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APRIL 2007






APRIL 2007 Issue No. 869

THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER is the monthly bulletin of matters of interest to members of:

The Sydney Bushwalkers Inc PO Box 431 Milsons Point 1565. Editor:

Pam Campbell Address for Contributions:

11/33 Nelson Street Penshurst NSW 2222

Production Manager: Frances Holland

Printers: Kenn Clacher, Barrie Murdoch, Tom Wenman, Don Brooks, Fran Holland

Opinions expressed in this magazine are the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policies or views of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc.

All material in this magazine is copyright. Requests for reproduction should be directed to The Editor:


About Our Club

The Sydney Bush Walkers was formed in 1927 for the purpose of bringing bushwalkers together; enabling them to appreciate the great outdoors; establishing a regard for conservation and promoting social activities. The Club's main activity is bushwalking but includes other activities such as cycling, canoeing and social


Our Walks Program (published quarterly) features day walks on most Saturdays and Sundays, some mid week walks and overnight weekend walks. Extended walks are organised in areas such as The Snowy Mountains, the Warrumbungles as well as interstate ie Victorian alps.

Our meetings Start at 8pm and are held on Wednesday evenings (see Social Program) at Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre, 16 Fitzroy Street, Kirribilli (near Milsons Point Railway Station). i

Visitors and prospective members are welcome

Office Bearers

Members are welcome to contact the following officers on Club matters:

David Trinder Wilf Hilder Greta James

President: 9972 2116 (h)

Vice President: 9587 8912 (h)

Secretary: 9953 8384 (h)

Waiks Secretary: Tony Holgate 9943 3388 Social Secretary: Kathy Gero

9130 7263 (h)

Treasurer: Margaret Carey

9957 2137 (h) Members Secretary: Fran Holland

9484 6636 (h)

New Members Secretary: Jodie Dixon

9739 6534 (h) newmembers@sbw. Conservation Secretary: Bill Holland

9484 6636 (h) Magazine Editor: Pam Campbeil

9570 2885 (h)

Committee Members: Ron Watters 9419 2507 (h)

9567 9998 (h) Delegates to Confederation:

Jim Callaway

(no email address)

Wilf Hilder

9520 7081 (h)

9587 8912 (h)

Presidents Report by David Trinder

The four day Easter weekend has passed with five trips well attended and apparently successful. This must be a large and healthy Club to have this level of attendance and success on a long weekend.

The Ciub is old, 80 years in fact, and the management committee is making the changes necessary in a changing social environment, to maintain an organisation that provides people interested in bush walking and other outdoor activities with an efficient vehicle that provides those activities. Maintaining the health of the Club is the responsibility of the committee and we are aware of many issues that stilt need to be addressed to keep it that way. We have our ears to the ground and are listening to what members are saying. | personally, will be pleased to listen to any member (prospective or full) who has some thoughts about the Clubs management that he or she would like to pass on to the management committee or just to me.

Some of the issues that need to be addressed include:

e more success in converting prospective |

members to full membership e more easy walks e more challenging trips e more cycling and kayak trips

e the web site needs to be improved to make it more useful to members and more attractive to potential members

e attendance at social events needs to improve and

e we need more responsible abseil training and accreditation

There are many people in the Club who have enjoyed past activities and are passionate about the health of the organisation and are prepared to put effort into making it so. David Trinder | From The Committee Room - April 2007

A report of proceedings at the Committee meeting 4th April 2007 David Trinder presented his Presidents Report. He stated that the Committee should focus on the things that are important to the club. In particular, there needs to be a lot of attention paid to the walks program and providing a choice of walks to members. He also would like to see focus on new members.

This ted to discussion on other matters that are also important to the club including conversion of new members to full membership; more easy and easy- medium walks on the program; increased social activity; the desirability of having abseiling training; more cycling and canoeing/kayaking trips.

Margaret Carey presented the Treasurers Report. This was accepted and the following accounts passed for payment: magazine postage $449; membership postage $242; prospective membership expenses $301; printing supplies $18; collating expenses $34; rental $400.00 and Coolana toilet expenses $272.

The Committee discussed the location, contents and signatories required to access the safe deposit envelope held at the CBA branch in Miller Street, North Sydney.

Our Social Secretary Kathy Gero advised that the next social night is the toilet construction celebrations. She also suggested an evening to provide advice to people about how to deal with cold conditions encountered in winter walking, camping and skiing. This could be held on the fifth Wednesday in May.

Membership Secretary, Fran Holland reported that subscription letters had been sent out.

Conservation Secretary Bill Holland reported that he is investigating the possibility of obtaining carbon trading credits for the conservation work at Coolana and will report via the Coolana Sub-Committee on progress. President David will attend the next meeting of NPA/ NPWS in the absence of the Conservation Secretary.

Pam Campbell is continuing working on an electronic format for the club magazine and will have it ready shortly.

On behalf of the Electronic Communications Sub Committee Ron Watters advised that a version of the membership database is being developed so that it can be accessible to authorised office holder over the internet.

Patrick James reported on planning for the 80th Anniversary Celebrations. The Big Day Out is scheduled for 21st October as a daytime function at Manly Dam, with a catered lunch. There also will be a Presidential Walk on Sunday 4th November. This will replicate the first walk that Sydney Bush Walkers organised in 1927 ie. Helensberg - Garrawarra Burning Palms - and return


Gretel Woodward

Coolana was a very busy location during March mainly to do with the Composing toilet activities - chain sawing old wattles, clearing the site, building the structure etc. and getting ready for the reunion. Unfortunately | was not rk able to attend the

reunion so | will leave others to report on this major activity,

Wwe have completed the submission to the Sydney Catchment Authority (SCA) for the grant of $8000 to control the woody and broad leaf weed infections on the Eastern Flat being our 2007 -2008 project. We have submitted a quote from a private company recommended by the SCA who will do the work required in a professional manner, and we hope to hear from the SCA in the near future as to whether our application has been successful. If anyone would like further information about the grant or the private company please ring or email me.

We are planting this year a further 100 Casuarina Cunninghamia (grown from Coolana seed) on the Riparian land and the Eastern Flat. The process has been started with Ros Kerrigan planting 34 on a visit to Coolana by'Ros and Don earlier in the month anda further planting was carried out at the reunion by Helen

Gray and team, the balance will be planted ApnliMay,

Shirley Dean has also been planting various trees (also grown from Coolana seed) over time and has advised that she will from March, only visit Cooiana socially, We will give all Shirleys trees a GPS position, probably In May, which will complete the record to date of all plantings since 2003. Don has already positioned the 2003 plantings (SCA grant) and the 2005 -2006 plantings (2 SRCMA grants). if any member of the club would tike to collect and grow seed from Coolana (Lomandras would be nice) for future plantings please feel free to do so.

Because of our tree planting since 2003 on the Riparian land it would appear that SBW could be eligible for carbon credits, bio banking, environmental grants, rate concessions etc. (refer Letters to the Editor March 2007 magazine re VCA) which is now all interrelated. The decisions will need to be made by all members so please write an article for the magazine and share any comments or suggestions which you may have regarding all these relevant, important and complex subjects.

It would also be nice if members could offer suggestions regarding the landscaping of the moon scape created by the construction of the toilet. Owen Marks (one of the contributors to the building fund), would like 4 Itawarra Flame trees planted for him, any other suggestions?

Gretel Woodward

(Drysdale River National Park}

Drysdale River is the largest National Park in

, the Kimberley. It contains an incredible concentration of well preserved Aboriginal rock art, especially Bradshaw style paintings

See a variety of rivers, gorges, waterfalls and wildlife. Every creek has tts own character. Every one Is worth a visit Sandy beaches and flat rock ledges make excellent camp sites The warm to cool nights of the dry season make them perfect for relaxing around the campfire.


A difficult 4WD track and no

airstrip make it hard to get to

the park We have a better,

faster way. We know where

the art sites are and where the

best camp sites are. We know the park as well or better than anyone else. Why not join us. We're going!

Both our 2007 Drysdale trips are definite departures.

Do them both and get a huge discount Ask us for more Information.

Coolana Reunion 2007

Friday was fine, even a little on the hot side when | arrived to carry out some preliminary work. The river level was high and the grassy flats in good condition. Don and Ros were already there. They arrived on Wednesday for tree planting but were due to return to Sydney later in the day for a wedding on Saturday, Two campervans were in the car park; Don and Jenny in one, lan and Joy in the other.

Others started arriving early Saturday morning. The weather was clear at first but steady tight rain started at 10 am and although it ceased about 1 pm the conditions into the evening were a little damp and misty. Still, with the tarpaulin up and tables set we were well and truly prepared for a long happy hour. People kept arriving with some faces we have not seen for some time.

The traditional campfire (bonfire) was built and with due ceremony lit as darkness approached. We missed Don Mathews this year but the programme went ahead concentrating on recitations (Banjo Patterson) from David, an item or two from the children and some story telling. The highlight of course was the boning induction of the President David with many Past Presidents assembled.

Sunday dawned bright and clear. Now conditions were suitable for the other activities. Richards canoe



Departs from Sydney's Campbelltown Railway Station J , Via Penrith, Katoomba & Blackheath for Kanangra Walls Mon & Wed at 11am. Frid at 7am

Returns 4pm Mon, Wed, Frid. Via Starlights, Mittagong & Marulan for

Wog Wog-Nerriga Tues.& Thurs & Sun at 11am Returns 4 pm Tues, Thurs, Sun. Yerranderie Ghost Town first Saturday in each

month, returns Sun at 1 pm (any Friday min 6) | Group booking discounts or charter service :

Tel 0246 832 344 Mob 0428 832 344

proved popular and was great at moving heavy supplies back and forth from Bendeela. The damper making competition, using hot coals from the night before, commenced with great concentration from the children and familiar ease by the adults. Im not sure who won but at one stage a five-dollar note was folded under a damper. Helen and Frank were the judges and the promise of newfound wealth had not the slightest influence on their decision.

The Geocaching contest could not be held on Saturday due to rain and wet conditions but about four contestants, including the Brading family had a great time using the GPS to find treasure caches on Sunday. Unfortunately, Jim had a few problems locating some caches after | had removed them close to going home time. The event was well received and produced a request to repeat it next year.

Allin all, the Reunion was very successful. About thirty eight adults and nine children attended. Coolana was in good shape thanks to the maintenance crew; the new trees were flourishing thanks to our bush regeneration and although our brand new toilet was not quite ready for use the building itself was greatly admired as a credit to those who put in many weekends to make Coolana a more family friendly place.

Bill Holland

Membership Changes for your information

Please make the following changes to your 2007 membership list:

e Jan Roberts, 28/ 28-32 Brookvale Avenue, BROOKVALE 2100 Hm Phone 9939 5563 mobile remains unchanged

e John Noble, Ashburn House, 20-34 Ashburn Place, GLADESVILLE 2111

e Don & Lesley REED, P.O.Box 1184, LEGANA 7277 TAS. Phone 03 6330 2737

e Fusae HALL, 24 Catalpa Crescent, TURRAMURRA 2074. Phone 9402 5928

e Christopher LOCKWOOD, 18 Kerr Avenue, BUNDEENA 2230. Phone 0421 174 888

e Valerie RICE, Hm Phone 9144 1380 Mobile 0424 821 807

Thanks, Fran Holland


The recent burning of Blue Gum Forest reminds me of some happenings fifty-odd years ago in that hallowed place.


In 1952 Peter Stitt and | visited the then little-known Blue Gum Forest in the course of a tong day-walk, and noticed that it was disappearing! At some time in the previous two very wet years the Grose River had flooded and knocked down some big trees which had fallen across the river and partly blocked the channel. The river had then cut for itself a new channel and knocked down more trees which had blocked the new channel; the resulting overflow had cut yet another channel and had brought down more trees and so ad infinitum. By Easter 1952 a significant part of Bluegum Forest was on the ground on top of a welter of scoured channels and heaps of debris like the sort of country that is left behind a tin-mining dredge. The process was obviously ongoing.

In those far-off days ecology was a new word used only by a few innovative academics, public debate and Government involvement in conservation were unknown, but there was a small still voice within SBW, of Alex Colley, Miles Dunphy, Alan Strom and a few others. Pete and | had been infected with a very mild dose of their enthusiasm, we thought that something should be done about this destruction of the Forest and that doing it would be a good demonstration of the beneficial peaceful use of high explosives, in which we were both interested. In our innocent youthful enthusiasm we talked about our idea very little, wrote about Hit not at all, we just went ahead and did it, but we did take care to get the blessing, the involvement and the manpower of the SBW, who joined in readily under the benevolent leadership of Malcolm McGregor.

Weekend working bees at Bluegum Forest were announced in the Walks Programme, not without misprints. The first working weekend was to be at Glue! Gum Forest. After the SBW had experienced work waist-deep in the Grose in midwinter, the misprint for the second working bee was for Blue Bum Forest. You can look it up in the Club archives.

We took a large chain block, a huge petrol-powered wood auger, axes, crosscut saw, crowbars, a lot of gelignite and accessories and our usual sleeping and eating gear down Perrys (and up again) on pack frames in 40kg. loads and set to work. Chainsaws had not yet reached Australia so we didnt have any. We blew up the log jams with many small charges so that the logs were reduced to pieces of wood of the size of a fence-post, and were easily heaped up and burned. The charges were fired electrically by Pete in a bomb-proof shelter that we built, using everybodys torch batteries. Each log jam went up with a most satisfactory BANG followed a few seconds later by a heavy shower of fence-posts. We reserved a few of the best and straightest logs , cut them to length with gelignite and skull-dragged them into place with chain

block and crowbars to form a dam about 1.5 meters high across the false channel that was currently active,

this sent the river back into its true channel. |

Safety was our major concern of course, the Admiral was quickly taught that you should not sprint over heaps of boulders carrying gelignite and detonators in th same hand, and we got over the difficulties caused by our old-fashioned gelignites tendency to get very sensitive at freezing temperatures by taking heaps of it to bed in our steeping bags at night. Some scouts who were camping there saw these Dutch wives of ours and cleared out! Each shot was preceded by loud cries from Jim Hooper of To the Hills, followed by a mad rush to a safe distance of a mile or so.

So the job was completed, safely and successfully. Over the ensuing years | visited the site from time to time to check up on progress. By the end of the fifties the false channels and heaps of gravel had been filled i in and leveled off by floods, the dam was buried and was hard to find, and big saplings /small trees were growing thickly all over the damaged areas. At the end of the sixties these saplings had grown into big trees and it was very hard to find the former damaged areas, they looked just the same as the rest of Blue Gum Forest- settee BUT, the Forest had been discovered by lots of People! They were camped there in droves, equipped with twelve-string guitars and blunt axes. There was little dry firewood left on the ground, and much of the understory had been hacked off at knee height. | returned from work overseas in the late seventies and had another look, and found that while camping in the Forest had been prohibited and the prohibition was mostly obeyed, people were camping in the surrounding areas and combing the Forest for firewood. There wasnt a skerrick of wood on the ground anywhere and the understory had completely disappeared, any new seedlings had been trampled to death. | was so disgusted that | have never been back since.

The morals to this story? First, it demonstrates that in a place so favorable for the growth of Blue Gums, any death of old trees will let in the light and allow an almost frantic growth of new trees. So do not despair, it only takes 20 years or so. Second, the real enemy| of sustained growth of a forest is People; they are infinitely worse than fire because they get in there all the time and never give new trees a chance. Lovely access tracks and boardwalks that the people are supposed to stay on arent a good answer, in fact we can never hope to see a good answer to this people problem because the only good answer is to make access so difficult that only true green, leave-not-a- trace bushwalkers can get in there at all. Even some rangers would never make it. Third, there was an unexpected outcome of all this effort; my daughter Peg visited the Blue Gum Forest with me to check up on its progress, as a small child, a teenager, anda grown-up, she is now the Leader of the Greens Party in the Tasmanian Parliament. MIDWEEK WALKER TRIP TO BERRARA - 26 February to 2 March 2007

The week started out somewhat wet, but plans went ahead regardless. Those who came along were Fran and Bill, Jo and Jim, Tom, Lorraine, Marion and Jeanne.

The first evening was spent indulging ourselves in the Oscars ceremony, as Maureen and Davids cottage was so well equipped it included a color TV! Tom, Marion and Jeanne were entranced with an evening paddle, too, for conditions were perfect for bird-watching and photography. The next day we walked along the beach next to the Cudmirrah National Park, to a monument commemorating the 1870 wreck of the Walter Hood, in which ten people were drowned. We continued further along to a tidal rock shelf, where a group of high school students staying at the nearby ecology centre were studying marine shellfish.

On Wednesday we went in search of the waterfall, and found it. That day was quite hot, so a few of us toddled

in, bathers or no! However, further investigation the next day was called for to find a more efficient way back again.

Thursday was spent (by some of us) riding bikes to Sussex Inlet. Maid Marion came off hers, and some noted

that shed been carrying her water (?) ina plastic gin bottle. After we had recovered, we all indulged in coffees and treats, short walks and further rides.

Allin all, the home-cooked food was scrumptious, the weather was favorable, and spirits were lively. The area was truly idyllic: definitely a well-kept secret for anyone who enjoys the many delights of what this lovely, out-of- the-way spot has to offer.

Jean Klovdahl

BUSHWALKING RECIPES Rice Curry Noodles and Vegetables (sort of Ingredients: Singapore style)

1/2 cup freeze dried rice

2 tsp dried onion

1 tsp curry powder

1/4 cup sultanas

1/4 cup dried apple, chopped

1 tsp dried coconut.


To prepare:

Mix all ingredients, and place in a sealed bag. To cook:

Boil 1 cup of water. Add contents of bag and stir. Bring back to boil

and simmer for 10 minutes.


1 packet two minute noodles

2 tbls. dried peas

2 tbls. dried beans

2 tbls. dried corn

2 tbls. dried mushrooms

2 tbls. dried capsicum

2 tbis. TYP

1 tbls. dried tomato

1 tbls. dried onion

1/8 tsp garlic powder


To prepare:

Mix all ingredients except noodles and place ina sealed bag.

To cook:

1 - Bring 2 cups water to boil.

2 - Add vegetable mix from bag and flavor sachet from noodles.

3 - Boil for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.

4 - Break noodles into small pieces and add to pot. 5 - Boil for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. CONSERVATION NOTES

Further to last months report on Bio Diversity Banking Scheme | requested more information from the Department of Environment and Conservation with the intention of perhaps seeking some carbon trading credits for our

conservation efforts at Coolana. The DEC Project Officer, Felicity Yorston, has advised:- |

DEC is currently running a pilot project to test the Biobanking Assessment Methodology, which will underpin the scheme, It is expected that the regulations and assessment methodology will be gazetted in mid 2007 and the

BioBanking scheme is expected to commence tate 2007. |

At this stage the land that will be excluded from participating in BioBanking is stilt being finalised and will be outlined in the regulations. The general principles that will be used to assess which types of land can participate include the establishment of biobank sites to improve biodiversity from conservation activities that are otherwise not likely to occur; equity for landowners to ensure landowners are not disadvantaged or advantaged by having carried out voluntary conservation activities in the past; provide a level playing-field for potential biobank site owners; and ensure Government fulfil current biodiversity management responsibilities with funds allocated through government budget processes.

In relation to Government financial assistance for biodiversity, it is expected that sites will be able to participate in BioBanking which have received funding in the past and where that funding obligation is now complete: Regarding conservation programs that have been registered on title (such as Voluntary Conservation Agreements) DEC is still assessing how they will be able to participate in BioBanking. However, privately owned land without a covenant on the title of the land, such as wildlife refuges will be able to participate where they are currently not receiving Government funding for biodiversity.

It is early days yet and the likelihood of earning future credits (money!) from planting trees and eradicating weeds at Coolana must be viewed with caution, There are also some mixed feelings from conservationists about the efficacy of carbon trading. Is it just a mechanism to allow developed countries and companies to continue to pollute and damage our planet and ease their collective conscience by adding some costs which will be passed back to the consumer? Bill Holland

Conservation News and Comment Voters Want More Spent On Climate Threat

An opinion poll of 10 mostly marginal federal seats has found voters want more money invested to protect natural|habitats against the upheavals of climate change.

The Galaxy opinion poll, commissioned by environment group WWF-Australia, found more than nine in 10 people polled in Australias marginal seats thought climate change was a significant threat to Australias native wildlife and natural areas. And 78 per cent wanted the government to do more to counter the threat.

WWF spokesman Dr Martin Taylor said that currently the federal government invested only about 60 cents per tax payer per year on acquiring land for national parks or nature reserves. Age March 6, 2007

Premier Races To Save Pulp Mill Plan

THE Tasmanian Government was in crisis talks last night as it considered plans to save a contentious $2 billion pulp mill proposal - the biggest development in the states history. If necessary, the Labor Government could attempt to fast-track the project with a divisive vote in state parliament. Emergency meetings of cabinet and caucus were held overnight after timber giant Gunns dramatically withdrew the proposed mill, in the states north, from the planning process.

Gunns, which has canvassed taking the project interstate to Victorias Glenelg shire or even overseas, claimed delays in Tasmanias planning system, were commercially unacceptable. Premier Paul Lennon is expected today to announce a fast-track assessment by parliament to meet Gunns deadline of approval by June 30. Age March 15, 2007 (Now here is a view from the other side of the debate)

Green Hypocrisy and Environmental Vandalism

A public forum in Dubbo on March 2, 2007, hosted by the Australian Environment Foundation and the New South Wales Regional Community Survival Group heard that 20 million hectares of western NSW is now threatened by invasive native scrub. This is an area three times the size of Tasmania. The amount of land affected continues to grow,each year because the native vegetation laws currently in place are so prescriptive, that in many cases, it is not|feasible or economical for landholders to try and control the woody weeds.

Native vegetation legislation introduced by the Carr Government in 2003 has effectively eroded the property rights of many western NSW farmers, removing their ability to properly manage the vegetation on their own properties. Extract from blog posted by Max Rheese - Thursday, 15 March 2007

8 Personal Bushwalking History

by a work colleague and now Sydney Bushy, Christine Floyd. My early walks were mainly with NPA where | first started leading walks. Eventually the (al)lure of SBW was too strong and | succumbed. !t has been through SBW that Ive enjoyed many wonderful and enduring friendships as well as some amazing adventures! !

Having got so much from bushwalking, wanting to put something back in, Ive held many committee positions including secretary, treasurer and social secretary. | also had the honour of serving a two year term as president.

Favourite Areas

I walk anywhere theres a bit of scrub but there are two places in the Blue Mountains that | particularly feel are my country - Kanangra and the Grose Valley.

range - and, in recent years, have discovered the delights of Kakadu.

Types of Walks that | Lead

These days | just lead day walks. |d like to return to leading weekend walks but, at the moment, my job and family commitments make that difficult.

Walking Style

not my style. My torso is just too close to the ground!! The openness and views of ridges are exhilarating (not to mention the climb to get up there) and the beauty of many creeks is a wonderful experience.

Leader Profile Greta James

Memorable Walks

Its very hard to pick memorable walks from thirty years but two of the weekend walks | used to lead stand out. They are very different walks although both are round trips from Newnes. The first is Red Rocks which | love for the wildness of the pagoda country. The second is Zobels Gully/Constance Gorge where you wade and clamber down the rough, clear and pristine Deans Creek.

There have been many memorable walks led by other people including a string of Snowy trips and all of the David Rostrom extended walks that Ive done. The most memorable though was a Spiro Haginikitas walk to Mount Colong. We arrived at the top of the mountain at lunchtime on the second day intending to descend to the Kowmung River to camp. However, the spring at the top of the mountain was flawing so we spent the afternoon and night there. Imagine Blue Gum Forest at the top of a mountain with expansive views, you can get an idea of that mystical and beautiful place. The last day, though, was a marathon as, after wed crossed the Kowmung, we returned via Colboyd Mountain rather than the usual Cambage Spire route. Most parties take all day to make that ascent but we did it in an afternoon with the short day length of the June long weekend. That walk had everything!!

Walks Philosophy

Enjoy the scenary. Enjoy the company. Challenge yourself a little.

TRACKS & ACCESS REPORT - February 2007

NARROWNECK Fire road maintenance will be carried out on the Narrowneck fire road from Monday 26“ February for about four weeks. Some delays are likely while the maintenance work is being undertaken on the road from the locked gate to Clear Hill.

Talking about_NARROWNECK yet again,

research shows that the original Clear Hill was Deberts Knob and in earlier decades it was devoid of trees, but covered in grasses. After Clear Hill was renamed Deberts Knob and the name (Clear Hill was moved to Clear Head on Narrowneck, Jack Debert (SBW) complained to Myles Dunphy that some bushwalker could make sexual references out of the name - which is news to me. Myles subsequently changed it to Mount Debert and we now have the laughable situation of the view at Clear Hill overlooking Mount Debert.

SIX FOOT TRACK The Lands Department has issued a new brochure including a map on the Six Foot Track. The new brochure and map is freely illustrated but has deleted much useful information on the walk and its history written by very well known bushwalking author, Jim Smith! It is now packed ina clear plastic wallet, but | would like to see user- friendly folding of the map.

ELEVEN GRAND COUNTRY better known as Forbidden Territory or Sydney Catchment Authoritys Schedule 1 land. Faceless, but not speechless members of the Recidivists Club have told me of a red public phone booth on the banks of Lake Burragorang when it was full. | was delighted to hear of the SCAs use of modern technology to apprehend the unconvicted criminals, who by entering the inner catchment are threatening the purity of Sydneys drinking water. | was most disappointed to hear that the phone booth on a prominent but small promontory was not working. | believe that the recidivists or the SCA should have rung Telecom complaints or better still replaced it with a blue Dr. Who Tardis.

POLICEMAN RANGE | was amazed to see an article in the December issue of the Sydney Speleological Societys December magazine by


Jim Smith, noted bushwalking historian and authority on the Gundungurra tribe of Aborigines, on a tiny limestone cave on the South eastern side of the Policeman Range in Grand Country. The article is illustrated by photos by an unknown photographer. Jim has suggested the name Morle Boc cave for the miniature cave as these words are the Gundungurra words for limestone cave water which they used for medicinal purposes. The cave is about the size of a wombat hole entrance and is in the heart of Grand Country.

JENOLAN TOPOGRAPHIC MAP Thanks to Michael Keats guidebook Day Walks in Therabulat Country, Breakfast Creek is under a lot of scrutiny of late with walkers looking for that elusive silver mine. A careful study of the relevant aerial photographs shows that the creek is poorly mapped due partly to afternoon shadows on the photographs and thick vegetation cover and therefore it does not conform to the accuracy standards claimed by the Lands Department.

ROYAL NATIONAL PARK The owners of 130 shacks in RNP have entrenched their position with lengthy renewable leases. The current drought has seriously affected the water flow in Uloola Falls, Kangaroo Creek and Heathcote Creek.

WOOLAWARE BOARDWALK Following major vandalism, the boardwalk through the mangroves at Woolaware Bay, Cronulla has been rebuilt.

FAR SOUTH COAST Following a Federal Government grant, a series of maps and brochures on the regional nature based attractions of the South Coast was released recently. These maps include bushwalks, lookouts etc. See website www.naturecoast- for better information.

Wilf Hilder


3 dinners for 4 people on an extensive trip - tan Thorpe

Meal Dish

ere. ra


Ingredients Nett Weight Dinner 1 Entree pringles pringles 200 Main Spaghetti back country beef mince 160 Bolognese spaghetti 400 powdered tomato soup 180 dried tomato, capsicum 90 spag. bol. Herb mix, onion flakes, garlic powder 5 parmesan cheese 100 Dessert mangoes dried mangoes 180 fosters custard powder 80 total 1395 Dinner 2 Entree hommus hommus mix 124 crackers 75 paprika 1 Main laksa 4 packs of Trident laksa soup 200 dehydrated prawns 100 extra noodles 170 dewcrisp vegetables & noodles 112 lightweight tofu blocks 98 Dessert pudding vanilla packet pudding 85 powdered milk 78 total 1043 Dinner 3 Entree soup powdered soup 45 Main tuna mornay can of tuna 425 McCormicks tuna mornay sauce 40 powdered milk 65 rice 300 surprise peas & corn 100 Dessert marshmallows chocolate packet pudding 85 powdered milk 78 total 1138 grand total 3576 in grams 3.576 in kilograms


wet a v8 : Rey Vey ea ON Se we tee 4 Lees = Celebrating 80 years ……

Trip duration - 20 days

Grade 1 moderate

Activity - 9 day trek, 4 days community project Accommodation - 14 nights camping, 5 nights

hotel .


The Trip

This superb itinerary has been designed specifically for The Sydney Bushwalkers. The trekking component of this trip is the Annapurna Machapuchare Trek. This trek offers the opportunity to escape Nepais tourist |trails, to venture into the deep forests and roam the high alpine pastures that flank the Annapurna range. The amphasis of this trek is on the forest and wilderness zones as we meander through uncommercial villages who receive few visitors and retain much of their traditional charm. There is an essence of exploration on this trek. The trails we follow are not well used and yet lend themselves to a unique and exciting trekking experience. Sometimes shepherds and pilgrims pass by. You ll share outstanding mountain views, get away from the tea-house trails and into the forests and villages that have not felt the impact of tourism.

We reach our Community Project site at Landrung. Our time at Landrun will involve restoration work over 4 days.| Materials will be delivered in advance of your arrival! Participants will upgrade the rundown school that exists, including assisting with fixing the roof, painting the interior walls, windows and doors, priming and applying paint on the ceiling frame and mud plastering the walls. You can expect lasting memories

of your time in the village at Landrung. Why travel with World Expeditions?

When planning travel to a remote and challenging destination, many factors need to be considered. World Expeditions have been pioneering treks in Nepal since 1975. Our extra attention to detail and seamless operations on the ground ensure that you will have a memorable trekking experience in the Himalaya. Every trek is'accompanied by an experienced local leader who is highly trained in remote first aid, as well as knowledgeable crew that share a passion for the region in which they work, and a desire to share it with you. We take every precaution to ensure smooth logistics. We use comforatable 3 star accommodation in hand picked! hotels, and well maintained, good quality camping equipment on trek. The highest standards of hygiene are strictly maintained, and our cooks will surprise you with a varied menu thats sure to please at ithe conclusion of each trekking day. World Expeditions are also the only company to provide food for our porters on trek.


; Cte MEE gy S Most importantly, our adventures have always sought to benefit the local peoples we interact with, safeguard the ecosystems we explore and contribute to the sustainability of travel in the regions we experience, World Expeditions pioneered the use of kerosene as an alternative to wood, in an effort to combat the growing problem of deforestation in the Himalaya. We invite you to read more on our philosophies and projects further in these trip notes.

Trip Highlights

e Stunning views of Machapuchare - The Fish Tail Mountain, and the stunning Machapuchare Range

e Nepali culture

e Wandering around the lake and visiting the markets in Pokhara

e Fully supported camping trek e Visiting Mardi Himal Basecamp

e Sightseeing in Kathmandu Royal Palace, Durbar Square, Swayambhunath (the Monkey Temple), Pashupatinath (a major Hundu Shrine) and the giant Buddhist stupa at Bodhnath

e Being involved in crucial upgrade work at a rundown school in Landrung, and leaving there with lasting memories

Nepal Trek & Community Project Itinerary at a Glance

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15 Day 16 Day 17 Day 18

Depart Sydney, Onight BKK Join Kathmandu

in Kathmandu

Fly to Pokhara

To Australian Camp

To Kooker

To Himaal

To Guhe

Day Hike to Mardi Himal To Kooker

To Landrung

Community Project Community Project Community Project Community Project

To Landrung

To Pokhara

Fly to Kathmandu

Day 19 Depart Kathmandu. Onight BKK Day 20 Fly Bangkok - Sydney

COST PER PERSON: $4190.00 Single Supplement: $230.00

Costs are based on a minimum of 10 people travelling in twin share accommodation. | Nepal Trek & Community Project Your trip cost includes:

v Return economy flights from Sydney to Kathmandu with THAI Airways

v 2 nights accommodation at the Grand Mercure Airport Hotel, Bangkok (room only, includes transfers)

v 17 breakfasts, 14 lunches, 13 dinners

v Hotel accommodation at the Radisson in Kathmandu on a twin share basis with breakfast for the nights listed in the trip itinerary

v English speaking local guide

v Welcome drinks in Kathmandu

v All internal transport by private bus, jeep or car v All group airport transfers

v Gear package including kit bag (yours to keep) sleeping bag and liner, sleeping mat and down or fibre filled jacket on trek

v All group camping gear v All park entrance fees and trekking permits v Emergency medical kit

v Porters to carry all personel and group equipment Porters insurance

v Group leader, sirdar, guides and kitchen staff

v Pre-departure information Guide, with all you need to know for your trek

v Community Project: Materials and tools necessary to complete the work, carpentry equipment, local staff and labourers where necessary

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Community Project

Once in the village of Landrung we will set up our camp where we will remain for four nights. Your trekking crew and porters will remain with you to prepare meals and provide logistical support during the community project. You will be introduced to a local foreman who will co-ordinate the renovation at the Landrun School. in advance of your arrival, all materials for the project will have been purchased and carried in to the village. Your foreman will have had extensive discussions with the community and teaching staff at the school about the objectives of our renovation and will be able to direct the progress of this work during the allotted time. Normally, he will divide the group into sub groups to work on different components of the project. There will be a good deal of flexibility in the hours that you work each day but it is anticipated that you will be involved in labour work for up to 4-6 hours a day. You should bring a pair of sturdy workmans gloves with you from home. The people from the village will of course be very receptive to your visit and the improvements that you are making at the school. You can expect them to visit daily out of curiosity.

How to make a reservation

Please note that all reservations are subject to availability at the time of booking. Your booking will be held for seven days pending receipt of a non- refundable $400 deposit per person and the completed booking form. The booking form is found at the back of our brocure or can be downloaded from our website: The deposit is payable by cash, credit card or cheque (made payable to World Expeditions and forwarded to Level 5, 71 York St, Sydney 2000) Please call us in advance to check availability on 02 8270 8400.

Questions about the trip? Contact the Editor who can refer you to the relevant travel agent for Sydney Bushwalkers.

Vietnam Community Project WALKS NOTES Barry Wallace

Walks notes covering the interval 09 August 2006 to 14 September 2006.

David Rostron led a party of 11 on his extended trip in the Flinders Ranges (S.A.) over the period 12 to 20 August. This may have appeared as a magazine article since then.

Saturday 12 August saw Jim Percy and a party of 6 out on a trip to De Faurs Head from Lockley Track head on a perfect, almost Spring day. Spectacular views of the Grose Valley along Walford Walls, and during the climb out of Walford Gully and Lycon Rill as it becomes Rocky Points Ravine were a feature of this walk. One member experienced difficulty climbing the wall out of the creek at Du Faurs Gully, had to be assisted with a tape, and was later taken out to the track to return to the cars. The member was advised to improve their walking fitness before attempting another walk of this (medium) grade. The remainder of the party completed the walk and rated it an enjoyable experience. Gail Crichton led a walk out from Gartons on the Sunday of that weekend. The route led up to Blackhorse Ridge, down over Knights Deck into the Cox and then over Ironmonger and back in to Carlons.

The following weekend, 19, 20 August, was programmed for Bill Hollands qualifying walk into the Colo River. The party of 9 set off from the cars at an easy pace on the fire-trail before pushing through very bushy re-growth to find the right ridge. It took 2 hours to achieve 2 km of progress so it must have been really good re-growth. They lunched in a cold but dry creek bed then spent 2 hours getting to the Colo through lawyer vines, across green covered rocks and around fallen timber in the self-same creek. From there the Colo was more straightforward going with 4 km of sandy going, some wading and some clambering along sandy banks. They made it to the campsite at Tootie Creek junction just before 1700h.

Next morning Bill reviewed the situation and re-routed the trip slightly. Some of the party went up the Colo to seek Mailes Cave and the rest went part of the way then returned to Tootie Creek. The original intention had been to walk up Tootie Creek and exit via a steep ridge. Plan B saw them taking the track from the Junction all the way to the top. This track is nonetheless very steep and exposed in places, leading up to a lookout that gives great views over the Colo. They followed the ridge top from there to reach the fire-trail just after 1500h. Then it was just a 5km stroll back to the cars.

David Trinder ted a Sunday walk that weekend, the Six Foot Track or the K to J as some might call it. The party of 7 were assisted by 2 support participants

and the weather was good, track relatively slow with


breaks at the usual places. Everyone was in, or out, depending on how one sees it, by 1730h so they either got away for an early start or the relatives are not all that slow.

Certainly they would have got away before seod but that was when Ron Waters and the party of 13 on his Sunday walk in Bungonia SCA started out. The descent via the Efflux track was, as always, gravely and steep to Bungonia Creek where they admired the beauty of sheer walls in the morning sun and took morning tea just before the start of the boulder field. Then it was a matter of sliding, stretching, climbing, up and over, through and under, the huge grey boulders that are such a feature, filling a challenging and very energetic hour. The passage down the lower section of Bungonia Creek provided a pleasant and welcome relief, leading as it did to a large open clearing about 100 metres from the Shoalhaven. It was here that lunch was declared at around 1230h. The sun shone warm on the backs of the party as they began the ascent of Mount Ayre. After the first steep pinch they all stopped to admire the views upstream and downstream into the Shoathaven. The arrival at the car park by 1530h allowed time to admire the views from Bungonia Lookdown and Adams Lookout; then they all took off to dinner at the Mittagong services club. Ron reports that the not so big roast beef is as good as ever.

Leigh McClintock and the party of 4 shuffled cars to each end of his walk into the Shoalhaven over the weekend of 26, 27 August then negotiated the steep descent that is Badgerys Spur and headed off upstream at a good clip. They camped at about 1530h among the she-oaks just behind one of the beautiful sandy beaches on the South bank of the river. After a lazy Sunday start they crossed the river for the last time and headed directly up the ridge to Mount Kingpin. The lying map shows a track up the ridge but we all now know better, thanks to Leigh. The ridge from Kingpin to where the track from McCallums Flat comes in is narrow with some moderate exposure. The party travelled well and were out in time to lunch at Bundanoon before the trek back to the city. Sunday of that weekend saw Nigel Weaver with an assorted party of 18 out on his trip in the Berowra Creek Bushland in fine and mild conditions, excellent for walking. Their route took them along Bujwa Ridge where they enjoyed wonderful views of Berrowra Creek from the cliff-tops along the ridge. Clear of the cliff- lines they descended from Bujwa Ridge and made their way down through bushland to Bujwa Bay for water views along and across Berrowra Creek. Even the bushland provided easy going due to its open nature. From there it was just a matter of returning to the starting point at Cowan Oval via Bujwa firetrail. Allin

all an enjoyable walk full of great views.

it is unclear whether Tony Crichton was on his K to Kin a day walk on Saturday 2 September for it is John Bradnam who has provided the report. This indicates that a party of 9 started out from the walls at 0600h and achieved Cloudmaker top by 0900h, after which the weather became increasingly hot. The effect of this became evident at the top of Yellow Dog ridge when 2 of the party opted to create a new classic walk, from Kanangra to Carlons, with some help from one of the support group. All ended well however, with another great night-after at the Grandview Hotel. Meanwhile, that same day Jan Roberts was leading a party of 13 on an anniversary-marking walk down to Bluegurm Forest. This was to commemorate the Gazetting for recreational purposes by the NSW government of the Blue Gum Forest area 74 years before. Conditions were near perfect, with blue, sunny skies and perfect early spring weather. The recent rains had firmed the going underfoot somewhat, providing improved traction that eased the descent from Pierces Pass to the river. The party stopped for morning tea just short of the river then moved on to The Big Tree (ask Jan) for tunch. Here the tablecloths and gourmet foods came out for lunch, After partaking most of the group scouted the surrounding area, finding some areas to be knee deep in sloughed of candle-bark. The candles of the 74” anniversary mud cake were lit and the group sang happy birthday to dear old blue-gum forest. Full stomachs were the order of the day as the party slowly made its way back up the river and on to Pierces Pass.

Chris Dowlings Saturday walk, scheduled for 9 September, attracted a party of 10 most of whom seemed to have a good day in spite of the rain or drizzle that fell during most of the walk. At last some value from the water proof gear! They also record the presence of a large bull near the junction of the Jenolan and Cox rivers.

That wraps it up for the present.


if you have changed your address or phone number recently, please contact by phone or email:

Members: Fran Holland


phone: 9484 6636

Prospective members: Jodie Dixon email: mewmembers@sbw. org. au

phone: 9587 6325

This will ensure that our records show your current address and prevent delay in receiving the magazine each month.

The Annual Escape by Ted Winter

Its good on vacation to escape from it ali,

To head for the hills where the snows softly fall, Where even your tracks are lost as you go

For all is concealed by a few inches of snow.

And if you choose right the places to seek,

You can escape from it all for many a week,

Right away from the tourist who queues at the tow And enjoy quiet nature in untrodden snow.

In post war years one could almost be sure

To meet no other party out on a tour,

And west of the Snowy, you were unlikely to glance Anothers ski tracks, but by the merest of chance.

Year in year out for ten years and more

The mates on these trips would total a score,

We journeyed in winter through Pretty Plains and beyond

To the grand ol Grey Mare of which were so fond.

We grew to consider that range as our own

And a great admiration for it has now grown.

It has great attractions, though it still lacks a tow It has beauty, isolation, and the best of the snow.

Of course, mail never reached us out on the range

It would be waiting at Boardmans which wasnt so strange

Why the Victorian Police went no farther to seek

One of our party overdue by a week.

Fond mother was anxius for her darling son,

Who was out on the mountains having no end of fun, There was no need for panic, but Mum was alarmed And the police when alerted, went as far as the farm.

But Ernie convinced them to wait one week more He knew us fellows and he knew the score. Theyve got plenty of tucker- Hed packed it out - And the weather was better, and snow all about.

And why try to find them, just where would you seek? To pick up their tracks could take more than a week They may be at Grey Mare, or Mawsons or Whites Or Pounds or the Alpine, or even OKeefes.

Yes those days were heaven, the world was forgot And nations might wrangle and issues grow hot.

We were outside of contact by line or by air.

They could do as they pleased - We just didnt care.

Away from the Office, and the duties that call, The financial situation, its rise and its fall,

The affairs of the nation, and the footie as well Yes here was heaven, - the city was hell.

Copywrite: Kosciusko Huts Association Incorporated


80 years ago, on the 21st October, 1931, The Sydney Bushwalkers was conceived. The 80th Anniversary event has been organised on Sunday 21st October 2007 at Manly Dam Reserve.

The 80th Anniversary Sub Committee is currently working to ensure the event goes smoothly.

Various sections of Manly dam have been booked to ensure the following: e Walking, bike riding, kayaking on the dam itself

e Bird watching (there is a bird list for this area, contact the editor if you wish to receive a copy)

e Flora identification e Kite flying and frisbee throwing


David Trinder (Architect)

ame ges >a 7 rf 5 Se id ; PE Bo . , = ae ee gr v e

e Fully catered lunch including bubbly and softdrink

e Full marquee coverage to ensure the weather does not spoil our fun |

e Seating and tables on which to spread ourselves

e Easy parking or alternative access by public transport


For the walking map of Manly Dam Reserve go to:

http://www. warringah. nsw. gov. au/ | environment documents/walking_map. pdf

or the bike riding map to:

http://www. warringah. nsw. gov. au/ environment/documents/biking_map. pdf




Toilet with a view

Patrick James (Project Co-ordinator) ~ IN MEMORIUM ~ JAMES CLARENCE GARDNER 23.12.1912 to 26.3.2007

Jim was born James Clarence Gardner on 23rd March 1912 at home, in Edenholme Road, Abbotsford. He was given his middle name after his father, Clarence who was so named, because he was born ina tent at Clarence Sidings, near the town of Clarence, in the Blue Mountains, the son of a railway camp worker, employed for many years in the construction of the Great Western Railway. Perhaps because of this ancestry, Jim would later develop an affinity with both the Blue Mountains and trains.

After completing school he began an apprenticeship as a carpenter, a trade he was to pursue for his entire working life.

His childhood sweetheart Gertrude Watson, better known as Ruth, lived across the road. They courted for many years, as was common during the years of the depression, and eventually married at Five Dock Methodist Church on 11th December 1937 when they were both 25 years old and set up home in Lane Cove. During their long engagement, Jim made all the furniture for their home. Incredibly this furniture and their marriage, despite its ups and downs, endured for almost 70 years.

Their first child, Ron was born in October 1938, followed 3 years later by Margaret in 1941, Colin in 1944 and Jeff in 1947.

During the early part of World War 2, Jim, Ruth and little Ron lived in New Zealand, where Jim was employed as essential services in constructing airfield accommodation for the Royal New Zealand Air Force. On returning to Australia the family lived in Noble Street, Five Dock.

Jim continued to work at his trade and was employed on many large Sydney construction sites in the post- war boom. Later he was to build many cottages in the developing western suburbs. In 1977, at age 65, he retired and by then he and Ruth were living in Norton Street, Leichhardt, where they remained until 2003.

Jim had always had a love affair with the bush and the family enjoyed many camping holidays together

on the NSW South Coast. This continued even after the children married and had their own families. The camp sites just became larger!

After his retirement Jim continued to pursue many outdoor activities. In his 80s, he became the oldest member of the Sydney Bushwalking Club attached to Sydney University where the concensus was that he could outwalk any of the student members!

He particularly enjoyed the Blue Mountains and would often catch the train to Katoomba and from there, embark on a walking and camping trek over several days, sometimes alone and sometimes accompanied by his younger brother Sid, (who died last year). Often he would take his bicycle on the train and enjoy some mountain biking. He continued to do this until he was well into his 80s and in the early stages of dementia. Ruth would stay home and worry until he walked safely through the door on his return! He built his own beautiful timber canoe, added a small outboard motos, and would tow it behind his little Ford Escort Van to cruise up the Hawkesbury River or the Myall Lakes.

Jims love of the bush was only equalled by his love of steam trains. He was an avid train spotter and after retiring, became involved with the Thirlmere Railway Museum. There he donated many hours and much skill in the restoration of his beloved 3801, which he revisited when it came to Forbes just a few months ago.

By 2003 Ruth had become physically frail and Jims dementia had advanced to the point where she was no longer abie to care for him. Both in their 91st year, they moved to Genista Nursing Home in Greystanes and later transferred to the Mater at Forbes in 2005, to be closer to their family. He lived (and continued to walk) there, happily until he passed quietly away on Monday 26th March 2007, 3 days after his 95th birthday. Taken into Gods care.

Margaret Miller, Volunteer at Mater Nursing Home, Forbes

17 Hi Everyone,

Easter Break. On Easter Sunday, | walked from the Spit to 40 Baskets beach and back with a few side trips - carrying a lightish daypack and was surprised at how much pressure such a small weight exerts on ones knees over time. One certainly needs patience when recuperating from surgery (namely my arthroscopy)!!!!

Now for Club matters…

All the March activities were well supported. The AGM attracted about 30 dedicated members who elected the new Committee with David Trinder as President. Also | would like to thank' those members for re-choosing me as Social Secretary. The Coolana weekend attracted about 40 people and also children despite the rainy weather. They enjoyed a great |campfire which went on till quite late. Bills inaugural Saturday geo-cache was postponed till Sunday and enjoyed by a few participants. They decided it should be a yearly event.

The March Social night with Reece Turner on land clearing and its devastating effects in NSW had to be replaced due to an emergency. A colleague of Reeces, Cecile van der Burgh gave a vey insightful talk on Cape York and well attended .

The May social night features a talk and information session on canoes and kayaks.

Now that the hot weather is finishing, members again can look forward to some great walking trips. So get your boots ready!!!.

Keep well and Ill see you soon. Kathy

Editors Message |

You may have noticed that the layout of the

magazine has changed, this is in preparation for the electronic version which | will have completed by the end of May. | hope you like it. | wish to create interest by changing the design and having different shades (for the members who requested a hard copy) and colour (for the people who requested an electronic copy).

must say that

Adobe Photoshop since | became Editor and | am enjoying being creative.

There is a NEED FOR MORE WALKS ARTICLES for the magazine. There are plenty of walks going out each weekend so please drop me a letter/email with some photos. If something humorous has occured on your walk - | am sure others would enjoy hearing about it.

to the Carr-Boyd and Cockburn Ranges. On my way back | look forward to visiting Kakadu, and taking in a Yellow Waters Tour.

Pam Campbell, Editor

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