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The Sydney Bushwalker Page 1

MARCH 2007

Issue No. 868


REGULAR FEATURES Page Presidents Report - David Trinder 2 From the Committee Room - Bill Holland 3 New Members Notes - Maurice Smith 5 The Mid Week Walkers - Bill Holland 6 Walks Notes - Barry Wallace 14,15 Editors Message - Pam Campbell 18 Social Program - Kathy Gero 18


Cycling Around Sydney - compiled by The Editor 10,11

How to be seen by a helicopter at a rescue 13 Bushwalking Recipes - Susie & Richard Darke, lan Thorpe 17 AGM Results 11 CONSERVATION

Conservation Notes - Bill Holland 45 Coolana Report - Gretel Woodward 4


Mountain biking in the Southern Koscuisko National Park 7,8,9 - James Cryer

Our Five Star Bush Walk - Frank Rigby 12 ADVERTISERS

Alpsport Inside front cover Wild Asia 9 Wilderness Transport 12 Williss Walkabouts 15 Paddy Pallin Inside back cover

ydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 ublication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. Page 2

The Sydney Bushwalker

March 2007

About Our Club

The Sydney Bush Walkers was formed in 1927 for the purpose of bringing bushwalkers together; enabling them to appreciate the great outdoors; establishing a regard for conservation and promoting social activities. The Clubs main activity is bushwalking but includes other activities such as cycling, canoeing and social events.

Our Walks Program (published quarterly) features day walks on most Saturdays and Sundays, some mid week walks and overnight weekend walks. Extended walks are organised in areas such as the Warrumbungles, Snowy Mountains, etc as well as interstate.

Our meetings start at 8pm and are held on Wednesday evenings (see Social Programme) at Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre, 16 Fitzroy Street, Kirribilli (near Milsons Point Railway Station).

Visitors and prospective members are welcome. Website:

OFFICE BEARERS Members are welcome to contact the following officers on Club matters: President: David Trinder 9972 2116 (h) Vice President: Wilf Hilder 9587 8912 (h)

Secretary: Greta James

9953 8384 (h) Walks Secretary: Tony Holgate

9943 3388 Social Secretary: Kathy Gero

9130 7263 (h) Treasurer: Margaret Carey

9957 2137 (h) Members Secretary: Fran Holland

9484 6636 (h)

New Members Secretary: Jody Dixon

9739 6534 (h) Conservation Secretary: Bill Holland

9484 6 6636 (h) Magazine Editor: Pam Campbell

9570 2885 (h)

Committee Members: Ron Watters

9419 2507 (h) Patrick James

9567 9998 (h) Delegates to Confederation:

Jim Callaway

(no email address)

Wilf Hilder

9520 7081 (h)

9587 8912 (h)

Presidents Report | by David Trinder President elect for 2007-08

At the Annual General Meeting on 14 March, | was

elected to the position of new President of the Club. || was delighted to accept the position and would like to thank those who made this possible. Since it was last night (at the time of writing), | have just started to get my head around the concept.

and assisting the other office bearers in keeping the Club strong, efficient and useful to the members. |I believe the strength of the Club depends on:

* a walks program with plenty of interesting trips available

* _astrong new members team and enticing web site that brings in new members

interesting social activities

= good communication via the monthly magazine and electronically

“ efficient administration and responsible accounting * positive action to protect the natural environment = and many other facets.

am not here just to run meetings;

improvements proactively. The committee would like people on walks and at social functions to feel that they are part of a great organisation. We want members to be proud of their Club. |

l intend to discuss directions for the Club with members. This new vibrant committee wants to be accessible to all members, including prospective members, who have concerns about the operation of the Club.

for all members.

David Trinder


If you have changed your address or phone number recently, please contact by phone or email:

Members: Fran Holland

email: ! phone: 9484 6636 Prospective members: Jody Dixon | email:

phone: 9587 6325

This will ensure that our records show your

current address and prevent delay in receiving the magazine each month.

The Sydney Bushwatker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc.

March 2007

The Sydney Bushwalker

From The Committee Room - February 2007

Areport of proceedings at the Committee meeting 7 February 2007.

* Inwards correspondence included a letter from our auditor confirming the Cub accounts for 2006 and commending the work of the Treasurer Anita Doherty; also a letter from Shoalhaven Council advising of a neighbour's development application adjacent to Coolana

The President's report noted confirmed the agenda for the AGM. Some Committee members advised that they would not be standing for re-election

* The secretary will finalise the Annual Report and have it ready for printing this week

= The Treasurer's Report was accepted and the following accounts passed for payment: magazine postage $297; printing $86.00; collating expenses $30; rental $400.00 and Coolana toilet $200

” The Committee reviewed and accepted the Autumn Walks Programme

= The Autumn Social programme was finalised and it was resolved that the work of the volunteers and donors should be acknowledged at the social night in April

* The Club 2007 Membership List has been printed and will be included with the mail-out of the Annual Report

The Magazine Editor reported that there were a number of volunteers offering to contribute to the special 80th Anniversary edition of the magazine

* The Electronic Communications Committee reported that work on the electronic data base was continuing. It was agreed that the website needs updating. An effort should be directed to reviewing and updating this

*“ There was discussions about completing the Committee Position Descriptions guide with some members contributions still outstanding.

From The Committee Room - March 2007

Areport of proceedings at the Committee meeting 7” March 2007.

Correspondence out included a grant application for $8,000 sent to the Sydney Catchment Authority

= We received letters from the Confederation of Bushwalking Clubs of NSW advising Certificate of Currency for public liability insurance for Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre and from the Confederation of Bushwalking Clubs of NSW with an insurance questionnaire related to the renewal of the policy

Due to Jans absence there was no Presidents Report

The Treasurers Report was accepted and the following accounts passed for payment: magazine postage $399; annual report postage $420; printing supplies $50; printer repairs $190; collating expenses $34; rental $300.00 and Coolana toilet expenses

= Concern was expressed that the size of the annual report doubled the postage cost from 50 cents to $1-00 per member. Resolved to recommend to the incoming committee to find ways of reducing the annual report to 12 A5 pages

= Resolved that Marcia and Belinda Grew and Helen and Sandy Logie be admitted to full membership of the club

“ The conservation Secretary advised that Yerranderie has been passed to NPWS - not toa school as had originally been thought; the Emirates proposal for a land swap in Wolgan Valley is being delayed due to complications arising from native title; the damage to Blue Gum Forest is not as bad as originally feared

* Resolved that we donate $100 to Kangaroo Valley Fire Service

“The Confederation delegates reported that Confederation is investigating social activities that would appeal to clubs; that S &R is looking for bushwalkers to become members and that the short cutroad to Glow Worm Tunnel & canyons on Newnes Plateau is still open despite fears of road closures

The Coolana report advised that the toilet is nearing completion although it wont be ready for the Annual Reunion. Consideration should be given to a protective balustrade around the toilet platform

The Electronic Sub Committee advised that good progress to completion of stage one of the databases has been made. A meeting of the committee is being arranged and the web-site updating will be discussed.

The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc.

Page 4 The Sydney Bushwalker March 2007

Gretel Woodward

Our Coolana maintenance and bush regeneration weekend of the 24-25 February weekend was not a huge success, there was only Ros Kerrigan, Don Finch and myself, and it was very hot and humid so it was only possible to work in the shade. |

Dons main objective was to chain saw fallen timber to clear the site for the reunion and do the electrical work for the composting toilet project. Unfortunately these objectives were only partly realised because of the weather and the visit by Scott Hartman from Enviroquest which took quite a bit of time. Enviroquest was recommended to us by Eric Zarella, our Landcare officer as a suitable company for us to obtain a quote for the next stage of our project on the Eastern flat. Scott spent about 2.5 hours with Don and Ros talking about our project, giving us some excellent advise about our maintenance procedures e.g. we should now be looking at using a non hazardous poison the same or similar to those found in products sold to kill weeds in domestic tawns. By spraying the weeds this will allow the grass to grow to its full height and produce seed and will start to limit weed growth simply because the grass is taller thicker and a more complete cover. Don also asked him to prepare a quote to be used in a submission to the Sydney Catchment Authority (SCA) for a grant of $8000 to target our woody and broad leaf weeds on the Eastern flat which require in some cases, very hazardous chemicals.

The quote has now been received and it covers two professional high pressure sprays at either end of a twelve months cycle with the second cycle also being a follow up of the first job. If we are successful in obtaining the grant it will enable us to continue to regenerate and revegetate Coolana and make a huge difference to bringing the property back to what it should be, a viable piece of native bushland.


Biodiversity Banking Scheme

The conservation of our endangered animals, plants and ecosystems is one of the greatest environmental challenges facing Australia today. The key reason for the historically high extinction rate of these animals, plants and ecosystems is habitat degradation and loss, initially from over-grazing and clearing for agriculture, and more recently from the clearing of native vegetation for urban development.

The NSW government is proposing to introduce a Biodiversity Banking and Offsets Scheme (BioBanking) to address the clearing of native vegetation for urban development and the impact it has on biodiversity values, including threatened species.

BioBanking will allow biodiversity credits to be generated by landowners who commit to enhance and protect

biodiversity values on their land. These credits can then be sold. Developers can buy these credits and use them to counterbalance (offset) the impacts on biodiversity values that are likely to occur as a result of development.

The scheme is currently under development with implementation expected in mid 2007.

The Threatened Species Conservation Amendment (Biodiversity Banking) Bill was introduced into Parliament in June 2006. For information see the Threatened Species Conservation Amendment (Biodiversity Banking) Bill 2006 at the Parliament of NSW website.

The Biodiversity Banking Bill passed through Parliament in November 2006. On 4 December the Biodiversity Banking Bill was assented by the Governor of NSW and is now an Act of Parliament. The Act will now be known as the Threatened Species Conservation Amendment (Biodiversity Banking) Act 2006. |

A Guide to the Threatened Species Conservation Amendment (Biodiversity Banking) Bill 2006 was published in June 2006.

(Extract from DEC website at www.environment.nsw.

The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. March 2007

The Sydney Bushwalker

Page 5


Last month, Alex Colley suggested that the Club consider entering into a VCA (Voluntary Conservation Agreement) with the NSW Department of Environment and Conservation. | have answered this letter on another page but it was interesting, and somewhat coincidental that the matter of VCAs was raised at a recent meeting with NPWS (National Parks and Wildlife Service) and NPA (National Parks Association).

Many matters were discussed at this meeting, but on the subject of VCA it was stated that these would receive greater attention and encouragement (increased funding) as part of the campaign against climate change and global warming. Indeed, conservation agreements would play a major role in the Alps to Atherton Continental Wildlife Corridor now under active discussion by three state governments.

On a similar vein we discussed the subject of Bio Banks - see item on previous page - and the NPWS is seeking pilot sites for trial purposes. It occurs to me that bio banking of carbon trading credits may have some application for our Coolana property where substantial effort is directed towards conservation, tree planting and restoration of previously degraded land. | will investigate the feasibility of perhaps registering Coolana under a bio-banking scheme.

Other matters announced or discussed at the meeting included:

Fire Damage to Blue Gum Forest

There was damage caused by the previous fire in 1994. Much of the moist forest area has not been burnt and only 1/3 of the canopy was severely burnt, 1/3 slightly scorched and 1/3 left undamaged. Epicormic budding growth is now occurring in the burnt areas.

NPWS Agreement with Emirates in Wolgan Valley A land swap proposal suggested by Emirates was favourably viewed by NPWS as it offered 114 hectares of bushland in exchange for 40 hectares of degraded land. However the intention to place buildings on the site was placed in doubt by Native Title issues and there was also thought that such a swap of wilderness area land may be set an unfortunate precedent.

Yerranderie Area

This land (460 hectares) has now passed to NPWS and will include a Field Study Centre.

Future Development of Currawong Property

The Pittwater Council has Development Approval powers over this property. NPWS controls all access and a road to Currawong would only be allowed if the Plan of Management provided for public access. Sewage and rubbish removal off site may pose a problem for a developer. Bill Holland

New Members Notes aby Maurice Smith, New Members Secretary

Joining us as Prospective Members since my previous report are: Kelly Andrews, Margaret Goodchild, Paul Washer, Sharon Bond, fan Buys, Carol Buys, Alec Coleman, Isabelle Kmita, Maya Melamed, Rory Fagan, Ruth Gamble, Grace Healy and Ray Horne. Please make these folks really welcome.

The February New Members night was a surprise in terms of the big rollup. We had 20 potential new members there and over half of them signed up to join us.

With the summer in full swing it is timely to remind all walkers to ensure that you carry plenty of water with you. Dont be caught short as dehydration is most unpleasant.

At the date of writing this column we have 119 prospective members, 69 of that number are of the female variety, compared to 50 males.

See you on a walk soon Maurice Smith

Membership Changes for your information

Please make the following changes to your 2007 membership list:

= Change of address for John Gillespie to 24/23 College Street, DRUMMOYNE 2047 Home No. 9719 3677

=” Colin Atkinson would like his Work Phone no. crossed off

= Paul Douglas has renewed his membership, so please add: Paul Douglas, 153 Coonanbarra Road, WAHROONGA. 2076 Ph. (H) 9489 9608 & (Mbl) 0409 155 377

= Hans Stichters Work No. is changed to 9795 4215

Lesley Clarkes home phone no. to 9550 5429

Thanks, Fran Holland

The Sydney Bushwatker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc.

Page 6 The Sydney Bushwalker March 2007


Here are some very contented walkers enjoying a rest along the beach front at Berrara. They were part ofa group wh

have just returned from what is now an annual event - a week stay in Maureen and Davids cottage at Berrara Beach.

A total of eight attended this time and as always we had a great time - walking along the beach to Nth Bendalong on Tuesday, a long bushwalk on Wednes- day, cycling and walking at Sussex In- let on Thursday with other activities along the way. |

Looking ahead, about nine people so far have indicated that they will attend the Woorabinda Ski Lodge at the end of March. There wont be any skiing but there are some excellent walks in

the high country planned. After this we have Wallaga Lakes in May and a stay in a brand new National Park in June. You are welcome to add your name to the list for any of these events.

I have not yet given much thought to the second half of the year, other than consider an extended walk in one or more of the Northern NSW National Parks in October and perhaps another house boat on the Hawkesbury River or, as we did some years ago, on Myall Lakes.

Here are the mid-week walks for April. Full details are shown in the Autumn Walks Programme.

Tuesday 3rd April: Old Northern Road Start at Wisemans Ferry. An easy walk in a historic area. Follow the convict built road, detour to a scenic view over the river at lunch and return via Surveyors Track. Grade: Easy 12km

Friday 6th April: (Good Friday) Upper Blue Mountains

Mount Victoria RS - Berghofers Drive and Pass - GWH - Mount Victoria - unnamed ridge - Wilsons Gully - Little Zig Zag - Mt Victoria RS. Good views, historic road works. Off-track section through open forest, some street walking. Grade: M222 13 km

Monday 9th April: (Easter Monday) Garigal National Park and Manly Dam Reserve

Grattan Crescent, Frenchs Forest The Bluff Bantry Bay - Seaforth Oval Engravings Track Manly Dam Circuit Back to start. Pleasant views of Middle Harbour and Manly Dam area. Apple strudel at the Austrian Club! Grade: Easy-medium M221 15km

Wednesday 25th April: Blue Mountains

Katoomba RS Catalina Park Bonnie Doon Track Bottleneck Pass Six Foot Track Devils Hole Katoomba RS. Interesting, beautiful, slow route into the valley. Bottleneck Pass requires a short scramble down a cleft to enter it and, later, the use of a hand line to descend two 6m steep but easy, slopes. Boulder hopping. Grade: M222 12km

The M Mid-Week Walkers are an informal group of SBW members who have time to spare for mid-week activities, some of which are shown on the Walks Programme and some organised at short notice and advised by monthly newsletter. These can include easy to medium walks, perhaps some cycling or even a little bird watching as well. If you would like to receive our monthly newsletter or join us on an activity please phone me on 9484 6636 or email

Bill Holland |

The Sydney Bushwatker: First Edition July 1931 Official! Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. March 2007

The Sydney Bushwalker

Page 7


Route: Dead Horse Gap to Tin Mine Hut - and return. Including Cascade Hut, The Pilot and Cowombat Flats, January, 2007.

Cyclists: Richard Winthorpe, Craig Austin and James Cryer

But riding is my special gift, my chiefest, sole delight; Just ask a wild duck can it swim, a wild cat can it fight.

With this imagery in the back of my mind, and mindful of the eventual fate of the character concerned, | joined my other two colleagues at Dead Horse Gap (not to be confused with Dead Mans Creek) beside the mountain road as we turned our cycles down the hill and mounted for the fray.

Normally this would not arouse any particular alarm, but with this trio you wouldnt get much change from $1.85, and yet none of us was admitting to any suggestions of senility as we pointed our shining new machines south, and tackled the undulations of the upper Thredbo River, as it snakes across the romantically-named Boggy Plain.

After crossing the river via a dilapidated footbridge, Bobs Ridge (1,750 m) presented the first obstacle to be thrown in our path, in the form of a fairly serious uphill grind - made all the more arduous as ones packs are still brimming full of necessities such as chardonnay, brie, smoked quail and Swiss chocolate.

However, the fast zigzags winding downhill soon took the pain away as one focused upon not doing a lateral arabesque over the handle-bars - when suddenly - you confront the trickle which is Cascade Creek (1,450 m), about 10 kms south of our starting point. Another dilapidated footbridge (is there any other kind in the Snowies?) and another kilometre, and were at the picturesque and eponymously-named Cascade Hut.

Late afternoon is a delightful time of day in this region, and the huts setting provides a magical backdrop as long shadows are cast across the adjacent valley, and its distant grassy slopes are illuminated by the setting sun.

Cascade Hut, one of the more picturesque of the heritage huts, has miraculously escaped fires and other disasters, including a near-miss during the 2003 Tom Groggin fires - although it is tempting fate, situated right on the forest edge. Originally built by the Nankervis family as a stockmans grazing hut during 1935-38, it uses the authentic horizontal-slab walled construction. !ts been well restored, compared with a 1940s era photo, and offers a welcome respite on the trip south.

The next moming broke clear and sunny with a welcome cool breeze from the south as we set off, following the only game in town - the singular fire-trail that leads to the Tin Mine Huts, 15 kms due south. Our track is actually part of the classic Alpine Walking Track, which meanders from Victorias ski-fields; across the border all the way to Kiandra, and which is in reatity a network of inter-linking fire trails.

This is classic mountain-biking territory, where you make fast passage through the deep stands of alpine ash, which towered above us on either side of the track. This is the habitat of The Man from Snowy River, where the hills are twice as steep and twice as rough and the ground was full of wombat holes, and any slip was death. It must have been rough, as we got two punctures in quick succession (the only two out of 100 kms of hard riding).

The Tin Mine Huts are a welcome sight as you finally round a bend - and there to your left is a steep hill teading down to two substantial structures standing on a vast plain of native grassland. The larger hut became our home-away-from-home for two days and nights, and served us well as a base for our forays.

Modern bushwalkers and mountain bikers owe a debt of gratitude to the Mount Pilot Tin Syndicate, who, in the mid-1930s, built a network of dirt roads and trails, seemingly for our exclusive use. Tin was first discovered in the area in 1860, and desultory attempts to mine it ensued over the next several decades, until 1938 when the above-mentioned company was liquidated.

The main workings are a few kms north, and all that remain are a few stone walls and other relics. There are two huts still extant - the larger one, also known as the Barn - and the smaller one, known as Carters Hut - Charlie Carter being one of the regions more eccentric hermits, who lived in both huts during the 1940s and early 50s,

During his tenure he wrote articles to the local Snowy newspapers on his favourite subjects, including self- made medications for various ailments, alternate forms of government financing, and the perils of communism.

Unaware of Charlies prescriptions, we nevertheless found the ambience of this pastoral paradise a soothing balm as we gazed out upon the rolting hillsides, clothed in alpine grasses and dotted with granitic tors.

The call of the wild snapped us out of our collective reverie, as we leapt back upon our steel and titanium steeds and hurtled off with the wild-eyed frenzy of madmen. Peddling furiously we negotiated an 8 km gradual uphill gradient, as if pulled by a gravity-defying

The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. Page 8

The Sydney Bushwalker

March 2007

force towards the dominant feature of the region - a great rocky edifice known as The Pilot (1,830 m).

In some mysterious symmetry, The Pilot dominates this southern domain, just like the other great brooding sentinel - Mt Jagungal (2,061 m) - which glowers, menacingly over the northern end of Kosciusko National Park.

Like a true wilderness peak, no tracks lead to The Pilots summit so the intrepid climber has to exert blood, sweat and tears, as well as navigational expertise to prise the reward of a magnificent view from its grip. 25 kms to the north we could see the great ridges of the Leatherbarrel Creek swooping down to the Murray River, and 35 kms to the north the Main Range beckons, while to the south-west the Victorian Alps are visible through the haze of smouldering bush- fires. The Pilot is one of those peaks that winks at the observant skier from afar and it was gratifying to have clambered upon its windswept slopes.

One of the rewards of mountain-bike riding is that having expended energy on the uphill slog, unlike bush walking, you can then literally let gravity take over. And so it was we enjoyed the luxury of the 8 km downhill conveyor-belt ride back to our abode at the Tin Mine Hut camp - for a welcome meal of re-hydrated beef teriyaki washed down by the above-mentioned chardonnay. '

That evening we were doubly rewarded by a visit at dusk from a mob of brumbies, who cantered nonchalantly past our hut, en route to their favourite feeding grounds.

The next morning broke much like the previous day - sunny but with a cool breeze - the perfect day for a sleep- in, | hear you say. But no! A 40 km bike ride beckoned - through tortuous terrain with treacherous surfaces, dangerous potholes and tricky twists and turns - what better way to relax!

We were headed for the romantically-named, Cowombat Flats, a secluded, grassy valley nestling on the upper reaches of the Murray River, and therefore lying ( (by definition) on the Victorian-NSW border. Not for the faint-hearted, this involved serious pedalling for about 14 kms through heavily-timbered countryside, then a bone-shaking descent into hell for about 2 kms that leaves you with permanent psychological scarring from your teeth to your backside.

It is not generally appreciated, that here lies the greatest vertical height difference on the Australian continent. On the one hand we were cycling along in Australias Alps, while only a few kilometres away is the headwaters of the Murray River, which only drops just over a kilometre, during its more than 1,400 kms passage to Goolwa in South Australia.

And so it was, we tested our handbrakes, took a deep breath and shot down the fearsome descent; down bone-shaking twists and turns that would test every muscle in our body (including muscles in our teeth that we didnt even know we had). There is nothing that focuses the mind such as a high-speed downhill descent, where the rocks and the gullies fly past at a frightening speed, and are but a blur in the peripheral vision as one desperately tries to remain vertical against forces, which are tearing at you to kiss the

gravel. |

As always, when you reach the bottom there is a reward for enduring such punishment, and that is the pastoral symphony that unfolds before you - in this case - Cowombat Flats - a vast alpine grassland, manicured to perfection by a well-organised team of wallabies and brumbies (neither of whom were present on the day).

Cowombat Flats were the unwilling host to a minor air disaster in 1953, when an RAAF DC-3 crash-landed on the Flats while heading south. There was only one fatality - the other airmen being able to escape along one of the roads constructed a few years earlier, pre-

war - by the tin mining company, as mentioned above. .

This regions other claim to fame is that it was originally surveyed way back in the 1870s to establish exactly where the good settlers should pay their taxes - to Sydney or Melbourne. Surveyors Black & Allen bush- bashed east from this point (the headwaters of the

Murray), through 180 kms of wilderness to the coast, building a series of cairns along the way.

Again, after a relaxing lunch and discussion of post- war British aircraft carriers, we clambered languorously back upon our metallic velocipedes and began the inexorable climb back up the fire-trail from whence wed come. Here, at the headwaters of the Murray, where one footstep can bridge Victoria and NSW, - we were about to re-join some of the highest peaks in the country (around 1,800-2,000 m) just kilometres

The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. March 2007

The Sydney Bushwalker

Page 9

away. After a seemingly never-ending series of switchbacks leading upwards to the heavens, we passed nearby The Pilot, and knew the way home. Soon the aching quads were forgotten as gravity took over and delivered us down the familiar 8 kms stretch, back to the Tin Mine Huts - and salvation.

Another magic evening, as we and the nearby brumbies grazed on our respective meals before retiring under

a starry sky.

Day 4, was the homeward run, returning north along the Alpine Walking Track, the way wed come in. This was mountain-bikers heaven - rough and varied terrain with just enough technical stretches to keep the mind wonderfully focused, with fast downhill sections fotlowed by sudden uphill twists that kept the gears spinning like roulette-wheels. All the time, the tall timbers on either side pass in a blur as you negotiate the next bend, feathering the front and rear brakes in a dazzling display as rocks and dirt spew up behind you.

Late afternoon and you finally make the laborious climb back over Bobs Ridge, and after another exhilarating never-ending downhill slalom, Dead Horse Gap materialises around the umpteen millionth bend and youre home.

The southern end of Kosciusko National Park may not have the iconic peaks of its northern counterpart, but it does have its own delights of tall timbers, wild brumbies and those long, beckoning downhill runs.

W. James Cryer

(With apologies to Banjo Patterson - excerpts were from Mulga Bills Bicycle and The Man from Snowy River. )


Day 1 (Tues, 2 January 2007) Dead Horse Gap to Cascade Hut - 8 kms- Total 8 kms

Day 2 (Wed, 3 January 2007)

Cascade Hut to Tin Mine Huts - 15 kms

Tin Mine Huts to The Pilot, and return - 14 kms Climb up The Pilot, and return - 2 kms- Total 31 kms

Day 3, (Thurs, 4 January 2007)

Tin Mine Huts to Cowombat Flats (via SnowGum Trail) - 16 kms

Return (via Cowombat Trail) - 15 kms

Tin Mine Huts to Ingeegoodbee Rv, and return - 5 kms - Total 36 kms

Day 4 (Fri, 5 January 2007)

Tin Mine Huts to Cascade Hut) -15 kms Cascade Hut to Dead Horse Gap - 8 kms Total Distance - 98 kms

Mention of the 1902 drought SBW monthly meeting minutes October, 1935


Miss D. Lawry reported that during their trip at the end of last month her party had met Mr. Maxwell of Bimlow at the junction of the Coxs and Kanangra Rivers. He had come there, with two men to help him, to spend several weeks in cutting scrub to feed his cattle. This was the first time since the 1902 drought that he had had to cut scrub for them. Other parties visiting the area in the future will find that casuarinas, kanukas, myrtles and apple-gums have been cut along the banks of both rivers. The hope was expressed that this weeks rains would materially reduce the amount of cutting. The report was received on the motion of Mr. J. Cranitch seconded by Mr. J. Turner.

The report was received on the motion of Mr. J. Cranitch seconded by Mr. J. Turner.

The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 11.4. pm. Sgnd. T.A.Herbert (11.10.35)

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The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. The Sydney Bushwalker

March 2007


Cyclists within SBW may find the following information of use when cycling in the Sydney metropolitan area. There is new legislation and strategies provided by the Roads and Traffic Authority and the Council of the City of Sydney which can be found on the Bicycle NSW website (www.

City of Sydney New Bike Strategy

The Council of the City of Sydney in July 2006 prepared a Draft Cycle Strategy and Master Plan with submissions closing in September 2006. The Draft Cycle Strategy can be viewed on the following web site:

http: www.cityofsydney. nsw. OnExhibition/DraftCycleStrategy.asp The strategy looks at interconnecting villages with a sustainable bicycle network that makes cycling the first and obvious choice for trips of up to five kilometres and beyond. Regional Cycling Network The Regional Cycling Network includes four routes that pass through the city. These routes are: Sydney Harbour Bridge to Woolloomooloo (preliminary concept planning completed) | University of NSW to Sydney (route is partly constructed between Mascot and Darlinghurst) * Rail Trail, Penrith to CBD (work is yet to commence) ” Mascot to Darlinghurst (route completed - minor modifications needed) | City Local Cycling Network City local cycling network routes will provide the most direct| means of travelling between key destinations such as high density residential, retail, employment, education, health, recreational facilities and transport nodes. They will also provide connectivity across key cycling barriers including State roads, arterial roads, canals and around steeper hills. The aim of the network is to provide major routes at a spacing of no more than 1.5km - 2km based on the NSW Government Planning Guidelines for Walking and Cycling. The City will encourage cyclists onto this network to help create a critical mass: drivers and pedestrians will learn to expect higher cycling volumes on these routes. When the Citys aim of 10% share is reached, the City will revisit the network to include a greater proportion of road space dedicated for cycling. City Local Cycling Network Routes North Sydney to Town Hall Harbour Bridge to East Sydney via the Domain | Millers Point to Darlinghurst Woolloomooloo to Green Square = Elizabeth Bay to Darlinghurst = Paddington to City “ Moore Park Road = Randwick to City To view the whole list of routes with maps, contact the following website: http: www. cityofsydney. nsw, gov. au/Council/ OnExhibition/DraftCycleStrategy.asp

More Information

For more information on bicycles, contact:

* Your local council

_ RTABicycle Network Branch (phone 13 22 13)

* or your local bicycle user rou

Bicycle Laws and Penalties

Under NSW Legislation a bicycle is considered as a vehicle and cyclists are required to obey the road rules. Cyclists have special rights, which include:

* Riding two abreast, no more than 1.5m apart

* Travelling to the front of a line of trafficon the left hand side of the stopped vehicles

s Travelling in Bus Lanes and Transit Lanes. However, cyclists cannot travel in Bus Only Lanes

* Travelling on the footpath where indicated by signage

Cycling on the footpath if the cyclist is less than 12

years old. An adult (supervisor) of a cyclist less than 12 years of old, may also ride with the young cyclist on the footpath

* Turning right from the left hand lane of a multi-lane roundabout with the proviso the cyclists must give way to exiting traffic

The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. March 2007

The Sydney Bushwalker

Page 11

To be a legal road vehicle during the day, a bicycle must have:

At least one working brake

= Either a bell or horn fitted to the bike, within easy reach and in working order

To be a legal road vehicle at night, a bicycle must also have:

Lights fitted and in use when riding at night - a steady or flashing white light that is clearly visible for at least 200 metres and a flashing or steady red light that is clearly visible for at least 200 metres from the rear of the bike

Red rear reflector that is clearly visible for 50 metres when light is projected onto it by a vehicles headlight on low beam

It is compulsory to wear an approved helmet correctly when riding a bike. This applies to all cyclists, regardless of age, including children on bicycles with training wheels and any child being carried as a passenger on a bike or in a trailer. Failure to obey road or bicycle rules may result in a fine.

Featured Book

Getting around Sydney on your own two wheels has never been easier thanks to Bike-it! Sydney - a back street guide for cyclists (2nd Edition).

This pocket-sized back- street guide and info book for Sydney cyclists, will become every cyclists bible. Covering Sydney, the North Shore, Manly, the Eastern Suburbs, the Inner West and St George areas, Bike-it! Sydney (2nd Edition) features full colour maps, alternate routes, tips on riding in traffic plus the contact details for bicycle shops and bike groups.

Bike-It! is available in a twin-pack with Cycling Around Sydney for the bargain price of $39.95. You can order on-line by doing a Google search for the Australian Cyclist Bookshop.

Compiled by the Editor Source:

The Annual

S The 79th Annual General

mae =8Meeting was held on Wednesday 14 March 2007.The elected Office Bearers are shown below.


President: David Trinder * Vice President: Wilf Hilder * Public Officer: Greta James Treasurer: Margaret Carey Secretary: Greta James Walks Secretary: Tony Holgate * Social Secretary: Kathy Gero

Membership Secretary: Fran Holland

New Members Secretary: Jodie Dixon * Conservation Secretary: Bill Holland Magazine Editor: Pam Campbell Committee Members (2): Ron Watters Patrick James * Confederation Delegates (2): Jim Callaway Wilf Hilder


Confederation Delegates (2): Wilf Hilder(only one


Magazine Production Manager: Fran Holland Web-master: Mike Chapman Magazine Business Manager: Pam Campbell

Printers:Kenn Clacher, Barrie Murdoch, Tom Wenman, Don Brooks

Archivist: Bill Holland Hen Solicitor: Richard Brady Hon Auditor: Chris Sonter

Coolana Maintenance Cttee: Don Finch, Barry Wallace, Rick Angel, Gretel Woodward

Search and Rescue Contacts: David Patrick James


Kosciuzko Huts Delegates: Clacher

lan Wolfe, Kenn

The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. The Sydney Bushwalker

March 2007

by Frank Rigby

Sometime last year a press release appeared in the Sydney Bushwalker about a very special watk on the Bibbulmun Track in Western Australia. It sounded like an ideal adventure for two worn-out oldies like Joan and myself: 14 kms maximum for the day (mostly less), moderate terrain, a light day pack only, transport to the start and from the end of each days walk and, believe it or not, a comfortable motel and delicious restaurant dinner each night. What else could one ask for? Nothing provided we were willing to pay the price. We were!

And who was conducting this luxurious walk? Why, the Bibbulmun Track Foundation. You might liken them to Friends of the Bibbulmum Track, a non-profit organisation composed mainly of volunteers who promote and organise activities on the Track in all sorts of ways. Each year they run a Highlights walk during the spring wildflower season, with selected parts of the track being chosen for the paying customers. There are two guides and between them they drive the vehicle, carry in the lunches (scrumptious!), educate us about the landscape, entertain us and generally mollycoddle us, us being the thirteen client walkers, all over 60 years of age.

The highlights are spread over eight days. On the first morning we were picked up in Perth and taken to Albany. Do you know anything about Albanys climate?

straight from the South Pole, horizontal rain and a temperature not worth mentioning. | nearly decided to stay in the motel. However, our guides got us out to the Albany wind farm from where we started the first days walk. This was through coastal heath where we were completely bowled over by the magnificent wildflowers - dozens of species, every imaginable colour and form, just covering the landscape. Those W.A. banksias! Wow! Im so glad that | didnt stay in the motel. On our way to Denmark, that nights stopover, we called in at a winery to sample their offerings. Oh yes, this walk was more than just a walk! Ask those who were beguiled by all those craft shops.

And so we went on, sampling interesting parts of this long, long track, learning the local folklore, tramping among the wildflowers, admiring the karri, marri, tingle and jarrah forests and marvelling at the engineering expertise of the elevated walkways in the Valley of the Giants. And in the evenings, that hot shower, a beer or two, dining on the best that W.A.

can offer and a warm, comfortable bed to cap it off. Hey, why have | been roughing it all these years? Fond memories of both wilderness and civilisation, those

i Tel 0246 832 344

pretty little towns like Denmark, Walpole, Pemberton and Dwellingup, keep flooding back.

The folklore of the Bibbulmun Track is noteworthy. Not well known over east, the track is one of the big icons of the West. The track, running almost 1,000 kilometres from Perth to Albany, covers every type, of terrain. Some people walk sections her and there while others walk the whole way (taking up to 60 days). These latter are known as End to Enders, a status symbol in recognition of their marathon effort. One of our guides had walked the entire track a record ten times! We met 80 year old women who, with her daughti i, were within a few days of completion! The mind boggles!

Whether you are intent on an End to Ender or a Five Star bushwalk, we can recommend the Bibbulmum Track.




Departs from Sydney's Campbelltown Railway Station Via Penrith, Katoomba & Blackheath for

Kanangra Walls Mon & Wed at 11am. Frid at 7am

Returns 4pm Mon, Wed, Frid.

Via Starlights, Mittagong & Marulan for

Wog Wog-Nerriga Tues.& Thurs & Sun at 11am Returns 4 pm Tues, Thurs, Sun.

Yerranderie Ghost Town first Saturday in each

month, returns Sun at 1 pm (any Friday min 6) Group booking discounts or charter service |

Mob 0428 832 344 |

The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. March 2007

The Sydney Bushwalker

Page 13

The Leaders Guide to Excuses (for not doing a walk or not showing up for a walk) This should make it easy for members to come up with an excuse for NOT WALKING! Excuses are usually in the form of: Sorry, I or Im or its (pick an excuse from columns A, B or )

A. Environmental reasons B. Technical reasons C. Personal reasons

Too hard Dont have the right gear Too busy

Too easy Need to repair my gear Too tired

Too hot Need new shoes Too early

Too cold Need new knees Too late

Too wet Have a leaking tent Too upset

Too dry Have to work Thinking of doing something else Too windy Had a better offer Fighting the flu

Too early in the season Had a car accident Was not allowed to come by my partner/ friend Too late in the season Had a car breakdown A late night

Too long a walk Missed the train Cant swim

Too short a walk Missed the start Dont like the area

Too much climbing Couldnt find the start Have an injury

Too little climbing Thought it was next week Have to work

Too much swimming Didnt hear the alarm Slept in

Too little swimming Dont like leaches Didnt really mean to go

Too scrubby Dont know who you are Dont walk

Too much scrambling Dead Um, err, …

As an Air force Helicopter Pilot with SAR and EPIRB training, | can comment on how to be seen by a helicopter to get rescued. To locate an analogue (121.5 and 243 MHz) EPIRB, you generally have to be in line of site to the transmitter. These analogue EPIRBS are being fazed out in 2009 in favour of digital 406.025MHz beacons. We get a general vicinity (down to 10 or so km) and then switch on our DF (Direction Finding) radio system when we are close. The Direction Finding function interprets the non directional signal and relays the message to a pointer in the cockpit. As suggested, VHF frequencies like 121.5 tend to bounce easily off terrain, and hence can give false signals. The airborne equipment is notoriously dodgy and tends to wave around like a divining stick in the general location of the signal. There is no absolute indication of range, so dont be surprised when they fly past the first, second or third times before spotting you.

Once you can hear the hello, he is obviously reasonably close and the EPIRB becomes largely useless. Now your biggest ally is passive location aids such as signal fires (obviously more pertinent in NZ than in the super dry blue mountains) flares, bright clothing, movement etc. Having spent plenty of time searching from the air for things, the most important aspect is colour and footprintColour is self explanatory. Footprint is


the area that youve spread your signalling items. So get your raincoats, your bright pack, your thermal top, your silver space blanket and spread them out in a big blob about 40 - 60m across. The more things you can spread out the better your chances are of being seen by a hello. Just make sure that your raincoats etc are fastened down, so they dont fly up into the rotor and destroy the hello thats come to rescue you. Flares are fantastically visible; | carry a small orange smoke flare when adventuring in NZ. Heliographs (mirrors) are also useful, and can be improvised by knife blades, pot lids etc.

Hope that helps a little. Chucky

The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc.

Page 14

The Sydney Bushwalker

March 2007

WALKS NOTES Barry Wallace

Walks notes covering the interval 09 July 2006 to 09 August 2006.

The first walk we have details of is Bill Hollands metro area bicycle trip out from Meadowbank along the banks of the Parramatta River on Thursday 13” July. The party of 6 was delayed a little at the start due to a miscalculation involving roof racks, a bicycle thereon and the clearance limits of a shopping centre underground parking area. The ride along the riverside was pleasant nonetheless, with mangroves etc and fine weather conditions.

Tony Crichton led a party of unknown size on his walk out from Kanangra Wails into Kanangra Creek and then up Paralyser to King Pin fire-trail over the weekend of 15, 16 July. Conditions were wet and cold on the Saturday and wet slippery rocks made for difficult walking conditions. So much so that the party ended up making-do on an improvised campsite in order to get a campfire going before darkness fell. Most of Sunday was dry, and conditions even became nice and sunny for the long steep climb-out up Paralyser. On the! Sunday of that weekend Ron Watters led a party of 17 in good conditions for his walk in the area around Yarrunga Creek. They started by setting up a car shuffle and got away around 0930 for the steep climb up to Mount Carrialoo Saddle which was distinguished by its beautiful palms and ferns. An old loggers track they happened upon took them most of the way to Yarrunga Creek, with a final descent via an open ridge. The creek itself was flowing well, and they identified no less than 3 campsites as they progressed downstream along a rough pad which remained around 10 metres above the creek bed apart from the 4 crossings involved. The pad broadened to a well defined track as they progressed. Afternoon tea was taken at around 1500 at the ford, and they were at the cars by 1620. All travelled well, enjoyed the walk, and rounded off the day with dinner at Mittagong services club. Ron reckons that with the addition of an extension to the top of Mount Carrialoo, and a camp in Yarrunga Creek, this could be a good training walk for new members.

Saturday 22 July saw Chris Dowling and a party of 8 setting out from Carlons for his day qualifying walk down to the Cox River. As programmed, it was a good solid days walk and there were no dramas. They also found it pleasing to see flow in Breakfast Creek for a change. Richard Darke was also out that day, somewhat further South in the Buddawangs. The main party of 4 experienced difficulty getting into Yadboro Flat due to the recent heavy rains, as did a local member attempting to approach from Batemans Bay. The local member eventually turned about and went back home. The main party did something the same and ended up in a Milton Motel overnight before

doing a day walk out from Mount Bushwalker car park to Gadara Point and Ngangitnang Falls. They found the going somewhat more than wet underfoot. What with all the recent rain, the plateau was saturated like a giant overflowing sponge and the party had to squetch ankle deep along much of the track. They were more impressed by the splendid view across The Castle and Mount Mooyen when the sun came out later in the day. The disappointment at not getting to Monolith Valley was tempered by what turned out to be a splendid day out. Richard seems to have developed a preference for 4WD in future for this sort

of conditions.

The weather was fine for Patrick James Five dams in one day walk in The Royal on Sunday 23 July. We have no detail of the party size but we do know they visited dams 1, 2, and 3 before giving up on dams 4 and 5 at Loftus. The program indicates that the last 3 dams were at Loftus so we may also deduce that the party gave up at Loftus. As to who or what they welcomed; that is a complete mystery.

lan Thorpe had obviously gone to some lengths not to overseil his trip out into The Bungleboori scheduled for Saturday 29 July. Despite program threats of wet-feet crossings, thick bush, exposure, and unexpected cliff-lines (not to mention the and so on), a party of 4 were on hand to set off down the track to Bungleboori Creek. This even turned out to be still where it was marked on the map. Whats more some fortuitous circumstance had conspired to place a convenient log right where they wanted to cross the aforesaid creek. They all knew it couldnt last of course, From the South bank they found a pass up through a small cliff-line and discovered a cairn at the top of it. (There was lan thinking in all innocence that no-one ever goes to Bungleboori Creek.) From here the route led up a small ridge, down a miniscule gully, across a thickly vegetated creek and up another gully to tackle a deep slot in the side of a hill. It looked good on the aerial photo, it even looked good all the way to the impassable cliff-line, and even then not all hope was lost as a nearby rock-face yielded to scrambling and gave way onto the side of a large,

rocky hillside where lunch was declared. Lunch over it was just a matter of descending to re-cross Bungleboori Creek and ascending a rock pillar that the map suggested was the end of a ridge line leading to HOME. Alas this one didnt even pass go, serrated as it was by deep slots and requiring quite a lot of back tracking and strenuous climbing of both varieties. Pretty much par for the course as lan was given to observe. Despite all the adversity training they managed to reach the car just after 1700h and drove off to Katoomba for dinner with some party members who were overnighting there to do David Trinders day walk on the Sunday. |

The Sydney Buskwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. March 2007

The Sydney Bushwalker

Page 15

Despite the uncertainties of overnighting at Katoomba a total of 8 starters turned out for David Trinders Sunday walk from Neates Glen to Evans Lookout via Grand Canyon and then to Govetts Leap via the cliff top track. The weather was good, conditions were pleasant in Grand Canyon and the views, presumably out of Grand Canyon were also described as good. Somewhat away to the South Glenn Draper led a party of 13 on his trip out to Russels Needle on the Nattai. Conditions were fine but there was some difficulty following the track along the Nattai. After a full cycle of fire and regrowth this has become somewhat of a chailenge it seems.

David was out there again over the weekend of 5, 6 August with a party of 14 on his qualifying walk out to 100 man cave. Conditions on the Saturday were foggy with drizzle. As it turned out the only water the party found was in rock puddles on Ti-Willa Plateau and even that might not have been there if the sun had been shining. Having consulted various wise men and oracles before the event, the finding of the cave went smoothly and all but one sheltered

The Kimberle

there. The return leg was accomplished in fine, sunny conditions, The Sunday of that weekend saw Nigel Weaver and a cast of 7 on his part exploratory walk out from Brooklyn into Kuringai Chase National Park. They set out following bush tracks as far as a Series of large rock platforms below the Western side of Porto Ridge. They took a break here to view some Aboriginal rock carvings, and then scrambled off-track to the top of Porto Ridge where there were fabulous views over the Hawkesbury River. More off-track to the hilltop behind Mud Point for lunch and more views, then, for a change, a spot of bush bashing around to the base of Peak Hill. They climbed Peak Hill for more views and took an enjoyable afternoon break while there. From there they picked their way down the far side of Peak Hill through cliff-lines and thick bush to Sandy Bay and then along the shoreline bush track back to Brooklyn. It was a great day, with numerous wonderful views of the Hawkesbury and one or two of its tributaries to boot.

All of which brings us to the end of the notes for this period.

has it all!

Rugged mountains, spectacular waterfalls, deep gorges, mighty rivers, clifftined coasts, a wealth of Aboriginal rock-art sites and more.

And we see more of the Kimberley than ever before. Mitchell Plateau. 4 trips, Apr-Aug. Helicopters let us maximise our time in the most spectacular places.

Durack River. Fascinating from the air, even better on the ground. Boat in, walk out.

Isdell River. A great walk along s a major river and its even more s% interesting tributaries. ~&

Willis's Walkabouts 12

Drysdale River. The roads have been closed, but weve found a more interesting and less expensive way to get there.

And more, much more …

For information on our remote Kimberley bushwalking holidays, ask for our trip notes or visit our W

The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. Page 16

The Sydney Bushwalker

March 2007

Letters to the Editor Varad

.e.. Dear Editor,

magazine in which he suggested that Council rates may be avoided on the Clubs Coolana property if a Voluntary Conservation Agreement could be made. This subject was one of several matters covered ina special Coolana Report issued in 1999 following detailed investigations by the Coolana Special Sub- Committee appointed at that time

Here is an extract from this report:

1.6. Consequences or a Voluntary Conservation Agreement

A sub-committee (VCA sub-committee) was asked in April 1998 to investigate the possibility of entering into a Voluntary Conservation Agreement (VCA). Progress has been reported in the Club magazine and at general meetings. Current negotiation with NPWS has been deferred due to NPWS commitment to other properties and our hesitation in entering into such an agreement.

AVoluntary Conservation Agreement (VCA) is a legally binding contractual agreement intended to protect the natural conservation values of land. Amongst other things it encourages the study, preservation, protection and care or propagation of native fauna and flora. The VCA has conditions defined by the Owners (in this case SBW) and accepted by the NPWS. It may be applied over all or part of the property.

The advantages to the club of entering into a VCA could be:

Advice, guidance and assistance from the NPWS in preserving and perpetuating the conservation values of our property.

= Financial benefits such as rates and land tax exemption may be obtained under a VCA.

Our existing use of the land and possible extension of these uses can be safeguarded in the management contract between ourselves and

= Assistance from the NPWS may include funding for equipment/materials; staffing for flora and fauna surveys; weed control and elimination of feral animals such as foxes, pigs and goats. Future assistance of course depends on Government policy and funding available to NPWS

However, there would be disadvantages:

= The agreement is a registered agreement ie entered on title documents.

= The terms, conditions and restrictions will be

defined by the club but are then binding on the Club for years to come. |

s These may impose limits or restrictions which may be unacceptable to future membership-

Access by NPWS personnel will be guaranteed-

* The Club will be committed to maintenance and other costs which may be incurred relating to th agreement.

As it happened, the Club decided not to proceed with further investigation of a VCA as some members objected to having such an agreement entered on the title deeds. Entering into a VCA would require approval of % of the Club members attending a special meeting called for the purpose and it was felt that this would

not be achievable.

in retrospect, it seems a pity that this matter was not pursued as we may have by now saved several thousand dollars in rates if this agreement had been made. The conditions attached to title would not be more restrictive than those already applicable to Shoalhaven Special Area land which covers the whole of the Coolana property.

Bill Holland Conservation Secretary

….-. Dear Editor,

Having spent most of the past 40 years working with the Colong Foundation I was very pleased to read, in the February Magazine, Bill Hollands tribute to the magnificent job it does. It is 20 years since Bob Carr accepted Colongs proposal for a Wilderness Act, but the Coalition parties, with their advocacy of grazing and horse riding, still oppose the concept of wilderness.

Bushwalkers interested in wilderness should read the books Blue Mountains World Heritage by Henry Gold and myself, which describes Colongs Number One campaign and Sustainability by myself, which describes the root cause of environmental degradation. Another book which covers the overall work of wilderness campaigners, is the attractive coffee-table book Celebrating Wilderness .

(These books are available from Envirobook, 7-9 Close St, Haberfield, phone 9787 1955. BMHW costs $50, Celebrating Wilderness, $50 and Sustainability, $20. | would be pleased to give a copy of the latter to any SBW member who cares to call in).

Alex Colley |

The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. March 2007

The Sydney Bushwalker

Page 17

BUSHWALKING RECIPES .- Richard & Susie Darke & lan Thorpe

Thai Chicken Curry

4 persons Cooked at home, then dehydrated


1 Leonards Green Chicken Curry sauce pack (from

Leonards chicken shops)

750g chicken breast mince

1 chopped onion

1 chopped carrot

250ml coconut milk


Tablespoon olive oil

Pan with lid - (we use a non-stick one with a glass


* Optional - small Asian style baby corn - chopped, or zucchini - sliced.

* Chopped fresh basil, chopped fresh coriander (or dried if fresh not available)


Heat oil in pan, moderate heat

Add onion, carrot and garlic, stir a minute

Put lid on and steam for 3 mins

Stir in chicken mince

Add Leonards curry sauce - stir

Add coconut milk - stir

Simmer gently for 10 mins (until chicken is cooked) Add herbs

Cool, and then dehydrate on max setting for approx 12 hours, until food dry and crumbly to the touch. Freeze in labeled zip lock bags until ready to use.

In camp:

Rehydrate in zip lock bag 30 mins. Then pour contents into billy, season, add rice (~100gr per person) and your choice of rehydrated green vegetables (Surprise peas or beans are ideal).

Bring to boil, cover, and then simmer 15 minutes. Serve.

Gourmet Apricot Camembert

A delicious starter or Happy Hour serving! (courtesy of Kununurra-based John Storey)

One round of camembert cheese

Cut three quarters of the way into the cheese (a horizontal cut, as if you were slicing a hamburger bun in order to butter it)

Add a generous amount of apricot jam

Pack in double foil wrap

Heat gently in camp fire for 10 mins (max!)

Spread onto water crackers to serve

Dessert - Rehydrated fruit & custard

Before leaving home, dehydrate your favourite fruit, medium setting, 10 hours or until thoroughly dry to touch. Mango slices, sliced mandarin segments, sliced strawberries and/or peeled kiwifruit slices are all excellent)

Store in a labelled ziplock bag and freeze.

in camp, rehydrate fruit by adding water to the ziplock bag and rezipping, 30 mins.

Use Foster Clarks instant vanilla custard powder, following instructions on packet. Blend rehydrated skim milk powder and water, then stir in custard powder slowly, ensuring a smooth consistency.

Add rehydrated fruit. Slowly heat the mixture, stirring frequently.

Flavour with rum or port. Serve. Bon Appetit! - Susie and Richard Darke

Tuna Mornay

From a four person food group on a twelve day walk in Kakadu NP.


=~ 1 packet McCormicks Tuna Mornay Sauce Mix - you should be able to find this in the sauces or packet sauces aisle at the supermarket.

* 1 425g can of tuna (I think | got it in springwater rather than brine or oil)

= 65g of powdered milk

= 1x 100g pack of Surprise Peas and Com

300g rice (or pasta or deb)


Basically, | just followed the directions on the back of the McCormicks packet, except:

used powdered milk instead of real milk.

the 65g of milk powder to 500mL of water.

Once !d blended the tuna mornay sauce mix into the milk as per the directions on the packet, | added the Surprise peas and corn, before putting the billy on the fire to bring it to the boil.

lan Thorpe

The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. Page 18 The Sydney Bushwalker March 2007 SOCIAL NOTES The Sydney Bush Walkers . Treasurers Report - End February 2007 Hi Everyone!

As | write, it is exactly 2 weeks since | had bi-lateral knee arthroscopy. | think it is healing quite well but | find it very hard to co-operate with the physios instruction to take it easy and not walk too much on it. At the moment around 2 hours is a maximum.

By now, many of the March activities will have taken place. The AGM and its newly elected committee, the Coolana Reunion with the inauguration of the new President and the toilet and of course the Social night with Reece Turner from the Wilderness Society. Only the State elections will not have transpired!!!

The Autumn Social Programme is quite different in scope, with no armchair travelling. The April Social is a tribute to all those involved in the toilet construction at Coolana with a powerpoint presentation and a celebratory party. The May social is an information night relating to kayaking.

Fortunately this humid weather will soon end and so you can enjoy hiking once again. The walks programme has a large variety of walks to suit everyone. Enjoy!

Kathy Gero

Editors Message

! am looking forward to my second year as Editor of The Sydney Bushwalker. Over the past year } have learnt a lot about the placement of articles, catering for people of different interests and co-ordinating my leisure activities with the deadline of the magazine. Proofreading the magazine on the train going to work is a very good use of my available time.

During 2007 and specifically in October, the magazine will feature articles, stories and advertised walks with the theme of the 80th Anniversary celebrations.

electronic and hard copy version of the magazine. If you send photos to accompany articles, please ensure they are in a high resolution. You can ensure this by choosing the high resolution option on your computer application before emailing them to me.

Pam Campbell Editor

Accounts already paid: Commonwealth Bank |

Account Service Fee $18.70 Kathy Gero

Cancel chq #847 $151.00 And replace with #1052 $164.85 Accounts for payment to hand:

Bill Holland

Magazine Postage 399.41 Annual Report Post 420.00 Print Cartridge 50.00 Wine for Collating 34.00 $903.41 Jill Wolf

Refund New Members Fees $ 50.00 Print Solutions

Printer Repairs $190.00 Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre

Hall Rental March 2007 $300.00 Anita Doherty

Stationery $ 55.30 Kathy Gero

March Social Expenses $ 73.75

Boiling the Billy by Ted Winter

We had camped by the Snowy at old Jindabyne And there lit a fire with branches of pine For blacking a billy or smoking a trout,

But for calorific value if thats what you need Youd better plump for the true Aussie breed So we made for the snow line and next boiled the billy With a mere handful of snowgum and made pine look silly.

Copywrite: Kosciusko Huts Association Incorporated


The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 | Official Publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. iscover


Paddy Pallin

Sydney + Parramatta Miranda - Katoomba

Jindabyne + Canbena Adelaide + Melbourne Hawthorn + Ringwood Fortitude Valley Perth

1 yun 80S 398 odd


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