is on the northern side of the harbour and is easily reached from
Mortlake by using the Mortlake - Putney Vehicular Ferry which also carries passengers and is Sydney Harbours last vehicle ferry.
BUSH WALKER/BUSHWALKING. The origins of these words are obscure. The earliest printed reference | have seen so far is bushwalking by Australian writer and bushwalker Bernard ODowd in 1901. It was probably used in conversation much earlier. Factors which could have led to the coining of these words was the surge of patriotism at the end of the 19 Century, which led to the Federation of Australia and the Boer War. Well known
bushwalker, poet and writer John Le Gay Brereton (Warragamba Walking Club) was the best known bushwalker of our poets and writers of the late 19% and early 20” century.
2006 was a very significant year for bushwalkers as it marks 120 years since the Pickwick Club walked to Jenolan Caves on the Six Foot Track with a mixed party, after a year or so of training walks. This club appears to be the first organised bushwalking club in NSW. In 1886 the Six Foot Track (as it became known) was unfinished, but two members of the Pickwick Club party had walked the track in 1885. The club party which included three unmarried and unchaperoned ladies was revolutionary in the Victorian era. The proposai to include ladies in the Pickwick Club party in 1886 was contentious, but no doubt the unorthodox beliefs of the Quaker members carried the day. (From the earliest days of Quakerism, women have always had equal status with men). The ladies were the first white women to walk the blazed track to Jenolan Caves and they walked the track back to Katoomba taking 3 days each way plus a day at the caves, a great effort considering their unsuitable walking gear. See very well known bushwalking author Jim Smiths book From Katoomba to Jenolan Caves - The Six Foot Track, pp 26 -31, Megalong Books 1984.
Wilf Hilder
Beehive Bliss!
An EXTRAORDINARY walking destination
Piccaninny Gorge, by far the largest gorge in the Bungles. Sheer red cliffs silhouetted against lear blue skies. We walk to a base camp and spend three or four days there as we explore the fascinating side gorges. Every gorge is different. Some are palm filled, some are very narrow and require swimming, all are stunning!
Poo Piccaninny East, a landscape amazingly different from Piccaninny Gorge. Here we find a distinct vegetation, magnificent pools you'd
or sa never find on your own, gorges, open si,
. . areas, great sunrise and sunset views SgewrerS\%
. bushwalk naholidavs . of the domes for which this World Zt Stgehia
www. busnwarik ngnell ays.com.au Heritage Wonder is famous. Ss i a CENTRE
Williss Walkabouts 12 Carrington St Millner NT 0810 Email:
The Sydney Bushwatker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. Page 10
The Sydney Bushwalker
February 2007
A first for SBW!
What is Geocaching?
Geocaching is the name given to an entertaining adventure game for GPS users. Participating in a cache hunt is a good way to take advantage of the features and capability of a GPS unit. The basic idea is to set up caches (containers) and have these referenced by GPS location coordinates. GPS users can then use the location coordinates to find the caches. Something like a treasure hunt!
It is not our intention to place the caches in very difficult spots or require undue scrambling/ bush bashing to isolated locations. Coolana, with over 50 hectares, has a wide exposure to river and cliffs, with creeks and rain forest so there is ample opportunity for some fun exploration during the competition.
What is in the cache?
A cache can come in many forms but for this competition there will be a log sheet (to be signed) and some tokens/vouchers (to be taken) placed ina plastic box or brightly colored tin. Sometimes a geocache provides the coordinates of the next, or other caches, but for this competition a list of coordinates will be provided to each competitor at the start. Hints may also be provided to assist with locating the next cache as' we intend to make this a fun event. The caches may be sought in any sequence in any time during the competition period.
The Coordinates:
GPS 15 digit coordinates and datums will be used and in theory this should give a precise location (to the nearest square metre). However, tree cover may introduce some variation and make the coordinate less precise. Also, some allowance should be made for the hiding place (is it in the tree, near a rock?) and, as stated, hints may be given. Most caches will be near tracks or footpads to avoid trampling of sensitive areas.
Geocaching Treasure hunting by GPS
There will be a Geocaching Competition conducted during the Coolana Reunion 17th/18th March. This gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your GPS skills and explore some of the relatively unknown areas of Coolana.
The competition will take place over Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning. Prizes will be offered to those successfully completing the
The Map:
Although strictly speaking a map is not necessary it may advantageous to have one in order to identify the general area of the next cache and know how far to walk etc. The map for Coolana is Bundanoon. A very limited number of maps will be available at the starting point. Some of you may prefer to enter the locations and use the GO TO function to show you the way. Others may prefer to down load the list of waypoints (cache positions) and trace a map. | can email these to you before the event.
How Do You Win And What Is The Prize?
Depending on the ability of our GPS users and the! difficulty in locating the caches, the winner/s will be those who locate the greatest number of caches. The prize/s are still to be determined but may be a bottle of avery exclusive wine or as otherwise authorized by the Committee.
It would be helpful if those intending to participate could email me so that | will have an idea of how many. My email address is:
Bill Holland (biliholland@bigpond.com)
More information on the worldwide scene of Geocaching can be found at www.navicache.com and the subject was covered by an earlier article
in the Sydney Bushwalker June 2002. !
Can you guess who this is?
The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. February 2007
The Sydney Bushwalker
Page 11
Nearly 80 Years Old and Still Going Strong!
Why, after all this time, is SBW still thriving as one of the top waiking clubs in Sydney?
The answer is simple. The enthusiasm of the members, the dedication of the Committee and Sub- committees and the ability to make changes to meet contemporary requirements without losing the traditions which are so important to the older members. SBW is a large club - we have nearly 500 members and approximately 100 or so prospective members. As with any large organization there are many administrative duties falling on the shoulders of relatively few people. All of our office holders are volunteers; we have no paid staff or outside assistance. Because we are volunteers the procedures are kept as simple as possible - nobody wants to be saddled with onerous tasks on top of a full working week.
The Club is managed by a Committee with special duties delegated to sub-committees. There are 14 positions on the Committee and approximately 20 + helpers in other positions and sub-committees. Over the years the club has developed a pattern of having a mix of old and relatively new members on the Committee.
New members bring new ideas - older members maintain the continuity that is so important when much of the clubs operating procedures and traditions are unwritten. The skill requirements are not many. In fact, we acknowledge that many members with specialist skills do not wish to exercise those skills away from their working environment. As volunteers they may prefer to relax and forget the rules of their day-to-day business environment. So, as stated earlier, the Committee manages the Club with simple procedures in a relaxed environment.
In March each year SBW holds its Annual General Meeting and elects office bearers for the coming year. Alt positions become vacant and any member may nominate for one or more positions. | Sometimes existing office holders re-nominate for their current position but this year several of the office bearers have said they do not intend to stand for re-election, and that there is an unusually high number of vacancies.
The current Committee would like all members, young or old, new or experienced, to think about nominating for a Committee/Sub committee position for the coming year. No special skills required - we only need some of your spare time The Committee positions involve attendance at Committee Meetings on the first Wednesday of most months; the other positions usually entail a working role outside of our meetings.
Why not nominate? This could be your opportunity to take an active part in management of the Club.Here is a summary of the Committee, other Office Bearers and Sub-Committee positions.
Vice President
Treasurer/Public Officer (combined) Walks Secretary
Social Secretary
Membership Secretary
New Members Secretary Conservation Secretary
Magazine Editor
General Committee Member (2) Confederation Delegates (2)
Other Office Bearers: Confederation Delegates - Non-Committee (2) Magazine Production Manager Printer
Hon Solicitor
Hon Auditor
Sub Committees:
Coolana Maintenance Committee Electronic Communications Sub-Committee Printing and Magazine Collating
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The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc.
Page 12
The Sydney Bushwalker
February 2007
Wayne Steele (leader), Wendy Lippiatt, Tony Marshall, Bob Milne, Cath Mullane and Marella Hogan.
This was a trip that nearly didnt happen. It took a flurry of phone calls, emails and faxes between Wayne, our cattle station base, Land Councils and CALM WA to ensure that we could gain access to our destination. Wayne was leading his third trip to explore an area which seldom sees bushwalkers. The continuing access difficulties may mean it was the last, so we all made the most of every moment in this stunningly wild, beautiful, remote niche of the Kimberley.
Its probably quicker, simpler and cheaper to fly to Europe than to hit the ground at the start of this walk: commercial flights from Sydney to Brisbane to Darwin and finally Kununurra, where we stayed for the night. A light plane was chartered for the next leg to the cattle station and then into 4WDs for the 75km, five hour ride to the beginning of the walk.
The plan was to be out for eleven days with no food drop. Precise organisation by Wayne had us setting off with 20 kg packs - mostly food, as we took ground sheets (no tents) and minimal clothing (same clothes for the following eleven days). Hitting the ground walking at midday in temperatures around 30c always takes a bit of getting used to. It was Caths first trip to the area and she thought she was going to die - legs like jelly, blinded with all the sweat and labouring with an uncommonly heavy pack. She soldiered on, eventually realising that she wasnt the only one suffering!
The next few days saw us entering the Prince Regent River watershed, camping on rock platforms, having
lots of swims during the heat of the day and generally enjoying ourselves. The trip was planned to give us plenty of time to appreciate our surroundings, so we only covered about 8-10 km per day through creeks, scrub, spinifex and boulders.
The days soon fell into a pattern. Up at 5am, fire lit, porridge, stewed fruit and good coffee. Walking by | 7am. Lunch about 11.30am which included light but spicy soup and vita wheat biscuits. A two hour rest before moving on to an early camp. Of course, in SBW tradition, happy hour of rum and lemon barley and always a good dinner with rice or pasta, vegies and/ or salmon or tuna.
The night stars were fantastic. As we were so far north, | we could see the Big Dipper plus alt of the southern sky. Little to no moon made the nights memorable. Our resident astronomer, Bob, showed us various elusive stars, including all those zodiac signs. The nights were cold but central heating kicked in from the still warm rock slabs.
Catching fish was ridiculously easy. Marella was
practising casting a line and before she knew it, she | had caught a sooty grunter. We urged her on for our dinner but she couldnt bring herself to do any more,
as it would involve somehow having to kill the damn
thing, so no fresh fish.
People kept half an eye open sleeping next to the big river: we less-than-confidently told each other that the salties would have too far to come upstream from the ocean (40 km). However, it is so remote that the
Looking up at our high camp
The Sydney Bushwatker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. February 2007
The Sydney Bushwalker
Page 13
A typical camp site
information just isnt available. (The station owner later told us that hed seen salties just 5 km down from that spot!)
We were also on the look out for art work. The Kimberley is well-known for the delicate, finely- wrought Bradshaw art, which predates the other local art style - Wandjina.
For most of us, there were two highlights to the walk. One was a hard day walk into a creek system, with massive gorges and waterfalls. When these blocked our path, we were forced across a rocky, dry, broken, exposed plateau with patches of remnant rainforest. The other highlight was a high camp on a 780m lump towering over the surrounding plain. You could see forever. We sipped our rum in reverent silence as we watched the sun set.
The first two trips here had seen us picking our way down waterfalls and through a lot of scratchy scrub and spinifex. There was little of that this time as Wayne planned the route using the best bits of the previous trips, but with a moderate amount of exploratory territory included. In an unfamiliar creek, it was nearly dark and we were still looking for a camp- site. We commemorated Tonys effort in finding one by naming it Tonys Camp. Wayne was a little miffed that he didnt have a camp named after him, but we hope that he eventually recovers! On our way back past this spot, one enterprising party member surprised us all by cooking a fresh damper for lunch. Wendy produced some honey and the group enjoyed a break from the usual food routine.
The station owners had commented on how good the Wet Season had been. We were able to see this by the significantly higher water levels in creeks we had walked in 2002. It made for a lot of fun, jumping and swimming from pool to pool in the spot we called The
Cascades. In 2002 The Cascades were isolated potholes.
There were no major catastrophes and people were very relaxed and fit at the end. We carried two EPIRBS, a variety of drugs, including some high dose codeine and even suture gear, as an injury would have been difficult to manage out there. There was no evidence of people, fires, camps. The only friends we had were wild bulls (red in colour) and some varied bird life. Lots of water around, as it had been a lush wet season eartier this year.
Our last camp was not far down the track from where a couple of pretend geologists dammed up a small creek to grow a couple of acres of marihuana. The crop was finally discovered, but not until after harvest and the geologists long gone. The crop was at least 60 km from anywhere but obviously highly successful.
The station owners Pat and Peter drove out the day before our pick up and camped out with their swags. On the way they killed a beast (cow) and cut it up for the kitchen. Station life is so busy that they really valued the chance to get away from the homestead. They are not sure what future the place holds for them as various political influences increasingly affect their operations.
The adventure is now long gone but we all have some great memories and a fair selection of good photos. We hope to be able to return again in a couple of years, if not just to count the stars.
The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. The Sydney Bushwalker
February 2007
1. 2. 3. 4.
Election of Office Bearers
2 gPPnay
General Business and Announcements
RECIPES - a la Patrick McNaught
Boeuf Nicoise and Rice
(for 6 persons + including hungry males)
750g jasmine rice
1 kg mince
200gm dried peas and com
100gm dried tomatoes
2 sachets'tomato paste
2 carrots best fresh
Bacon and /or bacon stock cubes
Olive pieces, 2 garlic cloves, 1 large onion, herbs
Mix all together and dehydrate for around 6 hours (until it sort of makes a coarse powder). Best rehydrated 1 or more hours before with cup of cheap wine included in rehydra- tion. Sort of vary the amounts in proportion to the number of persons.
Recipe can be varied considerably including: Herbs to taste try varying. Surprise type beans instead of peas and corn best rehydrated separately and added at end.
Olives can be added at beginning or end, Dried carrots.
Chilli Con Carne (for 6) 375gm ted kidney beans 375 em red lentils
200gm pecan nuts
200m dried peas and corn 1 pkt tomato soup
3 sachets tomato paste
2 pkts chilli seasoning mix 1 pkt dehydrated potato
Mix all together and stand for 45 mins + before heating. Add potato and nuts at end. Italian veges nearly always best
The Editor seeks your culinary contributions for the next magazine !!!
The 79th Annual General Meeting of SBW will be held in the Clubrooms on Wednesday 14% March 2007 commencing 8 pm. All members, prospective members, non-active members and visitors are welcome to attend and take part in discussions but only members can vote.
Here is an outline of business to be discussed:
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 8 March, 2006
Annual Reports of the Committee and Office Bearers for the year ended 31st December, 2006 Financial Statements and Accounts of The Sydney Bush Walkers Incorporated for the year ended 31st December, 2006
Statement pursuant to Section 26(6) of the Associations Incorporation Act 1984
Determination of Annual Subscription and Entrance Fee for the ensuing year
0. Two Special Resolutions - Changes To The Constitution re Membership (explanatory comment - below) 1
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The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc.
Departs from Sydney's Campbelltown Railway Station |
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February 2007 The Sydney Bushwalker Page 15
The Mid Week Walkers
We had some interesting walks in January. First, there was the evening walk from Bondi to Coogee on 16th January. There were only nine of us this year but it was a very pleasant evening and we enjoyed our dinner in the park at Coogee. On Tuesday 23rd January a similar number were led by John Poleson from Taronga Park to Balmoral
Beach. This was an easy walk with Johns entertaining descriptions of historical events and happenings when he was the Head Ranger in the area. We were fascinated by the army fortification remnants and ongoing preservation by the Harbour Foreshore Trust at Georges Heights and Chowder Bay.
Looking ahead, here are the extended activities presently planned and you are welcome to join us - see below: Berrara Beach Cottage (Mon 26th Feb - Fri 2nd March)
Accommodation is in a beach cottage in a great location. Ideal for late summer and good opportunities for safe swimming and cycling as well as canoeing and walking. Cost is very reasonable, $50 - $60 depending on number and we may be able to assist with car transport. We usually share as a food group but this depends on requirements of those attending.
Get Away to Woorabinda Ski Lodge at Jindabyne (Mon 26th to Fri 30th March)
The lodge is located on the Barry Way near the corner of the Jindabyne Way with views over the lake - a few minutes walk from Nuggets Crossing shopping centre, Itis very comfortable and well appointed. We will be close to all the Snowy Mountains attractions.
Wallaga Lakes (Monday 7th May - Fri 12th May)
Jean Klovdahl has offered to host this week at Regatta Point Holiday Park. A number of good walks in coastal parks and forest and a few private properties, plus Mt Dromedary. We will stay in Regatta Point Holiday Park (ph. 64934253), which has a selection of cabins, caravans and camp sites.
The Mid-Week Walkers are an informal group of SBW members who have time to spare for mid-week activities, some of which are shown on the Walks Programme and some organised at short notice and advised by monthly newsletter. These can include easy to medium walks, perhaps some cycling or even a little bird watching as well.
If you would like to receive our monthly newsletter or join us on an activity please phone me on 9484 6636 or email billholland@bigpond.com Bill Holland
Namaste for a final time from Nepal!
Short and sweet this time. Ive spent my last week in Kathmandu training at Prisoners Assistance Nepal, where my group consisted of youngsters aged 11 to teachers in their mid-30s; all of whom are responsible for teaching English to younger children whose parents are in jail. Part of the course was training to teach and part teaching English as the level of English was very variable. My best participant was 11 years old, followed closely by
the 15 and 16 year olds. Everyone seemed to have a ball, and learn something as well!! Hopefully they will use the methods they have learned to make classes fun for others.
The children in the orphanage are so well-loved that, despite the traumas they have endured, most are
welcoming and trusting, which is really heartening to see - and so very huggable (despite snotty noses and very grubby little fingers!!)
i head home in 2 days after final visitations to various friends. Looking forward to catching up with you all in the not-too-distani-future . . .
Lots of love, Susi
The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. Page 16
The Sydney Bushwalker
February 2007
WALKS NOTES - covering the interval 19 June to 9 July 2006 |
David Rostron led an extended walk in Kakadu National Park over the period from 23 June to 5 July with a party of 12, Perfect Kakadu weather prevailed throughout, with just the last few nights dipping toa cool 8 degrees. No humidity, no mosquitoes; water temperatures around 22 to 23 degrees and more water than usual due to a later than normal monsoon. They followed all those beautiful creeks and paused at most of the nice pools. Indeed the waters were better than any David remembers having seen anywhere else in Australia. Cascade Creek was a highlight and it was there that the party engaged in something called the train to the extent of 8 persons, exceeding the previous record of 5. David, impulsive lad that he is, declares Kakadu to be THE bushwalking paradise. All letters with contra (or pro) views to the editor please.
lan Thorpe led a group of 5 out from Mount Wilson on his Wollangambe Crater trip on Saturday 24 June after the overnight rain had cleared to a mostly sunny, albeit windy, day. They made a brisk pace down to the Wollangambe River where most crossed dry foot, then headed North and West, following a variety of ridge lines to arrive at the Eastern lip of Wollangambe Crater. Here thel possible origin of the crater engaged them for some time as various theories came and went to no final resolution. The leader brought all that to an end by heading off South back to the river via a route that proved just difficult enough to deserve the use of a climbing tape for safety. There they engaged in the pursuit of foot wetting by being forced to cross and re-cross the stream, culminating in a final deep chill mid-thigh crossing before turning up a gully with impressive blue gums. Here they found a sunny lunch rock where they pretended to dry their shoes and socks as they ate.
After lunch there were dry foot crossings of Bell Creek and Du Faur Creek then the ascent of a narrow ridge that provided superb views back down into Du Faur Creek. Just one more (one foot wetting) side creek and then back to the cars rather later than planned at 18:15. They dined locally at the Apple Bar and then headed off home.
The Sunday of that weekend saw Michael Bickley and a party of 11 on his 16km walk out from Bobbin Head along the Sphinx Track into Kuringai National Park. Michael has described it as an OK walk.
Although Tony Crichton had programmed the walk from Cowan to Westleigh for Saturday 1 July it was Mark Patteson who actually led the party of un- disclosed size on what turned out to be a fast paced trip with'an early finish. David Trinder led a party of 10 on what turned into his Sunday car-shuffle walk from Mount Victoria to Evans Lookout in cool dull conditions that made for pleasant walking through beautiful places, albeit with a large hill at the end. 1 |
Conditions on Tuesday 4” July were wet and cold, so: that the bushes along the route of Jim Percys walk from the Bells Line of Road entrance to Blue Mountains National Park fire trail leading to Jinki Ridge to Dalpura and Jinki gullies, was wet, and the track was wet underfoot. It was indeed fortunate that Jim had scheduled this walk for the Wednesday, a perfect sunny winters day. The party of 5 enjoyed the day, and the 270 degree bend in Dalpura Creek with its spectacular overhang followed by Jinki Creeks historic track to the 1888s mine and (gulp) quiet| hugeness. Jim says the scrub between the two creeks is as fierce as he has seen (and felt) it.
lan Thorpe had programmed two consecutive day walks out from Mount Wilson for 8 and 9 July, so rationally enough a number of starters camped overnight in the Cathedral of Ferns camping area. It wasnt quite so rational when the 16 starters for lans| walk arrived together with those for an easy walk he had talked Tony Manes into leading out from the same marshalling spot on Saturday morning. Confusion, reigned, what with some people getting lost on the| way to the start and extensive mix-ups about just: who was doing what and with whom. In the end they all headed off together along the track to The Centre of the Universe so called. it was here that lans party of 7 split off for other rocks before sliding down into a
deep gully that ted to December Creek. Having
achieved this they then climbed back out of the aforesaid creek and had lunch in the sun while
overlooking the steep twisted terrain around them.
Lunch over they then descended through ranks of
inconsiderate cliffs to yet again cross, you guessed
it, December Creek. There was some compensation
in the fact that the other side of the creek was
surprisingly do-able to the extent that some of the party with time to kill hurried off to check out another deep gully they had spied on the way out in the moming. It is promising but thats for another day.
Those of the re-mingled parties who were not staying the night dined at the Mount Victoria hotel before heading off in various directions.
Sunday dawned sunny but very cold and windy. They |! were still finding ice in the puddles at 10:00h. This was a day of exploration, with all the gullies visited proving interesting, with canyonesque sections, hidden routes and so on. Acouple of sections overdid the canyonesque bit so will be reserved for warmer weather when the waters are less freezing. The end of the last creek gully visited provided great views into Wollongambe River with at least one member, whose name was called Peter, taking heaps of photographs. Almost as an aside lan mentions the numerous interesting pagodas. Just for a change the party finished the trip with dinner at the Apple Bar.
The deadline looms so we shall finish here for this report. Barry Wallace
The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. February 2007
The Sydney Bushwalker
SBW 80“ Anniversary - Its time to Party!
Sydney Bush Walkers celebrate our 80 year in October 2007, and to mark this significant milestone the sub committee has been working on events we know all members wilt want to
Sunday 21% October, 2007
SBW Big Day Out 6eesoseoeaonceeceeceaes 8
This is the exact date of the first SBW meeting 80 years ago, and to celebrate we plan a full day with
the festivities centered around the Manly Dam Reserve.
Our aim is to provide an event that everyone will enjoy, from active to the not so active walkers and their families.
Sections 3B, 3C and 3D at the dam have booked for the entire day which will include:
* Amorning walk around dam, bike ride or kayak on the dam itself
5 : = Fully catered tunch with all tastes provided for…. Eg, Vegetarians will not be forgotten - nor wiil the carnivores amongst us
. ' Catering will include bubbly and soft drinks - all for a nominal cost to attendees
not spoil our fun
* Seating and tables on which to spread ourselves
= Easy parking or alternative access by public transport
For the walking map of Manly Dam Reserve go to:
http://www. warringah.nsw.gov.au/environment/ documents/walking_map.pdf
or the bike riding map to:
http://www. warringah.nsw.eov.au/environment/ documents/biking map.pdf
So … mark your diaries now to keep these dates free, and join us to celebrate and to meet up with friends old and new at this special time.
Wednesday 24“ October, 2007 SBW 80 years and still going Strong!
To be held at the Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre on the evening of the 24”, this social night will be dedicated to the history and heritage of Sydney Bush Walkers. More details later in the year.
Weekend of 27 & 28' of October, 2007 80“ Anniversary Bush Camp at Coolana
@eeaeseeveovneeeceeosvseeaeveeeeaenoenveeoseoe 6 Aweekend of fun and frolic at SBWs beautiful property in the Kangaroo Valley, NSW.
Many activities planed with further details later inthe ~ year.
Spring Walks Program…
@eoeossoeeeecea0cde 6
The Spring Waiks Program 2007 will feature historical walks from 1928 onwards, when leaders and walkers often faced unknown challenges even on day walks with the club.
Patrick James (9567 9998) and David Trinder (9943 y 3388) have a list of walks from this era, and are compiling the Walks Program now for next spring.
All leaders able to lead one or more of these historical walks, please contact either Patrick or David to register your interest and for more details.
So there you have it - some fun times ahead in this our 80 year. Details will continue to develop in the upcoming months, so feel free to contact Jan Roberts on temporary home number 9972 2116 or mobile 0464 003 966 or by email janc.roberts@bigpond.com … with any input you may have for the sub committee.
one ,. . oe . ay wt Ree gate ity is if po Nay cae ” aN 1 wa 7 i te sneva A Ped ae <
The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. Page 18
The Sydney Bushwalker
February 2007
Hi Everyone,
was a most non-summerish month with a lot of cloud and not too much heat which is probably a good thing. I say this, despite the fires in the Kuring-gai Chase NP and Victoria.
The January social night which featured Alex Popovskis presentation on Tasmania in all Seasonswas a tremendous success with around 40 attendees. His slides and narration were excellent.
At this point ! would like to highlight the March 21st social evening (yes it is on despite the AGM the previous week). Reece Turner, the NSW compaigner for the Wilderness Society is our special speaker. He will be talking about the devastating effects of land clearing especially in central and north-west NSW and the south-east forest region.
On the 14th March we have the SBW, Annual General Meeting to which all members and prospectives are invited.
The other popular social event for March 17 and 18 is the weekend at Coolana. This year, not only will the President be inaugurated but THE TOILET will be officially opened. Please see the advertisement elsewhere in the magazine to find out more about activities.
Over the next two months, | will have the pleasure of undergoing an arthroscopy on both my knees. At this point in time, | dont know how much it will interfere with my attendance at the club (needless to say, | can forget about walking). So if you dont see me, you know why.
Enjoy your walking and social activities. Kathy
PS Message from The Editor
kayak trip to Tallawa Dam. Although it was hot, the extra day allowed us to relax at a great camp spot where one of our party caught a fish which we devoured at breakfast the following morning.
This month includes a column of recipes! | intend to run the|column on a regular basis with the aim of sharing 'your culinary expertise so that walkers on weekend and extended trips can have lighter packs andlimprove the quality and variety of food. Send in your recipes using dehydrated food and non-dehydrated
members of the club with offers of historical articles for the 80“ Anniversary edition of the Magazine (which will be the October 2007 edition). | would love to receive articles of notable walks, funny accounts oF information about changes eg environmental which have occurred. If these articles already exist please contact me so that | can obtain a copy and include it in the October edition. Pam Campbell
Letters to the Editor The Editor,
Back in the teens of last century, my fathers cousin, Charlie Cameron, who owned a lovely farm called Wandama (now a quarry) overlooking Bombo Beach, drove me in his sulky up to his dry cattle holding Ben Ricketts (named after the original holder who operated an illicit still). In later years | often visited it during bushwalks, and in 1946, when my close SBW friends, Peter Page and Rae Page, were seeking a suitable site for their cabins campsite, | suggested they look at Ben Ricketts, then belonging to Edie Trebeck, Charlie Camerons daughter. Peter and Rae loved the site and | suggested they approach her with an offer to buy it. She was pleased to sell it to them and they soon erected first tents and later cabins and built their house. When Peter and Rae passed on it went to Barry Duncan (the son of founding SBW members Frank and Anice Duncan), who after a few years sold it to a trust of regular cabin users. They entered into a conservation agreement, which enabled them to avoid paying some $13,000 in rural land rates.
Coolana carries no stock but pays rural land rates. It is in fact a privately owned conservation park. Perhaps, if a conservation agreement was reached, the payment of rural land rates on land which is by no means rural land could be ended. Alex Colley
in New Zealand. Between the groups the following little
verse stared to circulate - and became a source of great comfort for a few of the more elderly (and slower) walkers! Rodney Timm |
The older [ get - the slower I walk
The slower | walk - the more | see
The more | see - the more | learn
The more | learn - the more | know
And the more | come to realise How very little | really know!
Attributed to an anonymous walker
The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. difsCcover
Paddy Paillin
Sydney Parramatta Mnanda - Katoomba Jindabyne - Canbena Adelaide - Melbourne Mawtnorn + kingwooa Fortitude Valley - Perth
Launceston + Hobart 1 800 805 398 addy o2Q i