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SEPTEMBER 2008 1045 Victoria Rd West Ryde NSW 2114 Tel 9858 5844


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SEPTEMBER 2008, Issue 886

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Presidents Report David Trinder 2 The September General Meeting 3 From the Committee Room 4 Walks Notes Barry Wallace 5 Aussie Limbers in New Zealand 6 Conservation Matters 7 Coolana Report 8 Mid-Week Walkers Bill Holland 9 Prospectives Training Weekend 10 Oxfam Trailwalker Jodie Dixon 11 _ Chicken Talking to Duck - Patrick James 12 Guts and Glory on the K2K David Trinder 13 A Walk to Gerringong Falls Richard Darke 14 Glow Worm Tunnel Walk Bill Holland 15 Social Notes Kathy Gero 16


THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER is the monthly bulletin of matters of interest to members of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc PO Box 431 Milsons Point NSW 1565.

Editor: Maureen Carter Production Manager: ~- Stephen Brading Printers: Kenn Clacher, Barrie Murdoch,

Alan Sauran Don Brooks Fran Holland

Opinions expressed in this magazine are the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policies or views of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc.

All material in this magazine is copyright. . Requests for reproduction should be directed to The Editor. Page 2 The Sydney Bushwalker September .2008

About Our Club

The Sydney Bush Walkers was formed in 1927 for the purpose of bringing bushwalkers together; enabling them to appreciate the great outdoors; establishing a regard for conservation and promoting social activities. The Clubs main activity is bushwalking but includes other activities such as cycling, canoeing and social events

Our Walks Program (published quarterly) features day walks on most Saturdays and Sundays, some mid week walks and overnight weekend walks. Extended walks are organised in areas such as The Snowy Mountains, the Warrumbungles as well as interstate i.e. Victorian Alps ,

Our meetings start at 8pm and are held on Wednesday evenings (see Social Program) at Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre, 16 Fitzroy Street, Kirribilli (near Milsons Point Railway Station).

Visitors and prospective members are welcome

Office Bearers

Members are welcome to contact the following officers on club matters:

President: David Trinder 9542 1465 (h)

Vice President:Ron Watters 9419 2507(h)

Secretary: Ruth Richter 0403 941790

Walks Secretary: Tony Holgate 9943 3388(h)

Social Secretary: Kathy Gero 9130 7263 (h)

Treasurer: Margaret Carey 9957 2137 (h)

Members Secretary: Brian Holden 4294 3074(h)

New Members Secretary: Jodie Dixon 9943 3388 (h)

Conservation Secretary: Wilf Hilder 9587 8661

Magazine Editor: Maureen Carter

9773 4637 (h) Committee Members:

Alan Sauran 9488 8367


Bill Hope

9960 1646(h) ill. Delegates to Confederation:

Bill Holland

9484 6636(h) Jim Callaway

9520 7081 (h)


sae Wes : gg SR as

Winter has gone and we can look forward to some warmer weather on our walks. We have not yet completed the hard winter walks season. The Kanangra to Katoomba in a day was started but because of flooding on the Coxs River the party had to return to Kanangra Walls. The Finale of the winter walks program is the Three Peaks and that will be going on the 19th and 20th September with Kari Miller leading.

People have mentioned to me that other similar organizations have recognition and incentive systems.

thought to the concept of recognition of peoples achievements by doing walks and incentives to do more, maybe a mention in the magazine, scores, aims, competitiveness and prizes.

The survey that Maurice Smith is organizing should be in your email in-boxes by now. We want to know more about what the members want and what they dont want. There are separate sets of questions for Members, Prospective Members and_ expired Prospective Members. Please reply by email ASAP. Bill and Fran Holland have been keeping the Club Archives for many years and soon will not be able the keep them. There must be a member who has space in his /her house for a respectable set of shelves with some nicely bound volumes in them. Please let us know if you can and are prepared to accommodate them.

Ron Watters and Caro Ryan have been working together to build the web site. It should be on line around the end of this month.

Our Walks Secretary, Tony Holgate, is concerned that the number of leaders has diminished. There are enough walks on the program but that is because a few leaders are putting a lot on. Please give some thought encouraging yourself of somebody else to lead a walk in familiar territory.

David Trinder The Sydney Bushwalker September 2008 Page 3

Contact The Editor: Message from the Editor

Copy for publishing in the SBW magazine Maureen is away this month climbing mountains in should be received by the Editor by the end of France and sipping wine in the long twilight hours.

the first week of each month. Letters stating 5 its back to an old role, if only for this month. your viewpoint on matters of interest are most welcome. ror me its an opportunity be play a weal part in . . the magazine in its present format and frequency. Ph a white veproduaticn resolution suitable for black At the end of the year the magazine will be restricted to a quarterly issue and you will be

Please send your submission by email, addressed to The q y y

: wos encouraged to take it by email. Editor Bill Holland

The General Meeting - 10 September

This six monthly meeting attracted just over twenty members. After a brief review of the Annual General Meeting minutes the meeting moved to President Davids report of Committee actions over the past six months. First of all, the 60 cents per kilometre recommended mileage charge for car sharing provoked some comment for and against. Then, the proposed changes to the magazine attracted much discussion : on how members could advise whether they preferred to receive the magazine by

post or email. A suggestion that members would have to apply in writing or by email to continue receiving the magazine by post was not well received. Similar treatment was given to a suggestion that members should be required to pay for a printed copy to be sent by mail. President David assured us that members would be given the opportunity over about three issues to confirm whether they preferred email to printed post.

Other reports followed including an impassioned plea from Walks Secretary Tony for more leaders to come forth to ensure that our high level of activity and quality of walking could be sustained.

We then were given a presentation by Caro Ryan. She showed us pages from the new website and outlined the progress to date with an assurance that all would be up and running in the very near future.

Here is a letter sent in by a member attending the meeting:

While the attendance at this members meeting was disappointing some important items were discussed:

e A number of members feel that the recommended vehicle reimbursement rate of 60 cents per kilometre is high enough to deter some people from participating in a walk. On the other hand it is insufficient to compensate the total vehicle cost of an expensive vehicle. Some members think they should be paying for petrol only but this is a decision for the driver. Some drivers donate the running cost of the car to the passengers for the benefit of the club without recognition.

Passengers who feel ripped off by the vehicle reimbursement they are asked-to pay should provide their own vehicle and take passengers themselves. If that is not possible buses and taxis are a far more expensive option.

e It was reported in the magazine prior to the meeting that the magazine would be distributed by email to all members. However the majority of those present were unhappy with the arrangement. It was pointed out that printing may become a problem when the printing equipment fails and may not be replaced. A suggestion was made that those without email addresses on our database be telephoned to see if in fact they could receive the magazine by email or would still need to receive both the paper copy magazine and the monthly newsletter in the mail.

e There is currently no financial crisis in the club. This year we are on track to balance our expenditure with our income. What this means is that in future we will have to use some of our General Reserve to purchase equipment for say magazine printing or to pay for special celebration events. Ways to reduce expenditure such as reducing our insurance cost or reducing the number of times we use the Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre were not discussed.

e The lack of member involvement by the majority is a worry. Please ask yourself, why are you not a walks leader, why are you not interested in being on the committee or attending the two members meetings held each year, Why do you not attend social evenings at Kirribilli, and finally why you are not walking with the club. Having decided on the answers to these send a letter or email to the Committee and/or Editor and teil other members what needs to be done to make this club attractive to you.

Stephen Brading | Page 4 The Sydney Bushwalker September 2008

From the Committee Room A report of proceedings at the Committee meeting 3 September 2008

=; Seven Committee members apologised for '

ag non-attendance obviously finding it was Treasurer's Report - As at August 2008 more fun to be overseas on holiday etc than attending our festivities in the Committee room. So President David opened the meeting

Current Year to Month Date

to a much smaller than usual number. Cash Receipts .

The mail included a letter from Peter Miller of Members Subscriptions 323 18,147 Springwood - no he is not THE Peter Miller many Prospective Fees 1,875 3,458 of us know. His letter is published elsewhere in Investment - Conservation 16 488 this magazine. A member, Therese Douglas also Investment - Coolana 38 1,184 wrote to the Committee expressing some Investment - General 17 536 concern about a recent walk and Walks Magazine Advertising 0 1010 Secretary, Tony, will follow this up. Accrued Advertising 0 370 it seems that at the end of August, 93. members Donations - Coolana 0 200 had not paid the current year subscription but Donations - Other 0 201

this number was reduced as inwards mail was processed. Total Receipts $2,269 $25,594 The recalcitrant members will be followed up and reminded to put their financial affairs in

order Cash Payments

The Committee then resolved to admit fan Magazine Printing 0 342 Evans and Jason Saunders to full membership Magazine Postage 738 3,122 The proposed new website received our | Coolana Rates ~ 0 1287 attention and the Electronic Communications Coolana Maintenance 500 726 Sub-Committee, fondly referred to as the Rent- Club Rooms 400 3200 ECS, has submitted text for the top 10 pages Donations - Conservation 0 200 to Caro, the project manager. The web Insurance - Public Liability 0 2,628 designer, Net Starter, is continuing with work Insurance - Personal Accident 0 3,456 on the technical side. Affiliation - Confederation 0 2,255 An offer by Maurice Smith to sponsor Data Postage. Phone & Internet 0 663 Base Consolidation Project was agreed to in 1st Aid Certificate 0 700 principle. The details of project will be eae .

refined by ECS and a firm proposal presented Administration 23 978 to Maurice. Expenditure - Coolana Grant * 0 2,426 The coming changes to the magazine Total Payments $1,661 $21,682 provoked eager discussion on how to

encourage members to take up the email Cash Surplus /(Deficit) $608 $3,912

option and discourage members from receiving the magazine by post. This will be put forward for members to discuss at the General meeting the following week.

* offset by grant received outside this period

The meeting closed at 9 pm.


Come and Join Us !

ao = se A Night of Greek Feasting and Revelry A. a. a, Greek Music and Dancing

. In the Clubrooms

Wednesday 15 October

ad fa ve . ane ag J aoa

. ie | The Sydney Bushwalker September 2008

Page 5


Barry Wallace

Walks notes covering the interval 9 March 2008 to 9 April 2008.

For this particular time segment the first walk is an overnight cycling trip in Barrington Tops National Park on the weekend of 15, 16 March, led by Anne Maguire with a party of 7. Saturday was a leisurely cycle of approximately 30km along Stewarts Brook road. It was a great day, the sun shone and the dirt road generally followed the brook with lots of shade, seven creek Crossings (not too deep), and several cattle grids. They lunched at a spot near the creek then cycled home to the leaders home Woodstock in time for happy hour, followed by a barbecue dinner. Sundays ride provided a change of pace involving as it did cycling along a sealed road to the Stewarts Brook road turnoff and return, a distance of about 22 km. This was rather fun as they were able to indulge the need for speed in places along the way. They all returned home for lunch and then most people headed back to Sydney. All in all it was a very enjoyable weekend.

Francis Hartigan was out that weekend also, leading a party of 6 on a Sunday walk out from Mountain Lagoon in Wollemi National Park on what turned out to be a very exploratory trip. Even the old fire- trail was difficult to follow in its more overgrown reaches. The search for lookouts with views was to no avail, although they did find one or two cairns at cliff edges. They descended to lunch on Wheeney Creek down a gully with a few cairns. Nothing that needed ropes but steep nonetheless. The pool at Wheeney Gap proved irresistible for some party members. After lunch they headed up the creek to Lagoon Creek, then up an unnamed side creek to the ridge where they managed to find the old (closed) fire-trail and make their way back to the cars. Francis was relieved to hear the party members say they all enjoyed the walk on the wild side exploratory.

Easter that year was 21 to 24 March and Leigh McClintoch and a party of six made the most of it by doing a series of walks from a base camp in Alpine Chalet at Sawpit Creek. The party assembled there on the Friday afternoon and the next morning set off to climb Mount Gungarton from Guthega power station. A distance of 23km and around 600m vertical saw the deed completed. On Sunday the party, minus one member who had aggravated a pre-existing knee injury in the conquest of Gungarton, set off from Guthega to Mount Twynam via Illawong Hut and thence north along the range toward Mount Tate. The plan was to climb Mount Tate but it proved to be a very long day so in the end they sidled around the lower slopes of Tate onto Tate East Ridge then back down to Guthega. On paper this walk was similar in difficulty to the one the previous day, but was in fact tougher because it was nearly all off track. And so it proved, for then there were four setting off from Rennix Gap to Snowy Portal on the Monday. This involved a 7km stroll along a pad through lovely alpine meadows to Devils Castle at about

1660m followed by a precipitous descent over about

500m down to the Snowy. It rained, the ridge was hard to find and the trip took about an hour longer than planned, but the rendezvous car picked them up at 1300h and all were soon on their way back to Sydney.

There were also day walks that weekend with lan Rannard and a party of 13 out along the tracks from Blackheath railway station on Friday 21st. Conditions were cold with misty drizzle most of the time. Nonetheless they found the walk enjoyable, remarking that the missing safety rail along sections of the Valley Track makes the track slightly scary. Consistent with the apparent policy of the NSW state government to sell off any public assets it appears Double Echo Point is now private property with a no trespassing sign This the party approached from the rear and so were ignorant of the changed status until passing the sign; and looking back it seems.

Conditions had improved somewhat by the Sunday when lan ventured forth again with a party of 12 on his walk through Lane Cove River National Park and Hunters Hill. The route lay from Chatswood railway station to Valencia Street wharf at Woolwich and conditions were fine and sunny. All went to program without incident. Richard Brading finished off the weekend by leading a party of 16 on his Monday walk from Berowra station to Crosslands Reserve for lunch, then up Lyrebird track to Mount Ku-ring-gai station. The day was beautiful and sunny and all in all it was a pleasant walk without incident.

Sunday 30 March saw Lucy Moore and a party of 12 out in the wilds of Glenbrook. it was a lovely walk on a beautiful autumn day. The early pace was leisurely, with an extended morning tea to admire the vista from Tunnel View Lookout. All this vanished after lunch as those members preparing for grand adventures (Kokoda, Kakadu, Larapinta and Siberia) took the opportunity to fit in a short burst of training. After reaching the NPWS visitors centre they all headed off to Glenbrook for afternoon tea.

Barrington Tops was the site for Frank Grennans overnight walk on 5, 6 April with a party of 8. Conditions were cool but sunny as they took in the views from Careys Peak before heading down to camp at Wombat Flat. The night was clear but surprisingly mild though that may have been subjective given the great camp fire. Next moming after a leisurely breakfast they headed off via Black Swamp and Junction Pools to lunch at Edwards Creek. The party were denied their cup of tea when the rains came so decided to power walk back to the cars. Here they all changed then headed off downhill to the Noonan pub for a drink and some hot potato wedges after which all departed for home.

Different editor, but same deadline; or so it seems. Until next time then.

Have You Changed Your Address? If you have changed your address or phone number recently, please advise:

Members: Brian Holden

Prospectives: Jodie Dixon

The advice should be in writing directed to the

Clubs postal address. This will ensure that our

records show your current address and prevent

delay in receiving the magazine each month Page 6 The Sydney Bushwalker September 2008

SBW Members in Mount Cook Drama

in early August six Australian climbers including two SBW members were feared trapped on a mountain in New Zealand and the worst was feared. The climbers were: Jenny Langdon, Melissa Clerke, Stephen Dolphin, David Freeland, Terry Cole and Gerald Osman.

Here is how the Sydney Morning Herald reported the drama

Aussie Climber Tells How Group Lasted Six Nights *

SYDNEYSIDER Melissa Clerke was celebrating her 27th birthday trapped in a snow cave on Mount Cook while the whole world feared she was dead. Ms Clerke and five Australian companions had only chocolate to mark her birthday, stranded in chest-deep snow and blizzard conditions as deadly avalanches threatened.

Yesterday, the group from the NSW Coast and Mountain Walkers club was flown off.New Zealand's highest mountain, which has claimed 217 lives on its ice, snow and rocks over the past 100 years.

Ms Clerke, of Grays Point in Sydney's south, said she wanted to celebrate her birthday - and good fortune - in real style last night with a cold beer. She attributed the group's survival to one thing: “We all kept our heads.

The ordeal began last Saturday when expedition leader Terry Cole, Ms Clerke, David Freeland, 55, Gerald Osman, Jennie Landon, 37, and Stephen Dolphin, 53, set out from Mount Cook Village for Mueller Hut. At 1800 metres, the hut is about halfway up Mount Cook. Their plan was to move on to the Barron Saddle.

The weather deteriorated unexpectedly and they turned back towards the hut. They were only 450 metres from it when a blizzard stranded them in the open on the Metelille Glacier.

Mr Cole, the expedition leader, said the climbers were equipped for bad weather and had an extra day's rations with them. “We basically knuckled down. The weather came in really bad for a couple of days. We got stuck on a ridge and there were avalanches all around us. .

It was pretty risky, he said.

On Friday, the group heard a fixed-wing aircraft and tried to signal it, but the weather was too bad and the plane turned away. Later that day, they could hear a helicopter coming up the glacier but again the weather prevented it from getting close.

Mr Cole said: “By then it was about four in the afternoon. We knew we would have to buckle down for another night out there so we got prepared to stick through another tough night.

“There was an enormous amount of snow. We kept having to dig the tent out. It would just keep on getting buried so one of us would get out and dig it out and then try and get back in and keep warm.

Everything was soaking wet.

Ms Clerke said the most disheartening moment came when helicopters flew overhead on Friday after the group had set off two flares. We could see the chopper but it was looking in the wrong section and you're just thinking Oh, they're not going to find us, we're too small, it's too white, our tent is too white, our tent is too buried.

“And then obviously when they called off the search due to the weather you think the weather is just not going to break.

It was amazing yesterday morning to again hear the sound of a helicopter. We heard it fly over the back of the ridge.

AS soon as we heard it we had a yellow flag out ready to wave. It was hovering above the ridge and we were waving frantically but it couldn't see us and then the weather came in again.

“We buckled back down again and then, as soon the weather cleared, we jumped back up.

“Finally, it [the helicopter] came close enough for visibility. When it did finally see us everyone was just jumping up and down, cheering.

Senior Constable Greg Sutherland said the Australian climbers appeared to have done all the right things. “They stayed put and dug themselves a snow cave and kept each other warm,” he said.

Constable Sutherland said even if the group had had a newer beacon which gave GPS co-ordinates they would not have been rescued any earlier because the weather would have prevented searchers from reaching them.

As published in the Sydney Morning Herald August 17, 2008 - By Lois Watson, Heath Gilmore and Sarah Price


If you have not paid this years membership subscription your address label next month will show Subs Overdue . If payment is not received by the end of that month the magazine and walks programme will not be mailed to you

The Sydney Bushwalker

September 2008 Page 7


Your Letter Can Stop The Attack On Wilderness And National Parks…

A tourism report commissioned by Premier lemma was released in April. It described the culture of the NPWS towards tourism as obstructive, and called for more commercial access to national parks and wilderness areas.

At about the same time a new DECC tourism policy was leaked that flagged the need to overcome planning impediments for tourism developments in national parks and to increase partnership opportunities with the private sector. Then a whole new tourism branch was established within DECC. To speed these changes along, an external industry tourism consultant was appointed within DECC to liaise with the tourism industry and the Environment Minister.

This was followed by a Taskforce on Tourism and National Parks. A key part of the Taskforce role is to consider changes to park and wilderness laws so that these areas can be more easily accessed by the tourism industry.

It seems that the tourism industry is cleverly making a political opportunity out of its economic woes, which it has a democratic right to do, but conservationists need to go on the attack. Protected areas are becoming more and more accessible, not less and less as claimed by the tourism industry.

Everyone knows that access by roads, freeways, airports and using cars, off road vehicles, and even horses and mountain bikes is rapidly growing. It is easier to access national parks than ever before. The number of 4WD roads within parks has grown by thousands of kilometres in the last decade. Our population is also growing all too fast.

Due to the pressure of population and improved actess, our wilderness areas, most of which are still either badly fragmented or unprotected, are shrinking at a rapid rate.

Dont let national parks be punished for the woes of the tourism industry!

If the tourism industry gets its hoped for deregulation, then protected areas will be degraded as protected areas are extremely fragile. Our protected areas do not need to be blighted by new laws to allow spot development rezoning of national parks and commercialisation of wilderness areas.

The most effective thing that you and your friends can do is write letters to the NSW Environment Minister and NSW Premier saying that you oppose tourism development within the borders of National Parks.

You can make a difference. Send this email on to other friends of the National Parks. Ensure the NSW Government the message that parks are for nature! Go to: targism/tourism_tak


Sincerely, -

Keith Muir, Colong Foundation for Wilderness

(02) 9261 2400

Toxic Levels of Pollution Threaten River

A year after it was warned, that toxic

in the Blue Mountains world heritage area had wiped out life in a river, the NSW Department of Environment is yet to New tests have shown that the = zinc- contaminated water spilling into Dalpura Creek, near the Grose River, contains levels of toxic metals more than 200 times the safe limits for marine life.

Fish have been eliminated for some kilometres downstream of the disused Canyon Colliery, said University of Western Sydney researcher lan Wright, who has been collecting and comparing water samples for over a decade. Without any equivocation, it is run-off from the mine that is killing life in the river, Dr Wright said. “Given that this is happening in a world heritage area, you have to wonder what is happening in areas that aren't as protected.

Dr Wright's most recent samples, taken in late May, show water filtering through the old mine picks up zinc and other heavy metals, before spilling out into Dalpura Creek, which runs down a gorge into the Grose River. Each litre of contaminated water carries up to 2000 micrograms of zinc per litre. Eight micrograms per litre is considered the maximum safe limit for the tiny marine invertebrates which are the foundation of the river food chain.

Extract of an article by Ben Cubby in the Blue Mountains Gazette 14/08/2008


pollution leaking from an old coal mine .

4fs Safer to Stay At Home ;

First of New Forests Come Online

. THE long awaited roll-out MEW. of new forest areas * declared for voluntary

conservation hunting has begun. The Round Four declarations recently approved by the NSW Government have now seen 372 forests, with a total hunting area of more than two million hectares, opened up to Voluntary Conservation Hunters.

The magnitude of introducing such a large number of new areas to the Game Council NSW licensing system means these new forests will be rolled out in a series of tranches.

The first two tranches, now available to be booked

for hunts, have been released with 39 new forests able to be accessed.

These first new releases are scattered around the State, but mainly concentrate on Central West and Far West areas.

Some regions, such as Grenfell, Condobolin, Nyngan

and Moree/Narrabri have each had four to five new forests released, offering exciting opportunities for the thousands of Voluntary Conservation Hunters now licensed by the Game Council.

An extract from Hunt NSW Newsletter August 2008 Page 8 The Sydney Bushwalker

September 2008

Coolana Report

Steve Brown was down during May with a group from Coogee Life Saving Club they made a concerted attack on the wild tobacco _ plants

or and carried star cee Sf posts and guards es eS over to the Eastern Flat ready for Enviroquest to use while planting some 120 trees.

Bill Holland had 2 members and 6 new members helping out during July preparing a site up the slope on the Eastern Flat for new lomandra plants. Two weeks later Gretel, Don and Ros went down and the 33 lomandras were planted. On Bill Hollands Prospectives Training weekend they found time to collect and stack fallen timber on the eastern flat. Barry Wallace had 4 members and 2 visitors on his recent weekend when 18 fires were lit in fallen timber wood piles.

We have received notification from NPWS re fox baiting on Coolana from 15th to 19th September with a thank you note for our continued support of the fox baiting program and the protection of the Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby. This fox baiting has been on- going for years and it has intensified at Coolana since the total loss of the rock wallaby colony at Beendela on the far side of the river due to fox predation during 2005.

The SBW Constitution Part 1 section 2 paragraph c, states that one of the objects of the club is to establish a definite regard for the welfare and preservation of the wild life and natural beauty of this country. One way that SBW have held true to this objective is the help we have given in protecting the rock wallaby colony on our side of the river. Remember this is a long term commitment and the commitment

started at least in 1977 when we took out a provisional occupancy over the cliff tine wallaby habitat to the south of Coolana. This now cost us about $370 per annum. This is the same wallaby colony that was the focus of an ABC wild life program several months ago. Will SBW still be helping the survival of the rock wallaby colony in the year 2028 or 2128?

As for the natural beauty, well, weed control and tree planting are a part of that but just owning a block of bush land and letting the trees grow is another. There is also the upside of a carbon credit with every tree planted.

But how much are the members of SBW prepared to pay to achieve the stated constitutional objectives at Coolana. First a little perspective; NPWS Fees for Ku- ring-gai and Royal National Park for vehicle entry is $11 per day and the camping fee is $14 per night per adult. At Kanangra -Boyd the Mecca of bushwalkers, the vehicle entry is $7 per day. A litre of petrol on a recent Tuesday was about $1.43.

Using the SBW Annual Accounts since 2002 and the stated and audited expenditure on Coolana for any given year; subtract the contribution from the interest earned by the Coolana fund. The difference is what it actually cost the clubs General Account. Divide that amount by the number of members given for that year and the result is a cost per member per year. | have ignored the toilet cost, as has the Treasurer, as it is an enduring asset not expenditure, costing some $10K. | have also ignored the grants received from SCA and SRCMA during that period which total $23K.

Doing the sums for the six years up to 2007 and averaging the results we end up with the representative cost in dollars per year per SBW member. Rest assured that the Coolana Committee and Coolana Carers are doing their best with your average contribution per member per annum of $2.33.

Don Finch


Walkers of a new project | am leading. This project is to restore Saint Helena Crater in the Blue Mountains National * Park, to its former state. It is presently suffering from a serious weed problem, and is in dire need of bush regeneration.

Saint Helena Crater has been part of bushwalking and conservation history for over a century. As early as the 1930s people campaigned to protect Saint Helena Crater from loggers and cattlemen. The gazetting of the Blue Mountains National Park in 1959 saw their goal achieved. Today, 50 years after they though it safe forever, it has been overrun by blackberry and other introduced weeds.

The problem is bigger than any one club can handle. There is also no vehicle access to the crater, access is by foot only. | am seeking participation of bushwalking clubs because they have the members capable of walking in, working on the problem, and walking out

again. Urban bush care groups and council bush care sections are not in a position to do this kind of work. The project has enthusiastic support from NPWS and they are supplying and delivering herbicides and tools by helicopter. The project web site address is: helena/ Please find enclosed an article * describing the problem and a plan to fix it. The article is also available on the project web site. Also mention the Project in your next club newsletter, including the project's web site address. The project leader, Peter Miller, may be contacted by telephone at 02 4365 5521, or by email as The first working bee, an overnight trip camping in the crater, is scheduled for September 27” and 28”. Yours Sincerely Peter Miller * The article supplied by Peter is too large to include in this magazine but it is available on the web-site The Sydney Bushwalker September 2008 . Page 9 Extract from the Mid-Week Walkers Newsletter Our visit to Yarrangobilly Caves in August was a memorable week. Caves House was very comfortable and our cave inspections a real eye opener. These caves at Yarrangobilly are splendid and rated as the best in the state. John Poleson had a great deal of experience in the area, first as a member of the Sydney Speleological Society exploring the caves and later as a Ranger with the NPWS. His name is shown in the records as co-discoverer of one of the main caves. The on-site ranger was duly impressed with Johns standing and gave us a very substantial group discount to explore the caves. John was good value also in the evenings when he (and his banjo) entertained us with song, with displays of magic, stories of caving days etc. The days were cool but fine, giving us opportunities for walks and a group went on a couple of longer day walks. Others went out of the valley to look at Kiandra and visit Mt Selwyn where there was lots of snow and young ski novices. It was a bit 7 cold for the thermal pool. - | highly recommend Yarrangobilly Caves House for a visit but it should be noted that bookings at this stage are limited to groups. The East Wing sleeps nine and the West Wing sleeps five. In a year or two the two-storey section will be renovated and open for room bookings. Our next trip is to Brian Holdens house at Stanwell Park in September. This will be over by time you read this article but bookings are going well and it should be a great week. Unfortunately, the trip to Jindabyne in October had to be cancelled as the lodge is scheduled for renovation and cannot take bookings. Finally, for this year, we return to Dunns Swamp __in November. This proved to be very successful last-year with provision for canoeing and walking. | need to advise NPWS and make a reservation although | midweek here is not at all crowded compared with weekends and school holidays. Our mid-week day walks are gaining in popularity with attendances between 8 -10 walkers. Bill Holland Explore , The exploration of Australia is far from complete! We go fo amazing places you've probably never even heard of, places where, on occasion, no non-Aboriginal person has ever been. On previous explorer trips we've found Aboriginal art sites, beautiful pools, pockets of rainforest, gorges and waterfalls no hint of which appeared on any map. These are the kind of trips that let us discover the walking routes we regularly use today. Qur explaratory trips include everything from short sections on ane week walks to a six week Kimberley expedition. Hf you have ever dreamed of being among the first non- Aboriginals te explore an area, our Explorer trips could be your dream come true. Visit our website or ask us for more information. 12 Carrington St Millner NT 0810 , -bus Page 10 The Sydney Bushwalker September 2008 Prospectives Training Weekend at Coolana - August 2008 The weather was fine through the day, at least on Saturday, and cold at night; but our very large blazing campfire kept some of us warm until near 11 pm then off to our tents and cosy sleeping bags. We were thirteen in number; eight prospectives and five members. The participants were: Propectives: fan Evans, Anna and Manny Grimsley, Fiona and Ben Hornby, Jason Saunders, Ruchira Talukdar and Kim Walker Members: Carol Beales, Kay Chan, Bill Holland, Patrick James, Tony Manes. First the tents were erected and introductions made. Then the Saturday session commenced with training in first-aid and bushcraft given by Patrick followed by navigation and map reading in two groups led by Bill and Tony. After lunch it was time for practice in rock scrambling through the extensive cliffs and up to Dot Butlers Lookout on the far western boundary for compass sighting and bearing practice. It was very windy up there so it was a relief to go down through the primeval looking Palm Valley and back to an extended happy hour and evening meal around the campfire. Sunday commenced with an explanation of appropriate gear NE Sare ALE oi teeacece eae for bushwalking. We looked at the many tents on site and explained the advantages/disadvantages of each. Clothing, [ijgRmRiIeMBRmsIpRss + qesnereaereseeeecen eg footwear, sleeping bags and packs were also discussed. Some more first aid and navigation then time to look at the rainforest creek, a walk to the eastern boundary and back through the eastern bank on the other side of the creek; currently the focus of weed eradication. Many commented on the extensive kushcare and thought that the eastern bank offers many good camping opportunities. Lunch was followed by the self-checking mapping test for a finish at about 3 pm. Not quite the finish though beause we all met in the Fudge Palace in town for a final cup of coffee. Coolana was real picture of grassy flats fronting a wide river. Those new to our property were very impressed and commented what a treasure for the club. During our initial gathering , around the fire our explananation that all are welcome to use Coolana at any time was well received by the new members. The evening wombats added to the charm. The next Prospectives Training weekand will be on the weekend 8th, 9th November Camping at Coolana: Summer is a great time to enjoy our magnificent 60 hectare bushproperty, just two hours or so out of Sydney. There is no need to book just come and join the social scene. Members, prospective members and their families may visit and stay at Coolana at any time. There is a toilet and water available on site. Please note the advantages over camping in a national park. There is no entry fee or no camping fee and ample firewood is available for a campfire. Just leave the camp site tidy and clean. Please do not camp under the wattle trees as they are unstable in high winds. And take care with fires. You are also welcome to share in our bush regeneration activities. These are sheduled each month so please check the Walks Programme for contact details. DECORATE YOUR BOOKSHELF Fran and | are moving out of Sydney before the end of the year and preparing to downsize. Part of our workload is to clear away the Clubs archives and we offer some lucky person the following opportunity: A complete set of SBW magazines from the very first copy in 1931 up to today. The magazines are professionally bound in vinyl covered books with the date of the years embossed on the covers. It occupies about 1.5 metres of bookshelf space. Please contact Bill Holland on 9484 6636 or by email The Sydney Bushwalker September 2008 Page 11 Oxfam Trailwalker 2008 Team 52: The Pootlin Posse For three days each year 2000 or so people banded together in teams of 4 set out to walk 100kms in 48 hours. This year | attempted to be one of them. Our team made up of Caro Ryan our caring captain, Tony Holgate and Simon Taylor and myself set out from Brooklyn on Friday morning with determined spirits, show tunes running through our heads (Caro and |) and butterflies in tummies (that was probably just me). Caro had taken on this challenge and finished before achieving great fundraising results, for the rest of us this was our first time. A MASSIVE congrats to Caro and Simon for finishing. This was not to be Tonys year or mine. | didnt cross the finishing line this year, so | will be lining up to try again next year, which is great for Oxfam, as | will need to raise money. ” People participate in this event year after year and prior to participating | thought the whole thing was just about achieving a personal goal. Now | realize that that is only part of it. | cant really express what a great event it is to be involved in and how inspiring it is to be surrounded by people who are so giving of their time. The volunteers at each check point standing there at sometimes 4am cheering you on as you hobble in, telling you that you are doing great, making you vegemite sandwiches (the best | have ever tasted) _ Seeing the smiling faces of the BWRS people who make themselves available to help the injured and worn out and to sweep the track at the end to clean up and see that no one is left behind. The support teams that back up each walking team are amazing. Friends of your teammates, people you have never met before who are prepared to be stuck out in the cold in the middle of the night. Making you cups of tea, rubbing your blistered feet (1 can hardly bring myself to took at mine) and spending time before hand shopping for cookies and preparing you a warm meal. Truly Amazing. . Your own teammates who provided a welcome hug when your spirits are down and are at all times patient and kind. Truly inspiring and the best reason to be involved. | didnt make it this year, but | will be back to try again next year, both for the challenge of finishing and the wonderful experience of just being involved. | chaltenge all abie-bodied SBW walkers to get involved, be it in a team or as a volunteer, you will not regret giving it a go. Congratulations to Clare Holland and her tam for being the first all female team to finish. Awesome! Hope to see you on the track Jodie Dixon Sydney's Great Coastal Walk - Barrenjoey to Royal National Park This magnificent 7 day adventure traverses the great urban coastal walk of Sydney has now been opened. It combines Sydneys Northern Beaches Walk, Barrenjoey to North Head that takes 4 days and Sydneys Southern and the Coastal Walk that takes 3 days. These two walks form Sydneys Great Coastal Walk covering a walking distance of approximately 100km. The walk can be broken into distances and times of ones own choosing and may be walked in either direction south from Palm Beach or-north from Cronulla. Be GREE Sais Day 1 Barrenjoey to Avalon 5% hr 13km Day 2 Avalon to Narrabeen Lakes 5% hr 13km . Day3 Narrabeen Lakes to Manly 5% hr 12km Day 4 Manly and North Head 5% hr 12km Day5 South Head to Clovelly 5% hr 14km Day6 Clovelly to La Perouse 6% hr 17km Day 7 Kurnell to Cronulla 4% hr 13km More information and detailed brochures of the whole walk or separate sections can be obtained from the following website www. The Sydney Bushwalker September 2008 Bushwalkers are a capable lot; for example able to get lost and then found in New Zealand. They also have a demonstrated ability to speak divers languages. Thats divers as in many not SCUBA which really is gesticulated Bubblespeak. But | digress. The recent Mandarin Meander in the wilds of Heathcote National Park saw a small, dedicated group of wannabe Mandarin speakers assemble at Waterfall station at the most reasonable time of 9.15 AM for a 9.30 AM start. The two native speakers of the Official Language, as the Mandarin dialect is termed in the PR of C, were not able to attend and it was left to the gang of nine to form a cohesive, Mandarin language, walking workers soviet collective to keep the spirit of the walk burning bright. The walk was described as a short march so that it would not be confused with the Long March of Chairman Mao in 1934/1935. After careful consideration the short march is quite different from the Maos March and I'm sure no confusion would result. The walk started easily enough down Mooray Track. The party insisted that we visit the old railway dam and Lake Toolooma and as a considerate leader | consented to this collective decision of the walking workers collective. The still water of the dam in the morning sun was a beautiful sight to behold. Navigation in Heathcote National Park is easy, follow the Bullawarring Track north or south depending on where you start, for us we were heading north. Dont go to the east with the Highway, the railway and the Pacific Ocean. West is the restricted Holsworthy Field Firing Range; a wilderness area for more than 100 years protected by the threat or promise of unexploded ordinance! After the dam the next two stages of the walk could best be forgotten. The first was a_ slightly unfocussed wandering trying to find the lost track. Fortunately the track was there just waiting to be stumbled over and the slight twinge of where are we quickly vanished. The second forgettable stage was turning left onto the track. Of course we should have turned right; silly me. Lunch, as usual, was at Myuna Pool, a beautiful spot with bladder stirring rushing water. Alan demonstrated the high standard of cusine one could expect on a Mandarin meander; various cold entrees, fiechee and rice wine. included also were two, double headed lions to guard the lunch pavilion. Attention to detail is so important. Our peaceful, contemplative digestion was interrupted by a small crowd of Duke of E teenagers who chose the same lunch spot. We shared the Pool happily. After lunch the walk went as programmed. A real Goldilocks walk; everything just right. Chicken Talking to Duck Patrick James Dinner was a bit of a fizzer. It was supposed to be at a new, XinJiang noodle restaurant in Hurstville, aka Chinatown South. Although | had written directions from one of missing native speakers of Official Language | could not find the restaurant, and the walkers soviet was becoming low blood sugar restless, so any restaurant was chosen. When | re-read the directions the next day they were perfect. So much for mis-interpretation. Alan researched the route from any village in XinJiang, China to XinJiang Restuarant, Hurstville: 1. Camel train to XinJiang airport, 2. Domestic flight to Beijing, 3. International flight to Sydney (airport code SYD), 4. No. 400 bus in Burwood direction but get off at Rockdale Station, 5. Train to Hurstville, 6. Exit to Forest Road, 7. Wait until noon, 8. Walk along Forest Rd for 300 metres with sun entering your right eye, 9. XinJiang restaurant is on the left hand side at 297 Forest Rd., 10. Enjoy BBQ camel skewers etc. Next time you are returning from XinJiang, China , check-out the directions. For those of you who dont know or who have not guessed Chicken talking to Duck is a Mandarin expression for two non-native speakers of Mandarin, talking to each other in Mandarin. A poetic and descriptive expression which sounds much better in Mandarin of course. This expression may have described some of the days conversation; and this was before the Beijing Olympics! The next focussed walk is a Spanish Language walk from San Cowan to the Rio Hawkesbury to coincide with Spains National Day. Brush off your Suit of Lights and join us for a bush paso doble; ol. First Aid Manual Available Online The following is a link to an on-line version of the first aid manual used in my most recent first aid course. It is the Australian Active First Aid and + covers the competencies for first aid courses run by St Johns and other organisations. It is current and | would expect updated as changes are made, making details of any changes immediately available, rather than waiting for your next refresher course. Hope you find it useful. Regards, Christopher Lockwood. Dont Forget the Water! The warm weather is approaching and summer is acoming so dont forget to bring ample water with you when walking in the parks around Sydney. The Sydney Bushwalker September 2008 Page 13 Guts and Glory on the K2K The annual Kanangra to Katoomba walk on the first Saturday in September each year has become a classic walk for the Club. It was started by Jan Mohandas in 1989. It is normally the hardest walk of the years programs. This years event was the 20th running of the trip and people have been training for it. It has heritage significance as well. Part of the track is a climb up Taros Ladders, steel bolts on a cliff face at the end of the Narrow Neck plateau. These bolts were placed in the rock face by Walter Tarr, one of the early members of this Club. Before you get to Taros Ladders you have to walk up Mount Debert which is named after Jack Debert, the first President of the Club. Early in the trip you walk those magnificent mountains of the Gangerang Range and the Wild Dogs all of which were explored and named by Miles Dunphy, a founder of the Club. This year Karl Miller was leading it and eighteen people put their hands up for the trip. After cancellations, and no- shows the walk went with ten people and three support. Rain fell all day on Friday, and all night, and it was still raining when they met in the shelter at Kanangra Walls at 6 AM, It was cold, wet and dark and they had to decide whether to go or not. The consensus was that the Coxs River should be crossable but there was an increased risk of falling and injury so they would have to go slow and may not make it in the aimed for twelve hours. They had all seen the Coxs after rain and it was always crossable but Mark Dabbs had his doubts. They decided to go to Crafts Walls and reconsider. At Crafts Walls they were going well and wanted to continue. The Kanandra Gorge was filled with grey mist but you could see abundant waterfalls on the other side through gaps in the mist. They were making good time at Cloudmaker, 9.20, and they reached the river at 12.30 on time to finish inside twelve hours at the Narrow Neck gate. Andrew arrived at the river first and he turned around and calmly said we wont be crossing that. It was deep, flowing fast and you could not see the bottom. They looked at the options, the Bowtells bridge was too far, the fords at White Dog and the Jenolan Range would be impassable also. There were only two options left, to cross or go back to Kanangra Walls. Karl wanted to explore the possibility of crossing. He took a strong stick and waded out about ten metres into the fast flowing river. He turned shook his head and started back. The water was up to his waist and there was a white wave around his body that extended downstream both sides for a few metres and a deep furrow in the water on his downstream side and the pole went into that. He could only make small steps and move the stick in small steps. The watchers were in fear for him. With small steps he arrived at our shore and that option was exhausted; there was only one left, that was to walk back to Kanangra Walls and call the support drivers back to pick them up. : After an 800 metre high climb back up Mount Strongleg it was 2.PM and it would be dark in four hours. The going across the sharp, slippery rocks on the ridge was slow but the rain had stopped and spirits were cheerful. They could see the late afternoon sun lighting the Axeheads, and the orange cliffs of the Wollondilly Walls and a jet black sky above. They passed Mount Cloudmaker at 5 PM and made Mount High and Mighty at 6 PM when the light ran out and head torches went on. From then on the pace slowed to half. Under a head torch they could only see a spot of light a few metres away, it was hard to find the track. They were pleased to get up Gordon Smith Pass, (named after another SBW member) to the Kanangra plateau because it meant that they were nearly home. The rain and the clouds had cleared and the stars, planets and a thin crescent moon were blazing white in a black freezing sky. The plateau was not easy though. The tracks are hard to find from that direction in day light but in the dark it was very difficult. The cold was terrible and some people were in trouble. It normally takes half an hour to walk across that plateau but this time it took one and a half hours. At 10.15 PM and after four hours of walking in the dark they met the three support drivers with cars waiting with food and hot drinks, they had come back from Wentworth Falls and were life savers. After the walk Bill Hope sent us the Met office river level measure at Dingo Point, which is just downstream of our crossing point on the Coxs. : The river was low when we started walking at 6AM and rose to its uncrossable height by midday when we arrived. The Walkers were: Karl Miller (leader) Andrew Vilder, Mark Dabbs, Simon O Brien, Jenny Patten, Mark Paterson, Yvonne Brading, Stephen Brading, Melinda Turner, David Trinder And the support were: Bill Hope, Leslie Clark, Clair Holland ut ~ : ae sy! x fy Se, the Cootama Funds and'will be used to provide income. to assist with the maintenance Coolana Fund in their li ; 7 Page 14 The Sydney Bushwalker September 2008 A Walk to Gerringong Falls Budderoo National Park, Southern Highlands Route Description: We walked anti-clockwise along the circular Gerringong Falls access track to the top of the falls, then down the Rat Hole through the escarpment to the base of the falls, back up, and continued anti- clockwise along the return loop of the access track to the cars. Attendees - Mike Arnott, Col Atkinson, Richard Darke, Pamela Irving, Cathy Kennedy (visitor), Helen Logie, Sandy Logie, Marie Rose, Rick Symonds, & Ron Watters. The intended walk up Fox Ridge to the Barren Grounds via the 1950s aircraft crash site had to be altered, because a new landlord at the start of the walk proved difficult over access. The alternative route onto the Barren Grounds via Hoddles Track was also not viable due to the very thick scrub which has grown up in recent years. a So we tried a quite different walk instead, to Gerringong Falls. Access to this site is not as easy as it once was, since the National Parks gated the Budderoo Track. However, we were able to obtain access, which saved a 12 km return walk in to where we parked the cars, at the start of the walking track to the falls. After 65mm of rain in the preceding 36 hours, the weather cleared, and while mainly cloudy, remained dry for the walk. Perfect, cool walking conditions, though stil! damp enough underfoot to give us wet feet! There was lots of water going over the beautiful 130 metre falls following the recent rain, so after crossing the creek to the west bank above the falls, we enjoyed a morning tea, taking in the wonderful escarpment panorama , the spray filled air of the water thundering over the edge, and the rugged, rain-forested gorge far below. Then it was back across the creek, a look back at the full length of the falls from the eastern side lookout, then through the swampy patch which leads to a fire trail continuing the circuit heading back to the Budderoo Track. The next section was the really exciting bit, finding the way down to the bottom of the falls. We turned off the track into the bush and out to the nose of the escarpment. The way down from here is very hard to find, and requires local knowledge. It is in the form of a very smali 4m vertical hole, like a manhole, going straight down through the rock on the nose of the second layer of rock wall below the lip of the escarpment, but it is not evident until right on top of it. Mikes name for the hole The Rat Hole provides an apt name for what | now call Rat Hole Pass! It is only a metre diameter, max. Its a bit tricky, because you have to feel for footholds you cant see, and you are very conscious of a steep drop below the bottom of the hole! However, once one person is through, its possible to then guide the others, and take packs passed down through the hole. It takes time, and a bit of trial and error, because there is only one way to position the body to get down. As Marie said, its not such a tight squeeze once youve shed the top layer of skin! All 10 of us made it down safely, and thence down steeply sloped ramps through a couple more rock walls. On the opposite side of the gorge, was a really nice, 100 metre, un-named waterfall. The waratahs were just coming out. Then it was into rain forest. You dont need to go all the way down to the creek, with its massive, slippery boulder piles. By keeping to the top of the talus slope at the base of the innermost wall, we could traverse upstream, towards the falls, the canyon walls towering above us. Slowly the noise of the falls got louder, and suddenly there was the falling water, thundering into a deep pool, surrounded by rock overhangs and palm vegetation, all wet with spray. It was spectacular, & well worth the effort. We explored all around the falls, took lots of photos, & ate lunch. After that, it was a matter of reversing the journey, up, up, up to the Rat Hole again. All negotiated this again without incident, and we pulled the packs up by rope. Thence it was an easy 4km walk up the fire trail to Budderoo track and the cars again. : This is a really beautiful, 5 hour walk, with great scenery at a less-frequently visited waterfall, & with some limited exposure. A shame it did not get into in the Walks Program, given the unavoidable change to the advertised walk. Only 10-11 km, but a good Q walk for the more adventurous prospectives. | will definitely put this walk on again. Richard Darke 24/8/08 The Sydney Bushwalker September 2008 Page 15 Glow Worm Tunnel! Walk - Sunday 24” August This is one of my favourite walks. The route follows the Old Coach Road down to where it meets the remnants of the old Newnes Railroad Track, continues around the mountain through the Glow Worm tunnel and back to the Old Coach Road. It is a long walk- about 19Km although this can be shortened to about 8km by using the Pagoda Track near the tunnel. The Qld Coach Road was used during the construction of Newnes Oil Works and the Wolgan Vailey Raiiway. It is still in good condition and makes an easy going track through spectacular pagoda country (Gardens of Stone) and high cliffs. Ten of us met at the Zig Zag railway car park, drove about 30 km along a very potholed and rough dirt road and left our cars near the junction at Deans Siding. We started walking down the Old Coach Road into the Wolgan Valley. Morning tea stop was extended to allow for many photos of magnificent pagoda rock formations in the Gardens of Stones National ieee Park. This road made for pleasant downhill walking. After leaving the pagoda rocks we entered a heavily wooded area with sand stone cliffs so typical of the Wollemi National Park. Later, we joined the old Newnes Railway track and followed it around the mountain. There were scattered , : remnants of the old railway; mainly ancient sleepers and rock construction. Lunch was taken overlooking the site of Emirates Luxury Resort currently under construction and we wondered how the wealthy few would find their way up to view the slow worms. The rail gradient eased the gradual ascent of nearly 400 metres up to Tunnel Creek, an enchanting gorge of large ferns and shadowy grottos. Eventually, we came to the tunnel. It is some 400m long and the glow worms become more apparent the further away from daylight you go. After leaving the glow worms we followed the rail route past the car park and through the second tunnel. Then it was trudge along the road and finally a shortcut cross-country back to the cars. eee acne Participants: Geoff Bishop, Geoff Bridger ,Sarah Ching, Eh Hau Pan, Bill Holland, Ben Hornby, Jean Klovdahl, Malcolm Sanders, Tennille Shaw. A Short History of the Newnes Railroad and Glow Worm Tunnel (extract from Lithgow Tourism website) The Newnes oil-shale industrial development, constructed in the early 1900s, was, for a time, a large scale operation. To service such an undertaking, it was deemed necessary to construct a standard gauge railway into the Wolgan valley to connect the works at Newnes with the nearest main railway to Sydney. The resulting railway connected with the Western Main Line at Newnes Junction, some 50 kms south of Newnes. To get from the Newnes Plateau, past the sandstone cliffs and into the Wolgan valley proper, the railway had to be built with steep grades and sharp curves and squeeze through the narrow gorge of what is now known as Tunnel Creek. . The line opened in late 1906, while the last regular train ran in the 1930s. The line was dismantled in 1940, following the transfer of the Newnes operation to Glen Davis, north of Newnes. The Glow Worm Tunnel is one of two now abandoned tunnets on this railway. This tunnel curves through almost 180 degrees and consequently it is very dark. In normal weather a small creek flows through it. These conditions are ideal for certain “glow worms which inhabit the walls and roof of the tunnel. While glow worms occur in other dark, damp places in the Blue Mountains, the Glow Worm Tunnel is probably the best place for the visitor to see them. | Page 16 The Sydney Bushwalker September 2008 SOCIAL NOTES Hi Everyone, Supposedly Spring has arrived - | think/FEEL NOT. Continuing cold and wet conditions abound. | read that Winter 2008 was the coldest for 64 years. Despite this lousy weather, colour and flowers abound in the bush. On Tuesday 2nd September, |! saw my first waratahs in the Berowra R.P. The Royal NP is hosting many Gymea Bay lilies. It was a small friendly gathering at the August social night where we enjoyed Tony Holgates slides of our Tropical North - especially Kakadu. Thanks Tony. In October we have a different kind of social evening. A focus on Greek food and revelry, courtesy of club member, Spiro Haginikitas. Spiro is renowned for his spinach pie and Greek coffee, especially at Coolana. The menu will be extended on this occasion. If you would like to contribute to the repast, please contact Spiro or just bring your contribution on the night - 15th October. In November, get ready for chilling out in Antarctica with club member, Patrick McNaught, and his kayaking tribulations. There will be NO SOCIAL NOTES in the October magazine as | am away in the US till 11th October. Keep weil and enjoy Spring when it arrives Kathy Social Program All meetings are held at the Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre at 8pm unless otherwise indicated. SEPTEMBER 24 Sept New Members Training Night Please contact New Members Secretary for details and time. . OCTOBER 1 Oct Committee Meeting 7pm Observers welcome. 8 Oct New Members Training Night Please contact New Members Secretary for details and time. 15 Oct A Night of Greek Feasting and Revelry 8pm SBW member Spiro Haginikitas is affectionately known for the culinary abilities of his Greek origins. He has offered to delight us with samples of this at our October social night. Greek music and dancing will also be on offer. 22 Oct New Members Training Night Please contact New Members Secretary for details and time. The Perfect Frank Feldman And at the end of my final stint as relief editor | couldnt resist the following: A man walks into the street and manages to get a taxi just going by. He gets into the taxi, and the cabbie says, “Perfect timing. You're just like Frank. Passenger: “Who?” Cabbie: “Frank Feldman. He's a guy who did everything right - all the time. Like my coming along when you needed a cab, things happened like that to Frank Feldman every single time.” Passenger: There are always a few clouds over everybody. Cabbie: “Not Frank Feldman. He was a terrific athlete. He could have won the Grand-Slam at tennis. He could golf with the pros. He sang like an opera baritone and danced like a Broadway star and you should have heard him play the piano. He was an amazing guy. Passenger: Sounds like he was something really special. Cabbie: “There's more… He had a memory like a computer. Could remember everybody's birthday. He knew all about wine, which foods to order and which fork to eat them with. He could fix anything. Not like me. | change a fuse, and the whole street blacks out. But Frank Feldman, he could do everything right.” Passenger. Wow, some guy then. Cabbie: “He always knew the quickest way to go in traffic and avoid traffic jams. Not like me, | always seem to get stuck in them. But Frank, he never made a mistake. Passenger. “Mmm, there's not many like him around. “Cabbie: And, he really knew how to treat a woman and make her feel good. He would never answer her back even if she was in the wrong; and his clothing was always immaculate, shoes highly polished too - he was the perfect man! He never made a mistake. No one could ever measure up to Frank Feldman. Passenger: An amazing fellow. How did you meet hime?” Cabbie: “Well, | never actually met Frank. Passenger: “Then how do you know so much about him?” Cabbie: I married his bloody widow! Subs Overdue ! Unpaid membership subscriptions for the current year are now overdue. if you have not paid your membership subscription your magazine label next month will show Subs Overdue and unless * payment is made you will not receive the November magazine and Summer Walks Programme. Dont miss out - Pay Today! Kot bea

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