AUGUST 2007 Tents
Bushwaking Packs Travel Packs
Travel ware Sleeping Bags Rainwear Icebreaker Merino Snow wear Bushwaking boots Slegping mats Cimbing Equipment Cookware
Water filters
Books & DVD's Family Tents
Camping tables & chairs
joes Victorte Rd Waet Ryde NSw2144 Te 9808 DB44
Parking at rear of shop
Wilderness Equipment
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AUGUST 2007 Issue No. 873
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THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER is the monthly bulletin of matters of interest to members of: The Sydney Bushwalkers {nc PO Box 431 Milsons Point 1565 Editor: Pam Campbell email: Address for Contributions: 11/33 Nelson Street Penshurst NSW 2222
Production Manager: Frances Holland Printers: Kenn Clacher, Barrie Murdoch, Tom Wenman, Don Brooks, Fran Holtand Opinions expressed in this magazine are the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policies or views of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. All material in this magazine is copyright. Requests for reproduction should be directed to The Editor:
About Our Club
The Sydney Bush Walkers was formed in 1927 for the purpose of bringing bushwalkers together; enabling them to appreciate the great outdoors; establishing a regard for conservation and promoting socia! activities. The Club's main activity is bushwalking but includes other activities such as cycling, canoeing and social
Our Walks Program (published quarterly) features day walks on most Saturdays and Sundays, some mid week walks and ovemight weekend walks. Extended walks are organised in areas such as The Snowy Mouniains, the Warrumbungles as well as interstate ie Victorian alps.
Our meetings start at 8pm and are held on Wednesday evenings (see Social Program) at Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre, 16 Fitzroy Street, Kirribilli (near Milsons Point Railway Station).
Visitors and prospective members are welcome
Office Bearers
Members are welcome to contact the following officers on Club matters:
President: David Trinder
tba (h)
Vice President: Wilf Hilder
9587 8912 (h) Secretary: Greta James
9953 8384 (h) Walks Secretary: Tony Holgate
9943 3388 Social Secretary: Kathy Gero
9130 7263 (h) Treasurer: Margaret Carey
9957 21 37 (h) Members Secretary: Fran Holland 9484 6636 (h) New Members Secretary: Jodie Dixon 9943 3388 (h) newmembers@sbw. org. au Conservation Secretary: Bill Holland 9484 6636 (h) Magazine Editor: | Pam Campbell 9570 2885 (h) Committee Members: Ron Watters Patrick James 9567 9998 (h) Delegates to Confederation:
Jim Callaway (no email address) Wilf Hilder
9419 2507 (h)
9520 7081 (h)
9587 8912 (h)
Six Monthly General Meeting
This meeting will be held in the Clubrooms on Wednesday, 12 September at 8pm. It will take the form of an open discussion between members and the Management Committee. All members and prospective members are invited to attend, refreshments will be served before and after the meeting.
Reports will be provided from the: Treasurer, New Members Secretary, Walks Secretary, Social Secretary, Magazine Editor, Conservation and Confederation representatives, the Electronic Sub Committee and the 80th Anniversary Sub Committee.
Each report will be interactive and will enable members interested in specific areas and issues to have their constructive thoughts heard, and questions answered. Dont miss this opportunity to participate in the running of your club !!
The SBW 80th Anniversary Committee is seeking articles for the October edition of The Sydney Bushwalker. Articles can include any one of the following four themes:
Technology: people now use GPSs and EPIRBs compared to just relying on maps. Clothing is now lighter and synthetic and food is more varied.
Lifestyle: time is limited today compared to 50 yrs ago, Sydney has grown and transport is more complex. An article from a generation X or Y member would be interesting to compare to that of older members.
The Bush: it has changed over the last 50 yrs due to greater accessibility.
Pioneering members: articles from people who have been members for 50 years or more to give an account of the club and their experiences.
Send your articles to The Editor (email and street address on front page)
19 September at Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre This is your opportunity to buy bushwalking gear at extremely good prices.
If you have surplus gear of your own which you would like to get rid of bring it along. Unless otherwise requested, proceeds will go towards Coolana. To enhance the merriment of the evening there will be a special Wine & Cheese supper. The Club will provide the beverages. Members should bring along their favourite cheese to share. There will be a PRIZE for the best cheese. Patrick James will be the auctioneer BUT he needs 2 helpers. Please contact him if interested on 9567 9998.
Presidents Report by David Trinder
One of our Ex Presidents, Eddie Giacomel has done some research and found that we dont recruit many new committee members each year. As a result | am asking capable Club members to consider standing for a committee position at the next elections in March next year. It is enjoyable to be involved in running the organisation. There are always a couple of non-portfolio positions going so people can learn the ropes but members could also take on a job like Jodie did this year.
It is important for members and especially for leaders to learn more about First. Aid. The First Aid courses cost $100. The Club has a policy to encourage members to do the course by subsidising half the cost which is $50. It is also useful knowledge outside of Club activities. Please let us know if you are interested.
The Club is looking for members experienced in abseiling for training of people who like to do this activity. It is an exiting and dangerous pastime and to reduce the risk to participants we would like all potential abseilers to hone their skills to help avoid incidents in the future. We have never had a problem in the past and we dont want one in the future.
Anybody who has not paid their fees yet should do so soon or they will lose their membership.
Ron Watters, head of the Electronic Communications Sub-committee, is organising Google Groups as a method of sending mass emails out to members with out spreading member email addresses around. It should be possible to send out a soft copy of the Spring Walks Program to all members. Ron is also coordinating the rebuilding of the Clubs web site by Chris Wong.
Dont forget the 80% Anniversary celebrations, you will have to book for the various functions. There will be no other Club events on 215* October.
David Trinder
New Members Notes by Jodie Dixon - New Members Secretary
Joining the club this month at the New Members evening was Thelma Gravenor, Wayne Stasinowsky, Manuel Perez and Claire Lehrer please make them feel welcome.
To ensure that our new Prospective members are receiving the information that is relevant to them | will be reformating the way the information is collated. On the back of the next walks program there will be included a New Members page. This page will list all of the information about training opportunities and how to go about being included. There will also be a list of easier walks that are included in the program that are suitable for Prospectives who are just starting out. | hope this will make the information easier to find .
Happy waiking Jodie
e * Members, if your magazine label shows a note Subs e $ overdue, could you please either send a cheque ore $ EFT payment to our Treasurer, or a note to the e : committee that you no longer wish to remain a member
~ we would not like to cross off members who have $
simply forgotten to pay or whose payment has gone e e
$ astray. Or perhaps, not credited the payment to you $ : because we couldnt identify the payee.
: Time to look and think about it!!
@ e @ e@ Fran Holland, Membership Secretary ; e e e
e From The Committee Room - August
A report of proceedings at the Committee meeting 1* August 2007.
Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting were deait with as follows:
leaders will be asked to send their walks report to Barry Wallace and the list of walkers to Ron Watters
e reasons for insurance premium increase will be sought from our insurers
Correspondence included a letter from Eddie Giacomel; subscription renewals; other club magazines and advice that the Sydney Catchment Authority has approved a grant of $8,000 for Coolana following a submission prepared by Gretel Woodward
e President, David Trinder, reported that Bill Capon (with Tony Marshalls help) is documenting all weekend walks since the beginning of the club: Shirley Dean has written a history of Coolana and a draft of this was passed on by the 80% Anniversary Sub-Committee to the Committee for consideration. Eddie Giacomel had prepared a letter and accompanying analysis claiming that newer members were not joining the Committee. The Committee suggested early publicity might encourage newer members to become committee members. No trainer for the Senior First Aid certificate is available for a dedicated SBW group from, Bushwalker Wilderness Rescue. Members are welcome to join the Senior First Aid courses that they run. It costs $100/person. The club would subsidise this by $50/person. Members could also attend public Senior First Aid courses. The President has investigated abseiling training through Bushwalker Wilderness Rescue but has not had much success. He will investigate having an experienced member to hold an abseiling instructional.
e The Committee resolved to accept the Treasurers Report and to pay the Confederation insurance & affiliation fees
e Resolved that the accounts for payment be approved; bank charges $24; rent July/ Aug $805; insurance/ affiliation $8,012; Magazine Postage $440; social expenses $19
e The Spring Walks program was discussed & accepted and it was decided to have no walks on 21st October due to the Clubs 80th Anniversary celebrations . A prospective members page is to be included on the back of the Walks Programme.
e The Spring Social Programme was discussed & accepted and it was resolved to continue to include new members nights in the social program.
Brendan Harper, Rory Fagan and Frances Zoechmann were accepted as full members.
e It was resolved to donate $150 to the Wilderness Society from the Conservation Fund
e The October Anniversary edition of the magazine is proceeding to plan. Pam Campbell will get quotes for photograph pages to be printed professionally.
e The Committee decide on new Honorary Active members from a list of nominations to be discussed at the September meeting.
e It was noted that members must book to attend all 80th anniversary events.
e The Confederation Report included a note that the Nature Conservation Council are planning a Walk Against Warming two weeks before the Federal Election: Also, that it had resolved to keep affiliation fees at the current level.
e The Electronic Sub-Committee has recommended the use of Google Groups for distribution lists. The Committee resolved to approve, in principle, the use of private Google Groups for approved club mass emails. Aset of related procedures will be placed before the next meeting. An update on the website will also be reported.
Treasurers Report - July 2007
Cash Receipts:
Members Subscriptions 631 16,539 Prospective Fees 482 4,467 Investment - Conservation 240 432 Investment - Coolana 599 1,078 Investment - General 391 703 Magazine Advertising 370 920 Donations - Coolana 0 55 Other 0 16 investment - Redemption 0 0 Total Receipts $2,712 $24,211 Cash Payments:
Magazine Printing 0 3,475 Magazine Postage 0 2,395 Magazine Equipment 0 0 Coolana Maintenance 0 319 Coolana Toilet - Coolana 621 1,655 Rent- Club Rooms 305 2,775 Donations - Conservation 0 100 Insurance - Public Liability 2,477 2,477 Insurance - Accident 3,281 3,281 Affiliation - Confederation 2,255 2,255 Postage. Phone & internet 0 1,022 Administration 68 1,657 80 th Anniversary 0 200 Total Payments $9,006 $21,610 Cash Surplus /(Deficit) (6,294) $2,601 Seed
Happy Birthday SBW |!
The SBW BIG DAY-O is a catered, Barbeque Spit Roast lunch for the whole SBW family at Manly Dam on Sunday, 21 October at 1 PM. An informal affair, however if you want to dress up why not, it's your party.
You do have to book. You must book. We do need to know your name and if you want a vegetarian meal so that we can tell the caterers how many people (omnivores and herbivores). You may wish to bring along some liquid refreshments and a glass or plastic. There will be chairs and tables, but perhaps not enough, so bring along an extra chair or two.
Venue: When: Parking:
What: Who: Cost: Booking:
When to Book: How to Book:
What to bring:
On-site Facilities:
Wheat to do: What else to do:
Public Transport:
Manly Damm, picnic areas Section 3 - spaces B, C and D Sunday 21 October 2007. Gates open at 7 AM
A Parking fee of $7.70 per car applies on Sundays from 9.30am to 2.30 pm. Parking is free if you have a Warringah Council parking sticker, a current Warringah Council rate notice or your driving licence shows an address in the Warringah Council area
at 1 PM, a Barbeque Spit Roast lunch with toasting champagne. The SBW family, Members and Prospective Members of SBW FREE
Booking is essential, the caterers need to know how many mouths to feed, and if you are vegetarian.
Now, don't delay
Simple by letter, postcard or email: SBW80, PO Box 422, Helensburg,NSW 2508 Brian.
Remember this is a barbeque style lunch and on-site facilities are limited, bring an extra chair and a table if you have them, perhaps a table cloth,
definitely bring some glasses (or plastics), bone china and silverware if that is you norm, some additional! drinks
Picnic venue, some benches, some tables, some chairs, walking and bike paths, tap water, toilets, car parking, no electricity,
Presidential Bushwalk around the dam starting at 9.15 AM, back in time for lunch.
Before or after lunch bushwalk, paddle, kayak, bike ride, sit and talk, bird watch
By bus or ferry to Manly, bus or taxi to Manly Dam. 50 Anniversary of National Parks Association - The SBW Connection
This year is memorable in that it marks the 80” Anniversary of The Sydney Bush Walkers. On 21* October 1927, nine people attended the foundation meeting of the Club and adopted the objects and constitution of the at that stage un-named club. These nine, together with three athers who apologised for their absence, became the foundation members. Initially, it was suggested that the club be named the Waratah Walking Club; however, two meetings later the Sydney Bush Walkers name was chosen.
Right from the start (the first meeting) the objects gave significant prominence to conservation matters. Two ofithe four objects were to establish a definite regard for the welfare and preservation of the wild life and natural beauty of this country and to help others to appreciate these natural gifts.
Therefore it was appropriate that thirty years later SBW members played a significant role in the formation of the National Parks Association (NPA). This organisation was launched in February 1957 and as noted in the following months edition of The Sydney Bushwalker many of the elected officers were SBW members. Tom Moppett (SBW Conservation Secretary) and a member of the inaugural NPA State Council said that the support of SBW members would be particularly valuable to the NPA because of their special knowledge of parks and reserves. Since then our club has given valuable support to the NPA.
On behalf of SBW members | offer sincere congratulations to The National Parks Association and our best wishes for their continuing success.
Walking In The Budawangs Wilderness, Morton National Park
The Budawangs Walking and Camping Strategy was released in April this year with the overall aim to ensure that visitor use of the Budawangs is environmentally sustainable and does not cause significant damage to the areas natural and cultural values.
This surely reflects our clubs approach to walking and camping and whilst we may experience some disappointment in the limitations imposed on us we should also realise and accept the necessity of these
Lue restrictions.
The details of the walking and camping guidelines may be covered elsewhere in this magazine, or at a later date, but sufficient to say in this report that complying with the recommended group size (maximum twelve, recommended eight overnight walkers); limitations on cave camping; and prohibition of wood fires in
NOTES | itt Hottand
main camping area and other listed areas are completely in accord with our conservation objectives.
Acopy of this Strategy with a detailed map is available on the website; www. nationalparks. nsw. gov. au/PDFs/ Budawangs_Brochure.pdf
Hunting the Dollar
As noted on the next page the Game Council sees great advantage in expanding hunting opportunities in NSW, identifying this as an opportunity to boost tourism revenues. It seems that hunters from outside NSW should be invited in to have a go. Once more economic opportunity is taken as an excuse to degrade our environment and threaten our wildlife.
Finally, | would like to congratulate SBW member, Alex Colley, who is celebrating his 98“ birthday this month. Alex was SBW Conservation Secretary for over 30 years and remains a very active conservationist.
Bill Holland
Sea level rise risk exceeds forecasts
SEA level rise caused by climate change is likely to be greater and potentially more dangerous than predicted but scientists are reluctant to stick their necks out for fear of being labelled alarmists, an international expert has warned.
Professor Stefan Rahmstorf, a key scientific author of the UNs recent report on climate change, has published a new way of projecting sea level rise from global warming. His method points to higher sea level rises than published by the UN panel this year, adding to concerns that the panel report was too conservative.
Estimates of sea level rise in the report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) did not include the full impact of the melting of the polar ice caps because too little is known about the long- term risks. SMH August 6, 2007
Humans affect rain patterns, study finds SCIENTISTS have confirmed for the first time that human activities have contributed significantly to changes in global rainfall patterns.
Researchers have already established that burning fossil fuels and using aerosols have affected the earths climate.
But a link between humans and worldwide rainfall changes has been harder to prove, partly due to a tack of quality global data, as more rain in some regions cancelled out the drier conditions in others. CONSERVATION NOTES
Now a team of scientists has overcome this hurdle, by looking at rainfall changes in different latitude bands, rather than the global average. Melb Age 25/ 7107
Hunting Tourism - Harnessing the Potential
Along with the Game Councils efforts to assist with feral animal control, it is also important to highlight the fact that the organisation work to assist Government meet its targets for Growing Prosperity in NSW,
NSW is in a very good position to attract even more metropolitan, interstate and overseas hunters to participate in conservation hunting. Extract from Quarterly Update Game Council of NSW July - September 2007.
Biobanking Pilot Program DECC received 45 expressions of interest from landholders seeking to participate in the pilot. From
those expressions of interest, 17 sites were selected from across NSW. The purpose of the pilot is to apply the methodology in the field and gain some examples of how the methodology works in practice.
Site assessments are progressing well, and field work for all 17 sites will be completed by 30 June.
Landholders will also receive a detailed report and a report summarising the outcomes of the pilots will be included in the materials placed on public exhibition.
Asecond phase of the pilot program will prepare and cost management plans for 7 biobank sites. This information will be used to ensure there are adequate funds set aside in the Trust Fund to pay for management of the biobank site in the future. The costs of these activities will influence the minimum price of credits. DECC is working with Greening Australia on this second phase of the pilots. Extract from Update by DECC June 2007.
Bushwalking and the GPS
this year.
bushland in the Berowra Valley.
Some years ago | hosted GPS Training Workshops and have received requests to repeat another So its on again next month - see below. It will be held in my home and we will walk in adjacent
If you use your GPS simply as a position finding device this workshop can help you extend its
use. You will learn to find your way through uncertain off-track terrain; provide a record of where and when you walked. With the right software you can record these walks on a map, store the map, file the track and the track profile on your computer. You can build a walks history on your computer.
Many maps are available on CD/DVD and these can be stored in, and printed from your computer. This will save |
you spending approximately $8 each time for a map.
And if you are a leader your GPS can help you plan your walk in advance; accurately assess heights and determine the length of watk. You can follow the GPS directions with confidence.
Here are the details:
8-9 September - GPS Workshop (optional one day or weekend)
Learn to use a GPS for more than just position finding. You lt learn how to pre-plan a route/track; record where you walked; use a computer for mapping and track record.
Saturday: We will track a proposed route on a map shown on the computer (scan or from LD); download the route/track to your GPS and walk the route using the GPS to guide us. We will then upload the walked track from
GPS to computer and show a height/distance profile of the track walked. Finally we will print the map showing the track and points of interest.
Sunday: Revision of above plus a practical application of Oziexplorer mapping software. Also we will go on a lengthy walk using above skills.
You can attend for either or both days. Naturally, you will learn more by staying the weekend. Accommodation with bareque on Saturday night.
Grade: Easy Leader: Bill Holland (h) 9484 6636 (email) The Mid-Week Walkers are an informal group of SBW members who have time to spare for mid-week activities, some of which are shown on the Walks Programme and some organised at short notice and advised by monthly newsletter sent to all on my Mid Weeek Walkers list. These activities can include easy to medium walks, perhaps some cycling/canoeing or even a little bird watching as well. Partners and non- watkers are welcome to join us, particularly on the extended stay activities.
Our stay at Robyns farm for the Christmas in July was very pleasant. Eight of us spent four days , there and although the Bathurst region is very cold in July we managed to keep warm in front of a roaring fire; lots of reading and talking. Somehow happy hours blended seamlessly into dinner each
So for the rest of this year:
September: Newnes Cabin Monday 10” - Friday 14“ September
We will stay in cabins in the vicinity of the old Newnes Hotel. Newnes is a great area for walking e.g. the remnants of the old railway, the Glow Worm Tunnel, Pipeline Pass etc or just exploring the mining town ruins. We will be there mid- week away from the crowded weekends.
October: Coolana 27th and 28th October
Thad hoped to arrange for a cabin stay as well in October at the Holbrook property in Hidden Valley. But, the owners have just sold the holiday cabins and the new people are not interested. There may be other opportunities in this area for a later date. So it seems better that we support the 80th Anniversary celebrations in October and join others at Coolana on the 27th and 28th October. Please join us.
November: Dunns Swamp 26th - 30th November
Dunns Swamp is popular for camping and bushwatking. It boasts as one of the cleanest waterways in NSW, making it great for a swim or canoe paddle. Basic facilities for campfires and toilets are available in the camping reserve. There are many walking tracks and large rock formations which offer spectacular views of the river and surrounding bush.
The plan will be to base camp during mid-week to avoid the weekend crowds. The weather at this time of the year should be warm and very suitable for water activities.
Unfortunately, no interest was shown in the houseboat on Myall lakes suggested last month so! have not pursued this idea.
If you would like to receive our monthly newsletter or join us onan activity please phone me on 9484 6636 or email
Wednesday 27th June: Blue Mountains - Rescheduled from 20 May Maps: Hampton
Carlons Farm-Breakfast Creek-Blackhorse Ridge-Blackhorse Mt-Mt Mouin-Bellbird ridge-Carlons Farm. Some off track walking and steep descent off Mt Mouin, otherwise on track. Great ridgetop views.
Grade: M222 18km Leader: Bill Hope 99601646
Tues 2nd July: Illawarra Escarpment SRA Map: Bulli (Wollongong)
Bulli Train Station - Memorial - Slacky Creek - Old Bulli Pass - Rixons Pass - Brokers Nose Trig Station -
Corrimal Collierys Funicular Woodline - Towradsi Train Station. Lush Illawarra rainforest and a great view from the escarpment on this rarely visited area.
Grade: Medium 16km Leader: Wilf Hilder 9587 8912
Thursday 12th July Mid week Bicycle Ride
Some very social mid - week bicycle riding. The route will be generally from Botany Bay along the banks of Cooks River so if you like a mid-week bike ride please phone.
Grade: Easy Leader: Fran or Bill Holland 9484 6636, 0418 210 290, TRACKS AND ACCESS REPORT - JULY 2007 Wilf Hilder
Harry Hill the well known bushwalking author has recently had his latest book Northern Kosciusko National Park published by Envirobooks. This is a walking and camping guide with twenty walks listed in it - some of the walks are overnight, but the majority are day walks. Some of the walks are part of the Hume and Hovell Track and others further south, almost to Mt. Jagungal (pronounced Jagungal by the Monaro stockmen and the gold miners as well as the early ski tourers). | am surprised he doesnt mention the major magnetic variations between Kiandra, Mt. Selwyn and Mt. Tabletop due to the basalt in this area being magnetic. Harrys excellent descriptions of the walks and the historical features of the area are like the mountains in the area - breathtaking, but are let down by very poor maps. Harry however does give many grid references to the relevant topographic maps which are very helpful. The book is 138 pages, illustrated and published by Envirobooks 2006, price around $20 highly recommended.
The Lands Department have published a new edition of the Hume and Hovell Walking Track map kit recently. This track runs from Yass to Albury, but was originally intended to run from Gunning to Albury. There are six maps in the set at a scale of 1;100;00 and contour intervals of 40 or 50 metres. An index map anda historical extracts of the expedition are also included. This is an excellently prepared set of maps and information and obviously a great deal of effort has gone into collating it, which includes full details of the obscure public transport that can be used to access and exit the Hume and Hovell Track at various points. The relevant topographic maps are also recommended in the brochures. This is an outstanding map kit/ guide to one of this states longest walking tracks and ! congratulate the Lands Department for producing such a high quality publication.
Log books or visitors books form a very valuable historical record and when full some walkers collect them and even keep them. These books are really the historical heritage of NSW and belong in the Mitchell Library Sydney, where the specially controlled environment is designed to preserve these books for future generations. Alan Tasker is the field librarian in the State Library of NSW (Mitchell Library) who looks after bushwaikers visitors books and he can be contracted by phone Monday to Thursday on 9273 1429 and is keen to add more visitors books to the Mitchell Librarys collection. If you ring and forward the books to him that would be greatly appreciated, or you can give them to me to pass on to Alan instead.
Most bushwalkers are unaware that there is another war memorial to bushwalkers apart from the famous Splendour Rock war memorial. The other war memorial is at Bullimah Lookout in Bouddi NP. The wording on the engraved bronze plaque at Bullimah Lookout is as follows BULLIMAH OUTLOOK. This Outlook and the beach below have been named in memory of CHARLES DARCY ROBERTS, Former Trustee Bouddi National Park and bushwalkers who died in World War 2. The name Bullimah means Home of the Great Spirit.
This war memorial was dedicated by the Shire President Mr. Lillycrapp on 13” May 1948 in the presence of Charlie Robertss parents and bushwalkers. It is unusual that this plaque can only be read by turning your back on the magnificent views up and down the coast. Due to growth of the scrub the plaque could be overlooked by visitors and Bultimah Beach is no longer visible from the Lookout. (See Pigeon House and Beyond Budawang Committee 1982 pp 108 - 109).
It is significant that the Splendour Rock war memorial was dedicated a week before the Bouddi one - that is on 6“ May 1948 and both memorials will celebrate the 60” anniversary of their dedication next year.
KAKADU 2007 by Christine Austin
Friday June 29“
We are gathered at Sydney airport with a fine assembly of companions. Old friends - David Rostron (leader), Wendy Lippiatt, Wayne Steele, Ken Clacher, Bill Hope and Marella Hogan (waiting in Darwin) and some new friends, Mary Liu, Ruth Richter and Nick Richter. With Craig and myself there are 11 of us.
We land in Darwin. Marella is there but Wendys stick is not. She quickly resigns herself to its loss (temporary we hope). Tropical heat wafts us as we board the bus and leave Darwin almost as quickly as we arrive. No wasting time on Davids trips! Somewhere along the road to Pine Creek | slide out of my Sydney clothes and into those | will wear for the next eleven days. We have a quick bite at Pine Creek before the final drive to Barramundi. A flowing creek stops our progress. Chris, our driver says, No go, and David says Bother! (or something else) so we pile out into the dust and plough along the road to Barramundi Creek. What a rude awakening! Marella, with characteristic initiative, finds a lift that showers us in dust but there she is waiting at the end of the road. Now it is only a matter of half an hour before we locate our campsite by the big plunge pool at the base of Barramundi Falls. We laze contentedly around the fire and then to bed. Sydney is a world away.
With the prospect of so many swimming pools ahead of us, we skip the big pool except for a quick wash. Maybe the rangers didnt find that last crocodile! Our first real swim is at the amphitheatre which we reach by way of a side creek full of lassiandras (alas not flowering). Walking upstream, we soon reach pools of delicate water lilies edged by beautiful apricot colored bladderworts - Utricularia fulva. Then it is through some tall grass, watching for that hidden buffalo which ambushed Craig here two years ago. In the aquamarine colored pool at the bottom of Piccaninny Pools there is another swim. Ruth and Nick are beginning to get the picture! And is this a swimming lesson going on here? Mary is learning to breaststroke, encouraged by ten teachers. By the end of the walk she has developed a wonderful style and no wonder with her determination and so many instructors!
After! some impressive bombing by Kenn, Nick and Craig at Piccaninny Pools we camp slightly upstream. Kenns rum & lemon barley makes a great starter and whets the appetite. Wendy and Wayne are cooks tonight and serve us delicious buckwheat, vegetables and salami. That night, settled in the same sandy nook as in 2005, | begin to regret not bringing a better sleeping bag. Our tried and true Kakadu bags (Craig is also cold) are not sufficient in this colder than usual winter. At least | cant hear the heavy and ponderous steps of cane toads. Maybe the cold has kept them away.
The next morning we walk a short distance up this beautiful tributary of Barramundi and then head northeast through stone country to Gronophyllum Creek. Named for the presence of Gronophyllum ramsayi, we have our morning tea at a lap pool, of all things. Some vigorous swimming ensues, and then we wander downstream, stopping occasionally at inviting pools. At the bottom of the gorge some of us swim back up it whilst others settle on a campsite. Assisted by Wendy who is chief medical officer, | remove pandanas barbs from Kenns forehead. Some of them are nearly one cm long. His forehead wont release the rest so we have to leave them. Tonight Mary cooks us tasty Thai with spinach and seaweed. Another cool night descends and Ruth lends me her thermal long pants. She has been sweating in her bag. Lucky thing! This is the first time Ive been lent clothing on a bushwalk. Im a bit embarrassed but full of gratitude.
The following morning we leave Gronophytlum Creek near the black lagoon (our name). it looks suspiciously crocodilian and we skirt it gingerly, especially after Marella sees what may be drag marks. Striking westwards we also avoid the alluring pool at the bottom of Cascade Creek and settle on a shady place where a large tree is sprouting from a deep pothole. Here we enjoy lunch while Wayne and Marella fight with the fire to make us a cup of tea.
At the top of the cascades, David invites everybody to bomb and swim their way to the lower cascade. There is also a water-slide. My bottom has done this before and suffered so | pass on this one. | watch the bombing from a comfortable distance. Bill returns early very cold and finally we all make our way upstream to a comfortable and large rock platform where Ruth and Nick cook us vegetable lasagne.
AS we progress upstream, David halts and orders us all to stretch. This we do in a half-hearted manner like reluctant school children in a PE class. Some time later Craig and Kenn decide to swim through part of Cascade Creek while we head across country to meet them at morning tea near the Serpent Cave. Here Mary diligently practices her swimming tunder the watchful eye of her lifesavers.
Once again we forsake the creek and walk across to Graveside, retreating to its narrow shady section for a long lunch. We wander over to the top of the falls and view the huge drop that surely would confound any crocodile.
About an hour south east of Graveside we camp by a small creek where it flows out of the stone country. Rainbow bee-eaters flit amongst the convoluted rock formations and the grevilleas lining the pools. My turn to cook tonight - spaghetti bolognaise. Thankfully the night is warmer and | enjoy a cooldown in the water after cooking dinner. And this is the night of reckoning for Bill. Whisk in hand, he is walked through the ten crucial steps to make beautiful custard and masters it. Another string to his bow!
The next mornings walk to Surprise Falls is a delightful one ~ undulating colorful eucalypt woodland and the ubiquitous Grevillea pteridifolia, its nectar being enjoyed by those wanting their sugar fix. We eat ata large pool festooned with spiders that we dexterously avoid when entering the water. After a restful afternoons reading we descend for a further five minutes to the campsite, gathering wood as we go. No more wood, | hear David say from below as | consider how to drag my load down the cliff. Feeling a bit useless, | decide to drop it down anyway. Probably the best sleeping spot is Waynes - good view and interior decoration with a flowering eucalypt. Marella cooks tonight - tuna and vegetables done in a trice. Now that he knows how, Bill cooks the custard again. Someone finds a cane toad. We all feel unanimous about its imminent demise but some of us, like me, cannot go through with it and leave the brave deed to Kenn and others.
Up at five, leaving at seven! David announces. This really means that some rise at five and the rest of us can only admire their determination. Marella and Wayne are punctually stirring the fire into life at five. David is tending the pots. Porridge! he shouts and the rest of us leap into action. Today we have to cover a lot of distance to Twin Falls Creek. Although we start early it becomes quite hot and Kenn, Craig and | gain some short respite by waiking in the monsoon forest. We pass a stand of callitris, many with metal tags, a rather incongruous sight far from civilisation.
A quick lunch, but without the mandatory swim, is taken under some shady trees, then David promises, rather rashly, that we will be at Twin Falls creek by 2 p.m. Craig and | completely ruin Davids plan by being mobbed by green ants. The party patiently waits while we fling off our clothes and we finally arrive sometime after 2 p.m.
it is downstream to the rock platforms where David cooks us some hearty macaroni and bolognaise sauce for dinner. The next morning some of us visit the falls and then we slowly wander upstream to the Amphitheatre Falls after another fine display of bombing during an extended lunch stop. | make a mental note of Wendy and Waynes Shepherds Pie a la Twin and hope to replicate it some time. Fortunately it is a warmish night and we fall comfortably asleep.
More progress is made up Twin Falls creek the next day. We have morning tea by a Lily fringed pool, the melaleucas overhead waving against the blue sky. At lunchtime David suggests a visit to an art site for those who havent been previously. Kenn leads us toa tortuous labyrinth where hoyas dangle from massive
rocks like abseiling ropes. Under many of these monoliths are paintings of turtles, goannas, fish, and snakes - reminders of the artistic inhabitants long gone.
Tonights campsite on Twin Falls creek feels like the night of the big freeze. Even Kenns warming Laksa cannot keep out the cold and |! am absolutely delighted when I see Wayne and Marella lighting the fire at five am. And there is David stirring the porridge again. After breakfast | sidle up to the billies to clean them only to be told, Leave them to soak. I cant sit there staring at a soaking billy but when | return someone has cleaned them already. Why doesnt this ploy work at home?
This mornings walk takes us to the head of Kooipin Creek. At first the countryside is beautiful - eucalypts, grevilleas and palms of great diversity. In the swampy parts osbeckia provide a delightful purple flourish. But after morning tea we chug through long dull grassland until we reach the welcome sight of rock platforms and pools on Koolpin Creek. | doze in the afternoon light, so warm and cosy after the chilly night. Nick cooks us some home dried silverside with olives and couscous. The sky is the limit when it comes to bush cooking creations!
The next moming - our last full day - we leave Koolpin and walk south to rejoin it via a side creek. Following Keolpin on the true right bank we find some easily accessible aboriginal paintings. Ruth, Nick, Kenn, Craig and | swim through the gorge and discover that it is warmer in the water than out. Lunch is a maneuver to stay in the sun. Now in swimming attire (we have met tourists) we take a final plunge into a big pool below the main falls and camp downstream of the main campground.
Its going to be cold tonight, says Wayne. Temperatures dropping! Craig & I shiver all night and somewhere near us Marella does too. This is the real night of the big freeze. 8 degrees, Wayne announces in the morning, I knew some of you would be cold and | thought of giving you my sleeping bag but … and why should he?
Kenn, assisted by Nick, scrapes up the fire for the final time and disperses the excess wood. Their charcoal blackened hands obliterate any trace of our presence, as indeed has been the case every day of the trip. Then David sets off at a cracking pace to meet the bus at ten am by the South Alligator river crossing. We have left later than intended as it takes time to thaw on these Kakadu mornings. The bus arrives on time and we are soon back in Darwin to clean up before a big splurge at a seafood buffet restaurant.
Thanks David for your superb leadership and sense of humor. To everyone else, thank you for your contributions that made Kakadu 2007 such a great experience. THREE PEAKS - A WALK IN THE PARK - NOT! Karl Miller - May 2007
{ have no idea when ! first heard of the Three Peaks, but a good bet would have John Bradnam included in it. With four successful 100k Oxfam Trailwalkers (and umpteen 100s of kilometers in preparation) between Clare and |, it was inevitable that an attempt was made.
And so began an accumulation of skills for this quest:
e Many hours of fast paced walking (day and night) in preparation for various Trailwalkers (lowlight - a fractured ankle one morning at 4am)
e An Anzac weekend K2K (highlight - the dawn service at Splendor rock)
e K2K ina day by Clare e Aweekend trip to the Three Peaks out of Kanangra Walls by twisting Johns arm (not very far | suspect).
The more | listened and read, the more four problems presented themselves:
How to avoid getting bushed at Dexs?
When to go?
How to beat the scrub on Guouogang?
e How to avoid becoming benighted on Guouogang?
Early 2007 found me drafting a schedule for the full moon of late Aprit with the next weekend as backup.
Three long walks in the final six weeks, completed the picture:
e Kanangra - Yerranderie - Kanangra overnight walk for fitness.
e Carlons - Coxs (night walk under new moon). Coxs - Guouogang - Coxs - Carlons, the next day to pinpoint ridge exits and solve the Guouogang scrub maze. Carlons - Coxs - Cloudmaker (night walk under full moon), to check schedule, check night time navigation and to beat the Dexs jinx by clarifying the path through the scrub. Return within 24 hours for fitness.
The final problem was how to squeeze 13 hours of walking (Cloudmaker - Paralyser - Guouogang - Coxs River) into 10 hours of remaining daylight (Cloudmaker ETA 7am)?
Clare took one look at the schedule - problem solved!!
e Why on Earth have you got any rests at the creeks and summits - take none!!
e Take Friday off work, rest all day, start earlier (than 8pm), camp at Roar saddle - fresh for a 6am start.
Heavy rain at the end of April postponed the attempt. The following weekend provided perfect conditions - 5-20 degrees and a wonderful clear sky for night walking. Friday morning found me still juggling how much food to take. Our practice on any long walk is to eat small amounts, frequently and on the hoof. This avoids those stumbling, bumbiing down periods as the blood sugar level drops, while keeping the pace up. Unexciting but high energy muesti bars, biscuits and soft sweats were packed in 250g grab bags, with cans of V and some grapes to be cached at Coxs as a treat and a pick me up.
2pm and I was in Katoomba, scoffing a final helping of pasta. Taking on an extra 500ml of water at the
1400 7— -
3 Peaks - Cloudmaker, Paralyser, Guouogang Asc / Desc = 5000m
Mt P;
Mt Guouogang
Mt ai
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Katoomba 1000 Nate
Mt Yellow Gog
ARtitude (m)}
Gap \ |
12 11” hour, | cursed the fact my pack weight would now be close to eight kilo, At 3pm the obligatory photo of the platform clock was taken and finally things were underway. | dug out the head-torch as | reached the end of Narrow Neck in last light around 5:45pm. Negotiating Tarros Ladder and the rest of the descent to Medlow Gap in the dark proved easy enough. On the familiar trail to Mobbs, it was inky dark with the moon hidden behind the Wild Dogs.
About 5-10 minutes before you reach the Mt Dingo junction is a 70-80m section of track that had completely flummoxed me on a training walk six weeks earlier. In the complete darkness of anew moon, the track had gone bush on me, taking a couple of unexpected turns and elevation gains in an area of storm darmage and tree blow downs. At night, if you leave the track, you suddenly hear snap, crackle, pep meaning Not this way buster!! Normally it takes a second or two to back up and find the Tunnel of silence again, but on this occasion everywhere | took a step was fresh leaf litter from storm damage and Not this way mate !! sreeted me in every direction. After an embarrassingly long time, | figured it out and it had all looked so easy the next day in broad daylight. On the big night this embarrassing section passed in just a few moments, leaving me wondering what all the fuss had been about.
As a safety net, Clare was to SMS me each hour or two, alerting me to areas of reception. Knowing there was excellent reception at Yellow Dog, | gave her a bell at 8:50pm All was well, no more reception expected until close to Cloudmaker. Making goad time to reach the Coxs at 9:50pm, | applied more Vaseline before quickly wading the Coxs River and after picking up more water, left Kanangra Creek at 10:20pm.
As the track contours belaw Mt Strongleg, you pass a gum tree that has literally been blown apart by a lightening strike. Chunks of it lie 10-12m away and | was glad of a clear and cloudless sky as | approached features with names like Cloudmaker, Rack, Roar, Rip, Rumble and Thunder Bend. Asset of again, a chorus of chilling howls floated across the vatley from the Yellow Dog region and | felt relieved to be many kilometers away.
At 1:30am | reached that great leveler of all K2K and Three Peak efforts - the scrub above Dex Creek. You guessed it - On cue and for the next 40 minutes, | diced with a perfectly good GPS reading, failing to locate my start point into the scrub. Dancing with the devil in the pale moonlight seemed pretty apt right about then. Further confusion followed in the darkness approaching Cloudmaker but |
Take your pick -
finally arrived an hour late at 3:10am. Taking a photo,
and jotted a log entry on a scrap of A4.
1 was doing the snug as a bug in a rug thing by 4am. With no chance of rain, | didnt bother with the tarp, just spread out the emergency blanket, sheltering from the stiff wind behind a smail log. This last section fromm Dexs had cost me over an hour of precious sleep. Lesson - Pay more attention in training!
Alt too soon the alarm was ringing and i was off at 6:10. Approaching Mt Marooba Karco, i teft the ridgeline too early, and cursed myself for the next half hour until finally gained Thunder Buttress. At 700m
headed west for Thunder Bend (8 am)
After a quick camel up, ! located the next grab bag of muesti bars and sweets, reset the altimeter, took a deep breath and ground away up South Paralyser buttress. | played the usual mind games 10% gone, 30% down, half way there etc, stopping every 100 vertical meters or so for a quick drink and to have a
ara yser - i}
bite to eat. Boy, that small cairn and logbook sure were a welcome sight (9:45am).
After paying homage to the logbook and taking a photo, {| was off once again at 10am, conscious the descent off North Paralyser Buttress, although just 2.5k, would be the most dangerous section of the challenge. | planned to start the descent from 650m aiming for 300m downstream of Jenolan Creek. The barren,|friable steepness on my left was intimidating, so | finally left the ridge at 600m and gingerly picked and slipped my way to the creek below, aware that a twisted|ankle or uncontrolled slide would be a disaster at best.
i] | * ~ ad
Reaching Whalania Creek at 11:50am, | did the water, food and altimeter thing. Thorns bared my way to the bank and when | finally reached it, it was sheer. For the next 200m vertical meters | clung to anything that woutd|support me and heaved myself higher one step ata time. Emma Murray, writing about her successful 24 hour attempt, describes the climbing discipline of grovelling up Bullagowar Ridge to the east, nose pressed into the mountainside. Perfect b…… description 1 thought, as | grovelled my way to Nooroo Buttress 200m above.
Nooroo took forever and | was having a slightly strange discussion with myself as | climbed. The rate of climb was considerably slower than Paralyser, with the first 200m having a lot to answer for. The buttress is so steep that the sun was barely above the horizon even at midday. Pity anyone that attempts the reverse direction and has to climb the unprotected slopes of North Paralyser buttress in the direct sun.
The ridge eventually eased and the vegetation morphed into the infamous Guouogangis Shitius. | headed NW into the open forest, reaching the gigantic cairn at 2:45pm
Mt Guouogang, 3 out of 3! Eat your heart out Paralyser - This is what a REAL cairn looks like!
Mobile reception here is patchy at best. Make it quick and make it count is the motto, so | pinged off a SMS and then phoned Clare. All well, am on schedule, next contact approx 8pm from Yellow Dog. She was already in Katoomba, and the hotel had a spa! Sounded like heaven to me.
To avoid the scrub, | set off to the east, then traversed south for 10-15 min to locate Bullagowar ridge. With less than 2 hours to sunset at 5:10pm, f was in a hurry to get to the safety of the Coxs. At approximately the 800m contour, you must drop off the eastern slope to pick up Guouogang ridge running east. This is rather an act of faith as it lies 100m below and completely out of sight. From training, | knew exactly what | was looking for - A fallen log with a branch pointing east, right across the footpad.
At 5:40pm my second signpost appeared, indicating my exit down to Konangaroo Clearing 300m below. On any normal day this descent would be no problem, but my signpost appeared at last light, 30 min after sunset. The moon would not rise for two hours and the sun had set behind Mt Guouogang, teaving the slope in total darkness. Despite my head-torch it was a case of sensing rather than seeing the slope, and | bumbled my way to the bottom in the pitch black, passing through every possible piece of foliage on the way. Impossibly, | recognized the gully at the bottom, even finding a footpad to the horse paddock. Sometimes you just get lucky | guess.
My route out was via Wombat Wadi and as | heard them racing away, | contemplated my chances of safely negotiating the Three Peaks only to be taken out by an indignant Wombat. By 6:30pm | reached the junction of Kanangra Creek and recovered a food cache with a welcome change of diet and 500ml of V for the return trip. From Mt Guouogang, | had been calculating my chances of reaching Katoomba by 3am (36 hrs). | was 30 minutes behind schedule, the left knee and right hip were hurting badly, and the balls of my feet had been hat spots since Mt Cloudmaker.
The switch backs up Yellow Dog went on forever. A quick call from Yellow Dog, to say | was safe, allowed Clare to head off to bed and the grind to Katoomba was underway at 8:20pm. | had 6:40 to complete what had taken me 5:50 when | was fresh but I wasnt feeling so hot. It would be a close thing.
Somewhere between Mobbs and Medlow an unseen branch brought me crashing to the ground - time to slow down. in my fatigued state, | calculated that if } could reach the top of Narrow Neck by 11:45pm, | would have 30 min up my sleeve compared to the outward journey, no problem - Yeah right! Heading up and over Mt Debert every step was really hurting.
at 12:20am. | figured | was making good time but | was ultra cautious (slow) on anything remotely downhill due to the hip and knee pain. Clare met me 500m from the gate - what a welcome sight. The last couple of kilometers to Cliff Drive were very painful, but once on the tarmac, it was all forgotten. |! even managed to break into a jog for 10m before sanity returned, finally reaching the station to record 2:55am and a total time of 35:55 hours.
A huge cooked breakfast and a soak in the Spa the next morning had me perking up a bit. Unable to get down the 3m flight of steps to breakfast without using the handrail and single stepping it, my crowning achievement for the day was walking back UP the steps without using the handrail. Raising my arms in celebration of this momentous achievement, | was looking around for a logbook!
Already dreaming of a warm bed!
New Members to Add to Your 2007 List
Would you please add the following members and their contact details to your list:
Frances Zoechmann 14 Express Circuit, MARMONG POINT. 2284 Phone: 4959 7891 0438 279 340 .
Brendan Harper 12/14-16 Ross Street, GLADESVILLE 2111 Phone: 9817 7932 0402 850 781
Rory FAGAN 176 Bronte Road, WAVERLEY 2024 Phone: 9398 7284 0416 045 782
Thanks, Fran Holland
I Tel 0246 832 344
4 Departs from Sydney's Campbelltown Railway Station
Via Penrith, Katoomba & Blackneath for : Kanangra Walls Mon & Wed at 11am Frid at 7am Returns 4pm Mon, Wed. Frid. Via Starlights, Mittagong & Marulan for Wog Wog-Nerriga Tues.& Thurs & Sun at 11am Retums 4 pm Tues, Thurs, Sun.
s Yerranderie Ghost Town first Saturday in each
month. returns Sun at 1 pm (any Friday min 6) | Group booking discounts or charter service
Mob 0428 832 344 |
15 KIMBERLEY WALK June - July 2007
and | also wanted to do a walk somewhere in the area. Some club members who had been there previously recommended the Cockburn and Carr Boyd ranges near Kununurra, with a local guide John Storey, so | organised a team and off we went.
We spent 6 days in the Cockburns and 7 in the Carr Boyd Ranges. In the Cockburns we went north to south, mainly up a single river system in a narrow walled gorge, with stacks of interesting side valleys, then across a divide to another creek and out at Emma Gorse; in the Carr Boyds we again traversed the range from west to east, staying mainly on the plateau and crossing several creek systems. Both ranges comprise high walled gorges in sandstone country, some similarities to Blue Mountains cliffs but with beautiful salmon pink rock, which looks marvellous especially in late afternoon and early morning. Distances we covered each day with packs were small, but we spent most of the time on side trips exploring creeks and gorges, with their associated vertical cliffs, waterfalls, swimming pools and rock art. The weather was relatively mild, cool at night - down to 8 deg one night, during) the days it went up to 32 deg twice, but often down in the high twenties; much cooler than our Kakadu trip three years ago had been. Unseasonal rain the previous week increased flow over the waterfalls so that was a plus.
We flew in by helicopter to the start of the walks, both very scenic flights into the heart of the ranges. We were all on our own, and didnt see a soul despite the hordes of 4 wheel drive tourists in the nearby Gibb River road and the Kimberley generally. Natural features
of the walk were:
the beautiful deep clear pools and spectacular waterfalls;
a the brilliant orange flowering woollybutts, grevilleas andlbloodwoods, the bright red flowering kurrajong, the yellow kapok tree flower, the colourful ground
hibiscus in otherwise barren ground;
the extraordinary variety of shapes and sizes of the dramatic boab trees;
a the huge paperbarks, the saw-tooth spiral pandanus and the wait-a while vines along the creeks;
a Wildlife: corellas, willy wagtails, white-winged rock pigeons; tawny frogmouths, pheasants, herons, quails, banded finches, blue winged kookaburras, kites, rainbow bee eaters, wallabies, some snakes, hordes of paper wasps, flocks of butterflies in the rain forests.
Memorable highlights of the trip were:
asome great campsites on flat rock slabs at the tops of waterfalls and cliff lines;
a long swim up a deep narrow and almost completely dark canyon inhabited by thousands of bats, pretty smelly, didnt drink the water!;
2 find of a Blue Mountains style canyon, a great closed- in swim canyon where you could touch the walls on either side; we went through it from both ends but didnt have rope to finish it off;
a camp on top of, and a climb down,a 180m high waterfall with a thermal spring half way down;
fascinating aboriginal rock art in spectacular settings;
along swim with packs up three pools in a gorge. Jim bought a dry bag especially for this, it leaked and his sleeping bag was soaking, but laying it out in the sun at lunchtime and at camp dried it completely before night - extraordinary!
a one morning we lost one of the party, we called out for a while to attract her attention, then Jim pulled out a whistle and blew it, the only call she heard; shed walked past the campsite and gone well upstream;
a spectacular camp site at the top of Emma Gorge, two falls of about 80m each, with a sling around a rock at the top, our first sign of others having been there. Unfortunately we had no rope.
For entertainment we had plenty of high diving and jumps into beautiful deep clear pools, swims and bum slides down little cascades, interspersed with hot dry climbs up and over watersheds which made us all the more ready for the swim in the next creek. Meg hada favourite trick of swimming across pools underwater, then surfacing next to you with a big splash which you thought was a crocodile! John has a passion for sleeping on bare rock slabs, though some of us preferred the softer sand. He has a neat arrangement of 3 large billies and a tripod stand to put them on, so each of us prepared a meal for eleven and only had one meal to cook on the trip, which worked well.
Much talking was done around the fire each night. Meg, a ranger in the ACT Parks, is a great source of information and fascinating stories of Aussie wild life; Marg was full of her recent climbs on Mt Aspiring, Mt Cook. Aconcagua and Mera Peak; Jim as usual gave profound discourses on an endless range of topics, and told the obligatory Joke No.36 in style; that splendid raconteur Les told tales in his usual vivid fashion (and showing unusual restraint limited himself to only two recitals of the Universe Song!); John H shamed us all by being the best organised and the most immaculately presented; Jenny mothered us blokes all the time; John our guide was full of local knowledge and stories of the Kimberley (hes an excellent guide - he even laughs at my jokes!); Pam developed a passion for sleeping under the stars every night; Gerry did Indian dances to entertain us; and as usual everyone ignored the trip organiser. And a good time was had by all. Especially on the last night when Ann, Johns wife, arrived with champagne and wine, she immediately shot to the top of the popularity stakes!
Party: John Storey (guide); Jim Cook, Les Matthews, Pam Campbell; Margaret St Hill, John and Jenny Hardie, Gerry Olah, Meg Doepel, Peter Cunningham (Organiser).
An Oasis in the Arctic Desert
7 A thermal wasis in the polat desert, a tiver that never ( Arctic S ummer 2008 ) freezes, this 6 the lake Hazen arca, 1500 kilometres
north of the Arctic Circle on Canadas Ellesmere Isiatid
During the brief arctic surmmer there is no darkness to mark the passage of time The scale of the land is both immense and intimate at the same time
ro 0 og on Intricate patterns of rock, frost-cracked ground, willow s a 80 7 nort and widflowe's at your feet extend out from wnere ye A UE a Se you Stand ito enciless vistas in the clear dry air The
animals jack fear of people and may approacn closely, cunous about your presence
We are offentig a spertal trip to Ellesmere Island n Ju'y 2008 An expedition like this will be a great s.i.ress with advance planning ~ ask for the trip notes.
Millner NT 0810 Email:
7 Hi Everyone,
What joy to have some milder weather in the middle
of winter! If you have been walking, you may have noticed an abundance of wild flowers - mainty pinks and yellows. Almost like an early spring.
The July social night about Bhutan attracted about 30 people. All were delighted by the beauty and contrasts in the country. This is a destination for IMMEDIATE travel plans as development is quickly cashing in on this almost untouched country.
For the prospectives there is a slight change to the Social Program relating to their training nights. There will only be the date reminder in the social program. They must then refer to the Prospectives page in the magazine for details and contact Jodie, the new members secretary to book in for any event.
The September social night will feature the famous SBW Club Auction with a wine and cheese supper. Patrick James will be the auctioneer and Master of Ceremonies as | will not be in Sydney (Im off to Greece and Turkey}. PLEASE refer to the detailed advertisement at the front of the magazine for full details.
By now you will be well aware that SBW turns 80 in October. There are many social activities happening during that month with the highlight being THE BIG DAY OUT at Manly Dam on Sunday 21st October. This requires BOOKING - NO EXCEPTIONS!!!
Please refer to the page relating to Anniversay Activities for all details.
Sorry if !ve chatted too much. Enjoy spring! Kathy
HAVE YOU CHANGED YOUR ADDRESS ??? lf, youlhave changed your address or phone number
recently, please contact by phone or emait:
Members: Fran Holland email: phone: 9484 6636
Prospective members: Jodie Dixon
phone: 9739 6534
This will ensure that our records show your current address and prevent delay in receiving the magazine each month.
All meetings are on a Wednesday night at the Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre unless otherwise indicated.
5September Committee Meeting
7pm Observers welcome 12September Six Monthly General Meeting 8pm
12September New Members Night
8pm introduction to SBW for intending prospective members
19 September Club Auction with Wine and Cheese
8pm Supper. A great opportunity to buy or sell bushwalking gear etc. Piease refer to the advert at the front of the magazine. Club provides the wine and attendees bring cheese
26 September New Members Training Night at the
8pm Clubrooms
Please contact the New Members Secretary at:
The 80th Anniversary October Edition of the magazine is currently being prepared and will include stories from the past and present.Stay tuned!
1 would like to thank Bill Holland for relieving me as Editor whilst | was walking in the Kimberleys. The trip in June/July was led by John Storey who is a Local of Kunnunurra and a former Williss Walkabouts tour guide. He took us to some wonderful swimming holes and excursions to see aboriginal rock art. It was a really enjoyable trip! (see the story on pages 16 & 17).
walk in May this year. It is a trip you definitely need to train for. You can read his story on pages 12-15.
Pam Campbell, Editor
A pair of silver grey sheepskin car seat covers to suit a Subaru Forester wagon or near equivalent. The covers are about 18 months old and in excellent condition. For further details contact Maurice Smith 02 9587 6325 (ah) or
email to
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